Galactic RangersChapter 7 free porn video

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Before we left our base, we were issued camouflaged uniforms made of the same material as the energy resistant robes. A separate hood and gloves went with the outfit, so we were completely protected, yet we were still difficult to spot in a typical woodland environment.

For lack of any place better to start, we were transported back to that R&D complex where we'd had the big fight. With just Anfon and me in the detail, we were able to move more easily without being spotted. Anfon was carrying one of the special RPGs, so we had some high power defense if we needed it. This was a very nice division of labor, since Anfon was more comfortable with the RPG, and I was more comfortable with the pistol. We were both good shots with either weapon, it was just a matter of personal preference.

We managed to get all the way to the complex without seeing any of the enemy. Did that mean that we had killed all of them, or did it mean that they were avoiding us? We had detectors with us that would pick up the presence of any living being any larger than a small dog, so we were sure that there had been no one to spot us.

We decided that we were going to have to show ourselves if we were going to get any reaction from the locals. We combined that with a recon that took us to an altitude of 750 feet. We spotted some motion at the far side of the complex, so we took out at our maximum speed in that direction. It took us only 37 seconds to get there, but whoever it was had already disappeared. That left us with only one conclusion: whoever is was had gone underground.

We did a careful examination of the immediate vicinity and finally located the cover to a set of steps. It was merely a matter of pushing a button to get the cover to open, and there were the steps, fully exposed. Yeah, and there we were fully exposed to an avalanche of laser bolts fired in our direction. I yelled out in the local language that we only wanted to talk, but that was ignored. Our uniforms were doing an excellent job of absorbing the laser beams, but the suits were being overloaded, as evidenced by the fact that they were warming up. Either we had to win this fight pretty damned soon, or we had to run away. Our suits were reaching their limit on protection.

I had tried replying to the laser fire with my .45, but these shooters had the sense to hide behind something, so my only chance of getting a solid hit would be with a ricochet. In desperation, we tried the only option left to us: Anfon fired an RPG down the stairs.

We couldn't tell if we had killed everybody down there, but the lasers stopped coming our way, so we were grateful for that. Fortunately, our uniforms cooled rapidly, so we were soon ready to venture down the stairs. There was considerable devastation resulting from the blast of the RPG, but we worked our way around that without too much trouble.

We had just cleared the rubble when a laser hit me square in the chest. Thank God for the protective uniform. Instead of shooting back, I called out, "DON'T SHOOT, PLEASE! WE JUST WANT TO TALK! AFTER THAT, WE PROMISE TO LEAVE WITHOUT DOING ANY MORE HARM!"






After a few more words with the other person, we all adjourned to the surface. I was totally surprised to find that we were dealing with a religious fanatic. Anfon didn't even know what that was!

"Why have you come to defile our holy ground with your unbelieving presence?"

"How do you know that we are unbelievers? We may actually believe in the same thing, but just don't know it. Let's talk about your beliefs, and we may find some common ground."

"Ah, I had never considered that! Always before, when strangers came, they wanted to destroy this holy site. We priests of Reason have been forced to fight to protect it. You can see the damage that has already been inflicted on this site of holy Reason by previous interlopers. When some of you people came the last time, you killed nearly a hundred of our priests and acolytes and completely destroyed the last four of our remaining holy structures."

"This was a grievous misunderstanding! We worship Reason, too, and were here to learn as much as we could from the holy records. At that time, we could not speak your language, so we could not explain our reason for showing up. We only shot at your people in self defense. We would have tried to explain our reason for being here if you had only given us a chance.

"The four structures you refer to were not destroyed. We have a device that can move items of any size through space in an instant. We only took the structures away from here because we were afraid that they might be harmed before we could make ourselves understood. We will return them when we have stabilized their molecular structure so that they will not deteriorate any further. Is that agreeable?"

"Certainly, we have not been able to find such a preserving technique. Your help with that would pay us back for all of the grief that you have caused us so far! If you can do that, you will be welcomed as brothers in the faith of Reason, and will be allowed to see the sacred relics that we have stored underground."

"That is excellent! Please excuse me while I find out the status of the preservation process." I called our base and explained the situation to date. I was told that the preservation process was finished on two of the buildings, and the other two would be finished in two more days. The two completed buildings could be returned this afternoon, and the other two would be sent out as soon as they were ready.

