Full Ride Scholarship free porn video

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Full Ride Scholarship Jack Baxter was a senior in high school. Though physically unimpressive, Jack was a bright student. He was what considered college material, though his family finances were such that the prospects of him being able to attend college were slim. He thought about joining the military and then saving enough to attend college after his enlistment tour, but the military rejected him because he was too small and light weight to meet their physical standards. Jack used his free periods in the school library researching the availability of scholarships which might open the door for him to attend college. There were thousands of scholarships in the data base but many were for small amounts of money; helpful, but insufficient. One afternoon in early spring he came upon a scholarship which seemed like it might have potential. "Gender Studies Institute, State University, offers full ride four year scholarship covering tuition, room, board, and living expenses to incoming freshman student selected to participate in longitudinal study." Jack filled out the application and emailed it. He got a reply two days later inviting him for a personal interview. The interview was scheduled for a Saturday and he borrowed his mother's car for the two hour drive to State U. At the appointed hour Jack knocked on the door of Professor Janice Dowling of the Gender Studies Institute. Her office was furnished in dark wood with floor to ceiling bookshelves along two interior walls. She was seated behind a solid looking mahogany desk reading from a file folder which Jack correctly assumed to be his application file. Jack stood in the center of the office and waited while Professor Dowling continued reading from the file folder. Finally she looked up and said "Hello you must be Baxter. I'm Professor Dowling. Welcome to the Gender Studies Institute. Have a seat." The only other furniture in the room was a low backless stool in front of her desk. He sat on the stool facing the Professor. He had to look up to see her face. "I have a number of questions for you Baxter. I want you to answer them as truthfully and honestly as you can. There aren't any right or wrong answers. I simply want to get a sense of where you are at this point in time; a baseline of data if you will." "I'll try to answer as best I can Professor Dowling." "Good boy. Let's begin. Now, how tall are you?" "I'm five foot seven." "Really Baxter?" "I'm almost five foot seven. I am like five six and a quarter." "And what is your current weight? I don't want to hear about what you 'almost' weigh Jack. I want to know your correct weight." "I weigh about 130 pounds." "That's a bit heavy considering how short you are Jack. Now, I am going to ask some rather personal questions. Please be truthful in how you answer them." "Yes Professor Dowling." "Are you a virgin Jack?" "No I'm not a virgin." "How often have you had sex?" "Like four times." "All with the same person?" "Yes all with the same girl." Have you ever had sex with a boy?" "No way! I'm not like that; not gay or anything." "Do you masturbate?" "Yes sometimes." "How often?" "Now and then." "Don't be coy with me you little shit. How often do you masturbate?" Jack felt himself turning red-faced as the distinguished professor made that humiliating reference. "I usually do it every morning in the shower." "Only once a day?" "Usually just once a day; sometimes I do it again at night like before bed." "So, you're a compulsive masturbator. Not a big problem. We can deal with that. Have you ever worn girl's clothing Jack?" "No, I don't wear girl's stuff. Why would I do that?" "Some boys like to wear girl's clothing Baxter. Some boys get off on that." "Not me. I'm not like some pervert who runs around in girl's panties or whatever." "Of course not. You're just a normal healthy all American boy from what I can tell." "I know I'm not like big and athletic but I guarantee you that I am all boy." "Perhaps you are Baxter. Time will tell. Now, let me tell you a little more about the Gender Studies Institute and our special scholarship program. While we are affiliated with the State University, our Institute is separately funded and managed. We have our own independent board of governesses and our own endowment fund. This allows us a great deal of freedom to pursue research which a state supported institution might find too controversial. Most of our research is focused on gay, lesbian and transgender issues; the sort of research that the good state representative from Bumblefuck County might find objectionable." Jack smiled at her insulting reference to state politicians. "There is considerable debate in the academic community about the nature of various aspects of sexuality. There is a debate on whether homosexuality, to take an example, is genetic or environmental. Are boys born gay, or do they become gay as a result of the environment in which they are raised? This has very important policy implications, for if a boy is born gay, if it is genetic, then nothing really can or should be done to alter that person's sexuality. But if gayness is environmental, the presumption is that gays can be 'fixed' or cured of their homosexual tendencies by retraining them. The mission of the Institute is to research these sorts of issues. We do carefully controlled experiments that extend over a number of years. We are interested in the science of gender; not the politics or religion of it. "That's really interesting Professor. I know there was this one queer kid in grade school that everyone said was gay, and I often wondered what caused that; how come he was so different than the rest of us." "My own research focuses on transgender issues. I seek a research subject that can commit to a four year study in which his living environment will be tightly controlled so that we can observe his response to environmental changes over time. While we structure the subject's stipend as a scholarship, it really is compensation for a job. But if we paid you a salary it would be taxable to you, and we would have significant additional taxes to pay as well. Scholarships are not taxable, but wages are. So both you and the institute will benefit from that arrangement. You are going to be here for at least four years to complete a college degree and that time window matches up nicely with the duration of my study. Should you be selected, you will be enrolled as a full time student at the University, but will reside here at the Institute and you will be earning some of your college credits in Gender Studies. Baxter, your file doesn't indicate a major. What were you thinking of studying here?" "I think I want to study engineering Professor Dowling." "That does present some problems Baxter. I am afraid that the College of Engineering is not an appropriate environment for my study subject." "I'm not real sure yet what I want to study Professor. I would be ok with some other major if you think it would improve my chances of getting a full ride scholarship." "It pleases me to see that you are flexible about such things Baxter. Having a flexible attitude about things is a very desirable trait for my research subject. The best arrangement would be for me to select the classes you enroll in so that your classroom environment is optimally aligned with the study." "If it means the difference between getting the scholarship and not getting it, I would be fine with you setting up my classes Professor Dowling. I mean like if I don't get the scholarship, I won't be taking any classes at all; I won't even be a college student." "I like your attitude Baxter. I think we can work very well together. The scholarship is yours if you want it." "Oh wow! Seriously? That is so cool. Thank you so much Professor Dowling. You don't know how much this means to me to know that the next four years are set and I can get a college degree and be successful and all." "You will need to sign our standard contract. It spells out all the terms and conditions of the scholarship and your obligations with the study. I'll have a contract drawn up in your name and you can sign it later today before you leave. When is your high school graduation?" "It's like May 25th." "Then I will set June 1 as your start date here." "But classes don't start until September. I was figuring on getting a summer job." "I need you to here on June 1 Baxter. Your stipend will start then. It pays considerably more than a summer job, and it is tax free. You will be enrolled in a Gender Studies seminar this summer and in the fall will start your University classes. I trust that is acceptable?" "Yes sure that sounds great. I don't really have a summer job lined up yet anyway so this will like kill two birds with one stone and give me a little head start over the other freshmen." "Now while I draw up your contract I want you to see Miss Smythe. She is our staff nurse and she will be giving you an examination and taking your measurements. That way your new clothing will be ready when you return on the first of June." "What new clothing Professor?" "As I said earlier, you will be living in a tightly controlled environment. That control extends to the classes you take, to your living arrangements, and to your wardrobe." "Actually that sounds good Professor. I don't really have much in the way of nice clothes and getting some new stuff will really help me out." "That's very good Baxter. I'll ring for Miss Smythe now." The staff nurse was very proficient and business like. She gave Jack a complete physical exam and took blood and urine samples. She checked his height and weight which thankfully came out close to what he had told Professor Dowling. In addition to the normal physical exam routine, Nurse Smythe made a series of very detailed measurements of Jack's body; measurements which literally ran from head to toe. Finally and most unusually, the nurse made a cast of Jack's entire head. The cast was made from some kind of plastic or epoxy material which she brushed on as a thick liquid which then warmed and hardened until it could be cut off in sections. When Jack asked the nurse the purpose of the head cast she said "It's for your isolation hood." Before Jack could ask any more questions he was escorted back to Professor Dowling's office. "Did you get everything Miss Smythe?" "Yes Mistress. The cast came out fine. Everything should be ready by the first." "Excellent. You are excused. Have a seat Baxter." Jack sat back on the stool which seemed even lower than before. Professor Dowling handed him a document about ten pages in length. It was single spaced and very lawyer like in its tone and wording. Jack started to read the first page when the Professor interrupted him. "If you turn to the final page you will see your name on the contract. Is the spelling accurate?" "Yes Professor. John Allen Baxter; that's me, but I always go by Jack, not John." "Please note the paragraph on compensation. The Institute will pay for your tuition, room, board, books, clothing and $500 a month of cash for incidentals. Is that satisfactory?" "Yes Professor, I can't tell you how satisfactory that seems to me. It really is a full ride scholarship. I thought they only gave those to football players." "Football players and one very lucky research subject at the Gender Studies Institute. Go ahead and sign the contract; then I will countersign. There are two copies; one for our files and one for you." Jack quickly signed both copies and handed them to the Professor. She countersigned and handed one copy back to Jack, placing the other in a file folder. "Our business if finished for today Baxter. You are dismissed. I expect you back in my office at ten a.m. on June first." "I'll be here for sure Professor Dowling." "Baxter, since we will be working very closely for the next four years I think we can drop the formalities. Instead of calling me Professor Dowling, feel free to just call me Mistress." "Yes Pro ... Mistress, um ... and please call me Jack if you wish." "Jack seems rather brusque to me. I think I shall call you Jackie. I had a girlfriend named Jacquelyn and she went by Jackie. I always liked that name." "Yes Jackie would be fine Mistress. And thanks again for giving me this amazing opportunity. Good by Mistress. See you on the first." The last few weeks of high school flew by. There were graduation parties and excited discussions about where everyone was going after high school. Jack was thrilled to tell his friends that he would be enrolling at State University beginning with the summer term but