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There were gay men in this town but they were either already hooked up, over sixty or just not his type. He had never stopped thinking about Dino.

As he sat eating his breakfast, skimming the Freemont Daily, he saw an article on the third page titled, "New York City Cop receives badge of honor for saving the life of eight hostages in a bank holdup." Interested in the article, he began to read it when Howie came in, his radio blaring.

"Hey," he said.

Joey laid the paper aside. "Turn that thing off. Coffee?"

"No. I got to go out to old man Macarthy's place, he is fighting with those new neighbors again," He muttered, shutting off his radio.

"What is it this time?" Joey groaned.

"I don't know. He says they're growing pot."

Joey laughed. "Want me to come?"

"No. I'll go out, calm him down. Won't take long. Just letting you know where I'll be. Andrew is at the station."

"Ok. Going to do highway patrol soon," Joe told him. "Hell of a lot less accidents since we beefed up patrols on Highway six." Joey commented.

Howard nodded. "Yep. I'll do it tomorrow. See ya later," he raised a hand at Charlene and left.

Joey returned to his newspaper. That cop was on the New York Police Department, he wondered if he would recognize the name. He kept reading. Apparently there were eight people being held hostage in a bank and after all attempts at communication failed, this cop went into the bank on his own, unarmed. He managed to talk the two bank robbers into surrendering. His name was being withheld at his request. Wow, a real hero, a modest one to boot, Joey thought with a smile. He put down the paper.

Thinking about hero's made him think of Dino. He wondered if Agent X would deliver a message to him. Maybe he could write a letter and... say what? They couldn't meet. He couldn't tell Dino where he was and hell... someone had probably already grabbed him up by now.

Joey finished his breakfast, paid the bill and smiled at Charlene. She watched him leave. So handsome he was in that uniform with his black hair curling on his collar. But he was so lonely and Charlene really couldn't understand why.

Dino listened to the Mayors speech silently, then he went up to receive the medal. He wished they hadn't made such a big thing out of it. It was embarrassing more then anything. His parents, his aunt and uncle and his cousin Rickie were beaming with pride.

Dino had transferred back to New York City shortly after Gambini was sent to prison. He had missed the City and there was a part of him that hoped Joey would still be in it. But of course he wasn't. He disappeared quickly after the trial and no one was talking.

So here he was, back in the shit and the slime, being a street cop which is what he was born for. He went to sleep alone and came home alone unless he chose to go down to the village and pick up a stranger, which was rare. At twenty six, he was fast becoming a hard boiled cop who lived for his job. Even his captain told him to take some time off. "Dino, its not good to give so much to your work. You should have a life."

"I have a life, Cap," Dino laughed. "I clean the scum off the sidewalks."

Joey kept the article with him all day long and took the paper out to look at it again in the evening. He picked up his cell phone and dialed X. The last time they had talked had been at Christmas when he wanted to send gifts to his parents.

"Hey Joe," X said. "How are you? No problems?"

"No. I was wondering if you could get a letter to Dino D'angelo in Los Angeles. I was thinking of him today and I'd like to say hello if that's ok. I know I can trust him and..."

"D'angelo isn't in Los Angeles Joey, he's in New York. He transferred after Gambini was put away."

"Oh. I see," Joey said. "How did you know that?"

"Well I didn't before yesterday," Agent X laughed. "Funny you'd mention him, he just got a medal from the Mayor for some hostage rescue thing. He's quite the cop."

Joey smiled. "I knew it was him. I have the article here. X, please, let me write a letter to say good job at least, alright?"

"Write it and send it to me. I'll make sure he gets it."

"Thanks X," Joey said and hung up. He closed his eyes. Dino. If anyone could do the impossible, it was him. He took out pen and paper and started to write.

Dear Dino:

Just a few words to let you know that Im alive although I can't tell you where. I want to tell you how proud I am of you. I read about your rescue in the paper. I've always known that you were a born hero. You saved my life. I haven't forgot.

