TandraChapter 89 free porn video

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Henry sat in the chair he had sat in so long ago. This was during the days prior to his first trip to the moon. He sat for days trying to force in every possible bit of knowledge so he could have some chance of success. He had learned a great deal and eventually pushed back the boundaries of knowledge but this only showed that there was much more to learn.

The old tug was now travelling at 19,000 light years a day toward the area closest to the Canis Major dwarf galaxy. The Fassoot and possibly other races had crossed over or would one day soon. The beings in that small galaxy had such a long history of kill or be killed that every surviving race was very adapted to survival. The weakest one was the Hossin. They had elected to leave rather than die. The Hossin's simple weapons could easily defeat the Tandra if they had sufficient numbers or the inclination to do so. The Fassoot more than made up for the Hossin's lack of inclination, as did most of the other races.

The Hossin said that every other race in that galaxy was even more warlike than the last. They had weapons that made theirs look almost ineffective in comparison unless they had a great numerical superiority. The weapons and their effects on other races shields were readily described. The range of the weapons the Hossin faced was fantastic even for just their energy beams. Missiles could be fired from any distance but they were not used. Something destroyed the Hossin ships that could not be detected and the enemy ship was not usually detected either. The speed of the various warships was so great that it was not fully documented. Guesstimates were around 26,000 light years per day for the lowest. The highest were fifty percent more. If missiles could be pushed that fast then it was no wonder that they could not be observed.

After another hour of travel Henry asked, "Mom will you and Bennechi slow to a thousand lights. We are going too fast to even detect anything."

"Yes, Captain."

Henry liked the term better than Admiral. Emperor was much worse but 'Henry' was what was liked best. She only used that term on occasion though.

Mom's apparition walked out from the long hallway followed by a beautiful child of six Earth years. She looked like a bit of Mom and a bit like me. The holograms were very well done because of the massive amounts of processing power at the hands of both intelligences. Ever since they came here, they insisted in taking these forms. The only reason I could think that this was done was to make me think I had family while I worked. This usually kept me from taking the worst of chances but I still did gamble.

Bennechi sat in another chair, opened a child's book, and appeared to read it. She reminded me of my other children and I guess that was her intention. Mom just sat at a console and looked out as if her eyes would find what the sensors would not.

I closed my eyes and searched with my mind like I had done before. Mom used the sensors but they had not really improved much in the last few million years. I was looking for indications of high-tech apparatus being used, but I had not found very many clues as to what I should look for specifically.

We continued our travels, based on some vague feelings. When I got hungry Mom and Bennechi sat with me as I ate. They also ate, but I knew it was just a hologram. Another large screen showed me some of my family that had come to chat while I worked or relaxed. None of them would stay long for they knew it would distract me. I kept reminding myself that having one of my wives here would distract me even more.

After the meal we stopped at a system with a still functional transponder. It turned out to be a Tandra base but it was empty. It looked like the defence system was still functioning. One of the overrides functioned. When we quizzed the computer we found that the Tandra had left and the automatic repair units had been told to continue their labours. The same thing could have been done in the Sofas system if energy had been available there.

On a whim I entered the base in person and interfaced with the computer. The connections were brought very close to the long ribbon of computer substrate in the maze. Since I did not make the final connection I did not get the time penalty. This sort of process especially for an uninhabited base really slowed our progress. I had this nagging worry though to go slow and it wasn't just because of Mom and Bennechi's presence.

We found more bases. One was empty and the next two were still in stasis with only a few awake and on duty. Both were in serious decline. A fourth base had a new race of beings using the Tandra equipment. Their shape reminded me of weasels. Their body was two metres long and from the co-opted computer I saw them run on four feet but stand and work on two. A search of the computer's memory showed that the Jann had just moved in with Tandra compliance before they abandoned the base. Their weasel body brought to mind a very quick and efficient fighter but I found that this was not true for the Jann. They were omnivorous and seemed to gain some joy out of working the soil as other races did.

I left the race alone with just their computer now recognizing me. Many such races as this had been found but their numbers and abilities meant that they could not contribute much to the Alliance. This did not mean that they would be excluded. Everybody I thought could gain assistance from the Alliance. I tempered this with the knowledge that some like the Thonas would turn on their friends after gaining enough information.

As we started to leave the high concentration of stars in the central hub of the galaxy I felt more and more apprehensive. On a beautiful and uninhabited planet that looked ideal for colonization I began to build some probes. The search for invaders was important and to speed it up I needed assistance. Drones would work well but I wanted them to be intelligent. Their high risk job also meant that I was putting computer life at risk and this I didn't like either. From the material of the planet I fabricated some of the relative class but much smaller. I could ride in one but it would be cramped. The Hossin shield went into the construction but the ships had no weapons. The idea was to get as much speed as possible and use them mainly to expand on our ability to detect other traces before we were detected.

One thing I did add was a flat crystalline plate. This would work like the transporters I had developed with Horus and have no power. It was my idea to use them as passive receivers that could work as transmitters if the need arose. The thought was that I could shift from the tug to any of these small ships to use my mental abilities. The transmitters would allow me to quickly move back to Mom if things got hot. This, of course, hinged on her being close enough and syncing her own receiver to the one I wanted to use.

The ships were made with Mom's fabricators and took slightly more than two and a half hours. This gave me time to have crystals shipped from Epsilon Eridani to be processed and incorporated into the hull. Computer substrate was shipped to me ready-made and I just had to place it in the correct position in each of the available dimensions. The large crystal transport helped considerably with its passive effects for the actual computer was not able to assist itself yet.

