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I wish I could think clearer than I do. I wish I could see things better than I do. Sometimes, when you can see everything, you miss the things that matter most.

My job? Seeing. And I see a lot. In fact, it wouldn’t be an understatement to say I see everything. Everything important, anyway. I stare down the screens packed into a small room, and make sure nothing bad happens. Security. Of course, nothing bad ever does happen, but maybe it’s because people know there are cameras, people know there’s a man like me watching these screens. Security theater, they call it. Look it up.

People feared me. Bad people feared me. I guess that made me a good man. But the most interesting thing to me, was knowing firsthand what could make a good man be so bad. Maybe being good was that one thing I couldn’t see in my infinite vision of the company I worked for. At some point, I even forgot what the company peddled. My work wasn’t directly tied in with what the company sold. And we were in a nice neighborhood - my work wasn’t even tied in with crime prevention anymore. Human beings are busy creatures - you need something to do, to stay busy. Otherwise, you just might go crazy.

That’s when people became my work. It started innocently enough - pattern recognition was the first step. The company boss would take his lunch earlier on Tuesdays. One man would go to the washroom without fail at 10:30 every day and stay there for about six minutes. Day in and day out, all I did was watch these cameras. My duties extended beyond that, theoretically, but never in reality. I was never called to patrol the roof, I was never called to talk to people. Do your job. Do your job. This was my job. Sitting, watching people.

People became videos, unfolded before me. Videos became stories. Stories became fantasies. Do your job. I began looking a little closer at the screens. They say the closer you look, the less you see. Soon, one by one, the other screens blurred out until I could only see one at a time. Ten became too many. Two became too many. Only one screen mattered, and that was the screen that had Clara on it.

Sweet Clara. Clara became an interest of mine. Interests became fascinations, fascinations became fantasies. Do your job. Had Clara and I ever met on the street or at the club before the day I found her, I don’t imagine she would have been my type, nor I hers. But we weren’t meeting in the club. We were meeting at the office, and she didn’t even know. How romantic. Her mannerisms stuck out for me first - they way she twirled her hair when she was bored, the way her shoulders would bounce when she giggled. She was so casual. She didn’t take work too seriously. And yet she wasn’t overly flirty, never making the office boys pant after her like a teasing user. It helped that most of the time I was getting a good look at something - her frame grew on me, as if getting to know her made her body more beautiful by itself. A nice shapely ass encouraged constantly by her choice of clothing, a bust that left nothing to be desired. But I was an overachiever - I desired nonetheless.

The real sell for me became the eyes. I couldn’t quite see them at first, but as soon as I knew Clara had caught my attention, I knew I had to see her eyes. And I had the perfect tools to do so. Enhance. Enhance. With a zoomed-in camera, her deep hazel eyes penetrated my soul for one fleeting moment when she turned around in her chair. There was a certain something to her look - a longing. A desire. A lust. I had picked my fascination well - Clara had the power to seduce with just her eyes. She was practically a gift - perhaps even a god-given reason for me to be here. I now had an excuse to come to work. Excuses became reasons, reasons became objectives, objectives became my focus.

Pattern recognition played in heavily here. I began to number the Claras that I saw. Clara #1 was the Clara I saw at work. But then there was Clara #2, The Clara who was just off work, exhilarated to get out of the chair, stretch, and leave her cubicle. For a while, the bouncing between Clara #1 and Clara #2 became my pastime, my favorite show. On a very special episode, I got to see Clara #3, the Clara that got angry when her computer started acting up. I almost got out of my chair in surprise, in response to seeing the new Clara. Clara was no longer a show, she was her own person with feelings and aspirations. Sonder, they call it. Look it up.

The more I saw Clara #3, the more I wanted her out of the way to make room for Clara #2, the happy Clara. I wanted to be the one there for Clara. But I wasn’t stupid, I was never stupid. I was invisible to Clara, all three of them. I was the eye in the sky, and Clara only looked towards her screen, just as I did. I needed to escape my position over Clara more than she needed to escape her position under me, trapped in a prison of security where I can see her but she can’t see me. Panopticon, they call it. Look it up. I needed to find a way to worm my way in, to become an active part of Clara’s life instead of a passive one, to become a player rather than a spectator. I was sick of cheering from the bleachers, I wanted to get on the field myself and show the crowd what I had in me.

