The Copulist Capers Death on a Chalk Stream
- 4 years ago
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A week after the meeting a very excited radio astronomer reported that he had found intelligent extraterrestrial life. When other astronomers corroborated his findings the headlines got very large. Government types were very quick to comment as well as some carefully selected 'man on the street' types.
Hysteria was narrowly averted. Digital pictures were sent from space and humanity relaxed for the beings looked very much like them. It took a full month before the source could be triangulated, the red shift taken into account and finally the speed and direction of the emanations to be calculated accurately. Word hit the street that the ship was only a small three person vehicle. It would be arriving in a bit less than a hundred days.
The response was carefully choreographed ahead of time and again there was a near miss in the hysteria department. As the days passed more information came in picture format. Mathematics, the universal language was explained in base twelve which any intelligent race would use. By the time all but a week had passed, observers spotted a long flare of energetic gases. No race would use this as a means of propulsion between the stars but it made the people happy to see that the ship was even too small to be visible.
As a precaution some months ago members of my family and I changed our looks. I went on television just after the discovery of the radio waves as a noted mathematician. I explained what was being said in the messages. This had started in the week the message was first detected and the complex mathematical formulae reached us. By the time the ship arrived I was a very well known figure. Beside me were Sandra, Megan and Marina. Each had been drastically changed and presented some facts not covered in mathematics but other information transferred from the ship. They too had been introduced as experts in their respective fields. As part of their persona they acted like good mothers at every opportunity.
The ship was actually a very small boat. It was only fifteen metres long. It circled the Earth many times while sending down digital and analogue messages in the Seffra language. A drone had sent all the data and the girls had only been in the boat for a few hours.
Responses were given in a great variety of languages. Those on board started to learn the languages supposedly from television and radio signals. The voices coming out of Earth radios was distinctly childlike. Those onboard made many gaffs but this endeared them even more to those on Earth.
Sweden was eventually chosen for the landing site by those on board the small ship. This brought most of the world against this choice. Most people wanted their country to host the reception of the first extraterrestrial life officially seen on Earth. Sweden though gave its approval and after three more days the ship came to land like a meteor for some neighbouring countries were not happy with the arrangement.
All of Sweden's air force was ready to protect the ship when it got into their airspace. It landed not at a military base as the authorities intended but at a commercial airport in Stockholm. With no tanks or guns the small boat opened up and three small figures got out. The ramp closed after a minute and the ship accelerated back into space.
I raced to the landing site but I didn't want to be first. Beside me were the much changed Sandra, Megan and Marina for the children were all their first born.
The three girls played their act very well with the fright and the broken Swedish. When things began to get out of hand the mothers moved in and the girls clung to them. It was shown that the women were providing succour for the girls and acting as a sort of temporary mother. After that the girls clung to these mothers and it would now be seen by all the viewers on television that this was the way it should be. It was a good portrayal of Earth mothers helping slightly alien girls in a traumatic situation.
Quarantine was not needed for the girls had laughed at the backward health conditions on the planet and what their instruments were capable of doing to assist them.
The army moved in but since the television cameras were there first and they couldn't pull any heavy handed manoeuvres. The mothers acted as strangers and asked leading questions. This was all within their act as experts in their fields. Not all the questions related to secrets but to common things that endeared the girls to humanity. The answers were caught on television and broadcasted to the world.
The three women happened to speak broken Swedish but also other languages much better. It was quickly found that the girls could speak in these languages too. Marina spoke in Russian, Sandra in English and Megan spoke French. Now there were more people to hear with their own ears the words spoken in their own language. I knew if there were any trouble a mob of mothers would come to protect the girls from anybody thinking of hurting them.
A few selected government ministers had been coached on what to do in this situation. They took the girls in their cars with the helpful women away to be interrogated but in a nicer way than they normally would.
