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This story is a continuation of my other story, Welcomed, although you could probably read this first if you don’t mind characters not being described (which, sometimes, is more fun if you like to imagine shit on your own, just sayin’). Either way, if you want to read more, then Welcomed is the story before this one, and the next will be called Concord. Be warned, however, since the style of stories that will be part of this series will only share two similarities: Settings and characters. The kind of erotica ranges drastically, but if your interests are open, read on!



Garen’s footsteps echoed off the floors of the hall as he held his cloak closer to himself against the winter’s wind. Even under cover of the bulwarks for the fortress, the cold still bit at the occupants, although there were very few let, if none at all.

The great fortress Arenai was not in a crumpled ruin, but almost all of the soldiers that once guarded it, from the armored knights by the keep and drawbridge, to the archers along the walls and towers, were no more. Garen himself, a simple archer, was by no means more powerful or somehow stronger than any of the others, but still their corpses littered the ground, and their weapons lay strewn about, abandoned in death.

He huddled his coat closer to himself, attempting still to ward off the cold that settled in. Blizzards and ice he could endure easily, but whatever swept in, he did not see it, had caused the storm to hurl itself only at Arenai’s defenders, making vision to the approaching hordes impossible to claim. The knights held on as best they could, but there were only so few of them to defend against these people, who should have been thinned out by the archers. Garen cursed himself, remembering a good friend of his that was among those very knights, but she was certainly dead by now. The important question to him now was where exactly their attackers were now. It was as though they had come merely to crush the defenders and leave, Garen was almost certain of this, because he’d made to the armory only to find all of the equipment still intact. His next goal was to make for the keep, to see if anything was taken from there.

The storm only grew heavier as he passed through the courtyard to the entrance to the keep. His vision was almost blinded to the point of being unable to actually see the entrance, but numerous trips from his post to where his friend stood guard had led him by instinct to the entrance. His hand found the near-frozen stone door and pushed, opening it slowly to grant his entry.

Once inside, he could at least take brief respite as he closed the door knowing that the storm had yet to penetrate the interior of Arenai’s keep. In fact, he was almost alarmed to find that it was warm enough to assume the fire pit had been lit. Slowly, he withdrew his longbow and nocked and arrow into it. When nothing seemed to stand out to him, he started down the hall and into the common room, where the first of the fires would have been. It was then that he noticed something, and he stressed his ears to listen. It was faint, but the sweetest melody he’d ever heard resounded through the hall, almost making him forget to stay poised for attack.

He pulled himself away from listening so closely and started down into the common room, not because he wished to find whoever was here, but because that music was only too amazing to pass. It started to become more audible as he entered the common room, lit yellow and orange with the burning of the fire. No one tended to it, as it seemed to do that on its own, shifting the wood from one place to another whenever it would normally be needed. It was good, because a stain of blood on the floor told Garen that the maids were likely not available to do it themselves. He shook his head, the fire was not acting of its own accord, he thought resolutely, but couldn’t keep from glancing back as he heard the fuel change place. His focus was still mostly on the music, which seemed to come from up the stairs to one of the main lord’s rooms along with a sweet fragrance he only noticed just now. It struck him as a little odd that he could hear and smell such things from near the entrance, but he dismissed the thought.

Slowly, when he’d scaled the stairs and was before the oak door, he stretched a hand out to open the door. It unlatched loudly, and cracked open so that he could push it further with his foot. As the room came into full view slowly, his eyes fell upon something that made his heart stop and his eyes widen with wonder.

The sight was magnificent, so much so that he hardly realized as his longbow and arrow slipped from his hands and onto the floor. It was a woman, but not of the likes he’d seen before. Her hair was long and silver, and her skin was dark blue. The pointed ears showing from her head gave him the impression of maybe one of the legendary elves, but he couldn’t be sure. He thought they had pale skin and sparkled in light. Now that he thought of it, that seemed a ridiculous image compared to the woman in the room, who seemed to be twirling and dancing to the melody that still enthralled Garen’s ears, and wafting a faint pink fume about the room that equally took his scent. Who was this woman? She wore a black robe while she twirled and danced, the robe loosely flying around her with her movements still gracefully. The sight was mesmerizing until she suddenly stopped, but before Garen could regain his senses, her eyes were on his.

