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Lord Kenig's retainers rode slowly. Pulling on his reins to hold his horse steady, Xar squinted, his sharp features marred by a sudden scowl. Lord Hedra's war band milled half a league away. The field between them was walled by dense foliage, an ideal place for an ambush. Xar searched for signs of treachery. He saw none but this did not balm his fears. Lord Hedra was a conniving despot, a primitive and barbaric man. Despite this, Lord Kenig wished to make an alliance with Hedra against the Doge. Xar was pledged to protect Kenig through the negotiations. As agreed both parties were twelve men strong. "Shall we approach?" Xar asked, turning to Lord Kenig. "We came to parley and we shall!" Kenig said with a forced grin. Xar nodded. His instincts told him to urge Kenig away from this reckless meeting but the Doge was pressing Kenig's trading operations too closely and the Merchant Prince needed an ally in the coming trade war. "Approach slowly. I wish to reconnoiter," Xar stated. Whilst not a noble, Xar was an unparalleled warrior and lords listened when he spoke. "As you wish," Kenig agreed, deferring to the man's judgment. "But I cannot delay too long." Lightning flashed and then rumbled in the distance, the very elements suggesting conflict. Xar spurred his horse from the party, veering along the side of the field, through the dense foliage, unnoticed by Hedra's men. * * * Dressed in a silk halter, skimpy thong bikini and high healed sandals, Phytus watched Lord Kenig approach across the field. "Soon he'll be in my trap and I'll have another beauty to add to my harem," Hedra noted, pulling upon Phytus' fine silver leash. The full-figured girl looked down at the ground in shame, unable to face the handsome, virile male she now willingly called master. Nor was she able to look across the field at the man she had once called lord. It wasn't just that she had betrayed him. She feared to be recognized by those she knew. She was ashamed by what she had become. Ashamed of the new nature she had embraced. Her femininity embarrassed her. Her body was an open invitation to male predation. And there was a vulnerability to her new nature. Self-consciously she pulled her halter up in an attempt to hide the fresh slave brand that adorned her left breast. The brand humbled her, for she was now the property of her master. "Don't fret my pretty. I'll reward you amply for what you have done for me." The promise thrilled her and she looked up at her master with eagerness, her mouth suddenly watering with anticipation at the reward, her breath quickening. Even now she could not forget how his penis tasted. The thought of his strong male scent in her yearning mouth made the girl momentarily forget her shame. Her nipples hardened against the scant fabric of her top and she reached down to rub the moistening cleft between her legs. "Not now my lewd little bitch!" he chided her. She ceased her ministrations and paled, trembling fearfully, scarcely able to draw a breath. Panic gleamed in her wide eyes. She knew sweet punishment could come for the least slight and quaked at the thought that he might again deprive her of the sexual release she so desperately needed. Lord Hedra grinned down upon his creature in her brief garments. Only a pleasure slave would go about half naked like this in public. His grin widened. She was so deliciously and excruciatingly feminine. Until a week ago this girl had been Lord Kenig's emissary, a hardened diplomat, but Hedra had replaced Phytus with one of his own agents, making a shapely serum girl of her. The fact that the role of emissary was sacrosanct made the deception all the more audacious. At first few would suspect that Phytus had been replaced, however over time small slips would be made and the masquerade would be discovered. Under the close scrutiny of Kenig's citadel amongst those that knew Phytus intimately slips would be even more obvious. Hedra had needed to turn the emissary and make his plans before his man was uncovered and time was of the essence. And so whilst he despised its use, Hedra had been forced to use passion nectar upon her. Left gagged and bound in trammels for a full day with her prodigious drives heightened by the nectar but unsatisfied, the process of becoming a pleasure slave had been rapid. With consummate skill his domineering lash mistress had overseen Phytus' cowing personally, reshaping the girls fragile psyche to accept her slut-urges in abject bondage. She had been surprisingly malleable, taking to the pleasures of the whip as one naturally born to it. The very first time Hedra had taken Phytus to the furs she had ignited, embracing her new insatiable slave nature with a shameless joy. Once her will was thoroughly bent his new pleasure slave had told him everything he needed to know to lay his trap. * * * Suddenly Xar entered a small clearing in the foliage and pulled up his horse. The moment froze. Twenty odd warriors wearing the insignia of Lord Hedra lay in wait, eagerly watching Kenig approach over the field. They seemed ready for the moment to close their deadly ambush, blindly unaware of the lone warrior at their flank. With a flash of steel Xar drew his wickedly curved Katana blade and charged, a war cry upon his lips for no other reason than to warn his lord. His horse barreled over one warrior, his sword sweeping low and splitting another's skull to the teeth, then spinning a dazzling arc to remove the head of a third. Xar charged on. A bolt struck his horse and the beast was downed, yet Xar leaped nimbly from its back, landing in a roll from which he emerged hacking and slashing. In a blur a deadly buzz blade appeared in Xar's left hand. He let it fly like a discus whilst moving forward to engage another pair. The spinning buzz blade curved through the air, cutting one mans throat and then ricocheting into the chest of another. Xar dispatched his two foes with wildly arcing blade flurries, leaped between them, pulled the buzz blade from his downed foes chest and launched it off again. There were cries in the foliage as the blade flew a curving path back towards Xar. Finishing a deftly acrobatic attack on another foe, the weapon-master casually caught the buzz blade. Sensing an attack, Xar blocked and pushed away then whipped his sword across in front of him, cutting his aggressor deeply on the chest. A dart thudded suddenly into his leg and he pulled it free. In a split second Xar knew that all was lost. He blinked for a moment before dropping the bolt and looking up at the solitary archer who had marked him. The man was fumbling to reload his weapon with a metal barbed bolt more appropriate to killing. The other mercenaries were fleeing, not looking back. Xar sent his buzz blade flying. It cut the bowman's throat in a birl of blood then gyrated back to the weapon-masters