The Slumber Party free porn video

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"Slumber Party" The three of us had been sneaking through the hedge for the past couple of years to look in on the neighbor girl and her friends whenever we found out she was having one of her slumber parties. We always enjoyed the scantily clad girls as they played in the bedroom trying on makeup and getting dressed and undressed and trying on nightgowns and other such things. It had been fun up until now because we had never been caught peeking into the bedroom window, that is until this night! One of the girls must have heard a noise and we didn't know they knew we were outside peeking in. But all of a sudden we figured something wasn't right. The three of us decided to sneak back into the shadows so we made our move. But before Dan could get to the darkness of the bushes and trees with me and Andy he was caught by Debbie's mom who was already waiting around the corner of the house! She grabbed him by the arm and angrily yanked him to face her! "Is that you Danny? Danny Wilson? What do you think you're doing out here in the dark?" she said glaring at him as he tried to answer. "No Mrs. Benson I was just on my way home," he said but was stopped as she questioned further. "You were peeking in Debbie's window weren't you? What are you, some sort of sick little peeping Tom?" she said with anger in her voice. We then watched in horror as she grabbed Dan by the ear and marched him grimacing into the house slamming the door behind her! We crouched in the dark corner of the yard hidden by the leaves and branches of the bushes and the shadows of the tree we were hiding behind frozen with fear at what would happen next and could only wait while we thought of what to do. "Let's get out of here!" Andy whispered through a dry throat. I hesitated and knew there was nothing we could do and hoping that Dan wouldn't tell on us we decided to make our way back through the hedge and get out of there quick! We started away then heard girls laughter coming from Debbie's room! There was no one around and the yard was once again as quiet as it was dark so we crouched down then stealthily went back across the yard and looked back into the window, past the lace trimmed curtains and into Debbie's bedroom at what was going on inside. "Maybe he wants to join our slumber party," Debbie said as all the other girls laughed! Her mother seemed to take an immediate interest in the idea. "Peeking in on a girls slumber party hummm?" she said. "You must either be a little sissy or want to join in, is that it Danny? Are you a little sissy who wants to play with the girls?" she said to him as he cowered on his knees in the center of the room surrounded by the girls as the mother stood between him and the door so he couldn't get away. She then threatened to call the police, to turn in a "peeping Tom". Then decided to give him a choice. He could either play along and take his punishment by joining the slumber party or she could call the police! Dan began to whimper an apology and panic as Debbie's mom forced the issue. The girls continued giggling as Mrs. Benson then marched Dan off to the bathroom! "What are they going to do!?" Andy said in an excited whisper. He started moving away and wasn't planning on sticking around to find out. "I'm getting out of here!" he said in a nervous tone as he turned and ran back across the yard still crouched like he was when we were looking through the window. I watched as he moved into the dark shadows then saw the hedge move as he went through to the yard next door. Then he was gone. I waited a while longer then decided to follow and hoped that Dan wouldn't get into too much trouble. I was just getting to the hedge when I looked back to see the light on Debbie's mom's bedroom light up! I waited a moment longer but didn't see any police pulling up to the house or anything else out of the ordinary. I continued looking at the house then decided to see what was happening. I nervously made my way back through the shadows to the house then looked into Debbie's mom's room. She was going through the back of her closet and appeared to be looking at dresses. She pulled out a couple on hangers then swished them out on the bed then started rummaging through her dresser taking out all sorts of lacy, frilly lingerie! I snuck back to look into Debbie's room! The first thing I saw was Dan, and he was the center of attention. He was back on his knees in the bedroom surrounded by the girls once again and they were really working him over now! They had him in a pair of girls panties, the lace trimmed nylon kind with ribbons and bows. After his trip to the bathroom and a perfumed bath they already had eyeshadow and blusher on him too! He grimaced as Debbie cupped his chin and started applying lipstick to his lips while at the same time one of her friends was busy tying pink satin ribbons into his now pig tailed hair, while still another one was starting in on painting his nails a bright, glossy red! Another of the girls was busy picking out a nightgown! All the while the girlish chat and giggles continued. I figured they'd make him squirm for a while, tease him and get him good and embarrassed then finally toss him out the back door with a stern warning. And that would be it. But it wasn't! The girls were still whirling around Dan when Debbie's mom came back into the room holding two of the dresses she had picked out. By now Dan looked like a large version of a girls' doll! Garish, bright makeup, his hair parted sloppily in the middle and tied into crooked pig tails with those pink ribbons and him in a pink baby-doll nightie still coughing from the face powder that caked his face and the strong smell of perfume that surrounded him! "What do you think of little Danny here now? Isn't he cute? Just perfect for our slumber party now isn't he?" Debbie said with a giggle as she and the other girls looked