that his major was still undecided. The day came and Jack began to pack for college. Knowing that there would be new clothing for him upon his arrival, he left most of his well worn wardrobe at home and only packed a few essentials, remembering to throw in his copy of the scholarship contract which he still had not bothered to read. His mother took a vacation day to drive him off to school. She left him standing by the front door of the Gender Studies building. Her heart was filled with pride that her only child would be attending college; something no one in her family had ever achieved before. Jack was of course full of both excitement and trepidation. He was at the very beginning of a great new adventure; a new life full of possibilities and challenges. He left his suitcase in the hall and at ten a.m. knocked on Professor Dowling's office door. He heard her say 'come in' and opened the office door. The office looked the same as on his first visit. She was seated at the same desk, and he knew he would sit on the same low stool. It occurred to Jack that the stool was intentionally low in order to give the Professor a position of superiority over those who sat on it. "Welcome back Jackie. I trust you did in fact receive your high school diploma?" "Oh yes Mistress. I got good grades again my last semester." "Good boy. I'll make a note of that in your file." She opened a file folder and quickly wrote something. Jack noticed that the outside of the manila folder had 'TG' stamped on it in large red block letters. "Let's begin. I'll show you to your room now. I hope you will find it satisfactory as it will be your home for the next four years." Professor Dowling rose and walked out of her office. Jack grabbed his suitcase and quickly fell in behind her. The Gender Studies Institute was a typical school building with offices, lecture halls and classrooms. They walked to the end of a hall to a door marked "Transgender Research." Professor Dowling swiped a card near the door latch and Jack could hear the electrical click of a lock opening. The door opened onto another short hallway. There was a small conference room; two offices and what looked like a dining room. At the end of this hallway were four doors lettered R1 through R4. She walked up to the door labeled R4 and used her key card again to unlock it. She opened the door and walked into what was to become Jack's new home. The room was about twice the size of Jack's bedroom at home. It was spartanly furnished with a narrow metal framed bed, a study desk with a computer, a chest of drawers, and a mirrored vanity table. There were no windows in the room. There was one interior door on the left side which opened into a full bathroom complete with tub and shower. Another door on the right side opened to a large walk in closet. The room was decorated in pink. The floors were hardwood with pink throw rugs. The bed spread was also pink. "What do you think Jackie?" "Um ... it is very nice Mistress. It's more space than I had at home. I sort of thought I would be living in a dormitory and having roommates but there's only one bed so I guess this is a private room just for me?" "Indeed it is private, Jackie. It will be challenging enough to control your living environment without the added complication of roommates and all the dynamics that introduces. Do you like the furniture and d?cor?" "Yes the desk looks good for studying and I see there is a computer set up which is great. I never had a computer at home and had to use the ones in the school library. I don't think I need a mirrored vanity table, but it doesn't hurt to have another place to put stuff. The one thing that really hit me though is all the pink. That seems kind of girlish to me Mistress." "It is interesting that you have given gender attributes to a color; that you feel pink is a feminine color. I am sure you will find as your studies progress that there are many things people sometimes wrongly associate with a particular gender. It will be interesting to see how your attitudes toward such thoughts will change over time. As to the vanity, I am certain that you will come to find it indispensable as you progress. Now, let's see what you packed in that suitcase shall we?" Somewhat embarrassed, Jack put his suitcase on the bed and unlatched it. Professor Dowling bent over and began pulling things out of the suitcase and tossing them on the floor. All the clothing and shoes in the case were summarily discarded, as were the books and toiletries Jack had packed. Indeed, the only thing not tossed was Jack's copy of the scholarship contract which the Professor set aside on the bed. "Pick up that trash and put it back in the suitcase for disposal Jackie. I told you we will be providing you with a new more suitable wardrobe." Jack got down on hands and knees and began stuffing his things back into the case. "Yes Mistress." "Now we need to get you a keycard and your GPS transponder. Bring the suitcase and follow me." "Yes Mistress." Professor Dowling led that way and Jack followed meekly behind. He felt very intimidated by the way Mistress took charge and seemed in total control. She opened a door in the back of the building which led to a small loading dock. There were two garbage dumpsters on the dock. "Toss your suitcase in a dumpster Baxter." The suitcase was old and worn as were most of the things inside it, but still they were his things and Jack resented being ordered to throw them away. But he was reluctant to get off on the wrong foot on his first day at the Institute so with a sigh he lifted the heavy lid of the closest dumpster and tossed his suitcase inside. Jack realized that the only possessions he still had that were his own were the clothes on his back and the wallet, cell phone and keys in his jeans pocket. Still leading the way, his Mistress took Jack into a workroom. There were benches holding computers and some scientific instruments the purpose of which Jack did not recognize. There was a safe on the floor under one of the benches. Professor Dowling bent and spun the dial, quickly opening the safe. She removed a key card like the one she carried and recorded its serial number on a log sheet. "Here is your key card Jackie. You will need it to get into the Transgender Research sector as well as to your own room. You should be aware that every time you use it on a door, your card number and the time are sent to a computer, so we can track your comings and goings." "Yes Mistress. It looks like you have a really good security system here." The next item she removed from the safe was a stainless steel ring about seven inches in diameter made of round stock about a quarter inch thick. The ring was made in two halves that hinged together on one end and latched on the other end. Attached to the ring was a pendant also of polished stainless steel. The pendant was about the size of a silver dollar. Professor Dowling opened the two halves of the ring and placed it around Jack's neck with the pendant hanging down in front at the base of his neck. When she closed the necklace it fit snuggly around his neck, but was not so tight as to restrict his breathing or circulation. "The pendant contains a global positioning transponder. It receives satellite signals from at least three GPS satellites and uses the coordinates to compute its location within an accuracy of no more that a foot. That data lets us precisely track your location and correlate that with your daily schedule. If you are scheduled to be in a particular classroom from ten to eleven it will flag any deviations from that schedule. It is our way of making sure you don't cut classes or wander off to the wrong places." "I have read about GPS stuff. It is pretty amazing technology. But I see a problem with this setup Mistress." "Oh really? What is the problem Jackie?" "Well the technology lets you know where the pendant is, but not necessarily where I am, unless I'm wearing the necklace." "You are quite right Jackie. My but you are a clever boy. That is why your collar will be permanently attached. This is the only way to assure that you carry it with you at all times. Come sit by the workbench. I will heat the soldering iron and we can make sure your pretty new jewelry stays where it belongs." "Soldering iron? I hope you're not going to burn me Mistress." "You may feel a little warm on the back of your neck but I would never do anything to damage my newest research subject." Professor Dowling turned on a solder station and as the iron heated she slipped a sheet of some kind of insulating material between the collar and the back of Jack's neck. The iron quickly took on a red glow. She held the hot iron against the two halves of the ring and then, with her other hand, held a piece of solder wire at the junction of the iron and the two halves of the collar. Jack could smell the flux burning as metal melted and flowed into the seam to permanently weld the two halves of the ring together. She withdrew the iron and waited for the steel ring to cool before slipping the insulation out. Jack reached up and felt all around the collar. It was now one solid single steel ring at the midpoint of his neck with the GPS pendant resting against his throat. Once the collar was permanently welded in place Professor Dowling turned to Jack. "I see its lunch time. Follow me to the dining room." "Yes Mistress." They reversed their path back to the Transgender Research section. "Try your key card Jackie. I want to make sure it's properly programmed." Jack swiped his key card and the door responded with a click, allowing them back into the secured area. He followed Mistress into the dining room. It was a fairly small room with a single rectangular dining table and eight chairs. Professor Dowling took a seat at the head of the table and turned to Jack. "One of your new duties will be serving in our dining room. The door behind me is the kitchen. Set the table for two." "Yes Mistress." Jack entered the kitchen which was similar in size to the kitchen you might find in a single family home. A middle aged woman of considerable weight was bent over the stove stirring something. "Hi, I'm Jack. Professor Dowling told me to set the dining room table for two." The woman spoke with what sounded like a German accent. "The plates are in this cabinet; sliver is in this drawer; cups and glasses over there." Jack scurried about collecting the appropriate items and carrying them into the dining room. Mistress was on her cell phone and continued talking as Jack set the table. Unsure what to do next, he stood and waited. She glanced up at him with an annoyed look on her face. "Get back in the kitchen Jackie. Cook will tell you what to do next." Cook, which is the only name Jack ever heard her called, told him to serve the soup course first. She handed him a pot of soup and he got the appropriate spoons and bowls from the cabinets. When he returned to the dining room he was surprised to see Nurse Smythe seated at what he had incorrectly assumed was his place at the table. He served the soup course and returned to the kitchen. He was handed a pitcher of ice water and told to fill the diners' water glasses. Jack continued to serve the two women for the next hour, plating the entrees, pouring coffee, and clearing dirty dishes. At one point while he was in the kitchen he heard the sound of a bell ringing. Cook immediately pushed him toward the door. Mistress had rung the bell to summon him. She wanted her coffee warmed up. After seeing and smelling all the food as he played waitress to the Professor and the Nurse, Jack was becoming quite hungry. As he was clearing the last dishes from the luncheon table Professor Dowling turned to him. "You will eat lunch in the kitchen Jackie. Cook knows what to feed you. When you are finished, report back to my office." "Yes Mistress." Unlike the soup, veal and potatoes he served his superiors, Jack's lunch consisted of a small tossed salad with no dressing and a glass of water. He had to eat standing up as there was only one chair in the kitchen and cook was using it. The salad did relieve his hunger pangs, but in no way could he say he was full. He then left the kitchen, used his key card to open the locked door to the Transgender Research sector, and walked the halls back to Professor Dowling's office. He knocked on her office door and waited. After several minutes he knocked again. Finally he was summoned to enter. He stood facing her desk and waited. She again seemed preoccupied with whatever she was reading and he must have stood in silence for a good ten minutes. He thought about sitting on the