Mr Wilkins free porn video

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Cathy Turnbull wanted a job to earn a little extra spending money. Her husband, Dennis, had a good job, and now that their mortgage was paid up and their daughter, Sarah, was married, they had fewer overheads and more income available for their personal use. However, Cathy also had time on her hands and wanted to do something useful with it. She saw an advert in her local newspaper, asking for people who wanted to help the elderly with their housekeeping and getting shopping and so on, as well as providing a bit of company to people who lived alone and couldn't get out much any more. Cathy's own father had passed away some years previously and her mother had moved away, so it seemed like the perfect opportunity to do something worthwhile with her time.

She therefore contacted the agency that placed the ad and within a few days of sending them a written application, she was invited to go along for an interview. She was taken on and spent the first two weeks shadowing another woman, to make sure that she understood what the job involved, and then she was assigned her own client. It had been agreed that just one person, a few hours a day and for five or more days every week, was enough of a commitment if Cathy only wanted to work part-time. His name was William Wilkins and Cathy had already gotten to know him a little during her induction fortnight, so she was quite looking forward to her first day of working on her own. Her husband was very supportive, as usual, and they had discussed 'Mr Wilkins' in depth.

" ... Apparently he was born just before the Second World War started, so he's only a few years older than my mum and dad. And it says here that he has a few medical problems that restrict mobility and he's single, not a widower. He always seemed very polite when I met him, too, so I think we'll get on all right!"

Cathy parked her car in front of the small house where Mr Wilkins lived. By now she was naturally a little apprehensive, but overall, relaxed, as she rang the doorbell. It was not unusual for domestic helpers to be trusted with one of their clients' door keys, in cases of impaired mobility, but as yet she had not been given one. After only a few minutes, William Wilkins answered the door.

"Hello again, Mrs Turnbull. Please come in!"

"Thank you, Mr Wilkins: and please call me Cathy. May I call you William, or do you prefer to keep it formal?"

"No, not in the least, Cathy ... but I prefer 'Bill' to 'William'. May I offer you a cup of tea?"

"Yes, please, Bill, but I'll follow you so that I can see where you keep things."

Cathy noticed that Bill was dressed quite casually, but that he was clean shaven. And as she followed him to his kitchen, he appeared to be walking quite normally, if a little slowly. The kitchen was compact, but also clean and tidy: he was expecting her, so cups and saucers were standing, waiting.

"Your file says that you suffer from arthritis, Bill: how is it at the moment?"

"Oh, not so bad at the moment, thank you! It tends to be worse in cold and damp weather, so on days like this it's much better. When it's bad my knees and hips are the worst; but I also get a touch in my wrists as well. My mother was a chronic sufferer, so perhaps there's a family predisposition: I just hope that I don't eventually get it as bad as her, but the medication that they prescribe now helps a lot."

He had no trouble carrying the tray with the tea and biscuits back to his sitting room, where Cathy sat on the sofa, while Bill had his favourite armchair.

"As you may know, Bill, I'm here today to find out how best I can help you. I'm not sure all that Peggy Armitage did while she was here, as I only made a couple of brief visits with her before, but in theory I can do anything you want and you know that you only have to ask. Getting you a bit of shopping is no problem, but I have my car, so if you feel like a run out to the shops at any time, we can do that, too. And I'm not a bad cook, so if you want, I'll be happy to oblige, as well as doing a bit of housework for you, but from the looks of it, you aren't doing such a bad job yourself. Tell me, Bill, do you have family and friends who look in on you?"

"Not really family: my parents are long gone, of course. I have a younger brother, Michael, but I haven't seen him for several years; although we speak on the telephone several times a month. He has a wife, children, grandchildren, and possibly even great-grand­children, but they are all scattered throughout the world and my brother lives in the North-East. I still have a few acquaintances from when I worked, but as I have no car, I only really see them when they can make it to me, which again is fairly infrequently.

"As you may know, Cathy, I never married. I'm not anti the institution, but it just never happened for me ... and to be honest, I don't think that there's ever been a time that I regretted it. When I was working I took regular holidays, both here and abroad, and I have never been bored with my own company, or been at a loss with what to do with my time. Mrs Armitage only started coming here a few months ago and although she was pleasant enough company, a few hours at a time was enough for me! You also seem a very pleasant person, Cathy, and I'm sure that I will enjoy your company equally as well, but I'm afraid that you might find me a bit set in my ways..."

"That's fine by me, Bill! As I said, I'm here to help you in any way that I can, and not to impose upon your life any more than you want me too."

Over the next few weeks, and despite what Bill had said, Cathy found him to be a very warm, charming, and hospitable man. While she was upstairs doing little household jobs, he invariably sat at the dining table downstairs, reading his newspapers; but when Cathy was pottering around downstairs, they usually chatted while she went about her business. But there was also time for them to both sit and relax and at such times Cathy told him about her life and family; and in return Bill talked about his former career in the Civil Service, which now provided him with a very generous pension, so that he could live comfortably without money concerns. He was also very well read and it seemed to Cathy that there wasn't much that he didn't know something about.

There were days, too, when they went to the local supermarket in Cathy's car, which he enjoyed very much; and although it was well outside of her professional obligation, with Dennis' approval, Bill was invited round for Sunday lunch. Cathy's husband, Dennis, was a very straight-forward, working-class man, but he, too, took an instant liking to Bill.

While Cathy was at Bill's, having a tea break one day, the subject of marriage came up in the conversation. It was one of the few things that he had never experienced, first hand, so he was reluctant to offer any opinions, as was his way. However, he was always open to discussions about most things, so they continued to talk.

"I hope you don't mind me asking you this, Bill, but sex has always been an important part of my marriage, even after nearly thirty years, so it's difficult for me to imagine living without it, now! Have you ever been in a relationship with another person: after all, you are an attractive man and not being married doesn't necessar­ily mean living a sexless life." Bill looked at her and smiled, wryly.

