Panopticon free porn video

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I wish I could think clearer than I do. I wish I could see things better than I do. Sometimes, when you can see everything, you miss the things that matter most.

My job? Seeing. And I see a lot. In fact, it wouldn’t be an understatement to say I see everything. Everything important, anyway. I stare down the screens packed into a small room, and make sure nothing bad happens. Security. Of course, nothing bad ever does happen, but maybe it’s because people know there are cameras, people know there’s a man like me watching these screens. Security theater, they call it. Look it up.

People feared me. Bad people feared me. I guess that made me a good man. But the most interesting thing to me, was knowing firsthand what could make a good man be so bad. Maybe being good was that one thing I couldn’t see in my infinite vision of the company I worked for. At some point, I even forgot what the company peddled. My work wasn’t directly tied in with what the company sold. And we were in a nice neighborhood – my work wasn’t even tied in with crime prevention anymore. Human beings are busy creatures – you need something to do, to stay busy. Otherwise, you just might go crazy.

That’s when people became my work. It started innocently enough – pattern recognition was the first step. The company boss would take his lunch earlier on Tuesdays. One man would go to the washroom without fail at 10:30 every day and stay there for about six minutes. Day in and day out, all I did was watch these cameras. My duties extended beyond that, theoretically, but never in reality. I was never called to patrol the roof, I was never called to talk to people. Do your job. Do your job. This was my job. Sitting, watching people.

People became videos, unfolded before me. Videos became stories. Stories became fantasies. Do your job. I began looking a little closer at the screens. They say the closer you look, the less you see. Soon, one by one, the other screens blurred out until I could only see one at a time. Ten became too many. Two became too many. Only one screen mattered, and that was the screen that had Clara on it.

Sweet Clara. Clara became an interest of mine. Interests became fascinations, fascinations became fantasies. Do your job. Had Clara and I ever met on the street or at the club before the day I found her, I don’t imagine she would have been my type, nor I hers. But we weren’t meeting in the club. We were meeting at the office, and she didn’t even know. How romantic. Her mannerisms stuck out for me first – they way she twirled her hair when she was bored, the way her shoulders would bounce when she giggled. She was so casual. She didn’t take work too seriously. And yet she wasn’t overly flirty, never making the office boys pant after her like a teasing user. It helped that most of the time I was getting a good look at something – her frame grew on me, as if getting to know her made her body more beautiful by itself. A nice shapely ass encouraged constantly by her choice of clothing, a bust that left nothing to be desired. But I was an overachiever – I desired nonetheless.

The real sell for me became the eyes. I couldn’t quite see them at first, but as soon as I knew Clara had caught my attention, I knew I had to see her eyes. And I had the perfect tools to do so. Enhance. Enhance. With a zoomed-in camera, her deep hazel eyes penetrated my soul for one fleeting moment when she turned around in her chair. There was a certain something to her look – a longing. A desire. A lust. I had picked my fascination well – Clara had the power to seduce with just her eyes. She was practically a gift – perhaps even a god-given reason for me to be here. I now had an excuse to come to work. Excuses became reasons, reasons became objectives, objectives became my focus.

Pattern recognition played in heavily here. I began to number the Claras that I saw. Clara #1 was the Clara I saw at work. But then there was Clara #2, The Clara who was just off work, exhilarated to get out of the chair, stretch, and leave her cubicle. For a while, the bouncing between Clara #1 and Clara #2 became my pastime, my favorite show. On a very special episode, I got to see Clara #3, the Clara that got angry when her computer started acting up. I almost got out of my chair in surprise, in response to seeing the new Clara. Clara was no longer a show, she was her own person with feelings and aspirations. Sonder, they call it. Look it up.

The more I saw Clara #3, the more I wanted her out of the way to make room for Clara #2, the happy Clara. I wanted to be the one there for Clara. But I wasn’t stupid, I was never stupid. I was invisible to Clara, all three of them. I was the eye in the sky, and Clara only looked towards her screen, just as I did. I needed to escape my position over Clara more than she needed to escape her position under me, trapped in a prison of security where I can see her but she can’t see me. Panopticon, they call it. Look it up. I needed to find a way to worm my way in, to become an active part of Clara’s life instead of a passive one, to become a player rather than a spectator. I was sick of cheering from the bleachers, I wanted to get on the field myself and show the crowd what I had in me.

I came equipped, of course. All of the equipment was there at my disposal. The cameras I controlled were there for me to use. Do your job. Enhance. Enhance. A business card on the desk. Clara Jackson. I had a full name. I also had Facebook, and knew exactly what to do. Enhance. Enhance. I smirked the first time I found her profile – Facebook’s security theater hadn’t won her over. Maybe I did a little research. Maybe everyone has done a little research before on Facebook in this way. But everyone stops after a bit because they feel guilty or awkward. After all, it’s only healthy. Besides, it was still an early point, and I was still running the Panopticon.

Not running it well enough. Audio. I needed audio. I made a phone call to my superiors, the first time I had done so in a while. Now, what happens when they say no? No becomes ‘it’s needed.’ ‘It’s needed’ becomes ‘yes.’ ‘Yes’ becomes ‘immediately.’

Suppose I take a night shift, and some people break in. These are bad people. Good people. Good at what they do. They just lost sight of what it means to be good. Or rather, lost hearing. They took out the cameras, yes, but as they stole some documents, they shouted a bunch, and that’s what alerted me to them. Suppose they only barely got away, and left nothing traceable. Suppose the audio could have been the only clue. That’s when no becomes yes. After all, these guys were good. Very good. They knew exactly how to hide themselves, maybe they worked in security before or something. The documents? Of little value, but it was a matter of principle. Besides, the documents weren’t hidden at this point, they were burned, but no one knew that, so they’d be chasing after nothing for a while. Tomorrow, the microphones would be installed.

A few days later, I find out Clara doesn’t care. She posts a lot of her feelings to her Facebook wall, and the new microphones weren’t mentioned. She’s still Clara #2 under that mask of Clara #1, and I haven’t seen Clara #3 in a while. But now, I’m not just seeing Clara, I’m hearing her. I’m getting the full three dimensions of Clara. Hearing becomes understanding, understanding becomes feeling, feeling becomes wanting. Do your job.

The air of desire exists in Clara’s voice as much as her eyes. To the untrained, her voice means nothing, but the highness of her voice is deliberate. Seductive, delicate, urging you to come closer. The way her breath shifts when she talks about something she likes, the way she holds on to her vowels just a tad too long, nothing escapes the Panopticon. There’s a note of lust to her voice, she invisibly begs for someone to come and take her in her high, teasing voice. The head register, they call it. Look it up.

From viewing her Facebook, I understand that Clara is single. From listening to her, I understand that she is wanting. And from watching her, I understand where she goes, day by day. Pattern recognition. I start alternating between looking into her interests online and rehearsing how I could play off of them if we did happen to randomly meet on the street. Then, one day, it happens. When Clara is out grabbing lunch at a place across the street, another man happens to be there at the same time.

