Fireproof free porn video

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Ben Meir, a firefighter so very far from Kansas, tapped his fingers nervously along the padded handrail inside the elevator. Even the Muzak seeping out of the speakers didn’t settle his jitters. Attending a fire safety trade show, Ben wasn’t concerned about the conference, there was another show he was more interested in.

When the elevator’s doors opened, he walked down the casino’s aisle with its garish mauve carpet with gold and brown swirls, passed rows of slot machines toward the lounge and his good fortune waiting at the bar. She told him to meet her there. Slowing his approach as he entered, his eyes adjusted to the dim light, and he nervously scanned the bar until he found her. He wove his way through busy tables ’til he slid into a chair beside her.

Her black hair flowed over her left shoulder and fell seductively across her chest. A black gown strained to contain her ample breasts. The slit of her gown opened to display mile-long legs and tan skin peeked over the welt of her stocking. She sipped her drink and then smashed a Marlboro in the ashtray.

‘Been waiting long?’ Ben asked as he scooted closer.

‘No, but I was wondering where you went. Your drink is getting warm.’

‘Just checking on my daughter.’

‘And the bitch?’

‘Lucy, she’s the mother of my children. I don’t like it when you call her that.’

‘Perhaps a wrong choice of words on my part. But I wonder, Ben, can she do this?’

Lucy gripped his neck and met his lips in a passionate kiss, twining her tongue around his. She tasted of vodka and stale cigarettes, but even that didn’t matter. He dropped his hand on her knee, and moved his fingertips along her stockinged thigh ’til they touched the soft bare skin with the alluring promises of more to come. Lucy was simply intoxicating.

This wasn’t a chance meeting or a lady of the evening. No, they knew each other firefighter and cop. Ben tried to consider the ethnics of what he was doing. But, Amanda didn’t want to be the wife he needed. It was reasonable. No one would get hurt, especially Amanda, and he’d have Lucy.

In a minute of self-consciousness, he drained his glass and fixed his gaze on her dark, sensual eyes. He loosened his tie and tapped his glass on the bar. Ben’s eyes followed the swell of her breasts as she leaned her head over to one side allowing her hair to fan seductively across her right shoulder.

Draining her drink, she placed her glass next to his with exaggerated care. Lucy slid her almost too-delicate fingers with their red nails across his tie, she pulled it and Ben to her lips. She gave him a kittenish smile the kind she knew would scatter his lingering doubts. She pulled him closer and scrunched her brow. ‘Come here,’ Lucy murmured. ‘I know what you’d love to do that the bitc ‘ She clipped her word short.

‘What?’ Ben grew uncomfortable. He wasn’t used to being the prey.

‘You’d like to fuck my ass. That’s what you’d like ’cause you can’t get that at home.’

For a moment, he said nothing. ‘Um—well, yeah I thought ’bout it.’

She allowed his tie to slowly slide through her fingers. ‘You’re not in Kansas anymore.’ Lucy slipped off the stool.

He followed her out of the lounge like a small boy following a puppy. Her impossibly high heels caused her calves to tighten, the cheeks of her ass moved with her cadence. They walked to the rows of elevators, and she pushed the call button. Just as the doors closed, Lucy leaped into his arms, and wrapped her legs around his waist. By the time the doors reopened, Lucy’s gown was around her hips. Her breasts pushed over the top of her bra with Ben’s face buried between the swells of her tits. All the sensations felt right, and Ben carried her out of the elevator to their room. She held her shoes over her shoulder by their straps.

The card key swiped. Her Jimmy Choos clunked on the floor. A stocking tossed in the air. On her knees, she unzipped him and pulled out a nicely proportioned cock. She held Ben in her hand. He was scorching hot and urgent. She closed her eyes and sucked, rolling his balls. Ben grabbed her hair and jerked her head into his crotch. His hips thrust and she swiped the tip of her tongue across the head. His cock twitch and he thickened against her tongue. She gripped the base of his dick and twisted the short brown hairs. Ben rose up.

‘Oh, don’t you cum yet,’ Lucy cooed, prolonging his excitement. She placed his cock between her breasts and slipped its saliva-smeared head across her nipples. ‘You know what you want don’t you?’

Ben snatched Lucy up and tossed her over the arm of a chair. She was wet for him. Wanting him. Needing him. Her pussy throbbed as he lowered her.

His hands moved down the front of her panties and cupped her. She gave a low, lewd moan as Ben pushed the flimsy nylon into her wet pussy. His fingers dance on her clit, and she rolled her hips. His other hand pinched a nipple. Lucy’s pussy flooded.

