RetreadsChapter 7 free porn video

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All of my doubts about my obsession with Connie were gone. I had been sixteen when we broke up before and had wondered every since whether I had really been as deeply in love as it had seemed at the time. Did I really know what love was when I was that young?

For that matter, had I ever known what love was? None of my failed marriages had any, that's for sure. Did I know now? I certainly still felt the same attraction and it wasn't just physical. I had probably had more conversations with her than any other girl except two others.

It was sad to think that I was including three wives in that equation. I would have to give it some thought later. My situation now made it inevitable that we would have much less in common than we had before.

Linda broke into my daydreaming when she quipped "sis, that monster buried in you looks like he's still hungry. If you won't feed it there are three other volunteers waiting!"

Connie said "I'm not ready to quit yet!" She demonstrated that by beginning to ride my still hard cock. She started slow and continued that way when she found her rhythm. It didn't take long for her to come again. I had help in getting her there. Paula was kissing her as she rode me while Linda and Beth each nibbled a breast. From her reactions the feeling must have been intense. I was kind of glad her screams were muffled because she was very loud. Connie finally collapsed in exhaustion and Paula took her place.

It took her almost half an hour before she had enough but I got no respite. Poor Beth had been waiting in frustration and when she got her turn I was not only afraid the bed would collapse but was hoping the garage was built really well!

I finally released what I hoped was my last offering for a while and she fell next to me panting. The others had tried to give her the same treatment Connie had received but she was moving so fast it had been impossible. I struggled up for a trip to the head and Paula was kind enough to help me.

She startled me when she closed the door behind us and before I could ask why she explained "I wanted to ask you something. Do you think Joyce was kidding when she asked Al if he wanted a third? It seemed to me that she may have been fishing for a hint that he was open to the idea when she suggested it. I know Linda is interested. She practically drooled when she saw Al but could your brother deal with her problem?"

I chuckled and told her "the nickname the team gave him is "Trigger." It doesn't have anything to do with football either. It started in the locker room. They were referring to Roy Roger's horse."

After a moment, a look of comprehension dawned on her face and she smiled "runs in the family, huh?" I told her that might be so and we made plans to feel out the thoughts of our respective siblings before trying to get Linda involved.

We had a chance to examine the possibilities sooner than we imagined. It seemed everyone wanted to swim for a while. Connie and Linda ran home for suits, or rather Linda ran and Connie wobbled. She was a bit unsteady and bowlegged. They said they'd meet us at the pool.

Joyce and Al were already there so I drafted him to help me gather some drinks for the ladies so I would have an excuse to talk to him alone in the kitchen. As we were loading up a cooler I broached the subject "say bro, if I ask you a question will you promise to keep it to yourself and not get pissed at me?"

After he agreeed I continued "I guess you noticed the growing crowd (Al nodded) well, I have a small problem. It seems one of them is very attracted to you and I need to know if you and Joyce would be open to spending some time with her. I think your partner may be and unless I'm mistaken Beth's asking her the same question I'm asking you."

Al looked at me like I had grown a third head before replying "what guy wouldn't? Joyce would have to ask me first though. I would never risk losing her over my fantasies. Another thing, no offense but I'm not even remotely attracted to girls your age. They're all very pretty but they're also twelve years old."

I smiled and said "I guess I shouldn't be surprised you didn't see her since you always seem to have your eyes glued to Joyce but she'll be here shortly."

We were interrupted by the object of his affection. We hadn't heard her come in and about jumped out of our skin when she put her arms around Al from behind and said "I'm here now."

I sheepishly asked her how much of that she caught and she smiled "enough. Al, these little plotters figured me out pretty fast. I've been jealous of them from the moment I saw three of them together. It's sweet of you to say you didn't notice the beautiful blond goddess who walked through the house earlier. I don't know how you could have missed her but I didn't. If she's as nice as Beth says I think we should hang around and get to know her better."