" ... I'm afraid that in my case it does! When I was younger people were promiscuous, of course; but there didn't seem to be the same sort of pressures to have sex that young people today face. And of course people had sexual relationships outside of marriage, they had extra-marital affairs, and young unmarried women had illegitimate children; but there were also a lot of people who waited until their wedding night. I was also in a profession that empha­sised good character and high standards of moral behaviour, and to be involved in a sexual liaison would have jeopardised that if one was caught. So as I never married, I abstained ... and the longer that I abstained, the least important any libidinous feelings became.

"I believe that I know you well enough, Cathy, to confess to you that I occasionally indulged in self-relief whenever I felt that it was necessary; but even that, too, becomes less of a necessity as time passes. And there is that aphorism: that what you've never had, you never miss. Well, I can assure you that that's true, but only up to a certain point ... I consider myself to be an inquisitive and open-minded man, so of course I've considered what it must be like ... but I have never allowed it to become an obsession."

Cathy was intrigued, so she perhaps pushed the subject further than she would have with someone that she knew less well, or who she liked less:

"I believe my husband when he says that I'm still an attractive and desirable woman, Bill ... out of curiosity, is that how I appear to you as well?" For a normally quite decisive man, he seemed to take a long time considering his answer:

" ... Yes, Cathy ... I find you to be an attractive and desirable woman: and as the popular cliché goes; I perhaps find myself wishing that I was thirty years younger..."

That evening, as they lay in bed, having enjoyed each other sexually, Cathy and Dennis talked about what Bill had said earlier.

"Do you think that there are many people like Bill, Love?" Cathy asked Dennis, "Although he never said it in so many words, I don't think that he's ever been with a woman."

"It's hard to say. Although he's right, and kids do seem to get pushed into sex earlier nowadays; I think that there are still people who abstain, as he calls it, for religious and other cultural reasons; but I think for Bill's generation it was commoner than ours. We were, what, fifteen and sixteen when we first slept together, and I know that I was almost desperate to do it with someone at that age ... I was just lucky that it was you, Cath! But there were a couple of elderly aunts in the family when I was that age who weren't married and I think we always assumed that they were virgins ... whether that was true or not, I don't know!" Cathy was thoughtful.

" ... Den, do you remember when we broke up for a while when we were still kids?"

"Of course ... I'll never forget that! Why do you ask?"

" ... Well ... and don't go getting all upset ... but would you mind if I started flirting with Bill a bit! He's such a nice man, and a real gentleman, I'd just like him to experience it for himself!"

"When you say 'flirting a bit', what exactly do you mean?" Dennis asked her. Cathy hugged him closer.

" ... Hmm ... I don't really know! Maybe being a bit more provocative with what I wear: you know; shorter skirts and tighter tops, that sort of thing; and maybe being a bit more 'touchy-feely' with him. I won't sneak around and do anything behind your back, and we'll always talk about it like we're doing now, Love..."

" ... And are we talking sex, Cath..."

" ... Again, I honestly don't know, Love ... he's in his seventies, and with his arthritis, I don't know if he'd be up to it; and, anyway, if it's going to bother you, it stays here and goes no further. I'm not looking for a lover, Babe: just a way to make a sweet old man's twilight years a bit better!"

" ... Okay!" Dennis said, "But we have to agree a couple of things first: please be careful that you're doing this for Bill and not just for you! I know you only have the best of intentions, Cath, but sometimes it's best to let sleeping dogs lie; if you know what I mean! The other thing is: if you do end up in bed together, I think that I'd rather not know the details, if you don't mind. I know what we have is strong; but I honestly don't know how I'll handle you being with someone else in that way. And once you start this, it's not something that you can undo easily!" Cathy snuggled up even closer and kissed her husband passion­ately.

"I really do love you, Babe, and I don't want to hurt you again, so if it gets too uncomfortable for you, just tell me, please!"

So from then on, Cathy Turnbull never did anything other than what she had been doing before, apparently, but instead of wearing jeans every time that she went to Bill's, she also started wearing skirts that were a little shorter than she usually wore and which showed off her legs which she tended to leave uncovered, too. She had been issued with a type of apron that fitted over her head, tied at the sides, and finished just below the tops of her thighs, front and back. This was obviously intended to act as a kind of uniform and to be a form of protection for her clothes; but the design also softened the lines of the wearer's bottom and a woman's breasts. It wasn't mandatory to wear it, but Cathy usually did. However, she now started leaving it off at Bill's, and apart from emphasising her shapely bottom, she wore fairly close-fitting tops that highlighted her full bust. If Bill noticed, he was too polite to comment; but Cathy was sure that she saw him looking at her a bit more than he had been doing up until then.

They had also found out, during the course of their informal chats, that Cathy and Bill were both fans of musical theatre. Bill, having worked in Central London for all of his long career, had seen most of the shows in the West End going back decades, and he had many stories to tell Cathy about his memories of them. Since his retirement and the onset of his infirmity, however, he had had to stop going as often as he once did and a trip to the theatre was now also an infrequent event. He did, however, have a large collection of recordings of the shows and sometimes he put one of these on while Cathy was there and they would sit and listen to it together. And so it happened that one day she went to Bill's, as usual, and while they were having tea, she said:

"I don't know if you're interested, Bill, but Dennis was given two tickets to see Les Misérables, but he can't go. As you know, it's one of my favourites, although I've only seen it on TV, so he asked me to ask you if you wanted to go with me. It's for next Wednesday, so you can have time to think about it, and then if you want to go, we'll work out the details." Bill wasn't what you would call 'hasty', but this was something that required little consideration.

" ... Well, I have seen it before, but not for some years now; so, yes, I'd love to go with you, Cathy!" She leaned in and put her arms around his neck and kissed his cheek.

"Thank you so much, Bill!" she exclaimed, "I'm really looking forward to it!" Bill looked a little flustered by her reaction, but he smiled, nevertheless.

