WhoresChapter 5 free porn video

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“Tell me you wouldn’t love to fuck her,” she said.

She was soaking wet in Dogface’s pool, holding onto Stone’s knees as he sat on the edge with his feet dangling in the water. A fit, pneumatically enhanced blonde in a black bikini and spike heels had just delivered them a pair of fruity cocktails. Nikki watched Stone glance at her ass as she walked away.

Nikki grinned brightly. “You’re such a fuckin’ whore. Her, too. I mean ... really.”

She hadn’t wanted to come, but she was having a better time than Stone expected, which was about the only thing that made the day tolerable. Neither of them was anywhere close to being in their element. The only difference was that Stone had had a pretty good idea of what they were getting into. The crowd was bigger than he thought it would be, but he was actually relieved. The bigger the crowd, the easier it was to fade into the woodwork. It meant fewer awkward amounts with Dogface or Nikki’s mother, and at the moment, neither of them were anywhere to be seen.

The catering company alone probably would have cost Stone two months’ salary, and all the servers were women who worked at one of Dogface’s gentlemen’s clubs.

“So tell me again why we had to come to this thing?” Her fingers dug into the meat of his thighs, seriously close the hems of his trunks.

“Because it’s a good way to show your mother that things are ... going well. That you’re doing okay living on your own.”

“Am I on my own?” It was the first truly serious look she’d given him all day. The wondering behind her eyes took him by surprise. She slid her hands up inside the legs of his trunks, dangerously close to his cock.

“Do you want to be?”

Her eyes traced a circuit somewhere in space far behind him, as if she were thinking her way through a trick question. By the time they settled back on his face she seemed to have the universe comfortably organized.

“Yes,” she told him. “But I don’t mean alone. I don’t see anything bad about being important to ... somebody.”

He nodded and touched her face. “There isn’t. And you are.”


“Oh yeah. Very.”

She grinned. “She thinks you’re fucking me, you know.”

“Aren’t I?”

She smirked. “Not technically. And if you don’t pretty soon I’m gonna fucking implode.”

“It just seems like your first time should be ... I don’t know ... something.”

Nikki opened her mouth to spit something back, but then her face turned a sort of russet shade.

“How did you know?”

“Educated guess,” he replied, finally confirming his inkling.

She blushed. “I hate it, you know. It’s like carrying somebody else’s baggage.”

He nodded.

Despite the music and crowd noise, it felt like they were in their own private bubble. Nikki’s expression softened into a mask of inner embarrassment, as if Stone had discovered something wrong about her. He tipped her chin upward and leaned down to kiss her. She absorbed mouth with a kind of need he hadn’t felt from her before. Her lips and tongue were as supple and vital as ever, but there was less boldness and more ache to the way she kissed him back.

“Aren’t you afraid my mother or Dogface will see?” she asked quietly afterward.

He shook his head and kept his eyes on hers.

“He asked me if I wanted to come live here with them,” she added.

“I’m not surprised.”

“He came into the changing room and watched me undress. I had my bikini on under my clothes so at least I didn’t have to get naked. He made me feel naked, though, the way he was looking. I sorta felt like a whore in a way. He said I could probably even work at one of his clubs.”

Stone sat quietly a moment. “And what did you say?” he finally asked.

Nikki reached up and pulled Stone’s head down so she could whisper to him. “If you fuck me I’ll tell you.”

He straightened up and smiled at her. He wanted to put his hands around Dogface’s neck and choke him just long enough to let him know how much he truly disliked him. But then he thought of Nikki undressing in front of him, nervously playing her perky vixen routine like the champ she was. He fingered the wet string of her bikini top around her neck and felt tingles in his cock.

“Take a look around,” he told her, even though he was pretty sure he already knew what she’d told Dogface. “You could be living like this if you wanted.”

She followed his gaze as it swept the area. The pool and terrace were crowded with people of all ages and types, and the vast majority had a pampered look of privilege about them. People were gathered everywhere in pairs or small groups. Most were either just going in or coming out of the pool. Several of the women were topless, giving off an air of natural comfort in the urge to be noticed. One deeply tanned brunette somewhere in her thirties was openly discussing her recent surgery with three others, a man and two other women. The others were showing enthusiastic awe over her newly enhanced breasts. She invited the others to touch them. None turned her down.