for approval from her mother. "No, no, no," her mother said as she entered the room. "If you're going to do it, you must do it right!" she said. "Stand up! Stand up you little sissy peeper!" she said. Dan started to apologize again but it didn't have any effect. "Which one?" the mother said holding the dresses out for him to see. "What!?" Dan gasped. She made it clear that if he wanted to stay out of trouble he would play along and take his punishment. "We're going to have a little fashion show and you Danny are going to be our little model for the evening!" Mrs. Benson said with a vengeful smile on her face. "Pick out a dress," she commanded. "Pick one!" He looked at the dresses as she held them up. One was a layered, fluffy creation like an old cocktail dress done up in a pastel blue color, the other dress was a bit longer, shiny and had a floral pattern. "The lo...long one I guess," Dan said sheepishly trying to pick the least feminine of the two but it didn't really matter. He lowered his head in embarrassment at hearing the girls laugh at his choice. "I think he likes flowers," one of them said as the giggling got louder! Then Mrs. Benson took over sternly snapping her fingers at Dan. The room got quiet as she spoke. "You come along and be quick about it sissy boy!" she said as she ordered him away and turned to the girls. "You stay quiet in here until we get back. I'll show you what happens to little sissy peeping Toms!" The girls seemed a bit alarmed at first at Mrs. Benson's conviction but were soon giddy with excitement as they all moved into a close group to whisper and mentioned that they couldn't wait to see Debbie's mom's finished results! The girls quieted down and started playing a board game of some kind. I then quietly moved along the house and back to look into Mrs. Benson's room. I could see the flowered dress laid out on the bed along with a pile of women's lingerie and see that Mrs. Benson was already busy. She had the nightie off Dan and had him standing in front of her vanity as she pulled the pink ribbons out of his hair and roughly wiped away the overdone makeup. "I...I'm sorry Mrs. Benson! I didn't mean... didn't mean to hurt anybody," Dan said as he choked his apology through a dry trembly throat as he stood there in terror. "You just be quiet and take your medicine," she said as she unknotted then removed the remaining pink ribbon from his hair. "You seemed so interested in looking in on Debbie's little slumber party. I'm going to see to it you get to be the center of attention! Won't that be fun? When I get done with you you're going to look like a big girl. A regular lady!" Dan groaned with embarrassment as Mrs. Benson continued her work. I watched a bit longer but was taken off guard when I heard an approaching car and saw the streak of headlights as they lit up the lawn! It was the neighbor from across the street! He was just getting back from the lake with his boat and was backing into his driveway! I quickly moved back into the shadows behind the hedge and figured it wouldn't be long until he shut the car off but it wasn't. The man got out of the car then went into the house with coolers and beach towels as he hustled his tired, sunburned his kids along towards the garage. He then came out and started cleaning out the boat, all the while leaving the car running and those bright headlights glaring their light across the Benson's back yard! Then the man then disappeared into the house and didn't come back for almost a half an hour, but all the while the car continued idling and those lights kept shining like spotlights across the side of the Benson's back yard! I thought about leaving but had to glance over at Mrs. Benson's bedroom window every now and then from the shadows of the hedge. I could see through the window sheers and lace curtains and see her moving about the room once in a while but couldn't see anything else and was wondering how Dan was doing. Finally, the man across the street came out, unhooked the boat trailer then turned his car around and parked in the driveway. I saw the headlights go out and heard him shut the engine off. Once he was in the garage I saw him heading for the house door as the garage door slowly closed. Finally it was dark and quiet once again, and the lights were still on in the bedrooms of the Benson house! I quietly made my way to Mrs. Benson's window and peeked in once again. Mrs. Benson was still at the vanity but now she was working on one of Debbie's friends who was seated there! I couldn't figure out what was going on because I couldn't see Dan! He was gone! I figured that after giving him a good scare she must have booted him out but I hadn't seen him coming out the back door. I then thought she must have given him a good scolding then sent him out the front door and down the block on the sidewalk. I readied myself to leave as another girl entered the room with Debbie as her mom continued. "Get back in your room girls, we'll be done soon now!" she said. The girls chatted then giggled a bit as they looked on then left closing the door behind them. Mrs. Benson put the makeup and hairbrushes aside and stood the girl up she was working on. She was made up in an evening look with false eyelashes, red lipstick, blush and eyeshadow and had dangle earrings and a three strand pearl necklace on. And, she was wearing everything! Panties, a brassiere, a white girdle and tightly gartered nylons that shined in the room light. Her hair was long and blonde and all done up in curls. Mrs. Benson had her step into a white, lace trimmed nylon half slip, then went to the bed and picked up a white satin corset and ordered the girl over to the bed. "Get over here missy and take hold of the post." I watched the girl get up and noticed she was wearing a pair of white high heeled stiletto shoes with little white bows at the back and thought it a bit comical to see her wobble as she moved over to the bed where Mrs. Benson