Gay Pig Transformation
- 4 years ago
- 48
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Weekend Transformation
written by Pet (Shadow13)
dedicated to my Mistress
I drove into the parking lot of the hotel, pulled into a space located in a corner knowing it wouldn't be used for the rest of the weekend and shut the engine off. I sat in the driver's seat for a couple of minutes to finish off the last few drags of my cigarette knowing that for the next 36 to 48 hours mouth would be so busy, I probably wouldn't have much time, if any, to have another another one. After I put it out in the ashtray, I swallowed down the last of my bottle of Fiji water, popped a strong mint into my mouth and opened the door to get out.
Popping the trunk open, I reached in and grabbed my small bag of toiletries and my travel suitcase and reached up to shut the lid. I double clicked the locks on my doors and set off for room 313. I walked through the outer double doors and worked my way over to the elevators and pushed the white button with the arrow pointing up. It took about 15 seconds for the doors to slide open and I stepped inside. I turned around and as the doors began to slide shut, I looked out into the lobby and caught the desk clerk on the phone out of the corner of my eye. He hadn't even looked up to see that someone had come through without coming to the desk first. I pushed the button marked '3' and the elevator lifted me up toward my weekend.
I'd never done anything quite like this before so as excited as I was to have the experience I was about to have, I was also quite nervous thinking about what it would be like in real life to actually live out a fantasy like this. I was so caught up in my thoughts, I almost forgot to get off the elevator but I caught the doors just as they were closing on me again and stepped out into the hallway. I followed the signs on the wall that point to the left for rooms 301 to 321 and counted each door placard in my head as the numbers approached my destination.
I must have stood in front of the door for 2 or 3 minutes easy, trying to take a few easy breaths and lower my heart rate in the hopes of not appearing nervous when the door swung open. Finally I got up the nerve to raise my hand which felt like a paperweight and rapped on the door 3 times. When the door opened I looked straight at my mistress, we smiled and she nodded for me to come in. We exchanged a few cordial words and greeting and gave one another a big hug.
She asked if I wanted a beer and then we sat in the chairs around the table by the window for the next twenty minutes or so and just caught up and laughed about a bunch of things. It was not the beginning I had anticipated and it really helped me relax and feel comfortable and friendly.
At a natural break in the conversation when she could sense that I was at ease, she stood up and very matter of fact switched demeanors and said with confidence, ?It's time to begin our weekend! Stand up, remove your clothing except for your panties and hand them to me neatly folded!? For a second which seemed like forever, I looked at her with a bit of shock before I came to my senses and stood up from my chair. I began to undress myself, starting with my shoes and socks and then working the belt buckle open to get to the buttons on my pants. ?Do not say another word unless I ask you a question or permit you to speak my Pet.? I looked up as she said this but did not give an emotion or try to say a word in response. Once my shirt and jewelry were off and my panties, which were pink women's thong panties as ordered to wear that day, I folded my clothes up in a neat pile and handed them over to her.
?Do you have any other clothes beside panties in either of those bags?? she asked sternly.
?Yes Mistress. I have a couple of shirts and a pair of sweats to relax in...?
She didn't even let me finish my sentence before cutting me off. ?Go get them out of your bags and hand them to me!?
I went over and unzipped the suitcase which I'd rested on top of one of the fold-up suitcase tables when I'd walked in. I removed them and handed them to her with a little shake of nervousness in noticeable on my arms. While I was pulling the clothes out, she noticed that the toys she'd ordered me to bring were also in there. ?Pull out a blindfold...the pink ones, and your leather cuffs as well and come here to me.?
Once I was standing back in front of her with the items she demanded, she put down all of my clothes which were in her hands. She picked the blindfold up out of my hand and placed them around my head and over my eyes. The she took each cuff, one at a time and secured them around my wrist, fastening the buckles on the second to last sizing hole of each one. She walked around behind me, grabbed my arms on their sides to swing them around to my back and secured them together.
?What else is in here?? she asked rhetorically with a curious tone as she walked over to the suitcase with the toys. I heard her rustling objects around and occasionally making approving mumbling noises. She found what she wanted and made her way back over to where I was left standing and I immediately felt her hands around my neck and then a snap from the top of my spine as she finished putting my collar on. I could tell by the weight of it, that she'd put the feminine black collar on me that read ?Bad Kitty? in the front.
