Devlin's StoryChapter 4B free porn video

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There was something wonderful about being held and protected by a man, especially after being so intimate with him. She wished it could last forever, but she knew the world had a way of intruding. Better to go confront the world on your terms than to let it come to you. She stretched and slowly got to her feet.

"You coming inside?" she asked quietly. In the yard behind them people were talking.

"I suppose," Dave said. He sat up, looked at her for a moment, and then held up a hand for assistance. She helped him to his feet, and for a moment they stood there leaning on each other. He heard the voices, too, and he looked at her, inclining his head in their direction. She smiled and nodded.

There was a slight gap in the shrubbery and fence, and they peered through it. His hand went to cradle her bottom, and she returned the favor. Two naked people from one world confronted half a dozen dressed people from another.

"... so Maddux set them down in order," one man was saying. He was an overweight man wearing an aloha shirt stretched over a beer gut. He had a beer can in one hand, and what had to be a hot dog in the other. "How do you think the Cubs will do with that kid Woods?"

"I don't know," said another. "He's awfully young, you don't want him throwing out his arm or anything. But I don't think this year's going to be any different than last year."

"Like usual," somebody else said.

They all murmured in agreement. Then the second one looked back at the house. "Shit, did any of you guys catch that foxy little number Joe just hired at the Truck Stop? She's got gazangas that won't quit. And that ass of hers... I'd love to take her for a ride."

"You and me both," said the first one. "She could keep you going all night."

Dave looked at her, a twinkle in his eye. His hand slid up her side and caressed her breasts. Devlin slid her hand down to play with his cock. The idea that they were doing what these guys were only dreaming about was exciting.

"What's going on next door?" one of the men asked. "Are they having some kind of party?"

"They have one every week," another man said. "My wife used to think they're doing all sorts of dirty things there, you know, like one of them wife-swapping clubs. So I let them know we'd sure like an invitation. Could you imagine it if that were true? Man you could fuck yourself to death. But that ain't the case. Tim asked us over there a couple of weeks ago. Boy was my wife disappointed. They had food, he does a dynamite barbecue, they had some dancing, and everybody sat around with their clothes on gossiping and playing cards."

"Sort of like tonight," someone else said.

"Yeah. I hear they invite friends up from Peoria once or twice a month. They like to party, but as Tim put it they can't afford to go out that much, so they just bring the party to them."

Dave tapped Devlin on the shoulder and motioned backwards with his head. "We should be going back," he whispered in her ear. "Leave them to their fantasies."

She nodded. Arms around each other's waists, they slowly picked their way across the darkened yard. Devlin looked up at the night sky. It was such a perfect night out she didn't want to go back inside.

"Do you really want to go back inside right away?" she asked.

He caught her hint immediately. "You have something in mind?"

She could see a picnic table in the dim light of the backyard. "Well, believe it or not, I thought we could just sit and relax." She pointed at the picnic table.

He chuckled. "Works for me." He settled down with his arm around her waist.

She leaned against him. It was too warm for her to be cold, she just felt secure with his arms around her. She buried her face in his shoulder. He smelled of sweat and grass. She kissed his shoulder and snuggled against him, relaxing.

"You know, there are times I envy you women," he said quietly.

"Oh? Why?"

"You're the second gal I've had sex with tonight," he said. "Before we go home in a couple of hours I'll probably be with one more women. I bet you've been with more than two guys so far tonight."

"I've been with more than two," she agreed.

"I just think it's unfair," he said. "A woman can keep going as long as her energy holds out. And for some women that can take quite a while. My wife will probably have sex with five or six guys before she's through tonight. Some nights she's had sex with more than that."

"And you wish you could have sex with the same number of women as she does men."

"Something like that." He shifted his hand so he was cradling her breast.

Devlin glanced down at his cock. She was still intrigued by his lack of hair down there. She reached down and fondled his balls, then rubbed around his cock, fascinated by the smooth skin.

"You keep that up and we might have to do something about it," he growled into her hair.

