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“So it’s positive,” I said.

She wiped her nose on my shoulder. “Of course it’s positive. They’re all positive. They’re always positive—”

She tucked her head back into my chest. Then you shouldn’t have chimed in, I thought. You shouldn’t have done it. What was the point of it? Who did it help?

Me saying that, even thinking it, wouldn’t have helped. So I kept quiet. From all my years with her, I’d learned the best thing you could do sometimes is just shut up and hug.

Inside, we talked with one of the government’s doctors. Maybe a week, maybe less. Some women, they lasted a couple of days. You could practically hear the changes taking place in women like that, like some people claim they can hear corn growing during July. Not my wife. Her body, it was stronger. The doctor predicted it would take some time.

I didn’t know whether that was a kindness or a horror. I wondered what she’d look like on the way through it.

On the ride home, we were silent. My wife, she stared out the window, trying to take in as much of the world as she could, until she couldn’t, anymore. Until she didn’t care about anything, anymore, except for what between my legs. And not just my own legs.

“Manny. Promise you’ll take care of me.”

“I’ll take care of you. As best I can.”

“Don’t put me into one of those places they’re building. Please take care of me. In our home.”

That struck me as selfish. And then my reaction struck me as unworthy. I was her husband. This was a sickness, and I promised I would take care of her in more than just health.

“I’ll take care of you.” I wondered whether enough of her would be left to care if I didn’t. I wondered if enough of her would be left to know if I put in her one of the shelters.

I would take care of her. I was her husband. I promised her. I would do it.

I would.

* * *

We held each other closely that first night. She still seemed herself. Her breath was garlicky, thanks to the stir fry I’d cooked for dinner. I didn’t mind. My breath smelled of it, too.

The next morning, her breasts had gotten larger. My wife was so skinny at that time—professional power-woman pantsuit slender—that any change to her body was noticeable.

“They’re bigger,” she said. She was standing before the mirror, looking at herself from the side, holding them up. “Meatier.”

“That’s a gross word.”

“But they are,” she said. “Fleshier, already. Maybe I won’t last a week.”

She said it matter-of-factly, as if she’d acclimated to the prospect. That’s how she usually dealt with bad news: coldly, clearly. Like when her father died.

“They are larger,” I agreed. “But you’ll last a week. Maybe longer.”

She grimaced. “Let’s go,” she said. “Let’s go, now.”

That day, we went to the natural history museum. We walked among the dinosaurs and mammals and those weird bronze statues of aborigines from tribes all over the world. Nineteenth-century figures, made when scientists thought they could produce definitive typologies of races and suss out who rightfully belonged on the top and who deserved to be beneath them.

Now, of course, we knew. Thanks to the hashtag, we knew who was headed to the bottom. My wife was one of them. She didn’t deserve it—none of them did—but they would.

At lunch, my wife had a salad and a glass of white wine. I had a hamburger and a Coke. My tastes, they were always lower than my wife’s. We both appreciated that. She was the civilized one, the cultivated one, and I was the beast. Woman and man, just like civilization had made us.

My wife considered the wine in her hand. She loved wine, loved to drink it, loved the taste of a good oaked chardonnay more than anything. “I wonder when—”

She stopped. She looked at me, stricken. She’d lost her train of thought.

I said, “Everyone spaces off. I do it. It doesn’t mean anything.”

She set down her wine and looked away.

“C’mon, finish the glass,” I said. “We have to go see the aquarium. You love the aquarium.”

She looked at me. “I do?” She was genuinely confused.

It was starting. No, it had already started, with those bigger breasts.

“Yes, you do. Please. Finish your wine, so we can go.”

* * *

That night, the second night, we held each other close. As my wife was drifting off, she began kissing my neck. Delicately. Her breath smelled sweet, soft. Mild. Some kind of berry scent.

The scent. It made my cock stir. And I realized: It was going to be a scent. A scent would be what happened to me.

I pushed her away. “Hey.”

“Mmm,” she said. “Love you.”

“I love you too,” I said. “But don’t.”

She stirred. “Don’t what?”

“You were kissing me.”

It was pitch dark, but I could hear her frown. “I was?”


“I didn’t know.”

“We probably shouldn’t. You know. . . .”

She turned away from me. A few moments later, the bed was shaking. She was crying.

I wanted to comfort her. But touching her, holding her, would only make things happen faster. I turned away. After she fell asleep, I went and jacked off in the garage for relief.

* * *

“Still bigger,” she said.

She was staring at herself in the mirror. Her breasts, they had rounded up and were overflowing her hands.

“Right?” she said, turning to me.

Her face was changing. Her lips were puffier. Her skin was softer, lighter—I think maybe her pores were tightening up a little. Her hair was lighter. Her ass seemed to have swelled a little, too.

“I guess,” I said. I didn’t want to let on that I thought she looked good. That I liked the new flesh, the new curves.

“Goddamn it,” she said. “I thought maybe it was my period. You know, just water. That the fucking test was wrong, that it hadn’t happened to me—”

She sat down heavily on the bed, taking her head in her hands.

“They’re still looking for the guy,” I said. “The guy who did this. They think maybe he’s in Southeast Asia, in Thailand. They’ll find him—”

“And then what?” Her glaring eyes were thick and red. “What’ll they do? Make him reverse it? Make him ‘take it back’? You’ve heard the reports. Nothing left. Just a mouth and bazonga tits and a needy, hungry cunt.”

I winced. I didn’t like that my wife was talking dirty. What I didn’t like about it was that I liked it. It took me a long time to figure that out.

“They can fix this. They’re looking for a way to fix this.”

My wife wailed to the ceiling. “I didn’t know this would happen!”

“I know—”


I reached out for my wife. She fought at first. But then she let me hold her, and comfort her. I loved her.

Her breasts, they were enormous, and very warm. And her breath, it smelled of strawberries, even though it was the morning and she hadn’t brushed, yet.

“The art museum,” I said. “Let’s go there next.”

She snorted. “Art,” she said. “Just a bunch of naked women. They’re gonna be everywhere soon.”

“We’ll check out the Northern nudes. They won’t do anything to you. They don’t do anything to me. Or anyone, really.”