This man happens to dress like Clara’s ex two relationships ago, the one she seemed to have a harder time getting over. But this man doesn’t dress exactly like him. Just enough to be unique. This man is also heavily into music, just like Clara. Clara needs only to look at the man, and undoubtedly likes what she sees so far. Enhance. Enhance. She starts going to the same place to get lunch, day after day, because Clara is very into visual cues. The man knows this, he picked up on this in his research. The adaptive u*********s, they call it. Look it up.

Suddenly, I see a lot more. The Panopticon became the Panopticon and the sandwich shop. The Panopticon and the sandwich shop became the Panopticon, the sandwich shop and choice encounters on the street. Never vocal encounters, no – it was too soon for that. Just enough times to see him where he ‘unknowingly’ becomes a part of her routine. Of course, he isn’t unknowing at all. Dramatic irony, they call it. Look it up.

Clara #2 becomes Clara #4, a Clara on the hunt. A Clara that gets emboldened by comfort. Now that she’s seen The Mystery Man on the street so much, she’s more okay with openly looking at him in the shop as he enjoys his sandwich and looks out the window. She doesn’t know he’s not looking out the window at all, but rather at her reflection to make sure she’s looking at him. The man is sporting a modest beard, just the sort of thing she likes, and is reading Kurt Vonnegut, just the author she enjoys. It seems too perfect, but she’s too shy to talk to him first. After all, when he breaks his gaze from the window and looks around the room, she returns to her sandwich.

So Clara thinks she’ll be clever. Clara #4 hatches a plan, a plan to bring a book by the same author and adopt a more relaxed pose as she enjoys her sandwich. The man will be caught completely off guard and want to talk to her. After all, he wasn’t expecting her to like Vonnegut too. Dramatic irony. The lust in her voice, the piercing effect of her eyes, it doubles when she becomes Clara #4. It only comes in small intervals – the breath she takes as she eats, the way her eyes dart from word to word, but it’s there. Enhance. Enhance. Clara #4 is showing herself off. She wants to be noticed.

Just like he rehearsed, the man notices the book and does a double-take. He then looks at Clara for just long enough for her to notice, but not long enough to be creepy, not like he’s stalking her or something. Human beings want to be noticed by those they notice, to be desired by those they desire. But never to they want it to not be mutual. If this man were to make it seem like he wanted her more than she wanted him, he’d be done for.

That’s why he only calmly walks over to her, like he rehearsed. That’s why he only makes a slight joke about her good taste. After all, Clara likes it when men appreciate her wit, and the man knows this. A joke became a back-and-forth, a back-and-forth became a conversation, and a conversation became a ‘may I sit with you?’ Clara is still Clara #4, but only until lunch time nears its end and Clara #4 becomes Clara #1. The man weighs his options and plays it safe, saying he liked chatting with her instead of outright asking when she’ll be there again. After all, the man knows she’ll be back again tomorrow anyway. Clara reverts to Clara #4 and asks if he’ll be having lunch here tomorrow. Dramatic irony. Satisfied with her answer, Clara leaves and the man waits just long enough to leave himself and go back to his job without Clara seeing where the man works.

I’m looking closer at this point, not caring how much less I see. Clara #1 is not fully back, and occasionally Clara #4 breaks through. I see everything. I hear everything. Clara gossips to a coworker, and tells her all about this nice guy she met at the sandwich shop. Sarah. Sarah is a bad person – she warns Clara about meeting strangers, and how he sounds a bit too perfect for her. Sarah is a total bitch who refuses to believe happy accidents can happen. Clara #4 can not be persuaded, but promises Sarah that she will be careful. The Mystery Man could be done for thanks to a bitch like Sarah.

I chose to do some research on Sarah too. Sarah appears to be such a good girl, knowing how much she needs security theater and never daring to be fun like Clara. Of course, Sarah isn’t too careful, and doesn’t read things like Facebook’s terms of service. These things weren’t designed for human beings to want to read them, they’re designed that way. It’s not too hard to imagine that if Sarah doesn’t read that, she doesn’t read up on a lot of the company policies either.

It took only a few hours of reading, a plan here and there, and a clever mind to plant some damnable evidence on Sarah. Sarah became Fired Sarah. Sarah now has a bad reputation around the office, and people know that anything Sarah said is not to be trusted. All the while, Clara #4 and The Mystery Man have met up at the sandwich shop once or twice. The Mystery Man seems a little down one day, and explains to Clara that a friend of his he knew for a bit was fired for doing bad things to the company. He talks about how he really trusted this friend, enough with his feelings, and shrugs, remarking that he doesn’t really know who to trust. Clara can completely empathize. Can becomes will, will becomes does. This man understands Clara. This man is sweet to Clara. Sarah wasn’t sweet to Clara, why should Clara listen to Sarah?

The Mystery Man seems made for Clara. Maybe that’s because almost everything he says is a cleverly disguised revision or twist on something that Clara has said online. Of course, this might raise a few flags with Clara, so The Mystery Man dislikes a choice few things Clara likes. A rehearsed few things, the types of things The Mystery Man knew Clara would find a cute challenge if he opposed her. The Mystery Man thinks Shakespeare is overrated and that Edison was a better man than Tesla, but Clara #4 just wants to hear him explain why. She likes the way he talks. The moment of truth happens, when Clara #4 asks The Mystery Man for his name. For the first time, he feels doubt in himself, fear. The Mystery Man understands why it’s called the ‘moment of truth’ as he gives her his real name, praying she doesn’t recognize it as the man who works security at her job. If he knows anything, he knows she’ll understand what that means. Clara #4 isn’t dumb. Neither is Clara #3, and he isn’t as interested in meeting her.

Luckily, Clara #4 never recognized the name, even after she added him on Facebook. It was a good thing The Mystery Man understood security theater, or she might have found out where he worked. And now, Clara #4 had opened herself up to online messaging, something that she really enjoyed. So much so that conversations with her could end around two in the morning. Luckily for The Mystery Man, it was all too easy to look like you had a sharp wit over the Internet. After all, one could fine-tune what they say to match what the other person wanted to hear. It’s not like The Mystery Man could do that in real life. Dramatic irony.

Soon, Clara was even messaging him at work. Of course, the Mystery Man could never see or hear how she responds to his messages, but his responses were so witty and perfect it was as if he could read her body language and listen for when she remarked out loud her feelings, something Clara had a tendency to do when she was impressed. He tells her what she wants to hear, and she falls for him like he wants her to. They arrange to meet for lunch, and continue the conversation there.

Strangers became friends, friends became close friends, close friends became casual daters, but I was still an overachiever. I was still thinking unclearly. I didn’t just want to talk and laugh with Clara, I wanted Clara.

