Sharing Cindy Chapter 34 Cindys New Job and the Men She Meets There
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I ripped the letter to Becky into shreds and went downstairs to find that Suzanne had just arrived. She had been to an engagement dinner with the girls from the office.
"Is that as far as you got before John left?" she asked, looking at the chessboard with only one pawn out of its starting position.
"He didn't see me move that piece. I moved on my own," I said.
Suzanne looked at me, questioningly. She may have recognized my need to talk with someone or perhaps she just wanted to catch up after our week apart. She patted the couch cushion, the same place where Cindy and I had sat only a few minutes before. I sat down next to her and talked while Suzanne listened.
I told her what was going on at school, how the Colonel was treating me, the strange collection of 'misfits' in room Four C, my suspicion that our tuition was being funded by someone other than a blood relative and my disappointment at being assigned to practice with the junior varsity. I even told her about the Marcie Cochran rule and the elaborate plan Spence and I had cooked up to change the rule.
Telling Suzanne about the Marcie Cochran rule made me remember that I hadn't had a chance to talk to Cindy about it and that, in turn, made me think of Cindy. Pointing to the moved pawn on the board, I admitted that I had concocted a story about a chess game being in progress so that Cindy would have an excuse to come over. This brought me to how I had just destroyed my letter to Becky in which I had confessed being unfaithful to her.
Suzanne listened to everything I wanted to say without interrupting. "Did you speak to John about any of this?" She asked.
"No. I don't want him to know that the Colonel still holds a grudge against me. But I did have to tell him that I didn't make the varsity team yet."
"Good," she said and I could tell that she was happy that I hadn't said more to Mr. Oldham.
"You better put the chess set away," she said. She didn't have to remind me of Mr. Oldham's aversion to a partially finished chess game being continued. I had heard of chess matches going on for weeks but not in the Oldham house. Either you stayed up until the game was over or the game ended unfinished when one or both of the players preferred sleep to wining.
"Why did you feel compelled to lure the Baldwin girl over here?" Suzanne asked as I carefully placed the chess pieces in their case.
"I needed to talk to her. We hadn't seen each another for a week," I answered.
"I understand that you wanted to see her but that's not what I meant. Why didn't you go to her house?"
I turned from the cabinet where the chess case was always kept. "I was waiting for you to call. Mr. Oldham told me what to say," I said.
Suzanne didn't comment but I could tell that she was touched. "Is this girl ... is she special? Is that the reason you wanted to see her so badly that you misled her?"
"I didn't mislead her. She wanted to see me too," I responded, defensively. "She just needed an excuse to come out and I supplied it."
"That's not what I asked. Is she special?" Suzanne's stare was steady, imploring.
"Is she special? She's not Becky," I began. "We have an arrangement, that's all. We've discussed it. Cindy needs someone who she knows will not cheat on her and I guess I do to. She must be special to me because I like being with her. She didn't stay very long tonight and when she left I went outside with her. I didn't want her to leave because I still have things that I want to tell her. She's special to me and I think I'm special to her."
Suzanne was seated on the couch and I was standing next to the cabinet where the chess pieces were housed when Mr. Oldham came into the room.
"I was about to tell Sammy that he must bring the Baldwin girl to the club on Sunday, John. It sounds like we need to meet her," Suzanne said.
"The Baldwin girl? Does she play golf?" Mr. Oldham asked.
"It's Cindy, Sir. I don't think she plays," I answered. And then to Suzanne, "you've met her. She came to Sonya's birthday party."
"That's not what I'm talking about. We need to meet her properly. Tell him, John."
Naturally, Mr. Oldham agreed with her. It was settled. I would bring Cindy to the club to meet Suzanne, properly.
Sometime during the night I awoke and looked around the room. The only thing visible was Becky's picture. She was staring at me. I got out of bed, turned the picture frame around to face the wall and got back into bed. After ten minutes of lying there I got up, walked to my desk and happened to look down at the wastebasket and the shredded letter. Thinking that was what was keeping me awake, I moved the wastebasket to the hallway and went back to bed. When I still couldn't sleep I got out of bed again, turned my desk lamp on and found a single sheet of blank stationery.