hand. * * * Hearing the noise of conflict Lord Hedra swore. Kenig was not in his carefully laid trap yet. He reached down and selected a specially prepared arrow from his quiver. A warrior came to his side with a torch to light the wick. Hedra notched, pulled back the bowstring and aimed straight up. He let fly the arrow into the heavens where it burst into a bright green explosion of light. The signal had been sent. With a thunderous roar, Hedra's men charged. At his feet Phytus quailed in terror. "What has happened my master?" "Something unforeseen my pet..." he passed her leash to one of his men his face twisting with a sneer. "Have my agents sell the slave girl to Yarl. I want her on the next caravan bound for anywhere but Asylva. I care not for her sale price. Make it clear to that slimy slave trader that she must never turn up in Asylva or else he'll find himself in trammels with a fate worse than hers." "My master--" Phytus started but was pulled away. She stared back in longing. It was the last glimpse she had of Lord Hedra. * * * Xar turned from the fleeing warriors to look upon the field. The air was thick with bolts and arrows. Kenig's party had sustained some casualties but was managing to flee. Having expected to catch their quarry unawares Lord Hedra's men were only just beginning to organize their pursuit. Xar untethered one of the ambusher's horses and mounted. The weapon- master took a moment to look at the bolt that had wounded him. It was a serum bolt, a cowardly weapon and just the sought of foul tactic Lord Hedra would employ. Such weapons elicited more fear in men than death, and for good reason. Xar had few doubts that Ruk's serum coursed through his veins, spelling his doom. He swallowed in fear. "I vow Hedra, I will have your head!" Xar swore, the usually impassive warrior filling with anger. His mount reared then charged away through the dense brush to meet his fleeing comrades. "We are betrayed," Xar yelled over the noise of galloping horses as he joined his master and the remaining four riders, "they are using serum darts!" "You have been hit?" "No," Xar lied, "you?" "No," Kenig responded truthfully. Xar turned to look at the remaining warriors behind. One named Brulos had also been hit by a dart. Brulos knew what fate had in store for him and his face was white with fear. If he did not die in the coming battle the best he could hope for would be to escape, spending the remainder of his life struggling vainly against the sexual urges of a slave girl, being pitied by all that knew him as his masculine identity was supplanted by that of a wanton woman. Such a would be Xar's fate also, for it was well known that few serum girls succeeded in their battle against their slave nature, that sooner or later they all yielded to the desires of the flesh. If Xar did escape he would eventually succumb to his genetically impelled impulses and through either subconscious desire or through some simple slip he would be discovered in a compromising situation -- and so be enslaved for the remainder of his very long life. He tried to imagine himself as a man's sexual plaything, a woman suited for trammels. He could not picture it despite having seen other warriors reduced to such fates. What he truly feared was being captured by his enemies, being ignited as a slave and eagerly worshiping his new masters with his body, craving nothing but male domination. Perhaps that would be merciful, for under the strictures of lash and trammel he would ripen rapidly into his new role of endless bondage. Clearly Hedra had intended for all of Kenigs men to become serum girls to be sold in slavery except for Kenig. Xar did not doubt that Hedra would have taken great pleasure in breaking his former equal. He would have had his ambush not been foiled. His mind raced furiously at his fate. Perhaps all was not lost. Perhaps by playing into Hedra's plan Xar could have his revenge. He could allow himself to be captured and fool Hedra into thinking that he was Kenig transformed into a woman, getting close enough to murder the vile lord. Such would require him to evade capture until the transformation was complete or at least until he was so far gone that none would recognize him. If he could survive the slave training with his thirst for revenge intact, he could slay Hedra when the bastard sought to have his way with his new slave. It would take great will, but had he not through sheer will become one of the greatest swordsmen to ever grace Zhor? "Dismount men and prepare to ambush our foes!" ordered Kenig. "My lord, I must speak with you!" Xar said. He and Kenig rode a ways beyond. The men must not hear him conversing with Kenig, of that he was certain, for they could not know of his plan. If they became slave girls they would surely spill the tale in trying to please their new master. Xar carried DNA altering vials to disguise himself when needed and he passed Kenig the vial he used to return to his original form. It was of no use to him now. "Inject this and you shall assume my likeness. I am well known in these parts. None will dare challenge you and you shall pass freely. But you must leave the men behind with me." "What of you?" Kenig asked. "You have a vial with your DNA?" Kenig nodded. "And more at my fort." "Give it to me. I shall stall Hedra's pursuit with your remaining men. Then I shall assume your form and we shall lead them in another direction. I have no doubt that Hedra will want your head, even if it is mine. It will be a merry chase we shall ride," Xar's intent was to both protect Kenig and to make his subterfuge complete, for if Kenig impersonated him, no one would know Kenig was missing. "I like your thinking!" Kenig cried. "You have command of the remaining men!!" Kenig rode a fine gelding with the trappings fit for a lord. "Take my horse my lord," Xar said, "no one will believe you are me if you ride such a grand steed. And use my DNA at least a day from now and let none see your face. Then return to your citadel in Asylva by a round about root." As the other men made ready Kenig swapped horses and departed. Xar made sure that the men did not see the exchange. The five warriors were preoccupied in their wait for the inevitable. Xar's mind raced furiously. Escape was not an option for them at this time. Their lives in exchange for their master's escape seemed to be the only way out of this situation. But one of the men must be captured, to pass on false information to Hedra. "Here Brulos, put this to good use," he passed the warrior the bow and serum darts from his stolen horses saddle. "Return the favour those men have bestowed upon you..." A plan was forming in his mind. "That bastard Hedra! You realize that Kenig was hit by a dart also," Xar stated. "I saw him take a bolt. But he was putting on a brave face for us." "No!" the men cried. Xar nodded, fighting to quiet the trembling of his