I Got Caught Skinny Dipping Pt. 2 free porn video

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He grinned and took another half step toward me so I wouldn’t have to reach out to touch him. I suspected when he became fully hard he would have crossed the distance without having to step forward. When I released his tip from my other hand it fell and thumped against my forearm with an audible smack.

Impressive. I started by gently massaging his balls with both hands. I explored his swollen sack and felt the thin tubes that piped his sperm. 

Because everything about him was so large, it was easy to feel the otherwise overlooked parts of a man’s body and for some reason, I wanted to explore every inch. I cupped his heavy balls in both hands, squeezing and gently lifting and pulling them, playing with them a little as I gained confidence. 

He ran his hand through my bright red hair, sliding his fingers down my cheek and caressing my lower lip with his thumb. I instinctively opened my mouth and reached out with my tongue to feel the pad of his thumb. It just felt right. He gently pushed his thumb up my tongue and let me close my lips around it to suck gingerly. I saw his cock twitch when I did. My hands slowly slid from his balls to his shaft, caressing its length like you’d pet a puppy, watching it stir and thicken under my attentions. 

His other hand went down to the damp shirt I was wearing, pulling it aside to reveal one of my large breasts, the bright pink nipple already hard because of this electrifying situation. He pushed the other side of his shirt over as well, revealing my other breast. I sucked a little harder on his thumb, looking up at him as he looked down at my milky white chest. He slid his thumb from my mouth and trailed his fingers down my neck, cupping one of my breasts in each of his hands and curling his fingers underneath them for a firm squeeze.

“They are real,” he said, as if the thought had been killing him this whole time.

“As real as you are, baby,” I said. Baby? As soon as the word left my mouth I felt stupid, but he smiled down at me and pushed my breasts together, staring wide-eyed at the resulting valley of cleavage he created. E cups are large, I’ll admit, but I suppose when it’s on a five-foot-nothing frame like mine they looked as comically large as his cock did on him. 

He was pleased with them. He towered over me, well over six feet tall, but my chest was still a hefty handful for him. As soon as he got a good grip on my breasts, his cock started to stand up. Apparently he was a boob guy. As it inflated, it pointed directly at me, perfectly straight, and that small perfection was enticing. 

I kept stroking his shaft with my fingers as he took his time squeezing and kneading my breasts like they were stress balls. I thought about how he said he was tired from a long day at work and wondered if my breasts were literally becoming stress balls for him, a way to relax and unwind. It felt nice, I didn’t mind one bit. 

After a while, I wrapped my fingers around his girth and wasn’t surprised that my fingers couldn’t wrap around him fully and touch together. I used the slackness in his skin to keep a decent pressure with both hands without causing any friction. As he got harder though, that slackness disappeared and soon my hands were sticking to him if I squeezed too hard. I knew that if this would go any further, we’d need some kind of lube. 

He pinched my pink nipples between his forefinger and thumb, twisting them just enough so I could feel it but not enough to be uncomfortable. As his cock swelled up to full-size I was relieved that the length didn’t increase that much, just the girth. He was a shower after all. 

Thank god.

I noted with some amusement that he was bent over slightly, pulling his hips away from me because if he didn’t his cock would have pushed right into my face. He was being patient, letting me take steps as I was ready for them instead of manhandling me. With both hands he jiggled my breasts, almost slapping them together a few times, and watched with wide-eyed glee. “You like those, huh?” I asked, chuckling.

“Baby, these might be the best I’ve ever seen,” he said. I rolled my eyes. I highly doubted it, but I was flattered nonetheless. He continued to play with my chest like it was the first time he’d ever seen boobs and I finally felt bad for him having to bend over. I reached forward and cupped his heavy balls, lightly pulling them toward me to coax him forward. 

To his credit, he didn’t shove his meat straight into my mouth but let me guide him where I wanted him. I pulled him forward so he was standing normally again and let the tip of his cock rest on my shoulder while I turned my head and kissed down the length of his shaft. I used one of his thick, throbbing veins as a road map and even let my tongue flick out of my mouth every so often to taste him. He was salty, but in a good way. 

I kept kissing my way down him, massaging his balls with my hands and letting him play with my breasts, slowly working up the courage to get further but doing my best to show him I was eager and willing. As I approached his balls, I got a little more liberal with my tongue. They were much too large to fit inside my mouth, but I held them to my face and licked at them as if they were one of those mega-sized jawbreakers.

He moaned. It as a hungry, desperate moan like that of a starving man who just had a bite of New York strip. For some reason that made up my mind. One way or another, I would empty this stupidly hung black man’s balls. As his cock head rested on my shoulder, I lovingly nuzzled into his shaft, pulling on the skin of his balls with my lips and licking the base of his shaft like I was worshiping it instead of merely teasing.

He noticed the difference in my enthusiasm and rubbed my nipples to say thank you. I used one of my hands to grasp the tip of his cock from my shoulder, holding him steady as I licked up his length with more passion than before. My tongue slid over his veins and massaged the thick muscular bulge on the belly of his shaft. 

I used my grip on his cock head to lift his meat over my face back and forth so I could give both sides equal love. As I worked my way up to the tip, his hands continued to play with my chest, something it seemed he would never tire of. He pushed them together, squeezed them, jiggled them, played with my nipples, anything that he felt like in the moment and I enjoyed every second. 

I wrapped my lips around the swollen tip of his shaft and it was like trying to suck on a Coke can. I let go of his cock with both my hands and explored his body. My right hand went up to his toned six-pack while my left hand drifted toward his powerful and muscular thighs. He was in fantastic shape, much better shape than me, but I tried not to be self-conscious about it. 