"That could be fun," she said. She went back to his balls. As near as she could tell he'd even shaved them. She thought she could see the point for a gal to shave herself. She'd had to do some trimming down there when she'd bought a new bathing suit last year. She smiled at the memory. She'd been real nervous using her razor so close to her sex. She was afraid she'd nick herself or something.

"Weren't you afraid you'd cut yourself when you shaved?" she asked.

"A little," he said. "But you get over it. My wife helped me the first time, but after that I knew I could do it without knicking myself."

She nodded. She played with him a bit more, then slid down to take a closer look at his cock. She ran her tongue all over down there. He was smooth, just as she'd felt before. His half-hard cock was covered with her juices. She washed him clean, then resumed her exploration. She could feel him stiffen slightly under her ministrations.

"You have something in mind?" he asked after a bit.

She flowed up into his arms, kissing him, pressing her body up against him. She guided his hand to her sex, leaving no doubt what she had in mind.

"I see," he said. He kissed her back, his hands moving lightly up and down her back.

Breaking the kiss, she looked around. One patch of grass looked as good as another, but she returned to the hedge. There were people just a few feet away from them. This was as good as being in public.

Dave knelt between her legs. Gently he kissed her thighs, her sex, her tummy. He played and kissed her breasts, and finally kissed her on the mouth once again. Devlin could feel his semi-hard cock nudging her sex. She reached down and stroked it a few times, then guided him into her.

He wasn't hard enough to get all the way in her. But he thrust with what he had, and she could feel him growing thicker and longer. He'd thrust, and it was like his cock got hung up at her entrance, and then it would suddenly stab a little ways into her. And when he pulled back it was soft enough it didn't quite pull out. But every couple of thrusts he got a little farther in, every couple of thrusts he was a little harder and stretched her open a little more. And soon, soon he had all of it in her. His balls were rubbing against her bottom, giving her a new sensation, and as he moved she could feel them gradually drawing up against him. Soon she could only feel them when he reached all the way in her with his thrusts. She bucked up against him, then, twisting and pushing at him. He swiveled his hips with each thrust, driving deep, touching in turn all the hot spots inside her. She bit her lip to keep from making any sounds as each thrust drove home; he kissed her to cover his own noise. He kissed her again and again, his kisses like fiery rain falling on her breasts, her neck and her mouth.

"Did you hear something?" a voice asked from next door.

"Nah, those are some kids down the street."

"Thought I heard somebody moaning or something."

Devlin glanced through the hole in the hedge-she could see somebody's legs just a few feet away. They were so close she could almost touch them. The legs moved away, talking with one of the other people.

Develin came once, a quick hot flash that left her aching for more. Dave began to grunt a little harder with each thrust. She kissed him to keep the neighbors from hearing him, kissed and dueled with his tongue. He redoubled his thrusts, and she could feel the little nudge deep within her as he brushed her cervix. She gazed up into his eyes, seeing them glaze with pleasure as he rode her. She was totally open to him. She came a second time, a hot wave that left her gasping for breath. It spurred him on, and she could feel the arch of his back as he drove everything into her. He's going to cum, she thought. I'm making him cum.

"Cum for me," she encouraged him in a whisper. "Cum."

She felt his legs tense, lifting off the ground. She wrapped her own legs around his thighs, pulling him in, squeezing with her tummy muscles, catching the same wave he was riding. He filled her... he filled her to bursting, and she accepted it joyfully as, together, they went over the top.

It was a wave that tumbled and swallowed them. She clung to him, pinned inside and held outside, his arms tight around her as she gave him everything she had, and he returned it, his body shaking. Everything gave way before their mutual need, and they rode out onto the sea of pleasure together.

They drifted back to earth slowly. She murmured words in his ear as she brushed the sweat-soaked hair from his forehead. He was lying without moving, lying like he was stunned. When he nestled his face next to hers she smiled, content to hold and be held. She had taken him, received him, received his need deep within her. The taking, the accepting made her feel so female. She relaxed in the contentment that brought.