That Sunday he was invited round to Dennis and Cathy's for lunch again, and afterwards they were all in the sitting room: Cathy and Dennis on the sofa, holding hands, and Bill in an armchair.

"I'm sorry that you're unable to take Cathy to the theatre, Dennis, it's a great show!"

"So I believe, Bill, but to tell you the truth, I'm not sure how much I would have enjoyed it ... musicals are Cathy's thing, not mine; but I have to work that night, anyway. Which brings me onto something else, Bill. Do you think that it would be possible for Cath to stay at your place that night: she'll be there anyway during the day, so rather than come home and then go back to yours later, she can take her things with her and change; and if she came home afterwards, it would only be to an empty house." Cathy didn't know that her husband was going to say this, but she smiled and gripped his hand a little tighter.

"Yes, I suppose that would be all right," Bill replied, "But we'll have to sort something out about the sleeping arrangements; my spare room isn't really set up for overnight guests at the moment..."

"Oh, don't go to any trouble, Bill!" Dennis said, "You are both adults and it's only for one night ... and I know that you're a gentleman, Bill, and Cathy has my complete trust!"

" ... Well ... erm ... as long as you don't object, Dennis..."

" ... That's all right with you, isn't it, Love?" Dennis said. Cathy looked lovingly into her husband's eyes and smiled.

" ... Just as long as you're fine with it, Babe..."

Monday and Tuesday were just like other days: neither Bill nor Cathy really talked about Wednesday, except that Bill said that he would pay for the taxis between his North London home and the Haymarket, and then back. Unfortunately, at three hours, the production was too long to realistically have supper somewhere afterwards, so they agreed to eat before they left.

Cathy arrived at Bill's on Wednesday carrying her dress for the evening on a hanger and her other clothes and overnight things in a small case. She took these straight up to Bill's bedroom. It was very strange for Cathy to think that in a few hours time that she would be, for the first time in over thirty years, sharing a bed with a man who wasn't her husband, and with her husband's consent. Oh, how she loved him at that moment! She had no prior conception about what would happen in that bed ... perhaps nothing ... but there was still a deep sense of excitement at the thought!

It was perhaps even stranger for Bill: the last female that he had shared a bed with was his mother; and as he was a baby at the time, he had no recollection of it at all. But he thought about the woman who he now considered, even after knowing her for such a short time, to be a friend. He was attracted to her personality, and as he had admitted, he could admire her femininity; but sexual attraction was new to him, and being the product of a proper upbringing and always having had an utmost respect for women in general, he wasn't sure if such a thing was allowed in Cathy's case. He had begun to wonder, though, what those curves that were concealed beneath her clothes might actually look like without their concealment ... and as he lay in bed some nights and his thoughts strayed to her, he found himself having the great desire to touch his manhood.

Because the theatre curtain rose at 7:30, Cathy and Bill found themselves sitting down to eat at the early time of 4:30. Cathy was a person who usually enjoyed a long soak in the bath, but as Bill also had to bathe, they both took showers. Bill went first, and while he was in the bathroom, Cathy undressed and when Bill returned to his bedroom with a towel around his waist, he found Cathy waiting, dressed only in her underwear.

"Oh ... I'm so sorry!" he blustered when he saw her.

"Don't be silly, Bill: we are friends, aren't we, and I was brought up to not be either ashamed or embarrassed about my body. I appreciate that it might be strange for you, but it's really nothing, I assure you! Here, let me take the rest off while I'm here..."

It took her only a few moments to release her bra's fastening and shrug it off her shoulders; followed moments later by her knickers being discarded. She stood in front of Bill and turned slowly around. Bill's eyes moved over all of her body but he didn't speak.

"Why don't you take that towel off now, Bill?"

He hesitated for a moment or two, then tugged at the corner that was tucked into the towel at the waistline. Bill was quite tall and lean, but surprisingly taut-skinned for a man of his age. It was Cathy's turn to look him over, and of course she checked-out his groin: her Dennis was probably bigger overall, she noted, but Bill seemed to have a nice-sized penis sticking out from between its surrounding silver-grey hair.

"There you go, Bill ... it wasn't so bad, was it! Now you finish dressing and I'll have my shower!" She leaned in and quickly kissed his cheek.

Bill was very fastidious about his appearance when he had to be, and when Cathy returned a short time later, he was sitting on the side of the bed applying the finishing touches to his highly-polished shoes. Cathy was naked and towelling her hair dry. Bill looked up and focussed first on her 34D-size breasts, but he seemed most intrigued by her hairless groin. He was by no means naïve, but in his limited experience adult women always had hair in that place, the same as he did. Cathy finished drying her hair and smiled.

"We don't have time now, Love, but I'll explain all about the female form later, if you'd like me to."

"Yes ... if you wouldn't mind, Cathy..."

Taking a jar of moisturiser out of her case, Cathy started to rub it into her skin. Bill offered to wait downstairs, but she told him to stay. He tried to seem dispassionate but he was genuinely interested in what she was doing and it would have been disingenuous to pretend otherwise. He had seen more female flesh in the last hour than in the past seven decades!

Her skin now moisturised and soft, Cathy took a pair of sheer, black, self-supporting stockings and sat on the bed and worked them up her silky legs. A pair of black bikini briefs were next, and finally a black, lace bra. Bill had no need for a dressing table, so Cathy sat in front of a full-length dressing mirror while she applied subtle make-up to her lips and eyelids. Another time she would have applied coloured varnish to her finger and toe nails, but on this occasion she just dressed her finger nails with an emery board.

"Did you order the taxi, Bill?"

"Yes, while you were showering: I asked for one for six-thirty, which should give us plenty of time: when I was working I occasionally took taxis in the morning."

