My Life With My FatherChapter 10
- 3 years ago
- 18
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Once outside the building Megan stopped and said, "The man we just spoke with is dying. I stopped his heart with my fist. You are now free to do as you wish. I am afraid you are too naïve for the big city. People wait around these kind of places looking for young men and women that they can prey on."
The boy was panic stricken and asked in a weak voice, "What am I going to do?"
"I have a job for you Christopher. That is why I came to get you. It is much better than your home life but you will still have to go to school. You will still have someone in authority over you but they will understand you much better than your family did."
The boy digested this and hadn't come to the realisation that the beautiful young woman had known his name and family situation yet.
Megan continued, "In a seventy four seconds a policeman will come out of the door beside us looking for me. He will think the man died of a heart attack but still want to question me about what I said. Do you want to be here when he comes out?"
Christopher had minor troubles with the law and said with wide eyes, "No!"
"Then let's move." Megan carried the suitcase with all of Christopher's worldly goods. She ducked into the bus entrance as the policeman came out the door and looked around.
Christopher relaxed as he saw the woman in front of him put a lock of hair back into place. The boy had a chance now to come to some of his wits and asked, "How did you know me?"
Megan smiled and said, "Oh, that is easy, I simply read your mind."
The boy just looked at her and didn't know what to think. This would usually be a joke but he heard in his mind, "Oh, it isn't a joke. It is much easier to read minds and to speak this way. Everything is much clearer. I know that you lusted after Marcy in your class but never did anything about it. You also have seventy three dollars and sixteen cents in your pocket along with that watch your grandfather gave you."
In a few seconds Megan smiled more and said, "You are thinking that I have nice breasts but you were also thinking of my jacket and the pocket over my left breast." The boy turned very red and hung his head.
Megan laughed quietly and held the boy's head up with one hand. "I like when nice young men appreciate my body but I am sorry to say that I am already married. Now Chris, do you want to take my offer of a job or do you want to try to stick it out on your own. I will leave if you don't want the offer."
"What do you want me to do? I know to fix some cars and bikes and do a little electrical work. I worked in a greenhouse for a few months."
Megan said verbally, "You have to be trained first. I cannot give you the job details for they're a secret. I can only tell you that you'll not be forced into having sex. You will not be beaten or ridiculed. You will learn though and far more than you ever believed possible. When that is done you will help us with a large project. I can tell you that when you find out what it is you will be very happy for accepting."
The boy smiled and said, "Ok," in his mind for Megan was still gently holding his jaw.
"Good, Chris. Now let's get a cab and check out the train station and the airport."
"I need far more help that just you can provide. Let's catch a cab first and I will talk as we move."
The train station was one thousand four hundred and thirty metres away and much closer than the airport. Megan explained some minor points in the cab without the driver hearing a thing.
"Part of the project is actually construction. After that a great many specialities will be needed and you will have to learn some of them. You will have access to a great many educated minds to do what is needed. Our library is entirely in a computer and it is easy to search through it for assistance."
"What are we building?"
"Perhaps your home but it is more than that. You are just having to wait and see."
"What more help do you need?"
"There are a lot of people that have the kind of temperament we need. You read once about a field around living objects. This field I can see and know just by looking at it what you are like. You work hard once you get the urge to do something about it. You are fairly honest and think that a family should be strong. You also have a sense of fairness and try to help those less fortunate. I just have to look for a similar field around others to know what they are like."
Off the subject Christopher asked, "Did you really kill that man?"
"I sure did. He liked your bum too much and he has hurt and killed for his lusts before and would continue to do so. There is just no way that this sort of person can be removed from society without someone being able to read minds as I do."
Christopher's suitcase went into a rental locker, while Megan began to search for anybody that may be useful. Christopher saw how the beautiful woman concentrated on what she was doing. He in turn wondered about his commitment to the woman that had said that she had just killed a stranger. She certainly was right about reading his mind so it was very possible that she had read the other two guys and the man too. There were people in Ottawa that liked boys but whether they would rape them or not was not mentioned in local gossip.
Soon Megan sat the young boy at a snack bar and handed him some money. "Eat what you want. I know you're hungry."
Twenty minutes later after a train pulled in Megan came back and said, "No more luck. I just got one little diamond in all this chaff."
Christopher smiled and Megan pulled him to her side. Out loud she said, "We have to hit the airport now." Another taxi took them across town and to this destination.
This area took longer to search but again it proved fruitless. When Megan came back she said, "Well there are a lot more places to check but they are small. I can do them later and maybe it would be good to get you squared away in our home. There's a room for you and probably a much better meal than what you were eating at the train station."
Another taxi took them to a nearby hotel. The building was new and very high but they didn't enter. Megan led the boy around to the parking lot and she opened the door of an old Volkswagen Beetle. For some reason Christopher felt let down but he did get in after stowing his suitcase.
Megan drove out of the space and then into a small industrial mall nearby. When it was safe the boat became invisible to an external viewer. Megan said, "Christopher, when you first saw this vehicle you were upset." The boy began to lie but Megan stopped him. "It's fine. Just remember what you thought at that time so you could tell your children one day."
Christopher didn't understand but he noticed that the scenery outside was acting oddly. He moved closer to the window and now saw what looked like the large buildings start to getting shorter. In mere seconds they had shrunk to pinpricks. Mist shrouded the view then all he could see was the mist below him. Looking up he saw the stars clearer than he had ever seen them before.
He turned to Megan with his mouth open. "What happened?"