stool but felt that she would have given him permission to sit if that was her desire. Finally Professor Dowling closed the folder she was reading and looked up at Jack. "You did a nice job serving lunch today Jackie. You seem to pick up on things quickly. I am sure in a few weeks you will be a well trained server." "I don't understand Mistress. Do you mean I will be serving in the dining room on a regular basis?" "Well duh. I told you the scholarship was really just a tax efficient way to compensate you for the work you'll be doing for the Institute. Didn't you even read your employment contract?" "Um ... well actually I never really got around to reading it all Mistress." "It quite clearly spells out your duties which include among other things serving three meals a day in the Transgender Research dining room." "Yes Mistress. I guess that will be ok, as long as it doesn't conflict with my class schedule." "Since I will be putting together your class schedule I can assure you there will be no class conflicts with your serving duties Jackie. Now, they tell me that your isolation hood is finished so you can begin wearing it tonight. I want to go to the shop and do a test fit to make sure everything is in order. It is crucial that your isolation training begin as soon as possible since that is such an integral part of the study." "Nurse Smythe said something about an isolation hood when she made the molds of my face and head. But I have no idea what she was talking about." "That will soon become clear. Follow me Jackie." "Yes Mistress." They returned to the shop room. A spherical object about the size of a bowling ball (or a human head) sat on the workbench. It had a shiny black plastic finish and was rigid. Professor Dowling fumbled with some latches and opened the sphere which was made in three sections. Once opened, Jack could see the reverse outlines of a human face and skull, which he correctly assumed corresponded to his own features. "It is called an isolation hood because when worn, the hood isolates the wearer from external inputs such as sight, sound and touch or feel. Previous subjects who have been hooded initially expressed feelings of mild claustrophobia, but with extended wear time those feelings passed and the subjects soon began to appreciate the tranquil calming effect which accompanies sensory deprivation. Let's try it on now Jackie." "Yes Mistress. Go ahead please." Professor Dowling carefully picked up a section of the hood which was one quarter of the sphere. It covered an area from just in front of Jack's left ear to the centerline of the back of his head. The inside of the hood was molded from a foam rubber-like material. It fit snuggly. There was a bud on the inside of the piece which slid into his left ear canal. A corresponding quarter sphere fit the right side of Jack's head. The remaining hemispherical piece covered Jack's face, running from the middle of his neck to the top of his head. Built into the front piece were two short rubber tubes which slid into his nostrils. There was also a flared piece, rather like a small doorknob, which went into his mouth, forcing him to open his mouth fairly wide but not uncomfortably so. The mouth piece was hollow which made it possible for Jack to breath through his mouth but which effectively gagged him and prevented speech. The three pieces latched together at three points around the base of his neck and at the top of his head where all three segments met. Each of the four latches could then be secured by small padlocks. When the isolation hood was latched Jack was in total darkness and could hear no sounds. He could breathe through his nostril tubes or through the mouth piece, but could not utter a sound. Professor Dowling stood directly in front of Jack and shouted quite loudly, "Jackie, if you can hear me raise your right hand." Jack's hand remained at his side. The professor knew the hood was working. As Jack sat nervously at the workbench, Professor Dowling plugged a USB cord into a receptacle at a point which corresponded to the bridge of Jack's nose. The other end of the cord plugged into a port on a PC. Using a microphone, the Professor repeated her question and this time Jack immediately raised his right hand. Satisfied that everything was in order, the Professor unlocked the four padlocks and unlatched the hood, carefully pulling the face piece off first, followed by the right and left back pieces. Jack blinked rapidly as his eyes adjusted to the shift from total darkness to room lighting. "How do you feel Jackie?" "I ... I'm ok Mistress. Like you said I felt kind of claustrophobic at first and it gets kind of warm in the hood, but otherwise it was ok. But I'm still not clear on what the point of me wearing that thing is Mistress." "There really are two points to it Jackie. The first objective is to remove all external visual and aural inputs which might interfere with your sleep patterns. Even though you will be sleeping in a private room there are always some sources of light and sound which can distract you. The Isolation Hood eliminates those distractions. The second point is that we can then transmit desirable sounds from audio files on your computer to the ear buds built into your hood." "What kind of desirable sounds Mistress?" "There may be the sound of a babbling brook or the wind or some other sounds from nature which help you relax and sleep better. There will also be spoken words; sounds which will help you to learn, even as you sleep. We spend some seven or eight hours a day in bed Jackie. While the body requires this resting period, the mind can still function quite well during sleep. That is why we dream while asleep. But with the hood, instead of your mind generating random and meaningless dreams, it will be receptive to educational inputs. The hood will allow you to study while you sleep Jackie." "Wow that sounds really cool Mistress. So how often will I have to wear the hood?" "You will wear it every night Jackie. It will be locked on when we put you to bed at night and removed the next morning when you are released." "I'm not sure I want to do that Mistress. Frankly the hood was kind of uncomfortable what with that knob thing in my mouth and being in total darkness." "Don't worry Jackie. We can try it for a few nights and if you decide you would rather not wear the hood then we will put it aside." "Yes ok Mistress. I'll give it a try. And if I don't like if, I can stop wearing it. I couldn't ask for more than that." Professor Dowling handed Jack his new isolation hood. "Take your hood to your room Jackie. Then report to cook in the kitchen." "Yes Mistress." Jack put the three piece hood and USB cord on his bed and returned to the Transgender Research kitchen. Cook told him to peel potatoes, wash vegetables and generally assist her in preparing the evening meal. She told him to set the table for three. She explained to Jack that wine would be served with the evening meal and instructed him as to how to uncork a bottle in front of the dinner guests and then pour a sample for the hostess to taste and approve. Jack was surprised that alcohol would be served on campus, but remembered that the Institute was independent of the University and could probably make their own rules about such things. The dinner guests that evening were Professor Dowling, Nurse Smythe and a woman introduced to him by the Professor as Mistress Carson. Jack managed to serve the meal without any real incidents. The three women chatted among themselves as Jack kept their wine glasses full. The entr?e was chicken breasts with green beans and scalloped potatoes. Jack was very hungry having eaten nothing all day but a little salad. The food smelled wonderful and he knew there was more than enough for the three diners plus himself. When the meal service was finished and the table cleared, cook prepared a plate for Jack. He got a modest piece of chicken breast and a few beans but no potatoes and certainly no wine. She offered him a cup of black coffee which he accepted, though he had not really acquired a taste for coffee yet, but he thought it might be better than just water. It was nearly eight p.m. when his serving duties were completed. Cook told him to go back to his room and wait to be put to bed. Jack felt like he was being treated like a child when she said he would be 'put to bed', but he realized that he would need help putting on the isolation hood and hooking it up to his computer. Back in his room, Jack turned on his computer for the first time. When it booted up there were icons on the screen for a word processor, a spreadsheet program, something called Audio Files, and one labeled Calendar, but Jack couldn't find a web browser. He had planed on going on line to check his email and take a look at Facebook, but there didn't seem to be any way for him to do that without a browser. He shut down the computer and decided to explore his new quarters in more detail. He went through the desk drawers. There was an ample supply of paper, pens and the usual office supplies but nothing of real significance. He looked over on his bed. The hood was still there. He really didn't like the idea of being so confined in that odd contraption, but knew that he needed to at least give it a try before telling Mistress that he didn't want to wear it anymore. He checked out his bathroom in more detail. It was well stocked with toothpaste, a new tooth brush, mouth wash, soap, shampoo and an ample supply of towels and wash cloths. He entered the walk in closet, which had been empty that morning. It was still empty. He wondered about what he would wear to bed, and what to wear tomorrow as there were no clean clothes in the closet and Mistress had made him toss out the ones he had brought from home. He walked over and sat at the mirrored vanity table. He looked at himself in the mirror. He could see the Steel collar welded around his neck and the pendant it held which would let them track his every movement. He put his hand on the collar and rotated it slightly. He tugged at it as if that would somehow release the clasp. He felt a bit paranoid, knowing that others could monitor his activities, but then realized that they had to do that as part of the study. He opened the drawers of the vanity. There was a comb and hair brush and some hair clips in one drawer. He noticed that his hair was getting rather long and shaggy and thought he should find a barber shop and get a haircut. The other drawers in the vanity were empty. He went to the chest of drawers, opening each drawer. They were all empty. There were several magazines on top of the chest of drawers. He picked them up and went over to stretch out on his bed. The magazines were all ones that a girl might read. They dealt with fashions, hairstyles, makeup and that sort of stuff. Jack had no interest in the content of these magazines but he was bored and there was nothing else to read. He wished there was a TV in the room, or even a radio, but realized once more that he was going to be living in a tightly controlled environment that a TV would probably mess the study up somehow. He was flipping through a fashion magazine which seemed devoted to footwear. He liked seeing the photos of pretty models wearing sexy high heels and short skirts. He wondered what it would be like to have to actually wear shoes like that and was thankful that men's clothing was so much more practical and functional than the stuff girls had to wear to look pretty. He was startled when his door opened. It was the third person he served in the dining room; Mistress Carson. She was carrying a canvas bag. "Hello Jacquelyn. I'm here to tuck you in." "Er ... hello Mistress Carson. My name is Jack ... Jackie, not Jacquelyn." "Of course Jackie, how silly of me. Now it is almost ten and time for you to go brush your teeth and get ready for bed." Jack got up and put the magazines away. He went into the bathroom and brushed his teeth. He returned and stood next to his bed wondering what would happen next. "I brought you some pretty new pajamas Jacquelyn." Mistress Carson handed Jack the pajamas. There was a top and a bottom. Both were made of a thin black nylon material. In Jack's mind they were unmistakably girl's pajamas. Jack felt a rush of embarrassment as he took the pajamas from Mistress Carson. He went back into the bathroom and closed the door before undressing and putting on the flimsy night wear. Red faced, he returned to the room. "Those pajamas look very cute on you Jacquelyn." "My name is Jackie, not Jacquelyn." "Please sit on the edge of your bed like a good girl so I can put your