While she was sitting, Cathy put on a pair of nice shoes with a moderate size heel, then, standing up, she took her favourite cocktail dress off of its hanger and stepped into it. "Will you do the honours, Love," she said, turning her back to Bill. He briefly admired the smooth swell of her contours from the back, then tugged on the zip until it was all the way up. Cathy looked at herself in the mirror.

"That's it ... transformation complete ... how do I look, Bill?"

"You look very beautiful, Cathy!" She smiled.

" ... And flattery will get you everywhere! I'll just get my shawl, then we can go down and wait for the taxi." Bill slipped on his suit jacket. " ... And may I say that you are looking very handsome tonight, Mr Wilkins!"

The black cab arrived more or less on time and Bill held the door open while Cathy climbed in. They sat close together on the back seat and Cathy held Bill's hand.

"Oh, it was even better than I imagined it would be!" Cathy exclaimed as they climbed into the taxi that would take them back to Bill's house. They had both been caught up in the energy and exhilaration of the show and the adrenalin was still pumping around their bodies. Bill, in particular, whose life now was otherwise very sedate, felt younger than he had in years: and he was in no doubt that that was due to the influence of the attractive middle-aged lady that sat beside him in the cab and clutched his arm against her side and ample bosom. They chatted about what they had just seen: Bill said that it was every bit as good as he remembered it being with the original cast; perhaps even better! They had had a couple of glasses of wine during the interval, but the adrenalin had by now counteracted the effects of the alcohol.

When the taxi stopped outside his house, Bill paid the driver and added a generous tip. They went inside and straight up to the bedroom to change.

"What time do you usually go to bed, Bill?"

"Well, no set time, just when I get tired; but I don't mind if you want to go to bed now."

" ... Hmm ... might as well when I've had a pee and cleaned my teeth. Which side of the bed do you prefer?"

"No preference, but I suppose the left. Is that all right with you?"

"Yes, no problem!"

"Then I'll just get into my pyjamas before I use the bathroom..."

"Why don't you leave them off tonight, Bill: Just leave your shorts on until you're ready to get into bed ... I'm sure that it will be warm enough with two of us in there!"

" ... Perhaps you're right..."

Cathy didn't even ask this time; she just turned away from Bill and he unzipped her dress. She slid it off, stepped out of it, then put it back onto its hanger. Bill meanwhile was hanging up his suit, which he returned to the wardrobe where it was kept. As he took off his tie, then his shirt, Cathy sat on the bed and took off her stockings. She rarely wore anything in bed and as Bill had already seen her naked she just took off her underwear and put it in the case. Bill stood in his underpants waiting for her.

"Do you want to take turns?" he asked, as she used paper tissues to get the bulk of her make-up off.

"Not unless you do, Love ... I've seen men pee before!"

Bill stood in front of his bathroom mirror, brushing his teeth. He looked straight ahead, but he flushed a little at the unmistakable sounds coming from a few feet away, as Cathy sat on the toilet. Cathy smiled to herself when their roles were reversed, and Bill seemed unable to pass water while she was there. She diplomatically rinsed and spat, then left him alone in the bathroom.

When Bill walked into the room that was usually his alone, Cathy was on top of the covers, sitting up, with her back supported by pillows.

"It's time for the lesson I promised you, Bill ... if you're still up for it!" She laughed, softly, " ... Sorry, no pun intended!" Bill smiled.

"Yes, I'm ready..."

She leaned forward and patted the bed. When Bill was sitting and turned towards her, Cathy drew up her legs and allowed her thighs to fall apart.

"Get closer and take a good look, Bill, Love. This is what all the fuss is about..."

He wasn't at all aroused by Cathy's vulva inches from his face, but Bill, as stated, was intensely curious.

"I've seen diagrams in books, but the real thing is very different, isn't it," he said. Cathy pulled her labia apart to give him an even better look.

"Yes, I expect most adolescent boys nowadays have seen quite explicit videos by the time that they get to see a real one up close, so there is no mystery; but I'm sure men and boys of our generation had no idea, Bill; and even when they were married they might not have seen one up close. How many little boys and girls grew up thinking that it was all a bit dirty? It was all right for a man to put his penis into a vagina, but he didn't need to see where he was putting it; and all that pubic hair didn't help either! Do you want to touch me, Bill?"

" ... If you don't mind ... but tell me if I'm hurting you." Cathy smiled.

"You're very sweet, but they're designed to take quite a lot of ... what shall we say ... action. It's a sensitive place and a woman can get sore, but they are quite resilient. So go on, have a feel."

He reached out and tentatively touched Cathy's vulva with his fingertips.

" ... Well, it's much softer than I imagined; and there's a lot of give in it, too, isn't there."

"Yes, that's because men come in all different shapes and sizes, so it has to be able to adapt to suit them. If you don't mind me saying, Bill, you look like you have a nice size penis ... I usually call them cocks, by the way ... but of course there are bigger ones and smaller ones as well. And don't forget that some women have to get babies out of there, too; and afterwards they have to close right up again.

"So if you've seen diagrams, Bill, you know what the parts are called and probably what they're for, so now I want you to stick a finger inside me. Up until the menopause, a women produces a vaginal lubricant when she starts to become aroused, so as long as that happens, a finger or two inside won't hurt; and as you can probably see, I'm already a bit moist. Can you see it on my lips?"

Bill thought that he detected something, but just before he pushed his finger into Cathy's vagina, he put his finger into his mouth. Then, still quite cautiously, he worked the tip of his index finger into her opening, then slowly pushed deeper. Feeling no resistance, he kept pushing until it was right up to the bottom knuckle.

" ... It's very hard to describe. It's quite warm and wet and slippery: I suppose the nearest equivalent I can think of is putting a finger in your mouth."

" ... Yes, and I think that's why men like oral sex! But just keep your finger there for a while, Bill; but don't move it around."

Cathy contracted her internal muscles and Bill felt something that seemed to be gripping his finger.

