Crossed Lines free porn video

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Everything was perfect and exactly as the book had detailed, the chalked lines the definition of precision on the designated aspen wood floor, stones and gems of varying origin expertly carved with runes long extinct from the world placed around the central circle, candles dotting each of many points, the wax of the candles infused with his own blood, the fire burning with a slightly greenish tinge, a sign things were as they should be.

Now all he had to do to take his rightful place in the world was to chant the incantation, each syllable needing to be spoken at exact intervals, in the correct tones, volumes, lengths, the inflection without flaw. He had practised every aspect of this ritual for years since he had discovered the Old Book.

His time, however, was limited now, the candles would only burn for so long he knew, but his nerves were difficult to calm. Any error now would cost him dearly, at best his life, at worst his soul. He took another slow sip of water, letting the warm liquid relax his throat, he didn’t want to stammer on any of the following words.

He sat cross with legs crossed by the ancient diagram, placing the cup beside him and after one final deep breath, started to chant. He closed his eyes and let thought vacate his mind, the words so well rehearsed that they came as naturally as the act of breathing.

The candle flames flickered and blossomed, the green flames lengthening as they were drawn unnaturally down towards the edge of the circle, the flames flowing into the chalk lines, infusing them, the smell of scorched aspen filling the room as darkness closed in around it and him, the walls and ceiling falling away leaving only the teen and his diagram of sin in the shadowy mists.

The words, feeling so very wrong coming from human lips rolled out and were seemingly caught in the air, each spoken word fluttering around the room like an independent noise, bouncing back from the shadows becoming a cacophony of incomprehension that was mounting and building, no single noise dissipating to nothingness.

The last inhuman words fell from him and he sat silent, listening to his own voice flow through the room, building, growing, shaping, each word coming together in a single dark noise, the spoken word of power, silence descending, leaving the air thrumming with power.

Leo opened his eyes, he could see nothing beyond the circle, the chalk lines within glowing green, the candles burning black. He was in a place between worlds. A place where he could summon his fiend, bind them to him and pull them back into the real world where their powers would be beyond anything the world had endured in generations.

He had only to speak their name to call them to his circle. He took a deep breath.


A single point of red light appeared in the centre of the circle about a foot off the ground, growing, twisting, shifting, a being of pure dark essence being given form so that it may exist within his perceptions.

The light grew and screamed, fury lacing the increasing stream of noise, it began to take shape, forming into a humanoid being. Leo turned his gaze away from the grotesque twisting mass of flesh, waiting for the process to be complete.

The screaming subsided and, after a long moment, he turned his eyes back towards the circle, his breath catching in his throat as he saw her.

She sat with her legs tucked under her in the centre of the circle, human, save for her crimson red skin, short, curled black horns and her long tipped tail that flicked back and forth like an irate cats. She was perhaps a foot taller than Leo, her body lithe and attractive, the curve of her hips and swell of her breasts drawing his attention as she drew breath, existing as an entity perhaps for the first time ever.

She turned her eyes on him and he shivered, her gaze was steely, her iris a bright ruby red that held his gaze, her lips full and attractive, her black hair long and wild, like she had just awoken from a long-troubled slumber.

“Who…” she said, then paused, looking confused at the sound of her own voice for a moment before she focused on him again, her gaze drinking him in, his slender boyish body, his attractive youthful face, her expression darkening with desire, “Mmm… Who are you to summon me?”

Leo swallowed. “I will not give you my name, Demon, for I know there is power in that.” he tried to sound confident, to sound steady, but his voice was still youthful and light with a soft, kind tone.

She moved, twisting her body so that she was on all fours, crawling towards the edge of the innermost circle, prowling like a cat, lowering her head some as she looked up at him with lustful eyes, her position allowing Leo to see down the curve of her arched back to her the fullness of her bared rear, tail swinging, her soft breasts pressed into the wood beneath her.

“Well you already know my name, but call me Vas, please…” she spoke, her voice honied and inviting.

He swallowed some and didn’t respond.

She narrowed her eyes and leaned back some, her thighs pressed together as she looked about her, observing the candles with a curious gaze. “Ahh, I see… Once the candles have burned out I am bound to you, I must obey you, I will be your pet, yes?”

Leo took a deep breath and nodded, “Yes, I have but to wait now.”

She bit her lip in a sultry action, leaning up on her knees, her thighs still pressed together and sensuously trailed her fingertips up her own silky skin to weigh and squeeze her own full breasts invitingly, fingers tweaking her dark hardening nipples, “What will you do with me first? How would you have me pleasure you with this… Ah… Lewd body of mine?”

He blushed brightly, he hadn’t had a clue what manner of demon he would summon besides knowing it was a powerful one and he had not expected one so beautiful and enticing, his thoughts were quickly turning away from plans of grandeur to simple, more sinful desires.

“Will you put my lips to use? Or perhaps my ass?” she said, her voice teasing, “I could use my tail… I bet a human has never had that done to them before.”

