A Flawed DiamondChapter 35 free porn video

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Randi slipped into the bedroom very early in the morning. She smiled at what she saw before her. Her lovers were locked together. Meredith had her leg thrown across Brock's waist and her hand resting on his shoulder. She could see the moisture of Brock's spend glistening between Meredith's thighs.

Brock had one hand resting on Merie's hip and the other holding her breast. Randi knew that on any other night the hand that rested on Meredith's tit would have been resting on Randi's hip as she snuggled in as close as she could to him.

She had tried to fight the feelings she knew were developing inside her. She had always believed it was impossible to love two people. She had always thought it was wrong to love another woman. She had always believed that loving another woman's man would lead to disaster. But it hadn't.

The first night she made love to Brock was among the best memories of her life. The night that she and Meredith had joined in making love to him was an epiphany to her. But it was days later – the first time that all three of them had made love to one another – that she found what she had looked for her entire sexual life.

Meredith later had confessed that one of her greatest pleasures was to have Brock inside her while she tongued Randi's pussy. Randi had to admit that she enjoyed that scenario very much – in every combination. But Randi's favorite position was to have Brock behind her and Meredith splayed forth in front of her. Every time Brock would drive into her it would push Randi's mouth a little more firmly onto Meredith's clit.

She smiled when she recalled the first time that Brock and Meredith had gone down on her. It had been awkward at first but they soon found a rhythm that drove Randi crazy. That had turned into a game for them. Randi and Brock had done the same thing to Meredith with explosive results. The feeling of two tongues licking her button had sent Meredith into spasms of pleasure. But the best was when Randi and Meredith had both gone down on Brock. They would alternate taking him into their mouths. Their tongues would duel as they licked the sensitive tip. When Brock came, the look on his face as Meredith and Randi shared a kiss with it in their mouths was absolutely priceless.

But it was more than about sex. She loved to sit out back with one or both of them and just talk about life or the future or the past. Well, their pasts. Brock and Meredith had been very free with information about who they used to be and how they became who they are.

Randi had not been as forthcoming. She was past that stage of her life and she didn't want to revisit it. Still, she knew if anyone would understand – could help her make sense of it – it would be the two people she loved.

She had no idea of how things could possibly work. One, or possibly two, of them might have to change careers. Randi had thought about that a lot. She enjoyed performing but it wasn't her life. She could be happy as a record company executive – or as a housewife – so long as she got to share her love and her life with the two people before her in bed.

She fought the urge to undress and join them in their slumber. She knew exactly what would happen. Brock would come awake slightly when he felt her weight on the bed. He would smile at her and open an arm to welcome her. When she awoke in a few hours, she would find Meredith looking at her lovingly from only a few inches away, her hand intertwined with Randi's no matter what.

Meredith would smile wonderfully and mouth the words "I love you." The world would be right for one more day. But it couldn't be that way this morning. There was another ritual that needed to be addressed. It was "Black Friday" and Randi and her mother had been hitting stores and boutiques with the rest of the insane shoppers since Randi was old enough to walk. Today, Meredith was joining them, the first of many traditions she would share or create with Meredith Van Landingham and Brock Miller, Randi was certain.

Randi would have been content to leave Meredith in slumber. The redhead was always a bit grouchy in the morning. But then again, Meredith had obviously been attended to the night before. While Randi's future stepbrothers had tried to sneak glimpses up her shorts, Meredith had been having a night of carnal bliss with Brock. Randi had smelled the aroma of sex as soon as she entered the house. It got stronger as she opened the bedroom door to peer inside. She recognized it immediately – arousal.

Tomorrow morning, it would be Brock who woke up alone. Randi and Meredith planned to spend the night at Randi's house next door. Darla would be with her boyfriend at his house in Malibu, leaving the two lovers a private moment they had anticipated for several months. On Sunday, Meredith would awaken at her father's house as Brock and Randi spent the night together. But Sunday night was Randi's favorite night. On Sunday night she would be back where she belonged, nestled up tightly with one lover while holding the hand of another as she drifted off to sleep.

Just as Randi expected, Brock's eyes opened as soon as he felt the bed shift with additional weight. He saw her in the dim light and smiled. Then he opened his arms to her as he always did. She regretfully shook her head. Instead, she touched Meredith gently on the shoulder as Brock looked on in confusion.

"What?" she asked gruffly.

"It's time to get up, Beautiful," Randi said in a gentle voice. "We're going to be heading out in about 40 minutes."

"No," Meredith replied. Randi's smile could be seen clearly even in slight light. Meredith had told Randi the day before that no matter what she said; Randi was to make sure she got up.

"Come on," Randi said. "You told me to make sure you got up this morning."

"That's before Brock and I spent all night naked," Meredith grumbled.

"We always sleep naked," Randi jibed.

"Fine, I spent all night riding Brock's hard cock," Meredith growled. "In fact, I can feel his cum on my thighs right now."

"I saw it," Randi said. "It looks really sexy. I thought about waking you up by licking it off you but I knew where that would lead. Now come on. Wake up so Brock can get back to sleep."

"Promise you'll lick my thighs later?" Meredith asked.

"I'll do yours if you do mine," Randi said sweetly.

"OK," Meredith said. "I'm up. I'm horny again but I'm up. Want to shower with me?"

"I showered before I came over," Randi said. "I knew where that would lead, too."

Meredith leaned over and kissed Brock softly on the shoulder.

"Wanna quickie before I get dragged off shopping?"

Randi put her hand firmly on Brock's shoulder to keep him from rolling atop Meredith.

"Guess not," Meredith said. "Fucking sex police over there."

She rolled out of bed and padded naked to the bathroom. Randi chuckled when Meredith scratched her butt. She had seen something similar in reruns of a sketch comedy show from the 1970s. Somehow watching Carol Burnett do it wasn't as enticing as watching Meredith Van Landingham.

"You're going shopping?" Brock asked. "It's still dark out."

"Black Friday," Randi remarked. "It's a family tradition. Us women folk get up and hit the stores for all the best bargains."

"I thought that was exclusively for the peasant class," Brock joked.

Randi leaned forward and kissed his cheek.

