Lucky Jim 1-FirehairChapter 12: Gold And Expansion free porn video

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Gold and Expansion

Jun 10, 1858

In the morning, not wanting to leave two women and two infants alone and unprotected on the ranch, I took them into town with me, intending to put them up at a hotel in the room next to mine. The desk clerk and I both blushed when Vivian stated adamantly that the constable had awarded me everything, including them. They had no intention of staying anywhere but with me. Instead, I got one room with the biggest bed they had available.

They knew the bank their husbands dealt with, and there was no note on the property, but the rancher had more than a thousand dollars in his account. Once the constable explained the situation to the banker, I closed the account and pocketed the money.

The banker wasn’t interested in buying the ranch and said none of the banks would pay for a farm with the economy the way it was. That night I gave the women a choice. I’d pay their way home if they had family, leave them here with five hundred dollars each, or take them back to Libertyville and make sure they had what they needed. They chose Libertyville, once again reminding me that the constable had awarded them to me.

While they insisted on sleeping with me, I warned them that sleeping was all we would be doing. If they tried anything else, I would walk away and leave them with nothing. I explained that I already had seven wives, and nothing was going to happen unless my wives approved it.

I don’t know if they were shocked that I had seven wives, or if they were disappointed, but they quieted down and went to sleep. At least they continued taking care of my wound. Even with all the riding I was doing, it was finally starting to heal.

Jun 11

I spent a couple of hours wandering through shops in town this morning, looking for anything new or exciting. To the best of my knowledge, we had regular orders arriving of the things we needed. Everyone contributed to the lists we sent to St. Louis with our two boats, or with Captain Roberts. They were able to estimate what they needed in advance much better than I could guess--provided I even remembered half of the things they needed.

I was excited when I found an odd pair of boots. The Aigle boots were made by a French company. They were knee-high and made from a new, waterproof material called rubber. The first thing that came to mind when I saw them was my wet, frozen feet from when I worked in the stream panning for gold. I bought all ten pairs that he had, and sent one to James Callahan in St. Louis, asking him to order two thousand pairs of the boots in large sizes.

I also asked him to inquire if they made the boots that went even higher up the leg. If not, could we pay extra to have the manufacturer make two thousand special pairs? I wanted them to reach mid-thigh.

Satisfied that I’d accomplished something useful, we ate lunch in town and then rode back out to the ranch. While they began packing their belongings into their wagon, I rode out and spoke with the neighboring ranchers and farmers. Between them, they offered to trade twenty head of cattle for the ranch, nowhere near what it would be worth in a healthy economy, but more than I was liable to get otherwise. I warned them that I was taking the livestock and tools, and whatever the women wanted from the house.

Our men rode in just before supper. To save time, they had taken a steamboat south, bringing their horses with them. While sharing our supper with them, I noticed two of the cowhands seemed interested in the two women, and the two women seemed interested in return. They were still talking together when I crashed for the night.

Jun 12

We were up before the rooster this morning. I took the women and their wagon into town with me to book passage to Libertyville. The women seemed to be a little nervous this morning until I assured them that I was happy they were interested in the two men. I explained that I found them attractive, but already had my hands, and bed, full.

We caught a boat leaving mid-morning and arrived in Libertyville the next afternoon.

Jun 13

It was almost funny watching my wives when they saw me. They were trying to decide whether the injury to my shoulder or the two young women and their babies needed to be explained first.

I started with the wound, explaining what happened, and how I ended up with the two young women. I also explained that they were interested in two of the cowhands who would be back in a week or so. My wound was poked, prodded, and treated while I told my tale. When they finally decided that I would live, we ate supper.

My wives took pity on me and were much less demanding than usual in bed tonight.

Jun 14

I was surprised when I woke up this morning and realized that it was well past dawn. I finally realized how hard I’d pushed the last few days and didn’t get upset with myself. I’d even slept through the several roosters I usually heard because I was already awake when they began their racket. Dragging myself downstairs, I found a hearty breakfast waiting for me. When I finished, I went out to see what was going on.

Dad saw me and waved me over to a group of people talking to him. He introduced me to everyone, explaining that I was the one who made all this possible. They seemed surprised by my youth, but Dad explained that I was nicknamed “Lucky Jim” for a reason. The group of nineteen people, in five families, had just arrived and were looking for work. Since four of the families had wagons, Dad directed them to an area now designated for people who were temporarily living in wagons.

