Research and Demonstration
- 3 years ago
- 29
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They walked three blocks after leaving the restaurant until they got to the disguised boat. Ronny was suitably impressed especially when she took her very comfortable seat and then closed the door. She could sense how strong and secure this vehicle was.
"I have never been in this kind before." She had been many times in the back of many others though.
"Our family is fairly well off now. Leif has made enough money that we can afford a few luxuries. We have a home but it is shared with a few others. It makes it like a large family in many ways."
"I wouldn't mind meeting Leif again. I have never had so much fun as with him. He doesn't have any brothers, does he?"
"He probably does but he has not called home for such a long time that we do not know for sure. I have never met a man like him. He loves us so much and loves our children too. At the same time his business is slowly growing and he is continually studying to learn more."
Ronny just remembered that Sandra had children too and asked, "Tell me about your children, Amanda and Courtney then Megan's Elizabeth and Lauren."
Ronny knew of the dual marriage and the first two children of each of the two sisters. More had never been mentioned for fear of the time counted and new questions asked. Sandra started talking and it didn't end until they got to Ronny's home. The girl could easily see that Sandra loved her children and those of her sister too. When she compared it to her own feelings she found that she was possibly a worse mother than she had previously thought.
They drove into a rundown district and Ronny insisted that the van be locked before walked to the door of the older apartment house. Ronny lead the way in and felt a bit ashamed that she had not done her share to keep the apartment as clean as it should be. A boy of twenty nine months came tearing out of one of the rooms and stopped dead at seeing the strange woman in the house. He was a hyperactive child that would give even two indulgent parents a full time job.
Ronny took off her jacket and hung it up then took her friend's. She turned around and crouched with her arms open. Usually David ran to her but this time he was acting strange which was an oddity.
"Come here David. I want you to meet a friend of mine."
Sandra monitored the boy. He wanted to come and this was enough to get him past the strangeness of her aura. When he was in his mother's arms Ronny said, "This is Sandy."
Sandra said, "Hello David. I am glad to meet you." She held out her arms, "Can I hold you for a while? I am missing my own children." The boy squirmed to get into the strange woman's arms and Ronny assisted him. "Mmmmm, you're big."
The boy was now enchanted by the aura that only part of his mind could understand and he held the woman to him tightly. Ronny saw this and felt a bit jealous then thought how she would love to hold her old friend the same way.
Ronny played a good hostess and offered refreshments and a chance to sit down. When all three were sitting on the large couch the front door opened and Ronny's mother Sara came in with a basket full of clean folded clothing.
The woman was stunned by Sandra's looks and aura. She had not seen her daughter's friend for a few years. She was much more beautiful now if that were possible but she had this poise about her that made her very different than anybody she had met before.
Sara sat for a while. She felt even compelled to do so. It was like being with an old a trusted friend but at the same time she felt that she was privileged to sit here. She didn't talk unless asked questions but that felt alright with her.
Sandra read how Ronny wanted to take her back to her room as they had done a few times before and there she wanted to do everything she could to make Sandra happy. She couldn't find a good way with her mother present and anyhow the mother had to take care of her son while all this was going on. The second best was to get the girl away from here and to a secluded spot. There were only a few hours before she had to go to work and she knew she would get fired because of all the times she had already missed.
Before anything could be put into words, Sandra said, "I have been on the lookout for special people for our family business. I could use some exercise and perhaps we can go for a walk. Let's put both together and go to a mall? David can run around and burn off some of his inexhaustible energy and the three of us can all have a chance to talk."
Ronny was disappointed but this was much better than having Sandy leave alone. "Ok, that sounds like a good idea."
Sandra knew that David was ready to soil his diaper and stood with the boy. Ronny went to get her jacket and Sandra sat the child on the toilet. In only a moment she was cleaning him up again. Sara was amazed for she had not been able to toilet train the child or to even get him to cooperate.
Ronny carried the diaper bag and Sandra opened the back of the van. A small fabricator was there all the time and it had produced a very good child safety seat. The seat had been used before along with seat belts. None of it was necessary but these articles along with mirrors and antenna were important pieces of camouflage.
With the boy safely in his seat they drove to one of the shopping malls. Along the way Sandra talked but kept her mind focussed outward searching for her primary target. Sara asked about Sandra's and her sister's children because Sandra had started to take a firm control of her aura to tone it down.