Obviously he wasn’t bothered by a curvy little white girl because he was practically drooling over my hefty bosom. I appreciated the fact that while he was very muscular, there was still a thin layer of fat that softened the edges of his physique, making him look less ripped but more comfortable. Nothing turns me off faster than guys with bulging veiny muscles that scream of steroid use. Bulging veiny cocks on the other hand…   

I relaxed my jaw and tried to take more of my Adonis into my mouth. He didn’t once attempt to push. Having plenty of experience, he probably knew it wouldn’t help. I had to take my time, warm up to him and get there on my own, which he was more than happy to let me do. My hands slid from his abs and thighs around to his butt, which was as chiseled from marble as the rest of him. I used it as a handle to pull myself forward, relaxing my mouth and making some slow but steady progress. “That’s it, baby. Take your time, you can do it,” he said, patient but hungry. 

His hands continued to play with my chest, occasionally running through my bright red hair, but never pulling my head toward him. After a few more minutes of me sucking on his tip like a lollipop, slowly accepting more and more into my mouth, one of his hands slid from my breasts and down my stomach. His warm fingers slipped passed my belly button and wiggled between my thighs. Without a second thought, I opened them for him. I was surprised at my own eagerness. 

I was the timid goody-two-shoes, not a vixen like Courtney. Letting a man fondle me like this was not my MO. A thick finger massaged over the skin of my clit for a moment before slowly sliding down further until he found my vagina. His finger slipped in almost effortlessly. I moaned onto his cock head.

“My god, Miss Hailey,” he moaned back. For some reason when he called me ‘Miss Hailey’ I felt prestigious or honorable somehow, like he had given me a title of immense respect. To my surprise, he pulled his hips back and removed his cock from my mouth. I looked up at him, disappointed, and watched as he laid down on the couch next to me. “Straddle my face and let me taste you, but keep doing what you’re doing,” he said. 

My first thought was, Thank god I shaved this morning! followed by, Oh god, I’ve never had a guy down there before. I had never had a dick the size of my forearm inside my mouth before either, so tonight would be full of firsts. I didn’t know what to expect, but I was determined to do what many women before me could not. If he wanted to sixty-nine, then damn it, I would figure it out.

I crawled on top of him and turned around, self-conscious that he was looking directly into my booty. I figured I would have to shake that insecurity pretty fast if I was going to enjoy this. He made it a little easier when he reached up with both hands and pulled my hips toward his face, adjusting us both effortlessly until he was in a spot he liked. 

He was eager to start. He wanted to taste me. I felt his warm tongue glide across my lips and my concerns melted away. It felt so damn good. His big hands squeezed my thighs as he worked magic with his mouth. I let out a few moans and relaxed on top of him, enjoying the feeling of his tongue sliding between my vagina lips and tasting me like he was trying to get the ice cream out of the bottom of the cone.

Lost in the pleasure, I had completely forgotten about his cock until he flexed and it lifted to bump against my hanging breast. I noticed that my nipple immediately grew cold. I looked down and saw a clear, sticky liquid coating my nipple where his cock head bumped it. I thought it was my own saliva until I lifted his shaft with one hand and watched as more of the viscous fluid oozed from the tip with my grip.

Curious, I bent down and licked it. It was sweet and a little sticky, like watered down honey. I wondered if this was the fabled precum I had read about in my dirty stories. Whatever it was, I liked it. 

He moaned as he licked my vagina and the sensation of vibrations from his deep voice almost made me shiver in excitement. I relaxed my thighs and fully embraced his oral pleasures, relishing the feeling as he probed and explored with his tongue, sucked and pulled gently with his lips, dug his fingers into my thighs. 

I wondered if vibrations from my throat would make him feel good too, so I took him into my mouth as far as I could manage and let out a moan. My moan came out muffled thanks to the throbbing python in my mouth, but I felt him twitch and heard him moan again as I did. With my jaw warmed up and my body relaxed I could slowly bob my head up and down the first few inches of his cock without bumping my teeth. As I did, I felt a certain erotic energy forming beneath me. 

Every so often his hips would come up, pushing his meat a little further into my mouth, but then he’d let out a quick breath and return himself back to the leather couch. Each time his tongue would venture inside me as compensation like he craved to go hog wild on my mouth but knew he couldn’t and instead focused his passions on me. 

The moans and panting grew. I kept up my bobbing motion, taking him into my mouth as far as I could each time and letting my nipples brush his thighs as I lowered myself down. He seemed to like that, even going so far as to release my thighs so he could get a quick handful of breast, before returning to my thighs to keep licking me.

Before long, the sexual energy and tension was reaching a tipping point. I felt how eager he was to cum, how excited he was to have a curvy redhead who wasn’t afraid of his admittedly intimidating manhood. A switch flipped. He stopped licking and exploring my nethers and instead focused all his attention on my clit with remarkable agility. I did my best to keep bobbing my head up and down his shaft, but waves of pleasure coursed through me and it became hard to focus. 

I instead sucked on the tip and used my hand to keep working his shaft, but even that became too complicated for my brain as his stimulation escalated. His tongue danced across my clit and I felt myself approaching an orgasm. I removed him from my mouth entirely so I wouldn’t choke on him, but I didn’t want to leave him without stimulation so I leaned over and licked his swollen kiwi-sized balls as my thighs shuddered. 

My eyes shut tight and the shudder from my thighs spread to the rest of my body. I instinctively started grinding my hips into his face as my orgasm took hold. Part of me was worried he wouldn’t be able to breathe, part of me didn’t care. I felt more than heard him moan, because my moan was too loud to hear anything else. 

I sucked desperately on his balls, trying to ride out the waves of pleasure and let him know I hadn’t forgotten about him too. As my hips shifted and squirmed on his face, it became difficult for him to be precise with his pleasures so he opted to lick anywhere his mouth could reach, even going so far as to pull my hips down toward him for a better angle. 

