Phoenix Pt 2 Ch 12 free porn video

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Jeff gave Béla some of Greta’s clothes to wear. Surprisingly, they fit. Béla considered herself extremely petite and was hoping the clothing Jeff offered would be too baggy to wear. Then she could have convinced him to let her run naked; at least between settlements.

They both explored the storage room, separating out what they wanted to take with them. They only needed the basics – a backpack for each of them, a bedroll for each pack, spare clothing and an ice pack for carrying perishables although this early in the spring, there wasn’t likely to be anything available that wasn’t already frozen.

Béla found a standard first aid kit, complete with gauze, white tape, snakebite medicine, hydrogen peroxide and several syringes. There were also bottles marked penicillin, aspirin and Niacin.

“What’s the Niacin for?” Béla asked, curious.

She needed to empty at least one of these vials to store some of her blood in, just in case they got separated somehow. It was her blood, after all, that was the cure for this wasting disease.

“Niacin?” Jeff asked. “Oh, that’s for radiation poisoning. It helps the body to negate its effects, somehow.”

Béla had taken Niacin before. With her, it had created a fierce sunburn effect, convincing her that radiation poisoning was what she had. The effects did wear off after awhile, though. She had wanted to know what a sunburn felt like, so Jake had sadistically fed her a handful of B3 tablets, so she’d know. Then he’d practically rolled around on the floor as she frantically stripped off her clothes and stood – naked, trembling and terrified – in the middle of the room with her arms and legs spread, carefully and painfully not touching any part of herself as she fried. She still flushed (infuriated) when she thought about that!

She didn’t really know if Niacin would cure radiation poisoning like sunburns and such, but back on Earth, there was a philosophy of medicine that believed in using minute doses of natural substances that actually created the symptoms to cure the condition one suffered from. Béla had never been sick, so she never bothered to learn more about it. In the end, it was the aspirin that got tossed. At least, B3 was a vitamin, and Béla hated drugs and the effects they had on her more than just about anything else.

After raiding Jeff’s kitchen and ice cellar for food to pack along, they looked around the horizon, deciding which way to go. Béla knew that cargo was being unloaded at the South Pole, so they decided to head that way. One of the odd things she noticed about navigating around New Eden was that, on a clear day, it was impossible to get lost; your destination was always visible on the horizon, above you. In fact, the only visible horizon occurred where the land curved up behind the clouds. If there were no clouds around, you could see halfway around the planet.

Jeff estimated that it would take four to six weeks to reach Southern, the town nearest the South Pole Depot. Béla had the misfortune of landing nearer Northern than Southern when she’d taken her morning sojourn a little too far from the great ship, and they were going to have to cross the equator to reach their destination.

They had seven weeks until the southern crystal sun began shining, transmitting sunlight into New Eden. If they arrived later than that, Béla would have to wait two more months until the northern crystal sun was in shadow, while traveling halfway around New Eden to Northern in order to get transportation back to the great ship and her sisters.

“I remember, in my studies, there was a rail system here,” Béla was saying as they traveled. “Why haven’t we seen any tracks? They should be all over the place.”

“They are,” Jeff replied. “We just haven’t walked far enough.”

He pointed up to their destination for the day – a small town with a visible rail line running through it. There was smoke coming from what looked like the Town Square. It was blowing away from them.

“We should be there in a couple of hours,” Jeff continued, “It’s only seven or eight kilometers.”
It looked close enough to Béla for her to just hop over into it. She craned her neck to look higher. Further away, the detail of the landscape disappeared into haze. At this time of the year, there was too much moisture in the air to see more than twenty miles or so. There were only two towns she could see. They both seemed to be on fire.

“What are they burning?” she asked, not certain she wanted to know.

Jeff looked up at the town. She could feel in his mind that he was upset about where the smoke was coming from. He knew the layout of New Hope and there was no reason for a fire to be where it was.

Béla withdrew from his mind as the walked on, and kept her thoughts to herself. She had seen town squares burn before, and suspected she knew what they were burning.

After another hour, Béla stopped walking and stood, silent and still, right in the middle of the road. Jeff walked a few more steps, then turned around to see what the problem was.

“We should get off the road,” Béla said anxiously. “There are guards ahead.”

“Guards?” Jeff laughed, “Are you daft? There are no guards here.”