In turn each were asked about their present jobs. Both were for low pay but there were a fair number available if some didn't work out. The prospects of employment were even better than those on the island.
When they parked, Sandra reclaimed the boy and all of them walked into the mall. A children's clothing store was close and she couldn't help herself by going there to shop instead of searching for her quarry.
Ronny was concerned that her son was a heavy burden and kicked herself for not getting the stroller. Sandra though was not worried in the least. She was very strong and this load was easy to manage.
They talked about mutual friends and did some shopping. At the food court they had a rest and a chance to get a drink. Sara went to the washroom and when she came back Ronny went.
Sara said, "I still can't understand this. David is so well behaved now. He is usually so hard to manage. We took him to the doctors and they found quite a few things wrong with him. Hyperactivity is just one. He has attention deficit disorder and we fear he may be dyslexic but we cannot be sure. Ronny still hasn't told me who the father is and I think it's because she is not sure herself."
Sandra said, "Ronny is a sex junkie. I have heard of a way to curb her appetite. Perhaps I can get it into her head to face that fact and take the treatment."
"I have never heard of this."
"The clinic was in Malaysia I believe. I can make some calls and see where exactly. I'm sure the doctors here could do the same thing if approached the right way."
Talk continued but Sandra sensed that Ronny was in trouble. She said, "Maybe I better go to the washroom too."
She hurried across the room and down the winding hall. Three men had Ronny trapped against the wall. Usually Ronny was used to this and just took the men to a quiet place and sucked them off. If she were lucky they would give her an orgasm too. This time though Ronny wanted to get back to Sandra and her family but found difficulty in doing this.
"There you are Ronny," Sandra said with a smile. "I wondered where you got off to."
Ronny was worried now. All of the young men had been drinking and one in front of her had a belligerent history. She assumed it was the drugs he usually took that did this.
"Hi Sandy. I was just about to come back."
The leader of the three men turned to Sandra and smiled. He was large and looked like he had been in quite a few fights and won then all. "Hello Sandy. My name's Al. Are you one of Ronny's special friends?"
Sandra knew what the man thought. It was either one of the women that liked Ronny's body or one that put out the way she did. In either case they wanted some action from her now.
"I am one of Ronny's old friends."
The leader then the other two moved and tried to surround Sandra as they had Ronny. Sandra let this happen and noticed that Ronny now was very worried. Al said, "Would you like to go with us for a while? We know how to treat a lady right."
"I don't think you do. You want your own gratification and that's all. I will definitely pass on the offer and so will Ronny."
Al was tall and leaned over the diminutive woman. He put his hand on the wall beside Sandra's head and said, "You might not have too much choice in that." His other hand moved to hold one of Sandra's breasts. Laughter was heard from the other two.
When the hand touched her Sandra said, "Take your hand off me now or suffer the consequences."
"What are you going to do Sweetie? Hurt me?" He said this with a sarcastic voice and a leering smile.
Sandra's hands and feet moved very quickly with the utmost precession. Sandra struck all of twenty six times. One would do but she held her power in check so she would be justified in landing all those blows. After the last strike she quickly moved out of the way and looked at her adversaries. They had not even seen her move to her present position. To their eyes she had just disappeared.
Al collapsed to the floor on his knees and in a few seconds started to disgorge all that was in his stomach.
The two males just stared open mouthed at Sandra the same way that Ronny did.
Sandra said calmly, "Are you two going to make me do anything?" She got a double shaking of heads and she continued, "Pick your buddy up and take him home before I get angry at him or you again.
The two just stared at Sandra but did edge closer and pick up their leader then hurry down the hall almost dragging him. They left the vomit on the floor and a stink of stomach acid.
Sandra said, "Are you ok?"
"What did you do? He's going to make my life miserable now."
"Maybe not. Go to the bathroom now. I will wait out here," she ordered.
While waiting in the hall Sandra detected another problem and it was very nearby. She took three steps down the hall and pushed open a heavy door. She had to turn and open another right away. She saw a long line of sinks on both sides and a larger room with stalls. Immediately she walked in to see two young men at urinals.
Ignoring the two men she raced to the last stall and grasped the door in one hand and pulled very quickly. The sheet metal door bent from one corner but didn't open. Taking the frame in her other hand she separated the two and pulled open the door.
