When Jessi Met Kathy free porn video

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Jessica Wilson tidied up her desk waiting for the woman from the Nursing Home's corporate office to come by. The luncheon meeting promised to be a boring affair. The only good news was that she'd get a chance to get better acquainted with the attractive blonde from headquarters.

Jessi always felt a little unsettled around the slightly younger woman from HQ.

'Maybe if I get to know her better I'll be able to figure out why she affects me the way she does, ' Jessi reasoned.

She was watching her computer screen go blank when she caught the subtle scent of perfume—Kathy Ferguson's perfume.

'That's one of the things that gets me sort of... nervous ... or something whenever I'm around her.'

Turning in her chair Jessi was surprised at how close the pretty blonde was. Kathy had to take a step back to allow the chair to come around.

"Ready to go?" Kathy asked jangling the rental car keys.

"Yeah ... uh, yeah," Jessi replied standing and picking up her purse.

She was trying to think if she'd done everything she needed to before leaving the office but her mind was suddenly blank. The look on Kathy's face when she stood up sent a shiver down her spine. The woman hadn't really backed up far enough and now that she was standing Jessi found that Kathy was way inside her comfort zone. She thought she could almost feel the heat coming of her co-worker's body.

'If our boobs were any bigger they'd be touching, ' Jessi realized and the thought caused an unexpected sensation low in her belly.

Kathy turned toward the door and Jessi fell in step beside her.

"I just love your hair," Kathy complimented as they walked. "The color is so great and it's so shiny and silky looking ... can I touch?"

The peculiar sensation that Jessi'd felt when they were standing nearly toe to toe was back and stronger than ever.

"Sure ... I guess," Jessi agreed.

The feel of her co-worker's hand on her hair made the brunette tingle just a little all over.

'It's just the lack of human contact. It's been three years since I went on a date ... Oh my God; am I so love starved that the touch of another woman is turning me on?'

She tried to dismiss the thought but it wouldn't go away.

The meeting was forty minutes late starting thanks to the bad manners of a couple of the corporate officers. But on the bright side it expanded the window of opportunity to chat.

Jessi was starting to feel at ease with the vivacious woman from the Des Moines office by the time they were heading back to the Nursing Home. Their friendly chatter almost made her forget about the odd sensations she'd experienced earlier, that was until Kathy said brightly,

"Hey I really enjoy your company."

"Thanks the feeling's mutual," Jessi responded.

"How about we get together for dinner and maybe a movie ... what do ya say?"

That disturbing feeling low in her abdomen came back and it was evidently reflected on her face.

"It's not business just a night out, like ... like friends," Kathy qualified her offer apparently misreading Jessi's expression.

When Jessi didn't speak right away she added still misinterpreting,

"But I can expense the whole thing so you'd get a free dinner and show."

"It's not the money ... I can pay my own way it's just that I'll never be able to get a sitter on such short notice," Jessi demurred and that funny feeling, the one she didn't want to think about, stirred again.

The disappointed pout the driver gave her was endearing.

"I'm gonna be here until Friday morning with nothing to do with my evenings." Kathy moaned. "I might get through tonight but if I have to spend two nights in that motel room I'm gonna be climbing the walls. Is there any chance you'd be able to get somebody for tomorrow? I'd really like to get to know you better."

When Kathy emphasized her statement by touching Jessi's leg, the brunette got a little light headed.

"Uh, I'll have to think about it," the Nursing Home Manager deferred as they pulled up in front.

"'K, I'll check in with you tomorrow," Kathy said sounding disappointed as Jessi got out of the car and headed back to work.

Jessi was thinking about her eye appointment the next morning when she called her mother.

"Hey mom, can you look after the kids this evening? These corporate honchos are here from Des Moines and they wanna have a dinner meeting," she lied.

"Great! dinner's at six-thirty, I really appreciate it mom."

Hanging around waiting for her eyes to regain their ability to focus after seeing the eye doctor left the Nursing Home Manager with time to consider what she was doing and why.

'I really feel ... attracted to her. I need adult companionship, ' she thought mulling over her motives. 'The kids are great and I love 'em to death but a relationship ... a friendship ... it's ... it's different ... I need that kind of social outlet'

If that's all it was, companionship, it wouldn't have made her feel the way she was feeling and she knew it. She was attracted to miz Ferguson on another level—a level that made her nervous and excited all at once.

Jessi's eyes cleared and she made it to her desk by one.