The next four weeks were very stressful to all of us. Most of the people doing the questioning were not in the loop and just tried to get as much information as possible. The girls refused to help if the kind Human women were not with them. The girls came across as much less educated. We hoped that Humans would not expect young girls to know everything about their technology.
I came to them, on camera, and asked many more leading questions. Some were aimed at the politicians that wanted to separate the girls or the girls from their 'caregivers'. They told of what it was like on a Seffra ship. This went on for a long time for the Seffra had to be explained as kind and benevolent to backward civilisations.
They mentioned that as children they were supposed to do their own projects to further their education. Recently they left the main ship in the boat to check a small nearby system. A Suma fleet had come upon the mother ship and it had to flee for its life. The girls decided to do the same thing but in the other direction because the Suma would do a search as they usually did. The girls stated that they flew through a stellar corona to obliterate their trail. This would still frighten many Humans. They mentioned that it was months after that they had come on Earth and the kind people here.
The Suma were further explained the next day along with some of the races the girls had heard of. They pleaded fatigue after their talks and soon their quite reminiscing were a very popular subject. Many people would comment after and talk about how this might affect Earth and Humans.
I talked to them about mathematics and in doing so we educated the Humans into multidimensional math that was unlike anything they had known before. On many subjects the girls only claimed a partial recollection and on occasion one could fill in for the other. This made it look like they were actively cooperating with the Earth authorities.
There was a lot of pressure on the Swedes to separate the girls or to bring in new women so they could be interrogate more thoroughly. The Swedes in power knew about us and refused, though it cost them quite a bit in diplomatic currency.
Sandra, Megan and Marina didn't look their usual selves. This helped a considerable amount for they also didn't look like the girls either. Their fictitious history was flogged to the world and people were selected to talk about them. Their history also was used to justify their current position as protectors of the girls.
The girls brought with them some sacks which were quickly taken from them. They only contained clothing and some powered holograms showing pictures taken from Borin's memories of my life on Soldoy. More images of the Seffra and how they posed as friends with various races they had come across.
The tales of the AI were given with the description of the Seffra. This time the AIs were going to all be treated as living creatures. Computers were only explained in broad terms and very little could be learned from the girls' memories about the actual construction. Young and pretty girls were not supposed to be able to see into more than three dimensions anyway.
Humans were becoming casual with the 'alien' girls and could not see a threat from them. Religious leaders weren't in this group and used the excuse of the girls' arrival to strengthen their hold on the uneducated. Perhaps they could improve on the state of their coffers at the girls' expense. A great many educated and sympathetic people shot these leaders' arguments down. There were still a great many people that would espouse what these men of the cloth said for they had no other suitable figure to follow and it was much too hard to think for themselves.
Governments asked to see the ship that the girls had arrived in but Amanda said, "That's not allowed." I played the Devil's Advocate and asked why. She replied, "It is against our laws to give out something that could be used for war. Our people though will eventually find us and we will need the boat to let them know that we are here."
This alone made the governments think twice about doing something hasty with the girls' safety involved. An angry parent in a powerful ship of a very advanced race was not something they wanted to see.
When the situation was milked for all it could, Borin showed up at the airport instantly one morning. She had landed in an unused spot and just became visible. Tom and Margaret had changed their looks and both came out of the ship speaking perfect Swedish. They were taken by an informed and quick thinking government agent to where the girls were held.
There was a heartfelt reunion that was caught on worldwide television. Tom and Margaret played their roles to the hilt. The girls were not their daughters but that of the captain which had not been mentioned before. Margaret mentioned that one of the Suma ships had found a way to cut them off. A short battle had ensued and this Suma ship had been destroyed. This showed that the Seffra were not as toothless as the girls made them out to be.
We were all free to travel now. We went to many dinners where my wives and I played straight men so that one of the others could say something that was needed. The rest of the group on the moon were watching just like the Humans. On occasion a good idea came our way and we played it. Different countries were now visited and the girls made an effort to pretend that they were pleasantly amused by Human ingenuity.
