Skinny dipping 2
- 3 years ago
- 55
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It was the Summer of 1993 and I was over at Shawn’s house and Shawn’s mom
had to work the double shift. Which means she started work at 6:00 p.m. and
got off at 6:00 p.m. the next day which is 24 hours. Thank god she has 1
hour breaks to rest and take a little nap (If She Needed One Which She Probably
Did) while sitting in a chair in the break room at her work or she would
have really been dead tired. So she wasn’t too tired once she finally got
home from work. So before she went to work she and Shawn came and picked
me up at my house at 5:00 p.m. and she took Shawn and I to their house.
On the way to their house his mom said that she had to work a
double shift and then after today since she worked these long hours that
she will have the next 7 days off and no one deserved a vacation more than
her. She worked so hard to support her and Shawn. She said when she is off
them 7 days she will be more than happy to take Shawn and I where ever we
wanted to go or do what we wanted to do. Even go on a vacation somewhere
if Shawn and I wanted to. She said it was up to us and what ever we decided
she will be happy with it. She said that she was running late so she was
sorry because she didn’t have time to run to the grocery store and cook supper
for us and she said she really felt bad that she didn’t cook supper and we
told her don’t worry about it. Shawn and I both said that’s alright we will
find something to eat. Shawn is such a wise guy and always was since the
day I met him and probably is still today and he said and for dessert JT
and we can nibble on each other. I turned and looked at Shawn and smiled
at him first and then I started bursting out laughing. I tried to hold back
from laughing but, I couldn’t. Shawn was just way too funny. His mom was
even laughing and she said you two are just so cute together and you two
are always making me laugh and smile. After his mom took us to their house
she gave us each a hug and said if anything happens she said you call me
at work and we said we will. Then she said since I didn’t have time to cook
supper for you all and she knew their wasn’t that much to eat in the house
because she hadn’t been to the grocery store yet so she said here’s $40.00
so we can go to the grocery store later on to make sure we had what we wanted
to and get what ever else we wanted and then she hugged us again and I love
you both. I had this look on my face and was thinking even me and she knew
what I was thinking with the look on my face and she said of course I love
you JT. She said you should know that sweetie and then she smiled at me.
She said I love you a lot as a friend but, we both know that Shawn loves
you a lot as his boyfriend and Shawn grabbed a hold of my hand and looked
at me and smiled and said I certainly do. I started crying because it meant
so much to me and I said you both are just so sweet to me. Shawn looked at
me and said JT I’m a better person for knowing you and he said I love you
so very much. He said you have made such an impact on my life and for that
he will always be greatful. His mom said aww that is so sweet and she said
the same goes for me JT. She said you are just such a sweetie and we just
love you so much. She said she could always count on me to be very sweet
to Shawn and I said you bet you can always count on me. I said I don’t have
the heart to be mean to Shawn or anyone else for that matter. She said I
know you don’t sweetie. She said Shawn, my family (Talking About Her Family),
and I love you so much and I started blushing then. :-) She said JT don’t
let Shawn aggravate you too much tonight and I said I won’t and I said besides
he knows better because he knows I can over power him. They both started
laughing and Shawn said honey you wish you were stronger than me and Shawn’s
mom said I think JT could take you down Shawn if he wanted to. I grabbed
his hand and said but honey, I wouldn’t do that because I loved you way too
much. I said besides honey if I want to take you down I would want there
to be on the bed or a couch underneath us. They both started laughing then.
Shawn said you couldn’t pin me down if you tried honey. I said Linda (Which
Is His Mom’s Name) what are we going to do with him and she said I don’t
know but, one of these days you and I will get him back some how. I said
he is asking for it isn’t he and she said yes he is. LOLH! I said good and
I said honey you better watch out and Shawn said you two couldn’t get me
back if you even tried to. You know something, he was right! Shawn was just
way too clever for us. LOLH! Then she said you two be careful and she said
call me at work if you need anything or if anything happens and we said we
will. She said if you all call me and I’m away for a moment she said you
two leave a message with the secretary and I will call you two back as soon
as I can and we said ok we will. She said one more thing and we said yes
what’s that? She asked us if $40.00 was plenty before she has more money
if we needed some more and we said yes it was more than enough some money
and Shawn said if we need any more things he said he had $30.00 saved up.