“Yes. There are,” Béla told him, urgently. “There are guards and they have guns!”

“Nonsense!” Jeff said, and turned back to the road.

He walked away from her, then listened to her bare footsteps as she ran to catch up to him.

“At least let me walk in front of you,” Béla insisted.

“Why, for Christ’s sake?” Jeff asked, exasperated, now.

Béla stopped and looked at him. “You remember who Christ is?”

Jeff scrunched his forehead in thought. “Yes. I think so,” he replied. “Since I’ve met you, things are coming back to me about my life before. This…” He held his hand up, indicating the surrounding landscape. “This isn’t natural, is it?”

“No. It’s all artificial,” Béla replied tiredly. “If you dig down far enough, you’ll find the metal shell I showed you just last night... or whatever.”

'What do you call it when it doesn't get dark?' she wondered to herself.

“So that was all real, then?” Jeff asked, his eyes widening.

Béla looked at him, annoyed again, even though she knew this would happen.

‘What is with these humans that they can’t believe what they see in their dreams? No wonder they have such trouble communicating with each other!’

They walked another hundred yards, then Béla suddenly pulled Jeff off to the side of the road, tumbling the both of them into a shallow ditch. There was a distant ‘crack’ of a rifle shot.

“What is wrong with you?” Jeff yelled, indignantly picking himself up and climbing out of the ditch.

“We’re being shot at, you jackass!” Béla yelled as she followed him up onto the road again.

Startled by her words, Jeff swung around, trying to look everywhere at once. The ground erupted next to his foot, making him jump. They heard another distant ‘crack’.

“Somebody’s shooting at us!” Jeff cried, and dove for the ditch, much more willingly, this time.

Hiding behind his backpack, he looked back at Béla, who had folded her legs and sat down by the side of the road.
“Aren’t you going to hide?” he hollered at her, not believing that she would just sit there and let someone shoot at her. "Do you think this is a picnic?"

“No,” she said, shrugging her shoulders. “They aren’t shooting at me…

“Besides,” she continued, sounding bored again, “I can’t be killed with a bullet.”

“I beg to differ, Goddess,” Jeff explained as though he was talking to a child, “but I happened to see your revered Goddess Mother bring you back to life! She had to make you mortal so you could live again. Being mortal, Goddess, you can certainly be killed with a bullet!”

Dirt and gravel kicked up next to him. They heard another ‘crack’.

“They’re not trying to kill us, you know,” Béla explained. “One person is keeping us pinned here while the others surround us.”

“You’re kidding!” Jeff muttered. “And you know this because…”

Dirt showered down on his head from another ricocheted bullet, making him duck again.

Béla sighed at the ridiculousness of his delayed reactions and stood up as though she was daring the sniper to shoot her. She stripped off her backpack and tossed it into the center of the road. Then she stripped off her clothes as Jeff watched, mouth agape at what he was seeing. Naked, Béla raised her arms straight out to her sides and turned around slowly, displaying her slender body to the shooter.

“What are you doing?” Jeff demanded to know, too frightened for her safety to control the trembling in his voice.

“I’m showing them I don’t have the disease they’re afraid we’re carrying,” Béla replied, managing to sound bored, yet serious.

Then she walked around in front of Jeff and lay down, offering herself as a barrier between Jeff and the shooter.
“Get your first aid kit out,” she told him, lying naked on the ground in front of him.

Wrenching his eyes off that marvelous curve her left breast was making across her front, he pulled the white box out of his pack, almost dropping it out of his trembling hands.

“Now, hold it in the air,” Béla said. “Make sure the white part with the Red Cross symbol is toward where the shooting came from so they can see it.”

After a moment of holding the white box in the air, they heard an indistinct shout.

“Okay, we can get up now,” Béla told him, distracting Jeff again with a sensuous twist as she pushed away from the ground.

She got up and retrieved her clothes and backpack. She put her shirt back on, then put her backpack on over it. She threw her pants over her shoulder like she was carrying a jacket.

“Why did you dress like that?” Jeff wanted to know.

“Because the pack cuts into my shoulders if I wear it naked,” she replied, grinning at him.

She had been looking for an excuse to get out of those scratchy pants all day, and she wasn't about to put them back on.

“You know,” Jeff told her, “for a goddess, you’re very, um…”

He couldn’t think of the right word to use that wouldn’t sound terribly insulting.

