AssassinChapter 13 free porn video

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"Oh my god! Look!" Rosalee hadn't expected the array of dicks even if she had known it was a nude area. I guess she must have imagined everyone stood waist-deep in the water.

"Roger doesn't seem to have any competition," observed Hailey quietly. "They all seem so small."

"Be fair ladies, they haven't had you around them to make them harder. If they did you might be surprised."

"I won't know where to look," complained Rosalee.

"I'd suggest you behave like you'd like them to behave," responded Anna. "Have a look but don't stare then look them in the eye and let them know you're not ashamed to be caught looking. Isn't it the sleazy types you hate?"

"Yeah but still..."

"Are we supposed to take our clothes off straight away?" Hailey sounded uncertain.

"We could take them off here but it would probably be easier not having to carry them," I suggested.

"Carry them where?"

I looked to Anna for an answer.

"There is a more private area further up the gully."

"Though I would like to see how the men react to your beautiful bods."

"Like yours is reacting to the women's?" Anna was ever observant.

My reply had to wait -- hopefully forever -- since we were now close enough that someone might hear.

People nodded to us, interested in the four young strangers and cautious that we were neither merely there by accident and likely to be disturbed by the nudity or else deliberately there merely to observe rather than participate.

"How far is it Anna?"

"Maybe five minutes climb over some larger boulders. Nothing too hard apparently though I haven't done it myself. Those I saw were managing easily enough though little kids wouldn't be able to do it."

Probably the attraction of the place.

Rosalee looked at the sky. "I could use a little tanning. Does anyone mind if I strip down?"

I certainly didn't and Anna and Hailey indicated they weren't worried. Off came Rosalee's top and her breasts caused a few heads to turn our way as they shook when they fell back down after being caught.

Rosalee handed the top to me and looked at my face when her hand went to the button at her waist. "Should I?"

She wanted to but she wanted the responsibility taken out of her hands.

"Do it."

She smiled and stripped for me. I wonder if she realised, as she bent to free the leg of her shorts from her sneakers, what a wonderful show she was providing for those behind her.

"How about you?" she asked as she packed shorts, bikini and shirt away.

Could I control my embarrassing raging hormones? Then I looked and saw a couple of the men hadn't been able to control theirs.

"I told you they would have to rush for the water," I teased and when Rosalee turned to see what I meant I stripped my clothes off as well.

It was remarkably liberating to stand out in the open with just my socks and sneakers on. I folded my shorts carefully around the pocket with the keys and stashed them into one of the packs.

Straightening I found Hailey and Anna had stripped to the waist. (Anna had held back when Hailey seemed uncomfortable stripping entirely.)

It certainly made us acceptable to the others around us and, as one or two of the women were wearing shorts, neither Anna nor Hailey appeared out of place.

My boner subsided as I became used to standing there but not before I noticed some female conversations that resulted in them looking in my direction for a second or third time.

I guess a boner was simply a rite of passage all males went through on their first -- or first dozen -- visits here.

I notice more than one raised eyebrow though when we began to follow the path to what might be considered the local Lover's Lane. Those there with young kids made sure they didn't go off that way; those with older ones -- say around our ages -- made even surer they didn't!

Seeing a couple go for a hike wasn't at all unusual, even a couple of guys like those off by themselves, but an odd assortment like us certainly was.

There were only a couple of matters of etiquette though and they were really only common sense and curtesy.

The first was to be conscious that loud noises could carry down the gully and the second was to allow enough time for any evidence of playfulness to disappear. Coming down with a swollen red semi-hard prick or battered and swollen cunt lips or a trail of cum down ones leg simply wasn't polite. The ladies going up apparently usually did wear a little something on the way back so it wasn't obvious and the guys just had to sit in the water for a while.

The other matters were simply to return with everything you took with you and to try not to spoil the water that you were likely to be bathing in yourself later.

The stream was constantly flowing with noisy little waterfalls here and there about the length of my shin. We helped each other from boulder to boulder, passing those packs that were too big to easily fit on our backs. I took more of the load now and came up in the rear position which was most appropriate when Rosalee was climbing directly in front of me.

Of course that resulted in me being soft at one stage and hard at another; a fact that did not go either unnoticed nor uncommented. I was only glad to be able to provide so much amusement for my companions.

We rested at the first decent pool but the sight of some shady trees a little higher made us press on after a drink. Certainly we made enough noise that anyone up there would hear us coming and I hoped we would be able to get a similar warning.

The extra climb was well worth the effort since the stream took a zigzag path, entering from a small cascade to our left as we faced upstream and exiting through another on the right alongside the boulders we had just climbed.