Next, she ordered me to loosen my jaw and open my mouth wide as she shoved the rubber ball of a gag into my mouth and firmly against my teeth. She buckled it in back tight enough so that the ball was trapped inside my mouth with now chance of moving it around or spitting it out. My mind was racing at this point as I was now helpless to my Mistress' wishes and had no idea what she had in mind and there was no way I could argue whatever she had in mind if I didn't like it.
I stood there thinking a million thoughts of what might be about to happen first as I heard her moving furniture around in front of me in the general area where the table and chairs were near the window. Right in the middle of a thought, I felt a grip around my right arm as I was lead forward and placed into the spot she intended for me. I couldn't tell for sure but it felt like I was standing awfully close to an object in front of me. I would soon find out! She spread my legs apart with her hands until they were a little wider than shoulder length. She rubbed her hand over my panties for a few seconds to make my cock feel tingly and start to grow closer to an erection. She pressed her fingers between the skin of my waist and the panties and pulled out and down just enough so that when she released them, the head of my cock was exposed. She thinned out the material that disappeared between my legs and manipulated my scrotum so that the panties parted my balls and let them hang out on either side.
A few seconds later I heard her voice from the corner of the room. ?When I come back you'd better be in exactly the same position you are in now so you'd better not move or else!? Then I heard a noise and quickly realized it was the curtains to the room opening up. Fear filled my chest and I felt a lump in the back of my throat as the realization came to me that she had me standing looking out the window and I was now viewable to the outside world! Since I didn't take time to notice on the way into the building which side of the hotel we were on and I hadn't looked out the window since I'd entered it, I had no idea if I was facing the courtyard or the street. The windows were too thick to let outside noise leak in either so it was a mystery to me. Right now, I might be being viewed by anyone who wanted to look up at our window. As these thoughts rambled around in my fearful mind, I heard the door to the room close from behind me and all of a sudden I was alone and exposed.
I must have been alone for 10 minutes in the reality of it but it felt like 30 or 40 in my predicament. I almost jumped out of my skin, and out of my position, when I heard a knock at the door. I just hoped it wasn't housekeeping although it didn't make sense that they would be coming now! Then I heard the beep of the door lock as Mistress slid the card through the security mechanism on the door outside and then she walked in and let it slowly shut behind her. ?Good boy!? I hear her say as she noticed that I had not moved from my place in front of the window while she was gone.
She grabbed something out of a bag across the room and then I felt her standing next to me a few seconds later. ?Don't worry, I'll replace them.? At that, I felt something cold against my skin and then a snip followed by a second snip a couple of seconds later and the feeling of my panties dropping to the floor below me. ?I'm gonna have another beer for a minute, don't move!? I was not naked with my cock in full view as I stood there still not knowing if anyone might be watching me right now. I heard the can pop to life as she flipped the tab and then the sound of the bed as she laid back against the headboard and flipped on the television to flip through the channels.
There's no way of knowing how long it was because Mistress never fully settled on a show to watch but I must have been there in front of the window for another 20 or 30 minutes and she must have finished the beer she was drinking long before I heard her get up. Reading my mind, the first words out of her mouth when she came up to me were ?Does my Pet need to pee?? I don't know how it had escaped my mind for so long but once I heard her move that was the first thought in my head. I nodded and grunted in approval. ?Wait here and I'll be right back.?
I heard the crumpling of plastic across the room in the bathroom and then she was back standing beside me. She grabbed my soft cock in her right hand and held what I now knew must be a plastic cup from the bathroom in her left just below the head. ?I'll aim, you pee, I'll watch...and so will anyone else who may be looking up here right now.? I had to swallow hard at those words. ?You may fill the cup and that's all; and if you spill a single drop over or spray my hands, your punishments will never end this weekend!? I was shy at first and couldn't get my body to start the first stream. Mistress shook and tugged at my penis. ?C'mon, C'mon...we have things to do! You're wasting my precious time with you!?
I put pressure on my bladder 3 or 4 more times and then the first stream finally escaped into the cup. The second stream caught and I was home free. My only thought now was 'how do I know when the cup is almost full so I don't go over?' It didn't matter cause just as the stream trailed off to the last few drops, I felt the head of my cock touched by the foamy head of what was in the cup and I had just made it. ?Good boy? she said. ?You don't get to have privacy this weekend unless I say so. Whenever you feel the need to relieve yourself this weekend you may tell me by humming 'Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head.' At that point I'll know you need to and I'll decide from there when you're allowed to.?