Now I know you are in New York. Could I hope that maybe you transferred thinking one day Id return to the NYPD? I don't know if you think of me my sweet Dino but I have not passed one day without thinking about you. I wish things could have been different. We never got the chance to find out if... well you know what Im going to say.

Anyway, in spite of everything, I found my life Dino. I love my job and I wouldn't trade it for the streets of New York for nothing. The only thing I regret is you.

Be safe Dino. I know what you face out there on those streets. I have two more years before I can contact my family or you. I want you to know that I will find you in two more years to say hello. So don't get killed out there before we see each other again. And if there is someone in your life... well... I understand. Just know there is no one for me but you.

Love Joe.

He put down the pen, tears were in his eyes. He knew that somewhere along the way when they were dodging bullets and running from Gambini, he fell in love.

Three weeks later, a letter arrived for him at the police station. It had been placed inside another envelope. X had included a note. "I delivered your letter and this one arrived for you at the F.B.I. headquarters. It was addressed, "To the Bald Guy." Dino D'angelo has a "quirky" sense of humor.

Joey laughed, tears forming in his eyes. He went into the bathroom so the other guys wouldn't see. He tore open the envelope. It was written on the computer, probably at work and began,

"Joey. When the bald guy delivered your letter, I was blown away, really. I knew that you were in witness protection but of course no one is talking. Im glad you are some place you like. I don't blame you for not wanting to come back here to this mess. I don't know why in hell I do it day in and day out. Im nuts, I guess. Well, can't say I don't miss you. I do. I regret the way things went but we didn't have any control over it. You are not the only one who wondered "what if." I spent some nights thinking about the possibilities. Anyway, it wasn't meant to be I guess. I have no way to get to you and you can't come to me... so... As long as you are safe, that's the main thing. And about looking me up in two years... I will try and stay alive long enough for the meeting ok? Don't worry. Bye. Yours, D."

Joey reread the letter. He laughed at "the bald guy". He was still the D with that same sense of humor. X had called it "quirky". He didn't mention a lover so maybe he too was alone. He really didn't tell him much at all but that was Dino. He was a man of little words.

That night he went to the "Crossroads" bar at the edge of town. It was the only place to have a drink in town. He sat at the bar and ordered a beer. He didn't realize that he was on his sixth until Charlene came to sit beside him.

"Hey there handsome, on a toot tonight?"

Joey looked at her and nodded. "I guess I am. It feels good so... want to join me?"

She nodded. "Sure. So what are we drinking about, love or money?"


She lifted her beer. "So who done you wrong, honey?"

"No one... really," Joey said softly.

"He break your heart?"

Joey opened his eyes wide. "How did you know it was a he?"

She shrugged. "Lucky guess. He must be some kind of idiot to dump you honey."

"He's not an idiot," Joey told her. "We can't be together."

"Why? Married?"

Joey sipped his beer. "No. That would be easy. We just can't. I can't go into it."

"You love him," she said compassionately.


"He love you?"

"I don't know. We never got the chance to... doesn't matter. Lets dance, ok?" Joey said suddenly, stumbling off the stool.

Charlene laughed. "Whoa... whoa... there cutie pie. Ok, we'll dance."

They danced to a song by Cher and Joey started singing at the top of his lungs, "Come to me baby, come to me baby, another night without you here and I'll go crazy, there is no other, there is no other, no body else can take your place or match the beauty of your face..."

"Oh My God," Charlene said, laughing, escorting Joey off the dance floor. "Im going to take you home honey, you got it bad."

He woke up on her sofa with a hang over, cursing himself. She brought him coffee.

"Im sorry, Charlene, did I make an idiot out of myself?"

"Ya," she laughed, "but that's ok. Care to tell me about him?"

"I made a decision somewhere in my haze of drunkenness," he smiled.

"What's that?"

"Im going to write him and tell him where I am. Im going to ask him to come to me and if he doesn't, then I'll know."

She nodded. "I don't get it."

"You don't have to."

"Ok. So what's he like?"

"He's a cop in New York City, a damn good one. He saved my life once."

"How romantic."