In three and a half days twenty five of the very small ships were built. One was different and remained on this planet to begin building a small base similar to that on Earth. This time it would be assisted by the other intelligences until it was able to complete more fabricators.

We left at the centre of a sensory globe sixteen light-years across. The twenty-four small ships manoeuvred constantly within the globe at a speed of slightly over 12,000 light-years per day. This allowed them to thoroughly search everything within our volume of space as we continued our slow, cautious advance.

We found more Tandra bases but a great many had been completely destroyed in a manner that suggested a different enemy than we had yet seen. The destruction had occurred roughly a million years in the past. As the stars thinned out we were able to increase our speed.

The family did not feel what I did and were basically happy with what they were being shown. Usually the functional Tandra bases were incorporated into the empire and I would have to leave it up to the computer intelligences to inform them of that fact.

In a way this was like a vacation except for the never-ending search we were doing. Mom even had time to make a few more hulls in her hold and I took a break to install the computers and crystals. The crystals were the most difficult part for I had to take a rough blank made up of many small crystals and merge the boundaries between them so they formed one seamless whole. The crystal then had to be made homogeneous and just the right amount of dopants had to be carefully placed within it. Only three ships were done but they joined three others at our rear to protect us from attack in that quarter.

Twenty-three days after starting this quest I suddenly woke up with a nightmare still running through my brain. We slowed further progress and the ships protecting us slowed too. When I was able to get my fear down I examined the nightmare. I saw a being like a praying mantis with long clutching arms and mandibles that worked horizontally. Their upper body was larger in proportion and the corresponding abdomen was smaller than the insect on Earth. They wanted to descend on a planet and feed until it was cleaned of animal life.

The feelings I had about their numbers made me wonder for it was in the billions and all in one large ship. I could not get the comparative size here but I felt 'large' to be as good as I could get. The Hossin knowledge told me that there were actually three races like this that inhabited their galaxy.

I turned my head and got a heading almost eleven degrees off our course. I felt the distance to be hours away but not many. Mom analysed my mental images but she had nothing to add.

The fear had not lessened very much. This was a good indication that I might not be able to handle this situation. We changed course and this time at right angles to where we had been headed. Our speed had gone up to what the small ships could match and after an hour I took a new bearing. The fear was less. It was also possible to get a probable location.

We changed our course again and I wanted to come at these praying mantis type creatures from the rear if possible. This meant that I had to have a feel for their direction of travel. We left at a speed where we could gather up the ships within an hour. After that we made a dogleg course at our best speed possible. It took twelve hours to get onto this predator's course. An hour and a half later the small ships were released and they spread out in a cone formation. We followed where I thought the ship would be going.

I was very cautious and it took over five hours before we could detect a ship far ahead. It was large but felt small compared to the image in my nightmare. Moments later we found it to be a dreadnaught. This gave me pause for the dreadnaught was the largest ship we had found so far.

Our drone ships spread out more and closed the distance. At seven light years they had not yet been detected or possibly the beings had not thought us worth the effort. What I did fear happened.

Far ahead of the dreadnaught and running a parallel course were three more similar dreadnaughts. Their speed was only 500 lights. this worried me for they should go at 1,000 if constructed like the Tandra ships. One of our ships left our group and sped far ahead to reconnoitre. In twelve minutes I found the reason for the slow speed. This was a convoy with a colony ship protected in the centre of a group of escorts. None of the escorts were smaller than a dreadnaught. The colony ship was the biggest construction I had ever seen. The length looked to be 1,100 kilometres and had a large bulge in the centre that had a diameter of 900 kilometres. I could not even hazard a guess of what the weight would be but the gravity field gave rough readings of a planet larger than Mars.

The drone changed course all the time and it was good that it did for beams of destruction now came from many different ships. Some of the ships were so far ahead of the drone that they were not detectable. I had no recourse now and slowed our own advance and sent the drone scurrying away to safety. The fire was becoming more accurate and I drove the ship through a star at a slow speed. Fire hit the star now but after fifty bolts it stopped. The star itself was now very unstable but the drone stayed hidden.

The fire and accuracy told me that the mantis ships had exceptional sensors and firepower. The casual way they treated the drone also told me that they didn't consider it much of a threat.

A small ship did appear, probably from one of the dreadnaughts accompanying the colony ship. The procession had never even slowed and the only real notice other than the shooting was the presence of this destroyer. I had the drone play hide 'n seek in the star. We found out a considerable amount about the sensors used against us. This game was kept up for three hours and I was afraid that the destroyer would just leave and rejoin the mass movement of ships. Mom moved closer to this confrontation but the drones moved closer still.

"Mom, I plan on seeing what I can about that ship. If I can sneak as close as possible I can reach out and give it a good shaking. I may be able to keep it occupied enough to find something out. I want you to come in while I am shaking it and take me back in. The shaking can then be continued as I drive the ship away from its fleet."

"Henry that is too dangerous. You can't get close enough without it detecting you. The sensors are many times better than ours. We don't even know what speed those ships are capable of. The power used on the colony ship is much more than Bennechi and I use at our maximum speed. I am sure that the dreadnaughts could put out much more than similar sized Tandra vessel because the energy signatures are so similar."

I said, "Actually the sneaking up was not what I was going to do. I would rather it was going to come to me. I can hide in the next system and the drone flees the star it is in for the next. If this ship follows then I can grab it as it passes. We can assess its acceleration and speed at this time."