Then she said ok just making sure. She said I didn’t want you two starving
tonight or tomorrow and we said we won’t starve. She said you two be careful
and call me if you need anything we said we will. Then she said I need to
go now before she was late to work and she said goodbye and we said goodbye
to her and then went straight to work. We went in the house and sat down
on the couch and relaxed for 1 hour before we went to the 24 Hour grocery
store just down the road from them. We watched TV for a while and Shawn looked
at the clock and said honey, I’m starting to get hungry and I said me too.
He said let's go to the grocery store now and I said sure thing honey. We
turned the TV off, we turned all the lights off, and headed out the door.
So I was the last one out and I locked the door and Shawn said oh shit honey
don’t close the door and he said that as the door was closing so I quickly
put my foot out and stopped the door from closing all of the way. He kissed
me and said thank you for stopping the door from closing. I said you're welcome
honey. He said you’re an angel and kissed me again. I said what did you forget
and he said I forgot to get my key in my bedroom. I said oh shit we would
really be in trouble if we forgot your key. He said yes we would. He said
thank god I just thought of it before we closed the door all the way. There
was no other way getting in the house. He said the only way of getting back
in the house is to break a window and he said mom wouldn’t take too kindly
of that. I said yeah no kidding. He said if we had to break a window to get
back in the house he said I don’t think I would want to be here for a few
days or a few weeks until his mom cools down. He said I think I would want
to go stay at your house honey (Talking About My House) and I said sounds
great to me but, there are three problems. He said what’s that honey? I said:
I said I can’t help it because you have such a nice
ass. I said in fact everything on you was perfect!!! He said doesn’t matter
to me because he said I’m always looking at your ass too honey. LOLH! He
said everything about me was perfect as well and I was blushing. :-) I said
it’s so nice to have a great relationship with someone that I really care
about and really love a lot and he said it sure is honey and he kissed me
and said you bring the best out in me and I kissed him and said honey we
bring the best out in each other and he said isn’t that the truth. He and
I hated being apart from each other. Just like if I got up and leave the
room for a moment he would follow me because it killed him for being away
from me more than five minutes too. It even killed us being away from each
other on school nights so on school nights all we could do at night was dream
about each other and before we know it we were together again at school.
:-) We would be so stir crazy at night tossing and turning in bed because
we loved to be with each other so once we both got to school we would have
to go in the boys bathroom and make out just so we can get to feel each other’s
lips touching one another. If we wanted more than just kissing a lot of times
before the morning bell ranged to go to 1st period class we would rush in
to the auditorium and go behind the curtains and he would unbutton and unzip
his jeans and pull out his big cock and I would give him a quick blow job
since his cock was a lot bigger than mine just satisfy the both of us until
the weekend came around. I always made it a great blow job for the both of
us to enjoy. I would make it so good that it causes him to let out a few
moans. After the bell rings to go to 1st period class we stop and he buttons
and zips his jeans back up and kisses me and thanks me for the nice blow
job and we say we love each other and he says see ya at lunch honey kiss
again and go to class. Our friend always asked us why we go in the auditorium
every morning and we said the principal has us clean it so the janitors wouldn’t
have to and we get paid for it. He said ok cool. Shawn said we got paid well
for it too. I just look at Shawn and Shawn and I would start laughing and
our friend couldn’t understand what was so funny. LOLH! That was just a cover
up story because our friend didn’t know were gay and that Shawn and I were
boyfriends. He knows now because I told him and he’s alright with it. I wish
I knew that back then because I would have told him the truth. Shawn and
I never have got caught once neither and we were both surprised we never
got caught. I tell you he and I were so much in love. It killed us so much
being away from each other. Shawn and I barely got through the whole day
without saying I love you or kissing each other. Anyways, his mom was working
the night shift and wasn’t going to get off work until 6:00 p.m. the next
day because she had to work a double shift. Shawn and I were outside and
they have a big fence around their yard and Shawn turned the lights on the
patio and we sat down outside in the in the long lawn chair holding each
other and making out and looking up at the stars. As we were holding each
other I said Shawn, I love you and he said I love you too JT. Shawn said
I think I’m going to go swimming honey. I kissed him and felt like
an idiot and said honey you better go get your swim suit on then if your
going to go swimming and he said no I don’t need my swim suit honey. I said
I hope you aren’t planning on wearing your good shorts in the swimming pool
are you because your mom will kill you and I would really miss you if she
killed you. He just laughed and said I know honey and he said JT I hope you
know you really know how to make me laugh and smile. He said that’s two of
the six things I love most about you. I said what are the other four things
you like about me and he said you are also a great kisser, you know how to
suck a cock damn good, you are really cute, and you are also so friendly.