"Didn't feel that way at the time," Joey grinned. "He's a hero. My hero. Somewhere along the way when we were in great danger, I fell in love with him. He's sexy and very handsome... gorgeous. You'd drop if you saw him," Joey grinned.

"Oh ya," Charlene squeezed his hand. "You should see how you light up when you talk about him. So, did you... you know... ?"

"Make love? No. We had no time but we kissed. I remember one night we were cold. I held his hand. I told him my hand was cold and a few minutes later he leaned over and kissed me on the lips. Do you know what he said when I asked him why he did that?"

"No, what?"

"He said, My lips were cold."

She laughed. "He's a smooth operator."

"Ya. He was. But aside from a few more kisses, some a lot more intense, I never got to see him naked."

She smiled. "Do you think he'll come?"

"I have no idea. But I've decided that if he doesn't come or return my letter within six months, Im giving up on him because that means he doesn't want me."

"I can't believe that," Charlene sighed.

"We'll see."

Later that day, Joey sat down to write one last letter. He phoned X and begged him to deliver it. He knew he was pushing it. He agreed when he said that it was the last one.

"Dearest Dino," he wrote. "I know Im taking a big risk but I don't care anymore. If Gambini wants to get me, he will but I think if he hasn't come for me now, he won't. Anyway, Im in a town called Freemont in Vermont. I work for the police department here and everyone knows me by Joe.

I love you, Dino. I want you but I can't wait two more years not knowing if you feel anything for me. So here it is, Im giving you six months to reply. Either come to me or write to me. I know I can't come to New York because that would be stupid but you could come to me.

If I don't receive a reply one way or another, I will know that you don't want me in the same way. I can't wait two more years and take the chance that I will show up and you will be involved with someone else, or worst that it was only friendship for you.

I need to know now because I realized last night how unhappy I am and that Im deeply in love with you. No matter what you decide, you'll always be my hero and I'll always wonder what it would have been like to lie in your arms. Love Joey.

He sent the letter to X and then tried to put it out of his mind. It wasn't easy.

Agent Bennet parked his car at the 53rd precinct and walked into the detectives squad room. "Dino D'angelo here?" he asked.

A woman detective walked over. "No. He's out. What is it?"

"I have a letter for him."

"Just put it on his desk," she said, moving her head to the left where a messy desk sat loaded up with files.

He placed it directly in front of the files and left.

Another cop came over to the desk and began to take away the files that sat there. "Who gets to use D'angelo's desk when he's gone?" The new young detective asked to no one in particular.

"No one uses Dino's desk," she said. "He just left on assignment. That desk stays empty until he returns."

"He'll be gone for months," someone cried out from the back.

"No one touches his desk," the woman growled and that was the end of the discussion.

Christmas came and went. Winter came and went. Spring arrived along with flooding and teenage party's. Joe went on with his work. Charlene asked him the same question every morning. Now she did it with her eyes rather then with words.

Joey was tired this morning. He had been up most of the night due to a pile up on the interstate. He downed his coffee and snapped. "The time is up. It's the end of April. Six months have gone by, Charlene."

"You would think he would have the decency..." she began.

"Forget it!" Joey slammed his fist down on the table, then stood up, adjusting his hat. "It was just a crazy dream. It's over. Im not going to..." He stopped, licking his lips, taking a breath. "I have to go. Don't talk about it anymore Charlene," he said, pleading with his eyes.

She watched him walk out the door. She wanted to cry. This cop back in New York was a stupid bastard and if she ever saw him, she'd slap his face.

Dino D'angelo walked into the precinct and the new young detective, Adam Devero almost threw him out. "What do you want?" He asked rudely, taking in the dirty jeans, long hair and three days growth of beard.

Dino glared at him. "Fuck off," he said and walked past his desk.

"Hey," Adam rose and reached out a hand to grab him.

Dino grabbed his other arm, pulled him in close and then tripped him over the desk. "You don't want to mess with me or I could get that nice shirt and tie you got on there all dirty."

Two other officers rushed over, then Susan Rodrique pulled him off Adam and threw her arms around him. "'bout time you son of a bitch. They brought the suspects in last night, you got paper work honey."