The state visits lasted for thirty nine days. The last day Tom took his wife and the girls away to a very formal reception attended by only the most highly placed dignitaries. My wives and I had long been expelled for we had done our job. Besides some presidents, kings or prime ministers needed our chairs at these affairs.
Tom stood and gave his speech and promised to give the Humans some gifts. The question was asked about what it was and he told them of our reactors for electrical power, an energy storage unit and the machine to remove nuclear and chemical waste. There was a lot of clapping and Tom bowed. It was his due for he had already made the parts and they were presently in lunar orbit ready for delivery. He even said that he would set up some equipment up on the moon to make what was necessary.
The world got back to normal or nearly so for the next month. A receiver given to the Earth brought news of the arrival of the first four of our ships of the Borin class. Clearance was soon given and the ships descended to present the gifts to the people of Earth.
One brought a reactor while two others shared a load. This was one of our small fabricators. It was especially designed for its speed. Its size alone required two ships and six contra gravity units for transport. The last ship brought a long string of empty ceramic containers that would be used for nuclear and chemical disposal. The containers stayed in orbit till needed.
The reactor was just set down in northern Mexico. This was the country that agreed to first take our gifts and to show the world what we could accomplish. Their oil monopoly was state owned and had less power to stop the government but only just. Pressure was put on in other sectors but we purposely went quickly to produce the equivalent of a fait accompli.
One of the ships started to plow up the desert sand and gravel with its tractors. The other two ships put the fabricator down and then worked to get the two portions put together. An army of Human engineers, government official and equipment operators had been waiting for three days in the desolate area that we had picked.
A movable conveyor belt designed for open pit mining was already in place. It was constructed by humans hands for this project. Sand, gravel and loose rock were loaded onto it by trucks and large excavators driven by men. All this was used to feed the long belt and our fabricator.
Out came long grey billets of especially formulated ceramic material in the correct proportions for this particular job. The machine was starved for raw materials most of the time. The system would eventually get better with practice.
After twenty four hours we had a very large pile of processed billets and other large containers of dross. One contained mainly aluminum but did contain iron, some light metals and even some gold. Others contained pure elements that could be useful for other purposes. There was a large amount of calcium produced for we could not use all that we found. This and the other metals were sold with an aim of encouraging a more educated Mexican society.
All this was basically a test on many levels. This material was all pulled away for a large ceramic pod came to us carried under one of our ships. It was full of radioactive waste. Another field went up around this container and everything including the pod went into the fabricator. People were around with all sorts of test equipment but soon the readings dropped to very near zero. A much smaller container of very radioactive materials was nearby and in a protective field of its own. This happened to be a stasis field and kept the material from heating and reacting for there was enough to make a sizable nuclear explosion.
More empty pods were dragged from orbit and placed were they could get filled. This was just the testing phase for Humans would have to bring other cargos to our reprocessing stations. The moon was openly used now to make it appear that we had set up a small site on the back surface to make the ceramic containers and other things destined for Earth.
Tests were now made by Humans on all of our processed products. The stasis box though was not opened for obvious reasons. The rest of the material had much less than the normal background radiation present since Humans started exploding nuclear weapons.
Smaller billets were given for testing both before and after the nuclear material was added. The Human scientists could find no differences and neither could we.
Forty three containers in all were processed in the next few days. Thirty eight of them were from Europe, Russia, China, Pakistan and India. In the future they would have to carry their own waste to the fabricators stationed on their soil. Not all of the waste was nuclear for chemicals were also brought including some very contaminated soil. In every case nothing but clean products emerged.
Some valuable metals were extracted and these were sold on the open market. The money raised continued to go to various charities dealing with educating the poor.
Everything we had done would still disrupt commerce. The companies that specialised in destroying or removing contaminated soils would now disappear after doing the last of their work. Oil companies would have less markets but would last much longer before their reserves ran out. The power generating companies and the automotive companies though would be big losers.