Eventually they both moved. He propped himself up on one elbow and kissed her. "God, that was... that was..." He paused. "I could feel my asshole clenching as I came. That's never happened to me before."

She touched his nose with her finger, smiling. Even soft he was still filling her. She wondered, idly, if he could get it up again. He probably could, but she somehow knew it would not be tonight, at least not for her. "It was incredible," she whispered.

He sighed. Slowly he pulled himself away from her. His cock, soft now, seemed to stretch, the head staying in her till the last moment. "I don't think your pussy wants me to go."

"It doesn't."

He smiled and bent down to kiss her again. "Unfortunately we can't stay here all night."

"I know." She sighed and tried to stand. Her legs felt wobbly and didn't want to work properly. But a second try got her to her feet. "We should go get cleaned up."

"I know." He seemed like he was going to say more, then he shook his head. "C'mon, let's go back inside. I'm not sure I want to try that garden hose again."

Hand in hand they started up the steps. From the yard behind them they could still hear the murmur of voices. Dave paused, looking back at the neighbor's yard. "I wonder what they would do if they found out what's really going on over here?"

"I have no idea," Devlin said. "I don't think they'd know what to do, either."

"Do you think they could handle something like this?"

She could feel his cum slipping down her leg. And no wonder, he'd given her a double dose. She gave his balls a friendly squeeze. And these had made his cum. Poor overworked little things. She wanted to lick and suck them as a thank you. Of course that would make him hard again, and that was no bad thing, either. Remembering he'd just said something, she had to stop and play it back in her mind. Oh, yeah, the neighbors. All talk, no action. "They'd probably be finished in an hour," she said. "All talk, no staying power."

"Yeah, I know too many guys like them."

Devlin thought of the jocks at school. "Yeah, me too." She'd never been with any of them, she didn't want to be with any of the boys from school. Jeff had been an exception, the only exception. But from what she'd heard the other girls say, the guys were fast and quick. Quick to get up, quick to get off. The girls they did it with didn't really know any different. Most of them thought that was the way it was with sex.

As they were walking down the hall Danny came around the corner. He was already dressed and ready to go. "Oh, there you are," he said. "It's getting late, and we've got to get the babysitter home." That was their code phrase for making sure she got home before her mother. After all, the story was she was 'babysitting' Danny and Sue's two kids.

Danny looked them both over. "What have you two been doing? You're a mess."

"We were outside," Devlin said.

Danny nodded. "Well go get dressed," he said. "I'll see you at the front door."

"Isn't it a little early?" Dave asked after Danny had passed them.

Devlin looked at the clock in the hall. 9:45. "Well, it is and it isn't. But he's right about one thing, we need to clean up." She headed downstairs towards the bathroom. The line was mercifully short right now. "We really do have to get the babysitter home. Her mother gets all irate if she's out too late."

Once in the bathroom she caught sight of herself in the mirror. Her hair had grass and leaves in it, there was mud on her knees and elbows, there were grass stains on her breasts and tummy and the familiar white trails all down her legs. Danny was right, she was a mess.

She gave Dave a final kiss. "It was great, but I really have to clean up. So we can't really fool around much."

"I understand," he said. "Let's try to get together at the next party. I'd like a chance to really pleasure you."

"And you think you didn't?" she asked. She laughed. "Come on, I'll scrub your back."

They quickly washed and scrubbed each other. And after one last kiss, they parted. Danny was ready to go home, but she didn't feel like it. She figured they had at least an hour before they had to leave, maybe more. On Friday nights her mother visited a local bar for a couple of beers after work, and so she often didn't get home till 1 or 1:30. Danny had probably gotten upset over something, and that was why he'd gotten dressed. In a few minutes he'd cool off, his cock would get hard, and he'd go find someone to put it in.

Danny was in the living room. He was naked again, and a petite black lady was sucking on his cock as if her life depended on it. Danny just lay there, his eyes closed, a smile on his face. Apparently whatever had upset him was past now.