He slapped her playfully on the behind then extended a hand to Adam. "Sorry about that, kid."

Adams eyes widened. "You're Dino D'angelo. Hey, hi," he extended his hand. "I know all about you... you're..."

"Ya, well Im glad you know all about me. Could you tell me all about me sometime?"

Adam laughed.

The captain walked over, took a look at his Sargent and laughed. "You look more and more like one of them out there everyday."

"That's what you pay me for," he replied.

"Ya, well I don't pay you to beat up my detectives. I need some paper."

"Ok, ok, no rest for the wicked," Dino laughed.

The other cops gathered round him talking about his latest case. Dino took some coffee and sat down at his desk. He told the other cops to get lost. "I got work to do. We'll talk later at Zak's but you're buying."

They agreed and went back to work.

It was when he was about to start typing up his report that he saw the letter. He recognized Joey's handwriting. He tore open the letter and read it. Then he folded it and sighed. It was dated almost seven and a half months ago. It must have arrived the day he left. He sat there for a long time thinking. He put the letter aside and continued his report. While the others headed to Zak's, he sat alone in the squad room. He opened the letter again. He read the words aloud. "I'll always wonder what it would have been like to lie in your arms." He closed his eyes for a second and swallowed something hard in his throat. He loved him. Joey loved him. He spent his life risking his neck on the streets of this city, coming home to a cold empty bed with no one there but the four walls... and here was someone who loved him enough to lay it all on the line. But it was too late, wasn't it? He stood up. He had to try. He stuffed the letter in his pocket and went down stairs. He got into his car, turned the ignition and headed in the direction of Canada.

Howard gave Joe a pained look at the station. "Im not going on radar today Joe. You go."

"I did my stint Howie. Your turn." Joey was having a bad day. In fact he'd be glad when this entire month was over. May sucked.

"Please... please..." Howie begged. "I will do patrol tonight... please... please."

Joe sighed and stood up. "Alright, Howie but you owe me. Tell the Chief too that you switched so no one gets in shit."

"Ok... no problem," Howie smiled.

"I know why you don't want to do patrol, its to see that Barbara girl at the Dairy King," Joey remarked. "Don't think I don't know."

"Shus," he said, grinning. "She's a doll and what a rack. I want to..."

"Spare me Howie," Joey rolled his eyes but then grinned in spite of it. He got into the squad car and drove out to the highway and parked just before the Freemont exit.

Dino had been driving all night. He was beat. He just wanted to find a hotel room where he could sleep. He was also stressed out. What if he couldn't find him when he got there? What if he didn't want to see him; not to mention that he hadn't showered or shaved. He looked like a street bum dressed in faded jeans, a beat up leather jacket and battered old boots. Worst he had forgot his I.D. He had no license, nothing, only a American Express card and twenty two dollars in change.

He bummed a cigarette at the garage where he stopped to gas up and ask for directions. The guy gave him a cigarette with a cautious look. "Don't worry," Dino said, "Im a cop. Im not going to rob you."

The guys eyes widened. "My name is Father Tom," he mocked as Dino walked back to the car.

"Well then bless me Father Tom because I think Im about to sin," he gave him a comical stare, crossed himself then drove off to a shout of "Weirdo!" from the old guy.

Dino laughed and cranked up the radio. He heard a sad love song and thought of Joey. He said his name in his mind. Forgive me, baby please, don't hate me... don't be mad at me. Damn, if only I hadn't been sent on assignment. Oh well, what ever happened, he'd just have to face the music.

Dino drove onto the interstate, ACDC blaring on the radio. He had no idea what speed he was going but he was almost there. He could feel it. "Im on the Highway to Hell..." he sang. He was in love and that's all that mattered.

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The Deep Swap concept has probably been a fap fantasy of humans since the caveman days, even if it wouldn’t have a name for another few million years. Hell, the actual technology is still new enough that we can all remember the old days, back when you couldn’t just ask a computer to stick a girl’s pretty face on another babe’s sexy body. Those really were the dark ages, huh? Honestly, I bet a lot of you still don’t realize how fucking easy it’s become, in which case this next site might...