My wife, she chuckled.

* * *

At the museum, we weren’t the only people who had the same notion, that we should take in the sights, the sounds, the experiences, while there was still time.

A woman with flaming pink short hair was walking her black-haired, long-tressed girlfriend through the galleys, slowly.

This was black hair: “I don’t . . . don’t get it . . . no, wanna go home—”

Here was pink hair: “C’mon, love. You know. The museum. C’mon, the Kollwitz prints, they’re right over here. You love Kollwitz. Your Master’s thesis, right? Kollwitz.”

Black hair: “Cammie’s head hurts.”

Pink hair: “Baby, your name is Carmella.”

Black hair: “Cammie. It’s name is Cammie.”

Pink hair: “Love. Come on. Over here. It’s right over here.”

Pink hair was fighting. She was fighting for her love. Her love, black hair, was dying right before her eyes.

Black hair, she said. “Fuck. Wanna fuck. You wanna me t’lick yer pussy? Lick your yummy pink puss?”

Before pink hair could respond, black hair knelt and trundled underneath pink hair’s skirt. Pink hair yipped and skipped away and shouted at black hair to stop.

Black hair tilted her head and frowned, like a dog whose mistress had told it to scram. She crawled on all fours toward pink hair.

The marking, the brand that was coming, was right on her face—a slash across her forehead. I wasn’t close enough to read it, but I saw it, like a soot smear from Ash Wednesday. Transfiguring, and transformative.

I hoped the marking wouldn’t show up on my wife’s forehead. It would appear somewhere on her body, but I hoped it’d be someplace discreet.

The people around us, they knew what was happening. Everyone knew. Most looked on with sadness. Some walked away.

“I need to go,” said my wife. “I can’t stay here. Get me out of here.”

I’d been so transfixed by the tragedy of black hair and pink hair that I hadn’t noticed my wife was trembling.

We left the museum and drove to the park. I bought her a latte, and we sat by the enormous lake, and we watched the swans, and she cried, and I did what I could, but there was nothing I could do, and we both knew it. Many women around the lake were doing the exact same thing, and they were being comforted by their husbands, or their boyfriends, or their girlfriends.

“I didn’t know,” she said. She was talking about her action, the choice she had made, the same choice half a billion women around the world had made.

“I know. I’m sorry. Nobody knew.”

My wife, she raged. “That fuck. Please tell me. Please tell me they’ll find that fuck.”

My wife and I, we held each other, and we watched the swans swim by.

* * *

That night, I woke to a sound in the bathroom.

“Babe,” I said, knocking. “Babe, what’re you doing.”

Only a moan. I turned the handle on the door.

“D-don’t,” something in the bathroom said. It had the voice of my wife.

I opened the door. A humid and thick scent of strawberries wafted out. On the toilet was my wife. Her top half was covered by the green T-shirt she’d fallen asleep in. Her bottom half was covered by nothing at all. Her legs were spread. The T-shirt covered her vagina, but I could tell she was masturbating with the blunt edge of our electric toothbrush.

“Please. Help me—guh-guh-god—”

I rushed to her, grabbed her wrists. The strawberry scent was overwhelming, dizzying. I began to feel the scent working on me, too.

“Stop this,” I said. “You need to stop this. It’ll only make it happen faster.”

She pushed the toothbrush inside of herself. “Faster—yes, please, fasser an’ fasser—”

Another wave of the strawberry scent. My own head was swimming. Like I’d taken two Vicodin and they were hitting. I had to work fast.

I squeezed the bones in her wrists as hard as I could. She yelped and dropped the toothbrush-vibrator. It buzzed and scuttled on the tile like a swatted wasp.

The strawberry scent. I had to get rid of it. I tossed her trembling, lust-drugged body into the bathtub. I flipped on the bathroom fan and opened a window. Then I turned on the cold water full-blast. My wife, she shrieked and tried to pull herself out of the tub, but I crawled in and sat on her chest.

Her chest. It was so much larger, now. Her breasts so round and firm, like soft, strong, bouncy cantaloupes.

Stop, she screamed. Let me out. Get offa me. Get offa me you goddamned fucking prick lemme go lemme go lemme go lemme go—

The strawberry smell, it was killing me. All I wanted to do was fill her closest hole as hard and as fast as I could. That’s what any straight or mostly straight male in proximity would do to her, now. That strawberry scent would draw them in like ants to a carcass.

My wife thrashing under me, I flipped the spigot and turned on the shower. Shocks of cold water brought me back to myself. Then I grabbed the bar soap and frothed up my wife’s labia. I rammed a soapy cold finger into her vagina and began scooping around it, scraping out the strawberry-scented aphrodisiac. Her secretions were warm, soft, gooey. They were the pink of impatiens flowers. And her vagina was quite literally sucking on my finger, like it had gained the muscles of a mouth.

Her vagina was also hairless. All of her pubic hair had fallen out and was floating in the tub. Her genitals were making the transition from vagina to cunt.

My wife now traded one form of thrashing for another. She was moaning and wriggling. “Yeah—finger me—fuck yeah—”

I wasn’t trying to arouse her. I was trying to save myself so I could help save her. I was trying to clean her out, scour away the strawberry-scented ooze and get rid of the pheromones her vagina was pumping out before they wrecked me and made me wreck her.

But I had to be careful. I had to keep cleaning her out, and quickly, but if I made her orgasm, it was pretty much over. No days left. I thought about picking up the pace, bearing down into her, making her cum just then. “The Mercy Orgasm,” they called it. Finish her off. It’d be better than prolonging things, letting her linger. Right?

But I was selfish. I didn’t want my wife to go away. She’d be gone too soon. So I held my breath, slowed my pace, and kept on fingering out dollop after dollop of her new, gooey, strawberry secretions. Her pink lube eddied and slithered down the drain like pumpkin snot. Once most of it was gone, I shut off the water and sat on my wife until her struggles ebbed.

We waited. She slowly came back to herself.

“Manny,” she said. She couldn’t look at me.

“Babe.” I brought her a towel and helped her out of the tub. We lit up our fireplace and sat in front of the blaze, talking softly, staring at the flames.

