TangentChapter 8: A Battle free porn video

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It was late afternoon when Judy finally woke up all the way. She hadn't dreamed again, which, considering the dream she'd had before, was a good thing. But she was also aware she'd woken up every few minutes. Several times she'd moved slightly, twice she'd gotten up and moved her sleeping bag as the shade moved with the sun.

She knew she wasn't going back to sleep, even if it was the heat of the afternoon. Tuck was off talking to Gamelin again, her friends were awake, sitting under the fly and talking quietly amongst themselves. Elspeth sat inert, a few feet away, looking down, staring at the ground.

There was room for her, so she went and joined the others. There wasn't much talking; they mainly sat together, glad for the familiar faces. The afternoon wore on; the sun was getting close to the horizon when Tuck and Gamelin started towards the group of girls.

Judy stood up and so did Elspeth. After a second, the others did too.

"How are you doing?" Tuck asked Judy.

Judy glanced around. "I suppose we could ride if we had to, again. But..."

"But it would be hard," Tuck responded. "How about walking?"

Judy grimaced. "Our feet aren't in good shape, either. Becky's shoes aren't holding up."

"In terrain like this, odds are yours and mine will last for a while," Tuck told Judy. "The others, with the fabric uppers... they won't last."

He talked to Gamelin then, who shrugged. He beckoned to one of his men, who came quickly. Judy wasn't entirely sure what he told the man, but one name stood out: Tanda Havra.

Sure enough, she had been sent for. Tuck explained about shoes for three of the girls. Tanda Havra frowned. It took some time to figure that while she had a deerskin, they didn't have time to prepare it right. So it too was going to wear out faster than it should. Tanda Havra turned to Gamelin and said something, again too quick for Judy to keep up with.

Vosper, the sergeant, joined them and he said something to Gamelin. It was, Judy found, very frustrating to stand and listen to people talk and only understand about one word in four, and usually the word she understood was "the."

"She says," Tuck told Judy, understanding her frustration, "that if she can hunt tonight, she will kill another deer. With a few days of preparation, she can do something that will bear up. Gamelin isn't wild about letting her wander around; it's dangerous out there and even more so getting back into camp."

Judy frowned, but Elspeth beat her to the question. "Why's that?"

"The guards are scared and nervous. They are on guard duty at night with loaded weapons, terrified of an attack. The Mexicotal like to sneak up and kidnap enemies. They are fond of torture. You and Judy know about that."

"Also," Gamelin said, speaking slowly, using simple words, "she is to Mogdai people, as Tuck to you. She knows much about plants."

"Ask if she has anything for," Judy motioned to her thighs, where the worst of the galls were.

Tanda Havra chuckled lightly and nodded. She turned, and in a most unfeminine fashion, stuck her fingers in her mouth and whistled. Over in the villager's camp, a girl about Elspeth's age perked up and came at a run.

Words went back and forth very fast; Judy was quite sure that Gamelin didn't understand anything either.

Vosper turned to Judy. "You go with this girl, Judybondi. Take something to carry with. Find good plants."

Judy nodded and a moment later she was walking with the village girl, towards the little eminence where she and Gamelin had been earlier. Judy had long since emptied everything out of her purse, right now the only thing she had in it was her canteen.

The other girl was lighter-skinned than Tanda Havra, about Lydia's color. Like Tanda, the girl was short and thin and was wearing long pants of something like doeskin and a blouse made out of what looked like cotton, with a doeskin vest with ties to keep it shut.

She set a brisk pace that Judy couldn't begin to match. The other saw that, grinned and slowed down. A moment later, she pointed to the same plant that Gamelin had cut a bit before, and they'd sucked on the leaves. The girl bent down, used a much smaller knife than Judy's to cut a stem. She mimed how to take off the tip, then showed rubbing between her thighs.

Judy could understand that. Judy saw another plant of the same kind a few feet away, pulled her own knife and started slicing leaves. In about a half hour, Judy's purse was full. The other girl tentatively reached out and touched Judy's knife lightly with her fingertips.

"You kill Mexicotal?" the girl asked.

Judy nodded.

"They kill my mother, my father, others of Mogdai who stayed to fight. It is good you kill one. I am Tazi. One day, I kill many Mexicotal!"