"Henry that ship is over eight hundred metres long. It appears to have a mass much greater than a cruiser though. Even if it failed to notice you, your ability to push it may not be enough to stay in the lead."

"We have to try something. That fleet is so strong that I doubt if anything could stop or even hinder it. One day it will come on our empire and I will have to watch entire planets perish. You read the information the Hossin gathered. This is much too important."

Mom called in reinforcements and now my wives started to argue with me. This was a risky venture, I admitted, but it had to be done now to understand what we were facing.

I gave my orders anyway and approached the target star from its shadow. I was happy to find that this was a dead system. I took one small drone and hid in a ring of loose rock orbiting a gas giant. The drone in the other system was luring the ship away then made a run for it in this direction using the star to shield it.

When the ship accelerated in pursuit, I was amazed at the power it had for its size. Soon it was beginning to gain because we could not expect it to follow if we left it in the dust. It had a lot of mass but soon it would be able to almost match what the drone was currently putting out.

When the ship was close I put a tube on it then two more. I used no chokes this time and the ship was flung back and forth very energetically. My small ship accelerated out of the system while the swings continued. We were now making as much headway as the ship had shown when it had pursued the drone. I tried to be much more though for if I slackened off we might find out nothing. My mind was entirely on the ships movements and the most effort was used to drive us further away from the fleet.

With the Thonas I was able to try to interface with their computer at the same time but now it was important to concentrate on gaining as much distance as possible. Moving a destroyer like this while shaking it was not that hard but the thrust and ultimately the speed I needed was.

The only good thing, other than capturing the tiger was that we had not been shot at either. We were going at roughly 3,300 lights and Mom came to us. I was picked up and even in the hold I continued to shake the mantis ship. Our speed now increased because I didn't need to propel my own ship.

We fled the mantis fleet, taking an entire day to work especially hard at putting some distance between us. I was very tired from all the shaking. I tried to cut their hull like I had with the Hossin and found it even tougher. We studied this thoroughly for we could learn a considerable amount about the material and the shield. An hour in one spot was enough to make one hole through a thin section. Three such holes allowed us to break off a portion so it could be examined. Mom used her tractors to drag it into our hold.

There was enough time in mid swing to try to find out want I could about the inhabitants and their computer. It was a foregone conclusion that we were being followed by some of the dreadnaughts and we had to hurry. I kept some mental fingers ready to stabilise the structure in my mind but as yet there was no attempt to attack me in this manner.

The computer would give me the most data and I worked to get inside. There seemed to be very good defences in my path. This told me that they had been attacked using this method before. I thought momentarily that our entire fleet had no such protection in place. We were all vulnerable to this kind of attack. Our population of AIs worked with me to try to break into the computer. Some choices didn't seem right and I avoided those areas when I remembered all the traps the Hossin had.

We started to get data from some portions but this was all suspect for if races did rape a computer, disinformation would be what they want spread. The attack on the computer continued as I shook the ship with an intensity that I hoped would incapacitate the beings onboard. I did not believe that I had killed them because I could feel anger but no clear thoughts.

Fourteen hours later we gained access through the sensor circuits. In the process we found that their computer construction was quite different from the Tandra variety. All the data had to funnel through me and then it was sent off to others to process. It was just too much work to do so now.

More of the ship had been pruned and we worked to get a larger sampling of their suite of sensors. The ones in our hold now were very different than we had ever seen before. I thought in passing, that some of them must delve into the other two dimensions. Perhaps later I would use my own eyes to look at a working ship through a transparent construct.

The bits of information on the computer would take weeks to straighten out. What I did find was that they called themselves the Misto. The Hossin had told us about this race. They were not the highest in technological matters, but they were some of the most voracious. The Hossin had very little information on them but it did dovetail with my nightmare. They would not only eat all animal life but would then eat their young between worlds. Again I worried why this was the case when a fabricator could be used to make any food imaginable.

I did not worry now about this ship for I found that they had snacked over the years on Tandra colonies after they worked to throw off the ineffectual defences.

The Misto ship was now shaken with a vengeance and I could feel a lessening of hate but still no fear. The energy from the higher dimensions was now opened wide and with the shaking I felt that we were getting some place. Holes were made through the ship and then continued until it hit the far wall. Energy was stabbed in at an angle through the wall and punctured bulkheads that were not designed to handle even a portion of what I was handing out.

The only place that was spared was the computer and that was in the centre of the ship. When the hate seemed to fall to zero I rested a bit and kept the shaking only to what I had done before. The shield generators had been hit and put out of commission making the rest of the job easier. Weapon emplacements had been hit in one area of the Misto ship. The area in the centre was then punctured many times. When the ship was stopped, Mom got in very close. This was the first rest I had in over a day.

Mom's tractors reached out and pried and twisted the punctured material to make a large hole. There was no response from the ship as yet but I waited now to counter any reply. Small combat drones now went out and entered the ship. Once a beachhead was made, construction units went in along with other drones to gather information.

Mom's new shield was temporal in nature and once the outer hull was breached she sank into the ship. I did not get out of my chair even though I wanted to get into a battle suit and see things for myself.

The drones did finally find the Misto and saw how they fit the dimensions of their ship very well for they were four metres tall and must have massed at least half a tonne. They wore a natural armour covering their bodies and a few samples were taken. A place for storing eggs was found and some of the drones made an effort to take a few dozen without killing them. Very few were alive in any case for they could not take the acceleration I put them under.

