AimeeChapter 7 free porn video

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Bethsany examined herself in the mirror. "I still look pretty good. Don't you think, Lilli?"

"Yes, Miss," the tall brunette encapsulated in leather responded warmly.

"Be honest, Lilli."

"At your age, Miss, you will not bring in customers except for those with certain... desires, but no matter. I wish to have your body and health when I reach your wisdom, too."

Bethsany turned around and stroked Lilli's face gently. "You say the right things, Lilli." She kissed the taller girl gently. A knock at the door interrupted her fingers' probing between Lilli's legs. "What is it?"

One of the younger girls appeared at the door. "My apologies, Miss, but Aimee' is here."

Bethsany sighed, trying not to smile simultaneously. Loving Lilli was a privilege neither one permitted often, temptation being what it was, but she also could never pass up an opportunity for kindness with Aimee'. "Lilli, will you forgive me?"

The brunette nodded. "I understand. I need some commission today anyway."

Bethsany laughed. "Forever the opportunist. That's why I like my crew. Could you let Aimee' in on your way out?"

"I will," Lilli promised, leaving slowly. As she walked out, she held the door open, revealing the small, shivering form of the girl who came to visit every week. "Aimee'! The Gods, you must be chilled to the bone from your walk. Come in, come in, please, sit down by the fire. Page, get us something warm for her to drink. Nothing with liquor, dear, just chocolate or something." The young girl who had first peeked in to announce Aimee's presence looked in, nodded, then disappeared. Bethsany positioned Aimee' on a short, padded stool by the fire. The girl reappeared with a tray holding two steaming mugs. "Here," Bethsany said, handing one to Aimee'. "Drink. You need it. You look positively white!"

"I am sorry to distress you so, Bethsany," Aimee' said softly. "Master Teltirray is more confident of me; he says in this weather thieves do not get out so much."

"Nor should healthy young girls like yourself!" Bethsany countered. "Besides, in winter brigands need their sustenance like everyone else and with pickings slim you make a lovely target. Be careful!"

"If any such brigand were to lay a hand on me..."

"You would what?" Bethsany grinned. "Lay them low with a bolt of wizardly power? Are you to that point, my lovely Mage's student in black?"

Aimee' blushed. Bethsany cupped Aimee's chin and pulled it up to look into her eyes. "There is nothing to be ashamed of, Aimee'. Confidence is the first measure of any success, be it in Magic or Business or Sex. But you must know your limits, too." Aimee' nodded and sipped at her drink, shrugging off her cloak and easing to the floor before the fire.

Bethsany joined her; however under her robe there was no further clothing. "Let me tell you another story, Aimee'... of what happened to me after my rescue. Is that acceptable?"

Aimee' grinned and nodded. "Please!"

Bethsany leaned back and began.

"There, there," said my rescuer as she handed me a bowl of warm soup. "You will be all right."

"Who... who are you?"

"My name is Cyl'Dia. I am a woman of Darachmod." That last word made me look up and take notice of her, Aimee', because I had heard of Darachmod. It was a city, rumored to be in the very mountains through which my family had been riding when the bandits had attacked. She smiled tightly. "I see you have heard of us. The legends are mostly true. Drink up. I will return in a little while."

She was gone again, and only Huna and I were left together. I held onto Huna and she let me, being the only thing in my recent life that had had any stability and kindness to it. I watched the women in the camp moving about easily, seriously; there seemed to be little humor about them. Slaughtering a camp, even one filled with spirits as ugly as Styur's, could have held no glee to them.

They were all beautiful, tall, strong. All of them wore heavy armor that hid what sorts of bodies they had underneath, but as they stripped it off they revealed tightly fitted, warm clothing that showed the shapes underneath to be very obviously female. I wasn't to learn just how female until later.

Cyl'Dia returned shortly with another woman behind her. "We are returning, so your eyes must be covered until you are trustworthy. Do you understand?"

I nodded, still frightened. She reached out and stroked the dog's head for a moment. "Huna, huh? She's a good dog. What's your name?"

"Bethsany." I blurted it out as one word.