She was struggling to get caught up after missing the morning when Kathy poked her head around the corner. The look on the shapely blonde's face was expectant.

"What did you decide? Are you going to rescue me from terminal boredom?"

"Uh, I don't know I'm not sure we should," Jessi said with her mouth while other parts of her were screaming for her to say YES!

"Aw come on Jessi have heart," the woman from corporate pleaded. "Fort Dodge isn't exactly the entertainment capital of America ya know."

"Well it's asking a lot from my mom to give up her evening like this," Jessi had made the necessary arrangements but she still wasn't sure she had the nerve to go through with it.

"Pleeease, " Kathy sighed with that adorable pout again.

"OK," Jessi relented.

"Wonderful! It's a date." Kathy enthused and started to walk away.

The word date sent a chill through the manager as she sat at her desk.

Her interpretation of the word based on experience was going out with a guy who'd probably try to take liberties sometime during the evening. Advances she was pretty sure she wouldn't welcome from a man, but what about a woman. The very idea made her squirm, but the idea lingered.

'Don't be ridiculous Jessi!' she scolded herself. 'You're just going to share a meal and some more conversation with the woman ... just like yesterday ... it's no big deal.'

'But what if people in the office find out ... what if she tells them ... what will they think?'

As her concerns swirled in her head, through unfocused eyes she saw Kathy coming back toward her. The blonde leaned close and whispered,

"Can we keep this just between us? It's kind of bending the expense account rules a little. I wouldn't want any embarrassing questions popping up at the end of the month."

"Of course," Jessi replied in relief. "I won't breathe a word."

Kathy winked and said,

"See you around six-thirty," and then she left.

Jessi felt like the gnawing feeling she'd had in her tummy when she agreed to dinner with the woman (who seemed to have cast a spell over her) got a little better as the afternoon wore on. Still she was a bit hyped up when she got home at four.

Nikki and BJ were off doing their after school thing so she made a beeline to her bedroom and stripped out of her working clothes down to her panties. She wanted to look nice—sexy—but she'd told her mom that it was a business meeting so there was that to think about.

The black lace panties were sexy.

'Too bad nobody's going to see them, ' she mused and chose a pair of black pantyhose.

Checking her beautiful firm breasts in the mirror she decided that the green sweater would be adequate to hide her plump areolas and their sensitive finger tip sized button in the middle; a bra would not be needed. She couldn't resist showing her tits a little appreciation. The rotary motion of her thumb on those puffy pebbly pink pleasure centers caused the gnawing feeling that had never completely subsided to jump and clench. She bit her lip to suppress the moan.

She laid the heavy black and green plaid skirt on the bed with the panties, pantyhose and sweater and headed off to the shower.

'No time to do the hair ... but it's OK, ' she decided and tucked her long brown locks into a shower cap.

The warm water was soothing in a way but as she washed she noticed that her skin felt—something—more alive, tingly. The washing process left her with a glow.

A few quick expert strokes of the razor left her underarms smooth. Sitting on the little seat the long sexy legs took a bit longer. With methodical strokes she persevered through her major shaving chore leaving her legs with a nice rosy hue.

She took a fresh razor for the final and most sensitive region. Spreading her thighs she recognized that the stubble was very light but—'Just to be thorough' she though and began to apply the shave gel to her vulva.

The gel was quite cool and she hadn't realized just how hot her cookie was. A squeal escaped her as the oh so sensitive tissue reacted to the temperature of the shaving lubricant. She was spreading it where the hair grew. She was not applying it to her labia, her hand was not starting that quick circular rhythmical motion—IT WASN'T!

Wonderful beautiful currents of pleasure streamed up her body, tickled her breasts on the way to her head. Inside the unsexy plastic bonnet Jessi felt the head spin just a little.

"I haven't got time for this," she snarled through clenched teeth.

She went back to work spreading the gel over the necessary parts of her vulva. Willpower alone saw her through the pubic hair clean up as her coochie screamed for more. The yearning feeling was bad enough but the tremors in her hands were actually scary. Mission finally accomplished she put on her robe and went out into the hall just in time to hear her mother arrive.

She heard words being exchanged with the kids. She couldn't hear what they were saying, but it didn't matter she had been relieved.

Back in the bedroom the sexy back panties hugged her somewhat swollen mons and the pantyhose added more pressure.

