Mr Wilkins free porn video

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Cathy Turnbull wanted a job to earn a little extra spending money. Her husband, Dennis, had a good job, and now that their mortgage was paid up and their daughter, Sarah, was married, they had fewer overheads and more income available for their personal use. However, Cathy also had time on her hands and wanted to do something useful with it. She saw an advert in her local newspaper, asking for people who wanted to help the elderly with their housekeeping and getting shopping and so on, as well as providing a bit of company to people who lived alone and couldn't get out much any more. Cathy's own father had passed away some years previously and her mother had moved away, so it seemed like the perfect opportunity to do something worthwhile with her time.

She therefore contacted the agency that placed the ad and within a few days of sending them a written application, she was invited to go along for an interview. She was taken on and spent the first two weeks shadowing another woman, to make sure that she understood what the job involved, and then she was assigned her own client. It had been agreed that just one person, a few hours a day and for five or more days every week, was enough of a commitment if Cathy only wanted to work part-time. His name was William Wilkins and Cathy had already gotten to know him a little during her induction fortnight, so she was quite looking forward to her first day of working on her own. Her husband was very supportive, as usual, and they had discussed 'Mr Wilkins' in depth.

" ... Apparently he was born just before the Second World War started, so he's only a few years older than my mum and dad. And it says here that he has a few medical problems that restrict mobility and he's single, not a widower. He always seemed very polite when I met him, too, so I think we'll get on all right!"

Cathy parked her car in front of the small house where Mr Wilkins lived. By now she was naturally a little apprehensive, but overall, relaxed, as she rang the doorbell. It was not unusual for domestic helpers to be trusted with one of their clients' door keys, in cases of impaired mobility, but as yet she had not been given one. After only a few minutes, William Wilkins answered the door.

"Hello again, Mrs Turnbull. Please come in!"

"Thank you, Mr Wilkins: and please call me Cathy. May I call you William, or do you prefer to keep it formal?"

"No, not in the least, Cathy ... but I prefer 'Bill' to 'William'. May I offer you a cup of tea?"

"Yes, please, Bill, but I'll follow you so that I can see where you keep things."

Cathy noticed that Bill was dressed quite casually, but that he was clean shaven. And as she followed him to his kitchen, he appeared to be walking quite normally, if a little slowly. The kitchen was compact, but also clean and tidy: he was expecting her, so cups and saucers were standing, waiting.

"Your file says that you suffer from arthritis, Bill: how is it at the moment?"

"Oh, not so bad at the moment, thank you! It tends to be worse in cold and damp weather, so on days like this it's much better. When it's bad my knees and hips are the worst; but I also get a touch in my wrists as well. My mother was a chronic sufferer, so perhaps there's a family predisposition: I just hope that I don't eventually get it as bad as her, but the medication that they prescribe now helps a lot."

He had no trouble carrying the tray with the tea and biscuits back to his sitting room, where Cathy sat on the sofa, while Bill had his favourite armchair.

"As you may know, Bill, I'm here today to find out how best I can help you. I'm not sure all that Peggy Armitage did while she was here, as I only made a couple of brief visits with her before, but in theory I can do anything you want and you know that you only have to ask. Getting you a bit of shopping is no problem, but I have my car, so if you feel like a run out to the shops at any time, we can do that, too. And I'm not a bad cook, so if you want, I'll be happy to oblige, as well as doing a bit of housework for you, but from the looks of it, you aren't doing such a bad job yourself. Tell me, Bill, do you have family and friends who look in on you?"

"Not really family: my parents are long gone, of course. I have a younger brother, Michael, but I haven't seen him for several years; although we speak on the telephone several times a month. He has a wife, children, grandchildren, and possibly even great-grand­children, but they are all scattered throughout the world and my brother lives in the North-East. I still have a few acquaintances from when I worked, but as I have no car, I only really see them when they can make it to me, which again is fairly infrequently.

"As you may know, Cathy, I never married. I'm not anti the institution, but it just never happened for me ... and to be honest, I don't think that there's ever been a time that I regretted it. When I was working I took regular holidays, both here and abroad, and I have never been bored with my own company, or been at a loss with what to do with my time. Mrs Armitage only started coming here a few months ago and although she was pleasant enough company, a few hours at a time was enough for me! You also seem a very pleasant person, Cathy, and I'm sure that I will enjoy your company equally as well, but I'm afraid that you might find me a bit set in my ways..."

"That's fine by me, Bill! As I said, I'm here to help you in any way that I can, and not to impose upon your life any more than you want me too."

Over the next few weeks, and despite what Bill had said, Cathy found him to be a very warm, charming, and hospitable man. While she was upstairs doing little household jobs, he invariably sat at the dining table downstairs, reading his newspapers; but when Cathy was pottering around downstairs, they usually chatted while she went about her business. But there was also time for them to both sit and relax and at such times Cathy told him about her life and family; and in return Bill talked about his former career in the Civil Service, which now provided him with a very generous pension, so that he could live comfortably without money concerns. He was also very well read and it seemed to Cathy that there wasn't much that he didn't know something about.

There were days, too, when they went to the local supermarket in Cathy's car, which he enjoyed very much; and although it was well outside of her professional obligation, with Dennis' approval, Bill was invited round for Sunday lunch. Cathy's husband, Dennis, was a very straight-forward, working-class man, but he, too, took an instant liking to Bill.

While Cathy was at Bill's, having a tea break one day, the subject of marriage came up in the conversation. It was one of the few things that he had never experienced, first hand, so he was reluctant to offer any opinions, as was his way. However, he was always open to discussions about most things, so they continued to talk.

"I hope you don't mind me asking you this, Bill, but sex has always been an important part of my marriage, even after nearly thirty years, so it's difficult for me to imagine living without it, now! Have you ever been in a relationship with another person: after all, you are an attractive man and not being married doesn't necessar­ily mean living a sexless life." Bill looked at her and smiled, wryly.