After she'd emptied the cup, Mistress grabbed my arm and moved me over between the two beds in the room, near the nightstand. I only knew this because I bumped into the corner of one of the beds which gave me my bearings. She unlocked my hands and I let them fall to my sides. She sat back down on the bed in front of me with her face inches from my penis and looked me up and down and then pointed out ?You have been drooling quite a bit from that gag! Look at you?! It's running all down your chin and onto your chest and stomach. You're a mess! Rub it into your skin with your hands so you can dry off!? She watched as I did as she commanded. As I obeyed, she playfully tugged, pulled and twisted at my cock and balls like a curious schoolgirl playing with a new science project. I grew to an erection in a very short time and that's when she stopped and laid back on the bed again.
?I want to watch my Pet stroke himself for awhile. Use whichever hand you're more comfortable with and don't stop but don't dare cum! I started to stroke myself and very soon afterward I started to hear the clicking of a camera. She was taking PICTURES!!! ?I know what's going through your mind right now my dear Pet. Get used to the thought because I'm going to be taking lots of photos and videos this weekend from time to time to keep for always and remember this weekend.?
By the time she was tired of watching me stroke I wanted to cum so badly but I knew there was no way she was going to allow that. ?Take your blindfold off and kneel on the bed before me but don't stop stroking yourself Pet.? I removed the blindfold and let my eyes adjust for a few seconds before lifting my legs up onto the bed and positioning myself on my knees between her legs facing her. ?Remove the gag from your mouth and with your free hand.? I obeyed and tossed the ball gag to the side of the bed.
?I want you on all fours and I want you to bury your mouth in my pussy and make me happy but don't ever stop stroking yourself as well!? I moved myself back a few inches on my knees and leaned my body over until I was resting on my elbows. I set myself up so that I could put my weight on the arm that was stroking my cock, giving me the other hand free to better work Mistress' pussy as I pleasured her.
I began by kissing her inner thighs with my mouth and tongue and kissing my way around the outside of her crotch. She still had a patch of hair above her clit and as I kissed over it, I sucked some of it into my mouth to clean it and pull her skin out a little. Her mound was incredibly sexy and I was happy to have the chance to be so close to it and learn it with my mouth. I backed away just a couple of inches and with my free hand, spread the cleavage of her ass cheeks apart just below her opening. I touched my tongue right in the center of her asshole which was peaking out at me and took one big, confident lick straight up the middle of her outer lips and ended at the tip of her clit.
I heard her let out a breath and arch her back outward when I hit her button. I knew the anticipation of me heating her up by working all around it for a few minutes had worked when she did that. With constant pressure of my tongue on top of her clit, I moved it from side to side a few times and I could tell this drove her wild inside! I didn't stay there long though, wasn't the time yet.
I eventually ran my tongue like a finger down the curvature of her labia on the left side all the way down and then back up to the most meaty part and then sucked it into my mouth. I took every bit of it into me that I could as it pulled away from her body and opened her so that I could smell the scent of her wetness as it escaped. At that moment, there was no finer smell in the world and I took a deep breath of it in to savor. I could almost taste it just from the smell. I repeated the same exercise on the other lip as I used a finger on my hand to rub the taught skin of her asshole gently, making her wonder if I was going to push it in or not...but I didn't.
As I nibbled my way down the left side of her labia I started to move my finger over her asshole upward over the sensitive skin that connects the two so that it would meet my mouth right at the entrance of her vagina. Once there, I spread her open with two fingers on each side to expose her hole and sunk my tongue inside of her as far as it would possibly go. I ran it around inside of her and rolled it around to pick up every little bit of juicy cream that had been built up. I sucked on the hold and licked it until it was as clean as it'd probably ever been.
As I licked my way up with my tongue buried between her lips, I replaced my tongue with a finger inside of her. At first I kept my fingers curled downward to manipulate her sphincter muscles from behind which drove her wild as my tongue finally reached her clitoris once again. I stayed in this pattern with my fingers for a minute or two as I lapped my tongue against her clit like a kitten licking milk out of a bowl in confident upward motion, then back down to the bottom and back up to the top again.
Then, while my tongue began to move and lick her clit in different directions and motions with varied pressure, I let a second finger enter her and began to move it in and out slowly at first making sure they reached deep and hit every centimeter of her inner cavity. She began to squirm and moan more readily at this point and I knew it was having the desired effect. I began to swish my tongue around in large circles to rim around the inside of her lips from top to bottom and everywhere in between, occasionally licking over my fingers to pick up the juices building up over my fingers and taste her and always completing each rotation by touching her clit in some way.