A man turned around with a frightened look. He was standing with his back to the now open door and facing the toilet. In front of him was a small boy that Sandra knew was thirteen but was still small for his age.
Though their thoughts were much slower than hers she knew exactly what was happening. Sandra said in a loud commanding voice, "Get out now if you want to stay out of jail." She just waited and the man quickly zipped himself up and fled the room as if the devil himself was after him. One of the others was unaware of the situation while the other was waiting his turn. Sandra pointed to this person and said, "You, get."
Sandra turned to the frightened boy that was now trying to flee himself. Her hand caught the jacket on his shoulder. She looked at the boy and when he looked up to her she said in her commanding voice, "You wait. We are far from done."
Both men had left now and Sandra turned back to the boy. Looking at his aura was difficult for fear was colouring much of it. He was not exactly what she was looking for but not that far off. "We are going out to the food court after you wash up. We will eat there with my friends. You will accompany us and do exactly as you are told. Do you understand?"
"Ah... yes ma'am, I think."
Sandra looked kindly on him now and tucked her aura back in that had flared during the confrontation. "This may be the best thing that ever happened to you Mark. Don't try to screw it up now."
The boy waited a second and figured that he had to say something. "Yes ma'am." He had no idea how she knew his name or made the customer run. The broken and twisted door was not even noticed.
Sandra kept her hand on Mark's shoulder but now it only rested there. She guided him to the sink and helped wash his face with a piece of white paper towel.
When they came out into the hallway they found Ronny waiting. She had come out only a few seconds before and had looked at her mother and son and didn't see Sandra. She was surprised to find Sandra coming out of the men's washroom. She had been in them many times before herself.
Sandra said by way of explanation, "Mark is now mine." She pulled the boy close to her and hugged him one handedly. "He has a rough life and now it will get much better."
Neither of them understood but Mark did feel better than he had in quite a while. They walked back to the table and Sandra introduced Mark then said, "He is famished like any growing boy." She handed him a twenty dollar bill and said to him, "Go get something to eat. Bring me back a bottle of water please."
Mark felt very comfortable and was a bit shocked at being given the money and a chance to run. He thought about it for a while and decided to risk it. For the last year he had been on his own more and more Recently when he started to sell his services he found out how easy it was to get ripped off or hurt.
It took ten minutes to get back and he wondered what the three women had said about him in his absence. He had only been giving blow jobs for a few weeks now and didn't get any great thrill out of it. This was only done to make some money for food.
The questions asked him back at the table led him to believe that nothing was said but he didn't really believe that. He avoided some questions and lied about others. Though he was a little over thirteen he knew he looked younger so it was hard to say that he was sixteen.
The woman that pulled the john away rescued him from some of the more difficult questions but eventually he was done eating. He was given the job of cleaning up. Sandra now held Mark's hand and the boy didn't feel upset about it at all. She reminded him of his dead mother except that this one was much younger and very much more beautiful.
They all went into department store and Sandra took Mark around and convinced him of what was best to buy without giving orders. In a sporting goods store Mark got a new pair of runners. Ronny was convinced later to get a nice pair of shoes for herself.
All the while Sandra was continuing her search and knew that there were no more presently in the mall. The boy holding her hand suggested a new source of the boys she wanted. This time she would be able to help them without official sanction but this in the long run didn't really matter.
Sandra drove back to Ronny's home to allow her to get dressed for her waitress job. David was put to sleep for his afternoon nap and Sara was happy to have got a rest and a chance to get out of the apartment. Mark sat at the kitchen table after Sandra told him to stay for a moment.
In Ronny's bedroom Sandra again went into her commanding voice and loosened the restraints on her aura. "We have a serious talk ahead of us. I may not be back for a few days but I want you to stay away from temptation. That means you don't go out with anyone and just stay home. I want you to clean up the apartment and give your mom a break."
Ronny wanted to resist and say, "No!" Sandra gave her no choice.
"You are going to be mine now just like Mark. You need some firm guidance now and I will make sure you have it."
Ronny did get out, "Why are you doing this?"
"You were my friend, though you were not a good one. You need some help. Your life is going downhill and I have a way of stopping it from deteriorating further. It will take some work on my part but be assured that I have your best interests at heart. Now get dressed."
Ronny smiled inwardly. She now found it exciting to be ordered around for some reason. She took off all her clothes and then pretended to look for what she needed while nude. Sandra just watched her and assisted in getting her bra snapped. Ronny was disappointed but did what she was directed to do.