hands. This was the first physical sign of the onset of his transformation. "Yes. No doubt he'll be going to ground soon as the change takes him. We must give him as much time as we can so that he is no pleasure slave of Hedra!" There was the thunder of hooves and ten horsemen broke into the clearing. Brulos fired his bow and one enemy clutched a dart in his stomach. Brulos notched another dart and let fly again. The other three men charged swords flying. Due to the surprise of their attack they managed to take down four horsemen before the others knew what was upon them. Xar wheeled across the clearing, sword flashing as it knocked aside darts. He sent his buzz blade in a wild arc cutting into one mans stomach before whizzing off into another's face. Faster than a viper he caught a dart, leaped high, plunged the dart into one warriors arm, the flat of his blade crushing another's throat. The last enemy went down with a dart in his neck from Brulos. Xar had been seeking for incapacitating injuries, not kill shots. After all there was plenty of Ruk's serum to go around. Quickly Xar retrieved his buzz blade whilst the others plunged darts into those men that had not been injected, then beat them into senseless submission. "Move! Don't waste time on them. There will be more coming!" Xar warned as he ran for the horses. And he was right. Twenty odd horsemen thundered into the battle area and it was every man for himself. Xar ducked behind a tree then stole swiftly to where the horses were kept, mounted Kenig's steed and galloped away. Doubtless one of the other four would be captured rather than fighting to the death and they would tell the tale of how their master had fled but was changing into a serum girl. Spurring his horse, Xar rushed to the only safe house he knew. He breathed heavily and sweated profusely. All this action was speeding the serum through his veins. He preyed he could remain conscious long enough to reach it. * * * The door tumbled open. Xar stumbled in. "Who-?" a voice cried. "Xar!" "My horse... Desi please hide it... Until I change beyond recognition..." "Change?" Desi asked, her face contorting in shock. "Ruk's serum... flows in my veins... we were betrayed... Lord Kenig escaped... I prey he is safe... Hedra hunts for him... for me..." Xar gasped. "I have a plan... vengeance... help me." "I'd do anything for you Xar," she said, concern written on her face. "I'm scared Desi... never been this scared before..." he started to cry in his delirium. "Shh," Desi said as she slipped his sweat soaked shirt over his shoulders. "You're burning up. Do you want something to sleep through the change. It will be easier." "No!" Xar shook his head as her beautiful face swam before him. She left to stable his steed but the memory of her lovliness lingered in his mind. In the feverish firelight the face blurred back into Desi's once broad and masculine features. The stoic healer returned to treat his wounds as he had before, whispering soothing words, a damp cool cloth touching his brow. But it was no man that treated him. "Desi... You're a girl..." A cup was pushed to his lips and he drank. It tasted vile but his mind cleared. Recollection came flowing back to Xar. Desi was a serum girl, her blood infected by that of a wounded man she had tended. After her change Desi had gone into self imposed exile to prevent slipping into the ways of a serum girl. Out of respect for her sacrifice Xar had watched over her from a distance, protecting her from her new female cravings and being her one link to her past life. "Xar," she said. He felt something wet upon his bare chest. "What?" he blinked in surprise. She was crying. "This can't be happening. Not to you." "Don't cry," he said. He had never been this close to her before and sensed her highly keyed libido reacting to him. "I can't help it." She fixed her eyes on him blushing. Then she swiftly pulled her halter over her head and lowered her naked chest to his, the warm round globes of her breasts moulding to his body. "I... want you. I've always been too afraid to tell you." He wrapped a hand about her narrow shoulders. "I know. I've seen it in your eyes. But I made a promise to you that I'd never take advantage of you." He had often dreamt of her naked in his arms. "I want you to!" she practically begged, her body inflicted desires overpowering her. "I can't--" Xar said as her lips engulfed his. She broke off the passionate kiss. "This will be your last time ever as a man. This is my last chance to have you. Please don't deny me!" "I... I couldn't Desi. But promise me you'll help me with my plan." "Anything if you be my master." "Thank you... But later you must help me become Hedra's slave," Xar said. Desi had always been desirable, all the more so because Xar's scruples dictated he should never have her. She was a flawless beauty and like all serum girls he knew she had an innate obeisance and a highly keyed sex drive. She slipped into his arms, her softly heaving breasts warm against his skin. He took her pointed little nipple in his lips, sucking and tonguing it gently as a contented moan escaped her lips. He slowed to relish the moment, inhaling her perfume. If this was to be his last time and her first time then there they would not be hurried. His hands explored her delicate back, his fingers memorizing her graceful curves and taut yet yielding skin. The tips of his fingers stroked the narrow incline of her hips and the dimpled curves of her ass with reverence. There was an attentiveness to his touch and he tried not the think of his future. He reached under the skirt draped about her hips, pushed aside the thong panties she wore and fondled the moist cleft of her virgin womanhood. She clenched her eyes tight. He savoured his control over her, the way she responded to his touch. She craved his touch. A moment later she had his cock free and she was slipping it inside her. Xar kissed her hungrily and she kissed back, their fatalistically doomed passion driving them to uninhibited excess and eclipsing any reserves either may have harboured. The intensity of her need was palpable. He grabbed her firm, perfect ass and plunged in and out of her tight loins. He could sense she was close to climax by her stifled moans and the rhythm of her hot little body. He could hold out no longer and exploded inside her even as the first orgasmic contractions of her cunt began. He held her as the muscles inside her beautiful pussy gripped and milked his cock. They collapsed in each others hands, a lazy contented bliss settling over them both. "Thank you," Xar said, his face pale and hands starting to shake. "So tell me your plan before the drug I gave you wears off and you slip back into delirium," Desi said. "It's simple. I let Lord Hedra capture me and pretend to be Lord Kenig become a serum girl. Then when he least expects it I kill Hedra." Desi