She was dying for me to go in for the kill at this point and I was getting close to giving it to her although I didn't want to give her any signs to that affect!
I continued to vary my tonguing techniques over her and constantly change the velocity, intensity and depth of my fingers working inside of her for another 2 or 3 minutes until I finally gave her what her body was basically begging for at this point.
With no warning, I turned my hand upward so that my fingers would curl into that spot that feels so amazing behind the wall just behind her clit and began to rub her button full on. At the same time I centered my mouth over her clit and sucked the entire thing into my mouth and away from her pelvic bone and began to flick it fervently with my tongue from inside my mouth. I fucked her with my fingers hard and deep as I deep mouthed her clit like I was sucking on one of her nipples for milk and was relentless as she practically fell off the bed from her squirming.
It didn't take long for her to reach orgasm once I started this process and before I knew it, my hands were incredibly wet and slimy and I could feel it leaking out of her and down between her cheeks as she convulsed the muscle of her inner walls and let out a cry or satisfaction, placing her hands on my head to push it hard into her crotch until the orgasm had subsided. I had no problem with that as I had no intention of leaving my home between her legs until I was ordered to!
I kept her clit in my mouth but stopped the tongue lashing and let my fingers rest against the upper wall of her inner cavity as she went limp and threw her hands to her sides on the bed with a loud thud. After about 30 seconds of letting her rest without any further motion on my part, I slowly released her clit from my mouth and began to lick around the clean up all the fluids she'd just expelled. I removed my fingers and licked them clean and then began to work on the entrance to her pussy and eventually down into the crevasse between her legs and over her asshole making sure she was thoroughly clean before I considered my job complete.
Once I was sure she was entirely clean, I rested my head to one side against her left thigh like a puppy in her lap and and began to smoothly rub my hand against her inner thighs and over her mound in adoration to pamper her after the intensity of the recent moment. I petted the patch of hair just above her vagina and ran the strands through my fingers softly.
And as if I could have forgotten, through all of this, I never stopped stroking my cock and almost came and wanted to ever so badly when she reached her climax, but I made sure I did not disobey her direct order. As I laid there stroking her skin at the end, I continued to massage my shaft and take my balls between my fingers but in the same gentle manner to which I was caressing her as if I'd just released an amazing orgasm myself, but never stopping.
We stayed there wrapped into each other in that way for awhile and my mind drifted for a bit and wondered what else was in store this weekend. Then I realized that we were probably no more than a couple of hours into it and I basically still had almost a full 48 hours ahead of me. Would I make it?
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Male to Female TransformationGenre : TG SOS or Surgery/Transformation Male to FemaleStory : Cristine CarterCH - 1The last thing I could remember was walking out of the Bank and crossing the road to my car. I had just been to see my bank manager to discuss transferring some money from one of my accounts into a high interest savings account.I had won quite a bit of money on the Lottery, enough to change my life. I was unaware just how much my life was going to change.I had just reached my car...
Camp Transformation by Samantha * * * I hate going shopping for clothes. Every year before I go off to summer camp, my mother and I always go to the clothes shop to get me the clothes I need. I regard clothing-shopping as one of the necessay evils in the world. Thank God I only have to do it once or twice a year. But when I go, it seems as if the universe itself conspires against me to make me miserable. So this past year, I was in the store with my mom picking out trousers, and...
Edward Cole, 67, has died. Born in 1938, he was a wealthy industrialist, having made his fortune in steel and general investing during the 1950s and 60s. He was a respected member of the community, donating money to local charities and even building a community center. However, rumors surrounded him, including a supposed marriage to a 'mysterious red-headed woman,' who has been seen at his mansion many times, as well as a little red-headed girl, rumored to be their daughter. Any...
Hypno-Transformation By: Rachael Free Mike is drugged, set up and made to believe he is a girl, only to return to the real world, dressed as a girl and realizing he's changed, only in his mind but not for long. His buddy Hank helps him out and discovers something strange about his old buddy too. What is real and what is not? Hank's about to find out. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I was sitting at the computer typing in a letter when it came to me. What was I typing,...
The marriage transformation By ZeDD I don't remember where I found it. I don't really remember ever having it before. It was very strange. A small metal cube with a letter on each face. I didn't know what to make of it. Slightly larger than a regular sized die, the idea of rolling it on the table seemed obvious. I shook it in my hand for a few seconds and tossed it onto the table, watching it bounce and roll until it finally came to a stop. On the top face was the letter C. "Now...
