Panopticon free porn video

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My job? Seeing. And I see a lot. In fact, it wouldn’t be an understatement to say I see everything. Everything important, anyway. I stare down the screens packed into a small room, and make sure nothing bad happens. Security. Of course, nothing bad ever does happen, but maybe it’s because people know there are cameras, people know there’s a man like me watching these screens. Security theater, they call it. Look it up.

People feared me. Bad people feared me. I guess that made me a good man. But the most interesting thing to me, was knowing firsthand what could make a good man be so bad. Maybe being good was that one thing I couldn’t see in my infinite vision of the company I worked for. At some point, I even forgot what the company peddled. My work wasn’t directly tied in with what the company sold. And we were in a nice neighborhood - my work wasn’t even tied in with crime prevention anymore. Human beings are busy creatures - you need something to do, to stay busy. Otherwise, you just might go crazy.

That’s when people became my work. It started innocently enough - pattern recognition was the first step. The company boss would take his lunch earlier on Tuesdays. One man would go to the washroom without fail at 10:30 every day and stay there for about six minutes. Day in and day out, all I did was watch these cameras. My duties extended beyond that, theoretically, but never in reality. I was never called to patrol the roof, I was never called to talk to people. Do your job. Do your job. This was my job. Sitting, watching people.

People became videos, unfolded before me. Videos became stories. Stories became fantasies. Do your job. I began looking a little closer at the screens. They say the closer you look, the less you see. Soon, one by one, the other screens blurred out until I could only see one at a time. Ten became too many. Two became too many. Only one screen mattered, and that was the screen that had Clara on it.

Sweet Clara. Clara became an interest of mine. Interests became fascinations, fascinations became fantasies. Do your job. Had Clara and I ever met on the street or at the club before the day I found her, I don’t imagine she would have been my type, nor I hers. But we weren’t meeting in the club. We were meeting at the office, and she didn’t even know. How romantic. Her mannerisms stuck out for me first - they way she twirled her hair when she was bored, the way her shoulders would bounce when she giggled. She was so casual. She didn’t take work too seriously. And yet she wasn’t overly flirty, never making the office boys pant after her like a teasing user. It helped that most of the time I was getting a good look at something - her frame grew on me, as if getting to know her made her body more beautiful by itself. A nice shapely ass encouraged constantly by her choice of clothing, a bust that left nothing to be desired. But I was an overachiever - I desired nonetheless.

The real sell for me became the eyes. I couldn’t quite see them at first, but as soon as I knew Clara had caught my attention, I knew I had to see her eyes. And I had the perfect tools to do so. Enhance. Enhance. With a zoomed-in camera, her deep hazel eyes penetrated my soul for one fleeting moment when she turned around in her chair. There was a certain something to her look - a longing. A desire. A lust. I had picked my fascination well - Clara had the power to seduce with just her eyes. She was practically a gift - perhaps even a god-given reason for me to be here. I now had an excuse to come to work. Excuses became reasons, reasons became objectives, objectives became my focus.

Pattern recognition played in heavily here. I began to number the Claras that I saw. Clara #1 was the Clara I saw at work. But then there was Clara #2, The Clara who was just off work, exhilarated to get out of the chair, stretch, and leave her cubicle. For a while, the bouncing between Clara #1 and Clara #2 became my pastime, my favorite show. On a very special episode, I got to see Clara #3, the Clara that got angry when her computer started acting up. I almost got out of my chair in surprise, in response to seeing the new Clara. Clara was no longer a show, she was her own person with feelings and aspirations. Sonder, they call it. Look it up.

The more I saw Clara #3, the more I wanted her out of the way to make room for Clara #2, the happy Clara. I wanted to be the one there for Clara. But I wasn’t stupid, I was never stupid. I was invisible to Clara, all three of them. I was the eye in the sky, and Clara only looked towards her screen, just as I did. I needed to escape my position over Clara more than she needed to escape her position under me, trapped in a prison of security where I can see her but she can’t see me. Panopticon, they call it. Look it up. I needed to find a way to worm my way in, to become an active part of Clara’s life instead of a passive one, to become a player rather than a spectator. I was sick of cheering from the bleachers, I wanted to get on the field myself and show the crowd what I had in me.

I came equipped, of course. All of the equipment was there at my disposal. The cameras I controlled were there for me to use. Do your job. Enhance. Enhance. A business card on the desk. Clara Jackson. I had a full name. I also had Facebook, and knew exactly what to do. Enhance. Enhance. I smirked the first time I found her profile - Facebook’s security theater hadn’t won her over. Maybe I did a little research. Maybe everyone has done a little research before on Facebook in this way. But everyone stops after a bit because they feel guilty or awkward. After all, it’s only healthy. Besides, it was still an early point, and I was still running the Panopticon.

Not running it well enough. Audio. I needed audio. I made a phone call to my superiors, the first time I had done so in a while. Now, what happens when they say no? No becomes ‘it’s needed.’ ‘It’s needed’ becomes ‘yes.’ ‘Yes’ becomes ‘immediately.’

Suppose I take a night shift, and some people break in. These are bad people. Good people. Good at what they do. They just lost sight of what it means to be good. Or rather, lost hearing. They took out the cameras, yes, but as they stole some documents, they shouted a bunch, and that’s what alerted me to them. Suppose they only barely got away, and left nothing traceable. Suppose the audio could have been the only clue. That’s when no becomes yes. After all, these guys were good. Very good. They knew exactly how to hide themselves, maybe they worked in security before or something. The documents? Of little value, but it was a matter of principle. Besides, the documents weren’t hidden at this point, they were burned, but no one knew that, so they’d be chasing after nothing for a while. Tomorrow, the microphones would be installed.

A few days later, I find out Clara doesn’t care. She posts a lot of her feelings to her Facebook wall, and the new microphones weren’t mentioned. She’s still Clara #2 under that mask of Clara #1, and I haven’t seen Clara #3 in a while. But now, I’m not just seeing Clara, I’m hearing her. I’m getting the full three dimensions of Clara. Hearing becomes understanding, understanding becomes feeling, feeling becomes wanting. Do your job.

The air of desire exists in Clara’s voice as much as her eyes. To the untrained, her voice means nothing, but the highness of her voice is deliberate. Seductive, delicate, urging you to come closer. The way her breath shifts when she talks about something she likes, the way she holds on to her vowels just a tad too long, nothing escapes the Panopticon. There’s a note of lust to her voice, she invisibly begs for someone to come and take her in her high, teasing voice. The head register, they call it. Look it up.

From viewing her Facebook, I understand that Clara is single. From listening to her, I understand that she is wanting. And from watching her, I understand where she goes, day by day. Pattern recognition. I start alternating between looking into her interests online and rehearsing how I could play off of them if we did happen to randomly meet on the street. Then, one day, it happens. When Clara is out grabbing lunch at a place across the street, another man happens to be there at the same time.