I came equipped, of course. All of the equipment was there at my disposal. The cameras I controlled were there for me to use. Do your job. Enhance. Enhance. A business card on the desk. Clara Jackson. I had a full name. I also had Facebook, and knew exactly what to do. Enhance. Enhance. I smirked the first time I found her profile - Facebook’s security theater hadn’t won her over. Maybe I did a little research. Maybe everyone has done a little research before on Facebook in this way. But everyone stops after a bit because they feel guilty or awkward. After all, it’s only healthy. Besides, it was still an early point, and I was still running the Panopticon.

Not running it well enough. Audio. I needed audio. I made a phone call to my superiors, the first time I had done so in a while. Now, what happens when they say no? No becomes ‘it’s needed.’ ‘It’s needed’ becomes ‘yes.’ ‘Yes’ becomes ‘immediately.’

Suppose I take a night shift, and some people break in. These are bad people. Good people. Good at what they do. They just lost sight of what it means to be good. Or rather, lost hearing. They took out the cameras, yes, but as they stole some documents, they shouted a bunch, and that’s what alerted me to them. Suppose they only barely got away, and left nothing traceable. Suppose the audio could have been the only clue. That’s when no becomes yes. After all, these guys were good. Very good. They knew exactly how to hide themselves, maybe they worked in security before or something. The documents? Of little value, but it was a matter of principle. Besides, the documents weren’t hidden at this point, they were burned, but no one knew that, so they’d be chasing after nothing for a while. Tomorrow, the microphones would be installed.

A few days later, I find out Clara doesn’t care. She posts a lot of her feelings to her Facebook wall, and the new microphones weren’t mentioned. She’s still Clara #2 under that mask of Clara #1, and I haven’t seen Clara #3 in a while. But now, I’m not just seeing Clara, I’m hearing her. I’m getting the full three dimensions of Clara. Hearing becomes understanding, understanding becomes feeling, feeling becomes wanting. Do your job.

The air of desire exists in Clara’s voice as much as her eyes. To the untrained, her voice means nothing, but the highness of her voice is deliberate. Seductive, delicate, urging you to come closer. The way her breath shifts when she talks about something she likes, the way she holds on to her vowels just a tad too long, nothing escapes the Panopticon. There’s a note of lust to her voice, she invisibly begs for someone to come and take her in her high, teasing voice. The head register, they call it. Look it up.

From viewing her Facebook, I understand that Clara is single. From listening to her, I understand that she is wanting. And from watching her, I understand where she goes, day by day. Pattern recognition. I start alternating between looking into her interests online and rehearsing how I could play off of them if we did happen to randomly meet on the street. Then, one day, it happens. When Clara is out grabbing lunch at a place across the street, another man happens to be there at the same time.

This man happens to dress like Clara’s ex two relationships ago, the one she seemed to have a harder time getting over. But this man doesn’t dress exactly like him. Just enough to be unique. This man is also heavily into music, just like Clara. Clara needs only to look at the man, and undoubtedly likes what she sees so far. Enhance. Enhance. She starts going to the same place to get lunch, day after day, because Clara is very into visual cues. The man knows this, he picked up on this in his research. The adaptive unconscious, they call it. Look it up.

Suddenly, I see a lot more. The Panopticon became the Panopticon and the sandwich shop. The Panopticon and the sandwich shop became the Panopticon, the sandwich shop and choice encounters on the street. Never vocal encounters, no - it was too soon for that. Just enough times to see him where he ‘unknowingly’ becomes a part of her routine. Of course, he isn’t unknowing at all. Dramatic irony, they call it. Look it up.