Lucy watched his reflection and the fiery lust that filled his eyes on the dimmed-out TV screen. Her breasts swayed as he lifted her ass higher. On tiptoes now, the cheeks of her ass tightened. A large, hot hand slid along the underside of a stockinged thigh and up over the back of her butt.

Lucy’s voice, low and seductive, urged him on. ‘First times cowboy, are always the best.’ His other hand stroked her long, black hair, and then jerked hard.

‘You like it rough?’ Lucy squirmed. His fingers probed her wetness. ‘Answer me!’ Ben grew intense. She felt the end of his cock push up between her buttocks.

She grabbed his cock and squeezed hard ’til she could tell he was in pain. She released her grip. ‘I can take it as hard as you got!’ Lucy pushed her ass against Ben’s cock.

Two fingers worked into Lucy’s cunt, drowning in her wetness. Ben smeared her juice over his red, swollen head. The intense heat of his cock’s head pressed against her puckered asshole. ‘Christ! Ben! Do me!’ Lucy screeched.

Ben yanked her head back. Beads of sweat pooled on her back. The lingering soapy perfume of her shower filled his head. Ben caught his breath. ‘Tell me you want it!’

Lucy dug her fingernails into the arm of the chair. ‘Fuck my ass, cowboy! If you’re man ’nuff.’

Lucy’s body lurched as Ben slammed home. ‘Jesus!’ Lucy bucked. He waited a second or two as she got use to him inside her, then he pushed again, harder than before. The next stroke was even deeper. The hot, tingling sensation of an impending orgasm built inexorably in the center of Ben’s gut. His hips moved faster. His hands pulled at her nipples. Ben stopped moving and his hips jerked as his cum filled Lucy’s hot ass.

Lucy’s hair fell across her back. Her legs quivered, and she slid to the floor. He picked the stocking off the floor, wiped cum from his manhood, and then tossed the soiled stocking on her leg. He glared at Lucy and then at the stocking. ‘Put it on!’ Ben commanded.

Lucy arched her foot and slipped the silky stocking over her toes and wiggled it passed her thigh. ‘There you go, cowboy,’ Lucy purred while she ran her fingers over her thighs. ‘Turns you on, doesn’t it?’

‘I’m no cowboy. I don’t ride horses, I put out fires.’

‘Who said my fire’s out?’ Lucy rolled over on her back and spread her legs.

Ben pushed her legs up and lowered his head between her legs. With one hand his fingers spread her pink lips open and his tongue flicked the top of her clit. Lucy’s legs clamped closed, her fingers dug deep into the plush carpet. Her legs wrapped around Ben’s body. Another lick and Lucy arched her back. His tongue darted in and out of her hot sex tasting her sweetness. She clawed at his back pressing his face deeper into her pussy. Lucy’s clit was no match for Ben’s tongue and she exploded. Lucy shuddered and her eyes rolled back. Ben rolled off and allowed her to come down.

After all the planning and lies, it boiled down to twenty minutes
in a Las Vegas hotel room. Ben pulled his boxers on, scanned the mini-bar, and realized he needed another drink.

‘Too late for second thoughts, lover,’ Lucy said as she rummaged through a suitcase. She slipped on a fresh pair of panties. ‘It’ll be our last time, you know. I’ve got to catch the next flight back to Kansas.’

‘I know. I’ll be leaving in the morning.’

Lucy walked toward Ben like a long sleek black cat. Her breasts, large and full, defied gravity. She palmed her tits, cupping them and sliding a fingertip across each nipple. Ben stood trance-like, as Lucy pushed her breasts against his bare, tanned chest. Without a word, Lucy’s hand darted inside Ben’s boxers to his limp cock. ‘I’ve always enjoyed watching a guy stroke himself off. I’m leaving in few hours.’ Lucy could feel Ben’s cock stiffened.

Ben pulled her hand from his boxers. The idea was tempting. To be put on display, while a woman watched was exciting different something Amanda would never ask. Ben thought about it and he somehow managed to put his hand inside his boxers. He moved his hand around his member and gave it a few short strokes. Lucy watched as his hand moved up and down his hardened cock. ‘Ooh!’ Fell from Lucy’s lips, and then a hot surge of wetness soaked her panties.

‘I think,’ Lucy said as she wiggled Ben’s boxers down his thighs. Lucy wrapped her hand around his fingers and buried her fingertips deep into the short brown hair. She gave him a few quick strokes before she withdrew her hand. ‘It would be a fine going home present.’

Ben’s hand made a few long half-hearted strokes then quickly removed his hand. ‘Not this time,’ Ben said reluctantly while he tugged his boxers up.