I said I will agree with all of them except for the one about me being really
cute. He said honey to me you are too really cute and to die for. I said
you really know how to make me feel good on the inside and you are so sweet
and very special to me. He said you’re very sweet and very special to me
too JT. I kissed him again I said I love you Shawn and he said it back. I
said if you don’t want to go look for your swim suit I said I will go look
for it for you honey. I said you want me to go get your swim suit in your
bedroom for you because I will honey if you like then and then I said I might
have to use a metal detector to find things in your bedroom but, I’m sure
to find them and maybe a few other things you’ve been missing for a while.
LOLH! We started laughing and he said hey honey don’t forget I’ve been to
your house a few times already and he said your bedroom isn’t any cleaner
than mine and I said my bedroom is always clean 24/7 and he said not from
what your mom says and from what I seen. LOLH! Then I said seriously honey
I will go look for your swimsuit for you if you like me to. He said no thank
you honey again and gave me a kiss again. He said I don’t need a swimsuit
in the swimming pool for what I’m going to do. I was like ok. He had a smile
on his face and said honey think for a few minutes and he said it’s hot outside
tonight and I want to go swimming but, without a swim suit on. He said what’s
that tell you I want to do with a smile on his face. I thought for a second
but, only for a second and he was smiling at me and I said you don’t mean
and he said yes SKINNY DIPPING!!! He said there’s something else too and
I said what’s that honey? He kissed me and said I want my handsome boyfriend
to go skinny dipping with me. I said well go call your handsome boyfriend
up and ask him if he’ll join you. LOLH! He kissed me and said honey you’re
my handsome boyfriend. I said I maybe your boyfriend but, I’m not handsome.
LOLH! He kissed me and said honey you are too handsome and he said don’t
you ever let any one else tell you different. I said I love you Shawn and
he put his hand underneath my chin and had me look at him and he looked into
my eyes and said I love you JT and gave me one of the most passionate kisses
he has ever given to me before. I was floating up in the air because that
kiss lifted me off the ground. After he stopped kissing me he asked me if
I want to go skinny dipping with me now honey? I started laughing and I said
you’re really serious about this aren’t you? He said you bet honey.
I said it sounds great and all but, what if we get caught? He said honey
don’t worry we won’t get caught because we have a big fence around the house
and around the swimming pool so no one can’t see us. I said are you sure
about you want me to go skinny dipping with you and he said yes I am. He
said who else better to go skinny dipping with than with my handsome loving
boyfriend who I love very much. I immediately started blushing.
I had gone on a five day kayaking trip with two longtime female friends. We kayaked the first two days on a couple of rivers, enjoying the solitude of the national forest. The third day one of the friends didn’t want to go because of a sore back, so we went with just two of us on a nice secluded river. We stopped along the river for a bathroom break, and I jokingly asked my friend if she had ever gone skinny dipping. She said she did a couple of times with her husband and some friends, and...
Skinny-dipping – 1By: JackieKelly could feel herself sticking to the leather car seat where her tank top didn’t cover. Jan had convinced her to take the hour and a half drive to the outlet mall but she hadn’t bargained on this. She turned the car’s ventilation system control knob to ‘max cool’ again. The air that came out was even hotter than it had been when vent was selected.“Forget it Kel it’s not going to work,” Jan commented keeping her eyes on the road. “Air conditioning is a tease......