Clara #2 becomes Clara #4, a Clara on the hunt. A Clara that gets emboldened by comfort. Now that she’s seen The Mystery Man on the street so much, she’s more okay with openly looking at him in the shop as he enjoys his sandwich and looks out the window. She doesn’t know he’s not looking out the window at all, but rather at her reflection to make sure she’s looking at him. The man is sporting a modest beard, just the sort of thing she likes, and is reading Kurt Vonnegut, just the author she enjoys. It seems too perfect, but she’s too shy to talk to him first. After all, when he breaks his gaze from the window and looks around the room, she returns to her sandwich.

So Clara thinks she’ll be clever. Clara #4 hatches a plan, a plan to bring a book by the same author and adopt a more relaxed pose as she enjoys her sandwich. The man will be caught completely off guard and want to talk to her. After all, he wasn’t expecting her to like Vonnegut too. Dramatic irony. The lust in her voice, the piercing effect of her eyes, it doubles when she becomes Clara #4. It only comes in small intervals - the breath she takes as she eats, the way her eyes dart from word to word, but it’s there. Enhance. Enhance. Clara #4 is showing herself off. She wants to be noticed.

Just like he rehearsed, the man notices the book and does a double-take. He then looks at Clara for just long enough for her to notice, but not long enough to be creepy, not like he’s stalking her or something. Human beings want to be noticed by those they notice, to be desired by those they desire. But never to they want it to not be mutual. If this man were to make it seem like he wanted her more than she wanted him, he’d be done for.

That’s why he only calmly walks over to her, like he rehearsed. That’s why he only makes a slight joke about her good taste. After all, Clara likes it when men appreciate her wit, and the man knows this. A joke became a back-and-forth, a back-and-forth became a conversation, and a conversation became a ‘may I sit with you?’ Clara is still Clara #4, but only until lunch time nears its end and Clara #4 becomes Clara #1. The man weighs his options and plays it safe, saying he liked chatting with her instead of outright asking when she’ll be there again. After all, the man knows she’ll be back again tomorrow anyway. Clara reverts to Clara #4 and asks if he’ll be having lunch here tomorrow. Dramatic irony. Satisfied with her answer, Clara leaves and the man waits just long enough to leave himself and go back to his job without Clara seeing where the man works.

I’m looking closer at this point, not caring how much less I see. Clara #1 is not fully back, and occasionally Clara #4 breaks through. I see everything. I hear everything. Clara gossips to a coworker, and tells her all about this nice guy she met at the sandwich shop. Sarah. Sarah is a bad person - she warns Clara about meeting strangers, and how he sounds a bit too perfect for her. Sarah is a total bitch who refuses to believe happy accidents can happen. Clara #4 can not be persuaded, but promises Sarah that she will be careful. The Mystery Man could be done for thanks to a bitch like Sarah.

I chose to do some research on Sarah too. Sarah appears to be such a good girl, knowing how much she needs security theater and never daring to be fun like Clara. Of course, Sarah isn’t too careful, and doesn’t read things like Facebook’s terms of service. These things weren’t designed for human beings to want to read them, they’re designed that way. It’s not too hard to imagine that if Sarah doesn’t read that, she doesn’t read up on a lot of the company policies either.

It took only a few hours of reading, a plan here and there, and a clever mind to plant some damnable evidence on Sarah. Sarah became Fired Sarah. Sarah now has a bad reputation around the office, and people know that anything Sarah said is not to be trusted. All the while, Clara #4 and The Mystery Man have met up at the sandwich shop once or twice. The Mystery Man seems a little down one day, and explains to Clara that a friend of his he knew for a bit was fired for doing bad things to the company. He talks about how he really trusted this friend, enough with his feelings, and shrugs, remarking that he doesn’t really know who to trust. Clara can completely empathize. Can becomes will, will becomes does. This man understands Clara. This man is sweet to Clara. Sarah wasn’t sweet to Clara, why should Clara listen to Sarah?