‘Too bad. That would have been so much fun,’ Lucy said as she turned toward the bathroom. ‘There’s something ’bout watching a guy get himself off.’ Lucy licked her lips. ‘I love to watch.’

Within the hour, Lucy was on the airport shuttle to catch the redeye to Kansas. Ben’s flight wasn’t ’til morning, and somehow his hotel room turned into purgatory. He knew what he did with Lucy was wrong. But he kept telling himself that no one would get hurt. Lucy was a cop in another district. It was a one-time thing, that’s all. Christ, he rationalized, she’s getting married next week. Maybe he could drink himself into a stupor and wake up without a nagging feeling of broken trust. Ben laughed coldly. Mistrust, he scoffed. Amanda had issues, but she’d never break a promise a marriage vow. Another drink burned his throat as it went down.


About a week after he returned from Vegas, Amanda found a stocking clinging to the inside of his pants that he wore to Vegas. Ben confessed to an affair. Bristling with wounded pride and cheeks flushed with righteous indignation, Amanda threw him out of the house.

Now, Ben tapped his fingers against the armrest of the old wooden chair he sat on. As he looked around the office, he saw an industrial gray metal desk that served as the focal point in the Spartan, nondescript room. Someone left the door ajar and he heard the routine sounds of the clinic. There was the mechanical purr of a floor scrubber, the muted click-clank of a dozen keyboards and the shuffle of the cleaning staff as they pushed dustpan and broom. Down the hallway, muffled voices could be heard. The squeak of the door’s hinges caused Ben to glance over his shoulder. Gold rings adorned a black hand that clutched the door’s edge, and wiggled it while an unseen voice boomed out of sight.

Ben wiped his sweaty palms on the front of his best black dress pants. Whoever held that door scared Ben, and Ben wasn’t easily frightened. After all, he ran into burning buildings when normal people were running out. But that hand, that voice, rattled Ben.

The door opened, and a short, buxom African-American woman walked over to the desk, her floral print dress rustled with every step. At last—Ben thought.

‘Good morning, Mr. Meir. I’m Mrs. Frederick.’

Ben stood and smiled. ‘Just call me Ben.’

Mrs. Frederick walked passed the gray desk over to the window without saying another word. Ben returned to his chair. He felt the coldness in her voice. He knew the door he walked through thirty minutes ago wasn’t leading him to a made-for-TV Walt Disney movie. He was down the rabbit hole way down the rabbit hole.

‘How’s Amanda?’

Mrs. Frederick reached up and rattled the curtain rings on the rod spreading the curtains open, and the room flooded with the light of a fine new spring day. ‘Another day is beginning. Another beginning, Ben.’ Mrs. Frederick wheeled out a red leather chair, gently pushed the back of her dress to her butt, and sat.

‘Amanda is fine. But you’re here because you’re part of the reason that woman is in my clinic. That was a close one. Practice if you will. Most people who are suicidal are scared and confused. They want to know how it’s going to feel to die. I’m sure that Amanda had no plans to take her life that night. It was a cry for help, and it’s my job to help her. It’s your job, too.’

While Mrs. Frederick didn’t come out and say it, he knew what she meant. Amanda tried to take her life. Ben didn’t like that word suicide. To him, the word sounded filthy. It was a word from the vocabulary of the weak. Amanda had problems, but she wouldn’t take her life. Sure, things have been rough, but Amanda was strong enough, or so Ben thought.

He heard Mrs. Frederick as she shot out routine questions like a well-oiled machine gun. He didn’t remember answering. All he could remember was two nights ago. He was on duty, and around one in the morning, the call came in. Possible overdose. Nothing unusual about those calls, they came in all the time. But Ben’s life changed on that cold spring morning. When the squad arrived, Amanda was inside her car, slumped over the steering wheel, an empty prescription bottle lying on the passenger seat.

Amanda told Ben that it hurt too much to go on. He shook off the warnings. An affair doesn’t make people take their lives. Amanda was too smart for that too damn smart.

Ben squirmed in his chair.

Mrs. Frederick smirked as she selected a yellow folder from a stack on her desk. Ben watched her eyes as she read. She placed the folder down. ‘Nothing new here.’ Mrs. Frederick pushed away from her desk, walked around to the front, and leaned her ample derriere onto it. ‘I hate being lied to. Amanda told me about the affair you had in Vegas. Ben, if you’re playing footsies with another woman, walk out that door ’cause you’re wasting my time.’ Mrs. Frederick’s eyes stabbed Ben. ‘I don’t like men who cheat on their wives.’