They said their goodbyes to Sara and David then drove a mile away to the small restaurant. Sandra kissed Ronny and said, "You belong to me now. Make me happy that you will do what you are told."
"There are no buts. Do as you are told. I will see you in a few days."
With sparkling eyes Ronny said, "Yes Sandra."
Sandra drove a few blocks then pulled over and looked at Mark. "Mark, will you trust your future to me? I want you. You will not be my lover but I will be something much more like your mother. I want to give you a job and get you educated. As a member of my family I will get your two brothers and sister to come with us too. Nobody will be beating you again and you will not be forced into any sex you do not want."
"I... I only did it for the money," he said as he hung his head and started to sniffle.
Sandra put her gentle hand under his chin and elevated his eyes. "I know that. Will you join my family?"
Mark wiped his nose with his sleeve and said after a short deliberation, "Yes I want that so much."
Sandra smiled reassuringly, "You are now in my family Honey. Now let's get your brothers and sister."
Sandra pulled into a motel and rented a room for her and her new son with a phony set of identification papers. Mark had been into motel rooms before but was not as frightened this time.
Sandra said, "Go have a shower. You have new clothes to wear and I want them on you when we get your family at the school."
"No buts from you either. Go get cleaned and dressed."
Mark went into the bathroom and closed the door before getting in the tub. He adjusted the water and started to wash himself. From outside the door he heard, "Use the shampoo and get behind the ears."
Mark felt reassured by this and almost said, "Yes mom," but caught himself in time. It did make him feel much better though.
Sandra went out to the boat and made some combs and other things that the boy would be familiar with. It was not time yet for him to find out that his new home would not be on this planet.
Mark was finally done and came out with a towel around his waist. Sandra looked at him critically but knew that the boy had tried to get clean. "Now you look much more like the young man that belongs in my family. Now look up, I have to dry your hair and comb it."
The boy did as he was asked but the vigorous towelling caused his own towel to fall. He began to worry and he seemed to hear in his mind, "It doesn't matter. We are family now." He relaxed then and Sandra combed his hair into place and then bent forward and kissed him on the nose.
Sandra turned and picked up some jockey shorts and helped the boy get into them. Again Mark felt comforted by being dressed even though he had been able to do this for many years and had been on the streets for weeks now. This felt even better than when his mother was alive for she was usually drunk and did little for her children.
Sandra liked dressing the boy and enjoyed the thoughts the boy had about her. She also liked the idea of being a mother even if it was to this older boy.
The drive to the school was done in lots of time for Sandra to say, "Mark, find your brothers and sister and bring them here and introduce me to them. Call me Sandy. Tell them that I have found a safe home for them where they will not get beaten." After a small smile she added, "You can say that I will be your mom."
Mark tried to hide his smile but didn't do too well. Before he left, Sandra hugged him and gave him another kiss on the nose.
The bell had just rang and Mark got out of the van and waited. There were a lot of friends as well as people he knew walking by. None though came by to say hello but Mark thought that perhaps they had not known who he was.
Sandra was doing her own scanning and found a boy that was a much better fit than Mark but he had a fairly happy home life and she had to just look for others. It took five minutes until two boys were seen as special to their brother. Mark ran to them now and he was not noticed until he was close. They both stopped to talk and Mark pointed out the new van parked on the roadway.
Both boys had good attributes that she was looking for and was happy that she might be of some help. The sister Stephanie was seven and was not around. A search through the boys' minds found that she had stayed home today.
Sandra eavesdropped and found that eleven year old Nicholas and nine year old William were incredulous at what they were being told. Each of them were thinking of the beatings they got at home on a regular basis just because their father was drunk or on drugs. Food and clothing were always in short supply because their father, Jake, took the welfare cheques and spent the money on himself. The authorities had been taken the children away twice from the parents but Jake probably needed the money so he got them back. The boys did decide to come over and visit to see what their brother was talking about.
Sandra got out of the van and walked to meet them. This she knew would appear less threatening. When they got close Mark did as he was asked. Sandra assisted by opening up her aura. Nicholas was two years younger but actually the same size as his older brother Mark. He said, "You want us to be your family?"
Sandra smiled and said, "I have some baby daughters already. I also have a husband. I found Mark when he was in trouble and I can find a place for him in my family. The two of you are not much better off and you will have a place too if you wish it."
