UnconqueredChapter 16
- 3 years ago
- 24
- 0
They went back down without the suitcase and Sandra gave her credit card number and a cash deposit as part of the deal. In moments the hotel limousine drove the group to the elementary school to pick up the next five children. They were five minutes early and decided to just sit and talk. The privacy glass was up and the driver was not trying to listen.
Catrina said, "I have never been in a car like this before. Do you drive this way often?"
Sandra smiled at her. "We have our own transportation that is much nicer. You will see a sample of it soon but I want to get to know you and your family a bit better first. Tell me about the rest of your family. I like to hear about children. Soon you will meet mine."
"You have children. You don't look it."
"Thank you Catrina. I actually have four children and I am pregnant now."
"Really? I never would have guessed. The next child after Eduardo, is Izabel. She just started school and is seven. She is really sweet. Her older sister Raisa is nine. She learns very quickly and does very well in school. Tatiana is eleven and already she know everything. Fatima is twelve and much the same but she is afraid of men. That's a good thing I think or she would already be in trouble. Her sister Yelena is fourteen and very beautiful. The boys come around her like bees to a flower. Alicea is the one at the other school. She is fifteen and getting to be quite a handful. I don't know if she or Yelena have been with men yet but I think it probable. I just hope they don't get pregnant as early as I did.
Catrina got out of the car when the bell was heard. She positioned herself so that she would catch all of her children. They came running out of the school with smiles on until they saw their mother. Catrina kissed each of them and told them to stay with her. When Izabel, Raisa, Tatiana, Fatima and Yelena were all in line they walked to the long dark car. They were very surprised to see the car, never mind get into it.
They looked inside first and saw their three younger siblings and a beautiful woman. The mother ushered them in and there was even enough places to sit though it was cramped. They were surprised when the powerful car pulled away and the children looked out the tinted glass at their friends looking in.
Yelena looked at Sandra and asked her mother, "Where are we going?"
"I have a new job. We are getting Alicea and going to our temporary home. We have moved out of the apartment."
They all sat a bit stunned. Catrina introduced Sandra and told the children what she thought her duties were. In the back of her mind she hoped it would be to curl up in bed with the beautiful redheaded woman across from her.
Sandra was the one that was really shocked though. She felt tingly all over like she felt at home with her wives and me. Tatiana, Fatima and Yelena all had the aura she was looking so hard to find and here she found five of them. She was so excited that she could not wait and called me.
"Leif, I have some sensational news."
"Hello Sweetheart. What is it? I can see that you're very excited."
"I was keeping some of it for a surprise but I can't wait. I found five more wives for us."
"That is what I said. A mother of thirty has nine children. A fourteen, twelve, eleven and a four year old are what we are after. The mother too is one of us."
I was currently in central Brazil. The news stunned me. The ages though would allow me a period of grace before I really had to work. "Tell me about them."
Sandra gave me a condensed version including Catrina's old profession and the way Sandra had to take care of some men that wanted to argue with her. She described all the children so I could pick them out of a crowd myself. She wanted to have more time alone with them so she could convince them to follow us. Not all would be attracted to my aura and may be too frightened to leave their city and country.
I stayed mentally with them as the limo stopped at the highschool. The children were playing with all the gadgets until Catrina got them to stand in the heat outside of the air-conditioned car.
A tall girl with a surly disposition and a wine mark blemished face came to them. She stood before us and asked, "What's this mom?" She wanted to ask if her mother had a new and rich client. Sandra and I both intently scanned her but she did not have the same aura as the majority of her sisters.
Catrina said, "I have a new job working in a large home. We get living quarters, clothing and food, along with my pay. I was told that you may get a job working on the grounds if you wish. We have already moved out of the apartment and we are living temporarily in a hotel. My employer said that all of you will be given an education." Catrina wanted to mention the growth starting to leave but she had not told the children that it was probably going to kill her. Telling them now may be a poor thing to do.
Sandra put out her hand and said, "Hello Alicea. My name is Sandra. What your mother has said is correct but there is more that has not been mentioned yet. Let's go and do some shopping for clothes? We can go to the restaurant in the hotel to eat later. I think you'll love it in our household."
Alicea was dumfounded but managed to nod her head. They all got into the limo with the youngest sitting on laps. Sandra liked the feel of Ana-Margarida in her arms and the child cuddled close for she thought the same thing considering they had the same aura.
A different clothing store was stopped at and the older children were asked to get three sets of clothes and a cash allowance to do so. Never had they had so much money. The younger ones would get additional garments too. Izabel and Raisa had to be assisted but they still knew what they liked. The chauffer had to put the purchases in the trunk and come back for more.
Sandra whispered as she slipped Catrina more money that she made in many months, "Buy some nice dresses. I want to see you look beautiful. Pick ones that say you belong to a rich family and they take care of you."
Her eyes really sparkled and she said, "Yes mistress. I want to do anything you say no matter what it is." The offer was as blatant as possible now.
Sandra knew what drove the woman and put her head closer and said, "Are you going to be my slut? One who will make me feel good as I make my slut feel good?"
Catrina started to shake in excitement and her new panties were starting to get moist. "I will make you happy that you found me."
"I already am Honey."
The girls came with clothes and Sandra gave her assessment. The girls noticed that she never looked at the price tag. Alicea's wardrobe looked more like a prostitute's. Instead of criticising, Sandra mentioned how some things would match better. The girl had many problems. Her face was blemished. This cause her to be angry at all those that were not friends with her. This also drove away some possible friends.