Sitting at her make up table applying the shadow and eye-liner the juncture of her thighs throbbed gently in rhythm to the beating of her heart. She pushed the feeling out of her mind while she coated her full sensual lips with the subtle red lip gloss.

Brushing her hair she couldn't help watching her very firm boobies move with the motion of her arms. She wondered if Kathy's were bigger or smaller; and what about her nipples.

'Stop that!' she demanded silently and got up to finish dressing.

The plaid skirt fell to her mid calf and she fastened the catch and zipped it before rotating it into its proper position. Dropping the soft dark green sweater that matched the green in her skirt over her head Jessi felt the soft material caress her needy boobs.

'Maybe going braless wasn't such a great idea, ' she reconsidered as the precisely targeted nerve responses traveled swiftly to her crotch.

With the same determination that enabled her to do the pussy fuzz removal she pulled on her knee high black boots resolving to ignore the delightful sensations.

She felt like she'd calmed a little by the time she kissed her mother and the kids good-bye. Now as she drove toward the Country Inn the gnawing was demanding her attention. The queasy nervousness in the pit of her stomach was completely unwarranted and she told herself so over and over as she parked her car.

At the reception desk she asked for Kathy Ferguson's room number. The desk clerk informed her that it was policy to get the guest's approval and buzzed the appropriate room. Jessica waited patiently looking at the big wall clock.

'Ten to six, Oh shit ... I'm not supposed to be here until six-thirty'

'How in the world did I get that far ahead of schedule ... I didn't even rush ... I guess I would have had time to take care of myself in the shower after all, ' that thought caused a tightening of the walls inside her pussy.

"She says you can come right on in," the desk clerk informed her and then proceeded to direct her using the motel layout under glass on the counter.

She was making her way to her co-worker's room and now she had to add embarrassment at being so early to all her other disquieting feelings.

Jessica knocked on the door and felt the butterflies swarm. Suddenly she had to pee.

'Oh great ... just what I needed, ' she thought and very briefly pressed between her legs.

'Oh God it's still so swollen down there, ' she realized snatching her hand away as the door opened.

A warm rush over took her when she saw Kathy's pert mounds tenting the red Iowa State University sweat shirt with Cyclones emblazoned across it.

'Maybe they are bigger than mine, ' she speculated but pushed the thought aside in favor of concentrating on holding her water.

Kathy's initial welcoming smile drooped quickly.

"You're all dressed up!" the motel guest announced observantly.

"Yeah well I told my mom I was going to a dinner meeting so I had to dress appropriately," Jessie responded looking around the room for the washroom door while taking off her coat.

"Just give me a couple of minutes to change."

"Oh you're fine ... we're not going anywhere that fancy ... are we?" the Nursing Home Manager said tossing her coat on a chair; still scanning for the toilet facilities.

"I'm not sure where we're going but I wouldn't feel right dressed like this with you dressed so nicely," Kathy explained.

"I just love that sweater," she added running her hand up Jessi's arm from the elbow to the shoulder. "It's so soft ... it must feel wonderful on your skin."

There was electricity in the touch. Jessi felt like her skin was trying to push its way out through the thick sweater so that her co-worker's hand would be directly touching her. She felt her knees get a little weak but the need to empty her bladder reasserted as top priority.

" ... it looks so warm too—" Kathy was saying when Jessi interrupted.

"I really need to pee," she informed her friend with a grimace.

"It's right over there," Kathy indicated a closed door at the back of the motel room, which is why Jessi hadn't been able to find it.

"Thanks," the beautiful brunette said and hurried toward relieving herself.

As soon as she entered the bathroom she noticed the beautiful steamy scent left over from Kathy's bath. Skirt up panties and pantyhose down Jessi felt that blessed relief as she evacuated. The fragrance in the room was the one she had come to associate with the woman from corporate.

'Maybe it wasn't perfume ... maybe it was the kind of soap that she used, ' the woman on the commode pondered.

When she applied the toilet tissue she was once again reminded of how engorged her sex was. Wiping to remove the residual urine she noticed that there was another more viscous fluid present—she realized that she was wet.

'Oh my God Jessi you've got to get these crazy ideas out of your head. Just because you haven't been on a date in three years is no reason to be having these insane thoughts.'

A date, there was the abuse of that term again.

'You can't be going on a date with another woman.' Jessi tried to correct herself as she pulled up her panties and pantyhose. 'Dates are with men.'