"My slow old Beetle took off from the Earth at ninety gravities. In a moment you will see your home for the next while." She knew that the boy was very worried. "Christopher, you are completely safe. You are in no danger from me or the elements."
They circled a portion of the Earth and had climbed appreciably in orbit. A minute later they were very close to the moon but Megan flew to the ship being built above its surface.
At fifty kilometres Megan said, "I was born on the Earth the same as you. My parents were just as Human as yours are. I fell in love with a crazy alien and so did my sister. Now we are building this ship to go exploring. What we are offering is a chance to learn things far advanced over anybody on Earth. You will help us complete this vessel and if you are lucky you may get a chance to join her crew one day."
The boy didn't answer for he couldn't do so. Thoughts raced through his mind and new ones cropped up. He had no chance to actually complete a rational thought. Megan drove close to the skeleton of the ship but there was nothing familiar to judge the size.
When the short tour was over she drove to the moon and slowly settled through the large dome. When they came to rest beside a Mercedes van, Megan said, "This is home. The gravity here in my Volkswagen is the same as Earth but when you get out you will find it quite different. Just walk slow until you get used to the strange feeling I called some family and they will be here soon."
Megan got out and had to help the boy from his seat. He was still too stunned. He did look up when some girls ran up to the clearing then slowed to a walk. Some were carrying very small babies but other normal babies were running with the older girls. Some of the younger ones were naked.
Megan smiled at the girls and took the youngest child in her arms. She took a few moments to introduce each of the girls and say verbally a few polite words about each.
The girls spoke poor English but to Christopher's ears it had a delightful accent. His first steps reminded him to walk carefully and one of the girls took his suitcase and one of his arms. Another girl took his other arm and now he felt very uncomfortable but in a nice way.
They all walked slowly and they talked all the time about those things on the trail or just off of it. The lake was beautiful and he saw more naked girls but these were older. They waved at him as if it was an everyday thing to go around with no clothing. Things went slower here now for he had to be introduced to the girls that hurried to meet him. The girls giggled and Christopher was upset because it had to be the erection that he had.
He was actually happy to get moving again though he was getting the hang of walking in less gravity. When the house came into view he found it to be monstrous. The girl holding his left arm said, "The building has a very large basement and even a basement under that." All of this was in the delightful accent that he had grown to love in the short time he had heard it.
It was good that the girls were close for he almost stumbled as his weight started to return to him. In a matter of only ten strides he was back to what it was on Earth.
On the patio in front of him were two more very beautiful people with three boys and a girl.
The woman that brought him here took him over to the new group and said, "Christopher, this is my husband Leif."
I stood and shook the boy's hand and said, "Hi Chris. It must have been quite a shock to find yourself on the moon?"
"Ah... hi. I was really scared especially at first."
"You will get used to it. You already know my wife Megan and this lady her is my other wife Sandra. They are not only both very beautiful but they are sisters. You can easily see the family resemblance. I can see it in our children." I put my hand behind Christopher to guide him to do what was right and take a few steps so he was in front of her.
Sandra smiled and extended her hand. Christopher was uncomfortable because he had not learned very many of the Human graces from his parents. Sandra coached him along then introduced each of the four children that were sitting with us.
"These children have just been here eight hours longer than you so they have lots to learn. I have no fear that in just a few weeks you will be running around like the girls you met and you will be just as happy. Now why don't you sit with us and enjoy a meal. We eat informally here most of the time but it is always nice to have a good sit down meal too."
The boy was given a seat and Megan handed me the child she was holding and went inside to get some food for them.
In the coming week we found eleven more boys coming to us. The women followed Megan's lead and looked at more bus stations. One potential pimp was discovered but this one was lucky and only ended up in the hospital.
The boys worked hard when they found out that their level of accomplishments was directly proportional to the amount of time they could have with the girls. The same went for the girls though they also had the duties of watching our children. It would not be long before the boys would have to do the same thing.
Telephone calls were made to the boy's parents to let them know that their sons were safe. Many didn't care and others had not known anything about their son for up to eleven months. Some seemed to be relieved that they were safe. Some wanted their sons back home but they were told that this would only happen if the boy wanted it.
We stayed with engine design and followed a less than analytical approach in doing so. Here we worked with our designs then tried variations of them. When the results came in we just followed up what could be done to improve the engines.
Some of the engines we made led us to many more blind alleys. Some were much too dangerous for they produced some very hard radiation that could be detected far from the source. Others blew up very spectacularly with much lower power settings. Some promising leads turned sour when we found that we could not control the engine the way we needed. Even with all our losses we were still making progress. Engine longevity was very important too for there was just no way we could pull into a handy repair centre to replace a worn or defective unit.
Some designs looked promising but I held off making the full scale units for I wanted to see how far I could push the systems before going into full scale production of the main drives.
Sandra went back to Vancouver and had and in-depth talk with Ronny. In the preceding hours Sandra had used her aura, voice and body language to let Ronny know who was the dominant and who was the subservient member of this group.
Ronny was almost into that form of mind already and seemed to revel in her new role. Ronny was taken to some of the better stores and Sandra talked in front of Ronny to the salesclerks about her inadequacies and especially poor choice in clothing. This was done only after finding that the particular saleswoman in front of her was into dominance herself.
Sandra had scanned all of the employees of each business until she found what she wanted in this particular store. This one had her name on a small plastic tag hung from a tastefully designed dress.