They did leave, wearing some of their new clothes. The chauffeur was tipped well and they all went up to the two penthouse suites. The rooms had been cleaned much better while they were out. A cart was there with much more linen for their exclusive use. The children ran around checking everything out until Sandra rounded them up for their meal
The children loved the elevator and the preferential treatment they got from the staff. They had their own private waitress at Sandra's urging. This allowed the two adults to eat while the youngest members were assisted.
When they all trooped upstairs again Sandra sent the oldest ones off to shower and presented them with satin pyjamas that she had kept hidden. The television was turned on and Sandra saw it for the first time in years. It hadn't improved any.
Catrina sat very close and waited for Sandra to take possession of her with her arm. She wanted to be meek and mild until she learned the ropes then she would work hard to seduce this beautiful woman on a nightly basis.
In a moment the older woman was moving all over the couch as if she had an itch. Sandra was using her PK to gently stimulate her companion's clit. This worked all too well. Catrina said, "Mistress, will you come and check out the sleeping arrangements?"
Behind a closed door, Sandra suddenly pushed Catrina's shoulders against the wall, forcing her to push out her breasts and stay immobile. "Is my slut horny? Does she want to lick my clit as I lick hers? Does she want me to get a dildo and plunge it into her cunt? I know for a fact that she likes it in the ass too. Is she going to beg?"
Catrina slid to the floor and got on her knees. She walked closer on her knees so her face was at the juncture of Sandra's legs. "Please let me remove your clothes. I want to part you legs and lick you from your feet to your head. I will spend an eternity between your legs making you love me more with each movement. You will never find a reason to throw us out."
Sandra's ardour cooled and took the woman's face in her hands and backed up a bit. "You now belong to my family. I am going to take a personal interest in you. You will squirm and call out in orgasm so loud that the entire world will hear you. Your family is safe. We will not throw any of you out. I know you want sex with me and I want it with you but this is not a condition of you joining us. You are free to do as you choose. If you had died today of that cancer then I would raise your family in ours. Do you understand that there is nothing more to worry about?"
Catrina's emotions were on a roller coaster and she just hugged Sandra's upper legs to her and cried for the relief she just gave her. Sandra petted her head and the older woman felt that this was the way it should be always.
Sandra helped the woman up and they layed out who should sleep where. Catrina had to be helped to clean up so she came out again composed much better. The children didn't even notice for they now had a very large television and many more stations to choose from.
Sandra and the children's mother took the younger ones to separate showers and cleaned them again. Izabel showered with Sandra and the two talked as they cleaned each other. They played with the soap suds and Sandra dried the child and got her dressed. Izabel was reluctant to let this end and hugged the still naked Sandra.
When everybody was dressed in pyjamas, Sandra ordered snacks from room service. A woman had been asked to serve them all the time mainly because they didn't want a strange man to ogle them. Fatima was still extra cautious around men and the female servers would let her relax more.
The woman, making the delivery, was almost mugged by the children and she laughingly pushed the cart into the room and retreated.
Sandra and Catrina held each other as a romance played on the television. The rest of the children all gathered around. Izabel got first choice and get herself into Sandra's lap.
When the movie ended and the credits were first started the scene changed to a view of the moon. A few people were using some gigantic machinery to make some inscrutable articles. None of them were dressed in space suits.
Sandra burst out laughing and even more when my image on the screen looked at her in question.
Sandra said to everybody, "That is supposed to be the moon. You can see the dust settle slowly. Air is not present to hold it up. That young man is wearing a transparent suit and he looks familiar to me. I have seen him someplace." My figure on the screen just blew her a kiss and the television shut off.
Sandra looked down to Izabel on her lap and said, "Have you seen that movie star before. He looks like what the English call a 'ham'. It means that he likes people to see him.
Izabel said, "He's cute but I have never seen him before. What's his name?"
"It was Leefstic at one time but he picked a shorter name to wow the audience. Now let's all go for a pee and go to bed."
There were two main bathrooms and two en suites. This was great with nine females. When the sleeping arrangements were given out the three youngest wanted to sleep with mother. Izabel did too but with Sandra. This frustrated both women but they were both mothers. Izabel and Ana-Margarida happily got on each side of Sandra while Marco and Eduardo got their mother. The rest of the children had the other penthouse to themselves.
An hour later only some of the children were asleep. Sandra called in the med units and they silently put the rest into the same condition. Sandra got up and used the med unit on Izabel and the cleanser to. Later she went to the others. She cleaned and medicated the other five. They were old enough to give some sort of objection about the strange treatment if they were awake to do so.
She turned the children over and the med unit gave its assessment. Sandra was a bit concerned about some things and went back to investigate the three youngest again. The children were certainly into sexual investigation.
With a bit of subtle enquiry she found that Yelena, the oldest girl with the aura we wanted had started using the dildos her mother used. Similar devices were used in her mother's trade. The girl still had her hymen by a miracle but did enjoy anal stimulation. She used the anal dildos on herself then showed her sisters.
Tatiana and Fatima were of the same aura and thus had the same anal fixation. Yelena's discovery was very welcomed. The girls found it even nicer if somebody else did this to them so the group did it to themselves. It was Yelena that made sure that the device was not used in the other opening.
Alicea had been brought in too but found the stimulation there was not as great. She despaired of having a mate and used the device on her vagina. Soon she was sneaking her mother's toys as much as she could.