"Beth'Sany, huh?" Her voice had a curious stop indicating that she had divided my name into two parts like hers. "That's a pretty name. Beth, this is my commander, Dyn'Valas. Dyn, this is Beth'Sany, who we rescued from the centaurs."

Dyn'Valas knelt down and examined me closely. Then she smiled. "We do not kill slaves, Beth, even male ones, although we see to it that they make their way in a direction other than following us. Do you wish to come to Darachmod with us, or is there a family you want to go home to?"

I shivered. "I... I have no family. They killed them all." I managed to point down to the ruined and burning centaur village where I had spent the past months.

"All of them?" Dyn'Valas looked shocked. She recovered momentarily and said, "I understand you killed their leader rather... gruesomely."

I managed to shiver another nod. "He... he used me." I began crying, sniffling in the cold, wet of falling snow. "I wanted to get back."

She patted my head gently. "That's understandable. You want to come to Darachmod with us, then?"

I nodded. "Please."

"Cyl, make it so."

I was placed on the back of a horse and blindfolded. "Wrap your arms around me," Cyl'Dia said softly. "Reach into the jacket. Go ahead. I won't bite and it will keep your hands warm."

I did as she said, my fingers reaching in. Between my hands and her body were but one or two thin layers of cloth, and underneath it I could feel her torso. Even there her muscles were hard, rippling, strong. She was clearly a powerful woman in her own right and I envied her. I wanted to be like her.

We rode on through the day. I felt strangely at peace, Aimee'. The blindfold kept me from questioning my surroundings in any great detail and the best feelings I got at all came from Cyl'Dia, who gave me warmth and comfort and spoke to me along the way. She asked me for details of my life before the Centaurs and I gave that information freely. I enjoyed my talks with her; they meant much to me. After so many months of nothing but drudgery in the day and cruelty at night, a voice of kindness was something to hold onto.

We mostly spoke of my life. Not as if hers didn't have as much for discussing, but as if she held back on discussing it at all until we reached her city.

A hollow sound surrounded her voice and the sounds of horses. The dry, winter smell was replaced with a slight staleness and I recognized that we entered a tunnel. No-one spoke a word until the air returned to the bright coldness of winter. "Cyl'Dia, you are excused from your duties to take Beth'Sany to the chirgeon. See to it that she is looked after and then, I will find you this evening at your home."

"Thank you, my lady," Cyl'Dia replied. "Beth, you may remove your blindfold now."

I did, getting my first glimpse of the city of Darachmod. It was a large, walled square with houses scattered according to a pattern. On each wall was a large, rectangular building built up against the wall, and the houses and other buildings seemed clustered around those. The center of the town was very open. Each building was carefully regimental in construction, pleasing to the eye, ordered. Cyl'Dia led the horse into a stable where girls about my age took the horse and gave it blanketing, food, and water. "Come," Cyl'Dia said to me softly. "I will show you the chirgeon, and then to home."

The chirgeon was a kind, elderly woman who looked me over carefully, taking special care to examine my eyes, tongue, and sex. "She has suffered no permanent harm," she finally assured Cyl'Dia. "She needs proper food and a bath, however. This thinness is not natural for her."

"Senva?" Cyl'Dia asked, or at least I thought asked, the doctor. It was not a word I knew.

"No, no, not quite. A healthy middle, I think. Bengesk."

Cyl'Dia smiled and nodded, but her smile was tainted slightly with sadness. "I understand. Thank you, Chire."

"My pleasure. It was sweet to meet you, Beth'Sany."

Cyl'Dia lifted me into her arms again and Huna followed us out into the streets. We made our way into a small home off a side street. Once inside, another girl about my age came running up. "Cyl!"

"Myr!" she shouted, straining to hold me with one arm while with the other gathering the girl into her clasp. "Oh, it's so good to see you!"

"Are you... are you home, finally?" Myr asked. "Who's this?"

"Myr'Dia'Nan, meet Beth'Sany. We found her with the centaurs as their unwilling slave."