" ... I'm afraid that in my case it does! When I was younger people were promiscuous, of course; but there didn't seem to be the same sort of pressures to have sex that young people today face. And of course people had sexual relationships outside of marriage, they had extra-marital affairs, and young unmarried women had illegitimate children; but there were also a lot of people who waited until their wedding night. I was also in a profession that empha­sised good character and high standards of moral behaviour, and to be involved in a sexual liaison would have jeopardised that if one was caught. So as I never married, I abstained ... and the longer that I abstained, the least important any libidinous feelings became.

"I believe that I know you well enough, Cathy, to confess to you that I occasionally indulged in self-relief whenever I felt that it was necessary; but even that, too, becomes less of a necessity as time passes. And there is that aphorism: that what you've never had, you never miss. Well, I can assure you that that's true, but only up to a certain point ... I consider myself to be an inquisitive and open-minded man, so of course I've considered what it must be like ... but I have never allowed it to become an obsession."

Cathy was intrigued, so she perhaps pushed the subject further than she would have with someone that she knew less well, or who she liked less:

"I believe my husband when he says that I'm still an attractive and desirable woman, Bill ... out of curiosity, is that how I appear to you as well?" For a normally quite decisive man, he seemed to take a long time considering his answer:

" ... Yes, Cathy ... I find you to be an attractive and desirable woman: and as the popular cliché goes; I perhaps find myself wishing that I was thirty years younger..."

That evening, as they lay in bed, having enjoyed each other sexually, Cathy and Dennis talked about what Bill had said earlier.

"Do you think that there are many people like Bill, Love?" Cathy asked Dennis, "Although he never said it in so many words, I don't think that he's ever been with a woman."

"It's hard to say. Although he's right, and kids do seem to get pushed into sex earlier nowadays; I think that there are still people who abstain, as he calls it, for religious and other cultural reasons; but I think for Bill's generation it was commoner than ours. We were, what, fifteen and sixteen when we first slept together, and I know that I was almost desperate to do it with someone at that age ... I was just lucky that it was you, Cath! But there were a couple of elderly aunts in the family when I was that age who weren't married and I think we always assumed that they were virgins ... whether that was true or not, I don't know!" Cathy was thoughtful.

" ... Den, do you remember when we broke up for a while when we were still kids?"

"Of course ... I'll never forget that! Why do you ask?"

" ... Well ... and don't go getting all upset ... but would you mind if I started flirting with Bill a bit! He's such a nice man, and a real gentleman, I'd just like him to experience it for himself!"

"When you say 'flirting a bit', what exactly do you mean?" Dennis asked her. Cathy hugged him closer.

" ... Hmm ... I don't really know! Maybe being a bit more provocative with what I wear: you know; shorter skirts and tighter tops, that sort of thing; and maybe being a bit more 'touchy-feely' with him. I won't sneak around and do anything behind your back, and we'll always talk about it like we're doing now, Love..."

" ... And are we talking sex, Cath..."

" ... Again, I honestly don't know, Love ... he's in his seventies, and with his arthritis, I don't know if he'd be up to it; and, anyway, if it's going to bother you, it stays here and goes no further. I'm not looking for a lover, Babe: just a way to make a sweet old man's twilight years a bit better!"

" ... Okay!" Dennis said, "But we have to agree a couple of things first: please be careful that you're doing this for Bill and not just for you! I know you only have the best of intentions, Cath, but sometimes it's best to let sleeping dogs lie; if you know what I mean! The other thing is: if you do end up in bed together, I think that I'd rather not know the details, if you don't mind. I know what we have is strong; but I honestly don't know how I'll handle you being with someone else in that way. And once you start this, it's not something that you can undo easily!" Cathy snuggled up even closer and kissed her husband passion­ately.

"I really do love you, Babe, and I don't want to hurt you again, so if it gets too uncomfortable for you, just tell me, please!"

So from then on, Cathy Turnbull never did anything other than what she had been doing before, apparently, but instead of wearing jeans every time that she went to Bill's, she also started wearing skirts that were a little shorter than she usually wore and which showed off her legs which she tended to leave uncovered, too. She had been issued with a type of apron that fitted over her head, tied at the sides, and finished just below the tops of her thighs, front and back. This was obviously intended to act as a kind of uniform and to be a form of protection for her clothes; but the design also softened the lines of the wearer's bottom and a woman's breasts. It wasn't mandatory to wear it, but Cathy usually did. However, she now started leaving it off at Bill's, and apart from emphasising her shapely bottom, she wore fairly close-fitting tops that highlighted her full bust. If Bill noticed, he was too polite to comment; but Cathy was sure that she saw him looking at her a bit more than he had been doing up until then.

They had also found out, during the course of their informal chats, that Cathy and Bill were both fans of musical theatre. Bill, having worked in Central London for all of his long career, had seen most of the shows in the West End going back decades, and he had many stories to tell Cathy about his memories of them. Since his retirement and the onset of his infirmity, however, he had had to stop going as often as he once did and a trip to the theatre was now also an infrequent event. He did, however, have a large collection of recordings of the shows and sometimes he put one of these on while Cathy was there and they would sit and listen to it together. And so it happened that one day she went to Bill's, as usual, and while they were having tea, she said:

"I don't know if you're interested, Bill, but Dennis was given two tickets to see Les Misérables, but he can't go. As you know, it's one of my favourites, although I've only seen it on TV, so he asked me to ask you if you wanted to go with me. It's for next Wednesday, so you can have time to think about it, and then if you want to go, we'll work out the details." Bill wasn't what you would call 'hasty', but this was something that required little consideration.

" ... Well, I have seen it before, but not for some years now; so, yes, I'd love to go with you, Cathy!" She leaned in and put her arms around his neck and kissed his cheek.

"Thank you so much, Bill!" she exclaimed, "I'm really looking forward to it!" Bill looked a little flustered by her reaction, but he smiled, nevertheless.

That Sunday he was invited round to Dennis and Cathy's for lunch again, and afterwards they were all in the sitting room: Cathy and Dennis on the sofa, holding hands, and Bill in an armchair.