was waiting. I figured she must have been giving one of Debbie's friends one of those 'high fashion' looks to show her how pretty girls can be. She wrapped the corset around the girl's waist and hooked the front up, then moved behind her and started lacing her into it! I heard her whimper a bit as the laces whistled through the eyelets at the back and the corset started getting tight, shaping itself to her form. The girl took hold of the bed post with her laquered red nailed fingers with a gasp as she continued wobbling on the heels. She started grimacing as Mrs. Benson laced the corset tighter! The wrinkles came out of the shiny, white satin material and it started shaping the young lady into a more feminine form! Mrs. Benson continued but soon the girls long blonde curls were getting in the way making it hard to lace the corset up. It didn't take long until she'd had enough. Mrs. Benson reached up, yanked off the long blond wig and tossed it on the bed before turning her attentions back to the girl and the corset. The girl gasped and started to sniffle now, her face seemed strangely red and embarrassed. I noticed the flower patterned dress that was still laying there spread out on the bed and remembered it was one of the dresses Mrs. Benson was holding up in Debbie's room for Dan to chose from! I looked back at the girl as Mrs. Benson continued working her over, then realized it was Dan!!! I gasped and choked a swallow as I watched. I could hear the sound of the nylons and the swish of the lingerie as Dan wobbled at the bed post holding it tightly teetering on the high heels as Mrs. Benson laced the corset tighter and tighter! Quietly satisfied, she continued fussing with the corset knowing exactly what she was putting Dan through. I felt a cold chill run up my spine causing me to shiver, I quietly gasped and choked a nervous gulp down my dry throat again at what I was seeing! She had totally made up Dan's face! Not with the garish makeup the girls had him in but makeup with a professional flair that a woman like Mrs. Benson had. But without the wig now and with his hair tucked tightly up under a nylon stocking cap I could tell it was him! "Hold that post sissy!" she ordered as she continued cinching him into the corset. He gasped as the corset tightened further causing the lace trimmed hem of the white nylon slip he had on to sway with each tug of the laces. I could even see the outline of the girdle and the tightly gartered stockings he had on underneath! As he held the bed post he looked ahead with a stunned, frightened look. I saw the fear in his eyes as he grimaced and gasped. "Are you going to cry now sissy? Hummm? Are you going to cry? You ruin your makeup sissy boy and you're really going to get it! Understand!?" she said as she continued. "Peeking in on my daughters slumber party! Well when I'm done with you you won't be doing that anymore. And stop sniveling you little sissy! If you don't stop I'll take you outside and really show you off! I noticed Dan's sniffles begin to quiet then waited until he became silent once again. I couldn't drag myself away from the window and the spectacle of what Mrs. Benson was doing to Dan! She continued. "I thought you liked slumber parties Danny! Isn't this fun?" she said. "Who were you with tonight out in the back yard?" she said questioning. "Was it that Stevie and Andy?" she continued. "I...I was alone Mrs. Benson. I was just coming back from the movies" he said. Mrs. Benson didn't buy it. "I said who were you with!" she said as she gathered the laces of the corset and yanked them even tighter catching Dan off guard. As the corset forced his waist smaller he gasped in short breathy gasps as Mrs. Benson waited for an answer. She jerked the laces tighter! "Tell me who was with you sissy boy or I'll lace you so tight you'll pass out!" she said as she yanked on the laces yet again! But Dan didn't tell on us. "I...I wasn't wi..with anybody," he said as he began to sob. "Sissy! I'll bet it was that Stevie and Andy wasn't it?" she said. "You three always hang around together don't you? Well let me tell you something you little sissy missy! You tell your friends that if they ever peek into my daughters room ever again they'll be in here with me getting the same punishment. Understand?" she said as she finished lacing the corset then tied the laces in a tight double bow at the back. The white satin corset gleamed in the room light and I noticed Dan's waist was now shaped like an hour-glass! Mrs. Benson spun him around to have a look at him and beamed a vengeful, almost sadistic smile. He tried to apologize once again but it seemed like she was going to make an example of Dan and he was going to be the one to pay for all of us! She then put the long blonde wig back on his head and after making sure it was on right she fluffed it out making Dan once again look like the girl I thought I saw when I first looked into the window! Mrs. Benson then put him into a white, lace trimmed nylon camisole and adjusted the straps. She took out a fluffy chiffon petticoat and after having him step into it she tied it tightly around his waist! She then took the flowered dress from the bed and unzipped it then made Dan step into it as well. She pulled it up with a swish then after getting his arms through the short sleeves she adjusted it then zipped him into the dress and hooked the little hook at the back of the neck. She then took a compact and dusted off Dan's face with fresh powder and added a spray of her perfume. With Mrs. Benson giving him the work-over instead of her daughter and friends Dan now looked far more like a girl than a boy! "Well, let's go show you off sissy boy!" she said with a giggle as she finished by putting one of those pink ribbons back in his hair and tying it into a tight bow at the side. I could hear Dan sobbing now as she opened the bedroom door and took his wrist. As embarrassed as he was he resisted. "Don't