Ronny felt not only humiliated by the continuous comments but she felt a surge of excitement flow through her as her name was debased. With only the salesclerk with them at the back of the store, Sandra said, "What do you think of Ronny's breasts Cassy?"
"They look all right to me," the tall brunette said. She wondered what this was all about.
"Ronny take off your top."
"What?" She asked quietly.
"I said, 'take off your top, ' I want to show Cassy your breasts."
Ronny struggled for a moment then looked around before complying. There was a rack of clothing that would keep her partially concealed. When the garment came off, Ronny was not surprised when Sandra said, "Take off your bra."
After only a quick look Ronny reached behind and undid the snaps and let the bra now hang from the hand not holding the top.
"What do you think of her breasts now?"
Cassy got close and put a hand on Ronny's shoulder to look at each of the woman's breasts. "She is still young and they don't sag much."
"She needs to be regularly exercised She is not only lazy but she has a problem with letting anyone use her. Everything seems to be wired directly to her clit. Pinch one of her nipples and see what I mean," she ordered.
The woman didn't even look to Ronny for permission but only to Sandra. Her other hand touched Ronny on the bare midriff thin slid gently up to caress the breast then roll the nipple between her finger and thumb.
Ronny shook at the touch then pushed her chest closer to the hand that was making her feel so good. The woman saw how this was affecting the girl and moved around behind Ronny so she could use a hand on each breast.
Ronny stayed with her hands at her sides but leaned back into the woman for support and comfort. After a moment she heard from the aroused clerk, "She is responsive. You are right though about her needing regular exercise along with some special care."
Sandra replied, "She does need care. I have found her acting irresponsibly on many occasions. A firm hand may be needed though. Do you know of anybody wanting to take on this responsibility?"
Ronny now looked panic-stricken for she wanted Sandra to take care of her. "But Sandy..."
Sandra moved quickly closer and pinched an unoccupied nipple bringing a great deal more pain to the woman. "It is mistress now, slut. If I want to sell you or simply rent you out I will. Most people could look out for you a lot better than you have been doing for yourself."
There was no verbal answer right away. Ronny hung her head and knew that it was true. "But... mistress..."
Sandra caressed the girl's face and whispered, "I know. You are weak and need somebody to help you."
Ronny looked with love at Sandra for she seemed to know exactly what to say.
Sandra looked at the Cassy and said, "Take Ronny into the change room. Remove all her clothing. Save her purse, shoes and any valuables. Throw everything else in the garbage. We are going to start from scratch."
The woman said with a smile, "We can do that."
Sandra moved fast again and put her hand on the woman's shoulder. "That is 'yes mistress' in the future."
The shocked woman said nothing for she was now afraid of the speed and obvious determination. She had always been a dominant but now felt that she had to give way to the woman in front of her. It took a moment but the woman finally said, "Yes mistress."
"Good, now let's get moving."
The two women hurried into the furthest change room and the clerk treated Ronny like a child and just undressed her. Ronny didn't understand all of this but enjoyed the treatment she was getting.
When Ronny was fully naked she was moved around until Cassy saw and felt most of her skin. She sat on a bench and Cassy pushed her down on her back and put her knees up to her breasts. In that position the woman looked at those portions of Ronny that she had not seen yet. She assessed how much she really wanted the woman in front of her. In the end she said, "You have a very beautiful mistress. You should feel very lucky to have her."
Ronny stayed as she was placed and said in a small voice, "Oh I am happy. I never knew this side of me existed but I am happy to have found it."
Cassy was going to caress the woman splayed in front of her but remembered in time that this one didn't belong to her and her mistress would be angry. "You better sit up slut. Your mistress will be here soon."
Ronny closed her eyes and shivered at the derogatory term that now sounded much better than it ever did before.
Cassy didn't help Ronny sit up. When she was in position Cassy said, "If you were mine I would have you in shape in a month but in six you would look a lot different."
Ronny said nothing but thought that if she didn't have Sandy taking care of her, this woman might do it. She leaned back and pushed out her naked breasts a bit.
Cassy smiled and said, "You are a slut but one I would like to keep." She saw the smile on Ronny's face and said, "Pick up your rags. Your mistress wants them thrown out."
Ronny did as she was told. She was afraid now because she had no clothing at all now. When it was bundled neatly she handed the bundle to Cassy.
"Thank you slut. Now sit on the bench and play with yourself while you wait."
Ronny just hung her head and did as she was told. Cassy left the room to complete her other duties quite sure that the woman would do as she was commanded to do.
Sandra looked through the clothing that the store had to offer. She saw a plaid skirt and this gave her an idea. A white blouse was next. The shoes wouldn't match but that might present some fun for later. Some white knee highs were found just in time for Cassy to return. The old clothes were in a bag but this sat beside the garbage.
Sandra handed the clothing to Cassy. "Dress the slut in this first."
"Yes mistress."
In four minutes Ronny was dressed and led out of the room. Sandra was waiting with other clothing waiting on a rack. Ronny was self-conscious about her looks. She just about had an orgasm before being told to stand. Cassy dressed her again but left to come back with some tissues to wipe up the discharge that was leaking from her.
When she emerged from the change room she tried to pretend that she was a school girl but she knew that it would be a problem to do so.
Sandra looked at Ronny critically and said, "Turn around slowly." When Ronny's back was to her she said, "Stop." After a pause she said, "bend over and touch your toes. Cassy, pick up the back of her dress."
