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I glanced around the second hand clothing shop to make sure that no one had seen me pick out the pink, pleated netball skirt from the rack. I hid it beneath a pair of long pants in my hand.

I felt my heart start to beat furiously as I stood next to the change room and caught the attention of the shop assistant by waving the pair of pants I was carrying, and the hidden netball skirt in front of me. He nodded and with a smile on his face motioned me to enter the change room.

I entered, and pausing only to pull the curtain across the opening of the change room, gazed at myself in the mirror. Smiling at how clever I thought I had been, I quickly took off my pants and underwear grabbed the netball skirt, held it to my face, and breathed in its smell.

God it smelt so good and the pleats felt like magic against my skin. For as long as I could remember, I had had a secret fetish for pleated skirts, especially netball skirts, and here I was about to try one on.

Without a moment’s hesitation, I wrapped the skirt around me and fastened the clasp securely. The feeling was indescribable as I ran my hand down the pleats and gazed at my image. Quickly, knowing that I didn't have much time I drove my hand beneath the skirt and started to furiously masturbate myself.

I knew it wouldn't take me long to cum and as I felt myself begin to climax I wrapped the skirt around my cock and ejaculated wave after wave of salty cum onto the skirt.

I gasped in pleasure, but becoming a little anxious about how long I was spending in the change room, I quickly removed the skirt and used it to clean up all the mess I had made. The skirt was a sorry sight now as it was covered in dripping cum.

Nevertheless, I replaced it on its hanger, put my pants back on as as fast as I could, left the change room, went to the closest rack and replaced the skirt.

I had made it. Smiling to myself, I started to head for the exit.

“Mr Brown, could you please stop the gentleman.”

A woman's voice suddenly rang out, shocking me and sending fear crackling down my spine. Suddenly I felt a strong pair of hands grab me. It was the shop assistant I had motioned to earlier. Too frightened to speak I twisted around in the man's grasp and saw a woman holding the pink netball skirt in her hand.

Luckily, for me I noticed there was no one else in the shop beside us.

“What seems to be the problem Jane?” asked the man in a strong deep voice.

Jane moved closer and held up the skirt, “Look what this little creep has done Peter. He's masturbated over a netball skirt.”

Peter looked with open disgust at the skirt and then at me. “Shall we call the police? Let them sort it out,” said Peter.

At the mention of police, I felt tears well in my eyes, “Please don't call the police! Please!” I begged, openly sobbing.

They both looked at me with disgust. “So you think we should let you off with just a warning,” shouted Jane. “You come in here and masturbate over a skirt and think we'll have no problem with that, do you?”

“I’m so sorry, I won't do it ever again,” I cried.

Peter looked at Jane, reached over, and took the skirt from her. “Perhaps I have a solution Jane. We need to do something that's going to discourage people from coming in here, stealing clothes,” and pointing at the cum slowly dripping from the skirt, “doing perverted acts like this.”

“What do you have in mind Peter?”

Peter looked at Jane once more before smiling. “This little creep obviously likes dressing up in women's clothing, so let’s dress him and put a sign around his next saying this is what happens to shoplifters.”

The colour drained from my face in horror, “But I didn't steal it, you can't make me wear women's clothes in public.”

Jane grabbed me roughly by the face and turned me towards her, “Make a decision, you do what Peter suggests or we call the cops. Your choice. And as for not stealing the skirt, you did something far worse.”

In fury, she grabbed the skirt back from Peter and shoved it in my face, smearing cum all over me.

I began to cry again, but I knew I could never face the humiliation of being taken away by police officers.

“Okay,” I finally stammered. “I'll take your punishment, I know what I did was wrong.”

“Good,” said Peter. “Jane could you take him to the back room and find something suitably humiliating for him to wear?”

“It'll be my pleasure,” replied Jane.

She grabbed me and roughly pushed me into the back room before telling me to sit on a wooden chair. While she started to look through a rack of clothes, I began to pay more attention to how Jane looked.

She was quite tall and pretty, with long hair tied back into a ponytail. She was wearing a white satin blouse and a tight knee length black skirt. I noticed the colour of her stockings were also black as were her high heel shoes. She noticed me looking at her and angrily pointed at my clothes.

