Party in the Halls
- 2 years ago
- 23
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Tommy and Consti didn't make it to work for three days. The three women and I could see into the bio-dome and could see that Tommy though young was performing like a man. His puberty had started many years early then interrupted so he would not be continuously horny. The block was now off and his little testicles were getting a workout. Small pills were put beside his bed and they seemed to help along with the med unit.
My work on the computer started again but this time everything was much clearer. Even clearer than what Margaret had first seen. When I brought Sandra and Megan in to help our three minds worked in unison to make everything even more simplistic.
The girls abandoned their old job and assisted me. In one day we got a half of a cycles work done. Odava was amazed and we tried to get him to join us. I think that we had been a family long enough that he consented the next day. The productivity of my wives and I stayed the same but Odava's more than tripled. The next day Ichom assisted too and she was able to do much more than before.
Tom came out of the tank much like his wife. I could easily see his heightened intelligence. His performance was more than his wife's but less than ours. Part of this was that I had pushed the limits just a bit more to get more abilities. Before this new race of ours grew much more we would have to have everybody go back into the tanks to get upgraded or maybe even downgraded if things didn't work. Tom's aura now matched his wife's as much as my wives matched mine. I now knew what the instructions had been that were given to Max.
We built the second portion of the keel now that Tom, Tommy and Consti were back. The various families were never far apart now and everything seemed to be working as it should.
When the forth and last portion of the keel was complete we began to align all four portions and fuse them together. Ceramic was very light especially here on the moon but the mass we had to deal with was anything but.
Forms were made and then the four portions were bonded to these to hold them in position. Some of us worked on this task while others continued to gather raw materials or manufacture billets or parts.
With this last effort well underway Tommy came to me, "Leif, can I talk to you for a minute?"
"Sure you can. You know I always have time for you. What is it that's bothering you?" I knew what the problem was but wanted to be polite.
"I want to marry Consti. I know without reading her mind that she wants me too."
"Well, let's take this one step at a time. First you have to get improved like your dad was. This time Consti will be the one doing most of the work. Eleven to fifteen days after the procedure we will talk again but we should really let it go for the full seventy two days. A cycle will let you learn how far your abilities will take you."
He didn't like waiting but I added, "There is no difference whether you two are wedded or not. You will be together the same way. When the two of you are used to one another I want you to consider joining us with the second improvement. I think you will agree but I do not know about your future wife."
Tommy liked the term and said, "I want to be like you guys too. Consti is so very smart already but you guys are even smarter. She hides things from me but I can see things even if I can't read minds. She wants to be like you guys too."
"Let's hope so. Do you want to start just after our work period?"
His eyes grew bright. He had waited for this for over two years now and he said verbally, "Ya!"
All of us met hours later in what used to be Consti's home. It was now the home of the pair even if we didn't legitimise it. Tommy was naked as was Consti they couldn't quite wait for us but this would probably work the same. Nakedness was common here as it was on my old ship and there was never a mention made of it. Tom gave his son one of the pills and in a moment the tired boy was ready again.
Odava and Ichom had come to this because it was more of a ceremony in a way and besides they liked Tommy for many reasons.
Young Tom had to lay on the bed now and Consti with excited movements started her foreplay. She kissed his face and sucked the lobes of his ears. Tommy wanted to hold her but kept his hands still. An agonising half hour later she was at his little erection that had been keeping her happy and she sucked him quickly into her mouth. Tommy's hands came out but Consti's words in his mind kept him from doing so.
Sandra and Megan brought soft bindings and began to attach them to their brother's wrists before securing them above his head. They then did the same thing to his legs but his legs were parted.
Consti put the block in and Margaret told her that she had done it perfectly. I saw that not only Consti was horny but Margaret too. In a moment so were my wives. This produced a bit of feedback and Consti had to be guided. I was not immune to my wives but I worked hard to put up a barrier to their influence. This was hard to do but it was very necessary.