waited, expecting more. "That's your plan?" "What's wrong with it? It's perfectly strait forward." Desi rolled her eyes. "It's a very male plan, but soon you won't be male. Consider that after the change you will no longer even want to be a man. You will enjoy being female and come to embrace it. You will have lost your male drives and become a serum girl whose DNA has been bred to make a natural, obedient slave. The mental changes this entails almost prohibit acts of defiance. Your submissive nature will be reinforced by Hedra's training under lash and leash. You will soon come to crave men's attention and seek ways to satisfy this craving. Men like Hedra understand this and exploit it." "But I must have my revenge!" "If your motivation is revenge for Hedra taking your manhood you will fail. Instead you will come to thank Hedra for what he has made you. You will give your body to him in thanks," she hated the thought of losing Xar in this way. He mulled over her words, feeling the delirium of the change coming over him. "To succeed as such a female you will require greater deviousness. For even if you do manage to hold onto yourself, you are grossly underestimating the extent of the physical changes you will go through. Your body will not be battle trained; your reflexes and strength will not be up to the task of fighting him on an even footing. You will be small and weak. You will need to rely on the tools of an assassin. Poison, a dagger... A warrior does not resort to these." Xar wore a troubled expression. "I have to try," he insisted. "No, you don't." "I am Xar. By sheer willpower I have risen from nothing to become the greatest swordsman in the land. I can accomplish anything if I put my mid to it," Xar said. "I have to try." "If you fall into Hedra's hands you will become his plaything, subject to your serum girl needs. He is a master at igniting slave girls. After two years of battling my submissive nature I can tell you that it is not easy. Every time I see a man, any man, I think of how I can serve him... I do not believe your plan will work. You will be doomed to spend the remainder of your very long life servicing Lord Hedra with your body in any way he sees fit. You know the saying -- once a slavegirl, always a slavegirl. Xar had considered the possibility that he would be reduced to Hedra's pliant pleasure slave. It was almost unprecedented for a serum girl to rise up against her master and once ignited a serum girl was utterly insatiable. There were a few legends of spies and rescue attempts, men transformed by Ruk's serum battling their servile natures for heroic ends, but the details were sketchy at best. "You recall the Overlord tale of the lesser noble who so hated his rival that he became a serum girl and made a gift of himself to his foe?" Desi asked. "She too planned to slay her enemy through such a deceit. Unfortunately she was more a Trojan whore than a Trojan horse, finding that she no longer clashed with her hated foe but instead related with him very well as a submissive woman. Before she realized it the self- made slave was trapped by her own plan. The irony of the tale is that she became enamored with her handsome rival and gave up the idea of cutting his throat, willingly becoming his love-slave." "Do you have a better idea?" his eyes bobbed shut. He was growing tired. "Let me think on it," her face was worried. "Do not think overlong, my time is short!" He lay back and closed his eyes. Desi nodded. * * * Xar floated in darkness. In his feverish, sweat-soaked delirium Xar's mind conjured many images and memories that merged confusingly into one another. He dreamed of the beautiful Desi naked above him whispering words of comfort in his ear. Suddenly his insides were being turned out, he was being emasculated. There was blood on his thighs and a void within him. There was a wet towel across his brow and tears on his cheeks, then darkness. Darkness shifted and he found himself mortally wounded on the field of battle. Crows cawed and circled the dead that lay about him. He tried to move but could not. Sharp beaks flashed to peck out his eyes. There was moaning and begging and groaning and screaming and it was not him. It was a woman. Mercifully darkness returned. The darkness thinned to light. There were brutish monsters surrounding him, laughing, jeering, pushing and prodding him. They loomed terrible and nightmarish. Roughly he felt his body chained. Gold changed hands. There was a pain on his chest and he smelt the horrid stench of flesh burning. He whimpered in fear. The world spun and then seemed to bounce and rock for an eternity. Dimly he realized that he lay on his stomach. He was tied across a saddle. Like a slave. He was exhausted. His body ached. His mind swam. He buried his face in a horse's flank and mercifully darkness claimed him. * * * Xar stretched, having little desire to awaken. He lay amongst heavy furs, their tufts pleasantly tickling his bare legs, stomach and arms. He delved deeper into the furs and his hand cupped the pleasant pillowy warmth of a woman's breast. The sensation was odd. Dimly he sensed a weight about his neck. He moved and heard the clink of heavy metal links. Xar opened his eyes. He felt a buoyant weight on his chest, curiously enveloping cold metal. In an instant he realized he was nude, his neck chokered and attached to a heavy trammel chain that dropped between his breasts and coiled about his slim flank. "Oh, no!" Xar muttered as he regarded his new body amongst the furs. Most worrying of all there was a fresh brand on his left breast, marking him forever as a slave. The chains depended from the neck choker in heavy yet graceful curves and Xar could not help but draw parallels with the weights of her new breasts. The choker's fit was snug. She tried to thrust the choker up over her head but it pressed against her chin. She could not slip the choker and only her small finger could fit between it and her neck. She let the choker drop against her clavicle. There was a subtle kinesthetic difference to her movements but she ignored it for the moment. Some ten feet in length the chain extending to a spike driven deep into the ground. She pulled at the chain till her knuckles turned white and her teeth gritted in pain but the spike did not move in the least. It would likely take two men to unearth the spike, and she did not amount to even one man. With an exasperated sigh she accepted her imprisonment and looked about at the remainder of her prison. She was in a tent, likely Hedra's command tent. Its furnishings were quite Spartan except for the lavish furs upon which she now lounged in chains. She came to her knees to inspect herself. The difference in her sense of body, its reapportioned weight, its liquid movements, intruded again upon her consciousness. She critically scrutinized the wondrous contours of the new body she wore. The