That left a flat beach area consisting of coarse sand which was protected from almost any storm levels since the excess water simply went over the top of the damming boulders on the left hand side.

It was obvious that this was a preferred spot and it's vacancy suggested no-one had come up this way today.

As well as the tree that grew out from the edge of the gully there were rows of rushes or reeds or something at the waters edge which provided some privacy in case a head did suddenly appear over the edge of the lower cascade.

The water was clear and inviting and, when I threw off my shoes and socks to wade in, refreshingly cool.

Of course, I said it was wonderful and soon had Rosalee thumping me for lying.

"It will be; just don't splash."

We were sheltered from the wind by the sides of the gully and the boulders and if the water itself could have been a little warmer there was no chill in the sunny rocks around the uphill side. We didn't have to worry about anything bigger than a snail or frog in the water itself since the stream dried up occasionally over summer and all but the largest pool vanished.

I found I could take the temperature once immersed and dunked my head under. With my arm stretched out to her, Rosalee soon joined me and Hailey barely hesitated after Anna became naked and dipped a toe in as well.

"How can you stand it?" Anna asked.

"We have our love to keep us warm."

Rosalee stiffened slightly then snuggled back against me. I rested my hands underneath her breasts.

"So I finally find out what it's like to hold you like this. You feel nice."

"You feel nice around me," she responded.

Anna came over, bow waves spreading from each leg, then carefully settled herself at my side. I released one of Rosalee's breasts to hug her. "Happy sweetheart?"

She nodded and kissed me.

It can be quite erotic kissing one woman while you have another's breast within your grasp, especially when the water's chill makes her nipple press a hole in your thumb.

I turned back to look at Hailey standing with the water almost to her knees and couldn't help myself. "God you look gorgeous."

It can be quite dangerous to pass compliments to a woman when you have your arms around two others and can't defend yourself.

"You all look so sexy and feel so sexy. I'm lucky just being here."

"Well see you let us know how you feel as well and you might get luckier."

Hailey arrived and occupied my other side. She thanked me for the kind words with her own kiss and I borrowed another arm from Rosalee to hold Hailey.

Rosalee might have taken that as a reason for complaint but instead took the opportunity to roll over and take my face in her hands so she could kiss me again.

She was also manoeuvring herself over my lap and I had a good idea what she might intend.

"Nd yed," I struggled into her mouth.

"Why?" she queried petulantly. "Isn't that why we came up here?"

"Do you want to get pregnant?" asked Anna on my behalf.

"No, but I was only going to sit on him for a second. If he doesn't come I'll be all right."

Even Hailey shook her head.

"Rosy, what makes you think that if you were to snuggle into me and slide me right up inside you that I wouldn't explode like a bottle of champagne?""

"You didn't before."

"Sugar, I had already come and you cleaned me up and I didn't really stay long. I couldn't risk it."

"You couldn't have made me pregnant already could you?" There was some fear in her voice.

Hailey must have found the naivety annoying. "You only worried about it now?"

"Well it was only my first time, I didn't think I..."

"That's right."

"Hailey!" I didn't say it harshly, but she understood not to take the matter further.

"Rosy it is highly unlikely you are pregnant but it is possible anytime you have sex. There are ways to stop that happening but nothing is foolproof. If you don't want to get pregnant the only sure way is never to get any sperm in your pussy."

"But I want you to make love to me."

"That's why I brought some condoms along."

"The nun's say they're sinful," put in an unconvincing Hailey.

"You can always stick to blowjobs."

"I don't mind that but I want you inside me too; I don't care what the nuns say; they aren't likely to get pregnant, are they!?"

"Not unless you invite Roger to meet them," joked Anna.

"He might charm the habits off some of the younger ones," responded Hailey.

"But what are we going to do in here if we can't make love."

"Stand up Rosy. Carefully, and put your hands against the rock on either side of my head. Good." I leaned forward and captured one of Rosalee's nipples between my lips. I tickled it with my tongue and then opened wide to grab as big a chunk of tit flesh as possible.

"Oh yes. I like this. Sorry I complained."

"That's okay. Anyone can help if they want."

I wasn't sure if Anna and Hailey would; it didn't really matter if they didn't. I'd just find it a whole lot more fun and they were less likely to get bored waiting for their "turns".

Anna moved to press her face next to mine and I changed angles so we could have a tongue fight with Rosalee's tit as the battleground.

I used the hand I had recovered from behind Anna to hold Rosalee's dangling breast while Anna's arm around Rosalee's back braced her nicely.