you fight me you little sissy!" she said as he tried pulling away. "We're going to show you off to the girls!" she said with satisfaction as Dan begged and tried to pull away once again. But Mrs. Benson then added a convincing threat. "Well missy, either you can come along and show the girls how pretty you are or should I get my coat and purse and take you for a little walk around the block dressed just like you are!? Would you like that Danny?" I saw the shock on his face and heard him whimper a tearful "no". His knees began to wobble as Mrs. Benson continued. "Should I get my coat and purse and take you for a walk? Just imagine, swishing down the sidewalk in that pretty dress you're wearing and clicking on those pretty high heels you have on. Of course you'll need a pretty scarf for your hairdo and you'll need a purse too!" she said as she appeared to be readying to take him outside! "Or would you rather take your punishment here and now?" Dan relented but was still whimpering as they left the room. I waited a minute or two, still in shock at what I'd seen but finally, I made my move to Debbie's bedroom window to see what was going to happen next then I noticed that the "show" had already started! "Walk for them Danny! Walk around the room like a little sissy fashion model, give them a good show!" Mrs. Banson ordered. Dan was gasping with clenched teeth and was red faced now as he was forced to mince around Debbie's bedroom for all the girls to see. I could hear the shiny rayon fabric of his dress and the sound of the petticoats rustling as Mrs. Benson made him twirl and turn. It caused the girls to giggle. "Curtsey now, curtsy for us sissy boy! Isn't this fun?" she said with a vengeful smile as Dan held the dress out with his red nailed fingertips then curtsied with wobbly legs on the high heels! The girls roared at seeing this and Mrs. Benson chuckled with satisfaction too as she stood back and watched the effect her handiwork had on Dan! Back and forth he walked, wiggling his hips and mincing on the heels. And as he walked a girl or two would grab, then pull up his skirts and petticoats as he passed by to reveal his garters and seamed nylons! All the girls gasped with excitement at seeing Dan's now totally feminized look then roared with laughter once again. They made him sit on the bed then fluff his dress and cross and uncross his nyloned legs like a high fashion model which brought still more laughter. I could hear the sound of the nylons swishing under the skirts as he was forced to cross and uncross his legs as all the girls watched. "Feels good doesn't it?" Debbie said with a giggle as everyone looked on. Dan's face reddened further even under the makeup he had on! Then he was ordered to walk around the room once again. Debbie handed Dan a purse and made him carry it limp wristed while another girl spritzed him with still more perfume as he passed by. He began to sob now at the continued laughter until he finally sat on the bed and cowered. "Let's have him model some more dresses mom!" Debbie said with a giggle. "Then we can put him back in a pretty pair of panties and a pretty nightgown and make him stay over!" The other girls seemed excited at the thought. Dan's shoulders slumped as he awaited yet more humiliation but then, Mrs. Benson made her decision. "I think little sissy boy has had enough, haven't you sissy boy, have you had quite enough? Or maybe you'd like to stay the night. Hummm? Or maybe you'd like to model that pretty blue chiffon cocktail dress too?" she said with a feminine lilt in her voice. Still sitting on the bed now looking at the floor Dan shook his head "no." But Mrs. Benson didn't really want a boy staying with her precious little girls for the night anyway and got the confirmation as he struggled to his feet in the dress and heels begging to be let go. It wouldn't really have mattered though, because Dan was so humiliated and worn out after his ordeal that he wouldn't have thought to start up any hanky-panky with any of the girls anyway. I watched as Mrs. Benson began her final lecture as she took Dan away by the ear. I somehow knew it was over so I waited in the shadows for what seemed to be another hour! I finally heard the back door open and saw Dan stumble out and then saw Mrs. Benson. "You tell your little boyfriends that if I catch them they'll get the same treatment. You'll all be going for a walk around the block and we'll give everybody in the neighborhood a sissy fashion show. Understand!?" she said as she paused and finally shut the back door. When she turned out the back light I quietly ran over to see if Dan was alright. He was dressed in his street clothes again and the makeup was gone but I could still smell traces of perfume. "I'm never coming around here again!" he said as he stumbled along as we made for the hedge. "Mrs. Benson made me keep my toenails painted and made me keep her panties on under my pants and pantyhose, and she made me keep on one of those camisole things too!" he said with embarrassed shock as we moved away and headed home. I then noticed why he had stumbled coming out the back door and why he seemed to be having trouble walking. Mrs. Benson had kept Dan's tennis shoes and made him wear a pair of her high heeled ankle strap sandals! I could see the red polish on his toenails through the sheer nylons he was still wearing! We got out of there quick and after Dan got the shoes off and tossed them in a garbage can down the block we headed for home. With luck Dan could sneak some nail polish remover from his sister and change at home and nobody would be the wiser. We both knew it could have gone far worse. And with Mrs. Benson's threat for me and Andy still fresh in my mind I decided that it would be a long time before I went to that part of the neighborhood ever again! As we made our way back to our houses I made the decision that maybe it was time for me to quit peeking in on slumber parties too!