Al looked dumbstruck as he asked "are you sure about this?" Joyce kissed him hotly and I got an instant woody from the look of wanton lust in her eyes as she said "guys aren't the only ones with fantasies." I handed her an ice cube and quipped "please use this! You just made the temperature in the room go up twenty degrees!"

She calmly took the cube, pulled my trunks out, and after a long look dropped it in and released them. She still had the look in her eyes when she told Al "I almost feel sorry for those girls when he gets bigger. I hope they're flexible." She walked out the door, her amazing ass hypnotizing us as she sauntered back to the pool.

After fishing the ice out I said "you picked a winner there, bro. Make damn sure you keep her!"

When Connie and her sister returned there were only two loungers open. One was next to me and the other was conveniently located between Al and Joyce. Connie quickly sat down next to me and took her shorts and t-shirt off to reveal a very nice white bikini. Linda didn't seem to mind the arrangement and did the same at the other open space.

Al definitely noticed her this time. With a body like hers, and in a suit so small that it was obvious she had to trim her bush to wear it, there was no way any straight male who had a pulse could fail to. When the females on my side asked me to start with the oil Joyce caught on fast and suggested that Al do the honors for Linda first.

It didn't take long for everyone to notice that Al didn't have the extra support I did in his trunks. Linda was on her stomach and didn't have a clue until Connie said "hey sis, look! I thought the trunk was supposed to be on the elephant but it looks like there's an elephant in his trunks!"

Linda looked over her shoulder wondering what her sister was talking about. Al was kneeling between her thighs with the lotion in his hand and a rather large tent in his suit. When her eyes bugged out he said "I'm sorry but it's got a mind of its own and with a view like this I can't help it."

She looked nervous as she glanced at Joyce but relaxed when she got a smile and a wink. "Don't worry, it's tame" she said. Linda didn't know what to say and just blushed as she lay back down. Al was good with his hands and she was practically purring by the time he moved to on to Joyce. We spent the afternoon talking and getting better acquainted with the newcomers. I even discovered something about Connie.

When we were together before she always said she didn't know what she wanted to do when she was older. Maybe because I met her when she was younger this time made a difference but after Beth stating her intention to be a CEO and Paula declaring herself a future oncologist she said sheepishly "I guess I'm in the wrong group. I want to be a cop."

When the others started to protest her statement I held up my hand to quiet them. "What exactly is wrong with that?" I asked "not only is it a good profession, it's a necessary one. Without law where would society be?"

"I can see that I guess" she said "but what about you? It's your turn tell us what you're plans are."

Joyce poked her head between us and said "I hate to interrupt, but we're going in for a while alright?" We all waved and Al, Joyce and Linda went inside. We couldn't help but notice that Linda was in the middle, with two arms around her.

After they had gone I said "Where was I. Oh, yeah. Well, for starters, I'm going to sort of follow in my brothers' footsteps and play football in college. I've got my sights set on linebacker instead of defensive end though. Then I plan to play in the NFL for ten years or so before I retire. Then the fun begins!"

Her expression had been getting more skeptical by the moment as I had been talking. "But that sounds like what every guy your age in the entire country wants to do! Somehow you seemed so much different than everybody else. And what do you mean by the fun starting after you retire?"

Of course the other two knew the story and cracked up. "WHAT?" Connie exclaimed. "Football is just a way for me to get name recognition. People are more likely to vote for someone they've seen working his ass off on television a few hundred times than some weasel of a politician. I'm thinking of maybe running for the Senate or maybe Governor after I retire. I figure after two terms the White House is next."

We swam and played around in the pool for a while before heading back to my place to listen to some tunes and just hang out and talk. I was amazed that all three knew about what was going on in the world and even more by their ideas on what should be done about it. It was astonishing to me that their thoughts on many subjects were so close to my own.

I was pleasantly surprised when Connie contributed as much as anyone. There was a tap on the door and Linda came in. She was smiling from ear to ear and had a definite well-fucked look about her. "I hate to break up the party but it's time to go sis" she said. There were protests all around until Paula said she had to go as well. That left Beth and I alone for the first time in a long while. We began by talking about my decorating job. She actually liked it and said she didn't want to change anything.

