Bridesmaid free porn video

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"Ohmigod, it's beautiful," I squealed, looking at Lisa's hand, "And it's huge! What is it, two and a half carats?" "Two seven-five," said Lisa, "and look at the cut and clarity. Jim does good work." "It really is great. Congratulations," I said, giving her a hug. "There's something else Brian. I want you in my wedding party." "I'd love to," I said, then paused. "But I would think Jim has some other people, like maybe everyone else he knows, that he'd rather have as ushers, don't you." Lisa grinned devilishly. "I didn't say I wanted you to be an usher. I said I wanted you in MY wedding party. As a bridesmaid." "Come again?" "You heard me. I want you to be a bridesmaid. You're my best friend. How could you not be in the bridal party?" "Um, I don't think so. Thanks but no thanks." "Come on. Please? Why won't you do it? I thought you were my best friend." "I am. I would do anything for you, you know that." "Then, why won't you do it?" "Number 1...Whatever usher gets stuck walking down with me will be pretty pissed off. I mean, most guys wouldn't be too cool being part of a male couple. And Jim's got some real troglodytes for friends. I'd be a splotch on the aisle when they got through with me..." Lisa grinned. "Brian, you don't get it. I said that I wanted you as a BRIDESMAID." The little light went on in my head. "Which brings us to problems 2 and 3. First off, just because I'm gay doesn't mean I'm a drag queen. Besides that, I doubt we could pull this off." She rolled her eyes. "We could so do it, and you know it." "Oh, really? What makes you say that?" I said, crossing my arms. "Look at you. You're what 5'6", 135?" "5'7", thank you and 140." "Fine. Anyway, how many times have we gone out to eat, and had the waiters say 'what can I get you ladies?" "Umm." I said, staring at the floor. "Also, every time I go to the deli downstairs, the guy at the counter says, 'where is your friend? She is such pretty girl, why she no dress like you?'" "So, some waiters and a Bangladeshi deli owner think I'm a girl. This proves your point how?" "It's not just them. You have such delicate features. Long lashes, high cheekbones. No facial or body hair. You're so pretty. That and your hips are bigger than your waist. Honestly, it's more like you're passing as a boy than a girl..." "Thanks," I interrupted. "I feel so much better now. You're really selling me on this, you know." "I'm sorry, Bri. I don't mean to hurt you. You know that. It's just that it wouldn't be the same unless you were in my wedding." "I know." "So, you'll do it?" "No." "Please?" "No," I said flatly. "I can't believe you," she said angrily. "I'm sorry, Lise. I'd do anything for you. I'd give you my last dollar. I'd give you the shirt off my back..." "So, I'm just asking to do the same for you," she said, with a smile. "Ha ha. No." "Fine," she said. "You know what, on second thought, I'm not really up for dinner. Another time," she said, going into her bedroom. "Come on, Lise. That's not fair," I pleaded, to a closed door. The next few days were really unpleasant. I'd call, she wouldn't answer. I'd leave messages. None of them would be returned. This killed me. Lisa and I had been best friends since the second week of college. I just couldn't do this for her, and it hurt me that she would shut down over this. I was sitting at home watching TV one night, when the phone rang. The caller ID showed Lisa's name. "Lise?" I answered anxiously. "Brian, it's Jim." Oh shit, I thought. "Uh, hi,'s Lisa doing? She hasn't returned my calls." "That's what this is about. Why don't you meet me in the lobby in ten minutes? We'll go get a drink." This was not good. While Jim and I weren't sworn enemies, we weren't exactly friends. I understood why. He was homophobic, and always seemed uncomfortable around me. Lisa loved him and, since I wanted us all to be OK around each other, I learned about sports to try and make peace with him. As a result, he and I had that superficial bond that all guys (OK, all straight guys) had with each other. But, it wasn't like he invited me out with his friends to watch a game. Not that I expected it - "Hey, guys, this is Lisa's faggot, Brian." "Uh, OK, ten minutes it is." He responded by hanging up the phone. I came downstairs to find Jim waiting. "Hey, Jim." "Let's go," he said, with a scowl. We began walking towards Second Avenue. "You know, she's really upset about this." "I know, but I just can't do it." "She would do anything for you, right?" "Yes, but..." "When your mom died, who took a week's vacation to stay with you?" "I..." "I mean, that fucked up my plans too, you know." "Sorry?" "And when you came out and your old man went apeshit on you, who had your back?" I stared at the ground. "Look, Brian, she's gone all out for you, and you can't even do this. I'd have figured you'd be into it." "I'm gay, not a drag queen. We don't all get off on dressing like women." "Whatever. Anyway, this is killing her..." "I have a lot of issues with this, Jim." "Like?" "Number 1, like I told Lisa, I