“Take them off.”

I was shocked. “You want me to take my clothes off in front of you?”

She nodded. “That's right, take your clothes off or go to jail, your choice.”

I accepted my predicament and began to take my clothes off. God, it was so humiliating. Never before had I felt so humiliated.

It wasn't long before I was standing in front of her completely naked.

She suppressed a small smile, “I can see now why you like pretending to be a girl.”

Humiliated, I clasped my hands over my small penis. She was correct of course. I was a failure as a man. I had a small thin body with no body hair. She laughed again, this time holding her hands to her mouth to hide her laughter.

“I am surprised though that such a small penis could make such as big mess of that skirt.”

I felt so humiliated about how she was making fun of my cock, but the humiliation became even worse when she handed me a pair of pink satin panties.

“Put them on,” she ordered.

I did as I was told, but I had to admit the panties felt amazing as they slid up my legs. Next Jane threw a pair of silky black stockings at me and told me to also put them on. As I was pulling them up my legs, I saw her pull out a matching satin bra to the panties I was wearing and then she walked over and stood behind me.

I felt her place the bra around me and she began to fasten the clasps at the back. She was so close to me. Was it my imagination or was she pressing herself against me. Not knowing how to react I stood there docilely as she stuffed a pair of rolled up socks into my bra and swung me around.

“Oh very nice,” she breathed.

It began to occur to me that at that moment, she was actually enjoying dressing me up.

“Now what to wear,” Jane mused to herself. Her eyes suddenly lit up as she saw in the Halloween section a sexy black PVC frenchmaid uniform. “Oh perfect,” she exclaimed.

She grabbed the dress and tossed it at me, telling me to put it on. Obeying her, I slipped on the dress. The material made a rustling crackling noise as I smoothed the dress into place. Jane helped me by zipping the back of the dress up.

“Perfect. All you need now is a little make-up and some high heels."

Not long later, I was led back in the shop and immediately saw the surprised glances of several shoppers as they gazed at me in wonder. I had never felt so humiliated. Peter, who had a paper sign in his hand, came up to us with a surprised look on his face.

“God Jane, you went the whole way with him didn't you. He looks like a real girl.”

“He does, doesn't he?” replied Jane with a smile. “Now let’s get back to work. You,” she said pointing at me,” put this sign around your neck and stand next to the front window.”

I put the sign around my neck, only glancing at the words, this is what happens to shoplifters, and stood next to the window, and for the next hour endured the laughter and mocking smiles of the people who ventured into the store.

I spent most of the time with my head bowed down, but occasionally I lifted my head and glanced about. I noticed that Jane had left the shop. She must have gone to the back room, I thought to myself.

Just then to my shock, Jane re-entered the shop wearing a bright yellow netball skirt. My knees went weak. What was she playing at? Was she trying to make me feel worse? It didn't make any sense, but I couldn't keep my eyes off her.

Jane moved about the shop, helping customers, and one time while helping one customer, a gust of wind blew into the shop and lifted Jane's netball skirt into the air, where it fluttered and flapped in the breeze. She smoothed her skirt down and deliberately looked at me.

It suddenly dawned on me what she was doing and to my horror, I suddenly felt my cock swell and push against the skirt of the frenchmaid uniform. I tried to smooth down the dress but it was obvious what was happening. Peter certainly did notice and angrily grabbed me by the arm and dragged me into the back room and threw me roughly against the wall.

Before I could move, he pinned me to the wall. “What the hell do you think you're doing, getting an erection in the middle of the shop? What kind of sicko are you?”

Peter was strong and I was helpless in his grip, but nonetheless I struggled against him and then to my horror, he bent over and roughly thrust his groin himself against me.

Oh, my god I thought to myself, he's turned on by me. Just then, Jane entered the room.

“What’s the problem Peter?”

Peter very quickly pulled away from me.

"This little sicko had an erection for everyone to see out there in the shop."

I turned to Jane; ready to tell her how Peter had thrust himself against me, when out of nowhere Peter slapped me hard on the face. In shock, I fell down, holding my hand to my cheek. Before I knew it, Peter had produced a role of duct tape and proceeded to gag me with it by wrapping many layers over my mouth.

“Peter, what the hell are you doing?” exclaimed Jane.