“Casual?” Béla suggested, smiling.

Jeff glared at her. They began walking toward the person who had shouted at them. As they approached a grove of trees, two men walked out into the road, rifles held with seeming but practiced casualness down at their sides. Béla knew that both rifles could be brought up into firing position within a second if the pair of travelers moved unexpectedly. The thought of being a moving target excited her and ehs wished she was back on the ship being mauled by Beth or Elaine.

“That’s far enough,” the shorter one said. “What are you doing here?”

‘Tell him we’re bringing vaccine for the sickness,’ Béla thought into Jeff’s mind.

“Um, we have a cure for the wasting disease,” Jeff explained, sounding uncertain. “We have come, uh, to offer it to you, in return for safe passage through your district.”

‘Very good,’ Béla told him in his thoughts, ‘but they don’t believe a word. In a moment, tell them I’m a goddess.’

She began walking toward the men with the rifles. One of them pointed his rifle at her.

“I’m warning you, Miss; stop!” he growled at her.

Béla stopped. Tthen, smiling, she stepped toward him again. He pulled the trigger, not to kill her, but to crease the soft, fleshy skin outlining the flare of her hip with the bullet, letting her know he meant business and really would shoot her to protect his home, dispite the fact that she was half-naked and beautiful.

“Stop!” Jeff cried, “She’s the daughter of the Goddess of Light! She doesn’t know our ways! Don’t hurt her!”

‘Poor Jeff,’ Béla thought as she looked down at the burning furrow the bullet had made in her side. ‘At least, he’s really distraught about them hurting me. They won’t believe he’s acting, now. Damn! That feels good!’

She raised her arm to get a better look at her wound, then looked up at the man who had shot her. With her arm raised, he could get a good look at the furrow carved in her naked side. It was visibly getting smaller. In just a few seconds, it was gone, with only the red liquid trail down her side indicating it had ever been there.

The man stepped back, staring at the witch, his eyes wide with shock and surprise. He vanished in an explosive blast that left a two-foot wide hole in the road.

‘Nobody shoots my sister!’

The thought rang in Béla’s mind as she felt Elaine aiming at the other man in the road. She was using the ship’s small laser cannon and she was a very good shot!

“Everybody off the road!” Béla screamed, diving at the other man with the rifle.

‘Father! Get Elaine away from that gun!’ she screamed in her mind.

She tackled the other man and knocked him over. As they rolled together off the road, another laser blast blew a hole where he’d been standing an instant earlier. Jeff was as shocked at the turn of events as the surviving road guard was.

‘Stop shooting! You almost hit me!’

‘Then get out of the way!’

‘No!’ I don’t want you to kill anyone else!’

“I’m sorry about your friend,” Béla panted, protecting him from any more blasts with her naked body. “I didn’t want anyone to get hurt.”

The frightened guard looked from her to her companion and back, not comprehending what had happened.

Jeff filled him in, beginning his litany. “The seemingly adult but very naked woman on top of you is the Goddess of the Land. The Goddess was born two days ago in the storm that passed overhead. The Storm God is her father, and he destroyed your friend with a bolt of lightning for injuring his daughter.”

Béla noted that the road guard believed Jeff completely. Jeff spoke with the certainty of inner knowledge. He devoutly believed every word he said.

Béla had been right. What burned in the Town Square were the bodies of plague victims. She played her ‘Goddess’ role to the hilt, having had lots of practice in other cultures back on old Earth. One advantage of being ‘divine’ was that she didn’t have to wear clothes. Her body, of course, was petite, perfect and unflawed, as a goddess’ form should be (in her opinion, anyway), and she proudly displayed it, gazing back with regal aloofness at anyone who stared at her.

Jeff successfully demonstrated to the surviving townspeople that the vial of dark red liquid was actually a cure for the wasting disease. Although they diluted it, the resulting vaccine was quickly used up saving the victims who had not yet died. Each victim’s almost instantaneous recovery was praised as a divine miracle.

When the ‘Goddess’ was approached for more of the magical vaccine, Béla invented a religious ceremony where she stood and stared into the light of her mother, the Goddess of Light and held two empty vials up in the palms of her hands for her Mother Goddess to bless. Over a period of several minutes, they ‘magically’ filled with a dark red fluid even though the vials were corked.