I Am Jake's Momby erotic authoress B.L. Quickgender transformation, gender swap, m2f transformation, gender bender, milf, tf tg--Brandon ended the call. “That was Jake. He can’t make it. Senior project issues.” “That sucks,” Chad said. He was sitting next to Brandon in the front seat of the car. “Can we still use the pool?”“Yeah, he said no problem there, so at least that’s good news.” “Plus it makes it easier for me to hit on his mom,” Mike said from the backseat. Brandon gritted his teeth and...
THE TRANSFORMATION by anyport Unfortunately for Ross, he had always seemed slightly effeminate. At school he hadn't been very good at sport, so all the jocks had shunned him. Resulting in him spending a good deal of his time studying, and helping others, mostly girls, with their studies. Even at university he was more at home with the girls, in fact he spent a lot of time in their rooms, not all of it studying. Although he was a respectable 5'9" tall, he was slightly built,...
A Welcome Transformation - by Wendy H. I awake in the darkness, my wife stirring in her sleep beside me as I turn off the alarm clock. I sit up in bed and try to clear the cobwebs from my brain. I've been ill for a long while, and things seem hazy, hazier than half-sleep would make them. I try to remember the past few days, but nothing but random, meaningless images will come. It must have been quite a bug. I feel fine now. It's back to work, I guess. Taking a deep...
Neal's Transformation By Kathi B. Johnson Neal was sitting on the couch in his fancy navy blue dress and dark blue pumps when Kathi walked in the door carrying many clothing store bags and packages. She was dressed smart in her favorite skirt and blouse set. She kicked off her Birkenstocks at the door and smiled at him. Kathi then ushered him into the bathroom where she put down all of her supplies. "I'm here to help make you the most darling woman in the world." She said as...
A True Story of Transformation - by: W. Williams When still quite young, around twelve as I recall, there was one Halloween when my parents had planned on spending the evening out so as not to be bothered with the whole trick or treat thing. I was the youngest of four, and of us kids, my two sisters were the oldest, my brother next, and then myself. Oddly enough, my oldest sister and myself more closely had mom's face and complexion, including fair skin and flame red hair while...
I was walking through the woods not a year ago, just behind my Uncle’s house. It was dark out, just after dusk, but I felt unafraid. I knew these woods, and there was nothing in them more threatening than a fox, so I continued down to my spot down by the creek where I go to when I want to think. Sometimes I’ll even sleep down there. I reached the flat rock that was buried flush with the ground right up on the creeks edge, and started building up a small fire with some sticks and fire wood that...
Dear Diary, Ever since Mistress Alexa and Mistress Kerri took control of my life, it has become both a wonderful sissy dream and a horrible sissy nightmare all at the same time. Initially, mostly the latter, as the first few weeks were probably the hardest. Oh diary, it's like when I was living at home under the control of my evil mother and two older evil sisters. Except not only am I dressed 24/7 in girly dresses and as a sissy maid too, but I'm being used like a sissy slut, and...
Tom's Traumatizing Transformationby [email protected]? Copyright 2010 - Rbbral - Used by permissionStorycodes: F/m; drug; kidnap; bodymod; latex; corset; fem; enslave; dungeon; enema; oral; reluct/nc; X
To understand this transformation, I need to give some background information. My name is Sarah; I was one of two daughters of a minister. During my life, I was always very conservative and sheltered. I never wore makeup, and my dress, which would hide my 38D breasts, was still old-fashioned compared to the other girls in my school. At seventeen, I did have my first date; well, many would not recognize it as a date. A boy named Sam from our church took me to a movie night my father hosted...
CheatingBecoming a Maid for Mark and Rebecca, Part Seven - Ms. Rebecca Begins Stevie's Transformation "And so, Stevie, that brings us nearly up-to-date," I told the quivering mound of needy, sexually charged flesh kneeling on the floor at my feet. "Ms. Stephanie and her sissy maid and cuckold Prissy showed me that what Mark wanted from the sissy he owned was not only possible, it was being accomplished by dominant men and women everywhere. We could take a submissive male, a very submissive...
The word "college" in the US formally denotes a constituent part of a university. Americans "go to college" after high school, regardless of whether the specific institution is formally a college or a university. There's a variety of people working at college, like professors, secretaries, canteen staff, caretakers... And in this story somebody manages to transform somehow! Like a 50 year old professor turning into a hot bangable exchange student from spain! Or the charlady turning into a buff...