Ana-Margarida though only four had seen her sisters secretly enjoying themselves. When they had left she used the smallest device on herself. She enjoyed the sensations after a while and used the devices when her older siblings were in school. Being a child she had convinced her two younger brothers of the benefits of the device. It seemed that after the pain they liked the feeling even if it was more of being close in a selective group.
Sandra had to laugh and was prepared to tell her family but they were all asleep at the moment. In a way she wanted to protect this family. Already they were not strangers but friends and many would be future wives. The secret would come out later but she would not be the one spreading the information.
Alicea's facial discolouration was now going to start to fade along with her acne problem. Yelena was beginning to have the latter skin problem that would face all teenagers. Now it would bypass her.
With the entire family healthy or at least their bodies making it so, Sandra crawled back into bed. The two girls with her reminded her of her own children now on the moon and she wanted to hurry this operation so she could be home with them again. Ana-Margarida especially reminded Sandra of herself when young. She liked putting things up her back passage then and she still did as an adult.
After a few hours sleep Sandra awoke. Ana-Margarida's hand had gone over Sandra and caressed the much larger breast in her sleep. Sandra put the hand back carefully and got out of bed to start her day. Catrina was still sleeping and her own hand was between her legs. It looked like the woman had been able to find some relief herself after a fashion. The two boys were on the outside of the large bed and their mother was relatively free at the moment.
Going to the open French windows Sandra called the boat to her. This particular one was made by her as one of her projects. A small matter transmitter deposited a very special package into her hands and in a moment another object was next to it. She took them to the living room and put them under the couch. She was now excited like a little girl and hurried back to the bedroom.
Sandra smiled and moved closer to the bed. She began to caress the former prostitute's breast while leaning over one of the boys. Catrina began to squirm as the sensations finally entered her brain. With a small groan of frustration the woman opened her eyes in the dark room. She saw the outline of the woman she had so quickly grown to trust and even love in a way. The reason for the wake-up was not missed.
Catrina took the hand playing with her breast and brought it to her mouth and kissed it on each finger and licked the palm. This got both women excited. Catrina quietly got off the foot of the bed and kissed her employer on the lips as she wished she had been kissed so many times. Sandra didn't see this as lesbianism for it was just one person showing their love and affection for another.
When they broke apart Sandra pulled Catrina to the front room and the large comfortable couch. When they got there Sandra began to undress her lover. When both were naked Sandra again kissed Catrina but this time with the fire that the Brazilians were known for. Catrina just wilted under the heat of the kiss and she knew that this was where she always wanted to be.
Catrina face was soon moved to Sandra's breast and the woman started to nurse like a newborn child. The woman took her time trying to gauge the feelings of her mistress. Later she kissed her way down the front of Sandra and kissed the woman's hairless mound. Her fingers went around the thighs and pulled Sandra's hips more firmly into her embrace. Her fingers worked their way to that small opening in the back.
Sandra moved back and forth letting Catrina know that she liked the attention and wanted the fingers in deeper. Catrina found copious amounts of moisture coming from the vagina and she carried it back and forth like a worker bee until she was able to gain entrance to that other opening.
Her mistress worked harder to get the fingers in and Catrina could not work much better with the position she was in. "Please sit down my mistress, so I may serve you better."
Sandra took her hands from Catrina's head and sat on the very edge of the couch. The older woman urged her mistress to raise her legs. Sandra leaned back and curled her spine. Her legs came up and spread to their maximum.
Sandra was even more excited by the way Catrina gloried in what she was doing. Sex before had not been as much fun for Catrina she saw. Sandra felt good to be breaking new ground.
Catrina licked the opening and worked her way in slowly. This was the way she liked it when a man or woman did this to her. In an agonisingly long time she came on the very large and sensitive pearl at the top and greedily sucked it violently into her mouth.
Sandra could take it no more and grasped the woman's head and held it in place as the violent tremors raced through her body. She just barely suppressed the scream that threatened to wake the children.
Sandra held the woman to her as she calmed down. Much before this was completed, Catrina began her work again but this time she slid two up-curved fingers into the opening. The orgasm started again but Sandra felt another finger enter her vagina. It came out after a few strokes and descended to enter her hypersensitive anus. The muscles instinctively relaxed and the finger gained more distance. The sensations were so much that Sandra squeezed Catrina's head and had to relax for fear of hurting her. The finger began to piston very quickly and the woman began to graze the sensitive piece of flesh with her teeth.
Sandra took her hands completely away because the spasms were getting very strong. Her abdomen flexed rapidly and her breathing completely stopped. She wanted desperately to push Catrina deep into her but she couldn't. Leif always restrained her and she fought for freedom that made the orgasm even stronger.
Catrina seemed to know when to stop and Sandra moved to a better position and pulled the woman up beside her. Sandra tasted herself on Catrina's lips and licked to get all the flavour from her. Sandra heard the woman moan in happiness at the feelings of acceptance going through her. She was sure now that she had found a place to stay for the rest of her life.
When Sandra had recovered she slid off the couch and positioned Catrina where she wanted her to be. She reached under the couch and took out both packages. The smaller unit was very special. She took the device and slipped into Catrina's vagina to get it lubricated even though it didn't need it. After going completely in and out a dozen times, Sandra moved it lower and pushed the small end into Catrina's anus.