We finally laid down to get some sleep at around three in the morning. Beth dozed off pretty fast but I had a lot to ponder. I didn't seem to need as much rest now anyway so I eased my way out of bed for some time alone.

I was really worried that I was making a huge mistake. I had three lovely girls who I was very fond of. Two of them I was convinced I was in love with. Any guy with a brain would kill for the chance to have just one of them. I had been shocked to realize that I was still in love with Connie. Lust definitely was there, as I had suspected, but love seemed to be keeping it close company.

That relationship was probably even more doomed than it was the last time anyway. We had a lot in common then but there was no way in Hel we could now. There was something strange about her though. She might be the same age I looked but she seemed much more mature than I remembered. Not a single subject had come up that she couldn't contribute to as an equal.

I had strong feelings for Paula but even though I was very attracted to her I didn't think it was love, just a severe case of "like". I was questioning myself again on whether I even knew what love was when my stomach growled. I looked at the clock and discovered it was already six so I sighed and started some coffee before cooking breakfast.

I was just starting the eggs when I felt arms encircle me from behind and a very welcome body press against my back. Beth was awake early. She whispered in my ear "hey good lookin', whatcha' got cookin'?"

I turned around for a good morning kiss "well" I said "we have biscuits and gravy, sausage, bacon, and scrambled eggs with cheddar and jack cheese. And if you don't stop playing with that I won't be able to get close enough to the stove to finish!"

She smiled and told me I was standing too close to it anyway and positioned me so I could barely reach the skillet as she dropped to her knees and took me in her mouth. It was difficult to concentrate on the eggs but eventually they and I finished at the same time. I dished it up and we ate well. Both of us had worked up quite an appetite the night before.

I was too preoccupied to notice what I was eating. I tried to hide my feelings and I mostly succeeded. When we were done Beth shook her head "Unbelievable!" she said "not only is he gorgeous and a great lover, he can cook too. I'm gonna love it here!

We went to my parent's house and found them in the kitchen talking. I made an exaggerated sniffing sound and commented that something smelled wonderful as we made our entrance. Mom told us we were welcome to sample the wares, as she had just pulled out the first batch. She was making butterscotch cookies (one of my favorites). We visited for a bit before heading out.

We decided to drop by Paula's house and when we got to her door it opened and her mother came out. She came right to me and gave me a big hug and a kiss on the cheek and said "thank you for the flowers. They were lovely, and the thought behind them was as well. I can't believe the change in my daughter since she met you. You are welcome in our home anytime!"

I had just finished introducing her to "my sister" when Paula appeared and exclaimed "MOM! what's going on? I expected you to be in bed sick! And what did you say about flowers?"

Mrs. O'Shea turned to her daughter and hugged her next, happily stating "this has been a week full of surprises! First you brought this cute fellow by and then I start feeling better than I have in a year. Next, I get myself ready for the torture of another one of those dreaded treatments only to find out I don't need it!"

After Paula's "What do you mean?" She said "I mean it's gone! No more chemo, no surgery, nothing! You should have seen the doctors sputter!" They don't know what happened. As a matter of fact if this round of treatment hadn't done any better than the last they were going to suggest a mastectomy."

Paula hugged her mother again, looking at me over a shoulder with tears of joy (and something else?) in her eyes. I congratulated Mrs. O'shea on her "victory" and she thanked me again before leaving us alone.

Paula sat us down and kneeled at our feet. "I have a statue of Eir in my room" she began. I knew Eir was the Goddess of healing so her devotion was self-explanatory. "When I died, my last thought was to wish that I could go back and help my mother" she continued sadly "she died when I was sixteen. They beat the breast cancer but it spread to her lymph nodes and they couldn't stop it. I wasn't as much help as I thought I should have been and it bothered me the rest of my life. This time I'll be there for her no matter what."