Tommy was young and just like me when I found my first woman. He though was helped along in his sexual development. I saw a lot of me in the boy and it was easy to empathises with his predicament. He was now approaching the animal state and so was Consti. Margaret had to brace her then so did my wives. This didn't help me for now all four women felt what was happening to Consti's vagina. When it looked like it would fail, Ichom for the first time stepped in to assist the women. They all calmed down under her quiet influence.
All five females now worked on Tommy's mind. It was adequately prepared and Consti was given the instruction to remove the block quickly. Tommy screamed in a high thin voice to be heard in harmony with Consti.
The three Humans barely managed to control themselves. They and the one Gossna now worked to put the mind of the boy in the proper form. Consti came around and when she felt ready she too stepped in to assist. Tommy was done in my opinion but the girls wanted just a bit more.
The poor boy was untied and the women started putting in the necessary information that he could use if he wanted to make rational decisions. The couple were allowed to sleep and we went to our respective homes. It felt good to see not only Margaret pulling her husband but Ichom was doing the same thing to hers.
My wives had plans for me but I had my own too. We pleased each other for three hours and then cut it short to go back to see Tommy.
When we walked in we found Tommy tied once more and Consti happily tantalising him but not letting him orgasm. I could already see that Tommy was working already with his increased powers.
Consti greeted us much better, almost like very close family now. In moments she began the next orgasm in sympathy with her husband. Tommy was soon back to his old state with his reasoning mind hiding in fear. This time the event destroyed part of the recent structure but we put it back into place quickly and did what we could for fine tuning.
Consti was out of it and the girls took this time to tinker ever so minutely with their brother's innermost thinking processes to make the lessons taught find the best home possible.
We untied Tommy once more and put the bindings beside the bed. Consti was moved into position beside her young mate and we left to return to our own pursuits.
Tommy improved in the next cycle. I said to him, "If the Seffra had first met with you this way I think my people would welcome you with open arms. You know what duty is and do not pay it lip service. Your mind is very organised now and when I once waved a small ship in front of your nose I think I now have to wave a much larger one."
Tommy's eyes grew big but before he got the wrong idea I said, "Your family may not hold the captaincy but it would certainly hold important positions. I see nothing wrong with the way the Seffra have managed their ships. A single captain may be necessary in times of great stress but it is usually held by a group. The smaller ships though have only one captain. We have to start gathering a crew now that you are ready for the task. You have quite a lead now on the rest of humanity and in a few cycles you may have even more."
He asked but not with such a meek tinge to his words, "The ones I find will be my wives?"
"Yes they will but you and Consti will not start to increase your family until you both are comfortable with the next step."
"When will that happen Captain?"
"Let the cycle complete itself. This time I want to make an additional tank and put both of you in at the same time. From personal experience I know that this is best."
For the next part of our shipbuilding efforts the keel had to go into orbit. There were a great many small stresses on the large structure that would be nullified if it were not near a large gravitational body. All the contra-gravity units were used and more produced to take most of the weight. Seventeen small motors pushed the heavy body twelve thousand kilometres from the moon's surface. We were very careful to keep the moon between us and Earth so that Humans would not eventually see a huge ship taking shape.
Tommy now flew with a much greater ability and even a bit of panache with the way he bypassed the computer and made perfect adjustments to his flight. He was not impetuous but he was a bit flamboyant because of his newfound confidence in his abilities. He was very young and his father was very proud of him and in reality all of us were. He had sprouted from a young boy with his puberty artificially advanced to a young man secure in the knowledge that he was now going somewhere.
Production of parts picked up for Consti was now happy and confident herself. Though it wasn't proper, I continued to keep her monitored. She was a Seffra first and through customs and conditioning she would stay that way. I was shocked that I could break out of the mould I had been put into. When and if she were elevated, we would have to work on producing some small cracks in her complacency to allow her to see that the Seffra were not always right. I was quite sure she wanted to get on the ship we were presently building and one day go out and search for our race and our home ship.
Tommy didn't mind this because he would be with her and be continuing his own education at the same time. He still had his own preconceptions of how a large ship should work and even when he knew to the contrary, he still wanted to be the 'captain'.
When the cycle was finished the two came to me. Consti asked, "We would like to move up to the level you are now on. Tommy has convinced me that this is the way our family should go."