They were an impossible shade of dark purple, glittering at him while she smiled in a way that took him just as her movements had before. With one hand she beckoned him forward, while the other waved and moved in a strange pattern that he didn’t know what it was for. His legs seemed to not care as he put one foot in front of the other until he was in the room before her.

She spoke in an accented voice that was so beautifully obscure, but Garen understood her words, ‘My name is Fyrah, and I’ve been waiting for you, Garen.’ It did not matter that she knew his name, only that she had said hers. Fyrah, now he knew what this woman’s name was, although it did little for him while he stood completely enthralled by her unnatural, otherworldly beauty. She stretched a hand out to him to beckon him forward again, and he did, moving until his body was only inches away from hers, but he did not allow himself to seize himself onto her just yet. Right now, his mind was only looking for her to speak again in her voice that seemed to echo through his mind. To his delight, she did.

‘You will be perfect, just as was ordained. You see, soon I will die, but I was shown a vision of someone who could help me continue my life into the next.’ She fiddled her hands again and Garen watched as a small blue light started to form in her hands with as much wonder as everything else. Soon, the light was fully formed, and she moved her palms against his head, the light seeping into his skull.

A flash of insight filled him instantly, although he watched the events unfold at the pace they happened. Not only would she die, but he would too, each at the hands of a horrible beast that would hold them each captive until it was time. Before this would happen, though, he watched a vision of himself with Fyrah in his arms, but she was a younger one, a baby. The Fyrah that stood beside him now would be beside him then, too, and they would be able to admire their child until they would have to leave her inside the empty fortress.

He pulled himself away from the vision, suddenly stepping back from her. ‘I cannot do that.’ It was his first words since he’d stepped into the fort, but now he was convicted of this, ‘I cannot let something that beautiful, as wonderful as you, be abandoned and alone.’ He was surprised to see that Fyrah was still smiling, and placed a hand on his shoulder.

‘You would not be abandoning her, you would simply be leaving me. The child will grow with all
of my thoughts and memories, while I move on to die in the cave.’ She moved forward and kissed Garen on the cheek, making him practically burn on the spot. His resolve to convince her otherwise was starting to wane as she reached her hands around his neck. It was all he could do to ask the next question that was still clawing in his mind for air.

‘Why? Why do we have to die?’ Tears actually stung at his face while she pressed her body against his. It was a wonderful feeling that clashed with his mind’s state so dramatically. She moved her lips against his, speaking in his mind as they kissed passionately.

I do not know, but I have never found fate to be something to be avoided. Fate has led us together, even as the rest of your company fell to invaders. You survived, and now I ask that you do so just a little bit longer with me.

Nothing inside him questioned it any longer, and so he kissed her back, feeling his hands glide around her waist and hips to pull her closer. He could feel something tugging gently at his coat until it simply slid off of him, even with his hands still reaching around Fyrah. Soon his trousers and tunic were cast off as well, and he assumed that she was doing it with magic, since her robe flew off of her in a matter of seconds, leaving them both in their undergarments. She pressed her almost exposed body against his for just a bit longer, letting him savor the curves and shapes she held that would make many nobles and lords drool with jealousy.

As their hands moved around their bodies, she jumped onto Garen, wrapping her legs around his waist while she continued her voluptuous kissing. He led her to a large four-poster bed that seemed to draw curtains around them as they crawled onto it. For a few moments, as the curtains closed completely, the two of them simply stayed there, with Fyrah straddling him and Garen lying on his back, looking into each others’ eyes lovingly. He understood well now that they were supposed to be found, that there was no other way it could have been. Rather than casting it off with magic, she reached behind her and untied her lingerie slowly, then let it fall to expose her healthy breasts. She then fell forward so that they pressed against his chest, their tips poking into him as they waited in arousal, while her head was locked onto his, kissing vigorously with her hair falling all around their faces. Garen groped his hands around her buttocks until he found the clasps that kept the last of her undergarments attached and undid them.

