LA FunChapter 57 free porn video

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The girls finally finished the mess they had created and came from the office looking the worse for wear. Both had satisfied smiles on their faces and it was Jules who told me; “We found some investors who were represented by a group that was leading them astray. What they were being told wasn’t reality, but the group felt the need and had hired a lawyer. We were told that it was thought the investing company was going to abscond with the money invested when we called the lawyer to find out what was going on.”

Katie chimed in, “We already had a handle on everything the guy was going to do in order to get the money into his account. We made sure we had the investor group’s agreement to act in their interests, and were able to steer the investment group to one of our private investment companies that’s known for hiding cash in offshore Caribbean accounts. The chiselers jumped at the chance to do business with us, so we were able to gain total control over the investment monies, use it to shore up an offer for a large chunk of oil futures, and close that deal, as well as report to the snakes that their investment went tits up. We even had the attorney firm repping the investors do the letter that said what terrible money Managers we were. Anyway, we were able to save the money that was in the investors’ account, made them a fat four percent, and took our management fees off the top. We made a little on some trades, but should also make a hit when we sell the futures we bought. Jules and I think oil will come back to over forty a barrel for West Texas Crude and we own almost a year’s worth of futures at just over twenty. We can profit today or make a bigger one in a couple of months.”

I was shaking my head as the two said they had made a few dollars while making a bunch of buy and sell orders by convincing the raiding investor company that they were real. It didn’t hurt that they were accurate on everything they were working at the time.

All that made me dizzy. Jules assured me she had not used any of our assets to keep the raiding company from embezzling the investors’ funds. She said that she had used their office fund that couldn’t be traced. Those two were dangerous.

Katie came to sit on my lap. Her magnum chest was always in the way, but that was a good thing and I never thought they were a hindrance. She kissed me on the cheek and then on the lips before wiggling around to arrange herself.

Katie said, “We miss Willy. We need to have Willy and her mom both come here. Her mother’s nurse could come too. I’m sure we can find a local doctor that she can use. As far as being strong enough for the trip, she could be in bed all the way if we planned it right and she wanted to lie down. They would be a welcome addition. We’re giving up on you taking it easy and doing a lot of recreational things, so we need our buddy with us. She encourages us to exercise and get fresh air. Her mom loves to play cards and our parents like that too. I’m sure she wouldn’t be in the way.”

I had no objection if the older woman could make the trip. I was going to make a comment about the cost of flying stateside back and forth, but Jules answered that question. Jules said, “The plane had charter passengers going back to California and has four couples who are coming over on the return flight. We can put them on that flight and she’ll be here in the morning.”

I told the girls; “Call her so they can talk it over.”

Jules told me, “We’ve been helping them talk it over, and Willy’s mom says visiting Hawaii has been a dream and number one on her bucket list for years. We’ll get them on their way.”

The girls and I were sitting in the salon talking about how our lifestyle had been changing. I said to them, “You two are creating a dynasty. I’m thinking that we may have to just drop out of the crazy rat race we’ve been working in with the money you’ve been making. I’ll spend the money you two make and be your boy toy.”

Katie laughed and asked, “You know that you are knocking down some really big bucks from all the offices you watch over. Do you know what your bonus money was last quarter? Do you know what your commission checks were these last two months? Your quarterly bonus was almost two million, Brad. Your commission for each of the last two months was over two million. I only know this because I balance your checkbook. You hardly ever spend any personal money because everything you do is for the company. We own our homes in LA and here. We pay some king-size taxes in both places, but our trading is keeping up with the payrolls here and in LA. Grandfather and Yuu said they would take care of the construction costs and house expenses, but we’ve been able to absorb that. You are not just a boy toy, Big Daddy, you’re a money making machine. It’s Jules and I who can take a break and just smile at all our big bucks.”

I told Jules, “You probably need to call Yuu and Hideki so that they will come to look at the finished product here. Both of them have been pushing very hard lately and could probably enjoy some relaxation. They were planning on paying for all the changes here, so they will want to do something special.”

Jules grinned, “It’s a special compliment when I can make my grandfather and uncle proud of me. I want Yuu’s women and children to come. We’ll have a really good time with the kids having fun together if Katie’s nieces and nephews come at the same time.”

Jules said, “Yuu has really enjoyed being with you, Brad. He has been enjoying being with you more than I’ve seen him with anyone before. Most people he deals with are always on their knees in front of him and have their hands out. You’ve always just joked with him and let him find out that you’re happy with what you have.”

I told Jules, “And then you go out and buy an airplane that’s better than his. Did you do that on purpose?”

Jules shook her head ‘no’; “I had Yuu help me negotiate for it. He was the one who told me to buy it if I could afford the newer, faster airplane.”