"Unwilling?" Myr seemed to recoil. "You mean, they didn't give you a choice?"

"Slaves don't get choices," I sighed.

"Some do," Myr assured me. "I do." The revelation that Myr was a slave frightened me. That she was Cyl'Dia's slave stunned me. The fear in me grew immense and suddenly I was fighting Cyl'Dia, slapping at her. But she still wore the protective padding that went with her armor and I was doing little more than getting her attention. She dropped me, however, in my squirming, and I retreated across cluttered room to kneel against the wall by the fire. I expected Cyl'Dia to confront me, but instead Myr did. "Wait, you don't understand. I want to be here."

I looked up at her, disbelieving. "You... you want to be here?"

Myr nodded, smiling in unmistakable pleasure. "Cyl is my beloved, Beth. But I have not the will or control to be a good and equal lover, Beth. Someday, maybe, I will, but until that day I... I accept her yoke of power. Maybe I never will."

"That's not right," Beth said.

"Oh?" Myr asked. "I am not a child anymore." She blushed, looking ashamed. "But I do not want to be unprotected. Cyl'Dia gives me protection. I agree to that."

"And punishment?"

"If I have been bad, yes. I could leave Cyl at any time, but I'm not sure what I would do if that happens."

Cyl'Dia stood behind Myr, stroking the younger girl's hair with her hand. "You're getting there, Myr. You are confident in your slavery, at any rate." She looked up at me. "Some women, such as Myr, want someone to push them into adulthood. Others simply find their pleasure in another's power and stay there all their lives. And some, like myself, find our pleasure in being that source of pleasure."

"And having your wants met," Myr said.

"That, too," Cyl'Dia smiled. "I expect none of this, Beth'Sany, from you. You are my guest until the Spring. You can be whatever you want... except lazy, I suppose. Whether for my reasons or your own, you will have to aid in the carrying of food and water, cleaning, and chopping of wood. I hope that's acceptable?"

I nodded, still a little frightened by the revelation that Darachmod, the city of women, still kept women as slaves. "I understand what is necessary," I said.

"Good," Cyl'Dia replied. "Now, let me show you your bed. You'll be sleeping in Myr's room, an arrangement she does agree to, right?"

"Oh, yes!" Myr replied, grinning. "Easily!"

"Good. Then you get her bedding ready. I have to go meet with Captain Dyn'Valas." She stood up again and left, taking a long-coat off the rack as she did so.

"Now, come with me," Myr said. "And I'll show you to your room."

The house Cyl'Dia lived in was a large space broken up into rooms by taut expanses of white cloth stretched over frames of wood. They let light through easily, and I could see shadows and the flickering of lantern light from those rooms that had them on the backdrops of the cloth. Some of the frames slid to allow passage. Through one, Myr led me down a short hallway and into another room with such a frame. Inside, the room was large enough for three or four people to sleep in comfortably. She had a chest for her possessions. I had to step up to get in, though, because the floor of the bedroom was a wooden platform raised almost a foot and half off the floor. "I'm sure Cyl will get you one of your own. Now, wait here while I get you some bedding. It's sure to get colder yet."

Myr left me alone for a moment, for the first time since my rescue at the hands of these women. I stopped to take stock of my situation, feeling disoriented. I was alive; I had people who seemed safe enough. I had a sense of comfort for once that was unlike any other. Myr returned with a bundle of cloth that hid her face from my view until she dropped it on the floor. "Fhew!" she sighed. "Heavy. And now we have to get the metal, too."

"Metal?" I asked.

"I'll show you," she assured me. "Come. I'll need help with this."

I followed her into another room with more large chests. "There." She opened one chest and handed me some metallic slats, about three feet long and five inches wide, a little less than an inch thick. We made several trips of these back and forth to the bedroom. "What are these?"

"Sleeping slats," she replied. She pointed to a spot of floor where wooden slats the same size as the metal ones we had carried were laid into the floor. With a knife she pried them loose and tossed them aside, fitting the metallic ones in one at a time. "Heat flows through metal much easier than it does through wood, see?" She said. "At night, before bed, we place coals on the floor underneath in these." She held up a metallic pan with a lid. "These put out heat that flows up into the metal, and then into our bodies, so we stay warm."