He felt his own undergarments sliding off of him with magic with the rest of their clothes that tried to stay with them. Now they were both completely bare, and Garen’s cock was hardened for her, throbbing to be inside of her and give her the child she wanted from him. Fyrah must have known this, because she started to massage his length against her groin by rocking her hips back and forth on top of him. She leaned back and groaned with him as the feeling sent shockwaves through them both, while he felt at her breasts with his hands, the surprising firmness of them almost sending him over the edge.

It was impossible to tell if she would stop her movements until she did, when she rose from her seat so that Garen could angle his length up to her. Slowly, she descended, taking him inside of herself completely until she was again sitting on top of him, straddling and moaning with pleasure. He felt her body clench around him, not wanting him out of her, but as he started to buck his hips up against her, it was impossible not to want to push further. Her gasps and moans started to sound in time with his movements, urging him on to move faster.

The sensation of being inside of her was overwhelming. He would never have dreamed taking this beautiful woman to bed when he first looked into the room. His sane self would have assumed her a lord or something of the like, but now here he was, a soul attracted to hers, as she said through moans. By now he was cycling up against her with speed he didn’t know he had, and became aware that she must have been channeling her magic into him to give him additional resolve. It was impressive that she could do such a thing even while being penetrated. Even with this, though, neither of them could avoid the building heat between them for long, and each exploded with a shuddering climax that never seemed to end.

It wasn’t until almost an hour later, that the entirety of it ebbed away, during which she had been letting him play with her breasts, the two of them had been kissing, and sometimes they erupted again as the continued rhythmic movements did not stop. Garen had shifted her onto her back and had started ramming into her in an attempt to satisfy the remainder of his carnal desires, and she seemed keen on the same, but they did not stop unleashing their fluids until their bodies were left exhausted from the sheer amount of stamina used.

‘I think… I am finally… Done…’ She said through gasps, and by then Garen had felt the same. It was done, and he could hardly believe after all of that that she still did not bear a child, it was not something that he could tell for himself. Only she would really know, with her magic, but another thought returned to him now that his body was no longer practically gravitating toward the woman before him. There was another woman that he’d meant to find before getting side-tracked.

Gathering his belongings, he said quickly, ‘I will return, my friend is still out there in the blizzard.’

‘I will help you find her.’ Fyrah said, standing up and retrieving her own clothing. He turned back to her, throwing his coat over his shoulders, and smiled slightly.

‘Thank you.’

The two of them were outside in the blizzard with far more ease than Garen originally anticipated, as she had taken to warding the two of them from the cold and wind at their sight. It did not take long for him to search throughout the bodies that he could see more clearly now, lining the courtyard in dozens, but not one of the armored guard bore the insignia that was his friend’s.

He was just about the scale the stairs of the tower to the battlements when Fyrah shouted out.

‘There! Something moved in the snow!’ He whipped around. She was right, and arm that was before inside a mound of snow that he’d thought was nothing more than such stretched out and swayed helplessly.

He ran immediately for it to uncover the body that lay there. To Garen’s relief, the gauntlet on the hand that stretched out from the snow clearly reflected in the light to show the ivory ring design that encircled it. It was enough to show that this person, taken as a corpse by the invaders, was the living body of Cirella.

She mumbled something incoherent that, muffled as it was by her visored helmet and the weather, would not have been heard anyway. Carefully, Garen hoisted her up and carefully guided her toward the keep. He could see from its entrance that Fyrah was doing something else with her hands again, twirling them toward her and muttering with her eyes closed. Just when he’d wondered what kind of new trick this was, Cirella floated gracefully away from his grasp and toward the giant wooden doors, still limp from either injuries or cold.

It took time, but once her armor was removed and set to the side along with its soaked leather paddings, and she lie against a chair in only her undergarments, she could be warmed by the fire and rejuvenated by Fyrah’s magic. It was apparently all she could do, but to know that Garen’s friend was going to live lifted his spirits well enough.