They were seriously considering this even though a normal child would shy away from a situation like this.
Nicholas said, "What about our friends and all our stuff?"
Each of you will get a phone. You can call anytime you want as long as you are not going to disturb your friends families when they are trying to sleep. As for your stuff, it can be easily replaced along with your clothing. All I ask is that you go to our school diligently and learn to get along with the rest. At the moment you are young and ignorant of many things. Later you will find that you have to cope better with all those around you."
Little William said, "What if we want to go home?" He meant after he had seen his new home and found it not up to his standards.
This time Sandra really smiled and said, "You give us a one month trial period and then you can decide. If you don't like it, any or all of you can come back. I seriously doubt if that will happen though."
They asked a great many simple questions dealing with allowance and their rooms. They had never gotten an allowance but just wanted to ask. It took twenty minutes before the boys were very comfortable getting into the new van. They would have got in earlier but they would not have been as committed to their new home. It was a testament to what they had gone through that allowed them to choose this new and strange route to their future. Most children would have stayed with a known and abusive family as opposed to a new and strange environment.
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My name is Jeff. The girl sitting next to me: Liana. My attention was officially disorganized. Hours ago we had just finished being wed, a first uniting of true love for both of us. It meant so much now. The joy of it's memory got coursed through my veins, reminding me that her care for me was what would keep me alive and well. I would smile without even thinking to do so every time I looked at her. I was driving now. Like I said, hours had passed from the ceremony's ending around 7:30 p.m. and...
First TimeListening to the 80's music, dancing around the room I think of my man who is right next door doing company business. Remembering of what we did last night. The pleasure, the moans that escaped both our mouths as ecstacy filled our bodies. Turning on the temperature, testing it with my hand before plunging myself under the warm water. Leaning against the wall placing my leg up on edge while my hand slowly slides down my body. Massaging my breasts and pinching my nipples, remembering what we...
Straight SexIn the shadowed depths of a dense jungle, a lone ray of yellow light shines down on the face of a man. With neatly combed back grey hair, and piercing eyes of matching color, the stern-faced man gives off an aura of severity. His dull white robes flutter in a light wind, revealing the layers of cloth covering his form underneath, all one shade of grey or another. Standing just ten feet in front of him, partially obscured by the dense foliage, is a massive wolf. Its dark, ashen fur blends into...
Mein aur meri biwi shuru se he kale african laude bahut pasand karte hain…..Lambe, kale aur mote african laude…..Hum jab bhi blue movie dekhte hani toh hamesha kale laude he dekhte hain gori ladki ke ander jaate hue aur unka dard se bhara muh dekhna…..Hum dono shadi se pahele he kaafi open the…Ek dusre se saari baatein share karte the….Tab maine use bataya tha ki mujhe use ek kale african laude ke saath maze lete hue dekhna hai aur muth maarna hai woh dekhte hue…..Hum kaafi baat karte the aur...
I've had a little bit of a thing for piss for a while, watching a guy holding his cock with a hot yellow stream shooting out of the tip slowly pulling back his foreskin so nothing is left behind gets me all kinds of horny !The smell, the taste, the warmth, the feeling of being completely and utterly owned and degraded by the person pissing on you is perfect to me. I have this fantasy with daddy, where i am his personal walking, talking urinal. Any time he needs to go, we find somewhere private...
This is one of those things that you just can't get out of your mind. I was about 16 at the time and just going through puberty and my hormones were always raging. It took nothing for me to get hard, a glimpse at a leg, a woman bent over to pick something up, a touch on the thigh, looking down a neighbor lady's get the idea. Well one evening I was home watching TV, it was getting a little bit late and I had to take a pee really bad. I thought my parents were in their bedroom. I ran...
Chapter 2 Songs from the Asylum "I've decided to stick around, at least for awhile," said Rick. He sat on the edge of the ornate couch, the one I found so fascinating with its intricately carved legs and the crown of wooden filigree spanning the top of its high cushioned back. Like the other furniture and drapery in the room, the upholstery was deep red. There was only one element that was not the color of freshly drawn blood, the white baby grand piano. I sat at it now my...