can't imagine too many of your friends signing up to be part of a male couple, and all in all I'd rather not end up a splotch on the aisle." "Who says they'll know?" "What?" "Remember, last summer, when you and Lise were going out to her mom's pool and my friend Dave and I were heading to the Yankee game?" "Not really, but OK?" "Anyway, you guys left. And Dave turns to me and says, 'Who's Lisa's friend? She doesn't have much up top, but she's cute and has great legs." "Uh huh. Isn't Dave the one you say has an IQ of 40?" "Yeah," he laughed, in what seemed like an eternity. "Nonetheless, he's still a guy and he knows what a girl looks like." "Apparently not." "My point is, no one'll know." "Suppose someone finds out. The guy who gets stuck with me will beat me to a pulp." "I'll take care of it," he said, with a half smile. "What does that mean?" "It means I'll take care of it, don't worry." "So, you are cool with me, a guy, being a bridesmaid? Wearing the dress and everything?" "It's fucked up." "So, why are you pushing me then?" "Because," he said, stopping to light a cigarette. "Lisa wants you to do this. You're her best friend. If she wants this, I can deal..." "OK," I said, "I still don't think I can pull it off." He snickered. "You need to get your mirror fixed." "Thanks, just for that, I'm telling Lisa about that cigarette." He scowled at me, then laughed. "You want to end up a splotch, you'll tell her. You all stick together, don't you?" "Ha ha," I said. "Just for that, if, and I mean if, I do this, you're dancing with me at the wedding. I'm gonna get the band to announce how you wanted to, and everything." He raised an eyebrow. "Tell you what, butt pirate, I'll make you a deal." "I'm listening." "The wedding's in June. If your Mets have a better record than the Yankees, which as we all know is not going to happen past maybe the second game, I'll dance with you." "And, if that overpaid bunch of machines you call a team is better?" "You and Lisa wait hand and foot for me and my friends at our July 4th party. In French maid uniforms." I laughed, "You know what, you sick fuck? I think you're the one who wants me in the dress, not Lisa." He laughed, and pushed me. "Sorry Brian. I know you've wanted me for years, but I like my women to be, well, women." "You know Jim," I said, with a smile. "Marriage is about compromises. Nobody's perfect. You have to overlook certain things..." "Yeah, yeah. That's enough of this." "So you're OK with me doing this...if I decide to, of course." I added quickly. He rolled his eyes. "Like I had a choice. Like YOU had a choice," he said, with a grin. "You knew how this was going to end up, didn't you?" "Shut up. I hate when she does this." "You're her friend. Try marrying it." "Hey, you chose it. You know what, Jim, I have something I need to take care of. Raincheck on the drink?" "Sure," he said. "Make her apologize, at least, for freezing you out." Half an hour later, I knocked on Lisa's door. "What?" she said, staring at me. "Let's talk about this," I said, handing her stack of bridal magazines. "What are these?" "Bridal magazines. I've taken the liberty of folding down pages of some of the dresses I like. If I decide to do this, of course." She gave me a big hug and kiss. "Thank you, Bri. I love you. You're the best." "I'm serious, Lisa. I don't think I can pull this off..." "That's fair, Bri. I'll make you a deal." "What?" I said, as my eyes narrowed. "You let me make you up and if, after we're finished, you don't feel comfortable, it's done. No questions asked. Deal?" "Fine," I said, suddenly feeling nauseous. "OK," she said brightly. "Let's get to it. Sit down." I slumped into a chair. "This isn't going to work." "Shhh," she said. "We have a deal. Just relax and enjoy it." "If I had a dollar for every time I heard that..." "Skank," she said, laughing. "I wish." With that, she began applying lipsticks and eyeliners and all sorts of things to my face. "You know," she said. "You're going to have to do this yourself soon. I won't be able to do this everyday." "I won't have to learn anything, Lise." "We'll see." After what seemed to be an eternity, she said "Voila. Turn around." I looked into the mirror, and my jaw dropped at my reflection. If I do say so myself, I was one attractive, if not downright gorgeous, babe. "Well?" "Uh..." "I'm right, aren't I?" "Uh...maybe." She jumped up and down, squealing, "This is going to be sooo much fun." "Oh, yeah. OK, the face is there. The body's still a guy's, though. A little short up top." "That is why, I took the liberty of ordering a few things. Strip!" "What?!" "Strip naked." "Excuse me." "I need to check some things." "Like?" "Your measurements." "Ooh, look at you, Laura Ingalls Wilder. Are you going to make the dresses?" "Ha ha, Bri. We need to see where you are, so we can know where you'll be by the wedding. So strip already." "Turn around," I said, blushing. "Please," she said. "It's just us girls here." "Turn around." She rolled her eyes. "Do you do this with dates? That would explain your dry spell." "For someone who wants me to do something, you