Béla mentally thanked her brother again for showing her how to teleport. In this case, she was moving her own blood from inside her body into the sealed vials a few cells at a time. A few cells at a time were all she could currently manage. Only Jeff knew where the elixir actually came from.

Béla found herself performing this ritual several times a day, using fresh vials each time as more were brought for her to fill. Mounted volunteers took the diluted healing elixir out into the countryside to help any of the local farmers that still lived. Within three days, the wasting disease was completely eradicated within a day’s journey in any direction.

The death toll had been terrible. Over the winter months, the wasting disease had consumed more than half of the outlying population. But the elixir of the goddess prevented any more deaths. The remaining twenty vials were being taken further away to help communities on the outskirts of the northern farmlands.

Béla instructed the volunteer carriers that the elixir could be diluted with water at least six times and still be effective. When one suggested the use of wine instead of water, Béla replied that ‘since wine has its own magical and godlike properties, it would probably destroy the elixir’s magic. The Blood of the Gods should only be diluted in life-giving water.

Jeff, or rather, the Great Bard Geoffrey, as he was called, now, told and retold his tale of ‘The Coming of the Goddess’ to throngs of people several times that day. His ode explained her existence to people who knew absolutely everyone else, and made her pretty much immune to the local laws and traditions. No one even dared to suggest to her naked Divinity that she put some clothes on.

Partly because of her ‘Goddess’ status and partly because she was naked, Béla was always being touched by people everywhere she went. It made her incredibly aroused sexually – a condition that the Great Bard had to remedy every few hours.

With so many men around, Béla briefly considered instituting an orgy as part of her religious requirements for worshipping the land. She’d done that before as the goddess Breed, a thousand years earlier. However, she wasn’t sure if she should act on her impulse this time. She hadn't really intended to create an entire religion based on sexual witchcraft and within the next year or so, there were going to be so many flying goddesses around that things were going to get very confusing if she continued in this vein.

'Remember what happened to Hank,' she reminded herself.

After an estimated three days in the town, Jeff had managed to secure a railcar for them to use to travel across the equator. This cut two weeks off their estimated travel time. They were forced to stay an extra rest period so the townspeople could celebrate their salvation by preparing and consuming half the food they had stored for the rest of the summer.

Aided by the local beverage, many of the ladies, mostly younger girls who were old enough to have a good figure, shed their clothes, following their new goddess’ example of public nudity. After several hours of eating, drinking and celebrating, Béla was being driven insane with lust and the sexual desires that surrounded and bombarded her.

Finally losing control of her passions, the goddess grabbed the closest man available that was radiating sexual need and, ripping his trousers open, proceeded to mount him right in front of everyone, thus triggering the first annual ‘Rite of Spring to Celebrate the Coming of the Goddess of the Land’.

The first annual ‘rite’ was prematurely interrupted by the sudden arrival of another spring storm.


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“Oh, look, he caught a fish!” Marja pointed excitedly to an osprey, zooming up from the surface of the Banana River with a mullet in its talons. The fish struggled futilely. “The nest is in the tall tree on the point of that island,” I told her, pointing it out. As we watched, the eagle flapped its way to a landing. “I think they have chicks. It’s the right time of year.” Marja smiled at me. “I love the view, Jack. I didn’t know Florida was like this.” Marja’s friend, Thor, was sitting...

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sister’s Cartoon Video I’m 18 years old and at this time work three days a week, while I’m waiting to start at university next year. I just came home from my part time job. As I entered the house, I called out to check if anyone was home. But, no one answered. So, I walked up stairs checked everyone’s room then walk back downstairs and checked the backyard out. Not finding anyone, I walked into the lounge room. I decided to settle down to watch some TV. On, finding nothing on, I started...

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Sucking My Dads Cock

I'd known I was gay for several years and had been sexually active with several lovers before I finally got the courage to tell my dad about my personal sexual desires and preferences. I knew Dad would flip out when he found out his oldest child was gay but that's the way it was and I wanted my father to know me better. My Dad and I had been to a baseball game and I was sitting there in the passenger's seat next to him, talking over the game and our favorite ball players. I finally decided...