This almost drove the woman to orgasm but Sandra was not ready for that yet. She eased off and went much slower. When the unit was seated, Sandra caused the end she had held to enlarge so it could not come easily out. She abandoned the thrashing woman and now took the other device from the floor. It was thin with a small sack in the middle. Sandra inserted it into her own vagina and then commanded it to enlarge. Soon it filled her completely to the level she wanted. The other end enlarged as well to what Catrina would want and need to receive her pleasure. Nine children and so many lovers made her rather large in this area.
Sandra stood and Catrina now saw an unbelievable sight. She had her face there and knew that Sandra was a woman but now she looked like a rather well endowed man. Sandra took Catrina's hand and put it on the phallus. The feeling though was of warm flesh.
Catrina didn't care now and just wanted it inside her. "Please, please, Mistress. I need you."
Sandra got on the couch and manoeuvred her large phallus over Catrina's mons then ever so slowly worked it in. Catrina groaned loudly in joy. When Sandra was all that way in she paused and kissed the woman beneath her. "This is how you are going to be treated for the rest of your days. We will make love to you every night and your new husband will plant his seed in you many times. You will bear him many more children and all of them will be loved." With that Sandra pulled out and thrust hard back in to make her point. Catrina just grunted and she could think of no better fate.
Catrina had orgasm after orgasm. Her mind refused to shut down. When a pause came she felt the thing in her colon start to vibrate and then go back and forth like someone using her other entrance. That put her over the edge one more time. When she came back to reality her mistress began to thrust into her too. The sensations were too much and she opened her mouth to scream her joy when her mistress covered her mouth with her own.
Sandra slowed in her thrusts then slowed the device in her lover's colon. When Catrina came back, Sandra said, "What do you think of the fringe benefits? Your new husband will make you twitch far more than I can do. Now I want to fuck my wife some more."
Sandra started the device one more time then began to pump hard. Catrina didn't faint this time but her mind did not stay in this realm. She could do nothing but ride on the mighty wave of pressure flowing though her.
Ana-Margarida sleepily came from the en suite with her pyjama bottoms off. It was getting light enough to see her mother once more under a hard working person. They were making a considerable amount of noise. She walked closer and saw that her mother was not in pain at all. Her mom was really enjoying herself like she had seen her sisters when the played with that thing they put into their bottoms.
She came very close after she saw the beautiful and kind lady doing things like the men did. They both must like it, the girl decided. Many times her mother needed some special feeling to get what she needed and she had to do things for her mother. She liked to do them and was always rewarded after. She got so close that the nice woman smiled at her and took a hand and caressed her head and face.
"Help me Ana-Margarida. Suck on your mother's titties like she wanted you to do sometimes. She likes this a lot."
"Ok," she said uncertainly. She was told never to mention this.
She got closer yet and began to suck on the nipple in front of her. The body moved so much that she had to use two hands to hold on. She heard her mother groaning even more now and knew that she was going to scream soon. She knew what she had to do. She pulled back and climbed up onto the couch and climbed down her mother's body. When she was in position she put her small mons over her mother's mouth and gently sat down.
Catrina was just about to scream as she never had before. The new sensations from her nipple was just too much. The feeling stopped but then she felt like she now fit into the usual groove. A small body crawled over her and this is how she had an orgasm at those special times. When a small mons was on and in her mouth all the old feelings came to her. She worked her tongue in and out of the small opening many times. She now felt small hands pinching her nipples as a wonderful piece of meat worked between her legs.
The cry was the loudest ever even if it were muffled by the little girl. Catrina could take it no more and fell into a deep sleep punctuated by many of her newest children and a group of women lead by a very formidable man.
Sandra stopped when Catrina could feel no more. She slipped out of the woman and stood to straighten her back. Ana-Margarida slid off too and went to see what her mother looked like now. She found the source of that humming she just heard. It looked like one of her mother's toys but this one was new.
One of the things she did for her mother was to take her hand and put it inside her mother and make a fist. She was to move this in and out until those special feelings her mother talked about happened. Sometimes her arm got very sore.
Ana-Margarida moved her mother a bit then looked at the woman with the same thing a man had. Sandra deflated her end and removed the device to a slurping noise. Ana-Margarida was not shy and moved some of the flesh aside and saw an opening just like her mother. She then looked at the device. "That's better than the ones we have. I saw it get big then small. Does it vibrate too?"
"It will if I want it to. Now I wanted to just show your mother what she will get when she meets Leif. He's still young but he's very strong and loves to please all of his ladies. We want your mother to be one of the ladies he treats nice. When you grow up he'll treat you nice too."
"Will he be like a daddy?"
Sandra saw what this was. Ana-Margarida thought a man would stay with her mother and eventually use her as she had heard her friends were.
"No, he will be your husband the same as your mother and me. You will have beautiful babies and we will do so many wonderful things."
Sandra reached down and at the same time deflated the device in Catrina's anus. "Go get a towel Sweetie. Your mother may need it."
The child went to the cart and brought a towel back. The woman easily picked her mother up and put a diaper on her. This made the child smile then laugh. The device was removed and the towel put back in place.
Ana-Margarida looked at the device. From the smell she knew exactly where it had been. She remembered her own reward but saw no way to get it. "Mommy... mommy does things for me when I do things for her."
The nice lady smiled and squatted down with her arms wide. Ana-Margarida ran to her and the nice lady took her to a chair. Ana-Margarida was put across her legs just like her mother did. Instead of a finger or the small dildo she felt something small slip into her bottom. She wiggled around until it was comfortable. She felt it get bigger but not too much. When the vibrations started she thought she was in heaven. The thing started to move and so did the child. She moaned for the feeling was so much better than it had ever been before. Finally the sensations were just too much and the child collapsed much like her mother.