She watched him intently, his expression becoming relaxed as he couldn’t help but fantasize about her promises.

His guard down, smirking, she leapt! Her body deceptively strong as she put all her force into hurtling herself forwards at him, pointed horns aimed at his chest, wanting to gore him.

He gasped and yelped in surprise as she suddenly sprang towards him, his legs uncrossing as all his muscled suddenly tensed, falling back in surprise and absolute fear.

She shrieked, her horns striking an invisible wall, the innermost circle of the diagram preventing her escape, she crumpled to the floor screaming out her fury and agony.

Leo panted hard, his body shaking, flooded with adrenaline, he had seen his death, her sharp talon-like claws, her teeth like razors, her horns bearing his death, he let out a brief little laugh, lying on his back, staring up into the extending shadows panting hard. Despite the lack of a physical barrier between them, he was safe from her, though that hadn’t lessened his terror in his moment of her attack, a spark of uncertainty driving him to that fear.

He sat up on his elbows and stared at her as she writhed on the floor, lying on her stomach, swearing and twisting as her body recovered from the damage her impact had inflicted on her, she stared at Leo with pure loathing and hatred, “When I get free from these binds, ooh the things I will do you!! You will experience an eternity of pain! I will-....” she hesitated, her voice falling flat, her gaze flickering from him to the floor for just a second.

She stared at him, her eyes wide, her heart hammering in her chest, a new sensation. Anxiety. Startled by her attack he had jumped, spilling a small vessel of water that had rested by his body. Even now a tiny trickle of the water was spreading across the floor towards a chalk line.

She controlled her rage and stood, parting her thighs and revealing what she had kept hidden pressed between them, her cock, thick and half hard it hung between her thighs, the tip the same darker crimson as her nipples, a heavy smooth sack with two massive orbs hanging below. She stepped towards the edge of the circle and placed her palms against it, she needed to divert his full attention.

“I’m sorry… I had to try.” she said, her voice oozing with faux sincerity.

He moved to sit back up, his blush spreading as she saw her demonic tool, his mind distracted from her sudden change in tune. “You…”

“Yes, I have one of these… But that doesn’t matter, does it? I can still serve you in other ways. I’ve never been fucked in the ass before…” She smiled, now seeming a little shy, turning to show him her back, looking over a shoulder at him, her tail moving out the way, hands reaching back to sink her own fingers into the soft plushness of her ass cheeks, parting them and leaning forward slightly, knees together to show him her precious virgin star nestled between her cheeks.

Though from this angle her massive pillar and huge nuts were on display, he couldn’t help but stare at the demoness’ plush ass. He glanced to the side, towards one of the candles, there were only minutes left before the binding was complete.

“You’re trying to deceive me again.” he said, suspicious.

“No, no, you don’t understand, I cannot escape the circle and in moments I will be your pet, I do not want you to fear or hate me, I will be stuck with you. But you cannot blame me for trying to escape?” she said, standing and turning, smiling hopefully as she leaned forward, pressing her breasts against the invisible wall of the circle, Leo watched as they were pressed tighter to her chest, squishing up. “Tell me, when the ritual is complete, what will our life together be like? Will you be kind to me?” she asked, pouting out her lower lip and looking worried.

“I… I will be kind to you. I will not make you suffer.” he said, swallowing a little as he drank in her display, despite the extra equipment she possessed, he knew once he controlled her he would never need to worry about it.

Vas felt the invisible barrier under her fingers and breasts flicker and she moved to stand straight again, trying to contain her joy as she glanced down, the trickle of water beginning to mingle with the chalk, “Would you ever… Pleasure me?” she asked, looking adorable and meek, as she tested the edge of the circle down by her feet, probing it with her tail.

Leo let out another short laugh, shaking his head and running his fingertips through his own dark hair, “No, no I’d never want to do that.”

Vas let out a soft little sigh of happiness and stepped out of the circle towards him, “Mm, whether you want to or not is immaterial.”

Leo gasped and scrambled backwards, his back pressing against the shadowed wall as he looked around, his eyes wide, his mind in a sudden state of animalistic terror, he saw the candles, still burning, their binding unfinished, then he saw the mark, the tiny trickle of water smudging the chalk line at a single point and he knew his mistake and his sealed fate.

Nevertheless, gasping and scrabbling to his feet he stood, spinning and teared at the wall of shadow where once his door had been, screaming, desperate, knowing his life was lost but something in him still striving to survive.

He felt her touch and tensed for the moment of death, her breasts against his back, her cock against his ass, her hands wrapping around his body to hold him, her tail snaking around his waist, he felt her lips brush against his ear, her hands working up under his shirt to caress his skin, “Tell me your name and I will let you live…” she whispered, her tongue flicking out across his ear as he hugged the wall.

“L-Leo…” he said in a soft quivering voice, his body weak and shaking.

“Good boy… My Leo…” she purred and he felt a bond between them, felt their souls intermingle and become one. He was bound to her as he had desired, but not how he had wanted.

