Money Chapter 28
- 3 years ago
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Nikki's turn:
Cindy and I spent a good bit of time going over what had happened when she went to Auburn for interviews. Tomorrow was my turn. My Dan and I had even made a special point of meeting Mizz Patel for dinner. Cindy's right. The lady is a delight. So is her husband. I love their accents, too. And yes, she does know the family that's leasing a slot in our little strip mall for an Indian restaurant.
Cindy and I have had a great time since we moved into the same RV park. Aside from the fact that we sort of feed on each other's intellects, our two husbands are freed up a bit to, you know, actually work on things. In the meantime, we both got into the books together. Cindy showed me some of the math that she'd been playing with. When I told Dan what Cindy was playing with, he laughed, with a little bit of a nervous edge.
"What you two are talking about as playing is material that brings ninety-nine percent of the population to its knees."
I kind of laughed. "A lot of that population doesn't want to work with numbers at all," I said. I remember helping kids during the last school year, how some of them really wanted to learn and some of them just wanted to get enough knowledge to pass the tests. Cindy and I had talked about that too.
"I couldn't be a teacher," Cindy said. "I can teach. So can you. But real teachers don't have the choice we had, to only work with kids who wanted to be there learning. How do you think we'd handle walking into a classroom every day knowing that half the kids in it don't want to be there at all, and some of them do not have the good upbringing to keep from disrupting it for others?"
"I saw that with my own eyes," I said. "I know you have seen it too." That was just one conversation. We had others. We snagged a pair of Dans. That's almost always worth a giggle. Imagine! One of my best friends in the whole world, and her husband is a Dan, just like mine.
"Okay," I said. "Which one of you is gonna school us on, what's that term, Cindy?"
Cindy gets this grin when she's being all precocious about technical stuff. "Ladder logic."
My Dan looked at her Dan. "Buddy, did I just hear a fourteen year old girl ask for a class on ladder logic?"
Dan Richards shook his head. "Yeah, she's been doing that to me for almost a year now. If you mention something to 'er, you'd better be ready to either educate or get an education."
My Dan smiled. "Yeah, three days with Nikki and she was pointing out components on a on-line diagram."
"See!" Cindy giggled. "He actually DID marry you for your brain!"
Maybe so. And I did marry him for that. And a whole long list of other things, too. Decent guy. Responsible. Caring. According to my school friends, 'geeky hot', even to the point that one of them actually had the hots for him. And Dan found out when she put a move on him, and he's decent enough to let her down ever so gently.
So today Cindy and I are in our trailer and the guys are in Cindy's. They're working up some stuff on a documentation project. I'm cooking and talking Cindy through everything I'm doing.
"You were fortunate you had your grandma to teach you things like this. I know how to boil weenies and make mac and cheese if I have the box," Cindy said.
"I just know a few things, Cindy," I said. "Grandma showed me how to set up to do a few things with some simple ingredients and techniques. Once you get comfortable with that, you can pop out meals really easy." Cindy knew my whole story, about me waking up the first morning I'd stayed at Dan's house after the hurricane, how I'd gone in the kitchen and fixed breakfast for him and how he'd said it was the first meal in the place that he didn't cook himself. I knew Cindy's story too. And we both knew exactly how far ahead of getting married we'd been in our guy's beds.
And tomorrow I was going to go to Auburn and get interviewed. That's Dan's fault, you know, that whole 'Nikki's smart' thing. I really didn't know before Dan. I did know that I could sit off to the side of the classroom and half pay attention and make B's and C's and with those grades the teachers stayed off my back and Mom never got called to school. All it took was Dan saying, "Nikki, you're smart. Use it." And here I am.
But I'm in the trailer showing Cindy stuff. "Onions. Take an onion the size of a tennis ball," I said. "Chop it up. Heat the pot, put a little oil in there, then turn the heat down and let it get brown. You gotta do it slow."
"Is that sauteeing?" she asked.
"No, with sauteeing, you can crank the heat up. All you want to do with sauteeing is get the onion to sort of turn translucent. This is caramelizing. Different texture. Different flavor. You'll see. And the grease? That can be from the bottle. Or you can brown your meat if it's got enough fat, and use that grease. It's a whole different flavor." Dumping knowledge on Cindy is like dumping water on a sponge. She just soaks it up. Dan says I do, too.
So the four of us had rice and gravy. I was raised on the dish as were both Dans. It's pretty much a Cajun staple. Cindy was familiar with it. She looked at Dan 1.0, her Dan. "You make this, right, baby?"
"Yes I do," he said. "And this is a good one."
"Different than yours?" I asked.
"I try to keep some green onions around, chop 'em up and put 'em in near the end of cooking," he said.
"I do that too, but I didn't have any." I made a mental note adding another item to the shopping list for the week's supplies.
