Galactic RangersChapter 3 free porn video

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The pillbox was fairly large. Was that because the natives of this planet had also been large? The bed we used last night certainly supported that assumption. We dropped into the shadow of the pillbox and Anfon put a field dressing on my wound. Thank God, it was not a big deal, except that it was a painful second-degree burn. Either the laser had been low powered or the contact with my skin had been measured in microseconds. I didn't know, I was just glad I still had my arm. The cream Anfon applied stopped most of the pain, so I was back in operation at nearly my original form.

We searched around the pillbox and found what looked like an access hatch. With some diddling around, we finally managed to get the hatch open. We didn't learn much by our initial look inside. The pillbox was filled with all kinds of equipment that my AI was not familiar with. This stuff looked like it was exclusively devoted to the weapon, and nothing was apparent that seemed to be a seat or aiming position for an operator. Therefore, our working assumption was that the weapon was fully automatic, and this one was simply worn out from excessive age. I suppose that the technical people could get something useful from examining the insides of the pillbox, but it sure didn't do much for me.

My main interest was why our X-ray laser did not have any effect, even with a direct hit. The only thing that I could figure was that there was some sort of material built into the construction of the pillbox's armor that absorbed the energy from our guns as fast as we pumped it in. Now that would be a very valuable piece of information. The problem was, there was no way that Anfon and I were going to get it with the equipment we had at hand. We didn't want to tear off a piece of structure to take back with us, even assuming that we could. We would just have to wait on the experts, which probably meant that we, personally, would never hear anything, so our curiosity would be forever unsatisfied. Oh, well, such is the fate of the grunt who does all of the work!

Well, it was time to report in, so Anfon, as leader of the "expedition," prepared to do so. She pulled out her radio and called the orbiting communication satellite that would relay her report back to base. NOTHING! Anfon could not raise a signal from the satellite. Uh-oh, we could be in deep shit! The transporter depended on knowing our position as generated by a radio signal sent through the orbiter. Without that precise positioning, there was no way the transporter could find us to pull us back to base.

Just as Anfon pulled the radio away from her ear, it started to melt! She dropped it in time to keep from being burned, but we had to stomp out the small fire in the dry grass that was started from the melted radio. That made both of us wonder if the satellite still had a functioning radio. Could its radio have been damaged by whatever just killed ours? Well, we certainly had no way of knowing what happened. At first glance, it looked like our only chance of pickup from this planet had just gone up in smoke. I consoled myself with the thought that the people back at base would surely try to pick us up to recover the very expensive AIs, if for no other reason.

Anfon said, "Bill, we could be in trouble. When they don't get the usual report from us, they will know that we have run into a difficulty, but they will have no idea what that difficulty could be. We may be stuck on this gods-forsaken planet for some time while they figure out what to do. Fortunately, we have the replicators, so we will not suffer for a lack of supplies, but we will have to watch out for more of the pillboxes or other weapons that might still be functional."

"Yeah, I agree with you, but we may be in even more trouble than that. I'm not too worried about the pillboxes, but what if there are mobile weapons that start chasing us? Our lasers may not be any more effective against them than they are against the pillboxes. If that is true, what will we do to defend ourselves?"

"Shit, why did you have to bring that up? Here I was, off in a fool's paradise thinking that all we had to do was to stay out of the air, and we would probably be safe. Now you've given me something else to worry about!"

"Wait a minute, I just had a brainstorm. Let me try something." I took out my laser and fired it at a rock a safe distance away and then at the ground close to it. In both cases, there was the expected explosion of disrupted matter and a plume of dust and smoke rising from the site of the explosion.

"There's our defense. We can try causing a plum of dust and smoke in front of the gun attacking us, and that may be enough to confuse the aiming so that we don't get shot. The problem is that it is going to be damned dangerous testing my hypothesis. Would you care to be the first one to give it a try?" Anfon started to cloud with rage until she saw my grin. At that point, she stuck out her tongue at me.

We decided to take a break for lunch and to consider what our next move should be. I noticed that, by the time we had finished eating my hamburger and Anfon's salad, my left arm had stopped hurting. I figured that the cream that Anfon had spread on the wound had finally gotten through to my nerves and had calmed them down. I had also gotten back the range of motion the wound had caused me to lose, so I asked Anfon to take a look at it to see what could be going on.

Anfon peeled off my bandage and gasped in surprise. The wound looked to be completely healed! Could that be a feature of being "functionally immortal?" Would all of my wounds heal that fast? God, I sure hoped so! I hugged and kissed Anfon in celebration, and we danced for a moment, since neither one of us had expected this sort of thing to happen. I wondered why our briefing had not been more explicit in describing this effect. Maybe, they were afraid that we would be foolhardy if we knew about it too soon.