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BurningAngel Nina Elle MILF Life Crisis

When Xander’s MILFy stepmom Nina Elle interrupted his black metal band’s practice time to announce dinner, he shooed her away whilst frustrated from needing a new singer. Nina then got an idea in her head – she would audition and show em what she’s made of! The boys were STUNNED when she arrived to try outs in full corpse paint, and that she SCREAMED HER FUCKING FACE OFF! She’s sucked a lot of cock – you open your throat the same way, it’s very similar....

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The Uprising The Complete Story

Chapter 1 Death. Broken bodies litter the city streets. What is the meaning of all this killing? Freedom, stupidity? Maybe both, but only time will tell. I scanned my surroundings from my secure spot in the corner. My breath hitched when I caught site of a person trying to crawl out of the carnage that made up the street. I pulled the laces tighter on my thick leather combat boots and pushed up my sleeves, I needed the utmost comfort while still being protected from the harsh elements. My...

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Friends meet to explore thier kinky desires Part

Part 3 – The Hotel GardensYour panties sit on the table in front of us, in normal circumstances you would have grabbed them, to hide them from anyone seeing, but here and now and with what you now knew and what you had recognised as seeing after being given an explanation, the panties were left laid on the table between us. Your hesitation was not about not being aroused, or willingness to feel a collar fastened signifying your submissive role....these things aroused you greatly, but how far...

3 years ago
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My Love Story With My Sister Part 3

Hello ladies and gentleman, I am ram this story is about me and my loving sister the whole story is true and emotionally attached to me. I am back with the second part of the story for people who have not read the first part please read through and let me know about if there are improvements to be made in the story. Above is the link attached to the first two parts Without any further delay let me get into the story right away. As you guys already the previous parts here is the continuation...

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Dirty Lauras Gangbang

My ex bird Laura (then 29) and me Sean(then 32) were very sexual people and quite honestly dirty in bed ! Or other places then bed !Anyway, lots of sex and dirty talking, her clear filthy fantasy was to invite more than 2 guys to join me for a full session ! This went on for about a year before one night while fucking and talking I said " Told a few lads about your gangbang idea " ! (I actually hadn't at this point. She just giggled and said well I'd have to be tipsy and have notice to ensure...

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CommunityChapter 15

Tina's turn: We're packed. The day just took soooo long in coming. Now we were leaving Tennessee. Oh, not for good, you know. This little corner of the state is going to be in my heart forever. A year ago, well not even a year ago, a worried girl showed up here from Louisiana, sitting beside a guy she hardly knew but who was certainly more decent than the man her mom had been with when she got arrested. Now that young girl is not the same. That's me. And besides Tennessee being the first...

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I felt like a grade school kid sitting in the school nurse's office with a cold, wet washcloth over my eyes when Mom arrived to take me to the doctor's office. I was suffering almost as much from embarrassment as from pain. I live on a farm in the middle of Nebraska and attend high school in a town of about two thousand. In these rural areas a lot of male students are going to be taking classes in welding at some point because it's considered an essential skill, what with all the machinery...

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Brookdale Chapter Ten

CHAPTER TENBecca whimpered as the rod rubbed against her and made some sort of acknowledgement to what James said. A breath later and her backside erupted with fresh pain. Becca's entire body tensed forward against the bar at her thighs as she bobbed slightly up and down on her toes. Her voice rang out, shrill and tortured.The second strike shocked her for its speed and pulled more screaming from her throat. She writhed in agony, twisting her hips from side to side as the cane tapped it's...

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Beckys after school surprise The full story

He had me bent over his desk with my little plaid skirt hiked up, so that my bare white ass was now fully visable. I tried to stand up, but he put a hand on my back, holding me down against the desk. "No!" I cried, "Please!" as his other hand reached up, and started rubbing my virginal little pussy. "What are you doing to me?" I wept, tears streaming down my face. He suddenly let go of me, and opened his trousers, releasing his hard, black cock. I stood up, and started reaching for my...

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My First Time I think

I left my very expensive and very well known Ladies College in June 2001 due to begin Uni in Southampton in September and was totally in the dark about guys. It now seems crazy to admit that at the age of eighteen the extent of my knowledge consisted of gossipy tales (probably made up) of sexual encounters passed around the girls in my dorm, no doubt embellished and dramatised along the way. Then I met Jonny, a leather jacket and everything black kind of guy, a little on the dangerous side and...

