Derby Chapter 3
- 4 years ago
- 25
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A group of young tourists wandered backstage at the Montreal International Jazz Festival performance. The technician rolled his eyes when he saw them. From the look of their designer jeans and hand stitched hemp backpacks, they were Ivy League brats. Benjamin was busy editing the clips from that morning’s interview with the performers. He did not have time for self important canvassers.
The leader of the group took a pamphlet from his bag and offered it to Benjamin. ‘We have a website. The address is on the back,’ he boasted.
Benjamin glanced at the political material. The title read, ‘Unite Against Western Oppression’. He cocked an eye and looked at the man who was a decade his junior. ‘Parlez vous francais, s’il vous plait.’
The college students stuttered, ‘Unite, join, unity, fight, uh, resistance -‘
Benjamin cut him short. ‘Don’t worry, I know English. What made you think I want to take down the West? I’m a Westerner.’
‘But you’re African-American.’
‘I’m American-American. My parents moved to New York City in the 70’s shortly after Jean-Claude took control of their country. You have no idea what oppression is like.’
‘Africa is only unstable because of European colonialism.’
‘Try again.’
‘What?’ By now the college student was looking very uncomfortable.
‘My parents were born in Haiti.’ Benjamin smirked, ‘What school do you go to anyway?’
‘No wonder. Go make yourself useful by reading up on their expansion plan. I have work to do. Oh, and next time you go politicking outside the US, you might want to bother learning the local language.’
Benjamin went back to editing his video. Once he had it perfected, he started the processing. Looking up from his laptop, he noticed a stagehand taping the wires to the stage floor. Nice ass, he thought to himself. Benjamin stretched and rubbed his muscular arms. Yeah, I could tap that. When the stagehand turned around, Benjamin admired his trim black beard, smooth white skin, and slender torso. If he’s not a bottom now, he will be by the end of the night.
He swaggered up to the stagehand, who glanced over Benjamin’s body builder physic. ‘Hey babe, do you want some cock.’
‘Pardonnez-moi. Je ne parle pas anglais,’ the Montreal native replied.
Damn, I should of followed my own advice and learned a bit more French before coming here. Undeterred, Benjamin grabbed his crotch and offered, ‘Pour vous. Bien?’
A lopsided grin formed on the stagehand’s face. He turned away, shook his hips, and looked back at Benjamin. ‘Pour vous. Good?’
‘Oui! Very good.’ Benjamin clasped the man’s hips to pull him closer. Then he explored the man’s stomach with his hands. The bearded fellow leaned his head back against Benjamin’s broad shoulders. He pointed up to the lighting booth, and Benjamin understood the gesture. The two men climbed up the ladder to the booth where they could be alone together.
Once inside the booth, the stagehand wrapped his arms around Benjamin’s neck. He parted his legs to allow Benjamin to press a thigh between them. Benjamin cupped his ass cheek and kneaded the glutes. The stagehand melted from the feeling of those strong hands. He tossed Benjamin’s shirt onto the floor. His tongue traced the outline of Benjamin’s chiseled chest. He moaned as Benjamin’s thick finger slipped into his clothes and between his cheeks. ‘I want you naked,’ Benjamin whispered hoarsely.
The francophone looked up at Benjamin with his hands out to gesture confusion. Benjamin untucked the man’s shirt while asking, ‘Bien?’
‘Oui. Good,’ the man replied as the shirt flew across the room.
Next Benjamin unbuckled his babe’s belt. ‘Bien?’ he asked again.
‘Oui,’ the man agreed as he stripped off the pants. Underwear, shoes and socks soon followed.
‘Dance,’ Benjamin commanded. Again the stagehand gestured confusion. Benjamin searched his mind for the French translation. ‘Danse?’ The stagehand hugged Benjamin and starts to rock back and forth. Benjamin sighed in frustration. ‘Vous dansez!’ The stage hand grinned and stepped away from Benjamin. Facing the New York City stud, he stretched his hand up over his head and looked to the side. His hips undulated for Benjamin’s viewing pleasure.