Ronny had not yet completed her task and paused momentarily then did as she was told. She felt the cool air on her backside for she had no undergarments on.
Sandra said, "Is she excited? You better check and see."
This was permission enough for Cassy and she ran her fingers up and down Ronny's crack then slid effortlessly into her vagina. With just a few strokes she brought out her hand and showed Sandra the moisture. "She looks pretty excited to me... mistress."
Sandra looked at Cassy and said, "When do you get off work."
"Ah... in five hours. I do have an hour break coming up."
"Write up a bill for what I have picked out and for what she is wearing. I want to take her out and get some shoes for her."
Cassy smiled and said, "I know just the place."
Cassy was about to pick up the clothes when Sandra said, "Clean your fingers with your mouth." She was not used to being ordered like this but did as she was told. Ronny had stayed in position but had seen this happening and this made her release even more lubrication.
Sandra said, "Stand up slut. We have places to go."
"Yes mistress."
Cassy got fifteen minutes more for her break and led the pair down the overcast street to a busy shoe store catering to the upper crust. Cassy pointed out a pimply faced young man and Sandra nodded.
She walked up to the salesman and said, "I would like some oxfords for my slut."
The young man's eyes bugged out but he didn't say anything except, "What size would you like?"
"Fit her."
Ronny was commanded to sit at the edge of a Naugahyde covered seat while the young man brought over a gauge. Ronny's short skirt slipped more to her waist but she didn't try to stop it for she was not told to. The man just stared at the juncture of her legs and the gauge was forgotten in his hands.
A saleswoman came over because she knew Cassy fairly intimately. When she got close Cassy said, "You better help. The salesman is having problems."
The woman moved in front of Ronny and immediately saw the difficulty. When Ronny was being stared at she had closed her knees a bit until she heard Sandra tell her to spread her legs like a slut. When she did so her vagina opened up for all to see.
Sandra said to Cassy, "Get more tissues. The slut will wet her new clothes and soak the chair."
Cassy automatically said, "Yes mistress," which happened to shock the saleswoman. Cassy had been nothing but dominant before.
After coming back from the cash she handed half of the fist full of tissues to the man and half to the saleswoman. She said, "Keep her cleaned up until we leave."
The woman got there first and took her time cleaning up Ronny's mons. The man came out of his stupor and measured Ronny's foot. He didn't want to leave but felt compelled to get the shoes. He almost ran to get the shoes and was back very quickly with two different styles. He opened the box without looking at it and slipped a shoe onto Ronny's foot.
He hated to say it but had to. "You have to walk with it."
Ronny looked at Sandra and saw the nod so she got up to walk around. When she got back to her chair she just stood and said, "Do you want me to wear these?"
"How do they fit?"
"Ok... I guess."
Sandra told the clerk what she now wanted to try and he quickly went to get what was required. The saleswoman stayed on her knees waiting to daub a bit more moisture if and when the occasion arose.
The next pair of shoes suited Ronny better but also matched her current costume. Two more pairs of shoes were purchased. Customers came around and saw Ronny displaying herself but only stared a few moments before forcing themselves to move on. Only when a pair of old women that were sure to make a fuss was Ronny compelled to act more demurely.
When they left the man had a sopping wet ball of tissues in his pocket as did the woman in her purse. There was time to eat if done quickly. In a restaurant Sandra said, "I will order. Cassy, take Ronny to the washroom. Clean her up and have her repay you with her tongue. Don't be long."
Two voices said, "Yes mistress," and the girls hurried off.
The two women came back after ten minutes with an older woman scowling at them as they left the washroom. They quickly sat and Sandra asked, "Cassy, did you clean my slut well?"
"She has a problem mistress. I clean her up then she did as she was ordered then she was wet again. An old woman suspects what we were doing."
"That's fine. Now eat your meal. You have to hurry to get back on time."
Cassy was only a few minutes late. She had a monetary gratuity and a much more personal one in the restaurant washroom. She passed both Sandra and Ronny her address and phone number hoping for another meeting.
When they were sitting back in the 'Mercedes', Ronny said, "That was fun mistress. Do you want me to do something for you?"
Sandra slowly reached out her hand and caressed Ronny's cheek. "Not now my little slut but there is something that I can do for you."
Ronny closed her eyes in pleasure then said, "What is that my mistress?"
"You and David will come and live with my family." Ronny's eyes flashed open for this was what she wanted. Before she could thank Sandra she heard, "There are some conditions to this. I am going to make you a little girl. I think that you will be around nine years old and not yet reaching puberty. You will not be able to visit your mother for a while but you and she can phone when you have no other duties. We will not be responsible for your son but you will be taught to care for all the children. You will get a chance to start over again but this time we will raise you right. That may mean lots of sex but you will be responsible. Will you trust me with your future and that of your child?"
Ronny thought for a few seconds. She didn't know the particulars but she was sure that she would not actually be made nine again. That was impossible. "I would love to be in your family."
An hour later the two women were sitting at the kitchen table. Sara, Ronny's mother was sitting there too at Sandra's request. David was napping in his bedroom and Ronny had changed into something less objectionable from her mother's point of view.
Sandra began the discussion by saying, "Ronny and I have been doing some talking about her future."
When nothing more was said Sara asked, "What did you decide?"
"Ronny and David would come to live with my family. First of all Ronny would have a more structured environment where she will go back to school and learn something that will be of value to her and to all of us. David will be looked after with my own children. The good point is that you will not be tied here to this apartment all your life. You can live for yourself and perhaps find a man that you can share your life with."