The drones soon made it to the computer room and worked their way in. The automatic defences were still active and none of them survived. I worked harder on the computer trying to find a way to capture it. Many more hours passed and then some probes were eventually allowed in. They in turn took out all the weapons. The effort continued outside the computer till there was no free or living Misto on the ship. Mom and I used the energy I controlled to cut the ship up into smaller pieces.

Soon the computer was severed from the mass. Weapons, engines, and many other features were examined. We found that a disproportionate amount of the weight was in the computer but I could not see why. One day I was sure we would have to face these same weapons when we could not protect ourselves from them. The recently awoken Tandra colonies would not stand a chance. The course the colony ship was taking would bring them to those worlds in just twelve more days.

We took samples of everything we thought we could use along with some that I thought were useless. We changed course and soon dropped the ship and all it contained into the fiery heart of a large star. I was hoping to hide our tracks and any pursuer would continue on thinking we had not stopped.

Many things about the ship and Misto were explained but the majority of the information was still locked up in the computer. Soon Mom was able to interface directly with enough safeguards to make us all happy. This required that the computer open its hatch. The information now came many times quicker this way. It still took hours to get all the information the ship had to offer. The interface and the differences in hardware were the bottle-necks. I had one more job to do when all this was completed. The total amount of data was many times less than what a Tandra computer would have and most of the information was common knowledge to the Misto. We found very little sensitive information or information on how the majority of their technology functioned.

"You can't Henry. There is no reason to anyway. We have all of the information from the computer."

"I want a backdoor and this will be the only way to get it. There's no way I will be able to do this again because of all the data the Misto have sent back. I am surprised they did not just rig the ship and computer to self-destruct when it was found that it could not escape."

"That is what I am talking about. The computer can still self-destruct. We have no readings on what is in the crystal that is controlling the computer. I got all the data but much is not even in the computer."

"Mom I am going in. If you think it is still going to explode search for power storage units and put switching gear on them that you personally control."

I did go across the short distance to the computer with only an environmental suit. It was much easier to see this way. With my special eye I was able to see that the computer went much more fully into the five dimensions than anyone other than ours did. The arrangement inside was different too and I made special note about the matter transmitter. Mom's worked in this environment but none so far worked in the maze beyond.

The wall though to the maze was a different matter. Even when I twisted more than my sight and body into the remaining two dimensions I could not get through this barrier. This was another secret that would have to be shared. The only reason that this obstruction would be here was because other races must be able to do as I do and walk the maze. This was seen as a way of attack and the Misto had developed a way to prevent this from happening.

I worked on the barrier with some help from Mom. I could not even think of what it could be. Nothing that I knew of could stand in my way. An idea popped into my head and I used a probe to convey the idea to Mom. Communications out of or into a computer were difficult. For some reason the maze had to be different.

"I think this shield is composed of more than five dimensions. That is why I cannot breach it. The crystals in me are five dimensional constructs."

Mom replied quickly through a small probe, "That is impossible there are only five dimensions. It may have something to do with the other two universes."

I listened to her reply and it made sense but my supposition had just as much validity even if I had no scientific facts yet. The barrier was now my enemy and I concentrated very intently on it. I was now like an ordinary man trying to see into the fourth dimension in a way. I worked to twist differently than what I was doing before. I was just too tired now and went back to have a rest.

"Mom, drag the computer with us. There is much more to learn from it. I am going to sleep."

I slept much longer than usual and when I got up I found a good meal waiting for me. Mom, Bennechi and now Ingrid sat across from me in holographic form. I greeted each and listened to their grievances. They were still angry at what I had done. It was an act of war now and the Misto were not beings that you wanted to have pissed off at you.

I smiled at each of my family and pointed out the course the colony ship was heading and then read the information gathered from the Misto computer. Ships had come earlier and just planned which way the conquest of this galaxy was going to take. The information showed that all the planets were very easy to conquer. There was no weapon that was able to give them a problem yet. "In weeks they will start on the colonies we found. If we evacuate they will be able to rundown the ships that leave. They will not only find our enemies but our allies and ones not even asked yet to join the Alliance."

Ingrid said, "They are not coming our way now. I think we should just take our time and find out what we need. It will be many thousands of years before they reach us."

"That is true but it means that we have to either evacuate bases very quickly or let the inhabitants die. If we do evacuate they will just send out more ships to find planets to feed off and go there instead. So far only I have been able to fight them. When I die there may be no other to carry on. We still have some elements of surprise on our side. If we fight them the way others have, we will just loose because they will learn to respond to our tactics."

I ate my meal while they countered my argument but Mom had to admit at my urging that in all of Tandra's history, nobody had ever had my abilities.

I was soon back at the shield in the computer room trying to come to a new understanding of its nature. A small possibility did come to me and I used small crystals to push into the wall. I tried to warp the wall and push as well as using very pure crystals but nothing happened beyond the crystals being crushed.

The matter transmitter came to mind and I took it out of its position and placed the ring of crystals against the wall. Mom worked through the Misto computer to power it up. Another crystal was passed through and disappeared. The problem was that we did not know where it went. A small portable transmitter was sent through and it too disappeared but we were not able to find any of the signals it should be making. The distance the matter transmitter functioned at was very short, even compared to what the signals from the device could do.