Peter turned to Jane,” I have to get back into the shop; I want you to tie this thing up. Do you understand me? And don't take off the gag.”

“Sure Peter,” replied Jane in a voice slightly taken aback. With that, Peter left the back room leaving me in the presence of Jane. I tried to say what he had done to me, but due to the gag, no words came out.

“I'm sorry but I have to tie you up. We're legally allowed to restrain you as you committed a crime in our store.“

With that, Jane made me sit on a wooden chair and proceeded to tie my hands behind my back. She was certainly good at tying knots and before I knew it, my hands were securely tied. Next, she tied my ankles tightly together. As she worked on securing me, often times her netball skirt brushed against me causing my cock to swell. Next, she tied my knees together then bound my elbows together. Lastly, she tied a piece of rope to my ankles and secured it to my wrists.

I was helpless. She looked at me and smiled.

“I guess this is all my fault. I shouldn't have worn this netball skirt and got you all worked up.” She ran her hand down the skirt. “Do you think I look sexy in this skirt?”

I nodded my head. God she looked amazing; satin blouse, black stockings and a pleated netball skirt.

“Would you like to cum over this netball skirt as well?” Jane asked in a slightly breathless voice.

Stunned I stared at her and nodded my head. Without a moment’s hesitation Jane dropped to her knees in front of me, raised the hem of my PVC dress, pulled out my cock, and began to suck me off.

I moaned in delight and pulled against the ropes holding me as Jane continued to suck on my cock. After a few minutes, she abruptly stood up reached under her skirt and pulled off her panties.

“Do you want me to fuck you now?”

I could only nod yes. Jane stood over me a slowly lowered herself onto my cock. Her pussy felt hot and warm as it enveloped me. The netball skirt fanned out around Jane, covering me. Slowly she began to thrust against me, moaning as she did so. Her thrusts became harder and harder as she began to kiss me through the gag.

I started to moan loudly as I felt myself beginning to cum. Sensing what was going to happen Jane pulled my cock out of her and wrapped her netball skirt around it before savagely jerking me off. I came spurting cum all over Jane's skirt.

She smiled and stood up. I watched as cum dripped from the front of her skirt onto the floor.

“Well looks like you got your wish, that's another skirt you've ruined.”

Jane removed the netball skirt and tossed it into the corner. Next, she went over to the spare rack, pulled out a hot pink PVC skirt, and slipped into it. The material made a rustling noise as she pulled the skirt over her hips. God she looked so hot in it. Without another word, she turned around and left.

An hour passed before Jane accompanied by Peter entered the room. Peter motioned for Jane to stand next to me before he started to speak.

“What neither of you know is that I have a camera in this room and I know exactly what has happened in here.”

Jane's face dropped in surprise. Before she could speak, Peter cut her off.

“This is how it goes.” he looked at me before speaking. “Either you suck my cock or your little friend Jane here loses her job. What's it going to be?”

I looked at Jane's horrified face and decided I had to help her. I nodded my agreement. With eyes brimming with tears, Jane bent down and kissed me.

“Oh thank you so much, this job is all I have.”

“Touching,” murmured Peter.

“Now untie him and then I want the both of you to put on these outfits. He tossed a bag at Jane and motioned her to get dressed first.

Inside Jane found a pair of shiny, spandex tights. She took her stockings off and put the spandex tights on. Next, there was a skin-tight lycra top. Removing her blouse and bra, she put it on. The next item was a gleaming white netball skirt. At the sight of it, my eyes opened wide.

Lastly was a plastic very shiny Adidas windbreaker jacket that made an incredible amount of noise when Jane moved in it.

Smiling, Peter ran his hands over Jane, making a rustling noise from her jacket as he did so. As soon as he reached her hands, he held them close together and tied them together.

“Now get on your knees. You don't know how long I've been waiting for this to happen.”

Meekly Jane dropped to her knees and watched as Peter took off his pants, exposing his enormous cock in the process. Before a surprised Jane could react, he thrust his cock into her mouth. Jane began to suck on his cock struggling to take it all into her mouth.

After a while, Peter stopped her, walked over to me and untied me.

“Now get dressed.”

Before long, I was kneeling next to Jane and dressed identically to her.