“I couldn’t stop myself,” she said. “It’s like I was dreaming. I watched myself wake up, I saw myself walk to the bathroom, I watched as my hand took up the toothbrush—”

I stroked her temple. “It’s not your fault.”

“I wonder how many days we lost. There’s no way it’s a week, now.”

I couldn’t argue. We’d lost time.

“Is that what it’s going to be like? Me watching myself from inside? Seeing and feeling what’s left of me doing THAT?”

“I’m going to take care of you. I promise. I’m going to take care of you through all of this.”

She snorted. “You won’t be able to help yourself, either. Admit it. The scent was driving you crazy. The berries.”

I sighed, then nodded. “Yeah, it was.”

“It changes you, too. It makes you not care. Nobody will care.”

“I’ll always care,” I said.

She snorted. “God. And the worst part. . . .”

I waited. I knew what she was going to say. Everyone said it, eventually.

“It felt so . . . fucking . . . GOOD.”

* * *

The next morning, my wife sleeping, I sipped coffee and flipped through the news channels. I didn’t stay on any one station for long. News of the sexapocalypse washed over me.

“—easily half a billion women worldwide—”

“—wives and daughters, mothers and grandmothers—”

“—effects on the transitioning community particularly bizarre—”

“—the CDC, NIH, and WHO report no progress—”

“—red light districts and brothels now irrelevant—”

“—some church leaders calling it, and I quote, ‘God’s just wrath toward women worshipping before the idol of feminism and women’s liberation’—”

“—containment centers more like kennels—”

"—a recommendation from the Department of Agriculture to contain all animals, particularly horses—"

“—congressmen calling for registration, chipping, and regulation for the sale and safety of—”

All the anchors and reporters were men. Not one female journalist was left to report.

I turned off the television. For once, endless media coverage was proper. One world was ending; a new one was dawning. Three hundred years of progress recognizing the dignity and equality of women ending in an orgasmic car wreck.

The man who had done this, he had a simple message. Postindustrial society had let women become strong at the expense of men. He was restoring what he considered to be the natural order by removing the bravest, strongest women from the social equation.

And how had that man identified those women? And infected them with his nanites?

By targeting the women who had identified themselves as brave and strong. The half-billion, like my wife, who had chimed in on social media that day. They identified themselves all over the Internet—and that’s how the bastard’s nanites knew who they were. Slowly, through the air, through the water, the nanites made their way to those women, infected them, and began remaking them.

Some transformations were common to all women. Loss of IQ. Little impulse control. Natural docility. Uncontrollable arousal. All these things were happening to all of the infected, including my wife. They were devolving into their own worst nightmares. They were becoming what they hated.

“Manny,” a breathy voice cooed. My wife was awake. I turned to see my nightmare-yet-dream.

While some changes were common to all women, the nanites worked individual magic, too. My wife’s particular modifications were on full display. Her hair, once a shoulder-length mousy brown, was a long, shiny shade of nuclear pink. Her eyes glowed crystal blue. Bee-stung lips pouted out like the bad plastic surgery of some cheap eastern European model starving for a sugar daddy. Her skin was smooth, flawless.

I was horrified, and horrifically aroused.

She held out her hands. “Look.” Her fingernails had turned as pink as her hair. Her toenails too.

She walked toward me on long, strong legs. Her breasts swelled against the soft gray fabric of her T-shirt, nipples like bullets. The T-shirt bore the name of the law school she had attended. Soon she wouldn’t be smart enough to even read the words on her own chest.

“It’s happening so fast,” she said. “Last night accel—. Acc—.” She struggled for the right word, then dropped it. “Made it go faster. Faster, so much faster.”

I nodded.

“And these boobs,” she said. She brought both hands up and hefted each one, smiling sadly. “I guess maybe it’s not too bad. You’re a boob guy, right? You like big titties?”

A couple of days ago she’d have said that with scorn. Now she was honestly weighing the bright side.

“Big boobies,” she cooed. Through her shirt she rolled an enormous nipple between her thumb and fingers. She gasped, and her mouth fell open.

“Don’t,” I said. “C’mon. Let’s get you dressed. Let’s go outside.”

She dropped her hands. “Manny, it’s dangerous. That girl at the museum, the other day—I dunno what her lezzie dyke girlfriend was thinking, bringing her out like that—”

“We’ll be careful. We’ll stay away from people.”

“—she’d’a fucked anything and anyone out there. And I’d’a do it now, too. I’d do it, too. Me, too, me, too, me, too—”

I flashed on last night, pink strings twirling down the drain. My wife, she was going. Her brain was leaking away.

My crotch felt suddenly cold. I realized I’d been leaking this whole time. The lube, the strawberry scent. It was everywhere, now. There was a pat-pat-pat sound. Looking down, where my wife was standing, something syrupy was falling out of her.

I grabbed her arm and muscled her to the bathroom. “Go. Clean. Cold water, now. We need to get out of this house and get some air.”

“Manny, I’m so sorry, I can’t help it—”

“It’s not your fault, I know. But hurry. Shower, NOW!” And I shoved her into the bathroom so hard she nearly fell. I slammed the door and fled to the kitchen.

I felt guilty pushing her, but there was no time left. We’d thought we’d had a week, but last night had blown it. Today was the day I’d say goodbye to my wife.

I washed off my precum in the kitchen sink, dried up, and dressed. Hurry, hurry. But where to go? What to see? I decided on a park far, far outside of town. She loved the place, and it would be pretty isolated this time of year. If she had to go, it’d be best for her to go there.

In the kitchen, as I packed a picnic lunch, I heard my wife leave the bathroom for the bedroom to dress. I finished making lunch and waited for my wife to emerge. Five minutes passed. I cleaned the kitchen. Then ten minutes. She was taking way too long.

I knocked on the bedroom door. “Babe,” I said.

I heard soft crying.

I entered the bedroom to find my still-naked wife sitting on the bed. Clothes and shoes were everywhere. A shirt was half pulled up one leg. A high-heeled shoe was on a single hand. One sock was on her head. The other sock was draped across what had been her breasts but now could only be described as a gunned-out pair of titanic tits.