She bit his ear causing him to gasp in pain and with little mercy in mind threw him to the ground, a drop of blood on her pointed teeth was swept up by her nimble tongue. She moaned in pleasure, looking at the boy laying on the floor, tasting his essence and feeling her wants and needs multiply for the experience. For the first time in the eternity of existence she had a real form and through a stroke of fate and luck, she had a toy to play with.

She advanced and he tried to scramble up and away, crying out, but he felt her weight settle on his back, her claws tearing and rending at his clothes, ripping them free to reveal the smooth slender body of her desires encased within.

She growled her lust and dragged her inhumanly long tongue across his neck, making him shiver as his feet helplessly kicked at the ground, her weight and strength pinning him effortlessly as her hands ripped away any protection between her and him.

He whined helplessly as he felt the heat of her cock rest against his ass, the demoness chuckling in his ear as she ground against him, her thick shaft sliding up and down between his invitingly soft cheeks, her weighty breasts and hard nipples grazing against the bare skin of his back, her arousal and intentions obvious.

“N-no!” he reached back with his hands, trying to push her off, trying to crawl free from her pin but her strength was by far greater than his.

She continued to tease him with her erotic movements, his hands pushing against her stomach and hips as he tried to push himself free, one hand now on the back of his neck holding him down, the other beside his face, propping herself up as she glanced down between their bodies, the two of them surrounded by the scraps of fabric, all that remained of his clothes.

“Oh Leo, you’re so cute when you wiggle… We’re going to have such a long time together.” she grinned, happily, as he struggled and writhed, letting him tire himself out as she continued to slide her hot shaft up and down between his cheeks, feeling her heavy nuts press into his small sack at the apex of each glide.

He opened his mouth to speak again but she forced two crimson fingers between his lips and into his mouth, “Shhh, you don't get to talk unless I want you to anymore.”

His struggles decreased, his body tiring and becoming weary of fighting as the inevitability of his situation set in.

She moved her hand from the back of his head, the fingers of her supporting hand mingling with his wet tongue between his lips as she moved her now spare hand to her own mouth, her long agile tongue working saliva into her own palm, reaching down and massaging the makeshift lube into her shaft, making it glisten.

“If you tense it’ll be more fun.” She advised helpfully, biting her sensual full lip as she gripped the base of her cock, guiding it towards his star and beginning to apply pressure.

He gasped and tensed against her, making the push far more difficult for him and much more fun for her, she grinned looking down at him as his struggling renewed, even more futile now than before as she made progress.

He grunted and groaned around her fingers, the thick spongy tip of her demonic cock pressing eagerly against his star, demanding access, he knew in his mind that there was no outcome where the inevitable didn’t occur and he realised fighting would only make it hurt more.

With his eyes squeezed shut he tried his best to relax, feeling his body give suddenly as the tip of her cock, assisted by her weight, pressed down into the tight ring of his ass, penetrating him and joining them in a wholly new way, he cried out in pain around her fingers and she moaned, giggling softly.

“Aww, Leo baby… I thought I told you to fight it? It’s tighter for me that way, you slut.” she grinned, her tail flicking back and forth, betraying her happiness as she felt true physical pleasure, experiencing it in the flesh, gleefully letting it addict her.

She released her hand from her cock now that it had found its spot and slid it under his writhing body, gripping his flat chest, his nipple caught between her fingers as she squeezed, trying to get him to fight again as she began to urge her hips down, conquering the squirming human inch by hot, wonderful inch.

He stretched out under her, arms reached out above him, clawing at the wood of the floor as the invasion dominated his mind and being, feeling impossibly filled and expanded by her crimson red cock, little lances of pain springing from his chest as she pinched and twisted his sensitive nipple.

She watched the agony and struggle on his face as he tried to control himself, stopping himself from panicking and tensing, giving himself up to save his pain. With that attitude, she thought, he would make an excellent pet, pleasuring her in the fear of pain.

She was, however, growing impatient at the speed at which he was taking her, she had gotten lucky and didn’t want to have to wait to reap the rewards eternity offered her. She leaned up, moving to straddle his thighs, her hands gripping both of his pale cheeks, preparing to take control.

He gasped and, with the weight released from his back started to push himself up, only to feel something long and slender wrap around his neck, squeezing and dragging him back down, his eyes bulging in surprise, lips parted as he struggled for air.

“Are you going to lie there and behave, bitch?” she growled, digging her talons into the flesh of his ass, almost breaking the skin as she choked him with her tail, “Tap out for yes…”

One of his hands instantly started tapping on the ground and she smirked, holding him there for a few long moments to ensure he had learned his lesson before releasing him, letting him gasp and draw in much-needed lungfuls of air.

She was so lucky, her fresh plaything was so hot, even as he recovered, her tail almost lovingly began caressing his cheek with its pointed tip as she looked down, focusing on her cock. The majority of her crimson length was still visible, lodged between his cheeks, only the plush tip and first couple of inches locked in the wonderful embrace of his virgin love hole.