“Don't you two look so pretty in your little white netball skirts,” sneered Peter. “Why not a little kiss for each other?”

We looked at each other shyly before we started kissing. My passion took over and I embraced Jane to me kissing her wildly. Our plastic nylon jackets rasped against each other as we kissed.

“How sweet,” muttered Peter.

He crossed over to us, grabbed me forcing my hands behind my back, and tied them together.

“Now let’s see you express your love for your new girlfriend here.”

With that, Peter made Jane stand up and I was made to kneel in front of her. “I think you know what to do,” said Peter.

I put my head under Jane's skirt and began to lick her pussy. Jane moaned in pleasure as my head bobbed back and forth under her skirt. This made Peter incredibly horny and he pulled me away from Jane and shoved his cock into my mouth.

I loved the feeling of his cock, of course, I had known for a long time that I was bisexual and here I was sucking on cock and pussy. It was a dream come true.

In the meantime, Jane watched as I sucked Peter's cock. It didn't take her long to crawl over and put her head under my skirt and begin sucking me off. Seeing this Peter pulled out of my mouth arranged Jane and me into a 69 position with me on top. He then bent over us and inserted his cock into me.

The pain was great. It felt wonderful. Beneath me, I felt Jane orgasm as I licked her pussy. After a while Peter stopped, pulled out of me, grabbed some rope and started to tie Jane and I face to face. Our legs were tied together as was our upper bodies. He then lay us on the floor.

”Let’s play a game. I role you and whoever is on top gets fucked. He then rolled us. I found myself under Jane. Peter smiled and wasted no time in thrusting himself into Jane's ass. Jane moaned and kissed me thrusting her tongue deep into my mouth.

Next, it was my turn. We were rolled over and Peter fucked my arse. It was all too much for me and I felt myself cum. Jane laughed before gasping. ” I guess that's the third netball skirt you've ruined tonight."

She was interrupted as Peter then thrust his cock into her mouth and cummed hard. He pulled out exhausted and Jane passionately kissed me, pushing the cum into my mouth.

It had all started with me masturbating onto a netball skirt, and had ended up with me tied to a girl as she pushed another man's cum into my mouth with her tongue. What a day it had been.

It had all started with me masturbating onto a netball skirt, and had ended up with me tied to a girl as she pushed another man's cum into my mouth with her tongue. What a day it had been.

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Zara swallowed the lump in her throat and blinked back the tears as she watched Tabby walk into the ballroom on her Grandfather’s arm, her little Tabby looked so grown up, a beautiful young woman, her dark eye’s so like her father’s shining with excitement. Tabby’s long silver hair was piled on top of her head, tied up with a green ribbon, long wispy tendrils floating down her back and down the sides of her face, worn around her throat was a wide band of velvet with a cameo in the center, she...

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A Double Seduction part 4

This is meant to be the final scene in Double Seduction video.Inga is lying in her bed and talking on the phone when the scene begins. She has on a short t-shirt over her new monokini thong, and we hear her side of the conversation.“You’ve already given me so much, Diana, you really don’t have to give me anything more for my birthday.”“Okay, then, come over around 8, and I’ll model for you all of the new lingerie you ordered for me. And I insist that you have to be wearing your very sexiest...

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Fantasy of Her First Threesome Without Me

I have often fantasized about my gorgeous wife Randy having an unexpected one night stand with someone that is of her hottest desire. This time Randy is off on a girls weekend to the mountains and has her first threesome. Randy is an active, happily married girl with her family roots in Sweden. Tall, blonde and career focused she is married to a New Englander who is somewhat conservative but has a little bit of a wild side. Throughout their decade plus of marriage everyone comments on Randy and...

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Target Heart Rate

One morning I was at my usual gym at the time. The owner had stepped out and it was just me and one of my usual workout partners. She was a few years older than I was and was married to a much older man who was a Dr. She stated several times she new her place as a trophy wife. I just show up to events and smile, or I host dinner parties/events for his office and stand by his side.Beautifully fit woman is the only way to describe her.One morning she kept checking her watch/heart rate monitor. Is...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess3e10 Stacy 44 hairdresser from London

Series 3, Episode 10: Stacy On one side of the street a row of pre-War three-story buildings – shopfront downstairs, residential apartment/flats above. On the other side of the street, modern four/five level office buildings, and an old train station with a sign outside that reads, “Welcome to Enfield Chase”. We’re in North London to meet our next subject, and she’s a subject who’s worth meeting. Back to those shopfronts – one in particular – Hair By Hottinger. A modest hair and beauty...