Since I moved to grandpa's house I've always fantasized about him. There was something about him that made me horny and wet. Knowing that it wasn't good to seduce him I tried to kill the curiosity by letting every old man fuck me whenever they wanted. Oh and I had fun fucking those perverts...! Till one day I decided to be more obvious and started seducing grandpa's best friend.Bob was a 61 year old man, bald and overweight but always horny as hell. I became Bob's dirty little slut. He used to...
Rebecca fumes as she stalks back to Fred’s office. Never has she been so furious with her husband. Sure, she was angry when she found out about his office affair, and sure she was even angrier about the events that followed—but this, his fraternizing with her co-workers just takes the cake. By the time she reaches the door Beth has already slipped inside. She left the door open a crack, just enough for Rebecca to be able to peer in before entering. And she does. Words escape through the...
uthor Note- Decided to make another one of this Sense Sarah Plain Femdom was well received. Note this doesn't show my political views. Did one where a Liberal girl beat someone up to. All in good fun.Kathy Griffin had recently got into trouble for a skit she did with Levi Johnson. In it she played Sarah Palin and made out with Levi Johnson. It had jokes about Sarah having to write "Food goes into mouth" and "Fire is Hot" on her hand so she wont forget. It was a call back to an incident where...
"Quincy! Get your ass off the floor and start running!" Mr. Jones always knew how to spoil my Gavin watching. I know that sounds creepy but I can't stop it's like he has I'm beautiful written all over his body. My name is Braiden Quincy, 5'5 tanned skin light brown shaggy hair small body I have a six pack but no arm muscles at all. I got up and started running still thinking about Gavin's untouched penis flopping around. People knew I was gay but didn't really mind to give me any...
Vicky shouted up the stairs, 'Watch him Mariel, he wants your pussy', and continued into the bathroom.The 'He' in question was her husband, 'she classified him as an internet freak', complaining she was being ignored, because of his online antics.I was sitting in their upstairs sitting are and he true to life was on the computer, in the adjoining room.'Dont listen to her', he called back, I just laughed, it was not the first time she had told me he had fantasized about fucking me, then being...
Have to tell you about an event that happened yesterday I am 44 I live with my partner as husband and wife we have been together 14 years is boring and stale now was great once her son and his wife came to stay for a few days when in area OMG she is a total babe got a hard on first time I saw her petite nice tits gorgeous hair figure nails teeth etc etc a real trophy wife They were all planning to go to Ayr to visit a relative and as I work from home I was looking fore-ward to being left alone...
A few months later, and I was enjoying my new life. Not at first I have to say. The old routine of getting out of bed at six-thirty in the morning, showering, shaving and getting ready for a day's work was hard to break, and being honest I was quite depressed for a month or so. What we do, defines us as people, and I no longer had that definition. I adapted though, I started writing the novel that I had been thinking about for years. I decided on a complete makeover on my garden. I enjoy a...
Chapter Two: Birdie's Hot Reward By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 President Birdie McTaggart, Monday I stood poised to enter my student's twat. Twenty-year-old Lola Lovell, President of the Purity Society, whimpered as I rubbed my futa-cock up and down the hot folds of her pussy. The pleasure shot down my dick to my own cunt. I wasn't allowed to do this. It went against the Naked in School Program's rules. I was the president of Rogers College. Though the new sexual freed laws allowed...
The Sissy Mission series consists of short-short stories designed to give ideas for domme/sub play, solo "outings," or just for your reading enjoyment! The goal is to have a dozen vignettes. --CA Sissy Mission 5: Stacked Sissy By Cheryl Alison Everyone in the hardware store was staring at me. The checkout lady at the front of the store stared when I walked in. The mother and her teenage daughter stared. The guy in the back at the engine shop stared as I walked by. As I...
Introduction: fucked hard I did something at my bachelorette party that I thought was totally shameful at the time. It was really out of character for me but it turned out to be one of those life-changing experiences. Ted was my fiancé,e and my first lover. I went to bed with him the night we got engaged. It was a nice experience but certainly not spectacular. We had sex fairly regularly after that and it got a little better. I mentioned this to Carla, a friend of mine who had the...