This man happens to dress like Clara’s ex two relationships ago, the one she seemed to have a harder time getting over. But this man doesn’t dress exactly like him. Just enough to be unique. This man is also heavily into music, just like Clara. Clara needs only to look at the man, and undoubtedly likes what she sees so far. Enhance. Enhance. She starts going to the same place to get lunch, day after day, because Clara is very into visual cues. The man knows this, he picked up on this in his research. The adaptive unconscious, they call it. Look it up.

Suddenly, I see a lot more. The Panopticon became the Panopticon and the sandwich shop. The Panopticon and the sandwich shop became the Panopticon, the sandwich shop and choice encounters on the street. Never vocal encounters, no - it was too soon for that. Just enough times to see him where he ‘unknowingly’ becomes a part of her routine. Of course, he isn’t unknowing at all. Dramatic irony, they call it. Look it up.

Clara #2 becomes Clara #4, a Clara on the hunt. A Clara that gets emboldened by comfort. Now that she’s seen The Mystery Man on the street so much, she’s more okay with openly looking at him in the shop as he enjoys his sandwich and looks out the window. She doesn’t know he’s not looking out the window at all, but rather at her reflection to make sure she’s looking at him. The man is sporting a modest beard, just the sort of thing she likes, and is reading Kurt Vonnegut, just the author she enjoys. It seems too perfect, but she’s too shy to talk to him first. After all, when he breaks his gaze from the window and looks around the room, she returns to her sandwich.

So Clara thinks she’ll be clever. Clara #4 hatches a plan, a plan to bring a book by the same author and adopt a more relaxed pose as she enjoys her sandwich. The man will be caught completely off guard and want to talk to her. After all, he wasn’t expecting her to like Vonnegut too. Dramatic irony. The lust in her voice, the piercing effect of her eyes, it doubles when she becomes Clara #4. It only comes in small intervals - the breath she takes as she eats, the way her eyes dart from word to word, but it’s there. Enhance. Enhance. Clara #4 is showing herself off. She wants to be noticed.

Just like he rehearsed, the man notices the book and does a double-take. He then looks at Clara for just long enough for her to notice, but not long enough to be creepy, not like he’s stalking her or something. Human beings want to be noticed by those they notice, to be desired by those they desire. But never to they want it to not be mutual. If this man were to make it seem like he wanted her more than she wanted him, he’d be done for.

That’s why he only calmly walks over to her, like he rehearsed. That’s why he only makes a slight joke about her good taste. After all, Clara likes it when men appreciate her wit, and the man knows this. A joke became a back-and-forth, a back-and-forth became a conversation, and a conversation became a ‘may I sit with you?’ Clara is still Clara #4, but only until lunch time nears its end and Clara #4 becomes Clara #1. The man weighs his options and plays it safe, saying he liked chatting with her instead of outright asking when she’ll be there again. After all, the man knows she’ll be back again tomorrow anyway. Clara reverts to Clara #4 and asks if he’ll be having lunch here tomorrow. Dramatic irony. Satisfied with her answer, Clara leaves and the man waits just long enough to leave himself and go back to his job without Clara seeing where the man works.

I’m looking closer at this point, not caring how much less I see. Clara #1 is not fully back, and occasionally Clara #4 breaks through. I see everything. I hear everything. Clara gossips to a coworker, and tells her all about this nice guy she met at the sandwich shop. Sarah. Sarah is a bad person - she warns Clara about meeting strangers, and how he sounds a bit too perfect for her. Sarah is a total bitch who refuses to believe happy accidents can happen. Clara #4 can not be persuaded, but promises Sarah that she will be careful. The Mystery Man could be done for thanks to a bitch like Sarah.

I chose to do some research on Sarah too. Sarah appears to be such a good girl, knowing how much she needs security theater and never daring to be fun like Clara. Of course, Sarah isn’t too careful, and doesn’t read things like Facebook’s terms of service. These things weren’t designed for human beings to want to read them, they’re designed that way. It’s not too hard to imagine that if Sarah doesn’t read that, she doesn’t read up on a lot of the company policies either.

It took only a few hours of reading, a plan here and there, and a clever mind to plant some damnable evidence on Sarah. Sarah became Fired Sarah. Sarah now has a bad reputation around the office, and people know that anything Sarah said is not to be trusted. All the while, Clara #4 and The Mystery Man have met up at the sandwich shop once or twice. The Mystery Man seems a little down one day, and explains to Clara that a friend of his he knew for a bit was fired for doing bad things to the company. He talks about how he really trusted this friend, enough with his feelings, and shrugs, remarking that he doesn’t really know who to trust. Clara can completely empathize. Can becomes will, will becomes does. This man understands Clara. This man is sweet to Clara. Sarah wasn’t sweet to Clara, why should Clara listen to Sarah?

The Mystery Man seems made for Clara. Maybe that’s because almost everything he says is a cleverly disguised revision or twist on something that Clara has said online. Of course, this might raise a few flags with Clara, so The Mystery Man dislikes a choice few things Clara likes. A rehearsed few things, the types of things The Mystery Man knew Clara would find a cute challenge if he opposed her. The Mystery Man thinks Shakespeare is overrated and that Edison was a better man than Tesla, but Clara #4 just wants to hear him explain why. She likes the way he talks. The moment of truth happens, when Clara #4 asks The Mystery Man for his name. For the first time, he feels doubt in himself, fear. The Mystery Man understands why it’s called the ‘moment of truth’ as he gives her his real name, praying she doesn’t recognize it as the man who works security at her job. If he knows anything, he knows she’ll understand what that means. Clara #4 isn’t dumb. Neither is Clara #3, and he isn’t as interested in meeting her.

Luckily, Clara #4 never recognized the name, even after she added him on Facebook. It was a good thing The Mystery Man understood security theater, or she might have found out where he worked. And now, Clara #4 had opened herself up to online messaging, something that she really enjoyed. So much so that conversations with her could end around two in the morning. Luckily for The Mystery Man, it was all too easy to look like you had a sharp wit over the Internet. After all, one could fine-tune what they say to match what the other person wanted to hear. It’s not like The Mystery Man could do that in real life. Dramatic irony.

Soon, Clara was even messaging him at work. Of course, the Mystery Man could never see or hear how she responds to his messages, but his responses were so witty and perfect it was as if he could read her body language and listen for when she remarked out loud her feelings, something Clara had a tendency to do when she was impressed. He tells her what she wants to hear, and she falls for him like he wants her to. They arrange to meet for lunch, and continue the conversation there.

Strangers became friends, friends became close friends, close friends became casual daters, but I was still an overachiever. I was still thinking unclearly. I didn’t just want to talk and laugh with Clara, I wanted Clara.