I said, "Are you sure? You will not be a Seffra anymore. You won't be anything but a new race that we have made ourselves. Our own ancestors were the same way at one time. When we find the Seffra we will have problems with them. They will be angry with what we have done to ourselves. They will see our children as superior but also see them as what should have been Seffra."
"Why are you saying this?" She said.
"I don't want you to change your mind at a later date. Though you make this choice as a family, I don't want you to regret it in the future. Your prospective family demand this of you. Either stay Seffra or be our advanced hybrid of both races."
"I want this Leefstic."
"Then let's do it."
The two were put into separate tanks and close to each other. Max was more than capable of handling two tanks. His limit would be in the thousands of because he would just go from one tank to the next before getting back to the first. It was just that a precision fabricator was ever so much more complicated.
My wives arrived a while later and altered some of the programming. Tommy would find himself now drawn to Consti in a new way as their father and mother were now drawn. I wondered how our families would now work. Would all families be now held this close? It promoted loyalty and duty but I didn't know how the small pool of the second generation would find enough to make similar families.
Sandra and Megan worked with me to get the next computer ready. Ribs were made but they remained for Tommy to take to the ship. He enjoyed this job and it was left for him. The girls monitored the tanks from time to time to make sure the processes they instigated would be adequately followed. Margaret and Ichom were now happily pregnant too and this seemed to give them extra energy.
All of us had discussed possible upgrades for the two Gossna but they were just naturally cautious and not against the idea. They would wait to see how we make out before considering what they wanted to do. They could see some of their race's own failings and what could be done to correct it.
When Tommy and Consti came out of the tanks they went immediately to each other. We helped them get clean then gave them food. It was easy to see that Tommy was even more in love with his wife and Consti just adored her husband for it. As yet they didn't think too much about what had happened to all the other married couples. The instructions given to Max had been gone over quite a few times by all of us. They just didn't know of the overriding mental commands.
We resumed our construction but now we were just getting used to each other all over again. It was better to find out now rather than in a hectic environment like Earth's if something was not right.
The only remaining ribs were close to the skeleton of our ship ready to attach after the large components were built and installed. Without the largest size precision fabricator it would take much longer.
Zolanda had not returned and hope was running thin if she ever would. She had paid us well with her help but I knew that all the old loyalty in an AI could not be glossed over that easily. She would now be searching for her makers and perhaps one day if she found them we would still meet again.
Max was the first computer made completely of our own materials. The second one was called Cordo. This was a Seffra name meaning strong but unassuming. The recently completed third computer was called Pat'uch. This was a Gossna name meaning both aggressive and protective.
Pat'uch was able to almost run a seventh class precision fabricator. Again this was disappointing for we tried hard to make her powerful enough for the ninth. We had even given an extra leeway by building more robustly than what we thought we would need. It now appeared that this progression was even more steep than the geometric curve we had been following.
Pat'uch was not only running the precision fabricator, she ran the large fabricator too when her duties demanded it. She was fairly bright as an AI went but she was not a Soldoy or a Zolanda for that matter. One of her failings was that she didn't have all the data that Soldoy had. She controlled all of the probes now in the spherical volume of space that extended out twenty six lights. This was as far as what the Humans called Vega. Eight other stars were about the same distance and formed our present outer perimeter. With enough probes and repeaters we would have a good idea of what was happening in our neighbourhood.
From time to time ships flew through this area but none had been our enemies or even the Seffra. With our present state of readiness it was advisable to just ignore everybody unless they were aggressive towards us.
The reason we were loading up Pat'uch was because we would all be going to Earth to find recruits. Odava and Ichom would go too but stay in remote areas as a sort of vacation for them and as a backup for us.
The rest of us would go in great Earth style. We manufactured an odd looking boat It actually mimicked an Earth style motorhome. Some equipment had to get moved around so the vehicle would resemble the vehicle we wanted to impersonate. It was a lot of fun to make the vehicle as functional as it should be but still remain incognito when others would view it. Tom and his son spent some time devising methods of hiding some things that were really ingenious. Margaret got into the act and made the interior comfortable for all three couples.