At the other end of the pool a man was standing in the water with his arms fanned out along the sides. A slender black woman had her back toward Nikki and Stone, and her hand was down inside the man’s trunks, under the water. The difference in their ages was probably twice the difference between Nikki and Stone. The woman’s arm and shoulder betrayed how she was stroking his cock. They were smiling and talking to a small group standing on the terrace near them. Stone watched Nikki watch them a moment and snuck his finger under her bikini top, brushing his finger over her hard nipple.

“You could have just about anything you want – whenever you want it,” he said. “This would be your life.”

She looked around one more time and snickered. “So when I’m living here, you’ll come to all the parties so I can jerk you off in the pool while you brag about your fictitious stock portfolio to people who are pretending they aren’t more interested in watching me stroke your cock.”

Stone laughed deep and hard, but kept his finger inside the barely sufficient triangle of Nikki’s bikini. She started laughing, too, and they laughed for a long time, until Stone took her face in both hands and leaned down close to her.

“Baby,” he told her with a smile, “that’s just one of about a thousand reasons I love you so much.”

Her eyes went wide and watery as much out of surprise as anything else, and when Stone kissed her she gave it back to him in a deeply hungry groping of lips and tongue. She pulled one hand out from his trunks and put it on the back of his head. The scene began to fade as they devoured each other with a fresh sense of urgency. Stone’s blood raced through his veins, and he was starting to think about sliding down in the water and fucking her up against the side of the pool.

Then there was a shadow cast over them and they reluctantly broke apart to look up and see Nikki’s mother gazing down impassively at them. She was wearing a strapless, white sheath that was so short they could see the gusset of her panties. Nikki frowned, while Stone kept eye contact despite the dark, oversized shades she was had on.

“Glad I see you have good time,” Ning said. The private accent coaching Dogface had been paying for was working. She still spoke in her habitually clipped way, but her accent was much clearer than when she’d first arrived in the country.

Nikki’s frown held fast, but Stone thanked her for the invitation and hospitality.

“Need speak to you, Stone,” she said. “By you self.”

Nikki rolled her eyes, but Stone kissed her again and promised he’d be back quickly.

“Please,” she said. “Don’t leave me out here on my own too long.”

She stayed down in the water while Stone pushed himself up and out and followed Ning into the house. The scene indoors was nearly a mirror image of what it was around the pool, but without water. She led him through a large, well populated salon, then down a corridor to a small solarium with oversized wicker chairs that looked out on the pool and terrace.

Ning sat and crossed her smooth, brown legs slowly. Stone gazed openly at the slow flash of her panties this time. He noticed her nipples were conspicuously hard, distorting the fabric of her dress. She pulled off her sunglasses and smiled, giving off an air of comfort, as if she’d lived her whole life this way.

Stone glanced out the window and spotted Nikki backstroking across the pool sideways. More than a few heads had turned to watch her. Fresh fish swimming into the spawning grounds.

“So you fucking her now,” Ning said, unceremoniously.

Stone turned to face her. “Technically,” he said, “your daughter is still a virgin.”

Ning did an impressive job hiding her surprise. “But not much longer.”

“No,” he nodded, briefly glancing back outside. “Not much longer at all.”

There didn’t seem much sense in explaining the dynamics. Besides, Ning was one of the sharpest judges of character he’d ever met. He was sure she’d already figured out more than he knew himself.

“I glad it’s you,” Ning smiled. “Better she have someone who love her. She love you back real hard. Harder than you ever see. Harder than me. She smart girl. Better she not stay here.”

“She thinks you want to come back.”

Ning nodded. “Let her think.”

Stone almost smiled. He considered whether or not to tell Nikki about her mother’s subtle ruse, but in the end, he decided she probably knew much more about the way Ning’s mind worked than he ever would.

“You a good friend, Stone. To me. To her, too. She wanna be a big whore. Think everybody love to fuck a whore. Now she your whore. You love her like an angel-whore.”