Enhance. Enhance. The Mystery Man is looking her in the eye and has a slower, more meaningful tone to his voice when he meets her now. At first, she’s caught off guard, but as she gets used to it, she likes it. The advances continue, with the man controlling his voice like he rehearsed while sitting at his job, watching her. His voice lowers and he uses choice words that throw Clara off her game. He uses different motions with his hands, until his hand accidentally brushes hers. Seeing through the red-hot wave of lust he experiences, he continues the conversation as if nothing happened, noting the look in her eyes. He brushes her hand again, then a third time to be safe. Then he rests his finger on hers.

Enhance. Enhance. In the next few lunch dates, The Mystery Man talks about his emotional side, making sure to make it less abundant than Clara’s on Facebook. During the next few Facebook conversations, he goes over his past relationships and what he did wrong. Clara #4 is impressed with how honest he is, and it overshadows the things he did. Clara trusts him more now. Clara is sure about his intentions. Clara knows she has to jump to Clara #5 and make the first move, now that she knows she wants it.

But it has to be in person, so the next Facebook conversation is surprisingly dry. Clara knows The Mystery Man is wondering if he did something wrong. Dramatic irony. During their next encounter at the sandwich shop, after talking about how much they have in common and how fortunate they are to have found each other, Clara #4 shyly asks if The Mystery Man wants to skip work and hang out at her place. The Mystery Man acts surprised, just like he rehearsed, and asks about her. Clara #4 slips into Clara #5 and naughtily giggles, saying she can claim a half sick day. That’s all the convincing The Mystery Man needs, and soon the two are walking to her studio apartment downtown. Do your job.

People are seeing me. People see me walking close, very close to Clara. None of them know me, or know how much of a Good Man I am, even though most would label my actions as that of a Bad Man. I looked too close, and forgot to see myself. Was what I was doing bad? I gathered information and used it, it’s not like I’m doing this to someone against her will. If anything, she was the Bad Woman. I was now reading Vonnegut, sporting a beard, and liking her Facebook posts because it was needed. I had taken it to the extreme. I had become the role I was set to only play. Method acting, they call it. Look it up.

This was not helped when Clara opened the door to her place and I looked to my left, right into her bathroom, right into her bathroom mirror. I could not recognize the man staring back at me. Who was he? What had he become, and why? Was I looking too close? Pattern recognition. I was looking in mirrors a lot over the past few days, but never truly asking the question until now. There was no question about it, Clara was a Bad Woman. And bad people feared me. Did Clara fear me? It felt a little nice to fall for such a Bad Woman, maybe I was becoming a Bad Man myself.

But Bad Man was first and foremost The Mystery Man, and The Mystery Man had rehearsed for a shy flirty Clara, Clara #5. Clara #5 wasn’t a Bad Woman, she was a Good Girl. And I had rehearsed for everything from the shy introduction to eventually asking her what we were, to making the first physical move until she shyly admitted how good it felt.

The introduction became an invitation to sit down, an invitation to sit down became a deep conversation. The Mystery Man had rehearsed for this. He was saying everything right, everything Clara wanted, and Clara was responding.

Clara was responding more than The Mystery Man had intended. His rehearsals were getting farther and farther away from reality as Clara #4 became not Clara #5, but Clara #6. An overly flirty Clara. A hungry Clara. A Clara that suddenly breaks into a grin and informs you she knows what you want, and if you can keep up.

The Mystery Man tries to keep up. He refuses to believe Clara knew about his plan to seduce her. Dramatic irony. Even as Clara crawls across the couch over to him, he still stutters. He’s suddenly seeing barely anything. The Panopticon became a state of near blindness. He looked too close, and cannot see ahead.

Clara #6 is not letting up. Her hands wander across the body of The Mystery Man, the body she’s secretly wanted for so long. Human beings want to be noticed by those they notice, to be desired by those they desire. But never to they want it to not be mutual. Clara wanted him as much as he wanted her, and The Mystery Man had rehearsed only the scenario where he wanted her more. He was done for.

Her hand rested on his crotch, my crotch. Clara #6 was not one for words, but words were all that were rehearsed for The Mystery Man. The only words she used was to ask him if he liked this, and wanted her to continue, as she moved her hand around over his pants, teasing him. All the Mystery Man could do is admit he liked it and plead for her to continue.

Enhance. Enhance. The Mystery Man now has his back against the wall, and #6 isn’t acting like the Good Girl that is Clara #5. No, Clara #6 is definitely a Bad Girl, purring as she sits on her knees in front of The Mystery Man. The subtle lust in her voice has lost all subtlety. Clara #6 is a slutty Clara. Her submissive yet authoritative eyes look into those of The Mystery Man as she slowly, teasingly unbuttons his pants, releases his cock, and gives it a hungry lick.

My job? I couldn’t tell you in that moment. I was so caught up in the initial surprise of Clara #6 emerging that I had no plan. No rehearsal. No vantage point. The Panopticon had come down, and now I could look all around if I so wanted. The only thing I gazed at was Clara’s own look, her lustful eyes locked on mine as she took my cock into her mouth for the first time. I moaned, and Clara took her mouth off of my cock to give me her classic laugh, the laugh she gave me when The Mystery Man had turned up the charm and started flirting with her. Soon, she was back at it, bobbing her head back and forth as I could only moan and pull my head back so far it hit the wall. Another laugh. Do your job. I grasped the back of her head and started to pull her into my dick, becoming more forceful with every thrust down her throat. Clara #6 was still such a Bad Girl, she only giggled in obedience. Clara #6 knew what she was doing, Clara #6 had done this before. Swishing her tongue this way, swishing her tongue that way, pulling the cock deep into her throat for a second before coming up for air. The Mystery Man still is paralyzed with no course of action to take. He tries to improvise, but he can’t find the ability to rehearse on the spot.

All he can do is keep his hands on her head, trying not to mess up her perfect hair as she keeps going. The little sucking noises and deep moans Clara is producing drive The Mystery Man wild. She only takes her mouth off for a moment to jack off The Mystery Man as she winks and asks him if that feels good. It feels more than good, it feels great. Intoxicating. Enough to drive a man crazy. Enough to turn any Good Man into a Bad Man.

She delicately licks the underside, enjoying every shiver she gives The Mystery Man. she stands up and practically slides her way up his body, giving him little kisses all the way up his neck until she gets to his lips. My job? Accepting. I’m seeing the whole of Clara now; I’m not looking too close. Clara had me. The Mystery Man was caught so easily off-guard. Maybe she had rehearsed this before. The Mystery Man couldn’t even tell when Clara #6, slutty Clara, had grabbed his hands and put them on her perfect breasts.

The Mystery Man couldn’t even tell when he was following suit by almost ripping off Clara’s shirt. Clara’s job? Accepting. She only giggles like a hungry slut as her shirt gets taken off and she unsnaps her bra. The Mystery Man is not as interested in her breasts as her ass, but he’s such a Good Man that he kneads them for her as he kisses her deeply. She accepts, and pulls his body close. She’s grinding her body into his, as he desperately rehearses in his head what happens next.