The sensations built up, bordering on too intense. Once my voice cracked and my thighs stopped shaking, he leaned his head back onto the couch and gave me a break from my own intense orgasm. I felt his lips and tongue gingerly touching me, like he was giving dainty kisses instead of the lustful licks moments prior. It took a few moments for my body to come down from the high he had bestowed upon me. I caught my breath as my cheek rested on his thigh and my lips played with his balls. It was lazy, but it was all I could muster after the euphoria he brought me to.

He let me catch my breath for a moment and patted my booty, gently pushing my hips away from his face. I took the hint and dismounted him, but kept playing with his balls as I wedged myself between him and the back of the couch. He pulled his hips away from my affections and sat up, facing me. “Lie back,” he said. My heart skipped a beat. Was he going to try to fit that thing inside me? I wasn’t sure if my vagina could handle it. I flipped over onto my back and scooted myself so that my head could lie on the armrest.

“Let me try to suck it again,” I said, trying to spare my vagina.

“I have another plan,” he said, and I was all but certain he was going to impale me with his cock. My anxiety waned as he crawled on top of me and straddled my chest, plopping his heavy meat between my creamy white breasts. Man, he loved those things. I guess I was glad he was getting some joy out of them, all they ever brought me was back pain and a lack of eye contact. He pushed my heavy breasts together, wrapping them around his thick black cock like he were a hot dog and I was the bun. He started to pump.

“You having fun, baby?” he asked, looking down at me with a smile as he humped my chest.

I grinned up at him, my face still flushed from my orgasm. “This night has certainly been full of surprises,” I said. Because of his length, I felt the tip of his cock slide under my chin with each of his pumps. I tucked my chin to my chest and stuck out my tongue, letting his tip slide up it like a ramp each time he pushed forward. He gave me a big toothy grin when I did that. 

“Not many women can handle this thing,” he said, lifting his shaft and lightly bouncing it against my chest, staring down at the resulting boob jiggle before he resumed his pumping.

“Not many are as… well equipped as I am,” I said, giving him a coy wink.

“You’re the perfect size to handle a man like me,” he said, pushing his hips harder now so I could feel his heavy balls sliding along my ribs. 

“Maybe you’re the perfect size for a woman like me?” I asked, sticking my tongue out again and sucking on his tip as it slid in my mouth. I wasn’t sure where my sexy confidence was coming from, but I could tell he liked it. His pace quickened. With his large, warm hands he pressed my breasts tight around his cock, trying to create more friction as he pumped into them. 

I kept my chin down, accepting his tip into my mouth while staring up at him with my big green eyes. He stared down at me first with joy, amused by our banter, but the joy turned to lust. I could tell he wanted to finish, and he was going to use my chest and mouth to do it. 

I reached up with both hands, lacing my fingers over my nipples and using my palms to put extra pressure around his cock. With my hands in place, he braced himself with one hand on the back of the couch while the other slid through my hair and held the back of my head. He didn’t pull my face toward him, but I could tell he planned to. 

I kept staring up at him, squeezing his shaft with my hefty breasts and flicking my tongue along his swollen tip until his breath turned to hungry gasps and his hips pumped harder. His face twisted into a funny shape as he tried to hold on for as long as he could. I would have laughed at the face he made if a torrent of warm sperm hadn’t shot directly into my mouth and practically flooded it with the first burst. 

His hand pulled my head toward his cock and he shoved his hips forward so that his sperm emptied directly into my mouth, load after load like a fire hose. To avoid choking, I quickly swallowed what I could, but it just kept coming, overflowing out my mouth and down my chin. He looked down at me with a face of pure rapture and I looked up at him with an understanding that he needed to be emptied. I felt his sperm oozing down my chin and pooling in my cleavage, but after the orgasm he gave me, I was willing to let him ride it out and fill my mouth as he pleased. 

With a heavy sigh, his orgasm subsided. I felt the weight of his butt relax onto my stomach while he caught his breath. With the threat of drowning gone, I swallowed what was still in my mouth and moaned. It tasted good. Salty and sweet at the same time, like a dark chocolate pretzel. Not at all what I expected. 

He released his grip on my head and slowly pulled his cock out of my mouth. More of his seed dripped out from the tip and I leaned forward to lick it off. I then gripped the base of his cock with both hands and slowly slid up the length of his shaft, milking out every last bit I could get onto my tongue. He smiled down at me and laughed.

“Ah shit, you’re too much,” he said, watching me swallow a dollop of his milk. I licked my lips and blew him a kiss.

“Just enjoying my reward,” I said, a line I remembered from a porn video.

I looked down at the mess we made. His black shaft rested between my soaking wet breasts. It was actually kind of hard to see how much cum was on me. I was almost the same color. I smiled up at him. I did it. I did what many women before me could not. I released the carnal pleasures inside him and left him satisfied. I stared up at him, basking in my accomplishment, kissing the tip of his cock as if thanking it for its service. 

“That was one hell of a warm-up,” he said. I raised an eyebrow.


“Yeah, I usually need two or three of those to really feel empty. Especially since it’s been so long. But boy, am I glad I found you,” he said, rubbing circles over one of my cum covered nipples with his thumb.

“You’re not empty yet?” I asked in shock, looking at the layer of sperm already covering me and thinking about the massive amount I was digesting.

“Not quite. But don’t worry, with you I think round two will be quick.”

I swallowed hard. I wasn’t expecting a round two. If I wanted to truly set myself apart from those other women, truly satisfy his needs the way no one else could, I would have to go along with it. Fortunately for me, he seemed pretty obsessed with my chest. I also liked - no, loved - the way he tasted so it would just be another fifteen or twenty minutes of fun and I’d have another protein shake.

“Whatever you need, baby,” I said, already wrapping my breasts around his shaft, which was still surprisingly hard.

“Whatever I need?” he asked. Something about the way he said it made me suspicious. I nodded up at him anyway.

“Anything,” I said.