Evidently, when people moved into one of the new homes, we bought their wagons and we had more than two hundred fifty empty wagons for people to live in if needed. We also used them if we needed extra freight wagons. If a family arrived without a wagon, they moved into one of the available wagons until we had a house or apartment available. Dad explained that the wagons offered a bit more privacy to each family than the dormitories now that the weather was warmer.

I heard the distinctive signal from the Paha Sapa--three long blasts followed by two short blasts, indicating that Nathan would be docking shortly. I knew he wouldn’t be returning north immediately but hurried to the house to find the nine remaining pairs of Aigle rubber boots to give him.

By the time I got there, people were already unloading gold into wagons, and the first wagon was headed for town.

Nathan waved when he saw me, and then turned his attention back to unloading. Someone had made small, sturdy wooden pallets with sides. The gold ingots were neatly stacked on them with a wooden cover nailed over them. Each pallet held a thousand pounds of gold and made transfer from boat to wagon easy. Each pallet was two feet by two and a half feet, and eight inches high.

Other men were busy unloading the coal, much of which was now loaded into portable bins aboard the rafts to facilitate their transfer by using cranes to load the bins onto wagons. Evidently, we were now selling coal at the Libertyville docks where they hoisted the bins over the boat and poured the coal into the hopper. Our carpenters were making more of the bins, so we had enough to leave two sets at the coal mine and one set on the Libertyville docks. When they were empty, they took the bins back to the coal mine to be refilled. While Nathan supervised the unloading, I gave him the nine pairs of rubber boots to take back north next time he went, explaining what they were for.

Dad told me that the gold miners had requested permission to spend the winter working in the mine. It would be deep enough by then to protect them from the bitter cold, so Dad had carpenters, lumber, and building supplies ready to go to enclose the mine opening and the stamping mill. They intended to enclose a road between the buildings, one wide enough for two wagons to pass each other. They would make the cover like a covered bridge, designed to keep the road free of snow and mud. Aside from the winter snow that fell occasionally from September to March, occasional heavy rain all year would make the road a quagmire. Plus, they would build a barracks like we had at the coal mine and a silo for coal.

They would remodel the smelter, so the prevailing winds didn’t blow directly inside, and would make barn doors for the smelter to close when nobody was working inside. Dad had potbellied stoves ready to go to provide heat for the buildings. Extra food would go with each of the supply boats so they would have adequate food for the winter. Even the Sioux would help, drying several loads of buffalo meat for them to use making stew during the winter.

I met briefly with all the chiefs this afternoon, explaining what land I thought we should buy next and asking if it met with their approval. They agreed that the land between the Platte and the Elkhorn River would be a good place for our expansion. It was a good place to find herds of buffalo most of the year, which was my goal. I wanted a large tract of land we could settle, farm, and use as an unofficial reservation for them, one with plenty of buffalo.

Once we all agreed, I showed it to Dad, asking him to start a survey of the area while I was gone. Using one of the survey maps of the Nebraska Territory, I marked out the area I wanted to buy. North to South, it included everything from the current boundary of the Platte River on the south to the Fifth Standard Parallel North, or about thirty miles north of us.

East to West, it included everything from the eastern boundary of Dodge County, part of which was the Elkhorn River, west to ninety-eight degrees west longitude, or about eighty-five miles wide. That was beyond the boundaries of Monroe and Polk counties, the last tier of surveyed and named counties at this time.

Based on the survey map of the Nebraska Territory we used, my rough estimate was 1.2 million acres. The survey map showed the Nebraska Territory, and all the surveyed counties to date. What I wanted was roughly three and a half counties. Dad was stunned, but agreed to get the survey started immediately, although only the westernmost part of the purchase would need surveying. Everything else had been surveyed; the information we needed was right there on the survey map.

Flo went into labor shortly after I got home, and I was summarily excused from the bedroom until she delivered. Just before midnight, I heard the squall of a newborn. A while later, I was introduced to my son Will, short for William.