"You forget, I was once a peasant," she said. "That's when this tradition started. I was just a little girl. My Grandma, my Mom and me would head out to the Wal-Mart or the Target. If we were feeling rich, we might hit J.C. Penney or the Bon-Ton."

"Now, Rodeo Drive and Beverly Hills," Brock said. "Will I see you later?"

"For a little while, maybe," she said. "It depends on how long Mom and Merie want to stay out."

"Well, give me a hug then," Brock said.

Randi complied. She gave him a warm kiss in spite of his morning breath. She could smell Meredith's familiar scent on his skin. She wondered idly if she had time to slip her panties off beneath her skirt and work on her 69 skills. She decided it would either leave both of them frustrated all day or lead to an all-day romp. Neither was workable.

"I love you," she said instead.

"Love you, too," Brock replied.

"I think we should stagger our days alone," Randi concluded. "I don't like not waking up without you two mornings in a row."

"I was thinking the same thing," Brock replied. "I guess its best that you're going to be gone all day. It seemed strange to spend all day with you yesterday and then not have you here at night."

"I know," Randi told him. "I thought the same thing. I'm going to let you go back to sleep. I'll start coffee for Meredith."

"I'll get up," Brock said.

"Stay where you are," Randi urged. "If you get up, I'll never want to leave and Meredith will wind up either staying here with us or shopping alone with my Mom."

"OK, give me one second though before you wander off," Brock said. He slipped across the hall to a second bathroom where he relieved his bladder and brushed his teeth. Then he corralled Randi and gave her an enthusiastic "Good Morning/I Missed You Last Night" kiss. With great reluctance, Randi pulled away. She was seconds away from having Meredith walk out of the shower to find Randi riding Brock. The fact that his limp cock had become fully erect just from kissing and holding her made Randi feel warm.

"I've got to get out of here," Randi said softly. "I'll carry that kiss with me all day."

"Me, too," Brock said.

"You'll have wet panties to remind you?" Randi joked.

"Take yours off and I will," Brock rejoined. Randi's eyes glinted as she reached beneath her skirt to slip her silk panties down her thighs and handed them over. She could put on a fresh pair at home.

Brock laughed and tried to hand them back but Randi refused.

"I don't want you to miss me too much," she said. "You can put Merie's panties on one side and mine on the other. That way you can smell us tonight and have pleasant dreams."

Brock's smile told her that he might just do that.

Brock hadn't yet drifted back to sleep when he heard Meredith emerge from the bathroom. He opened his eyes to see her standing in the doorway, nude, gazing at him and smiling softly. She didn't appear to notice that he was returning her gaze.

Meredith was the only woman Brock had ever known to have the exact same color hair between her legs as she did on her head. The dark red locks on top were identical in coloration to the curlier ones down below. Despite her blonde hair, Randi's pubic mound was covered in brown fur. The same was true for the other blondes Brock had seen disrobed. Even Melanie, whose hair was a rich brown, had darker hair beneath her panties.

Brock had no idea why those thoughts crossed his mind as he watched Meredith standing there but they did. Perhaps it was because the back-lighting accentuated her sexy frame. Perhaps he had been reliving the previous night. Either way, he knew he enjoyed seeing her. With a barely audible sigh, Meredith turned to head out of the room to get dressed. Although the threesome shared the bathroom, the girls kept their clothing in a separate room where more storage space was available.

"Hey," Brock said softly. "Aren't you forgetting something? I got up to brush my teeth for a reason, you know."

Meredith turned slowly to face him, her curves silhouetted against the white wall behind her.

"Mister, if I get back in that bed to kiss you dressed like I am there is no way I'm leaving the house today," Meredith said in a voice that was huskier than her normal tone.

"OK," Brock replied with a smile and a shrug.

"You know I made a commitment," Meredith said. She was warring with herself about calling down to Randi and telling her to go without her.

"I know," Brock said. "But I still expect a goodbye kiss."

"After I'm dressed," Meredith told him. "That way I think I can get to the stores without being molested first."

Brock laughed aloud.

"Merie, do you really think the simple fact that you're wearing clothes will keep me from wanting to molest you?" he asked. "You are just as sexy in your clothing as you are out of them."

"You always say the sweetest things," Meredith said with a wide smile. "I guess it's closer to the truth that it might keep me from molesting you. You know what will happen if I get into bed with you naked. I know what will happen, too, because I'll make sure it does."

"Fine," Brock said, feigning a pout.

Meredith saw Randi's white silk panties resting on a pillow as she crawled across her boyfriend to kiss him good morning and goodbye. She recognized them and gave him a smile before lowering her lips to his. Brock did his best to keep his hands in neutral places but as Meredith's enthusiasm increased, he found them grasping her butt.

Meredith didn't mind in the slightest. With reluctance, she pulled away.

"Last night was really special to me," she said.

"Me too," Brock replied. He waited for her to continue and, when she didn't, he spoke for her. "But there was something missing."

"Not missing," Meredith interjected quickly. "It was just ... I don't know if I can explain. It wasn't while we were together. It was later, when we were snuggling."

"I know," Brock admitted. "I felt it, too. We'll take some time on Sunday to talk this through. We'll also discuss the housing situation if you're sure this is something you want to try."

"You're the one who needs to be sure," Merie replied. "Now unhand me so I can go and find you a wonderful Christmas gift."

"You and Randi, naked, with bows around your waists?" Brock asked helpfully.

"That's more of an everyday present," Meredith replied. "I love you and I'll miss you today."

Brock returned the sentiments and closed his eyes. He would hate to come to bed tonight. In only four days, his two lovers had made his bed lonesome when he was in it by himself.

Brock hadn't dropped off to a deep sleep when he felt someone enter the bed with him. The door had been reclosed so it was too dark to see who it was, only a general form. He extended his arm to let his bedmate get close to him, which she immediately did.

"Change your mind?" he asked.

"Not about what you think," a voice he didn't expect told him. It caused him to sit up straight in bed.

"Jen!" he said in a loud whisper. "What are you doing here?"