Hailey meanwhile watched as Rosalee's nipple responded to her touch. It might have already had some thickness due to the water but as Hailey did the sort of things she liked herself the colour around the nipple contracted in one direction only making it crumple into an oval that was ridged and crenulated.

Hailey took a larger handful of flesh and massaged it, using her other hand on her own tit to remind her what was pleasant and what was painful. Eventually she gave in and I felt her shoulder press into my back as she sucked on a tit for the first time in probably fifteen years.

I had that arm free now as well and reached up between Rosalee's legs. Her pussy just cleared the surface of the water and when I touched the outer edge of her pussy she leaned her hips forward, eager for my touch.

First things first! I did as I had done before and collected her juices. This time I smeared a little of the slime over the front of each breast and waited for the girls to clean it off.

This time it was Hailey who bit the bullet, or at least very nearly bit the bullet poking out of Rosalee's tits. I turned to Anna and held my wet fingers up before my face.

"Taste it and kiss me at the same time," they seemed to say. Anna obliged.

Her tongue tasted of pussy, delightfully sweet and clean. I intended to see that she found out what it was like to be eaten by someone else before we left. With continued privacy, a little good fortune and some adventurous spirit, all four of us should get a chance to try the other three even if we were unlikely to achieve that many releases.

Anna returned to suck on Rosalee's flavoured tit and I moved down so the back of my head was once more in the water. I was partially floating so when I wrapped my arms around Rosalee's thighs to support myself under her it caused her no difficulty.

The water in my right ear was the most annoying aspect of what I was doing but I felt it was worth that inconvenience to have this most unusual opportunity.

While Rosalee squatted over my face and enjoyed my mouth on her pussy I could look up over her belly and see both our friends gnawing on her tits. Between us it didn't take long to make her come and when she did she was even more delicious.

Rosalee had been humping my face as though she was a little yap dog and I was the guest's leg. I was almost pushed underwater twice but I'm sure she hadn't lost all sense of her surroundings. If she had I'm quite as sure that she would have just sat down on me, pushing my head all the way to the bottom.

Rosalee backed off me carefully, holding my head up out of the water as she felt around with each foot before trusting her weight to it. The other girls took over the role of supporting me and Rosy swung her leg back across and sat down quickly, sending a wave across my chin.

"Sorry, I just couldn't seem to stand any longer. You're a bastard though!"


"Because you make me come so much and when I'm at home I only come a little."

"Isn't it good that you can depend on us to help you then?"

I didn't really care if they sought comfort in each other's arms but it was an option for them once I was gone.

"What do you think ladies? Was our lovely Rosy as tasty as you could hope for? Anna did you like your first taste of someone else's pussy juice?"

"Yes though I didn't really get much."

"Maybe you can try some later, perhaps while you're getting fucked from behind?"

"Mmm, maybe."

"And my lovely Honey-pie. Did you like it as much as last time?"

Hailey looked at Anna and decided there was no need for secrecy any more. "She was nice both times but this time was more fun. There is only one problem."

"What's that?"

"Rosalee has come twice and we haven't come at all yet."

"Ah so I guess it might be a good idea to keep the party going so we can recover over lunch and party some more if we want?"

"Yes please but who gets to go next?"

"Rock, Paper, Scissors," suggested Rosalee.

Both contestants felt this was as fair as any other method and didn't require that I picked between them.

"1-2-3" Both were paper.

"1-2-3" Rock breaks scissors.

Anna had bet that Hailey would stay the same; Hailey had hoped that Anna wouldn't.

"You've got condoms?"


"And they are reliable?"

"Used properly, very."

"Then I want you to fuck me. I was afraid last week even though the idea made me wet as well. I've been thinking all week and if we had gone anywhere we could do it I was going to let you. I think here counts."

"Okay. Did you have any special way?"

"No!" said Anna.

We all looked at her.

"It's her first time. You've got to do it right. You know!"

I nodded, leaned across, and gave Anna a kiss.

"You are so very right Sweetheart and thank you for reminding me."

"You two have already fucked!?" Hailey looked at us.

"Made love and Roger will make love to you. He will do it properly so it's worth remembering. Okay?"

Hailey realised that Anna was being quite sincerely unselfish when she might consider that she had a greater claim over me due to prior "occupation".

"Thank you."

"There is a nice stretch of sunny rock over there; shall we see if it's too hot or would you prefer a towel in the shade?"

"I think I'd like to have a chance to warm up again." We all moved over to the expanse of granite.