A stronger transmitter was sent through with the same results. This problem required a lot more thought. The first thing was to investigate this matter transmitter. When I could see no difference, one of ours was brought and the same thing happened.

Same as Tandra
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SRU: HALF AND HALF By Roy Del Frink A disgruntled lady walked up to the counter, holding a paper bag in her arm. "Listen here, buddy," she said to the old man behind the counter, "you sold me a potion that would turn my husband into the next thing I said. I said, 'Change my husband into a Chippendale dancer,' and look what happened!" She placed the bag on the counter, and opened it. The lady pulled out two chipmunks, dressed in tiny top hats, tuxes, and canes. One had a...

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Samantha Fairy

Hello. My name is Samantha. I am a fairy. Well, I'm not a real fairy. There are real fairies. There is even a fairy in the garden named Samantha but I'm not her. I'm a statue of a fairy. I wasn't always a statue though. I was once a living woman. I only became a fairy after my spirit was placed in the statue while my body was cooked. Yes my body was cooked and eaten by my lover Jenny but I'm getting ahead of myself. Let me start at the beginning. Like I said I wasn't always a statue. I...

1 year ago
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DDFBusty Aletta Ocean Cumming Home For Christmas Naughty Babe Double Penetrated

Are you cumming home for Christmas? Aletta Ocean is definitely interested in some cum today, so the naughty babe gets double penetrated by David Perry and Erik Everhard! Watch another sizzling hot and epic episode of our Hands on Hardcore series, brought to you from the North Pole by the DDF Network Santa! The brunette bombshell shows up during a meeting and starts seducing Erik while he’s working on his laptop. The blue-eyed hottie with enhanced tits looks so tantalizing in her Christmas...

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Emmas Road Trip

"Have you made your move on him yet?" the glint in her eye causes dread to creep up my spine."On who?" I whisper softly, looking down to the lone box in my room, stuffing Mr. Snuggles into the top, standing up.A long, hard sigh leaves her lips, nearly getting into an exaggerating point of hilarity, "You know who."I look at her and she lifts her brow just slightly, then makes her chocolate eyes shift to the side of me aiming for my bedroom door."Stop it," I yelp softly."Well, you think he is...

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Sex Studio Secrets 10 Ceacuteline4

Céline longs to tell my great granddod pretty Petra everything about her sexual initiation by meCéline longs even more for her first ever lesbian love sexy session with her, but how to start?Even as still a tasty teen my precious pretty Petra is far ahead of Céline in sexual developmentEagerly she notices the curiousity of Céline for her first ever lusty lesbian love sexy session!Let me first try to seduce you lovely looking lady, before I try to match your sexy story by mineLet us leave this...

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NubileFilms Braylin Bailey When She Cums I Win

Braylin Bailey is doing her laundry and daydreaming about doing something a little bit more fun. Her boyfriend, Apollo Banks, is there right on cue. Braylin is bending over the laundry when Apollo comes up behind her with lovely wandering hands that go from her ass to her tits. With Braylin’s instant and enthusiastic response, Apollo doesn’t hesitate to take things even further. He eases his girlfriend onto her back on the couch and then kneels between her thighs. Using his teeth to...

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A rainy day in March

Susan woke early, the rain battering her window. Her clock said it was 0730 on a Saturday morning. She went for a pee and slipped back into bed. She tried to get back to sleep but failed. She lay there wishing John was home. He was working in Holland and wouldn't be back for two more weeks. Two more whole weeks with no cock. She was horny. Ha she thought I'm always horny. She picked up her iPhone and through the bed clothes back, getting her camera phone ready. She jumped out of bed and stood...

1 year ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 296

With the mess outside contained I entered the embassy. With the adrenalin rush gone I realized my chest hurt like hell. My pain reminded that Vicky had been shot also I found Vicky in the security control center with both the agency and the JGB people. They had watched and filmed the whole thing on the state department video system and were watching the CZZN world news special broadcast on the events happening outside. CZZN reporters were a real piece of work. Apparently they were mixed in...

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Vandal Hearts Ch 0001

Sostegaria… For over a millennium the fertile lands in the heart of this vast continent were ruled by the Holy Ashah Dynasty, descendants of Toroah the Messiah. However, it is man’s doom to forget… Amidst all the wealth and exotic pleasures, the nobility lost their way and sank into corruption and depravity, forgetting even the holy teaching of Toroah. It was in these days of unrest that the citizens, struggling under an oppressive regime, rose up and under the leadership of Arris the Sage,...

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A Pranksters Tale

Mia punched her bed in anger, as she thought about her first day as a maid for the Hilton Resort. Being treated like a second class citizen by those entitled bitches. She never dream of following her mom's footsteps of serving those upper crust snobs, but here she was. Mia had always planned on going to college, getting a good job, and leaving her poverty life behind her, but sometimes society is cruel joke. Mia had straight A's throughout her freshman year, but then it all went wrong when that...

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Having A Memorable Encounter With My Sexy Hot Aunty

First of all, I want to say that ISS – you are doing awesome work and I have been here from the last 3 year reading each and every story. I loved it. Now I am going to narrate my own story. This is my first story which happened during my college days.I am from Ahmedabad. Let me describe me. I am Zhan (name change), 24 years old and this is the incident which changed my life and even took my virginity also. So let me start which this awesome memorable fucking. I was in the college days doing my...