I did not understand. "Does the heat know where the metal is?"

"I don't know," Myr said. "It's magic to me." I nodded. "Come, let's put the wooden slats away and get two more coal pans for you. One for your legs and one for your shoulders. That's about where they should go. There are traps in the floor for you to put them down. See?" She pointed. I did. We gathered the slats and put them away. By the time we were completing our duties, Cyl'Dia returned.

"I see you two are almost done. Good. Myr, take one of the chests for Beth." She sat down on the steps of the bedroom. "I have good news, Beth. It is the opinion of our Captain that you may stay here as long as you desire, but it is also her opinion that that will not be forever. As long as you provide your fair share of work, however, you are welcome here in whatever position you wish to fulfill."

I nodded, unsure of what to say or do next. Cyl answered that for me by holding her arms out. "Come and hug me."

Which I did, gratefully, throwing myself against her and feeling those protective arms wrap around me. I was still frightened, Aimee', still scared of a future without my family, a future I did not know. One that hardly seemed to lead to where I am today!

That night, as I settled down to sleep, I was to get my initiation in another woman's arms. I had anticipated Cyl'Dia being the one. Yes, I think anticipated was the correct term. I wanted to make love with her, truly. I know that I was misunderstanding my need for protection, my joy at being saved, with the painful sensuality Styur had awakened within me, and I wanted to share myself with Cyl the only way I had known how for month.

But no, it was Myr who started that. That first night as I lay in my bed I was haunted by memories of the dead Styur, fearing his return from the grave, the touch of his ghost, come searching for the girl who stole his sex.

I must have made noise because I remember fighting a hand on my shoulder only to wake up and find Myr kneeling by my bedside in only her nightclothes. "Beth! Beth, you must wake up!"


"Beth, you're having a nightmare! Wake up!"

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Rex Schwartz, now fully aware of his ancient dual personality, known as Invictus Rex had, of course, witnessed the approach and the initial attack of the Tomradi. He was confident, that the latest TransDim shields would hold against anything these aliens could throw at them from surface weapons. The appearance of these huge disc-shaped battleships however caused great concern. He brought along a sizeable army of Seenian Sentmacs. Cloned humans that had been altered to be the perfect...

1 year ago
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My Horny Encounters 8211 Part I

Hey friends!!! i am duggu( my pet name) narrating you this beautiful memory of mine which happened 10 years before…i was the only child my parents had and i was belonging to a wealthy dad was a business tycoon in Mumbai and my mom was a Manager at our own company. mostly i missed my dad so much because he rarely used to come back home because of his meetings and oversea internships. Now let me describe u the most important character of this story ‘My MOM’. She is a fair women,not too...

3 years ago
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Vengeance Is Bittersweet

Vengeance is Bittersweet By Julie O Edited by Amelia R. and Bob Arnold Features characters from The Protector and Change of Course stories Angel cameos courtesy of Tyrone Slothrop Chapter 1 Detective Matt Walsh was slightly surprised when the woman had called his station and requested him specifically by name. She insisted that she had important information regarding one of his cases. When he asked her which case, she refused to answer him, insisting that he meet...

2 years ago
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Emerald Princess Chapters 1620 v2

This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after the first generation characters have graduated, but I was in the midst of writing this before the 2nd Generation Canon came out - my apologies that it doesn't directly tie in there! This is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy, and may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? Most likely it will not match the canon of the universe. I believe this is the...

3 years ago
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Paula And Lorena

Some weeks ago, Paula, my best friend, and I had unexpectedly ended up having sex, a consequence of a couple of drinks, but also a dream. Some months ago, I had written to Paula telling her I had dreamed about her. In my dream, I had sex with her and another girl. Our lives at that moment were a mess, especially in sentimental terms, so I guess that idea stuck in our minds. So, when I saw her again, she said she wanted us to have a threesome. But first, of course, we had to have a taste of each...

