Galactic RangersChapter 1 free porn video

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I sure as hell had no idea what I was getting myself into when I signed up for this crazy gig. I was riding my moped home from high school when it happened. I was tooling along at about 35 MPH in a 25 MPH zone as any self-respecting sophomore would do, when the pavement simply disappeared from in front of me and I tumbled in head first. I later was told that there had been a water main break that had washed out a hole under the street, and I just happened to pick the wrong time to be riding on said street.

I distinctly remember going into the mammoth hole with my head down and my ass up, but that was the last I remembered until I woke up in the damnedest hospital room you ever saw. It was a creamy white that was brightly lit by indirect lighting, but somehow the light did not hurt my eyes. The bed was the standard adjustable bed that tipped in every direction, maybe even upside down for all I knew. There was some sort of hood-like arrangement hanging over my bed, extending from the top of my head to the tip of my toes. It never touched me, but it hung about 18 inches above my body. There were all kinds of monitors scattered about the room, and they were showing so much data that I could not absorb it all.

I was staring at all of this wondrous stuff and wondering whose insurance was covering it all when I suddenly realized that I had a companion in the room. This companion probably would have normally frightened me out of my wits, but I was not adversely affected for some mysterious reason. The choice of the word "companion" was made because I had no idea what its function might be.

The being was alive, that was obvious because of a regular breathing-type motion made by the front of its translucent coat. I could see under the coat a forest of arms that looked like tentacles, but there were no suckers on them such as are found on an octopus. These arms, there had to be 20 of them, were fastened in three levels to a torso that looked to be about two feet in diameter and four feet long. At the bottom of this torso were three legs that looked for all the world like the legs of a camera tripod, they were even covered in shiny metal.

The top of the torso had a neck ending in a nearly spherical head with six eyes symmetrically spaced around it at the equator. There was one mouth and one nose, but I could not detect any ears or hair. The skin was an orange color that closely mimicked the color of a pumpkin—all it really needed was a green stem sticking out of the top.

I heard a chuckling noise in my head and not with my ears. "It's good that you have retained your sense of humor. It will probably enable you to enjoy your new career. Welcome to the Galactic Rangers, William O'Connor."

"OK, I'll bite. Tell me what this charade is all about and I will probably laugh with you." Somehow, the attitude of this guy pissed me off, but I could not say exactly how or why. He was obviously an alien, but I kind of doubted that he was from Central Casting. Ever since I had seen Avatar in 3D 13 times, I was well in tune with the possibilities of the existence of strange aliens. (No, I was not rich—I worked at the local cinema complex after school.)

"You died in your former existence and were resurrected by us. Your essence has been transferred into a cyborg body so that you can serve your new masters. Ah, I can tell, you would like to resist, but there is no way that you can. Your AI (Artificial Intelligence) adjunct to your brain will not permit it. Like it or not, you are now a slave of the Galactic Consortium."

Another form appeared beside the first. "Oh, just wonderful, Guk'ordnan. You have been so gentle and tactful in breaking the news to our latest recruit."

"Please, Orl'eander, I am so tired of coddling these aliens. It's so much simpler to tell them the truth of their servitude."

"It sounds like you are ready for reassignment, Guk'ordnan. Leave us and report to Supervisor Alt'udnum. I have relayed to him that you are on your way."

"Bah, it's about time that I escape this kindergarten!"

"Bill, I'm sorry that your introduction to the Galactic Rangers was so poorly done. Yes, you have no choice in whether or not you join us, but the reason is a little different from what you may have deduced from Guk'ordnan's clumsy remarks.

"You were selected from innumerable potential candidates because of your quick wits and intelligence. You are also of the age group that has the internal pressure to be on the move and up and about doing things. The Galactic Rangers are a league of explorers and trouble shooters that roam the galaxy heading off trouble before it starts.

"Your only choices are joining us or dying. The reason is that you are no longer simply a real person. We captured your mind with all of its nuances just before your original death and implanted them in a special type of AI. These AIs are very rare and expensive, very difficult to build, and they are rationed out only to those who truly want to live again. By the way, if you can keep your AI from being destroyed, you are functionally immortal, so that should weigh in on your decision about becoming a Ranger.

You are a cyborg, a cybernetic organism, which means that you do not have your original body. Instead, we cultured a body for you which is as nearly exactly like your original as we could possibly make. You have the same strengths and weaknesses that your body had as a true human, but you are immune to disease. Your muscles and nerves will react just as they did in your old body, so, except for your mind, you will not notice any differences. One of the few things we did not do was to make you able to procreate. That is, you can enjoy all of the acts of sex that humans are used to, but you can never father children. I hope that does not cause you serious concern.