2 years ago
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A New Infection

Note: This story has its origin in "The Virus" by The Joker Naturally, a number of myths and romanticized stories have grown up even in the few short years since the beginning of the New Age. Many of these concern the first critical moments that made all the difference. Did it really happen just that way? Maybe not, but so the story goes... Dr. Mercedes Silva was doing a routine gene sequence when the wail of the All Seal alarm froze her heart. Putting aside false hopes that it was only...

1 year ago
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LoneMilf Reagan Foxx The Love Below

It always feels good to have some alone time with you. In the living room, after a long days work, it is so nice to sit out on the couch and play with myself. I mean, every time I think about you, I get a little wet down below. A little hot, a little horny, I just can not help it. Even if I am sitting in the office, at my desk next to all my coworkers, something just triggers me. Now I want you to feel that way. I want your dick to get hard while I play with my hot, mature pussy. I want you to...

1 year ago
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The Drama ClubChapter 7

Nancy and Lilian finally got to the theater. Nancy had a shiver when she thought about her female relatives and how they ended up. She even had the ugly graphic pictures to prove it! But it was more than ten years ago that her mother was intimidated into white slavery. Nancy wondered if she could trace the horrid Mr. Chan. All she could hope for would be justice and maybe to stop his awful part in the trade of white slavery. “Hi, Hugh!” Lilian didn’t get a chance to say more before Hugh...

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Bianca Bigboobs Is Back In Town

“Jeez,” the freely perspiring, oversized hunk of man beef said, opening the car door. “How come it always rains in your country?”I wanted to ask if a man who clearly had hyperactive sweat glands didn’t find England more congenial than California, where he spent most of his time, but it wasn’t my job. I also wanted to ask him if he didn’t have bigger fish to fry.There was a media scrum at the airport. Revelations about Bianca’s past had become breaking news with her and her minder half way...

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Apprentice MesmerizerChapter 4

At a quarter to eleven, I was back in Louis's Restaurant but Sandra wasn't there yet. When she arrived, ten minutes later, she looked funny, her hair was all in a mess and her white blouse was all wrinkled up. As she sat at my table, wordless, I thought that I could detect a smell of sweat and sex emanating from her body, it only confirmed what I already knew; she and Paul had gone parking. A couple of minutes later we saw Uncle's gray Ford through the plate glass of the restaurant. Mother...

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Bla Book 4 TimewalkerChapter 4

Jake Hedron returned to Tomlin Security just in time to prevent its collapse and takeover by his mother and stepfather. After that, he was able, with the help of his true sister Jackie (who wasn't in the database with the rest of his family members) to offset the securities used by his mother in the underground city venture. So Walter Madigan never found out about his wife's misuse of his corporation, Solaris Construction and her misuse of his funds. Walter's experimental cancer treatment...

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SweetSinner London River The Hot Wives

London is nervous her first time with a man that isn’t her husband. But, when she meets Isiah she quickly realizes that this encounter is going to be hotter than she ever imagined. Isiah, unlike most men she’d had one night stands with, takes his time. He takes things slowly. As he peels off every inch of her clothing and worships her like the goddess she is – London realizes that she might get used to this hotwifing thing. With his gigantic cock plowing into her wet snatch, she is...

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A Journey By Train

I was late, dammit! Any other morning but this one. I ran into the station just as they were announcing the departure of the train. I scrambled through the barrier thankful that at least I already had my ticket. It was just starting to move as I managed to open the door. I flung my overnight bag on board and climbed in after it. I slammed it shut after me and then leant against the wall trying to recover my breath. Jeez, what a start to what I guessed was already destined to be a boring day.I...

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The Glass Balls II

When I returned from Germany in 1947, I was not the same woman who left two years earlier. I left as a widow struggling to make ends meet. Now I had something of a reputation as an art appraiser, a skill honed by my years in cataloguing and repatriating hundreds of pieces of artwork stolen by the German army during World War Two. That reputation opened doors to me that were formerly closed, and I took advantage of every opening. Another, more fundamental change had occurred. When I left...

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NewSensations Becky Bandini Luscious Step Mom Lets It Flow

Dynamic, youthful and sexy big tit Milf step mom Kylie (Becky Bandini) has been in her step son Robby’s scope and he finally figured a way to get a taste of her hot sweet pussy. With some very awkward dance lessons he goes in for the kiss as she steps back for a moment and accepts the mutual connection, pulling his hard cock out and sucking it down her throat. Now having her juicy ass up in the air Robby pounds her as best as he can, enjoying fucking her tight hot mom pussy and big tits...

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DarkFyre Chapter Five

Silmaria was on her hands and knees in the drawing room on the west side of the Manor, scrubbing at the wooden floor with a soapy rag. She was not particularly in the best of moods; some idiot had tracked dirt into the room, which was made all the worse by the fact that no one ought to really have been in here in the first place. Of course, given how downhill the upkeep of IronWing Manor was these days, it wasn’t even noticed or addressed until several days later, when she got to be the lucky...

2 years ago
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Helen Doesnt blowshe sucks

I had to forgive Helen though. It was her “weekend” off and she had powered down more than a few beers and she was definitely high. “I’d like to hug you to death”, she added looking at me fondly. Her husband, Rodger just laughed. “You gotta watch out for her when she’s horny”, he blurted. He too had had his fill of beer when he made that totally RUDE remark about her. I knew that in a couple of hours, by 3pm they’d both be passed out and Steve and I could raid the refrigerator and drink...