The Mystery Man seems made for Clara. Maybe that’s because almost everything he says is a cleverly disguised revision or twist on something that Clara has said online. Of course, this might raise a few flags with Clara, so The Mystery Man dislikes a choice few things Clara likes. A rehearsed few things, the types of things The Mystery Man knew Clara would find a cute challenge if he opposed her. The Mystery Man thinks Shakespeare is overrated and that Edison was a better man than Tesla, but Clara #4 just wants to hear him explain why. She likes the way he talks. The moment of truth happens, when Clara #4 asks The Mystery Man for his name. For the first time, he feels doubt in himself, fear. The Mystery Man understands why it’s called the ‘moment of truth’ as he gives her his real name, praying she doesn’t recognize it as the man who works security at her job. If he knows anything, he knows she’ll understand what that means. Clara #4 isn’t dumb. Neither is Clara #3, and he isn’t as interested in meeting her.

Luckily, Clara #4 never recognized the name, even after she added him on Facebook. It was a good thing The Mystery Man understood security theater, or she might have found out where he worked. And now, Clara #4 had opened herself up to online messaging, something that she really enjoyed. So much so that conversations with her could end around two in the morning. Luckily for The Mystery Man, it was all too easy to look like you had a sharp wit over the Internet. After all, one could fine-tune what they say to match what the other person wanted to hear. It’s not like The Mystery Man could do that in real life. Dramatic irony.

Soon, Clara was even messaging him at work. Of course, the Mystery Man could never see or hear how she responds to his messages, but his responses were so witty and perfect it was as if he could read her body language and listen for when she remarked out loud her feelings, something Clara had a tendency to do when she was impressed. He tells her what she wants to hear, and she falls for him like he wants her to. They arrange to meet for lunch, and continue the conversation there.

Strangers became friends, friends became close friends, close friends became casual daters, but I was still an overachiever. I was still thinking unclearly. I didn’t just want to talk and laugh with Clara, I wanted Clara.

Enhance. Enhance. The Mystery Man is looking her in the eye and has a slower, more meaningful tone to his voice when he meets her now. At first, she’s caught off guard, but as she gets used to it, she likes it. The advances continue, with the man controlling his voice like he rehearsed while sitting at his job, watching her. His voice lowers and he uses choice words that throw Clara off her game. He uses different motions with his hands, until his hand accidentally brushes hers. Seeing through the red-hot wave of lust he experiences, he continues the conversation as if nothing happened, noting the look in her eyes. He brushes her hand again, then a third time to be safe. Then he rests his finger on hers.

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A Quiet Evening

It’s a quiet evening at home – Jamie is doing something on his computer and I’ve been “playing a game” on mine. And oh, what a game it is, telling some stud half my age how much I want him to stroke his cock up and down between my boobs while I‘m sucking on the tip. By the time I’m done teasing him, he’s blown his load all over his monitor and I’m getting pretty heated up myself.I can see that Jamie is involved in whatever he’s doing and quietly get out of my chair and head down the hall. As...

Love Stories
4 years ago
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A Deals A Deal

She paced up and down enough that her silhouette was visible from outside her office. Nerves wracked her being as the moment of fulfilment was near.The promise.Yes, the promise she made to her subordinates a month prior. Sub-par performances for the quarter brought about the following explosion during a floor meeting to discuss such:“I am sick to death of these shitty stats every month. If they don’t improve soon, upper management is sacking EVERYONE on this team. You hear me? EVERYONE! You lot...

2 years ago
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Three Cs Cocksuckier and Bottom

During the Great Depression of the 1930s, the Roosevelt Administration created several make-work projects to put people to work. One such program that targeted young men, was the Civilian Conversation Corp or Three Cs.I was seventeen at the time and the youngest son of a family of seven girls and three boys. I was still living with my mom and three sisters. My father had been killed in an industrial explosion when I was six.My mom saw the Three Cs, as a means to get me out of the house and a...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Pool of the Undine

Stupid dumb cunt, Steven Benchley thought. Stupid blonde bimbo harlot from hell. He crushed the empty lager can, his sixth, and threw it out into the bracken. Now he was out of fooking beer as well. What a shite waste of a weekend this camping trip had been. He could have been watching the footie on the telly in the warm and the dry. Instead he'd thought it a good idea to bring Chelle out for the weekend. Have a bit of a frolic in the ferns and all that. Of course, being the British...