‘Cul,’ Benjamin barked. The Montreal native obediently presented his ass and wiggled it. Benjamin pulled his thick black cock out of his fly. It pointed lewdly toward the swaying white ass. He spat on his bitch’s hole. A meaty finger worked the natural lube into the tight ass. Two more fingers followed to prepare it for his rod. He pushed down on the stagehand’s shoulder blades with his hands to bend the man over. Then he teased the back door with his purple helmet.
The willing bottom winced upon entry. Benjamin slid in slowly, knowing how difficult it is to take such a fat circumcised tool. He stopped halfway to give his babe time to adjust to his girth. Then he pulled out almost all of the way. The next thrust went in 6 inches. Again, Benjamin held it there for half a minute before pulling out most of the shaft. The third try brought him balls deep into the hot hole. The denim of his blue jeans pressed against the naked white skin of the other man. Benjamin rubbed the stagehand’s back and tenderly rode his ass. Moans of delight encouraged him to pick up the pace. He built up to full throttle. The stagehand grinded his bum against Benjamin’s pelvis. A string of French curse words filled the air. Benjamin laughed to himself, ‘Yeah, you like that, don’t you, mon chiot?’
‘Oui,’ the man squealed weakly. ‘Je suis votre chiot.’
‘Ce qui?’
‘Je suis votre chiot,’ the man whined more loudly.
Benjamin smacked the stagehand’s ass. ‘Ce qui?’
‘Je suis votre chiot!’ he screams as the bull cock pounded him like a jack hammer.
‘That’s right,’ Benjamin snarled. ‘You are my little bitch. Ce qui vous desirez?’
‘Je desire que vous et votre sperme,’ the stagehand pleaded.
‘My spreme? Well I think I can deliver that.’ Benjamin pounded that man hole mercilessly. The sensation of a massive knob against his prostate pushed the stagehand over the edge. Jizz shot from his dick onto the floor. Benjamin kept on thrusting. The stage hand reached back to brush Benjamin’s six pack. Without warning the bull deposited a think load right up his bitch’s tail.
Benjamin glanced out the window of the lighting booth and noticed an Irish looking man next to a hot dog stand staring up at him. The hot dog vender snapped at the stunned fellow. Hmm, thought Benjamin, Good thing I have plenty to share.
“How's little Anna?” Mountain rumbled. “She'll be OK. She's stable. The doctors said she was raped, but there was no semen, so apparently the bastard used a rubber. I guess we can thank him for that; at least she won't get pregnant. They tested her for STD's anyway, and so far that looks negative. They also found a very high blood alcohol level and traces of that damn date rape drug, Rohypnol in her system. But she's going to be OK, at least physically. What's happening...
Patrick walked down Broadway along the Columbia University campus. The physical at Columbia Presbyterian was relatively painless. The hospital staff was very professional considering that they were examining his genitalia. When he handed over his sperm sample, the nurse took it casually like it was just a glass of milk. Patrick certainly would not be so nonchalant about bodily functions. He preferred plants. They were much cleaner. Hopefully, the exam would be worth it, and doctors would find...
Jovita got out of her cab at 15th Street and 10th Avenue and paid the driver. After a long day at work, she was going to meet Hanna for a very special evening. The stars above were barely visible thanks to the ambient Manhattan lights, but the beauty of the city buildings more than made up for the light pollution. A scene across the street caught Jovita’s attention. A man dressed in casual clothes leaned against a building on the street corner. As a Hasidic Jew passed buy, the man called out,...
Benjamin carefully stepped towards the back of a rented canoe while Isabella sat on the bow to keep it steady. On the other side of the breakwater and a little bit upstream of the canoe, he could see Lock 7. The water cascaded violently over the dam and down the 27 foot drop. Once Benjamin was seated in the stern, Isabella stood up. The shift in weight elevated the bow, making it easy for Isabella push the canoe out into the water. She hopped in. A few rapid draw strokes from her paddle...
Benjamin sat across the table from his father in a Harlem diner. They were eating their weekly Sunday lunch. As usual, Benjamin did his best to parley his father’s question. He normally kept his cool until the desserts, but this week, Benjamin’s frustration started early. ‘Your mother and I are getting old. When are you going to give us grandchildren?’ his father asked. ‘I keep trying, Pops. I breed 2 or 3 men each week, but none of them get pregnant,’ Benjamin replied. ‘Stop using that as...