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The blowjob surprise continues

Following Stacey's surprise at making me blow her work friend Jo, she decided it was time I moved to the next step, and slept with a man. I have often thought about this, but never had I imagined Stacey would be the one who was encouraging me. Stacey loved seeing me suck on Jo's cock, and was having huge orgasms just thinking about me sucking on another mans cock, drinking his cum and loving it. We talked about me being fucked by Jo, however we couldn't see this happening easily so Stacey made...

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Any SoldierChapter 2

By March, 2009, Julia had enough experience with the Army to have learned that it wasn't a system that was user friendly. Her conviction that Bob was either injured or dead was like acid in her belly, though, and she couldn't let it rest until she knew which it was. She was rock solid sure that he hadn't just decided to stop writing. She had tried everything she could think of, from contacting the public affairs office at Fort Leonard Wood, to going to the local Veterans of Foreign Wars...

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A Boy and his Genie Chapter 09

“Good morning Mistress, would you like some breakfast?” Sophie turned around, to see Alexis sat there on a chair, holding a tray, with a big plate of pancakes and syrup. “Alexis?” She said, yawning. “I told you to go into your lamp.” “You once told me that you consider me your best friend,” Alexis said. “Best friends don’t always do as they’re told.” “You’re also my genie, and you have to do what I say.” “Fine, if you’re going to be like that, I’ll just leave, and take these delicious...

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Educating Stan Part 2

So once I turned Stan on to the joys of fucking, he just couldn't seem to get enough. I had gotten a job doing housekeeping at a local motel and between what I made and his Navy paycheck, we managed to rent a little single wide in a park across the street from Judy's house. We would spend most of our days working and our nights smoking a little weed and tending to his youthful sex drive. He seemed to get an erection at the slightest touch. Sometimes he would have to stand night watch at the...

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Lesson Learned

Eric's instructions were clear. "Four things, Sweetheart. Nothing on but a black thong. The butt plug in place. The implement box on the dresser, with the blind wand across the top. Pillows off the bed." I flipped and flopped all night, knowing full well that Eric was very serious about these consequences. We'd been playing around on the phone, laughing about little flirtatious infractions that were used to get our juices flowing before he came home again. A mouthy text. A naughty picture. My...

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Isolated with Tommys step mom 3

With Lora thinking that she is more then likely pregnant I woke up to a wonderful blow job and once she knew I was fully awake she climbed on top and began sliding with tight little pussy down my shaft. I said " Lora what about the condom?" In response she pushed down harder taking all of me inside her honey hole. I reached up taking both of her firm tits in my hands using my fingers to squeeze nipples. In a short time I knew she was getting very close to her orgasm so I slid my right hand down...

2 years ago
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Dees Big Boobed Mom the prelude

One Friday night Dee and I partied with her sister Paula and her boyfriend, Tom. We played strip poker and Dee took Tom into her bedroom and Paula and I stayed in the living room. 4 hours later Tom and Dee came back in the living room, Paula and I had smiles on our faces, and we were all totally satisfied. Tom had to leave early the next day, Dee and Paula went shopping, and I hung around for a while before heading back to my place. I was ready to jump in the shower when I heard a knock at the...

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Sissy guidance

This is a guide for Superior Men that want to usurp their rights over cross-dressing white boys. 1) Getting a real meeting with a boy is the most crucial part of beginning the white boy emasculation.The rest comes easy and naturally for the sissy boy. Most fantasize about being forced into it. They like the risks and are completely aware that it is a slippery slope. Blackmail and Domination is part of what they want. On some level, they want and feel they deserve to lose their identity as a man...