2 years ago
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The Story Sapna Mami 8211 Part 4

Hello guys! I am Priyesh back with another part of the story. I got quite a good number of responses on the last parts. I was happy with all that. Keep giving me the responses as it motivates me to write the stories further. After the last session I had with mami, I was happy with what all happened. Even mami was happy as I had given importance to her satisfaction as well along with mine. Mami said that she doesn’t enjoy much with mama because he didn’t give much attention to her satisfaction....

1 year ago
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BlacksOnBlondes Haley Spades 01252022

Haley has just arrived at the private dorm facilities on campus and the resident advisor shows her to the room she will be staying in. It’s quite nice. But he warns her these facilities are for studying. No drugs, alcohol or boys. No problem she says as she is here to study. Well turns out the RA is a pantysniffer and she catches him a few weeks later in her drawer sniffing and whacking off onto her undergarments. What kind of pervert does that? But when a girl is deprived of cock even a...

1 year ago
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Sex With White Boobs MotherInLaw

Hello iss readers this is story about how i was attracted by my mother in law beauty and how i seduced her to have sex with me.My name is kundan and i was happily married to kavita my wife.We used to live in Bangalore then after few years i got my posting in patna where my mother in law used to live .She was widow as her husband died one year after my marriage.I had to leave for patna 15 days before leaving my wife in Bangalore. When usha(mother in law) came to know that i was coming to patna...

2 years ago
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Sissy Butt Licker Ch2

I left the office at noon, and headed over to Steph's place. I got there, and she let me in, wearing only a robe. There was porn playing on her tv and by the smell of the place, I'd say she was in the middle of one of her marathon masturbation sessions. We sat on the couch and she asked if I'd lick her bum while she finished jilling herself. After I replied yes, she layed down on the floor, belly down, put a pillow under her midsection, propping her ass up, and reached under herself to frig her...

4 years ago
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Selena and JoeChapter 58

For Manhattan, it was a typical last week in August that bled into September. The hot, humid dog days were hanging on for a last celebration of summer. They were the kind of days you saw in the old newsreels where they opened the hydrants for the kids to cool off. They didn't do that anymore, too many people had air conditioning. Water, although not scarce, was somewhat a premium as the purification cost too much for municipalities to let it run freely back into the sewers. However, it was...

1 year ago
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Sensous group session in the safe dark in London

I had the most beautiful experience last night with K at an event in London. Around 30 of us gathered to experience what it is like, very slowly, to undress each other and then - in total darkness - move around a space experiencing the gentle brush of another human being, the delicate touch of a stranger, or the beautiful hug of someone equally in search of a connection in that moment. For an hour we explored the space, walking or settled on mats in the centre. All in total darkness. K had...

2 years ago
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“Okay, deal, look forward to it,” she smiled as Ric continued kissing her ass with a throbbing erection. Watching him grab her ass cheeks then slowly slide his ten-inch cock into her as he built up a rhythm was a real turn on, especially the noise he made as he slapped into her ass cheeks. That was a week ago when I arranged a younger bi-sexual man to pleasure both of us for Anne’s forty-fifth birthday. As part of the arrangement after Anne had him, he gave me a tremendous blow job while...

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The Sitter

The Sitter by Erin Tyler In December of 2450, I took a big chance and left the disquieting confines of The Mistress' junk-lab, the only home I knew. I found myself in a ruined city, surrounded by the hostile natives of the land that had once been United States of America. The nation that had put a man on the moon was defunct, and its descendants led short, bitter, hand-to-mouth lives. In January of 2451, I learned the defunding of all public education and research caused this...

2 years ago
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What a mother she is to me Part 2

After mom divorced dad you would have thought she had married me. It felt like we spent 23 of 24 hours in bed or on the floor. I was still kind of young in age but way passed my age in the way I acted and handled myself. She really enjoyed being sexy for me and would do anything I wanted if it turned me on. Although she told me that things we did, she and my father had done most of them and she was always turned on by them. I guess dad and I thought alot alike. Mom like it when she played his...