She held out her long flexible tongue and let a few strands of saliva drip down onto her waiting, throbbing length, shoring up her position before she began her conquest anew, gripping his cheeks as she began to sink her length into him, his little, stretched star unwillingly swallowing inch after inch of meat.

She moaned loudly, no shame or reason to hold back as she tilted her head back, eyes closed as she experienced the full range of wonderful sensations, “Oh Leo, take my cock, take it like a good boy, oooh yeah…”

Grinning she jerked her hips forward, drawing out grunts and gasps from his mouth, his eyes still closed, as if trying to deny the reality that was his new life.

“Oooh fuck, Leo, please let me see those beautiful eyes of yours…” she purred, biting her full lip as she again looked down upon his body, his skin slick with beads of sweat, her hands gliding up to his lower back and waist, gripping him as she without pause or warning slammed her hips forward, burying the rest of her needy spear in his slick hole.

He gasped, arching his back up, his hands clawing at the floor as his eyes opened, wide and red, a couple of stray tears working down his cheeks as he yelped in surprise!

“There they are!” she teased with a giggle, gyrating her hips, stirring her cock in his depths as she pressed her huge nuts to his smaller sack, proudly displaying her superiority over him as he cried out, groaning with each subtle movement of the rigid tool impaling him.

“Now why don’t you sing for me while I have my fun?” she said, mirth in her voice as she slowly withdrew her cock, watching as her crimson log pulled back, only to slam it back forward, vanishing it in an instant and drawing a high pitched cry from him.

She settled into a rhythm, using her bodies limitless strength and power to set a grueling pace, hammering herself in and out of the boy, no care for his wellbeing, only for her pleasure, his body bouncing as she fucked him without mercy, their bodies clapping together, her sack slapping into his, his hole making wet slick noises as her cock filled him, his yelps and gasps making the music she so desperately wanted to hear, the sound of rutting, pure and demonic.

She mated his backdoor with vigour, her lips parted, her long tongue lolling as she panted, eyes half-lidded enjoying the twisted, strained expression on his beautiful face almost as much as she enjoyed the hot velvety walls engulfing her no longer virgin cock, the pleasures of sex infinitely greater than she had ever imagined.

“Ahhh… This is so fucking good, I’m going to shoot so much demon cum into your ass, make you a vessel for my seed, doesn’t that sound fun?” she grinned, looking at him with desire, lust and attraction, she loved him, she knew, the boy that had given her form, fulfilled her desires, gifted her everything she had ever wanted and more.

She leaned down, slipping both her arms under his chest and pulled him up off the floor, lifting him and hugging him to her chest, her breasts pressed into the back of his shoulders as she pulled him so they both kneeled, her thrusts working up into his body, his arms limp at his sides, his head lolling backwards to rest on her shoulder as she fucked his ass.

One of her hands reached up holding his throat, not squeezing or choking, just dominating, her talons at his throat, delicately tracing the sharp points across his vulnerable skin, her other hand making an upside down V over his cock and balls, holding his crotch without touching his cock. He was never going to touch hers when things went his way, so why should she now they had gone hers? With her grip on his crotch it allowed her better purchase to fuck her cock up into him, feeling her climax starting to approach.

She panted and moaned, tongue caressing and working over his neck and chin as she stared at his closed eyes, his parted lips.

She fed the tip of her tail into his mouth, filling it with her tail, feeling the warm pleasant sponginess of his tongue against her flesh, sending a shiver all the way from the tip of her tail to the nape of her neck, her balls tensing.

“Fuck yes Leo, oh fuck I love your ass!” She gasped throwing her own head back as she began to cum, her cock twitching and throbbing balls deep inside his asspussy as she came, her fresh hot demonic seed pouring into his most precious spot.

Leo opened his mouth to scream, the heat of her cum so intense it was only a few degrees below burning, pulsing into him with a power and intensity he hadn’t thought possible.

Vas, lost in her own pleasure didn’t want his sounds to interrupt her moment of joy and victory, as he parted his lips, inhaling to scream she pressed her tail down, feeding the fleshy length into his throat, depressing his tongue and stretching his lips around the girthier length of her tail.

She jerked her hips forward and back, his muffled lewd whimpers escaping around her tail as she moved her hand up from his crotch, caressing the alabaster flatness of his stomach, “A-ahh..” she moaned gently her fingers light on the skin feeling heat, as she came inside his body, “Fuck… I feel it… I feel the heat of my cum in your tummy…” she chewed her lip, feeling her cock throb and her balls drain, the pleasure immense and perfect.

She slowly withdrew her tail from his throat and mouth, her hands releasing him. With nothing holding him in place he slowly fell forward, limp, his body thudding heavily into the floor as her cock was pulled free from his ass.

She looked down at the glistening wetness of her still hard cock, watching as the last few drops of cum oozed from her dark tip. She reached down and caught them on her fingers, smirking as he half twisted his body to look back at her, his eyes red, half-lidded and exhausted, just relieved the ordeal was over.