Stepping over to the sink to wash her hands she realized that she associated dates with romance; yeah and sex. She had no romantic notions toward men right now and she was trying to convince herself that she didn't have inclinations toward other women either. The thought had certainly occurred to her more than once lately but she always suppressed it quickly. Her upbringing and the conventions of society said it was deviant but the curiosity could not be denied.

Wasn't it fantasizing about what Kathy's breasts looked like when she was brushing her own hair that had resulted her pussy getting damp? Jessi shuddered and tried to deny it but you really can't effectively lie to yourself.

She picked up the wet washcloth to cool her flushed face and a gentle wave passed through her as she inhaled deeply of the alluring scent that permeated the little square of flannel. It was the same fragrance that subtly surrounded Kathy and hung in the humid air of the bathroom—just stronger.

With her eyes closed clutching the cool washcloth to her face the image of her co-worker's pert tits poking against the worn 'Cyclones' sweatshirt shimmered on the inside of her eyelids. The throb in her mons wasn't so gentle this time.

Quickly Jessi put the cooling cloth down and inspected her make-up. Satisfied that the damage was minimal she fluffed her long brown hair and stepped back into the motel bedroom.

At first her mind simply refused to accept what her eyes were seeing. A warm wave passed over her leaving a tingle in its wake. Jessi's knees felt weak. There was no way she could believe that her co-worker, her friend, her date, was standing at the foot of the bed wearing only a blue thong.

She didn't have long to contemplate the incredible sight because the beautifully proportioned blonde was approaching her—getting closer by the second. The practically naked woman locked eyes with her dinner date as she moved toward her.

"I'd really like to try this sweater on," Kathy was saying, still staring deeply into the brunette's eyes.

She ran her hands over the thick green material where it ended on Jessica's hips.

Jessi was so overwhelmed by the sight and smell that she found herself incapable of conscious thought or reason. Her head was spinning and when Kathy began to lift the sweater she just cooperated; lifting her arms so that the soft material could be pulled over her head.

The all over tingling, which began on first sight of her naked companion, was intensifying until it was almost an itch. As the sweater ascended above her bare boobs the heel of Kathy's hand brushed the outside of their fullness. That brief titillating contact along with the insistent tingling and the cool air of the motel room made Jessi's nipples rise to the occasion. The feeling like electricity dancing on her skin was still there but the portion in her breasts was the strongest and it seemed to focus in the tightening bright pink pleasure button pushing their way out from her areola.

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KATHY I was lying in bed next to my friend Caroline in the pleasant afterglow of lovemaking. Caroline was curvy and attractive and soft skinned. She was funny - a delightful companion - in fact, everything you could want of a girlfriend. Except for one thing. I'd known Caroline for over a year: I was in my second year at university; Caroline was in her third. And although we were in bed together, and had been several times before, we were not in a conventional relationship. ...

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Late For DinnerChapter 47 Good for You Kathy

Mommy put her head of Kathy's shoulder. "I just don't know about Billy," she sighed. "We've tried and tried, but he just doesn't understand the limits. I guess we're going to do something to get his attention." "How about," Kathy snapped her fingers, "we give him a birthday party he'll never forget?" "I don't think he's getting a party after what he's done," Mommy shook her head, "and he's NOT going to pop little Kim's cherry." "No, wait!" Kathy's mind raced...

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My name is Kathy I'm 25 blonde with a nice body and a cute face. I've been married for 2 years with Nick, we dated since we were both 16 and he was the only man I made love too. Nick works in a plant and I used to work as maid until we got married. Then he told me I didn't have to work anymore, lately we have been in trouble, with the mortgage on the house and Nick not getting a raise it's been hard to make ends meet.Our sex life is good, we are not very adventurous, we make either with me on...

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The Week I Turned Into Erin Chapter 9 Kathy

I picked up my cell phone and I dialed his - I mean her - number. One ring. Two rings. On the third ring she answered in an unfamiliar voice. "Hello? Kathy?" My name is Kathy. For the past several days I've been living with my parents. It wasn't by choice. My boyfriend Aaron decided to be careless and injected himself with an experimental drug for money. It all started last Sunday when I asked him to get a job. You see, we've been hurting financially for most of the year. ...