I did my part and made a good computer but it was not even as good as what Borin originally had been. It was not really needed in this instance. The shield had an invisibility capability and the engines could not push it anywhere near as fast as a standard boat.
Pat'uch had taken all of Borin's information and actually listed us in various databases on the planet Earth. Serial numbers, body colour and licence plates would be automatically changed when needed for the vehicle. Tom or Margaret were listed as the owners but under various assumed names They had documentation for each identity if it was necessary. They had opted for new faces and this took a great deal of apparent age from them but there was still clues to their longer life. This was actually necessary for people would believe their eyes before a piece of paper.
The only thing left to do was to choose a place to start. Tom said, "The best place to informally meet people at this time is on the south east coast of the United States. That is where I met a woman once that hasn't left my side since then." Margaret was close and hugged her husband from the back.
She said, "That's right. There are lots of drunk students. They're in a party mood and it is easy to strike up conversations. There was an impetuous young man once that swept me off my feet."
"It sounds like a good place to start. When does this party begin?"
Tom said verbally, "March 7 to the 27 this year. We even have a few days to get there ahead of the rush. Many visitors will fly but most will drive. The roads will be crowded and our 'motorhome' will have to go slow because of the congested traffic. Either we fly between deserted areas and drive the rest of the way but it is still better to get there before everything starts."
"Lead the way. You're the driver of record at the moment. Pick out one of your personas." I had to don my own disguise but this had to be made of flesh. After looking in the mirror I knew I looked much like I had when I first came to Earth though a few years older now.
Tom thought for a moment and the boat changed minutely. The colour scheme altered. A new licence plate appeared. Even the curtains on the functional windows altered.
Behind the motorhome a towed vehicle changed too. Tommy insisted that we pull a vehicle that would be easy to move through traffic. He had built a very small boat with little of the abilities to move in space. It did have room for all of us but still looked like a common General Motors minivan. It was safe for atmospheric flights and short trips into space. It didn't have many of the necessary things needed for longer flights.
We all got into the motorhome. Odava and Ichom would take the ship to South America with them. They didn't need its protection but it did make a handy place to store things they wanted to bring back with them. Their home now looked like a jungle even on the inside.
Tom flew us to Earth with the minivan flying empty and to one side of us. We landed in early morning outside a town by the name of Conway, South Carolina. There the minivan attached itself to the back of the motorhome. In a spot under a large overhang of boughs we became visible.
Moments later we were underway. Just twenty two kilometres to the south east was our first destination. The girls were all dressed to fit in with the locals and tourists alike. The four girls excitedly chatted to each other as if they were simple Humans with simpler minds but I still loved them.
We found a parking lot for the motorhome and we all rode in the van. The windows were open and the cool salt laden air rushed in. This felt wrong mainly because air was not meant to do this in a space craft even if it was altered to resemble an Earth vehicle.
Tom and Margaret had to stop for a coffee and soon I remembered why I disliked Human food. Always too salty and some of the food was just saturated in unhealthy substances. Though our bodies would protect us not everybody around could do this. Some Humans were putting the poisons away with much gusto too. I was still aware of all the problems they would be taking on.
There were only a few early arrivals like us. Most would be arriving in two days. We began our search immediately. This hunt was made much more difficult by my reluctance to force people to change their auras. Now we would have to find those that already matched ours or at least very closely.
We didn't restrict ourselves to the young. If the person was alive she was fair game. With an aura that matched any of the three groups it was unnecessary to be biassed once they were able to rejuvenate themselves. The women were actively helping for the auras would match their own and make any new crew members much closer than sisters.
Megan said, "Let's split up now and increase our chances of finding somebody?"
"Fair enough with me. Everybody has money. Unless you feel that there is something interesting I would like to move on in a few hours."
Seven people moved in seven directions looking at everyone they came across. With our improved brains it was easier to see auras now without all the staining we had to do before. Instruments were not able to do this with as much accuracy.
There were not that many people yet and we got to the edge of the built up area without finding any good prospects. Our return course proved just as fruitful.