Once again Judy was at a loss. This was so different than home! Yet, it struck a chord inside her. Until the last few hundred years, and in fact, in great parts of her world still, many people lived like Tazi and those in her village. Simple folk who dreamed of being left alone to till their fields and raise their families. All too often, others from far away would come to take it away from them.

They returned to the camp. Tuck and one of Gamelin's men had put up the big tent while they were gone. Judy and Tazi led the other girls inside, and for the next half hour, liberally daubed the badly chafed galls with stuff from the plants.

It did feel cool and nice and Judy made a point of telling the others which plant it was that it came from.

When they came back out, Tuck met them, alone this time.

"I don't want to kid you, we're in a serious situation. The bad guys know someone is here, scouting them out. They have almost certainly found our trail. The question is, are they coming right after us, or, because we're headed away, maybe they don't care?

"Frankly, if it was up to me, I'd have my people flogging their horses trying to catch up, even if I was pretty sure that we'd reported in by now. But, if they had done that, we'd have seen signs of that this afternoon. Our host, Gamelin, had people up on the ridge from first light and they haven't seen anyone following us.

"Which isn't to say that they aren't coming. They could easily just be taking it slowly and careful. They have to know they've lost a couple of small patrols entirely. Maybe that's making them cautious. There's just no way to tell."

He waved at the big tent. "This is a risk. If they come at us in a hurry, we're going to have to scoot with the least possible delay. We'll lose the tent and a lot of gear. On the other hand, it gives you all a central place to sleep tonight -- and while I don't think it's going to rain today, tomorrow and the next couple of days look like there will be a chance of thunderstorms."

Judy looked around. To the northeast, large billowing cumulus clouds were towering. There were smaller ones north and northwest of them, too.

"I've talked to Gamelin and he had his sergeant send men out ahead of us. About a half mile that way," he pointed to the northeast, "around the curve of this mountain, is a better spot to camp. It's a little higher, but not much. It will be an easy ride, and so we're going to try an experiment: the four of you sitting sidesaddle. You'll have to be careful not to fall, but if you can do the half mile tomorrow, we'll be in a much better spot."

Tuck waved towards where the villagers were sitting, talking amongst themselves. "I might add, the villagers aren't used to riding either. They'll be walking; I'm told they can do it all day, every day. We'll see; I hope so.

"So, rest. We're going to fix supper here shortly. With this many people to feed, we're going to go through the food I brought along pretty quick. On the other hand, we'd eat up what Gamelin's troops brought along in a day or two. There will be venison tonight and if Tanda Havra, the woman who's leading the villagers, has any luck tonight, maybe venison tomorrow.

"Not all of you are drinking enough. Gamelin has people who will see to it that your canteens are filled, plus he has some water jacks that hold four or five gallons each and I have two plastic water bags that hold five gallons. We'll have those filled. If you empty your canteen during the day, you can get a refill. There's plenty of water on this side of the mountains, so don't worry about it; getting dehydrated, that you have to worry about."

"What happened to Mrs. Flowers?" Becky asked.

"I don't know. I looked and I think she was grabbed by some of the same people who brought us here. Those people didn't seem very friendly. I think they knocked everyone in the camp out; also not a very friendly thing... but if they did, they could have come in and taken us. I haven't a clue why they didn't. I'm thinking it wouldn't have been a good thing, if they had.

"I know a few things now that I didn't before. About ten years ago a man appeared here, from someplace else. Someone, I suspect, a lot like us. I think he was a cop, from the descriptions I've heard about the gear he was wearing. These people didn't know how to make gunpowder. A bunch of priests from a religion were making it, they kept it as a monopoly telling everyone it was made special for them by their god, a fellow called Styphon. They use that god's name these days as a curse word.

"This man is named Kalvan, he's their High King these days. Think Emperor. He had a revolver with him. He taught them to make gunpowder; he taught them how to beat their enemies in a stand-up fight. He's probably quite something, I'm sure. I think I've gotten them to accept that we don't know him, that we're not direct kin of their king. But they think we're fellow countrymen; hell, maybe they are right. Anyway, Kalvan, who is now king of most of what used to be the United States, arrived on the eve of a big war. Some peasant farmers took him in, welcoming him and fed him. In repayment he helped them fight off raiders.