Up until I was about 22, I was just a normal, straight guy. I had had several girlfriends and had sex with most of them. It wasn’t until one summer when I was living on my own because my parents were on a vacation for two months that everything changed. I had gotten in the habit of watching porn every night, and one night I stumbled across some sissy hypno videos. For some reason, these really caught my attention and turned me on. Each one of these videos said they were training me to become...
From the records of Advanced Bio-hazard Research Facility Psi Omega - Location **Redacted** ---===Virus 209-q===--- Codename: 63X Virus 209 was designed as a way to naturally incapacitate the human body by temporarily drastically increasing the production of certain hormones in the body. Strand q was a dangerous outlier in 209's evolution that went far beyond the original premise of the project. We are unsure how it was created, as all attempts to recreate the strain have proven...
FantasyKarma's Tome of Knowledge and Sexual Transformation is a large red leather bound book. The Tome contains all of the knowledge and magic of the demon lord Karma. The tome is enchanted with a powerful compulsion charm to read and use the magic within the Tome. Since it was created by Karma the Tome has corruptive effects making the user as evil and sadistic as Karma himself and the desire to transform those around them into strange sex creatures.
Trevor’s TransformationChapter One, Introduction. There are a few things in life that I can say I am passionate about. One of them is landscape design, which has become my career. The other, we’ll discuss later. So it should come as no surprise that keeping my yard beautiful is a priority and passion of mine. While I do not live in an expensive house in the most expensive part of town, I do have a nice house in an established neighborhood, and suffice it to say, the best looking yard on my...
A Halloween Transformation by Maria Ski Halloween is one of my girlfriend's favourite times of the year. We often wear costumes with a similar theme. We've been vampires, we've been superheroes and last year we were a gangster and his girl. But for Halloween this year... This year she decided that she wanted to do something a little different, something with a slight twist from the norm. Something that... Well read on and all will be explained. Sabrina, before you ask her last name...
After the birth of Naruto which took Kushina 10 months to give birth to. Misfortune began to follow from the release of the Kyuubi all the way to the death of her husband. It seemed that Misfortune was bound to follow her..... Unbeknownst to her a mysterious transformation was about to take place.
MILF[Set up in an Indian background this is a work of pure fiction. So the circumstances, background and characters would be in wide variance with those not living in South Asia. There is no resemblance to living characters but just an effort in writing something that may seem far-fetched but not absolutely impossible. Just a fantasy? Yes, could be. Lack of imaginative thinking? Most probably. But the writer makes no pretension about her writing skills and the deficiencies may be ignored in a...
Well my transformation did not happen overnight. I grew up in Texas like any normal k**. Did cheerleading in high school. Was the prom queen. I was hot and still am. I am a natural blonde with big brown eyes. I have "D" cup tits and petite and have been told that I a very hot woman with a dynamite ass. I have always been hit on a lot. I have only been with two men in my whole life, well up to the point where this story starts. I have been called a prude and a tease. But I had thought that was...
Being what I am now have taken few years but most of the changes had happened in the last couple of years, most of them started 7 years ago when I met my Man. Before meeting him yeah a couple of experiences happened in my life, but I was always so reserved, so shy, scare of finding out what this prohibited world had to offer, having a hard time fighting against my true self, accepting me as I really am, is like this side of me was always trying to come out but the circumstances and society...
I woke up in a daze. It had been a night of drinking and all I could remember was everything eventually getting fuzzy. My head was spinning but that was the norm after a friday night "study night" with my friends. Most everyone was out of town but I had still gotten a ride over to my friends apartment. Anna and Heather's place, Anna is a tall redhead. She has lovely pale skin and a bigger build. Not fat just broad shoulders, massive tits, and a fitting frame. She never looked fat just...
ON THE BEACH: A STORY OF TRANSFORMATION K. Moore Brenda picked me up early the day we began our remarkable trip to the beach. I really didn't know what to expect from this because even though I lusted mightily for her, she had shown little romantic interest in me. We got to our hotel room that evening, and after we had unpacked and were preparing to go for a walk, Brenda sat down on the bed with a...
The Transformation by Mistress Lisa He sat at his computer, staring unseeingly into the screen. His mind kept slipping away, darting into the dark desires he kept hidden from the world.....or so he thought. He was daydreaming about a tight corsette and satin panties, when he felt her hands on his shoulders. He turned to face her and his eyes opened wide in surprise. His dear friend and lover stood before him, dressed as he had never seen her. His eyes met hers and...