“She started sleeping in my bed a few nights ago.” Stone felt relieved to be able to tell someone. “You have no idea how hard it’s been to hold back.”

Ning chuckled. “You forget I sleep three year in same bed. You got some shitty memory, Stone.”

He smiled and nodded. “Ok, sorry, but I think you know what I mean.”

“Yeah, yeah. Only don’t know why. You bigger whore than her. Bigger than me. You fuck anyone anytime.”

Ning laughed harder than she needed to and Stone just waited, not exactly pleased with her assessment of his morals. When the laughter subsided, she was still looking the question at him.

“Fucking a virgin is more responsibility than I’m qualified for,” he admitted. “Of all the ways it could go, I wouldn’t be easily forgotten.”

She laughed again. Longer and harder this time, like a school marm laughing at some kid in the back who just got an easy answer wrong.

“So why you change mind?” she asked, finally dead calm.

He sat long enough to think up half a dozen lies that all sounded better than the truth, but in the end, he went with the truth.

“If she ended up with someone worse than me I’d never forgive myself.”

She nodded, and then a coy smile crossed her face. In the moment, she resembled her daughter so much no one could ever mistake where Nikki’s devilish side had come from. She uncrossed her thighs and held them apart, slowly drawing the slim gusset of her panties to the side. Her pussy looked every bit as smooth and fresh as Nikki’s. Stone swallowed air to avoid noticing if the resemblance ran that deep.

“Want a real whore?” Ning nearly cooed. “Old time sake? Clayton probably somewhere fucking one of his bargirls.”

Clayton was Dogface. Nikki had started calling him that because of his full, silver beard, not because he looked like a dog.

Stone’s cock buzzed with warmth as he watched Ning brush her finger up and down the length of her exposed slit. She was supple and intensely appetizing, but she was only inflaming his desire for Nikki. He stood up and went to the window, giving Ning his back out of sheer self-preservation. A moment later, she was standing beside him, watching Nikki let one of the blonde servers give her a hand stepping out of the pool. She was a sleek convergence of tightly articulated curves, and somehow, in the few minutes since the last time Stone had looked out, she’d managed to lose the top of her bikini.

Soaking wet, Nikki’s body had a lacquered look. The bottom of her bikini rode the impudent curve of her ass like an afterthought. Some kind of smiley exchange was passing between Nikki and the server, who was still holding her hand. In her spikes, the server’s garish breasts were almost in Nikki’s face. The blonde smiled and held the girl by her bare shoulders, leaning back to give her an admiring look.

The server’s lips moved and Nikki laughed. Then the blonde scooped Nikki’s pert breasts into her hands and leaned forward to kiss her. The kiss was only half polite.

Ning snickered deviously. “You not careful, she gonna break you like cheap watch.”

Stone caught up with Nikki sitting on one of the few backless stools under the tent shading the bar. She was sitting with a straight spine and squared shoulders, letting the pert cones of her stiff nippled breasts push conspicuously forward. She was the only guest under the tent, sitting with the bartender and two of the servers: the blonde who had helped her out of the pool, and a raven-haired woman with a Mediterranean complexion.

“Hey Daddy,” she purred as he approached. Stone rolled his eyes while the others gave her look of surprise. The blonde smiled at her in comic disbelief. “Oh, it’s all right,” Nikki waved her hand. “He’s only my sugar daddy.”

The servers both laughed and the bartender glanced at Nikki’s naked breasts again before going back to work on making two more of the tall cocktails they’d been drinking in the pool. The sun was beginning to dip low, and free standing lamps were beginning to glow throughout the entire area. Low volume trance music was filtering through from speakers Stone couldn’t see. He sidled in close to Nikki and placed his hand on her waist.

“That’s a nice look for you.” He tried to look disapproving.

Nikki smiled and looked away and down, as if she suddenly felt naked. “You see me like this all the time,” she reminded him quietly.

“Sure, like this,” Stone replied. “But not like this.”

She seemed at a loss to reply for a moment, but finally just told him, “Go with the flow, Daddy Stone.”