"To make a long story short, he fought his way to the top, here. He says that he's from what they call the 'Winter Kingdom, ' Gamelin points that out on a map where either the Korean or Khamchatka Peninsulas are, I'm not sure which. Their maps have only one peninsula, where ours have two. The Winter Kingdom is the fabled home of their ancestors, who came here about the time of Christ in our world. They've never heard of Jesus. Or of Mohammad or Buddha or Yahweh, the God of the Old Testament. Their maps don't show anything on the other side of the Atlantic; it's terra incognita. Except for the corner of Asia around this Winter Kingdom, Asia's all blank too.

"We traveled in some sort of vehicle," Tuck told them. "I don't know what kind; it's just an impression I have. They didn't look like the Lords of Creation, they behaved more like cockroaches."

He stopped talking and looked around. No one was close. "I can't make you do what I ask, but I'm thinking the people we are with are very superstitious. I don't think talking about coming here in a vehicle would be a good idea. Our friends favor two wheeled carts; four wheels are considered new-fangled."

Everyone laughed. It was a good thing, Judy thought, for Tuck to tell a joke. It relieved a lot of tension.

"These people believe in magic and sorcery. According to Gamelin, an evil sorcerer was jealous of their High King and this evil sorcerer conjured up a big spell and tossed Kalvan here, forever banished."

Elspeth snorted.

Tuck pointed his finger at her. "Elspeth, tell me, how did we get here?"

"I don't know."

"I don't either. I think it was technology of some sort. Slipping between alternate universes, maybe. I have to think that if I was someone from an alternate universe and there were some people capable of spilling the beans, I might decide to eliminate them. So, if Gamelin's people are comfortable with magic and sorcery, then that's what they should hear.

"They call my van a 'magic wagon.' I haven't said aye or nay. Tell them the truth, leaving out only a few details we don't understand. We were traveling across the desert in my van. I was there to teach you about the desert. There was a flash of light and then we were here. We don't know what happened, not at all. You don't know what happened. Keep the explanation simple. Flash of light; bang, we're here. A few seconds in the middle... I bet if we were to compare notes, we'd all remember different things.

"The most important thing about that story is that it's true. You can tell it as best as you can, leaving out any speculations on your part as to what happened and it will be true, and will tally with what the rest of us have to say. Don't speculate! We don't know what happened, and we'd be guessing. I'm guessing guessing is dangerous." Everyone smiled at that.

"Oh, yeah. They think you're the daughters of nobility," Tuck concluded.

Judy considered that, and then decided it was too important, so she interrupted to ask her question. "Tuck, Gamelin asked me some questions today. About what it was like at home. I told him that we didn't have nobles."

Tuck grimaced, then looked around, obviously uneasy. "Lies are a terrible thing. For one thing, it's easy to contradict yourself and then everyone knows you're lying and you lose credibility. These people might not have jet planes, radios and IBM computers, but that doesn't mean they are stupid. Credibility is an incredibly important asset in any civilization.

"If someone asks you a direct question, tell the truth. Try to keep it limited, but don't lie. Omit things, like that flash of light and what we saw, but don't lie. They have a King. I don't think they'll take lightly to the idea of an elected president."

"Tuck," Judy interrupted him, "Gamelin seemed impressed with the idea of everyone being equal."

He smiled at her. "The problem with that is that's not how things are done here. The sort of person who seeks to change the established order is called a revolutionary. I would be very careful about such things, because it's going to be easy to make mistakes. Mistakes like that can get a lot of people killed, including you. And the rest of us."

There was a stir in the rest of the camp; Judy turned to look and saw heliograph flashing from the same mountain as that morning.

"Make sure you are ready to go first thing in the morning," Tuck told them, "for that matter, if you're ready to go in an instant, that's better. Relax, rest. Think about dinner."

He walked towards Gamelin and Judy simply followed along behind him.

Gamelin watched the flashes in the distance; he'd missed the first half dozen letters, but they'd be repeated soon enough.

Vosper stood at his shoulder. "So, Eukarnas and Leucritis survived," the sergeant said.

"And did the job we should have done," Gamelin said, his voice bitter. "They saw the enemy host and counted them. They saw which way they were moving."