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Vanilla Frosting

That night she took me to our bedroom wearing nothing but her engagement ring. Her smooth cocoa skin and hardened dark chocolate nipples caressed my skin as we professed our love for one another. After making love for over an hour I teased her about how she didn’t even need any dick tonight after she came so many times from the foreplay. We laid there nude enjoying the cool breeze from the ceiling fan as my hand rested on her glistening body. She began to squeeze my now deflated manhood and...

4 years ago
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Greg to Georgina

Greg to Georgina.Part 1 .I'm just a regular guy, I like a beer, I hate queers, trannies, perverts all that, I'm as straight as they come. Honestly, Ok at five six I'm no quarter back and girls don't exactly throw themselves at my feet, but really back then I was doing just fine working my way through uni.I guess it was boredom, like I was surfing the net like you do, in the faculty library, the only one on campus where the server wasn't programmed so anything unsuitable for a five year old came...

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Michelle Helps Her Mom Seduce Me

Michelle and I are sleeping in her bedroom when her mom comes in to wake us up since it was almost 4pm..Last night we had sex on the subway Michelle got up and went to the bathroom."So you and Michelle must have had a wild night huh.! You both came home at 7 am."Her mom says to me."Why do you ask" I replied. "Because your cock is hard still. I see one of the reasons Michelle loves you your cock is pretty big”She replies as she pulls off the sheet exposing me naked. First before I continue let...

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Smoke and MirrorsChapter 1

Through the spotting scope, Grady Polk and Bud Robinson viewed the villa from over half a mile away, hidden by the next ridge. He looked through the picture window into the room where Neal Handley cavorted with two young girls that couldn't be sixteen, in a sunken hot tub. Two weeks before, in Tripoli Libya, they had "interrogated" a man known only as Mustafa, that admitted to actually planning and setting the bomb that blew up the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City, and being involved in...

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Young Stepmother Part 16 Conclusion

Young Stepmother Part 16 By Mark Dayette Reginald said, "You have new tattoos, on your right ass cheek it says 'Faggot' in red letters. And below your navel it says 'Gay' in green letters." I nearly fainted when he said that. Oh my God! What had I done? I didn't even remember how it happened, surely I wasn't that drunk? I looked under the blanket and there was the 'Gay' tattoo, I didn't need to see the new ass tattoo, I instinctively knew it was true. Reginald wasn't happy. "What...

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Petite Hannah Hays Coach Gives My Little Pussy A Workout

Hannah Hays has one strict coach that is always staying on her about her weight. Have to stay small and petite to make the PimpXXX cheer squad! Fortunately for Hannah; she gained a few ounces, and Coach Strong has one hot workout planned for her. He blows his whistle and she blows his cock trying to take every inch into her little mouth! Coach gets his large dick deep in her small tight pussy making her sweat with every thrust. Hannah will surely be back to her normal weight after this hot...

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The Shop

1. The ladies wear shop was called Experience. It lay outside the town centre where there were fewer passers-by but rents were lower and Jane Silk managed to make a living doing what she enjoyed - selling "on trend fashions for the discerning lady." Her clientele were mainly more affluent well dressed ladies who wanted classic fashions with just a nod to the current trends. She stocked dresses, skirts, tops, jackets, coats, trousers, knitwear, some underwear and hosiery and a few...

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The Garage

Erin had to work late at the office and it was nearly 1:00am when she was finished with her work. She put everything away and turned the desk lamp and headed for the elevator. Where's that security guard when you need him Erin thought to herself as she boarded the elevator. She left the elevator on her parking level and headed for her car. Erin stopped just for a second when she thought she heard a noise the quicken her steps to her car. Erin reached her car and was inserting the key into the...

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The Good The Bad and the Molly Chapter Five

She knew. Even the possibility of her knowing was just a branching path. Did she hate it? Did she like it? Did she want more? I couldn’t say for sure I knew that she knew, but some part of me just… knew. When Molly first began to stir, rustling around more than she usually did in her sleep, I could do nothing but freeze. I lost the ability to speak, breathe, or even think. “You awake?” she asked in a groggy voice. She couldn’t see my eyes. I turned slightly to meet her, feigning tired...

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Smoking Butts High

Stanley Manley King built his ranch around the buttes on the far edge of his isolated Idaho town and worked it with true puritan zeal until the day he died, when it was sold off by his family to the municipality for a tidy sum. One of his descendants was rumored to have growled “and good riddens to all you inbred, know-nothing, reactionary rednecks” before hopping a plane to his new villa in the Alps. Thus, the King family exits stage East, never to enter into this story again. King buttes was...

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On The Job Sexual Encounters part 3

While we were embracing each other in bed, relaxing, we were chatting and laughing, she had admitted to me that it was her first time ever with another woman, I was shocked asking “and how long have you been working here?” She said “I was the last to be hired, don’t get me wrong, I love sex, I was first fucked by Julio and that was when he interviewed me to be hired” I smiled asking “and that was it?” She said “No, he has been fucking me every time he is here” I said “I meant the...

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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 21

“The intent of this is well enough, good priestess, but I am rather worried that entirely excluding the Faith of the Seven from power and a hand in the governance of the realm will invite envy, mistrust, and other troubled responses. Might I propose a slight adjustment?” Ser Jorah Mormont suggested. “Of course, what would that be?” Kinvara inquired in response. “I ... I had to atone for my past crimes, and rightly so, and the Faith of the Seven has been guilty of its crimes. I have no great...