The man who’d been getting stroked under water before Stone went inside with Ning was now sitting on the edge of the pool without his trunks. The slender black woman was still down in the water with her head between his thighs, stroking the man’s swollen cock with an agile tongue while he leaned back and watched her through a hail of sighs. Others paused in their conversations to watch, comment or laugh.

Stone watched Nikki’s face as she watched them. Her look was somehow far away but right in the moment at the same time. He felt the sense she was off with the couple at the edge of the pool, yet sitting right down inside his sphere of presence as if she’d been there all her life. He was beginning to understand she was driven by pure nerve. The act itself was a close second.

The black woman took the man’s cock into her mouth and her head started bobbing up and down between his open thighs. A couple of half-hearted cheers arose from the small group paying the closest attention. Stone’s cock tingled and thickened as he watched Nikki’s face.

He realized how much he loved studying her face. Her skin was like raw, light brown silk, with lines he could follow to oblivion. She always looked away and down if she caught him looking too much. It made him smile inside. But now she was going somewhere else inside herself and her usual responses were less predictable.

“How’d it go with the dragon lady?” she finally asked under her breath, keeping her eyes on the poolside blowjob.

“She’s the one person on Earth who loves you more than I do,” he replied just as softly. The servers were making conversation with the bartender, letting Stone and Nikki have the space they’d already slipped into.

“Nice cock,” Nikki said distantly, still watching the man get sucked at the edge of the pool, “but too old. Too fat.” Stone let it go by and kept watching her face. The flickering glow of the lamps was beginning to take over from the disappearing sun. The dance of light and shadow on her face gave her an ethereal look – half angel, half devil.

Stone slid his hand over her naked breast and outwaited her as he felt the scrape of her thick nipple under his palm.

“She try to fuck you?” Nikki finally asked.

“No,” he said. “Not really.”

“Huh. Not really? What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”

“It means – as you already damn well know – that she knew what was going to happen between us the moment she walked out of the house.”

Her lip curled as she kept watching the progress of the blow job. She was watching, but suddenly not really seeing the svelte black woman and the man she thought was too old and fat. She looked happy, and Stone wanted to keep seeing that look on her face. He inched closer, until he was standing up against the edge of her stool, tucked in the space between her thighs. He squeezed her breast and moved his hand onto the other one.

“Bet you’d just love to fuck all these whores,” she hissed under her breath.

He pinched her nipple just at the edge of too hard and leaned toward her ear. “What would you think if I told you I just want to fuck my own little whore?”

The look on her face went even happier, which only seemed to make it that much harder for her to look at him.

“I’d say you’re a fucking whore,” she hissed back at his ear. “And that you’re a liar and you’d shove your fat cock in any cunt or mouth that was hot, wet and convenient.”

“I could only ever shove my cock in a mouth as dirty as yours?”

Her peal of laughter drew attention. Then the man at the edge started groaning louder, leaning back on his hands as he arched his hips at the woman’s face, drawing most of the attention back away from Nikki.

Stone and she were drawn to the splashing of two more people jumping into the water. There were around seven or eight people in the pool, and all of them were naked.

There was a striking, dark haired woman, deeply tanned, with hopelessly prominent, round breasts standing just below waist level. Stone guessed her to be around forty, but she had a very fit, pampered look that gave off a much younger air. A man about fifteen years younger was sidled up behind her with his hands around her kneading and massaging her naked breasts. She was grinding her round ass against his equally naked body, with her hand thrust back between them as she fondled the hard, young cock trapped between them.

A cluster of three, two women and a man, stood at the near edge watching. Below them was a man Stone took to be the dark haired woman’s husband. He was as naked as his wife and the younger man fondling her, and there was a mildly distant grin on his face as he stroked his fully aroused cock and watched them. One of the women in the nearby cluster was intently watching his hand slide along his cockshaft.

Nikki turned to face Stone and gave him a smile that made him feel like steam was rising out of his blood. “Then I’d have to tell you your cock is nothing but a dirty, nasty fuckstick ... and only a dirty little whore like me would ever suck it.”

