New Girl In School Part 4-Slumber Party Silliness free porn video

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New Girl in School 4-Slumber Party Silliness Ah yes the slumber party-a pinnacle of social interaction and mingling for females under the age of 18. Girls get together at another's house, usually with parental supervision but sometimes not, and just mingle. Oh they might watch a movie, eat some pizza or other takeout, but mostly its the place where gossip and rumors abound, and girls let their hair down in a manner of speaking. Well as part of her 18th birthday celebrations, Chloe got an invite from Renee Masters of all people for a slumber party on the Saturday after her birthday happened to fall during the week. It must be a social courtesy matter to Renee, Chloe figured. She had gotten some nice words from teachers and classmates, even got a nice but simple bouquet of flowers from Joey during lunch that day, oh how sweet of him she remembered wistfully. But she was concerned about this invitation but decided to accept lest she fall under suspicion of Renee. Besides, she had her two besties Claire and Miranda coming with her, so it will be not so bad. "Hi there Chloe dear, I'm here to pick you up," Claire stated as she got to her house. She nabbed a ride from Claire as she knew the location of Renee's house. Claire decked out in plain white shirt and a blue denim jacket with flowery pajamas as she didn't feel the need to overdo it for just a slumber party, belied her casual elegance. She pulled up in the driveway for Chloe's house to pick her up. Chloe herself had on a rather suitable girly pajama set on-a pink sleep shirt with blue royal sweatpants adorned with fleur de lis on them. She brought a single pack with a change of clothes for tomorrow along her 'toileteries.' Inside Chloe was a nervous wreck a bit, but figured it would be best not to worry about it and just enjoy herself. The two reached the practical mansion house of Renee Masters-a large brick house with white roof and on a large piece of acreage. Chloe knew that Renee's mother was a wealthy heiress but died young well before Renee grew up. Her father was a member of the local town council. Aha, Chloe realized, that explains why she is so haughty and a bit full of herself. Chloe and Claire got to the front door, where Miranda was waiting on them-she lived not too far away and so walked over. Miranda, in contrast, wore a rather bold choice of sleepwear-an overall black shirt with some pink trim, pink wristbands, a scrunchie making a small side-tail in her short pink hair but her shirt is a bit loose, drooping down to reveal her velvet bra encasing her modest bosom. Miranda was a star of the cross country team, leading the county in fastest time record for a 5k since her freshman year. This led to her having a lean but fit female body which to be fair wasn't bad on the eyes. Chloe held an admiration for Miranda as she is never afraid to speak her own mind or stand up to those who wronged others or her friends. "Hiya, girls, what's shaking?" Miranda spoke out boldly, waving a hand out to her friends while flashing a playful, toothy grin. "Oh hello there Miranda, not much ready to enjoy this wonderful slumber party," Claire replied in her usual demure but sarcastic fashion. Chloe couldn't help but giggle at that, her friends don't care much for being here either. The trio then knocked on the door, and heard the soft click-clack of likely expensive heels. Renee answered the door, clad in a rather sexy pale green negligee (accentuating her exquisitive figure and revealing darker color undergarments), expensive red high heels with a quite smug look on her face. Oh great the queen bitch is in full glory, Chloe thought even though she felt a slight tinge in her groin at the sight of Renee's body. Hey down boy Chloe uttered to herself and smiled back towards Renee. "Oh greetings, Renee-my what a lovely house!" Chloe exclaimed as she took in the view of Renee's elegant interior of the mansion. "Oh why thank you dear, Daddy makes it all nice and tidy, getting the best cleaners in the county," Renee replied back with a noblewoman's laugh. But then Chloe noticed someone standing right behind Renee-a younger girl, likely 13-14, wearing a cute sky blue nightie outfit with some simple blue matching slippers. She had shoulder length brunette hair with a cute light pink hair bow, a cute girly face with piercing hazel eyes, glancing reluctantly at the other girls while clinging herself tightly to Renee. "Yeah now-oh this is Brianna Nolan, freshman year and recent addition to the cheerleading squad-she might be shy now but trust me in time I'll have her molded into a wonderful cheerleader," Renee stated empathically, before