Galactic RangersChapter 6 free porn video

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We landed on Inglon very close to the place where the lost team had been routed. We did drop in a few miles away so that we could hopefully catch the opposition napping. The story was that the team had found a reference to an R&D (Research and Development) complex, so they were going to give it a quick look. The people on this side of the ocean did not build with the determination to have their constructs last through the ages, so there was a good chance that the complex would be in ruins and not have anything to tell the investigators. However, it was worth a look.

We landed early in the day, so we had plenty of daylight ahead of us. We landed on Inglon ready to fight or move, as the situation dictated. We were on an open plain, and we did not see any opposition, so we started out toward the R&D complex in a normal skirmish line according to doctrine. This involved First and Second squads moving in line abreast with Third squad in line behind as a reserve in case of trouble ... We stayed close to the ground so that we were less likely to be spotted. This was the technique known as following the nap of the earth.

It didn't take long for us to move into a wooded area, and this raised some complications. I finally decided that the lesser of two evils was to move just above the tree tops, dropping to near ground level when we came to open spaces.

We were about three miles from our target when the first shot was fired at us. It was hard to tell from my point of view where the shot had come from, but the AIs were polled over the special radio channel and the shooter was located. I directed second squad to investigate.

As expected for experienced troops, they drew their laser weapons and attempted to surround the lone shooter. The shooter saw one of the grunts and fired an energy weapon that utilized a visible red laser beam. This time, because the grunt was moving very slowly, the shot was accurate and caught the woman in the shoulder, blowing off her right arm. This was enough to raise the ire of the rest of the squad, so everyone began firing his laser at the shooter. Every shot hit, and every shot did absolutely nothing to affect the shooter.

As soon as I realized what was going on, I commanded the men to switch to their pellet arms. These .45 caliber pistols were plenty accurate enough at the current range, and the shooter was blasted to pieces. Anfon sent a grunt from Third squad to render first aid and to call for a medical pickup. The wounded trooper was picked up by transporter and on her way to the hospital within 20 minutes. It was not even necessary for the assisting trooper to stay with her.

I had Second squad cover me while Anfon and I examined what was left of the shooter. He was wearing some sort of robe that we could not understand the reason for. The weather was warm enough that he certainly did not need it for warmth, so it must serve another purpose. Then it dawned on me. I waved Anfon back a few steps and fired my X-ray laser weapon at the robe. NOTHING HAPPENED! There was the expected blast of smoke and dust when I moved my aiming point to the ground near the body.

Damn, the robe was an energy absorber! That was the great secret that I had hoped for. I immediately ordered all of the men to switch to their pellet weapons. With the AI's ability to lock the muscles in position, the pistol was as accurate as a rifle within it's practical range of 300 yards. All the user had to do was to select the target by looking at it, and the AI would take over to aim. Pulling the trigger completed the action. The user was then free to select another target. It was a foolproof as any such operation could be.

OK, we had some idea of who our enemy was, but we had no idea why he was trying to kill us. So far, up to shooting in self defense, we had done nothing to warrant being shot at. We still didn't know what the language sounded like, so it was going to be hard to question a prisoner, but I ordered that an enemy combatant be captured if it was practical. I also reiterated that I didn't want anyone to take a chance on being shot.

I could hear the squad leaders reinforcing my order and warning dire distress to anybody who was so foolish as to get himself killed! We advanced in the same order that we had used before, but everybody was even more careful to watch for more snipers. We were making slow progress toward the R&D complex when one of the squad leaders sounded off, "Sir, one of my men has found evidence of a firefight. Would you care to examine it?"

I radioed right back that I was on my way. It was a grunt in First squad who had spotted the burned tree trunk with the characteristic mark of a Galactic Rangers laser burn. There was no question of the source of the mark being one of our lasers. They were tagged to leave a signature like that. We must be getting close to the site of the massacre, so I had everybody drop down into the trees for better cover than what we had above the tree tops.

Dammit, I had walked us into an ambush! As soon as we dropped toward the ground, laser fire was directed at us from three directions: the front and each side. It was as if they were hoping that we would try to retreat. Was there a second ambush waiting for us?

My men were good, so there were almost no hits, even when we were caught by surprise like that. The few hits were very painful, but none were fatal. Believe me, I thanked God for that boon. A buddy spread first aid cream/pain killer, and they both returned to fighting.