Stone took a deep breath. Nikki was grinning defiantly while his temples pulsed with a rush of sweaty heat. The soft heave of her breasts betrayed the depth of her breathing. Stone let his hand slide off her breast toward her hip, where he pulled the knot loose on the string that was holding the bottom of her bikini in place. He pushed his hand under the loose patch of fabric, savoring the smoothness of her pussy against his fingers. He searched for her lips and stroked them with his fingertips. They were already moist and flushed readily as he touched them.

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It was lunch time and Jack had just finished mowing five lawns before returning to the house to check on his pot of beans. It was his turn to cook dinner for that evening and he was serving pinto beans, barbecued brisket, and canned corn along with Texas Toast. The brisket was cooking at a nice low temperature in the oven. The beans were slow cooking on the stove. He had spent twenty dollars on the brisket, a dollar on the barbecue sauce, three dollars on the pinto beans, two on the bread,...

3 years ago
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A Mother and Sons Love Turns A Corner 2

Saturday morning I woke up with the usual morning wood, so before getting out of bed I started jerking off, thinking about what my mother and I did last night while watching the movie that we watched, after we had changed into our night clothes, even thou I do not sleep with anything on at all.I was the first one to get to the kitchen so I popped the popcorn then got us some soft drinks to drink with the popcorn, then put it on a tray that mom had, just for taking drinks and snacks to another...

3 years ago
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Chemical Concocktion Ch 03

The following is a fictional story involving sex. This is FICTION. If you take it seriously, then you need to have a psychiatric evaluation. Also, if you are under 18 years of age, do not read on. Reading stories with sexual content when you are underage might warp your brain or give you hairy palms or something, I forget which precisely. If you are a hot 18-23 year old female who likes geeky older men, then please email me through the link below. Oh, and if you like the story and want to...

3 years ago
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Play Date

What is it with men? I think everyone of them has a fantasy involving two women. My husband and I have talked about this subject many times. When I was younger, (in college) this one girl I met, Bonnie, latched on to me and we kissed and played with each other’s tits a few times. One time, when kissing, she put her hand on my crotch. It sent chills through my body. That’s all that ever happened. I never thought much of it, because like most young women, experimentation is part of growing up. I...

2 years ago
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Finding JessicaChapter 2

Am I crazy? I sat in a large overstuffed brown leather arm chair outside a door marked "employees only" waiting for Jessica. Second thoughts? Oh yes. Once I was alone all those memories of our time together came rushing back. Sure, we were like that line from that Eagles' song, "Life in the Fast lane". "They had one thing in common they were good in bed..." At twenty two that seemed enough. A couple of weeks after we were engaged on Christmas Eve 2001, we moved into an upscale...

2 years ago
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A Just RewardChapter 12

It took a long time for Becca to fall asleep. Her mind kept leaping from one thing to another: the loving kindness of Steven, his gentle and encouraging smile, his thoughtfulness, the friendliness of Helen and the comfort she had given. Not that it had helped because she still loved Steven and she could not say it or show it. She wept again, not noisily but silently and forlornly. Then she became angry from frustration. For the first time since being a child she loved someone and could not...

3 years ago
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Richard Bends Over For Margarets Cane

Margaret arrived to do the cleaning on Friday and she knew that she would be returning to the house again that evening to spend another night with Richard. She had still not made up her mind whether the caning that Richard desired would be administered on this day or whether she would postpone it until another time.Richard was determined to keep the caning at the forefront of Margaret's mind and she smiled to herself when she found a magazine opened on a page showing a young man bent over and...

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I was now 25, and had a very good job and was earning handsomely. My Mom and Dad kept pressuring me to get married for the last two years and for some reason or another it just didn't happen. My mom got us a new maid from our village, her name was Shalini. She was very fair and beautiful and looked a lot like my mother and sister. She told us that she was abandoned by her mother after delivery and was brought up by her grandparents… Shalini was very shy and scared. She used to wake up in the...

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How my friend got his cum into my wife without her

I have a good mate at work and over the years I think we have discussed everything there is to discus about our wives, and he is so envious that my wife lets me take videos of us fucking and poses for explicit photographs.It’s a real shame because his wife is stunning, but she is such a prude. We have all been out together many times but a sexual relationship would never happen like you read on the internet. The closest it has gotten; is with the two of us exchanging details of what color and...