What happens next. What happens next. She’s taking off her pants, and replacing his former position against the wall. Clara #6 almost becomes Clara #4 as she slowly peels her panties down her shapely, perfect ass. Before she’s done The Mystery Man can’t resist playing a little with her ass, kneading it, kissing it, licking it. Clara #6 is definitely enjoying being his little ass-slut, and moans her approval. Do your job. What happens next. Intercourse, they call it. Look it up.

He lines up his cock with her pussy, and he’s such a Good Man that he asks if she wants it. In her sluttiest voice, Clara begs for The Mystery Man to give her his thick, meaty cock. Enhance. Enhance. The head of his prick pushes slowly into her pussy, and Clara gasps. This is a new sensation. She knows she wants him, so badly. Human beings want to be noticed by those they notice, to be desired by those they desire. Finally, it was fully mutual. The Mystery Man was truly a Good Man again, now that Clara #6 was nothing but a dirty slut that wanted more of this man.

This Good Man needs no more persuasion. She has let him know where he stands. He thrusts fully into her, earning a sharp shriek from the shivering she. Clara #6 is a loud girl. She’s a Loud Slut. An Eager Slut. The Mystery Man wastes no time and picks up speed, grabbing Clara’s hair and yanking it as he leans in close and asks if she likes it rough. Dramatic irony. Of course she likes it rough. Do your job. What happens next.

Clara #6 answers anyway, begging for it faster and deeper. She wants to feel well-used, and why would a Good Man deny her such a thing? But he’s not done yet. The Mystery Man wants one more thing. He wants poetic justice. He first found her because she was on display, so it was only fitting he would take her on display. As he informs her of the plan, Clara only emits a devilish laugh, walks across the room, and takes her new position. The Mystery Man pushes her against the window, lines the head of his cock against her sensitive pussy, and thrusts forward again.

Now, Clara #6 is on display. She’s pressed up against the window, getting her pussy fucked from behind, for anyone who looks at the window to see. She’s an Exhibitionist Slut, a Public Slut. She can feel the cool glass pressed against her nipples and a hard, thick cock in her pussy. She must be in heaven. With the hand that’s not supporting her against the window, she lets go of the glass. After finding her balance, she reaches down to her clit and starts rubbing in circles. The Mystery Man is pumping in and out of her as fast as he can, grabbing her one leg and hoisting it up. The angle is everything. He wants to make sure she’s a Comfortable Slut. Even so, she asks him to fuck her like she’s a Cheap Slut, a Worthless Slut. Clara #6 is a silly Clara - she always has worth, always to The Mystery Man.

He can feel tension building below the waist. Anyone would. Enhance. Enhance. He knows that he’s addicted to Clara - gripping her skin, the feeling like hot silk. Listening to her screams and moans, the most seductive sound on Planet Earth. The song of the Siren. The grip of her pussy, as if her body was tailor-made for his. As if her body had rehearsed for this moment. Thrusts became poundings. Poundings became drilling. Drilling became a non-stop motion as both parties felt the inevitable rising. Clara moaned and bit her lip and cried out that he was the best fuck she ever had. She encircled her clit the other way and savored the feeling of the glass pressing against her body, and prayed she was being watched, and envied, in the moment. Finally, her eyes shot open, her exhilarated, excited, exhibitionistic eyes becoming blind to the world as she cried out in orgasm. The world blurred out to her - she could see only pure bliss, pure passion. The closer you look, the less you see.

The Mystery Man shoved his body into hers as he couldn’t take it anymore - the two shared a connecting of the mind, soul and body as they moaned together, cojoining in euphoric bliss. And Clara was a Bad Girl, not waiting for The Mystery Man to put on a condom. Now she was getting what she had aimed for the whole time. Dramatic irony. She was a Filled Slut, a Procreating Slut, a Lost-in-the-Feeling-of-Accepting-the-Cum Slut.

Breathe. Breathe. Do Your Job. The two leaned against the window for what seemed like forever before The Mystery Man gingerly lifted himself off of her, and allowed her the space to move. Clara #6 became Clara #7, an embarrassed Clara, an overly shy Clara. A Bad Man would feel bad for this elaborate plot, and how he essentially tricked her into thinking you were a Desirable Man. A Bad Man would see the overly unsure Clara and realize he manipulated a girl from work to make her an easy target to fuck. Good thing The Mystery Man was a Good Man. He knew Clara had her own agency. Each Clara had their own agency. After all, she enjoyed herself, even though she didn’t know his plan, or have a counter-plan. Dramatic irony. And he knew from the get-go that he had this in the bag, that this exact event would happen. Nikhedonia, they call it. Look it up.

Shy little Clara, Clara #7, apologizes for the noise and how crazy she gets. The Mystery Man is a Good Man and talks with her about how he enjoyed it and liked it, and how he can’t wait to see her again soon. She doesn’t know how unsure he is about seeing her again, and whether it’s a good idea. She doesn’t know he’ll be watching her over the next few days, deciding how he feels. But that’s okay since he’s a Good Man to her Bad Girl. And he’s such a Good Man that he shows remorse that he has to go when a few minutes and conversations pass. He reassures her he’ll see her again, and that they’ll talk on Facebook. And he leaves.

What happens next.

The job the next day feels a lot more monotonous than usual. He did it. He completed his goal. I completed my goal. Clara was no longer a far-away fascination - she was past tense. Or present tense? Was she still a fascination, did I want to pursue her long-term? I didn’t know. I couldn’t see the future. The closer I looked, the less I saw.

And I saw Clara. I almost held my breath when she first popped up on my video feed. Enhance. Enhance. Pattern recognition played in heavily here, as I noticed she was acting a bit off. My breath caught in my throat when she waved everyone off for lunch, but didn’t go herself. She wasn’t going to the sandwich shop. Did she know The Mystery Man wasn’t planning to go?

It was just Clara on the floor. She was the only one on the feed, so it was just she and I. How romantic. She looks around, a naughty smile blooming on her face, and opens Facebook.

She sends me a message. Hey. I don’t want to be rude, so even though I could ignore her, I reply immediately. Hey. We chat about how much of a nice time she had last night. Chatting became flirting. Flirting became planning to meet up again, and I say I’ll be busy for the next little bit. Oh, is that so? I think that her reply has a sad tone. Dramatic irony.

Clara gets up from her chair, and looks around the room again. Then, out of nowhere, she slowly lowers her pants. Clara #1 jumps to Clara #6 as she becomes completely naked from the waist down, putting one foot on her desk so I can get a better view. I can’t help myself. Enhance. Enhance.

She messages me again, still one leg hoisted up. Remember this position? Are you sure you’ll be busy? My mind is a whirlwind. Out of nowhere, a memory reaches me. A few months prior to meeting Clara. A company party. No one paid me any attention, except one girl who asked me what I did. And I answered, barely looking at her, thinking how much of a waste the party was, and only looking down at the floor. The closer you look, the less you see.