" ... That surprises a lot of men! And it's something that a mouth can't do as well: but the anus is supposed to. I don't like anal sex, but I know a lot of women ... and men ... say that they do.

"Now try two fingers, Bill, and move them around inside me, please." Bill duly obliged and Cathy was soon feeling the effects of his two fingers rubbing against her vaginal canal.

" ... Yes, it's nice; but I think that you ought to stop for a minute, Love...

"I think we need to get some sleep soon, but there are a couple more things that I'd like to show you before then. You've heard me mention oral sex: well, that's just the way for someone to stimulate a woman or a man by using their mouth: their lips and tongue; rather than fingers or even sex toys. And for both types of oral sex, it really makes no difference if males or females do it. So how do feel about doing it to me now?"

" ... Well, this is a night for new discoveries, isn't it! I don't suppose that it is something that I will ever do again after tonight ... so if you are agreeable, Cathy, I'd like to have a go." She smiled warmly.

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Mere ek doost ka naam adnan hai….Woh mujh se taqreebun 8 saal bara hai……yaani uski age 26 saal ka kafi sporty aur helpful hai….6’4″ lamba qud…hamesha dilchusp baatein sunnata hai….Iss liye humare circle mein kaffi larkey use passund kertey hain….Uskey gher waley humare gher per aate rahte thay…mere parents bhi usey kafi pasund kerte thay….Issliy uska akser merey pass aana kissi ko bura nahi lagta tha…. Mein tau apna naam hi batana bhool gaya….Mera naam musaveer hei….Piar mein tamam mujhey gullu...

2 years ago
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My Best Friend Randy

Me and Randy (not his real name) first met in the summer of '74 when we moved to the same city. We have been very good friends ever since. We went to the same junior and high school. We spent a lot of time together throughout the years. As young teens, we would spend the night over each others house and would spend vacations with each others families. This is a true story of the first of one of our many encounters.Randy and I were out of school for the summer and we had been out earlier in...

4 years ago
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Angies New World AdventureChapter 8 The States Here We Come

Next morning the couple woke at four thirty and as they turned to face each other they both seemed to laugh at the same time for standing between them just like the berlin wall was the cardboard they had hid behind during their epic romp last night. Angie was first to her feet as she carefully removed the cardboard and slid it under the bed, cheekily saying “Waste not want not!” Bobby responded “I was just about to suggest we keep our little friend there!” he then continued, “Tell you what...

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My Slut Fantasy

Did you ever have a really weak moment? Recently, my husband was away on a business trip. Our sex life was okay, but nothing special. I'd always fantasized about being with two men. Two men who were black and very endowed. I wanted to be treated like a whore. I wanted two men to make me feel like a slut. I didn't want any complications in my marriage. I decided to hire professionals.I googled an escort service and spoke to somebody on the phone. I explained that I was looking for two African...

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Final MissionChapter 7

The seas around Aziz's island seemed to boil in the storm. From shore, looking all around, it would be impossible to see anyone or anything approaching on the surface of the water. Still, Aziz had made sure that lookouts were posted at every approach; everyone was linked by radio. There were even sentries posted in the grotto that had been the sight of Lt. Trish McKeeson's gruesome death in the event that the Americans were stupid enough to send another intruder through that entry. But, no...

4 years ago
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A Shemale Fantasy and my Wife Part 2

Introduction: I didnt know what I was in for. But what a ride I arrived at work, walked into my office and settled in for the day. Just as I was checking emails on my computer my phone vibrated. I took a look. It was a text from Carol. In closed was a picture of her laying in bed totally nude with her legs spread. The text read, my tight wet pussy is waiting for you. I instantly got horny. I would never dreamed Carol would send me a picture like that. I texted back I cant wait to stick my dick...

3 years ago
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A Long Time Cumming

His fingers gently rolled over the nipple of my right breast while he teased my left breast with his soft tongue, but the need for further foreplay was not necessary, I was more than ready for him to enter me. A soft moan escaped my lips as his thick cock began its decent to the depths of my dripping cunt, a sensation that made me quiver with delight. As always, he began the slow but steady rhythm that he somehow knew I enjoyed. As his pace began to quicken, I wrapped my legs around his waist...

3 years ago
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Back to the well

I hope everyone is staying safe. The Chicago area has seen a large rise in Covid cases and we have been staying isolated. However, I have been extremely horny lately and have really been aching to suck on a cock. I have interacted with some guys on Xhamster as well as some other sites but I have been hesitant to pull the trigger due to the current environment. I have been hoping that Jim would reach out to me but he hadn’t texted me since our last meet-up. Last week, I sent a note on Kik to Jim...

3 years ago
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RuneswardChapter 47 Enraged Pursuit

Radu burst into his sister’s private chambers, his face livid with rage. His hair was uncharacteristically disheveled, and he stalked rather than walked. His clothes were rumpled, and his hands were held in tight fists. “Where is Zynna!” Vondi looked up from the parchment she was poring over, her hands settling onto the hard wood table. Her eyes reflected her surprise at the intrusion. Though he was the emperor, it was unlike Radu to enter any chamber without knocking. Most especially,...

2 years ago
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Mami ke sath

Hello, friends its me Ali (not real name) from Pakistan Rawalpindi. Well now I am 21 yrs old now dark with well built body and with 8 inches long lasting Rod I love to suck pussy till it gets wet cunt juices make me wild well any Females of Any age married, single or widows can contact me I will be at ur service to give u all the pleasures My E-mail Here’s my story of my childhood, say, as I was only 18 at the time of happening. I was living in the great city Bangalore and along with my...

4 years ago
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Vengeful VirginChapter 19 Sherrys Satisfaction

Autumn had arrived and with it, a new school year. Sherry missed her friend Julie who had moved away with her brother in law and soon to be husband. Joan had moved away also but to a different location. Sherry was pleased with the outcome of her revenge on her father. She was sure that he had stopped his unfaithful behaviour and she couldn't help but notice the change in her mother. The formerly timid and somewhat dour woman virtually glowed and was always smiling and acting very happy....