The priest thanked me profusely, and I found out that he was at the top of the religious hierarchy, somewhat comparable to the Catholic Pope back on Earth. His title was Reverend Engineer. In the course of our conversation, I found out that he and his group had been working for centuries to try to recover the lost art and science (it was the same thing) of his homeland across the ocean.

He was descended from slaves brought in to labor for their conquerors at menial jobs. He had nothing but contempt for the engineering prowess of their conquerors. Those people had only realized their inadequacies when it was too late. Several generations had passed, and his people had lost their engineering touch. They tried, but could not preserve the level of civilization their ancestors had known.

Eventually, there had been a successful slave revolt, and the slaves now became the masters. Otherwise, not much was changed because the civilization had drifted down too far. His people did what they could, but they were no longer able to compensate for the natural resources squandered in the war. Especially, their skill in polymer chemistry (plastics) had been lost, so the vanished metals could not be replaced.

The result was that the population had shrunk to only a few hundred thousand, most of whom lived on subsistence farming. If they did not get help pretty soon, they were all going to die out.

OK, that was the key we needed to justify our occupation of a section of Inglon. The galaxy could provide the know-how to bring civilization back to the people of the planet, that know-how would pay for the territory needed. Later, commerce could develop which would be to the advantage of both sides.

The Reverend Engineer called together the rest of his flock, about 200 people, and we fed them lunch from our replicators. It was a long and tedious process, but everybody got as much as he wanted to eat, many for the first time in their lives.

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In the last video, Stefany Kyler tricked handyman Kristof Cale, the paramour of her stepmother, Kitana Lure, into coming to their home while Kitana is out. Stefany wants revenge on her stepmom for thinking that she doesn’t know that she was cheating on her father! Threatening to tell her father everything is Kristof doesn’t do what she says, the well-hung handyman initiates the young woman into the sort of sex that the boys at her school don’t know how to do! As the current...

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TeensInTheWoods Holly Hendrix E04

Submissive superstar sex sluts are not made, they’re born, and Holly Hendrix is a natural. Small, hot AF and down for the filthiest rough sex, hard cock and BDSM slave training that Ranger Brick can muster, Holly becomes an extreme teen superstar before our very eyes! When her BFF Marina promises her a weekend of easy riches entertaining at a remote private party, Holly can?t say no. Of course, it all goes sideways, and after a masked psycho chases the girls deep into the nearby woods,...

4 years ago
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Shock Me

Shock Me By Cassandra Morgan "...and that's why I like threesomes." Sometimes, you enter a conversation at precisely the wrong moment. I had just made my way across the bar and to the table, bringing a tray of drinks as I came. I was everything I could do not to have a spill, but I made it. That's how it works at O'Riley's. Someone has to buy, and someone has to fly. It was my job to fetch. It seems like it's always my job to fetch. By the time I got there, our small group was in...

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Consequences Erin

Erin and I had been married for just over 12 years last month. We had no children and we both were content in our careers. We first met at a seminar on business accounting and we found we had a lot in common. She was then an engineer, working for a medical device manufacturer and I, Paul Warner, was a Senior Manager for a company that made hospital equipment. We had dinner and made plans to see each other after the meetings were concluded. We lived only a few miles apart and both worked in...

4 years ago
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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 161

I was up at 0400 and in the side office reading updates while eating breakfast. At 0445 I was just settling into the Oval Office when Anton, President Orbatch and a couple aides came in. They were Connie, Troy, Emit Dadds - a State Department Russia expert - and a CIA Russian expert. The two experts were to listen and evaluate but to offer no comments to the discussions that were to begin in the office at 0500, so there were a few minutes of open conversation. “How are things in the...

3 years ago
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Caesar Comes His Revenge and ConquersChapter 23

Between the effects of the pot and the bourbon, plus the lustful impression Link Morgan's huge cock had indelibly etched in her sensuous mind, Lydia Newell was experiencing her not unusual, quickly aroused salacity. Fiery sensations of lewd craving had begun to hotly tingle between her legs and at the base of her soft belly as she sat staring across the kitchen table at the lecherous, barrel-chested man whose mean eyes were obscenely reflecting her own lewd thoughts. "A-Are we thinking...