I hugged my bulging wife, “You and Katie are amazing. I hope Yuu and family will come. Katie needs to get her siblings to bring their kids. I’m becoming soft and want all our family around me. My sister and brother are so focused on what they think their future is that they don’t want to take the time to enjoy having kids. Look at me; I have three lovers who want to give me children.”

Jules asked, “What do you think Mooney will do? Do you think they will sell the West Coast to you?”

“Probably not. Ken thinks he can resurrect the relationship we were enjoying before this all happened. It’s sad to say, but I don’t care. I want Mooney to continue to succeed and will help them, but I won’t endanger my health or put pressure on my family to help them continue. I could probably run the entire West Coast, but it isn’t something I would wish on an enemy.”

“Come on pregnant moms, come play some golf with me. Katie needs to find out what it’s like to have a six stroke par three. We’ll play a course Katie’s mom JoAnn has fun on.”

One of the tourist-oriented golf courses had a fun miniature golf course that was always busy. Katie, Jules, Freddy, and JoAnn went that way while Dad, Joe, and I played the back nine holes on one of the more difficult courses.

Dad told me, “Your mom and I played the courses at the Villages daily, but we didn’t have fun like we do here. Joe and JoAnn are always fun to be with, and we can go home and play in the pool. You know that we’re almost nudists by the way we’re always wandering around naked. It does become some interesting fun between us.”

“That’s too much information, Dad.”

Joe gave me a hip check and said, “Give me a break; I’ve watched you check out JoAnn’s rack. Are you telling me you wouldn’t want to play with those monsters?”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. “You do know that your daughter is a duplicate of your wife, Joe. I have all the top shelf toys that you do, and she has learned well from her mother.”

Dad was becoming a little risqué, “Your mom hasn’t had the largest chest around, but I can tell you that she probably is the best fuck the Villages ever had.”

“Dad! Dad! Don’t talk about Mom like that.”

Dad grinned, “Give me a break, Kid. Your generation didn’t invent sex. Each new generation has something they can contribute from the previous generation which has been having some crazy times long before you came along. Joe and JoAnn joined right in with your Mom and me. It’s so good for us to have partners in crime. Do you know that we’ve met some neighbors who are as crazy as we are?”

Joe said, “We’re not sex-crazed all the time, but we do enjoy fooling around. Don’t think ill of us. We enjoy each other and our friends who have the same attitude.”

I wondered if Katie knew how risqué her parents were. My mom and dad may have corrupted them.

I felt I should say ‘hi’ to the LA office, so I gave them a call. The auto-attendant answered, so I dialed Kelly’s extension and went straight to her mailbox. I tried Georgia’s and went there for her too. It was thirty minutes after closing time, so I was at fault for making them regularly go home at night. I’d get up early and talk to all the people there.

I checked my voicemail, and wouldn’t you know that there were almost a hundred messages. I wrote them all down with who called, the return number, and what the question was. This was only for one day, but Ken had left three messages and told me to check my e-mail. He said that he had his mind changed by Forest and Dorothy, so he wasn’t going to give up on the west coast.

Jim and Don both called about the condition of the electrical, data, and voice wiring. Don indicated that the new temporary office was going to produce close to fifty sales for the week.

Ken had left a message that he and Alec had gone up to San Jose to check on the progress and said the contractor was working twelve-hour days to get caught up to our schedule. Ken told me how he had gone out to the properties there and found that the model and inventory homes were staked out and foundations were going to be poured.

I had to smile as I might have found an Assistant Manager in Ken if he wanted to go that way. The man had a good head on his shoulders and didn’t let much of anything keep him from doing what was necessary. You got the idea that Alec was protecting someone she loved if you watched her watching him to make sure all was well.

My inbox was filled with a couple of pages of listed e-mails. Most could be answered without any research, but a couple required me to look at the company’s website to find answers.

Ken, the partner’s, e-mail was a long dissertation on why he didn’t want to sell me the west coast offices. The way he wrote it made sense, but I could tell he had Forest and Dot over his shoulder. Included was that the plane was back on the flight line waiting to be instructed on where to go. A new pilot had been found, but there wasn’t a hostess as yet. This was good since I needed to send Joan or Kelly to San Antonio to make sure that everyone at the temporary office knew their functions.

There was an e-mail from Kelly telling me that she put the Foxworth girls in the condominium office. Chica was apparently raiding the local real estate offices for anyone with condo experience. Danny was interviewing and finding compatible people to fulfill the rest of her office. Kelly said that this was probably too early to be promoting someone to Office Manager, but she thought that it would work because they were within walking distance for her to supervise them. She included that she had notified Dorothy of the changes that had been made so that the Indy people wouldn’t think they were being ignored again.

I needed to talk to Kelly to find out what happened to the man she had found that she thought would be a good manager for the condo project. There was also the man Matt was training that was thought to be a good sales manager.