‘I cannot heal her with my magic,’ Fyrah explained, still tending to the flame that had no fuel, keeping the warmth coming, ‘as it is not one of the things that I learned of the many wonders I have obtained. Alas, it should have been something I first explored before learning how to destroy opponents with fire or ice.’ Garen’s ears pricked when she’d said ‘ice’. Was she the one who caused the blizzard
? It did occur to him that he had not heard the clash of steel from the battle the knights went through, but he’d assumed that that was simply because the noise of the storm was keeping him from that. He wanted to bring himself to ask her this, but even as he looked over, seeing her tend to Cirella caused him to doubt this.

When she looked up at him, he dismissed his stare only too slow. She sighed slowly, making him panic slightly in worry that he had offended her, since it had become evident that she could guess motives with great talent.

‘It was me.’ She said, looking directly at him, almost commanding his eyes to look into hers, ‘I killed all of the defenders here, but I had no choice.’ She reached over and took his hand, her magic calming his nerves suddenly, ‘I am sorry, but you will just have to believe me when I tell you that you will understand someday.’ She gripped his hand again, but he knew that this wasn’t some trick of hers. His memory of his recent thoughts had not been bewitched from him, so the only thing preventing him from going against her will was his own.

Just now, though, looking into her dark purple eyes that held no sense of pleading or the seduction that she had commanded from him before, her sense of honor became clear to him. From here, it would be easy to draw his knife and slit her throat as she leaned toward him, showing her sincerity. Perhaps this was some kind of double bluff, but Garen failed to see what she could possibly gain from something like that when she could have just as easily taken his mind like she did before. Clearly, she had no desire to make him her slave, and that was enough to buy his trust in earnest.

He leaned to her as well, but did not draw his weapon. Instead, the two of them shared in an ardent kiss, wrapping arms around each-others’ bodies to pull closer, and Garen placed one hand on her stomach to caress it softly. He could almost feel the child growing as they brought themselves closer together.

Harsh coughing brought them away from the sensual kiss, and they looked over to see Cirella, leaning against the chair by the fire spitting out mouthfuls of water. When finally, she regained her senses long enough to look at Garen sitting before her, and Fyrah off to the side, she only seemed able to say a few words.

‘Thank you, the snow almost felt like a pillow.’ With that, she passed unconscious.

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10/19/99 The following day around eleven in the morning, Tucker was arranging his photographic equipment when the girls arrived. Both were excited because each saw themselves as becoming Tucker's lover as well as beginning a successful career in modeling. Neither saw the other as strong competition and thought the other would fall by the wayside. Still, they were not overly jealous of one another. Tucker made them welcome, giving each a firm hug that held a promise of more to come later...

3 years ago
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5 December 2008Chapter 4

Dan continued to openly finger Cathy’s pussy as Andrew placed their meals in front of them. He opened the bottle of white wine and poured then a half glass full. Dan and Cathy put a pause to their sexy fun to enjoy their meals. Quiet conversation took place about their future baby and possibly what his or her name might be. She rubbed his crotch and he didn’t protest as she unzipped his fly and released his cock. Cathy squeezed it from base to tip causing a large clear bead to pop out. When...

1 year ago
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LoveHerFeet Eliza Ibarra I Couldn8217t Stop Fantasizing About Fucking Him

My mom and Bill have been dating for a few months. In the last few weeks I noticed that he checks me out more often than would be appropriate. I catch him glancing at my feet a lot. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t like it. Then one warm sunny afternoon, while mom was out with her friends, I was hanging out by the pool when he showed up. I told him I need to shower and get ready for my date. But I started to play with the idea of Bill and I since I know he’ll have a perfect view of me...

2 years ago
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Milking my fantasy and forbidden fruit

I open my eyes to his hard cock just an inch from my mouth. We had agreed last night that I would wake him in ‘a special way.’ I see how his veins contrast against his pale length, so peaceful as he sleeps and all mine to gaze at. I can smell my juices on him, mixed with his own and smile inwardly. This is how we had left things last night, both still hungry for more but too tired to continue despite needing to relieve ten years of pent up frustration. Our naked bodies were now sprawled across...