pushing Brianna forward. "Uhh, hi there." Brianna waved timidly then scurried back to Renee's side. "Heheh, anyway let's get your stuff over to the living room so we can settle down for the night," Renee told them as they made their way there. They set themselves up in the living, a rather large room with 3 lounge sofas laid around a semi-circle facing towards a TV with a state of the art media system (Blu-ray player, DVR, surround sound, etc.) which impressed Chloe and the other girls a lot. They got out sleeping bags and/or blankets, while Renee went over to the kitchen to bring out some snacks and drinks. Once those were in the room, the girls engaged in some snacking and girl talk-boys, fashion, that sort of topics. During one part of the conversation they talk about their respective relationships: R- "So, Chloe, how is the thing with Joey Palmer?" Ch- "Uhh you know, we have gone on a few dates...," blushing fiercely R- "heheh, well good luck with him, glad you got your own man." Cl- "What you think you own Mickey, the dolt star of the football team?" R- "Hey bitch, I am the queen I do what I want! What about you?" Cl- "Well I happen to be dating a guy in medical school, if you wish to know" All others- "Wait, seriously?" all in shock and surprise Cl- "Oh I am serious," as she got out her phone to show the posse M- "Damn, girl, he's quite the catch-handsome hunk yum," licking her lips deliciously R- "Oh my, he's truly good looking I'll give you that, but I bet it won't last long," with a harumph Cl- "Well we have been dating for over a year," with a cocky grin to Renee R- "Hey my love for Mickey is real," glaring daggers at Claire Cl-" Heh at least until he gets sidelined," retorts in kind B- "Now now settle down please," meekly in an attempt to quell the argument M- "Hey no need to fight, this is for Chloe's sake after all," grinning, turning towards Chloe Things settled down after that. The girls then watched a movie, some sentimental chick flick that came out a few months prior. By the end, most of them were in tears and Renee handed out some tissue boxes so as to not ruin her good sofa cushions. Then they go for another round of some food and drinks, by this point its nearly midnight. Chloe politely asked for the bathroom and Renee pointed out that its just the down the hallway. She walked briskly there, needing to go and relieve her bladder fast. Though, she noticed a flashing light from outside the living room in the darkness of the backyard, but eh probably nothing. Chloe entered the bathroom and for a moment thought to lock the door but decided not to do so. Oh man, need to relieve myself, she thought as she got to the toilet. Chloe looked left and right, to make sure no one is there, before she stood right in front of it. Usually she would sit down and do the business like a real girl, but tonight she figured it would alright to do it with a dick. So she pulled down her pants a bit, revealing her frilly white panties. Taking those down as well, she takes a moment to admire her young female slit before massaging it a bit with one hand, while cupping her bosom a bit, then stop that she thought. Then she plunged her hand into her crotch and started to rummage through it, making an effort to not arouse herself. Finally, she found success with a tab inside her vagina which she then pulled down, freeing M's phallus, springing out of the female rose. Of course, due to M's enhancements, his phallus was encased in white-off plastic with an opening at the tip for easy relief-heh it looks almost like a dildo she remarked to herself. Chloe pointed it into the toilet bowl and took care of it, oh what a relief. She then packs her dick back into its pouch behind her crotch area, then sprayed some air freshener to cover up the urine smell. Meanwhile, Brianna needed to use the toilet herself-she drank a bit too much soda pop. As she got to the bathroom, she noticed the door is ajar just a bit. Oh whew, she thought, I can hurry and get back to chatting and hanging out with the girls. But she got closer to the door, she heard a low groan coming from the bathroom. Oh wait, that must be Chloe, she's in the bathroom as she snuck over to the bathroom. She peeked in and see Chloe standing over the toilet peeing into it with what looks like a dick. Omg, Brianna thought, what is that, it shouldn't be on any girl at all, what's doing on? Brianna decided to wait til Chloe exit and then go in herself. She heard the toilet flush, and stood by the door. Chloe exited the door, and spotted Brianna standing next to the door. Oh my, Chloe thought, hope she wasn't waiting long. Of course she notice the ajar door when she opened it-oh shit hopefully she didn't see anything, but Chloe quickly schools her face into a