We realized that we had to test my hypothesis about protecting ourselves from attack. Now knowing that we could recover from a wound very quickly, I was not so reluctant to be the test dummy. We returned to the vicinity of the pillbox that had shot at us and tempted it to open fire. It didn't need much encouragement.

I was just able to dodge a shot from the laser as Anfon fired at the ground in front of the pillbox. The cloud of dust that was raised did a lot to absorb the energy from the laser, but we could not tell much about the aiming characteristics. Both of us fired a long series of blasts at the ground in front of the pillbox and raised a cloud that we could not even see through. I then flew close to the pillbox and did not draw a shot. Hooray! It looked like our defense was a success. Now we just needed to find a way to turn off that damned radio killer.

It seemed logical that the device we were interested in must require some sort of directional antenna. It probably was a parabolic dish-type of antenna, so we had our AIs search the data base they had of aerial photos made when the planet was first discovered. The AIs quickly came up with six locations which had shown such an antenna. Two were at the poles, and four were equally spaced around the equator. Shit, this planet was over 11,000 miles in diameter, so we had a lot of ground to cover if we were going to knock out all of the radio stations.

On the other hand, why do they have six stations? It must be because the range of the destroyer beam is less than half way around the planet. If that is true, we can knock out one station and stand there while we are found and "beamed up." At least, that was worth a try.

Now, for the hard part. According to the AIs, the nearest station is about 3,700 miles away to our east. Our maximum speed by flying belt is 110 MPH. That means that, at constant flying at maximum speed, it would take us about 37 hours to get there. That doesn't sound like much, but we would be pounded to a pulp by traveling at maximum speed for that long without more protection than out uniforms and goggles. We figured to take about 80-85 hours plus sleeping and eating time. We guessed our actual traveling time to be on the order of 10 days. Well, we should be able to handle that—after all, we are Galactic Rangers! Did you hear the trumpet fanfare in the background? Shit, we will be physical wrecks by the time we get home. I sure hope they give us some recovery time before sending us on another mission.

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Hi, I am Sakthi. Now I am 22 years old. This happened when I was doing the second year of my college. I am an IT engineer so had a computer lab where we can use the only Google+ as social media. I gave random requests to my college mates and she got connected through that, and we started chatting. She called me to bus parking place to see her. Omg, she was around 6ft fair, pink lips and resembled like Tapsee. Her assets were bigger than Tapsee (the Indian film actress), nice big firm boobs and...

1 year ago
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Bi orgy

One day I left my friends house about 10 pm. I got to the top of his road going past a shop and this fat bird was walking up to me. Then she stopes so I stop and she asked me if I had a spare fag. So I said yeah hang on a sec. As I reached for my fags she asked me where I was going. I said i’m going home. All of a sudden she asked me do you find me atractive with my big tits and my fat ass. So I said yes I do. Do you find me atractive. She said yeah do you fancy a fuck. I said where shall we...

3 years ago
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The Trailer Park The Second YearChapter 19

I knocked on the door. Robbie opened it and smiled. I cleared my throat. "And I'll sing you to sleep, after the lovin', with a song I just wrote yesterday." I sang. "What?" "Oh wait. I'm not supposed to sing that for another half-an-hour." "What are you talking about." "You'll figure it out," I told her as, in one motion, I came in, scooped her up, and kicked the door closed. "I have great faith in you," I said as I climbed the stairs toward her bedroom. "What's...

2 years ago
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I'm SARAA, 24 and married to my husband Rohit for 2&1/2 years. I have a very satisfying relationship with my husband. We are both working. But, Rohit has to travel some time because of his work. Though I've never been with another man in my whole life, my sex life was very good. Rohit is always innovative when it comes to sex.He had introduced me to erotic movies, sex toys. We always talk dirty when having sex. It makes me hotter when he talks dirty to me and he loves when I talk back to...

4 years ago
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Seduced A Milf In Wedding Part 8211 2

I couldn’t see her until next day afternoon during lunch. She looked so beautiful in the sandal colour kerala saree with green colour blouse. My friend has arranged a party in the hotel, so we all went to the hotel to attend the party. He also booked some rooms in the hotel to stay in the night. I dressed up in a white shirt with red chinos. Like most people, I own DSLR and I carried to the party hall. While entering I saw sagundhala. She was dressed in red and creamy white mixed emblazoned...

3 years ago
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Helen took Kathy's right hand in her own and reached behind the highchair to hold Bill's. He gave two fingers into Kathy's grip and asked, "Good thing today, Princess?" "Played with Cindy," said Kathy. "Helen?" he asked. She squeezed his hand. "My temp spiked today." He squeezed her hand back. "For these blessings, Lord," he said, forgetting what he was thankful for or maybe appropriating hers, "for this food and for this family, we give thee thanks." They all three said...