Enhance. Enhance. The Mystery Man is looking her in the eye and has a slower, more meaningful tone to his voice when he meets her now. At first, she’s caught off guard, but as she gets used to it, she likes it. The advances continue, with the man controlling his voice like he rehearsed while sitting at his job, watching her. His voice lowers and he uses choice words that throw Clara off her game. He uses different motions with his hands, until his hand accidentally brushes hers. Seeing through the red-hot wave of lust he experiences, he continues the conversation as if nothing happened, noting the look in her eyes. He brushes her hand again, then a third time to be safe. Then he rests his finger on hers.

Enhance. Enhance. In the next few lunch dates, The Mystery Man talks about his emotional side, making sure to make it less abundant than Clara’s on Facebook. During the next few Facebook conversations, he goes over his past relationships and what he did wrong. Clara #4 is impressed with how honest he is, and it overshadows the things he did. Clara trusts him more now. Clara is sure about his intentions. Clara knows she has to jump to Clara #5 and make the first move, now that she knows she wants it.

But it has to be in person, so the next Facebook conversation is surprisingly dry. Clara knows The Mystery Man is wondering if he did something wrong. Dramatic irony. During their next encounter at the sandwich shop, after talking about how much they have in common and how fortunate they are to have found each other, Clara #4 shyly asks if The Mystery Man wants to skip work and hang out at her place. The Mystery Man acts surprised, just like he rehearsed, and asks about her. Clara #4 slips into Clara #5 and naughtily giggles, saying she can claim a half sick day. That’s all the convincing The Mystery Man needs, and soon the two are walking to her studio apartment downtown. Do your job.

People are seeing me. People see me walking close, very close to Clara. None of them know me, or know how much of a Good Man I am, even though most would label my actions as that of a Bad Man. I looked too close, and forgot to see myself. Was what I was doing bad? I gathered information and used it, it’s not like I’m doing this to someone against her will. If anything, she was the Bad Woman. I was now reading Vonnegut, sporting a beard, and liking her Facebook posts because it was needed. I had taken it to the extreme. I had become the role I was set to only play. Method acting, they call it. Look it up.

This was not helped when Clara opened the door to her place and I looked to my left, right into her bathroom, right into her bathroom mirror. I could not recognize the man staring back at me. Who was he? What had he become, and why? Was I looking too close? Pattern recognition. I was looking in mirrors a lot over the past few days, but never truly asking the question until now. There was no question about it, Clara was a Bad Woman. And bad people feared me. Did Clara fear me? It felt a little nice to fall for such a Bad Woman, maybe I was becoming a Bad Man myself.

But Bad Man was first and foremost The Mystery Man, and The Mystery Man had rehearsed for a shy flirty Clara, Clara #5. Clara #5 wasn’t a Bad Woman, she was a Good Girl. And I had rehearsed for everything from the shy introduction to eventually asking her what we were, to making the first physical move until she shyly admitted how good it felt.

The introduction became an invitation to sit down, an invitation to sit down became a deep conversation. The Mystery Man had rehearsed for this. He was saying everything right, everything Clara wanted, and Clara was responding.

Clara was responding more than The Mystery Man had intended. His rehearsals were getting farther and farther away from reality as Clara #4 became not Clara #5, but Clara #6. An overly flirty Clara. A hungry Clara. A Clara that suddenly breaks into a grin and informs you she knows what you want, and if you can keep up.

The Mystery Man tries to keep up. He refuses to believe Clara knew about his plan to seduce her. Dramatic irony. Even as Clara crawls across the couch over to him, he still stutters. He’s suddenly seeing barely anything. The Panopticon became a state of near blindness. He looked too close, and cannot see ahead.

Clara #6 is not letting up. Her hands wander across the body of The Mystery Man, the body she’s secretly wanted for so long. Human beings want to be noticed by those they notice, to be desired by those they desire. But never to they want it to not be mutual. Clara wanted him as much as he wanted her, and The Mystery Man had rehearsed only the scenario where he wanted her more. He was done for.

Her hand rested on his crotch, my crotch. Clara #6 was not one for words, but words were all that were rehearsed for The Mystery Man. The only words she used was to ask him if he liked this, and wanted her to continue, as she moved her hand around over his pants, teasing him. All the Mystery Man could do is admit he liked it and plead for her to continue.

Enhance. Enhance. The Mystery Man now has his back against the wall, and #6 isn’t acting like the Good Girl that is Clara #5. No, Clara #6 is definitely a Bad Girl, purring as she sits on her knees in front of The Mystery Man. The subtle lust in her voice has lost all subtlety. Clara #6 is a slutty Clara. Her submissive yet authoritative eyes look into those of The Mystery Man as she slowly, teasingly unbuttons his pants, releases his cock, and gives it a hungry lick.

My job? I couldn’t tell you in that moment. I was so caught up in the initial surprise of Clara #6 emerging that I had no plan. No rehearsal. No vantage point. The Panopticon had come down, and now I could look all around if I so wanted. The only thing I gazed at was Clara’s own look, her lustful eyes locked on mine as she took my cock into her mouth for the first time. I moaned, and Clara took her mouth off of my cock to give me her classic laugh, the laugh she gave me when The Mystery Man had turned up the charm and started flirting with her. Soon, she was back at it, bobbing her head back and forth as I could only moan and pull my head back so far it hit the wall. Another laugh. Do your job. I grasped the back of her head and started to pull her into my dick, becoming more forceful with every thrust down her throat. Clara #6 was still such a Bad Girl, she only giggled in obedience. Clara #6 knew what she was doing, Clara #6 had done this before. Swishing her tongue this way, swishing her tongue that way, pulling the cock deep into her throat for a second before coming up for air. The Mystery Man still is paralyzed with no course of action to take. He tries to improvise, but he can’t find the ability to rehearse on the spot.

All he can do is keep his hands on her head, trying not to mess up her perfect hair as she keeps going. The little sucking noises and deep moans Clara is producing drive The Mystery Man wild. She only takes her mouth off for a moment to jack off The Mystery Man as she winks and asks him if that feels good. It feels more than good, it feels great. Intoxicating. Enough to drive a man crazy. Enough to turn any Good Man into a Bad Man.

She delicately licks the underside, enjoying every shiver she gives The Mystery Man. she stands up and practically slides her way up his body, giving him little kisses all the way up his neck until she gets to his lips. My job? Accepting. I’m seeing the whole of Clara now; I’m not looking too close. Clara had me. The Mystery Man was caught so easily off-guard. Maybe she had rehearsed this before. The Mystery Man couldn’t even tell when Clara #6, slutty Clara, had grabbed his hands and put them on her perfect breasts.

The Mystery Man couldn’t even tell when he was following suit by almost ripping off Clara’s shirt. Clara’s job? Accepting. She only giggles like a hungry slut as her shirt gets taken off and she unsnaps her bra. The Mystery Man is not as interested in her breasts as her ass, but he’s such a Good Man that he kneads them for her as he kisses her deeply. She accepts, and pulls his body close. She’s grinding her body into his, as he desperately rehearses in his head what happens next.