happy expression, with a plastic smile. "Oh bonjour, need to use the toilette?" she asked coquettishly-Brianna is a shy fille after all, must be treated carefully. "Oh, uhh, why yes Miss Chloe," Brianna replied in a soft mutter, before heading in there herself. She got her first close up look at Chloe and wow what a beautiful girl, Brianna thought to herself, blushing a bit. But before she entered into the bathroom all the way, Chloe gave her a playful peck on the cheek. Brianna, taken back by the gesture, blushed furiously in shock. "W-What was that?" Brianna cried out softly before Chloe laid a scarlet finger to Brianna's mouth. "Oho, don't worry dear, it's just a French greeting," Chloe retorted back, giggling as she walked back to the living room. That should take care of her hopefully, Chloe thought. Then suddenly, not a few minutes after Chloe got back into the living room with the others, Brianna came running back in with a look of shock and fear in her face. "Help, I think we got a peeping tom - I saw a flashing light coming from outside the bathroom window," she squeaked out quickly before then passing out right on the spot. Claire rushed to her side to get the girl back up. "What, how is that possible? We got a top tier security system for this house and property," Renee stated. "Ah but they are no gates or walls around your property," Claire pointed out quite rightly. "So any thief or peeping tom could sneak in to cause trouble. Can you get in touch with your father?" Claire inquired nicely to Renee. "Ah well, Daddy's off on some conference this weekend," Renee responded rather tersely before going to the phone in the kitchen- "Plus it seems," she added, "someone has cut the wire to the phone here and my cell is acting up right now," Renee pointing out the landline phone with a torn cord and her own smartphone with only 1 bar out of 5 lit up. Tch, Chloe thought, not good-maybe some nefarious foe is afoot out there, to interfere with my mission. Oh well, let's see what we can do. Chloe then suggested that they go to bed but keep one person up on guard just in case. Chloe agreed to take the watch first while the others go to sleep. Good, Chloe thought, as she decided to hide in a spot behind the sofas waiting for the next sign of the exterior intruders. 15 minutes, 30 then 45 minutes pass and still nothing. Then swiftly she heard a pot smash coming from the outside and the scuffing of feet on the ground out there. She walked carefully towards the door leading out to the backyard when she heard a cocking of a gun and a voice speaking loudly "Alright come out with your hands in the air!" Oh shit, she thought, not him. Chloe immediately got Renee and the other girls up and out of their slumber with a "Zut alors, someone is out there!" which awoke them up real quick. Renee, Chloe and the others go over and out into the backyard where they spot a rather odd sight: a stout fellow with a gun pointing at two young men who share a flashlight and a camera between them. Chloe knew that said stout man with a gun is none other than Morton, her 'father' / handler. How he got here was a matter to ask later, for one of the young men Renee knows in an instant "Mickey?" she cried out with both shock and seething anger as Chloe could notice. Oh boy, she thought, he's in trouble. "Mickey, what the fuck are you doing here?" Renee roared at her boyfriend, watching Mickey and his buddy squirm in place as Morton held a gun to his face. He uttered out some flimsy excuse for his behavior-a simple prank/scare but Renee would have none of that. Meanwhile, Chloe walked over to Morton and whispered, "Hey dude what are you doing here?" "Oh well, I couldn't see my 'daughter' in peril," Morton replied back, with a hint of sadness in his voice. I wonder what that is about, Chloe thought, eh maybe later. Claire, Miranda and Brianna are bit confused by the whole chain of events, but glad it worked itself out quite well. Morton managed to pass himself off as just an overly concerned neighborhood watch member, demonstrating that his gun was just a mockup encasing a water pistol. The girls go back in to resume their slumber party, truly a girls paradise, oh but as they are going back to the house: Chloe: "Oh so are Mickey and Renee going to break up?" asking Claire about it. Claire: "Well I have heard that after every fight those two have, their makeup sex is amazing," chuckling to herself gleefully. Chloe blushed a bit, slightly flustered at that idea. On Saturday, the day after the slumber party, Chloe went to the mailbox to get the mail. In amongst the bills and flyers there's a letter from the school, specifically her homeroom teacher Mr. Lionel. She tore it open and reading it to herself, her eyes widen in shock:

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the Slumber party accident

Note : this story is completely fictional! Leila Domingo’s mom and dad quickly rushed out the door. “I’m sorry hun,” her mom said, “but this is the only time me and your father can get time off work at the same time this year. I mean, we already saw your high school graduation ceremony, you don’t need us here for your party. As long as you remember, NO BOYS.” “Yes mom,” Leila said as she shrugged off her mother’s hug. “It’ll just be me, Patricia O’Reilly, Christina Gomez, Michelle Sumner and...

4 years ago
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Slumber Party

It was Friday afternoon and Billy was anxious for the weekend to begin. His parents were leaving town and he was looking forward to having some fun. His stepsister (Kim) was a senior as well and was planning on having a bunch of her girlfriends over that night for a slumber party. Although Kim was his stepsister, he had a crush on her since his dad had married her mom 3 years ago. She was hot and very popular in school. She hung around the “in-crowd” and her girlfriends were also very pretty....

1 year ago
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All Guy Slumber Party

It was the night of tim's birthday, he had become a teenager and to celebrate the occasion, he invited his two best friends jon and joe, over for a slumber party. The plan for the night would be to order in pizza, watch a few movies and make prank calls to some of their mates. The night started as planned, they ordered pizza and they started to watch american pie. They were quite into the movie when jon pulled a movie out of his bag, it was an unlabelled cd and jon told tim to put it into the...

1 year ago
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Sexy Slumber Party

Five girls, Sara, Suzie, Lori, Stephany, and Rachel were all at a slumber party at Rachel's house. With her parents gone for the night, it was just the girls alone to do whatever they wanted to. After getting bored watching movies and eating, Lori suggested they play a game. "Why not truth or dare?" said Sara. "Hey, that'd be great," said Stephany. They then sat in a circle. Lori went first. She looked at Rachel, then said, "Truth or dare?"

3 years ago
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The Long Slumber Party

The Long Slumber Party " long have you been coaching?," she asked me as she sat on the field, in a way that almost sounded like she gave a shit... "Ten years," I said like I almost did too. I noticed a look in her eyes, and I figured out at once why she wasn't listening...So I followed her eyes. I noticed that every now and again, she would look down at my shorts. They were really that short, but I could notice a slight bulge near my ball sack "So, what, are you a former jock or, what?"...

3 years ago
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Our Slumber Party

This Fourth of July started out just like any other. Little did I know that this day would change my life forever. I went over to my boyfriend's house in the middle of the afternoon for the family picnic. The plan was for me to watch fireworks with Danny, my boyfriend, and his family and then take his sister, Whitney, to their aunt's house. The day went exactly as planned. We went to Danny's grandparents' house for dinner, then to the park to watch fireworks. After fireworks, I gave Danny a...

3 years ago
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Slumber Party Fun and Games

It was Friday night, my parents were going out and my sister was having a slumber party. It was my job to make sure they stayed safe and behaved themselves while Mom and Dad were gone. I sat watching TV while the girls were in my sisters room. After a while I went to check on them quietly standing outside the bedroom door to listen. I heard one of them say to the others "Have you ever seen a guys dick?" I heard a couple of them answer no and they giggled a bit. Then I heard my sister tell them...

2 years ago
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Julies Slumber Party

“Ready for another one?” Julie asked me. She was talking about a tequila shot, and I was definitely ready to enjoy my second one of the night. Julie had invited me to spend the night with her at her father’s house. Her parents had gotten a divorce about two years ago, when Julie was 14. Apparently, her mom and dad separated on good terms, and Julie spent her time divided between their two homes. Julie had been spending this week at her father’s house, and she knew that he would be working late...

2 years ago
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THE Harem Tales 1 The Times They Are A ChangingChapter 16 Slumber Party

Hannah preceded our collection of women into the warmth of her home, stripping off her gear as she entered. She was greeted with "blert" from a streak of calico, as Baby darted out to scold her mistress. When Cathleen entered a few minutes later, our Pixie was deserted when Baby leapt to greet her new friend. The small cat seemed to know that she was needed and made a point of making the rounds to visit each new arrival. That appeared to break the ice, and our charges explored the house,...