hood on." Jack was taking a strong dislike to this Mistress Carson who he felt was very demeaning in her treatment of him. He didn't appreciate being made to wear girl's pajamas and being called a silly girl's name. He wanted to say something but held back, knowing that if he was not cooperative they could possibly take his scholarship away and his college career would be a very short one. So he sat passively while Mistress Carson fastened the three sections of his hood together, plunging him into total darkness and silence. He felt her hands at his shoulders, pushing him down onto his bed. He then felt her take his right hand and pull it to the edge of his bed where some kind of cuff or band was attached to his wrist. When she released his right hand, Jack tried to move it and discovered that it was fastened securely to the bed frame. His left hand met a similar fate, as did both ankles. He then felt pressure on the hood and guessed that she was hooking it up to his computer. Then there was nothing; just absolute silence and darkness. He could move a little on the bed and managed to roll from flat on his back to one side, but that was uncomfortable as one arm was pulled behind him. He concluded it was best to just lay flat on his back. The hood felt warm as it had the first time. The mouthpiece was the most uncomfortable aspect of it. It filled his mouth almost completely and pressed against his tongue. He tried speaking; making noise but if any sounds came out, he was unable to hear them due to the ear buds which shut out all external noise. It was impossible for him to judge the passage of time. He might have lay there for five minutes or maybe it was an hour. Finally he heard sounds coming through the ear buds. The sounds were at a low volume, barely audible. He thought it sounded like ocean waves. The sounds calmed him and he began to relax and fall asleep. Then there was a voice. It was the voice of a female. It too was soft and quiet and comforting. He tried to focus on the words but that seemed impossible. He drifted; he slept. And while he slept his mind absorbed what the disembodied female voice was telling him. In reality the audio file Jack listened to that night was carefully programmed to put him into a hypnotic state where his mind was subject to suggestion and manipulation. The first night's program implanted in his mind the desire to continue to wear the hood. It instructed Jack that when he woke up he would feel wonderful; he would be totally relaxed and rested. The program had already been tested on a number of other subjects so Professor Dowling was confident that it would work on Jack. Jack remembered being put to bed in the girl's pajamas and being fastened at his wrists and ankles but not much else of that night. Whatever programming had occurred resided in his subconscious mind; not his conscious mind. He woke when someone unfastened his wrists and ankles and pulled him to a sitting position in his bed. The hood was unlocked and the three segments removed. It took a while to adjust to the light but then Jack saw that it was Professor Dowling standing over him. "I trust you slept well Jackie." "Yes Mistress I seemed to sleep real soundly last night. I feel like totally rested and refreshed. What you said about the isolation hood must be true. I got a really good night's sleep" "So do you think you want to continue with the hood again tonight or would you rather not Jackie?" "Oh yes I want to wear it again tonight for sure Mistress. Like you told me, it really seems to help me relax and maybe even learn stuff while I sleep. I think I should definitely keep wearing it Mistress." "That's fine Jackie. I'm sure you will find the hood very beneficial. Oh, and I love your new pajamas Jackie. They suit you." "I have to admit they are comfortable; nice and soft and all, but they seem awfully girly to me Mistress." "Oh I wouldn't worry about that Jackie. After all you are in a private room, so no one is going to see your pajamas but me and Mistress Carson and Nurse Smythe." "Yes Mistress, I guess they'll be ok. And like I said they are pretty comfortable." "It's time for you to hop in the shower Jackie. You are on duty in the dining room in half an hour." "Um ... Mistress I don't have anything to wear. The stuff I wore yesterday is dirty and I threw out all the old stuff I brought from home." "Not to worry Jackie. You will find new clothes in your closet. Now, get going. You don't want to be late for work." "Yes Mistress. Thank you Mistress." Jack took a quick shower and brushed his teeth. He combed his hair. He thought about shaving but he had shaved the day before leaving home and he only needed to shave about once a week as he had a very light beard. He walked naked to the closet. Last night it had been empty but this morning there was a white shirt and a pair of black dress pants on hangers, and a pair of black slip-on shoes on the floor. He took those items and laid them out on his bed. He still needed socks and underwear and there was nothing else in the closet. He checked the chest of drawers again and sure enough there were underpants and socks in the drawer. The socks were a thin black nylon material and knee high. The underpants were not like his normal boxers at all. They were made of a smooth satin like material and seemed very elastic and stretchy. He stepped into the underpants and pulled them up. There was no slot for going to the bathroom and Jack knew he would have to take his underpants off to pee. They fit snuggly but Jack liked the feel of the soft fabric against his skin. He sat on the bed and pulled up the socks which fit much like his underwear. He put on the white shirt. It was a cotton polyester blend and was sort of shiny and silky to the touch. The shirt seemed to fit ok but was a little loose in the chest and a little tight in the waist. He has some difficulty buttoning the shirt since the buttons and button holes were on the reverse sides from any shirt he had ever worn. The black pants were also some kind of polyester blend. Instead of a zipper in front, the pants had a zipper on the left side and a button closure at the waist band. The pants didn't seem to fit very well, feeling too loose in the seat and a bit too tight around the waist, but he managed to suck in his stomach and get them zipped. There were no belt loops on the pants, nor did there seem to be a belt anywhere. There was no sign of the jeans and other clothes he had worn yesterday. He slipped the shoes on. They seemed a little too narrow and tight in the toes but otherwise fit ok. They had a thick block heel which Jack judged to be at least two inches high. He tried walking around the room in them and while he was aware of the difference in heel height, he was able to walk with no problems. His cell phone and keys and new key card had been in his jeans pockets when he undressed the night before. He looked around the room but saw no sign of them. He knew he would need the key card to unlock the doors going to the dining room. He checked the rest of the drawers in the chest and found a dark brown leather bag in one. When Jack opened the bag, he found his key card inside, but there was no sign of his driver's license, other keys or cell phone. He took the card out of the leather bag and started to put it into his pants pocket. That was the moment when Jack realized there were no pockets in his pants, nor did the shirt have any pockets. He couldn't very well carry the card around in his hand all day; particularly not while serving in the dining room. He put the card back in the leather bag and slung it over his shoulder. The bag rode at waist level. It reminded him of a girl's purse in that the design was so similar. Breakfast service was uneventful. Professor Dowling was the only one there. After she finished, Jack cleared the table. "Why don't you get yourself a cup of coffee and join me Jackie." "Yes sure Mistress. Thanks for the invite." Jack returned from the kitchen with his cup of coffee and the coffee urn which he used to refill the Professor's cup. He sat down and took a sip of the hot beverage. "How do you like your new uniform Jackie?" "My uniform? Oh, you mean the shirt and pants. They're nice Mistress, but they don't seem to fit me very well. It's like they were made for someone with a smaller waist and a bigger chest." "I'm sure they will fit much better once you loose a few pounds and start wearing proper foundation garments Jackie." "You want me to loose weight Mistress? I was always trying to gain weight, but never had much success at that." "Yes Jackie you need to loose about fifteen pounds. For your height, build and target body mass index, you need to be at 115 pounds, not 130." "Are you sure Mistress? That seems awfully skinny to me." "Thin is attractive Jackie. You do want to be attractive don't you?" "Yes I guess so." "Have you checked your calendar yet Jackie?" "What calendar Mistress?" "Oh I must have forgotten to show you. Your computer has a built in calendar showing your schedule for each day. It shows the times you are on duty in the dining room as well as your class schedule and any other appointments you may have. When we finish you should go back to your room and check it. I will tell you that today is fairly light. Other than dining service the only thing is that you see the ophthalmologist at 2 p.m." "Ophthalmologist?" "Yes I scheduled you for an eye examination. And tomorrow you will see a dentist. We want to make sure everything of a medical nature is ok before you start classes in the fall." "Will I have to pay for that Mistress?" "No, of course not Jackie. Under the terms of your contract we take care of all of your healthcare costs." "That's really generous Mistress. I appreciate it." Professor Dowling excused him and Jack returned to the kitchen with the dirty coffee cups. Cook also excused him and he slung the strap of his bag over his shoulder and headed back to his room. He turned on his computer and found the calendar program. It came up with today's date showing dining room service from 7:30 to 8:30, lunch from 11:30 to 1:30 and dinner from 5:30 to 7:30. There was also an entry for 2:00 for Doctor Fine, the ophthalmologist. He toggled forward on the calendar. The dining room hours were the same every day. Tomorrow there were entries for Dental Clinic at 9:00 and Hunt Seat Equitation at 2:00. Mistress had mentioned the dental appointment, but Jack had no idea what hunt seat equitation meant. With over two hours to kill Jack flopped on his bed and started reading another of the fashion magazines which had been left in his room. There was a long article on hairstyles which Jack actually found informative. He had never really paid that much attention to fashion or appearance before, but he sensed that Professor Dowling was going to be a stickler on appearance so thought he should be better informed about such things, even though the magazine article only seemed relevant to girl's hairstyles, not boys. Lunch service in the dining room was routine. Professor Dowling and Nurse Smythe were both there, though there was no sign of Mistress Carson; the one who kept calling him Jacquelyn. Using a campus map, Jack found the Ophthalmology Department in the College of Medicine. He arrived on time and was given a routine eye examination. The examining doctor told Jack that he was mildly nearsighted, had an astigmatism in his right eye and that corrective lenses were called for. Jack asked about contact lenses but was told that while contacts could easily correct his nearsightedness, they were not very effective at correcting astigmatisms and that he would have to wear glasses. Jack was a little bummed out about having to wear glasses. He had been subjected to a lot of teasing and insults as a kid due to his small size and he thought wearing glasses would make him even more of an outcast. He was to remain in the waiting room and that the glasses would be ready in about an hour. Jack thought it curious that he had not been asked to pick out a frame from the hundreds on display. An optician called Jack into an empty fitting room and took a pair of glasses out of a case, sliding them onto Jack's face. Jack immediately noticed an improvement in his vision which convinced him that maybe he really did need glasses. However, the frame style was totally unexpected. The glasses had a pink plastic frame with wide bows. The bows were decorated with little sparkly things like rhinestones. There was more sparkly d?cor on the front tops of the frame which was of a cat eye style. The optician held a mirror so Jack could see himself