She lifted her fingers to her mouth, her tongue, as long as her cock slinking out as she kept her eyes locked with his, licking her fingers clean, tasting and swallowing her own cum.

He swallowed too, exhausted and aching, his body sore, his limbs heavy and leaden.

She reached down and pressed her hand into his back above his heart, forcing him back down to press him into the floor with a whine of protest. With her seed inside of him he was subject to her will and magic.

He gasped, feeling a surge from deep within him, darkness filling his veins if only for a second. Blinking, he pushed himself to his knees, all pain was gone, any vestige of tiredness fled from his body. He felt refreshed, energetic even, he could feel his ass as it was, tight as if once more that of a virgin.

He looked at her, confused, but only for a moment. He felt a chill run through him. Her cock was still erect, her expression still hungry.

“Again…” Vas breathed, lustily, taking an eager step towards him.

He fell back onto his ass, the colour draining from his face as he looked up at her. This was his eternity.


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Part 24We took the elevator down to the parking garage and drove off in my pretty pink Rolls Royce.“Where are we going, Caroline?”We drove to the city where I knew there was this shop with all kinds of Victorian and l****a dresses.“First, we need to get your nails done, so we need to find a salon! I know there is one in the mall. So let’s start there!”He looked at me a bit frightened. “No...I can't! I'm in pantyhose and panties! I refuse!”I parked the car outside the mall and stepped out, but...

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Crossedressed In best friends mom clothes 23

Part 23It was a long flight back home and I was very glad to have a seat in first class. I walked through the tunnel and into the airport. I went to get my suitcase and walked through customs. Then check my passport.“Did you have a nice flight, miss?”“Yes. Pretty long though!”He looked at me and then my passport. “I bet! Well, you’re clear, miss. Have a nice day!”“Thanks. Ehmm. I’ve got my car stashed in a hangar. Can you maybe help me get to it?”“Sorry miss. But ask at the airport security...

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Crossedressed In best friends mom clothes 22

Part 22The taste of cum and her sweet saliva was so good. Feeling her soft tongue twirl around mine was just the best feeling. I was for real kissing the women I had a crush on for a while now. It was magical. Mmmm, I open the buttons on her beige silk shirt and pop one of her big breasts out of her black bra. We stopped kissing and we were both breathing heavily from the excitement."Wow,'re a really good kisser. Please untie me, sweety!"I got up and untied her hands and feet...

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Crossedressed In best friends mom clothes 21

Part 21My whole body felt warm inside when he talked that way about me. He knew that I had a tiny dick from the start, and I was treated like a princess. I totally blushed “Th...Thanks...Ehm!”Then the waiter came with some ice desert with some strawberries on the side.“Can I ask you something, Caroline?”“Sure!” I picked up a strawberry and put my dark red matt lips around one. Mmmm, they were juicy and full of flavour. It tasted so good; I closed my eyes as I took another bite.“God, you’re so...

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Crossedressed In best friends mom clothes 20

Part 20We stepped out of the car and inside. Such an old yet classy place. Noah came with the suitcase. Lauren was talking to the receptionist and was handed 2 keycards. She turned around and gave me one.“Here, Caroline. The room number is on the card. Do what you like. I need to go with Jonas and Noah to their tuning factory to check up on some things. It's very important that this racing deal goes smoothly. So don't wait up for me!”I nodded “Ok miss. What about your suitcase?”“Take it into...

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Crossedressed In best friends mom clothes 19

Part 19I woke up rested and feeling great. I went to bed late and woke up around 16:00. Luckily for me it was Saturday. I have just been in the shower, and cleaned my pussy good from Jan’s cum. As I was done with that, I turned on the TV and made myself a cup of coffee and saw my phone had received a text message.Afternoon Caroline. Put on some burgundy red nail polish. And do your makeup in the same colour theme. And put on some white opaque pantyhose.I went to the bathroom and took my...

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Crossedressed In best friends mom clothes 18

Part 18As I walked out of her office, I found my way to the elevator and went down again. I left the building and thought about her gorgeous nylon feet that I’d just massaged. I smelled my fingers and crossed the road to my parked light pink ‘Royce’ outside the cafe. I was so freaking horny thinking about her pretty nylon toes. I saw a girl with her friend taking pictures of my car. I unlocked the car and was about to get in, but then I thought ‘I’ve got black tinted windows all over’, only the...

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Crossedressed In best friends mom clothes 17

Part 17Well a text was showing on my TV again...That was fun to watch. Seeing Jan cum in his pants was kind of a surprise to me. He ran out like a little boy. I know how much he loves those pantyhose of yours. He was in your apartment while you were taking your driving licence.“What...? What do you mean?”Look at this.A video clip was showing onscreen. Watching Jan enter my apartment. There were multiple camera angles following him across the living room and straight into my bedroom. I saw him...