4 years ago
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Via Faenza

To the Reader – this isn’t going to go where you expect, but it is very real for me right now. Don’t expect anything from this, instead just read and follow where it takes you. Sometimes a frightening trip through the dark can lead you to beautiful places. ‘Via Faenza’ He said to himself as he walked down the dark and narrow street. ‘Fa-enza… what an exotic name.’ He mused. As he walked on the street angled slightly to the right. The sound of his worn old boots echoing off of the concrete...

4 years ago
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Matilda and the AssassinChapter 7

Matilda's elbow wobbled on the kitchen table as she cradled the side of her face in her upturned palm. She doodled on the side of a brown paper grocery bag, pausing momentarily to yawn. Her mouth froze in the open position when her sleepy eyes spotted a rare unused space. She moved the tip of the pencil to its center and made a circle -- and then kept making more circles, each larger than the previous. The front door swung open and Leon stormed into the apartment. Matilda jumped, almost...

3 years ago
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First Time Hotwife Fantasy

This story involves me, my wife and a friend we skype chat with in a group (Just us three) He sends my wife videos and messages. She send him photos)So me and Ashley were talking about her enjoying another cock and she liked your cumshot so much she agreed to meetshe liked that I got so hard thinking about her having some funShe chose you Raj, because she was so impressed by your cumshot in the shower.....The day came closer and Ashley wanted to check I was still happy for her to meet you. She...

1 year ago
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Hmong sisterinlaw

This story is 100% true of how I fucked my Hmong sister-in-law.So the story starts when my wife and I go and visits her older sister and brother-in-law. My wife's sister is 2 years older then her and a very beautiful women I would say. A lot of people would say that from behind my wife and her sister are the same person, beautiful body and fit. I am not going to lie I have always fantasizes about fucking her and how different she would be from my wife. It turns out that it finally happend on...

2 years ago
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Marys Plea

?Mary?s Plea? ?Mary?s Plea???????????? It was fairly early in the morning when Mary Brown?s mother, Sue, woke her up at around 7:00 AM. Mary didn?t like being woken up on Saturday mornings, but Mrs. Brown did not mind doing so. She stretched her arms and slowly climbed out of her soft bed and stood on her feet. She immediately went to the bathroom for her shower.??????????? Mary, who was only 14, was surprisingly weak for her age. She was only 4?10 and no more than 90lbs and wasn?t...

1 year ago
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Once Upon an AlienChapter 6 Snakes and Artifacts

There was no question in Cody's mind about 'fast and hard or slow and sane' in this instance. Based on what Cody had heard before the soldiers had been interrupted, this Captain didn't deserve the slow and sane route. That didn't mean Cody wouldn't use his extra sense to ensure the Captain was telling him the truth. The story the captain told was surprising as well as frightening, and he only tried to lie one time. When he lied, Cody immediately informed Maria of the lie and asked her...

4 years ago
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The Thorned Rose Ch01

Scar was an Elf. Not a unique trait, there was, after all, a race of the slender, pointy eared things, hiding in the woods in places far off and secluded, but Scar stood out among them as being different, a self-proclaimed outcast and wanderer. The Elves of the world were a reclusive sort, for most races and people seeing one was in itself a rarity and interacting with one was unheard of, save for the luckiest of trusted traders. Elves, when they travelled outside of their enclaves, went...

2 years ago
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girls fun for all 6

i rolled over on my stomach and raised up on my knee's to give them both access to my man pussy . my cock was straining against my lacy panties . i ordered the boys behind me and told them to give my pussy-ass a good licking , yet they were to ignore my cock for now. they got on there knee's behind me and slowly pulled my panties to the side revealing my pulsing hole . its pink and has small lips almost like a real pussy because of how many times the girls have had things stuffed up...

3 years ago
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The Fall GuyChapter 3

Unwelcome, Welcome Guests. Jenny didn't wake me in her usual fashion the following morning. I was suddenly aware of her shaking me. "John, wake up. You've got visitors," I heard her say through the fog in my brain. "Wow, I don't need any of that shit this morning," I said to her, when I noticed she had another glass of that concoction of hers in her hand. "Who's here anyway?" "The police! I think one of them is that inspector that Helen mentioned yesterday." "At this time of...