3 years ago
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Cuming of AgeChapter 5

After the nasty man left, I lay there crying until Jackson came in. I could tell by the look on his face, it was now that I would have to give my pussy or ass to him and nothing I could do to stop it “You ready for some nigger cock, Bitch?” Trying to decide how to respond, I sat up, then wrapped my arms around his neck, pulled his mouth to mine and stuck my tongue deep into his mouth. I knew I needed a friend, and I was going to be fucked anyway, so might as well try and make the best of...

3 years ago
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First Time

Introduction: The Making of a Domme First Time Prologue I make my way up the long flight of steps from the dock toward the house where Cija waits for me. I speak into the entry phone, feeling a thrill at the sound of her voice telling me to come on up, the door swinging open for me. I adjust my collar, run my fingers through my hair and reflect for a moment. When we first met, she was gauche and awkward although pretty. I can already see the change in her since we started accidentally meeting...

1 year ago
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Are you pervert enough for Pervert Tube? Unfortunately, that isn’t a trick question: while most of you might eagerly line up for some fresh free fap fodder, thinking you’re hardcore to the core when it comes to porn, there are some sites meant for only for the true deviates. I admit that I slap the word “pervert” around like it applies to every Tom, Dick, and Harry shaking their hairy dicks at naked girls on the internet, but the folks at PervertTube take it to another level.This isn’t your...

Scat Porn Sites
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Goddess Consultation

It was a fairly standard Thursday afternoon at Goldberg Consultation Services, LLC, as the sounds of the occasional phone ringing at the waiting room desk and the rustling of bulky paperwork filled the incandescently-lit office in the middle of downtown Springfield. “Miss… Uh, Eva?” The receptionist called out, peeking her head into the waiting room door. “Coming.” Replied a light feminine voice from behind the cover of a magazine. The woman had a growing pile of magazines on the end table at...

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It’s supposed to be the case that every father would like at least one male heir to carry on his line and every mother would like at least one daughter, I suppose just to have an ally in the household. One of my parents, Miles and Elsa Siddons, struck out as far as that was concerned, as I, Richard Charles Siddons, only have two older brothers, Thomas and Edward. However, if it is any consolation for my poor, beleaguered mother (yeah, right!), at least she had a gap of almost three years...

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Intimidating New Neighbor Part 2

As I felt the couch move, Chic said: “Janet, I think it’s time you met my husband.” She also reached down and started rubbing my pussy as hands opened my butt cheeks and a tongue touched my ass. My body melted . . . again . . . as that little voice raised a small protest.“Don’t worry, Lawrence is very gentle,” her voice said as even my internal voice started moaning in appreciation. This wasn’t sex, it was something more primal in me. I was panting as Chic tried to kiss me, but I couldn’t stay...

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One Lucky GuyChapter 10

Gaby was lying on my bed when Mom joined her. They were laughing and whispering as Mom moved over on top of her. She spread her legs over Gaby’s head, as Mom lay with her face above Gaby’s pussy. When she looked up, I was on the floor with my elbows on the bed, looking through the viewfinder, right in front of her face. If I didn’t know this was my Mom - with the mask covering her eyes and nose - I would never have recognized her. I doubt anyone else who knows her, could possibly recognize...

1 year ago
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Slutty neighbour vandana

In life people always like to partake in a little bit of risk. Just enough to feel a rush, but not enough to get caught or noticed. Here is a story of a slutty teasing aunty. Vandana was no different. She was a beautiful 27-year-old woman working a relatively unassuming entry-level job at a fortune 500 company. The pay was nice, but her job was boring and provided very little excitement. So to bring a little excitement into her life, Vandana began to dress sexier. First it started off very...

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Daisy Modified ch 04

Linda, a co-worker who'd known her since they both transferred into the department, came out of one of the stalls and asked her how her day was going. Daisy wasn't paying attention and the woman asked again. Daisy muttered something polite and the woman stared at her. Daisy froze. Was something wrong? Did she notice something? Linda tilted her head slightly, touched her ear. Daisy remembered. She felt herself go limp, dropped her head forward, and exhaled. She felt tears welling behind...