Ben sat in silence. ‘Very well. I have your attention now.’ Mrs. Frederick slid into her desk chair, took out a pen and re-opened the folder. ‘Tell me, why is your wife in my clinic?’

‘Things haven’t been right between us for a while. We’re both forty-five, and our first date was the high school prom. It was a disaster.’

‘How so?’ Mrs. Frederick’s brows lifted, creasing her forehead with small lines.

‘It was a dare. A stupid football team dare.’ Ben’s shoes scuffed the carpet. ‘I was the co-captain of the team.’ Ben began, ‘Amanda was stringbean skinny, her hair tied into a knot behind her head or braided. She looked like a housekeeper from the 1800s. She had no boobs. She never, ever wore a dress or skirt, and none of us ever recalled her doing so. She was a tomboy. So much so, that there was talk that Amanda wasn’t a girl at all. We thought she was one of the transgender guys.’

‘And your dare, Ben, let me guess, was to find out if in fact she was a girl.’

‘Yeah, you’re right. I was to ask her to the senior prom and—’ Ben stared out the window, his eyes moved restlessly while he contemplated his reply. He let out a long slow breath. ‘Before the prom was over I was—if Amanda really was a girl, I was to prove it by showing the guys the proof her panties. I didn’t want to do that, bu
t I couldn’t let my teammates know I was a putz. I have an older sister, and she offered to supply me the necessary garment as proof.’

‘So your first date was a lie you told Amanda?’

‘No, it wasn’t a lie. Amanda wasn’t much to look at when she was in school. She wasn’t ugly. She wasn’t pretty. She was, well, just Amanda. She never went out of her way to look like a girl. She was transparent at school. Everyone knew of her, but no one knew her.

‘For a young woman, the prom is a turning point in their lives,’ Mrs. Frederick commented.

‘At the prom,’ Ben continued, ‘I think it was the first time she ever wore a dress and I know it was the first time she ever wore high heels. She had difficulty walking without stumbling. I couldn’t help but laugh. We sat alone in the shadows. Then one of the self-proclaimed beauty queens strolled over, and placed a paper sack on the table beside Amanda. Amanda asked her what it was for, and this snob told Amanda that if she wanted to dance with me, then the sack was for her.’

‘Oh, Jesus.’ Mrs. Frederick pushed back into her chair. ‘Why do people act like that?’

‘I grabbed her wrist and told her that Amanda didn’t need a sack over her head, but she might consider strapping a 2X4 to her ass so her date won’t fall in when he fucked her later that night.’ Ben’s face turned bright red. ‘Sorry for my French. It still makes me mad.’

Mrs. Frederick smiled. ‘I’ve heard worst. Lots worst. So what happened then?’

‘I took Amanda’s hand and asked her for a dance. She begged and pleaded with me not to take her out on the dance floor, as she couldn’t dance. I told her to put her arm around me, and we’d sway to the music.’

‘Did Amanda go with you?’

‘If I recall, it took a few more tries but we made it out onto the floor. I remember her head leaning onto my shoulder and I could feel her heart. I thought it was going to explode.’

‘I imagine that Amanda had a hard time wrapping her mind around what was happening,’ Mrs. Frederick added.

‘The lights were low and the music slow. I reached up and removed a single hairpin. She said no, and I asked permission to continue. She didn’t say yes, she didn’t say no. I pulled one, then another, and finally the last one free. I arranged her hair around her shoulders.’

‘Didn’t Amanda get mad?’

‘No. Well, I guess not. When the music was over and the lights came up, when she looked at me I saw tears in her eyes. I brushed a few away with my thumb. Then in front of that whole damn class I kissed her. And it wasn’t a peck on the lips. I kissed her. I cupped her face in my hands and I kissed her. I wasn’t about to ruin her time at the prom.

‘Why, Ben, I didn’t see that coming. You have a warm, soft heart deep down.’

‘In high school, I had more girls than I knew what to do with. I’d go out on a date and before we’d get two blocks from her house, my date would be naked and giving me oral sex. I liked the romance. I liked the idea that Amanda wasn’t going to end up in bed with me that night.’

Mrs. Frederick smiled and jotted something down. ‘It sounds like the prom went off without too much problem.’

‘After the prom, I took her home, her parents wouldn’t allow her to go to the all-night party. We sat on the porch swing, and I confessed. She was horrified but thankful I didn’t snatch her panties. I may have kissed her again, and I left.’

‘What happened then, Ben?’

‘Ooh, good God. I went home and changed out of my tux. As I drove back to the high school, my buddies passed me. They where hanging out of the car’s windows yelling, ‘She’s a girl! We got proof!’ I knew what they did.’