1 year ago
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Frills and Thrills Ch 02

The sun was beginning to set and cast bright brilliantly colored streaks of light through the front windows of Frills and Thrills. Carrie was behind the circular cash wrap desk which was situated fifteen feet back from the front door, giving everyone who worked there an instant view of whoever walked in. She idly stared out the windows at the infrequent people who walked by. The store had been closed for almost an hour but she had stayed behind to finish some paperwork and to take a few...

2 years ago
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Global Freeuse Laws

Well, recently the entire world started accepting the new law that changed the world completely. They call it the Forced Nudity/Free Use Act which was passed in 2050 by the US Government. The law promised a decline in the rate of daily sexual assault reported in the country, and to be honest the gamble paid well there was a dip of 70% in sexual assault cases by 2055. This entire new law was a risky situation for the US Government as they have to prove that their country was safe for a woman to...

2 years ago
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American PaganChapter 3 Ramifications

Lunch turned out to be take-out from the Chinese restaurant next door. Livia was famished. She wolfed down a quart of General Tso chicken by herself. Henry ate a little out of several boxes: sweet and sour chicken, broccoli and beef, and cashew shrimp. Melissa loved the egg rolls and crab Rangoon, eating only a little of the rest. All of the temple staff, except Livia, were out their temple clothes, and were wearing normal street clothes, tee shirt and jeans. In those clothes, they looked...

3 years ago
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My first sex experience

Hello friends! Main sanjeev hoon. Meri umar 26 hain. Main married hun. Main ludhiana ka rehne wala hoon. Meri hieght 5’6 hai aur mera rang savla hai.yah baat us samay ki hai jab mein 10th class ke exams ke baad free tha. Meri ek ba hai jo punjab mein hi rehti hai.jab mein pehli baar unke ghar milne gaya to meri bua ki beti mujhe station pe recieve karne ayi. Maine unko pehli baar dekha tha. Us time unki umar approx. 28 ki hogi. Lekin kisi karan se unki shadi nahi hui thi.unke boobs medium size...

2 years ago
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YumaChapter 10

WARNING: There is extreme violence in this chapter if you don’t like reading about scenes of this nature, please stop now ... and skip down to about half way of the chapter. The next morning, I helped Juan Carlos to the table, then went back to see if Luther wanted to try making it to the kitchen. “Les, I hate to lean on you like this, but if you’ll help me, I’d like to get out of bed and go in there to eat with the rest of you. I need to get on with my life and I can’t do it lying flat...

4 years ago
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After Jess

It was 3 weeks later that Tippi called. ‘Hi, it’s me, Tippi.’ I had not been expecting her to call. I’ve so often spoken words and then, as they left my mouth, wished I could have swallowed them back. I’d assume that was what she had done. Maybe she was ‘phoning to apologise. ‘Look, Tippi, I was being really stupid that night. Could we just forget it?’ ‘We can forget some of it, sure. I wondered if you’d come to a party at my place next weekend, Saturday – my best friend is 40 and we’re...

2 years ago
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The Educatiuonal Seminars

The Educational Seminars, Chapter 1By CurtB, Julie VanChapter One -The First TimeWe are an average couple, been married 'forever'; have 4 k**s; steady employment; good neighbours and all-round nice people to know (I'm guessing!). No one would have guessed that we might have a wild side and that once the bedroom door is closed my staid, prim and proper wife becomes quite a different person from the 'Soccer Mom' and perfect homemaker that the world outside sees.The point being that we both love...

1 year ago
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BrattyMILF Ashlyn Peaks Caught Stepmom Masturbating In My Bed

Ashlyn Peaks just cannot keep her hands off her huge jugs. This bigtit milf is really getting into it watching porn, which wouldn’t be such a big deal except she’s getting herself off in her stepson Charlie’s room. When Charlie comes in and finds Ashlyn diddling herself in his room, Ashlyn tries to turn the tables on Charlie by telling him that his dad warned her about his porn addiction. He needs a real woman. She goes on to tell Charlie that his dad isn’t satisfying...