Deepfake Porn Sites
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My Playmate Sam 2

Introduction: I extended this one and tried to work on formatting As she told me to wait for my turn I turned and smiled. She grabbed my belt and slid down my jeans, I was already rock hard and ready to go. She slowly wrapped her delicate hand around my cock, now Im no porn star, but I have a respectable 7 in cock, so I new she would have trouble taking it all. She started stroking me and it felt like pure bliss. She stroked and stroked and then finally kissed my cock and licked the...

2 years ago
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Sex With Girl Neighbor

Hello everyone, I am a Indian sex stories reader from the last two years and the website has been fun so far. Firstly I would like to introduce myself. I’m Vikram from Indore , I just finished the high school, 5’6, 18 year old, built very attractive. I lost virginity in summer vacations with a hot girl from the neighborhood, her name is Ritika. I would like to introduce her as well. She’s 5’5, 18 year old, good built figure, with an awesome ass one could ever imagine. She always stared me in...

1 year ago
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The Grim ReaperChapter 34 Hospital

I woke up and knew instantly I was in a hospital. I’d been in enough by now to know what it felt like. The biggest clue was simply that everything was clean. Iraq was simply filthy. I don’t think there was a soldier in the battalion who wasn’t carrying around an extra five pounds of dirt, in his lungs, in his bowels, and in every nook and cranny of his body. Even when you cleaned something, you were simply moving it from a condition of greater filthiness to lesser filthiness. Nothing was ever...

3 years ago
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Sex with neighbor aunty

Hi guys. I am fan of this site for some time and am a big fan. I really didn’t have much time to share an experience I had with you people. So finally, here goes. First of all, I should tell you that I like to have mature sex very much. If there are any mature ladies who like sex can contact me by my mail address which at the end of the story. This happened about three years or so back. I was doing my undergrad in Australia back then and was on December vacation. The woman in this scene is a...

2 years ago
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Demon Surrogates

It’s a clear spring night outside the bedroom of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace’s windows. The warm spring air has just come in for the season, pushing out the frigid air brought about by winter. With their apartment almost ten stories above the city below, the bedroom window is wide open letting the nice air in. Mrs. Wallace is lying on their bed, lost in a deep sleep. Her blonde hair covers her pillow, while the covers are down enough to show the outline of the nipples, sitting on B-Cup breasts under...

3 years ago
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cruise vacation

It was there dream vacation, Jim and Becky had been married for 14 years, now both in there mid 30's were finally taking that dream cruise , they had worked and saved for this and wanted to enjoy it, for the past 6 months they both dieted and got in bathing suit shape, Jim was still a pit chubby but Becky looked fantastic, 34 ,dark hair down just past her shoulder blades, 5-6 , 130 lbs, very shapely legs and a great ass, Jim was loving what he saw everyday, she had her flat tummy back again and...

3 years ago
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just rewards

I've been married to Susan for just over twenty years. We have an eleven-year-old son, Mark. I admit, I haven't been completely faithful to her. Once, almost five years ago, I was on a nine-month out-of-town assignment in Daytona, Florida. I met a nice lady, Melissa, and we had an affair for about three months. The affair ended when the assignment was finished and I returned home. After I'd been back home for about a year, I took Susan's car to work so I could drop it off nearby for a tune-up....

2 years ago
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Girlfriend Fucked In Front Of Her Drunk Boyfriend

Hi guys, . Finally, I have an erotic experience to share with all of you. About me, I’m 6 feet tall.Coming to the story. This story happened during 2015. I had a plan of going to the Sunburn festival in Goa since many days. I booked the tickets to goa and back to Hyderabad as I live in Hyderabad. I went to the venue at Vagator.I got to know that the show starts at 6 in the evening.So I decided to go to the beach there. I saw a couple playing at the beach. I just went closer and saw the girl....