Anna may have wanted Hailey to lose her virginity in the best possible way but that didn't mean she didn't want to watch from up close. Rosalee was feeling cosy towards us all so, when we settled down, Anna found herself leaning back into Rosalee's arms with her back supported by Rosalee's pneumatic chest.

I too set myself up with Hailey snuggling against my chest. It gave me a chance to caress her breast with one hand and to tease the top of her butt crack with the other.

Once I had assured myself that the site was suitable I had waded back through the water and returned with the small packet currently lodged under my right butt cheek.

Hailey and I kissed frequently as we caressed each other and I was very aware of her body next to mine.

"Would you like me to suck on you?" she offered and I couldn't say no.

She turned and lay along the warm rock with her face in my lap and reached out to hold me. I leaned back with outstretched arms and sighed as Hailey let her lips slide over me. Anna moved closer and Rosalee, freed, copied her on my other side.

Anna did it better, true, but she had had more practice as well. I had no complaints however and being watched was quite a turn on. Too much of everything in fact and I had to get Hailey to stop.

Though I wouldn't have minded coming in the least, I had to allow for the fact that I was probably going to have to fuck each of the girls at least once. Hell I'd love to do them all in half a dozen different ways but that was not going to be possible in the available time let alone physically. As for myself, I would be getting enough that I didn't need to be greedy.

Hah! Three gorgeous young women (well naked should be plenty gorgeous for anyone) and I'm not greedy!

I had an idea, and my thoughts were almost as bad for my composure as Hailey's mouth.

"Would you like to be eaten while I'm inside you?"

"How? Forget it; of course!"

"Then come back this way a bit."

A small boulder rested on our flat rock and I could lean back using it as a support. There was an interested audience as I extracted the condom from it's pack and rolled it down over my shaft.

"Come and sit here first."

I straightened my legs and indicated my lap. I wasn't going to bury myself in Hailey's cunt just yet.

Hailey put a foot either side of my knees and leaned back against me. My covered prick rested at the top of her ass crack; obvious to both of us but out the way for now. It was like holding the sexiest double bass on the planet. I caressed a breast with my left hand and her pussy with my right while working my tongue around her neck and ear, and occasionally into her mouth when she stretched around.

It is surprising how your feelings for someone can strengthen with a little intimacy -- at least I find it so. I guess if you only try to use someone to satisfy your own lusts it may be different but then there is just physical closeness not real intimacy.

I had jokingly referred to love keeping us warm but if it wasn't love I felt for Hailey then I guess it was something pretty close. The aspect I found interesting was that, though I felt the same way about Anna when I held her in her room, right then I was only concerned about what I felt for Hailey even though Anna was close enough to touch.

I tried not to play favourites and indeed had no objection to being with any of the three though they had qualities that were distinctly different. I would have to say that Rosalee did lack the maturity of the others at times which could get annoying even while she most selflessly was prepared to blow me. I guess that I appreciated that the others considered the consequences and cared enough to do things; the difference between a partner and a faithful dog though Rosalee was by no means a bitch in appearance or temperament, except perhaps for going on heat.

I shifted my hands to Hailey's thighs and lifted her back against me.

"Anna, would you line me up please?"

Hailey could have done it herself but once again I wanted this to be a group activity. I felt Anna's hand surround me and my knob was rubbed against Hailey's soft and slippery flesh. The connection was obvious and I lowered Hailey, relishing the feel of her body trapping me.


"More than okay."

"We aren't in a very good position for much movement so you can just get used to the feeling of me inside you for a while. If you'd like to get eaten why not ask now?"

Hailey stirred. Anna was already there and seemed to have a more significant history with me than they had suspected. It wasn't hard to visualise the eaten as being dominant over the eater and getting one up on Anna would be more satisfying than simply topping Rosalee.

Of course, countering that was the fact I had told her to ask. If I had suggested to Anna that she eat Hailey's pussy then both could say they only wanted to please me. This way Hailey couldn't deny her desire to be eaten by potentially anyone nor for Anna to suggest there wasn't interest on her part.

"Would you eat me? Please, Anna?"

Anna looked at me before returning her eyes to Hailey's; there was lust present an I imagined she got even wetter herself.

Anna lay where Hailey had been not so much earlier. I felt her teeth grip my sack and carefully stretch the skin. Hailey and I were intimately connected and Anna was going to see we both got a turn. Hailey clamped down on me as Anna shifted her focus and her tongue worked its way around.

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Toshima was a happy girl now that Mr. Sanyo had relieved her of her undesired cherry. Everything at home was calm and peaceful. Her mama was pleased that she had been introduced into womanhood by an important man like her husband's boss and she would be the first to admit that the older man's equipment was most impressive having been under his supervision in the past. Her father had received a promotion that insured the income from his job would pay their retirement in later years. Mr....