breasts were actually quite small for a serum girl but their alien yet supple weight made them seem much larger. She lifted one and studied its little pointed nipple, tentatively exploring it with her tiny nailed finger. In amazed disbelief she realized that the gentlest touch sent a quiver through her stomach to her loins. Her eyes widened and her hand went into retreat. As her breast swayed back she felt its flesh slip on that of her other breast and she was not displeased with the sensations of the lovely additions to her body. Xar stretched out to discover her body was quite limber, lightly toned, most likely that of a dancer. She estimated that her height probably no more than five feet and her weight was also drastically reduced. She was curvaceous but not overly so. Cute was the word that came to mind. Experimentally she lifted a leg and found that she could bring her foot to her face with no difficulty. She slipped the foot behind her neck. She was extremely flexible, which was always a desirable quality in a pleasure slave. She considered the implications of this for herself. The possibilities were interesting. She came back to her knees, the chain slipping between her legs. She pulled on it petulantly and inhaled sharply as the cold links rubbed between her legs. The sensation was addictively pleasurable and before she knew what she was doing she had the chain sliding back and forth between her legs, one hand in front, the other behind. She closed her eyes as her moistening lips throbbed with each links movement across them. Intoxicating arousal began to swell within Xar as she became immersed in her physical sexuality, unaccustomed waves of pleasure emanating from the sensitive folds of her labia and the slippery nub of her clitoris. The feeling was so good, her pussy so hot and so very wet. She looked down at her soft feminine lines, her petite breasts glistening with sweat and hanging invitingly, swaying slightly with her measured breathing. It was hard to focus, the pleasure was so great. Despite her previous inclinations, she found herself delighting in her absolute femininity. She closed her eyes and imagined the pleasure of a cock slipping deep inside and pounding within her. Instinctively she craved the entry of a male. She found herself leaning forward so that her rounded ass pointed proudly to the air, a pose of absolute submission. A fretful moan escaped her lips, her ministrations with the chain arousing her to new levels. "Yes... god ... take me!" The chains felt so good across her dripping pussy and warm juices ran down the insides of her thighs. "Ah, I see my new slave is awake!" a gloating voice noted. "It didn't take long for you to become a salacious little bitch." Xar started, letting go of the chain, her face flushing with shame at her sopping wet cunt. Her heart was beating rapidly and she tried to hide her arousal the best she could, which was not at all. "Hedra, you will pay for this!" she growled, her voice halfway between anger and lust. His eyes roamed from her flushed face down to her pert little breasts. He reached out and caressed her, his fingers lingering to tweak the proud point of her erect nipple. This elicited a small shudder of pleasure. "Don't be angry," he said, laughter in his voice. "I can give you exactly what you want... in fact soon you will beg me for it without hesitation or guilt. Now get down on your knees." It was not a request but an order. Perhaps it was the tone of authority in his voice, but Xar found herself obeying instinctively. As she knelt submissively before Hedra he unbuckled his belt and let his pants fall to the ground. He spread his legs, pulling Xar to his growing erection. At that moment Xar felt like a worthless slave, lower than the dirt beneath Hedra's feet. The wealth of her new beauty and femaleness belonged to this man. Even her inhibitions were no longer her own. This realization was strangely alluring and she could feel the sexual excitement rising from deep inside as she inhaled his strong masculine scent. She had never seen a penis up this close before, not her own and certainly not another man's, and the sight was impressive. Its shaft was thick and the balls large, begging to be cupped and stroked. She reached up with trembling hands, the new hormones in her system amplifying her female urges. She licked her lips, her mouth watering. She could feel her moist vagina warming again with arousal. She wrapped her fingers around its girth and slid them slowly along the shaft. It was so large in her petite hand. Hedra grinned down upon his conquest as she fondled and explored his manhood with growing enthusiasm. Clearly she was discovering new things about herself each moment. She looked up at him with a question in her innocent eyes. Having seen that look before Hedra nodded assent. With a slightly embarrassed smile she lowered her lips to it and began to gently kiss down the length of his cock, her tongue tentatively swirling about. Her eyes closed as she savoured the taste and texture of the shaft, her tongue darting with eagerness, closing upon its base. She cupped his balls, then licked his scrotum, then found herself engulfing and sucking one testi then another within her hungry little mouth. She discovered the taste, texture and warmth to be very palatable Her tongue trailed up to the large head, which she wrapped her lips about and then devoured with one fluid plunge. As his long cock pushed against the back of her throat, she could feel it probing her tonsils but there was no gag reflex -- this had long been bred out of serum girls. Instinctively she angled her neck to allow his penis to completely penetrate her throat. His fat cock slid inwards until her lips met the base of his shaft, its head nestling in her warm throat. He leisurely bucked against her face, his course pubic hairs tickling her chin and face as she noisily sucked and bobbed. She worked to a constant rhythm but gradually built up her speed. Penis buried deep in her throat, he gripped her flowing hair and grunted as semen spurted in warm throbs. He withdrew slowly, spurting once in her mouth and again full in her eyes. The warm globs of cum dribbled down past her pretty nose to hang for an instant from her chin before dropping upon her glistening breasts. She licked his head clean then wiped her grinning face, hungrily licked her fingers. As he looked down at her proudly she licked her breasts clean. The salty taste of his semen was wonderful and despite the contented warmth within her belly she found herself craving more. "Have I paid enough yet?" he teased. "No!" she growled, suddenly remembering her hatred of this man. "Still, your actions a hardly that of a lordling." Hedra sneered as he regarded her. "I doubt whether you were ever that!" Xar paled at Hedra's incisive words. "What do you mean?!" Did he suspect her identity? "My