My husband, Casey, and I had just enjoyed amazing orgasms while skinny dipping at the hands of our friends, Jon and Liza. So, we decided to be good hosts and return the favor.Jon’s cock was hard as a rock and in dire need of attention, and I was only too happy to help out. I have to admit that I found it a little disconcerting watching Casey sucking on Liza’s nipples, but it was also very erotic.Casey popped his head up when he saw me dip under the water and take Jon’s cock in my mouth. (I’d...
SwingersIt was a Friday last day of school and the beginning of summer. I am tom 17 years old 5’7” 140lb brown hair blue eye me and my mates wanted to swimming we found a lake in the woods so we all stripped and jumped in the water. The water was warm the lake was a good size with a dock that we jumped off of a lot we where having fun splashing and jumping in the water when it happened. I had just jumped in when my mates saw some riding up on an hours so they grabbed there close and ran off living...
The couple walked along the beach stopping here and there as they saw something that interested them and letting the warm water run over their toes. They walked along the wet sand hand in hand, people who had seen them had thought it wonderful that a couple their age were still so romantic. As they had walked along the beach had become progressively empty and their was little in the way of development at this place. ‘Well there are advantages to being retired,’ the man said as he wiped his...
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Jon and Liza were our best friends. We spent a lot of time together socially, playing softball, attending company picnics, or going to parties. We also enjoyed just hanging out with them because they were very like-minded and just plain fun to be around.Then one day, we invited them to come over for a cookout. I noticed that we didn’t have any drinks in the upstairs fridge, so I said I would go down and grab some. Jon followed me into the basement to help me bring up another case of beer. When...
SwingersI continued this clandestine activity of swimming in the buff once the school year started back up. Every day after school I would race home and quickly strip down nude, often leaving a trail of clothes from the front door to the porch, and jump in the pool and do laps for an hour. One day in late September, my mother came home early, right in the middle of my skinny dipping session. When she walked out on the back porch to see her naked son doing laps in her own pool, she could barely muster...
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I suppose that just about everyone that lives near a creek or a lake takes a skinny dip at some point with a friend. Its quite a normal and natural thing to do actualy. But at least in Robert's case, he never experienced a skinny dip. With no near by creek, or lake, a skinny dip, at least for him, seemed, a bit out of reach. But life can be surprising at times and can take a strange turn, when you least expect. The girl he worked with, Julie, had invited him to go to the beach with her and...
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So I was at my friend’s house who lives next door to me and is a girl. I have known here since preschool and we have always been best friends. So she has a pool in her back yard and her 12 year old sister (her being 15) was swimming in it. So we were watching something on TV and it was about 10pm (her parents weren’t home). So we went out back and decided to swim. She took her shirt and pants off, then here bra and underwear off right in front of me and her sister. Then she dove in and asked...
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Hello dear readers, this is Simraan reporting with another hot experience to make your dicks hard and pussies wet! You never know what will happen… We all more or less agree on this. But once it happens, how many of you still wonder what the fuck happened? This incident I am sharing with you, I am still thinking about what to make of it. How the fuck did that happen?! One Friday evening, I left the office early to watch a movie with my female friends. We did some lesbian things in the...
I have never been sexually shy, but growing up in a large Mexican City did not provide many opportunities for skinny dipping. My first opportunity came at the age of 21while living in a Kibbutz by the beach in Israel. I was a volunteer, one of about 40 and only one of 10 or 11 males, and the volunteers rooms and club house had their back to a secluded side of the beach informally knows as Volunteers Beach and more informally as Tittie Beach for most of the volunteer women (mostly European and...
After posting Molly’s story about her husband impregnating her co-worker Jennifer, it brought back memories of my, or should I say, our first time being naked in front of boys. I’ve known Molly since grade school and we spent a lot of time together. During the summer between our 8th and 9th grade school years, a group of us spent a lot of time swimming at one of many local ponds. It was several miles outside or town and we would ride our bikes to the pond to go swimming. I’m guessing the pond...