He chewed on his lower lip for a second and then dismounted me. He put his hands on my hips and flipped me over so I was on my belly. I immediately thought all the sperm on my body would get on his nice leather couch, but he didn’t seem to care and I wasn’t going to ruin the mood by bringing it up. 

I propped myself up on my elbows and looked back at him as his hands slid over my booty and between my legs. He slid a finger inside me, probing gently at first, then pushed himself deeper. I moaned. Watching him over my shoulder, I saw him slide his hand up and down his slick shaft a few times, then use the resulting layer of sperm coating his hand to lube up my thighs. I could see where this was going.

“I don’t know if you’ll fit,” I said as he crawled on top of me, already lining himself up. What I meant to say was That thing will split me in half.

“It’s ok baby, I’ll go slow,” he said. Nervous as I was, I believed him. The entire time he’d taken care of me and took my considerations to heart first. Terrified as I was of his monster dick, I somehow knew he would be gentle with it and that made me want to let him have me. His thick, swollen head pushed between my thighs and probed for my vagina. I felt him slip and slide over my lips, then push nice and easy between them. 

My jaw dropped as he entered me.

To his credit, he went slow. Thankfully, I was wet from when he went down on me and we had a generous amount of his sperm to act as lube. Both of those things helped. But he still had to work it in slow, let my body get used to his size, then pulled back to give me a rest before pushing in a little further. 

Every few pushes, he’d ask if I was doing OK, and even though I felt like I was being split open, I wanted to be there for him where no one else could, so I endured. As my body grew comfortable with his size, I got a handful of his sperm from my breasts and slid my hand down underneath me to re-apply the only lubricant we had. Then I remembered I had forgotten to take my birth control that afternoon. 

“How’s your pull out game?” I asked. I couldn’t do much about our ‘lube’, but I could try to prevent a flood of little swimmers trying to earn their gold medals.

“Don’t worry, baby,” he said. 

I don’t know what kind of power he had over me to make me be so reckless and irresponsible. Maybe it was because I wanted it as bad as he did. He had brought me to places I never knew existed, I was willing to go out on a limb and chance it happening again. He pushed in, this time deeper and deeper until he found the furthest depth he could go. 

This man was basically a stranger to me, but I was letting him push his bare, cum-covered cock inside me as far as my body would allow it. He pushed against the barrier of my cervix and backed off, adjusting his hips a little and positioning his knees. 

He gave me a few short pumps and asked me if everything felt OK. When he didn’t go too far to where it hurt, I nodded back at him. This whole process, getting my body used to his, took probably ten or fifteen minutes but he stayed patient and hard as a rock the whole time. With my body prepared and his adjustments made, he was ready to go. 

I felt his big balls press down between my thighs and his hard shaft follow. I realized he picked this prone position because he could get extra friction from my thighs along the length of his shaft, since he knew I couldn’t accept his whole length inside me. That consideration for my comfort made me swoon.

Then he started to pump.

To him, it was only the first five or six inches, but to me, it was a bus. I relaxed my body, accepting his length and girth as he got his rhythm. Once he hit his stride, he laid his body down on top of me, pressing his muscular chest against my back and slipping his thick arms underneath me to cup my breasts. He really loved those things. His chin rested on my shoulder and he playfully licked my ear, sending a tickle down my spine. 

I laughed, then moaned as he continued to pump his thick, black cock inside me, bareback. He kissed my neck, sending another ticklish wave down my spine. “You feel so good, Miss Hailey,” he said, once again making me feel regal somehow. Despite his size he was to tender, almost loving. It was a sensation I never expected.

“Yeah, do I feel good, baby? Is my pussy gonna make you cum again?” I asked, inviting a little dirty talk. Again I surprised myself. It wasn’t even that vulgar, but I felt nasty for it and wondered if he’d judge me. What the hell was this man doing to my emotions?

“That tight little pussy is gonna make me cum so hard,” he said, and his pace quickened.  I turned my face to nuzzle into his. He smiled and pulled at my ear with his lips. I felt my breasts jiggle in his hands with each of his powerful thrusts and ripples of pleasure coursed up from between my legs. 

I was getting used to him, it was becoming more comfortable, and I was really starting to enjoy it. Not that I wasn’t before, mind you. He lifted his hips and changed angles slightly, which made his swollen cock head push against a part of me I didn’t know existed until that moment. My eyes bulged and my jaw dropped as he pumped against this magical spot inside my vagina, sliding his thick head over it with every hump.

“Oh my god,” I groaned out. A barrage of previously undiscovered sensations overtook me. If his oral pleasures were a Fourth of July fireworks display, this was a nuclear bomb. He kept his pace up, rubbing against this new spot and rapidly bringing my libido to it’s fullest and most hungry.

His large muscular body was on top of me and wrapped around me like a cocoon, but I used what little movement I had to work my hips back into him and help him keep finding that spot over and over. He could tell I was working my hips against him, as if helping him to have his way with me. He liked that.

His pace quickened further, and I could not contain myself. I practically hyperventilated as another orgasm, this one ten times more powerful, wracked my body with pleasure. My thighs shook and my toes curled. My fingers balled to fists and my eyes rolled back in my head. I felt my vagina twitch and convulse around his thick, black cock and I let out a long, high-pitched moan and turned to a squeal by the end. 

He kept pounding.

I felt his breath quicken and his body tense up. He shifted his position, ready to dismount.

“Don’t stop!” I ordered with a raspy voice. I wanted to keep riding this wave of ecstasy.

“But I’m -”

“It’s OK, cum inside me!” I demanded.

And he did.

He became harder than diamond and erupted like a volcano between my milky white thighs, flooding my vagina with his seed. My mouth was open as if I were shouting, but only a hoarse whisper came out. His hips fired like a piston, pumping load after load of his thick, hot sperm inside me and I didn’t care one iota. For some reason, I actually relished it. I laid underneath this charming, handsome black man who was basically a stranger not even an hour ago and accepted his seed without complaint. 