spies reported some one claiming to be Lord Kenig has returned to his citadel. Apparently he masqueraded as a famous swordsman, named Xar, to evade my hunt..." Xar looked up at Hedra, hiding her fear as best she could. "He is an imposter. My ... brother would have taken on my form to prevent chaos." Hedra shook his head. "No, Kenig's brother is accounted for. But Xar is not... In fact the more I considered your true identity, the more curious I became. So I decided to investigate." He clapped his hands and two guards entered, dragging a half naked and disheveled girl. "You know Desi, the girl who gave you over to us for the reward. She alone asserted you were Kenig, providing his horse and clothes as proof." Tears streamed down Desi's face. "It took some convincing but she has told me everything. The game is over before it has begun, I know you are not Kenig but Xar," Hedra laughed at the look of desperation on Xar's face. She turned from the cruel man to her friend. "Did they hurt you Desi?" Xar asked. Desi shook her head, eyes downcast in shame. "There are many ways to make a serum girl talk. I assure you they were quite pleasurable, but you shall learn this yourself soon enough. In the end she told me everything I wanted to know. You must agree, she makes quite a fine slave girl." Kenig gripped the chain about Xar's neck forcefully, "Did you really think you could kill me? That you could overcome your serum girl nature and my training to strangle me in my sleep? When I break a girl she is broken completely. Not only is she mine, she desires nothing but to please me. Guards, leave us!" The guards left with knowing smiles. "I understand that this was the last woman you had as a man." Xar nodded, a coldness in the pit of her stomach, humiliated by Desi seeing her reduced to this. "It is perhaps fitting that she be the first woman you have... as a woman." Xar looked up at Hedra. Her vagina lips were still sopping wet, and whilst she did not want to admit it the thought of Desi made her moister. "Desi, lie before her, naked!" Hedra commanded and the girl obeyed, slipping her halter from her large breasts. Desi's smooth thighs rubbed against Xar's lower belly as she positioned herself. Xar gasped as Hedra gently began to fondle her nipples from behind. "You've a perfect set of breasts," he noted. "Now Xar, I want you to bury your head between her legs and lap up her pussy juices with your agile little tongue." Her eyes widened. Part of her wanted to break free and throttle the man, but another part of her wanted to obey him. She felt herself moistening at the thought. In a moment Desi's succulent juices filled her mouth and were dribbling down her chin. As Desi moaned and thrashed under the delicate tongue lashing, Xar grew unbelievably hot. Sensing that the girl was ready, Hedra gripped Xar's ass firmly and nestled his long, hard cock between her legs. "Please. Do..." she begged. He slowly pushed between the needful lips of Xar's pussy. In response Xar arched her back as she felt herself stretch and her pleasure grew tenfold. He pushed hard and his cock, slick with her sweet juices, slid smoothly inside of her. She felt a momentary pressure and realized that it was her hymen breaking. Then she could feel his manhood deep inside her belly. It filled her as Hedra grunted and paused. "What was that?" Hedra asked the woman impaled on his cock. Xar looked about wide eyed. "Keep doing it!" Xar begged, lost in the delicious sensation of his cock sliding in and out of her. "I felt a prick," Hedra explained. "So do I!" Xar said as she ground back again. Hedra frowned and pulled out. Desi started to laugh and the man looked from Xar to his other slave. "What is the meaning of this?" he growled. "The meaning? Just a dose of your own medicine, or serum," Desi grinned with relish as Hedra paled in terror, staring down at his still erect member. "But how? My men inspected her. She was intact," there was fear in his voice. "It's very easy to replace a woman's maidenhood if you know how. I concealed one of your darts within her, expecting you to take her first..." Desi climbed up and gripped his manhood, running her hand along its length. "So you have three choices. The first - cut off this before the serum spreads to the rest of your body." He gasped at her caress, suddenly in her power. The truth of her words scared him. "The second, let the serum flow into you body and become like us... the third is to try and maintain an erection forever... that way the erum will stay in your penis. But I'm not sure that's possible." "I'll not cut off my own manhood you bitch!" he growled. If he did that he may bleed to death.. "Well then, I suppose you'll become like us," Desi noted as she tugged upon him. Xar looked upon the two and smiled then reached out and began fondling Desi's breasts. "No. There has to be another way," he looked down at his large cock. He needed to think, however it was hard to concentrate. He knew he could not afford to lose his erection. This girl was very good. He closed his eyes and gritted his teeth. "Damn you!" he snarled as he came as a man for the last time. "Keep going!" he begged and Desi obliged for as long as he was able. Then in exhastion he pushed her hands away from his overly sensitive member. As his erection subsided Hedra struggled against the serums coma-inducing additive for a moment before he toppled. Desi reached for the heavy keys at his waist. She undid her slave collar and Xars. "I wonder how she'll like waking up in chains," Desi said. "Let's not wait to find out," Xar said then turned to Desi and gave her a kiss. "We have places to be and things to do!" Desi gripped the halter that encircled her belly, turned it then slid her arms through the straps, adjusting it snugly upon her large breasts. She pulled her thong high so it hung from her wide hips almost level with her narrow waist. Xar noticed ruefully that her friend's long shapely legs made her the taller of the pair. Without further consideration of what she had lost, Xar pulled her panties up between her legs until it fit snuggly around her bottom, then pulled on the top and tied it behind her back. "Let's get out of here!" Desi said. "And don't forget the keys!" The pair slipped out of Hedra's tent toward the horses. Finding them unguarded they mounted and rode off quickly, with the remaining horses in tow. Hedra's men roused but were too late to give chase. Still it was a long ride to the security of Lord Kenig's fort and neither girl wanted to fall into Hedra's clutches again. "What were you thinking of doing?" Desi asked. "I doubt I'd be able to resist this bodies urges and act as a demure maiden for the rest of my long life. No doubt I'd end up in chains or in some mans pleasure stable. Perhaps the life of a forest girl would be best -- freedom on my own terms!" Desi nodded. "I think I'd like that too."