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Crossedressed In best friends mom clothes 16

Part 16He turned around and saw me sitting there on the bench with my champagne. He got a beer from the fridge and sat back down on the chair. He opened the beer and it foamed over. He drank from it and looked happy. “So I’m gonna tell you, was fun playing along, but did you really think you were the dominant type? Inside, I was laughing of that foolish attempt. How pathetic! I feel so tipsy about now, and you teasing me all night, made me so fucking horny. I think I’m gonna take...

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Crossedressed In best friends mom clothes 15

Part 15Oh god, this could not be happening!“Mmmm...aren't you a cute little girl?” She got a tight grip in my light pink hair, and pulled my head back. “I see why my useless thing of man wants to fuck you! Harrold, you need to pleasure this girl. Or can you not even do that right?” She looked at Luis, just laying there in the middle of it all, with his big black cock out, but she didn't care. “Does it feel good while my husband is fucking your tight little pussy?”Harrold got turned on, and...

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Crossedressed In best friends mom clothes 14

Part 14“Candy it is!”We had been driving for around 2 hours, mostly on the highway.“I'm getting hungry. Let's take a break!”“Yeah, I could really use a coffee too!” I said.“Good! Let’s hold at the next gas station!”After 10 minutes of driving, we turned off to the gas station and found a place to park. He quickly jumped out and got my heels for me, and opened the door for me again.“I got you, Candy! You just sit there with your feet turned to me!”I turned around on the seat. The car was pretty...

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"Are you sure you're okay with this, Mickey," said Rona. She was watching my eyes very carefully. "I mean if . . ." "I think so," I said. "But, I'm still concerned about it affecting our marriage." "Baby, that is the one thing that you do not have to worry about at all. If anything it will add sugar and spice to it, not the other way 'round," she said. **** For the record, I'm Mickey Iverson. I work for Stanley Construction. I'm a site foreman. The work is hard some days, but the pay is...

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Andi Carson was very upset, her crush Dean, thought she was a boy, and he was on a date with a girl she really hated, Ferin. Additionally, her father wouldn't let her race any more, and instead had a French asshole do the racing. The only thing that kept Andi from going crazy lately, was the fact that since her twin brother Andrew had broken his leg, he needed help getting around a lot, and even doing simple things like getting into the shower. While he always wore a towel, Andrea still got...

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"Are you sure you're okay with this, Mickey," said Rona. She was watching my eyes very carefully. "I mean if..." "I think so," I said. "But, I'm still concerned about it affecting our marriage." "Baby, that is the one thing that you do not have to worry about at all. If anything it will add sugar and spice to it, not the other way 'round," she said. For the record, I'm Mickey Iverson. I work for Stanley Construction. I'm a site foreman. The work is hard some days, but the...

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Coloring Outside the Lines

When Michael Hammond woke up that morning, he did not expect the day to be any different from the same old grind, outside of the Field Trip he had planned with his Sophomores to the Museum of Nature and Science. The last thing he expected was to meet the future Mrs. Hammond, the love of his life, but that he did. He was caught off guard. Mr. H left his class with the parent volunteers in the lobby so he could check in at the front desk of the Museum. Every year he brought his students from...

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Alice Airlines

Alice AirlinesBy Alice Parker   ??? "Hello?!?"? The irritation in my voice was so obvious, I may as well have answered 'Piss-off!'? Why does it seem the phone always wants to ring while I am in the middle of writing?? I have got to remember to turn that bastard off BEFORE I sit down to write.  ??? "Hi Baby!? How's my favorite daughter today?"?  ??? Better still, it is my mother with the same tired-assed joke she has been using for years.? I didn't feel like playing along so rather than...

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Teresas Lines

She wasn't the prettiest girl, but she was pretty, and she was a bit of an outcast. She stood at 5'9" tall and weighed roughly 200 pounds. She was chunky but you couldn't tell from just her face. Her jawline was impeccable and her cheekbones carved by angels. Her aquamarine blue eyes changed from blue to gray to green-mostly staying at blue. Her neck was sexy and slender, her shoulders were boney. Her breasts were unusually small for a chunky girl, size 36B. Her breasts protruded out...

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The Wilmington Womans ClubChapter 17 Val Joe Do Some Lines

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Andersonville 6 Friendship Lines

Andersonville 6 - Friendship Lines by Kelly Davidson This story is dedicated to my TS brothers and sisters, who have the guts to stand up to the world and say, "I'm not going to live a lie anymore." Fade in... I saw them come out of the courthouse from across the street. There were four of them; all men dressed in business suits. Every day, just a few minutes after 6pm, they left the courthouse to go home. Three of them proceeded to their cars but the fourth man, maybe 21...

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Blurring The Lines

Blurring The LInes! My husband and I moved to Montreal from California, and well, it’s been a bit of a shock for both of us, as the weather has gone from delightfully wonderful in November in San Luis Obispo, to horrifyingly cold in Montreal in December! However, we coped with the tough winter and have adapted as best as we can. We’re both pretty open and inviting people so making some new friends has been easy. My husband found plenty of guys who enjoy hockey here. However, his best friend...