Hanna approached Saint Peter’s Roman Catholic Church in the Finance District early in the morning on election day. She hesitated in front of the church entrance. The stone carvings of saints and angles that adorned the entrance were foreign to her. Jewish prohibitions against idolatry prevent any similar ornamentation on synagogue walls. As per her tradition, Hanna usually avoided admiring Christian churches, let alone entering them. Now, she was about to attend Catholic mass for the first...
Benjamin walked from his Chelsea apartment to the nearby hotel that was hosting a Halloween fundraiser for LGBT causes. He was dressed like a construction worker, with the sleeves torn off his plaid shirt to expose his muscular arms. A frayed spot in the crotch of his blue jeans drew attention to his package. Once in the hotel and pass the lobby, he showed his ticket before popping his head into the main ballroom to see a crowd of costumed people dancing to techno music. Most of the costumes...
Francis hugged Patrick from behind as he stirred the oatmeal. Then she spun around to show off her pants suit. ‘How do I look? I have to take depositions today and I want the opposing council to know I mean business.’ Patrick turned his head to evaluate his wife’s attire. ‘Your outfit is positively unisex. At least take your hair out of that bun.’ ‘It’s the style,’ Francis shrugged. She set the bowls out on the table and sat in her spot by the door to the fire escape. Patrick dished the...
Benjamin took a cab to Dag Hammarskjold Plaza. His father was waiting for him at a table with two breakfast sandwiches. Benjamin paid the cabbie. ‘Keep the change,’ he said to the man as he ran towards his father. ‘Hey Pops’ he greeted his dad. ‘Thanks for meeting me early today.’ ‘Early? You’re late. You said 7 am.’ Benjamin shrugged. ‘Sorry. You know how I am in the morning.’ ‘It’s not how you are in the morning. It’s how you are at night. If you party all night, you won’t be any good in...
Francis fingered the scrollwork above the fireplace in her grandmother’s stately Victorian home. She placed her wine glass on the mantle and sat down by the dying fire. Scattered flames flickered from the warm embers. Holidays at her grandmother’s house were always dull. This year, her husband’s absence made the time pass even more slowly. She hoped that his trip to a New York City fertility clinic would be worth the separation. Footsteps announced company. ‘My, you look pensive,’ said a...
Benjamin watched the next band set up. It was a brass quartet, the fifth group he saw so far that day. He called Patrick to tell him to hurry. ‘Hi. It’s Benjamin. I’m near stage with the brass quartet. They are about to start. Where are you?’ ‘Hey Benjamin. I’m at the hot dog stand. I can see you from here. I’ll be with you in a minute,’ Patrick replied. Benjamin looked at the row of food carts on the side. He picked out Patrick. Benjamin’s face felt flush. Patrick looked even better than...
Patrick was glad to be back home in Montreal. He sat at his computer trying to make sense of the events on his trip to New York City. Googling ‘Chelsea’ brought descriptions of the neighborhood. It was a hotbed of LGBT activity. So that’s what those lesbians were warning me about. Patrick opened the website of the Chelsea Art Museum. It featured a collection of nude paintings. The first had a Rubenesque lady reclining nude on a couch. Patrick’s dick began to awaken. The second piece contained...
Francis stroked Patrick’s hand as he pushed the shopping cart by her side. With prices so much lower across the bridge, it made sense to pick up some items on their house hunting trip. Francis picked up a box of extra large condoms and put them in the cart with a wink. ‘Thanks for the complement,’ Patrick responded, ‘but we won’t be needing those until after you deliver.’ Patrick sighed to himself. -When we started trying in May it seemed so simple, – Patrick thought. – Three months later, it...
Hanna arrived a few minutes early to Rockefeller Center where she was supposed to meet Jovita. It was Christmas Eve, or as Hanna liked to call it Erev Christmas, and the famous Christmas tree was up in the plaza. Hanna looked at it as she thought about the change in her attitudes over the past year. A year ago, I wouldn’t have looked twice at a Christmas tree. By this time next year, I’ll be Jovita’s wife and we’ll be sure to have a tree in our home. Opposing assimilation into America’s...