1 year ago
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Cuckold Chat

TheCuckoldConsultant has a Cuckold Chat that I only touched on briefly when I reviewed the site and the service. I could have crammed a few hundred more words into the original review, but that wouldn’t be doing the community justice. One of the main features you look for in any chat group or forum is a thriving, active userbase, which this cuckold site has in abundance. I’m visiting the place on a weekday morning, and there are nearly 1000 users online. This is a legit online cuckold...

Sex Chat Sites
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Alice et sa maman

Alice et sa maman Par BMC (byBforbeMformyCforcunt)R?sum?. St?phanie est inqui?te, elle s'absente pour le week-end et a du confier sa petite fille ador?e, Alice, ? son voisin inqui?tant monsieur Pr?dat. Qui est vraiment monsieur Pr?dat, Thor de son pr?nom; qu'elle ne connait pas tr?s bien? Un type bien et incompris ou un pervers. Qui est vraiment St?phanie? Une maman aimante et attentionn?e ou une m?re indigne et une tra?n?e. Qui est Alice? une gentille fille ou de la graine de salope en train de germer pr?te ? entamer une desce...

2 years ago
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The Early YearsChapter 12

I just happened to check the clock on my computer. 9:11pm. I do this morning and night. I remind myself about 9/11 just by looking at a clock. In the car. Walking into an office. I cannot go there at this moment but I know how we all were affected by those events on that horrible day. I will note this one to follow up on as I know there are stories to relate to in my memory banks. I mentioned how we were finishing up our school year in North Tonawanda. With the impending trip I think all...

2 years ago
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Mother of mine

Jamie stifled a groan of pleasure as ropes of cum burst from his dick and landed on his bare stomach. He quickly cleaned up the pearly white strings with the pair of panties he had stolen from his mom's room. As he hid the lacy black panties in his closet he silently cursed his friend Ryan. Two years ago Ryan pointed out that Jamie's mom was incredibly hot and ever since that day Jamie had been fantasising about his mom Amy on a daily basis. Amy was 39 and was an honest-to-God MILF! She had jet...

2 years ago
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Abby Abby Matt and Jeff on a Holiday

The Chronicles of Abby: Abby, Matt and Jeff on a Holiday(Abby’s Perspective)Synopsis: This episode is the continuation of Abby, after getting fucked by her teacher, Mr. Davis. After Abby’s teacher, Davis fucked her doggy style and came in her. She went home and cleaned herself up without telling her daddy, Matt about it. It was past midnight, shadow of a man could be seen ramming his hard cock in and out of a girl’s pussy with her butt arching upwards and her chest and hands planted on the...

1 year ago
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Spoiling her beyond

It's about our third time we have been able to meet in person. Some gay friends of yours have gone away and have given you the keys to there place it's close by discreet and we know we have nothing to worry about so can relax and enjoy ourselves it's been quit a mission finding a place time in the day is never really to much of an issue.You push the remote to allow me in no one can see my car once in the property you go up stairs waiting naked on the bed with your eyes closed as instructed by...

3 years ago
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One Lucky GuyChapter 37

Before we went to bed, Rachel sent texts to all the members of the J-Team, telling them to be ready - if the weather cooperates, we’re going to meet at the Dunn-Ridge courts after school tomorrow. She laughed and told me to read the last line of her text. ‘Be bold - no panties - we’re going to work on the game plan we discussed last time we met’ For one of the few times since we moved to Tennessee, Rachel wasn’t sleeping next to me. I was between June and Lola, and though June and I had...

2 years ago
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For Him 3

"You don't think you're done do you?" he asked me quietly. "We aren't even close to finishing." I looked up at him. Dark sincerity in his eyes, as his hand slid down to cup my breast. My nipple stood erect under the warmth of his hand. Even through a thin shirt his heat was enough to burn against my cool skin. I couldn't help but drop eye contact with him. A blush crept to my face. He hadn't been up to two times in one day since the very first time we had sex. That was over four years ago. My...