1 year ago
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La corista capitulo 5

LA CORISTA CAPITULO 5 -Daniel como este es tu ?ltima semana siendo Daniela, que te parece hacer todas esas cosas que no te has animado a hacer como mujer?- -Que tienes planeado para mi Julia ?- -Pues todo lo que siempre has querido hacer, pero que t? conciencia de macho te dice " los hombres no hacen eso"- -Pero como para que?- -Mira como te dije antes, est? es una oportunidad ?nica en la vida para saber que se siente ser del sexo opuesto, puedes experimentar sin ser juzgado ...

3 years ago
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my anal slut

The last two days were amazing, what do I do for an encore? I thought as I woke up on Sunday morning. I felt something on my lower body. I opened my eyes to see Ella sucking on my cock.“I wanted to pay you back for the fucking yesterday,” she said, looking at me with lust in her eyes.I told her to keep going and she started sucking me like her life depended on it. After enjoying it for a few minutes, I sat up and pushed her off of me.“Let’s review: Friday I ate you out. Saturday I fucked your...

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Master PC The ProtectorChapter 58 Concerns and Warnings

Erin and I stayed with the happy family for about an hour. Alexandria's girls, especially Ariel, seemed to take to me quite readily. I was somewhat surprised as Ariel crawled up onto my lap and got comfortable. Alexandria noticed and I could feel how happy she was with her girls accepting me. I was a touch nervous though, and rightfully so as Ariel looked up, "Are you going to be our Daddy?" I was struck dumb and must have looked it too. Erin giggled as did Lori. Alexandria turned a bit...

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Gone to Texas Chapter 2

Caleb dunked his butt in the mountain spring coolness of the fast running stream and smiled as he pondered the infinite delight of the widow lady Eliza humping her way silently to an explosion of female juices and whispered naughty words that helped him to drain a little bit faster.She was really a contradiction of impressions because he had figured her bible-carrying ways and demure style of dress implied she was just another “cold fish” settler woman accepting copulation as the only means to...

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Tick Tock Ch 02

As the days and weeks continued to pass I grew more accustomed to rural life. This was the way life was going to be from now on. So much slower than what I was used to , but so much nicer. The people I began to meet were so incredibly friendly. When Michael and I would go out and meet people in the stores they were always so cordial. One day while I was out working in the yard , I was approached by a woman who was walking down the gravel road. I put the small branches down that I just picked...

2 years ago
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My First Ever Threesome

Hello, and good day to every one of Indian sex stories dot net. Let me not reveal my identity as I like to keep things confidential (since I duly respect the privacy of my peers and myself). Moreover, some of the details provided here are falsely stated with the purpose of maintaining privacy. You can label me as N since N also stands for the narrator (just kidding). Before I begin my story, I would like to apologize you readers if you spot any grammatical/spelling mistakes in the story and...

2 years ago
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Trophy Wife

First about myself I'm a very busy man due to my high paying job. Yes I make millions and travel the whole world got cars and a big mansion house with pools,home cinema,arcade room,etc the whole thing. Also have a very beautiful wife as you can see. She's home alone a lot. Mostly just see and talk to her through video chat when I'm away at work. My queen is spoiled like I mean spoiled. I pay for absolutely everything she wants clothes,shoes,day at the beauty salon and spa,jewelry and all the...

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Sex with my bestmates sister

True story from my mis-spent youth ;)So; it was the summer after my 18th birthday, school was done, uni yet to start and I was spending almost all of my time round my best mate Matt’s house. Now, Matt and I had been friends since year dot (he was a month older and we’d always been in the same schools and classes) and we were both regular fixtures at each other’s houses. One thing about Matt (the most pivotal point for this story); he has a twin sister; Kelly. We’d always been okay with each...

3 years ago
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Green CloudsChapter 25

Rob grabbed his old digital camera, a close-up lens and a spare memory card and we went out to his car. Kathy and I are both dressed more like typical housewives today than slutty women who undress in front of large groups of men and have sex with them for money. We thought it would be more fun for all of us if we seem like shy, somewhat reluctant young women who are doing what we have to do to earn a little extra money in order to make ends meet. That isn't as contradictory as it probably...