First Time
2 years ago
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How to Handle a Break Up

She Handled it Well I was sitting at the bar, sipping slowly on my third beer. I didn't even have a buzz going for me... Great. I looked over at my friend, Mike, he was hitting on some girl across the bar. I saw a look of disgust flash across her face as a drink flew into his face. He looked stunned, and then hesitantly walked back over to take a seat next to me. "What was that about?" I asked him. "Had to get her ready for you," he started, "I'm your wingman tonight, Jason. You...

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Anns Flowers and Pearls

Ann and I had been having a torrid affair for several months at the time. I was eating her pussy and fucking her at least once a week, sometimes more. And I can thank her husband, Dan, for the privilege. Dan is a very busy executive for a large government contractor… busy that he doesn’t have the time to satisfy the enormous sexual appetite of his hot, redheaded wife. When he is home, she says that he just sits all wrapped up in his recliner watching sports on TV. He treats her more like an...

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First get together

As you lay there to catch your breath I back up off you and stand up looking into your eyes the enitre time. Starting to take my clothes of piece by piece. Beginning with my shirt I grasped the bottom of my shirt and begin to raise it above my head exposing myself to you. Releasing the shirt off to the side of us. I then begin to reach around behind me to unclasp my bra and let it drop off of my breast. I stand there for a moment while looking deep into your eyes and fondle them lightly...

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Gang Aft Agley Chapter 2 of 7

Chapter 2A quiet noise woke me again. I could tell I had been sleeping for quite a while. I felt a bit of warm wetness move around my cock, and for a moment, I wondered why she was using the cloth to clean me again.She whimpered just before she took my cock deep into her throat again. She was sprawled across my body, and my hand was resting on her lower back. I could feel her body tremble as she gave herself another orgasm."Fuck!" I groaned as my body flexed to push even deeper into her. She...

Wife Lovers
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Road Trips for Peter Chapter Seven

I had been on the road to Long Island, and I had arrived to a perfect reception. Margo had taken me for a great sexual ride. It was now late afternoon and we were chatting in the kitchen. She had decided that we needed to go out for dinner. The Boston Market was her favorite restaurant because the turkey was so good. That was fine with me. We were just waiting for her twin daughters, Martha and Mary, to get home from their jobs. They didn’t always work the same shifts. Today they happened to...

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Slaves TriNations

Brandy worked her head backwards and forwards, her mouth stretched wide around the big dick in front of her. She looked up meekly at her master as she did so. He looked down at her impassively, giving her no clue as to whether or not he was pleased with her efforts at fellatio, and whether or not he was pleased mattered a great deal to Brandy.        The busty, curvaceous twenty year-old was tied securely on her knees. Her wrists were tied together behind her back, and her elbows were also...

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To Fuck a Cop part 2

I held my breath and waited for the assault as the assembled guys stood hushed and expectant, slowly wanking their hard pricks. I momentarily thought, god, what a fool, how did I ever get myself into this mess, just as I felt the monster nudge at the entrance to my arse. The driver moved to my head and held my shoulders against the force of the huge black prick which was slowly but surely forcing my already stretched sphincter muscles open.I hadn’t expected any pain after the fisting I had just...

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The House of warrior empress Toya

Flaming arrows, spears, warriors on horseback This is the site i saw as i ran from my burning hut, my village was under attack. I saw many of my tribe slaughtered as they tried to flee, others being captured and tied. I turned to run behind the huts but as i did a horse so jet black it would be unnoticeable at night stood before, upon the horse was a vision of beauty and horror. Let me explain briefly what i saw. A dark skinned Amazonian type warrior, in full bodice armour, short wrap skirt,...

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My Mom8217s New Boyfriend

Hello all, I am Aryan, 22 years old. I wanted to share my real-life experience about my mom’s new boyfriend, which happened 2 years back. Ours is a small family, me, my mom and dad. We moved to the US when I was 5 years old, and now we are NRI. Mom and dad always had disagreements and issues for the last few years. So one fine day, they decided to find their own ways and divorced. I just finished my first year of college at that time. After the divorce, mom decided to move to India and look...

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My Marriage MistakeChapter 2

We went back to the table and I asked Shelby if she had reservations anywhere else since she was supposed to make all the plans. "I have two rooms reserved at the Holiday Inn if you want to go further. Of course it's totally up to you." "Well, yes, since we are both doing this, I guess it's alright. If it was just me, I'd have a problem with it. You know our pre-nuptial agreement and all. June's a lovely woman but I can get a lot of action for a half-million dollars," I...