Vosper laughed nastily. "A great host, ranging towards Outpost. If you will recall, that's what we reported this morning."

"Eukarnas says fifty thousand Zarthani cavalry."

Vosper snorted and spat on the ground. "Nary a word about Mexicotal. Tanda Havra says the Mexicotal attacked Mogdai. Hestius says he was attacked by Zarthani scouts, but twice we've run into Mexicotal scouts."

"She also said that the attackers used rifles and cannon; the Mexicotal don't have cannon and not very many muskets, and far fewer rifles," Gamelin retorted.

"Well, the Mexicotal who attacked Judybondi and Elspeth had muskets; the Mexicotal scouts who attacked Tanda's villagers had muskets," Vosper observed. "Even if it is confused."

Vosper waved towards the mountain, where the signalmen on the distant peak were repeating the message. "We reported what we saw and heard, Lieutenant. I don't doubt Eukarnas and Leucritis saw what they saw, but I doubt if they were placidly waiting for that great host to march past their position so they could count them. I think they saw a column of the force arrayed against Outpost and then headed east as fast as their feet would carry them."

Gamelin nodded. What reason would the village woman have for lying about who had attacked Mogdai? Actually, in a few heartbeats, he could think of a couple of reasons.

Tuck spoke; he'd been listening. "I can't make you do things; I can't tell your count what to do. But if he's smart, he'll scout your enemy, their numbers and where they are. You know, if there are as many as the reports say, you can kill them all, fairly easily."

Vosper snorted in derision, but Gamelin was more cautious. "What do you mean?"

"Soldiers eat," Tuck said and Gamelin nodded.

"Fifty thousand horses eat more," Tuck added. He waved around them. "From where comes food for men, for horses?"

Vosper sucked in air, while Gamelin was still just curious. "I don't understand," Gamelin asked.

Gamelin knew the rule that a horse ate five times what a man ate, in a day. You just put five times as many wagons carrying hay as flour. Elementary.

Tuck chuckled. "Find road, find good spot. Block road. Kill livestock, break road. What horses eat? What men eat? What guns shoot? The more here, the worse, if road cut."

Gamelin's eyes bulged in sheer amazement. Not possible! It couldn't be so simple!

Vosper's eyes were gleaming. "We should let them come against Outpost. Then cut the road. And kill them all!"

"That would be... stupid," was all Gamelin could manage. Words didn't describe it. "Guards, many soldiers along road. Guards with wagons."

Tuck grinned; it wasn't a pleasant grin. "Long road. Many spots to cut. Burn bridges. Push rocks down on road. Attack rest spots. Many men must guard road. Many men then, not able to come to Outpost. Attack where enemy weak, where enemy not."

"Not honorable," Gamelin said, knowing it was a stupid thing to say.

Vosper snorted in derision again. "Their man said a half million come against Outpost. A thousand to one, Lieutenant. We might all die, but if we destroy that army... a thousand to one, Lord! A thousand to one! I don't want to die, but dying to kill a thousand of Styphon's Host! Yes!"

Gamelin was suddenly lost, seeing a vision in his mind of a host of his ancestors bowing to him, the greatest warrior in the history of Trygath.

Tuck took him by his tunic top and shook him. "Stupid!"

Gamelin opened his eyes, surprised that he'd closed them. Someone laying hands on him! A deadly insult! The words too!

"You die? What good that? You make Zarthani die! You make Mexicotal die! You make Styphon die! Don't you die!"

It was Vosper who brought Gamelin back to sanity. "Lieutenant, Count Tellan expects an answer," the sergeant said, nodding at the mountain to the northeast.

It was like a light shown on Gamelin; he had an idea. "Tell him that we are sending Lord Tuck and a half dozen men to escort him, some of the villagers, those well enough to keep up. That Count Tellan should listen to him..."

It was fast. Faster than the mind could imagine. One second Tuck had been standing next to Gamelin, his pistol in the leather holder at his side, then the next instant, the pistol was in Tuck's hand and the pistol was rammed into Gamelin's throat.

"No!" Tuck said succinctly. "Not if your life is vertvol!"