Back in the motorhome Tom said, "A lot of Canadians come here this time of year. I have to say that there were some pretty good pickings some years." He squeezed his wife's waist to let her know that she was still good pickings.
Margaret said, "School is not yet out. Let's come back here while the party time is in full swing to see if we can find more. Let's just treat this as a two day holiday until the rush comes."
We drove down highway 17 to Charleston stopping on the way to continue our hunt but to enjoy ourselves with a great many other living beings. Our trips away from the moon had been short. This time we were actually going to mix.
That night we parked in a large trailer court to be ready in the morning for the next part of our search. Here too we did a bit of searching and then just talked to the neighbours. This park had a large common room and a square dance was planned to make things interesting for the guests. The men were pulled to the dance but it was not difficult to do. We had learned that we had to do certain things to keep the family happy.
Some of the dancers had country costumes but we still fit in. Various people were scanned and the information shared amongst us to know more about how to do this activity.
The ring of dancers widened to accommodate the increased numbers. Sandra was quickly accompanied by a man of about her father's age to keep the numbers even. We danced for an hour taking very few breaks. The musicians seemed to get a good workout too for they liked the way the dancing was being done. Some couples dropped out once in a while for a rest and rejoined later.
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xmoviesforyouWhen I left after my last post Lesly was in the van sl**ping. I waited about an hour or so and went to check on her. She was awaked but very upset. I asked her what was wrong. She thought that I was mad at her. I asked her why. She said that she thought that she took it to far with the stranger and that she wanted to finger herself for me first. I told her that it was for me and that I was watching her at the same time as the man was. It had turned me on to no extent. I gave her a hug and said...
It had been an exciting morning. She'd wanted a nice surprise for her boyfriend, a sexy erotic surprise. Her two sons are gone to stay with friends for the weekend, so she expected to have her house to herself. Her boyfriend would be there in an hour or two (he had to go into the office briefly), so she used the time to prepare. He 'd often expressed the wish she'd be more uninhibited, indulge him in some of his fantasies like he has hers. He described a scenario that was one of his...
Watching Colleen sleeping, I realized how much I had changed the past, or present, or future ... one of them - if not all three. My first time through I bedded Beth Ann long before I really thought much about Colleen, or Rebecca, other than a stray fantasy involving Beth Ann and a threesome. But then I was Brian, and Beth Ann was my mother. In this iteration I am Carl, which IS me, and I am in bed with Colleen, who I had no idea felt such attraction towards me. It was all out of order, and...
I parked in the back and went in through an unmarked door. Inga had no idea what was inside. We went up a dark hallway and into the front. Inga looked around and saw that the walls were covered with pictures of women in various stages of undress. Some of the shots were positively vulgar. A very few were quite good, artistic even. Most were just normal pictures of bored looking women undressing and posing nude. A large black man looked up when we came in and smiled. He said, "Right on time!...
Upon discovering my daughter had begun playing Lolita with Dan so soon, I’d thought of tactics to deal with the situation. Afterall, he was still overcoming jet-lag, and besides it interfered with what I had in mind for him. Yet I could see both sides; at nearly fourteen a girl’s hormones are raging but even so, I would put a stop to their cosy bedtime story sessions, replacing it instead with managed masturbation for her. I’m feeling very pleased with the result too; having just finished...
Evilena — Zen and the Art of Automobile Maintenance Part 1 — Breakdown by Mistress Evilena loved her car. And as she drove down the Florida Highway 1, headed to her copyright attorney’s office , she heard, or maybe sensed, it was running a bit rough. Usually, she would take it to her regular repair shop, but as she neared her destination, she passed a repair facility that had been recommended by a friend and thought she would try the new shop. After all, it wasn’t a major repair… just a...
OK, if you are like me you like true stories, simply because you know it happened… This was a few years back and happened pretty much the way I describe. I will try to leave out some of the non-interesting stuff… I was out driving through this town outside of a big city and I knew there were some titty bars and adult shops there so I exited and drove on up the road a mile or so until I saw the ADULT signs. I was already a little hard just thinking about slurping down a nice cockmeat sandwich…....