2 years ago
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By Hook or by crook

Peter Pan, Pixie Dust, Never-never Land, Fairies… Why should children have all the fun? What if Tinkerbelle came to realize that Peter would never grow up, never take responsibility for himself, for her or for anyone except playing with the Lost Boys and idolizing Wendy, a girl who moved on to have children by another man? What if Tink came to discover a deep, inner need to be important to someone, and to serve a worthy master? Who in Neverland could love her, guide her, and correct her...

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Husband wife hands caressing her ass and fucks her

Waking up in the morning and looking at you sleeping, I can not disturb your sleep and surrender fantasies. Rolling over on her tummy, you've opened me his elastic buttocks. You love when I caress the anus hole. During these caresses your desire is particularly strong. You're breathing hard and presses her ass to my hand. Fuck you ask as soon as I am able. I undress you and watching with delight as my cock jumps languishing towards your pussy. Do you love my huge tool and every time squealing...

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It was a gorgeous, warm sunny day and I was intent on wasting a good chunk of it by being inside a movie theater. As I strode along the sidewalk on 5th Street, through the business district, I could still taste the burrito I'd had for lunch half an hour before. I took a sip of my Coke from the cup I was carrying, and generally felt all was right with the world. It was my day off, a new movie I'd been waiting to see was only a few minutes walk away, and my stomach was full of zesty...

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Ultimate Bus Ride

This story is based on my past sex experiences. That time I was 26 yrs old and worked in MNC as a sale executive. One day I finished my work early coz a long weekend ahead, took my baggage and rushed to bus stand. Luckily I already booked my seat, and got a single last seat in the last luggage row. I felt good coz I got privacy here to play with my mobile.Lot of crowd were fought to catch the bus but conductor denied all. But still a lady entered the bus. Conductor said to her, “Don’t ask me...

1 year ago
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A taste for the forbidden

We are the lust spirits. But what does it mean? To begin with, we are invisible and intangible entities for whom time and space are abstract notions. We can travel whenever and wherever we want on a whim, and we possess formidable powers over mortals' will. We are, however, limited like any living being by our need to feed. And our sustenance rely on a very peculiar diet: The energy human produce without realizing it when they fullfil a sexual desire frowned upon by society if not forbidden by...

Mind Control
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Chronos ChroniclesChapter 24

Camulus' smile is the same as his sister's, friendly and warm. "The names we picked are all gods of war," He warms to his subject. "I am Celtic, Gun is African and Seth is Egyptian. He was going to with a more Asian god but I think the god of war for the Hindi is a woman. Seth say it was" "And you three just knew that you were going to be grouped together?" I throw my head back and laugh. The gods of war how sophomoric but then all the names were like that. A great deal of thought,...

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Bhayi ur ke do nooker

Hi Mien shumaila app ki khidmat mien aik daffa phir hazir hoon.app ney meri pehly true story pasand ki jiss mien meray bhyoon ne mugh ko mill ker chooda tha aub mien app ko battai chalooon ke mien aik teen mah ki buchay ki maa hoon aur meain pehlay se bhi ziyada khoobsurat ho gai hoon aub mien aupnay naak mien hur waqat aik nuth pehenti hoon aur meray mumay doodh se bharay rehtay hien mien kameez ke neecha bra aur panty nahi pehnti. Mien upney bhayoon ke saath raaoz raat ko blue film dekhti...

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Back to the South Chapter 1

Chapter 1On Vacation before sending off their youngest to college, the Petersons were driving their Toyota Prius along the central coast in California.“This is going to be great.” Jonathan Peterson, the head of the family said looking over at his wife.“Sure is hon.” Samantha looked over at her husband, and then back at her two daughters.At forty-two, Samantha had done her best to keep in shape, which she had manage to do quite well, even after having had two daughters.She had a well manicured...

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Alexis Season 2

----- PART 1 It was four in the morning, and it had taken John all night, but he finally found the piece of porn he wanted. It was nothing more than a twenty-second sample clip, but he put it on repeat and watched it over and over and over. In the clip, a guy sucked a shemale's dick, and the shemale came in his mouth. It was the first clip he'd ever found of that specific act, and he wanted to save it, but it was his parents' computer and they might find it. At first he watched...

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Dirty Little Secret0

By: DamonX ([email protected]) Yes she is!" "Not really." "Oh come on! Are you blind? Look at her!" "She's okay. I just don't think she's that hot." "You're fucking crazy! She's gorgeous!" The argument Kevin and I had been having throughout the entirety of the movie we had been watching was now reaching epic proportions as the alcohol we had been consuming was now starting to take effect. In fact, not one of the four people in the room that night was...

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Meeting A Strangerthe Sweet Seduction

Author’s Note: This one’s 100% true, (names are changed) so enjoy the ride…. As a professional type, (psychologist) continuing education is something you never escape. At least twice a year I’m doing seminars or short classes to keep up on the latest developments. I kind of envy my husband as he’s a graphic artist who simply reads blogs and magazines to keep up on the latest info about his work. The latest program I needed to take was being offered in only a few places, none of them close to...

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Blind Date

"You need to get laid. He's handsome, he's got muscles, he's sweet and funny. Best of all, he's got this monster between his legs. I had cramps for two days after the first time. But god, it was worth it." "What about Henry?" Betsy grinned knowingly. "Henry, well-" She gave Sandra an odd smile. "Listen, Mark is a whole 'nother experience. He's discreet, too." "Betsy, you're so bad." Sandra smiled patiently and turned back to the financial reports. They were casual friends;...

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