Her eyes were bovine. “Manny. I dunno how to put on this stuff. It’s too hard. I don’ ’member—”

I shushed her. Holding my breath against the strawberries, I helped my wife dress.

* * *

We drove fast to the park, windows open to whisk away the pheromones. It wasn’t working well, and my focus was poor. My wife periodically stuck her head out of the window, laughing, brilliant pink hair flapping behind her. The simple pleasure of moving fast and a strong wind. When bugs flew in her mouth, she ate them.

It was early spring, so the weather was cool and the park empty. We walked the trails together, slowly, holding hands. Even outside, now, her scent was omnipresent. I could feel my own pulse.

“What’s that,” my wife said, pointing.

“A tree,” I said. “An ash tree. One of the few left.”

“Ash tree,” she said. She looked at it. “Why they going?”

“A bug,” I said. “A bug brought them all down.”

My wife nodded. “Sad. That’s sad.”

“Yes. It’s sad.” I squeezed her hand. Then I kissed her forehead. With the kiss, she gasped slightly, and the scent intensified.

Not long, now.

We kept walking. My wife, she stared up, squinted, pointed. “How ’bout that?”

“The Sun,” I said. “It’s called the Sun.”

“Warm,” she said. “Sun feels warm. And good.” She closed her eyes and smiled.

I couldn’t help it. I smiled, too. She looked so peaceful. Happy. Beatific. Then I noticed that, from her closed eyes, a trickle of tears streamed out. Light pink tears.

My wife hated pink. It was the girliest of the colors, and she hated girly. And now she was pink, breathed pink, smelled pink, dripped pink, oozed pink. Everything about my wife was pink, now. It’s like the nanites knew what she hated most and turned her into it.

Suddenly she held me close, and tightly. Strawberries swam in my head, everywhere. Soon I’d have no choice but to fuck her. Fuck her, or break my promise and abandon her.

“Warm,” she said. “Warm like you. You’re warm like Sun.”

“I guess, yeah. I guess I’ll be your Sun, now.”

She looked up at me. And then she dropped to her haunches and unbuckled my jeans and yanked them down to my ankles and pulled down my underwear. My cock flew out and hit her in the nose. A healthy string of precum slopped across her face.

She giggled. “Warm.” She gripped my cock by the base and moved in to suck me. But I gripped her hair and held her back.

“Lemme do it,” she keened. “Lemme take it in me. Wanna suck an’ make yu cum—”

“I know you do. I know you do. Listen to me. I love you. I love you. I’m sorry this happened to you, and I love you.”

Something of my wife swam back up. Some flicker of the woman who had been the Phi Beta Kappa and the law-school graduate and the wine aficionado and who had had two abortions because she hadn’t wanted a family to interfere with her career. The woman I fell in love with.

“Loved you too,” she said. “Loved you too.” But her eyes dropped, and her voice trailed off, and her whole world narrowed to my cock and what it could give her.

It was time. I took a deep breath and said, “Okay, baby. Go ahead. You can let go.”

I released my wife’s hair. Without any joy, she impaled her head on my cock. Her mouth was warm, soft, pliable. Her eyes rolled up until I could only see whites. Her face went slack, and her shoulders fell. And she winked out. My wife was gone.

We stayed like that a while. I felt very lonely.

Then she came back. Her eyes closed. A moment later, she began blowing me. First her tongue rolled around the underside of my shaft. Then her cheeks began pulsing slightly. She moved her head back and forth, slowly, along my cock. Her spit was tinged with pink. The cool spring air tickled my balls.

She opened her eyes. Nothing but an endless, crystal, lusty bimbo blue.

Across her shirt, two wet circles bloomed over her nipples. She was lactating. That was a rare effect. My wife, she’d never wanted children, never wanted to “leak like some goddamned farm animal,” she said. And yet here she was, leaking. On her haunches, brainlessly blowing me, like some goddamned farm animal.

I liked what I was seeing. But I was mourning. But I was horny. This was awful. No. It was incredible. She was incredible, and I felt fantastic.

The scent. It was working.

I wondered whether her tits would stop growing, or if they’d keep going, like the fingernails and the hair of dead people in coffins. I shuddered. My wife was gone, but she wasn’t dead. Was she still inside there? Watching me? Judging me?

Best not to dwell. I’d never know.

Fuck it. I promised I’d take care of her. I knew what I had to do. It was my turn, now.

I breathed deeply, deeply, as deeply as I could, drawing the strawberry smell into myself. I relaxed into it. It was okay, now. She was gone. It was okay to relax. It was okay to let go. I could let myself go.

I let the strawberries soak my brain, my mind, my whole self. If I didn’t live with the strawberries and work inside the pink, I wouldn’t be able to keep my wife, to help this female. This female, my female, she didn’t want to live in some kennel, she wanted me to take care of her, so this is what I had to do.

That’s what I told myself that day. It’s hard to remember. We’ve done so much since that day, and I’ve got a few more females I’m taking care of.

I shoved the bimbo off my cock and yanked her shirt off. I hadn’t helped her put on a bra—what heterosexual male knows how to help a woman put on a bra?—so those big boobies bounced right on out, droplets thapping on the dirt beneath her. Her areole were as pink as her hair. The sight thrilled me. I squoze one enormous hefty funbag, and pink milk doused my feet.

She shuddered and lowed. Like a cow. I liked that. My cock pulsed. Strawberries. So many strawberries. This bitch, I owned her, now. I owned it. She was mine.

I’d take care of her. Like any livestock. I was her husband. This was husbandry. It only made sense.

“Moo for me again,” I said. She complied. So she could still understand language, take orders. I rewarded her with another, even heartier squeeze. She liked it, I could tell, because she mooed even louder, almost a bellow.

“Good girl,” I said. The strawberries were everywhere now. You know what that was like. You can’t judge me. I’m taking care of her. You can’t judge me.

I knelt and engulfed one of her huge teats into my mouth. With an aching jaw I drank deep, deep, deep. Strawberry milk. It hit instantly. Intoxicating. I reeled. She hollered as I bore down and drained as much of her milk as I could.