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Dire Wolf and FangChapter 16

The next several weeks were exhausting and also fun. By now the class had reduced to 6. 4 guys, Glenda, and myself. We were now going basic throws, as well as blocks. And on the day the Mutant Control Act passed and was signed into law, we also moved into the new dojo. It was bigger than the old one, but not much. It had been a small grocery store built right after WWII, but the ceiling was much higher. Now we were seeing the real Clint. He was now able to walk us through the movements, and...

3 years ago
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My Home

Hii Readers, This is Suma, 26yrs from Kerala. Hope u have not forgotten my earlier story named Suma, Daddy and His Friends on Group stories. I am here to share more with u. Do give feedbacks about my stories on After I started my encounters with my FIL and his friends I got more and more chances for sex and the more and more I got involved the more and more I looked forward towards sex. I started getting horny always; even soon after an elongated tiresome play. My FIL, Shekhar nearly always...

4 years ago
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Squirting Horny Chennai Housewife

Hi, guys, this is Raj again with my another experience as a call boy. A lady named Geetha mailed for my service she took my number and called me. In this incident, I’m going to narrate how I fucked her milfy plumpy wet cunt and made her beg me for intimate pleasure. You will never experience this kind of story anywhere trust me, guys. Girls get ready to grab your boobs and finger your pussy if it is not satisfied to contact me. Any unsatisfied women, divorced women, girls, and lonely needed sex...

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Bred for Cuckold

This is a story about Stephanie, a new hot wife. I first introduced her in the first story I wrote, “Cards With Friends.” Stephanie is married to Jason, who is now a happy cuckold husband. This is now the ninth story with her. At the end of another story I wrote about these two, called “Threesome for a Hotwife,” Stephanie now wears a gold anklet on one of her legs that has a little, spade shaped charm on it, the capital letter “Q” in the center, to indicate that she is now a “queen of spades,”...

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My recent business trip

I hate business trips, they're too long, too cheap, and never enough time-Well this one was different!Another male colleague, 3 lady colleagues and I attended a 3 day long seminar in a large town about 4 hours away from our home office. I drove by myself and checked in to the hotel, it was nice and big, when I realized this was likely where all 5 of us were going to have to sleep-Great ! I thought i better claim a space. The bed closest to the ac unit is always my preferred spot- so I set my...

2 years ago
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BurningAngel Nina Elle French Anal MILF Maids

Bill Bailey crept quietly behind Nina Elle, making sure his maid did a good job. I think Nina purposely missed that dusty spot on his pants just to take advantage of him, which wasn’t difficult, because he has a raging boner for curvy blondes that suck cock and love taking it in the ass while dressed as a saucy French fantasy! He licked Nina’s freshly dusted butthole before plunging deep inside that perfect anus, as she pleasured her pussy with her fingers. She’s going to have...

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The icing on the cake

I made a sponge cake the other day. Unfortunately we ran out of icing sugar so it was a bit plain. We sat down to eat it when I said to my boyfriend "It's a bit dry without icing" "I could help with that if you like" he replied with a cheeky wink. "Go on then" I said. He looked a bit shocked. I was serious. "You really want me to? It might taste a bit funny" He said with a smile on his face. "Come here and unload over my slice. I want you to ice it for me. Do it." A stern look on my face....

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My New Fuck Buddy

Years ago I decided to try going to a different bath house, it was bigger, they claimed it was also better more men, more variety, supposedly hotter guys, what did I have to lose by trying right. So I headed in, the place was big, not as clean as the other one I usually went to, I took a locker and slowly stripped, I had about three guys watching me get naked, me not being shy I gave them a show, I took my time to remove all my clothes, anticipation will drive a man nuts. I think the one guy...

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Racquel Jackson sat at her desk, facing her two students. One leg was crossed over the other and she was swinging it idly, a high heel dangling from her foot.Peter Cavanaugh noticed. He had noticed a lot of things about Miss Jackson today, like how she wasn't wearing her long auburn hair up in her usual manner. Today it was loose and flowing. She was still dressed like a teacher, but not in her usual business suit. This outfit was less formal, the skirt shorter, her blouse was low-cut and...

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Mami Ki Chudai Ek Erotic Story

Hello friends, mera naam suren hai. Mera age abhi 32 years hai.Mein berhampur (Orissa) mein reheta hoon. Mein iss site pe story bahat pehele se hi padhta tha. Aaj pehele bar aapna ek chota sa experience share kar raha hoon. Agar aap ko mera experience achha lage toh please mujhe mail karna. Mera email id hai If any girls, aunty or bhabi needs safe private sex with unlimited fun then can contact me by mail. So let’s start the story. Yai mera sachi story hai, aur mein ek ek feelings detail men...

2 years ago
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(Erin comes home from the convent)Erin was nervous. She was going home for the first time since she was 12 years old. Six years. Six long, lonely years. Strict years. Safe years. The train was making a clickety-clackety noise, over and over again, and she found herself automatically sliding into the rhythm as she tried to meditate, to pray, hoping for some guidance.The door to her compartment suddenly opened and a man appeared, struggling with two bags. Noticing her, he stopped, staring for a...

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Losing Virginity To My Girlfriend8217s Flatmate

Hey, guys, this is Aakash from Bangalore. I have been reading stories on Indian Sex Stories dot net for some time now and have finally decided to share my experiences in this sex story. Just to introduce myself, I am Aakash living in Bangalore. I am 23 years old and have an athletic body and a good height of 6 feet. As for my cock, it’s 8 inches long and 4 inches wide and has the stamina to go for hours. This sex story happened back when I was in my college 3rd year in Noida. I had a...