Dear Becky,
I'm involved with Cindy Baldwin. By involved, I mean that she is the one I want to share things with. By involved, I mean that we trust each other. By involved, I mean that we have an arrangement to be together. And yes, by involved I mean that we have sex together. It's good.
Cindy knows that I am in love with you and that she will never take your place in my heart.
I addressed an envelope, inserted the single sheet of paper and put a stamp on the letter. The next morning I made sure the letter went in the outgoing mail and the contents of the wastebasket went into the trash.
Ned had mowed the park but left the edging up to Josh and me. We worked together until lunchtime when we took our clippings and the weeds we had pulled to be disposed of. Ned arrived to inspect our work. We both gave Josh a pat on the back, telling him he could expect a check for his work.
Cindy called while I was having lunch, saying that she had been ordered to go shopping with her mother and Jeannie.
"Shit! I was looking forward to seeing you this afternoon," I exclaimed.
"I'm sorry. I was going to do something special for you," she whispered.
"I wanted to talk to you," I lamented.
"There's still tonight," she said.
"I don't want Josh and Jeanie to hear us."
"We'll find a way to be alone," she promised.
I told her about our luncheon date at the club. She seemed excited, saying she would look for something special to wear.
Josh came looking for me but I told him I was going to spend the afternoon in my room, reading. I did go to my room but not to read. I spent the afternoon trying to answer letters but Becky kept popping into my mind. Had I done the right thing telling Becky about how it was between Cindy and me? Was she involved with someone? Would she tell me if she were? Would I ever hear from her again? I wrote letters to Greg, Trisha and my mother, telling them that things couldn't be better, thinking, what a liar I was. I also wrote to Alice although she had not written since she returned to school. I related the night before, having Cindy come to the house, waking up to find Becky staring at me and the letter I had written to her. Just picturing Alice reading the letter helped ease the tightness I felt in my chest. I could almost see her, wearing the metal-rimmed glasses, nodding her understanding and smiling to herself about my adolescent description of my troubles. I didn't expect an answer; picturing her nodding and smiling helped sooth my heartache.
Jeanie wanted to see Moonstruck and Josh got into line to buy the tickets. But Cindy held back, tugging at my shirtsleeve. "You guys go ahead. We'll wait for you at the ice cream shop," I said, feeling Cindy's bare knee rub against the back of my leg. I knew that I had spoken for her when I felt her breath tickle my ear. Jeanie took exception.
"They're going to sit in the car and make out," she said to Josh, loud enough for anyone in the area to hear.
"No, we're not," Cindy disagreed. "We'll be at the ice cream shop when the movie lets out."
"Buy the tickets, Josh. Enjoy the movie," I urged and watched as he moved toward the window. Jeanie looked at us, distrustful, before reluctantly joining Josh in the ticket line. She bumped her ass against his, turning to see if we noticed. I smiled at her and took Cindy's hand.
"She's such a baby," Cindy remarked as we took our seats in the almost vacant ice cream shop. We both ordered two scoops of vanilla ice cream with hot fudge and a cherry on top, specifying no nuts and no whipped cream.
"I have something to tell you and something to talk to you about," I said, looking across the table at her. But I didn't say more. She watched me and I could tell the silence was making her nervous, probably wondering what I had to say that was so pressing. Her lips were parted, slightly, and her eyebrows were raised, questioningly. Her tongue made a swipe along her lower lip and when she became conscious of the action she closed her lips into an anxious smile, as if to ask, 'what?'
Our order arrived and I could smell the fudge but neither of us looked down. I don't know what Cindy was thinking but I was lost in the moment. "I like your hair that way," I said, making her drop her eyes and smile, self-consciously.
"Is that what you wanted to tell me?" she asked, catching a drip of hot fudge that was running down the side of the dish and bringing it to her lips.