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NuruMassage Sarah Vandella Engagement Present

Before fiance T. Stone gets married, his uncle brings him to his wife Sarah Vandella’s spa for a last hoorah, a NURU massage experience that his uncle wisely advises will pay dividends during his marriage, by alleviating possible regret and resentment over the fun he didn’t have before settling down at an early age. Uncle Stone leaves his nephew with Aunt Sarah, and they head to the NURU room to meet the girl who will be his masseuse. But Aunt Sarah throws T. Stone for a loop when...

2 years ago
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The Jade Box Part 5

Nothing was about to upset Amy that night. She was out with a guy she liked, she looked hot, and best of all, her days as a girl were numbered. She and her mother would fly out the day after the play and then it's bye bye to skirts, heels, hose, periods and sitting down to pee. One more week and it would all be over. 'Do you want to dance?' Danny asked after they entered the high school gym and saw the set up for the night. 'Is this a dance?' Amy asked with a smile on her face. 'I...

3 years ago
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Aarons luck

As an eighteen year old boy Aaron didn’t have it good. His parents abandoned him to live abroad, thankfully they still send money from where ever they were. But other than that money his life wasn’t going too well he's on the verge of leaving his school. But that hasn't stopped the numerous bully's he's accumulated over the few years he's spent at the fairly large school he transferred to two years ago. Plus being British born doesn't help as his accent stands out over everyone else's. Even...

3 years ago
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Summer fun

the story starts with a hot night in a greek island with my ex-gf.We were with some friends drinking some cocktails and lot of shots. 3 guys, 3 ladies. only couple was me and her, the rest were friends. there was one guy i didn't knew him not either my girl. He was a friend of another girl. My gf liked him, he was muscled guy and beautiful at the age she liked 30+.After all that drinks and around 4am she was almost drunk also the rest of us and then she started dancing with him as she did with...

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John CarterChapter 19

A hundred new students stood in the administration building waiting to hear a short speech. There were slight murmurs as people talked in low voices with each other. Some were skeptical that John was the Grand Druid, but most accepted it as fact. Among the crowd were people who had claimed to be Druids and Wiccans. A few just believed in a higher power, but had no fixed belief system. The route here had been surprising for most of the students. The intelligence tests that formed the basis of...