"If you decide to forgo joining the Galactic Rangers, your AI will simply be turned off remotely, and your organic body will be dumped back into the vats to be reused in forming another, hopefully more cooperative, agent. It makes a real difference to us whether or not you decide to join us because of the tremendous expense we went to in order to create you new body and new mind. Please say that you will join us."

"Well, I don't see that I have much real choice, Orl'eander. Either I am with you or I am dead. Under those circumstances, I am most definitely with you!"

The very surprising thing was that I was released to duty as soon as I agreed to join. I did not need any basic training because that was already installed in my AI, and all I needed was to go through the motions one time to establish the proper muscle-memory. After that, I could do the required maneuvers at full speed and full strength. The effect was amazing. Generally, it was possible to train me for any mission in no more than half an hour of body motions. Of course, my brain was already ready because of the AI. This special AI was stuffed with additional memory so that it could hold the experience and knowledge of a multitude of former Galactic Rangers.

The AI was effectively an extension of my brain, so that I did not have to think in any special way to make contact or to use my AI. Just like any other part of my brain, it was just there! Boy, I sure could have used this on those English Lit. quizzes!

Just to make sure everything was operating as it should, my first assignment was essentially a training exercise, though it was possible to be seriously hurt or even killed if I did something stupid. I was sent out with four other recruits and an instructor to explore an underwater cave on a large planet that had life forms, but none were sentient.

I never set foot in a spaceship, instead the whole bunch of us was shipped out via a device something like the Star Trek transporter. One second, we are here, the next second, we are there. At least, we didn't get bored by the confinement of a long trip.

I was overjoyed to find out that two of the other new recruits were humanoid females, though not from Earth. Nevertheless, they looked to have all of the right equipment in all of the right places. I knew because I saw the naked evidence!

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Healing Love

Kim screamed out with her hands up in the air, ‘Don’t Regina I told you nothing happen.’ The gun went off and Kim hit the floor. When Kim woke up in the hospital she didn’t remember why she was there. ‘What’s going on?’ she asked the nurse. ‘Calm down,’ the nurse replied Kim started getting excited jumping up out of the bed. The nurse rang for the doctor. ‘Dr. Jackson to room 201 stat.’ the nurse spoke over the intercom. Dr. Jackson immediately enters her room. ‘What’s wrong nurse...

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Tales From The MAU

The MAU. No one knows where it came from. Scientists have agreed that the device must have extraterrestrial origins. They have confirmed that the MAU has transformative powers after a rat was accidentally transformed into a dog. They have also discovered that if the transformed creature comes into contact with semen, the change is permanent. Now, the scientists have reversed-engineered the device and have used it’s transformative ways to help the public, mostly people with gender dysphoria, in...

3 years ago
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Dooo Chachiyooo Kii Chudai

Hi friends this is Rahul back again and I am here with the 3rd part of my story raj ki kahani in this story u will come to know how my friend raj fucked his both chachi and how all of them enjoyed. Please mail me as soon as possible at I will be waiting for your mail. So here I start my story Jaise kii maine aap kooo batayaa ki kaise maine aapne dono chachi ko ek karke chooda aaj mai aap koooo uss keee aagee keee bare mai batata hu. Iss se phele mai aage baduu mai aap koo purine stories keee...

1 year ago
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Shades of Rachna bhabi

"She needed to pee which she had held from a long time. I followed her to the washroom since I needed to wash my hand. I saw her going into a squat position since her secondary washroom was Indian type. She closed her eyes with mouth wide open, and a flow of yellowish liquid comes out from there. She left a moan while releasing the pee in a rapid speed. Her face looked like she was getting a pleasure probably because it feels good to release the pee after holding so long. I see that and went...

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Its All About Cumming 03

PRELUDE Cliff slowly woke up on a Sunday morning after the first night aboard a cruise ship. He rubbed his eyes and looked at his traveling companion in bed with him. He still couldn’t believe that he had agreed to go on this Caribbean cruise with Benny, not because he didn’t like the Caribbean or needed a vacation but because it was a gay cruise. Benny had assured him that everything would be on the up and up as the cruise line did not tolerate public nudity or sex. Still Cliff felt awkward...