3 years ago
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Romys Sexual Journey from Schoolgirl to Schoolgirl Part 2

The final day of term was mighty hectic. A lot of tears and taking of phone numbers, addresses, future education plans, ‘I’m sure going to miss you ladies. It’s been a real gas. We’ve had some fabulous times together and I just hope we’ll bump into each other sometime in the future,’ I said. And then it hit me! That’s what it was - Paul. I had really been missing him since our liaison and, stupidly I didn’t even know what his surname was! Later that day I would be even further away from him...

4 years ago
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Fourth of July Slumber Party

This Fourth of July started out just like any other. Little did I know that this day would change my life forever. I went over to my boyfriend's house in the middle of the afternoon for the family picnic. The plan was for me to watch fireworks with Danny, my boyfriend, and his family and then take his sister, Whitney, to their aunt's house. The day went exactly as planned. We went to Danny's grandparents' house for dinner, then to the park to watch fireworks. After fireworks, I gave Danny a...

2 years ago
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breeding party for babygirl

“Hey babygirl… it’s time to go for a ride.” “Oooo Daddy! I love riding with you. Where we going?” “Daddy’s taking you to a breeding party.” “A breeding party? Sounds exciting, what is it?” “Just like it sounds, babygirl… Daddy’s taking you to get you thoroughly bred by lots of stranger daddy cocks!” “Oh Daddy… you have all the best ideas!” “Of course, babygirl… now put on that thin little short dress real quick and your fuck me shoes before Daddy gives you a spanking…” So babygirl puts on her...

4 years ago
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Slumber Party

y For those of you dont know my stories from my boarding school i just explain. Big sister is not sister at all, is senior girl who look after new girl like me and i am her servant for first year. There 8 girls together in my dorm. We must do everything together. Every week we get report book if any bad mark girl gets punishment with cane on bare bottom. This is usual punishment at my school. Olenna is girl stood beside me in shower first night. When we look at each other naked we both knew...

2 years ago
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Supergirl and Powergirl Snobs Pleasure

PERSIAN STYLE VENGEACE  ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Supergirl and Powergirl ? Snob?s Pleasure By? Sonya? Esperanto? [email protected] Synopsis: Supergirl and Powergirl are property of DC COMICS. This is not a story intended for profit-making. This is also not intended for anyone below the age of 18. Supergirl and Powergirl fall under the power of a jealous celebrity, who...

3 years ago
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Romys Sexual Journey from Schoolgirl to Schoolgirl Part 1

My interest in sex really started when I was about teens. One Saturday morning in the 1950s I was at home whilst my parents had gone out to visit my gran. The only other person in the house was my brother, Joe, who was just over a year older than me. I was doing my homework downstairs when I hit a snag. I needed a ruler and I’d left mine at school. I knew my brother probably had one and popped up to his bedroom to borrow one. He mustn’t have heard me coming up the stairs and opening his...

1 year ago
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Highschool exploration chapter 4 Finally the party0

The phone rang around noon, it was Cindy. Why aren't you in school today? You better not be thinking of skipping out on us tonight. What? No, I'll be there. I just… She cut me off. You better be here for afternoon class! I don't… She hung up on me. Oh great, now she's mad again. I tried calling her back three times but she didn't answer. I laid there for a while thinking. Oh ya I gotta get ready for the party tonight. I was excited. I got showered and dried off. Then I put my...

1 year ago
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My Sisters Slumber Party

My name is Brian, I'm 22 and since I couldn't afford to be going to party that night and would be staying at a motel in the area so she wouldn't have to drive. At 6:00 my brother went out as my sisters friends Megan and Lisa showed up with a couple of duffel bags full of clothes and snacks for the night. Megan was 16, red hair, slim with a nice chest, sexy blue eyes, and a blonde hair, blue eyes, a bigger chest and a plump ass that could be nice to grab onto. These two were enough to kill a man...