Jun 16

We all arose late today, exhausted from the late night and the emotion of Will’s birth. I spent most of the day at home, content to be with Flo, Will, and the rest of my family. We did have a steady stream of visitors all day, eager to see Will and to congratulate us. I found out that both of my brothers’ wives were expecting, too. My mom and my brothers’ wives all commented about how both of my brothers had finally grown up and accepted their responsibilities as husbands and men.

Jun 17

I took time to ride around today, looking at the crops that were growing like weeds. Our soil in Virginia had been good, but nothing we grew there did as well as our crops here. Despite the fertility of the soil here, we made sure we took care of it. We rotated crops, and composted manure and bedding from the livestock, spreading it over the fields we intended to plant. Riding still made my wounded arm hurt, but not nearly as bad as it had at first.

Abram Williams, one of the former slaves, stopped by with Edwin Fitch, the man in charge of planning, planting, and harvesting the grain crops. Abram saw the sweet sorghum growing. Thinking it was regular sorghum, he became excited about possibly brewing a beer he’d helped brew while still in Africa. When he learned that sweet sorghum was different, he hoped we would grow regular sorghum next year. Edwin wanted to make sure it was okay to grow crops just to make beer. Once I learned how much beer he expected to make per acre of sorghum, I suggested starting with a hundred acres and see how it turned out leaving both men happy.

At dinner, Wendy only picked at her food. Her water broke shortly afterwards, and I again found myself persona non grata in my own bedroom. Worn out from pacing much of the night, I fell into a fitful sleep sitting in one of the stuffed chairs in the parlor. Emma woke me shortly after midnight to meet my son Connor, named after Wendy’s father who died in the attack that left her an orphan and a captive.

Jun 18

Once again, I awoke late, but so did the rest of my family. Still, someone was in the kitchen cooking breakfast, so I snuck downstairs, used the water closet, and headed for the kitchen to find Mom and Emma’s mom cooking. “We thought you’d be tired this morning,” Mom explained. I thanked them for their thoughtfulness.

I again spent the day at home with my expanding family. Captain Roberts stopped by just before supper, having just docked an hour earlier. He decided to make this stop a short visit, wanting to take his wife with us to visit the few friends she had in New Orleans.

Jun 19

Our herd of cattle arrived today, all twenty-two hundred of them. After dropping off a load of coal, Nathan had piloted his string of barges downriver and loaded the cattle, the men, and their horses before ferrying them to where he usually unloaded. I noticed they were building a real dock there from stone and mortar and had covered the slope they normally used to drag the logs from the river with concrete to keep it from wearing away from constant use. They raised the natural bank along the edge of the river even further, making a fifteen-foot-high levee. The extra height made using cranes to unload the boat easier. It would also help prevent flooding when the river level rose. Men were planting trees all along the top of the levee, and women planted berry bushes along the side facing the river.

Dad explained the plan to continue the levee south to the current one where they were expanding the Libertyville docks, which abutted the Omaha docks. There would still be thirty-five hundred acres of fertile soil outside the levee in the flood plain. Someone suggested that we grow rice there, so they ordered rice to plant next spring.

When the levee was complete, it would run from where the riverbank was naturally high in the north, following the curve of the river until it was directly north of our docks. Then it would run south to meet the levee where the docks were being expanded. From there, it would run west until it reached the naturally high ground where Libertyville was built. We would use the lowland area inside the levee for crops in case the area flooded despite the levee. They had already moved the livestock farther west or north to keep them safe if it flooded. The project sounded very ambitious, but Dad assured me that we had both the people and resources to get the job done.

Men started loading supplies and gold aboard the Iowa Dream in preparation for our departure tomorrow. My wives decided that Polly, Molly, and Flower would go with me while the rest stayed home to recover and tend to the babies. I spent time with the new mothers and my children.

Jun 20

Shortly after dawn, we were aboard the Iowa Dream, pulling away from the dock. Aside from her trip here from New Orleans, this was the first time Mrs. Roberts had sailed with her husband, and she was excited.

With our gold stored below decks, we had twenty men with us to help guard it.

It was a good thing we weren’t really in a hurry. This trip, it seemed like every place with a dock had someone wanting to come aboard, or someone wanting to debark. Many of the places we stopped, I’d never seen a boat stop before. In addition to passengers, they had cargo to transport, as well. Captain Roberts explained that more people were settling along the river, meaning more people wanted passage. Those people were producing goods that needed to be transported. Several boats had regular schedules to keep, so they only stopped at the big cities, frustrating people who lived in smaller towns.