1 year ago
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The Sexual Awakening Part 4 The Challenge

Derek has challenged my manhood and his Ultimatum was this. I was to make sweet love to his deeply devoted Cheerleader girlfriend by the end of the school day which was already over. As I jogged up the steps a thought occurred to me. The women I've slept with so far have seen single or desperate. Mrs. Macy was sexually frustrated because her husband was away, Nadia was living under the yolk of her traditional Grandfather and Natalie...well it's hard to meet someone of substance when you take...

2 years ago
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September 11th

This story is based on my personal experience. It is my first written story. Please be gentle. My friend Susurrus was so kind to help me to translate my story from German into English. * Where were you? Or, where were you as it happened? These are the most common questions asked when a world-shaking event has taken place. There have been several, such as the raising of the Berlin Wall, the assassination of President Kennedy, the first lunar landing, the fall of the Berlin Wall. I didn’t see...

4 years ago
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Episode 148 Jennys Bad Dream

DisclaimerThe only information supplied by jenny's grandpa rawbadboyz for this story is her age (17) and an insistence that she really does enjoy being strangled. The events of this fantasy are entirely of my creation and may have taken place over the last 3-4 years.Grandpa took great delight in punching a new hole in the fixing strap of Jenny's slave collar, so he could fully tighten it around her skinny just-teenage neck, especially at bedtime.Often the wide black leather slave collar was the...

2 years ago
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Maddie in a bad mood

She went into the little coffee shop on the corner of the street where she lived. Joe gulped when he saw her come in, and then blushed scarlet. The memory of the last time she had found him there came flooding back to him. She had somehow got him to take off his clothes, all his clothes, and then with her friend had spent an hour teasing his cock before getting him to fire unerringly out the window. The memory of it still made him shake with shame and embarrassment. And here she was...

3 years ago
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Chance Meeting

The Stranger - Part 1 He walked into the place like he owned it.  His eyes barely scanned the crowd before settling on the bar at the front of the room.  His walk was purposeful and he went directly to his destination, draped his jacket over a chair and casually took a seat. "Anything good on tap sweetie?" he asked me with a voice that should be illegal. "You look more like a good scotch guy to me" I quipped back at him and he chuckled. "Okay, surprise me" he invited me and grinned. ...

3 years ago
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Family Affairs Rachel rev1 Ch1

Family Affairs (Rachel) My mom died 2 weeks after I was born. The doctor that performed the cesarean nicked something inside; she turned septic and died before anyone realized what was going on. The autopsy proved that the doctor was negligent. Something about a 4 martini lunch 3 hours before surgery. Dad mustered out of the Corps a month later, it would have been her 22nd birthday. Once the insurance company settled with dad, I had a college fund that would let me go anywhere I...

2 years ago
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What Happens In Vegas It Cant Be Right Pt1 Ch 10

In one of the hotels that I worked in during my early years working for Armstrong Hotels, I met a woman who studied yoga and meditation. It was after a particularly busy shift she offered to lead a meditation for anyone that was interested. I joined her and never looked back. Over the few months that I was there, she taught me several basics which I have built on since.Whether my workload is heavy or light, I had got into the habit, ever since that placement, to take a few minutes for myself. I...

Mind Control
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Saving Alfie A Fans Sequel to the InCase Original

To all Alfie fans, this sequel begins during the ending of chapter 15. I am making this because while I am waiting for the last pages to be published, I realized that I want more Alfie. The story connects to me on a personal level, so while I’ve been waiting my mind has exploded with possibilities as to how it could end. To those of you who have never read Alfie, it is a surprisingly sweet story for a NSFW web comic. I do advise you take the time to read the original work from the original...

2 years ago
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Lacy Black Panties

My wife died about 4 years ago from cancer. I was 46. We were high school sweethearts who married very young. We were both faithful to the day she passed away and I still miss her every day.We live around the corner from my wife’s younger sister, Sarah and her husband. It was quite known in the family that Sarah’s husband Larry was lazy and thoughtless. He very seldom worked and was very demanding. Why Sarah stayed with him was always a mystery. I was about to have my 50th birthday and had...