"I'm sorry that you're unable to take Cathy to the theatre, Dennis, it's a great show!"

"So I believe, Bill, but to tell you the truth, I'm not sure how much I would have enjoyed it ... musicals are Cathy's thing, not mine; but I have to work that night, anyway. Which brings me onto something else, Bill. Do you think that it would be possible for Cath to stay at your place that night: she'll be there anyway during the day, so rather than come home and then go back to yours later, she can take her things with her and change; and if she came home afterwards, it would only be to an empty house." Cathy didn't know that her husband was going to say this, but she smiled and gripped his hand a little tighter.

"Yes, I suppose that would be all right," Bill replied, "But we'll have to sort something out about the sleeping arrangements; my spare room isn't really set up for overnight guests at the moment..."

"Oh, don't go to any trouble, Bill!" Dennis said, "You are both adults and it's only for one night ... and I know that you're a gentleman, Bill, and Cathy has my complete trust!"

" ... Well ... erm ... as long as you don't object, Dennis..."

" ... That's all right with you, isn't it, Love?" Dennis said. Cathy looked lovingly into her husband's eyes and smiled.

" ... Just as long as you're fine with it, Babe..."

Monday and Tuesday were just like other days: neither Bill nor Cathy really talked about Wednesday, except that Bill said that he would pay for the taxis between his North London home and the Haymarket, and then back. Unfortunately, at three hours, the production was too long to realistically have supper somewhere afterwards, so they agreed to eat before they left.

Cathy arrived at Bill's on Wednesday carrying her dress for the evening on a hanger and her other clothes and overnight things in a small case. She took these straight up to Bill's bedroom. It was very strange for Cathy to think that in a few hours time that she would be, for the first time in over thirty years, sharing a bed with a man who wasn't her husband, and with her husband's consent. Oh, how she loved him at that moment! She had no prior conception about what would happen in that bed ... perhaps nothing ... but there was still a deep sense of excitement at the thought!

It was perhaps even stranger for Bill: the last female that he had shared a bed with was his mother; and as he was a baby at the time, he had no recollection of it at all. But he thought about the woman who he now considered, even after knowing her for such a short time, to be a friend. He was attracted to her personality, and as he had admitted, he could admire her femininity; but sexual attraction was new to him, and being the product of a proper upbringing and always having had an utmost respect for women in general, he wasn't sure if such a thing was allowed in Cathy's case. He had begun to wonder, though, what those curves that were concealed beneath her clothes might actually look like without their concealment ... and as he lay in bed some nights and his thoughts strayed to her, he found himself having the great desire to touch his manhood.

Because the theatre curtain rose at 7:30, Cathy and Bill found themselves sitting down to eat at the early time of 4:30. Cathy was a person who usually enjoyed a long soak in the bath, but as Bill also had to bathe, they both took showers. Bill went first, and while he was in the bathroom, Cathy undressed and when Bill returned to his bedroom with a towel around his waist, he found Cathy waiting, dressed only in her underwear.

"Oh ... I'm so sorry!" he blustered when he saw her.

"Don't be silly, Bill: we are friends, aren't we, and I was brought up to not be either ashamed or embarrassed about my body. I appreciate that it might be strange for you, but it's really nothing, I assure you! Here, let me take the rest off while I'm here..."

It took her only a few moments to release her bra's fastening and shrug it off her shoulders; followed moments later by her knickers being discarded. She stood in front of Bill and turned slowly around. Bill's eyes moved over all of her body but he didn't speak.

"Why don't you take that towel off now, Bill?"

He hesitated for a moment or two, then tugged at the corner that was tucked into the towel at the waistline. Bill was quite tall and lean, but surprisingly taut-skinned for a man of his age. It was Cathy's turn to look him over, and of course she checked-out his groin: her Dennis was probably bigger overall, she noted, but Bill seemed to have a nice-sized penis sticking out from between its surrounding silver-grey hair.

"There you go, Bill ... it wasn't so bad, was it! Now you finish dressing and I'll have my shower!" She leaned in and quickly kissed his cheek.

Bill was very fastidious about his appearance when he had to be, and when Cathy returned a short time later, he was sitting on the side of the bed applying the finishing touches to his highly-polished shoes. Cathy was naked and towelling her hair dry. Bill looked up and focussed first on her 34D-size breasts, but he seemed most intrigued by her hairless groin. He was by no means naïve, but in his limited experience adult women always had hair in that place, the same as he did. Cathy finished drying her hair and smiled.

"We don't have time now, Love, but I'll explain all about the female form later, if you'd like me to."

"Yes ... if you wouldn't mind, Cathy..."

Taking a jar of moisturiser out of her case, Cathy started to rub it into her skin. Bill offered to wait downstairs, but she told him to stay. He tried to seem dispassionate but he was genuinely interested in what she was doing and it would have been disingenuous to pretend otherwise. He had seen more female flesh in the last hour than in the past seven decades!

Her skin now moisturised and soft, Cathy took a pair of sheer, black, self-supporting stockings and sat on the bed and worked them up her silky legs. A pair of black bikini briefs were next, and finally a black, lace bra. Bill had no need for a dressing table, so Cathy sat in front of a full-length dressing mirror while she applied subtle make-up to her lips and eyelids. Another time she would have applied coloured varnish to her finger and toe nails, but on this occasion she just dressed her finger nails with an emery board.

"Did you order the taxi, Bill?"

"Yes, while you were showering: I asked for one for six-thirty, which should give us plenty of time: when I was working I occasionally took taxis in the morning."

While she was sitting, Cathy put on a pair of nice shoes with a moderate size heel, then, standing up, she took her favourite cocktail dress off of its hanger and stepped into it. "Will you do the honours, Love," she said, turning her back to Bill. He briefly admired the smooth swell of her contours from the back, then tugged on the zip until it was all the way up. Cathy looked at herself in the mirror.