What happens next. What happens next. She’s taking off her pants, and replacing his former position against the wall. Clara #6 almost becomes Clara #4 as she slowly peels her panties down her shapely, perfect ass. Before she’s done The Mystery Man can’t resist playing a little with her ass, kneading it, kissing it, licking it. Clara #6 is definitely enjoying being his little ass-slut, and moans her approval. Do your job. What happens next. Intercourse, they call it. Look it up.

He lines up his cock with her pussy, and he’s such a Good Man that he asks if she wants it. In her sluttiest voice, Clara begs for The Mystery Man to give her his thick, meaty cock. Enhance. Enhance. The head of his prick pushes slowly into her pussy, and Clara gasps. This is a new sensation. She knows she wants him, so badly. Human beings want to be noticed by those they notice, to be desired by those they desire. Finally, it was fully mutual. The Mystery Man was truly a Good Man again, now that Clara #6 was nothing but a dirty slut that wanted more of this man.

This Good Man needs no more persuasion. She has let him know where he stands. He thrusts fully into her, earning a sharp shriek from the shivering she. Clara #6 is a loud girl. She’s a Loud Slut. An Eager Slut. The Mystery Man wastes no time and picks up speed, grabbing Clara’s hair and yanking it as he leans in close and asks if she likes it rough. Dramatic irony. Of course she likes it rough. Do your job. What happens next.

Clara #6 answers anyway, begging for it faster and deeper. She wants to feel well-used, and why would a Good Man deny her such a thing? But he’s not done yet. The Mystery Man wants one more thing. He wants poetic justice. He first found her because she was on display, so it was only fitting he would take her on display. As he informs her of the plan, Clara only emits a devilish laugh, walks across the room, and takes her new position. The Mystery Man pushes her against the window, lines the head of his cock against her sensitive pussy, and thrusts forward again.

Now, Clara #6 is on display. She’s pressed up against the window, getting her pussy fucked from behind, for anyone who looks at the window to see. She’s an Exhibitionist Slut, a Public Slut. She can feel the cool glass pressed against her nipples and a hard, thick cock in her pussy. She must be in heaven. With the hand that’s not supporting her against the window, she lets go of the glass. After finding her balance, she reaches down to her clit and starts rubbing in circles. The Mystery Man is pumping in and out of her as fast as he can, grabbing her one leg and hoisting it up. The angle is everything. He wants to make sure she’s a Comfortable Slut. Even so, she asks him to fuck her like she’s a Cheap Slut, a Worthless Slut. Clara #6 is a silly Clara – she always has worth, always to The Mystery Man.

He can feel tension building below the waist. Anyone would. Enhance. Enhance. He knows that he’s addicted to Clara – gripping her skin, the feeling like hot silk. Listening to her screams and moans, the most seductive sound on Planet Earth. The song of the Siren. The grip of her pussy, as if her body was tailor-made for his. As if her body had rehearsed for this moment. Thrusts became poundings. Poundings became drilling. Drilling became a non-stop motion as both parties felt the inevitable rising. Clara moaned and bit her lip and cried out that he was the best fuck she ever had. She encircled her clit the other way and savored the feeling of the glass pressing against her body, and prayed she was being watched, and envied, in the moment. Finally, her eyes shot open, her exhilarated, excited, exhibitionistic eyes becoming blind to the world as she cried out in orgasm. The world blurred out to her – she could see only pure bliss, pure passion. The closer you look, the less you see.

The Mystery Man shoved his body into hers as he couldn’t take it anymore – the two shared a connecting of the mind, soul and body as they moaned together, cojoining in euphoric bliss. And Clara was a Bad Girl, not waiting for The Mystery Man to put on a condom. Now she was getting what she had aimed for the whole time. Dramatic irony. She was a Filled Slut, a Procreating Slut, a Lost-in-the-Feeling-of-Accepting-the-Cum Slut.

Breathe. Breathe. Do Your Job. The two leaned against the window for what seemed like forever before The Mystery Man gingerly lifted himself off of her, and allowed her the space to move. Clara #6 became Clara #7, an embarrassed Clara, an overly shy Clara. A Bad Man would feel bad for this elaborate plot, and how he essentially tricked her into thinking you were a Desirable Man. A Bad Man would see the overly unsure Clara and realize he manipulated a girl from work to make her an easy target to fuck. Good thing The Mystery Man was a Good Man. He knew Clara had her own agency. Each Clara had their own agency. After all, she enjoyed herself, even though she didn’t know his plan, or have a counter-plan. Dramatic irony. And he knew from the get-go that he had this in the bag, that this exact event would happen. Nikhedonia, they call it. Look it up.

Shy little Clara, Clara #7, apologizes for the noise and how crazy she gets. The Mystery Man is a Good Man and talks with her about how he enjoyed it and liked it, and how he can’t wait to see her again soon. She doesn’t know how unsure he is about seeing her again, and whether it’s a good idea. She doesn’t know he’ll be watching her over the next few days, deciding how he feels. But that’s okay since he’s a Good Man to her Bad Girl. And he’s such a Good Man that he shows remorse that he has to go when a few minutes and conversations pass. He reassures her he’ll see her again, and that they’ll talk on Facebook. And he leaves.

What happens next.

The job the next day feels a lot more monotonous than usual. He did it. He completed his goal. I completed my goal. Clara was no longer a far-away fascination – she was past tense. Or present tense? Was she still a fascination, did I want to pursue her long-term? I didn’t know. I couldn’t see the future. The closer I looked, the less I saw.

And I saw Clara. I almost held my breath when she first popped up on my video feed. Enhance. Enhance. Pattern recognition played in heavily here, as I noticed she was acting a bit off. My breath caught in my throat when she waved everyone off for lunch, but didn’t go herself. She wasn’t going to the sandwich shop. Did she know The Mystery Man wasn’t planning to go?

It was just Clara on the floor. She was the only one on the feed, so it was just she and I. How romantic. She looks around, a naughty smile blooming on her face, and opens Facebook.

She sends me a message. Hey. I don’t want to be rude, so even though I could ignore her, I reply immediately. Hey. We chat about how much of a nice time she had last night. Chatting became flirting. Flirting became planning to meet up again, and I say I’ll be busy for the next little bit. Oh, is that so? I think that her reply has a sad tone. Dramatic irony.

Clara gets up from her chair, and looks around the room again. Then, out of nowhere, she slowly lowers her pants. Clara #1 jumps to Clara #6 as she becomes completely naked from the waist down, putting one foot on her desk so I can get a better view. I can’t help myself. Enhance. Enhance.

She messages me again, still one leg hoisted up. Remember this position? Are you sure you’ll be busy? My mind is a whirlwind. Out of nowhere, a memory reaches me. A few months prior to meeting Clara. A company party. No one paid me any attention, except one girl who asked me what I did. And I answered, barely looking at her, thinking how much of a waste the party was, and only looking down at the floor. The closer you look, the less you see.