"No, that's not it. I was just thinking about last night. I told you the parts that I like best about you but forgot to tell you why I like your hair. Then I saw the ponytail. I can't remember you with a ponytail except for tennis."
She picked up the spoon, dipped it in the hot fudge and then looked into my eyes, clearly discomfited. "I wore it this way for you. You said you liked it this way."
"I did?" I asked. I couldn't remember saying such a thing. "When did I say that?"
"You said it," she answered, looking miffed.
"I do like it," I said, picking up my spoon and dipping into the ice cream, wanting to comfort her.
"My hair is too short to wear it this way. I'll let it hang loose if you prefer," she offered, watching for my reaction.
"Don't you dare? I like it that way. I was just trying to tell you that your hair is one of your parts that I like best."
We spooned the ice cream and fudge into our mouths, both thoughtful. "Do you like it as much as my lips?"
I didn't have to think about my answer. "It's right up there but I think I like your lips better."
She was smiling and I thought I knew what she was going to ask from the wicked glint in her eyes. "Which do you like better, my lips or my pussy?"
I didn't know whether to laugh or get mad. I wished that I hadn't mentioned the ponytail. "If I had to pick one it would be your pussy but it wouldn't make me forget about your lips."
"I knew it. You're hung up on one thing and the rest is just window-dressing," she said, jokingly.
"I'm sorry but I was being honest. Your window-dressing is better than anyone else I know."
We stared into each other's eyes, letting our ice cream melt in the dishes. "Your honesty is what I like best about you," she admitted, her eyes unwavering. "It's right up there with your cock."
We laughed and I held her gaze. The waitress brought two glasses of water and picked up our dishes. I decided it was time to begin our discussion.
Introduction: Wifes Girlfriend Encounters a Dog NOTE: If you have not read the Bree stories 1 thru 3, I would highly suggest you do so you can have a perspective of the past history of the people involved, the events that had lead up to each individual related chapter and how this lifestyle has evolved among these friends. Our Related Stories in Succession. It is advisable to read them in order as the stories transcends to the next one: 1. Bree1 Kate- Story for Texans, the prequel to: 2. Bree...
Our Related Stories in Succession. It is advisable to read them in order as the stories transcends to the next one: 1. Bree1 – Kate- Story for Texans, the prequel to: 2. Bree 2 – Girlfriend’s Big Surprise 3. Bree 3- A Trip To The Mountains 4. Bree 4 -Wife’s Accidental Encounter With The Donkey 5. Bree 5 – Bree and Suzanne Go To The Mountains 6. Bree 6 – The Awakenings 7. Bree 7 – Shannon’s Encounter with Jake The Donkey 8. Bree 8 – The Reunion (a stand alone story but references...
The soft cries of Suzanne awakened Buck. She was still sleeping with her arms folded across his chest. As he forced his sleep filled eyes open he could see the first streaks of dawn above the ridge across the valley. The morning stars were still in the clear desert sky. Suzanne must be having a sexual dream he thought. His cock was rock hard and trapped between the warm pulsing lips of Suzanne's vagina and his stomach. She was hunching her hips sliding her vagina up and down his cock an inch...
Buck and Suzanne were sleeping on the balcony of a suite on the 21 first floor at the Desert Springs Hotel as dawn started to break over the desert. Buck was laying on a chaise lounge and Suzanne was laying on top facing him with his soft cock still in her gently pulsing vagina. She had her arms folded across his chest with her head on them. As the desert sky started to brighten Buck started to wake up. They had been sleeping for almost 3 hours. He could feel Suzanne's pussy pulsing on his...
It was daylight as Buck started to awaken on the balcony of the 21st story suite at the Desert Springs Hotel where he and Suzanne were staying. As his mind started to function he realized the sun wasn't shining. He barely opened his eyes to find the sky was overcast even though it was around 80 degrees. As he stretched he noticed that his cock was hard and something was tickling his ball sac. A hand was slowly jacking his hard cock as he laid there on the chaise lounge. He raised his head...