I let her teat fall from my mouth and rose over her. I felt invincible. Dazed. Triumphant. I seized her hair, pink strands flowing between my fingers, and looked at her eyes, the cow eyes. “Suck my cock, cow. Suck my cock to get my cum.”

The cow happily plunged her head over my cock. With one hand she massaged the tit I hadn’t drained. Milk thrippled in dashes and dots across the dirt. Her other hand wriggled into her shorts to finger her sloppy, hairless pussy. Everything was wet warm sensation, and my dumb, happy cow looked at me with dumb, happy need.

I don’t know if she was in there. I don’t know that I cared. I can’t make myself care. The strawberry smell is everywhere, to make me not care.

It didn’t take long. The slut was superb at giving head, even to a cock as huge as mine. Tongue, cheeks, throat, motion—everything. Dumb whore, giving good cock. Good little animal.

I groaned. It was coming, I was coming. Here it came. I looked at my cow. As my balls flexed and my urethra unlocked and my taint muscles thrum-thrum-thrummed and my cum burst out and splashed at the back of her choking throat, it began to appear—the tattoo, the brand, the words that had started it all, that had let the evil man identify the strong, brave women and target them for the nanites that turned them all into breeding stock and men into their owners.

Half a billion women. If my wife hadn’t had joined in, she wouldn’t be my cow, and I wouldn’t be her owner. But she had, and she was, and I was, and that was it.

The dumb cow. Twenty years earlier, waitressing at a restaurant, some cheeky old man had pinched her ass. That was enough to make her chime in, to identify herself with righteous indignation, as if what happened to her was on a par with some of the truly horrific things that had happened to her peers.

It wasn’t my fault. It was hers, the stupid, petty, overreacting cunt. And if she was in there somewhere, she knew it. She knew this was her fault, the situation she found herself in. I’m absolutely sure of it.

She deserved this.

She swallowed, and swallowed, and swallowed, and as she swallowed, she came, because that’s what cum did to her now, cum was a fix, cows needed cum, all cows needed cum, any cum at all. She collapsed back onto the dirt, her tits flouncing, pink hair everywhere. A last final shot slopped out of my cock and onto her left nipple. With a finger she strung it up and slurped it down, looking at me with empty, happy eyes as she did.

Whether she was in there didn’t matter, anymore. Not to me, anyway.

“Love you, cowgirl,” I gasped. “I’ll keep you happy and full.”

The cow, it was so fucking stupid, now, it couldn’t talk. All it could do was be a cow. But it smiled like the happiest thing in the world, and it tenderly cleaned up my cock with its sloppy tongue and pouty lips. As she did, the brand, it magically appeared along the side of her neck, in a lovely, discreet place. Every guy who ever fucked her now would know what had happened to her. This fucking uppity woman who had dared to protest her station and announce her violation of the natural order and been properly and justly punished for it.

#MeToo, the little brand said. #MeToo.


Same as Hashtagged Videos

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A rental with secrets 3

It was official. I was addicted to masturbating to watching the Waters' videos. Holy FUCK had I watched a lot in the last month. Enough to know I wanted to be in that house when the family came home. I watched as Mr. Waters used RED for his personal fuck for a few months, every once in a while bringing another woman in the bed with them or in the hot tub and RED was forced to eat Mr. Waters cum out of the other woman. She actually loved it. I was certain some day I would taste RED.Mr....

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Barbaria Act 1 Chapter 9

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Wanted Part Time Pet

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Terrace temptations

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She Was Wearing My Sister8217s Clothes

By : Deepikav I know that a person aged 19 years is too young to drink but I didn’t care. I am studying medicine and I had just finished my semester exams and I had partied with my friends until about 1 am. I wasn’t very drunk but I was drunk enough to do the stupid thing I was about to do. When I knocked on the door to my house at 1:30 am I was getting ready to be yelled at by my parents for drinking and coming home late. But I was pleasantly surprised when our servant girl Priyanka opened...

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No FutureChapter 48

Foreign Shores Betty 2038 "I don't see what's wrong with living in a squat," Betty insisted. "It's as good a way to live as any other." "It's squalid and unhygienic," Lakeisha countered. "Why do you live here then?" "You know why I do," said Lakeisha as she kissed Betty adoringly on the lips as they lay entangled on the mattress in their shared room. "And if it wasn't you alone, well blame the restrictions your government has imposed on immigrants. Without the right...

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A Nerds Birthday

Nirmala stood at the coffee shop counter reading her favorite computer magazine, waiting for her shift to end. She worked until noon every Saturday even today – her 19th birthday! No one had even said Happy Birthday! Not her dad, not her mother. Her parents wouldn’t even let her have a party. Her friends all had parties! It was so unfair! Straightening her over-size, crooked glasses again, Nirmala sighed looking at the pathetic cupcake with a single candle; a birthday present from the girl on...

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Yin and Yang Walking in your Shoes Part 3

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 370 Returning Home Part Two It Gets Harder

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Tommy Part 7

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The Tales of Jezebel Ch 2

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Getting Pregnant

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My friends dad 19

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A Seminar For Virgins

When I first heard about the course, I could only imagine. I'd been teased about having remained a virgin all through high school. Not that I hadn't had the opportunity, I had, but I'd refrained simply because for me, the timing just wasn't right. Don't get me wrong either. It wasn't about waiting for the right girl to come along, many of the girls I had gone out with would have been "just right", but I really did want the mood, the setting and the girl to be perfect. Sometimes those...

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Family Life Ch 11 The Set Up

David decided not to go back to work, not that there would be much work done and he wasn’t in the mood to romp on the bed with Dan and his mother. He cursed himself for being so open with Jean, if he had said nothing they would have been in bed together now, he knew he wouldn’t have been able to make love to her because of the way that bastard copper had hurt her, but he could still hold her, feel her body next to his, but no, he had to be stupid and tell her everything and now he had lost her....

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A Girl Only Dreams Make UpChapter 11

“So, what happened after your mother came into your room with her offer?” Kennedy asks, as she lies on Alan’s chest, swirling her finger around lazily on his belly. Alan grins, looking down at the woman lying in his arms. “Well, even though we hadn’t agreed on a time to meet in the bathroom, we had woken up early as usual. I know the anticipation made my sleep nearly impossible. Now I think my mother had made up her mind to be as sexy as she could for me without actually taking it too...