When I was young, around 13, There were two cops who lived on my street. One lived next door and he had a beautiful Philippine wife. I was always outside and would help her around the yard at her house when he wasn't there. We had been working in the back yard planting flowers for a while. She had long dark hair down to her ass.She was wearing a very loose low cut shirt. Her beautiful breasts were right in front of me for my viewing pleasure. I was getting a ton of peeks at her breasts and she...
Chapter 3I sat on the edge of the bed, the marital bed. I was about to break not only the vows of my marriage but I was also going to duck my own daughters friend.She walked in, she had my bath robe on loosely tied at the waist, the towelling material didn't meet in a V at the knot. The edges of her breasts showing , her navel, and the jewel in her crown, the opening between her legs."I used the fcuk gel, yours?" She questioned."Yeah, had it a while, I only use it if I was going out " I replied...
A Car Wash (They get hot while car gets sudsy)Stepping out of the car at the Shell Station, Mark looked at the dark skies and impending storm. He felt the cool breeze and knew the front was just passing over. He unscrewed his gas cap and turned to see just what this tank of gas will cost. He slid his credit card into the slot and quickly removed it. Grabbing the nozzle for regular, he let his mind wander as he slipped the nozzle into the opening for the gas. He pictured Jackie, leaned over the...
There I was, stuck in a movie hall naked after being fucked and cummed on again and again for hours. I realized it was evening and now there might be more people coming in. It was safer to get home somehow. But how? With no clothes and no one to turn to, I stood there shocked with a cum coved body, leaky cock and puffed red asshole full of sticky cum."What are you standing for boy? Cocksuckers belong on their knees!" I heard the man, suddenly beside me. I jumped at his voice because I never...
It was just another monday morning got up had my breakfast kissed the wife goodbye and set of on my way to the train station, but that was where the normal ended. I got my ticket and smelt a heavenly scent behind me I turned round and there stood a vision of beauty, she was the most wonderful thing I had ever saw for a monday morning I bought my paper as usual and jst by chance i was walking behind this most wondrerfull women, i just staredat how her body moved her legs seemed to go on for...
Rachel was out when I returned to the Hyatt. I disgorged paper onto the table in our room and attempted to organize it. By the time my new spouse returned, I had come to the conclusion that only the most recent summary and the document bequeathing everything to her were of any importance. But a lot of explanation was going to be needed. She took one look at the papers and said: "I'm not reading all that!" "Neither am I. I was trying to sort it all. There's little information, but a lot...
Poolside in a sheer purple bikini, Asian cum slut Kianna Dior teases. The busty MILF narrates a kinky intro, spreading her sweet holes to initiate a decadent threesome. In the pool, Kianna welcomes director Jonni Darkko and stud Rob Piper with slobbering blowjobs. Indoors, the guys have their way with her, culminating in a furious double-vaginal penetration! Intense action includes big Black cock, crude cunt gaping, messy ball lapping, and a surprise climax: Five more studs show up to slather...
xmoviesforyou"Let's start with the fishing boat. I haven't driven it much and will probably use it the most," I said. Sue Ann got up and walked over to it. "First, look at how it's tied up," she said. "You tie up to prevent the boat from floating away and to keep it from being hurt. That's what the fenders are for. I had Rob tie these to your dock. You'll need to watch when you dock elsewhere to be sure there are fenders or some type of protection." I was listening but also watching her body...
She did not take it well at all, and it nearly caused our relationship to crash and burn. It survived, but I didn’t stop trying to convince her. She stayed hesitant but I made sure she knew that we would have a set of rules. We’d be honest with each other and could veto anyone we didn’t like. It took months of this cajoling and convincing before Maisie - very - reluctantly agreed. I made sure she knew that I loved her more than anyone in the world and there wouldn’t be anything romantic in...
This story related to my wife named rittu and we got married in 2005 and she was only 21 years when she got married and was slim and sexy with fig of 32 24 34 and height 5.5 with long hair and was fair in colour whil e I was 28 and had fucked many prostitutes before marrying rittu and after we got married I took rittu to a 5 star hotel to celebrate our honeymoon and rittu was wearing a traditional saaree with her marrige chura in her hands and then we went to the room and it was 9 pm and I...