Clara #6 starts playing with her clit as she keeps messaging me. I think you remember me now. I like your new beard, just how long have you been going to the sandwich shop? It certainly was clever how you seduced me, just how could you have managed that? Dramatic irony. I was never the one seducing Clara, any one of them. All of the Claras, they resided within a Clara #8. A goddamn genius.

She doesn’t give up her messages. So, bold choice not to use a condom if you were never going to see me again, but I think you’ll be seeing me a lot more. After all, I might be pregnant, and don’t you think we’d make a great couple? A great family?

Baffled became astonished. Astonished became impressed. Impressed became utterly in love.

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This story is about two people meant to be together, two people with the ultimate chemistry.It was a rainy november in the town where he spent his college years. Many homework with cold and rain outside made him wanting to relax in front of the small fireplace on his appasrtment. One day while drinking red wine in front of the fire he received an sms! it was her .. his love from the past... the girl that broke up with him because she would leave to another country to study..their story goes on...

2 years ago
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Your Love

Yes ladies and Gents, it has happened again. My adorable wife has gone into our iTunes folder and discovered one of my songs from the 80's that she (born in 85) doesn't remember ever hearing. The song is Your Love, which is, I believe, the only hit by the Outfield. So after her playing it a hundred times over the past few days it got stuck in my head and this popped out. This one is short(er) and more fun than usual. The next one will probably be a Halloweeny story. Thanks to the great...

2 years ago
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How Polygamy Begins 3

I arrive at Quins before 9:00 a.m. and see Connie, Heather, and Sue are already seated. “A little anxious this morning,” I say? “What!” says Sue, “We just got here.” “Yeah, well in two years, Heather has never been less than fifteen minutes late, and yet everyone is right on time this morning,” I say with a smirk on my face. “Alright, so we’re anxious,” says Connie. “I don’t think Jay was very happy we were meeting without him this morning. He got this sad dejected look of worry on his...

3 years ago
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Aunty Ne Mujhe Hilate Huve Pakada

Hi indian sex stories dot net doston Sabhi khade lund aur meri pyaari rasili bhabhi aur mast aunty ki ras bhari choot aur bade bade boobs ko mera salam. Hi.. . Mera naam akash he (badla buva), ye meri pehli kahani he jo me apko batane ka raha hu. Koi spelling mistake ho toh dekh lena aur feedback is email par dena . Meri umar is waqt 21 ki he aur lund 7 inch lamba aur 2 inch mota he aur hamesha khada hi rehta he. Ab aate is kahani ki heroine par uska naam he kaya (badla huva) uski umar is waqt...

3 years ago
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Akka Va Oothen Eswari

Vanakam .Yen peru ___ . Naan basic ah South Tamilnadu. Naan Chennai la ulla college la padikuren .Yennoda periyamma ponnu Eswari. Eswari akka yennoda sontha mamava kalyam panniruka . Avankaluku kalyanam aaki 8 varusam akudhu. Avankaluku 2 pen kolanthaika iruku. Maama foreign la work panranka. Naan leave time la akka veetku poven. Akka va yenaku romba pidikum adhu polave akkavukum yenna rumba pidikum. Yenaku akka mela keta yennam vanthathe illa.Enaku 20 days leave vitanka. But naan yenka ooru...

3 years ago
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The Maintenance Man Another Repair Book 2Chapter 5

"Come on fart boy," Tantka started, "I've been telling you all these years that I was better, finally I have proof. I am recording this to transmit all over the empire, even if you survive you'll never live this down." Mark's neural link was working over time transmitting all the data his comp was detecting. Knowing he had only a few minutes to get this done, he thought the commands to his comp as soon as it started transmitting. Mark just smiled at Tantka. "What are you smiling at,...

3 years ago
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Field WorkChapter 2

That first evening we grilled steaks. "First night is meat night," the professor said. "I freeze them and wrap them and put them into an insulated bag. And they're still good that evening. Never try to carry fresh meat in the field otherwise." They seemed delicious. We stuffed ourselves, banked the ashes and turned in. When I got up in the morning the shadows were long and there were three aborigines standing a few meters away, casting long shadows in the rising sun. "G'day,"...

3 years ago
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Fucked A Model I Met At College Fest

This is a real-life sexual escapade written by me, Chahat Khanna, having a figure of 34-24-34, 23 years old. (Delhi-based – male fans can reach me on email/hangouts). I wrote it with my friend Xerxes, who has a 6.5-inch cock plus sexy ideas. (Mumbai-based 27 years old, – female fans can ping him on email/hangouts.) It was the last day of my college festival. The Grand Finale had just ended where they announced the winner of a college beauty pageant. I was waiting for my friend Alisha outside...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Lola Shine 3On1 DoubleAnal Orgy

Scouting enemy ground, sexy Russian infantrywoman Lola Shine bats her long eyelashes and fingers her wet cunt. Angelo Godshack, Damien Soup and Michael Fly stuff her mouth with their fat cocks. The horny studs pork her ‘spitroast’ style, filling her mouth and cunt. Lola takes a hard double penetration! She’s still not sated, so two swollen erections simultaneously stretch her winking asshole — Lola savors deep, double-anal penetration! She rubs her clit to a spasmodic...

3 years ago
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I Need a Vacation

I am always telling myself I need a vacation. I know we all tell ourselves this but I really did need one. To help you understand why I needed one I will tell you a little about myself. I live in a small town in farm country. The major businesses are all farm or food processing related. The town I live in has 1500 or so full time residents and like most communities there are no secrets. I am in single, in my mid 30's and bi-sexual. Now if I was a woman that would probably not be a big problem,...

2 years ago
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The RescuedChapter 61 SM03Pi Day 9 continued

When he got to the common room, Antonia was just wrapping up a question-and-answer session following a brief speech she'd apparently made. She greeted him, then told him she was going to start the one-on-one sessions, if it was OK with him. Steve quickly disclaimed authority, but said it sounded like a great plan to him. Antonia smiled at a private joke, then excused herself to begin her sessions. She and Betty left the room together, as Steve moved to join the rest of his family. The mood...

1 year ago
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Aurora Is the Dawn

“Aurora. Don’t do that!” I said as my naked daughter walked past me going through the kitchen. “Daddy don’t get so excited. You’ve seen me naked since I was a baby.” “But you’re not a baby, Aurora. You’re twenty-one.” “I know. And the guys all say that I’m gorgeous and sexy. And they don’t even get to see my tan lines.” “Aurora! Please, stop. Since your mom left us, I don’t need this aggravation.” “But Daddy, you do need it. You need to get out of the house and find a partner. Mom has been...

3 years ago
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Operation Violation Chapter Three

“Let me go, you fucking pervert! What the hell do you think you’re doing!?” Ray did put Leah down, in the bathtub. Ray closed the door and turned to her. “Take your clothes off,” he ordered her. She looked at him like he was crazy. “No way!” “You better just listen to me or you’ll end up like Ashleigh.” That stopped her cold as she stared at him with blank eyes. “Ashleigh?” “She’s fine now, but I had to show her who was boss. Kasey was a little antsy too, but Karah was an...