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Slave Battle

Namini was determined. She had waited for this moment for nearly a year, and now reached the status most slaves covet: the chance to vie for "Queen's Slave." One girl, and only one, per year, would win the privilege of serving Queen Anira, the beauty who ruled the province. No more sleeping in cramped quarters with five other slave girls. No more tepid, tasteless meals. No whippings. The Queen's slave-girl lived in the Queen's quarters, sleeping at the foot of her bed. She ate well, could...

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FTL II First ContactChapter 14 An Imperfect Battle

"They are firing on us!" exclaimed Leah. A moment later the beam from the X-ray cannon struck the shields of the ship. The convex shield glowed briefly from the hit. Jason reported, "Shields holding. One percent power drain." "It's a burst form an X-ray cannon." Lisa said, "22 Giga-Joule output." "They try that every time," Rainer said. "Target phasers on one of their spy crafts," Jim said. "I have a lock," Jennifer said with an excited voice. "Fire." The invisible...

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Day Sixty-five, 3:20 PM James "FIND THE MAN, AND BRING HIM TO ME. I COMMAND YOU!" one man shouted. The minute the man stopped talking, the horses charged down the hill. I looked at the man riding right towards me, and I was trying to bring the rifle up to kill him when I heard a shot. The man who had been speaking flew backwards off his horse and the men around him pulled their weapons out and started firing in the distance. They wheeled their horses around and charged for the gunman...

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Dianas TrioChapter 2 The Battle

"Halloween," she agreed as she held still under his pinning hold. The beast inside of her snarled. She had very little time left. "Now, let me go, Dustin, before you tempt the beast to attack." He dropped his hands and backed away from her, seeming to be satisfied that he had gotten his promise. He didn't seem concerned about her beast attacking but Rebekah was. She never wanted to hurt either of her best friends. Settle down. she tried to sooth the animal inside of her that was...

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Guardian AwakeningChapter 12 Battle

The officer at the lectern cleared his throat. "Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to welcome the alleged saviour of one of our colonies." They all glanced at Tristan, their expressions stern and unsmiling. "I have been ordered to give a detailed deposition of the Sicceian forces and our home fleet, and hand command to our guest." Tristan stifled a gasp turning it to a cough, his heart skipped a beat. Command! No wonder there was an atmosphere. They were all silently looking at him. His...

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Three Square MealsChapter 77 Preparation is half the battle

“What do you mean?” Tashana asked, her face lighting up with hope. “Do you know some way of recreating Valada’s lost data?” Shaking her head Alyssa smiled as she replied, “No, your sister’s the software expert, I’m a telepath.” She approached the confused Maliri girl and reaching out to her with her hand, she gently brushed her temple. “Now just relax and open your mind to me. I might be able to recover the memory of what you’ve seen.” Closing her eyes, Alyssa reached out towards Tashana’s...

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A Peril at IshtarChapter 25 Preparing for Battle

The next morning I woke early but all of my concubines were already awake and waiting for me. "Sorry master," Bethany said. "We got up early so that you couldn't sneak out. We were serious about helping." I nodded. "That's fine, I wanted you there anyways. The armor is going to be hard to put on, so I figured you could all help me." "All?" Brittany asked. I smiled. "Just the first time. Most likely two of you will be enough in the future. Also we should find out when Kitty might...

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A Private Battleground

After a week's journey on board the ship Maiden's Quest, the method of transportation you were demanded to employ after accepting the invitation, you arrive at the misty docks of Lucia's Island - home of the Three Rose Battleground. A scantily clad Blood Elf woman smiled as you approached, "It is a pleasure to finally meet you, champion. My name is Lucia, host of the Three Rose tournament. If you'd kindly follow me I will show you to your room while we wait for the tournament to...

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Home for Horny Monsters Book FourChapter 17 Battlegrounds

The technicolor clouds of the Dreamscape parted as Mike fell through them, and he flipped himself over in an attempt to finally stick the landing on the beach. For a moment, he thought he had it, but at the last second his feet swung out from under him and he slammed into the ground hard enough that the beach crumbled beneath him. He fought to stay above the flowing sand that rushed in to fill the gap, and was busy pinwheeling his arms when a golden ray of light broke through the sky above to...