Sandra stopped the device and looked at the child. This girl was much more like she was as a child but this time her growing up would be much more open. Sandra used her PK to retrieve another towel and wrapped the girl's bottom in it after removing the small device. She was placed on her mother's chest and the two looked so perfect together. They had the same aura and this is what made it so special.
Small units were called in and cleaned the scent out of the air and the secretions out of the furniture. Sandra used a cleanser on mother and daughter before taking the daughter back to bed. When she came back out she looked down at Catrina. The woman gave her love so freely. It was as if she were already in the family. She was giving and getting all that was available. It was not just sex but she knew the woman would give anything to stay within the family.
Sandra picked the woman up easily and put her beside Ana-Margarida who was in the middle of the bed. She covered all of them as if they were her babies.
Sandra spent her time planning her next series of moves. She ordered breakfast for everybody and got dressed after using the cleanser on herself. She woke up Catrina one more time but with a kiss. Sandra kissed again and said, "Go have a shower my little slut. We have to do some talking later and the children have to get to school."
Author’s note: Part 3 of a multi part series. Best if you read the character development of the first two. All characters are 18 or older. *** Chapter 9 Moving In Ashley woke the next morning to Jasmine stroking her arm. ‘Hmm…good morning,’ she said. ‘What time is it?’ Jasmine smiled down at her and said, ‘It’s 9:30. Time to get up.’ ‘I don’t want to. This bed is so nice.’ Ashley rolled over and dozed off. Jasmine watched her breathing get deeper. ‘Oh no you don’t! Get up, pretty thing....
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I was in a luxury hotel room when there was a knock on the door. "hello who is it?" i asked as i opened the door and there stood sexy blonde Shelley. "hi" she said with a wide smile. "wow Shelley hey how are you I wasn't expecting any company. "oh I just wanted to stop by and see you, can I sit down?" she asked. "honestly you shouldn't I was sort of checkin' you out" i joked she chuckled. "oh stop it silly boy" she replied but I wasn't k**ding she looked incredible in her white flowered print...
“Change the world how?” Rusol asked, narrowing his eyes. “You’re a son of Larso,” Leonis said. “You know the scripture. Magic is too dangerous to be allowed loose, uncontrolled. It’s only safe when it’s granted as priestly blessings.” “What does that have to do with anything?” Leonis smiled again. “What if all magic was priestly magic, given only to those the gods deem worthy?” “That’s impossible. The gods have no say over elder or arcane magic.” He just barely stopped himself from...
It was the middle of July in 2002, and it was hot and sunny. I was at the local public pool helping some friends supervise their k**s. I spent much of my time in the water. Half an hour after I arrived, I saw this gal in a white string bikini come sauntering out of the changing room with her friend. The girl in the white bikini strolled around the deck like she owned it. She was slightly taller than average and fit. Her abs were tight and toned. Her tits were the size of plums, round and perky....
Thu, Dec 14, 2006 11:18 AM Subject: FW: The Wedding Gift Part One(Revised) Date: Thursday, December 14, 2006 11:18 AM From: Dale Gutzman Conversation: The Wedding Gift Part One(Revised) > While his assistants lugged in the photography equipment, Mr. Black Made himself comfortable in Johnny's apartment. He sat down on the couch And smiled warmly at his longtime associate. Mr. Black was thirty-five and Very good looking. He was often compared to a taller version of Tom Cruise, nicer...
Sophia Leone is lying in bed with her boyfriend Ricky Spanish. They’ve just finished having sex. Ricky seems very satisfied, but it’s quite the opposite for Sophia, who is NOT happy with Ricky’s performance. Sophia’s had enough and, sighing with annoyance, texts Danny Mountain to come over. Danny arrives shortly after, walking into the bedroom and brazenly kissing Sophia right in front of Ricky. Ricky can’t believe what he’s seeing, stammering in shock, but...
xmoviesforyouThe remainder of Meagan's week passed by completely un-eventful. The boredom drove her nuts. She wanted to scream. Work was so boring, sitting through staff meetings and showing vacant offices to various tenants. She had considered the thought of jumping on of the potential clients but after some thought she decided that would be pretty bad for business. The only interesting thing in her week and been the flirtation with one of the boys that worked in her office as an assistant for two of...
“Well I must be more sensitive than you Lisa,” Jill said in a low voice. “I’ll admit it was a combination of the shock of the unexpected vibrations and yes, I had a small one as I was walking over.” I got up and went to the washroom and when I returned we all left to go back to our house. Lisa told me later that while I was gone, Jill slid her ass to the edge of the chair, slouched back against the back of the chair, spread her legs and lifted the front of her sundress a bit giving the two...
When I shared a true story about the hot tub in the Astoria Holiday Inn Hotel, I barely believed it myself but it actually happened in 2009. Ben & Cheryl were the sexy couple whom I met in the hot tub there at the hotel. I fingered Cheryl to two huge climaxes as her husband sat next to us, not knowing that he was secretly watching the whole time. Then when he joined her three kids in the pool, she jacked my cock with them only a few feet away. She stroked me hungrily until a huge load of...
Ten minutes later, Shane stepped out of the shower, the sweat from his workout thoroughly cleaned from his body. He carried on towel-drying his hair as he went back to his room, closing the door behind him. He had a new message on his phone. ‘Can’t w8 2 c u x’ From Kerry. He smiled, and threw the phone back on to his bed, he’d reply later. Now, he needed rest; It was an early start in the morning. He slipped a thin pair of cotton boxers on, lay on his bed, kicking his covers off as he did so,...