2 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 11

The participants were gone and our cake was cut and eaten. Abby and I thanked everyone for their help and I handed out gift cards to each of them that caused their eyes to bounce up and down in surprise. My bride was flushed with joy and her excitement energized me to make her wedding night even better. We hurried upstairs to our suite where I intended to rock her world and send her to the moon, but Abby had one big trick up her sleeve. She came out of the master bathroom dressed in a...

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Saving mommys marriage

I came home one day a few hours earlier than I normally would and was pleased to see my mother’s car in the driveway. Usually she’d come home about an hour after I would and It was nice I wouldn’t be alone all afternoon. Mom always made tea with cookies and she’d let me help her in the garden. I loved working in the garden, watering the plants and the flowers. I had my own little piece of the garden where I grew my own flowers, although they almost always died because mom said I gave them...

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Pervert Driver Wife 2

After having my k** with Madam, she was treating me like her husband. As she has to go for hospital every few days & as she has to take care of the baby, she told boss to let me work in home & help her buy stuffs for the baby & her from the city. She made boss to make me her personal driver & helper. So boss finds another driver for himself. So, my job now is to take care of madam & drive her where ever she wants. But the truth is only known to me and Madam. She always...

3 years ago
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Die Mobberin meiner Tochter

Mein Name ist Marion, ich bin 36 Jahre alt und die Mutter von einer 18 jährigen Tochter. Emilia kurz Mia ist wohl die beste Tochter, die man sich wohl als alleinerziehenden Mutter nur wünschen kann! Ich war damals selbst gerade einmal so alt wie mein kleines Mädchen, als ich Mias Vater kennengelernt haben. Ich damals so unglaublich dumm, aber Liebe macht eben blind! Ich hab nicht bemerkt, dass der damals 25 jährige Junge mich nur ins Bett bekommen wollte. Er hat mich damals so lange bearbeitet...

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Ed and Andrew

She awoke suddenly. This wasn't unusual for Edwina and as usual she kept her eyes closed while she inventoried what was happening around her. She was a talented violinist, currently earning her living on the world concert circuit. Waking up in strange places and circumstances was an everyday occurrence. Today it was nice to wake up. Feeling the masculine chest under her cheek she knew she was home in bed with her husband Andrew. She was very attractive, and had hopeful bed partners hanging...

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Old Friend Fucked

Hello, I am Jyoti and i like to read all stories here, i m new to this so i m telling my real story which happened last year. I m good looking fair girl married to sagar 4 year back. We both are very happy in these four years. We both enjoying our sexual life as well. We are having sex 3-4 times a week. Sagar is very good in sex. Before marriage i had a boy friend in college days named mujahid. He is very handsome tall man. We both had sex many times and his penis also very big in size. After...

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After the Energists Rebooted Teen YearsChapter 41 Uptown Girl

Music Room, Medway High School 1:35 pm, Friday, March 9, 1979 “Mr. Nevins, Ms. Robertson and Ms. Labatt, do you three have any ‘new’ songs prepared, as per our agreement?” Mr. Ballows asked after everyone had gotten their instruments and taken their seats. Because the three of us were spread out in the large music room, I looked down at Sammy, who was sitting in the clarinet section, and then to Lynette, who was one row higher but across the room from Sammy with her flute. Both girls...

1 year ago
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Will And Tess Excellent AdventureChapter 35

The four of us had fun together, during Roland's five days on the Island. We spent evenings in the best restaurants we could find -- on either half of the Island. The Dutch side even had a southern-style barbecue rib joint, and it was superb. North Carolina barbecue -- the vinegar-based kind -- is loyally supported by many, but give me Southwestern style, anytime. Sint. Maartin -- as the Dutch called it -- had to be the easternmost outpost for barbecue going in the New World. We sailed, we...

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My Amsterdam trip from last year x

Yesterday was very surreal, I had a lot of first time experiences. I've never been that wasted in a public place, I was surrounded by strangers and soaking wet...turns out it wouldn't be the only time that day...afterwards I went to a daytime live porn show, I can't say I've ever watched porn in a theater with 5 Indian guys lol. The show wasn't great, the strippers were good but the live sex not so much, I almost asked if I could replace her and show her how it's done. After that, another smoke...

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