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The Seduction of my Wife

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Passions and Lust Chapter 1

The skies were bright and blue. Very few clouds spread as far as the eye could see. The meadow was a luscious green with rolling hills. It was an incredible view of the little town of Brantwood. She sat under a tree, looking at everything she could take in. She often sat there when things went wrong, or if she needed some time to herself to mull things over. Her name was Lana. A young beautiful teacher in the town school. She had chocolate brown hair with soft curls that gently draped her...

Love Stories
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Fitting Room

I finish my coffee, daydreaming in the sunny window of the café when my phone vibrates into life on the table...'UNKNOWN NUMBER'. Should I answer? “Hello?” “Hi! Are you busy?” Your familiar voice. “No, just in town having a coffee, killing time.” “Good! I’m in town too, and I’m bored… See you in David Jones, menswear... 15 minutes”.You hang up. Slipping my phone into my chinos back-pocket, I finish the coffee, and hurry out of the café and across the road into the store. Muzak and the perfume...

3 years ago
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The Substitute Part 2

Title: The Substitute Part: 2 Author: Kristen Moore Description: This part provides mainly information of events that happened before the change and does not progress the story much Note: Thanks for reading my story. I was so excited about posting my first story that I forgot a few things. Quick Synopsis: Harold is a 27 year old math that got sacked for an illicit relation with a fellow student. After a series of puzzling events he is now in the bathroom...

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A Dream Cum Truefiction

Finding myself single after longer than I'd care to think about, as I settled things I kept up a correspondence I'd been very intrigued by through the part of my life that had ended. I'd behaved physically through the last 2/3 of that relationship, but in dealing with the vanilla my mind had found other releases!The correspondent I was so taken with had written some stories I was absolutely enamored with and in thanking her for them, an exchange began through which she had come to know me very...

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The handsome, 25-y/o Abdul and his 24-y/o wife, Fatima, had immigrated to Montreal, Canada, from Saudi Arabia 2 years before the present Friday night in July, with one reason they'd done so being the couple would've shamed their families had their parents been aware that she was promiscuous. And they were watching TV in the living room when someone knocked on the door.She opened it and was surprised to find 2 white men she'd never seen before.Abruptly, the shorter guy slapped her lovely face...

1 year ago
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Boarding School Sex TrainingChapter 1

This story is collaboration between Lady Dreamer and Powerone. Copyrighted 2002. It is a story of the coercion of a young lady, Rachel, to fulfill the sexual desires of her older Guardian. In order to gain the inheritance that is rightfully hers, she must consent to be trained by the Headmaster to service her Guardian. She will be taught to experience pleasure against her own will and to give pleasure against her will. She will be trained in all the perversions of the flesh. Powerone can be...

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A Good Deed

April started school and immediately had more boyfriends then you could shake a dick at, I mean a stick at. High schools in the city were a lot larger than in East Texas which meant more boys and more chances to get in trouble. I had promised my in-laws that I would keep my eye on her and it was my pleasure doing so. After the first grading period came and went April proved her self of deserving to get a part time job. She found one at the local drug store. The male manager did not even give a...

4 years ago
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Carlo Loses His Virginity With His Aunt

Summer had started, and Martin's folks had left for an anniversary cruise.  Aunt Jackie was going to keep an eye on things while they were gone.  Martin, Kelly, and Carlo would be home.  Aunt Jackie was what you would call a cool Aunt.  She let the kids have parties and even let them drink.  Martin and Kelly were twins, and Carlo was the youngest.Martin and Kelly shared friends and were quite popular.  Since their folks were out of town, their house was the place to be.  Aunt Jackie let them...

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PetiteHDPorn Penelope Kay So You Want To Be A Fitness Instructor

Penelope Kay wants to be a fitness instructor. She is in the midst of an interview with Jason, who asks her questions about her past exercise experience and her physical characteristics. Penelope goes through the interview with plenty of cheerful perkiness, but when Jason says there are other applicants and he’ll get back to her, she isn’t satisfied with that answer. Strutting closer to Jason, Penelope insists that there’s more she can do to earn her position. Jason tries to...

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Dreams 3 SearchChapter 2

Jake "The Snake" Andrews arrived at the Hilo Airport a few weeks later. He looked like an old homeless man and that suited him just fine. He blended in with the other old bearded men needing a bath. He sat at luggage retrieval of his two beat up dirty bags. He was already booked into a motel that most tourists wouldn't be caught dead in. Jake hailed a cab and checked in. After taking a welcome shower, Jake laid down to take a nap for his body to get used to the jet lag from the...

1 year ago
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Curse of the Vampyr

Massive trees, trees that had seen species come and go, soared into the mountain air. Their spreading branches, thicker than most lowland trunks, were illuminated by lanterns filled with an almost eerie glow made by no fire that ever burned. Around the trunks of these enormous guardians of time were wrapped wooden and crystalline staircases, and walkways streamed between the broad canopies of these most ancient of forest giants. Floating on the air were the scents of baking bread and the...

2 years ago
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I Love Her And Miss Her Too

Hello all. I have read all most all the stories over here. Most of them are really good to read and mind blowing. But some of them are boring and not real at all. But it is nice to read peoples real happenings and fantasies. Now I am going to tell one true incident that happened in my life. First of all, i’ll tell you about me. My name is I am 23. Doing MBA here. Staying with Parents. I am in Bahrain now. But basically I am not a Bahraini. I am from India. I was born and brought up over there...

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Lieutenant Eva McKenna

Jack Smith was a young man. Perhaps too young for this sort of position. Still in his twenties, the brit had not expected to be roped into something like this right out of Command School. Yes, he’d gone to said school so that he COULD eventually take on a leadership role in the war against the Soviets and the Empire of the Rising Sun, but THIS leadership role, THIS soon? He’d never dreamed of it. Yet here he was, standing in the middle of a Commander Center that served as the nexus of all...