I kissed her and said "she'll be there for you too if the Norns permit it. Her cancer is gone now." Paula protested that she had heard that before. I told her about my gift and that I had seen the spreading cancer and eliminated it.

She collapsed into my arms and hugged me fiercely as she whispered "I'm yours forever. Whatever you want or need from me you can have. You can't possibly imagine what this means to my family."

I pried her far enough away to look her in the face to reply "I do know what it means. I lost my father before. As for belonging to me, that's nonsense. I care for you a lot and I both like and respect your mother. You belong to yourself Paula. Your life is yours to live. If fate decrees that you spend it close to me it will happen. If not, then you won't."

She kissed me tenderly and said "you're an amazing man Matt Sussmann. Is it alright if I tell my mother about you and what you've done for her? She already knows about me." I told her it would probably be a good idea. Worrying can be a very bad thing. I pulled her to her feet and suggested we take a walk.

It was strange walking through my old neighborhood. I did a few double-takes as I recognized people I had known. I saw Laura, the girl I had hooked up with after Connie. She was a nice person but it had been a rebound thing for me. The sex had been very good but she wasn't the brightest bulb on the tree. We had parted as friends because she needed more than I could give.

I saw Don, who had been my best friend for years. We had even less in common now than we did then. We had been two very different people. He was the stereotypical user. He honestly believed every female in sight was a challenge. If she looked good he'd try to get her in bed and dump her soon afterward to move on to his next "conquest".

I, on the other hand didn't use people. I never coerced sex in a relationship. Actually, I hadn't hooked up with anyone after Laura for years and didn't need to. There were plenty of girls who were only interested in sex. Some guys never realize that a lot of ladies want the same thing they do but only if you know how to keep your mouth shut.

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Potential Part 22

I'd like to extend my greatest appreciation to those who read this and give feedback or at least make a comment. To the trolls who open this just to click thumbs down, seriously are you that pitiful? If you make it to the end of this chapter, get your ass to the comments section and give me feedback. Remember, this is a learn as I go hobby. I have no fuckin' idea what I'm doing. Read and enjoy, that's why I do this. Potential by Bistander Chapter 22 Sisters The...

3 years ago
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First Sex Attempt With My Sister

Hi guys and gals, I’m a die hard fan of Indian sex I read a lot of sex stories here. i love to read the incest because I’m too attracted by incest sex and ok let me not make you feel bored telling all these stuff by the way I’m King, age 30 plus have an average built physic but good 7” cock9 my mail id I have really thick cock and I can satisfy any girl on the planet and now I would like to share my real experience with you all and I hope you all lime it. It was 1993 and on my 12...

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My Woman From Kyoto

Author’s note : apologies to Deep Purple: And yes I know the song is ‘My Woman from Tokyo’ ——————————- I work for an extremely large company that is based in Kyoto, Japan. The office I work out of, however, is in Seattle. On Friday, January 6th, 2006, I succeeded in bringing in a contract that would net the company $100 million. When I arrived at work on Monday morning I was immediately called into my supervisors office. When I went into his office all of the bosses of this branch of the...

2 years ago
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KarlaChapter 21

The reformed harridan came back soon. "Sir, the gentleman asks you to wait here. Says he won't be long." I did not mind a little time to rest and think over happenings so far. We had to be extremely careful now. Neither Helmut and Karla nor the attorneys could ever hear about this visit. And we dare not tell anybody what we did. And to whom! Alfred told me later that the girls were not allowed to use the common rooms. Their meals were brought to them. Their quarters, a suite actually,...

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Deepthroat Girl Interrupted La Matadora Part 3

This is the third chapter in an ongoing story. However, the chapters more or less stand alone. The air conditioner on my old Honda Prelude had died along with the radio, and now I was soaking in the last breaths of the cold air. Just before the temperature in that hot box became unbearable, a pale girl on a bicycle appeared, my salvation. “Jesus Tabitha, you said you'd be home 2 hours ago. I'm gonna need a jump now,” I complained as I slammed my car door. “Well,” the skinny red head started,...