3 years ago
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Sues Will Ch 03

On Friday, after class, Sue headed over to the library as usual. She did not see Will in class, and she was relieved. For the past few days, she did spot him in class (his height was hard not to miss), but she usually sat in the corner before his eyes met hers. If he did see her, he chose to ignore her. Her white dress floated off her waif, dainty figure as she walked down the street into the building. Humming a song as she walked up the stately stairs, she gasped in surprise when she saw...

2 years ago
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Larraine Institute Loving Femdom Handjob Addiction

The Larraine Institute for Young Gentlemen, Final ChapterCLICK HERE FOR CFNM VIDS & PICS OF THIS TYPE OF SCENARIO!Sorry to do this, but this is the final chapter of this story as it's been written thus far. I thought there was a conclusionary chapter to this story, but there isn't. When/if it does ever get written I'll be sure to add it! In the meantime, I hope you enjoyed the story!:Continued from Chapter 5 and 6 of this story through this link here.Mrs. Carrington's eyes opened softly...

1 year ago
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I must say that in my life, I never thought that I would be reviewing a pornographic subreddit that is dedicated to babes born in the 2000s. I am sure that I am not the only one who hears the 2000s and thinks about little kids instead of 20-year-olds. That is right, we are getting too old, because the children we all knew are not 20yo… and they are legal to do whatever the fuck they want… in most countries.Well, this subreddit is called r/2000sGirls/, and as I always like to start my subreddit...

Reddit NSFW List
1 year ago
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Queen of the Diamond

Queen of the Diamond By Jeff "Stephanie" Sevem "Strike three!" the umpire called out as the crowd roared. "Man Jeff is throwing some serious heat tonight." the announcer said. Just then I heard a buzz. "Man I don't want to get up!" I said to myself as I turned over and hit my alarm clock. My name is Jeff and I'm 5'11, weigh about one hundred and fifty ponds and have light brown hair that went down to my shoulders. I'm a junior in high school. Little did I know how my...

3 years ago
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It all started when he became the “luckiest sum-bitch in the room,” by winning the Powerball lottery. It was very unlike John to play, which made the win even more improbable. After Uncle Sam (taxes) got his part, he was still left with more than $600 million. It was just a crazy amount, and what happened next really spoke poorly of people around him. First, his ex-wife whom he had divorced for cheating on him with his then-best friend tried (unsuccessfully) to claim part of it, even...

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Mum and son plastered

I broke my arm after an accident at work; I was plastered from my shoulder to my wrist which was not good because it was my left arm, and that was the most important to me because it was my wanking hand and any one can tell you it is so hard to have a good wank with plaster on your arm, however all was not as it seemed, several days later while having a shower I got the top of the plaster wet which caused itching and discomfort, this is where my mum stepped in to help, after explaining my...

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another rendezvous

There’s nothing like going to work knowing in advance that your significant other and his kid are going to a Bruins game. It’s like a free pass for me to get my fuck on — if I’m in the mood.I was torn, though, as I drove to work: should I go to a repeat offender who was great and won’t be a dud, or someone new. I went to my websites to help figure that out but, of course, it really came down to my mood and what I wanted.By noon, I had narrowed it down to four guys — two I'd met and two...

3 years ago
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Always a Breast Man

Chris had always been a breast man, and Maria’s were the best he had ever had in his mouth. Full and rounded and naturally more than a handful. He loved her breasts and often stroked himself just thinking of them. Her nipples were a shade of dark pink in colour, and around the areola, there were small, secret ridges that came alive when his tongue licked over them. It would only take the slightest of touch from his eager fingers for her nipples to harden into a beautiful rosebud, and that’s...

2 years ago
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Hide and Seek

A soft, girlish giggle echoed through the house. He paced slowly towards the sound, making sure to keep his movements nearly silent. This time he would be more careful. The last time he'd found her, he'd underestimated the situation. Here he was, thinking that they were playing hide and seek. And so, upon finding her, he'd made a big gesture of it, hoping to startle her. She made the most adorable squeals when startled.Well, she'd certainly made an adorable squeal. But instead of admitting...