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Julies Slumber Party

“Ready for another one?” Julie asked me. She was talking about a tequila shot, and I was definitely ready to enjoy my second one of the night. Julie had invited me to spend the night with her at her father’s house. Her parents had gotten a divorce about two years ago, when Julie was 14. Apparently, her mom and dad separated on good terms, and Julie spent her time divided between their two homes. Julie had been spending this week at her father’s house, and she knew that he would be working late...

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New Girl in School Part 4Slumber Party Silliness

New Girl in School 4-Slumber Party Silliness Ah yes the slumber party-a pinnacle of social interaction and mingling for females under the age of 18. Girls get together at another's house, usually with parental supervision but sometimes not, and just mingle. Oh they might watch a movie, eat some pizza or other takeout, but mostly its the place where gossip and rumors abound, and girls let their hair down in a manner of speaking. Well as part of her 18th birthday celebrations, Chloe...

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Fourth of July Slumber Party

This Fourth of July started out just like any other. Little did I know that this day would change my life forever. I went over to my boyfriend's house in the middle of the afternoon for the family picnic. The plan was for me to watch fireworks with Danny, my boyfriend, and his family and then take his sister, Whitney, to their aunt's house. The day went exactly as planned. We went to Danny's grandparents' house for dinner, then to the park to watch fireworks. After fireworks, I gave Danny a...

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The Slumber Party Weekend

14 - Samantha [Sammy] 15 - Bethany [Beth] 13-Cynthia [Cindy] 14 - Victoria 16 - Mike 14 - Logan 13 - Jimmy [Jim] ------------------------------------------------------------ Sammy was super excited. Her parents were going out of town for the weekend and had given her permission to have a slumber party. She had invited the "gang" to come over for a couple of nights of video games, music, games, with...

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Slumber Party Trap

Slumber Party Trap By Shawna Stimple Tiffany Summers slumber party had to be perfect. She had invited the most popular and beautiful girls from school. She had planned every event down to the letter. Makeovers, truth or dare, and late night television were all on the menu. Her parents would be out of town, and there would be no one to tell them when to go to bed. Billy Summers knew his sisters slumber party had to be perfect. That's why he had to ruin it. It was 1966. That's what...

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Slumber Party Coin of Chaos

“Slumber Party” “I’ve got the popcorn!” giggled Sandy, flopping to the floor of her living room amongst her friends. “About time,” her twin sister Candace remarked with a smirk. The two blond girls, though their faces were mirror images of each other, were about as different personality-wise as twins could be. Sandy was perpetually happy and bubbly, with a tendency to giggle given the slightest excuse. Her long blond hair fell over smooth shoulders, beneath which the toned, curved body of a...

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Slumber Party

y For those of you dont know my stories from my boarding school i just explain. Big sister is not sister at all, is senior girl who look after new girl like me and i am her servant for first year. There 8 girls together in my dorm. We must do everything together. Every week we get report book if any bad mark girl gets punishment with cane on bare bottom. This is usual punishment at my school. Olenna is girl stood beside me in shower first night. When we look at each other naked we both knew...

3 years ago
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Hottest 18 yrd old Slumber Party Ever

My girlfriends and I were all about to leave for our first year of college, so we decided to have one last slumber party. There were five of us: Jennifer (me), Lynette, Ashley, Jessica and Katie. We had all met in gymnastics class and were really good friends. Katie's parents had the largest house, so it was the best place to have our party. Even though I thought the other girls were totally cute (I guess I might be bisexual!), and we all had tight gymnast bods, I didn't think our...