Sara blushed for that was exactly what she was thinking. "Men, they won't be interested in me. Besides I would just be trading in a two year old for a forty year old. Both have to be babied and coddled or they sulk."
Sandra laughed and then so did Ronny. Sandra knew this was true even though I didn't fit in that category very well.
Sara hated to see her child and her grandchild leave but knew that she had to watch out for both of them and this restrict her choices as well as making her life a lot more labourious. Ronny said she would do things but never got around to doing many of them. David was a demanding boy even though he was very sweet when he was allowed to be. Sara knew that a larger family setting would be good for the boy and the fact that there already was more than one caregiver was needed.
More talk centered around Sandra's and Megan's children. Sara was happy to see that everything should work out just fine.
Ronny asked the important question that was on Sara's lips. "When can we go?"
"We have to go to where you work and quit. If the owner needs you then you will have to stay. One of the responsibilities you will have to learn is to do with those you work with."
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Eliza Jane has a twisted sexual obsession with her voluptuous Step-Mommy. After a taboo affair under her father’s own roof, Eliza loses track of her disgraced Mommy, but tracks her down to the suburbs, enjoying a fresh start and marriage to a new man. Enraged that she has been betrayed and turned on by finding Ryan Really bare ass naked unaware she is being watched through the window, Eliza knocks on the window and starts a world of dark sexual turmoil. Demanding that Ryan apologize for...
xmoviesforyouBeing fast learners, Leigh and Jasmine only nodded their heads with understanding. Their lips slightly parted, eyes - nervous. Jasmine could feel goose bumps run up her body, from both cold and shear pleasure; no one had ever spoken to her this way. She was ALWAYS the aggressor in bed. “Go sit in your desks… and keep your skirts off,” said Miss Robbins. She was relishing the power she had over the girls. Calmly and sexily, one heel in front of the other making her hips sway left and...
Hi readers, I am Raj {name changed} 22 years old from Mumbai. This is my first incident after becoming a gigolo in Mumbai and I am here to share my experiences and satisfaction of the lady which she received from my side in her apartments during the sexiest weekend of the year. I am average build person with little fair skin and obviously has the longest tool. Other side Preeti {name changed} aged 32 sex goddess who can make any one’s tool stand by seeing the melons as well the figure and about...
Jeff sat in the Miadax rec room with the First Officer. The First watched as Jeff’s empty cup disappeared and reappeared so quickly that it seemed to flicker only slightly, but now it was full again. “How does she know when you want more?” the First asked, then immediately waved a hand dismissively when he realized what he had said. “Of course she knew because she asked you mentally, or else you asked for a refill,” he said, embarrassed. “Which brings us to the topic I’m here about.” The...
He walked by again and I catch my breath quietly. He is so handsome, not the tallest boy on the block, but dark skinned and a smile that would make any female melt before him. He was…my boss’s son, Fouad. I began working with him around 3 months ago when his parents saw my exceptional work ethic which molded perfectly with their son’s. “I wish we molded together” I am 19 and he is 24. We both love sports and work hard to keep lean athletic bodies. I never threw myself at him, or fought for a...
TabooI put my hands on her knees and opened her up. She arched her back and moaned as I bent my head and ran the flat of my tongue along her wet, dripping slit.“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!” she squealed as I flicked her aching clit with the tip of my tongue.She writhed on the bed, wriggling about like a lizard in a tin as I brought her to the edge for the third time. She whimpered, pleaded and begged as I crossed my fingers like a corkscrew and pushed them inside her.I felt her wet velvet walls...
LesbianSaturday, December 9th 11:40 pm ‘I’m sorry,’ Sean murmured into Ana’s hair and drew in its faint citrus aroma. ‘I’m so sorry about how I acted…the things I said.’ Ana’s hair swept the side of his neck as she nodded repeatedly. He wanted to haul her body up against his but didn’t dare. The reddish shadow peeking out under the wide dress strap reminded him to be careful. He settled for burying one hand in her silky waves while the other grazed the curve of her back. Ana rubbed his back and...
"Do you ever wish..." "What?" Mark's voice was soft, almost too soft because the crickets were loud. The frogs too. "I don't know," I giggled, feeling a little foolish. "Stephy," Mark sighed. We were at our special place, which wasn't so special by itself. Just an old broken down covered bridge across a creek swollen with spring rains. But it was clear tonight and the moon was a friendly crescent, giving us just enough light to see each other and all the stars. It wasn't a...
Hi all, I have been reading ISS for long time and enjoyed the stories and thanks for this site and lets go to my experience. I had sexual feeling when I was really young and I have been enjoying a bit of homo with my cousin brother and he is the one taught me to masturbate. I had a lot I sexual experience and I will be narrating it in here. As always let me tell you about the first fuck. I have a uncle who abused me sexually when I was young and he ask me to suck his dick and he will suck my...
Brushstrokes By Katharine Sexkitten The wisest human I've ever known explained it to me. Life, he said, was a painting. Each new experience, each new adventure, each new day, was a color, applied to the canvas. Some were barely there, whisper-thin, hardly noticed, applied by the Master with a deft and light hand. Almost invisible. Others were striking, important, broad and dark and heavy. It was the accumulation of all of it that creates our masterpiece. Life was...