Oral Sex
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Bikini Beach A Private Matter

Bikini Beach: A Private Matter By Bashful Anya called her grandmother and told her the bad news. "We've had another incident, someone sprayed 'Silly String' inside a locker and ruined a girls leather coat." "Damn it! Of course, no one saw anything, right?" the old woman said. "Nothing. I told the girl we would replace the jacket but she said she wasn't coming back. I'm sorry grandmother, I don't know what else we can do." Anya was near tears. There had been many incidents...

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The StormChapter 27

The morning after the pot luck supper we headed back over to our island to start our life as Mr. and Mrs. Wally Brinkley. Later that fall we got away on a belated honeymoon. The trip to Hawaii was wonderful and Jennifer enjoyed every moment of our time there. The trip was made memorable for another reason – Jennifer discovered she was pregnant. Jennifer had a fairly routine pregnancy and once the early bouts of ‘morning sickness’ ended, she enjoyed her life as a mother-to-be. Her pregnancy...

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Emend by EclipseChapter 32

November 17, 1976 Tim and Benny assisted Sandra and Cathy in removing their heavy winter coats. The two young ladies sought out Gladys’ family having been invited to sit with the family. The young men carried the coats to the coat rack that was off to the side of the entryway into the funeral parlor. They hung the ladies’ coats and then removed their own. It was a little awkward since they were wearing their winter coats over their suit coats. The temperature outside was a chilly 36 degrees...

3 years ago
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Awesome Gay Threesome 8211 Part III

So after the sex and sleep, me and Steve got up at around 6, got freshened up and decided to go out for coffee and may be dinner. Steve was free till Monday, and I was sex starved to let him get away so easily. So we went out, had coffee, roamed around in humid Chennai, did window shopping. Steve went into health and glow outlet and bought some stuff. We ate some snacks. And Steve said, let’s get some wine and take it to room. I asked about dinner, he said we can have instant noodles and egg. I...

Gay Male
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Life Is ChangeChapter 04

The official approvals will take a few days to come through but H J and Smoky can now start preliminary work while they wait for it. Part of Smoky’s work on Friday is to buy tools and gear to get things ready. Saturday morning he has the teens removing the boards from the interior fences then they remove all but the last section of rails and posts before the street fences. While they do that he digs holes to erect several posts and rails to build a twelve foot by six foot section of fence in...

4 years ago
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What Lies AheadChapter 8

Jawarski’s visit rattled me enough that I couldn’t get my head back into the work on my desk, so I decided to head out for the day. I made a stopover at the new lab space for Mom and Alex. I knew they weren’t up and running yet as I had just looked at an invoice for equipment they needed, but I wanted to see what they were doing. While we had talked about her work, I never saw Mom’s old lab or what she really did during the day. What I did not expect to see was Vicki getting into her car in...

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Jilnar Jardalys a Filthy Whore

Howdy, people!My name's Big Benny, I'm 21 and from New York but I'm working here at Television Dubai and there's no fucking way I'd work anywhere else! Why? Because I work directly under that sexy slutلنار جردلي Jilnar Jardaly and you guys would not believe how horny, depraved and perverted she is! She's a oversexed, kinky. nymphomaniac who loves her extreme, hard and rough sex.The day I started I was only there for the first hour when I already found out how much of a horny whore she is. I...

4 years ago
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I Forgot to Call

I suddenly decided to go home for the weekend, but forgot to call ahead and warn Mom I was coming. (This is a much shorter version of a story I’ve posted under another pen-name; it doesn’t contain any of the suspense and angst. A nice easy read.) Even with the usual Friday night plus the extra Spring Break traffic on the I-90, I’d made pretty good time from Boston, and it wasn’t yet seven o’clock. Man, I could really use a hug from Mom, a glass of Dad’s beer, and one of Mom’s home-cooked...