"Just as well," Devlin said to herself. She looked around at the rest of the room, smiling. Here she was, stark naked, standing in a room full of naked people. She didn't think anything of it, and she knew nobody else here did, either. And just 12 hours before she was standing, fully dressed, in a hallway at school, listening to two girls cut a third who revealed just a little too much leg. She wondered how shocked her friends would be to see, oh, Danny getting a blow-job, or Emma, lying on the couch, sucking one man and screwing another. Or another woman she knew, Celeste, watching the whole thing, pleasuring herself with one hand while the other rubbed constantly back and forth over her breasts.

"Thank God for birth control," she muttered. Celeste had been a swinger for nearly 20 years, and she told stories of when she'd just started back in 1975. And there had been people in that first group who had been swinging for 20 or more years, and they'd done it before they were on the pill! Imagine the risks. They must have gone through a ton of rubbers. But now, now you could screw to your hearts content. Emma and Tim had everyone checked out for disease, and without that worry you had nothing to do but screw and suck to your heart's delight.

Devlin headed towards the hot tub. Right now a soak in the tub would be great. And with any luck it wouldn't be crowded. She paused to look in at the video room. Here the floor was padded, pillows lay everywhere, and a giant television screen showed X-rated movies all night long. Couples in the room often mimicked the action they saw on the screen. Apparently they were doing that now, four couples were screwing doggie style, and all of them had their eyes on the screen. Laughing, she averted her eyes. She was old enough to screw anyone she wanted, but she was too young to watch others doing it in a movie or on TV. It was a funny world.

There were four women in the hot tub. "Hi guys," Devlin called as she sat down on the edge.

"Hey, Devlin," a woman said as she scooted over. "Come relax for a bit."

The water was shockingly hot. When she hit the water she sort of wiggled a moment. Her bottom was sore, maybe she had rug burn. It wouldn't be the first time that had happened. She eased down until the water reached her chin. Then she closed her eyes and just lay back.

"Been having fun?" someone asked.

Devlin opened her eyes. "Oh, some," she said. "How about you?"

"Enough we'll be back," the woman said. "This is our first time."

"Any problems?" Devlin asked. "I know the first time can be a bit overwhelming."

"I'll say," the woman laughed. "My husband was getting hard just getting here tonight."

"Most guys do," someone else said. "And the first few times they screw themselves out by 7:30."

"Mine is sleeping on the sofa downstairs," the first woman said. "When I'm good and ready I'll go wake him."

Devlin closed her eyes again as the talk bounced back and forth. The water was swirling enough it was like a bazillion little fingers were brushing all over her. It was energizing and soothing at the same time, like a good massage.

"Been coming here long?" someone asked.

Devlin blinked her eyes open in surprise. "What?"

"I asked if you've been coming to these parties much," the first woman said.

"Three years," Devlin said.

"Any kids?"

"No," she said, "no we don't have any kids." The woman started to say something else, but Devlin pushed herself out of the hot tub. "I'd love to talk, but I think I'll see if I can into some mischief instead."

The woman sniffed something in reply, but Devlin ignored it. She came to these parties for the sex, not for the talk. She liked the people who came to these parties, but some nights, like tonight, she was more interested in the action. She dried herself quickly. Most of her hair was wet, but there were hair dryers next to the hot tub. She glanced at her reflection in the mirror. She'd have to brush her hair out before going home, but otherwise-looking good. She nodded and headed upstairs, looking for a guy.

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Hi 2 all readers n my well wisher’s. I am back just4u only…Hope u all will remember me in the couple section (my ). To continue from where I left, I had informed you that I had got married thereafter with a very BM smart well educated n adjusting guy thereafter life was too good 4 me which still I can’t believe myself. It is still very adventurous, full of thrill n fun filled. V lives in Pune. This part is of the story is during the 1st 3years of married life. (Hope u rmbr in 2nd part that I...