We didn't have leftovers this time. A cook likes that.
Monday morning Dan and I were up at seven and on the road to the campus to meet Mizz Patel at her office at nine.
"Good morning, Nikki," she said when we showed up. "Good morning, Dan. I'm sure that Cindy has given you her assessment of what happened to her." Aneeta smiled. "We are asking the same of you. Based on your information, though, we will bring in a gentlemen who heads our technology department tomorrow afternoon so that he may speak with you."
What could I say? I just smiled and said, "Yes, ma'am. I'm ready."
"Oh, Miss Nikki," she said, "This is not a test. We already look forward to having you with us at Auburn. We are only trying to determine where you will be when you enter our program."
"I only hope I place as well as Cindy," I said.
Mizz Patel smiled. "Ah, yes. Cindy is special. And she made the point of calling me several times about, as she calls you all, 'her sisters'." She turned her attention to Dan. "Mister Granger, Cindy tells me that she and Nikki networked a process control computer. How much help did you give them?"
Dan laughed. "I brought it home from an upgrade project, along with a stack of manuals. I turned Nikki loose on it. The only instruction I've given her was the things necessary to allow her to work safely around electrical power."
She looked at me. "I had to learn to measure voltages and currents and how to solder and crimp and a lot of other little manual tasks. And how to read the drawings and apply that information to the equipment before me. Cindy already knew some basic programming, so she started me off on that part." I giggled. "I automated the cat feeder."
Mizz Aneeta (lovely name!) smiled. "You will do well to talk with Mister Kevin Gales about some of that." She looked up. "Hello, gentlemen. Please come in."
Two men came in. Cindy told me what to expect, or rather who to expect. They introduced themselves The taller, older white guy was first.
"I'm Dr. Brendon Wilkins," He said. "And you're Dominique Granger. Nikki."
"Yessir," I said.
The short guy was obviously from the sub-continent. He had that lilting accent to go with it. "I am Dr. Ranjeet Ramathani, Miss NIkki."
"Pleased to meet you," I said.
"It's 'Mizz", Ram. Nikki is married," Doctor Wilkins said.
"I am sorry, Mizz Nikki. I do remember reading that in your application." He turned to Mizz Patel. "We will take her to the office with us." To me he said, "Please come with us. And If you will call me Ram, I will call you Nikki and our conversation will be happier."
"And I'm Bren," Dr. Wilkins said. "Now, what exactly is your connection to Mizz Cindy Richards? We got emails from her about you."
As we walked, I giggled a little. "Cindy is my adopted sister. Our meeting has been one of those truly serendipitous events. We communicated daily almost from the first meeting, when she lived here in Alabama and I lived in Louisiana."
"Adopted?" Ram asked.
"Unofficial, of course, but we have much in common. We both graduated high school prematurely. We are both married. Both to engineers. Electrical engineers."
"Curious," Ram said.
I smiled. "If you think that's something, then perhaps Cindy has mentioned a Christina Addison and Susan Ellerbee?"
"Those names do ring a bell. Cindy says..."
"They're both coming to Auburn, too. In Electrical Engineering. Both have ACT's thirty and above. And you really ought talk to them. Tina's husband is an electrical engineer and Susan's husband has his bachelor's in engineering technology and he's going to be at Auburn, too."
"Gosh," Bren said. "Are they as young?"
"No, Tina's seventeen. She beat the school system out of a year, which is really something since she was a high school dropout. Susan is as normal as one can be."
"Does Mizz Patel know about these young ladies?" Ram asked.
"IS Cindy bashful about sending emails?"
"Then Mizz Patel knows. I will remember to ask her about them after we conduct your sessions. Or perhaps we will bring her to lunch with us."
They brought me into a nice office with a big whiteboard. "Okay," Bren said. "I'm sure that Cindy told you what to expect. So let's get started."
I broke a sweat. In Cindy's words, 'weapons of math instruction', indeed. I am glad I spent those evenings and early morning hours bulldozering my way through some of that on-line stuff. I'm glad that Cindy and I scared our husbands with math talk. And these two gentlemen caused me to dig deeper than I ever have been in my life. Up to this point, it's been high school. I've always been comfortable that I knew what the curriculum desired and I'm really not bragging, but it's been easy. Not today. I had no idea where these two were going. We started out with trig and high school calculus.
"Told you we shouldn't waste time on this," Bren told Ram. And they kept going. They'd write something on the whiteboard and ask me to talk about it, then they watched me solve equations and derive solutions and talk about principles behind my methods. What made me sweat most was being asked "How do you KNOW what you're doing is correct?" and finding out that "How could it be any other way?" is not the correct response. I had to learn quickly to layer my solutions step by step. I thought I failed miserably.