A late e-mail from Kelly told me, “The Manager in Phoenix sent me a note saying he wanted to retire. His reasoning was that his finances rounded out very well with the commissions and bonuses he had been making. He wanted to become a part time salesperson to keep a foot in the door. Kelly said that it was good that we had Joan in reserve as she thought Joan could run that office with her eyes closed.”

Kelly noted that she was actively searching for Assistant candidates.

My legal tablet had two pages of calls I needed to make in the morning. I left it in the center of my desk and shut down all my electronics. I walked out into the salon and saw Hideki, Nobuko, Yuu, and all his family. This was a party.

I shook hands with both Hideki and Yuu, along with our respectful bows. The two men began talking to me at once. I held my hand up, and told Hideki, “You go first.”

Hideki said, “The new home is beautiful, but you didn’t let us help with the construction costs. How will we feel comfortable coming here if we don’t have something invested in it?”

Yuu smiled and said, “I feel the same, especially after you have devoted so much space to my family.”

I told the two men, “This home is a family home. It doesn’t have a name on the front gate. This is all of ours forever. Come and go when you want to. Use the grounds, the cars, the facilities wherever the family is a member. I love the idea that you will be here with your family often. Yuu can leave his family here while he has to travel if he wants. The children are home schooled, so they can learn here as well as anywhere.”

Nobuko came to me and gave me a warm hug, surrounding me with the fragrant haze that accompanies her. The woman said, “This is a wonderful place for all of us to come while the men are traveling. The grandchildren love it and we all feel welcome.”

I told Nobuko, “I’ve asked Katie to bring her sisters and brother here for a vacation and some fun. This place will be exciting if we can get their eleven kids here. I love the idea of all these people being here having fun.”

Katie had overheard me and reminded me that these folks were farmers and had farms to take care of. I told Katie, “How about helping them hire workers to take care of their places for a month since you abandoned the farm to play in LA? Petition for them to be home schooled if the kids have to have schooling. I’d love to have all your family here for us to enjoy. I’ll charter a bigger plane if we need one. Just think of the fun Yuu’s kids can have with all your nieces and nephews.”

Katie hugged me and said, “You fit into our family so well that I’m going to get you some bibbed overalls so you can be a farmer too.”

Jules said, “I want to keep him naked and available so that he can scratch my itch whenever I need it.”

Uh oh, there was no telling what would come from Jules next if she was getting randy.

The kitchen staff somehow prepared a great meal for us all in a very short amount of time. Jules and Katie stood and walked over to the wall of the dining room when we were enjoying some dessert. Jules pushed on something and the wall opened up to another large dining area, complete with tables and windows to the outside. Jules said, “This is for the increased population. All the kids can eat in here and their noise won’t bother us at all. Katie and I talked to the architect to see how we could do this.”

I was smiling as I sat in the big lounge, salon, or saloon, whatever they wanted to call it. This was the way to relax. I kept thinking of those back on the mainland and wished that some could be with us now. I’d talk to some of the folks about it tomorrow and I’d make the offer if I thought it was possible to have them join us.

Katie and Jules were enjoyable to make love to until we were lying on our backs totally satisfied. Jules said, “I don’t know whether or not it’s a good idea for you to leave Mooney. You enjoy the pressure of making decisions on the fly and creating ways for the company to profit even with the worst problems. You won’t have that or any major challenges until you create them here if you drop out. I think that you should go back to California and all your challenges, and get them running smoothly. Then, my crazy man, decide if you want to come back for more fun with your family. Come back to us for some more vacation fun.” We three got up and went to our sitting room where I made myself another drink and poured each of the girls some juice.

I admitted, “That’s a tough one, Jules. I love you and Katie, and now Willy, so much that I don’t know if I’m willing to give that up to be the hotshot in LA. You and Katie made LA fun and made me know what wanting to be a part of a true partnership was. Do you think that you and Katie would have become my bosom buddies and me your toy if you two hadn’t been so successful?

Jules smiled at me and said, “You were already so involved in my heart that I wanted to haul you away to some private island just for us to enjoy each other. Katie was also my heart partner who had to be included, so the house in LA became a true haven for us. Hideki intervened and we became even more involved. What a fun and loving time. Nobuko told me that I had found a person who loved me more than life itself. That was before she began teaching you, so I knew that it was true. Now look at us. You have three of us pregnant who will bring you your own children. We have enough money to do anything we want for as long as we want. Katie and I are established, and can make good trades and continue to prosper. I think that what I’m trying to tell you is for you to make that company who wanted to spurn you want to keep you at any cost. Katie and I have talked about it, and we both want you to go back to LA and make everything there work. We want you back here in a week or so, but we want you to be a crazy man making Mooney successful.”

I sat there looking at Jules and had tears in my eyes. This woman knew me. She knew my heart was with them first, but then there were all the people I had been forced to leave behind. We went back to bed and with some renewed energy I made love with both of my special women until we were asleep.