2 years ago
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first time sex with a bbw

it was late last summer on a very sunny day was on my way to the train station that i met a very plump big and sexy lady waiting at the train station.she stared at me and i looked at her and i saw her two nipples in her transparent blouse really big and hard .then she came towards me and asked if i could help her change her money from twenty euro bill to two ten euro bills then i looked inside my wallet i heard none, but asked her where she wanted to go and she told me she was going to the next...

3 years ago
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Hot Teacher Mom Get Fucked By Her Horny Students

Hello ISS readers! This is Shaurya Sen writing his first story. Let me start the story with some introduction. I have a masculine body with 7-inch penis and I am a regular fitness freak. I reside in Kolkata with my mom and sister. My father works in an MNC in Dubai and rarely comes home. My sister is younger to me. Mom is a school teacher and the story is of the time when I too studied at the same school in the 12th standard. My mom taught us English. Now let me describe my mom. She is a...

3 years ago
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The Other Side of Me Part Seventeen

The Other Side of Me - Part 17 by Limbo's Mistress As ridiculous as it might sound, I had hoped that Shelly would offer to spend the night with me. After the evening I'd gone through, I wanted the comforting touch of someone who knew the truth about my situation and gave a shit about me. Unfortunately, soon after our discovery that my absentee phone was currently hanging out at de Casa la Kappa, Shelly yawned and stood up to raise her arms high over her head and bend her back as...

1 year ago
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Beyond the Sea part one

My name is Allysa, but I go by Aly, and I was born and raised on The Island. most people dont know we exist. most people dont really want to. But we do exist, and I am so deeply ingrained in this life style that i find it hard to live without it. You see, The Island is a complex, a settlment started by some of the vangaurds of hippies in the late fifties, and it has only grown since then. it was settled by 8 families, but since it's inceptiom, 5 have left and 3 remain. of the remaining...

2 years ago
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Mall Walking

Josh smiled as he walked through the throngs of people at the newly opened Summertown mall. "So many clueless sheep," he thought with a wicked smile. "Get out of the way dork!" a buff jock said roughly as his cheerleader girlfriend giggled unintelligently beside him. Josh just smiled and brushed off the shove, his magic slowly weaving its way through the jock. "You see that freak babe?" Brian said with a laugh as he pulled his girlfriend Tracy in for a kiss. "People like that...

2 years ago
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Turn about is fair play

I was dating this girl and at the time, neither of us had much experience with anal sex. I wanted desperately to try it with her because she had the most incredible ass! I told her as much and she thought she was being cute when she said, "Only if I can do you first." Well, I wish I could have captured the look on her face when I said yes. It didn't take long for her to realize I was serious and she decided to go through with it.She didn't bother to strip, I think she thought I might change my...

First Time
4 years ago
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Bad Day at Hollyoaks HighChapter 2

The horrified Steph was pushed a few feet towards the wreckage, her head shaking, the man's cock waving at her like a prison guard's baton. He spun her around her hands falling onto the bonnet of the steaming prison wagon as he mounted her from behind. From across the way Mandy saw the girl look to the heavens in desperation her long nails hands clawing the metal radiator grill as the angry stiff rod thrust up her licked wet slit. His entry was fierce lifting her onto tiptoes her mouth...

3 years ago
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John and Becky

John found Becky quite wild, and he had to admit it, some of the things she was into he found a little scary. But most of it he was cool with, and didn’t have a problem with being introduced to new and exciting things. They had known each other through mutual friends for about a year before they started dating. The first time anything sexual had happened between John and Becky, they had spent the evening with their friends in the pub. After a few lagers, he noticed how hot she looked, and...

1 year ago
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Leave It To Bea Part One

Leave it to Bea Part One It was just a standard Texas Association of Realtors Residential Lease Agreement, no different than rental agreements I had signed before. But as I looked at the line for my signature, I realized that I was, in a very real way, signing away...well…signing away my masculinity. Or at least, what little was left of it. It had started my sophomore year in college. No. Before that, really. It had started when I was 14, back in central Texas, when I met Rick. Actually,...