I think our enemy was badly startled by the crescendo of shots from our guns. The screams of pain from our enemy began shortly thereafter. They made no effort to conceal themselves after that initial ambush. Obviously, they expected their robes to protect them from being wounded. The noise they made showed us how surprised they were. A few got smart and ducked for shelter behind trees, but most were not able to adapt to the change in conditions, so my people had a field day wiping out most of the attackers. Once they all got the idea of sheltering behind a tree, they would be a much more formidable enemy, but right now, most of them were sitting ducks!

The battle lasted less than 15 minutes as my Rangers caught up with the last of the enemy when they tried to run away. The robes certainly interfered with that effort as the running men tripped up on their skirts. Again, in the heat of battle, little or no thought was given to capturing an enemy. It was kill or be killed. The enemy lasers were relatively low power, so they did not start a forest fire, as one might expect. However, their lasers were strong enough to do considerable harm to bare flesh.

We regrouped and I sent Third squad back through the woods to see if they could trip an ambush. Before they left, I had each person don an enemy robe to try to protect them from the laser fire. Yeah, I had guessed right. Third squad did trip an ambush, but the robes protected them very well, and their .45s wiped out the ambushers. Well, they wiped out any that they could find. The squad stripped the robes from the enemy and returned to us in triumph. They were cheered as they returned to us.

We now had enough robes to provide one to every man in the platoon, including Anfon and me. We stripped off our outer clothing and donned the robes. Following that, we redressed in our battle fatigues and weapon. The robes were split with a knife so that they could be wrapped around legs before pants were pulled on, so except for the covering over the head, we looked like we were dressed normally. Hopefully, that would fool the enemy into doing something else stupid.

We formed our familiar formation and resumed our march toward the R&D complex. The first thing we came to was the remnants of a fence. It had been made of galvanized steel wire and looked like the conventional Cyclone fence from Earth. However, it was now rusted into near oblivion, despite the zinc coating. We pushed the shreds of the fence out of our way and continued on, flying with our feet just inches from the ground.

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Lesbian sisters waiting for dildo

Hi again this story relates my closest friend name kasturi & his younger sister madhu lets read wats she write. Dost mara name kasturi hai age 23 fihure 34b 25 34 looking attractive sexy u can say georgious. My younger sister name madhu age 25 figure 36a 26 37 just like kareena kapoor, imagine how sexy she is & girls, aunties u want to sex a girl like kareena? Ok my parents & my 3 brothers that all wat i had in my family. Hum dono sisters student hayin. Mujha lesbain sex ka bara apni college...

2 years ago
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Aunty Jothe

Hello yellarigu namaskara nanna hesaru ankush antha eega naanu jeevanadalli ondu sumadura kshana gallana anchkolbekanthidini. Idu nanna mathe ondu aunty jothe nadeda kshanagalu. Avala hesaru nandini antha avala age 29 years ondu mogu thaayi. Avala ganda ondu company nalli sales & marketing nalli kelsa madodu. Idu nandedidu april month 2016 nalli saryaagi ond varsha aaytu. Naanu degree mugisi kelsa ke hogtide aage nange dance mele thumba intrest ittu aadarinda ondu dance class ge hogtide alli...

4 years ago
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Me and the TA

As I walked out of class and down the stairs, I heard him call out after me. Soon his hand collided with my wrist. My heart began to pound as I turned around. “Wait up! You walk so fast” he said. I politely smiled. “So after we emailed all day Friday did you really think I wasn’t going to look for you in class today?” “I don’t know, Matt. I didn’t really think about it” I replied. That was a lie. I thought about him all weekend. His dark brown eyes. His short, messy, black hair. The small...

2 years ago
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Honey eyes

It was late, and I kept you waiting. I hate doing that, but the press hounded me because of my talk on stochastic models for predicting suitable responses to global warming. It was really hard to get away, you can even see me in the television interview looking at my watch. I was sure you would be tired of waiting, and not terribly happy with me, but I wanted to be with you way more than I wanted to be sweating under portable TV lights. As soon as I was out of the conference centre I rushed to...

3 years ago
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The Gunny and LenoreChapter 16

17:35 PDT Wednesday, August 21st, 1991 7914-B Arthur Street Oakland, CA 94621 Her routine was no more, Lenore sighed. The days of greeting the Gunny at the door wearing panties and a smile were over, at least for a while. Almost viciously, she flung the small car through the streets of Berkeley, headed back to Oakland, almost viciously because if she ever needed an interlude with the Gunny, now was the time. Orientation at school was one thing, and her classes looked challenging....