and he knew that he had been fitted with glasses designed for a girl. "I don't want these," he told the optician. "I'm sorry but that is the style which was ordered for you. I double checked the style numbers and there is no mistake. We have already ground the lenses and fit them. They can not be returned. You best just wear them. I am sure they will be fine." "Well, my vision seems a lot better now, so I guess that's really what matters the most. Sounds like I don't have much choice. I guess I'll wear them back to my room." The optician handed Jack the empty case which he put in his purse, for by this time Jack knew that the leather bag he needed because he had no pockets was a purse and nothing more or less than a purse. With a sigh, Jack headed back to the Institute knowing it was almost time to go on duty again in the dining room. As he walked down the sidewalks of the tree lined campus Jack was once more aware of the extra height of the heels on his new shoes. Having always felt he was too short, an extra inch or two seemed like a good thing to Jack and he began to feel better about what he was wearing. Looking up in the trees and off into the distance Jack was pleased that his visual acuity had improved. Things looked clearer and more in focus now that he was wearing his new glasses. That evening Professor Dowling, Nurse Smythe and Mistress Carson all dined together. Each of them complimented Jack on how nice he looked in his new glasses. Mistress Carson was the most effusive of the bunch, saying "Oh Jacquelyn, I do love your new glasses. You look just darling in them." Jack was unsure whether they were just toying with him or if they honestly did like his new look. He decided to give them the benefit of the doubt and thanked them all sincerely for their compliments as well as thanking Professor Dowling for having picked out the frames. After going off duty in the dining room Jack returned to his room where he read another of the women's magazines. A little before ten Mistress Carson once again entered his room. Jack wished she would have knocked first, but that apparently was not to be. The routine was identical to the prior night. Jack went into the bathroom, brushed his teeth and put on his black pajamas. Mistress Carson helped him put on the hood, locked it, and then cuffed his wrists and ankles to the bed frame, leaving the research subject it total silence and darkness. That night the carefully programmed audio files again put Jack into a deep hypnotic trance. The messages about wanting and needing to keep wearing the hood every night were reinforced. That was followed by a discussion of hunt seat equitation which Jack's subconscious learned was an English style of horseback riding. The audio file drilled Jack in the basics of the sport to better prepare him for the riding lesson he would be taking the next afternoon. The last "lesson" on that night's program dealt with body hair. The sultry female voice talked about how disgusting and unsightly body hair was and how nice it is to be hair free from the neck down. The following morning Professor Dowling once again released Jack from his nightly bondage and his isolation hood. "How are you this morning Jackie?" Jack sat up on the edge of his bed still wearing his black nylon pajamas. Responding to the subconscious programming Jack said, "I feel super Mistress. I must have slept like a log again last night. That hood is amazing. I am so glad you had it made for me." "It was my pleasure Jackie. You have a big day ahead of you today. In addition to your maid duties you have a dental checkup and a riding lesson scheduled." "Yes Mistress, I'm really looking forward to my first riding class. Hunt seat equitation is such an elegant style of riding. They say the riding apparel and appearance are so important. But I have never actually been on a horse before and I'm kind of scared since they are such big animals." "That is all the more reason for you to take riding lessons Jackie. They will help you overcome any fears you might have as well as teach you important skills and give you some good exercise." "Where will the riding lesson be Mistress?" "At the University stables. You will earn one credit hour of Physical Education for the class, giving you a head start in fulfilling your PE requirements." "That's great Mistress. I think taking a riding class sounds like a lot more fun that doing jumping jacks with a bunch of sweaty jocks in a gym." "I quite agree Jackie. Rest assured I will not be enrolling you in any PE classes like that." "Mistress, can I ask you a question please?" "Yes of course Jackie. What's on your mind?" "My question is about body hair Mistress. I don't have like a lot of body hair but I do have some on my legs and my pubes and under my arms and even a little on my chest." "Yes I know Jackie, and that is most unfortunate. I personally find any hair below the neck to be quite repulsive and very unattractive." "Me too Mistress. It's just so gross having hair like on my legs and under my arms and stuff. I wish I didn't have all that hair. It disgusts me." "Fortunately it is quite easy to remove hair Jackie. They make these things called razors you know." "So would it be ok with you if I like shaved off that ugly hair off Mistress?" "I would be most pleased to see you hair free Jackie. Please feel free to shave it all. Or if you want, I can get you an epilator or some hair removal cream. They all work well though I think the epilator gives the longest lasting results." "What's an epilator Mistress?" "It is similar to an electric razor, but instead of cutting hair at the skin line it pulls the hairs out by the roots; hence it gives a longer lasting result." "Then that's what I want to do Mistress." "Your schedule is rather full today Jackie. How would you like it if I have one of the staff get you a pretty new epilator and then tonight you can get rid of all that nasty body hair?" "That would be super Mistress. Thanks so much. I can't wait to have nice smooth skin and not have all that ugly hair on my body." "Time for you to get dressed Jackie. You will find a clean uniform in your closet. Your riding apparel will be delivered later this morning. You need to be properly attired for you riding lesson." "I'm really looking forward to learning to ride Mistress. Thanks so much for thinking of that as a way for me to earn PE credits." "I will see you in the dining room Jackie." "Yes Mistress." Jack put on his new glasses. The new clothes in the closet were identical to the outfit he had worn the prior day. He wore the same black slip on shoes with the high block heel and a clean pair or stockings and underpants. Breakfast service was uneventful. After breakfast Jack walked back to the medical campus and entered the Dentistry building. He checked in and was escorted to an operatory where he was given a routine dental examination including full mouth x-rays. Jack was pleased to hear that he had no cavities and that his gums were healthy, but that he had what the dentist called a class one malocclusion that might need to be corrected. When Jack asked what that meant the dentist said that it meant he would need orthodontic treatment to re-align his bite. Jack thought back to junior high school when it seemed that almost every kid wore braces; every kid except those like him whose parent couldn't afford them. Now, it seemed that at an age where everyone else had already had their teeth straightened, Jack would be stuck wearing braces for the next two or three years. First he had to get glasses, and now braces. Jack felt like he was caught in an induction ceremony to geek-dom. He was given an appointment for the following day to meet with an orthodontist who would make a final evaluation and decide on a treatment plan, but it sounded to Jack like he was going to be stuck in braces for a good long part of his college career. He returned to the Institute in time for his lunch shift in the dining room. When that was finished Professor Dowling said she would accompany him back to his room to check out his new riding apparel. Hanging in his closet was a pair of maroon riding breeches, a white riding shirt and a black wool hunt coat. On the floor was a pair of tall black English riding boots. "Go ahead and change Jackie. I want to see how you look in your riding apparel." He was a little embarrassed to undress in front of the Professor but realized she had already seen him in his skimpy nylon pajamas so he went ahead and took off his shirt, pants and shoes. He stood half naked in his black knee high socks and white satin underpants. He started to put the shirt on first but it seemed backwards. Mistress showed him that the riding shirt buttoned in back. The shirt front was sewn with horizontal pleats and the shirt had a very high collar that came almost up to Jack's chin and completely concealed his steel GPS collar. There was a silver pin attached to the front of the shirt collar which served no function but was very decorative. The shirt was long sleeved and the cuffs were narrow, fitting snuggly around Jack's skinny wrists. There were four buttons on each cuff and about eight buttons in the back of the shirt. He looked at himself in the vanity mirror, still a little shocked about how his new glasses altered his appearance. The riding breeches at first glance seemed much too small for him but they were made of a three way stretch fabric and he was able to pull them up to his waist. Like his black pants, the breeches zipped and buttoned on the left side rather than in front like normal pants or jeans. There were two packages on Jack's bed. Mistress opened the smaller of the two packages and took out a pair of boot hooks. She showed Jack how to attach the hooks to cloth tabs sewn into the inside top of each boot and pull on the hook handles to pull the boots on. It took some effort to pull them on as they fit tight around his calves. When Jack stepped back and looked in the mirror again he was pleased with his reflected image. The larger box contained a hunt cap or riding helmet. It had a black felt finish on the outside which was built around a hard shell. The helmet was decorative in the tradition of English riding caps, but also had a safety function in the same way as a motor cycle rider's helmet. She adjusted the headband until the helmet fit snuggly and then showed Jack how to fasten the chin strap which would keep the helmet on his head in the event of a fall. He next put on the hunt coat which was a heavy wool coat cut similar to a man's suit coat. The final item of apparel was a pair of black leather riding gloves. They also fit tightly but would protect Jack's hands from the abrasion of the reigns he would soon be holding. "I think you are ready Jackie. I also bought you a hoof pick, a comb and a brush. You can just carry them in your purse and you will be off to the stable. Enjoy your lesson Jackie." "Thank you Mistress. I'm really looking forward to it." Jack left the Institute and walked toward the edge of campus where the stables were located. Although the campus was relatively quiet in the summer, there were still a fair number of students enrolled in summer classes. He got quite a few stares from other students as he walked to the stable in his new riding habit. It was a group lesson. There were five female students plus Jack in the class which was taught by a woman with an English accent named Miss Mott. She gathered the six students in a tack room. She took role reading their names from a sheet of paper. As she called out the names each girl would raise her hand. The last name she read from her list was Jacquelyn. Jack thought of correcting her but didn't want to seem disruptive, so he just meekly raised his hand. "Jacquelyn, please stand and face the class." Jack stood up and turned to face the five girls who were sitting on hay bales in the tack room. He felt his face flush in embarrassment. "Girls, this is a class in hunt seat equitation. In competitions, the rider is judged on her riding skill, her form, her poise and her appearance. This is not some cowgirl show where the saddles have handles on them. Proper attire is required in my equitation classes. Jacquelyn is the only girl in this class who is properly attired today. If you are not properly dressed for class you will not be allowed to ride. Jeans are not allowed. Sneakers are not allowed. No one rides without a proper safety helmet. Because it is summer and the weather can get quite warm, hunt coats are optional. Hard hats, a proper riding shirt, breeches and riding boots are not optional; they are mandatory. Any questi