have an interest way about you," I said, taking off my clothes. "I'm done." Lisa took out a tape measure. "Chest - 36". Like I thought." "Why were you thinking about my chest?" She ignored me. "Waist 28". Hips 31." We'll need you at 24" by the wedding. Wait here." "Like I'm going somehwere." She went into her bedroom, and came out with a bag. She opened it, and pulled out two flesh colored blobs. "What are these?" "Breast forms. C cup." "Excuse me?" "You yourself said you were short up top," she said, applying something to them. She went behind me and started pressing them to my chest. "Oooh baby," she said, as she went behind me and started fondling my "breasts." I slapped her hand away playfully. "I am sorry, Lisa. But I don't do girl-on-girl. Strictly men, thank you. Wait a minute...what did you just do?" "I glued your breasts on. Let you get used to them." "What the hell am I supposed to do? I have work, you know." "Please," she said, taking something else from the bag... "You're a computer consultant. You work from home. You've said it yourself, no one ever sees you." She pulled out a corset from the bag. "No way. This will show through my dress." "No, it won't." "How?" I said, putting it on. "Because the wedding is six months off, and you're going to start with it now. That and you and I are going on strict diets and workout regimens starting today," she said, tugging on the corset. "Gack, that's too tight." I gasped. "I want your waist at 24 inches by the wedding. Although, maybe not. I don't want to be overshadowed by my bridesmaids." "Then, you shouldn't have chosen such a babe." "Oh, jeez, I made a mistake, didn't I," she said, laughing. Next she pulled out a lacy black bra that clasped in the front. Again, she went behind me and began putting it on. "Mmmm, please baby. I want you," she whispered in my ear. "I've told you time and again, I'm not that kind of girl." "That is because no one ever asks." "Bitch..." "Now for the piece de resistance," she said pulling out a strange contraption. "What the hell is that?" "A gaff, I think they call it." "What is a gaff?" "Prevents those unsightly bulges..." "Excuse me." "Tucks little Brian up to give you a flat front." "What is up with you?" "I researched all of this before I asked you." "Thorough, aren't we?" "Yes, sweet cheeks. Put in on." After I did, she took out a garment bag. "Now, for the piece de resistance," she said, unzipping it. "What every girl needs. The little black dress," she announced, pulling out what was, in fact, a very short black dress. I put it on, and it came to about 4" above my knee. "Look at yourself," she said, pointing to her full-length mirror. "Tell me that anyone will think you are anything but a hot babe. In fact, I may need to keep Jim away from you." "Alas, he is taken," I said, laughing. "You're right, though," and I began to cry. She sat me on the bed. "What's wrong, sweetie?" "This is a little too off-putting for me, Lise. I mean, I've heard the cracks my whole life. And this just proves them all right," I said through sobs. "Fuck them, Brian. Fuck the homophobes. Just relax and go with the flow. You are who you are. And who you are is the best person I know." "Thank you," I said, sniffling. "You're the best." "No, you are. Thank you for doing this. I apologize for freezing you out the past few days." "It's OK. You were hurting." "Still...what made you come over here with the bridal magazines?" "Jim." "Excuse me?" "He called me, and we went for a walk..." "And?" "He called me out on this. Told me what a good friend you were, and how I should do this for you." "Wow." "You're lucky Lise. Most guys wouldn't be OK with this." "I know. I'm not going to tell him that though. Have to keep the upper hand." "Oh, one thing, though..." "What?" "You better hope the Mets have a better record than the Yankees come the wedding." "Why?" she said, staring at me. "Uh, Jim and I kind of made a bet." "Which was..." "If the Mets are doing better, he dances with me at the wedding. Complete with announcement from the band and everything..." "Oh god," she said, bracing herself. "I can only imagine what happens if they're worse..." "Uh, youandIhavetowaitonhimandhisfriendsatyour4thparty. InFrenchMaiduniforms," I said, as fast as I could. She laughed. "He needs help. He really does. Anyway, look at you, you need a new name." "Why?" "How can I call you Brian? What do you want to be?" "This is still a little overwhelming." "Well, then..." she said, pulling out her cell phone. "Hi. Mom, it's me. I'm here with Brian. Yeah, he agreed. But we need a name. Nah, he's still a little freaked...What? That works...please, if I tell him why, the princess will start crying again...Bye." "What was that about?" "How do you feel about Jessica?" "Where did that come from?" "My mother said you're like a sister to me, and if she had another daughter, she would have named her Jessica and...Oh god, I told her you'd cry," she said, watching me tear up. "OK, that's enough," she said. "What," I said, wiping my eyes. "Girl school is in session. First lesson, heels..." [To be continued.]