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Sisterly LoveChapter 3

Regina’s Place -- 8PM Truth be told, I was nothing if not a sixteen year-old horn-dog. Less than three hours earlier I had boinked a mother and daughter I’d gone home and showered their love juices off me, had dinner with my mother, talked for twenty minutes about the mother- daughter romp with Stephie on the phone and dressed for a date with Reggie—casually since her parents were out—and Stephie told me what Reggie was expecting from me. Yeah, I was a horn-dog all right. Reggie was more...

2 years ago
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Husband ne range hathon pakda

Hi everybody ye meri doosri story hai is site main jaise maine pehle bataya meri shadi hue ek saal hua tha jab maine pados wali aunt or apni bv dono ko ek saath choda is baar to ulta hi ho gaya aap meri real story padh ker mujhe mail karen or batayen ki ye aapko kaisi lagi mera mail id hai jaise ki maine pehle bataya tha ki mujhe apne se jyada umer ki auntiyon ke saath main sex kerna acha lagta hai or last time jain aunty ke jaane ke baad lagbhag 2 mahine ho gaye the or meri bv ne mujhe bola...

4 years ago
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This is the true story about my life. I didn't talk until I was 5 years old. The pediatricians my parents had taken me to, gave me a working diagnosis of autism. They said I would always stay a c***d, and never become independent. They recommended they put me away in an institution. My parents refused to do that. They kept me close to home instead. At about the age of 7, when I finally did learn to talk, they mainstreamed me into a public elementary school. I was teased, taunted, and beaten...

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Lost Then Found

This is not your typical tale of romance between a man and a woman. I have tried to tell a story of how a man, who believes he has lost everything important in his life, discovers he really hasn’t. Although Post Traumatic Stress Disorder plays only a small part in this tale it plays a major part in the real lives of many people. PTSD is not just a condition that affects men and women in the military. It can, and does, affect anyone who has suffered a traumatic event in their life. If you, a...

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The night I met Eve

Another true story from my past. Soon after I got out of college, the economy was bad and I was working part time. There was a bar in town where I would hang out with friends. It was more of a beer joint than a bar actually, with bar stools, tables and chairs, pool tables, juke box, kind of a dingy, run down place, but usually a fun crowd and it was run by a guy I knew. I was there one night shooting pool and drinking beer when a woman who hung around there a lot, I’ll call her Cindy,...

2 years ago
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Eds adventures in a Cul de Sac

Ed grew up in a quiet cul de sac in a nice neighbourhood, nothing bad had ever really happened to him until he was 8 when his dad died in an accident. Life could have taken many turns but his mom, Holly, was a strong woman who avoided despair and instead concentrated on raising her son as best she could as a widowed mother. Her husband's life insurance had paid off the mortgage with a little left over, she worked as a fitness instructor to earn extra cash, she enjoyed both the work and meeting...

1 year ago
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The Womanless Beauty Pageant Part 7 of 11

The Womanless Beauty Pageant - Part 7 of 11 The only thing worse than being pressured into participating in a womanless beauty pageant, is to finish in last place. The ramifications of that experience turned out to be life changing, for Miss Bobby. As Co-authors, Monica and I have a couple of very special ladies to thank, both are icons in the TG community. The first is Vickie Tern. Without her encouragement and inspiration this story would never have been written. The second is...

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Dont Sleep in the SubwayChapter 32

(Some time on the Indian Reservation) My decision to quit our attempts to establish residency in the Great Pacific Northwest had more to do with my frustration at finding a sense of peace in a strange time era. The majestic presence of the tall trees and the rugged almost virgin territory should have been soothing to my soul after the violence of the Civil War and the dangers from savages on the trek west to the Pacific Ocean. I knew without deep thought that my search for the meaning of...

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Debbie and Me

"Mom! I'm going over to Brian's!" you call, as you head out the door. Your mom doesn't get a chance to answer, but you know exactly what she'll say. "Okay, hon, be back sometime this week." Brian's your best friend, and his family has practically adopted you over the years. Your life would be fairly boring if they didn't - both your parents are engineers, and spend ninety percent of their time at the office. Half the time they even sleep there. You've even taken to calling Debbie, his mother,...

2 years ago
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Wendy looked down into the valley, and began to weep. "It was the Theocracy," said Guido, her boyfriend. He put an arm about her shoulders and felt her shaking with rage and grief. Below them, in what had been a scenic little valley, there used to be a tidy little village. Now, only smouldering ruins hugged the teal waters of the shallow bay. Fishing boats, which were moored in neat rows at the villages piers were just masts poking above the water, like banner poles, with tattered and burnt...