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A Pretty Sissy Bridesmaid

A Pretty Sissy Bridesmaid Preface. This is my third attempt at TG fiction, following the first two chapters of my other story, The Dress Shop (third chapter is on the way soon, following an extended writing hiatus!), and another story which is (as yet) unpublished on FM. First of all, I'd like to address the fact that the story below is very much a 'genre piece'. That is, it knowingly contains many of the stereotypical plot contrivances that the majority of TG fiction...

3 years ago
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My Bridesmaid Story

My Bridesmaid Story I was woken by the sound of the house phone ringing. I slowly turned my head on my pillow so I could see my bedside clock, it was 6:27am. A few seconds later my mum rushed into the study to answer the phone. The study was next to my bedroom so I could hear every word that she said. "Hello? Caroline, it's six-thirty, what on earth is the matter? What's happened? Slow down... ... Becky has what? ... The measles? Oh no that's terrible... ... That's...

1 year ago
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Not Always A Bridesmaid

NOT ALWAYS A BRIDESMAID A story by Satinmaid (satinmaid@y...) under direction from Mistress Lisa (lisa_simmonds2000@y...). Part 1 - Bridesmaid I had known Jackie for far too long, almost twenty years since we were kids in fact. I don't really mean 'far too long' - as we were best friends and had been for most of that 20 years. We were so close that I probably knew she was a lesbian at about the same time she realised. It had annoyed me at first because I did fancy...

3 years ago
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I Was a Boy Bridesmaid

My heartfelt thanks To Annabelle Brito for reviewing and helping me to edit the story. Without her suggestions, the story would not be nearly as readable. Her help was invaluable. I welcome all comments, both positive and negative and encourage anyone who reads the story to provide feedback. If you don't like it or any part of it, please tell me why. I hope you all enjoy the story. I Was a Boy Bridesmaid I never knew my Mom. She left my dad and me when I was 3 and I...

2 years ago
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Navy LarksChapter 3 Tony Stands in for the Bridegroom

Next morning Tony awoke to a sort of orderly confusion. Debbie had left his bed sometime earlier, he showered and dressed and went down to the kitchen for Breakfast, but Debbie looking quite bleary eyed after her late night with him sent him back to his room to change into civvies. She followed him, to help him select suitable clothes, which was a bad move because it took quite a long time to complete the task. She was amazed at his stamina and he at her enthusiasm, and it was with great...

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The Conscripted Bridesmaid

The Conscripted Bridesmaid What would you do if you were threatened with disclosure of your covert crossdressing activity? How far would you go to keep it secret? Especially if it involved crossdressing in public! Well, I yielded, and it had a lasting effect on my life. Background My real name is Alan, but to my family and close friends, I've always been called "Ali," an abbreviated version, an acquired childish name that never left me. "Sis," as I refer to her, is my older...

3 years ago
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Note: ——I am NOT the author!so plz Don't ask me about part two,am simply sharing THE BRIDESMAIDS by lesley_taraIntroduction: The idea for this story came to me whilst watching on television the British royal wedding in April 2011, and seeing Pippa Middleton’s sexy ass so gloriously showcased in her stunning bridesmaid’s dress. If you have read my true story ‘What Turns Me On’, you will know what a trim and jutting female butt does for me! As always, the story is entirely fiction, and any...