"That's it ... transformation complete ... how do I look, Bill?"

"You look very beautiful, Cathy!" She smiled.

" ... And flattery will get you everywhere! I'll just get my shawl, then we can go down and wait for the taxi." Bill slipped on his suit jacket. " ... And may I say that you are looking very handsome tonight, Mr Wilkins!"

The black cab arrived more or less on time and Bill held the door open while Cathy climbed in. They sat close together on the back seat and Cathy held Bill's hand.

"Oh, it was even better than I imagined it would be!" Cathy exclaimed as they climbed into the taxi that would take them back to Bill's house. They had both been caught up in the energy and exhilaration of the show and the adrenalin was still pumping around their bodies. Bill, in particular, whose life now was otherwise very sedate, felt younger than he had in years: and he was in no doubt that that was due to the influence of the attractive middle-aged lady that sat beside him in the cab and clutched his arm against her side and ample bosom. They chatted about what they had just seen: Bill said that it was every bit as good as he remembered it being with the original cast; perhaps even better! They had had a couple of glasses of wine during the interval, but the adrenalin had by now counteracted the effects of the alcohol.

When the taxi stopped outside his house, Bill paid the driver and added a generous tip. They went inside and straight up to the bedroom to change.

"What time do you usually go to bed, Bill?"

"Well, no set time, just when I get tired; but I don't mind if you want to go to bed now."

" ... Hmm ... might as well when I've had a pee and cleaned my teeth. Which side of the bed do you prefer?"

"No preference, but I suppose the left. Is that all right with you?"

"Yes, no problem!"

"Then I'll just get into my pyjamas before I use the bathroom..."

"Why don't you leave them off tonight, Bill: Just leave your shorts on until you're ready to get into bed ... I'm sure that it will be warm enough with two of us in there!"

" ... Perhaps you're right..."

Cathy didn't even ask this time; she just turned away from Bill and he unzipped her dress. She slid it off, stepped out of it, then put it back onto its hanger. Bill meanwhile was hanging up his suit, which he returned to the wardrobe where it was kept. As he took off his tie, then his shirt, Cathy sat on the bed and took off her stockings. She rarely wore anything in bed and as Bill had already seen her naked she just took off her underwear and put it in the case. Bill stood in his underpants waiting for her.

"Do you want to take turns?" he asked, as she used paper tissues to get the bulk of her make-up off.

"Not unless you do, Love ... I've seen men pee before!"

Bill stood in front of his bathroom mirror, brushing his teeth. He looked straight ahead, but he flushed a little at the unmistakable sounds coming from a few feet away, as Cathy sat on the toilet. Cathy smiled to herself when their roles were reversed, and Bill seemed unable to pass water while she was there. She diplomatically rinsed and spat, then left him alone in the bathroom.

When Bill walked into the room that was usually his alone, Cathy was on top of the covers, sitting up, with her back supported by pillows.

"It's time for the lesson I promised you, Bill ... if you're still up for it!" She laughed, softly, " ... Sorry, no pun intended!" Bill smiled.

"Yes, I'm ready..."

She leaned forward and patted the bed. When Bill was sitting and turned towards her, Cathy drew up her legs and allowed her thighs to fall apart.

"Get closer and take a good look, Bill, Love. This is what all the fuss is about..."

He wasn't at all aroused by Cathy's vulva inches from his face, but Bill, as stated, was intensely curious.

"I've seen diagrams in books, but the real thing is very different, isn't it," he said. Cathy pulled her labia apart to give him an even better look.

"Yes, I expect most adolescent boys nowadays have seen quite explicit videos by the time that they get to see a real one up close, so there is no mystery; but I'm sure men and boys of our generation had no idea, Bill; and even when they were married they might not have seen one up close. How many little boys and girls grew up thinking that it was all a bit dirty? It was all right for a man to put his penis into a vagina, but he didn't need to see where he was putting it; and all that pubic hair didn't help either! Do you want to touch me, Bill?"

" ... If you don't mind ... but tell me if I'm hurting you." Cathy smiled.

"You're very sweet, but they're designed to take quite a lot of ... what shall we say ... action. It's a sensitive place and a woman can get sore, but they are quite resilient. So go on, have a feel."

He reached out and tentatively touched Cathy's vulva with his fingertips.

" ... Well, it's much softer than I imagined; and there's a lot of give in it, too, isn't there."

"Yes, that's because men come in all different shapes and sizes, so it has to be able to adapt to suit them. If you don't mind me saying, Bill, you look like you have a nice size penis ... I usually call them cocks, by the way ... but of course there are bigger ones and smaller ones as well. And don't forget that some women have to get babies out of there, too; and afterwards they have to close right up again.

"So if you've seen diagrams, Bill, you know what the parts are called and probably what they're for, so now I want you to stick a finger inside me. Up until the menopause, a women produces a vaginal lubricant when she starts to become aroused, so as long as that happens, a finger or two inside won't hurt; and as you can probably see, I'm already a bit moist. Can you see it on my lips?"

Bill thought that he detected something, but just before he pushed his finger into Cathy's vagina, he put his finger into his mouth. Then, still quite cautiously, he worked the tip of his index finger into her opening, then slowly pushed deeper. Feeling no resistance, he kept pushing until it was right up to the bottom knuckle.

" ... It's very hard to describe. It's quite warm and wet and slippery: I suppose the nearest equivalent I can think of is putting a finger in your mouth."

" ... Yes, and I think that's why men like oral sex! But just keep your finger there for a while, Bill; but don't move it around."

Cathy contracted her internal muscles and Bill felt something that seemed to be gripping his finger.

" ... That surprises a lot of men! And it's something that a mouth can't do as well: but the anus is supposed to. I don't like anal sex, but I know a lot of women ... and men ... say that they do.

"Now try two fingers, Bill, and move them around inside me, please." Bill duly obliged and Cathy was soon feeling the effects of his two fingers rubbing against her vaginal canal.

" ... Yes, it's nice; but I think that you ought to stop for a minute, Love...