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Esther stone

Esther sat on the side of the road, freezing, she feared that if she didn't find a place to stay soon, she probably freeze to death.Lately life had been pretty fucked up for Esther, both her parents had die before she could barley talk, and this year she had run away, because her foster parents were abusive.She had no one now, and was stranded on the side of the road. Esther picked herself off of the ground and started walking again, until a huge house came in sight. "Warmth." She said, she was...

1 year ago
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A WellLived Life Book 9 AnalaChapter 38 Analysis Again

May, 1984, Chicago, Illinois I didn’t return Becky’s call; I called Jackie instead. I told her about what had happened with the phone message. “Let me get this straight. You didn’t make love with Penny, but you realized she’s the antidote to Becky?” “Yes. I thought about Penny so much, and was so focused on her, that Becky didn’t even cross my mind, and when I heard Becky’s phone message, I was annoyed, not because I’d missed lunch with her, but because I simply didn’t want anything to do...

1 year ago
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Tales of Feminization

In a seemingly normal town, a new social movement is taking place. White boys are encouraged to act, dress, and be feminine. You are a student at this school, and this is story of how you become a dirty sissy slut. Choose a boy to play as and be feminized. (All characters in this story are of legal age) (I'm only working on Mark's story right now, but feel free to add more characters) (Tags on this page are tags for all the threads in the story) I decided to start playing around with variables...

3 years ago
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Mary meets Zeke at 2pm

It was 3 days until Tuesday and Mary was anxious for her 2 PM appointment. We had been to a few adult theaters, and had enjoyed watching other folks enjoy themselves. But to be invited by an almost stranger, not knowing what he had planned was too much for her. Zeke had been part of a rainy evening fuck feast we had innocently stumbled into. He and Lester had enjoyed my wife Mary in quite a few ways at that roadside tavern. Upon leaving Zeke had given Mary a note which simply read, Tuesday 2PM...

4 years ago
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The Count and the Bride

I let the cool water of the shower cascade down my rock-hard body after a gruelling workout in the gym. My muscles were tired, but I felt pumped up and ready to take on the world as another unemployed artist in one of the East Coast cities.I was proud of my 6’2” athletic physique, my 18” biceps, my six-pack abs, my glutei – buttocks – but most of all, my thick nine-inch cock. My hairless tanned and unblemished skin, my long blond hair and blue eyes had many women swoon over me but got me...

1 year ago
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Reddit Streamers Gone Wild, aka r/StreamersGoneWild! I admit, I get a lot of mileage out of mocking Reddit users. Some of you make it so easy with the fedoras and neckbeards, not to mention that embarrassing incel and nofap bullshit. I admit you’ve been right about a few things, though, like hentai. Who would have thought I’d be jerking off to breast inflation cartoons on the regular? Reddit, that’s who. Lately, I’ve been hooked on r/StreamersGoneWild.StreamersGoneWild is a subreddit devoted...

Reddit NSFW List
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Bringing Home an Old Biker Friend

We hadn’t heard from Matt in quite a while. Both he and his wife, Jackie had sort of fallen off the scene and we lost touch over the last few years. Matt and Jackie, our first couple in the swinging lifestyle, are mentioned in my story, ‘First Night at A Swingers Club’.Then, out of the blue, I get a text message from him to ask how we were and did I still have the bike. I replied that we were doing well and of course I still had the bike. I wasn’t going to part with my big cruiser. That was my...

1 year ago
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Wow ThanksChapter 22 Slouching Towards Debauchery

Lissa resumed her spot and immediately Marie announced that she had received a dare: "Blindfold the victim. Between the remaining players, assign a number to each player after getting the victim to choose a number. That person will make out with the victim for at least 30 seconds, in whatever way they see fit. After the kiss is over, the kisser returns to their spot in the group and the blindfold is removed. If the victim guesses correctly on their first turn who kissed them it is the end of...

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My step daughter

I have a lot of stories about my ex wife and her family and would like to share one of them with you It's about my step daughter and the way she finally got me to fuck herI was married for almost 20 years my now ex wife had three k**s but I don't think it's a good idea to bring the other two into it but I have to tell you about the one that was bound and determined that I give her my cock and not very long ago I finally gave in to her desire for the first time and it was more than she ever...