1 year ago
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Youll be sitting with the bridesmaids

"You'll be sitting at the bridesmaid's table today, dear." "Why won't I be sitting with you?" "How dare you question me like this. I want you at the bridesmaid's table and don't ever question my authority again. I'll sit you wherever I damn well please. I want to sit with some real men. Not some fucking little pantywaist like you. I don't know why I'm explaining this to you. You have much more in common with the bridesmaids then you have with any of the men sitting at 'our' table....

3 years ago
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Michelles Bridesmaid Part 1

It started with a pink toilet cover. I thought it was a bit peculiar that Mother would have purchased a pink toilet cover for my bathroom, but I didn't say anything about it. I didn't complain or ask her specifically why a pink toilet cover would seem appropriate for a boy's bathroom. The next week, a pink waste basket and hand towels showed up in my bathroom as well. Once again, I didn't say anything. It's not like pink is my least favorite color or anything. Actually, it brightened up...

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Michelles Bridesmaid Part V

Chapter V - The Rehearsal Dinner Well, it was finally here. It was time for Mother and me to return home so I could prepare for the rehearsal dinner, meet Richard, and probably make a fool of myself. Mother wanted to prepare herself for her date with William. We both had a nice pink glow from our time out in the sun. It was about 2:00 pm when we arrived back at the house. I was still wearing my swimsuit; it is red, by the way, with a nice cover-up top and my sandals. Mother had on a...

2 years ago
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She looked so delightful in her pale pink satin bridesmaid’s dress, its tightly-fitted cut highlighting the budding curves of her slender sixteen-and-a-half year old body – her small pert breasts, her slim waist, her trim hips and her cute bubble-butt. Helen was a very pretty and attractive teenager even in her everyday jeans and T-shirts; in this classically-simple and elegantly-shaped sheath of satin, she looked absolutely eatable – and I had plans to do just that. We two had been the...

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Michelles Bridesmaid Part II

Part II To be feminine, one must surround oneself with feminine things, Mother informed me. I didn't have to run next door every time I wanted those wonderful girly feelings, Mother said. She decorated my room so I'd start feeling like a bridesmaid. Apparently there are three important things that happen in a bride's preparations that I'd have to participate in. First was a bridal shower. I explained to Mother that Richard wasn't going to be there, so asked why I had to attend. She...

2 years ago
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Embarrassed Bridesmaids Revenge

Embarrassed Bridesmaids Revenge.This is a little ‘DARK’ and not my usual type of story. If you don’t like non-compliant sex with bondage and spanking don’t read this. That said, AJ knows my limits!!! I’m EJ, a pretty 25 year old brunette; 38C 26 37. Chief Bridesmaid is AJ a pretty 26; 38DD 27 37. Amanda, stunning 24; 36DD 24 36. My good looking niece, Jemma 16; 35C 24 35. We have all been friends through school, except Jemma. If you guys ever seen us in a club you would be very, very delighted...

4 years ago
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Michelles Bridesmaid Part III

Part III The bridal shower was on Wednesday, the week of the wedding. Mother had me practicing each day on feminine movements. She said I'd feel more like I was floating on air if I dressed the part. She said she'd notice a really cute dance outfit at Miss Audette's Dancewear store and suggested we take a ride. I'd purchased the yellow tutu from there last week. I was still on my diet, trying to lose 10 pounds before the wedding on Saturday so I was feeling a little weak. Mother...

3 years ago
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The Story of Master McBridePart 7

I gathered my clothes and set down against a tree with my clothes in my lap. I sat there, naked, with clumps of dirt on my knees, my jaw aching, and his cum and my spit still hanging from my chin and down my smooth chest. Yet, I was happy. I actually felt like I had done something that made someone else happy. I finally put on my clothes and walked home. Once home, I went to my bedroom and lie down and fell a sleep. I only awoke when my mother popped her head into my room and told me that...

3 years ago
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Martina McBride Lusty in Every Way

Country music star, Martina McBride, is an amazing woman. She's very attractive, she's got a very distinctive voice and singing style, she's extremely successful as a country music performer, and she's married and the mother of two little girls. One of the amazing things about Martina is that she's very petite and yet she's a very awesome woman in a small package. She's fairly short but Martina is gorgeous and she's pretty nicely blessed in the chest area. And, she's one very hot sexy...

2 years ago
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Bridesmaid BethanyChapter 2

Other times, however, my confidence would dwindle, and my masculine side would step in. There was one day in particular which tested my male resolve. The day started out well enough. Lisa and I had planned to go out to lunch with Carrie, our co-worker. Driving to the restaurant, I was feeling especially confident for some reason; I had managed to apply my lipstick and foundation just so, and my wig was behaving better than usual as well. Perhaps it was the new earrings that were...

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Michelles Bridesmaid Part IV

Part IV Later during the day, I entered my room wearing only the leotard and tights, as Michelle had suggested. Mother seemed to like me dressed this way. She said it reminded her of her ballet days. I did feel I was working up a sweat (a glow, as Mother calls it.) I'd been doing all the household chores like cleaning and laundry when I finally got a chance to go back into my room for a break. I noticed Michelle's window open and she was in there! And there was someone with her. I...

4 years ago
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The Lovely Bridesmaid

The Lovely Bridesmaid by Cindy Seranade I had always been close to my older sister Suzy - we shared secrets about her boyfriends, and used to play together as we grew up. She laughed that I was more like a sister than an awful brother. When she brought her girlfriends home from school they would always involve me in their games, and later in their discussions. She even invited me to a slumber party once, although I of course went in my pyjamas. They took fun out of them though because they...

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My naughty behavior as a bridesmaid

My sweet friend Shawna was getting married and she asked me to be one of her bridesmaid at the wedding. I was delighted to be chosen; but I was also really horny that day thinking about my little girlfriend was going to be well fucked that same night by her handsome brand new husband Jeremy…My own hubby had not fucked me in weeks and masturbation had not been enough for me during the last days…It was quite a long drive to the place of the wedding reception.Victor had booked a room at a local...

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Cowgirl Learns to Ride

"Come on! Faster! Come on you devil! Get up!" Pat loved riding her steed. She called him Diablo. He was a three-year-old black stallion. She felt the wind streaming across her face. Her hat was hanging on by the strap. "Come on, Diablo!" she shouted. The cool prairie air made her feel good this morning. After Diablo's run, she slowed him to a walk. She stopped to open the corral. She led him inside the barn and to a water trough. As Diablo drank, she thought about her life. Her boyfriend,...

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Great ATV Ride to end Summer

Ever year as summer comes to a close we always dread winter each and every year. Winter time for us is almost never any fun, because we cannot hangout at the pool or do other summer activities that we like to do with our family and friends. In 2010 the wife and I bought a new articat prowler 1000, and even though we had ridden it a few times, we still did not ride it as much as we wanted. Then in the first part of October, a couple of cousins of mine called me up and told me they were planning...

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nice bike ride

I have been in sales for over 25 years and have banged more than my share of clients, most of them in their 40's, 50's and 60's and older, as I love to flirt with and have sex with older women. Amy works for one of my clients and she is a new employee who just graduated 6 months ago from college and is studying for her CPA. Amy is thin, blond hair green eyes and an ass to die for. Your typical 22 year old hottie. Oh I'm 59 and I look 55!I have been in the office about 3 times and never really...

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Sallys Naked Bike Ride

Bob pulled up in front of Jack and Sally’s house. It was his third straight weekend to come down, and it was Friday late afternoon. The sun had gone down behind the houses on the other side of 18 th Street, and evening shadows were settling on the street.Bob wondered if Sally would greet him the way he told her to in his email, but as he was getting out of the car, he saw her step out on the porch and heard her call to him. She was naked. Her call would have been heard by anyone within a few...

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My Long Hair Neighbour Who Wanted To Ride My Dick

From the time I have shifted to the new apartment, I have noticed Sunita, who is our neighbour. She stays with her husband and kids right opposite to my flat where I live with my wife and kids. Sunita has very long hair which she coloured with mild blonde colour. Her long hair shines so beautifully in the light. Maybe because my neighbour is from Coorg, she is very fair, slim and a bit short (close to 5’2″). My neighbour has a nice figure and slender waist. And because of her slim figure, her...

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Bike Ride

Bike Ride Bike RideBy [email protected]  It is ten at night, my bike ride began and so did my adventure. The reason this bike ride was different than any other was because before leaving my apartment I had made use of some toys in order to make this bike ride far more interesting. Getting dressed began with me completely naked in my bathroom. The first thing to do was to lube up my modified butt plug. The butt plug was a medium sized butt plug that also inflates and vibrates....