Lunch was pleasant break but I couldn't unwind the tension very much. I know Dan could tell. On the ride there he said, "Just do your best, baby," he said. "I'm with you forever."
"But what if I'm not up to all this?"
He snorted. "Come on, Nikki baby! "You're not up to what? You're supposed to be waiting to start your junior year of high school. You're already accepted here for college Today is low stakes. Anything you get out of this week is extra."
I took a deep breath and just slumped against him in the truck. When he dropped me off at the building for the rest of the interview, Bren and Ram were coming up the sidewalk. I worked up a smile and met them.
"Relax. Be calm, Nikki. We are friends," Ram said. "You look uncomfortable."
"This morning has been the most difficult academic experience I've ever had," I said.
"And you've done quite well, Mizz Nikki," Bren said. "Do you feel abused?"
"Kind of," I said.
"Imagine yourself one of our graduate students standing for an advanced degree, the culmination of six years of university, all hinging on what we ask and he says. Are you like that?"
I thought for a second. "I guess not. I'm not missing it by much, though," I answered.
"Relax, Nikki. You're doing fine. We learned something from Cindy. We're going to continue the interview if you're up to it."
"Bring it on," I said, steeling myself for more.
I was mentally exhausted when we called it a day.
"Go home, rest, enjoy your evening. When we see you in the morning..."
"You'll have a little written test for me, I suppose."
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It was almost two hours after lunch when Becky returned to get her. “Hi, Mistress has instructed me to bring you back to the dungeon,” Becky said “What? No, please ... please, no more ... Becky, I can’t...” Beverly said, terrified of going back in there so soon. The welts and bruises she had received that morning were still fresh on her body and in her mind, and to repeat that horrific experience was more than the woman could bear. “I’m sorry ... I wish I didn’t have to. But the Mistress...
As Allison crawled into bed, the hallways were still teaming with activity. Even so, she could barely manage to keep her eyes open. She turned off the reading lamp clamped to her bed frame, and then snuggled into the cool sheets. Allison was out as quickly as her reading lamp was. The sound of a key turning in the lock of the room's door pulled Allison out of her deep slumber. She wasn't used to the sounds in her new home much less those of a roommate. Finally, the door opened, letting in...
Quite rightly so we stopped over, booked in and retired to our room. After an hour or so Christine left the room to explore the reception area and said ‘I’ll be right back”. When an hour later she did not return, I went downstairs myself to look for her, but could not spot her. I walked around a bit and finally went around to the pool area to have a rest. Not amazed, on the opposite side of the pool, I noticed Christine indulging in oral sex with an unknown person. I say not amazed, because I...
When I moved into a multi-storey apartment block, I naturally encountered many of the residents on a regular basis. Of particular interest to me, were a couple named Gary and Jill. Jill was a petite and attractive woman, but Gary was magnificent. At the risk of the normal clichés, he was a six feet tall, blond hunk. Many of my masturbation sessions after our first meeting, were spent with Gary in mind. Being a straight couple however, I believed that these were just silly fantasies. Gary and...
BisexualJo was lying awake in bed, the last week had been an adventure of sexual awakening. The young teen had spent every night of the week fucking one member of her family or another. For the last seven days, at least one family member had shared a full night in Jo’s bed or Jo had stayed in someone else’s room.Jo thought of her mom’s large breasts and large pussy lips, her dad’s thick cock as he pounded between her legs, the vibrators both her mom and her had bought, and used together until the...
I haven’t seen Rich in a few weeks. My husband is now on a mission to find other people for me to play with. He said it was fun hearing about me having sex with the neighbor, but it would be even more fun, if he could direct me and watch it for himself. He put an add on craigslist looking for well hung men. He also changed his mind and said that he’s looking for two men to pleasure me. He’d prefer to watch a threesome. He thinks it would be fun to watch both of their cocks pleasuring me. I...
Group SexThe ultimate cuckoldIt's coming up on the one year anniversary that this hot young couple have been going out. Both 20 and actually similar build, small and petite. They could almost be twins. She is a bit smaller but nice tits and ass, smooth all over, both blond. 10 months going out and not only has she not put out yet, she is still a virgin and teases him all the time. Though he is very horny and tries to get her to cave in and let him into play all the time. She is so hot so he waits for...
It was sophomore year. I was shy, insecure and a real chickenshit when it came to girls. Julie sat behind me in Mrs. Acres English class. I sat in a side row, so I often sat with my back to the wall facing sideways. I would rest my arm on her desk. She commented on the size of my muscles and she would often doodle on my arm with pen. One night my sister saw her drawings and asked about them. When I filled her in on Julie and she told me that any girl that spent that much time on my arm must...