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FamilyHookups Emma Hix Blonde cutie Emma Hix fucks her stepbrother under the Christmas tree

Emma Hix has the holiday blues. She doesn’t feel at home in her new family, she barely knows her new stepbrother and it’s making her feel sad. Her stepbrother is a nice guy so he sits down and talks to her about her troubles and asks what he can do to help her out, and she wants his cock! He’s stunned, step siblings aren’t supposed to fuck right? But he also wants to make his new step sis feel welcome, so he goes for it! He fills her teen pussy up with his fat cock and...

4 years ago
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Sister realised when heard about her brother8217s sacrifice

Srikar’s parents married in very early age and Srikar and usha born to them early. Srikar was 18 and usha was 15. Both were reading and sleeping in one room. Srikar’s parents sleep in anotherroom. Usha uses to go to bed early. Srikar was studying upto late hours. Sometimes he uses to hear sounds from parents room. In the beginning he was caring those sounds. But gradually he was enthusiatic and slowly started peep into the bed room of parents. Oneday when peep through the bedroom, he was...

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NYMPHOBRAINIAC by Jenny North The hard metal floor of the secret base buzzed with an electrical hum as the sparkling entry portal phased into existence. Normally people entered right away, but then normally people were authorized to be there. But this time, the room stood quiet for a long moment before a pair of footsteps tentatively entered through the portal. "Holeee shiiiit!!!" Bud exclaimed, slapping his partner on the back. "Quiet, dummy! They might hear!" "Ahh, you worry...

1 year ago
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Aunt Megan Part three The renovations

I had a nice long shower until I felt that my body was somewhat under control again. After I dried myself off, I noticed that the door to Megan's room wasn't completely shut. Was it like that before I got in the shower? I couldn't remember. I moved a little closer to it, trying to look through without being obvious about it. I could see her bed from where I was standing but there was no one there. Seeing that Megan wasn't in there and not hearing any movement I looked a little closer. It...

4 years ago
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The Devils Pact SideStory Cynthia and Vivians First Webcast

by mypenname3000 Copyright 2013 The Devil's Pact Side Story: Cynthia and Vivian's First Webcast Note: This takes place between Chapter 19 and Chapter 20. Follows the characters of Cynthia and Vivian from Chapter 1. “I think we're set, Viv,” Cynthia said as she fiddled with the webcam, aiming it at our bed. A long cable connected the webcam to my laptop, I didn't know what it was called, but the Geek Squad member assured me it was the cable we needed. “How does it look?” I was...

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NuruMassage Kenzie Taylor Revenge Nuru

Seth Gamble is not having the best day. He’s overworked and really needs to unwind. A massage might be in order. He picks up the phone and books an appointment immediately. When he gets to the salon, he’s greeted by someone he never expected: his girlfriend’s best friend Kenzie Taylor. He asks her what the hell she’s doing there. She tells him she works there and he’s not so sure about this anymore. She says there’s nothing to feel weird about: she’ll...

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NubileFilms Gina Gerson December 2020 Fantasy Of The Month

This month’s fantasy of the month, Gina Gerson, has taken the time to describe her perfect scene. This sensual sweetheart wants flowers, elegance, and a touch of class. She gets it, with a long sweeping dress, a bed of rose petals to rub all over her skin, and Raul Costa in a tux to run a rose along her skin. Just as Gina requested, Raul takes things slow. He teases her with the rose until her nipples are nice and hard, then goes in to explore Gina’s body with sweet openmouthed...

4 years ago
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The Infidelity ClubChapter 2

1993 LAURA The three attractive woman sat around the table picking at salads and enjoying the wine and the company. Friends now for almost a year, the group had solidified into a tight knit circle even though they initially had little in common. Laura Weston was the oldest at 47. Shoulder length deep auburn hair provided the ideal backdrop to her intense green eyes. She shunned exercising, but watched her diet religiously and although no longer possessed of an hour glass figure, she...

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Meri Mousi Aur Uski Dost 8211 Part II

Hello friends, did u like my story? This next part of meri mousi aur uski dost in last story u saw how I fuck my mousi rani now we both plan to fuck with sadhna her friend , u know abt me & mousi.sadhnas size is 36-26-38 uski height 5ft 2 inch thi. Slim figure gori thi.age lagbhab 33-37 yrs ke beech ki thi lekin 30 yrs ki lagti wo. In last story, mousi and me r in kitchen r in kitchen now next Muze mousi ne nastha diya aur wo wapas hall mai ja k sadhna k sath bith gayi.mai nashta khatam kar k...