To kill time, I still watched people as they came aboard, and breathed a sigh of relief when we left Kansas City with no incidents so far. A handful of men with no luggage came aboard in Kansas City, and stayed together in a group on the deck. Four men wasn’t a problem, but I still warned our guards and the captain.

Our next stop was Missouri City, and three more men came aboard without luggage. When two more men came aboard at the old site of Fort Osage, I alerted the captain again. I also awakened my guards.

The next four small towns each produced two or three men boarding the boat with no luggage. For a while, I wondered how they knew which boat to board, but noticed one of the men, one I assumed was the leader, stood in the bow of the boat each time we docked.

The extra stops slowed us down so much that we had to stop for the night in Boonville. I was surprised when the men I suspected went to sleep, and I let most of our men do the same. Still, they all slept fully clothed, with their weapons handy.

Jun 21

By morning, nothing had happened. I was more confused when no more suspicious men came aboard in Boonville, especially since the leader was standing in the bow, again. When a lone man rode slowly by the ship, I saw him look at the leader, and saw a small nod from the leader. The rider left, and the leader settled back down on the deck. We pulled away from the dock twenty minutes later, once again headed for St. Louis.

An hour later, shouts of warning indicated two boats being rowed towards us. I told my men to concentrate on the twenty men already aboard. Surprisingly, those men grabbed their rifles and each fired a single shot towards the rowboats. After reloading, though, they took cover behind the cargo on deck and turned the rifles to where the crew was firing.

Before they could get off their first shot, the twenty-four rifles of my wives and guards eliminated fifteen of the men. The others turned to face us, surprised at being ambushed. They got off three shots, all of which missed us before we downed the last five men. Four men went with me to check on them while the rest began concentrating on the rowboats. Taking a page from an earlier encounter, my wives used their Enfields and concentrated on sinking the boat with the most men still alive in it.

They didn’t sink it, but the boat suddenly veered back towards the shore. Having jumped from the sinking rowboat when the water was only knee-deep, the last of the men from that boat fell as he was wading ashore. His body drifted slowly along the bank as the rowboat finished sinking with six bodies in it. Those bodies joined their friend from the sunken rowboat, drifting slowly downriver.

I grinned viciously when I reached their leader on deck. He had been my first target, and I had aimed for his right shoulder to make sure he was out of commission, but not dead. Flower joined us, toying idly with her favorite skinning knife, and began to slice his clothing off; he suddenly became quite talkative.

His group was based in Jefferson City, halfway between here and St. Louis. Unlike earlier groups we ferreted out, they only robbed the steamboats. They would tie up everyone aboard and secure the boat along the shore as if it were loading firewood. They would escape on horses they had hidden ashore. The farmhouse where they lived only had four more men there. Those men remained behind to keep an eye on the twenty slaves they had working the farm to keep them supplied with food, and to make their group appear legitimate.

Flower didn’t hurt him, but the blood lost from his untended wound soon sent him to join the rest of his cohorts. Like the others, we searched and stripped him before unceremoniously dumping his body overboard. I was surprised they were all still using single-shot rifles. He did have a nice Navy Colt revolver, though.

Captain Roberts stopped long enough for me to locate the horses. The leader said they were two miles downstream from where the attack began. Nobody was even guarding them; the horses were simply tethered to trees.

Later, the captain let us off a few miles from Jeffersonville. Six men went with me as we went ashore and rode to the farmhouse. Despite only getting a vague description of the farmhouse, we figured out which one it was. I snuck into the woods and used my bow effectively to take out two of the four guards. With the remaining two guards covered, I shouted for them to surrender. When they didn’t, they met the same fate as the rest of their gang.

The slaves were nervous at first but calmed down when I explained what had happened. After that, they were eager to show me where the stash was. Using the key that I took from the leader after he died, we entered the locked barn. They had a nice stash, although nowhere near what I’d found in previous places. We loaded a wagon with weapons, tools, and the loot, letting the slaves sit on top of it. Those who knew how rode the horses we got from the farm. We even had two milk cows, several pigs, six mules, and twenty cattle. We sold the pigs in town. Two of my men stayed to book passage back to Libertyville with the freed slaves, the loot-filled wagon, and the remaining livestock.