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TangentChapter 31 The Last Battles

Captain Legios raised his hand and the column obediently stopped behind him. Ahead, down the hill, he could see a crossroads, the east-west road about three miles north of a range of hills to the south. The southern fork of the road vanished into a gap between two of the hills to their right front. His company was coming from the north. To make life interesting, several hundred infantry were spread out along either side of the road, north and south of the road parallel with the hills. At...

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He'd finally broken a sweat, but he wasn't nearly as winded as she was. She noticed as she watched him closer that he was breathing heavily. But why? Could he feel the tension, or was it all in her mind? Was he looking her over the same way she was looking at him? Still catching her breath and wiping her face, neck, and chest with a towel, she let her mind wander. It wandered to his sweaty body against hers, up against a wall, pinning her there as his hands ravaged her body: searching,...

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Realms of Eden B4 First Battle

Act 1 — High Seas Chapter 1 – Paul’s horror Newly promoted Sergeant Paul Keane, Paulie, to his friends, slumped into the recliner lounge in his small but comfortable quarters at the base north of Townsville. He eyed the bottle of rot gut sitting on the table beside him, a present from the captain of his squad and grabbed it up pouring a quarter of the contents down his throat as he reclined the chair to its limit. The liquid burned his gut and throat and he almost coughed the whole lot back...

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Mixed wrestling battle

Before we started the match, we established the rules. One guy vs. one girl on the mat at a time, while the other four of us stayed in a designated corner, one for the guys, one for the girls. The wrestler on the mat could tag one of their partners into the match by simply touching any part of their body. Winning could only be accomplished by forcing a submission. A submission would eliminate the defeated wrestler from the match. The match would continue until either all the girls or...

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Milfy Battle

Chapter 1Ben walked up to the front door of his two-story house, and before he could open the door, the agitated voices of his aunt and mom hit his ears. Wonder what they’re arguing about this time? The two women were thicker than thieves, but that also meant the occasional bickering. Going inside, he saw them standing in the middle of the living room. While the argument raged on, he took a moment to study the pair of milfs.His forty-two-year-old mother, Marie was a personal trainer, so her...

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Custody Battle

It has been a year or so since an automobile accident took the lives of my parents. I had a rough time adjusting. Just turning 16 was bad enough. Now, I had a new home and a new guardian. The last year had been full of changes. I attended the burial of my parents. I left my old home and school and moved from Tallahassee to Miami to live with my Aunt Cathy. I had to live with my future in limbo while my Aunt Catherine and Aunt Anne struggled in court to gain custody of me. Aunt Cathy and I knew...

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Forged in Battle

For almost sixty years the Dark have been restricted to their system and we thought, their planet. Until they broke free and attacked the Sinclair empire and captured six systems. They had seven very large fleets, one to hold each system and one to protect theirs. Each captured system had at least ten thousand enemy soldiers land on the inhabited planets. I was in the Davidson Military academy when the alarms went off. The few warships in the system went out but it was more than a full fleet...

1 year ago
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He Stood Tall in the Heat of Battle

Cast of Characters list Captain Robert Randolph Commander of Special Forces A-team 762 WWII & Korean war veteran married 2 children 2nd lieutenant Jeff brooks Chaplain for Special Forces A-team 762 Korean war veteran Married 5 children. Sergeant Nate Harris point man M14 Service rifle .45 caliber service pistol single no kids Sergeant Mike Hoover intelligence sergeant M14 Rifle .45 caliber pistol S&W Model 10 .38 caliber revolver married one child Sergeant George Webster radio man...

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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 40 Fields of Battle

Jason and I walked over and sat on the ground with our teammates. One of the sophomores looked over at me. I realized that it was Derek Goodman, one of the starting defensive tackles. He looked over at Maurice. "You brought a couple of freshmen over." "Why not?" Maurice replied. "They put more effort into practice than most of the sophomores. I expect them to make a difference on the field." "Not if Lucas and Terrence have their way," the other sophomore said. I realized it was...

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My Isekai Life in DD FireChapter 8 Isekai Life Uphill Battle

Katriana woke up first, and had to shake me awake. I guess I did end up sleeping pretty poorly after all, despite my best efforts, but at least my older sister let me sleep until after she was out of bed and had a moment to stretch. After last night, it would have been a little awkward to have to watch her stretch anyway. While Katriana started strapping her armour on, I cracked open my spellbook to memorize new spells for the day. My sister caught on before I did, though. “Why are you doing...