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Vacation with Mommy A long car ride six chapte

You don't really know how much stuff you have collected in your life until you move.With our last son going to college, we did two moves in one. We were moving to a condo only a few miles away, while we were driving Cory sixteen hours to college. Because we had to put all our items in storage, we didn't get title for three more weeks, we were going to do a two week road trip after we dropped Cory off.As we packed the car with both Cory's stuff and our suitcases for the almost three week round...

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The Belly Riders

    The Belly Riders of The IslandsIt had been a little over sixteen years since Harry and Jean had been down to Brazil and he worked for the Alfalla ranchero, crop spraying and Jean won the derby for belly riding that year. Things had changed drastically for them, but mostly for their good. The had bought the two hundred fifty acre island, and built a log home, stable and eighteen hundred foot landing strip. Added a riding path all the way around their land when they returned from South...

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The Wildest Ride Ever part 2

As we arrived at the small farm house, a man in his mid to late twenties, dressed in apair of overalls, boots and a beat up ball cap greeted us at the fence surrounding theyard, his dogs barked at us, I guess they didn't get a whole lot of company, and theywarned him of intruders.  Or maybe they just liked to bark and it was a good excuse."Been riding long? he asked.  'Since Omaha today" I replied and continued by saying"can't make too many miles on one of these things in a day, get beat to...

Straight Sex
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the naughty bridesmaida spanking good time

The wedding reception party was starting to break up, and I was looking for a ride back to my apartment. My roommate who drove me to the party, had disappeared with one of the bridesmaids. Fortunately, I saw a neighbor friend (Linda) who lived in the same apartment building, hanging out with some of the bridesmaids. I wandered over and explained to her what happened, and she laughed and offered to drop me off on her way home. Then she introduced me to her friend Sherrie (one of the bridesmaids)...

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"Ohmigod, it's beautiful," I squealed, looking at Lisa's hand, "And it's huge! What is it, two and a half carats?" "Two seven-five," said Lisa, "and look at the cut and clarity. Jim does good work." "It really is great. Congratulations," I said, giving her a hug. "There's something else Brian. I want you in my wedding party." "I'd love to," I said, then paused. "But I would think Jim has some other people, like maybe everyone else he knows, that he'd rather have as ushers, don't...

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The Bridesmaid Part 2

Bridesmaid Part 2 By Miss Jessica Lisa reached under the bed, and pulled out a shoe box. "Put these on," she said, handing me a pair of black 2 1/2" pumps. I didn't know they were pumps then, but have since learned more than I ever expected. "How do you know these will fit," I asked. "Because," she said, "I looked at your shoes one night. You're a mens 7 1/2, which makes you a women's 9 or 9 1/2. We're the same size, although I bought these...

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Bridesmaid for a Friend

Bridesmaid for a Friend by Thomas Robinson This is a true story, I have only changed the names and the location so as to prevent any embarrassing identification of the people concerned. It was earlier this year (2006). I was a fairly normal 18 year old boy. Fairly normal I say because I am only 5'6" tall with small hands and feet, but wiry and strong for my size so I played scrum half at rugby and was accepted as one of the lads. Sarah is a good friend of mine. We met at school...

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The Girl in a Country Song Ch7 Ride Through The Country

Lukah and Jessie had decided to chill and hang around the house, on their first day off together in several days. After all, the weather report was calling for rain. The day started… Lukah and Jessie had decided to chill and hang around the house, on their first day off together in several days. After all, the weather report was calling for rain. The day started off as any lazy, rainy day. A small brunch, catching up on household chores and of course cuddling in front of the TV. As the...

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Altered Fates The Bitter Bridegroom

(Authors note: This story was inspired by femur's Lovingly Modified Romance Comic covers, specifically af023.jpg) ALTERED FATES: THE BITTER BRIDEGROOM By BobH (c) 2002 It was going to be the wedding of the year. Hollywood's new golden-haired wonder boy Tom Hudson was marrying supermodel Gina Carter, and the press couldn't get enough of them. It was a pairing that had synergy, they said, one in which their combined fame and glamor would be greater than the sum of that which...

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The Boat Ride

I come home on a hot, sunny, summer Thursday afternoon.  My wife is excited to see me and has some news. “Honey, I found a cute new swimsuit today and we need to take a sunset boat ride this afternoon,” she says.“I guess you are talking about a pleasure boat ride and not a fishing boat ride.”She says, “Most definitely a pleasure boat ride, and I think it will be a very pleasurable boat trip.” She smiles, wiggles her hips a little and gives me a knowing look.“I definitely think a pleasure boat...

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first bike ride of the summer

Well it was one fucking long winter. It was one of the worst and coldest on record. I was sick through most of it and because of that I missed my regular winter runaway to some place warm. It was finally really getting warm out the snow was all gone the grass was green the trees were all fully leaved and it was a great day to go for a run on the Hawg. I had worked on it through the winter and it was going to be my maiden run with its new paint and style. I had spent a small fortune on raking...

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Destinys Ride

Walking in heels sucks. I’d have kicked them off, but the midday sun made that backwater, single lane road so hot my poor feet would have blistered in minutes. I have a car. Well, I had a car until it fucking died, leaving me stranded in the middle of bum-fuck Egypt. Okay, so the green fields and forests of Kentucky are anything but desert — but, grass or sand, I was just as alone. So, why didn't I call for help? Because my asshole of an ex-boyfriend couldn't be bothered to renew the damn...

1 year ago
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My First Bike Ride

We were returning home from our annual trek across the country in our pick up truck. Leaving the east coast, we took the southern route back across interstate 10. It was the typical hot scorching temperate in the 90's as we made our way past Houston, turning and heading northward. We were ready to take a break and camp for a day or so. We found a camping area just off the beaten path, in what seemed to be the middle of nowhere. For the most part it was deserted and the tiny so called town was...

Wife Lovers
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Backseat Mommy Chapter One A Long Hard Ride

You don't really know how much stuff you have collected in your life until you move.With our last son going to college, we did two moves in one. We were moving to a condo only a few miles away, while we were driving Cory sixteen hours to college. Because we had to put all our items in storage, we didn't get title for three more weeks, we were going to do a two week road trip after we dropped Cory off.As we packed the car with both Cory's stuff and our suitcases for the almost three week round...

2 years ago
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Back Seat Mommy A Long Hard Ride

You don't really know how much stuff you have collected in your life until you move.With our last son going to college, we did two moves in one. We were moving to a condo only a few miles away, while we were driving Cory sixteen hours to college. Because we had to put all our items in storage, we didn't get title for three more weeks, we were going to do a two week road trip after we dropped Cory off.As we packed the car with both Cory's stuff and our suitcases for the almost three week round...

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Different Ways to Ride

DIFFERENT WAYS TO RIDE or Rodeo.txt by Waldo Chapter 1 - The Accident Chapter 2 - The Hospital Chapter 3 - The Surgery Chapter 4 - The first 30 days Chapter 5 - High Heels Chapter 6 - Completing my education Chapter 7 - Watching the Rodeo Chapter 8 - Harve and Revenge Different Ways to Ride Chapter 1 - The Accident As the rodeo announcer called the final results of the last event, I climbed onto the wooden fence and stared down at the massive bull that I was supposed...

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A Ride Out To The Country

It was a nice warm day, so I took my Harley for a ride out to the country! I was just wearing jeans and a t-shirt. I also had on my biker boots. When it gets really warm I go for a ride in my shorts and get a little sun.I headed out to the country, riding down some back roads. Sun was out, so it was a beautiful day for a ride. I passed a few small towns, and after about an hour from home, I started getting a little thirsty. I came upon another small town, this one had a couple of bars in it. I...

Gay Male
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Sean didn't like it when his sister Karen broke-up with a guy. Karen wasn't known for picking great guys to begin with and she was the type who always had to be attached to someone. When she wasn't she was known for making bad decisions and being, well, flighty. So when she called Sean on a cloudy Saturday and told him that she was going on a mountain bike ride in a local National Forest by herself, he tried to talk her out of it. Karen and Sean were the last two members of their family to...

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Sean didn't like it when his sister Karen broke-up with a guy. Karen wasn't known for picking great guys to begin with and she was the type who always had to be attached to someone. When she wasn't she was known for making bad decisions and being, well, flighty. So when she called Sean on a cloudy Saturday and told him that she was going on a mountain bike ride in a local National Forest by herself, he tried to talk her out of it. Karen and Sean were the last two members of their family to...

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Hot Ride

  Sometimes I fill the tank jump in my starship and just drive. I’d open the ships computer grid map and circle in on the planet I wanted to visit. Then I’d home in on a local town and start my venture. I’ve been in some serious shit and I owe my self a little R&R. I sometimes let the computer set a course for me towards some planet like Jamedra or Thrae. It didn’t matter where. The computer pointed, I just went until the tank ran on almost empty and filled it back up when I got there. Then I...


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