Mrs. Frederick lowered her tablet onto her lap. ‘My God, what did they do?’

Ben picked up his story. ‘I turned around in the middle of the road, and when I got back to her house, she was lying on the grass, half in shock, half numb. She was displayed so anyone could see her. Her legs were apart, and her panties were gone. One of her shoes was stuck on the mailbox’s red flag. Her pantyhose dangled from a tree branch. I remember her bra. It was cut off, and someone tied what was left to her car antenna. On the grass lay a rumpled, torn paper sack. I gathered the remnants of her gown and covered her. About the time I got her to her feet, her parents arrived.’

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Lettie said she’d bring Janie over the very next day, the Monday evening. Clearly she’s not a girl to let grass grow under her feet. I could appreciate that places for teenage girls to have sex together, in any relaxed way, would be few and far between. Even these days not many parents are that broad-minded, and I didn’t suppose the Mellors were either. She told me a certain amount about herself and Janie. Janie is her best friend and they have sex, though they both have sex with other...

3 years ago
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Happy Birthday Mike

All characters are 18+Happy Birthday MikeMike cringed as he stood at the cutting board on the kitchen's island counter, his eyes narrowed at his parents, who were standing in the living room, putting on their coats as he chopped carrots."Chloe, honey!" Mike's stepmom called out from the living room.Mike was practically scowling when his older step-sister Chloe skipped down the stairs and into the room. She was wearing an outfit so typical for her, it was practically her trademark. A simple,...

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The Mandolin and the Magneto

The Mandolin and the Magneto It was such a simple thing, just a four-foot length of piano wire with aloop at one end and a hook at the other. For the nineteen-year-old black girlthey had captured that morning, this simple device was about to take her tohell. She'd been brought to the interrogation hut on the edge of the police compoundat noon. Stripped naked, her ebony skin gleaming with sweat, she now stoodastride, the muscles in her long, beautiful legs trembling and quivering withthe strain...

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Tales of Mrs Abbott Girl Next Door Part One

Serena"Thank you, Serena." A firm, smack on my ass is followed by my bed dipping as Gary awkwardly crawls his way off the side. Oh, yippee. I grimace because he can't see my face, it still being smushed into one of my deep feather pillows, and all. I push myself up and manage a small giggle that my mother would recognize as false. "No, thank you, Your Honor." I flash a wide, innocent smile, and then barely catch the corner of my bottom lip between my teeth for ultimate effect. I know how to...

Straight Sex
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Die Entfhrung der Christina A

Die Leiden der Christina "Ach ja, so eine Dusche tut gut!" dachte sich Christina Aguilera. Nach einem anstrengenden Konzert in der Münchener Olympiahalle war der Popstar nun alleine in der Garderobe. Ihre blonden Haare waren noch nass von der Dusche und fielen ihre Scultern herunter. Sie hatte sich bereits angezogen, um den Abend mit Freunden in einer Muenchenerr Kneipe ausklingen zu lassen. Vertraeumt sass sie nun vor dem grossen Spiegel der Garderobe und perfektionierte ihr Makeup. Der Raum,...

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I want Bust it babynot that boosy bitch lol

because I talk with correct grammar or talk "white proper" as my bestfriend Kristel would say. She's my best friend but we're two different people, she was raised on the south side of town, not poor...just ghetto fabulous. I was raised in the same city just on the north side of town and I went to a prodominately white high school as well as the college I attend now. I got Kristel to come to the same college as me even though she says there "too many white people and not...

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Abducted By Mary Beth Sanford Synopsis: A boy missing for decades, returns. The girl he borrowed the dress from for Halloween is an old woman now, but she remembers. She remembers everything. The dress, slip, panties, even the doll, and it sent shivers down her spine. "Impossible!" she whispered looking at the boy in her dress. Players: Sheriff Andrews, Ms. Abby Vanderhoven, Susan Sharp - dispatch, Mark Carson, (Rose and Matt - Mark's parents), Penny - the doll, Buck...

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I found myself in awe of my surroundings. I had never been south of the Mason-Dixon line in my entire life, but I found myself traveling into the belly of the Bible Belt looking for work. In a moment of sheer capriciousness, I thought that I needed a change of pace, if only for a little bit before I completed accepted adulthood.Virginia took forever to drive through, it was made up of long stretches of highway almost completely covered in large tractor-trailers and signs for various...

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Braking all the rules 3

Her mother left, and her father told her it was to return to the lakehouse. Sarah believed they were alone again. He asked her to follow him upstairs. Once in the bedroom, he pulled out her mother's wedding dress from a box at the top of the closet."This is the last thing I'll ask you to do," he said, "And then we're done."Sarah shook her head, "What? want me to put that on?"He nodded. "This is the last thing, I promise."---After putting on the dress, fixing her hair, and applying...