3 years ago
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Caesar Comes His Revenge and ConquersChapter 16

"How is she?" Mark Blakely questioned, barging through his front door-way, only to be stopped by Steve Foster and Doc Emory, both immediately launching from their places on the couch to confront the big, young deputy sheriff. "Easy, boy, easy..." his red-bearded writer-friend stepped in front of him with engulfing arms. "She's okay, Mark... resting comfortably right now," Doc Emory added, coming close to put a hand on the younger man's broad shoulder. "Wh-What the hell happened?"...

4 years ago
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A Bride chapter 25

"Pregnant?"I got their deliciously sexy giggles in stereo as mum sat down beside me and discreetly squeezed my thigh beneath the table."Yes darling, pregnant, it's what us women do you know, we make love to the man in our life and he makes us pregnant!"My head was spinning, I didn't know whether to laugh or cry."You mean you're both having a baby?"They looked at each other and burst out laughing, but it wasn't a piss taking laugh, it was genuine laughter full of joy, pleasure, excitement.""One...

4 years ago
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My First Video

Hi. I'm Olivia; basically I'm the average blonde; streaky, muddy blonde hair, straight as corn silk and long to my elbows. I have side bangs and I look like a model with a heart-shaped face, a slender, shapely body with small but firm breasts and a tight little ass. I'm not a slut; in fact, I'm still a virgin, embarrassingly. I'm seventeen and unlike most slutty girls my age, I care about my grades. I usually get A's or A+s, and most boys know me as the "sexy nerd". Really I've only had five...

2 years ago
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New FWO Wrestler

You walk in to the FWO studio complex dressed to impress with your athletic gear in your gym bag. You are greeted by the receptionist, Dizzy. "Oh hi, welcome to Fantasy Wrestling Online! You must be the new wrestler! The Boss asked me to have you fill out this questionnaire before we get you going in your first match."

2 years ago
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Sextale Of A Widow

Hello, guys, it’s Rakesh again with another erotic adventure tale. It’s not of mine but of a person who contacted me after reading my previous story ” She found new life in son “. You can go through my profile to read my tales. For new readers, I am Rakesh, 21, cute lad (i get that a lot ), in my final year of engineering and horny as fuck. I usually prefer women above 35+. No upper limit. I don’t know, I just find women above 35 damn attractive and give my best to give them a memorable...

2 years ago
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10 Most Popular Indian Sex Stories Of The Month May 2015

Here is the list of ten most popular Indian sex stories published on ISS in the month of May, 2015. Enjoy and don’t forget to share this page with your friends! It was not a surprise this time as it was well planned and executed it deftly. A night filled with passionate love making to our content. …We reached a wonderful resort and done with all formalities in the reception to get our room booked. We made our way into the room and locked the door. I turned the A/C on and went to the...

4 years ago
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Ensuring the Family Tree Has BranchesChapter 23

Philip was so horny that he didn't know which way to turn next. It was mid-afternoon and he was sitting behind his desk as usual. He couldn't decide if he needed to just go masturbate in the men's room or if he should leave work and rendezvous with one of his young ladies or go home and surprise his wife Mary with a big hardon. Philip unzipped his pants and sat there as his cock bobbed free out of the zipper and he wrapped his hand around his growing erection and began stroking himself up...

4 years ago
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She was a he

Few years back I was in a bar in London getting a round in for the lads before we hit Fabric.I will be the first to say I'm not the fittest of guys and rely a lot on my charm. I took the drinks back to the table and returned to the bar to grab mine when a stunning Asian girl caught my eye and smiled at me. She glided when she walked, a smile that made your heart melt and a body to die for, why was she heading over to me....? We chatted for a while and I agreed to meet my friends in the club a...