My whole bed was soaked. I thought I had wet the bed but it was only sweat. I looked at the clock. It was midnight. I went to the bathroom to clean up a little and cool off. I washed the cum and sweat off my body using a damp washcloth. The sponge bath woke me up enough so that I decided to play with my PEEPERs for a few minutes. Tiff, Jane, and Martha were all asleep but Mom's bedroom was still empty. I checked the bathrooms and finally the pool house and the pool. Mom was taking a...
My sister had some nice friends, but tended not to bring them home, so I was surprised when Mom remarked one night that we would have a house guest for a while, starting Monday. ‘Who? Anyone I know?’ ‘One of Sally’s friends from college. Louise. Louise Trenay.’ ‘And?’ I said, grinning at Mom. ‘Be nice to her,’ Mom said, with a stern look, but there was a twinkle in her eye. ‘Hey,’ I protested, holding up my hands. ‘Which one? Sally or Louise?’ ‘Louise. Asking you to be nice to your...
We were at a friend's cottage, all sitting around the campfire one night. There were 3 couples total, and we had all been drinking quite a bit that day. One of the couples walked out on the pier to look up at the stars. That is why one of our other friends got the idea to go push them into the lake in all their clothes as a joke. We knew we should stop him, but figured what the hell, it would be funny to see. As he tried to walk slowly down the pier so they didn't hear him, they caught on. The...
Fay was three months pregnant. She was not showing at all. Her belly was as flat as always and only her breast had began to grow. She had bought several new bras, 36Ds, and said she was feeling as if she looked like a cow. Fay was slender and tall (5' 10" and weighed 120 pounds) and her tits had always looked big on her. She was a very pretty girl, long brown hair with natural streaks of copper framed a face with a beautiful complexion and expressive lips. She had eyes like her hair, brown...
The holiday had been going very well so far and we have enjoyed the week we have already spent here exploring and doing all the things you would expect from tourists and then at night retreating to the two side by side cabins we had rented. Tonight though Amy and myself had decided to stay out a bit later and have a few drinks, all night Amy had teased me, whispering into my ear the things she wanted me to do to her later so by the time we had left the bar I was about ready to tear her clothes...
The holiday had been going very well so far and we have enjoyed the week we have already spent here exploring and doing all the things you would expect from tourists and then at night retreating to the two side by side cabins we had rented. Tonight though Amy and myself had decided to stay out a bit later and have a few drinks, all night Amy had teased me, whispering into my ear the things she wanted me to do to her later so by the time we had left the bar I was about ready to tear her clothes...
She couldn’t afford the expensive city apartment with the divorce settlement she got. As a stay-at-home wife whose husband made big bucks and she mostly volunteered for things, there wasn’t anything to really keep her in the city. Mel had shortened her hillbilly name “Melba Sue” a long time ago when she made up her mind to get out of the Ozark hollow and get an education which was not typical for her family. She’d inherited the family homestead but had just paid the rather modest property taxes...
So this is the story about the birthday present I gave my girlfriend Kara. Kara and I had met about six months before her birthday, we met online. I had just turned 18 and moved here with my Family. I was technically still a virgin since I had never gone all the way with a guy and I had only been with one girl before. I’m white with auburn hair, blue eyes, 5’4 about 110 pounds with perky 34 b cup boobies nice muscular thighs and a little chunky in my nice round bum. Kara is a 28 year old...
LesbianThe next few weeks...After we got home, things as they are wont to do, went back to normal. Our sex life did improve and we were able to talk more openly about our relationship and what happened. However, we were not out looking for someone for Jill to have sex with. It was more pillow talk and our mystery man played a part in some of the role play or fantasies we would talk about.I really tried to justify why I was so turned on at the thought of my wife flirting with and getting groped by...
Wife LoversThis story is an allegory of a real life relationship that developed in my life. It helped me cope with disappointment, and to perhaps be better able to accept the reality that had crashed upon my infatuated fantasy. I cope with the friendship better now, having decided that staying a part of her life is better than nothing, yet there are times when the attraction is still magnetic. I’m sure there are many of you out there who have experienced such a thing and perhaps this will give you a...