Suzanne It started out as bit of good luck, which dragged him in, trapped him and changed his life forever. Mike Davis was the Manager and owner of a supply company, which he inherited from his parents when they were killed in a motor vehicle accident. It was like getting the keys to the candy store! A business with a recognised, respected trading name, a high turnover and a respectable profit; he had nothing much to do to keep it going. All he had to do was turn up at the office...
Chapter 1: A Taste of Suzanne Suzanne's this girl at work I know. She's a 25 year old brunette with a very pretty face, beautiful smile and a knockout body. A perfect hourglass figure: tiny waist, generous but perky breasts and a wonderful petite ass with just the right amount of flair to her hips. Overall she looks delicious; I've been aching to get to know her more intimately for ages, but we've never been more than good friends. I'm working late one night. I think nobody else is still...
Buck woke up Saturday morning to Suzanne's soft hands caressing his stomach and chest. Suzanne was lying on top of him. His Cock was rock hard lying flat across his groin and stomach surrounded in the valley between Suzanne's hard nippled breasts. Suzanne was sliding back and forth fucking him in the valley between her breasts. Every now and then she would duck her head and suck the end of his 11 Inch Cock into her mouth as it poked out the top of her breasts and run her tongue into the...
Introduction: A dinner party with friends This is the sequel to Suzanne 1 & 2. The next morning I dreamt that my cock was in someones mouth. Eventually I woke up enough to realise that my cock really was in a mouth, Suzannes mouth. By then she had been bobbing up and down for some minutes and I realised that I was about to cum. When we had been together in Melbourne she had always swallowed my cum when she sucked me off, so I did not warn her that I was cuming. She swallowed the lot, then sat...
Introduction: Suzanne visits in Sydney This is the sequel to Suzanne 1 to 4. Im assuming that you have read them first. As I flew home to my wife in Sydney I was worried. I was worried because the next step that I was about to take might cost me my marriage of more than 30 years. That morning Jerry and I had met to discuss the progress that we had made on the joint project that we had been working on for the past week. We both agreed that the project had progressed extremely well, and both...
The next morning I dreamt that my cock was in someone's mouth. Eventually I woke up enough to realise that my cock really was in a mouth, Suzanne's mouth. By then she had been bobbing up and down for some minutes and I realised that I was about to cum. When we had been together in Melbourne she had always swallowed my cum when she sucked me off, so I did not warn her that I was cuming. She swallowed the lot, then sat up and smiled at me. “Good morning sleepy head. You took ages to wake...
Part 3 Becoming Suzanne - A Woman's Journey The project took a couple of weeks longer than expected, but everyone was very happy with the results. To mark the success, the prime developer rented out a slick new restaurant on the lower East side and everyone who'd been involved was invited. That meant nearly a hundred writers, directors, media people -- a heavy dose of "creatives" and a few business types all mixed together. It would be a great way to blow off the pressure of the...
Copyright November 2002 Suzanne was gorgeous. 5 feet 1/2 inch tall, 105 lbs, brown shimmering chestnut hair that hung down to her shoulder blades, hazel eyes that changed color like a chameleon depending on what she was wearing, and flawless, creamy smooth skin. She was 21 years 6 days old in June of 1991. She also appeared to have an outstanding figure. She was working as a food waitress at a major hotel. She was also attending a Christian college across from a major state university. Buck...
As I flew home to my wife in Sydney I was worried. I was worried because the next step that I was about to take might cost me my marriage of more than 30 years. That morning Jerry and I had met to discuss the progress that we had made on the joint project that we had been working on for the past week. We both agreed that the project had progressed extremely well, and both had identified new possibilities that we had not thought of when we started. Unfortunately, neither of us could devote...
Hello, My name is Greg Davis and I want to tell you that I have the perfect wife, one who every man dreams of and so out of sight beautiful, most women kill to look like her. Do I say this because I am married to her? No, I am telling you this because it is true. She is not only drop dead gorgeous with a killer body, she is kind, witty, and in the sack, she does everything to please me. Of course she enjoys that part of our life also, and is always seeking new things to please me. On the...