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Slumber Party The Conclusion

"I remember when you were younger, when you first started having these slumber parties. Now you're grown and will be off to college," she cried. "This is your last party and I just want to be here. Because once you go off to school, I won't be able to bake you cookies or anything. I just wanna be a part of my daughter's last party. Please," she begged."Sure," Amber smiled.Tanya and Iara nodded, but they were pissed. No more real fun. Here comes mom the party pooper. ..........Hours...

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Futas Naughty Scented Candles 1 Slumber Party Gets Wild

Chapter One: Slumber Party Gets Wild By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to my wonderful beta readers! Autumn Holt put the first of the newly reformulated Lavender Relax candles into the box. Their first order. A shiver ran through the motherly futa. She wanted to share this amazing product with other women. This pheromone that led women to desire other ladies. It was all the work of Dr. Kayleen Harland, the woman who had moved in down the street from Autumn and had accidentally...

1 year ago
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My Sisters Slumber Party

My name is Brian, I'm 22 and since I couldn't afford to be going to party that night and would be staying at a motel in the area so she wouldn't have to drive. At 6:00 my brother went out as my sisters friends Megan and Lisa showed up with a couple of duffel bags full of clothes and snacks for the night. Megan was 16, red hair, slim with a nice chest, sexy blue eyes, and a blonde hair, blue eyes, a bigger chest and a plump ass that could be nice to grab onto. These two were enough to kill a man...

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Slumber Party Sluts

SLUMBER PARTY SLUTS by Melissa FCD Hello Melissa dearest, this is Mistress Katrina. And how are you sweetie? I trust you're all dolled up and looking forward to hearing all about my plans for you. So snuggle up and we'll begin our story. You've been a particularly good girl lately and I think you deserve a little fun. I'll be taking you out tonight, but first we need to get you dressed. Strip down to your birthday suit dearie. My, my, my. Under my strict supervision your...

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Slumber Party Part 2

Tanya was still in the corner, fanning herself. "It just got hot as hell in here. This is surely going to be the best slumber party yet." Then Tanya changed into a regular size tee and long pajama bottoms right before her mom walked in."Hey ladies," she said as she sat a bowl on the dresser, "I made a face mask for you. If you guys need anything else, let me know.""Ok, thanks mom," Tanya smiled just as her mom left the room."Your mom is so hot," Iara joked as she viewed the contents on the...

4 years ago
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Slumber Party Part 1

"Oh my fucking goodness, why did you invite her?" Amber frowned as she flipped her long blonde hair out of her face to reveal her ocean bluish-green eyes."Why you don't like Iara?" Tanya asked as she pulled an extra comforter set out of her closet."Because..." Amber pouted.Tanya turned to look at Amber sitting on the floor applying hot pink nail polish on her cute little toes. "Because what? Amber, we're all 18, time to stop acting like kids. And why are you polishing your toes now? Let's wait...

2 years ago
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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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Heathers Birthday Party

I'm usually a party animal, but tonight I wasn't in the mood for dancing or flirting and especially not taking some random guy into a private room for fooling around! All these were things I would usually be doing... but not tonight, and all because of Drew. Drew was Heather's 18 year old boyfriend, he was gorgeous, Nearly 6 feet tall, with an amazing body, warm chocolately brown eyes and longish, messy, sandy blonde hair. I of course had the hugest crush on him! The weird thing is I...

3 years ago
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The Slumber Party

Tiffany and Monica rang the doorbell of Beth’s front door. The door opened and there stood Tim who is Beth’s sexy brother. Both girls have had a crush on him for the last couple of years. All three checked each other out quickly.“Beth, your friends are here! Come on in girls.” He said as he watched the two teen girls wiggle by himTiffany brushed against Tim and then looked and gave him a smile. Beth came down the stairs and gave a little squeal at the sight of her two friends. The three girls...

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Alexis slumber party

He was sitting in his office working one day when he heard his wife come home. He looked at the clock and wondered what she was doing home early. She walked in and smiled "hi sweetie". He looked over to the door and smiled back "hey, you're home early". She nodded and walked over. Smiling big she blurted out with excitement "I had to run home and tell you the good news. I got the offer to go work with "Doctors Abroad" one of the other doctors pulled out at the last minute.... I leave...

3 years ago
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Jess First Slumber Party

“Jess, you’re so awkward”, was the response I was given. Apparently you do. I tried on the pajamas I planned on wearing that night. I looked into the mirror, the tank top I had chosen was a little too flashy but my breasts weren’t all that big at the time and it was just going to be girls there. My bottoms were pink and showed off the cute little butt I used to have. I smiled at myself in the mirror. I have a cute smile that I think got me a lot of boyfriends later...