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In the NavyChapter 47 The Final Battle

In the moonless night, the first broadside fired by HMS Hades blinded them temporarily. The big three-decker was abeam of the French lead ship, and for the surprised French the impact would be nothing else but devastating. Now, Nero opened fire, a crashing broadside with lowered muzzles. Captain Bohun was a simple man but a dyed in the wool sailor who could be trusted to make the most of his first broadside. A second thundering broadside came from the Hades and in the muzzle flash of over...

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Cat FightChapter 15 Battle

tinton - 2 1/2 seconds specton - 2 1/2 minutes Toton - 2 1/2 hours minton - 2 1/2 days daycon - 2 1/2 weeks quant - 2 1/2 years galant - 2 1/2 centuries Metson - 2 1/2 inches maclon - 2 1/2 feet heckson - 2 1/2 miles tetson - 2 1/2 acres Bill Axor (AKA Ambrose) - Lion clan King Tomco Traxor - Bill’s dead father, Lion clan King Tobias Traxor - Bill’s dead brother, Lion clan Queen Trianna Axor - Bill’s dead mother, Lion clan of Mandria Queen Niaco Traxor - Tiger clan, Tobias mate, now...

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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 75 Another Post Pickup Battle

By some miracle there were no bodies on the ground when the field vanished, and the crowd dispersed. Even the boy who had attacked me managed to crawl away to receive medical attention. There still was plenty of emotional trauma. Several young men ran out of the restaurant with tears pouring down their faces. Mall security stopped several of the men. Most were shirtless and two were carrying a collection of women's clothing. It soon became clear that the boys had lost girlfriends to the...

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The Adventures of Amanda LustChapter 10 Prepare For Battle

"Damn" She exclaimed, all those good feelings left her in a rush. She slipped on her slacks and pulled them up. Mark helped her on with her tee shirt. "Sweetheart, come on out after you get dressed. I'll go on down and see what in hell is so important." She was unprepared for the large, self-important looking man in his mid forties. "I am Mark's father. I have come to take him home, by force if necessary." "Mister, I don't give a tinker's damn who you are. This is my house. In my...

2 years ago
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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 5 Paying the PiperChapter 3 Preparations before battle

When I opened my eyes next morning the sun was streaming into the bedroom. After the calming vision of Dawn on Still Waters I had slept like a log; a long unbroken sleep with no more bad dreams. Although still nowhere near top form I felt much better than I had for days. Maggie entered the room dressed to go out. She sat on the bed and gave me a mouth full of her toothpaste flavoured tongue. "You've had a lovely long sleep, though at first you tossed and turned and cried out. Were you...

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The Young Adults of New StartChapter 31 The Battle

Tani gave the order and the ten AAC's climbed to the air and glided into formation. Five of the AAC's cruised just above treetop level and five more cruised above them. Their formation allowed the forces on the ground to give covering fire below the lower AAC's. The AAC formation would let them give covering fire to each other, The Mountains on one side and the ocean and Vigger ships on the other would force the attackers to come in a frontal attack and not around the flanks. The robot...

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Broken AngelChapter 5 A New Battle

"Th ... that's a lie. I never raped a boy in my life. I don't need to. They --." He slapped his own mouth as he realized what he had just said. The two seals started to get out of the car. "We are going to hurt this guy bad." the larger seal exclaimed. The big lawyer turned and started to run away and slammed into a light post and knocked himself out. He fell in a crumpled heap. "Wait." Dana ordered. "Who is here with this piece of trash?" she called out. "I am," a young woman...

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Deadly Pursuit Winter JenningsChapter 4 Battle

I needed a diversion. Needed to get Jill Morton out of her house. Hubby was in fucking Ecuador. Flew there from Panama. I wanted to talk with the two remaining adoptees. In private. I also needed a Syrian translator. Even though the kids had been in Kansas City for two and three years, I didn’t know how good their English would be. Jill Morton home-schooled them. As she had done with Emmy for the six weeks she was there. Those kids were simply too isolated; the environment too insular. For...