The next day was going to be busy, so I had set my alarm to get up at four so that I could talk business with Indy and San Antonio.

I called the home office with a mug of coffee in my hand, and spoke to Dot first. She was in a decent mood as she told me that Dan was coming out of it. She said that he was willing to come to my terms now that he had time to think them over. I didn’t know what my terms were, other than trying to promote Mooney.

I talked to Ken about me coming back to LA and working the San Antonio opening to get it started. He was in favor of that. He said, “Dan may be able to return to work soon. He’s told me to salvage our relationship with you at all costs, so he has swallowed his pride and wants you to remain. Just a couple of days of business being off more than fifty percent were enough to do it. I know that it wasn’t you who did it, as I questioned everyone in all the regions. Even the East coast crashed as well as both the major Midwest regions. The commission thing hit and then the news of you being trashed hit them all at the wrong time. They didn’t feel bad for you, but they knew that their jobs were iffy at best if you were sacrificed.”

“I want you to consider something, Ken. You and Forest come to Hawaii and relax. Dan is welcome too if he can travel. I’m going back to LA and will make sure all my offices are where they should be, and then return to Hawaii. We all need some healing, and you can be as friendly or distant as you want. That’s why I built the extra room onto that place. Think about it and call Jules and Katie to tell them you’re coming if you want to show up. I need to make a quick trip through my offices to give them some love. I need to check on San Jose and then San Antonio. I’ll be back in Hawaii in a week if all is well.”

Ken said, “Are you nuts? What do you have to gain by helping us after the way we treated you?”

“I have to gain the comfort of being able to take care of almost twenty offices. I want to get them settled and back to making themselves and the company money. Oh yeah, Ken, that makes me a buck as well. I was just told that I didn’t need to be doing this since I am already wealthy, but I want the company to prosper. So let’s have some fun while I get us back to running at a hundred fifty percent.”

“Anything you want, Brad. You’ve never taken advantage of the company and have always paid us some big dividends. Let us know what you’re doing and ask questions when you need to.”

This was so different from the confrontational mode of a week ago. I was now eager to get back into the rat race. I needed to plan on visiting all the branches and finding as many Assistants as possible. The best would be transferred to Hollywood to become Kelly’s students.

I had talked to Texas and to LA by the time the rest of the family was awake for breakfast. The offices were excited that I would be coming back to reassure everyone that everything was back to normal. I had checked with the aircraft charter office to find out when they were traveling back to the mainland.

I told the girls at breakfast; “Willy will be in this morning, and the aircraft has a charter back to the mainland today. I’m going back to travel to all the offices and also make sure that the two new ones are where they should be. I’ll be back here within a week and expect you two to be fat and happy mothers to be. You need to get your siblings, nieces, and nephews here to play with Yuu’s kids, Katie. You both know how I like a challenge, and getting all the offices to produce at their max again is my immediate goal. I’m thinking that the company is going to offer me a partnership, but I’ll surprise them and turn it down for right now. I want to make sure that the offer is sincere and is supported by all those who own a piece of the company.”

Hideki told me, “Be gentle when you deal with a company that is owned by several people. If there are only two owners they will agree, but if more than two there will always be someone who doesn’t. Tread softly and win them all over to your way of thinking. Always tell someone the benefits of what you want to do before you tell them what actions will provide the benefits. It will help their acceptance.”

Jules told me, “I’ll call Kelly to tell her that you’re on your way. I won’t tell her to stay with you. That’s up to you. I wish you would since Katie and I like Kelly. You would also have Georgia if you have Kelly. How can you turn that duo down?”

“Oh, Jules, I love you, Katie, and Willy, and don’t need any other women. Don’t be telling them to do anything. Let them do their jobs so that I can get back here quickly.”

Katie told me, “You don’t need to pack anything since you have a closet full of clothes at home. Tell the house girls to get your bag packed for you when you travel. It’s their job to have clothes for you. I love you more than you would ever believe, Brad. We’ve come a long way in a short while, and we’ve had fun getting here. Come back to us as soon as you can or we’ll be tracking you down. You’re our boy toy.” I was given a very enthusiastic kiss along with that proclamation.

That was it. Suda took me and Donte to the airport. Vicki stayed with the family to be their personal guard. That was their decision, not mine. I didn’t want to get into the politics of the people who watched over us. Donte knew what I would do in a crisis, whereas Vicki might want to take on more than necessary, so this was a good decision.

Brindle met us at the airport in Burbank with the BMW and drove us home. The house staff wasn’t that excited since it was only me and not the girls. Willy and her mom had left yesterday evening, so Donte and I were the only ones there, and we were never a challenge. As I had a drink in the saloon and practiced some pool, I thought that I might shoot with the team Thursday night, so that I could be of some assistance to the team.