2 years ago
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Losing VirginityWeek 2

May 25th was the next time Aaron saw Liz. He got to class early as always and just sat on the floor outside class waiting for the door to be unlocked. Once the instructor showed up, Aaron went into the room to sit down. Only a few students went in with him, the others hadn't shown up yet, including Liz. Liz showed up with just a few minutes to spare and had a shirt on that said "PRINCESS" in big pink letters with brown background. Aaron told her he thought it was a cute shirt. Liz just...

4 years ago
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Finding myself Part 6

Chapter 6 - Interlude That evening was difficult enough even before Miss Allie dropped on me that I had a follow-up session with Paul to dread. I knew she would give me no opportunity to get out of it - or even to keep him at arm's length. It wasn't helped by the fact that I knew from my earlier experience that I found myself enjoying it more than I ought to. But before she even mentioned that, there was the revelation that she could see what I was doing - my brooch had a tiny camera...

4 years ago
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Her First Time With a Woman

It was my first year at Columbia after two years at a local community collage. I was so happy to have left home and now begin my life as a sexy and independent young woman. I had had a few boyfriends in the past, and although I loved cock I also had found myself becoming more and more curious about women. In my search to figure out what exactly my feelings for women were I had had a few encounters with girls my age which exposed my love of pussy as well. As I moved into the city now and got my...

2 years ago
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Cute Flabby Nurse Aid

Cute Flabby Nurse Aid As an outside contractor I am used to not being trusted and working in a nursing home was not so much different. I had a job to do and needed to be everywhere…literally. So the administrator gave me a bodyguard. She was just there to see to it that I didn’t steal anything too big or expensive and that I didn’t molest any of the sexy senior citizens…as if that would happen. Kimberly was a cute but flabby Certified Nurse Aid. She had a round face, a bit of a...

4 years ago
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Lets Go For A Drive ch 1

From the day that we met online, Dave and I hit it off. We talked often, and told each other a lot about ourselves and sex. He was older than me, married and lived in another state, the chance of us meeting seemed impossible, although we often talked about it. I didn’t think anything more about it, until to my surprise, he called me one afternoon. He had some business in a town near mine, and if I was free, would love to take me out to lunch, adding that he’d have me for dessert. Now how could...

2 years ago
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Confessions Of A Married Man 8211 Part I

Well guys this is the story of shy guy. Some of you must know me from my previous stories which had come on this beautiful and amazing site. To whoever who don’t know me, I am Sameer from one of the popular metros , 38 year old married bi-curious guy, having a normal body structure and a good tool to satisfy the needy ladies. After a long time I am writing down my experiences. Those genuine ladies and couples wishing to contact me can do it at In my previous stories I had mentioned about how I...

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L004 Lizzys story Saturday

Daniel gently rubs my back, waking me. It took a minute before I hear, “Baby Lizzy are you ready to get up and enter your new world?”Everything that happened last night floods over me. With a huge intake of breath, as I roll over and look up into your wonderful eyes, I realize you are not Daniel, but my Daddy.How has this all happened? Three days ago, I did not even know you. Now we are entering this wonderful new world.You just smile at me as I wake up. And now, rather than my back, I feel...

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Recent business trip True story

This week I was at an upscale hotel I frequently travel to. I got back to my room at about 11:00PM after a work dinner. There was knock at what I thought was my the door. When I went to look through the peephole. It was actually a woman knocking on the door right next to my room. She was dressed like a business woman. Tall, great shape, attractive. My room had a door that opens to their room I guess if someone wanted a two room suite. I could hear them pretty clearly. They were chatting about...

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My Wife Was Fucked By My Friend In My Front Of Me

Hi friends, here is our real story how I started to enjoy sharing my wife with other guys Once my wife and I took few drinks and she was a little over. I took her to our bed room and laid her on the bed. I was watching a porn movie the in the drawing room. A few minutes later one of my business friends came and rang the doorbell. He was coming from a far area and wanted to stay with me. I served him drinks and food. Because of tiredness of traveling, he took three four pegs and got inebriated....

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