3 years ago
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Return to EdenChapter 25

The shipboard jubilation over Meiersdottir's and her baby's return unharmed far surpassed any concern for the injured Miller. Given the major's preference for isolating himself and his troops from contact with the civilians, he was little known among them; and the few who'd had any significant interaction with him hadn't liked him. His passage to sick bay, now on a gurney wheeled by two of the technicians, evoked but cursory concern. On the other hand, all wanted to fete the homecoming...

3 years ago
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Winds of ChangeChapter 17

Grant tried to move the meeting forward, but eventually everyone came to the opinion that the British had to be dealt with before anything else mattered. They also felt that getting to Charleston was the crucial first step in that task. In lieu of that, the decision concerning clothing was tabled, though Bea did purchase a lot of material and sewing notions. The house slaves were purchased from her brother and were getting set up to travel on the Amanda Dear. They were fearful, at first,...

2 years ago
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Behosh Bhabhi Ki Chudai Part 8211 1

Hello everyone of indian sex stories dot net, I am Samar and I am back with my new story. Ye story ek dum real hai or kuch samay pehle ki hi hai. Ye story mere or meri bhabhi kr beech ki hai. Ye ek 100% real story hai, to thodi lambi hai. KyuKi real life me sex easily nahi milta. Isliye thoda sabr karke padho. Sabse pehle apni bhabhi ke baare me bata du. Meri Bhabhi ka naam “Naina” hai. Wo Shimla ki hai. Bhabhi ka figure 34 – 25 – 34 hai. Isse yeh to pakka ho gaya tha, ki bhabhi shaadi se pehle...

2 years ago
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Married AffairPart 2

" yes I remember,you stood above me, your cock hard in my mouth, I licked it, sucked on it, you got harder and harder and then asked me "where do you want it babe?" I took you from my mouth, it was hard yet the skin was like wet silk, the knob red and swollen."Over my tits""Oh baby, yes let me cover your tits with my love juice"I pushed my top down, exposing my tits, I released them from my bra, holding each on in my hands, lifting them, finger and thumb pulling on my erect nipples."...

3 years ago
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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 11 Sweet Caroline

As I was walking towards Caroline Herschfeldt's place I thought about how mum had nearly persuaded me to stay home last night. 'Oh Justin given this afternoons experience are you sure you wouldn't you like to come to the party tonight. I think I can pretty much guarantee you a warm welcome' is what she'd said. I remember turning to face my parents who had been frantically fucking in an attempt to speed things up so that they could finish dinner, clean up and be ready for their Saturday...

1 year ago
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Girdle Lover Part II

So Betty and I would meet whenever we could. One fond memory was going to a shopping mall helping her try on various high heels after dinner. Betty was still wearing her work clothes and it was such a turn on seeing her sexy cute size 7 feet with pretty painted toenails covered with tan pantyhose slipping into various shoes. I finally convinced her to buy these 4.5 inch spiked heeled bright red pumps which were difficult for her to walk in but made my cock hard as steel. The young saleslady...

1 year ago
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Found a partner who fulfilled my sexual desires Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

For a woman, it is often difficult to decide between someone who fulfilled my sexual desires and someone who makes a great father to my kids. I love my children but lately, my sex life wasn’t even remotely exciting. It was the same missionary after Sunday lunch when the kids were napping. And I was frustrated. One day, I read about some dating sites where people would go for just a purely physical need. Being the cautious queen that I was, I thought nothing of it, but kept reading about how so...

Extra Marital Affair
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My First Time

This is the first time I’m writing my sex story here, so I thought I would start off with the time I lost my virginity. My name is Aditya, I’m currently working as a software engineer in Bangalore, but I’m from Ernakulam, Kerala. I don’t want to specify my height or the length of my dick. I leave that to the reader’s imagination. Her name is Priya. She and I used to study together in school. I had a serious crush on her during school but never acted on it. We were good friends, but I wanted us...

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Yes, my dream would have been more satisfying if it had gone along the lines of…a voluptuous red-headed noblewoman who lusted after one of her servants. She frequently sent him subtle hints of her desire, brushing up against him as she passed by, bending forward to show off her cleavage, and complimenting him on his strong build (when what she meant was his powerful legs and tight ass). She was sure that he felt the same way about her, as evidenced by his obvious erection during her latest...