He gripped my breasts hard and squeezed me tight against his body, like a hug from a long-lost lover. Perhaps we were long lost lovers in another time. It felt like my brain was transcending this plane of reality, so I was just about willing to accept anything. My entire body quivered with aftershocks from his performance.

His hips slowed down until he let out a long, satisfied sigh and pushed his length inside me as far as it would go to rest. As his cock deflated, he wriggled his hips to make sure as much of him stayed inside me as possible. We laid like that for what seemed like a long time. 

“What just happened?” he asked. I could still feel his heartbeat as he throbbed inside me and I imagine he felt mine through my breast.

“I think we just became friends.”



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Hot Tub Skinny Dipping

The holiday had been going very well so far and we have enjoyed the week we have already spent here exploring and doing all the things you would expect from tourists and then at night retreating to the two side by side cabins we had rented. Tonight though Amy and myself had decided to stay out a bit later and have a few drinks, all night Amy had teased me, whispering into my ear the things she wanted me to do to her later so by the time we had left the bar I was about ready to tear her clothes...

1 year ago
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Hottub and a naked night of skinny dipping

The holiday had been going very well so far and we have enjoyed the week we have already spent here exploring and doing all the things you would expect from tourists and then at night retreating to the two side by side cabins we had rented. Tonight though Amy and myself had decided to stay out a bit later and have a few drinks, all night Amy had teased me, whispering into my ear the things she wanted me to do to her later so by the time we had left the bar I was about ready to tear her clothes...

2 years ago
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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 76 Skinny Dipping

Introduction: A quick and kinky lesbian fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...

2 years ago
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I Got Caught Skinny Dipping Pt 1

“Have either of you ever been with a black guy?” my friend Jasmine asked.“Well, we all know Hailey hasn’t, but I have,” Courtney said.I rolled my eyes. “Thanks, Courtney.” She was always bagging on me for not being as ‘free-spirited’ as her.“Was he big?” Jasmine asked.“Yeah. He was like six-two and played football. So, y’know, fit.”“No, I mean was he big,” Jasmine insisted.Courtney smiled. “Ohhhh… No he was pretty average.”“Have you ever been with someone super big?” Jasmine asked.“No, not...

1 year ago
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The Joy of Skinnydipping

Kitty wondered why she thought today, of all days, was the right day for a hike in the woods. She had gotten off to a late start and had found herself trekking through this wooded path on the hottest day of the year, during the hottest part of the day. She had plenty of water, but the beating sun was still taking its toll on her athletic body. Her tank top and sports bra were soaked through. Her hiking shorts had a discernable wet spot between her ass cheeks. The heat and the dampness were...

2 years ago
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A night by the lake FMOutdoorSkinnydipping

Few things are as beautiful as a late night swim in a forest lake, when the moonlight is all to navigate by and the ground is treacherous as you walk over roots first, then pebbles and ultimately start swimming because your feet lose contact. That silence, the cold water around you and the fear of swimming out too far, they are all so surreal that it makes you wonder if you’re dreaming. Add a naked women some twenty feet ahead of you to the mix and you definitely know it’s not real, that you...

2 years ago
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More Skinny Dipping

I'm 16 and I recently got a new pool. My parents were out of town so I decided to have a pool party with a bunch of friends. The crowd was a mix of girls and boys. I was excited because my crush was going to be there in a bikini. The party started and everybody was there and having a good time. I saw my crush and got a slight hard on. She was wearing a two piece bikini that was really small. The party was ending and everybody was leaving except my crush until it was just us. During the party I...

2 years ago
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Skinny dipping

Two weeks ago I was taking a vacation down in Florida. I went to visit some old friends of mine; two guys I know from school. I had never done anything sexual with them; they were always just cool guys to hang out with, but they are both really cute!My boyfriend is very aware of my flirtatious nature, and we have a very good relationship, so he knew that when I left I would probably have a little fun. The first day I got there they took me to the pool at their condo. I put on a new bikini...

2 years ago
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Skinny Dipping

So I was at my friend’s house who lives next door to me and is a girl. I have known here since preschool and we have always been best friends. So she has a pool in her back yard and her 12 year old sister (her being 15) was swimming in it. So we were watching something on TV and it was about 10pm (her parents weren’t home). So we went out back and decided to swim. She took her shirt and pants off, then here bra and underwear off right in front of me and her sister. Then she dove in and asked...

2 years ago
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Skinny Dipping

We had been dating for almost six months. Both of us worked, she in an office in downtown Birmingham Alabama, and me for a construction company. I was out on a construction project most of the week, always too far away to get home before late Friday night. I would call her when I was home and she might come to my apartment for a few hours if it were not too late. We tried to spend all day Saturday together and then a date for dinner then a movie Saturday night. Sundays we had only half a...

3 years ago
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Skinnydipping 2

Skinny-dipping - 2By: JackieA little deeper in the bush Kelly was standing still naked in front of the young Hispanic girl. The only thing between Vickie and nudity was the spaghetti strap T shirt with the developing pubescent mounds embossed in it.“You shouldn’t be embarrassed about your pubic hair,” Kelly counseled. “Have the other girls been teasing you about it?”“Uh... no, not really,” the girl replied.Standing there in all her glory Kelly was tingling all over. She thought it was partly...

1 year ago
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Skinnydipping Sundays

(A tryst of fate series: #2 brought to you by Dr. MaxMon) Skinny-dipping Sundays, by MaxMon The doorbell rang again and Peter answered it dressed in Hawaiian shorts with a beer in his hand. As he opened the door splashes were heard from the pool out back, along with faint yells and playful conversation from the small group of partygoers who had already arrived late in the morning. Greg and Brenda greeted Peter at the door with smiles and happy feelings since they had grown accustomed to each...