2 years ago
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When In Florence

On cold, bitter days, such as the day it was when I first met her, business can be pretty bad. This isn’t wholly surprising for my occupation, which is a car salesman. Winter is the slowest sales season for us- no one really wants to be walking around the car lot when it’s cold and windy and raining. Summer and spring are our best months when it gets warmer and approaches Memorial Day. It's about then that people decide they need a change, which is where we come in. We talk all the necessary...

2 years ago
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The Copper Lincoln

I was feeling quite horny and knew it wouldn’t be long before I was hungry too, and I didn’t expect another check for two days, so I decided to saunter on over to that county park near the campus that had a lot of out-of-the way parking places and was known in my circles as a pickup spot. With luck, I’d pick me up a short-term sugar daddy with munch and lunch on his dime, or his dollar if he wanted more than a hand job. I was sitting there on a picnic table near the entrance, contemplating the...

4 years ago
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Joey the Next Door Neighbor

When I was around twelve, my body started to change. I began growing breasts, my body began taking the womanly shape, and I became more attracted to boys. Joey noticed me as a changed, but he did not stay far behind. I noticed his voice getting deeper; I could see the hairs that were growing on his arms and legs become thicker. We both noticed each other changing; however, we never said anything about it. When we were both thirteen, things were changing from what they used to be. We...

2 years ago
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Waking My Master

Hi Rony again read story and comment on that tell me yours comment this was my real story with my girlfriend now read in my girlfriend own word enjoy it. As the first morning light slowly enters in the bedroom window, he awakens to see it laying a gentle glow onto her soft skin. Rolling over to face her, he places his hand delicately onto her left breast, lightly tracing his fingertips around her areola as he leans in kissing the side of her neck tenderly her body shivers, she moan...

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My Horrible DreamChapter 4

Only a little searching produced the BFG, and on the shelf with it was a belt of ammunition. But this ammunition was different: each bullet point was painted red. Oh, dear God, I hoped that meant that the bullets were explosive. If they were, that would make life a whole lot simpler. Yep, as before, as soon as I picked up the BFG, I was fully dressed in the standard battle dress that I had been wearing the last time. That certainly was a relief, and I felt like my chances of surviving this...

1 year ago
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Futa Virus

Ok this is the futa virus you wake up and see it on news but now who are you? Are you male or female..? Or are you already one to them? Are you strong enough to fight the virus or will you succumb to it?

3 years ago
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A Quick Fuck Changed My Life

Hi this is sonu again. I wrote my first two stories, how I became a gay and how my tuition teacher became my fuck buddy. And all u thanks for sending good response and hot mails. This encouraged me a lot and now I am writing another story. And special thanks to ISS club for sending my story on this site and ISS readers. For all of those who had not read my first stories I am telling about me again. I am the only son of my parents and have three sisters all elder than me. Now two of them are...

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Midday double feature

Last year I was online looking thru some personal ads and found one that said "Big Cock with huge load voyeor" I replied to it and he sent me some stats with a few pics of his big cock. He sent me his number and said text me if you are serious and can follow directions. I text him and he replied back with this "you will do as I say and be rewarded with cum" I replied back "yes"He asked if I would be free on Thursday midday and I would be so I said yes. He told me to go to the local movie...

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Danni Archer with Evelyn and Mary

"Hi, Danni. I'm Evelyn and I'm happy to meet you. Theodore, the dear boy, has told us a little about you but I'm betting that no one has told you much about us, have they? I bet you're more than a little worried right now about what may happen. Don't be. We're all new friends right now, feeling each other out, getting to know each other. It's like the first day of school, when you go back and meet the new people you are going to spend the new year with" said the brown haired...

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Senior Moment

I'm 60, recently divorced and horny just about all ofthe time. It rained today; the tale end of HurricaneIvan passed over the Cape. I needed to get out of theconverted cottage in Eastham where I've lived for thepast year. I retired, left Boston and my selfish k**safter the divorce. IThe cottage, some small savings,my car and my pension are all that survived thenastiness. I drove the short distance over to theocean and parked just beyond a now-closed restaurantwhere the surf was easily...

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Tina had been having these strange feelings about her sexuality for years. She had always fantasized about things that would be considered "kinky" by most of her friends. Now, here she was in a situation that only a few months ago she could not have imagined. It all started when she and Marge had been talking about each other's fantasies. Tina had gone first and she had shared her innermost feelings. Marge was very intent, listening to Tina describe how she had always wondered what it would be...

1 year ago
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My sleeping sister

I'm Jacob an 18-year old american guy with a sister who's a year older. I'll tell you how I fucked her in her sleep. My sister is short and beautiful. She also has an amazing ass and C-cup tits. One night in mid-july I didn't sleep at all. I couldn't because of the heat. It was 2am and I didn't know what to do so I went into my sisters room to hang out with her. I was suprised to see her sleeping on her bed because she had her lights on. I figured she might think that I'm one of our parents and...

3 years ago
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The First Noel

Angela sat on her empty bed and did her ritual of missing her husband, who had died a year ago, before bed as she did almost every night since. Everybody said it would be better in time, that time would heal, she’d soon find the will to move on, but it seemed that the only thing time did was make it worse. She found herself missing her husband more every passing week. Dating again was only a thought she flirted with. And for a woman of forty, with signs of how she’d look when she was sixty...

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