Cars would still be made but now they would be much simpler to manufacture and there was less ways for the manufacturing companies to hide their profits from the tax man. Oil burning electrical plants as well as coal and nuclear would have to be phased out but we would have to fill the gap with a commitment to provide power for now and until Humans found their own way of generating cheap energy.
This would mean that a great many people would be laid off while the industry reintegrates itself. Short of managing the world economy there was little we could do beyond make-work projects to take up some of the unemployed.
Television cameras were on this project all the time and interviews had to be given. On occasion I had to give them. All of my comments had to be coached from the mathematical point of view for I was not listed as an engineer. Statistical research though was a valid avenue to pursue.
The operation in Mexico was turned over to the youngsters for this simple operation was well within their capabilities.
In two weeks an odd vehicle was landed near this site. When the reactor was put into position long lines of ceramic material were layed out with precision along the path to each of the step down units. The majority of the time there was little in our way and the machine took off with an additional load of ceramic in its belly. It would pick up the ceramic as it travelled to replace the ceramic taken internally. This was processed into energy conduit with a small energy shield projector every metre of its length.
We used a small engine here but it didn't operate on any Newtonian Physics. There were no reactive gases or treads to pull the machine forward. It did lay the ceramic at seventy three kilometres an hour in the rocky soil. After two hours the speed was increased to a hundred and thirteen kilometres an hour.
The next day three more units arrived and began to work. Soon we had most of northern Mexico covered in our grid. Conversion units were put close to existing high voltage lines now and the lines connected between the two.
When eight such connections were made Tom and Margaret came back and pushed the switch in front of a great many dignitaries. The real control for all of these units was put into Human hands for they would be the ones using the power. We made it as idiot proof as possible as well as sabotage proof as we could.
More reactors had to be delivered and these too had to be connected to their own step down units.
The children on Earth began making special accumulators and the conversion units to produce simple electricity or vice versa. The reverse used the mains to feed the accumulator in the first place. These were all produced on two small fabricator units. Everything of a technological nature was safely hidden within the unit. Almost six thousand accumulator and conversion units were produced in an hour. These went sold to car companies that had already been experimenting on similar units.
With these tasks well in hand I left the system to test more of my engines. These tests had to be quick for a tentative engine had already been chosen. This time I took Ronny with us as well as Raisa. In a weeks time I flew back with the children continuing with what I had started.
They felt good to be intrusted with this responsibility and I was happy to get their assistance. The tests were scheduled to last almost a full cycle but the two didn't mind the challenge. They were much like what I was at their age.
Others had to go to the remaining areas of the world to negotiate the placement of the reactors and the fabricators that would help clean the planet. The wives of Tom and his son usually did this even if some countries were averse to dealing with a women especially ones that were very beautiful. Vested interests were still opposed to what we were offering and fought us with all their power.
Our manpower shortage was now very acutely felt. I wanted to complete the lattice framework to mount the shield generators on the ship and to complete the temporal/inertial commentator hookup. The former could be handled by automated equipment but would take up a great deal of our machinery and computer time. The latter though consisted of a goodly amount of grunt work that could not be fully automated. One day if we were to build enough ships the investment in a specialised machine of this purpose would be worthwhile.
To get around our manpower shortage would require some of us to go on another recruitment drive. The government of Mexico and then the Mexican newspapers had been told of our quest. It was kept as low key as possible but no matter how we said we could cure diseases and allow the aged to work many more productive years we would get swamped. The new people would have to be trained and all this took from our available supply of help.
Mexico was a test in many ways and the world governments were watching very carefully what we were doing. Not only was it the electrification but all of our dealings with the humans. We were also showing the world how we expected things to work for any obstruction was investigated and the person or group questioned by their own superiors.
Our morals and culture suited both the Seffra and us but sadly would not be readily accepted the very parochial Humans. Those recruits allowed to come to us would have to be assimilated in small numbers until they all understood our position and embraced our culture. The secret of our existence was out but not a great deal was known of the way we interacted socially.