Clara #6 starts playing with her clit as she keeps messaging me. I think you remember me now. I like your new beard, just how long have you been going to the sandwich shop? It certainly was clever how you seduced me, just how could you have managed that? Dramatic irony. I was never the one seducing Clara, any one of them. All of the Claras, they resided within a Clara #8. A goddamn genius.

She doesn’t give up her messages. So, bold choice not to use a condom if you were never going to see me again, but I think you’ll be seeing me a lot more. After all, I might be pregnant, and don’t you think we’d make a great couple? A great family?

Baffled became astonished. Astonished became impressed. Impressed became utterly in love.


These stories are made possible by generous donors on Patreon. If you like these stories and want to get some cool perks, hop over to patreon dot com slash BashfulScribe and check out if it's for you. If not, no worries. My writing isn't behind a paywall and I will always be happy to post my work to this site for free. I just wanna make sure I can afford rent and all that. I'll be sure to read all comments below, I hope you enjoyed the story!


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Heading East The Jones Family

Newhall, Missouri was a changed place. In the past two and a half months every town agency had been completely torn apart by the state and federal corruption probes. There was rampant nepotism, greed, extortion, conflicts of interest, fraud, and embezzlement throughout the town brought to light by the investigators. It went further to include the County of Hadley which Newhall residents completely controlled. Things were dire in the town. The sheriff's office was torn in half...

2 years ago
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Tina VasquezChapter 6

The McKinnen Funeral Home turned out to be a longish building resembling a church as much as anything else. It was constructed of wood and brick, all painted white. The surrounding grounds were green and well-tended with grass and neatly trimmed hedges and it seemed out of place, like an oasis planted in the desert scrub of western Texas. There were several cars in the parking lot and the one that caught Tina's eye was a white station wagon with the words 'County Coroner' lettered on the...

3 years ago
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What Goat Farm

Thanks to the Hip and Knee Doctor for editing assistance. Malcolm James was not the blackest man I ever met, but he was in the top ten. Actually, he wasn't very black at all, he just seemed that way. Although he was not even six feet tall, he always left quite an impression. Maybe it was the perpetual snarl that was on his face, or the numerous scars that seemed to have a bluish tinge to them. He was definitely not a man that you would want to meet in a dark alley. I was lucky to have him on...

3 years ago
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Plumbing the heights

I can imagine myself as a tradesman at your house, say , a plumber....attending to your old boiler (!)...I see myself as a younger guy, inexperienced in sex but horny as fuck. My boss , a guy in his 60s has left me there to finish off the work. All day long you've been hovering around, giving us cups of tea etc. During one break I hear you and the boss chatting....the conversation soon gets really smutty, I have to leave the room to hide my blushes. I return quietly to find you and the boss in...

4 years ago
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Journey OutwardChapter 43 I am Wezzel

We finally get a good look at Wezzel. He is short maybe 3 and a half feet tall. And he is covered from head to toe with short dark glossy fur, with markings that remind me of a raccoon. He ears are pointed but set like a human on the side of his head. He has vestal whiskers on his face and some very sharp fangs. I see something swish behind him and that is when I realize he has a tail. He is wearing a collar like the others only this one is shiny and has a set of blinking lights on it that...

3 years ago
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The Family Business

Even looking out through the glass patio doors at another beautiful desert sunset, I was wallowing in self-pity over my lost mobility; confined to a damned wheelchair. Not only was I required to be off my feet for possibly another two weeks but I still had to carry around the damnable halo as well. If you're picturing a sweet, cherubic winged child, erase it. My halo wasn't a luminous circle of light denoting holiness, it was a clumsy steel and leather frame sitting on my shoulders with four...

2 years ago
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Mothers Slut Proclivity

_____________ ______________ _ _!!!!!!!!!!!!!!PLEASE NOTE!All characters depicted in the following story are over the ageof 18 years.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WARNING: The following fictional account is a story ofunbridled, uncensored incest. Read at your own risk,while considering the strength of your own sensibilities.All characters are over the age of 18 years.______________Mother's Slut Proclivityby George day, one moment captured in time, of an incestuoussituation.Donna resembled...

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Demon Overlord Lucifer Part IV

Sorry for the ever-so-long wait everyone. Ive been dealing with some shit that makes it hard to get inspiration for writing. However, Im making it up to you guys by making this part longer than usual, with more Erotic content, so Enjoy! Chapter 4: Im the Master Now. I looked over Hildegards naked and unconscious body. Looking at her breasts, waist, hips, and crotch. She probably had about an E-cup or thereabouts, Ive never seen anything past DD. I skimmed my finger from her crotch, up her...

3 years ago
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A New JobPart 2 My First Day

My First DayIt had been over two weeks when the Fed Ex package arrived. The events of the last interview had often stirred my thoughts, I was a caldron of emotive confusion. I often found myself, late at night, stroking my cock as I reviewed all that occurred during that brief interview-her powerful demeanor, her cropping of my ass, her statuesque body, and yes the gift of the red pantie. Yes the red satin thong that I often wore to bed as I stroked my cock. The way I dutifully hand washed any...

2 years ago
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Wild Imagination

I was once at home, eating dinner, alone-the usual (sigh) while watching T.V, i was thinking about myfrieldfriend, and why she wssnt here with me, but then it came back to mind that she was on holiday in spain, i quickly thought that she would be with other men! but the thought slowly left my mind as i remembers the love between us. I didnt know wjat to do that nite as i was so bored and noone to make love with, i soon stoped feeling pity formyself and drank all the vodka i could find!! i...

1 year ago
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Orkut Ke Through Chut Chodi

Hai dosto mera naam rahul hai aur mai ISS ka itna bada fan hu ki jis din b apne mobile se ek din b sex story nahi padh leta tab tak mere ko neend nahi aati.mere ko khud nahi pata ki bhagwan ne mere ko itna sex kyu diya hai aap yakin nahi manoge meri body ka temp bhi hamesha garam hi milta hai.mai koi fake story nahi bana raha hu,story ki sachai par aane se pahle aapko mai apne bare mai thoda brief kar deta hu Mai 5’10” height,toosize 9 andhalf inch aur 4”mota hu,meri age 25.meri email id is ...

2 years ago
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This is Real

Melissa and I were seniors in high school. We had a history class together and she sat across and one chair up from me. She was incredibly beautiful and had the greatest looking legs. She knew it too and always wore short skirts. I was good at history and she was not, so she asked me if I would help her study for a test. I almost fell over myself agreeing to help her. We met in the library and I was all business. She tried to be serious at first, but I could tell she was not interested in...