As consciousness slowly returned to Cat Valentine, she quickly realized that she was on the floor, and her body felt incredibly rigid. Memories began to flow back pretty quickly, and as she looked around the empty living room, feeling partially stunned to find that there was no one there."Sam?!" she called out, getting up and spending more time looking in an obviously empty room than she should. "Jade?!"The petite redhead gave a frown for a moment, and was just about to sit down on the couch...
Introduction: Abby is a young girl just entering into college life. She has been trained in lesbian delights by her mom's best friend "Aunt Ronnie" and is a self-professed bisexual. Her sexual development is pushed to new limits with the introduction of her new room-mates, Yummi and Maria. They are completely different and appealing in their own unique ways. Her dalliance with Todd leads to his visit to the dorm and the happy foursome find new ways to celebrate their sexual freedom. Abby is...
Aiden double check his resume before sending it off to another potential job, this one a junior to the one he just had at his old law firm. It had his name Aiden J. Arwain in a nice font at the top, showing his master's degree in technology and his bachelors in business management, then it mentioned his job history. Most of it was from the same location where he started at as a high school after school job, tracking his upward movement from starting in the mail room and going to the last VP of...
TranssexualNight Skies Hotel: The Lesser of Two Evils By Wolverine Editor's note: This story was written with Solari's permission. Please be aware that, for storytelling purposes, this story does not always flow chronologically PROLOGUE The Patriarchial dostum waved his shock troops into the empty corridor. They slowly worked their way down the hall, their stony faces scanning every nook and cranny. A blur moved past them, drawing their attention to the dostum, who promptly fell, his armor...
Today we have the lovely Miss Mako Saeki back with us. She is of course the same cheating housewife you remember from before. She does like to cheat on her husband as she loves the cock and she does whatever it takes to get her pussy satisfied with hard cock. She just can not help herself. She lives in a large housing complex in Tokyo and meets lots of different people when her husband is away at work. She met someone recently and they became friends and during the boring afternoons they would...
xmoviesforyouHi, it's Stéphanie. I'll tell you what happened to me at the cinema.As always, when the room is overflowing with places, the nuisances come to cling to us. I tell myself it is certainly because of my clothes. Particularly sexy, I had spoiled my man in my clothes, a very short skirt, a light black top placed on my free breasts, shoes with heels. The look of men is never insensitive when I value myself like that. The movie is boring, Eric sexy by my side, it didn't take long to get interested in...
It was a beautiful summer day and Rivka was sitting patiently in the doctor's office quietly reading a book that she just really wasn’t into. Because of this, she found her mind wandering often and a lot, making reading the book a chore. She swears she has been reading the same page over again at least half a dozen times in the last fifteen minutes. She is at the doctor's office not because there is something wrong with her, but because she just moved to the Pacific Northwest from Vermont...
The next week was a lot of fun. I’d brought hard miners hats that had my crystal lamps attached to the front of them. I’d also made a heap of small crystal lamps that we used to mark intersections. Albi and I would scribe arrows and one or two words to help anyone to get to a particular feature we found, or back to the main cavern. We also marked dangerous tunnels that had sudden drops to catch the unwary. One of the cavern entrances we had climbed up to and accessed from the central tunnel...
This story was inspired by a couple of things. First, I had been wondering what would happen if the concept of Bikini Beach were moved into a shopping environment. Second, I was forced to go on a shopping trip with my mother for clothes for myself, something that is still demeaning and frustrating even now that I am an adult. The story also provides an opening for a potential universe, but I'm not sure I want to go that route. It may just be a scenario that I return to from time...
NOTE: This is a fictional story, written at the request of a friend a couple of years ago. I have rewritten it and decided to post it here.And you need to read the whole story to understand the direction it takes and the outcome.Hope you enjoy.genuineguyWith Menace.It had been a long day, and her body and mind were tired, and longing for that 'welcome home' cup of tea, her mother would make for her on her arrival. But as she rounded the corner into Valley Road nearing her home, a masked...
The next day I walked into the office on shaky legs. I was hyper-aware of my breasts, loose under my thin silk blouse, my nipples hard from rubbing against the soft fabric. I was sure every man in the office could smell my wet pussy as I walked by to take a seat at my desk. My phone buzzed almost immediately. It was Mr. Decker. "Karen, please come to my office." I knocked on his door and entered, closing it behind me. "Lock it." I did, and stood waiting. "Mm, I see you remembered my...
Oral SexIn the morning, the girls were tough to awaken as they were a bundle of nerves and fearful of what the kids would do. They showered and ate breakfast, then dressed in silence while Paige gathered her work before heading to the school. All seven were going to the school so there was no denying they were all a family and may get some of the biggest jerks to eat crow about Elise being a bastard or unwanted. The drive was short but it felt like hours to the girls. They were scared but...
Introduction: I had ED and my wife needed her pussy fucked so I asked our son to help out. Carrie and I have been married for 35 years and we love each other deeply. We married when I was 19 and she was just 18 and pregnant. We had only had sex a half dozen times before she got pregnant we were married, but on our wedding night, over about a 12 hour period, I filled her cunt with 12 loads of my cum. She was as up for it as I was. For the next three months or so I fucked her almost every night...
Dear Ben,I hope you don't mind if I write to you. I really enjoyed our little "contest" the other day. As I said, I admire your self-control - so rare in so young a man. I had fun putting it to the test!The reason I'm writing is to ask you a favor. I was telling an old friend about our experience. Her name is Bonnie, and we've known each other a long time. In fact, we were roommates in college almost twenty years ago.Bonnie has a problem. She married a fine man - actually, Jerry was her...