Straight Sex
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PureTaboo Jane Wilde We Can8217t Be Seen Like This

Amelia (Jane Wilde) is hanging out with her boyfriend, Elliot, in his bedroom after school. As they settle in, Elliot tries to get frisky with her, although Amelia’s not really feeling it. Thankfully, they’re interrupted when Elliot’s parent, Gary (Charles Dera), accidentally interrupts them. As Gary tells Elliot that he’s needed elsewhere to take care of a chore, Amelia seems unable to take her eyes off him. Although Elliot complains, Gary reminds him who the boss is...

1 year ago
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BongaCams Teen

Welcome to BongaCams’ Teen section. This is where the true pussy aficionados gather to jerk off to live streams of worthwhile cunts. Now, before we get on with the review, let me just mention that I know you understand that BongaCams aren’t precisely the best in the business, and they’re certainly far from the first. However, what they lack in originality, they more than make up for in several ways that I’m about to mansplain to you, even though you didn’t fucking ask for it. Suffice it to say...

Live Teen Sex Cams
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Asian wife

A little about my self, I am very mixed, Persian, italian and greek background, very tall 6 foot 5 inches, olive skin and hazel eyes, i have great body and i used to model when i was in my 20's I am also blessed with a 8 to 9 inch cock that is very thick , now i am in my late 30''s ,I live in New york city and run my own firm. I am married and have 2 kids. This is one of my many true sexual stories that had happen to me. I Travel all the time so i dont get to go to parents techears...

2 years ago
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Fucking Mom Ki Chut Aur Gand

Hey guys ye meri first story hai mujhe apni mom se bahut chote se pyar tha, mera sex attraction uski tarf tab badha jab mujhe sex k bare mein pata chala, aur 1 din mein use nahate hue dekha. Actually mere ghar mein jaha bathroom banaha hai, use waha baad mein banaya gaya tha, aur vo mere room se attach tha, par rasta bahar se hai, but usme meri kamre ki window khulti thi. Par dikat ye thi ki yaha pe almari rakhi thi, jisse us window ko kholna kafi muskil tha, par fir bhi thoda sa khola ja...

1 year ago
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My Masters Puppet

Introduction: All fantasy, I hope you enjoy! My Masters Puppet Chapter 1: A Costly Mistake I slept comfortably in my empty bed only to be disturbed by a pounding on the front door. The veracity of the knocking startled me, it took a minute to focus the sunlight from the window was blinding. It was a reminder of my sadness, that Im wasting a perfectly good day moping around. I must of fell asleep after I took a shower, I was still wearing my bath robe and my hair was still damp. I stood up...

3 years ago
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Sister Anna

The sun was warm. Sister Anna was enjoying the heat on her face as she sat on the bench in the small garden area watching young Manny Garcia tending to the flower garden. She almost had the rectory to herself. Father Leary was out on his Saturday rounds as usual. This time he had taken young Father Lester with him. That only left herself and Sister Hortense who was in her room taking a nap. Hortense was sixty years old and enjoyed a nap whenever she could find the time. Manny was a fine...

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Tattoo muscle

Don't know why but I have recently been finding myself attracted to men with sleeve tattoos and across their bodies. Age isn't a factor but I do like a man in good shape. I recently got talking to a man in his 50s in a nightclub. I was full of lust for him and aroused straight away ay thinking about how his body looked under his tshirt, what colour his underwear was and how stiff his cock got when aroused. I said how much I liked his tattoos and touched his arm. He told me that he had one on...

1 year ago
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FamilyXXX Braylin Bailey Step Sister Braylin Makes It Very Obvious

Adorable petite blonde step sister Braylin has been eye fucking her older step brother Danny ever since he got back from his mission overseas and finally makes it beyond obvious she wants his hard cock down her throat and balls deep inside her tight hot pussy. After hearing the mom was gonna be out for a while she pulls her nice perky tits out while he is on the phone and lures him to her room where he thoroughly enjoys her sweet wet pussy. Braylin also sucks down his cock with a good face fuck...


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