2 years ago
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The BraceletChapter 13

Well I had a fun, fantastic night and morning with the girls. Just a mention of Pam or Stephen made Lorraine cum. We knew where her mindset was. Pam came around after lunch looking well and truly stuffed, however you could not remove the smile from her. Pam was beaming her sexual awaking. We sat, with drinks, on the lounge when Pam started with her afternoon. “Stephen came around exactly at 1:30pm. I opened the door and instructed him to follow me. I took him into my bedroom and pulled back...

1 year ago
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Father in law helps

Trisha’s adventure Trisha was a young 20 year old who had been brought up a church Gower every Sunday since she could remember it was church, confession when she was older and of cause be polite and respect your elders, she had been taught that pleasing herself was wrong, that she found was a lie and no sex before marriage, Trisha had found that pleasing herself was exciting and very pleasurable all by mistake, she also had a boyfriend she met at college John James or JJ, Trisha had taken...

3 years ago
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Ex Boyfriend K Promotion K Liye Uske Boss K Sath Soyi

Hi boys, me Neha verma hu ,age 24 and size 34-26-34, mere size se to pta chal he gya ho ga ki me kitni sexy hu. Me bohat slutty type ki ldki hu, bohat br sex kiya h mene and vo bhi kafi logo k sath, ldko se lekar buddho tk. So ab me story p aati hu, hope aapko story pasand ayegi and mujhe rply krne k liye fb p inbox kre and me aapko fb p apne or sex confessions bataungi. My fb id Ye incident ek hafte pehle ki h, es time mera koi sex partner available ni tha and meri lyf ek dum boring ho gyi...

1 year ago
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An Arab Womans First Sexual Encounter

Amal waited anxiously at the airport. The flight had been delayed due to weather and the airport monitor mounted above the Qatar Airways customs desk showed that Sargon's flight had arrived and that the passengers were clearing customs. Amal had known Sargon since just prior to her freshman year at university. She had met him in an online chatroom. He chatted about things with such depth that she had continued chatting with him. She learned that he was in the U.S. Army Reserves and, at the...

First Time
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WWT Dagoth The Defiler

"It's just in here, I'll show you!""God, it's a creepy fucking place for a shoot Valerie," Alexis said.The dark-haired girl just smiled.There was enough here to mask the real intent. Floodlights, a nearly asleep security guard, a few cars parked in the lot, all the trappings of an actual warehouse.The kind of place countless LA girls were led for seedy casting calls and porn shoots. The kind of people who preyed upon blonde farm girls like Alexis, pretty sweet things from small towns...

Monster Sex
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Chhoti chhoti boobs aur mein

I am a doctor and I am 30 now and yet I am very much youthful with a nice figure and very good looking handsome physic. Like all guys of my age I too like making friends with girls and enjoy life with them, you can find me online in all community sites like orkut, yahoo, rediff, etc… I always lured for girls in teens, and I did not expect more from them too, all I wanted was a few minutes with me, when I can play with their budding boobies and suck on their mounds down there below their waist....

3 years ago
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Teachers Pet4

Teacher's Pet I like teaching ninth grade English. It is a required class and it is needed for graduation from high school. The girls are either sixteen or soon to be sixteen, that it the legal age of consent in my state. They have just come to the realization that they are now the small fish in a big pond. Last year they were the big fish in a small pond…big difference. Most of the girls have reached a point in their young lives where they are pleased with their bodies and trying...

3 years ago
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my first time part 1

my b*o is have a cute wife 35 old ..with big was a summer time and come back to my b*o home after that she call me to help here about to pik up something huvy big butt tech me ..i don't care but she tach me agen and my dick grow up and she fell it ..she told me i want u for i long time ..i say what!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!she told me don't wory it's oky ...after move heere hand into my dick and she move here hend after she put my dick in here moth it's my butiful felling i fell it for all...

2 years ago
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Master Daddy Spank meeting

dad meetingWe first met in a online chat room after he sent an email to me. He had read my profile and know that i was bi and into bdsm. He was a "Daddy" who was into discipline and i was a "sub". A perfect match.A few chats and webcam inspections and it was decided that we would meet for a cup of coffee, nice neutral place, and see where that went. It went very well. He looked the part. Larger guy, glasses, balding, small beard, broad shoulders, dressed well in common business attire. Easy to...

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Becky and Scott part 21

"Dear Becky I hate to tell you that I can't date you. I'm sorry I couldn't be faithful so you're free to do as you wish. I found someone whose shown me a new definition on the word love. Please enjoy your life - Jason" Scott said reading the letter. "Ouch..." "That ass...We said we'd try and stay faithful" Becky said. "So what the hell am I?" Scott asked. "Look, Right now, I don't know what we are... I just need to be alone" Becky said as she lied down with the sheets over her...

2 years ago
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XXX University

You pull into the parking lot for the first time and you pause and sit to think about the day ahead. This is your first day at P.S.U., (Pink and Sore University). You are worried about how the students will react to being taught by someone that just finished college two years ago. You slowly walk up the sidewalk to the entrance when you hear something really peculiar. It was ...licking ...and moaning ...and slurping. This seems really odd, so you look around to see what it could be and it leads...

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Walters Huge MistakeChapter 3

One of the nicest things about January is that it is my birth month. This one was a very important one for me. I turned sixteen on the tenth, and took my test for my driver's license the following day. My father took the entire morning off from his work, even allowing me to cut all of my early school classes on that cold Monday morning following my birthday. With me driving, courtesy of my learner's permit, the two of us traveled over to the DMV, where he then signed all of the financial...

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Noahs Whore Part 1

Standing outside the office door, Nancy was looking at the name plate by the entry. It read, “Noah Brady, Director of Marketing.”She took a deep breath and whispered, “Go for it, girl. Your time has come.”Stepping into the doorway, Nancy saw her long-time friend, sitting at his desk reading what appeared to be a trade magazine. Tapping lightly on the door frame she spoke, “Excuse me, Noah. Can you spare me a minute?”Closing the magazine as if he’d been caught doing something naughty; her...

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The week with Ben Day 1

Introduction: This is a Fiction story but is written as true events. However, there are some true parts throughout the story. Enjoy. Ben had been my best friend for 7 years. Ben had no idea the attraction I had towards him though. What ended up being lucky for me, he soon found out. We were both 15 at the time. At the time I was 63 medium build, not fat, but not necessarily skinny either. Ben was smaller than I, yet much more athletic. He was 59 and had a stronger build to him. Ben was a pale...

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The visit to my mom and dad's small home town in Ohio was one we used to make fairly regularly. We would visit their parents and all my aunts, uncles, and cousins. I really enjoyed it because it meant visiting old houses, big farms in the country, and playing games with my cousins. But the last time we had been there was when I was ten; we went to the funeral of my mom's dad. He had been my last remaining grandparent. So this return was a special trip. They had planned on spending a day...