A possible alternative to our recruiting would be to have the Humans themselves choose people that fit our criteria. Their age and physical condition would not matter much as long as we could get them alive into our tanks. This would predispose the governments to give us their old men and women that had done them favours in the past. Others would be old soldiers that had many years of following the orders of their Human superiors. Either was not acceptable for they would still harbour a great deal of misplaced loyalty. Reprogramming them was much easier but abhorrent to us.
My wives had spent some of their emotions and a lot of their thoughts on this subject too. They wanted to recruit children that were either too sickly to survive or perhaps already antisocial in nature. Our recruiters would just pick from this limited number to see how well we could do. The Humans would rid themselves of those that would be unproductive and cost a great deal to keep. Logic though was not a thing that humans always followed.
In two weeks the project in Mexico was nearing completion and we had already began to move toward the northern border. The Mexican authorities had assisted in finding those they wished to be rid of before we left. We had long talks to explain our position and to keep public opinion on our side. Governments could not survive if the electorate got a disjointed view of what was happening.
Facilities had to be built by us to process all the people and this meant many medical tanks and simple stasis chambers were constructed. Computers and other infrastructure had to be constructed not only for training but to perform many of the mundane tasks necessary to care for a great number of people.
Marina and the rest of us seen on television changed so we could now work as Seffra. She visited a large children's hospital to start her day. Here there were a great many sick children and almost all of them were desperate for a cure to their afflictions. There were many forms of cancer in the first section and most of the children showed the effects of radiation or chemical treatment. Other children had acute forms of diabetes but these were usually at home. Sexually transmitted diseases were also present and in these cases the state usually had custody of the children. Parents wanting assistance had to come to the hospital so their children could be assessed.
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LA SED (THIRST) What happened to me at first did not surprise me. But now I'm worried, maybe I should see a psychoanalyst. The first time it happened to me, it was in adolescence. I remember that my boyfriend then was very happy, but then it caused him anguish. This condition I called "La Sed" in my native language ("Thirst" in English). It consists in an imperious desire to drink semen. But I'm not talking about a simple ejaculation, I'm talking about a lot of sperm. But it is not so simple,...
Waking up next to Tracy is any man's dream. she is beautiful, dark with a great sex drive and abody that keeps you hard just looking at it. But when you touch her, you can feel the heat coming off of her. I believe she has a temperture of 99 or something higher than the normal 98.6. She is always ready to give her lover every pleasurer. here's the next part of my true story. "The next morning." As she lays there in front of me asleep, I look at her body and see her brets rise and fall. her...
InterracialThe dim ambient lighting inside the Coach House Inn gave the lounge a golden hue that was ideally suited for a guy masquerading as a gal. I couldn't have wished for a better location for Judy to come out to play. My wish list, however, would not have included the guy breathing into my left ear."Perfume?" I croaked, continuing with the 'sore throat' ruse.I began to feign a cough in order to turn away from Ross's advances. Paul had just retrieved his tongue from inside my wife's mouth and...
CrossdressingAuthor’s note ~ this story contains a diversity of sexual tastes, including: anal, lesbian, gay, BDSM, and group scenes, among others. If any of these flavors offend you, please move on to somewhere else. This is the first thing I’ve ever written and I hope some of you will enjoy it. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* My name is Veronica Fallon. I am eighteen years old and have lived a very sheltered, innocent life in the small castle of my father. That small world has grown beyond...
A full body orgasm ripped through Sam as Mary licked her swollen clit. Legs wrapped tightly around Mary's head, Sam thrashed about on the wooden bench. When it ended Sam's numb body fell limp. Mary raised her head, wiping the sticky liquid from her face into her mouth. She watched as Sam's emotions washed through her head. A combination of laughing and crying, Mary smiled pleased with herself. She sat quietly rubbing Sam's abdomen softly as she came back to earth. Catching her breath Sam opened...