On this particular night, it was just me and 3 friends. Since it was a small town, and therefore, small school, not all of us were in the same grade. It was me and my friend Chris, who were in the same class, our friend Tracy from one grade below, and Dylan, from two grades below us. We all wandered and talked, and it was probably around 1am at this point. It was a very humid night and pretty hot out, and Dylan suggested that we go to the swimming pool. It was obviously closed at this time,...
Paul had a small convertible sports car and because the weather was so nice, he put the top down for the short ride to his place. The wind and road noise tended to discourage much conversation, so Nancy took some time to review the events of the last day in her mind to try and make sense of everything that happened. She felt surprised at herself for having sex with a man she barely knew and equally surprised at how much she enjoyed his attentions. After so many years of little or no sexual...
As she slid her slender body into the cool water a wave of excitement filled her. As she had never been skinny dipping, so this was a rush she never expected to have. As she swam from one side of the pool to the other the feeling of the water flow between her legs and the thought of her getting caught had turned her on immensely. She stopped at one side to catch her breath, running a hand down her submerged body tracing her curves, feeling her nipples that were hard little buds. Letting out a...
Linda and I were making out on the couch in her basement. The basement was her "free zone" where her parents wouldn't intrude (the dumb fucks) and we did all sort of shit down there. She was straddling me and humping on my hard cock when her best friend Melonie cleared her throat again. I glanced over at her and saw that she was bored or angry or something. So I asked Linda to get me a drink.while Linda was gone I apologized that we were not doing something more fun for her. Turns out that...
So it's one of those August days where the temp. is 119 in the shade. Or so it feels like. I get out of work in a factory. Heading home I think "Yeah ex-wives friends have a pool. I'm cruising right by. They've let me use it in the past ( when l had games or something but wouldn't make it home to shower for 3rd shift } I stop . No ones home . Shit. Well i figure i'm only going to be here for 10-15 minutes. I'll cruise around outside, hop the little fence and cool off.Dont have suit with me,...
So yesterday (8/4/18) I had a long work day and was just about worn out but still horny as hell since I hadn't jacked off a couple of days because I had set up with a guy to come by my shop and suck me off. Well, as often happens he didn't text when he said he would and he didn't reply to my text. DAMN! I saved him a super huge wad and he doesn't show up to take it! Isn't that just how it goes for me so much. All these guys want to suck cock but then when I put my cock out ready for a willing...
Claire Fluegaman is one of my students at the high school where I teach. She is 17, about 6’1″ tall and weighs around 310 pounds. She’s a big German girl from a sturdy, well-fed stock of German immigrant parents who have no idea what their daughter does after school or on weekend nights. Although she works a part time job at the mall at a cookie shop where she is quite amicable with the customers, there’s a complete other side of Claire–a very dark...
It was a balmy Queensland summer night and I was sitting topless with my hubby by our pool when the phone rang - it was his mate and he had a power cut at his place and wanted to come round to our place and share a few drinks - we said "of course" Hubby and I had been drinking for an hour or so and were feeling a little daring, so my hubby said to me 'don't put a top on when he comes around - stay dressed like that" "No problem" I replied and settled back to enjoy showing off a little - then my...
I lived near a lake and one day was wandering throught the woods on a trail that lead to a small clearing at the edge of the water. There was a make shift tent about 10 yards away. I looked around but didn't notice any people anywhere so I went inside the tent for a look around. There were several blankets and and two pair of shorts and tee-shirts s**ttered about. Looking further I found some gay porn magazines in the corner. I sat down browsing through the pages. I was getting horny and...
The world is full of history and great stories. From a very young age I sat and listened to them and let my mind show me. As I grew older and my magic made itself known I wrote the stories down. It did not matter what else I had to learn or do, the stories still took me away. I was eighteen when I had enough of other people telling me what to do and when. I thought long and then created a wagon like the travelers. I made a second wagon that carried a tent and lots of cushions and a huge rug....
Introduction: A quick and kinky lesbian fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...