The delays cost Captain Roberts several hours, but we had to stop overnight in St. Louis anyway, so it didn’t cost us any time overall.

James Callahan came to see us when he heard we arrived. He wasn’t expecting us for a few more days. He had already purchased six hundred pair of the rubber boots and had shipped them to Libertyville three days ago. He laughed when we told him that we had yet another adventure on this trip.

Same as Lucky Jim 1-Firehair
Chapter 12: Gold and Expansion Videos

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Andersonville 12 The Day Linda Anderson Came To Town

I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...

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Moving in with Jim and Candy Part 4

"The Pool Guy and the Plumper" - FictionLater in the summer, I had to work an overnight shift at the store. It was pretty dead other than the guys and couples that came in to play at the glory hole. When I got home, Jim and Candy were getting ready to go to work at their respective jobs. Jim smiled at me, "You look a little beat. Just so you know, the pool guy will be coming by this morning or this afternoon. He already has a key to the gate, so you won't have to get up to let him in. Just...

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Moving in with Jim and Candy Part 3

Learning how to take anal play - FictionSo the next couple of weeks with Jim and Candy revolved around us having various types of sex. Sometimes all three of us, sometimes just two of us. Sometimes two of us having sex while the third masturbated, sometimes all of us masturbating and watching each other. It was fun and hot. The one thing we hadn't done was me taking a cock in my ass, whether it was Jim or Candy. I guess the part of me that was scared was stronger than the part of me that was...

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Lucky Jim 3 Cajun and GatorChapter 15

Saturday I was surprised when all the women went to sleep last night at the same time I did. I knew that Helga had to get up early today, but they all went to sleep. Helga got up about 0300, explaining that she wanted to get an early start so she could get the crab and the crawfish to the farmers market early. I was surprised when Sally, Dana, and Kristen went with her. “Make sure everyone is strapped onto their sled securely,” I reminded Helga. “Hurry back to us,” Sally said emotionally as...

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Lucky Jim 3 Cajun and GatorChapter 29

Saturday April 2 Ten of my wives, and our reporter and cameraman, joined me as we flew to Yellowstone this morning. We’d reserved a large cabin since we’d be there for at least two or three days. After making a quick stop on the way, we uncloaked about five km from the main ranger station, slowing down to normal grav sled speeds as we followed the road. “Can I help you?” the young ranger at the desk just inside the front door asked automatically as he looked up at us. “Oh,” he said when he...

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Lucky Jim 3 Cajun and GatorChapter 25

Wednesday General Conklin was eating breakfast in my suite again when I exited my bedroom. “Any plans for today?” he asked. “Not if you have something I need to do. Otherwise, I felt it would be a good idea to start checking the numerous small feelings of danger that I still get. They feel like the ones I got from the people we rounded up in Nicaragua after capturing the rebels,” I explained. “That definitely sounds like something we need to do. I think I can help with the transportation...

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Breast Expansion

Breast Expansion Reddit, aka r/BreastExpansion! I remember back in the early days of the internet when dial-up was just becoming a thing, I went over to a buddy’s house and he introduced me to the world of smutty flash animations. There were no flash games back then, but people were still sweating hard to make some weird shit to jack their dicks off to. They enjoyed making the kind of shit you wouldn’t normally see on a porn DVD. So the very first thing I ever actually saw come out of the world...

Reddit NSFW List
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Lucky Jim 3 Cajun and GatorChapter 22

With time on my hands before this afternoon’s classes on using the new grav sled, I found Commander Ferguson and spoke with him. Twenty minutes later the guards at the hastily thrown together prisoner compound let me enter. “I’d like to speak with everyone if you would gather them together,” I told the closest of the rebel leaders, glad that I was fluent in Spanish. “Why?” he asked suspiciously. “Because I believe many of you have legitimate complaints about things that happened before the...

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Lucky Jim 3 Cajun and GatorChapter 21

Sunday Someone did laundry yesterday, so I packed the clothes I would take to Fort Bragg tomorrow. I had a feeling that things with the military would start happening quickly now and warned Sally. With my stuff stored aboard my grav sled, I went back inside for breakfast. With so many women working in the kitchen, I veered into the living room and found Don, with Giselle curled up happily on his lap. I almost said something, but as soon as I sat down, Caitlin claimed my lap. “Mom, can I...