Straight Sex
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Hindsight 2020 Book 1Chapter 33

I said, "Get naked." "What?" "I said, 'get naked.'" She looked at me silently for a moment, and then did what I asked her to do. When she was completely naked, I said, "Good girl." I had her sit in a straight back kitchen chair. I spread her legs and I touched her back, arms, and chin. I walked around her and then got my camera. I had her sit straight and tall with the legs spread and her hands on her knees. I snapped two shots. She was a beauty. I handed her pink panties to...

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He took me for a ride

One night my husband said "let's go for a little ride." I had just taken a shower and was only wearing a pair of shorts and a tank top, expecting to go to bed early. I asked if we were going to go in anywhere, and should I get more dressed? He said I was fine, and didn't need anything more than I was wearing. It was a lovely evening, in the upper 60's and the sun was just going down. I was enjoying having the windows down , feeling the breeze blow over my thinly dressed body. As we drove I...

2 years ago
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Experiences In Sex 8211 Part II

‘Why?’ ‘I don’t like that smell, it smells like…’ ‘No don’t say it, I know how it smells, but if you don’t like it, don’t do it, but I like it when you rub your fingers on my slit’. Saying which she squeezed my penis looking at me expectantly. I did not want to hurt her. ‘If you say so, I’ll do it’ saying which I put my hand in her panty and rubbed my finger on her slick slit and squeezed the fleshy lips around her slit. This must have continued for about another month. By then we stopped...

2 years ago
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Unexpected Accident At Reunion Changes Everything 8211 Part 1

It is my first story submission and any mistakes take it easy and go with the flow and rhythm. I am one of the reader of iss since many years & fan to ISS. Thank you iss for giving us a platform to share our real time experiences. Please share your feedback or discussion or anything you want to talk email me at: My name is Rahul. I’m from hyderabad. As usual a B.Tech graduate. I’m 23 years old. This incident happened last year summer when my 12th class batch has arranged for a reunion 7 years...

1 year ago
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What We Do With It Ch 02

*Love makes us gods – With one exception, after the crucifixion we have to roll away our own stone* – S.M. Sitting there in the early morning in the middle of Queens listening to my guide explain to me exactly what The Powers That Be had done to my soul is an experience that will stay with me forever. “We pulled you out early as we do with a good many select souls, your body is safe and alive beside that of your friend’s. And you can go back two things provided.” Standing up now I looked...

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My fun time in Germany Part 1

Note: this story is complete fictional! Never try to do it in real live! I live in an apartment complex where I share the same stairs with five neighbors. The family that lives below me has befriended a family that lives in the same neighborhood, and they seem to do everything together. The object of this story is the daughter of the family that comes to visit very often. She is the product of a tall white man and a petite oriental lady. The daughter (her name is Kim) is about six inches taller...

First Time
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Air Ace vs Heideggers Horror part 2

AIR ACE VERSUS HEIDEGGER'S HORROR by Vanessa Lawrence (continued from part 1) Chapter Four Chuck Dennison swooped as low as she dared over the wreck of the G-1B. It had hit pretty hard and was blazing from end to end. A short distance away a group of people seemed to just be staring at the inferno, but an occasional bullet still whizzed by the Sky Shark's canopy, showing that all the fight had not gone out of everyone down there. There was no way to determine whether...

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StepMoms new beginning

Staying here had its good points, no rent, plenty of room, free food and a hot Step-mom! Cindy was 32 years old and had the body of a high school cheerleader. She was 5’5” and weighed maybe 100lbs. Her light brown hair fell halfway down her back and flowed around her B-cup breast. She was constantly working out wearing nearly nothing. So far so good, he had made it all the way to his bedroom door and hadn’t heard from her. Maybe she was asleep or something. He opened his door and stepped...

3 years ago
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The DefencemanChapter 38

I was up and out the door early Monday morning, raring to go to practice and get back to classes. I had a full day with two math classes after practice and then Philosophy after lunch. I was going to head over to the University hospital after that and see the eye doctor to get his medical clearance to resume practicing before heading back for afternoon practice. I knew the coaches wouldn't let me practice this morning so I got there early and just skated with a stick and puck, practicing...

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