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Alexisrsquo slumber party

Chris was an average man, nothing special. He had a good job working as a systems manager for a big company which allowed him to work from home if he wanted. He had a beautiful wife Ashley that was a doctor at the local hospital and a daughter Alexis that as she got older looked more and more like her mother everyday.He was sitting in his office working one day when he heard his wife come home. He looked at the clock and wondered what she was doing home early. She walked in and smiled “hi...

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lesbian slumber party

The girls:Tina, 23 years old (34B-24-35), 5'4" tall. A very pretty brunette with a slim, tight body from years of doing yoga. She has firm and perky tits and a completely shaved pussy with a piercing in her clit. She enjoys being in charge and takes great pleasure in fucking her girlfriend Lisa in both her holes with one of her big strap-ons.Lisa, 21 years old (35B-25-35), 5'3" tall. This hot blonde is the typical sex kitten type. Her body toned from the gym and her skin tanned with no tan...

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Friend hot sister slumber party

This happened a few years back.....When to Tony's parents place with him to check up on his sister while they parents is away on Holiday. Now Tony's sister Anna is 18 but she has always been the princess type that have no clue of how to cook, do laundry but she have one hot body... She is about 160cm tall with a slim athlete body and an ass to die for, bleach blond hair and b cup tits. Since I have became friend with Tony I have always dream of fucking his little sister. When we arrive at his...

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Celebrity Slumber Party

Commissioned by bwm1013 Kim opened her eyes and sat up in her bed, light filled the room around her. She gave a long yawn and rubbed the sleep from her eyes, ahead of her was another day of nothingness. Somehow, someone thought it was a great idea to cherry-bomb the school toilets. At first, Kim agreed with how great of an idea it was, but a week alone in the possible house was enough to change her mind. Kim got out of bed, straightened her pajamas and walked over to the calendar in the...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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the Slumber party accident

Note : this story is completely fictional! Leila Domingo’s mom and dad quickly rushed out the door. “I’m sorry hun,” her mom said, “but this is the only time me and your father can get time off work at the same time this year. I mean, we already saw your high school graduation ceremony, you don’t need us here for your party. As long as you remember, NO BOYS.” “Yes mom,” Leila said as she shrugged off her mother’s hug. “It’ll just be me, Patricia O’Reilly, Christina Gomez, Michelle Sumner and...

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Daughters slumber party Part one

My daughter and her friends are teammates on the high school cheerleader squad. With the routines they do, they are all in excellent shape, athletic and toned, but not over muscled bodybuilder types. They may be well toned, but they are still very much 16 year old teen females. Rita and Courtney have been friends since they were 6, and with their blonde hair, blue eyes, and fair features, they have been mistaken for sisters. Judi has been friends with them since they were 10, and she is a...

2 years ago
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Slumber Party The Conclusion

‘I remember when you were younger, when you first started having these slumber parties. Now you’re grown and will be off to college,’ she cried. ‘This is your last party and I just want to be here. Because once you go off to school, I won’t be able to bake you cookies or anything. I just wanna be a part of my daughter’s last party. Please,’ she begged. ‘Sure,’ Amber smiled. Tanya and Iara nodded, but they were pissed. No more real fun. Here comes mom the party pooper.  ……….Hours later………. The...

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Sorority Slumber Party Part 1

***Please comment & vote.  All your support appreciated!!!!*** Every young co-ed is nervous when they arrive on Campus.  Nervous didn’t begin to explain how I felt when I arrived.  Thank goodness my room mate was cool.  She was fucking gorgeous too!  Ashley was athletic, feminine, 5’8, blonde and very sexy.  I mean she looked like Pamela Anderson used to look.  Don’t get me wrong I am pretty but damn I would hate this bitch if she wasn’t my room mate.    Ashley had made fast friends with some...

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Slumber Party Part 2

Tanya was still in the corner, fanning herself. ‘It just got hot as hell in here. This is surely going to be the best slumber party yet.’ Then Tanya changed into a regular size tee and long pajama bottoms right before her mom walked in. ‘Hey ladies,’ she said as she sat a bowl on the dresser, ‘I made a face mask for you. If you guys need anything else, let me know.’ ‘Ok, thanks mom,’ Tanya smiled just as her mom left the room. ‘Your mom is so hot,’ Iara joked as she viewed the contents on the...

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Teen Slumber Seduction

Kayla knocked twice on the door of her best friend's house. They were having a slumber party and so had invited a multitude of girlfriends over to stay the night. Kayla was sweaty after having ran twenty minutes from her house on the other side of the bay. She wore a tight pair of grey leggings which perfectly complimented her slim physique. In hindsight, Kayla regretted not wearing her usual pink sports-bra for running (she had noticed a considerable amount of boob "bouncing" as she ran), on...