Paige Owens has been assigned to the Detention Girls facility for her slutty behavior, but this horny chick isn’t about to change her naughty ways. She waits until the guard on duty has checked in with her, then video calls her boyfriend Tony Rubino. She asks him to come visit her at the center and shows her boobs as added enticement. Tony takes the bait and sneaks in, joining Paige in the center’s gym and filling his hands with those promised titties. Paige is hot and bothered, so...
xmoviesforyouTransitions II by Desiree Pleasence Chapter 3 - Renewal As I stepped out of the shower, my limbs and torso totally denuded and smooth, I reached for a towel to dry off. Sitting on the closed commode was a fresh pair of panties and a pair of heels that I had never seen before. They were totally adorable! However much I wanted to revel in and caress my now smooth body, I moved on. "Don't dawdle, honey. Put on your first presents and get that sweet ass out here!" Sherri...
Quite a busy day. It was nearly nine o'clock and I was walking down a wet pavement towards a side street that was supposed to be along here somewhere. Down that side street was a club which I held an invite for, and that Lucy had made it clear she wanted me to visit. I was dressed in gold hot pants matching my gold purse and gold sandals, with a three- quarter length, drop neck, white angora sweater covering my boobs, and a three-quarter length white puffer jacket over the top. My...
hi friends, sab se pahle meri story readers ko thanks. jinhone meri story read ki aur muje mail kiya but sorry yaar jin logo ka mail ka mai answer nahi de saki so dil se sorry bol rahi hu, butkitne logo ka mail answer maine diya hai. sab logo ne acchi acchi comments diya hai so thanks. yaar meri id hai and yahi meri facebook id bhi hai. ab aap logo ko bor na karte huye sidhe story pr aati hu. ye story meri aur mere jiju k friend urfe mere boyfriend rohan ki hai and ye story holi ki din ki...
Princess of Castile By Jennifer Reed Chapter 4: Secrets This story is set in the world created by Rikki in the Marriage of Martin Hastings that he began some time around 2010. These events in this story occur around three to four years after the events in Rikkis story. Thomas had found Leanne's preparation room with his favorite chair in the center. He felt a seething hatred for the cruel woman and swore she would pay for what she had done to so many men. Thomas personally...
My marriage had been going stale for a while and the wife and I were on the verge of breaking up. Things just weren't right, we hadn't made love in nearly a year and slept in seperate rooms. We seemed to have just drifted apart.One day we were both off work and the k**s were in school and it was a lovely June day.I said that if she came out for a picnic, we could talk about what was going on with us. She agreed and we set off. We were setting up in a clearing in the local woods and I saw a guy...
Jennifer Smith couldn’t wait to get home. The assistant sales-director got a phone call from her husband Tim during the day and she’d been feeling giddy ever since. It was a long working day, but Tim’s phone call really made her feel better. She loved her husband very much, but in the last couple of years they’ve had their problems. Without either of them knowing it, they were both feeling dissatisfied with their sex-life, until at one point they had an argument which...
After school Nancy rang me and told me to come over to her house. When I arrived I noticed she looked very worried. She stood at the front door with me, about to leave. "I'm going to the police to report Ella missing. My boyfriend's a policeman." Nancy started biting her bottom lip. "Where could Ella be?" "I'm sure they'll find her. Don't worry." "You're such a good boy, Keith. What would I do without you?" I smiled, proud of myself. "You said you wanted me to help Lily...
My husband has known I was a needy whore from his first thrust into me. I am still tight and never even had more than once cock in me at once -- but he knew I wanted it. Needed it. Craved it.He knew I loved pussy. I brought it up during the first week we were together. Would he be ok if I brought someone home? OF COURSE he would. ha ha... what man wouldnt be.The difference for me is I need to see my man treat this extra girl like a paid whore. Really. Almost brutally fuck her. Just...
CHAPTER SIXTY SEVEN I wake up to the ringing of my phone. Picking it up off the bedside table, I notice that it says it 9:38 a.m. I've been sleeping in too much lately. "Yes, Walter?" "Daniel?" "Who else would it be, Walter?" "Just wanted to make certain it was you. We've received some reports that there was some kind of fight or something at Hobbes' compound last week." "When?" "Three days ago, the night of that big storm, with all the power outages." "I remember....
Dear Readers, Thanks for taking the time to read my Halloween Contest entry! This story is about a young woman’s exploration into the world of bondage, I vacillated between which category to post this under. Ultimately, I decided the story is more about the relationship that develops than anything. Feedback and constructive critiques are much appreciated. Please don’t forget to vote! ~kitten * * * * * * * * * * * * Izzy was lying on her back on a smooth wooden table, wearing only her bra...