"Snuggling with my bed buddy," she said. Brock could see her smile in the dim light. "Chris is going with them today so I rode over with him. I was just going to nap on the couch but Meredith told me to come and curl up with you if I wanted. I decided I wanted to."

"Oh, OK," Brock said, reclining again and letting Jen resume her spot on his shoulder. She didn't care that he was naked. He apparently didn't either. "So, you spent the night with Chris?"

"Last night and the night before," Jen admitted. "He's a really special guy."

"He is," Brock told her. "And you're a really special woman. I hope things work out for you."

"We're going to date when I get back out here," Jen said. "I already like him a lot. I mean, well, you know what I mean."

"It's not just about sex," Brock replied.

"Yeah," Jen admitted. "We've spent most of the week together. Mel was working Tuesday and Wednesday. Tara and Susan were both busy. I knew you were getting laid at a remarkable pace. So Chris showed me around. We went to dinner and he took me to the museum of modern art. Did you know he has an art degree?"

"Explains why he's working as a body guard," Brock said with a laugh. "That would have to be right up there with general studies in the "Degrees That Will Not Get You a Job" category."

"He said it's as worthless as a history degree," Jen joked. "He... , crap. This sounds really messed up. But he reminds me of you. I hate to leave Sunday. I wish I was already out here for good."

"I do, too," Brock told her. "You know, I figure the day I saw your little blonde head pop over the fence might have been the luckiest day of my life. I've never really taken the time to thank you for all you've meant to me."

"You?" Jen asked. "It might have been a good day for you but I have no doubt my life got so much better that afternoon."

"You'd have been fine," Brock said. "You were ready to break out of your shackles and start living whether you met me or not. I was ready to stop living, Jen. In just a few minutes of visiting with you, I understood what I would be missing if cut people out of my life. You? You'd have been fine. If not in Corbly then when you got off to college, your personality would have shown through."

"Yeah," Jen said. "And what a personality it would have been. I am the person I've become because you were a part of my life. I still have times when I think and act like my mother used to act. But more and more I find myself thinking and acting like you."

"Which is probably not a good thing," Brock said. "I mean, what sort of doctoral candidate eats cereal for supper?"

"So we can stop our mutual admiration for a while?" Jen asked with a laugh. She knew Brock's joke, although not particularly funny, was meant to move the conversation past the point of each telling the other how much they cared.

"I was thinking after the shrine was built, but sure," Brock said. "Have you found a place to live out here, yet?"

"I'm going to crash with Mel for a while," Jen said. "I thought about asking you but I don't want to cut into your time with Meredith."

"I was thinking about something else," Brock said, looking up at the ceiling. "You know, I've always tried to treat you guys equally."

"OK," Jen agreed. "And I think you know that we've always appreciated it. Who am I kidding? No we didn't."

Brock laughed.

"I have been approached recently with an investment idea," Brock said. "Have you seen the houses behind here?"

"The ones that aren't done?" Jen asked.

"They're done but they just need some landscaping," Brock answered. "So, uh, well, I'm thinking of buying this place from J.C. I'm also thinking about offering to finance five years of mortgages on those houses for you and the rest. I think it will be better in the long run than paying rent for an apartment for you."

"Brock, that's something I want to talk to you about," Jen said. "When you agreed to help with college, I was happy. I never expected it to continue to graduate school and I sure don't expect it to continue through my Ph.D."

"Too bad," Brock said firmly. "You earned scholarships to fund your tuition since you were a sophomore. I paid Tara and Susan's tuition throughout. Helping you with housing is only making up the difference."

"It's not fair," Jen said. "I mean it's not fair to the others."

"They're not upset with the situation," Brock pointed out. "I've made sure to help them in other ways. That's why I want to help with their mortgages. The properties are going to sell cheaply. It's not that the houses are cheaply built. I don't think that's the case at all. It's a matter that the investment firm that bought them was able to acquire them for next to nothing. I figured five years of subsidized mortgages will allow all of you to get your feet on the ground. It's as much for the rest of them as it is for you. I want them to have the chance to build a nest egg and I want you to be able to pursue your doctorate without going into debt or taking a job. In five years, we'll see where we are and decide if the subsidies should continue."

Jen sighed. This would alleviate one of the biggest problems she was facing: how to afford housing in Los Angeles without racking up $100,000 in student loans she would struggle to pay back. Still, Jen firmly believed she owed every good thing in her life to Brock Miller. She wasn't sure she should go into his debt further.

"Talk it over with the others," Brock said. "I'm going to offer to help Zoe, too. That'll be five of the eight houses back there. Plus it will let us keep the gates up. As it is, those will have to come down if one of the residents back there requests it."

"I'll think about it," Jen promised. "Now at least get some pants on or I'm going to start playing. You know I can't be around a hard cock without wanting to do something with it."

"I'm not hard," Brock said, shifting to find his boxer briefs at the side of the bed.

"Oh, I can fix that I'll bet," Jen joked. "But I won't since you're being such a good boy."

As Meredith, Randi and Darla – along with their bodyguard, Chris – made their way from store to store, laughing and giggling (although Chris' giggle was noticeable by its absence), Jen and Brock slumbered until almost 10 a.m.

After they showered and ate, the duo took a walk up the cul de sac that had once ended at Randi's house but now extended further out to where four additional smaller houses sat on each side. The one nearest the circular turn was unfinished but the others appeared habitable. Brock probably could have called Sam and gotten the keys to them but for now he and Jen were content to cup their hands and gaze through the windows.

"Pretty sweet set up," she said. "Have the others seen them?"

"Not yet," Brock admitted. "You were the one I always had trouble convincing to take money from me."

Jen tilted her head and crossed her arms.

"I know you didn't want to feel like I was buying your friendship," Brock continued when he saw the look on her face.

"Partly," Jen admitted. "Mostly I didn't want you to feel like you had to spend money to be my friend. I wanted you to know that even if we live side-by-side in cardboard boxes, I'd still be a friend to you."

"So you'll be a friend if I can arrange it so we live almost side-by-side here?" Brock asked.

"How much money are we talking?" Jen asked. She didn't want Brock to spend millions of dollars on a place for her to live.