My immediate goal was to make sure the local offices were in good shape, and then travel out of the area for the same reason.

Wednesday morning found me at the office with about six dozen assorted donuts by seven thirty. I made coffee in all the break rooms and made sure all the lights were on. Georgia showed up at seven-forty, and then a smiling Kelly came in wearing a really nice lady’s suit five minutes later.

Same as LA Fun
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Sector 98-A, Neutral Space The Milky Way Galaxy 2398 The silence was nearly as agonizing as shouting would have been. Sebastian looked at Tiff, his brow furrowed so intensely that it would have worked as a rain gutter. Finally, he spoke: “ ... and?” “And?” Tiff gabbled at him. “I ... just said I might like girls! This is big! This is huge! I’m ... I...” She paused, then frowned. “Are you laughing?” “Sorry, I shouldn’t,” Sebastian said, his chuckles choked back with a clear effort of will....

2 years ago
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A SummerNight Lover

The times we shared and the things we did when I visited there this summer are never far from my mind. The memories are very beautiful and very strong.We were both so glad to see one another that as soon as you stepped into my room we wrapped our arms around one another before the door was barely shut behind you.Your lips were warm and soft and your tongue was searching and intertwining with mine in a kiss that we had been waiting for since our college days, or at least anticipating since the...

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ghost and the girls chapter 1

She had arranged to meet ghost, an old friend, the memories of their past encounters sent chills down her spine. Ghost had funded her education and had provided her with a steady income through her cash strapped college days, they had met after Jada had stumbled into a strip club with a friend Shana looking for employment, they were desperate and had met ghost the managing pimp of the illegal enterprise, Ghost was renowned in the underground world as a leading supplier of flesh he had told...

4 years ago
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How I became a submissive to two masters

My boyfriend Anthony and I were laying on the couch one day, watching TV together like normal, when all of a sudden, he brings up masters and slaves. I was completely thrown by his question because we had never talked about such things throughout our entire relationship. Now, we have been dating for almost six years now and living together for two. We enjoyed our vanilla sex. Sure we liked to spice things up by trying different things every now and then in the bedroom, but we had never...

3 years ago
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A fantasy part 2

Continue;---------------------------------------------------------I could feel things startet to be more intense. Or, I could see it, and what I saw made me horny as hell. Strange, I thought, why am I getting horny be seeing my wife beeing abused....or is she?....I could not figure out, she seems in control, but yet, the two old men are in control. Is this what it is all about, the strenght of the female sexuality? She is smaller, weaker but yet, if the men are ""normal"", nothing really bad...

3 years ago
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Since that day

The weekend I finished and my whole body felt heavy, my ass felt more open and empty at the same time, I slept all the rest of the day. The next morning I woke up and had Melany's penis full of milk, I took it out and I felt that my mouth was very sticky, I went to the bathroom to take a shower because I could only smell the semen all over my body. When I get to the bathroom and I look in the mirror, I noticed that my hips grew and widened as my butt was more separated and large, I felt...

3 years ago
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The Package DealChapter 5 A Dry Spell

We are not scheduled to meet the next girl until tomorrow, but Jake has her cell number and' texts her, telling her we are looking forward to meeting her. Before we even get back to the house Jake gets a text saying the girl has decided not to meet us. That is both good and bad. It blows a hole in the schedule and it means that it will be easier to select Nic2 as the girl. Jake texts the last girl on the list and asks if she would like to move up her time with us to start tomorrow. This is a...

2 years ago
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Felicity Ch 71

I was at Jasper National Park in Canada camping by myself. I had become used to camping by myself, I had not wanted that but everyone I knew had outgrown that stage of their lives. I had a semi girlfriend but she was not a teacher and could not take off on long camping trips. I assuaged her feelings by taking her to Las Vegas as soon as I got back home. I had just set up in Jasper after spending the night in a hotel in Banff and decided to walk around and take in the sights. In truth most...

1 year ago
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A Bad day

It was a rainy and cold night when I entered the smoke-filled bar just off the Interstate. A series of personal defeats had sent me home for the comfort of my most recent lover. My unexpected early arrival found her in the arms of another and after a flurry of ill contemplated accusations, we were soon on our separate ways. Fearing further confrontations, I eased my wheels into the unimposing parking lot and with a dash of cologne entered the dimly-lit room awash in the mid summers rain. My...

2 years ago
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The Vault

Her eyes were wide as saucers as she was frog-walked down the dimly lit corridor past my cell.  Mostly fright, I was sure, and the sight of my naked body did nothing to allay her fears.  The two guards holding her tightly by her arms dragged her to the center of the chamber that was the center of our little circle of cells and lifted her arms over her head to secure them in the leather straps that hung at the end of steel cables. ?Please!? she cried.  ?I’ve done nothing wrong!  Why are you...