Jovita and Hanna sat at a table with a book on Jewish law in front of each of them. Hanna was giving background for the text they were studying, but Jovita’s mind wasn’t focused on the lesson. Her eyes wandered to the stack of artwork in the corner of Hanna’s small apartment. Then they glanced out the window. The autumn weather was inviting, but Jovita was stuck inside learning with Hanna. Hanna touched the back of Jovita’s hand to emphasize a point. ‘So the 613 commandments were given by...
Jovita and Hanna strolled through the Metropolitan Museum of Art to the exhibit on Ancient Egypt. One the way there, Jovita expressed her excitement to Hanna. ‘Today, we’re going to see the history of your ancestors.’ Hanna gently disagreed, ‘My ancestors are Jewish, not Egyptian. The Met doesn’t bother showing Jewish culture, because the Jews never established an empire.’ ‘Well, at least there are Jewish museums to compensate for that omission. We can visit one of those another day,’ Jovita...
Jovita drove down the exit ramp off the Taconic Parkway and on to Route 55. The car she and Hanna had rented for the trip handled well. Hanna sat in the passenger’s seat checking her text messages. One text from her father had good news. ‘My dad says he and mom want us to come to their place for New Years Eve so they can introduce you to the family,’ she reported to Jovita. ‘I knew they would come around in time.’ ‘Count me in,’ Jovita replied as they rode into Poughkeepsie, NY. She glanced at...
The week passed quickly, and Jovita and Hanna were soon enjoying their Saturday together. After a festive Shabbat lunch, they walked hand in hand from Hanna’s Greenwich Village apartment to the National Museum of the American Indian in the Finance District, exchanging pleasantries along the way. Hanna was excited about looking up the indigenous aspect of Jovita’s Puerto Rican heritage, although Jovita did not share this enthusiasm. At the museum, they started with the Infinity of Nations...
Zac leaned over the rail of the observation deck of the Empire State Building looking north beyond the city. He appreciated the long unobstructed view as only a man who had been behind bars for years could. Benjamin slapped him on the shoulder and said, ‘I just looked at the view from the south side. You can see the Freedom Tower clearly and the ocean beyond that.’ Zac turned towards his new friend. ‘I don’t know which I like better, the distant suburbs or the nearby skyscrapers. New York City...
Benjamin drove a rented car to the suburban address that Francis had given her. Kahnawake, Quebec was on the south side of the St. Lawrence River. Row upon row of posh houses with grand lawns created a bucolic setting. This town reminds me of Stepford, Connecticut. I wonder who does the programming here. Benjamin parked on the street in front of the address. A woman was weeding in the garden next door. Benjamin stood by the car watching. A portly man emerged from the house that the garden...
Benjamin sat by the Starbucks window sipping his tea and gazing at his laptop screen. Representative Flake’s slide show was on the Washington Post website, and Benjamin was enjoying the natural beauty. There was something particularly sexy about a man who could catch his own food. It screamed independence and self sufficiency. There would be none of the obligatory cuddling and cooing during a night with that stud. Just cock to ass until the job was done. Benjamin’s eyes shifted to the folks...
It was Saturday afternoon near the end of May. Francis was preparing for a night out with her husband, Patrick, and their friends, the Smiths. As she undressed in the master bathroom, she considered her body in the mirror above the sink. She cupped her ample bosom, imagining what they would be like full of milk. She pressed her hand against her stomach and pictured it swollen with pregnancy. Patrick and her had been trying to conceive for a year now with no luck. The doctors said that a...
Benjamin passed by the film set on his way to Mark’s office. The crew was attaching leather straps to the bedposts of a king sized bed. To the side, an actor was getting a temporary tattoo on his buttocks from a makeup artist. Benjamin knocked on the door to Mark’s office. ‘Come in,’ Mark called out. Benjamin entered the office and handed Mark his time sheet. ‘Here are my hours. Remember, I need next week off for my trip to Montreal.’ ‘That’s fine. We’re off for Labor Day anyway. I think we...