Michelle Morgan Chapter 1 - New Job As far back as I can remember, I've always been a cross dresser. I'm male, and I've never considered myself to be transsexual, but I've always been attracted to femininity; not just as an admirer, but also as a participant. Yes, I do find females to be sexually and romantically attractive, but I also appreciate (and study) women in the way women appreciate other women. Your mileage might vary, but to me, there's a clear distinction between the biology of...
Sitting out on the back deck I do not always hear the doorbell when it rings. I should probably fix that problem some day since I spend so much time out here enjoying the view and sun. But then again I do not get many unexpected guests. I live on the outskirts of town on a large bluff. The back of my home faces the south towards the city and the view is spectacular. The view was the main reason I choose this spot to build, that and it is quiet and peaceful without a neighbor within a mile. The...
My Family Holiday by Kathy. ( Gangbang, WS, Whipping, Objects, Bondage, Public Sex, Beastiality, Humiliation, Slutwife.) I had not really had a holiday this year except for a few days away with my husband Chas earlier in the year. So when my mum said did I fancy going with her and my aunty to Cephallonia the end of September for ten days I jumped at the chance especially when she said she would treat me to it. My mum is in her mid to late fifties and her sister in her late forties. My mum had...
Narrated by Rahul Hi dosto, main Rahul, pichle baar mein padhe ke maine maa aur aunty ke sath bathroom mein kya kiya. Uske baad kareeb 5:30 baje tak maa aur aunty ne milkar mujhse achche se saza katwaayi. Saza mein mere bhi maze the kyu ki zasa ye thi ki unhe poori tarah se sex ka maza dun. Iske baad yun hi waqt kata. Main living mein TV dekhta baitha aur raat ke liye taakat bhi to sametna tha. Waise aaj raat kya hona tha woh to ab tak tay nahi hua tha. Maa aur aunty apne kamre mein the. Naa...
I awoke to the sound of my radio/alarm clock. I rubbed the sleep away from my eyes, yawned, and shut off my alarm. It was the first Saturday of the summer and I was glad that high school was finally over. I hoisted myself off the my bed and stretched out my sore legs. I slowly walked over to my window and lifted it open.I looked out my window and saw beautiful day. The sun was out, the temperature was warm, the birds were chirping, and the sweet sound of lawn mowers, trimming neighbor’s lawn,...
This story is based on some true events. It was a Wednesday, and Trisha called me to come over. She wanted to see all the pictures I took of her. She wanted me to then pick out my favorite and think of only her and cum on it for her. I said they’re ready on a disk, and you can print out the one I pick. I’ll be over at 9 pm. She sounded so excited and kissed me over the phone. Her mom wouldn’t be home all night. She always went out of town every Wednesday night to look after Trisha’s...
Jessica Wilson tidied up her desk waiting for the woman from the Nursing Home's corporate office to come by. The luncheon meeting promised to be a boring affair. The only good news was that she'd get a chance to get better acquainted with the attractive blonde from headquarters. Jessi always felt a little unsettled around the slightly younger woman from HQ. 'Maybe if I get to know her better I'll be able to figure out why she affects me the way she does, ' Jessi reasoned. She was...
You find your self in a dark place but you don't remember how you got there.You stumble through the darkness with arms out stretched so you don't bump into anything but you feel nothing but empty space, then freeze when you hear voices but you can't make out what thay are saying, you think of it like being a room full of people taking at the same time? Suddenly light fills your vision you can finally see but as you look around you see nothing no walls or ceiling nothing but a single person it's...
FantasyHello this is Pabby with my another story.If any female or girls want to contact me or want any type of sexsual or nonsexsual service from me plz mail me at Pabby and Preeti were heading down the highway and I mentioned that there were a lot of trucks that afternoon.”I bet they can see into every car they pass” Preeti said to Pabby as they drove east on the Black Horse Pike.”They probably get to see a lot of flashers.” Pabby answered.”Think I should flash them?” Preeti asked.”I bet you won’t.”...