Hello folks, first of all, thanks for your e-mails. I am Rocco back with the second part of home alone with aunt-1. Sorry for the delay, as I was stuck with some professional urgencies. The unlucky ones who were too busy to read the first part have an opportunity to update themselves by clicking the above link. The story continues like — After that night, I woke up only to find my aunt who gave me a night to remember has nowhere in the house. I tried calling her from my cell phone , but it...
IncestHe lay tattered and torn, the life gone from his once vibrant body. Shelby screamed and pounded her fists into her father's chest. Seth felt numb to the pain she inflicted on him as he tried to make this nightmare go away. His son-in-law was dead. Another man was as well. The elderly man ran a red light and plowed into Rex's car just hours ago. Both men died on impact according to the police. Rex was just twenty-five. Seth struggled with the senselessness of it all. He knew his daughter...
I wish I could think clearer than I do. I wish I could see things better than I do. Sometimes, when you can see everything, you miss the things that matter most.My job? Seeing. And I see a lot. In fact, it wouldn’t be an understatement to say I see everything. Everything important, anyway. I stare down the screens packed into a small room, and make sure nothing bad happens. Security. Of course, nothing bad ever does happen, but maybe it’s because people know there are cameras, people know...
Hi i m regular iss reader.mera nam rahul hai 30 5’6 .me shadi shuda roz sex story padhta tha tabh mere man me ek khayal aay k me bhi inke jaisa kyu na karu.muje pata nahi tha ye sabh kalpna hai ya sach hai.fir me ne net pe ek din add diya . K jo bhi group sex me interest rakhta ho woh muje cocnatct kare. Ek din tamil nadu se mail aya ek 25 sal ka m black shiney body with gr8 cock ne contact kiya par woh unmarried tha aur mujhe couple ki zaroor thi par kya kary josh itna tha ki use bhi...
Ana going again to an adult theatreI came back home from my office really very tired that evening, finding my lovely Ana dressed in a special sexy outfit that she only used when she wanted to be fucked wildlyI let out a deep breath and told her I was not really in the mood for a night fuck session.She looked disappointed with my answer and asked me if I would dare to go with her to an adult theatre, where some available man could fuck her in my place. We dressed and headed to the nearer adult...
Satinmaid By Satinmaid Make up done perfectly. Mascara'd eyelashes, glossy lips, sultry eyes. Skirts and petticoats fluffed up for 'easy access' for groping or spanking. Probably both. Apron smoothed down and fussy bow tied tightly behind me. Frilly cap neatly on brushed hair. Stocking seams straight and suspender straps visible beneath the short dress. Patent leather high heels shiny and clean. The house is tidy and dinner is ready. Nervous anticipation, excitement,...
Sheila kept her silence although she fumed internally. Her friends were lamenting about how frequently their husbands wanted sex. At an appropriate pause in the conversation, Sheila arched an eyebrow and in her natural southern accent she said, "Y'all are going ‘bout this all wrong.”She sipped a little wine. Should she share her long-held secret with her friends?All of the women turned towards her. They blinked expectantly waiting for Sheila to finish her thought."Y'all's husbands want to...
MasturbationWe made camp not far from where we beached our rubber raft and walked around surveying our beautiful island. No one could have wished for a more incredible place! The beach was filled with sand as fine as sugar granules, and the ocean itself was as blue as the sky on a cloudless day in paradise! The island was only 3 miles across at its widest point, and in between the shores was a pine and rock forest filled with dense vegetation and beautiful tropical flowers. We were in heaven! That...
Hello I'm Tara, First I'm going to tell you a little bit about myself in case you haven't read any of my stories before and also to help you understand the story a little better, so sit back and prop your feet up... I'm a 42-year-old mortician / funeral director who operates our family's mortuary and cemetery. I'm 5 feet 7 inches; approximately 120 pounds with long raven-black hair and glasses with natural abnormally long top incisors ( K9's or fangs). I'm in a polygamist marriage (not...
So, it's been awhile since we talked, what actually happened was that, we got into a fight again, another physical altercation and we hadn't talked because you called the cops on me, and I caught a D.V. case. I spent 3 months in jail , in the San Jose main jail. When I got released I went straight to J.S.I aka The Julian Street In recovery house, the one behind the San Jose Shark Tank SAP Arena. I waited maybe 2 weeks to call you, bc of the protection order- I stayed clear of contacting you, I...