1 year ago
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Akka Kulikum Pozhuthu Paarthen

Vanakam nanbargale, en peyar Mukesh. Indru tamil kama kathiyil en veetil vadagaiku vanthu irukum akkavai kulikum pozhuthu etti parthu kama uravu vaithu epppadi oothen enbathai ungaludan pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, engal veetil vaadagaiku oru gudumbam vanthaargal. Enaku vayathu 22 agugirathu, en amma vadagaiku oru araiyai matum vitu vidalam endru soli irunthaargal. Appozhuthu enaku ethavathu pen vanthaal nandraaga irukum endru ninaithu irunthen, naan ninaithathu polave...

2 years ago
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Johns Dream Girl chapters 16 through 20

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual events or locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. The author holds exclusive rights to this work. Author's Note: This novel deals with extremely taboo situations and events in a very graphic, no-holds-barred manner. It covers a myriad of...

3 years ago
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The fresh scent of Jasmine Part One

The fresh scent of Jasmine Part OneI stopped by a certain shop on the way home to collect a special surprise for you my little angel Jasmine. Having such a hot tight young body you deserve it my sweet little baby doll. I even had it gift wrapped with a cute little pink bow on top and everything. I can’t wait to see your face when you open it. I open the door holding my package expecting you to be there to greet me but instead I’m met with silence. I check my phone, no messages to say you’ve...

2 years ago
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R Is for Reunion

Robert Eccles thought himself a suave, sophisticated bachelor and all round success. At age 45 he was a tenured teacher who had been in the system for over 20 years, so he could look forward to a secure pension with few liabilities. Due to changing demographics and tightened school budgets, many of the older and more highly paid teachers were being offered early retirement and a generous one-time bonus buy-out. Robert was one of three teachers at Fairmount High School to take advantage of this....

1 year ago
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Hes With Her and Shes With Her Too Part 3

For a better understanding of this story, read parts one and two first. More will follow. Roman watched as Janet took his cock in her hands and stroked slowly, squeezing up and down the length of him. She opened her mouth and extended her tongue slightly, pausing to look up at his face. She wanted him to watch what she was about to do. Lila moved to Janet and settled herself behind her friend, wrapping her arms around her and fondling Janet's breasts. As Janet took Roman's cock into her mouth,...

Group Sex
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The Nerd Part 1

The Nerd – Part 1 Geek. Nerd. Dweeb. Take your pick, any one of them would describe Pete just fine. At sixteen, he’d never kissed a girl, never even held hands, and was more at home with his books than with people. Yes, books. Although he was perfectly good with a computer, the kind who’d teach himself how to program it, he’d rather read an actual book than surf the Internet. He wasn’t interested in Facebook, or Twitter, or any of those things. Didn’t even really like to watch TV or movies....

3 years ago
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Medication Issues Can Get Interesting

As he walked down the dark street, Samuel knew he was in a bit of trouble. It had been a week since he had run out of his blood thinning medication and he was starting to feel the unease of his problem. With the blood thinners, Samuel was able to be his normal self. Without them though, he would develop a series of partial blockages that would give him a very powerful erection that refused to subside. Samuel knew what he had to do to get his prescription refilled, which was why he...

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Ultra horny girlfriend

Hello to all the readers of I have read number of stories and because I found most of them as fake or fantasies. I was encouraged to post something that was real as well as arousing. It happens to be one my finest encounter’s with a real horny pussy.i was in college .there was this girl named Mansi.whom I got to know through a common friend but things did not move further and slowly we lost touch. Couple of years later we met again. & on the very first day I fell...

1 year ago
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SexAndSubmission Lexi Lore Lexi8217s Favorite Uncle

When petite blonde cutie Lexi Lore is evicted from her apartment she turns to her “favorite” step-uncle for help until she gets back on her feet. Handsome, kinky step-Uncle Stirling has some strict house rules that Lexi must follow in order to stay and this horny slut is more than willing to cooperate but it may be more than she bargained for. To get her warmed up and to make sure she can follow instructions Stirling Cooper puts Lexi through a series of commands. First down on your...

2 years ago
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Church Ladies PT 3

She woke up the following morning and knowing she was going to have a date with Catherine’s cousin Alex she began wondering if she was attractive enough for him or not. She put up her hair, kind of. She headed for the bathroom wearing her tee. Standing in the bathroom she looked at herself and as she did she looked at her big round tits which lay naked beneath that tee of hers. She wondered. Will he like these she asked herself. She didn’t know. She wished she did. Doesn’t every girl wonder...

4 years ago
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An Unforgettable Evening

Jill Blackthorn paused at the entrance to give her eyes a chance to adjust to the darkness. The club was dark, the air was clear, and the music mercifully soft and low. Jill hated the loud, smokey places packed with men and women screaming - trying desperately to be heard over the drone of loud, tasteless music. Jill wore her long dark hair shoulder length; it bobbed gently with each step she took in her slightly too high heels. She wore a black, form fitting cocktail dress, which accentuated...