"That's sort of the thing," Brock said with a rueful look. "The seller is going to let them go for less than they're worth if we buy them in bulk, so to speak. He doesn't want to have the hassle of trying to sell them individually, you know, dealing with a Realtor and paying out a commission, having someone take care of the upkeep while the sale is pending. He bought them to help out the bank."

"Which makes sense," Jen said.

"What I would prefer to do is to give you a large down payment," Brock told her. "Otherwise, even at four percent, you're going to pay more in interest than the principle over 30 years."

At this point, Jen started to shake her head.

"Hear me out," Brock protested. "I have reasons for wanting to do it this way."

"I won't take a 30-year mortgage," Jen insisted. "You wind up killing yourself on interest. It makes more sense to pay a little more toward the principle over 15 years."

"Which is why I want to make the down payment," Brock said. "I figure that you're going to wind up playing close to $120,000 in interest even over 15 years."

Jen closed her eyes for a moment.

"So you're saying he wants between $250,000 and $300,000 each?" she asked. "These are worth more than that."

"It's a little more than what he paid for them so I think he'll be flexible," Brock told her. "Like I said, he just did it so the bank could get it off its books before declaring dividends. He's not out to make a killing."

Jen narrowed her eyes.

"Do you own these, Brock?" she asked.

"No!" Brock insisted. "But I know who does and he won't gouge you. He wants what he paid for them plus the taxes he picked up – according to my very reliable source. He is the one who actually thought of you guys wanting to live close by."

"Sam," Jen stated, her analytical mind going to work. "Or maybe Al and Esmi."

"I'm not saying anything until I get it cleared," Brock said. "I'm not sure I'm supposed to know his plans. He might be planning to make them a gift..."

Jen was shaking her head again, this time with more authority.

"Which I know you would refuse," Brock continued. "So what I would like to do is to give each of you $200,000. We'd do it the same way we talked about in college. You're still officers in my charitable foundation. I added Zoe to the group last month. I'll give each of you a bonus that lets you have enough to drop the mortgages to about $550 a month. That should include the insurance and taxes. You'll be on your own for utilities and maintenance."

"Why don't you just finance them for us?" Jen asked. "You'd have to declare the interest dividend as taxable income but that shouldn't hurt too badly."

"Mostly because I don't want to be the one to report your payments to the credit bureaus," Brock admitted. "I asked my accountant and he doesn't do that. The other guy has an investment group that would handle that for him if he held the notes."

"So we don't report it to the bureaus," Jen said. In her element, Jen was brilliant. Outside of her element, she was naïve, Brock decided.

"You'll want it reported if you decide to move later," Brock told her. "You'll want a record of your on-time payments if you ever have to go to a bank for a mortgage or a car loan or a personal loan. A history of good credit will make it easier to get credit in the future."

"So when I want to buy a car, I'll just bat my eyelashes at you and wear a pair of skimpy shorts before I ask you for a loan," Jen said with a laugh. "It's worked for me in the past."

"It worked for you the first time," Brock said, also smiling. "The second time, it was purely for my benefit. I decided to give you a loan for your computer because you had paid off your car – even though I told you it wasn't necessary."

"And yet you made me debase myself," Jen said. "Jesus, to think the lengths I was willing to go for that computer."

"I would hasten to point out that you frequently went to those lengths even after you had secured your computer," Brock said, putting his arm around Jen's shoulder. "So I think you were just looking for reasons to crawl naked into my bed. The purchase had nothing to do with it."

"Yeah, fine," Jen said, sliding her arm around his waist. "You'll notice this morning I was clothed when I crawled into your bed."

"My loss," Brock joked, "Chris' gain."

"I rocked that poor boy's world," Jen stated as they headed back down the street to Brock's house. "He didn't know what hit him the next morning."

Brock didn't speak but he was certain Jennifer Miles was speaking the truth.

It was almost five p.m. when Meredith dialed Brock's cell phone to see if he and Jen wanted to meet the shopping group for supper.

"Will we need to dress?" Brock asked. He went for the purposeful double entendre to keep Meredith on her toes.

"You will, Jen can come as she is," Meredith replied. "Particularly if she's wearing little or nothing right now."

"I meant are you planning to dine in Beverly Hills or somewhere that I'll need a jacket or Jen will need a dress," Brock corrected when Meredith didn't rise to the bait.

"We're casual," Meredith told him. "You saw how we were dressed this morning. Chris is in a sweater and jeans. Jen can wear what she had on this morning – unless it got wrinkled when she undressed to get into bed."

"She did not get undressed to get into bed!" Brock said louder than he meant to.

Meredith giggled.

"Love, it wouldn't have mattered if she had," she said in a soft voice. "You've told me those days were over. She could have spent the whole day naked at the house and I know you wouldn't have done anything. I'm the one who told her to go upstairs and curl up with you. I know she always loved to have you next to her and I know you sleep better when you have someone beside you. It was win-win, once I asked to see if it would bother Chris. He said not until they were engaged. What do you think of that?"

"She said she rocked his world this week," Brock said with a chuckle. "But he might hold off on the ring until she comes back for good."

"I'm sure he will," Meredith said. "You know, I'm really glad for her. She looked so happy this morning. I hope they all find someone they can love. I really do. I used to feel bad about taking you away from them. I used to wonder if they would ever find someone to take your place in their lives. Now I realize that I don't want anyone to take your place in their lives – just in their beds and in their hearts. So, will you meet us?"

Brock agreed after a short discussion with Jen. Jen wanted to know more if Chris would be there rather than what she should wear.

"We took a walk to the houses this afternoon," Brock told Meredith.

"Really?" Meredith asked eagerly. "Does that mean you're really considering what we talked about last night?"

"Strongly considering it," Brock said. "We'll talk about it Sunday when we're all together."

"I love you," Meredith stated firmly. "Where we live won't affect that one bit. I want you to know that how I feel isn't contingent upon staying where we are. Randi says the same thing. If we have to move, we have to move. If it's to Minneapolis, it's to Minneapolis. Prince put together quite a recording studio out of there. We'll do what we have to do to stay together."