3 years ago
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Military Reunion

I dragged my ass to a reunion finally and saw old mates from past military days. As we held it this time on the beach, there was plenty of hot young ass running around but not for me. I ended up finally working the bar giving a pal a break when a 30 something came up in a bikini and shawl skirt and I asked her for her reunion badge or ID. She laughed and said theres no room on her and I said I can think of a place. I asked her who she was property of and she said a guy from another unit I didnt...

1 year ago
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A Full Moon PhaseEpilogue

Ten Years Later. "You didn't exactly converse with the gods," said Trixie testily, angrily chopping the cocaine on a mirrored coffee table with a razor blade. "More they commanded you and you had nothing to say back. If you did, I'm sure they'd have ignored it." Kat sighed. Removing her coat, she sat beside her true love and grabbed the chopping hand, holding it still with a power few could resist. Trixie had achieved quite a lot of strength in her ten years as a werecat but hadn't...

2 years ago
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Lewd Tales 8211 Part 1 Naked Mom

Narrated by David I’ll start by introducing myself before starting my story of my naked mom. My name is David, and I’m from Chennai. I’m 19 years old. I just finished junior college and now looking for my senior college admission. And I don’t have to worry about that for a couple of months. My father passed away 6 years ago. So it’s just my mom and me. I don’t have any siblings, not that I complain. My mother takes perfect care of me and provides me with everything I need. Her name is Julie....

3 years ago
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New Me Old Me Part 3

 .Two drops of Chanel n°5, right behind the ears, before wearing my excuse for a dress.Colin kept messaging me: he was very worried about me joining the party since I was clearly not ok and about how I changed my mind after I spoke to my... lover of mystery."What happened? Did he force you to come here? Are us gals likely subject to be threatened by him?"Oh Gawd, he knew nothing about me and the hunky boss, thankfully!I was ready to go.Kind of.Last look to my couch before leaving: it would...

3 years ago
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Solipsism or Johnny Are You Queer

Cassie sipped the espresso and waited for Tiffany to come back from the restroom. Tiffany was her best friend, and utterly loyal. She had some minor flaws-- that outfit made her look rather slutty, for instance-- but by and large Cassie had few complaints. And since Cassie was the type of girl whose tolerance of other people's flaws shrank rather than grew as she got to know them better ... well, that was a good thing. Tiffany tipped the remnants of her coffee into her mouth as she sat down....

1 year ago
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Wyoming Ute IGT Omega Seven

Wyoming/Ute IGT, Omega Seven By: Malissa Madison Looking out the windows we could see the different people as they stood or sat in vehicles watching us as we drove by. Some looked like they were really surprised at seeing so many of us. There were now forty trucks including both the Tin Cans, plus we weren't sure how many more would be joining us in the other convoy. I know that TooTall was busy looking for his Brother and Uncles trucks as we reached the edge of the city. I knew...

2 years ago
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Closer Than Six Degrees

March 2007. New York, NY. Shiri Appleby stirred the ice in her glass with an elegant finger, picked out a cube and looked at it, then dropped it back. "They're late," she sighed, looking at the other two women sitting with her in the hotel suite and shaking her head. "They'll be here," Erika Christensen said, running a hand through her dyed hair. "And if not, we can always have fun without them." The buxom redhead looked at the willowy brunettes to either side of her and licked her...

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My New Wife

BEN’S STORY I was seriously in love with my new wife. We were in the bridal car going towards the reception when I had this revelation. Of course I loved her, that’s why I married her. But looking at her in her beautiful wedding dress looking all shy and demure I realised that there was nothing I wouldn’t do to keep her happy. Amber is a tall, lean redhead with beautiful C cup boobs. They look bigger on her frame but with her height they are the perfect size. In her fitted wedding dress her...

3 years ago
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A Girl and Her Bot

“This is way too much, Liz! There’s no way I can accept this! How much did this cost you?” “Don’t worry about it, the company paid for it. Think of it as a Christmas bonus. I told Gary he could either pay for a home service android, hire you a full-time assistant, or let you have a mental breakdown from overwork. And after we went over the numbers, the android was the cheapest option,” she explained over the phone. “I’m touched by his concern for my well-being. Hooray for generating greater...