3 years ago
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Cashing In On An IOU

‘Bugger!’ I exclaimed.The sound of crockery smashing echoed around the kitchen as I dropped six of Rebecca’s best dinner plates onto the tiled floor.‘Mark! What happened! What have you done!’ Rebecca – my mother-in-law - was, understandably, very upset and angry.‘I’m sorry, Rebecca – the plates slipped out of my hands…’‘Jesus, Mark – you need to be more careful! What you need is a bloody good hiding!’ she said in exasperation. My heart missed a beat - she was undoubtedly right. I’d love my...

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The Crossing part 23

I was an escaped PoW who had taken on the identity of a dead woman. Now I was about to become a bride, and today was my wedding day. What no one but me knew was that an assassin lay in wait to kill the guest of honour...Adolf Hitler. THE CROSSING - part 23 by BobH (c) 2016 - 53 - It was the evening before the wedding. Most of Helmut's relations would be arriving tomorrow, but his best man Wernher von Braun had arranged to stay the night...

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Tara 3 DogsChapter 12

Shelly growled at Darcy with a threat. She had expected the male to roll over and submit to her. Stray Dogs were not welcome. They kept a watch for the Dogs of the other packs but they rarely ventured this close to their home. Darcy, however, just sat as if he had every right to be where he was. She noticed that he was not coated the same as the other Dog. She watched warily as the other Dog joined the first and sat just to the side and slightly behind him. This was odd behaviour. He was...

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Bhaiya Or Unke Dost Ne Ek Sath Choda

Hi friends.. Mera naam pooja hai. Ye meri pahale real story hai.. I hope aapko pasand aaygi.. Sabse pahale main apne bare me batana chahati hu.. Meri figer 34 32 34 hai. Mera rang fair hai.. Main ek modern grl hu.. Meri age 22 year hai.. Ye story 5 saal pahale ki hai.. Jab main 18 saal ki thi.. Jab mujhe sex ke bare me kuch nahi pata tha. Meri ek friend thi uska name riya tha. Uska ek bada bhai tha.. Wo bhaut handsome tha.. Main aksar khelne ke liye unke ghar jaya karti thi.Riye ke bhai ka naam...

3 years ago
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The office Swap

I hung up the phone and exhaled. Another disaster had been averted. It seemed my days were filled with solving one crisis after another. It wasn't really what I had planned when I started my business, but it was my reality. I owned a Porsche, lived in a penthouse condo, and my venture had enjoyed four straight years of double digit profit growth...and I didn't enjoy any of it. "Jacqueline, can you bring me the Cooper file?" I called out to my secretary. "Of course, Mr. Jacobs,"...

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A Night out in Sydney

In order to reach Sin Sity in Sydney you have to climb a steep set of stairs almost hidden behind a nondescript pizzeria, not far from the middle of town. At the top of the stairs the space opens up to a bar-room with plenty of wood and in a corner a Jacuzzi, lovely for relaxing with or without friends. Just next to the jacuzzi, a spiral staircase winds its way up, and behind it there are several other rooms, variously occupied with beds or sofas for lazily or not so lazily lounging in....

2 years ago
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A Spy At Sunnyside Dom LandChapter 5

Sunny side Up was paying attention to the fact that the theatric skits plays and spanking emporium were not making the dent in facilities needed to first compete in the Crimson Games and even more pressing host those games. The answer to their adversities came from the application to become a heritage landmark. If that were to be accomplished the villages’ tax bite would be considerably lower. That would bring a giant glow to the oldest private kink community and allow it to be restored to...

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Mr Play

MrPlay! It’s time to have a little bit of fun. Believe it or not, you can use the internet for more than guilt-ridden fap seshes, online doujinshi shops, and doom scrolling on some nerdy social media site. Yeah, I know, it’s fucking wild. But it’s time to stop with all of that boring shit that’s not even getting you any pussy. Do you know what horny sluts like most? No, it’s not a big dick, godly body, or a kind personality. It’s what makes the world go round. I’m talking about greenbacks,...