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NuruMassage Angela White Kristen Scott Pyramid Team

Fresh-faced masseuse Kristen Scott has joined the ranks of a huge multi-level marketing company that sells essential oils. Her district manager Angela White stops by the spa to drop off new samples and review her weekly sales. She examines the spreadsheet and praises her growing sales figures. The masseuse beams with pride as she really strives to impress her boss. The district manager notices her customers are all repeat buyers. She asks her to snag at least two new customers before the...

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Planetary Agents 1 The Fast Furrier Transform

PLANETARY AGENTS 1: The Fast Furrier Transform By Babs Yerunkle ************************************************* SUMMARY: Welcome to the world of galactic travel and super science. In this world of miracles, our hero is an fat, aging loser. (Engaging premise, isn't it?) He tries to kill himself, and apparently can't even succeed in that. Instead, he stumbles into a web of evil bad guys and sexy super spies. On the down side, he eventually gets infected with the evil serum of...

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I fucked my friends wife Senguls foot

It was a very hot July day.She was again alone at her husband's stationery shop.Her husband was my friend.They have a very a small stationery shop at the city center.Although, her husband is my friend, Sengul's sexy ass had always seduced me.As if, Sengul was wearing these sexy jeans to seduce customers.And,I was absolutely sure her husband was aware of this.Because, many young man was coming and shopping there.And, they were staring at Sengul's big and sexy ass while shopping.I had noticed...

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Blackmailed Preachers WifeChapter 13

It was midmorning on a Saturday when Chase’s phone rang. He answered it, “Hello.” The sexy female voice on the phone said, “This is Carrie, Carrie Stratford. I’m staying at the Royal Oaks hotel, Suite 713. If you want to discuss our business arrangement further, I’ll be available today, tonight, and tomorrow. My young business associate that you met, Nicole, will be available tomorrow and tomorrow night for further discussions of the joint venture’s purposed. It is your choice to what you...

2 years ago
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Total Woman Academy 15

Karl beheld Olivia across the dining room at the sophomore facility. It was Topless Tuesday and the students had reverted to the freshman dress code for the day: shoes with bikini or thong panties only. It was lunch time and he was scheduled for an afternoon coaching tune-up with her. Olivia had the most fantastic tits Karl could imagine. Nosecone boobs with perfect puffs of nipples begging kisses and foundling. She was sitting with friends and her laughter jiggled the mounds of bounteous...

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The Eve Spot

He’s shared a fantasy with me. Time is the key for me. I like forests, the mountains, the north woods – or wherever I don’t have to watch the watch or tick off the minutes. The spot must be difficult to get to – where my lady and I are to be alone. Perhaps some hiking or rowing – to reach our ‘away’ spot. We have worked hard to get to this secluded area. But, finally we have arrived. We have spent the day with each other, working, cooking and playing – getting ready for the night. She is...

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It started out as a fair proposal

I live on the second floor, my balcony as a good view of the neighbourhood and in front there is a private small university. Some folks can watch the sea from their living rooms, I get to see hot rich girls with beautiful bodies..But just across the street there are a couple of recycle bins and while sitting on a small bench in my balcony I saw a group of 5 students around the bins. That caught my attention, yes the 2 girls were hot but what the heck were they doing there looking into the...

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Commanding PresenceChapter 16 Happy Endings

For the next few days Evan and Cheri had to walk on eggshells around Pam. She was alternately euphoric, depressed, defiant and then extremely passive, sometimes all in the span of a few minutes. "I won't sell!" she screamed. "It's mine and I won't give it up!" "You don't have to," Evan would say, trying to soothe her. "But what if they want to give us a lot of money?" she whined. "Money's no problem," Cheri would add. "You do what you want. We're here for you either way....

1 year ago
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Cousin Swap

When Alec suggested that we swap partners, Eve - the girl I had just fucked - reached over the seat and swatted the back of his head. Jody, his date and Eve's cousin, shrieked in outrage and called him several bad names. He and I both laughed and pretended that it was a joke. When the storm had died down, Alec said, "No, seriously, why don't we?" which set off another one. Somewhere in the middle of it, while she was still ragging on Alec, I noticed Jody look at me. Our eyes met in a...