1 year ago
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ONE As they walked through the woods alone, he gathered his thoughts. Finally, he broke their comfortable silence. "Dear, dear Kathy," He finally said, I want you to know that I love you and care about you and that I always will." "If you need someone to talk to, or ask hard questions of, I will always be there, even if no one else is, just as I always have been there." "I promise I will never judge you, or lie to you. If I know an answer, no matter how hard or even embarrassing it...

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Being With a Woman Kathy

As I got to know her better I realized her life was in turmoil. Not only was the father of her son an abusive dick head, she was preparing for another brain surgery to remove a re-growing tumor she'd already had operated on a half dozen times over her life. But she was still a happy girl, funny as shit and loved to have fun. I liked her a lot. And she was kinda hot so that was just an added bonus. One night before the mall closed she got into an argument over child support with her bf...

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More fun with Kathy

This is the second part of my experience with Kathy. I have changed the names to protect the not so innocent. I don’t want to say that it was uncomfortable in the truck as we set off again. It wasn’t, it was different. I would never again be able to look at Kathy the same way. Now she wasn’t Bill’s fiancée and my good friend. Now she was incredibly sexy Kathy who I hope I could spend a lot more time with exploring her wild side. Besides isn’t that what friends are for? About an hour down the...

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I met Kathy on a social network and we chatted back and forth for a long time before meeting. I was a widower of 3 years at the time and was tired of siting him and playing with myself. So I went online searching for friends and playmates and found Kathy. She was a single Mom of three teenage girls and a alcoholic but, she worked everyday and drank everynight. That was fine with me because she was a fun drunk and open to every thing. Kathy was 5'8" and weighed about 180 and had a huge 42EE...

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Jessies surprise part 2

Licking my lips tasting both our cumm, my heart was pounding as I watched Cindy suck Jessies big cock. Jessie always wanted me to call it "her cock" not a dildo, it's was a real turn on to think my hot girlfriend had a cock for me! I pushed Cindy's blonde head down the thick 8 inch shaft till she gagged, then let her up the once again telling her "That's it suck Jessie's big cock, good girl....can I have some??" she answers with a muffled "Yaaahmmmmmmm.......(let's the cock pop outa her mouth)...

1 year ago
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My Girl Kathy

Introduction: She was my biggest fantasy untill that night that it all came true. I was just an ordinary 16 year old boy and she was tthe most beautiful women that i have ever known. Well to be honest she was very beautiful but definently not the hottest girl in the world. But for me there was just something about her that drove me crazy. I wanted her more than any other girl in the world. Her name is Kathy and she was the mother of my two best friends that lived across the street. She is 34...

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Watching Jessie at the hotel

This is a continuation of the story Watching Jessie (glory hole).By the time I got Jessie dressed to leave the glory hole booth another cock appeared through the hole in the wall. Jessie wasn't about to leave it there. Jessie promised that she just wanted to practice her sucking skills. Jessie knelt down in front of the cock and began kissing and stroking it. As the cock began to grow Jessie stroked it more and licked it all over paying special attention to the head. When the cock was fully...

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Riding the Jessie Train

Introduction: The following is a follow-up to the account described in my previous story starring Jessie. It was a long-time coming. While much of this story is true, we added a lot to it to make it more worth writing, so I didnt feel right categorizing it as a true story. Again, in the same interest, preparatory and hygienic details were omitted. It was late afternoon, and Jessie and her husband were on their way from dropping off their son with Jessies brother. As they took care of the kid, I...

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Watching Jessie glory hole

This story follows "Watching Jessie "Jessie was so out of it I had to help her get her pants on. I guided Jessie to her car but it was obvious that I would have to drive us to her house. I suggested that we go to the hospital where Jessie could get the morning after pill. Jessie didn't talk to me on the ride home, other than to say that she didn't want to go to the hospital. My suggestion of the hospital had only made her colder to me. I could have stopped the guy from fucking Jessie in the...

4 years ago
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Watching Jessie cuckold me

What a dilemma I found myself in all brought on by my sexual perversions. The woman I loved and planned to spend the rest of my life with had helped convince me to take a lucrative job offer. Frank my potential new boss had my Jessie hooked on his big black cock. Worst of all Frank seemed determined to put his baby in Jessie. I'd played the scenarios out in my head and none of them really turned out the way I'd like them to. Jessie though was determined to make it work out.I had started packing...

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Tailgating with Jessie

Disclaimer: I have posted this story on another site, but it truly is mine.The sun hung high and unobscured in the cool and clear autumn sky. Two professional football teams were making preparations for week six of the National Football League's season while I fought my way through masses of cars, pedestrians and traffic cones. I'd actually never been to a football game, and that streak would continue despite the fact that I was trying to get to the stadium on game day as quickly as I...