3 years ago
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The Girl Upstairs

He heard a noise upstairs, and froze listening, there it was again coming from the front bedroom, the he remembered the new flatmate who'd moved in last week he had only seen her briefly, when she came and looked at the flat, he looked in the fridge wondering if there was any wine, probably not the other flatmates would have drunk it, he finished his sandwich whilst watching the news the house quiet the flat mates all out somewhere, he looked towards the ceiling listening to her moving about. ...

Straight Sex
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Boss Ki Khubsoorat Biwi Ki Chudai

Hello dosto I m jay jani from Gujarat, meri age 25 year hai or mai ek business person hu, mere land ki size 6.5’’ lamba or 2’’ mota hai. meri height 5ft 7’’ hai. mari body athletic type hai. dikhne mai handsome hu. Agar koi ladki bhabhi or aunty sex karna chahti hai to mujhe mail kar shakti hai. mera mail id hai. Meri yeh kahani 2 saal pahle ki hai jab mai padhai khatam karke ek chhoti company mai job karta tha. ummid karta hu ki apko yeh story bahut achhi lagegi. Comment karna mat bhulna Yeh...

2 years ago
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Old Yeller Part 2

With my nephews regularly fucking me, it's no wonder that some of the neighbors in my apartment building would start to complain.My landlord even called me into his office and told me that one guy thought I was being kidnapped (or worse) and almost called the police before he realized I was getting buttfucked. My landlord asked if it had felt good, and I said that, yeah, they were cries of intense pleasure.He seemed incredulous that fucking a man pussy could make the fuckee feel so good. I...

Gay Male
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A Thanksgiving Stuffing

Deana stepped into the shower to prepare for one of the hottest holidays in her life, a threesome with her husband John, and her past lover, Dwayne. However, it did not calm her down one iota, so she got out, dried off. She decided to dress casually, apply some alluring make-up, and put perfume in all the right places. She then walked into the living room to sit in her favorite chair and wait for his arrival. She tried to stay calm, cool, and collected. However, as she remembered how hot...

1 year ago
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JapanHDV Mio Ozora Reika Ichinose Bakery girls Reika Ichinose and Mio Ozora in an orgy with a gang of men

Another clip of the hot two bakery girls that go to a gangs hideout in the city to escape their boss and the extra work he makes them do on their off hours. Reika Ichinose and Mio Ozora were just finishing their shift at the bakery when their boss called them to run some errands. It was a hot day and they still had their uniforms on. They were not pleased with this but luckily for them there was a gang of men in the streets watching them as they walked by. So the choice was to go back to the...

4 years ago
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Chooser Of The Souls

Standing on the hill looking down at the army, I was amazed at how far we had come in just a year. From a few thousand men to legions flying banners. We had fought hard and won. Men seemed to flock to the winners it seemed. Especially if the winning army was fighting for something they believed in. But tomorrow's battle would be the culmination of a dream for many of these men if Odin granted us victory. Yet it will not be easy. Just a few leagues away the scouts had reported 20 legions of...

4 years ago
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Elaine and JamesChapter 3 Talking some more

I now saw Elaine pretty well every time I went to the Health Club. We said our hello's, asking after each other's health and worked out, apart from a smile that was all the contact we had. Until a couple of weeks had gone by. She came up to me as I was getting my adrenalin pumping on the treadmill. "Do you think we could have another coffee?" She asked. "Of course." I answered. "Shall I see you outside in twenty?" "Great. I'll be there." It was a good feeling driving with...

3 years ago
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Massage Turned To Fun

Hi to all iss readers, i am radje from chennai doing my 2nd year hotel management in chennai. Usually all the 2nd year guys of this branch have to do their four months of industrial exposure training. I got selected for my training in one of the leading hotel in God’s own country. I started of my training in kitchen then felt very boring so i planned to go to some other department by this time two months have already gone. For next two months i am going to be there in House keeping. In...

4 years ago
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Bad Teacher Ch 06

Next morning I overslept, so I hadn’t any alone time with Carmen as Tony was present all the time. As Tony and I was ready to leave for school I just walked up behind Carmen and whispered, ‘Meet me at my place after school.’ I didn’t wait for her reaction as I just walked out of the house. — As usual school wasn’t very exciting but the time went past and after I had dropped Tony off at the auto-repair shop to get his own car, I drove home to my own house. I watch the video of me fucking...

2 years ago
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We Few We Happy Few We Band of Brothers and SistersChapter 5

Darjee-crewed ships began to arrive in Earth orbit. There was conflict over who had responsibility for what part of the use of these ships, especially the Aurora transports. Earth personnel would train on Auroras at first, with simulators for the Castles and Minuits. Admiral Kent told Terry, "I'm seeing immediate turf wars in the initial Central Command, and don't expect those to resolve immediately." "What's the impact on us?" "It's going to be a while until there are useful...

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