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At Disneyland

My wife, Linda talked me into taking the family to Disneyland. Three little k**s that does not want to stand in line all day. What a joy! My mother-in-law, Sherry offered to come along to help and that was the only way I agreed to go. We could now take care of one c***d each.My wife is 10 years younger than me and very pretty, charming, and a beautiful person. She was now in her late 20s and looked like she never had any k**s. We had a great life together and our sexlife had not stopped...

2 years ago
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Fucked My Ex Collaegue

Hi all ISS readers. Let me introduce myself. My name is buddy and I was born and brought up in Delhi. Let me come to the story directly. I am working in Gurgoan. I love sex a lot. I have a very specific taste of sex. There was a girl by nick name Sonu (name changed) in my earlier company who impressed me a lot. She must be around 5’3”, average body, fair complexioned, and on top of all “homely looking” I decided that she is the one for my bait. From that point, I made every bit of possible...

3 years ago
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Rosies Day Off

The summer holidays had flown by for Rosie Lancaster. Beach days, swimming in the local lake and all manner of embarrassing mishaps, all of which she shared with her best friend Jessica. As the holidays had drawn to a close, the responsibilities began to weigh on Rosie's shoulders, but at least she could see her other friends. She'd kept in touch with them over the summer, and had come to the realisation that she hadn't been the only one to bare all in public. The first day of college rolled...

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Angela Gets a Voyeur Part 6 of the Angela series

Chapter 1 Angela was afraid to go into her room. She did not know what to do. Michael would be able to watch her do everything. She thought of when she masturbated, dressed, undressed, everything. It wasn’t so much being naked in front of him, or even playing with herself in front of him, as she had already done those things and was beginning to enjoy having him watch her. It was more that now she never knew when he would be watching. At least when she was in front of him or around where she...

Office Sex
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Fucking daddy while hating mom

What the Fuck? The bitch is once again fucking up everybody's day with her holier than thou shit. Who the fuck cares what I wear and if daddy approves, we are on holiday and hopefully she will contract some fucked up foreign disease and die. Yep, I am talking about mommy dearest. Mom married my much younger stepfather Ray when I was 15 years old. A real live 30 year old cowboy who made millions in oil. Ray and I hit it off immediately and because I never heard from my dad, he filled that role...

3 years ago
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NBWO Slavery

Marcia had been lucky to get a position as a research assistant after she graduated. While England didn’t have the same reparation laws that had been invoked in America, it did have some pretty specific affirmative action laws. The AA laws meant that people of colour had priority over Caucasians as well as females having priority over males. It was the female AA clauses that had got her the job while her boyfriend, who had graduated with equivalent honours, was lucky to get a job gardening. ...

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The wrong kind of threesome part 2

(Please read the earlier parts first)...she stood looking at me with the door ajar for a few moments. Her face had a look of shock and horror engraved on it. Eventually she shut the door and slowly approached. She paused a few feet away from me.“What in the hell are you up to?”I broke her gaze and looked down at my cock. It was now flaccid but still hung proudly between my legs, a few drops of cum dripping from the head. I looked once more at Jen but this time she too was staring at my...

2 years ago
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restaurant meeting

They had never met but they knew each other intimately over the internet and they had been building up for this first meeting ever since Jasmine had been woken from her sweet innocent self by the encounter on the train. Only Jasmine knew though. Her 2 sisters and their friend Shanti had no idea what was running through Jamines mind. After they had entered Jasmine’s fears were answered. There were only a few people in the restaurant and none of them bore the slightest resemblance to the...

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The Carpet Cleaner

I had a quiet day planned and while looking around the house I decided that my carpets could do with a clean as there were some stains that were appearing, I guess I could hire a carpet cleaner but that would mean a lot of manual labour and I remembered seeing adverts in Craigs for this sort of thing.I fired up my old PC and decided to have a look through, there were a few but one advert struck my eye, ‘Discreet house and carpet cleaners’ was the heading so I clicked on it, the advert was very...

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A Full Moon PhaseChapter 6 Meeting in a Were Bunker

"What does it mean?" asked Trixie about the flyer for the Courage Players performing The Merchant of Venice in a nearby Black Forest town, Her question went out through the speaker phone to the speaker phone listened to by her comrades in the werewolves' sausage factory building. Still flushed from an orgy that morning wherein she awoke tied to Kat's bed using silk scarves at her wrists and ankles, tortured exquisitely by Kat's long tongue and sharp fingernails and teeth and fucked...

3 years ago
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Janet and me part 2

Janet and I had been sleeping together for about a month, well I say sleeping, madly fucking each other would be a better description, and we were in her bed at her house one morning. “I want you to do something for me.” she whispered in my ear. “You know how you finger me when you’re licking me out; I want you to finger my arse this time. “ I was a little taken aback, Janet wasn’t backwards in coming forwards but this was a new one on me. I’d seen anal play and sex before on porn videos but...

2 years ago
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A Sex Addict Slut Making World Go Around

People ask me about my other stories, click on my name above, which leads to all me stories, this is completely fiction, idea is to write erotica on different aspects of it, which helps the arousal around, mail me on for feedbacks, please respect Girls, i do. Its been great fun for last 3 years, I have everything going for me, I am the creative head of an advertising firm, my creative juices are flowing overtime, family is in great place enjoying my money to great deal, being successful has...

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The Night The Boys Were Gone

It was the day of the prom, both my sons have dates and by 4:00pm the house will be empty except for Karen and I. The thought of having the house to our selves was fantastic. Don’t get me wrong, we love our boys whole-heartedly, but it always seems that they would barge into our bedroom at most inopportune times and catch us making love, we would have to scramble to cover up just hear “ what are you guys doing? “ and this is after we said goodnight and told them we were going to bed. (Boy...

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Cyber Sex

Kat kissed her beautiful son goodbye and waved him off for a night at grandma’s. Peace at last she thought as she closed the front door behind her and slumped down onto the warm sofa. A quick flick through the channels showed that there was nothing but crap on the telly again so she decided to go and run a very deep, very warm and soapy bath. As she slipped through the bubbles on the surface, the warm water caressed her body, The warm glow of tea lights flickered and danced on the walls....