2 years ago
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Jessie's story Jessie Es war wieder ein langer Tag geworden. Jessie schloss ihre m?den Augen, ihre Finger lagen noch auf der Tastatur. Sie hatte eine Idee f?r eine neue Story gehabt, aber irgendwie war sie zu besch?ftigt gewesen, um auch nur ein Wort zu schreiben. Es war bereits ?ber die Zeit, zu der sie normalerweise Schluss machte, und das meiste ihrer Arbeit war getan. Es war niemand mehr im B?ro, die Luft war rein. Sie ?ffnete ihren geheimen Ordner und begann zu tippen. Die t?glichen P...

2 years ago
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Jakob and Jessie Part 5

Jakob leaned against the door as he watched Jessie drive the truck, her long slender fingers wrapped easily around the wheel. He was lost in thought, mostly recalling their last night in the Webster farm before leaving for college. He had come in late from his last job—harvesting 1500 acres of feed corn. The ground had been unusually rough, possibly a result of the long drought, and the ensuing vibrations had tired him terribly. He was surprised that the house was mostly dark—it was only...

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Watching Jessie part 8

Watching Jessie (part 8)Frank was in the bedroom with Jessie when I got home from work on Friday. He hadn’t been over since last week. Now that he had Jessie pregnant I wondered if he was working on getting someone else pregnant. I was happy knowing that his wife Terry had given me an awesome blow job in the very same room at lunch time. Even though I didn’t get to fuck Terry I knew it was only a matter of time. I felt my cock getting hard as I thought about Terry’s beautiful black body and...

1 year ago
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The Theft of Jessie Gray

It was hardly the first time the two girls had gone out dancing together. They had, after all, been inseparable ever since the second grade when they first bonded under the thumb of their mutual bully, Deb Connors. From there their friendship had only grown. In fourth grade, they had each earned themselves a month long suspension for a prank their classmates still talked about in hushed tones. In the sixth, Jessie had dragged Lily along with her to volleyball tryouts and the pair had made...

3 years ago
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A Delicious Jessie Sandwich

No girl has impacted me like my friend Jessie, and no sexual experience has affected my life more than the one I shared with her on December 26, 2013. Yes, we did slip up earlier that year when I took her in during a snow storm. It wasn't our intention, but we ended up having sex that night, the result of nearly 10 years of unresolved sexual tension. By then, Jessie had been married for a little while, so we both knew it was wrong and swore to never let it happen again. We meant it too, so I...

2 years ago
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Jessie Hanks Outlaw Queen The Cameo Murder Part 2 of 2

Street and Smith's _New_ _York_ _Weekly_ is proud to present the latest addition to the amazing legend of Eerie, Arizona. Jessie Hanks Outlaw Queen: The Cameo Murder By Nicholas Varrick As Told by Ellie Dauber and Christopher Leeson © 2016 Part 2: Finding Their Way Chapter 6 - "Crossing Arizona" Friday, June 7, 1872 Jessie slowly - regretfully - opened her eyes. "Uhh," she moaned, putting her hand to her head. "Why the...

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Jessie and the TornadoChapter 5

And back to the present Distantly I heard someone saying, “Sam? Sam? Sam?” then felt someone shaking my shoulder. I looked up, and realized I was still sitting outside Jessie’s hospital room, and that Janice had been trying to get my attention, before finally having to shake my shoulder. Jessie was standing beside Janice and was grinning like crazy. She had a small bandage on her forehead. “The doctor has finished his exam, Sam, and there is no sign of physical ... or mental problems,”...

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A Delicious Jessie Sandwich1

What neither one of us anticipated was that Brian, Jessie's husband would be one to share. Then came that fateful date, when the couple, who had moved away not long after Jessie and I slept together, was back home visiting family for the holidays. It was six months after Jessie had a baby, which, if nothing else did, seemed to rule out any possibility that we would stumble again. There wasn't possibly a scenario that would serve nothing better than ruining someone's life. Still, Jessie...