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My time in a PUB part 1

Hi everyonemy name is Anju. This is my true story, which happened to me. And this is my first story. Hope you like it .One weekend me and my friends where out clubbing, having some fun. We decided to stop at a pub for few drinks. there was not many people in the pub, we bought our drinks and sat down. There wee some good looking guys in there we where looking at them and talking about it. After about 20 to 30 minutes i saw a couple coming in. they bought some drinks and sat a table next to us.I...

3 years ago
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Pune ke Hotel Mein 3 Din Tak Megha ki Chudayi

Hi doston mera naam Alok hai. Aur aap logon ne meri peechli story ghumne ke bahane Megha ki choot maari to padhi hi hogi, aaj main apni doosri story leke aaya hoon , is story ki heroine bhi Megha hi hai to baat us tym ki hai doston jab main pune aa chuka tha aaur maine Megha ko mana kar diya tha ki main usse shaadi nhi kar sakta kyunki mere ghar wale nhi manenge but uske mann mein shayad halka sa khayal tha ki shayad main maan jaunga aur usse shaadi kar loonga , isliye woh har roz muje call...

1 year ago
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The Poolboy

You are in our garden next to the pool and the sun is beating down on your smooth, tanned, wet body. You are wearing a tiny white bikini, which is slightly see-through because you’ve just come out of the pool. You put on your iPod and sunglasses and lie back on the sun bed, letting the sun dry your body and hair. You close your eyes and you slowly start to doze off, and you start dreaming about your fantasies and your past sexual encounters. As you dose, your hand slips down in between your...

Straight Sex
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Asymmetric Sex

One of the most surprising aspects of wife led marriage is the asymmetric nature of sex. Few wives can imagine how different their sex life becomes when they assume a position of dominance in the marriage. In most marriages sex is essentially symmetric, or at least idealized as such. When one partner is in the mood, usually the husband, he works to arouse the other or, more commonly, simply initiates sex with, if he is in any way a gentleman, the expectation of mutual satisfaction.But wife led...

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The Making Of An Office SlutChapter 3 Wednesday

Vicki had rushed home from work last night and practically ran to her bedroom, stripping her clothes off as she went. She threw herself on her bed and masturbated furiously while replaying the events of the last few days in her mind. The image of Kathy's stretched rectum, the smells and sounds of her arousal and the raw sexual energy that seemed to coarse through Vicki whenever she dominated Kathy, all led to one of the most powerful orgasms Vicki had ever experienced. She was unsure what it...

4 years ago
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Building a relationship

It was a hot Australian summer afternoon. I'm home from university for the summer and I can't wait. Beach parties, drinks with friends, will make up most of the time. But hanging out at home with the family also takes a certain degree of importance. So anyway, I was spending the day at home. It was a scorcher of a day outside and because the pool was "out of use" for me today, I was confined to the house. The day progressed slowly. I later found out that the reason I wasn't allowed to use the...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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Charlotte and Alice Part I

I met Charlotte when I had just turned twenty and she was in her early fifties. I had started dating her daughter, Alice, but I'd be lying if I said Charlotte didn't have my full attention from the jump. Charlotte was a heavy-set woman, red hair that flowed down to her shoulders, with round DD breasts that hung down over her belly, thick thighs, wide hips, and a fat ass. Despite being a redhead, her skin was a light tan complexion from her Italian heritage. Her face was nicely aged, light...

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Brothers Teenage SexSlave

BROTHER'S TEENAGE SEX-SLAVE – Part Four This story contains graphic images of torture, humiliation and sexual perversion.Readers who can't tell the difference between fantasy and reality should readno further. If you would like to contact the author, you may do so at [email protected] ----------- Cerberus Naked, young Molly Grant bends over the heavy workbench; the tender tipsof her small breasts trapped in the hard steel jaws of a large vise; her handsnailed to the table's rough wooden...

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Mr Wong

This guy loves to hang around in the book store where he can get a pile of porn magazines to read and jerk later, but this time he becomes the witness and sees the store owner fucking the shit out of the sales girl…You might say it is because I have a dirty mind that I like to hang out in adult book stores.I live on the west side of Chicago and there is one very close to where I live. It is an old building with a brick front. It is owned by a certain Mr. Wong. I thought he ran the place alone...

1 year ago
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IncentiveChapter 6

Colleen started taking off the rest of her uniform. She was not wearing a bra so, when she pulled her top over her head, her large 38D breasts sprang free. Colleen had a peaches and cream complexion and her areolas were pale pink on her firm tits. Colleen knelt down on her hands and knees on her mat before reaching back with one hand to finger her clit as Joe knelt down behind her. He lined his hard dick up with her shaved, dripping snatch, and shoved it in, balls deep, with one hard...

1 year ago
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Our cuckold beach experience

As many of you know who follow Mary and I here on Xhamster, we live in North Carolina. We went to the beach this past week and stayed in Atlantic Beach, NC at a nice hotel across the street from the beach. Mary and I made love the first night, and I reintroduced the idea of us going to a bar and finding a gentleman for her to make love to. She is very timid, yet the thought turns us both on so. So, I asked her when we were making love, "Would you suck his cock?" She said, "No. I just don't want...

3 years ago
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Sophie and Her Mother Part 5

After days of deliberation, Sophie decided she would take up her mother’s offer of providing correction in the form of corporal punishment when required. For the first time since leaving home at eighteen years old to go to university Sophie would hand over disciplinary control. Even making the decision took a weight off Sophie’s mind. She had overcome the difficulty she felt about being spanked at thirty-eight years old by her fifty-seven year old mother. It was Saturday morning and Sophie...

2 years ago
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Elixir of Power Ch 02

The following morning Molly woke up before Lauren, who still slept soundly next to her. Molly just lie in bed staring at the ceiling while ideas about the potion filled her mind. All sorts of ideas of how to use their potion flooded her mind. Today she had plans to use the potion on the waitress, but she just continued to think about who else she could use it on. Then the thought of how Lauren objected before crossed her mind. Molly thought to herself, ‘Well, she said to wait until we use it...

1 year ago
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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 12

"Max, do you realize when the sun goes down today we will be in California. Tomorrow or the next day, the trip will be over." "Well, Marty, it has already been 33 days with rain and the breakdown, just a little more than you planned, but not bad at all." "No, not bad at all," he agreed. "I am going to hate to see it end. Maybe we should pack everything up and just head for Europe." "You have noticed that the mornings are getting chilly. The weather is going to turn to crap...

3 years ago
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“Wow, now that was sexist. Don’t you think so?” one of the pharmacy clerks said after I walked out. I was at the elevator and Marjorie, who I was talking to, thought about what I’d said. "No, I don’t think," so she told herself as she smiled. I kind of liked that actually. Then the same clerk spoke up again. “Don’t you think so Margie? Margie, hey Margie?” she called out. “Did you hear me?” Margie said it to herself again, "No, I kind of like the idea," but then she said out loud “Yeah, that...