Same as A Flawed Diamond
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"hey i thoght you just go dried off" she said "well i was hot again it is july you know" i said to her she ran toward me and flung herslef at me. i caught her and lifted her up i pulled her rite to the level of my face i looked into her deep brown eyes she was so beutiful. we stood there in the water staring into each other's eyes until she broke up the moment by letting out a girlish giggle. " put me on your shoulders" she said to me " ok" i replied she waded around...

2 years ago
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Anal At Last

“Okay, I’m ready Sexy bum.” Kathy shouts from her bedroom.I stop stroking my now stiff cock and walk up the stairs. I could barely contain my excitement. I am smiling from ear to ear and my cock is just throbbing to the touch. As I get to the top of the landing I can see right into Kathy’s bedroom and there she was in all her glory. She had red stilettos on and nothing else. Kathy stood in front of the bed bent over with her sexy bum sticking out. The closer I got to her I start to see...

1 year ago
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Angels Journey Chapter 33

I drive up to the special car park, and hurry to the change room. Off comes the modest knee length skirt, to be replaced by the tight mid-thigh one.. I know it displays my stocking tops. I go over my make-up, cherry red lips, dark eye-shadow, long long lashes from the mascara, then move my hair up into a pony tail. Undoing the top buttons of my blouse I pose to the mirror, plumping up my breasts... yeah I look like a slut. I don't know whether to be proud, or ashamed, as I return to the...

4 years ago
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Boston Solutions IncorporatedChapter 12

Professor Sigmond had just finished taking roll. He was an older man in his early sixties and quite severe looking (he had a nose in the shape of a tomahawk). Even though this was only the second class of the summer session, he had already demonstrated that he would not tolerate any nonsense from the students. He looked down at his roll sheet and asked, “Mr. Osfeld, why do you think Marie Antoinette was so hated?” Without the least bit of hesitation, Stephen answered, “I don’t know.” “What...

3 years ago
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A teenage lus

"Hello? Devon? Hey baby what's up?" "Nothing baby just watching the game, you know me. What you doing?" "Just got out in the house I was wondering if you wanted to stop by." "Uh, after the game iight ma? "No babe yo necesito ahora por fa. I'm so damn horny I've been wanting you all day" "Damn girl, you know I want to but, I can't" Devon was 3 years older than Seanna, while Seanna was in her junior year of highschool. Devon was in his sophmore year of college. "Baby...

3 years ago
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Orchard Road

I’m walking down Orchard Road. It’s not the Orchard Road you think it is, Elm Street is not around the corner, I’m in Singapore, in fact, crossing a busy section in the heart of the shopping district, observing the red pedestrian traffic light that keeps everybody on the curb and extends priority to a passing tram car. The tram stop on the other side of the street is busy, rush hour has already started. I’m looking at the waiting crowd, expats, locals, poor tourists, and somebody reacts to my...

Gay Male
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Teaching her my sister learns to give Blow Jobs

This is a continuation of 1st, "My sisters sleepover" and then "At Home One Night". A saga of a 18 year old boy and his coming of age 16 year old sister,This was a weekend unlike most, I actually had the house to myself! My parents went to a class reunion of my dad's and they were going to spend the night there. My s*s was spending the night at Linda's after the basketball game and me, well I got stoodup by a girl at school for a date to see a movie. She wanted to see this, but claimed...

3 years ago
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Old Bob Pt 2

Bob Kuzneski, the man next door, was the man of her dreams.Over the days that came, Misha's whole perspective of her life changed. Sure, she was still the same person, but her outlook and priorities had changed. She found herself a lot more upbeat, giggly and excitable. She again felt like the silly teenage girl living next door to the hot guy.She was spending her days laughing at his jokes, dressing revealingly for him, hoping to catch him alone while trying not to get caught by her husband,...

Mind Control
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Dost Ki Maa Ko Choda

Hi readers i am vicky sharing with a beautiful & hot story of my freind sumit and her sexy mom sohini. Sumit was my classmate and we are very close freind to each other. Mera unke ghar regular jana ana tha aur mai unke family member ki tarah tha. Mai unki family ke har function ko attend karta tha. Sumit ki mom ka nam sohini tha wo bahut hi sexy lady thi, itni khoobsurat ki noor uske badan ke har hisse se tapakta tha gora rang, kale kale gunghrale bal aur balon ki lat jo uske chehre par thi...

1 year ago
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BrattySis Emma Sirus Jazmin Luv I Accidentally Fucked My Stepbrother On Valentines Day

It’s coming up on Valentine’s Day and Emma Sirus and her friend Jazmin Luv have decided to decorate Emma’s house. They’re out in the living room when Emma’s stepbrother, Jay Romero, comes in and tells them what a good job they’re doing. While Jay and Emma have a chat, Jazmin takes the opportunity to do something a little naughty: She takes some naughty conversation hearts and slips them in with the regular conversation hearts. Jay takes one and happens to get...

4 years ago
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Suburban Storm

 George walked round the corner of the house and stopped in his tracks. She was stark bollock naked. She was face down on a blanket sunning herself in the late spring warmth, her arms above her head and legs slightly apart. Sun glasses and tan lotion were within her reach. Then he noticed she was in fact wearing a skimpy cream coloured bikini that tied up at the hips, her top was lose and lay under her great body. She had plump buttocks ‘built for squeezing and spanking’ thought George...

2 years ago
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Carol was drunk, but she didn’t care. It wasn’t her fault, a bottle of Chardonnay and two rum cocktails did that to a girl. Jack and Gary promised it wouldn’t turn into a business dinner but that’s what they always said. Carol usually spent dinner gossiping with Gary’s wife, Tina. But the babysitter had cancelled at the last second, and Tina stayed home instead. So Carol was all alone with two would-be global tycoons. Who could blame her for drinking a bit more than usual? “If we go for...

1 year ago
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Alycia and her Master

Alycia rolled over sleepily and nuzzled her head against his hand. “Mm, thank you, Master.” The door clicked closed and she jerked upright, suddenly wide awake. Her Master was getting her a new sex toy and she had barely responded! She was determined to make that up to him - after all, she had an almost bottomless appetite for new sex toys! She ran over to where her lead was and clipped it to her collar. She may have been too sleepy when he first told her, but she would be straining at...