I’d been building a dungeon in my house for my new girlfriend, being that she was leading me down the decadent path of a little light BDSM now and again. Nothing heavy or brutal, just some fun bondage here, a little spanking there, and a lot of hot, steamy sex everywhere.The tricky part was hiding our little den of debauchery from my eighty-five-year-old mother who was a full-time resident in my home. Fortunately, my aunt took pity on me and would take my mother every other weekend. Also,...
HumorI slept well that night, nearly exhausted from the sexual marathon with Shelly and that day I was surprisingly refreshed at work, completing two days work in one. I made a point of dropping in on Jack at the ice cream parlor to learn if he suspected anything. He didn't. In fact he greeted me effusively, bought me an ice cream sundae and began to regale me with his seduction of one Merry Slaught. "You ain't gonna believe this, Farrell." "Oh, no?" I said. Then pointed at the afternoon...
ok,after a night with a few friends in a local club,inevitably we found ourselves waiting to be served at the takeaway food caravan in the car park,there were seven of us,four were celebrating passing out as firemen,they had a taxi booked,the other three of us were in my of the guys was having a bit of a laugh with a black guy in the queue ahead of us regarding the size of the black guys cock versus white cock,and was trying for all he was worth to get the black guy to show his goods,as...
Chapter 7 After a very restful night Jennifer awoke with daybreak. She lay in her bed a while before rising and letting out the night's urine. Wiping herself and flushing the toilet she noticed that someone had left something on the shelf during the night. She must have been sleeping more soundly than she realized because she was sure that it wasn't there yesterday. Approaching the shelf she saw that a pile of fabric sat on the shelf. She picked it up carefully. Normally the only things the...
Havana had planned to sunbathe by the pool. But once she spotted Jmac, her plans changed. She began doing anything possible to seduce him. She managed to do just that. So much so that he came right over and ripped off her bikini right away. After applying some oil on her perfect tits, they headed inside to start the real fun. Havana took Jmac’s cock and shoved deep inside her pussy, getting fucked in several different positions. And as things were coming to a close, she begged for him to cum...
xmoviesforyouThe next morning when I woke up I had a wild range of feelings. I decided I must be gay and was not sure how my friend was going to act towards me. I could hear him moving around so I rolled over and looked at him. He smiled and said he woke with morning wood and showed me his hard cock. My mouth began to water as I was considering what to do. He said I should come over to his bed and suck him off again, so I did. I came over to his bed and took his cock in my mouth. Since my mouth was...
I had been very good and succeeded accomplishing a couple goals that had been set for me, so my husband stated he would take me to Paris Theater for some play time….. I was very excited. He took me straight into the couples lounge and I immediately stripped down and changed into a short, skin tight dress and I started playing with myself and my husband, then another couple came in and started playing. Both of us girls went to the bench next to the main section and let many men’s hands touch...
“That was really totally unexpected. I didn’t think we’d ever meet another couple so much like you and Karen. Thank you so much for the compliment of saying I’m always your wife in public. You will also be my sexy husband,” Tina said, straddling his thighs and pretending to hump him, and they kissed a long time. “Did you want to go home now?” He asked, his hands becoming her bra cups. “No silly, we’re still on our twenty-four-hour date, and I want you to take me to Barney’s Bar. Hearing all...
Now as I look back, what happened after that weekend, who said and did what, has faded with time and memory. Shortly after Lisa's demonstration of independence my Uncle returned and I promptly returned to my parent's home in Connecticut. My Uncle and I never did fully discuss the matter. When I visited him later, Lisa was gone and replaced by a young and sensually beautiful Chinese girl. He said simply "Lisa had desired to test the limits of her tether and then broke free." Later I...
Sally was released from the bed. She dragged herself over to the shower andbegan to wash the traces of her **** from her body. Her pussy and asshole stungas the water ran down her, washing the dried cum down the drain. She dried offand lay back down on the bed and tried to sleep, but any little noise woke her. Sally must have dozed off because she jumped from the sound of her cellopening. She watched as the Sheriff and two other deputies came into her cell. "Where is Rebecca, is she all...