Quickie Sex
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Second Thoughts and Last ChancesChapter 18

During the eight years I'd been with Internal Security there were, on average, six annual meetings with either the Senate or House sub-committees. Forty-eight meetings total, give or take, not counting the two joint sessions; once a year to argue over the budget, the other five to explain and update on the department's progress, or lack thereof. And I can categorically state for the record that, with the exception of the first and latest, I'd come away from each one with a splitting...

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Love Comes to the Professor

She sat there, in the very front row, to my immediate left. When I walked into the classroom at the outset of the spring semester, and set my materials down, and met her glance, I knew that I was in big, big trouble.She was a recent transfer student to the Midwestern private college at which I was an adjunct professor. I had noticed her in the hallways in the building in which I taught, and was transfixed by her beautiful eyes and shy smile.And she returned my hallway interest with an interest...

Love Stories
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SexAndSubmission Paige Owens Doctor8217s Orders

Looking very smart in her lab coat and glasses, Dr. Paige Owens readies her syringe for her hysterical patient, Tommy Pistol. She administers the shot and Tommy goes to sleep. He wakes up in Paige’s house, handcuffed to the bed. Paige calms him down and frees him from the cuffs and tells him that she has a job interview lined up for him. He tells Paige that she’s made a big mistake and climbs on top of her. He grabs her tits, spreads her legs, and fingers her pussy. She moans...

3 years ago
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The Landlord

FORCED FEM STORY, THE LANDLORD CHAPTER 1 I quietly closed the big heavy front door shut behind me and nervously looking at the apartment door on the ground floor where the landlord lived; I headed warily towards the staircase. Just a few more paces to the stairway and up the steps to my first floor one bedroom flat and I would have avoided the inevitable confrontation with my landlord for another day. But then I heard the door behind me open and his voice. "Ah hello Sam, have...

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Behind The BarnChapter 8

Sandra wished the ground would open up and swallow her. Shame and mortification flooded through her, crimsoning her downcast face. She was paralyzed with fear, too terrorized even to pull her skirt down over her still lewdly splayed thighs. She was painfully, desperately aware of her husband standing over her, his eyes traveling over the naked plane of her vagina, over her white nylon panties so casually discarded, over Sam's cowering, abject figure. Unable to stand it any longer, Sandra...

2 years ago
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Hyperactive AlexChapter 6 First Semester in College

Alex was putting the plates and tableware on the dinner table. "So, son, how was your first day as a college student?" Alex's father asked. "Confusing. I expected to have trouble finding my way around. But it wasn't too bad. I memorized the names of the buildings, and the rooms were generally in numeric order — except in Cooper Hall where they must have subdivided some large rooms and decided not to renumber old doors. No, the real problem was professors assuming all the students have...

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Charlotte part 8

FIVE MONTHS LATER "Oww..." Charlotte moans as I pull the laces of her corset ever tighter. "Whose stupid idea was this again?" "Yours," I laugh as I give the laces one final pull before tying them in a bow. "I wish I had less imagination," Charlotte laughs as she pulls on the remaining layers of her elaborate Victorian-style ball gown. "Is it at least closed at the back?" "Of course," I say with pride. "If your corset-maker is to be believed, we're both now proud owners of 20...

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Maid Ko Chhoda

Hi all readers , i am writing this story which is true , this story is about me and my maid darti , she is not to black and her body , what can i tell you , she was very hot first i tell you about when that happen , it was happen at when i was just 18 years old and she was 2 year younger than me at that time she was just 16 years old . And one more thing at that age she was styding in 9th class in morning school , and i also was in morning school . So about 1 o’clock at noon i came at home and...

2 years ago
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TJ MorgChapter 29

"Prissy, what's happened this time involving TJ and Morg. We both know the Navy sacked them — a move we'll regret for a very long time; SHOW has just filed formal notification of a price rise in the equipment they provide. Rise? Hades, more like an explosion and don't bother asking, the justification is solid. SHOW has been providing the gear at cost without allowance for R & D expenses. Damned fools! And there is that reconnaissance drone they have developed that we want even though...

4 years ago
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Chapter Two Feminzer disease takes my body over

Chapter Two By Terry Hansay Title: Feminzer disease takes my body over Description: My wife helps me through the Feminzer disease as I become a full women slowly. I had to learn a whole new life with her help. Sorry but I lost it again and could not go into the lingerie store. We sat in the car outside Mary's Bra and Shape Shop. How the heck could I ever walk into a store to buy a bra, I said, just then I broke down crying again, I was very emotional. My wife saw the emotional...

2 years ago
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The Fishing Trip

My husband Greg and I have been married but a few years yet it seems sometimes as if much of the fire has gone from our relationship. For instance, recently he went on a weeklong fishing trip to Canada with his buddies. He is an avid fisherman, and he and his buddies take at least one such trip a year. This year he was consumed with work and preparations the week before the trip; it didn’t much help matters that the middle of week brought the onset of my period. Owing to my strict upbringing,...

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caught her with 3 bbcs

Sue was working a late shift at work and this was her 4 night in a row,she worked a late but normally she only does 1 or 2 every month as she is the manager???i asked her why this was and she said its cos they were short staffed and that they were getting building work done and needed staff in to just be around in case needed but mainly in case they stole things from the was now a Friday night and she was doing another shift i was getting pissed off that she was working it so as a...

2 years ago
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Descriptive touching

It’s been a while since our friendship was anything more than girl friends, but the invitation to stay over had hidden meaning… After dinner we were sat watching TV. Roz moved to face me and asked what I’d been up to. She knew that the day before I’d had company, she suspected that it was a little more than business and was eager to know what happened. I began to recall the afternoon. We were sat on the sofa, he was looking over my shoulder as I described the work that had been done. The...


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