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Friends Moms Slumber

My friend Mark was the only one with a pool down in our street so we'd have to a have a pool night at least once a week. We were nearing our high school years so it wasn't that we were k**s.. We just were k**s at heart. Still knocking on each others door to come play outside or to go somewhere. His mom would cook us food while we swim. I knew she was hot but never really got a chance to see her body. I was always tempted at times. She'd be watching her soap operas on TV on a relaxing day off...

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My Teenage Slumber Party Part One

The idea of a teenage slumber party where gorgeous pubescent girls and guys all sleep semi-naked in a room together is something most of us would walk a million miles for. I was lucky enough to find myself at one accidentally. I was 17 at the time and in my first year of a diploma course. My college friend Dan, whom I had recently met, had rented for the first time a place of his own. It was a fairly dingy garden-flat with just the one room containing a double bed and a kitchenette, and a...

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slumber party part one

To start i'd like to say that i am straight and this was an expirience from my pubecent years. it was my 17 birthday and aftet a long night of bowling and shopping me and 4 of my friends decided to have a sleepover(and to this day i still have no idea where my parents were). and while we were having our slumber party my brother was having over some friends of his own. us both having friends over would immediately declare this night a war, but it didn't officially start until stacy and i went...

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A family Slumber

I had married young, mainly due the fact that I had gotten Janet pregnant. Things seemed to work out fine for about five years until Janet informed me that she was leaving me and our little girl Kelly for some rich guy on the west coast. Twelve years later I still hadn't gotten over it completely. I truly loved Janet and probably would still take her back today. Now at 35, my love life is still pretty lame even though I am considered good looking. I am just not a very good conversationalist. It...

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Our Slumber Party

This Fourth of July started out just like any other. Little did I know that this day would change my life forever. I went over to my boyfriend's house in the middle of the afternoon for the family picnic. The plan was for me to watch fireworks with Danny, my boyfriend, and his family and then take his sister, Whitney, to their aunt's house. The day went exactly as planned. We went to Danny's grandparents' house for dinner, then to the park to watch fireworks. After fireworks, I gave Danny a...

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Slumber Party Fun and Games

It was Friday night, my parents were going out and my sister was having a slumber party. It was my job to make sure they stayed safe and behaved themselves while Mom and Dad were gone. I sat watching TV while the girls were in my sisters room. After a while I went to check on them quietly standing outside the bedroom door to listen. I heard one of them say to the others "Have you ever seen a guys dick?" I heard a couple of them answer no and they giggled a bit. Then I heard my sister tell them...

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Slumber Party Trap The Next Generation

Slumber Party Trap: The Next Generation By Shawna Stimple It was a Friday afternoon when Emily, and Casey's parents left for their second honeymoon. Casey was to stay with his friend Roger, while Emily was set to have her run of the house. She invited all her friends over for a sleepover on Friday, and Saturday night they were going to have the party of the century. Friday evening, the girls were sitting around in their pj's, about to go to sleep, talking about boys, fashion, and...

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sister Lilly and my sexual slumber escapade 2

So there I was hiding under the bed in Lilly's room with my heart beating through my mouth, and a throbbing member in my undies listening to every move my Mom made right above me. I was fucked. I was busted for sure! An eternity passed and I just lay still. Luckily, I remained undetected and Mom left the room and went to bed, I was ready to resume!So I had verified that Lilly slept deeply (pretty much) so really there was nothing that I couldn't do (or try). I had the confidence to try...

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sister Lilly and my sexual slumber escapade

Well this comes straight from my own experiences, the type of story that you read on these forums only this one is real and it happened to me.As I grew up through my teens I became somewhat of a sexual deviate, it wasn't unusual for me to jerk off 5 to 7 times in a day! When I turned 15 I became obsessed with my older sister Lilly. She was two years older but in my relentless pursuit of getting off she became more interesting to me. I wanted to have my first sexual experience and the teen girls...

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Sorority Slumber Party Part 1

**Please comment & vote.  All your support appreciated!!!!** Every young co-ed is nervous when they arrive on Campus.  Nervous didn't begin to explain how I felt when I arrived.  Thank goodness my room mate was cool.  She was fucking gorgeous too!  Ashley was athletic, feminine, 5'8, blonde and very sexy.  I mean she looked like Pamela Anderson used to look.  Don't get me wrong I am pretty but damn I would hate this bitch if she wasn't my room mate.    Ashley had made fast friends with some...


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