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Lucky Jim 3 Cajun and GatorChapter 12

I wound my way through the foggy course, surprising another safety person at the midway point. I was also pleased at how well I could see everything. Even though I could mentally see it already, what I was starting to think of as my “Jim sense” warned me about the trip rope stretched across the trail. I easily avoided it, as well as the sand pit that would have broken my pace and slowed me down. Finally clearing the fog course and startling the safety person at the end of the course, I faced...

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Lucky Jim 1FirehairChapter 8 New Orleans

Apr 22-29 We encountered far more traffic on the lower Mississippi River than on the Missouri. With the wider, more traveled river, our boat continued traveling at night since the moon was full enough to provide some light. After eight continuous days aboard the boat, I was eager to be back on solid ground, able to move around and go places without worrying about missing the boat if I delayed too long making purchases in town. As it was, I had already sent back enough building supplies to...

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Lucky Jim 2Student Farmer Volunteer Pickup Truck DiplomatChapter 38

I still can’t get over the fact that I now own seven producing oil wells and am expecting an eighth to come in within a month. Leonard was beside himself when he called to tell me that the seventh well came in two weeks earlier than expected. He also warned that the well they were currently drilling aboard Lucky J #2 might come in early, too. I can live with that. As it is, the first six wells are pumping more than three million dollars a day! Leonard expects the newest well to perform as...

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Lucky Jim 2Student Farmer Volunteer Pickup Truck DiplomatChapter 17

Walt entered the kitchen and looked at me appraisingly. “You okay? I heard you were next door, staring off into space.” I could hear in his voice that he was concerned. “So much weird shit happening today, but mainly I’ve been worried because one of the rescued girls did everything but proposition me in front of one of the shrinks and my girls. Chloe and Marisa told me not to worry about it, they all understood, so I’m fine,” I answered. “I can’t keep one woman happy,” he chuckled. “While...

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Moving in with Jim and Candy Part 5

Not long after the scene with the pool guy and Janice occurred, Jim was called out of town on business for a few days. A couple of days after he left, Candy and I were eating dinner and just chit chatting about things. It was getting late into the summer and college would be starting soon. Candy took a sip of her wine, "So are you going to try to keep working at the store while you're going to school?"I shrugged , "I'm thinking about it. I already talked to the owners and asked them if I could...

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Moving in with Jim and Candy Part 1

FictionIt was the summer just after my 18th birthday. I had been accepted to a decent college and I busted my ass to win some scholarships to cover the school, the books and some modest living expenses. Very modest, but it would let me focus on school without getting any sort of full time job. My parents were always prudish and any discussions about sex were short, clinical and never more than absolutely necessary, unfortunately. Despite this lack of parental guidance, I figured out that I was...

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Lucky Jim 1FirehairChapter 11 On the Road Again and Again and Again

Dec 3, 1857 We arrived in Omaha shortly after noon today. The rest of the afternoon was another tumultuous, continuous, parade of wagons taking people to Libertyville. When the initial wagons returned, I noticed that the wagon drivers were all Negroes, probably to help make our new additions more relaxed. I was glad to find Emma and Wendy doing well, as well as Emma’s and my son, Jim Jr., and Wendy’s and my daughter, Violet. Nathan and his mother held an emotional reunion. We had enough...

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Lucky Jim 3 Cajun and GatorChapter 17

Monday My com’s alarm woke me at 0430 so I could join the troops in the mess hall by 0530. After showering with Idania, I made sure to check my boots before putting them on. We woke the rest of the women, warning them to check their shoes, even though I had already scanned them. Gina and Jackie both squealed in fright and jumped back on the bed, even though my mental check of their shoes turned up nothing. I gave everyone a kiss goodbye. “Work with Idania on her English,” I reminded the...

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Lucky Jim 2Student Farmer Volunteer Pickup Truck DiplomatChapter 23

Tuesday The dogs seemed to be waiting for me this morning, which reminded me that I needed to get their handlers set up with more permanent housing. I was in the doorway watching their coursing game when a pair of arms slipped around my waist. “I’m trying to learn to get up at the same ungodly hour that you do,” Jan sighed. “Never happen,” I chuckled. “You girls would have to stop your late-night fun far too early in order to get up at this hour,” I reminded her. “True, but you are the...