2 years ago
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Alexis slumber party part 20

Chris grabbed a cup of coffee and sat down at the kitchen table when everything was finished. He noticed he had a text message from Alexis. He opened it up and to his surprise it was a picture of Alexis asleep. She was completely naked and the message with it just said "you wore her out last night" he smiled looking at it. He was amazed at seeing her whole body on display. Her breasts were prefect. They stood perky and round with small pink circles in the middle displaying her nipples. His...

3 years ago
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Sorority Slumber Party Part 1a

If you will recall Mercedes and myself were just finishing up our awkward ‘first shower’  and were slipping into our panties and bra.  I had a black lace bra and panty set from VS.  Most men love my large breast, size 34CC.  After staring at Mercedes in the shower I would guess she was like a 36DD.  We were instructed to come downstairs where the other girls were all waiting.  We stood in line and the ‘big sisters’ went by and checked us all out.  We were then told that we were going to play a...

3 years ago
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Sorority Slumber Party Part 1a

If you will recall Mercedes and myself were just finishing up our awkward "first shower"  and were slipping into our panties and bra.  I had a black lace bra and panty set from VS.  Most men love my large breast, size 34CC.  After staring at Mercedes in the shower I would guess she was like a 36DD.  We were instructed to come downstairs where the other girls were all waiting.  We stood in line and the "big sisters" went by and checked us all out.  We were then told that we were going to play a...

Group Sex
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Five TonesChapter 3 Afterparty Party

I went home to my apartment, and sank into my couch and watched some of the local news. The regular newscasters were on a middle-aged man and an attractive blonde, probably in her early thirties. The female newscaster spoke first, “Our top story tonight, an unusual pirated ad appeared on the Super Bowl, during the halftime show.” They cut away to the commercial, and repeated the message. The woman anchor evidently hadn’t seen it before, because she was staring at the camera with a blank...

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My Wifes Slumber Party Part 1

Other than a few clandestine kisses and fondles, though, this was the limit of our physical contact up to that point. We HAD communicated nearly constantly on Facebook, however, and our relationship had deepened significantly. Thanks to our smartphones, we shared numerous photos and videos with each other, many of them without clothes, and we would video chat as often as possible… which was basically whenever both Natalie and Steven weren’t around. Although these video chats were always in the...

4 years ago
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A Chance Encounter Batgirl Babs and Renee Montoya Part One

Introduction: Batgirl while on duty saves Renee Montoya, only to have the tables turned. The fight had been going on for the better part of an hour with Batgirl trading punches and kicks with the East Side Rangers, a well organized group of gang members led by a woman who called herself The Mask. Driving a particularly hard punch to the side of her seconds woman, Batgirl finished off the young girl only to have a blow land at the base of her skull that literally threw Batgirl into the water...

1 year ago
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A Chance Encounter Batgirl Babs and Renee Montoya Part One

The Mask shoved Batgirl's head into the steaming water of the fountain as she brought her forearm down into the small of the caped woman's back trying to force all of the air out of her ample chest. Holding Batgirl by the neck she intended to drown the woman as she delived yet another solid blow to her back and then kicked Batgirrl in the back of the knees. own Dazed by the hard blow, Batgirl landed in the fountain and then sank as The Mask pressed her own body down on Batgirl's. Her...

3 years ago
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Slumber Party Part 1

‘Oh my fucking goodness, why did you invite her?’ Amber frowned as she flipped her long blonde hair out of her face to reveal her ocean bluish-green eyes. ‘Why you don’t like Iara?’ Tanya asked as she pulled an extra comforter set out of her closet. ‘Because…’ Amber pouted. Tanya turned to look at Amber sitting on the floor applying hot pink nail polish on her cute little toes. ‘Because what? Amber, we’re all 18, time to stop acting like kids. And why are you polishing your toes now? Let’s wait...

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My Teenage Slumber Party Part Two

When Natalie and I got outside Dan's flat, the sun was beginning to rise. We climbed the steps to the street and I called for a cab on my mobile phone. It was Friday night and they were busy but said they would get a car to us when they could, although it may be up to an hour. We arranged for it to pick us up on the street corner, not far from Dan’s flat. Still giggling, Natalie said she would text a friend to see if she could stay at her place, where the taxi could drop her off. But she...

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