2 years ago
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Who Seduced Who

Our twenty-one-year-old grandson had moved in with us recently after having a falling out with his roommate.  It was to be a temporary situation since we were doing some significant renovations to our home.  Fortunately for us, he had recently split from his on-again-off-again girlfriend of the last couple of years.  Sharlee was an annoying pain in the ass even though she was smoking hot.When he would visit for the weekend in the past, Charles, or Chucky, as we called him, frequently brought...

1 year ago
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A Night Worth RememberingChapter 2

It was a lazy Saturday, John and Kandy were sitting in the back yard relaxing. Their neighbor Jeff was doing some yard work and had just came over to the fence and said, "Howdy neighbor." John replied, "Well hello, looks like your busy today." Jeff replied, "Oh not really, I am trying to look busy to keep from going shopping with Erin. God I hate to go shopping with her." Kandy then said, "Well it seems that you two men have something in common, John hates to go shopping with me...

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Black cock friend first time hubby gone 2

Hi everyone. I feel compelled and excited to relay to you, my experiences of late. My loving husband departed early for his weekly business trip. I texted my new fuck buddy "Bear" almost immediately and asked if he was still up for a rendezvous. He replied by telling me he had been ready days ago.. My mind wandered briefly over this, wondering if maybe I was getting a bit over my head. I've done this many times in the past with many older men only to regret it very soon thereafter. Bear is...

3 years ago
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His First Sensual Massage

Terry had endured a thoroughly miserable holiday, possibly the worst yet. The hotel they had booked had seen better days, the family had squabbled incessantly, and the all-inclusive meals had left an awful lot to be desired. The final straw was the tedious long drive home due to the Bank Holiday traffic jams. Excusing himself from the supper table, Terry headed for bed.His bedtime reading matter included the first edition of The Herald, a new community newspaper. After reading all the news...

1 year ago
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Our lovely Incest holiday in France

Note : This story is completely fictional! Following on from our great holiday in Devon with the farmer, we only had to wait four weeks, before we joined him again for our trip to France with him. The nude resort meant that we'd be nude throughout the two weeks, both in the flat and throughout the complex. The resort mainly catered for couples, but adult families of were there aswell. Our flat had three bedrooms, so there was plenty of space for us all, considering that we took virtually no...

3 years ago
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29 December 2006Chapter 2

Ben and Scott led Dan into the Go Go Club. Walking towards a reserved table, Dan received several good-natured quips from others of him carrying a symbolic ball and chain that announced his impending marriage. On the stage was a stripper, her firm subtle young body strutting to the heavy rock beat. They eyed her firm breasts and pussy hidden by a thin thong. Scott led them to a table against the wall centred between the two chrome dancing poles. A waitress in a white low cut top came to...

1 year ago
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Fucking the Maid Champa8217s Training 3

In , I described how Champa was punished for disobeying her master. After that she learned her lesson. Life was good. She was a submissive slave who unconditionally obeyed her master in every way. It had been 3 years since I had deflowered Champa and now it was time to take it a step further. I knew that Champa had an elder sister (Sushma) who was about 25 years old and about to get married. I also knew that Champa’s mother was a ripe 40 year old bai. One Sunday morning as I was sitting on the...

2 years ago
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Stories of Horizon

Hello! I decided to give my friend and DM a helping hand with this erotic sci-fi tabletop he is making! He pretty much made the game himself based on most sci-fi mediums (Star Wars, Mass Effect, Warhammer 40k, Star Craft, etc.) and made it on the d20 system. He's taking a bit of a break and been somewhat discouraged by lack of people participating in his ambitions. So I thought maybe this could help him out by either letting him see people's interests or at least pick up his spirits! Most...

3 years ago
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Locked and Mysterious Part 5

My heart began to race.Three hours before I had to meet her, I methodically prepared myself. I shaved twice, careful to not leave a single bit of hair on my face or pelvis.I showered and scrubbed every inch of my body. I cut my nails and even filed them down perfectly. I didn't want anything to ruin what might happen tonight.As I slowly cleaned and prepared my body, I felt the impending excitement throb harder and deeper in my groin.Because of my intense denial and submissive, captive...

3 years ago
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Smelling A Strangers Butt

As soon as I walked around the corner and seen her bent over, I knew I had to try and sniff her ass! She was a younger girl in her early twenties, short, petite, maybe 100lbs, long brown hair, but what caught my attention were the white almost see thru yoga tights that covered her lower body. She was wearing a baggy sweater that covered her chest, but I wasn't interested in her bra size! Just being able to see her tiny thongs thru her yoga tights was treat enough, but the light brown stain that...

3 years ago
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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 19 Vikki Story Six

"Well that was kind of the end of the party for me Justin. I decided I needed some fresh air so I graciously refused all the generous offers from my friends to give me a lift home and began to walk..." Vikki walked into her house late on Friday night crying. She was alone and had been for the past three hours having spent most of that time in the coffee bar in First Avenue. It had taken three cups of coffee and a lot of coaxing from its proprietor George Papandraeous, a plump Greek with...

2 years ago
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Thanksgiving To Teacher 8211 Part 1

This is Paul again(Just like other authors here, this is a fake identity, though the facts are true). For those who don’t know me, I am 22 years old guy from Kerala living in Bangalore working as Software Engineer. I studied in Mumbai. I am 6 ft tall and have a dick of 6 inch. Reviews about the story and invitations to enjoy (from ladies from Kerala and Bangalore) are welcome on my mail ID Thanks for earlier reviews are mails. My family is composed of my Dad Mathew,  mom Susan, with whom I...

2 years ago
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Hiking and Flashing with Kelly

It was June of 1978. It had been two weeks since Kelly and I graduated high school and enjoyed our graduation party. It was Sunday, and we had decided to visit a county park that is known for its hiking trails. It had been an interesting couple of weeks since graduation.Yvonne helped Kelly shave her pussy a few weeks ago. And then Kelly took it a step further and was shaving her entire body. She said it made her feel more naked than naked and she was aroused constantly. She had added Nair to...