"I think we need to get some sleep soon, but there are a couple more things that I'd like to show you before then. You've heard me mention oral sex: well, that's just the way for someone to stimulate a woman or a man by using their mouth: their lips and tongue; rather than fingers or even sex toys. And for both types of oral sex, it really makes no difference if males or females do it. So how do feel about doing it to me now?"

" ... Well, this is a night for new discoveries, isn't it! I don't suppose that it is something that I will ever do again after tonight ... so if you are agreeable, Cathy, I'd like to have a go." She smiled warmly.

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I sucked Marcells cock harder and stroked his shaft wanting him to cum in my mouth as I had my climax.  He moaned and pushed his cock into my mouth deep and I could feel it spurting its hot cum into my mouth filling it full.  I swallowed as much as I could and kept sucking trying to get more. The cock in my pussy began to erupt and pump its hot cum into me.  I could feel it jerk and spurt into me each time.  I pushed back against it hard feeling it hit the bottom of my pussy as it jerked and...

2 years ago
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Just As He Is Part 8

Introduction: Is the kid sister raped?, did their uncle rape his daughter?, that little talk, rub-a-dub-dub – big brother in the tub AUTHORS UPDATE: The next chapter will be the epilogue of this series. Will Julie find a new boyfriend? How did the brothers new fiancee lose her cherry? What does the fiancee have in common with Julie? In the segment below on the little talk, reference is made to the prospect of peepholes for viewing into revealing quarters. With characters from this series,...

1 year ago
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You Are A Sissy Faggot

Look at you, you are pathetic so pathetic your ex-girlfriend dropped you off at my place. This note says she caught you dressed like a slut sucking a man's cock. It says you were dressed in black negligee garter and fishnet stalking, you were done up right. Now strip out of those clothes I want to see what you have and make it fast because I will discipline you with this crop if you don't hurry. Well, well, well your ass is sexy like a girl's huh just the right bubble and look at this a...

1 year ago
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Oedipus at home

On the drive back from the train station...Driving home was completely silent for 45 minutes. 18 year old Danny watched his mom Diana drive with a subtle smile on his face. Waiting."Danny." she finally started."Yes mom?""You are not to touch me like that... any more." she hesitates at the end. Sounds lame even to herself."What so now you don't like it when I stick things up your big cute butt?" he teases.She blushes and says, "It is not that... I mean it is that. No... I don't want you to do...

3 years ago
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Bi Couple Tricked Me

Before I met my wife I had a few sexual adventures that involved Bi married couples. My favorite is a Bi married couple, who turned the tables on me. I though I would get some pussy from his beautiful wife. Let her suck and fuck my cock. I would suck her pussy and lick her asshole for her BUT NO, She let me know real quick that I was only there to suck her husbands cock before and while he fucked her ass and cunt.Then I was to lick his cock clean. She told me that while I was sucking her...

1 year ago
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MonstersOfCock Gina Valentina Monster Cock Steals Ginas Pussy

Gina was on the Bang Bros website on her laptop. Watching one the hot videos on there got her all hot and horny, Meanwhile, a burglar has entered her place. As he is looking around, he sees Gina using a big dildo on herself. He starts jerking off, and then she realizes the well endowed black intruder is watching her. Instead of contacting the authorities, she decides take on the monster cock. She can barely fit the huge dick in her mouth and pussy, but that doesn’t stop Gina. After getting her...

2 years ago
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An Unusual Day For Cynthia Ch 02

As we made out on the floor for a bit all I could think about was how lucky I am to be here. Glenn is my best wet dream come true. The weight of his body on mine was perfect combined with the smell of sex in the air and the taste of his mouth, I admit I felt a bit drunk. Glenn broke off our kiss and panting he whispered in my ear, “You are wearing entirely too many clothes. I refuse to let you into my bedroom until you get naked.” I could feel myself blushing from head to toes. “Glenn,” I...

4 years ago
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Pyasi jawani

Hi friend this is my sixth story, hope you like it. Let me start. I am 26 years old, height 5’11”. Rest of story in hindi now so you can enjoy. Mera naam Rahul….. Hai, mai Lucknow mein rehta hoon.Ek private company mein hoon.meri yeh kahani kuch 6 Month purani hai.mera ek dost hai jis ka naam rohit hey hum log akser uss ke ghar pe ja ke baith kar time pass keya karte thee. Uss ghar pe uss ka bada bhai ,bahabi jin ki shadi ko ek saal ho chukka tha aur rohit ke dady rehte thee mai bhi un ke sath...

3 years ago
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Finding ShelterChapter 5

It was already dark when we got back to my house — not a surprise since it seemed to get dark at 3 p.m. I should mention that I hate winter, too. Kasey was sitting in my living room with a huge smile on her face. It was surprising on a number of levels. First, I didn't expect her back for a few more days. Secondly, she rarely came to my house when I wasn't home. Third, it was rare to see her smile. "I'm supposed to scope out what's going on here," she said conspiratorially. "Sure,...

3 years ago
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Desert Heat Part 27

Desert Heat – Part 27Saturday, Aug. 18, 1985All five of us seemed to wake at the same time, but no one knew why. We got up, fixed breakfast and asked Pepper what she had in mind. She said she wasn’t sure and was open to suggestions. As we sipped our coffee, we looked at each other and I could tell by the looks on their faces that they had ideas, but were hesitant to speak out. I knew it was because of my statement about not getting arrested which meant that it was up to me to make the first...

1 year ago
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my gurl and her friend give me their anal cherries

This is me jAckMihoFF!! And this is wat hapned tonight.......I'll skip thru the stuff noone wants to read pretty quick. I'm 22 mex 5'7 140 long hair with tats everywhere, My gurl 23 5'5 give or take 150 white green eyes blonde hair up and down big titties with a matchin FAT FAT ass The kind u wanna slap, Not the kind with moon craters hahah. Her friend who will kall toni kus that's her name ahhh! Is pretty sexy but its manly the big titties and the fact That she told my gurl she wants to fuck...