My views on family had shifted but not my perception of how the members interacted. I had seen most other families from the rich to the poor but they didn't have the same glue to bind them. They also didn't have all the sex that was usual in a harem, or a master that had forced this to happen. I didn't force any girl/girl sex recently and regretted doing so with my oriental girls. Now I was forcing all the girls to love other girls by simply having too many woman to comfort and not able to...
When I was about 13, I was just getting into looking at some Playboys that some friends of mine had gotten from their older brothers. I was starting to masturbate very regularly. It was at this time that I discovered that the 12 year old girl across the street shared my interest in sex. Here are some incidents that happened between us. The first time. I grew up in the time before a thousand TV channels and recorded movies. Back then we spent a lot more time running around outside and...
His Arkansas drawl was thick like rich molasses, slow and easy. Ezekial Patterson seemed ageless; tall, slightly hunch-shouldered, and he shuffled along with a slight limp. "Patch," as folks called him, was as much a part of the 300-acre river-bottoms as the fields, the willows, and the cottonwood trees. His best pal Purdy dressed all in black with a floppy black hat. Patch wore blue denim that went unwashed once he put it on new from the General Store. The jacket and trousers were crusted...
Is there a more welcoming name for a tube site than AlohaTube.com/Lesbian? I’m not sure. It sounds like a friendly place when you first read the name of the site, though. If you were hoping to get a double dose of lesbian goodness here, oh boy, do I have some fucking news for you!You won’t see a tiny bit of lesbian content here and there. Instead, the amount of lesbian content offered here is fucking massive! I will get into the number in a moment. All you have to know for now is that if you...
Lesbian Porn Sites(Day 5 continued)I had intended going straight back to our room, but mum objected. I'm parched, she declared, I need a drink. You'll have to make it a quick one if you still want to go on the pub crawl this evening. Of course I do, she confirmed, so we headed for the bar, where she made swift work of a large beer. We went back to our room and freshened up with a nice long shower together. There's no nicer feeling than mum's big soapy boobs and belly squishing against me. In no time at all...
A rich chick like Alice Cheshire may seem like she has it all, but all she really wants is a little attention from her dad. But when he does not show up after school, she is disappointed yet again. Luckily, our stud is there to comfort her. He has been around her whole life and feels like a father figure to her. So, she climbs into bed with him and whips out his big black cock to make up for all the attention she is not getting. She slides his chocolate dick into her mouth and slobbers all over...
xmoviesforyou"You were in the hospital for a while, I imagine," Jo said. "The whole spectrum. Infection. Orthopedics. Recovery. Rehabilitation. I do okay now, but every now and then one thing or another talks to me." "Like that walk we took in Austin," she said. "Now I understand why. You should've said something." "And miss a chance to walk down the street with you? I'm not stupid." "Sit!" she commanded, patting the sofa beside her. "Lemme go put my other clothes back on," I...
They came toward her slowly, their eyes wary, as if they didn't believe what was on the verge of happening to them. Face it. How many times in real life do you walk into a situation like this? A lushly built, totally slutted-out woman with blue hair and 38-Cs offering a no-strings blowjob in the crapper of a lowlife hillbilly bar? "I mean it," she said, flashing her blue eyes at them, squeezing down on the plush mounds of her tits. "I really mean it." "I don't fucking believe it,"...
The rest of the day could have been pleasant. Despite minor twinges of discomfort from her sore vagina, she was in the elevated mood good sex always gave her. She even smiled at Tom Ronack when he came by to sign copies of her supply slips. Was it her imagination, or did he take a bit longer than he needed to do so? She knew something was odd when, an hour later he came back to drop off some blank forms, when he could clearly see she had plenty. Just before he left her cubical, he glanced...
Chapter 3One month has passed since Brad started living with me and beautiful wife Lina during the weekends. I thought I had it tough with Lina before, but it had gotten so much worse since Brad has moved in. My life was now a combination of sexual frustration, humiliation, physical pain and mental torture. It had gotten progressively worse each day since Brad's arrival. Brad and Lina made up new rules almost every day to push me further down this path of absolute domination. The worst of the...
CuckoldI glanced at the pink collared teenage Kaire again, she looked so much like my older sister. I was only sixteen but everyone keeps saying I was so much like my father. Well, if I was like my father I would still be on the ship and not on Kair. Nova was Nova Alt Garzzz Saj Clariss and according to the clan council my mate. Of course I think we were both still deciding that. Like my father I am human with Kaire sibs like my clan brother Serg who is also the emperor. Of course the clan council...
Dawn was just breaking when Jessica came into the bedroom and got me up. I have to admit that both of us were just like little children when it came to Christmas. The sooner we could get at those presents, the better. She wheeled me out. To my surprise, Theresa was up. Then I remembered that she was always up early. The living room light was turned on, and I gasped. My heart was pounding and I couldn't get a breath. 'What the hell happened?' I thought. The living room looked bare. The...
She was in her bedroom looking in the mirror getting herself ready for a night she has been looking forward to for a while. She was wearing a new sexy victoria secrets lace embroidered bra with a matching thong to accentuate her bum. Over this she was wearing a silk black dress dressing gown with her blond hair casual done up with a hair clip. While she was looking in the mirror putting the final touches to her makeup. She thought to herself that she wont be plain jane tonight and tonight...