Betting Sites
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Blue Mountains Train Trip

I was catching the train from the Blue Mountains down into Sydney which is a good two hour trip, plenty of time to spend reading or working. On this particular day there weren't many passengers so I settled into my seat at the rear of one of the cabins, setup my iPad on the table and decided to catchup on some reading in Lush. I love the slow build up that erotica provides and I had quite an eclectic mix of genre in my reading queue to get through; not to mention the chance of a chat with one...

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Coming Home Ch 03

As Tom drove down the road of the farm, he looked in his rear view mirror to see Ellen standing there on the porch. It reminded him of the first time he left her. She stood on the same steps, still waved, and it broke his heart then as it did now. This time it not only hurt, but burned inside of him like a hot fire iron scorching his insides. Yet he still left because in the reality of the day, there was the work he had to return to do. He had to finalize his divorce and free himself from a...

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The Party the Next Day

Well if you read the story about Rachel Change then you should be up to speed for this part! (( BTW Rachel is in my video and pics. And this is how it happened! )) After sleeping till around 9:30 am I was awaken by the feel of Rachel's hot mouth sliding slowly up and down my now raging hard cock! I pulled her up and kissed her with so much passion as thoughts of the night before started to come to mind. Now our sex has always been awesome but that morning it was like we could not make...

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Welcome to Saturn Beta part 13

A few minutes later, Connie and Tyler were ushered to a table toward the rear of the bistro. Two hosts held their chairs out for them as they sat down. Tyler was careful to hold his long, sequined skirt behind him as he sat, making sure the back end of the skirt didn't fall off the chair while also making sure to drape the front of the skirt as far over his freshly-shaven left leg as he could. It was such a complicated gown! Everything else he had worn since arriving on Saturn Beta had...

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For perhaps the tenth time in as many minutes, Kathryn Gray glanced up at the large clock on the office wall. It had been one of those days that seemed like it would never end. She had a theory that the three-day weekend that waited beyond five o'clock caused time to move much more slowly. A silly theory, she admitted to herself, but as good an explanation as any as to why the day was dragging on forever. Kathryn had been working at Moore and Ryan for nine months now. It had been the...

4 years ago
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Balling My Sister

At her “sweet 16” birthday party my sister’s friends got together and gave her this very realistic dildo. I mean it’s realistic if you think there are some foot-long cocks out there. The thing is huge and pink, curved like a banana and made of stuff that really feels like skin. And it has a big set of balls in a wrinkled sack as a kind of handle, a suction cup and a head that looks like a helmet. I found where she hid it two days after the party. Now my sister is a very pretty girl, and she has...

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Dirty Little Secrets 6 Sharing

“Your wife is an unfaithful whore.”The message has been sent to my work inbox. The most remarkable thing about it is perhaps that it bypassed the attentions of my normally so reliable PA, Ms. McLeod, who does such a good job of scanning incoming messages. PA is in this instance perhaps a euphemism for general dogsbody, but Ms. McLeod performs her duties assiduously.I don’t know how other men would react to receiving such a message, but I haven’t got where I am by taking unsubstantiated rumours...

Wife Lovers
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My Father In Law ndash Part Five

When I opened my eyes this morning my father in law/new husband was lying there staring at me. I smiled & asked him why the big smile. He said he was just happy being there in bed with his son’s wife who had just the day before had pledged herself to him. I said while I still loved his son and was still his son’s wife I was also his. And that I loved him more than words could express, I then started to show him by pressing my lips to his and kissing him compassionately. When our lips parted...

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I unbolted the door and studied the figure on the bed. Tied spread eagle to the four-poster bed was my latest pet. She was blindfolded and gagged, a hitachi wand pressed against her center, set on the lowest setting. Her honey blonde hair was pulled into a high ponytail; this served a duo purpose, keeping her hair away from her face, but also providing me with a handle to pull or hang onto while I was fucking her face or fucking her from behind. Her jaw was clenched slightly and there was a...

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