3 years ago
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Carolines MomChapter 8

Rachel was due back this week. Caroline and I couldn't wait. Caroline was nice but her mother had been my fantasy since I was 15, or maybe even younger. She was enrolling on campus as a transfer student. We were going to live in a house she had rented off campus. As I walked down campus road, Caroline joined men and wrapped her arm around my waist. "I spoke to mom last night." "What did Rachel say?" Caroline grinned and said. "To tell you that she stopped the pill and she is going...

3 years ago
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Living It with Dylan chapter 2

Wednesday “I found Scotty a place,” Dylan announced, Wednesday evening at dinner. We were at a posh downtown place where you had to dress up, and Dylan looked so sharp in his suit that I wanted to fuck him in the men’s room, honestly. “Calm down, bro,” he scolded me, slapping my hand away teasingly, when I suggested it. We had our bikes, since we’d both come straight from school, and we were waiting for horny Scott to meet us. He was outside, already, and I could see him through the...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Love Is Never BlindChapter 2

Friday Dr. Wilson gave us our weekend reading assignment at the beginning of class: Darkness at Noon. I had already read it but that was in high school. I was hoping that it might be something I really enjoyed, maybe something more modern. I’d read all five books in one series and I liked the story, especially the sex and intrigue and carnage and incest and dragons. I knew that was too much for a college English class. I wore loafers, polished for the first time in a year or so, and some...

2 years ago
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Meri Bhabhi Aur Wo Kaala Chota Aadmi 8211 Part 2

Kripya pehle part ko padhe tabhi samjh aayegi aapko ye kahani aur comment jaror karein pe. Phir bhabhi ne usko palang pe lita diya aur uske nipple ko chusne aur chumne lagi uski chhati pe bohot baal the wo balo pe haant bhi phere ja rahi thi aur dhere dhere neeche ki aur aane lagi uski nabhi jo ki balo se ghiri hui thi uspe apni jeebh ghumane lagi wo to saala lete hue jannat ki sehar kar raha tha phir uske lund pe wo apne boobs ko ragadne lagi uska lund dheela tha tab bhi bohot bara tha Aur...

1 year ago
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Cry HavocChapter 4

Spacewalking was basically a "pay attention and don't fuck up" proposition Qi concluded. If the equipment was going to fail, you were screwed. If you could slap on a patch in less than 30 seconds, parts of your body would survive. As long as a person maintained the fact in the forefront of the brain that humans did not belong in space, the chances of survival were good. For extra excitement, gamma ray bursts were out there zinging about; they were the universe's version of Russian...

4 years ago
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Gabrielles Discovery Adventure Ch 04

AUTHOR’S NOTE: This chapter contains straight sex, bi-sex, gay sex and lesbian sex. Late Friday evening Kent received a phone call from a woman named Catherine. She told him that his mother was enjoying herself so much that she had decided to stay the night and that she would be staying over on Saturday as well. Kent was thrilled to hear the news and as soon as Catherine hung up, he called his gay friends and invited them over for Saturday. He was excited because they would have the whole day...

4 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 20

Vee and the Sukhoi performed one of those extend the gear at the top of the loop and squeaked into a landing as they locked maneuvers that scare the living hell out of everybody. Now that she was on the ground people noticed the P-38 with the Merlins. "What in the hell is that?" "We never built one of those." "That's so cool." "How does she fly?" Then they noticed the British roundels and That started a whole new discussion. They were looking at an airplane that wasn't...

1 year ago
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Wo Etne Ladke Aur Me Akeli Thi

Ham log uske dost ke ghar ke bahar tak aa chuke the aur abhi tal naveen ka lund jhada nahi tha… Me lagatar chuse ja rahi thi thi uske lund ko.. Uska akk dum sidha aur naso se bhara hua lund bahut pyara lag raha tha pura ka pura lund me thuk se gila hua pada tha chudai aur mene jo pure raste lund chusa tha uski wajah se chaamk sa raha tha.Khair ham uske dost ke yahan pahuch gaye the aur abb naveen uske ghar ke bahar hi gadi me beth kar lund chuswa raha tha……. Thodi hi der me uska lund bahut full...

4 years ago
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My Best Friend

This is my first story, please be kind to me! About a month ago, I caught my boyfriend in our bed, with another girl. She was tied up and he was whipping her, screaming “You like that don’t you”. It was the most horrifying thing I have ever seen. But what made it worse, he was doing a better job on her, than he ever did with me. I always thought he knew nothing about turning on a woman; I was always longing to be touched by him, slowly running his fingers down my body, teasing me. But no, with...

Oral Sex
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Accidental Discovery

When writing erotica, I live and enjoy the story as much as the sex. What a great way to spend a little free time, but being stimulated mentally AND physically. If you like what follows, please let me know. If you don’t like this piece, I need even more to know why. Thanks for sharing your precious time with me and I sincerely hope you enjoy Accidental Discovery. ============================================ Another drop of the clear yet surprisingly viscous liquid grew and grew, until it’s...

2 years ago
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Meri Pyari Bhabhi

Hello friends, my name is Kunal age 22 and I’m from Alwar Rajasthan. I’m tall with 5’11” height and high personality boy with colour main ab B tech ka student hu bhabbhi ka naam suman h jo ki bahut hi sexy or mast figure wali h uska figure 38 30 34 tha uske boobs blkl re the pr tits bhi pink thi iski Shaaadi ko hue 2 saal ho gye the chalo ab m story pe aata hu ye story mere pados me rhne wali bhabhi ki chudai ki h or us waqt me 11vi me padta tha bhabhi mast sexy or mast figure wali thi sb...

3 years ago
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Teacher to perform part 4

Chapter 8 Phil sneered at me as he got into position next to me and told me to undo his pants. I did so and soon had his semi-erect penis free. He told me to peel back his foreskin and suck his glans. I did so, his glans was another large heavy black plum glistening with his clear pre-cum fluid. I opened my mouth and guided it in. I then closed my lips over the head and started to suck. I could taste his pre-cum and must admit that I found it stimulating. He began to stiffen and I could feel...