2 years ago
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When It Snows

The sudden cold snap at the beginning of March caught everyone on the hop, even though the Met Office had been forecasting snow for a week and were very specific in the detail of their forecast just the night before the snow came. So I woke that morning to about two inches of very icy snow sitting on top of half an inch of solid ice from earlier rain falling onto frozen ground. It was very windy in sharp gusts and the tiny ice crystals of snow were blowing into drifts up to a foot deep. The...

4 years ago
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New situation with my neighbors

If you've read my other blog or stories you know I have an ongoing relationship with a woman from my neighborhood, who is married, and her husband is ok with it, however up until now it was just her and I. I think she would just tell him about it afterwards and she took a couple pictures on one occasion, but other than that it's just been her and I. Well this weekend my wife was out of town and she invited me over, only this time Mike (husband) was home, they are both in their late 40's, Mike...

1 year ago
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My wife and our new neighbor part three

The following morning, I was getting ready for work; it was just after six in the morning when Christy text me.“Good morning baby, can you come over before you go to work.”As I left my house I saw Chris on his doorstep, I went over and he told me that she was upstairs; he escorted me up the stairs to his bedroom and told me that she was in there.I knocked and she called me in while Chris waited outside. I opened the door and saw my wife was sitting up in bed; the blankets were pulled up to her...

Wife Lovers
4 years ago
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turned into a girl

My name is now Stephanie, once it was Stephen. I would like to relate how I was turned into a girl (really a transvestite slave) by the beautiful young lady who has become my mistress. I have always felt that I should have been born a female. I definitely have female traits. I have a very feminine voice and I cry over the silliest things. Just like a woman would.Cindy's dominance over me has expanded my submissive nature. I love Mistress Cindy and happily submit to her every desire. In high...

1 year ago
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Andy 6

Andy by Transbonder, translated by Leah from the German SIX I enjoyed Sunday morning and slept in. When I finally went into the kitchen, it was already midday. Mom was nowhere to be seen. I found a note on the table: Hello Late Sleeper, Moni called me and we're doing something together. There is still some of your delicious goulash left. Warm it up for yourself. Till this evening ...

2 years ago
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The naughty family pt1

It was past midnight, Saturday over and Sunday beginning when I was heading up the stairs to go to bed when I'd heard noise coming from my son's room. I paused at the head of the staircase, my hand still on the railing as I considered the sound of something being bumped into or maybe dropped. I had just made my rounds, checking that the doors were all locked and the downstairs lights were out and I knew that since Scotty was four hundred miles away, finishing up graduate school and my wife was...

3 years ago
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Better Than The Alternative Chapter 5

Chapter 5 I'd like to say that I was able to focus and catch up on the reading that I didn't get done last night due to my meltdown. I couldn't though, my mind kept drifting back to how much the changes terrified me last night and then just now how I seemed more than okay with the possibility. I didn't think I was okay with being a girl, just the thought of my body becoming all curvy sent a shudder through me. I spent most of the two-hour study hall in thought, the only thing I...

2 years ago
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One Dark Wintry Night

By Jax_Teller I was searching for sexual entertainment one dark wintry night in Buffalo NY. It was hard finding any activity in a town covered in thirty six inches of fresh snow with wind chills of minus twenty seven. This night though I had just got off of a lake freighter from Port Huron MI. I had been working long cold hours with a crew of miscreant men who were at their best, not in jail. I was determined to be entertained. The water front bars were mostly closed dumps that had...

3 years ago
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Owned TeacherChapter 7

Lisa drove the "well" dressed teacher out of her neighborhood. She had decided that it would be necessary to travel across town to a mall about 40 miles from home to insure the no one would recognize the teacher. When they arrived and had parked the car Mary was reminded that she was to follow 2 paces behind and speak only when given permission. As Mary began moving across the parking lot she realized just how exposed she was. The skirt barely covered her bare thighs above her stockings...

2 years ago
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Note To Black Women White Men

Dear Black woman, I want you to know this. I’m in love with you. I think I’m in love with you. I want to be in love with you. Am I in love with you? Can I love you? Can you love me? I don’t know. So many questions. Who am I? I’m the Brother with the Ivy League MBA who’s leading a Fortune Five Hundred company into the twenty-first century. I’m the Brother who’s smiling at you on the bus while wearing my Sean John’s. I’m the Brother sitting in class at our town’s community college, making goo-goo...

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