3 years ago
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Passion in Silk

Celestial Reviews Rating: 7, 5, 3 for E. The knock comes suddenly and I start from the couch. I wasn’t expecting you this early and I rush to the door. I brush my hair back and fix my ruffled shirt. I look awful after that impromptu nap. ‘Just hug her, just hug her,’ I tell myself. You knock again and I realize I have my hand on the knob, but haven’t turned it yet. I unlock the door and finally turn the knob. The door opens quickly in front of you. I expect you to be looking me up and down,...

2 years ago
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BSC08 How Jack and Susan Became NudistsChapter 38 Where Daydreams and Reality Merge

“Wow, that was awesome” said Jack. “You were amazing. You might not have won the big prize but you were terrific all the same. I could just fuck you here and now and I don’t know why I don’t. We are all Lifestyle Nudists after all.” Before Jack could decide otherwise he was thrown down onto a section of lawn at the front of someone’s house. Susan had grabbed him as she stood up and was pushing him down onto the grass as she fell down again herself. As she did this she cried out, “Well then,...

4 years ago
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A Night With My Buddy Ryan

During my freshman year in High School, I had finally reached maturity, and although I didn't have many close friends, my friend Ryan and I were close. On one of our weekly weekend sleep overs, Ryan and I were looking and porn on my lab top. Both of us were getting horny and we were pitching tents. Usually, we would jack-off in front of each other (even on the same bed), but we never touched. During this night though, all of that changed.With looking at the porn, both of us started to undress...

Gay Male
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Sea FenciblesChapter 6

It took little persuasion from Anson to talk Colonel Maynard into accepting Chalke's invitation. Miss Elizabeth seemed to be a little less enthusiastic, but she made a brave face and gave Anson a smile. They went to their rooms to change, and Anson saw no reason to be ashamed for his appearance. His Number 2 uniform was well cut. The deer leather glove was unobtrusive enough, and his limp was less noticeable now. The pinchbeck shoe buckles and the gilt epaulette were of some concern to him,...

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My Caring Daughter 8211 Part I

Hello people, i am a 58 year old man. i am married for 32 years and have 2 sons and daughter, both of my sons are married and happily settled with their wives. i live with my wife and daughter, my little angel is 24 years old and has allways been close to me. Me and my wife are not intimate for years now, as she grew older she completely lost intrest in Sex. Being a man what can i say it only increased my apetite, it increased to the extent where in i ended up having sex with my own...

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A pick up at the bar and a taxi ride

I had gone with the girls to a local dance club that night.Everything looked to go so well…I had first seen that man in the dance floor. Something about him really caught my attention and I was getting aroused by the minute.In order to get a closer look at him, I dragged some of my girlfriends onto the dance floor near that guy. At that closer distance I liked what I could see even more: he was in his early thirties; was tall and well built and athletic, He was really a handsome guy; but the...

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My Disciplinarian

  We had just finished dinner and mom was cleaning up. She loaded the dirty pots and pans into the dishwasher. She didn’t talk to me. Instead she let her actions speak for her. Slamming pots and pans were her way of conveying her anger. “Kait, you are a foolish girl. You had better tell me what you were thinking. Tell me!” she ordered. Her face was red with anger and I knew she wasn’t going to let this go anytime soon. If she wasn’t ignoring me, she was begging for a fight. “Mom- for the...

1 year ago
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Lorena and Markel

Lorena and MarkelBy: Londebaaz ChohanIt is unbelievable that Lorena and Markel were siblings and they were grown up together with only 1½ years apart, Markel being elder. They never communicated well before Markel left home for college. Fact was that they never got along together, Markel always thought her as a terror and teased her mercilessly. Luckily, all this came to a sudden end to realization of facts as he came home for summer.Markel was not sure, how his sister felt about him when she...

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Wifes Fantasy

This is my first let me know what you think...Wife’s Fantasy After being away from home for work for a few weeks I returned home to find my wife in extreme need of an adult night out. Stressed out from everyday activities like work kids and everyday drama of friends and others. We decide to go out to eat at a nice restaurant and go see the new chick flick playing in town. As usual trying to leave the house is a chore what to get the kids for dinner, what to wear and going over the rules once...