3 years ago
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The Skinny Boy Next Door

As an adult I am comfortable with being a bi-sexual superchub. When I was a 330 pound 18 yr old virgin I wanted to explore my sexuality but my weight kept the girls away so I looked for a guy. I always fantasized about having sex with other fat boys like myself but I found myself attracted my next door neighbor's 17 yr old grandson Randy. Randy was tall, skinny and played baseball. We had known each other since we were k**s and we would hang out whenever he was visiting his grandparents. I...

4 years ago
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Micro Skinny to Chubby Bunny

Micro Skinny to Chubby Bunny What a total delight that was! I bet that bitch was totally ashamed and embarrassed as all hell when she left. Or should I say he with that massive penis that was raging. I bet he was totally getting off to all of us, perv, serves him right. Jamie was thinking this as she was showering and cleaning up after teaching her morning fitness class. Looking in the mirror thinking oh yes, this is the body that everyone desires and I now have it. She works the mornings...

3 years ago
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A Skinny Prostitutes Love For Me

This is my first story. I am a little weak in English so try to understand. First of all, let me introduce to you. I am Akshit a normal skinny boy faint brown skin of 22 years old. With a medium sized brown color penis. Never had a girlfriend but had sex with one of my female friends. But we have lost the contact. Most of the day I spend thinking of girls and then taking my pants down and jerking off hard in my flat on my bed for hours. I really love thinking about sex all the time makes me...

4 years ago
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Skinny Jeans

The Skinny Jeans I've recently been introduced to one of the girl's "guilty pleasures" - tight, "skinny" jeans. REALLY tight jeans. I am hooked - it is now one of my most favorite girly things to wear. It all started on the recent tropical vacation. We've stayed at a place rented through Air B&B - private residence that owners were renting out when they are not there - and in my room, in the closet, was a treasure for a cross-dressing sissy - a big heap of sexy girl's...

1 year ago
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Skinny Boy Became My Body Brush How The Fuck

Hello dear readers, this is Simraan reporting with another hot experience to make your dicks hard and pussies wet! You never know what will happen… We all more or less agree on this. But once it happens, how many of you still wonder what the fuck happened? This incident I am sharing with you, I am still thinking about what to make of it. How the fuck did that happen?! One Friday evening, I left the office early to watch a movie with my female friends. We did some lesbian things in the...

1 year ago
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Skinny Dipping Story

It was the Summer of 1993 and I was over at Shawn’s house and Shawn’s mom had to work the double shift. Which means she started work at 6:00 p.m. and got off at 6:00 p.m. the next day which is 24 hours. Thank god she has 1 hour breaks to rest and take a little nap (If She Needed One Which She Probably Did) while sitting in a chair in the break room at her work or she would have really been dead tired. So she wasn’t too tired once she finally got home from work. So before she went to work she...

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My sister had some nice friends, but tended not to bring them home, so I was surprised when Mom remarked one night that we would have a house guest for a while, starting Monday. ‘Who? Anyone I know?’ ‘One of Sally’s friends from college. Louise. Louise Trenay.’ ‘And?’ I said, grinning at Mom. ‘Be nice to her,’ Mom said, with a stern look, but there was a twinkle in her eye. ‘Hey,’ I protested, holding up my hands. ‘Which one? Sally or Louise?’ ‘Louise. Asking you to be nice to your...

1 year ago
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Threesome skinny dip

Note : This story is completely fictional! First, it's important for you readers to understand that, to my knowledge, my wife has never been with another man. Here's what happened the first time she was.. It's a nice late spring Florida evening. Rob, my brother, is down visiting my wife, Marcy, and I. It's about 9:30 in the evening and we're all watching TV, nothing really interesting. Rob speaks up saying, "I've always wanted to go skinny dipping. You guys feel like it?" Marcy and I both look...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Skinny Dipping With a Friend Pt 01

I had gone on a five day kayaking trip with two longtime female friends. We kayaked the first two days on a couple of rivers, enjoying the solitude of the national forest. The third day one of the friends didn’t want to go because of a sore back, so we went with just two of us on a nice secluded river. We stopped along the river for a bathroom break, and I jokingly asked my friend if she had ever gone skinny dipping. She said she did a couple of times with her husband and some friends, and...

2 years ago
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Skinny Girl

Fay was three months pregnant. She was not showing at all. Her belly was as flat as always and only her breast had began to grow. She had bought several new bras, 36Ds, and said she was feeling as if she looked like a cow. Fay was slender and tall (5' 10" and weighed 120 pounds) and her tits had always looked big on her. She was a very pretty girl, long brown hair with natural streaks of copper framed a face with a beautiful complexion and expressive lips. She had eyes like her hair, brown...

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Skinny dipping with my younger stepsister 1

In the summer of 1981 when I was 16, I stayed with my dad, his 2nd wife and my 12yo step-sister, Sarah, for two weeks. Since my dad and step-mom worked, they asked me to keep an eye on Sarah. That wasnt hard at all since she had changed a LOT since the last time I saw her six months before. Even though she was 12, she had already started to develop a very nice body. Her mom had a terrific build with huge boobs so I wasnt surprised that Sarah had started along that same road early. She also had...

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Micro Skinny to Chubby Bunny Part 2The threesome

Micro Skinny to Chubby Bunny Part 2 - The threesome Walking to her car feeling ashamed but still very tingly and turned on, Jamie was worried that someone may have seen her fingering herself in the booth, yet a part of her really didn’t care because of how amazingly good it all felt. As she got in her car her legs felt week and her tummy was still bloated but not nearly as full as it was right after the 50 bacon wraps. “God, I can’t believe I let that happen. At least it is over and I can go...