Oral Sex
2 years ago
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Silvana and Pedro

Silvana had spent all day with her Moma in preparation for this evenings gala celebration in the Plaza. Her hair had been washed, conditioned, dried, and brushed until it shone. Moma braided it down the sides of her head, down her back and curled it around the top of her head. When Moma finished all of that, she wove tiny roses and ribbons throughout her top braid! It was the most wonderful hairstyle Moma had ever designed for her in her whole life.The ribbons were all shades of the pinks in...

First Time
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Two Best Friends chapter one

Josh had just gotten home from school, which was a 8 minute walk for him. His Josh and his mom lived in a three bedroom apartment. He set his book bag next to the door, heading to his room. He hopped onto his computer chair, wheeling over to his bedroom door, locking it. After he locked the door and stripped himself of his tight shirt, and wheeled over to the computer. The reflection from the black screen showed a 16-year-old-guy, with no abs but no fat either, he had on glasses and shaggy long...

First Time
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Daves Australian OdysseyChapter 32 Continuing The Odyssey

Tuesday Week 12 After a night spent tossing and turning, but at least having had sufficient sleep, he prepared his breakfast then got ready for the road. He had morning tea at a rest stop overlooking Hinchinbrook Island, and then continued onto Townsville for lunch. As he'd not long ago been here, as soon as he had eaten, he set off for the last leg of the day's drive and pulled into the caravan park in Charters Towers just before 3:30 pm. After he had settled in, he got some steak out...

3 years ago
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Alexis Season 2

----- PART 1 It was four in the morning, and it had taken John all night, but he finally found the piece of porn he wanted. It was nothing more than a twenty-second sample clip, but he put it on repeat and watched it over and over and over. In the clip, a guy sucked a shemale's dick, and the shemale came in his mouth. It was the first clip he'd ever found of that specific act, and he wanted to save it, but it was his parents' computer and they might find it. At first he watched...

4 years ago
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Charlie 2

I saw that clothes were laid out on my bed already and I took them into the bathroom with me to shower and get ready. When my hair and make-up were done, I turned to the clothes. Just a cream sleeveless sweater dress and leggings. The bra he’d laid out was just like the others – my nipples would be exposed. I wasn’t as worried today since nipples wouldn’t be so obvious in a sweater. I put the bra on and my nipples poked through the front. I grabbed the sweater and put it on. As...

2 years ago
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GreeniesChapter 3A

Though there had been many advances in communications technology since the beginning of the space colonization age there was one constant that never changed and probably never would. No matter what carrier for the signal was used, be it encrypted laser beams or modulating radio waves, they could move no faster than the speed of light. As such it was impossible for a person on Mars to hold a real-time conversation with a person on Earth. Even at the closest approach of the two planets — a mere...

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Sex With My Friend Priya

Hello all this is rahul my ID is , I am doing HM. I live in Hyderabad. I am going to narrate an incident which happened to me a year ago. In our chamber there are four other articles other then me, out of which three are girls. Shruti is one of then. She is tall, beautiful girl with a figure like those of any bollywood celebrity. At first I hesitated to talk to her but as time passed we started talking and also as our work was same so we used to discuss many more things. In a matter of time we...

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Wife sets up threesome with hot friend from work

My wife and I have been happily married for 4 years, love eachother without question, and have a healthy appetite for sex with us fucking at least 3-4 times a week. Before my wife and I got married she told me she was bi-sexual, thought women were hot, and had fucked a couple.One night after some serious hot and sweaty fucking my wife and I are talking in bed. She tells me that she would like to bring another women home so I could watch them and just fuck my wife. Now, I had just had some great...

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Amader kajer chhele aar baba

Amader kajer chhele aar baba By: madhumita Hi, ami madhumita amar boyos ekhon 19, college pori, khub sunder dekhte forsa, amar body r size 34-28-34,. Baba ekta hotele job koren, ma house wife, Babar age 45 aar ma 44,aar barite kajer ekta chhele achhe behari naam Golu, amara take golu balei dakii Boysh. Amar baba khub handsom aar swastho tao besh bhaloo, Amar mao bhison sexy dekhte. Baba aar amar roomer modhye ekta coomon door achhe kintu seta dudik diyei bondho thake khola haina,ami majhe...

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Chrissy was mad. She was fifteen years old and she hadn't been on a single date. It wasn't because she was unpopular. Lots of k**s at her school liked her and wanted to be around her. It wasn't because she was ugly. Her 5" 6" frame supported breasts that were a handful each, tipped with sharp little pencil eraser sized nipples just made to suck on. Below that were her thin waist and hips that any baby-bearing woman would love to have. Her cute little pussy lips were pink and plump and nestled...

2 years ago
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Rasili choot

Hi this is Fuker. Hi, I am a new reader of “ISS”. But know I think i’ll be a regular reader. So this is my first story for you guys. Main ek handsome ladka hoon. Me aur meri family dewas (M.P.) ke rahenewale hai. Mere mohalle ki ladkiya aksar mujhe aur mere paint ke bichh me dekha karti hai mera land 10 inch ka hai. Main jab bhi jeans pahanta hoon mera land usme se alag hi jhalakta hai aur sabhi chooton me khujali peda kar deta hai. Aaj me apko meri life ka pahal sex experience batane ja raha...

1 year ago
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My Shallow Regret Chapter 14 Epilogue

"Oh my God, I love you." I signed the CD and handed it back to the young girl, then happily obliged as we took a selfie together. It surprised me that a girl her age still even bought CDs, but it still felt really amazing to sign one of my own. It'd been nearly two years since I started on this journey and I still remember waking up in a life that wasn't my own like it was yesterday. But now it's my life, and what a life it's been. The movie that I starred in wasn't much to write...

4 years ago
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Mother Helps Son 8211 Part 3 8211 Hot Mom And A Cure For Paining Cock

Hi, Indian Sex stories readers. First of all, thank you to everyone for your valuable feedbacks. Some of them asked whether this is true or fake. Well, guys, this is real life incident. So please everyone, don’t ask for pics. This is my personal story and I don’t want to share pictures, that’s why I am writing here this story. Let me introduce myself as Rahul. I am 24 years of old and completed my master degree at a reputed university. Now I am searching for a job. I still haven’t got any job...

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An Unexpected Meeting of Two Souls How I Met My Soulmate

I was in a marriage that had been going downhill for years. We tried everything possible to get it back on track, but ever since I had been diagnosed a couple of years earlier with a rare disease, deep inside I knew it was over. It’s amazing how the human mind can isolate the truth, and how a traumatic experience can all of a sudden begin to make you see the truth behind everything, even if it’s over a period of time. I had forgiven my wife many times for breaking the trust I had for her. Most...

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