Kitty wondered why she thought today, of all days, was the right day for a hike in the woods. She had gotten off to a late start and had found herself trekking through this wooded path on the hottest day of the year, during the hottest part of the day. She had plenty of water, but the beating sun was still taking its toll on her athletic body. Her tank top and sports bra were soaked through. Her hiking shorts had a discernable wet spot between her ass cheeks. The heat and the dampness were...
I had just received my new running clothes and was eager to try them out. The package arrived at work and I slipped it under my desk without anyone asking too many questions. After work I almost sprinted out of the office to my car, package under my hand. It was a sunny afternoon at the end of May and it was a great opportunity to enjoy the fresh air. I made my way across town relatively quickly and parked just outside the university campus. Grabbing my running shoes and makeup bag from the...
Few things are as beautiful as a late night swim in a forest lake, when the moonlight is all to navigate by and the ground is treacherous as you walk over roots first, then pebbles and ultimately start swimming because your feet lose contact. That silence, the cold water around you and the fear of swimming out too far, they are all so surreal that it makes you wonder if you’re dreaming. Add a naked women some twenty feet ahead of you to the mix and you definitely know it’s not real, that you...
I'm 16 and I recently got a new pool. My parents were out of town so I decided to have a pool party with a bunch of friends. The crowd was a mix of girls and boys. I was excited because my crush was going to be there in a bikini. The party started and everybody was there and having a good time. I saw my crush and got a slight hard on. She was wearing a two piece bikini that was really small. The party was ending and everybody was leaving except my crush until it was just us. During the party I...
Looking back, I can see how this all happened. At the time, I didn't realize what was taking place. Not that I'm complaining right now. It's that I thought I was an observant person. I'd strained ligaments in my left ankle while running. I'd jumped off a curb, my foot landing on a small rock that blended in with the asphalt. I went down in the middle of the street, uttering words I usually don't use. I think I scared the kids playing a couple of doors down because they all stopped to gawk at...
LesbianGLORYHOLEI'd love to be in a booth with a woman while she does her thing to all of those unidentified cocks! I have taken my wife to a local porn theater and made her take off her bra and pantyhose. She was wearing a very short skirt so hiking that up was no problem. I had her unbutton her blouse so the guys in the row we were sitting in could see her tits. They would move close to her and in the beginning she would panic but I held her there and told her to settle down and go with the flow....
I love going to the local movie theater. my husband and i will go at a time that is not to crowded. normally there are a few couples there. we sit in the middle of the theater and begin kissing ... we get a few lookers. then i will pull up my skirt ( no panties - for easy access) and sit on his dick and ride him up and down. before you know it, we have people watching and wishing. it is amazing how hot that is. some have asked to join, but we tell them no, but are welcome to watch.Me and my...
He grinned and took another half step toward me so I wouldn’t have to reach out to touch him. I suspected when he became fully hard he would have crossed the distance without having to step forward. When I released his tip from my other hand it fell and thumped against my forearm with an audible smack.Impressive. I started by gently massaging his balls with both hands. I explored his swollen sack and felt the thin tubes that piped his sperm. Because everything about him was so large, it was...
InterracialWe made our way back to our hotel room and quickly entered and shut the door. Jill turned and looked at me.“Oh my God!” she exclaimed. I gave her a few moments to collect her thoughts, savoring her beautiful, flushed face. My wife. How did we get here? This was so not us.“Are you turned on?” I asked.“God yes... I know I'm soaked,” she said, holding her hands on her cheeks. “I am a strong, independent, woman...but...when you told me to pull my panties down, I almost came.”“Oh? You liked that...
Wife LoversIt was a vibrant sunny day. I was sitting peacefully on the warm sand looking out aimlessly at the huge lake before me. The bitter wind blew gently around me, and it was silent. It was tranquil. I love coming here. It’s so amazing and so relaxing. It’s always quiet as only a few people mainly dog-walkers would come here which meant I could just sit here all day and just daydream. Undisturbed. However today it was exceptionally hot. The sun was shining brighter than ever before and I could feel...