3 years ago
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Not Always As They Seem

This is a story involving mostly crossdressing and sex situations. It is fantasy and I hope you enjoy. Not always as they seem By [email protected] I was kind of young, around 12, when I first experimented with the wearing of female clothing. My first attempts were merely out of curiosity and involved apparel from my mother's wardrobe. None of it fit well but that was beside the point at the time. I was doing it because I wanted to, not to make a fashion statement. In those...

2 years ago
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Fun in the sunshine state

Fun in the Sunshine StateMy wife(Mary) and me always hear and want to go to Flordia, go to Dayton Beach Bike week beacuse we had heard great time and would be our chance to go to Flordia. So off we went to Dayton Beach to final be in Florida and get to see this bike week. We arrive at our hotel for the week, check in and get luggage to room when Mary say" Let go check this Bad Ass bike week out, see some of the sights." I say "ok"! We start look going through the tent t- shirts for the event,...

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She Stole My Wife Ch 05

Part 5: Kim's Change Of Life, And An End To The Story.Andrea and Kim argued. Frequently. Kim became very emotional. She got nauseous at cooking odors, especially when Andrea cooked. She wasn't looking her normal self, and Andrea became frustrated that she didn't want to make love nearly as often as before the divorce party. I pissed off Andrea when I announced that I had bought a house down by the water, and would be moving out over the next month. Things weren't turning out as she had planned....

2 years ago
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Im In Love With My Stripper Wife

It was after ten when I pulled into my driveway after rehearsal. For the past two weeks I had rehearsal every evening and it seemed like I hadn’t seen my wife, Galatea, in months, as she would be asleep when I got home, and I would leave before she got home from work. It was a vicious cycle and the stress of not being able to love my wife was mounting. So on this night, I turned the car off and sat in the driveway and just thought about how hot and sexy the woman I love is. My thoughts of...

Wife Lovers
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Full Circle Chapter One

Criticism is always appreciated be it good or bad all I as is that you be clear in what you are trying to say. PM's are also accepted. Be Nice;~} Full Circle It was tough. Here I was 63 years of age and a widower. I had just lost my wife of 30 years to cancer and didn’t know what to do or where to go. There wasn’t a funeral as such as my wife had wanted her body given to medical science and the children had known for some years, ever since Carol took sick and the prognosis wasn’t good...

1 year ago
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The Way BackChapter 8

I woke on Thursday to the sound of my phone telling me I had a text message. It was from Geoff, reminding me that he was picking me up at 8.30. I glanced at the clock by the bed: 7.30. Now for a man in good physical shape, an hour is plenty to get washed, dressed and breakfasted. For me it was not so easy, and so I missed breakfast. Geoff took me to the Toyota Dealership and we leased an automatic car. It would be delivered within the week. Then we met some buyers and I watched Geoff trying...

3 years ago
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Closing time

Closing time.Just before closing Leah enter into the abandoned supermarket. At the end of the last aisle she stands for refrigerated display cabinets. A hand reaches past her and grabs something from the showcase. Although he stands behind her, his body barely touched hers. His breathing down her neck when he says "You smell horny”. She clears her throat and says "What do you want from me". Arjan comes closer and says "You know what I want". Leah feels his hard cock as he pushes against her...

1 year ago
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Donna Finally Female

Donna, Finally Female. For those that have not followed this story, my birth name was David Johnson, I was an orphan, I made friends with Donna Wilkinson also an orphan, we both found out we were trapped in the wrong body, so with the help of hormone pills stolen from Donna's place of work we simply became one another, I became Donna a buxom size 24 girl with a 42-34-42 figure, while Donna became Dave an slightly overweight guy who now loves sport and works as an apprentice...

1 year ago
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Fringe Benefits

I would have to have been blind not to notice that personnel had hired a new mail boy. The kid was incredible: I say kid, but he was in his early twenties. Since turning forty, everyone under thirty seems like a kid. Anyway. The kid was hot. I wanted to get a closer look but couldn't decide how to approach him. Vice Presidents don't traditionally make small talk with mail boys. While working late one evening I paid a visit to the men's washroom. I couldn't believe my good fortune when I rounded...

2 years ago
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ProfNigma Stories 9 Learning Curves 7

September 2810:36 amUCLA- Scott HallRoom 602Tori Vega was having a spectacular dream, but the reality that she slowly woke up to, as the sun peeked just enough to hit her eyes, was some-thing far more wonderful. She first noticed the smell. It was the smell of sex, sweaty and hot, but also of a guy's body wash. Old Spice or something… But man, did it smell good to her.Taking a huge whiff, her eyes opened and she found herself in just her underwear, in Jade's room, and most surprisingly, with...

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The Mover Ch 07

Isabella De Carlo lay crumpled in a fetal position and tried to protect herself as Blackwell kicked her repeatedly in her ribs. ‘What were you thinking? How could you be so foolish? You know how much I need her cooperation, and you tell the pigeon that you’ve been sleeping with her man!’ ‘I’m sorry, but I couldn’t stand the look on her face! I couldn’t just walk away, knowing Don still loved her more than he cares for me!’ ‘So you let your foolish pride compromise our mission?’ Isabella...

4 years ago
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I Seduced Aunt Or Aunt Seduced Me

Hi friends..this is kittusharma..I’m a vizagate..I’m sharing my experience if you find it interesting please mail me at I’m from a very decent family. My neighbor aunty is a very good friend of my mom.Both of them share a very good friendship. I used to go to my aunt’s house till my 10th. But after schooling everything got to change. My aunt is a sex bomb. She is the sexiest lady in saree. I wonder how she maintains her stats. Till date her stats are awesome. Her hip is the most...

1 year ago
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Adult Empire For Women

Some websites just do their thing. Some joints manage to beat the fierce competition and stay afloat long enough to become legends, despite a shitload of other websites offering the same merch. Meet! The place that captures that 90's vibe. The time when fuckers had to hide their boners while on their way to buy adult magazines. Wanking off was still a taboo, which made things a whole lot interesting.Adultempire is so freaking huge that each of its categories deserves a separate...