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One Time Cant Hurt Part One

It's a warm, sunny day. Mom is outside in the backyard, hanging up wet clothes that she took out of the washing machine moments ago. I am currently in the house, playing some video games in the living room. Although, my younger sixteen-year-old brother, Alex, is up in the treehouse. He's been up there for hours, doing who knows what.When mom is halfway through hanging what is in the laundry basket, she looks up at the treehouse.'I wonder what he's been up to,' she thinks to herself...

3 years ago
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Sensuous erotica with two sexy women

Hi Harish once again—My Ist story published gave overwhelming responses-where I had a gala time with Molly. Just thereafter a mind-boggling erotica took place. It was a pleasant evening raining profusely & my memories of having a lovely session with Molly was making my cock to shoot up. The erotic memories was haunting—just thought of dropping in at Molly’s house & drink her milk & fuck her deep.. I was in my shorts & T shirt –as I rang the bell, an unknown woman opened the door & told that...

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The Millionaire Next DoorChapter 16

It was four o’clock in the afternoon, three weeks after New Years, and Dan was wandering through a rather large apartment complex. Winter was making its presence felt with thirty degree temperatures and twenty mile an hour winds. Shivering from the cold, Dan looked down at the scrap of paper with the apartment number on it. He spotted the number, and headed over to it. A gust of wind slammed around a corner and nearly froze him where he stood. There wasn’t a coat warm enough to protect him...

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Tinkerbells Reunion

From the Alexander series The Reunion of TinkerBell and Floppy Tits Tink woke early. The sun was not yet up. The little cauc lay quietlyon her small pad at the foot of Mindanao's own large and comfortable bed.Her little mistress was sound asleep. Makamba's c***dren had a specialtent where they slept apart from their parents. So except for a fewspecially trained she-caucs the place was free of adults. Tink was awarethat Makamba and his family would leave this place for their plantation inthree...

1 year ago
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Afreen the ultimate maid

Hi to all ISS friends. Thanks for mailing me your comments for my previous sex encounter with my three sisters, two younger cousins and one elder sister. The story which I going to write has happened recently a week ago. After Mehak di got married I missed having fun every night. I was becoming desperate to have sex. Our family too shifted to another house in Mumbai. I this new house is where I got my new girl to play with. My maid Afreen. She is a hot sixteen year old Muslim girl with a short...

3 years ago
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Ivy and Lily

"It begins the same way every night. I'm in a caf?, chatting with a bunch of high school girls. My voice is high pitched, and my articulation is on there level. I move my hands about as I speak, and they appear small and dainty. Though I never see my face, it is implied that I'm one of them." "Wait, you mean in this dream you're a girl." "Yes." Robin took a minute to absorb this, and then told him to go on. "I hear this ring tone, and reach into my breast pocket to pick up a p...

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late night bus ride

I remember that night like it was yesterday, I had just got to the bus stop, i had spent the afternoon helping a friend replace his motor mounts on his car, as i approached the corner I could’nt help but noticed this slightly intoxicated hot babe. She looked like she might have been in her early thirtys. She was dark skinned with black curly hair, light colored eyes. Nancy, i found out later, was wearing a white,short sleeve blouse that displayed her beatiful 38 D’s eith no bra. Nancy smiled...

1 year ago
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WeFuckBlackGirls Kandie Monaee 01072019

You’ve probably heard of Dr. Steve Holmes. He’s a world-renowned sex educator, and he specializes in working with married couples. Often, Dr. Holmes sees couples who have issues in the bedroom. Today it’s Kandie Monaee and Hubby Kyle. This isn’t their first time to see Dr. Holmes, either. You see, Hubby needs a spicier sex life, one in which multiple partners are involved. Kandie has some nice-looking “BFF’s” he’d like to share with her, and...

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A Daughter Makes ScentsChapter 2

Upon finishing work and checking out of the precinct, Al drove home. It was about 12:30 a.m. when he opened the door to his house. He was greeted with complete silence. His wife and daughter were upstairs in their rooms, sound asleep. He mixed himself a drink and put it on the end table alongside of the couch. After next turning on the TV, he then walked upstairs. The policeman had a set routine when working the 4 p.m. to midnight shift so that he did not disturb his family when he got home....

4 years ago
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Knock on DoorChapter 7

I put the last of the breakfast dishes in the automatic dishwasher under the counter next to the double sinks in the black-granite counter along the tall west wall of the Loft. I pulled up the door and closed it before I started to walk around to the breakfast table toward my sexy new girlfriend, thinking I would have to start the dishwasher when there were more dirty dishes to clean. I usually did my dishes in the sink right after I finished eating. But from the look on Jhoni's face, clean...

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