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Randis Vacation Part 3 of Randi

Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 2

Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...

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Lucky Jim 3 Cajun and GatorChapter 3

“Okay, as I’m sure you already know, my fiancée told me to give you whatever you want. I know better than to disappoint my fiancée, so tell me what you’d like,” I told Mrs. Dunn when I ended the call, although her grin told me she already knew. Since the asshole was still unconscious, I gave him a fast-acting pain killer and then used one of the ammonia inhalants I brought from our family’s first aid kit and woke him up. It took him a few seconds for him to get his bearings and then he...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 1

Mera naam Rudra hai. Ek number ka harami aur besharam. Mera dimaag mere lavde mein hai, jo saala har waqt chudai ke liye uchalte rehta hai. Kasarati badan jo ghanto tak lavde ka saath deta hai. Waise toh bachpan se hi kaafi chudai ki hai. Lekin yeh wali sabse achi wali, ya yeh kahu ki sab se gandi wali hai. Main tab 30 saal ka tha. Shaadi hui nahi thi. Ghar mein rehta hi nahi tha. Naukri hi aisi thi ke sheher-sheher gaon-gaon bhatakna padta tha. Peshe se ek civil engineer, jiski degree paiso se...

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Celebrating the Century Mark Chapter 1 Jim tries to Understand my Obsession with LUSH

Jim and I were relaxing on the back patio, sipping our cocktails to the soothing sound of the waterfall as it trickled into our backyard pool. It was mid-June, but the weather had not yet turned brutally hot. In a matter of weeks, it will be too hot to enjoy our patio like this, but tonight the weather was perfect.I took a sip of my chardonnay and said, “I was looking over my Lushstories profile page today during lunch…”“At work?” Jim interrupted with a slightly disapproving tone. Jim was...

Straight Sex
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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter 21 Malfoys Business Expansion

Chapter Twenty-One – Malfoy’s Business Expansion Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mf, mf, ncon, x-mast, grope, magic, mc, spank, voy Draco Malfoy was enjoying life; his latest revenge plot and money-making scheme had netted him a decent amount of gold in just a couple of weeks. It had taken him a week to perfect his revenge plot and the spells and enchantments...

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Lucky Jim 2Student Farmer Volunteer Pickup Truck DiplomatChapter 33

Friday Despite missing snuggling with my wives, I slept well and woke up just after 4:00 Riyadh time this morning. The Marine who was on duty let me into the gym so I could work out. “It’s not fair,” he complained. “The Saudis are crediting one of their Palace Guards who died with warning them about the attack.” “My ... idea,” I grunted between reps of the bench press. “I like to keep my name and face out of the news about actions I’m involved in,” I explained after finishing the reps. “The...

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Lucky Jim 1FirehairChapter 7 Coal and Adventure

Coal and Adventure Mar 27, 1857 We left after an early breakfast this morning. Four Sioux warriors and Grey Fox accompanied our eleven wagons as we headed north. Chief Lone Buffalo told me it took four or five days to walk to the location of the coal. With the wagons, it still took four days, mainly because the trail wasn’t a wagon road and we had to cut down trees or clear rocks and fill in ruts where water had previously washed across the game trail we followed. We were exhausted when we...

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Andrea Standing part 2 of Andreas Stand

Andrea Standing (part 2 of Andrea's Stand) A note at the beginning. One of the problems with writing a serial story is that the author feels a need to recap what happened in the prior portions. Please go back and read part 1, "Andrew Running". It will make this a better story. Briefly Andrew at 19, abused by his father, runs away to a distant relative, Aunt Clara. Andrew goes along with a joke played by Clara's lover Marnie, and ends up as Andrea working in Marnie's luxury used car...

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Still Standing Jim

Jim Cheryl Andy Dana Bill miller Judy Miller Lauren Miller Brian Miller Linda Michaels Cheryl looked into the mirror, not bad she thought for a 34 year old mom of 5. She worked hard after the twins were born to get her figure back. For the first time in over 6 months her and Jim have an evening alone. Her sister Dana and brother Andy had agreed to take the kids off their hands for a few hours and CHeryl wasn't going to waste the time. Cheryl checked herself in the mirror one last time....