1 year ago
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ManoJob Ava Davis The Shy Girl Jerks

Ava Davis is a 21-year-old new adult model who refers to herself as the “shy ginger girlfriend”. Ava has insecurities and a lot of anxiety when it comes to her personal life, but when it comes to “The Shy Girl Jerks!”, Ava gets to unleash a side of her that no one imagined. A taboo side. Ava’s step-dad may drive her nuts, but he’s also super rich. Ava has agreed to do anything for the car she needs for the weekend. Ava catches her dad doing what he always...

1 year ago
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RawAttack Jenna Fireworks Bubbly Blonde Fucks And Swallows

Blonde slut Jenna Fireworks is a breath of fresh air all men shouldn’t miss. The bubbly lady with all-natural tits shares some interesting stories about her experiences in the industry. It doesn’t take long before all the talking made the tattooed blonde wet and horny. She gives her man a sloppy blowjob before letting him bang her from behind. Jenna can’t help but moan as the lucky stud fucks her tight cunt doggy style. The horny duo continues to fuck each other, shifting to...

3 years ago
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The Guy Next Door Part 3

Lola awoke the next morning with a huge grin on her face; she'd spent the night dreaming of James. She replayed the images of her and James in positions she doesn't think possible if they were to really try them. She stands and stretches and slowly makes her way to the bathroom to get ready for college when she gets a sudden flashback from last night, her pale face is instantly stained red with embarrassment. She remembers the moaning blonde, his glorious body in action, both of them riding out...

2 years ago
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Wifeys Panties

Our phone sex is always so hot; you egg me on in so many ways. My wife has no idea how much I wear her panties not to mention her lingerie, stockings and dresses. We talk about what I'd wear when we get together as I suck your cock. You always have me send you pictures of me dressed in panties, stockings and high heels, telling me how perfectly stunning my penis looks in silky panties and you tell me what a hottie little sissy bitch I have become. I tell you when I'm lucky and find a perfectly...

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The Ring the other version

Everyone knows about the rumor of the tape that kills people. You know, the one that as soon as you’ve finished watching it, the phone rings, and a creepy voice tells you that you will die in seven days? Hell, they even made a movie about it. But what I was to tell you that the legend is true. Of course, there is another part to the rumor that you never have been told before—until now, that is. Once there was a girl named Clarissa. She was one of the popular girls at her school, and was part...

3 years ago
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the fun had just begun

I walked down the stairs with only one thing on my mind, my brothers’ dick. I wanted him so badly and I knew all his weaknesses. I walked into the living room where John was sitting on the couch watching TV. I stood in front of my brother in my small towel I took from a hotel. It was just long enough to cover my body. He stood up and just looked at me with his sexy eyes. His hand slowly crept up on my waist and pulled me close. John leaned down and gave me a soft kiss. I giggled before turning...

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Unbelievable Summer Ch 17

Bobby took Paula to the movies the next night. He enjoyed spending time with the slim, lovely blonde and was encouraged by the fact that she seemed to like spending time with him, too. As they watched the film, Bobby slid his arm around his pretty companion. Paula felt Bobby’s hand slide over her shoulder, seeking her breast. Her breasts were incredibly sensitive and Bobby knew just how to touch them. She shivered with anticipation as his hand moved past her collar bone and onto the firm...

2 years ago
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Little Eddies MotherChapter 3

The sight of Carl Bradley standing, in her doorway looking as he did had unnerved Lily Granger somewhat; he was a hell of an attractive man and it had been some time since she had been fucked by a man of any kind... She could feel his eyes on her, as he gazed at her breasts as if he could see through her thin blouse. "What... what do you want, Mr. Bradley?" she demanded, a little unsteadily. "I just came over to see how you and Eddie got along last night," Carl answered in his deep...

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