Rod Hardin looked down at Sandy as she worked his cock in and out of her mouth. She was a truly talented cocksucker but even more important she really loved sucking dick especially his. He could feel her salvia dripping down his cock onto his balls. She opened her blue eyes and looked up at him and he could see the passion and lust that had her on fire. He could see her arm extended down to her pussy as she rubbed her pussy as her mouth pumped his 8" cock. "I love your cock Rod! I could suck it...
Hello indian sex stories dot net friends. Mera naam sameer ha(name changed) im a student of science mene recently apna graduation complete kia h. Now coming to my story ye baat un days ki ha jab me college me tha . Me class me baith k facebook surf krra tha tabhi mene ek girl ki pic dekhi newly married lagi starting me .Toh mene use frnd reqst send krdi. Usne within 5 min accept krli .Toh meri or uski baat cheet start hui hum usne btaya uski shadi hui h 3 yrs pehle uski ek beti h . Fir dheere...
Amir wondered if he would get a chance to pleasure himself with one of the condemned girls, before receiving another pleasure of watching them strangle in the noose until they died. The twenty four nooses, made of thin, but strong hemped climbing cords were tied at regular intervals along the beam about one meter apart from one another. Amir was no stranger to hanging. He saw people hang when Shah of Iran was still in power, although victims were mostly males, there were exceptions. Amir's...
This chapter won't make sense unless you have read the previous one and, ideally, the 'Unexpected Consequences' series which laid the foundations for this story. Zoe was waiting for Brian as he arrived home that evening. She rushed to hug and kiss him. "Hello Brit, I've had such a long day waiting for you to come home again - how was your day?" They made their way inside. Chatting and sharing trivial events with Zoe had Brian in wonder at how good life had become now all his stress...
Thank God that Tommy was there to help me to get to the kitchen. Mom burst into laughter when I finally showed up. I can't honestly say that I was walking; he was practically carrying me to my chair. I groaned loudly when I sat down. The pain radiated from my pussy like I was sitting on a bed of sharp nails. Mom fetched a soft pillow, and I sat on that. Tommy had to lift me while Mom slipped it under my butt. "Honey, please forgive me for laughing like that at your problem. I know exactly...
Mein Onkel der Spanner In meinem Elternhaus, besonders bei Familienfesten, wurde gerne viel gebechert. Während wir jüngeren hinterm Haus am und im Pool chillten. Ließen die älteren Herrschaften im Haus die Korken knallen. Ich ( 18 J) hatte mir angewöhnt eine gewisse Zeitspanne abzuwarten. Dann ließ ich die anderen Teens kurz allein, um zurück ins Haus zu schleichen. Meine Mutter und auch die Tanten hielten nichts von gesitteter Kleidung. Ihre Kurven, in freizügigen Kleidern, zur Schau zu...
TeenThis morning I wake up feeling well-rested and I already know... something is very wrong here. I get up to check the time but see that my phone isn't where I left it. I quickly look down and see that it is screen-down on the floor, must've vibrated off the table and shut off upon impact... yeah I knew something was up. "Thank God." I say as I discover that my phone screen isn't cracked. My class starts at 9:00. I went to bed at 2:00, took me 30 minutes of tossing and turning to go to sleep,...
Mind ControlYour almost home, the road has been long, but driving back has been alright, because you miss home so bad. After high school you had a job offer in Arizona, and have been working there for 4 years. Now you finally have found a better job that’s right in your hometown, and are heading there now. You even heard that a bunch of your relatives have flown into town for a few days to see you! Many of them you haven't seen in ages, so it will be nice to get together with the family. As you pull into...
IncestI attempted to clear the sleepy fog from my eyes and put the thoughts of playing with myself out of my mind. The notification light on my phone was blinking insistently and as I activated the screen I could see why. There were multiple messages from multiple platforms, all the accounts I had set up the night before had attracted a considerable amount of attention. I could only presume my streaming fans had followed my links and signed up in great numbers. There were so many alerts my phone...
While browsing my mailbox “”, I saw an email from a lady called Shalini. She had written that she had read my stories at ISS and was really impressed by my writing skills. She asked if I could translate my words into deed ;). I replied to her thanking her for her compliments and iterated that I was capable enough to fulfill her desires. The mail chain continued for a month and we got to know each other very well. Her name was Shalini and she was 37 yr old divorcee. She had a son of 8yrs from...
Last New Year’s Day I went out with a Japanese woman name Mayuko. It started out just the two of us going to a pub called ‘Three Wise Monkeys’, but she asked if it would be ok for her friend, Yoko, to join us.I told her, “Sure, no problem. It’ll be fun, we have a lot in common.”I’m thirty-four-years-old, Mayuko is thirty-six and Yoko, forty-one. Mayuko and I had been having sex as we had been dating for almost five months.That night I was dancing with both girls and Mayuko asked me, “Is it okay...
ThreesomesThis story is based upon a photo series, “The Bet”, by Italian photographer, Andrea James Bramley, who started a photo series under this same name at I write this with the permission of both he and the model featured in “The Bet”, and with his collaboration. He especially helps with some of the Italian phrasing, which I don’t speak. I present to you this tale of a bet gone wrong. You will also find links to his other photographic works. Please...
Wife LoversEarly June 2042, Interstate 95 one mile north of Danvers State Police Barracks Sergeant Oscar Pierce was stuck doing another shift for one of the lazier troopers. This was the norm for him as he took the worst shifts for the troop due to having a wife whose work hours were erratic and a family who had to be told to back away at times from helping them cope with parenthood. Today was different. Today there was a car stopped on the side of the highway causing a backup that he had...