3 years ago
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Twins and Mother and TeacherChapter 13

Anxiously, the Larsen twins looked at the clock. It was early morning--8:45 am to be exact, and according to their calculations their English teacher, Miss Appleton, should have experienced recurrent flashes of the formula they'd given her in a carefully dosed glazed apple. If all went well, Miss Appleton ought to be appearing for her class and then just after the class was over, the formula would reactivate within the pretty brunette's system. Tim and Bennie waited in the classroom. They...

2 years ago
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The Big Brother Hole Ch 05

The closing chapter, kinda long with but all the love-making that was missing in the last chapter… ***** I arrived at Stowmarket Police Station as the place was coming to life, and my concerns were soon put to rest. Why they couldn’t have done that in the corridor when her parents were watching I’ll never fucking know… They told me what had happened the previous day and where they were in the investigation. Thanks to the video on my phone and their own local knowledge, the police had been...

4 years ago
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Mutual Aid

Cindy Nichols dodged back into the stairwell. That was close! As she'd stepped out into the hotel hallway, she'd seen the shadow of someone approaching. She'd ducked back in time, though. It certainly wouldn't do to get caught by one the chaperones. If one of the coaches spotted her out of her room after curfew, they'd think she'd snuck off to see her boyfriend, Randy. The young quarterback's spunk, viscously sliding down the walls of her immature vagina and collecting in her dampening...

4 years ago
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Sexual Extortion 3 The Blackmail part 1 of 3

Landscaping and Cleaning crewing INc, I am the primary cleaning clerk of one of the industrial and business cleaning company. I started out as one of the company and very shortly after I franchise out on my own. Now on a daily, I get about 300 listing of different places to go and either landscape or cleaning. I have a buddy of mines Big D that takes care of the landscaping and I do the business cleaning. When it gets slow on one or the other we pair up. Is business so we try to cut everything...

3 years ago
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They Came For Your Anus Act I

In the town of Badonkadonk there lived a man called Chuck Johnson. Chuck was just an average guy. He was twenty one years old and still lived with his parents. He had an older brother, Lance, who’d recently come out as gay and he wasn’t sure how he felt about that. He also believed he lived in the most boring place on Earth. But Chuck and the rest of the inhabitants of Badonkadonk were about to become embroiled in one of the most amazing events in Earth history! But first our story starts with...

1 year ago
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Summer StormChapter 14

After twenty minutes in the truck, Jim got out to help us. I told them our decision. Jim nodded. He pitched in while Betty and Allen watched their children. I noticed that Jim worked with Sharon frequently in the hour plus that we needed to collect things to move them to our house. We collected food, clothing, and keepsakes that might suffer with cold weather. We did not take electronics or jewelry though the raiders had removed most that if the pieces were worth stealing. Once at home, I...

2 years ago
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Putting Mom to BedChapter 10

Now that Bill was involved, Michael kept his mother informed of the sex that was going on at the Collins residence. Ruth told Bill about Bob and Bill seemed to be okay with it. Michael told his mother that Penny told him Ruth has been over to Bob’s place a couple of times. Claire was surprised Bob had not mentioned his affair with Ruth to her but apparently Bob was not the kiss and tell kind of guy. The big news was that Bill decides a Sunday night orgy was just what the family needed. Ruth...

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Come sort my tap fuck my old pussy part 3

I had my tea rang Clair to tell her I would be there in a bit & to be ready for me, her words where I will be ready & the kettle will be on, So gets showered dress and sets of to Claire'sI gets there & lets myself in she comes out of the kitchen stand there looking at me with a smile on her face, I already for you, lifts up her skirt up there what do you think, She'd no knickers on her mot was looking at me saying come fuck me,Have we time for a cup of tea first, she walks in the...

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Sweet princess for Daddy

I hear the front door open and close. Instinctively my arms move behind my back, crossing just above my bottom and I look down. In mere moments I will feel the warmth of his touch on my smooth skin and my stomach clenches in excitement, juices pooling in my panties. The bedroom door opens and I wait. I hear him walk closer and soon his shoes are in my line of sight. His hand moves to my face and caresses my cheek pulling my chin up to meet his eyes. "You look beautiful princess. Did you miss...

2 years ago
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LowbornChapter 8

Mindblind stood staring at the wall, fist clenched tight around his sword hilt, and his vision red with rage. He tried to master his emotions, as he'd done all his life, but it was having no effect. After everything - even killing the last of the assassins - he was no closer to discovering who was really behind it all. Behind him, Indigo related what he'd learned from the women locked in the back of the establishment. The assassins had stormed their family farmstead, killing every male,...

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Erica Olafson Voyages of the Tigershark Vol 8Chapter 17 Just a stopedited version

We didn’t have to fight the Merrimac destroyer. The mercenaries immediately signaled surrender. They all were Union citizens, and according to Hans, checking the files. They did have a notice to appear issued, but were still citizens and not yet charged with anything. The ship was bristling with illegal mil-tech, but it was registered to Nick Harlequin and not to any of the surrendering mercenaries. They also reported the demise of Chucky Harlequin and wanted to know if there was any bounty...

3 years ago
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Fantasy Flight Book 1Chapter 6

Waking up in the morning was definitely the high point of this trip from hell. It took me a minute to realize that either this was the most vivid dream I was ever going to have or a fantasy come true. I had one hand resting on Jill's firm little ass as her pussy was starting to warm up and get slippery. My other hand was resting on Pam's tit idly playing with her nipple where she had snuggled up to me in my sleep. Now I had been lucky to have a threesome before and woke up pretty much...

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Nancy finds out

However, Nancy’s stay with us that summer was going to prove even more eventful than ever I could have imagined. Even after having been caught wearing her things by the neighbour’s son, Lesley, which led to a whole new dimension in our friendship, as you’ll know if you’ve read “Caught in the Act…”Once again I found myself alone in the house. Dad was at work and Mom had gone to her Bridge Club and wouldn’t be back for ages. As you’ll know if you’ve read “Caught in the Act…” Nancy was really hot...

2 years ago
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Hero Be Damned Ch 02

Chapter 2: No good deed goes unpunished… ——————- ‘Control well its slippin’ right through my hand, these days turned out nothin’ like I had planned…’ –PowderFinger, These Days. ——————- ‘You look lost boy.’ My feet shifted in their spot. I didn’t look up at the old voice speaking to me. ‘You have to have a destination, or somewhere to be, to be lost. I haven’t got either.’ ‘Fair point son. But you don’t look good. I’ve seen dogs diggin’ in the trash that looked better’n you my boy.’ I...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 156 Pursued

Why the heck is someone following me anyway? They have no way to prove I’m not me versus Mister Smith. Paula said there were plane receipts and traffic camera footage of us driving down here. We stopped right before the interstate to get gas. The car really didn’t need it, but no one else knew that. While I was there I made the motions of checking the oil and washer fluid. Surprisingly, I needed washer fluid. I risked getting a gallon with bug and tar remover instead of the regular blue...