Straight Sex
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Answering an Online Ad

I pulled into Frank and Linda's driveway around 6:40. I was late, because I didn't know the neighborhood and I'd missed the one right turn (the one they'd said to be careful not to miss, in their directions). I was nervous as hell, butterflies flew around in my stomach, but I got out of the car with the bottle of wine I'd brought, and walked up their driveway to ring the doorbell. The door opened just as I reached out for it, and there was Linda, with a nervous little smile on her face. We saw...

4 years ago
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I Hope You Dance Ch 03

Chantal was so stunned that she just stood speechless for a moment, then wrenched her hand out of the stranger’s grasp, violently scrubbing her mouth with her sleeve. ‘What the fuck did you do that for?’ In an instant, his mouth quickly covered hers again and this time, he held onto her hand, giving it a little squeeze. ‘Each time you curse, you get kissed. So make up your mind what you want to do. Frankly, I’d like to hear you cuss again.’ Franklin burst out laughing, making both angry...

3 years ago
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Catching my wife Part 20

"Thank you, Aunt Connie" said my daughter, "I appreciate that.""Thank you for what, my dear?" Connie replied, as she stood inches away from my daughter."For sending my step mom away" My daughter answered, ".. I mean, for sending my Mommy away.""Oh sweetie" replied Connie, " I didn't do that for YOU... I did it for Me... because right now, I want you all to myself. But do be assured that your Mommy will see you in all your glory, soon enough... now strip for Me" Connie added her voice quite a...

1 year ago
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MILF Slut Sequel One

A week passed and Sandy had not heard any fallout from the hacked videos. Jacques was under scrutiny at the college and as he had predicted, his deanship was rescinded. The perpetrators had not been found but the videos were being blocked as best the computer science department could manage. Sandy was starting to feel a little more secure until she was at the club one Wednesday afternoon. As she walked toward her friends sitting at the bar, she saw that they were all talking to each other in...

3 years ago
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Never Forget Part 40

Three Months Later Katie groaned as she pulled her black gown on over her pregnant belly. She was only three months, but it was enough to show. People were constantly talking about her, wondering who the baby's daddy was. Good thing was that today she would be rid of all of the rumors. It was graduation, and she would be leaving high school behind. She walked out of the high school bathroom and up to Kyle. He looked so handsome in his cap and gown. He helped her put on her own cap and...

1 year ago
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Fucked my cousin Veenus ass by mistake

100% fiction! Friends i am back with a shocking but erotic incident. I am rohan, a 24 year old guy from Punjab (India). This incident happened two months back. I went to my cousin's birthday party. Her name is Veenu. She is a voluptuous Punjabi girl with a body full of flesh. She is 22 and 34 30 38 sized girl. Her father, means my uncle is a very rich party. She invited her friends and cousins. I have a girlfriend named Pooja. She is a sexy Punjabi girl with 32 28 36 sized body. I took her with...

2 years ago
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My Handjob

This is my technique and oddly enough my mother taught me how to do it.... Which is a whole other story indeed.Sliding in behind my husband Alex. I naked of course. He who was laying on the sofa half asleep something we often do especially on chilly winter's days or lazy Saturday mornings. Snuggle up against him pressing my bare breasts up against his warm sensitive back. I Wrap my outer leg around his bringing him even closer. Feeling his heartbeat threw my chest which quickens when I'm...

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Annas Magic Ch 04

The next few weeks were a blur of experiences for Anna and me. She and Deana had gotten together a few more times both with us guys and without. When I wasn’t there she would tell me almost everything that she and Deana did together. For instance, as a surprise one night Anna had bought a strap-on dildo and fucked Deana in the ass with it. I remember Deana having told us that secretly she wanted to try anal sex but was too afraid that it would hurt too much and that Mark wouldn’t go slowly...

2 years ago
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Unintentional Nudist Tami Gets Clothes

Tami Gets Clothes Back By Katie Irwin (Based on the ?Unintentional Nudist? series by Donnylaja. This series canbe found at Writings of Leviticus's Website under Forced Nudity) PLEASE NOTE: The characters of this story are completely stolen from Donnylaja's series, ?UnintentionalNudist.? In the series, Tami goes on a streaking dare during her first weekof college and gets caught. To get out of it, she claims that she is a religiousnudist and her rights must be honored. The college, a strict...

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To The End Game

It was my last day of house sitting for my best friend John while he was away on a work related trip when I stumbled on something really interesting. A movie labeled JENNY was sitting on the cd rack. Out of interest I pop it in the player. To my pleasant there was Jenny, my best friend's girlfriend, naked on top of the bed. Jenny was looking at the camera as she spreads her legs. I always knew that she had a great body but what I am seeing on the screen is even greater than what I imagined. Her...