"So, did you enjoy doing that, Sweetie? Did it give you a nice big hard-on?" I ask Dean. Looking down I can see that it did. He's got quite a bulge. I let him know I've noticed, pouting and licking my lips appreciatively. I love flirting with Dean. He's really quite a dish. "Yeah, Gorgeous, damn right it did," he grins. "Got me quite wet too. Hey, so do you fancy rubbing that cream on my sexy legs now?" "Oh yeah baby." "Really IS your lucky day, Hunky, isn't it?" I giggle...
Hi friends… This is Sanjay, a hot 23 yr old guy from Chennai. Well am a jolly going guy working in a corporate. Being a cricketer, I had a good physique which I maintained well as I was also good in Modern Dances. I stand 5’8 in ht with a relatively fair colour. My asset though is my charmness. I had heard ppl saying I can win situations just by my smartness. And I had a great sense of humour too. Off to the story. Being a part of N.E monsoon region, our city gets rains which makes movement...
On Halloween, no one was surprised when I went to school as one of my favorite female final fantasy characters. The guys walk to school together and to my surprise they kept sneaking in little ass spanks while we walked. They had dressed up as home made transformer characters so they acted like they were attacking my ass. I had to hide my love for it and kept telling them to “quit it” all the while trying to keep my boner from growing in the short skirt. Math first period, usually puts me to...
Chapter 34: Ruthie and Sean It was late on a Wednesday afternoon in mid June when Mom and I pulled into Felicity, Texas. We had ample parking place at the seaside resort and I easily found a slot for Mom’s SUV and the attached trailer. Our room had with two queen beds, a recliner and a sofa in the room. Our window overlooked the sea and had a table and two chairs by it. It was a nice place. We took showers, dressed and were sitting on the terrace with drinks as we enjoyed the sea when a very...
Eve shuddered as we turned into the parking lot of the cheap lakeside motel. It was an orgasm, I knew, and it was purely mentally induced. Anticipation for what would happen later that night was enough. It happened last month too. Same place, same date. You see, we celebrate our wedding anniversary every month now. But only for the last four months like this. Let me explain. We wed a year and four months ago. With little money we came to this motel two hours from home for our weeklong...
The doorbell then decided to ring. I walked to the door, frowning in wonder as to who that may be, since no one I knew lived around and I didn't know anyone from around. Looking through the peephole, I saw a sweet looking blonde woman with sparkling green eyes, standing with her hands tucked into a tight pair of jeans, waiting. I smiled and straightened out my clothes. I didn't mind getting to know that cute blonde though. I opened the door and smiled in greeting, "Hi. May I help you?" I asked...
The mind is the least understood part of the human being. Everybody knows how powerful it is, but nobody really understands how it works. The human mind is responsible for every scintilla of engineering and technology that surrounds us. Every book, every note of music, and all art is the result of the activity of the human mind. Individually, each mind is even less understood. Some are strong and can endure incredibly negative influences. Others can be broken, leaving the individual to...
Hayden was up before I was. I had maybe an hour of sleep. She acted like it was perfectly normal to get such little sleep on a school day. Waverly was snoring in her bed naked. “Check this out,” Hayden told me to watch her sister sleep. She pulled Waverly’s large butt cheeks apart and as she snored her asshole puckered and then I kid you not it looked like her asshole blew a kiss in time with her snoring. I actually saw a fart ripple out of her ass while she slept. I had always wondered what...
Hello dosto, mera naam Ankit hai aur main Punjab mein rehta hu. Ye story uss samay ki hai jabb main 12th mein parts tha aur ache marks ke liye mujhe tuitions leni parti thi. Meri tuition waali didi ka naam Seema tha aur wo tab 24 saal ki thi.Seema didi bahut intelligent aur sundar thi. Kyunki wo pdayi jyda krti thi to unka koi bf nhi tha aur wo 24 saal ki umar mein bhi virgin hi thi. Seems didi kaafi sexy aur hot thi and fir bhi mujhe unhe didi bolna parta tha. Seema didi ke father nahi the aur...
From the time my brother and I were of school-age, my Dad had this Sunday night ritual with us called, "Inspection."He'd take both of us into the bathroom we shared and, one by one, put us in the bath tub and scrub us down. He'd lather up the wash cloth, clean out our ears and everthing, and then have each of us bend over and spread our asses so could clean in there, too.When we were finished and he dried us off, he'd grab a jar of Vasoline from the medicine cabinet, light a cigar or cigarette,...
I once told the story about the time my husband and I were out in the city and met his friend Ralph for drinks. We were hitting it pretty good and I was getting pretty drunk. Somehow the conversation turned to who was a good kisser and my husband suggested that I show Ralph just how good I was. I started to make out with him at the bar. Mind you, I had never done something like this before and the alcohol certainly encouraged me on, but I did enjoy it. Judging by what I felt on my leg, so did...
First TimePART - 17 MASTURBATION AT MALL It started with a dare challenge. I am always corresponding via email and chatting with my best friend Angelina in Goa. The readers must be aware that she is my sex guru and we both have played many lesbian sex games between us since I had my first sex which was lesbian with her. Still, whenever I go to Goa, I make it sure to meet Angelina and we create an opportunity to play with each other’s nude body. Though, as you all are aware, I am not a lesbian but I...