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Recovery of a HeroChapter 11 The Heros New Battle

I guessed that Uncle Dar really was tired. After Ellen and Nancy pushed him into his room, they came out alone. I called Janny on the intercom to tell her that he was in bed and might need some help, as he didn't seem to be feeling well. She and Erica showed up a few minutes later and went in. Janny came back out right away and told me to call an ambulance. She said, "It's his leg. The infection is back and it's all red and swollen. Send one of the girls to get my bag and call George...

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GeniusChapter 3 Battle

The leader of the riders, Lord Hubert, directed three of his men to attack me while he directed the others to carry on after Brenda. The leader of the three gave a wicked smile as he approached, and as I stood waiting a thought came to me. "Immobilie!" I said and stood back as their horses fell to the ground, their legs bound by padded rope throwing the men on the ground. One man was stuck underneath his horse and was screaming out because his leg was broken, but the two others got to...

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Jesse and Marie and the WindChapter 7 The First Battle

Once again, his strength and agility amazed her. Jesse stood up on the wagon seat, crawled up the side of the stacked bales and held on with one hand while he jerked two hay bales down onto the bed of the wagon. Snow flew from the bales when they landed. He pulled himself over and grabbed one bale and dropped it in the wagon. Then she saw what he had done. He had begun to create a series of steps up the side of the hay in order to get to the top with the least amount of effort. It amazed her...

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The Rogues Harem Book 3 Rogues Passionate HaremChapter 27 Haremrsquos Battle

Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this! Kora Falk I couldn’t flee. I had to stand my ground and fight. But ... the slime surging at me gave me hope. It could see. It glimpsed the ruby I clutched in my hand. It knew its creator’s soul quivered in my grip, and it wanted it. So, I needed to give it what it wanted. “Rithi, bless my sexual juices and let them paint new beauty in the world.” “No, Kora, run!” Ealaín shouted as my pussy clenched about my fingers probing into my depths. My...

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Jesse and Marie and the WindChapter 10 Open Battle

Jesse made arrangements to have the snow cat repaired and asked around for a used snowmobile. He found a second hand Polaris that met his needs. Jesse and the seller struck a deal and Jesse promised to bring in cash the next day. Jesse mounted up and Marie got on behind him. They stopped at the Emporium and entered. Saul rushed to greet him. Jesse hugged the small man and told him, "That Barrett shoots dead nuts at a half mile." He smiled down at his dearest friend, "You ornery old fart,...

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The Catalyst RebornChapter 12 Preparing for Battle

Charlie POV: Having just renewed our bond with our neighbors, I had to figure a way to send them away without making it seem rude. There simply wasn’t time for a long drawn out explanation. The situation was very complex and even OUR girls and Bob were mostly in the dark about most of it. I flashed Mary my concerns and assurances of ‘full disclosure’, but that time was of the essence and our neighbors at this point didn’t have ‘a need to know’. Our neighbors had already figured out...

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Aces and EightsChapter 19 Battle

Extra Month #2, Day 30, Day 278, Year 0001 DA Walter I ran onto the top floor, as Mike was reloading the cannon. Picking up the binoculars, I watched as the fleet started coming towards the channel. In the lead were a pair of sloops. A large column of water was descending between the two ships as I scanned around the fleet and cursed. "Mike! The headland! About twenty boats heading in," I said. Mike started turning the gun, and he lowered the barrel to fire as the two Nordenfelt guns...

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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 39 Academic Battles

Becky picked up most of us. Matilda and Kelsey were riding home with us for the first time all week. Becky noticed as they jumped into the minivan. "I have extra passengers," she said. "I'm glad I didn't bring Angelique. She wanted to come" "Awww," Kelsey and Matilda said in unison. "We wanted to see her." "I haven't gotten to play with her all week," Kelsey added. "You choose to go home with Jessica," Jason pointed out. "Well," Kelsey said. "I don't go home with...

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Traitor Book 1Chapter 2 The Battleship

Jason looked at Stan as Lauren introduced him. His suit looked a little ill fitting, with an odd pattern. He was quite tall, at least six foot four, with a very ruddy complexion. His hair was a strange brown-green mixture, and was slicked down as if he used a hair-cream. His face was very ordinary and he wouldn’t be noticed in a crowd. He shook Jason’s hand somewhat awkwardly varying his pressure as if uncertain as to the appropriate pressure to use. “I’m honored to meet you, Lord Kargo. I’m...

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