1 year ago
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BadMilfs Sandy Love Malina Melendez I8217ll Teach You How To Pleasure Him

Malina tells her stepmom Sandy how grateful she is to have her as a stepmother because she’s been taking care of her and her dad really well. Malina then opens the fridge and finds a big, thick zucchini, so she starts sucking it as if it were a dick! Sandy sees this and tells her off, so Malina confesses that she’s very inexperienced when it comes to pleasuring men. Sandy takes this chance to undress her and teach her a few things with some spanking. Later, Malina’s new boyfriend Nicky pays...

2 years ago
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Finally Alone

Patrick and I continued to email and then text after our threesome. In fact, the next day when he realized I’d spent the night alone after the threesome he was pretty bummed he didn’t know because he said he would have loved to spend time with me alone. Within eight hours of our threesome we both began hatching plans to see each other again. We were in contact a lot the next few days and arranged to meet in under a week of our first meeting. I like a lot about Patrick. Besides the fact that he...

1 year ago
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My father in law

My name is Swati and after reading the story of another housewife I am encouraged to share my experience. I think almost 70% of housewives are unfaithful to their husbands on some pretext or the other and mostly thsese things happen during noon since that is the time when the boredom really sets i.Well I am tall and dark with a well shaped body, my breasts are slightly oversized after the birth of my son and actually I am dissatisfied because my hubby travells a lot and we stay in a small town...

2 years ago
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"Jeff, the phone's for you." "I'm not home, Dad." "Believe me, you're home." "OK.... Hello? ... Maria! I miss you. I'm so, so, so sorry! I don't ever want sex. I just want you." All Jeff hears is crying. "Oh Maria, thank you! Thank you, Lord!" "I'm sorry I ignored your calls, my best man. I can be hard-headed." "And I can be pushy. Can I come over now?" "Mama will leave soon. Can I come there?" "Sean, can Maria come over? ... He says...

4 years ago
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El of a ThingChapter 9

SATURDAY 9:30 A. M. Hall of Lord Kalish, Elfrealm Vankell As Lord Kalish sat listening to the report from the four scions of house Lentel, he pondered what he was hearing. Even taking what was presented with a grain of salt the size of his thumb, this was sounding like it would be the best 'Hunt' ever recorded. The abundance of 'Death Metal' would just enhance the danger factor and add spice. He began calling in the chosen among his Clan and then lesser lords among his...

4 years ago
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A New PastChapter 28 Intrigues and Intrusions

“I’m serious, Paul, go to work,” Jeryl said. “You’ve been wonderful and supportive, and loving, but you need to go back to work. Besides, it’s not like I lack for help or companionship.” I smiled and kissed her. “If you’re sure.” She smiled back. “I am, really.” We had been home from the hospital for almost three weeks. Jeryl’s mother had been with us the first two weeks. My mom had arrived just over a week ago. Anna had started the week we came home, and Alison was near, constantly...

1 year ago
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A Controlled Life Chapter 31

Chapter Thirty One Yvonne walked in to the room and slowly circled Tom checking out his appearance. She was glad to see that it was in fact a real uniform, and that except for Tom's masculine face and hairstyle, he did look like a real working maid. "Well, to be honest, I really didn't know what to expect," Yvonne said. "I certainly had my doubts that you would even show up today, let alone that you would actually come prepared to be a maid. But I am very glad that you did." Tom...

1 year ago
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Private Talia Mint Julia De Lucia Anal Threesome In The Kitchen

The sexy Talia Mint and Julia de Lucia have come to Private Specials, Anal Threesomes by Private to compete for a chef position at Nick Moreno’s restaurant, however these two are far better at fucking than they are cooking and they’ve come to to prove it! Watch Talia and Julia show off their real skills as they put the strawberries and cream aside and eat cock instead, warming up with a sloppy deepthroat blowjob before Julia offers up her ass for a quality anal fuck that leaves...


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