Quickie Sex
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The Tides of WarChapter 14

It was still dark as he saddled Khan then he trotted out of the Fort. Once on to the road he broke into a gentle canter. Khan’s long legs ate up the miles. The sun was just appearing over the mountains to the east as they trotted through the entrance, the guards surprised to see him. As they came to present arms, he acknowledged with a salute. The wind cut through him as he neared the cleft. When he dismounted, a rifleman led Khan away around the brushwood screen. He walked into the...

1 year ago
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my best friend Rauls mom

continue the story with my best friend but this story is about his mom:so after a few mounths i started to want to fuck my family maid,my best friend mother so i start masturbate in the bathroom and in my room when she was cleaning in my family's house and after two days she came in the bathroom when i was jarking offi got in the bathroom,get naked and starting rubbing my cock,when she came in she saw my cock already hard in my handshe wasn't that surprised as i tought she will be:"i am...

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My Sissy Son Part 1

But to explain that, I have to go back to the beginning. Back to the painful memories of when this pandemic first hit. What's most important is that you understand that before this whole sorted affair started, we were a perfectly normal family. Jason was a normal high schooler, with decent grades and good friends. My wife was a regular Mom, with a good job and a great social life. I was a regular Dad, with plenty of hobbies and a nice, safe future. But that all changed when this stupid virus...

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Poolside Towels

Natalie left for awhile leaving Kim and her brother, Mark, home alone. As Kim was extremely bored she decided to call her best friend, Tammy, and see if she could come over. Getting off the phone, she mentioned to her brother, who was shooting video game aliens, "Tam's coming over. Hope you don't mind." "No," he mumbled zapping another alien. Actually he liked Tammy, even though she always treated him like a little boy. "Good," she answered as she went upstairs. "I'm gonna go swim," she...

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Jessica Weekend in Las Vegas Story Five Part 2

At baggage claim, a uniformed woman was holding a sign with the name 'Summer party' written on it. "That's us," I said. She asked for our baggage stubs and handed them to a porter. After all our baggage was retrieved, she led us outside to a stretch limo. The limo driver had the trunk open and the porter stowed all our baggage. Derek tipped him well. "Tony will take you to your hotel, have a great holiday here in Las Vegas," she said and then she walked away. We climbed into the limo and I...

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Slave of the OutcastChapter 24

The whole night Charles had been watching the first two Twilight films with his mom and Ivy. His mom was crazy over the actor Robert Pattinson. Every time Charles asked if his mom if he could be excused and his mom always got annoyed, telling him that he could chat with his friends some other time. Sara and Ivy sat together on the same large sofa that faced the tv while Charles sat alone on an armchair. There were moments of times when both ladies talked during the middle of the...

1 year ago
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It Never Works

They say it cant work. They say you will always get caught. I say they are right IT NEVER WORKS Chapter One Janice’s Story They say that it can’t work. They say that they will always be caught. They say that no one can ever get away with it. I say…. They are right!!!! My name is Janice Brown. I was very happily married to Bryan Brown, a wonderful man. He was an excellent provider, husband, lover and father of both our seven-year-old son, Jess, and our five-year-old daughter,...

Cheating Wife
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Corrupting Little Br

DISCLAIMER: This story is solely a work of fiction. Any similarities between people living or dead is purely coincidental. No a****ls were harmed in the writing of this story. I was s**n going on s**n when our m****rs moved in together (they would marry the following year). I had been living as a girl for a year and a half. He, my new little step-b****r, was f**n at the time. He had just started puberty, and was a bit shy around girls, it was kind of cute. He was also kind of cute, in that...

3 years ago
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His Cock needs to be Locked Up

Ray had been happily married to his wife, Amy, for almost ten years. They were both successful professionals, living in a beautiful house on the outskirts of the city. In their professional lives they were equals, but outside the office they were not. Amy was most certainly in charge.This dynamic was initiated by Ray. Whilst his senior position at work demanded a strong personality in the office, he had no wish to play that role at home, particularly in the bedroom. In fact, he really wanted to...

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