I was worried about today. Melissa was coming over for a music lesson. Melissa is Steph’s 50 year old Mum. Steph is 28 years old like me and we are great friends. Melissa asked me to give her some help with her music which on the one hand seemed strange, tutoring a friends Mum, but I knew her well enough. Steph has been to the house loads of times so Beccy knew her well, and had met her Mum quite a few times. Still, it was agreed Melissa would come to ours for her lesson which meant Beccy...
SpankingChapter 25 I Will Sam was far more in tune with everything than I'd ever realized. For awhile I worried that he was just another confused kid. It was pure serendipity that we found each other all those years ago, albeit in a playpen with him wrestling me to the ground as often as not. I grew to love all the more the person that he was becoming. His strength of purpose, his sense of being, everything about him were things to admire. Sunday morning...
Brian and Aunt Em This is a fantasy about Brian and his Aunt Em – which evolved into a full blown relationship. My Aunt Emmy was the younger sister in my mother's family. Back in 1962, when I was just eighteen, she was thirty-eight years old. At five foot five inches tall, she weighed about 140 pounds. Her blonde hair, which was dyed, fell at shoulder length. Although her figure was average, she had some prominent features. Her 38D size breasts, a rounded belly from child bearing matched her...
IncestMemories of a girlfriend from the 80’s – The next day To get the full picture, you should first read ‘How we met – She got the magic juice (Part 1)’ I made breakfast for both of us in the morning. I had some shopping to do across the border which was about an hour by car from my home and I offered to drive her home which was about a 10 minutes drive and on my way. However, she convinced me that we should spent the day together and she would go with me across the border. We drove by her flat...
“Oh come on, really? Do I have to?” I whined to my wife Dawn. “Yes, I can’t make it and someone needs to make sure she’s not buying crap.” she replied. My step-daughter Hannah was in her second year of school about 1.5 hours away. We got her an apartment close to campus so she wasn’t on the dining plan. She had a medical scare over the summer and needed to lose some weight and eat better. Hannah was a big girl, about 5’8 and 250lbs and only ate crap which didn’t help. So now, we were trying...
Working for Halloween 2 by: Shawna Summers [email protected] As I hung up the phone, I shook my head and wondered what I was thinking. It was just a few days after my "outing" (quite literally!) at the costume store, and here I was agreeing to go again. Sure, I'd enjoyed the hell out of it. Both the dressing, and the, uh... extracurricular activities with Brad afterwards, but I couldn't keep pretending to be a girl. Especially if they were talking about trying to have me do...
A man Bobby Draper didn’t know was about to do help the young man solve the problem of breaking things off with another of his adult lovers. The man, whose name was Lee Barnes, pulled into the parking lot of the hall where the Jamestown High School reunion banquet was being held. He had been divorced for a year, so he was attending the reunion alone. He hadn’t been back to his home town in years and hadn’t been to a reunion since he graduated from high school. As a result, he hadn’t seen most...
What with lockdown and the pandemic, Jaq and myself have really missed having friends over for some sexy fun.Valentine's Day fell on a Sunday this year. Jaq wanted to try out a little fetish that had been going around in her head. Over a nice leisurely breakfast, Jaq told me what she had in mind. I became instantly hard at the thought.Jaq opened the fridge door. An abundance of cream, yoghurt and custard sat on the top shelf. Jaq explained to me what she had in mind. She would lie across the...
FetishI was searching craigslist to see if there was a another man out there that that wanted a bj. One add caught my eye and got me really hard thinking about it. The add said to come to a tan salon in my local town and go to booth 3B. The ad had a picture of a dick that was 7 inches long and very very thick inches. We set up a time, and I showed up. I paid for my session and went to bed 3B. Went in and closed the door. Got naked and got on my knees doggie style with butt facing the door, just like...