One night my wife and I went out on the town, horny for an erotic adventure, not very sure what might happen. Suzanne was sans panties and wearing a light skirt, her breasts not too exposed but in a sort of see-thru top--she looked very sexy. We ended up in a pub, drinking and just hanging around. We soon noticed a guy who seemed a be very interested in Suzanne. You know, undressing her in his mind. When I got up to visit the washroom, this guy followed me in, started a conversation--then...
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On Sunday morning I packed and said good-bye. Suzanne cried and begged me to stay just a little longer. Her words rang in my ears as I drove to the airport, "Sir, please stay. Don't leave me. I love you, Master. If you stay until this afternoon, I'll do anything you want. I'll do it with anyone you wish. Just please don't leave me." Even with such a tantalizing offer on the table I felt I had to get away or I would never leave. Besides, I had a life to return to. Even as I loaded my...
After I had met Suzanne at the conference in Melbourne, I had a strong incentive to make a trip to Adelaide. I had a standing invitation to visit a colleague at Adelaide university. I'd been putting him off until I had other business in Adelaide, but now I decided to bring my visit forward. I arranged to spend a week with him, and nights with Suzanne. Suzanne met me at the airport wearing a very short denim skirt and a white singlet top that did not quite reach the top of her skirt. It...
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I stood chatting with some of the other attendees that I had met at other such conferences. A very attractive young woman joined our group, I guessed that she was a student, and so I made an effort to include her in our little group. “Hi! I'm Bill Smith. I'm guessing that you are a PhD student. Am I right?” “Yes. I'm Suzanne Jones. I'm in my first year of a PhD at Adelaide Uni.” I introduced her to the rest of our little group, and we all chatted together for a while, until the...
It had been a couple of weeks since the last party, and Suzanne came home from work one evening with Kait in tow. It wasn't unusual, but they both seemed preoccupied as we all conversed. After a few minutes, Kait finally looked at me and said: "So we have an idea about the next party we need to run by you..." her gaze sliding from me to Suzanne.Suzanne quickly said "We're going to have a few more people this time. ""Ok...." I said, feeling like I was missing something. "And we want to have a...
I have to admit that she had a convincing sincerity to her pleas. My heart ached for her as I began to take her to heart. I wanted to forget the problems I had with her story, but didn't see how I could, until now. She poured her heart out to me so convincingly, that I forgot that I was as much the fault of our break up as she. "We'll try to make it right babe, I promise." I told her. "Don't cry anymore. If it doesn't work out, it won't be not for trying. I promise you that. Just...
Suzanne had always tried to be very active and helpful with many of the church activities. Tonight she was there getting the fellowship hall decorated for a charity auction for Saturday night. Her little group was made up of a few other women that she knew well and also the church maintenance man, Chester. He had always been very helpful to all the various groups and tonight he did a lot of the heavy set up work while the women did the signage, decorating and seating arrangements.Gradually the...
Becoming Suzanne - A Woman's Journey The third injection period was completely different than the first two. There really wasn't much sensitivity then. But just the change in my whole physical structure had felt so deliciously alien. It was as though I was this mystically intimate voyeur. It went so, so far beyond simply looking or watching. most mystical, mystical voyeur. It went so, so far beyond simply looking or watching. I had to wait much longer this time. I knew...
Suzanne Suzanne?s ReturnPart IBy: R.J. Silverwood([email protected]) I stood in the middle of the small, musty-smelling, motel room towel-drying my hair as I watched Suzanne twist and squirm, lying naked and hog-cuffed on the bed. I?d give anything to have a picture of this, I thought.? Her wrists handcuffed behind her, her ankles cuffed together, pulled back and pad-locked to her wrist cuffs.? The same padlock was also used to lock both sets of cuffs to a small steel ring, which...
Upon waking, Helena realised that she still had the two bags from yesterday to dispose of. Leaving them locally could cause a problem. So she placed the bags in a pillow case and walked over to the tavern. Catching a cab, she directed the driver to go to Hilton at Surfers Paradise. The fare was $70. Giving the driver a $100 note she exited the cab and went into the Hotel. Seeing a laundry bin with used sheets etc, Helena dumped the pillow case in the trolley and went into the ladies. Exiting...