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cheating at The conference

This happened when I was 26 years old. I am married. The only person I had ever had sex with was my husband. We were trying to have a baby so I had gone off the pill. I had to go out of town for a conference for my work. The conference was to start on Tuesday and finish on Thursday afternoon at 3pm. There were no flights until late Thursday so I scheduled a 1pm flight on Friday. That should get me home about 3:30.The conference finished on time and I went back to my room. There was nothing on...

3 years ago
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Taking That First Step A New Chapter Begins Part 2

September had arrived and Lance returned to high school for his final year. He still found himself attracted to and flirting with all the girls and not the guys. He surmised that it was only when he was dressed as Lana did his choices change. He couldn't see Cassandra during the week as he worked out after school and then went to his part-time job.He got home in time to join his family for dinner. Afterwards there was studying and homework that needed attending. They did, however, talk on the...

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Money Can buy Happiness Ch 22 24

Mi Cha came today to do Maria’s nails. She appeared at the door wearing a fairly plain, white dress which had a zipper running the length of the dress from her neck to the hem. She normally wore very colorful dresses with bold designs that you associate with Asian women. Maria brought Mi Cha into the house and gave her a hug. She looked at Mi Cha and said, “Are you going to get naked with me again?” Mi Cha looked down at the floor in embarrassment and nodded. Maria grabbed the zipper...

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My Hot Cousin Sister N Bhabhi

Hi All I am Rohan here 30 male Mumbai. I am 5.5″ avg. fair guy jovial fun loving I get along well with all my cousin n bhabhis etc this happened last December me sister stays out of Mumbai. She had come to Mumbai to visit her mother’s place hence I my cousin bhabhi and she had gone out for dinner as my brother was abroad for work bhabhi n sis wanted me to take them out for dinner as it was long time we didn’t meet up. We all planned to meet at night I picked them up n went to Hard Rock Cafe...

1 year ago
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The best sex I have ever had

When I first made love to my girlfriend we had been talking for the better half of a year. We both had had less than satisfying sexual encounters with other people. In fact, Before we met and became committed to each other, and had occasional encounters with other people,we both thought only about being together. It truly was love and pure lust at first sight. She had been telling me she was skilled orally but I have heard that before so i didnt pay that any mind. Anyway, We were suppose to...

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A Young Girls journey to womanhood Fourth and fi

A young girls journey to womanhoodFourth and final PartAlison came over to the bed, and kneeled across to where Illia and I were embracing. I was feeling her small hard nipples in my mouth and she was caressing and moulding my defined breast and nipples. They became sensitive as she stroked and then she pinched one as she had seen Alison do to me. It made me both wince and get very excited. How did this girl know just what I wanted?“Daniella, put her on her back now” came the controlling voice...

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Is Simp Asian a porn site aimed at dudes simping for Asian babes, or is the name just shorthand for a Simply Asian collection of hardcore pornography? Maybe those are just two sides to the same coin, though the site is new enough that my money is on the eager, timid, desperate dudes who’d do anything to earn a woman’s affection or even just a little bit of attention. Then again, maybe the “Simp” in this case applies to those Asian women; they are known around the world for their submissive...

Asian Porn Sites
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A secretary with the whole familyAll Parts

All PartsPart 1 - Part 4By Dina Petro (PART1)My name is Suzanne Known as Sue among my friends, I was in my late teens when this happened, a very good looking girl with sexy body of late teens, I was working part time job as a secretary for a private real estate office, My boss, John was married with two teen aged k**s, Deema and Damien who were only one Year apart, Deema is one year older than Damien.My boss was on a trip to his sister’s house along with his wife, he was supposed to spend only...

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My cousin and I

100% fiction! It was a saturday night and my cousin and i were on the phone flirting with a random guy. We had watched some hentai ( anime porn ) earlier and it didn't turn me on at all. I found it very disturbing, but i don't know if she liked it or not she claimed she didn't. But soon eventually before we knew it we were playing truth or dare. The guy over the phone wanted some action I guess. Before i knew somehow all the dare's were being all put on me he was telling my cousin to do all...

3 years ago
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Once Forbidden 1 Bloody Time

"Anyone home?" I asked as i entered the apartment that i shared with my best friend Tom. Yeah he's a guy but i'm a tomboy so it's cool. He always says i would be the perfect girlfriend and that we would be the perfect couple. Once out of curiosity I asked why and he said it was because we were the best of both worlds. We sometimes talk and share date horrors like that time i went on a blind date with strange requests (who had asked me to wear pigtails and clown makeup for our first...

4 years ago
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Reunion with my sister Lindsey 1 of 3

Please comment:Chapter 1My sister is two years older than I am and all of the way through high school she was it. She was the homecoming queen, football cheerleader and straight A student. You know her. She was the stereotypical blonde, 5'5" 125 pound knockout that had it all going on and all together.I was a bookworm that hung out in a chair in the front room where no one else hardly ever sat and was president of the chess club and member of the debate team. Mom used to run me out of the...

2 years ago
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Glory Holed

It was my third of fourth trip, when I caught movement out of the corner of my eye. I was about to cum. I looked over only to see a cock hanging out. I was already on the verge and blew my load in the paper towels I had handy. I quickly cleaned up and headed for the door, tossing my towels in the trash can. “Come on, bro,” a deep, masculine voice begged. “I’ve been watching you jerk off all week man, and its sooooo hot.” I ran out of the room and out of the store, thinking that this...

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Intense DP And Threesome Sex With Friend8217s Mom

Hi, this is cool guy. Please read my other stories here. A brief about me, I am 29 years old, an average-built guy from Chennai. This incident is about an encounter that I had with my friend’s mother. The friend here is a guy whom I had met online. His name was Dheeraj (name changed). He was from the same city and was a great incest fan. He was 19 years old and was doing his engineering at a private university. His mother, 45 years old, was a teacher and worked in a private school near to his...

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Showtime Sabotage

So this is something I've been working on over some time now, with friends or just on my own. Curiosity has made me edit them into this format to see if others have other ideas for the various situations. With that said let me give you the rundown. My character, Skylar Bloodrose, is a female anthropomorphic fennec fox with a twist. Her tail isn't the usual fox design, instead it's a fragmented collection of crystal like shards bound together by an otherworldly energy, defying physics yet moving...

3 years ago
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Sarah Carerra Chapter 13 Problems with Authority

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: December 21, 2009) Chapter 13 - Problems with Authority The next morning really had me in a depression. When I dressed in my boy clothes after being glammed up the night before, I immediately felt the disappointment that Emily and...

2 years ago
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A New Ball Game Chapter One

Chapter One - Some of us are different*******​We are not, never have been, your 'conventional' couple. Through our married life we have been different on so many levels and, do you know what, I don't care what other people think, I'm so happy with everything and content with how life has turned out.I married my wife relatively late in life. I was coming up to 40 years old, almost twice her age and up to the time we wed I had either lived at home with my parents or latterly in 'on-the-job'...