2 years ago
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Punishment To a Innocent Wife

Hi friends this is my first story here. Hope you all like it if you’re interested in us you can join us and please provide your important comments so I can submit more stories of our actions you can also get connected to me at [email protected] Story by Cockold hubby !!!Let me introduce myself I’m 26 years old Hindu male from Mumbai working in a reputed MNC, I have been married for 2 years to a very good looking, obedient and intelligent wife. She is Gaurangana 5.3, 64 kgs, 36 32 36...

1 year ago
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The Bar Pickup My Husband Dared me to Try somet

My husband, Ben, has always had a kinky side. He is into mild fetishes like light bondage and cosplay sex, and he has even wilder fantasies regarding multiple partners and wife-sharing. I have to be honest and admit that I share some of his milder fantasies, and willingly help fulfill others simply because he is my husband and I love him. I had drawn the line at multiple partners, or other guys, though. I was not prepared to cross that line. One night we had made a bet over the outcome of...

2 years ago
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Naked on Summer Vacation Slut Summer SchoolChapter 22

After being pelted by clods of sand and being high-step running in tandem side by side on the beach as our school nurse told us we were lazy sluts who needed to bounce our tits more the last person I wanted to see was Betty Finch. Betty had long blonde hair, huge tits, and a perfect body. She exuded sexuality like the 9th-grade version of Samantha Fox! She was with a handsome older man who was different than the last guys I had seen her with that she called “Daddy.” “Hey, wow! those...

1 year ago
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I bet you cant

It was the summer before my junior year in high school, I was sixteen, and so was my twin sister Kate.  We were about as different as twins could be, except for looking alike. I was a bookish, intellectual nerd.  I like sci-fi, comic books, and school.  I had friends, but I had never had a girlfriend.  I was shy, quiet, introverted, and very reserved. Kate on the other hand was a firecracker!  She was very brash, outspoken and energetic.  A spoiled brat.  And she had a very active social...

3 years ago
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Broken Virginity

TVs provide the perfect light for romance their soft gentle glow sets the mind mood the fear of being caught has its tensions which can be difficult to over come but relief is just down the stairs back to the glow refire the mood lips touch lips hands fingers enterlaced kiss after kiss exposed skin soft caress fully undressed light blankets the skin glorious in every shade of pale skin closing in to commit our sin entry welcomed encourage to come in bodies hot tightly joined pushed over to...

2 years ago
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Goodgulf the Wizard Ogres and Amazons Part 1

I was sitting in my favorite tavern in the small town of Salla Sallew (where ther are no troubles, at least very few) minding my own business enjoying a good pint of cold beer (I used wizardry to chill the beer, I can’t stand it warm) when in walked three ogres. Now we get all sorts of beings in town so three ogres wasn’t all that unusual. We have humans, elves, orcs, dwarves, halflings, goblins, trolls, ogres and even a few fairies. Most of the intelligent people get along with each other...

4 years ago
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Dial-A-Change by Troy Hello, you have reached Dial-A-Change, your one and only source for complete and total transformation. If you want to become a woman press 1, if you want to become a man press 2, if you want to become a girl press 3, if you want to become a boy press 4, if you want to become an infant press 5, if you want to be a wolf press 6, if you are predisposed to equines press 7, if ..... If you want to be a car press 87, if you want to be a brassiere... Jeff...

2 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 596

The Ship Shortly after 2:00 A.M., Kathy and Bill walked out the back and into the garage of the Retreat hand in hand. “Do you think that Ship will let us in?” she asked her husband. “No way to tell unless we ask,” he said as they went out the small garage door with Bill making sure it closed quietly behind them. Outside, Kathy looked around them, then up at the sky. Since it was in the wee hours of the morning and everyone was in bed, the outer lights had been dimmed, but there was still...

2 years ago
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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 279

Laura wore her silver bracelet every day, taking it off only on Friday when she was going to meet Sara since she didn't want any questions. She thought often of Amber, and of Dawn, of the scorching but entirely different sex she had shared with each of them, but it did not leech away any of her love for Sara, and the weekend, now that there was no period to interfere, was another sweet and exhausting marathon of love-fucking. Both of them marveled at how they were unable to wear it out....

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Anie Darling Cayla Erotic Threesome Fantasy

Cayla and Anie Darling have dressed in black lingerie that highlights their slender figures to team up against Lutro. They blindfold him and bind his hands, and then go about having their way with their willing victim. Their first move is to urge him to his feet so that they can divest him of his pants so that Cayla can drop to her knees and suck him off while Anie captures his lips between her red ones. Kneeling beside Cayla, Anie joins her girlfriend in delivering a sucktastic blowjob. They...

1 year ago
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At it like Bunny Rabbits

It was just a normal lad's night out. We'd been to a few pubs and bars, had the usual chats about football, and were feeling pretty rowdy when we got to the club. I spotted her as soon as I walked in. She was dressed as a bunny rabbit and looked sexy as hell. Her short black pvc bunny suit clung to her figure and her cute pink fury bunny ears on her head really stood out in the crowd. She also had on a black bowtie, black silk gloves up to her elbows, and on her legs, fishnet tights and black...

2 years ago
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MomBF and Daughter makes Three Chapter 2

Chapter Two - Two becomes ThreeBetween their meets Lorie and Brad continued playing online, chatting and camming when they could, emailing naughty pics when they couldnt. Interestingly it seems that Beth had picked up her mom's like of sensual pictures and had done some as well. Lorie and Beth were very close and new each other took pics and infact sometimes took some together. On this day Lorie emailed Brad some pics of her and included a couple of fun pics of her and Beth horsing around in...

2 years ago
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Virginia and Her SistersChapter 3

It was Friday evening and I had arrived at Valerie's place to collect Simone. I was escorting her to her graduation ball. I hadn't met her in person, only having seen Simone's photo last weekend when the twin sisters had organised me as escort for the evening. I had splashed out with my allowances and hired a stretched Hummer to take us to the downtown hotel venue for the ball. I was also armed with a beautiful bunch of flowers and corsage when I arrived. Virginia met me at the door and...