1 year ago
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Bisexual Hairdresser

I always got my hair cut at Schroeders. You know the one, down on Harbor Blvd., towards the beach. I went there, not because they were the cheapest, or the best, or even the fastest. I went there because they had the best looking ‘cutters’ around. I came to call it “Rock Slut Hair Cuts” because all the girls were young, thin, and looked like they fell right out of a rock video. It was very late Friday night when I stopped by. There were two other people getting trimmed...

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Sex Surprise on a Cold and Rainy Night

This story might be challenging to film.I like to have stories that seem plausible. I think this is probably the least plausible script I've written but it's also a fantasy I've thought of for a long, long time.We see an attractive woman in her mid-20s driving on a wet road late at night in the country and dressed in a professional business attire - blouse, skirt just above the knees, & heels. The road is not lit except by her headlights. Several warning lights including the engine light...

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Turned cocksucker by xhamster user

This is my first story post ever, please be indulgent and leave comments. The halls and corridors usually become quiet after 6 o clock in the University’s pavilion of mathematics and I jump, feeling panick mounting as I hear the expected knock on the stall wall. This was all so sudden and unexpected. Only a week ago had I stumbled on a first sissy hypnosis video; this weird clip with a super sexy female voices coaxing you to suck dicks. Since that day things had developed rapidly into this...

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Party Favor

It all started at a party at Tommy's house; he was a new friend, and I'd heard about his wild parties. I got there towards the end of the Party and everyone had been drinking, girls were giddy and stoned on Pot. I hung in the Kitchen and had a couple beers. There was music and dancing downstairs, and I figured couples in most of the upstairs bedrooms, Tommy was famous. Downstair it was a furnished and finished basement, a large basement party area. Couples were dancing, and everyone drinking,...

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Klines War Ch 0001

Prologue Sean Kline sat naked in a chair in the middle of a dark room. Actually he was strapped to the chair, his wrists and ankles were bound to the chair with leather straps. He looked around and wondered how long he had been here. The only light that entered the room was from the steel door whenever it opened. The room smelled like piss and he could hear the scurrying of rats around him. His brown hair was disheveled, and his beard was long and unkempt. He guessed he had been here months...

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ManoJob Alexia Anders Can8217t Tell My Dad

Your best friend has a really hot daughter. To make matters worse, she’s constantly flirting with you. Her name is Alexia Anders, and ever since she turned 18, it’s been a constant barrage of winks, tight shirts with no bra and hard nips, suggestive texts you’d had to delete…the works. And today this little minx has called you, on “behalf of my dad”, to swing by and “help him fix something”. At first you thought it was a little strange…but...

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Cindis Subway Ride

Cindi was very happy today. It was the last day of school. This summer she would be visiting her Nana in Florida. She planned to go to the beach every day. She was just finishing her junior year and had turned 17 last August. At 5' 9" tall, Cindi was the tallest girl in her class. She felt she was a little slender to be attractive and weighed only about 125 lbs. The fact that her boobs were not yet developed caused her no end of embarrassment in the gym classes. Cindi felt that the other...

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How I Became A Horny Girl

Hi indian sex stories dot net readers. This story is about Poonam’s experiences and how she explored the fun and how I was a part of it. About me, I’m her cousin. I stayed in the same house because my parents are in Dubai. The second part contains how I helped her in seducing her tuition sir. Drop an email to for any additional details. So let’s start the story without any more backchodi. My cousin Poonam, she is 18 now. The story happened five years ago. Poonam was basically a Punjabi girl....

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School Friend Sakshi K Sath Sex Experience

Hi I’m Karan from Delhi(24 yrs).main kaafi time se ISS ka fan hu nd i m crazy for sex..main apse apna 1st xperince share karne ja raha hu,aap padhne k baad reply jarur kare or koi b ladki jo delhi ki ho mujhe hard sex k liye invite b kar sakti hai, meri email id ( )hai…mujhe pahla sex experience 1st time 18 saal ki umar me hi mil gaya tha,apni school friend Sakshi k sath hum dono 1hi school me padhte the or bahut ache dost b the,hum dono ki age me 4-5 mahine ka hi farq tha..kaafi saal aise hi...

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Barbaria Act 1 Epilogue

Personal NarrativesNerine, Drax, Flavia, LeoNerine, body slave to Princess AlexenaI feel sorry for the new girl, Flavia. She is very delicate, very pretty. Obviously so sensitive. Rather like myself in many ways. So I understand all the better what she is going through.At the same time, when I say I am sorry, I am also glad. Because whenever a new girl arrives, it takes the pressure off some of the slaves of longer standing like myself. To some extent we get less attention pais to us. That is...