Premium Porn For Women Sites
2 years ago
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The LardAss Saga

The LardAss Saga by JEP Chapter I BigTits and LardAss ( or – an exercisein filling holes ) He had been setting up the plan for fifteen months and now it was finallytime to bring it to reality. The first part of the plan was to select the twoladies. One was named Linda. He had been observing her for over six monthsat church and knew she was the one. She was 30 years old, 5' 8, long blondehair, a fantastic body, and a totally haughty attitude. That would change.Her tits were huge and...

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Doctor Who and the Temple of Voluptas

With a wheezing, groaning sound the TARDIS materialised a foot above the ground and promptly dropped heavily onto the field below. The door opened and a cloud of white smoke poured out along with a slim dark haired male in a blue suit. Closely followed by a gorgeous, curvy blonde who was coughing. The Doctor turned to Rose. "That solar storm really hurt the old girl," he said referring to the Blue Police box. "We'll have to stay here for a bit whilst she recovers." "Where are we?" asked the...

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South American Police Rape of the Sisters

© Copyrighted 2004 by Powerone She was bound with her hands behind her back with heavy metal handcuffs. She complained that they put them on too tight, but they ignored her. Her bra was gone, her shorts unzipped and open, her pink panties showing. She was pushed along the corridor of cells, some of them open to the hallway, others just ominous large metal doors, the unknown behind them. She looked in some of the cells and was surprised at what she saw. There were other girls in them like...

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in laws

We had always been a very open family and being naked was nothing special in front of each other. I married Tina when she was 21 years old, I was five years older, a year later she gave birth to our daughter Sara. Ten years later Tina died in a road accident. Obviously we were devastated and my mother in law, Kate, came more into our lives to help Sara cope. I buried myself in my work, I was self-employed and was always very busy working loads of hours. Nevertheless I missed the great sex life...

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A Hot Threesome

I met up with Lita and Trish at a bar. I got to know them both pretty well. Trish the sexy Canadian Blonde is wearing a sparkling tang top and a black leather mini skirt, along with black high heels. Lita the hot, dirty red head is wearing all black; tang top, mini skirt, and high heels. I saw her thong once and it's dark red. Trish on the other hand is not wearing anything underneath. Both ladies were sitting across from me at a table. I checked underneath the table and saw Trish's pussy and...

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Submission Knows No Limits

Submission Knows No Limits                                                     By                                  Katey Caine                             i am kneeling, completely naked, in the position that i am to assume with my Master. He has told me that i must always have my eyes downward, kneeling with my back straight and my hands behind my back. He has told me that i am not allowed to wear clothes in His presence, except in public, outside the confines of the house. Within these...

4 years ago
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Gang Bang Mom0

“You... were... great” Michelle whispered as she nuzzled my neck and planted little kisses behind my ear. I lifted my tired, sweaty body one last time, just high enough to kiss her on the lips. “I love you baby” I sighed, exhausted but contented. Michelle didn't repeat my statement, nor did she even acknowledge it. She just looked in my eyes and smiled. She didn't have to say anything, I knew she loved me. She always had and always would. Twins know that sort of things. “I have to...

4 years ago
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First LoveChapter 29

Matt had tried to forget about Jen after that night when they'd played poker, and told himself he had. He didn't see her anymore at Mike's. He asked another girl, Lindsay, to Homecoming. He liked her too. But he didn't ask her out, and eventually they stopped talking. But Jen was always in the back of his mind, whenever he saw her he felt the same rush of nervousness, feeling sick to his stomach. One time during lunch, she walked by his group on her way to the parking lot. One of his...

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Olivias Encore

I woke up and looked at the clock, 3:30 AM; my usual time to get up to answer nature’s call. Getting older sucks. I eased out of bed and made my way to the bathroom. I didn’t want to disturb the little angel next to me. I got a drink of water and eased back into bed trying not to disturb Olivia. Regardless of my efforts, Olivia stirred. She opened one eye, asked me what time it was. I told her it was 3:45 and to go back to sleep. She snuggled up to me, put her head on my chest and we drifted...

2 years ago
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Avatar The Legend of Korra and the Immortal Avatar

After her death at 230 years old I was still around, I had mastered all the elements and energy bending as well as metal bending, but I kept this to myself with only my now deceased family knowing who I really was. I lived on whilst all my friends and family passed on like leaves in the wind and turned to dust. It was not long before I couldn't help it any more. I went to the southern air temple and informed the monks of who I was and surprisingly, they accepted me in.  I spent the rest of...

3 years ago
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Dirk Saber PI Jane Russell Ch 05

Waking from a sex dream to find Becky gone from my bed jolted me upright. Sunlight peaked around the edges of the window shade, and the clock read 7:00am. Throwing off the sheet, I scrambled to the closet to find my robe was missing. So I slipped on sweatpants and a tee-shirt, and went in search of my client. The smell of bacon lured me to the kitchen. As I approached, another alluring sensory input captured my attention – female humming, a sound never heard before on these premises. I hid...

3 years ago
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Not So Geeky

A shadow was visible against the wall, broad and tall. It was not too late at night but I had gone to bed early as I wasn't expecting company. My flat mates had a small gathering downstairs and I avoided them at all costs. I loved being the only girl in a house full of geeky guys. Not only because I had constant help with my work, but because there was no risk of booty calls or uncomfortable sexual tension. I always left my door open so that I knew when it was safe to go down and get some food...

Straight Sex
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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 2 RelationshipsChapter 11 December 1989 Dont quote me

The run up to Christmas was always a bad time of the year for Pippa. Her birthday was on December the 15th, (and she was at an age where she dreaded that extra year being added) and the 16th of December was the anniversary of her finding her husband in bed with their daughter and his mistress; she had spent the next two Christmases after that trauma in those less than festive venues of Pentonville and Holloway prisons. So it was probably a bad decision for her to accept an invitation to a...