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Behind Enemy Lines

Some of you may recognize this story from another site, but for those who haven’t read it, I hope you like it.   BJ Behind Enemy Lines Chapter 1 The night sky was filled with acrid smoke and the smell of burning fuel as Lieutenant John Massey’s silk parachute brought him closer to the dark and unknown ground below. It had all happened so fast. One minute they were on course with the other bombers, making preparations for the final approach to their designated target coordinates, the next...

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Blurring The Lines

Blurring The LInes! My husband and I moved to Montreal from California, and well, it's been a bit of a shock for both of us, as the weather has gone from delightfully wonderful in November in San Luis Obispo, to horrifyingly cold in Montreal in December! However, we coped with the tough winter and have adapted as best as we can. We're both pretty open and inviting people so making some new friends has been easy. My husband found plenty of guys who enjoy hockey here. However, his best friend...

Group Sex
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Retribution From the Sidelines

Retribution: From the Sidelines By Bill Hart She was simply ecstatic. How long had it been since his latent power had first called to her? From that moment forward, she had coveted him for her growing group. Now she had him. And he'd even come to her appropriately packaged. It had all been far easier than she had ever imagined it would be. Even though her old adversary had easily been the more powerful, he'd still been a fool. He'd always been a total fool. It certainly wasn't...

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Crossing One of Lifes Thin Lines

After the beating that Ray took, and his resulting hospital stay, my father and I got back to what was normal for us. That is to say that I was no longer staying away from him and we would talk frequently like we had in the past. I found out in a convoluted way that he was having some money problems. My cousin, Billy called me and asked to borrow a thousand dollars. I told him that I could do it, lend him the money, but I wondered whether he wasn't getting into trouble of some kind if he...

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New Girl in School Part 4Slumber Party Silliness

New Girl in School 4-Slumber Party Silliness Ah yes the slumber party-a pinnacle of social interaction and mingling for females under the age of 18. Girls get together at another's house, usually with parental supervision but sometimes not, and just mingle. Oh they might watch a movie, eat some pizza or other takeout, but mostly its the place where gossip and rumors abound, and girls let their hair down in a manner of speaking. Well as part of her 18th birthday celebrations, Chloe...

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British Airlines

Hi Readers,Recently, I took a trip to India for my companyrecruiting. I left Portland and arrived at UK in theearly morning. My friend Susie came to pick me up. Wehad a girl’s day out fun in London and I boarded theBritish Airlines Flight the next day. I found my seatand I put away my carry on bag and sat down with mylaptop. I sat waiting for the rest of the passengersto board. The airline hostess Jennifer was lookingvery hot, in her blue suit and her attractive longlegs. I was eyeing her the...

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Allure Airlines

Senator Rachel Feldman watched as a nude flight attendant strutted past her. Her eyes lingered on the contours of the woman’s ass, the way her buttocks ballooned out of her G-string thong. The flight attendant’s naked back was a ribbon of silk, left bare by her blonde hair which was twisted in a bun. Except for a white scarf around her neck, there was nothing to hide her perfect C-cup breasts. Oh, those pink nipples, those tender, warm bosoms. Rachel smiled to herself as she remembered the feel...

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Crossed The Limitation

Hi guys i am raj from dehradun . I am 22 years old .I am a 6′ tall punjabi boy with athletic body.I have a tool witch can please anyone’s cunt.I ama big fan of iss and reading stories on it since 4 years.This is my first story i hope you will like this story. The heroin of the story is my best friend lets call her “s”. We are best friend from our childhood and we share a good bonding share each and every thing with each other . She is 21 year old hot chick infect a sex bold she is fair and 5’8″...

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Dont mess with timelines

"It works!" Dr. Schultz yelled in excitement. "Can you believe it Barbie!" Dr. Gwen gave her coworker an icy stare. "I told you not to call me that," she said eyeing the system. Dr. Schultz rolled his eyes. "Yes yes, my apologies," he said waving a hand at Dr. Gwen. "But you can understand my slip up, it's not every day one develop a literal time machine!" "One?" Dr. Gwen asked, her nose twitching in anger. "What is her problem?" Dr. Schultz thought irritably as he looked at...

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The Rogues Harem Book 2 Rogues Wicked HaremChapter 44 Bloodlines

Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this! Aingeal My wings fluttered fast as I hovered at the brothel window, a big grin on my lips. While my family searched through the library, which was utterly booooring, I had to find my own ways to amuse myself. Lucky for me, we were in the City of Az, the largest city in the world. Or, at least, the largest city in Zeutch. It was full of mortals to play pranks on. I was having so much fun. I made frogs rain on frolicking maidens during a...

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AshesChapter 5 Bloodlines

"Aromir, son of Kandir, son of Setham, I am Ac'el Terras. A millennium ago Izodir's father, Craftsmaster, found that if he combined copper, silver, nickel and tin, at various amounts and pressures that he could make different metals. He made the best weapons, armors, chests, and so on, because he knew which formula to use. He shared his art with no one, and soon became the head of his order. During his reign, he was presented with many gifts and queries in the field of metal, and the most...