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I fucked a grandma that was my grandpas whore

There was a 70 year old grandma that moved in right next to my apartment, I was 18 at the time and my grandpa was 74. I lived with my grandpa at the time. The old grandma would come to talk to my grandpa each day, she would keep teasing him, she would flirt with him, she tried to seduce him. My grandpa ignored her at first but then he started flirting with her after a couple days. I once came out of my apartment only to see her sucking his dick outside on the porch while he was touching her...

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Lucky Jim 3 Cajun and GatorChapter 4

Once the girls were on their way, Uncle Don went over the reports with me. He explained that adding more milk cows would require a bigger pasture. Several of the college courses I took over the last two years were farming related. I suggested planting the pasture with alfalfa and Timothy grass and using portable fencing to section the pasture off into five fields, rotating the cows through the fields for a year and then tilling everything under. The manure and alfalfa would increase the yield...

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Lucky Jim 3 Cajun and GatorChapter 16

Sunday It’s creepy having to shake out your boots before you put them on in the morning, lest you discover the hard way that a scorpion or venomous spider had taken refuge in one of them during the night. While I could “see” that nothing was in my boots, I followed the ritual anyway. I even mentally checked the boots of everyone else. I’d have warned them if I found anything, but left it to each of them to check their own boots. So far, I’ve been pleasantly surprised by the weather. I...

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Bill Sutherland 6 in STOPWATCHChapter 20 Gold in Alabama

Hog Mountain in Tallapoosa County had the ravages of the mining spread out over a fairly wide area, but journals and filed claims that were in the Auburn Historical Collection pinpointed exactly where the first find was made. Back then... 1820's and '30's ... folks didn't go looking for gold ... it was found by accident. Bumping up against a bluff and having a slab of rock slide off the side and uncovering a vein of gold bearing quartz, stumbling into a creek and coming out with a nugget...

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Lucky Jim 3 Cajun and GatorChapter 23

Thursday We were awake early enough to eat a good breakfast and then reach Fort Bragg just before reveille. They had commed us yesterday and asked us to be back by their breakfast. The two teams that went with me had to run through a strafing and bombing range to test their proficiency with the 10 mm automatic rifles, and other weapons systems on the grav sleds. The rest of us broke up into groups. Each group reviewed all the intel available for their target. I met the troops going with me...

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Lucky Jim 2Student Farmer Volunteer Pickup Truck DiplomatChapter 12

An hour later, I crawled into bed. I was so tired that I even put off cleaning my weapon. Hell, the roosters were already mocking me that it was time to wake up to face another day before I got home. Late that afternoon, the FBI agent in charge of the raid called. “The U.S. Attorney General gave me two different figures for the land,” he said. “He says that, if you agree to work full-time for any federal law enforcement agency, the land is yours for ten million dollars. He doesn’t even need...

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Lucky Jim 1FirehairChapter 3 On to Independence

Jan 20, 1857 In the morning, Madison joined Dawn and me again. A light mist began falling just before we mounted up, so we pulled out our canvas ponchos to help keep the rain off. Madison didn’t have a warm hat, but Dawn hurried back to her wagon and returned with the new hat she’d made for me from the bobcat pelt. I traded and gave Madison my rabbit fur hat, getting a smile bright enough to rival a beautiful sunrise. We made good time since we didn’t have to hunt today. The rain got...

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Lucky Jim 1FirehairChapter 10 New Orleans

Sep 27, 1857 Captain Roberts and the Iowa Dream arrived nearly on schedule. I met the boat at the docks to make sure we had room for our cargo and rooms for all nine of us. When he heard what we were transporting, Captain Roberts had us load it after dark, and leave several of our men aboard to guard it overnight. He agreed that the Mint in New Orleans was the best place to sell it, even the copper. He had sold everything to the Mint the time I stayed behind to take care of the pirates in...

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Island of Hernando Rodriguez

He watched them as they sat sipping their colorful drinks and flirting with male guests and hotel employees alike at the Garden Cloud Lounge. They were undoubtedly four sisters, all in their late twenties and thirties, and attractive. They were obviously American, and they laughed as they tried what little Spanish they knew on the young waiters. He had seen groups like this many times. Their often affluent husbands allowed them to have "Girl's Time Off" now and then. It worked out on both...

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