Cheating Wifes
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Bla Book 2 PhoenixChapter 15

2078 a.d. What if God was one of us? Hank sat up in the bed and stretched, yawning loudly. His bunkmate, Melinda, was nowhere to be seen – probably down in the dining hall sucking up eggs and pancakes. She was eating for two, after all, though so far no one knew it but the pair of them. He wasn’t in love with Melinda – nobody loved Melinda, except perhaps Melinda, and that made it difficult for others to care much about her. That was okay, though, as far as Melinda was concerned; she didn’t...

2 years ago
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Let It Rain Chapter 2

Lightning flashes and thunder woke me several times during the night as both ladies snuggled closer for comfort. I looked at the nude bodies curled against me as lightning lit the room and marveled at the amount of pretty, warm flesh was pressed against me. I even took the opportunity to roll a couple of nipples in my fingers as they slept and listen to soft moans as they squirmed against me in their sleep. I woke as the rainy sky started to get lighter. I woke Mona and asked if we needed to do...

Straight Sex
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More of My Aunt and I

My aunt and I have been bathing each other on a regular basis for a while and it is very enjoyable for both of us.  Mom joins us at times, and we enjoy doing her, I especially enjoy the way she will grab my cock and gently stroke it.  Mom strokes me different than my aunt and I have had both stroking me at the same time.The other night as my aunt was holding us, with Mom enjoying stroking my cock and started going faster. As she did, I slid my hand under the water and began to fondle her hard...

1 year ago
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Fervour of the Past Complete Story

[NOTE: I though it wise to put this story in one place for ease of reading, especially when it's set in the same setting as my upcoming story. This version contains additional editing to grammar/spelling, prose and consistency.] Fervour of the Past by Tegeli PART I: Corset CHAPTER 1 The old tramp freighter wheezed from the relief of completing the long voyage over turbulent seas. I was more than glad to get off. While I splurged my last funds on a private cabin, it had...

1 year ago
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Office Cuckquean

Mike unlocked the door of his small investing firm and held it open for his wife, Eva.  As they entered, he turned the lights on and checked the temperature in the front office. His wife went into her office and he flipped the light on in his office and put his briefcase down and hung his jacket on the coat rack.  Sitting at his desk he turned his computer on and looked at his calendar.  The new secretary was supposed to start today. What a tasty piece of ass that one looks to be, he thought to...

Office Sex
3 years ago
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Hot Adventures With Mom And My Maid

Hi iss readers thank you for your good response on my previous story titled my innocent maid…and me, my maid and my coming to the story. I am Rahulrai from Bangalore maid rani stats 32d-30-34…my mom renu stats 34d-32-36…my mom has got big boobs and lovely ass anyone would die for … Now coming to the story we fucked a lot…everywhere… We decided to go for an adventure trip in the forests.everyone was happy with the plan..after2 days we were planning to go. We brought all the stuff...

1 year ago
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The Librarian

I walk into the vast library at around noon, prepared for a long day's hard study. As I walk past the front desk my eyes are drawn to a beautiful young lady who I've never seen before, sat busily stamping a huge pile of returned books. Long jet black hair, bright emerald green eyes, full pouting lips, slender neck and firm pert breasts hidden under a light floral dress, she is by far the most beautiful lady to ever work in the library. She looks up at me as I pass and for an instance our eyes...

2 years ago
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sandis world of fashion pt 4

I have no idea how many times I came, but she never let up, biting and tugging at my clit while her fingers tried to get deeper in my ass. Eventually, she fought to escape my pussy to breathe, dropping to the floor. I dropped down next to her and fed her my cum one finger at a time. She fought to get on top, but I pulled away and lifted her to her feet. I led her to the bed, where I put her on her back, lifting her legs high head. She held them there while I got my toys from the drawer where I...

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Sex with a Nigerian

Hi Readers. I am Aradhana. Aged 22 with fair complexion and tall and slim structure. Working for a BPO. My elder brother Vikash is doing his Doctorate in IIT. One of his friends is Crucifix Oludaya, who is a Nigerian. The first time he came to our house with my brother. He was dark black complexion, tall, broad chest and well built physique. On the very first sight itself I liked him very much. He talked very politely and the way he talks was very nice. And after that visit he came to our house...

1 year ago
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TeensLoveBlackCocks Moka Mora Tender Loving Black Cock

Prepare yourself for a black cock infused sexual masterpiece featuring Moka Mora! We rented out a beautiful studio space where Moka started out with a relaxing backrub from our big black stud. Seeing her perfectly round ass get covered in oil and rubbed down was beyond beautiful. Moka then laid back and opened her mouth wide to fit around our boys girthy black fuck stick. He then impaled Moka’s pussy in all the right positions, begging him to let her ride as a break from all the intense...


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