I started to spend a lot of time with my friend, Susan, she had a lot of information on sex and was teaching me a lot. My dad didn't mind me staying over once in a while, it gave him a break from me.Sue taught me about masturbation and let me try her dildoe. Her dad had some porn videos that she could get access to when he wasn't around. Us girls would get together at her house and she would play the videos, I really liked watching the men's cocks more than anything, but I started to ...
“Shhh.” I shushed Steve as we tried to quietly approach the bedroom door in my apartment. “OK.” “You got the rubber and the lube?” “Yeah. Are you sure about this, Mick?” “Yeah. Deb and I were talking about trading the other night and I asked her who she would want to swap with. After some talk, she said that she could deal with me making love to your wife while she fucked you.” “Really?” “Look Steve, you have wanted to get into Deb’s pants since college. She knows it, I know it. I’ve...
Fetish Galaxy sounds like just the right destination to blast yourself off into, at least if you’re the sort of pervert who isn’t sufficiently satisfied by the usual blowjobs, threesomes, and lesbian scissoring videos. Well, would you boldly go where no pervert has gone before, or are you some prude who prefers missionary sex between husband and wife? Hey, I’m not going to judge you either way; I’m just trying to figure out if you’re reading the right review. I’ve got plenty of tamer cam sites...
Live BDSM Sex CamsThe Best Kind of Solace by Nicole Larson It was the most embarrassing time of my life. You see, I had sent this series of pictures to my then boyfriend Paul, who was away from school, visiting his family in California. If you know eighteen year old boys, then you can probably guess what kinds of pictures he wanted me to send him. And if you know eighteen year old girls who are terrified of losing their boyfriends and being lonely and outcast, you probably know that I was just stupid enough...
SOMETHING EXTRA I was sitting down to supper when the phone rang. Carol Dunn had clogged her kitchen sink, and wanted it snaked that night. And if I could come out tonight there would be something extra. Carol was a bit eccentric but very well off, and I knew she would pay whatever I would charge, so I was at her Gothic house in just over 30 minutes. I had the drain clear in just under an hour, and charged her $175. "You did such a fine job, I'd like to give you something extra,"...
This is not my work, its a cut and paste.-----------------------------------------In part one, I told you about my eighteenth birthday and how my wealthy father gave me an expensive European sports car as a reward for remaining a virgin. He had told me that he wanted only the best for me, and that having a c***d out of wedlock or catching a disease could ruin my life. After a fabulous birthday party, Daddy called me into his study where I learned the real reason he wanted me to remain a virgin....
Dosto maine aap logo ko vada kiya tha ki main apko us flight me mili ek housewife ke sath kya hua vo aapko btane wala tha. To suniye agale din main delhi me apne hotel me tha, maine socha ki us house ko phone kiya jaye. Maine sham ko 5baje us housewife ko phone kiya. Usne mujhe pehchan liya. Uska nam suman (change name) tha. Usne mujhe sham ko 7:30 per cp me mc’donald me bulaya. Mai vahan 7 baje hi pahuch gaya tha. Aur coke pite-2 uska wait kar raha tha. Har pal meri nigahe darwaje(door) per...
Nacho lay on top of Rocco, as the two men breathed heavily and savored the lingering thrill of Rocco's climax. Rocco moved his hands up from Nacho's firm ass, past his narrow waist, over his strong back and shoulders until he reached his jawline and planted another sloppy tongue kiss on the oversexed Spaniard. Nacho returned the kiss, still a bit unsure how he had so quickly embraced sex with a man, but too horny and happy to question it any further.Still hard as a rock, Nacho suddenly broke...
(A family camping trip takes a turn for the better)Al was looking forward to leaving on their camping trip as he packed the RV. He and Erin hadn't been on a decent vacation in years. And they had always dreamed of driving around the west and seeing the mountains and all of the wonders of the desert. Even though their daughter Sue was coming along as well as her cousin Robert, Al was determined to have as much fun with Erin as if they were by themselves. Lately they had just been falling into a...
She whispered to me in a slutty tone, “I want that young boy cock in my mouth” as she face slapped herself with my dick, I remember myself saying "Oh wow, you're like a fantasy come true..!"I'm just a young boy and this story is about my mom's friend whose name is Lisa,I would call her Mrs. Carter but she insisted that I call her by her first name, i.e., Lisa. She was in her 40s, she lived two houses away from ours and she has been friends with my mom since I remember, "hot" is one word I...
He was tired. Really tired. His day in the hospital has been long and tiring. All he wanted now is a glass of whiskey and a bed and fine, a woman to warm his bed. Dan Wildreese, a surgeon in his mid-thirties is currently contemplating whether to sleep in his car or actually find energy to crawl to his bed to sleep. “It’s not like I’ll get a good sleep here in my car, might as well drag my ass to my bed. Hopefully I’ll make it.” He thought. Out of the car he went. Sighing deeply he walked up...
BDSM“I want you to find me a black guy.” That statement came as I was leaving Dean and Stacy’s home at the end of my regular Friday night visit. Dean has erectile problems and I have been taking care of his wife’s sexual needs for several years. I looked at Dean and saw from his expression that he was as surprised as I was to hear Stacy say that. We had teased her for quite a while about wanting to watch her with a black guy. We had watched porn movies together and black guys did arouse her but she...