2 years ago
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Skinnydipping ndash 1

Skinny-dipping – 1By: JackieKelly could feel herself sticking to the leather car seat where her tank top didn’t cover. Jan had convinced her to take the hour and a half drive to the outlet mall but she hadn’t bargained on this. She turned the car’s ventilation system control knob to ‘max cool’ again. The air that came out was even hotter than it had been when vent was selected.“Forget it Kel it’s not going to work,” Jan commented keeping her eyes on the road. “Air conditioning is a tease......

4 years ago
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A skinny computer nerd comes into his own at college

“Hey, what’s up with that roommate of yours?” Lisa asked Dan. “I know,” her roommate Sharon added. “What a geek!” “He sure is.” Dan agreed. “And you should see him in the shower.” “What do you mean?” asked Lisa. “He’s so skinny, no muscles, and he’s practically got no dick! It’s the smallest thing I’ve ever seen. The whole floor knows about it. Everybody rags on him.” Dan was a...

3 years ago
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Skinny Dip Seduction

I suppose that just about everyone that lives near a creek or a lake takes a skinny dip at some point with a friend. Its quite a normal and natural thing to do actualy. But at least in Robert's case, he never experienced a skinny dip. With no near by creek, or lake, a skinny dip, at least for him, seemed, a bit out of reach. But life can be surprising at times and can take a strange turn, when you least expect. The girl he worked with, Julie, had invited him to go to the beach with her and...

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Skinny Dippin

She couldn’t afford the expensive city apartment with the divorce settlement she got. As a stay-at-home wife whose husband made big bucks and she mostly volunteered for things, there wasn’t anything to really keep her in the city. Mel had shortened her hillbilly name “Melba Sue” a long time ago when she made up her mind to get out of the Ozark hollow and get an education which was not typical for her family. She’d inherited the family homestead but had just paid the rather modest property taxes...

1 year ago
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Skinny white girl in black lesbian gangbang

So this is the story about the birthday present I gave my girlfriend Kara. Kara and I had met about six months before her birthday, we met online. I had just turned 18 and moved here with my Family. I was technically still a virgin since I had never gone all the way with a guy and I had only been with one girl before. I’m white with auburn hair, blue eyes, 5’4 about 110 pounds with perky 34 b cup boobies nice muscular thighs and a little chunky in my nice round bum. Kara is a 28 year old...

2 years ago
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Transgender Skinnydipping Caught Naked in Public C

I had just received my new running clothes and was eager to try them out. The package arrived at work and I slipped it under my desk without anyone asking too many questions. After work I almost sprinted out of the office to my car, package under my hand. It was a sunny afternoon at the end of May and it was a great opportunity to enjoy the fresh air. I made my way across town relatively quickly and parked just outside the university campus. Grabbing my running shoes and makeup bag from the...

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Maggots By Bill Hart Another one. Don't they ever get tired? There was once a time when I despaired over getting no responses to the stories I posted on that Internet bulletin board. But after the responses finally started coming, I just sort of figured out I'd been kind of lucky. At that time at least I wasn't beset by people continually saying my shit stunk. And just how did they ever know with certainty that someone else's shit was any more or less fragrant then...

3 years ago
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skinny dipping gone bad

It was a Friday last day of school and the beginning of summer. I am tom 17 years old 5’7” 140lb brown hair blue eye me and my mates wanted to swimming we found a lake in the woods so we all stripped and jumped in the water. The water was warm the lake was a good size with a dock that we jumped off of a lot we where having fun splashing and jumping in the water when it happened. I had just jumped in when my mates saw some riding up on an hours so they grabbed there close and ran off living...

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A Skinny Guy Who Fucks Big Black Women

Robert Delaney wasn’t like most college guys. Robert liked women who were on the bigger side. The term is called “BBW.” He would pretend to like hot blondes with his buddies. He never wanted his friends to really know what really turned him on. They’d probably tease him. He just wanted to fit in with his friends.On campus, he would take out girls that had blonde hair and firm bodies. He’d let them suck his dick and occasionally he’d fuck them for appearance sake. The kind of women that really...

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Skinny 23 year old sucks off old chub

So yesterday (8/4/18) I had a long work day and was just about worn out but still horny as hell since I hadn't jacked off a couple of days because I had set up with a guy to come by my shop and suck me off. Well, as often happens he didn't text when he said he would and he didn't reply to my text. DAMN! I saved him a super huge wad and he doesn't show up to take it! Isn't that just how it goes for me so much. All these guys want to suck cock but then when I put my cock out ready for a willing...

3 years ago
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Skinny Dipping Part Two

My husband, Casey, and I had just enjoyed amazing orgasms while skinny dipping at the hands of our friends, Jon and Liza. So, we decided to be good hosts and return the favor.Jon’s cock was hard as a rock and in dire need of attention, and I was only too happy to help out. I have to admit that I found it a little disconcerting watching Casey sucking on Liza’s nipples, but it was also very erotic.Casey popped his head up when he saw me dip under the water and take Jon’s cock in my mouth. (I’d...

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Skinny Lesbian Bashing

Claire Fluegaman is one of my students at the high school where I teach. She is 17, about 6’1″ tall and weighs around 310 pounds. She’s a big German girl from a sturdy, well-fed stock of German immigrant parents who have no idea what their daughter does after school or on weekend nights. Although she works a part time job at the mall at a cookie shop where she is quite amicable with the customers, there’s a complete other side of Claire–a very dark...

1 year ago
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A Skinny Guy Who Fucks Big Black Women

Robert Delaney wasn’t like most college guys. Robert liked women who were on the bigger side. The term is called “BBW.” He would pretend to like hot blondes with his buddies. He never wanted his friends to really know what really turned him on. They’d probably tease him. He just wanted to fit in with his friends. On campus, he would take out girls that had blonde hair and firm bodies. He’d let them suck his dick and occasionally he’d fuck them for appearance sake. The kind of women that really...