2 years ago
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The Man From Eagle CreekChapter 45

When they had crossed the Missouri into Dakota Territory, and were in the open country again, Beth told Runt she wanted to ride with Tom. She jumped from the wagon and untied her horse. She tried to swing to her saddle like Tom did, but her horse was too tall. She mounted and rode hard to catch Tom. He and Cal were riding side by side, neither had spoken since the incident at the river. They looked back to see Beth coming up on her horse and Cal dropped back to ride beside the wagon so Tom...

2 years ago
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Superlove the White Angels AutobiographyChapter 6

Melissa and I had various theories about how my powers developed or how they work as they do. Thanks to my friends and family's love, influence and their support from a very young age, my mind seemed to have melded the two abilities together, Precognition and Telekinesis, in such a way, that I could predict and help people in need. During my last year of school, my gift was only an instinctive guide and was only able to help me directly and other people who were very, very close to me in...

2 years ago
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Love on a Piano Bench

I arrive from work in my best suit, tired from the commute but looking forward to seeing you, and as I slip quietly in the front door, I can hear the sounds of the Adagio from Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata being played on the piano in the living room. I walk slowly over to you, say nothing, but place my hands on your neck and give a little squeeze – you turn to look over your shoulder, smile, then return your attention to the piano. You look so beautiful sitting there, such perfect posture, in...

4 years ago
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Football Party Part I

On Saturday night, I crawled into bed beside my girlfriend, Jessica. She was lying on her left side, facing away from me, wearing nothing but her favorite white silk lace panties. Jessica is 22 years old. She's about 5'2", and she has shoulder-length, curly blond hair. She has perky, C-cup breasts, and nice squishy ass. In these particular panties, her ass cheeks protruded invitingly out from beneath the frilly lace trim. I sleep naked, and the moment I lifted the covers to join her in bed,...

1 year ago
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The Ten of Them Chapter 19

My first day at school probably was more nerve-racking for me than any other day I had in school. Today my students’ success depends on me; beforehand all I had to worry about was me. The self-defense classes were the one exception to that. I didn’t grade the students before. Now everything depended on me, they say assistant teacher, but when I looked around I was the only teacher for each class I had. We started each class for the physical education course with a BMI or body mass index....

3 years ago
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Woman Type 2 Chapter Two

Woman Type 2.Chapter TwoI went downstairs uneasily in the low heels and constricting dress. I used to bound around in my jeans and sneakers! I guess this is how things would be here on in.My Dad was at the sink preparing breakfast, and turned around as I clicked in on the heels. I could see a sadness in his eyes.“Good morning Tanya, your first full day, good luck mate.” He said trying to smile.“Come on, why so down?” My mum clucked following me in. “She is wonderful.” She gave my Dad a hard...

2 years ago
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Love Making With Hot Cousin

Hey guys, my name is aaditya. This is story about my first encounter with my distant cousin sister. The story starts when I was 15 years old. At that time, I was living with my big joint family. Those were days when all of our relatives used to gather for family functions or get-togethers. In those functions, our parents used to introduce me and my brothers and sisters to all of our distant relatives who were living away from us. I was very shy in nature, I never liked these things when 15-20...

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Life of an Indian Woman

On a cold and snowy December evening, Sameena was sitting in front of the fireplace, the flames dancing around lighting the magazine She was reading while sipping her warm tea. She held her breath, closing her eyes as if to block out a physical image, but the past crashed down on her despite what she wanted. Sameena was chewing her lip in nervous agitation. Sameena's 55 right now but when this all started she was just a k**. At this age, her restlessness is being driven by her memories:...

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Shes got an Experienced Eye

Recently, I have been spending almost every single night that I am away from my girlfriend dressing up in her clothes and fucking myself with a dildo I bought without her knowing, all on camera for older men I met online. It started as an innocent and casual interest in submissiveness, as well as finding myself watching porn and imagining being the girl rather than the guy. Eventually that spiraled into me falling asleep to sissy hypno tracks with increasingly larger butt plugs in my slowly...

2 years ago
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Path of the Blue SpiritChapter 7

It was after 11 AM on the next day, local time. Mark and Kara had left Mayoni sitting on a rock to wait for them by the base of the mountain. Mayoni assured them she was quite safe, that her own tribe would never venture so close to the Blue Spirit, and thus the other tribe hunting the Hopewell wouldn't either. Mark looked around at the scenery as they were about 50 feet from the summit. The dry and sunny day provided a good view of the immediate area. "Wow, look at this place!" Mark said....

2 years ago
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Poolside Fun part 1

Let me tell you a little about myself. I was your average eighteen year old, having just graduated from high school. Average height, average weight, brown hair and green eyes. This helped me get through high school, but it didn't help when it came to girls. It wasn't that I was bad-looking; on the contrary, I had been very popular with many of the opposite gender in high school. It was just that I had never had had a girlfriend, though I did like a number of girls. One in particular, I had...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Dishonoured beauty

"Shit, I really want to fuck the Frenchie bitch." said the soldier. "Well, the Colonel is going to enjoy her first, replied his companion. "She was taken to his quarters after the arrest of that bastard yankee who was screwing her. He'll have her knickers down quick enough." "Hear Girard wants her after the Colonel has his fill." The other soldier whistled. "When Girard and his boys have finished she'll wish she'd never been born." They were talking about Dominique Paquet, the French beauty and...

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Grandson Grandfather Keep It In The Family

Brandon came home from school and found me in my home office. His face was slightly flushed and glancing at his crotch, I could see the beginnings of an erection."Did you talk to Myia today?" he asked in the way of greeting."She called me this morning," I replied. "Let me finish what I am doing here, and I will join you in the bar."Brandon left, I finished what I was doing and joined him in the bar about five minutes later. I entered the bar-room. Brandon had a drink in his hand, and a...

2 years ago
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Highschool of the dead

You wake up with the usual morning boner. Everything feels... rather normal. Too normal. (Is that even possible? I mean... normal should be just... normal? Like what else is there to it?) You decide on having a shower. But of course before you go in, you can't help but admire yourself in the mirror. (yes, guys do that, every time). You get out of the shower, get dressed, and then go to the kitchen to get breakfast started. You ALWAYS have 2 bowls of cereal every morning, it's just how you start...

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