2 years ago
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WendyChapter 9

Bill and Theresa spent the rest of Monday and Tuesday happily and lovingly in each other's company. Bill rang his father on Monday evening to say he would not be in to work on Tuesday and that he would tell him all about things when he got back. He and Theresa were much too preoccupied in each other to discuss wedding dates, where they would live or any other such mundane things. Instead, their conversation roamed over all sorts of subjects as they got to know each other better and better...

4 years ago
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A Log Truck Driver In Outer SpaceChapter 2

Nearby, on the highest spot, were the remains of four large lightning-blasted trees. They lay in a more orderly arrangement than I'd have expected. One of the giants had been split and splintered remarkably but the other three looked almost as if they had been pushed over and together with a purpose in mind. This must be the safe area the greenie had mentioned but the dead trees weren't the result of natural lightning. They must be what passed for initial shelter for most new arrivals. Not...

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Its Lonely at the Top

Author's notes: This little ditty just popped into my head and my Muse refused to let me be still until I wrote it. So, 90 minutes later, the following emerged. The usual disclaimers apply, of course. This would probably be a PG story if there were PG ratings out there. It is a work of fiction; any similarity between anyone living, dead, or undead is wholly unintentional and anyone who thinks otherwise needs to seriously get a life. I'm dedicating this story to the...

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Three Can Keep a Secret if Two areLesbians

She was silent for a second; I had caught her off guard. But, I could hear the smile in her voice when she answered. “Of course, lover. What did you have in mind?” she queried. “I want you to help me rape your sister.” I said matter of factly “What?” she said confused “Rachel will give you pretty much whatever you want. What do you mean ‘rape’? “When she was seducing my boss today and I was watching, I started to get pissed and jealous. She never came on to me like that. Granted I...

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The German Couple

The German couple I mentioned in my first post were in their 60’s, they were heavily into BDSM with the woman being the submissive. The first time I heard about it, yes I did say heard, was when I was walking past their casita. I heard some very loud slapping. I stopped to listen. Later, when it was appropriate, I ask if all was okay with their casita. They said yes, and without any embarrassment, told me what they had been up to. A few days later they asked me if there was anywhere outdoors...

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Island Fever 2 Eternity Chapter 10

Introduction: A short epilogue to the Island Fever story where Jeremy and his collection of beautiful women begin to embark on the rest of their lives together. [[[-IF2E-10.TXT-]]] —————- Island Fever 2: Eternity Written by: JeremyDCP M/F, F/F and a whole lot more —————- Chapter 10: Sunset -*- Tuesday, July 29, 2014 -*- ** Oslo, Norway ** (Eight months after the previous chapter) Kristanna had tears in her eyes and she was sweating so much that her hair was literally plastered to her...

3 years ago
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Broken PromisesChapter 24

“So, your appointment is for Tuesday the day after tomorrow,” said Blake. “Yes, the 14th, with the ophthalmologist. I need to get it done. “And, Thanksgiving is in less than two weeks; and we have that guest list for the wedding to put together, oh, and about a hundred other things,” she said. The man smirked. “Wouldn’t it be something if we could get the other daddy to come to that happy event,” he said, kind of sourly. “Yes,” she said, “it would. Bea and I will check out the old...

2 years ago
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Daddys Little Office Slut

"Mr. Simpson, your daughter's here to see you.", announced Dave's secretary as she showed young Julie into her father's plush top-floor office. "Hi, honey! My, you do look pretty this morning," said Dave with a broad smile. He spoke in a fatherly voice for the benefit of his secretary, but the way his eyes travelled up and down over Julie's gorgeous young body was far from fatherly. The tight blouse she wore accentuated the youngster's tiny titties, and her form-hugging skirt was so...

1 year ago
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Seducing A Young Girl

Hi my name is Kiran (name changed) I am from Guntur, AP. This incident happened 3 years ago. Coming to the story, I used to live in a flat and there used to live a girl adjacent to us in our apartment. In my B.Tech 3rd year I got addicted smoking, I used to smoke on terrace of our apartment one day when I was smoking that girl saw me; her name is Sudha (changed) I’ll tell about figure later. Till den I didn’t talk to her but we used to gaze at each other. Den I went near her n requested her not...

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The Medicine Show

We all took part in the craft of candle making and made and sold some very beatiful candles. This was really our main money maker, outside of the hat for donations. A couple of the girls knew how to do latigo, the art of making neckties, neckalces, bracelets and more out of strips of leather. We rented sort of a loft apartment from an old gentleman who liked being around younger people and got a kick out of our patent medicine show. He let us have the loft for little more than the...

2 years ago
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The Hotel

I began dating this girl prior to graduation, she was a year younger than me in school but her parents let her do whatever she wanted.  She was about five-foot-two and one-hundred-and-thirty pounds and not a bit of fat on her.  She had tanned skin and sandy blonde hair, her legs were great but her ass was like two bubbles in her pants. She loved to screw and never worried about a thing when she wanted to. It didn't matter if someone was in the room or if we were in her mom's house.  For her...

3 years ago
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Magic Ink II the ChildrenChapter 22

Things were quiet for the next couple of days - at least in Statesboro. However, the FBPI carried out raids and attacks elsewhere in the country during this time on those less prepared than we had been. On Sunday we held a service in the Glen of the Eternal Flame. Dad and Uncle Will both spoke and led the service. Our Moms, Sisters, and Wives provided the hymns. There was a big cookout at the lake on Sunday afternoon that everyone attended. The printing plant was busy on Monday, usually...

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Music Love

[This is merely character development for what will progress into a romance story. If you’re looking for immediate sexual content, this is not the story for you.] As his fingers strummed the last chord of his encore, the uproar of females’ satisfied screams flooded Jake’s ears. The stage lights went off and he quickly grasped his amplifier chord with his sweaty fingers and pulled it out before walking offstage with his guitar. It had been a long and grueling set, but Jake was pleased with his...

2 years ago
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Susan Storm New Species

“Can you believe it everyone? To think we’ve never actually explored the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter FULLY until now.” Called out Reed to the others as he floated between a pair of rocks the size of beachballs in his space suit. The Fantastic Four had some time off, and Reed had decided out on a whim to explore the asteroid belt in their solar system to test for mineral deposits and any unique elements the stone ring cluster had to offer. “Joy…” huffed Johnny, his arms crossed behind...

1 year ago
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Gossip Girl Hell II

Gossip Girl Hell II After 8 long months of feminine captivity in the heart of Mexico I made my escape out of JLO's hideaway by breaking the code of the security device that had nestled around my neck. It took months of hard work but presistance paid off and I was able to crack the 5 digit code late one evening. It took me another week to plan out my escape by stealing a utility truck back to the Mexican border. Still dressed in one of my satin maid uniforms and spiked heels I laid...

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