InterracialJanice stopped, raised her eyebrows quizzically and said ‘Hope I’m not interrupting. I can come back.’ John still had his finger still in me. My body was beginning to unclench after the intense orgasm but I was afraid that if he didn’t take it out he’d make me cum again right in front of her. I’m sure I made quite a sight for her. ‘No, not at all Janice. Come in. Caitlyn made need a few minutes to ….to….’ ‘I can see that.’ ‘Yes. We’ll give her a minute.’ He removed his finger and once again...
**************************Choices We Make************************** Virginity is not Dignity but just lack of opportunity! This used to be my favorite dialogue till recently. But views change with time. Same happened with me. What I am writing ahead is my true story and a story, which every one of us will always want to have. Though it is quite possible that the ending will not be same for every one of us! First let me introduce myself… This is Prakash from Mumbai. I am pursuing C.A and...
Hi, people enjoy this story, I am the big fan of ISS site. But most of the people are describing themselves with huge cock. It may be fake, cock size doesn’t matter your skill is the matter. This true incident about my skills learned from movies, MMS and all kind of sex related things. This story will describe elaborately so be patience and enjoy. This is my first story so sorry for the mistake. I request boys to shake your cock and girls to shake your boobs and pussy. This incident about my...
IncestMolly Sinclair watched the sweet young thing jog by, just like she did every day for the past week. Who did that slender little sandy haired minx think she was? With that petite young body and those adorable little teacup breasts, did she think it was proper to flaunt herself like that? Bra-less, she persisted in wearing tee-shirts obviously bought in some department store’s children’s department. They fit her like a second skin, riding up to reveal the luscious little divot of her navel. Her...
I have a friend called Adam. We’re pretty close, but not gay…well, I’m definitely not . There’s nothing we can’t tell each other. Almost nothing, there’s one secrete that I never want him to know. I’ve had it since I was 17 and I shared it with his mum. It all started three years ago. I’d been invited to go with Adam’s family to their holiday home in Spain. Adam was an only child, like me and 17, like me. His parents must have thought he wouldn’t have fun looking at all the women in bikinis on...
This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance between this story and any actual person, living or dead, is coincidental. The story contains mature subject matter. It may contain adult situations and/or language. If you're not old enough to legally read this (and you know who you are), then get out of here before it's too late. You've been warned. Permission is granted to archive or repost this story as long as the text is unaltered, and our copyright and this notice are...
[Contains: M/Mature F, Hardcore/Group, Impregnation & Babymaking]Diane sat in her car and swore silently to herself. “Fucking bastard. Who the fuck did he think he was?”She was angry. Partly with the doctor and his attitude, partly with Drew (her daughter’s boyfriend) but mostly with herself for getting into this situation. She had just been humiliated beyond belief!The previous day in a moment of madness she had allowed herself to be fucked by her daughter’s boyfriend. It was a good fuck...
A while ago, I met a neighbor who lived right next to my house, we rarely saw each other but we kept in touch over the internet. She was beautiful: short and wavy hair, a little thin, small but firm and soft breasts, white skin and a beautiful hip, she was about 30 years old.After several and several chats on the internet, we ended up getting a little more intimate, and I was already going crazy with desires for her, but I didn't know if she felt the same way. I drew her and everything, she...
She laid for a minute, exhausted from the pounding she just took, my cum dripping from her asshole, down to her pussy lips and continuing down her leg. She got up and excused herself to use the bathroom as i proceeded to go into the bedroom. As she cleaned up a little i looked down at my cock, still glistening from the combination of my cum, her ass and the lube. I took it in my hand and began stroking it, imagining what i had just done. As i heard the toilet flush and the door click open, i...
Part 1 The Arrival Friday This is basically a story about two young women I have met on line, both of These women have very strong desires to become part time sex slaves and both have their reasons for doing so! They have decided to come to me for a visit and to stay for at least a week. So that they can be used as submissive playthings in a controlled environment. The reason they came to me is because I have all the connections and know the right people and can make any...
As I prepared to leave work after a particularly hectic day, I concentrated my thoughts on getting home and relaxing in a long, hot bath. My DaddyDom, Dave was scheduled to be out of town overnight and that meant I would be alone for the first time since I’d moved in with him two months ago. I love Dave with all my heart and enjoy every minute with him but I was really looking forward to this night. Be honest, a girl needs some intimate time alone now and then, just to be herself!Anyway, during...
MasturbationI met Cindy and Madison in the entryway, before they could see anything else in the suite. “Cindy, welcome. I’ll lead you in as soon as we’ve gone over some ground rules. Do you agree?” Cindy looked both flustered and anxious, but she settled down and said, “I agree.” “Tilly is here of her own free will, as are you. You are her friend and watching out for her, so I’m going to put you in a seat near the door. The other ladies and I have a special trusting relationship and I will have them...
We started down the steps and we heard the fight start already. Nadezda was very worried and Sandra said, "It's Evzen that's being hurt now. Your new husband can take care of himself." Tommy stood his ground and Evzen came at him repeatedly. Tommy just struck him and moved aside and let the bull of a man continue on. The open doorway allowed the spectators to see what was happening. Evzen now wanted to beat Tommy to death and then go after his wife and do the same thing. Every time...
“Let’s go out on the front porch,” Thad suggested, before adding, “Bring that jug, Nick.” On the front porch, the jug was passed around a couple of times before Angus started questioning me. “What can you tell me about Miss Calisa?” he asked, as Nick and Thad passed the jug several more times. I explained how I had met her through Jill and about the attack on her house, her move here with us, and her desire to return to her house. I also mentioned how she had changed after being alone for...