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1.01 The House of Pleasure THP: 1.02 Jessie, Lisa, Aron: 1.03 Jessie, Lisa, Aron, HDTV Condition: 1.04 Mira, Jessie, Introduction: 1.05 Mira, Jessie, First Lesbian Orgasm: 1.06 Mira, Jessie, Jacuzzi: 1.07 Lisa, Aron, Hair Removal: 1.08 Lisa, Aron, Deepthroat: 1.09 Lisa, Aron, Sibling Mating: 1.01 The House of Pleasure THP: The House of Pleasure, THP, is a high end, sexual complex in the Center of Bangkok. It opened two years ago and has become a must layover for business...

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Jakob, Jessie, and Sandy took a break for lunch on Sunday. They were covered in saliva, cum and pussy juice--sticky in most places. After showering together, Jakob fired up the grill while the girls made some burgers. Jessie brought them out to Jakob wearing absolutely nothing-her tan lines disappearing since she started sunbathing nude. Jakob admired her lean features accentuated by her large firm breasts that seemed more suited for a much heavier woman. He noticed her nipples were...

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Jakob and Jessie Part 4

From the minute he’d gotten the Sheriff’s phone call Jakob had known what he had to do. It was like killing a rabid dog or the feral hogs that had threatened his father’s stock. It was either kill Howard Holmes or live their lives in fear—fear that he’d get out of prison and hunt them down to wreak his “revenge.” In the end he’d done what he had to. He had rescued Jessie, his wife of less than a day, from a certain death at the hands of her father. Jakob had carried Jessie, insisting she...

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A Delicious Jessie Sandwich

Introduction: The following is an account of my long-awaited first sexual encounter with my friend Jessie, coming with a wild twist. Some details are exaggerated for the enjoyment of the reader, but the integrity remains. Also, in the same interest, preparatory and hygienic details were omitted. The shot glass shook in my hand as I endured the most awkward 10 minutes of my life. Ive never been a drinker, but the alcohol was needed tonight to calm my nerves as I sat across the glass coffee table...

2 years ago
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Jessie Hanks Outlaw Queen The Cameo Murder Part 1

Street and Smith's _New_ _York_ _Weekly_ is proud to present the latest addition to the amazing legend of Eerie, Arizona. Jessie Hanks Outlaw Queen: The Cameo Murder By Nicholas Varrick As Told by Ellie Dauber and Christopher Leeson © 2016 Part 1: On the Trail to Trouble Chapter 1 -- "Prolog: September 1871" Tuesday, September 12, 1871 A chunky, sandy-haired man walked into the Prescott, Arizona...

1 year ago
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Jessie Part 2

Jessie and I had a “normal” date Thursday night, dinner and a movie. When we left Emily with the her babysitter, Emily was disappointed that we were not taking her with us. Jessie had to remind her that the 3 of us were going to the zoo on Saturday. The movie was a romantic comedy which Jessie had picked. The movie was ok, however the plot was very predictable. At least I got to be with Jessie. I had my arm around her throughout the movie and we kissed a couple of times, however the theatre...

3 years ago
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The agony of Jessie

I woke just as the plane was banking for final approach into Khym International The Agony of Jessie Part 1 Amy woke just as the plane was banking for final approach into the international airport. Seated beside her on the flight was Jessie Gomez. The 18-year-old was still asleep, oblivious to the stares of the male passengers in first class, who could hardly miss the blond teen in her tight blouse and short skirt. Adding to it were her air-conditioned chilled nipples clearly visible...

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2.01 Sara, Jessie, Canine, Mounting Frame Preparation: 2.02 Sara, Jessie, Canine, Frame Deepthroat: 2.03 Sara, Jessie, Canine, The Mounting: 2.04 Aron, Extractor and Enhancer: 2.05 Aron, Jessie, Mother and Son Mating: 2.06 Lisa, Golden, Bedroom Services: 2.07 Aron, Creatures, Bedroom Services: 2.01 Sara, Jessie, Canine, Mounting Frame Preparation: Sara knew Jessie was ready and walked her toward the mounting frame. Without hesitating, Jessie entered the frame, kneeled down and...

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Watching Jessie part 9 breeding Amy

Watching Jessie (part 9)It was late Sunday night. I wanted to feel Jessie’s pussy on my cock. Tyson and Darin had just left. They had been fucking her for over eight hours almost nonstop. She had taken ten loads of cum. Her pussy was stretched out and overflowing cum. When I got in the bedroom Jessie was lying on the bed almost passed out. She had moved out of the pool of cum she had made on the edge of the bed. Another wet spot was growing from her pussy where she now lay. I stripped quickly...

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