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My best friendrsquos father

My best friend’s fatherIt was a warm summer’s day when I was home alone, wearing a light transparent nightie, no panties or bra, just a comfortable thing to wear when home alone, the nightie was super short barely reaching the bottom line of my ass, topless, only an upper rubber band seem that was hanging on top of my large pair of perky tits. I usually keep my body clean, my pussy fully waxed and silky soft all the times.Bing in mid-twenties, a young, active woman, I had a fairly curvy body...

4 years ago
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my panty fetish

How i got started to love nylon panties. At age 12, i rode my bicycle to school which was several blocks away from home. I would pass by my aunts house on the way to school. one day i had to use the bathroom and didn't think i could make it home in time, so i stopped by my aunts house. She lived alone and never married, because she said she never met the right man. I went into her bathroom and while in there i noticed two pair of panties hanging on the shower rod. I was sitting on the...

4 years ago
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Friends and FamilyChapter 3 The Plan

Sunday Morning and Day “Good morning,” I said when I came back from getting a cup of coffee. The clubhouse was empty at the time, so it wasn’t very stressful for me. Diana didn’t react well to my wide awake demeanor. With an uncontrolled mess on top of her head, she got out of bed and walked on wobbly, sleepy legs into the toilet. There was the sound of her pee hitting water and a flush, then a long pause before she walked out of the toilet with nicely brushed hair. “I’m sorry! I didn’t...

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Webmeets Diary Ch 04

As I neared the end of my university course I had less and less time for playing around on adult personals sites, and spent most of my free time planning my journey I would be going on once I'd finished. Exams out of the way though, I suddenly had a few weeks of free browsing time, but instead of arranging immediate meets I decided I would see if there was anyone in the countries I was going to, as there I thought I would be less nervous with no chance of people I know learning of my...

3 years ago
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Home StudiesDay 13 Monday

On Monday, both my sister and I sleep in. It's a long weekend so there is no school today, and after getting up early on both Saturday and Sunday we agreed that we should sleep in today, at least a little. So we are both well-rested when we sit down to have breakfast. We discuss our plans for today over cereal, but I'm not going to tell you what they are. Just that we're going to try various odds and ends. You'll just have to wait and see. So, first we ransack the house. All right,...

2 years ago
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Bombshell Blowjobs

Sherry was a 36-year-old hottie, she had a big rack (40e) a tight ass and long blond hair. She was married with two kids, her husband worked at a warehouse as a supervisor on the night shift most times, he didn’t get home till 9 or 10 am this played havoc with her sex life. Many times, she would go for months without sex, she was always in a foul mood. Several of her girlfriends whose husbands also worked at the plant seem to be in the same mood as her except for one. Oliva or Liv to her...

3 years ago
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A Not Soon Forgotten Anniversary

A Not Soon Forgotten AnniversaryIt's a scene that won't soon be forgotten. Through the trees and looking out through the mountain peaks is a glorious sunset. Their faces turn a beautiful shade of orange and pink as the sunset reflects on them. The sun shines through the clouds sending rays of light bursting into the sky above them. The Aspens have turned lovely shades of yellow and orange. They provide a beautiful complement to the shades of the sky. Hand in hand they walk the rest of the way...

2 years ago
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As The Story Goes

“She moaned lightly as he slidthe tip of his cock between the lips of her pussy…” He rubbed his own cock through his dress pants under his desk as he read the words he assumed Cassandra Delton had inadvertently handed in as her short story in his honors writing class. Hearing a knock at his office door, he looked up. He was expecting her. There she stood in a blue and white paisley spaghetti strap sundress, her straight brown hair in a low side-swept ponytail, her blue eyes bright with...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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The Nazis BoyChapter 15

The soiree was very festive. I could feel the aura of relaxed and happy people around me. The four bartenders and numerous wait and bus staff supplied from the base appeared to be having just as much a good time compared to the previous evening party. A late evening buffet fit for a king was a definite treat from the infantrymen's usual grub. Roast beef and hams were being sliced by the Inn's own two chefs. An assortment of hot vegetables warmed in chafers accompanied by breads salads,...

1 year ago
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The Mystery Man

After dinner they were all watching TV in the living room. Claire went to bed first then Damian and everyone else. When Claire got to her room she got undressed and got ready for bed. The same man that was watching then this afternoon was watching Claire again. As she got undressed he could feel his cock getting hard in his jeans. He couldn’t wait any longer and he whipped out his massive 10” cock and started to jack off to the lovely sight of the half naked 16 year old girl. She was very...

2 years ago
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TriadChapter 7 Propositions

Helen did not dispense any praise or disapproval of our behavior the previous night when she served our breakfast the next morning. I was sure that she knew exactly what had happened. I had sensed her presence as I cleaned Cathy's face, and later Cathy's moans and screams had reverberated through the entire house for everyone to hear. But for Helen, today was business as usual, in other words, our daily visit to the gym of horrors. It did not make any difference to Helen that I told her I...

4 years ago
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Kammi Learns How

Chapter 1: Kammi Sees How It's Done Kammi finished feeding the calves early and smiled. She was getting pretty good at this farm stuff. And it wasn't as bad as she'd thought it would be. When her parents had announced they were going off to Tajikistan for the summer, to "help the natives" and that they were shipping her off to her sister's for the summer, she'd cried and screamed and thrown a tantrum, all to no avail. She'd wanted them to hire a nanny for her, and let her stay at home,...

3 years ago
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An Auntastic Birthday The Beginning

My aunt Tiffany she was 9 years older than me and was my only aunt but things were complicated as she was my mom’s half sister. Well things were going to get more complicated soon with the proceedings of this story. This all happened when I was 9 years of age well on the day I got to be 9…well I was growing then and I had started my hormonal change over a year ago. So as to say my dick got hard on the very least amount of sexy stuff I saw. It was not big at all most it was 4 and half inch to...

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