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Gotham girls

Mr Stark! Yes Pepper ? Bruce Wayne Is on the Phone! I have got to go to Gotham . Bruce Needs my help. Can you handle the Mayor today! Yes! Good I have to fly out,.Call the Pilot. I do have time for you to suck my Dick before I go! Get on your Knees Pepper and Service Me! I want you to suck it hard I need a boast in my power cell! Take it deep you whore. Im thinking about what Bruce ask me to do and it don't take long and I Cum In Pepper mouth! Thank You Pepper ! Now I have to go! Four Hour...

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Gotham girls

Mr Stark! Yes Pepper ? Bruce Wayne Is on the Phone! I have got to go to Gotham . Bruce Needs my help. Can you handle the Mayor today! Yes! Good I have to fly out,.Call the Pilot. I do have time for you to suck my Dick before I go! Get on your Knees Pepper and Service Me! I want you to suck it hard I need a boast in my power cell! Take it deep you whore. Im thinking about what Bruce ask me to do and it don't take long and I Cum In Pepper mouth! Thank You Pepper ! Now I have to go! Four Hour...

1 year ago
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Bigoted wife turned racist

by aliveinpr My stories do not necessarily reflect my personal proclivities, desires, wants or fantasies. Please read and enjoy this fictional writing. NOTE: I detest the “N” word, however viewing this story without the use of the “N” word, the story did not show the true prejudice of the wife. Rachael was southern born and raised that black people were inferior to white. Her husband has spent years since their marriage to change her mind. That deep southern bigotry, instilled...

2 years ago
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Caught Skinny Dipping by exs friend She jo

So it's one of those August days where the temp. is 119 in the shade. Or so it feels like. I get out of work in a factory. Heading home I think "Yeah ex-wives friends have a pool. I'm cruising right by. They've let me use it in the past ( when l had games or something but wouldn't make it home to shower for 3rd shift } I stop . No ones home . Shit. Well i figure i'm only going to be here for 10-15 minutes. I'll cruise around outside, hop the little fence and cool off.Dont have suit with me,...

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Dylan Pt1 Skinny Dipping and Discovery

On this particular night, it was just me and 3 friends. Since it was a small town, and therefore, small school, not all of us were in the same grade. It was me and my friend Chris, who were in the same class, our friend Tracy from one grade below, and Dylan, from two grades below us.  We all wandered and talked, and it was probably around 1am at this point. It was a very humid night and pretty hot out, and Dylan suggested that we go to the swimming pool. It was obviously closed at this time,...

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Chapter 2 Skinnydipping Nancy Series

Paul had a small convertible sports car and because the weather was so nice, he put the top down for the short ride to his place. The wind and road noise tended to discourage much conversation, so Nancy took some time to review the events of the last day in her mind to try and make sense of everything that happened. She felt surprised at herself for having sex with a man she barely knew and equally surprised at how much she enjoyed his attentions. After so many years of little or no sexual...

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SkinnyDipping Oldies

The couple walked along the beach stopping here and there as they saw something that interested them and letting the warm water run over their toes. They walked along the wet sand hand in hand, people who had seen them had thought it wonderful that a couple their age were still so romantic. As they had walked along the beach had become progressively empty and their was little in the way of development at this place. ‘Well there are advantages to being retired,’ the man said as he wiped his...

2 years ago
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Skinny Dipping With My CoWorker

We had been in St. Pete's Beach for two days already, and I was going crazy. You were stunning. You had a great body, a brilliant mind, and I am still not sure if you are aware how great and brilliant you are. Every afternoon, when the sessions were done, we would meet up on the beach with the rest of the group and make plans for the evening, and every afternoon, you were there in your bikini. You would go for a run, then take a quick dip, and maybe lay out until dinnertime. You were in such...

4 years ago
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Skinny dip turns into a circle jerk

We were at a friend's cottage, all sitting around the campfire one night. There were 3 couples total, and we had all been drinking quite a bit that day. One of the couples walked out on the pier to look up at the stars. That is why one of our other friends got the idea to go push them into the lake in all their clothes as a joke. We knew we should stop him, but figured what the hell, it would be funny to see. As he tried to walk slowly down the pier so they didn't hear him, they caught on. The...

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Skinny dipping with mates GF

Unusually for me I had been working in Town on a project, it was one of those gorgeous late spring days with the sun shining hot and bright. Not at all like the bleak cold of our current dirge.There was an unexpected knock at the door, when upon answering it I found Jo standing there. “Hello” she said, “I saw your car parked outside and thought I’d see how you are?” I explained that I was fine and invited her in to see what I was up to. She came and I said that I was surprised to see her as I...

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My skinny ginger neighbor

I''m not going to say that it was a true story but, It was like any I write.I didn't see that coming to be honest. When I moved here in 2006 I was amazed by the lack of women around, I mean, there were and are, but they seem like they really don't mind having sex.However, one of the first persons I'd noticed in my new street, was a tall skinny redish woman, I learned later that she is 47 years old.One morning I was having my coffee in the garden, after my wife left for work, it was pretty...

4 years ago
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His Skinny Black Tie

I looked at my reflection in the mirror for the fifteenth time, checking my hair and mascara. I was obsessed with my appearance for the first time in probably ever. Granted today was no regular day, at least that's what I had been telling myself so I wouldn't feel like the enamored nineteen year old I was. I never spent this much time getting ready for some guy. He wasn't just some guy though. He was older. Not by much but his position made him seem older. He was my poetry professor, one twenty...

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My Skinny Maid Cried In The Rain

Hi, sexy and erotic reader of Indian sex stories.This is Erav from Tamilnadu back with an another beautiful and a dirty story.I have completed my teen and just entered the twenties.My cock is more attractive towards aunts more than girls.Reviews are welcomed – .Coming to the sex story. The name of the heroine is “Mani” ( real name).She was 26 yrs old and mother of a 8 years old boy.She used to work in our home for 3 years and her home is situated beside mine.She is skinny approximately her...

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