I woke the next day full of anticipation. This was developing so fast it had my head spinning with the possibilities. I was collecting lives and the shear power that implied was the best aphrodisiac I could have imagined. It was time to take this to the next level. It was time to convert Emily into the sex slave I always wanted her to be. I called her early, wanting to catch her before she left for school. She was attending Washington State University, studying architecture and was really...
I’m a sixty year old man and as things go, I’ve got a pretty good life. I was made redundant from my job as an area manager for a large industrial cleaning firm and my redundancy pay meant I wasn’t short of a few bob. I was divorced and lived alone in a small block of over fifties flats in Bangor, North Wales. I had a good car, took nice long holidays, mainly in Florida and didn’t go short of willing female company. All in all I was living the life that most men would envy. One particular...
The weapon only a few unhappy and often short lived people got to see was a short-barreled Colt that usually rode in one of Jim's boots. At twenty- eight years of age, Jim considered himself to be not too ugly to look at, but most women rated his looks as very attractive despite his strong features. The women were particularly attracted to his gentle drawl, and as one love- stricken Austin girl had written poetically in her diary, "Mr. Horn has eyes as blue as the wide Texas sky!" These...
From my other story about my fist time sucking cock, you can tell that I am married, but like to use xHamster to jack off and enjoy my alone time. I have ventured out to use Craigslist a lot lately and from my other story, you know that recently, I sucked my first cock, and swallowed my first load. After that experience, I was wondering if I would turn into a slut and just suck every cock that I could find, but luckily … that didn’t happen. I decided to be very choosey when I was with another...
I enjoy swimming and start to go to my local pool on my day off for a swim. One week after finishing my swim I sit on the bench in the cubicle drying myself and reach down between my legs and begin to rub my swollen throbbing pussy. I put one foot on the bench to spread my legs wider and rub myself vigorously until I cum all the time hyper aware of what is going on in the cubicles around me and trying to keep myself from making any noise as I cum. I find myself biting down on the corner of my...
There are mostly just dogs at this shelter. This city has a no kill policy so some of the dogs have been here a very long time. Those long timers have become our best friends. We feed them and care for them daily and they depend on us for everything. Some of the male dogs are quite large and muscular. I think they are just naturally muscled since they really don’t get much exercise in the cages. One of the males we call Spirit. He is a brute, but gentle. He has short hair, and is...
June couldn't cry any more. She'd cried all she could cry. There were no more tears left. Erica was spooned up behind her, trying to comfort her, but it wasn't enough. Mummy had gone years ago. That scar had never properly healed, just scabbed over. It was too easily broken open again. Daddy had gone earlier that day. That new scar was red-raw and bleeding. It felt like it would never ever heal. The two people she loved most had both gone. She was even sucking her thumb – something she...
-Rory “How was this really happening?” I reeled as she just stared me down with a menacing look. Allie had never talked to me this way. It’s exactly what I had asked for, but now it terrified me. “So, if we are going to use this for now, how long am I leaving this on for?” “Why do you sound so pessimistic all of a sudden? Fear of reality setting in some?” She said. “No, not that, I was just wondering. So, what all does the ‘real way’ entail exactly?” With everything happening right now those...
FetishMy name is sameer and I live somewhere around the Hyderabad. I’m tall and I play basketball at my school. Both my parents are also tall as well as my sister and so whenever we go out to places people look at us somewhat awkwardly. Anyway, I was just heading back to school. Since I’m on the basketball team we are usually pretty busy but since it was the first couple of weeks I didn’t really have much to do. One day my sister, hanisha, called and asked if she could come down to see me. Now I had...
IncestI couldn't help but watch her. She was like a bright, vivid rainbow that I couldn't look away from. I knew I shouldn't. I knew that it wasn't "right" for me to feel that way about her. But I'd never really felt that way about anybody before. It felt good. It hurt. She noticed me a few times, gave me that demure smile, like she knew that I had been thinking about kissing that soft pale skin right below her earlobe. She even blushed, once. I spent the whole next week imagining...