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Doontoon Abbey

Doontoon Abbey AUGUST 1904 Doontoon Abbey is an estate in North Yorkshire, the large and well- staffed country home of the Earl and Countess of Grantham. Robert Crawley is the Earl of Grantham and his American wife Cora is the Countess. They have three children: Mary, Edith and Cyrus. As our story opens Mary is 14 years old, Edith 12 and Cyrus 10. Cyrus Crawley was bored. He was always bored, which wasn't surprising because his only playmates were his older sisters who...

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The CompoundChapter 5 Doctor Victor von Franklin Stine Or the Baron

Next stop, another medical group working on Mental health. Specifically, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. A worthy enough cause in itself. This was a leap for me. There was no known cure for either. Had there been, you couldn’t have kept it secret. Attempts to keep such things had ended with the Coronavirus COVID-19 and searched for a vaccine. The number of arrests of CEOs of the Drug conglomerates was staggering. Those that tried to escape found they had nowhere to run. No country was...

2 years ago
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Belizean Jock Cock

This is a true storyMy friend and I went out last night. To be honest I really didn’t have any expectations for how the night would end up. We started out with a very heavy dinner and I had a stomach ache throughout the night. We started out with a group of friends that we knew would never go to a gay club and decided to leave after having a couple of drinks with them and go on our own. The club was packed with hot guys and you could tell we were definitely out to get some. After a friend of...

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BurningAngel Joanna Angel Katrina Jade Aubrey Kate Sex Cult Act 3

The stunning Aubrey Kate is in the sex dungeon, flaunting her heavenly body, an alluring bulge peeking out from her bikini bottoms. Sex kitten Katrina Jade comes into the dungeon, pouncing on Aubrey ravenously. They lock lips for a lustful kiss and Katrina pulls Aubrey’s luscious tits out, sucking on her hard nipples. When Aubrey slides her panties off, Katrina sits on her face, slipping Aubrey’s cock into her mouth as Aubrey tongues Katrina’s pierced clit. Soon, Joanna Angel...

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Our New Nieghbors Part 3

WOW, that is what I thought when I woke the next morning. Being my hard cock while still caressing Kirk’s. As I slide my mouth all the way down his shaft I heard him let out a mild moan so I just held it there working my tongue on it as it continued to grow harder. As he got hard I started slowly working my mouth back and forth on his hard erection not wanting to wake him to fast. As I felt his hand slide down and start running through my hair I heard him say he loved how quick I learned what a...

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Sea KingChapter 26

They were in no particular hurry getting down to breakfast the next morning. Although Nesho hadn't been stricken with the morning sickness to any great extent, Sosho wasn't quite so lucky. They stayed with her until she felt somewhat normal and then made their way down to the dining area. Marie was there bustling around in a particularly chipper mood although she did complain long and loud about the Great Red Villain. Complaining about one's Master was undoubtedly a favorite pastime for...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 221 Cousin Eve

Since nobody's life or career was in immediate danger, I allowed things to just coast for a couple of days. I did nothing, about anything, until the downtown building's 'Eve renovations' were completed. As I had expected the renovations took almost two weeks instead of one. I found out that the contractors were finished only because I stopped by the building every morning to check on the progress. I wasn't paying the bills, so they didn't answer to me. Fortunately we didn't have any...

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Melia A Feminist Learns

Melia: A Feminist Learns, Part II   Melia: A Feminist Learns, Part II (Below, when it suits me, I shall write what I? know to be true in the third person, omniscient voice.? I, of course, usually prefer the first person as it privileges my own voice. But as Master, I assume Melia and know her thoughts and being.? Sometimes the third person can say more about ownership than any other because of its omniscience.) (Victor)  ------------------------Melia woke out of her fitful sleep.? Forced...

4 years ago
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Stupid Boy Freshman Year Part IIChapter 21 Football Camp Kentucky

Mom dropped Dad and me off at the school. We were meeting the bus by the football stadium at ten o'clock. Coach Hope and Brad were the first two there. I could tell something was up. "We wanted to get you two together and clear the air. We're a team come this fall, and if you two are not on the same page we have a problem," Coach Hope told us. "Who wants to start?" Brad shot off his mouth before I had a chance to react. "David thinks he's God's gift to football and needs to be...

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My Cousin needed help

Arriving at the hotel, Vanessa swings the door wide open wearing a uniform similar to a volley ball or soccer player, she had on matching green skin tight shorts, barely covering her ice tight little ass and vaginal area. Plus, her shirt had no sleeves, barely fir around her skinny curves (at 34b2432), and showed her tight abs and stomach for everyone to fantasize about cumming on. She had her knee high white tube sock and a fresh whit epair of kicks, and with her somewhat fake tan, looked like...

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