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The Consequence of Loneliness

Alice didn't think she was unattractive, she tried to keep herself well groomed, after all she spend dollars getting her hair cut and permed and was a frequent browser in the women's clothing stores, but on the home front it was a mine field of hostility and she wondered why; she didn't know her husband loathed her. For decades the home front had followed a line of 'toleration' it was as if two people were travelling in the same direction but on different tracks. There was no doubt her...

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Rachel Intersecting Lines

Authors Note: I love this character. I love how she came to life for me (though that story is going to get rewritten to make it better (Rachel - Crossing the Line)). What's different about this story is not only do I play the story through Rachel's eyes, but also through another character. Hope you enjoy... Thanks for reading and all the feedback given in the past. Sorry it's been so long since my last release... Rachel July 8th, 2:39 AM "Yeah..." I muttered into the phone while...

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Reminiscence Entwining part 2 Storylines

Reminiscence – Entwining ‘You know how I feel about this, you know what I’d like to give you.’ She told him, ever so slowly. Achingly, they had been lying in bed for two hours after they had awoken, just content to talk. The conversation had drifted however, to a more…. Taboo subject. ‘I know how you feel…’ he trailed off, kissing her neck, his arms wrapped around her waist. They were laying on their sides, her backs to him. She wasn’t being cold, she was on the verge of breaking. ‘I’ve been...

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Reminiscence Entwining part 2 Storylines

Reminiscence - Entwining ‘You know how I feel about this, you know what I’d like to give you.’ She told him, ever so slowly. Achingly, they had been lying in bed for two hours after they had awoken, just content to talk. The conversation had drifted however, to a more…. Taboo subject. ‘I know how you feel…’ he trailed off, kissing her neck, his arms wrapped around her waist. They were laying on their sides, her backs to him. She wasn’t being cold, she was on the verge of breaking. ‘I’ve been...

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No More Blurred Lines

The black line sits there blinking at me as if willing me to finally put words to the rest of the chapter that has been plaguing me for days. My deadline has passed and still nothing comes to mind. Should I make the main female character give in to her beloved's wishes or remain the precious trophy of his twin brother? This decision should be easy for me to make since the two main characters are completely in love with each other, but have to hide it from everyone. Yet, everyone knew from the...

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A Tale of Two SidneysChapter 2 Crossing the Lines

Melissa hadn't made the dress for the interview and it was quite inappropriate. The stretchy and difficult to sew high tech material was too tight, too short, and too off the shoulder to be considered acceptable business attire. When she looked at herself in the full length mirror she got a rush. She looked irresistible—even to herself. The small handbag she picked up from the hall table near the door to her apartment was another of her own creations. The aqua swirled together with pink and...

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Hard Times OklahomaChapter 18 Battle Lines

Two weeks after the meeting at the Baptist Church, Judge Mack and Harley Duran walked briskly up the sidewalk in front of Banker Teel's house. Harley rapped hard on the door. A young woman in a black maid's uniform answered the door. "Yes?" "I'm Harley Duran, the chief of police, and this is Judge Mack. We want to see Mister Teel on official business." "I'll see if he is in. Wait here." She began to close the door. Harley knocked it open and walked through. "Enough of this bull...

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Between The Lines

The email came out of the blue. We hadn't spoken or sent messages or emailed or acknowledged each other's existence in over fifteen years. My ex had obviously thought there was a need to let me know she had been diagnosed with the big ‘C’.I guess I felt sorry for her and so I responded. We entered, into what turned out to be, a fun and exciting email exchange in which I told her I was happily married and she told me all about her evenings at a certain pub where she still met locals for sex. ...

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Severed Lines

I have a problem with the office girl. She a bit rude and dismissive. I have been in heated disagreements with her on several occasions. Lisa is her name. I really don’t like her at all. I feel like she thinks of herself better that me. I knew with this one I would never smile for this would inevitably provide her with the knowledge that I liked her sexiness as did many other boys. I would not have that. I am a bit disgusted I find myself slightly aroused by her. Her black...

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No More Blurred Lines

The black line sits there blinking at me as if willing me to finally put words to the rest of the chapter that has been plaguing me for days. My deadline has passed and still nothing comes to mind. Should I make the main female character give in to her beloved’s wishes or remain the precious trophy of his twin brother? This decision should be easy for me to make since the two main characters are completely in love with each other, but have to hide it from everyone. Yet, everyone knew from the...

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Blurry Lines

It started out innocently, she was a student, I was her teacher. Little did I know then that the teacher/student line was going to be blurry in a few short years. I first saw Lexy during my first year as a teacher, she was 15 and I was let’s say a few years older. As the year progressed I saw the leadership in her start to grow. She took charge and led the way, in more ways than one. At first it was just a quick glance, a sparkle in her green eyes, then it was the way she dressed. Not in that...


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