1 year ago
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Fucked In a Sex Theatre

My older lover, Jeff had educated me in many ways in his world of sexual deviance. But one memory that lingres in my mind is the following.I was old enough to have sex at s*******n but not old enough to visit an adult sex shop. Jeff told me to just stay with him & be quite as he took me into the adult shop just a few blocks from the city cente.He held my hand as we looked through the endless display of erotic dvd'd, sex toys lotions & clothes, the shop was so tasetful, colourful &...

1 year ago
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How I Got Lucky With My Newly Moved In Mallu Neighbor

Hey guys this is Rahul from Bangalore again with another story.. I’m from Sarjapur.. This time it’s about my neighbor who just moved in recently and she was unsatisfied.. So first day when she moved in she was showing the packers and movers where to place the households and I saw her then and we just had eye contact. So days passed and I used to keep looking out for her and I noticed that she had two young kids, she used to go drop them to the bus stop. Now talking about her she looked really...

3 years ago
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Schism Part 1

Schism By~Flashdance Aint found a way to kill me yet Eyes burn with stinging sweat Seems every path leads me to nowhere The bullets scream to me from somewhere Here they come to snuff the rooster Yeah here come the rooster, yeah You know he aint gonna die No, no, no, ya know he aint gonna die My buddys breathin his dyin breath Oh God please won't you help me make it through --August 30th, 2048 A.D? I switched off my turntable?and listened closely to a knocking sound at my...

3 years ago
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Gigolo From Rourkela 8211 Part 2

Hello to all the reader of ISS. Hi Girls / Ladies / Housewives of Rourkela Odisha, I am Bapi from Rourkela, Odisha. I am back here to share one more incident which took place recently. I would like to introduce myself to readers who dont know me. As informed earlier my name is Bapi,age 32, unmarried, located in Rourkela, Odisha. I am working in a private firm and serving as part time gigolo (male escort) for unsatisfied females. If you are lonely or unsatisfied with your sexual life or just for...

1 year ago
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Stephanie and Willard Browne

The Hamilton High late December homecoming game and dance, and the related after event parties, was always the big event of the upcoming 1new year, every year, kind of a pre-prom I guess one might say. I was taking Stephanie Ward, my girlfriend of the past year. We were both seniors and were even talking about getting engaged and hitched after high school. The plan was for us to get engaged, me join the army and learn a trade, and for her to go to nursing school. And, upon my return, we'd...

2 years ago
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Sweet innocent virgin college girl Part 1

(This story is 100% completely made up, [and long] so this never happened. EVER.) I was 19 years old, my name is Angela, and I'm a virgin. Yes, that's right, i made it through high school, still a virgin. My breasts are a few sizes larger than the average for my age, so yeah, I get hit on a lot. But no one ever makes a move. I'm bisexual, so I've had my fair share of boyfriends, and girlfriends, but never had my first kiss yet. I never watched Porn, never even looked at my self naked, ...

4 years ago
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Cucked at the wedding Phil comes to stay

The two weeks until Phil came to stay went by in a horny blur. Carrie and I fucked most nights, then 3 days before she put a stop to it telling me she was now saving herself for Phil. This may not be as 'story-like' as the others as I am recollecting from what Carrie told me so is more factual. Hopefully this won't disappoint.I left for my training course early that morning. Nervous and excited about what was going to happen to Carrie and how our lives were going to change forever....we kissed...

1 year ago
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Sleeping In The Meadow

In a small town of only three thousand people it wasn’t a challenge to find out the details of your neighbors life. The where, the when, the who. It was a blessing and a curse, as a kid I could never get away with anything, and I never had to keep a secret that was just too juicy to withhold. So, it was no surprise to me when I heard about the arriving of Charli Rioux. Hearing it from my mama, also the eyes and ears of our town being the clerk in our only local grocery store, ‘She has a sharp...

2 years ago
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Jonathon And Jackie Naked In SchoolChapter 25 Jonathon

Jackie was shaking in my arms. I let her go so we didn't get in trouble for violating the stupid PDA rules, rules that didn't make any sense to me. It was okay to fondle and touch someone in The Program, but no hugging or kissing? Go figure. "What are you talking about? Why would I be mad at you, Baby?" I said. Jackie furrowed her brow. "Because I asked if we could pick other people for relief." "Why would that make me mad? We agreed anything was okay as long as it was something...

1 year ago
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Snowy Night With Aunt Cindy

The oldest daughter, she was the best looking of the three sisters, including my mom. Tall, dark hair, a great smile, long legs, always tan with a smattering of freckles. She had firm-looking “B” cup tits and a nice ass. Smart too, she was the first in the family to head off to college. She had a lot going for her, but I never really paid much attention. Things took a turn the summer of ‘77, after I turned 18, just before I headed off to the Army. I planned on spending a month on my...

2 years ago
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My Very First Time part2

I lied down with her, with my mouth and face covered with her naughty honey. "Are you ok? Did I hurt you?" I looked at her. She shook her head without a word. Suddenly someone knocked on my door. "Hey, masscreyou. Have you seen L?" She and I stared at each other with eyes wide open and mouths shut tight. "No, I didn't. I was asleep." I answered. "Oh, ok. Do you want to have dinner together later?" "Sure, bro. I'll talk to you when I am ready." Now both of us were thinking how she was going to...

4 years ago
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Poolside Orgy

(This is a story that I saw from an incest magazine.) Story #1 - Poolside Orgy, from Family Affairs I guess you could say it all started when my girlfriend asked me what my fantasy was. At the time it was to have sex with two girls at the same time. So I told her. She told me she could make my fantasy come true if I could make hers of two guys at the same time come true. So I agreed, and two days later I was screwing her and her sister. It was great, but I didn’t want to share Lisa with...

3 years ago
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Moving to a Retirement Community

Chapter 4 The whole move took just over two weeks. First of all I had to visit several times to make sure the changes to the house were coming along the way I wanted them to. Of course the bathroom had to be enlarged. I'd grown use to the larger bath area, as well as the multiple shower heads and I was damned certain that I'd have the same thing at this house, too. Then the bedroom had to be enlarged as well. To get this right the second bedroom was incorporated into the one I chose as my...

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