This is my story and I’m sticking to it. I know nobody’s gonna believe this really happened, but I’ll tell it anyway. So here’s how it went down, I got a 2 bedroom condo all to myself, lots of room to chill out for most of the day which is what I do. I don’t have to work so I have time to work out and keep fit, which is important at my age, 50. There’s a pool that most of the young people take advantage of so it’s not that uncommon to see lots of young female flesh just walking around in a...
The urge to go to an ABS soon popped into my head and to further add to the excitement, to go as a guy, but dressed underneath. To those you who go to an ABS, dressed underneath, I'm sure you can relate to this.The first time I did this I wanted to suck a to good gurl should. After all, what's the point of dressing as a slut and not being one...and when I dress as "Jolene", I AM a slut. This was, may be, 12 yrs, ago. I told work I was on jury duty and planned the whole day around,...
As soon as the first uninfected slugs were found, an effort was made to contact them. No matter what was tried, the slugs seemed to be totally nonreactive. Finally, somebody had a brilliant idea: the sensors that the AI had used were brought into play. There was definite activity with their brains in the range the AI considered to represent sentience, but no sensible contact could be made. Then there was another brilliant idea: maybe the cognitive rate for the slugs was too slow for humans or...
I am Arun from sonepur, Orissa writing a true story of my adventure with Kuni Aunty who was my neighbor one year ago. Previously I had posted a story “Bidyut Madam Ra Basna” in oriya in ISS.Now I have decided to write a story in English for all Indian ISS readers. I don’t know all will like my sexual fantasy or not. My fantasy with always with older women Age (30-45) wearing transparent blouse, having lot of milk in breasts & big sweat patch in armpit area over transparent blouse. When I saw a...
IncestBill and Ciera arrived at the estate just as Liz was wrapping up a series of calls with the head of her apparel line. Instead of heading into the workout room as we normally did, we convened in what Liz called her boardroom. It was where she met with her large and diverse staff of managers, accountants, lawyers and assistants a few times every year. I spotted a line of dust on the back of the chair I appropriated for my usage – and I thought I was going to have to speak to Melinda about it....
There are still a lot of stigmas when it comes to going to therapy. Despite the growing awareness that going to a shrink helps, some people can’t help but still feel reluctant about visiting one. Vincent used to be one of the doubters about therapy. However, he experiences a change in mindset after a session with Billie Star. The handsome bearded hunk shares some aspects of his life with the sexy shrink. The therapy suddenly gets interesting for Billie when Vincent shares a story about...
xmoviesforyouAn elderly gentleman sat at his wooden desk staring at the painting on the wall. He had been chided by his peers for many years for having it, but the beauty of it could not be denied. It depicted the Arch-Angel Michael standing over a beaten man. Michael held a two edged sword and the image was reminiscent of the Michael depicted on the Temperance card in the Rider-Waite version of the Tarot. The Arch-Angel was Androgynous having the lean muscular features of a man with the long blond...
Reagan Foxx’s son is being bullied by Apollo and Reagan will have none of that. She confronts Apollo and tries to convince him to stop bullying her son, but Apollo isn’t having it. He simply refuses to stop bullying. That’s when Reagan has the bright idea of sucking on Apollo’s cock in order to get him to leave her son alone, but Apollo wants more than a blowjob. Reagan then does what she has to do and rides Apollo’s dick in order to get him to stop bullying her...
xmoviesforyouHello dosto kese ho aap sub. Mera naam jayesh he. Me Gujarat ka rahne vala hu… bharuch se. meri age30 years he. Muje badi aurto k saath umrame badi sex karma bahut pasand he…. Ak baar meri ye khvahis puri ho gai… kese ye ab me aapko batata hu…..Meri pados me ak aunty rehti he unki bahe jo Ahmadabad me rahti he vo ku6 dino k liye yaha par aayi hui thi…. Uunki umra karib 55 ki thi par vo 45 ki hi lag rahi thi…aur meri karib 25 saal kit hi . unke boobs kafi bade bade the blouse me nahi samate...
Introduction: Doing the girl of your dreams The story begins with my girlfriend acting different, Id only ever wanted to give her everything, it wasnt meant to be. Wed were having a conversation using the webcam, eventually we both became distracted, as time went by her screen must have darkened. Hours went by and eventually sounds were coming from the computer, laughing and talking. Moving the mouse Id discover something that froze me silent, something that changed me. She was completely...
Carlotta woke up with a smile, minutes before her alarm was due to start blaring. She’d had such a wonderful day off. As planned, she’d gone home to nap. The young chef had been so full of nervous energy, however, that she couldn’t even get a wink of sleep - instead, she’d resorted to laying on her bed, trembling with excitement. Matilda. She was going to get to spend the night with Matilda. Carlotta didn’t doze, not even for a moment. Instead, she lay in bed, thinking of the young...