Patrick grunted as his 10 inch cock passed his wife’s cervix. It was 12 days since he was last allowed to ejaculate, and now he was pounding her pussy with a vengeance. Francis hooked her legs around his. Beginning her fertile days with the missionary position had become a bit of a tradition over the summer. So was following the act with breakfast in bed. Francis gazed at the breaking dawn through the window of their humble one bedroom apartment. Patrick quickened his thrusting and leered at...
Thanks to everyone for reading this series and for providing feedback. This is the final chapter in the series. * Benjamin awoke with a sharp pain pulsing in his temple. One glass of wine should not have given me a hangover. I must be getting old. Footsteps on the stairs sounded like a pile driver. Benjamin turned towards the bottom of the staircase to see who was approaching, but he could not get a good view of it from the living room couch. As he climbed off the couch, he noticed the...
Patrick gazed at his beautiful, naked wife as she spread her legs for him. Kneeling by her side on the bed, he caressed her slim waist. His hands brushed up her side tenderly. Patrick bent down to kiss Francis’s swollen, dark nipples. By this time next year, they would be flowing with milk. She moaned at the feel of his tongue against her left areolas. Oh how he loved igniting her desire until she begged for his member. ‘S’il vous plait, mon amour, j’ai besoin de vous,’ she sighed breathlessly....
When Arlette and I arrived at the bistro, Caroline and Claude, who had gone there directly from work, were already waiting. Claude did the introductions. I ignored Caroline's outstretched hand and kissed her on both cheeks. She looked wonderful. Her pitch-black hair and dark eyes contrasted beautifully with her pale skin, just as Claude had told us. And her mouth! Her full lips were always slightly apart. It made me think that she was permanently ready to plant a kiss on a cock head in front...
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Now Jacqueline with her amazing smile and sexiest dick rising figure went straight up in bollywood very fast. She took many awards and became a nationwide dick-throbbing masturbation queen. Now, Like every other actress, She also started to think big and so, She asked around on how to get in hollywood film. Her source said that In secret bidding takes place between actresses for a good director's film and it reaches upto 250 million dollars. She became sad and went to her father for...
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--- Jacqueline & Heidi (MF, mc, nc, impreg, rape, slow, snuff, f-solo, viol) by Krosis of the Collective --- "Doctor Jacqueline Stevenson recording, May 30th, 1995. The hypothesis of my experiment: Use radiological techniques to alter a subject's brain wave oscillations in order to induce a trance state. This procedure has many potential applications, from greater clarity in police interviews, to helping victims of violence to overcome resulting negative psychological effects. With...
By: B.Z. Caroline Hauptman was an up and coming lawyer with a prestigious Boston Lawfirm. She had everything; money, looks and brains; an attractive 5'6" thirty-somethingbrunette with 34D, 26, 36 measurements. Many of her male cohorts would haveloved seeing Caroline modeling swimwear for Sports Illustrated. Her law firm sponsored many networking parties, which as a Junior PartnerCaroline was required to attend. The main purpose of these "get-togethers" wasto entertain current clients and to...
It was a lovely warm spring evening, and I had organised to meet my new girlfriend Jacqueline for dinner at a restaurant in the local hills. We both agreed on meeting at around 7.00pm. I'd arrived a little earlier, as I was waiting in my car I had a look around the surrounding scenery. At what I estimated of being around a 150 metres away from the restaurant, was a lovely looking shelter with its opening facing away from the building. It looked to be built from old river bed stones, with a...
HardcoreA Trampoline And Teenage Girls I have two beautiful teenage daughters. Bethany is fourteen years old and Chloe is thirteen years old. My lovely wife is thirty-five years old while I am thirty-eight. We live in a development where almost everyone is our age with children about the age of our children. Our daughters are very pretty and very popular so we have an abundance of teenage girls around the house constantly. Then I bought the best trampoline that money could buy. It was huge...
Part 1My name is Albert. My wife Alice and I have been married for nine years and have a loving and strong marriage. We have five k**s, certainly more than most families have these days. They are ages 3, 4(Twins), 7, and 9. We may be having more, but that depends on what the future holds for us.The number of c***dren we have is due to the steadfast love between my wife and I. We've had many past challenges, and still face daily, new challenges to our deep love from individuals who've sought...