2 years ago
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Ashleigh Helps Out

D. Chaffins Jack had thought his recent marriage to Jill was finally working smoothly. Jack, at 55, believed himself to be quite fortunate in landing Jill, a 38 year old honey. They had been wed for almost two years now. Among the few assets she had brought to the marriage was a lovely 16 year old daughter, Ashleigh. For the past two years things had seemed to be working well for the three of them. Jill was not the best homemaker he had ever encountered but Ashleigh had taken up the slack....

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The need for Experience

By Gail Holmes Maureen sat at the table looking toward her daughter; reaching forward she touched Wally her husband’s hand, he looked up toward her, Maureen nodded toward her daughter sitting on the step in the doorway. Hazel was a beautiful girl, she loved her art, and she’d sit and sketch for hours on end, her mind was oblivious to anything around her predetermined on the subject on her mind, normally a bird or a...

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Heather was 12 years old when I married her mother, and although Heather was young, it was a treat being around her. She had such a bubbly personality, that some times it was almost comical watching her. But then again, it was a joy being around her. As Heather grew older, she began to look very good to me. She was always walking around our house in mini skirts, short shorts, halter tops, tube tops and T-shirts. When it was close to her bedtime, she would change into a T-shirt and panties, then...

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Ainsely 19

Jack and I are sitting in our little car, packed to the ceiling, driving back to Carolina. My mom already looked into some classes that I can use toward my Louisville program, that is if I decide to stay with it. I'll be with my folks, enjoy the Country Club lifestyle for a while and get to see my hubby on weekends when he gets away from the training assignment he's here for. My hubby,... the man who really loves me, no matter what. Stroking his arm, I surprised him out of the blue, “I love...

Wife Lovers
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Was I in the wrong

Unbeknownst to me this one time event was only the beginning I do not want to give away too much, just have a read... It was days before my trip to the Caribbean, my boss came to me and asked if it was true that I had some spare paving I was trying to flog, I said yes I had quite a bit so he offered to take the lot. I told him the best time was once I return from holiday but he insisted on having them before I left even worse he wanted me to deliver them to him, I told him he had no chance but...

Cheating Wife
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Mind the TimeChapter 39

So Vee bummed a ride upstate to see about maybe going to school. Mount Pleasant had been a Land Grant school. In case you didn't know, a Land Grant college was a school established by a Land Grant. So many sections were given to the school with the right to sell or lease the land to the highest bidder. The fees or funds were deposited in an interest bearing account somewhere and the interest was used to alleviate the taxes needed to support the school ... alleviate not eliminate ... help...

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The Party

John turned the keys and the car's engine stopped. He opened the door and climbed out, quickly glancing at the house number to make sure it was the right place. Yep, it was right. Why was there no noise? Maybe they were waiting for him to arrive, he thought. Yeah right. He stepped up to the door, and he pressed the bell.

4 years ago
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The Event bi sucking for an audience Part I

I had attended the monthly event mostly to watch and watching was what I was doing.  I was sitting on a sofa next to Mike, a fireman, whom I had just meet about an hour ago when all of us newbies had had to make our introductions and to hear about and agree to the club’s rules before being allowed to join in the activities.Kneeling between Mike’s open knees was Amber, a 30-something short-haired blonde with an ample bosom that made the buttons on her pale white blouse strain and whom I had also...

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My first black cock

My wife and i have always enjoyed threesomes with other men over our thirteen year mariage and it's been awesome! It really went to a all new high. A few months ago, on this very site, we found a black stud with 10 inches of cock that was as big as a soda can! This huge black man was just what my horny wife was looking for! His name was Mark and from a near by city called St. Louis! Anyway over a short period of time we decided to meet Mark in a motel in the city. Micki (my wife) sucked my cock...

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Getting off the Seesaw Book 2 Chapter 3

Barry woke up in bed alone. Nothing new there. He was curious about what Diane might be up to, but they had agreed that secrets were allowed, and whatever it was, he’d know by Sunday morning.He got up, realised that the shower wouldn’t work because the water was still off and set off downstairs wearing the shorts he’d slept in. There was no new leak. He walked around the carpet a few times — the squelching had gone. The carpet still felt a little damp to his fingers, so he left the heating...

2 years ago
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Love Thy Neighbor Chapter 6

Connie lay on the bed before him, legs spread and pussy dripping with need and desire. Her body trembled in anticipation and her breathing was ragged and unsteady. She was primed and set to go.Tommy took one long lap at her drooling pussy and she nearly fainted. "Ohhh my god, Tommy!" Her hands immediately clutched the sheets and her head fell back on the pillow.Then he started lapping her up, slow easy licks the full length of her slit from bottom to top. She writhed around in sweet agony....


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