The sun was starting to go down over the field and I was trying to dry myeyes from the tears that had flooded them only moments before. The girls ofmy cheerleading squad can be so mean, especially Cori Andrews. She was sucha bitch and would have the sophomore girls gang up on me and pick on mejust because I was the only freshman on the entire squad. It's sofrustrating that I made the team and these four girls led by Cori have topick on me because I am new to the squad.I had been sitting for...
Dear Willow, I'm officially impressed. 6.9?! That Is Awesome! Okay, now I've got that out of my system let me get onto things I'd like. If you could send some fruit tree seeds, apple, peach, plum, cherry, apricot, etc as well as maybe a box of mixed nuts that is all raw, unsalted nuts I would appreciate it. We should be making landfall at Atlantis-At soon. I understand that there really isn't much land at all on the world but that we are building in specially engineered domes that are...
Every one always remembers when they lose their virginity , some relish that moment and some want to forget about it but its always part of the memory.I lost my virginity late, although during my college days I been involved in heavy petting but I never tempted to go all out for sex. I was about 21 at that time when this incident happened.I was a vibrant curvacious Punjabi girl. Figure wise I was plump. 34 d 32 38, a real head turner. Following incident narrates my first sex escapade with my...
This starts as reality and then ventures into fantasy, based upon my lovemaking with Madeline. It was several weeks after our wonderful anal exploration in Wellfleet. Over that time we further explored all the combinations two people in love could concoct to have sex. I loved the manner we had developed of working and having sex four or five times a week. It was uninhibited and wild, with the introduction of multiple toys, fantasies, and sexy dress resulting in huge orgasms and lots of naked...
Quickie SexIt is 1809 and Napoleon is soon to marry Marie-Louise of Austria. The French are at war with Britain and Portugal. In a sleepy outpost in the Indian Ocean 2,000 kilometers off the south east coast of Africa the French-Creole inhabitants of what the Arab sailors called “Dina Arobi”, the Portugese called “Cirne” and the French now called “Ile de France” had established their own version of paradise. Turbulent times were ahead and a name change of the island to “Mauritius” was coming soon. In the...
I love the transvestite lifestyle. Since I was sixteen, I have been boldly going out dressed to the nines as Cari in public. Now finally of legal drinking age, I go out to one of Boston’s gender friendly nightclub establishments on the weekend. I am lucky to be considered one of the prettiest and the most believable of the girls at these clubs. At five foot five inches tall and one hundred and thirty five pounds I have a body that looks good in almost any kind of dress!I have naturally blonde...
Crossdressing“...akey! Time to get up now!” A female voice pulled me from a delicious dream of my secret object of desire, Brandon. I somehow had ended up in the boys’ locker room alone with him, and, without wasting words, he had pushed me against the wall, his body taking possession of me, his strong thigh pressing between my legs, his large hand massaging my breast. For some reason or another, we had both already been nude. I was sweating and just an inch away from coming. “My, aren’t you two an adorable...
BDSM"Darren, we need to talk about this fantasy date thing," Stephanie said as he walked in the door Wednesday night. Oh, brother, here it comes, he thought to himself. He wasn't in the greatest of mood when he walked in the door. Work had been a bitch all week and would be for at least another week. "After you eat dinner, I mean," Stephanie added, walking with him toward the kitchen. "The kids and I ate an hour ago. I'll get them started toward bed. You relax and eat." Darren barely...
Jack Martin was in a state of near-shock as he waited for the door to be opened. He was living the strangest day of his life. Everything he had told Samantha had been true. He hadn’t eaten for a day and a half because every off-duty hour had been spent just staring at the incredible girl depicted on his computer screen. What was utterly incomprehensible to him, though, was the fact that she was even more beautiful in the flesh than she had been on the screen. Suddenly he realized what the...