My conservative secretary Suzanne was a sexy old lady in her early fifties. One day after hour, I had gone back to her office to pick up some papers I had forgotten there; but, instead of those documents, I had found there at her empty desk just a pair of dirty panties. I had smelled the cloth and had stroked myself sitting at her own chair… Some days later I invited Suzanne for a drink after office and she accepted.We became regular lovers; since she was divorced and my sweet wife Ana allowed...
July 1, 2000, Chicago, Illinois “How did the game go?” Kara asked when I walked into the house just before lunch. “They did exactly what Jesse said they were going to do - they went out in style.” “Meaning?” “They won 6-0. Nicole scored a natural hat trick in the first period. She got the last goal as well. Jesse stopped 29 shots, and Mikey blocked at least four. They’re having a team party at Coach’s house this afternoon.” “But you had other plans?” Kara asked with a sly smile. “I was...
The morning after the 50th reunion party…I opened my email to see a message from Suzanne. We had never corresponded much…but our emails were available on the class website.I assumed she had some comment to make about the previous night’s “activities”. She mentioned those “activities” only in passing…she wrote” I thought a pervert like you might find the attached video interesting”.That was all she wrote. Intrigued I started watching the video…half expecting a nudie film of Suzanne... Instead I...
Introduction: The gorgeous, extremely promiscuous mother of the bride-to-be, and the filthy rich single father of the groom-to-be, negotiate the terms of a prenuptual agreement, body to body SUZANNE IS A VERY BAD GIRL It was the morning after the party at Stone Daviss mansion, an event hosted by Stone to celebrate the formal announcement of the date of his son Brads wedding to Suzannes daughter, Paige, who also is the reigning Miss California in this years Miss Universe contest. Suzanne came...
It was the morning after the party at Stone Davis’s mansion, an event hosted by Stone to celebrate the formal announcement of the date of his son Brad’s wedding to Suzanne’s daughter, Paige, who also is the reigning Miss California in this year’s Miss Universe contest. Suzanne came awake from a deep, champagne spiked sleep. She looked over at her still sleeping husband, Walt, and then slipped quietly out of the huge bed leaving him there to continue his rest. She went into the...
August 18, 2000, Colorado Springs, Colorado I woke on Friday morning amused by the dream I’d had... “Is there anything else I can do for you, Mr. Adams?” she asked with a very enticing smile. “I suppose that depends,” I replied. “On?” “Whether or not you have a second set of sheets.” She laughed, “I would have thought given the state of the bed, you wouldn’t have much energy left.” “I’ll take a nap,” I grinned. “My shift ends at 1:00am; I could bring the sheets then.” She left, then...
Fred woke up around 6am and moved over in the bed to cuddle Helena. He ended us sleeping with his leg over Helena’s leg. Helena woke 15 minutes later and push Fred onto his back. She rolled on top of him and started to kiss his face then neck. As she was travelling down his chest to his nipples, she could feel Fred getting very hard. She pushed off the sheets and mounted him, Fred woke up just as the sheets were taken off him. He could feel Helena fully around his hard on and started to pump...
Introduction: A mother uses her sexual skills and body to negotiate her daughters prenuptual agreement SUZANNECLOSES THE DEAL CHAPTER 2 REVIEWING THE DIRTY SEX REPORT: When Stones balls were completely empty, he pulled out of Suzannes gasping, glistening wet mouth, released her head and dismounted from the back of the couch She lifted her head and watched him come around the sofa, while she choked and licked her well stretched, puffy from hard use, lips. He picked up her purse and handed...
CHAPTER 2 REVIEWING THE DIRTY SEX REPORT: When Stone’s balls were completely empty, he pulled out of Suzanne’s gasping, glistening wet mouth, released her head and dismounted from the back of the couch She lifted her head and watched him come around the sofa, while she choked and licked her well stretched, puffy from hard use, lips. He picked up her purse and handed it to her, saying, “Put on a fresh coat of lipstick and straighten your clothes out.” Doing as she was...