2 years ago
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Sex With Horny Neighbor Girl Before Her Marriage 8211 Part I

Hi every one this is ravi age 27 unmarried , this happened before few years . this story is about me my neighbour girl name nandini age 21. her figure is 34 30 36. i stay in chennai in velachery . i am self employed so i work in my room itself. as i am self employed i took a room for my self in velachery in a building which has two more portions. after i rented room a family came for rent they shifted in to ground floor. if i need to go out i should go threw there portion to take my bike. i...

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Staceys Road Trip With John

John was a HGV driver and spent most of his working week away from home sleeping in his lorry at night. From Monday morning to Friday evening, his only means of contact with Julie, his wife of eight years, was either by phone or video calling, which he did nightly. This tale took place in the middle of summer. It was a Wednesday and John was collecting goods from a regular customer in south east England and would be delivering them to a customer in Manchester the following day. At his...

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Taboo subjects that this girl has done

There are laws, rules and morality in place to let a girl know and how to behave. The laws and rulings are laid down by men, and regardless of the restraints imposed, it's about control, control of the female body, and her reproductive organs, her pleasure zones and thus, theirs.The Dutch religious sect that made a teenage daughter's first bleed, a bath by her mother, and sent to her father's bed, for her first sexual experience, was that bad in the eyes of whoever it was meant to offend, tell...

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first gay experience

In college I thought I was straight. Always did, even though every once in awhile I imagined being gay. I never thought that I was. I love gay sex, bukakes, anal, blowjobs all of them I do it all the time. But, before this experience I wouldn’t even let a guy see me naked. It all started when I was a sophmore in college. I loved sex and I slept with girls all the time. I could almost always get laid. There was one place were every guy knew he could have sex any time he wanted. That was in the...

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Babysitting the Twins Again Part 3 Jennys Halloween Sleepover

This is part 3 of the Story of Debbie, Jenny, and the twins. This story introduces Jenny's friends. Please read "Babysitting the Twins Again" and "Babysitting the Twins Again - Part 2 - Sweet Sixteen" for the precursory stories. Cast of Characters: Billy and Bobby -- 15 year old identical twins. Smart, handsome, tall, athletic, horny. Willing to break a few rules… well actually, all the rules. Debbie - 22 year old "star" of part 1, Tall norse goddess... Had a little trouble...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 6 SamanthaChapter 24 Bethany

October 1, 1992, San Francisco, California “We need some ground rules,” I said. “Oh no you don’t!” Bethany growled. “You are NOT talking me to death. Fucking me to death, yes! Talking me to death, no!” “I’m serious. Sit, please.” Bethany reluctantly moved to the loveseat in the sitting room of our suite at the Mark Hopkins InterContinental Hotel on Nob Hill in San Francisco. We’d checked in less than ten minutes earlier after an uneventful, but twenty-minute-delayed flight from...

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EvolutionistChapter 14

The room glowed faintly from the moonlight. Brendan listened to the rhythmic breathing of his new girlfriend lying next to him, taking comfort from her warm presence. The room wasn't as chilly as last night because he had convinced the two siblings that keeping the apartment that cold wasn't worth the money they were saving on heat. Sometimes people could be too cheap. He had lost his bed on his brother's couch but he had gained a new family. He wasn't sure what angle Rodrigo was...

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Friends with Benefits pt1

Hello my name is John. It was about mid summer of my 19th year when my girlfriend of 3 years and I had called it quits. We just weren’t working and we decided to just say screw it. Now her best friend Carey and I were pretty close friends as well. The day after the break up Carey gave me a call in the morning. “Hey John, I know you had a rough day yesterday, how about we hang out, get your mind off things,” she told me. “Sure why not, I got nothing going on today,” I said. “Great, we...

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FamilyStrokes Hannah Hawthorne Step Daughter Secrets

After many years of marriage, wives often get a little cranky. So, when Hannah Hawthornes mom refuses to get her husband a drink, he is not surprised. Lucky for him, Hannah is sweet enough to do anything he wants. She is even willing to bend down and expose her bodacious ass while picking up the remote control for him. But when her mom catches her taking sexy videos on her phone, she sends Hannahs step dad in to set her straight. He tells her that if she does a little something for him, he will...

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Matt was in the den with Paul showing off some videos of he and his wife. Matt was almost 50 and his wife was 22. She was so sexy with her nice big tits and bubble butt. Paul asked Matt how they met. Matt told him "I was at a pool party at her dad's and I was wearing a speedo and she kept staring at my big cock. I finally whispered in her ear that she could have my monster if she wanted to just call me. The next day she showed up at my door and in ten minutes I had her naked sucking her nice...