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The Pool Table

Back in the 1990s I had a four-year affair with an older woman. I'll call her "Sarah." I was in my 40s, she was in her 50s. She was divorced, I was in a largely sexless marriage. When we got together we were both pretty hungry for sex. She was a classy, intelligent, good-looking professional woman. Who, as I was to find out to my surprise and delight, was a total whore in bed. She lived about 1500 miles from where I did, and we only saw each other when professional circumstances brought us...

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Slut Easy to be Hard to resist Part 3

“Thanks for that babe. I’ve been wanting to tell you for years but didn’t know how to broach it!” My husband smiled at me as I lay on the bed with second load of spunk spilling out of my stinging asshole.“I wish you’d told me earlier” I smiled “I could have been getting fucked like a dirty slut all this time!” I winked, running my hands over my naked breasts.My husband smiled endearingly.“So do you think you’ll continue fucking other guys?” He questioned with a lop sided grin.“Try and fucking...

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Futa Naked In School 05 Futas Naked Passion Chapter 2 Stacies Naughty Teacher Passion

Chapter Two: Stacie's Naughty Teacher Passion By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Stacie Ward's Week, Thursday Miss Castellano was the only thing making my week attending Rogers College naked bearable. It wasn't going naked in the Program that was the problem. In fact, I should have been up to my eyeballs in pussy thanks to the Program. Hell, I didn't even mind avoiding that for my girlfriend if Meaghan wasn't so clingy to me. If she wasn't around, she had one of her host of friends to...

4 years ago
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He touches her

She needs to be touched. That is why she went to him.He needs to touch. That is why he is there. That is why he has chosen this work. It is her turn. He comes to fetch her. She inhales. She exhales. He introduces her to the room. He leaves, allowing her to prepare. She inhales. She exhales. He returns. He touches her. He touches her like beauty does not exist. Perhaps it is more accurate to say that he touches her like beauty is irrelevant. Perhaps the truth is that his touch uncovers something...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Kritika Me Part 2

hiii this is my first story me and my hubby are writing together It is our real story. My name is Kritika, First about myself, I am 33 years Post graduate divorcee when this incident happened . I was working as Asst. Manager for MNC in New Delhi. I was staying as Paying guest near gk I am divorced with in 7 days of the marriage. I have put my profile in for my second marriage. I got in touch with a guy named Kumar 36 Years working as Sr. Project manager in MNC software company in...

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Like Mother Like Daughter Like Dog

Shhhh! My mother may be asleep, wait out here while I check. “Whispered Shelly to her two male companions. “Okay.” Carl whispered. Carl Fields grinned knowingly at Greg Sullivan, as the two of them sat down in the darkened hallway outside the Burnside’s front door. They started talking about the exhibition she had just put on. What they had seen in the movie was nothing like what Shelly had just accomplished. They talked about getting a camcorder next time she was over...

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Too Much LoveChapter 17

Stepping into the elevator at five minutes to nine Monday morning, Simon looked disgustingly crisp in his suit and tie. Nick’s one nod to their new office job was a black button-down shirt, but he still wore blue jeans. “You look well-rested,” said Simon as Nick yawned. “Did you sleep alone last night?” Nick shook his head. “I haven’t gotten a lot of sleep this week. I just wanted a quiet night.” “Are you sure?” Simon stepped out of the elevator. “I could have sent one of the girls over...

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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 14 Beckys gift to Ben a fashion show trip to Paris and New York City Part Two

Sarah, 37, Mother of Becca, 5'9 White, Blonde Green Eyes 36D breasts Soyeon Kim, 32, Dry Cleaners wife, 5'2, Asian, Black hair and eyes, 34C breasts Chin Ho Kim, 40, Dry Cleaner owner with Soyeon, 5'7, Asian with 5” cock Caillum, 46, Jet Airplane Pilot, 6'2 ,white, 8” cock Randee, 36, wife of Caillum, 5'8, white, Red Hair Blue Eyes, 38C breasts Reba, 16. daughter of Randee, 5'4, white, Red Hair Green Eyes, 36D breasts Karen, 36, neighbor of Crystal's, 5'8, white, Blond Hair...

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