It was a lazy afternoon when Madame Joan rang me with a special request from one of her dominatrix, Madame Alison. She asked: “Could you please bring Madame Suzanne to my establishment to impose some discipline and humiliation on a wayward slave?” “Of course” I replied. I immediately rang you to see if you were free, and, yes, you were, so I arranged to pick you up. “Come as you are, it’s urgent”, although I knew that you would have a shower first. “And don’t wear any underwear!” You were...
AnalI woke the next morning to Suzanne's moaning, the bed violently swaying, and the feeling of a mouth wrapped around my rock hard cock.Upon opening my eyes, Suzanne grabbed the side of my head in her hand and pulled me to her lips, filling my mouth with her tongue and a long, full moan. She was on her knees, and a very well put together gentleman was pounding away at one of her holes. Her tits swayed with each thrust, and her top lip curled up as she took each deep thrust. I looked down to see a...
After that start to the morning, it was with great reluctance that I took her home. I was curious about Cindy's mother, this woman that Cindy had so clearly painted as uncaring and unfeeling for anyone, even herself. We left my trailer some time after ten. It had turned into a bright and sunny morning and was already in the low 70s. Nice Northwest Florida fall weather. It had rained the night before, and the ground was still wet. Many of the yards contained puddles of muddy colored water...
About two weeks after our first time by the pool, John invited me out to his cabin for the weekend. School had just ended, so I agreed. It wasn't much of a question really, since I hadn't seen his mom Suzanne since, either. After what happened last time, I couldn't wait to see her again. So I packed up my bag and hit the road.When I knocked oh John's door, Suzanne answered. "Hey, Dave! Long time no see!" she said with a wink."Yeah, not since that day in the pool!" I replied with a grin. Just...
MILFLearning to make love was a graduation for me, both literally and figuratively! My best friend, Heather and I were seniors at East High. Although all the seniors were all excited about graduation, Heather and I were especially keyed up. I was the Valedictorian and Heather was going to be presented with a full scholarship to the State University. That should have been enough to satisfy both of us, but we had one more thing going. Both Heather and I had been dating our boy friends for...
John and I had been friends since high school. We were both now in college together. I had always thought his mom was smoking hot. I'm nothing too impressive though. At 5'8" and overweight, I was never exactly in high demand. Not that I hadn't gotten anything, I had girlfriends in the past, just not many. I knew that there would never be anything between Suzanne (John's mom) and I . She was 5'6" and had the most amazing body. Well that's what I thought anyway. One day I was headed over to...
MILFI was in John's Escalade, being delivered to my second gangbang bukkake party. I was excited, eager to get there, when he dropped a bomb on me. "It will be a little different tonight." "Mmmm? Meaning what?" "Well, you're not a rookie anymore, we're trying another format." I didn't know what he was talking about. He clarified, "There will be a second woman in the mix, Alexandra." I felt a surge of anxiety, my head full of questions. "What am I supposed to do with Alexandra?" I said, with too...
Group SexSuzanne had stripped naked, the office building all locked up for the weekend. She could make her escape via a fire exit once she had finished her fun, the evidence of her upcoming exploits safely dried away by the following Monday.Her bladder was fit to bursting and she was desperate to start. Opening the Managing Director's office she slipped inside, her nipples hardened on her small pert breasts as she ran on bare feet towards the imposing chair situated behind the long conference table and...
WatersportsJune 23, 2000, Chicago, Illinois “Steve,” Kimmy said over the intercom, “I have a Suzanne Aavik for you.” “Thanks,” I replied. “Put her through, please.” A few seconds later, Suzanne was on the line. “Hi!” she exclaimed when I greeted her. “I’m in Chicago for three weeks. Can I still run away and join the circus?” I chuckled, “You might want to find out what the circus is actually like before you join! If you’re free, you’re welcome to come to the house tomorrow or Sunday and meet the...