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InterracialPickups Hannah Hays 12282017

Let’s take a rare view into the life of The Man with the Biggest Black Cock in the world — Mandingo. He’s always on the prowl, and today he’s snagged a cute, petite blonde named Hannah Hays. We’d love to show you the “pick up”, but parking lot security snagged our camera! So we begin today’s tale in Mandingo’s “play room”, Dingo’s POV camera focusing on Hannah’s sweet, blonde beauty! It doesn’t take long for...

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Apocolypse chapter 2223

Introduction: ok so if u like this rate it positive if not rate it negative and please leave a comment so i know why or why not u like it Apocalypse chapter 22 As before time passes faster than it seems and it is now late spring. We have made a lot of progress on repairing the crashed space ship with Adriens help. He has managed to get the power system inside repaired and with everyone elses help some of the other minor damages have been fixed to. We have managed to get the craft almost flight...

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The Lawn Guy

A couple of weeks latter he showed up with a helper. I said dam no luck today! But when they got done I heard a knock at the door. They we’re both standing there. He said we could use a glass of iced tea. Come in I said. He said this is my new helper his name is Jim. My friend whose name was Larry said I hired him just to help me here, then he smiled. I just licked my lips and smiled back. I got them there tea and he said put on some porn. So I put on my favorite cock sucking DVD and smiled....

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Take a Hike

“I’ve never known anyone so uncoordinated in all my life.” Evan laughed as he gripped the handle on the top of Zoe’s backpack. “You’re hopeless,” he said, dragging her none too gently up onto the granite boulder where he’d spent the last five minutes waiting for her. “Oh, fuck off.” Zoe gained her footing and shoved his hand off her, annoyed by the way everything physical came so easily to him. She turned her back on him and stood facing the valley below, taking in the peaceful scenery so at...

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Eighteent Century Justice

Eighteenth Century Justice Chapter 1. Annette is hired as a servant Annette is sixteen years old. She is the humble subject, one of the least important, of his glorious majesty, Louis XIV, king of France by the grace of God. The year is 1713. Annette lives in a small town called Grenade in southern France. Her parents are both dead. Her mother died when Annette was just ten. Her father died recently. He had been a good blacksmith, but after his wife died he became a drunkard. There was nothing...

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Ultimate SpiderWoman Issue 2 Anger

Issue 2: Anger I awoke to stare down at the female contours displayed beneath my bed sheets. Jeez. The curves were still clearly girlish. Chest and hips noticeably so, limbs all around slimmer. Nothing changed there. I also had long soft hair. Of course. By touch I found my facial features drastically rearranged and, when I examined my reflection in the one way mirror, I found my face and body was... off. That wasn't me. Damn them. I was a guy! At this moment my appreciation of the...

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Dinner With A Friend

Dinner With A Friend My neighbor and friend, Diane and I have actually known each other since high school. We had not been in touch with one another for over 30 years. I moved a little over two years ago and as it turned out, my old friend and classmate was now my neighbor. Since I moved in, we’ve gotten together as friends, visited, had dinners together and other things, but not that often. In the last month or so, she was going through some tough times due to an issue with someone that she...

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Woman Type 2 Chapter Three

Woman Type 2.Chapter ThreeWe drove through various districts to what was known as the “Golden Strip”. This was in fact a little village in the heart of the Metropolis that buzzed 24/7.We paid the cab and stepped onto “The Promenade”. Bars and clubs jostled for position around a landscaped square that had outside tables and chairs arranged in various styles.There were a lot of very attractive, slim women dressed in police uniforms stopping certain people entering the zone. They had little black...

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The girl next door

This is an entire true story, not really, which I am going to expose here All the events happened with me are being described truly and names here are also original. My name is Nadeem . I am 28 and live in Lahore. My father is has dead and mother is an house woman. We have a middle class status. We have neighbours next to us. They were four members. A mother 2 daughters and 2 boys. Her older daughter Nusart was married and lived in Sailkot. The other sister named Nudrat was studying in college...


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