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Chapter FiveThe ride to her hotel was thick with sexual tension. But they both managed to keep their hands to themselves.Once inside her suite, Grace asked, “So, would you actually like dessert, or was that a euphemism for sex?”“Do you really need to ask, Gracie?” he grinned provocatively.Grace turned her back to McKinley, “Will you help unzip my dress?”His cock was ready to burst out of his trousers. “I’d be amenable to assisting you,” he said, more formally than he had intended to.Grace’s...

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Adhuri Pyaas Bhai Ne Bujhai

By: Superman_111136 Hi friends mera naam Rahul hai main chattisgarh se hun, main iss ka regular Pathak hun meri iss par ye pehli kahani hai meri sari kahaniya kalpanik hain main dusre writers jo apni jhuti kahani ko sacchi batakar readers ko dhokha dete hai main waisa kuch bhi nahi karunga aur na hi main ye kahkar aapse aapki raai mangunga ki aap apni rai dekar mujhse chudwayein haan agar aap ko meri kahani pasand aaye to mujhe par apni rai bhej sakte hain to main aapka jyada time Na lete hue...

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MyDaughtersHotFriend Lexi Grey 30628

Lexi Grey is over at her friend’s house when she runs into her friend’s dad. They chit chat about school and she tells him how expensive school is and what a hard time she’s having paying for it. So when her friend’s dad steps out Lexi finds his wallet and is about to take some money, but she gets caught in the act. Her friend’s dad is upset that she would break his trust like that, but Lexi just really needed the money for school. Her friend’s dad comes up...

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NubileFilms Alyssa Bounty Come Get It

Sam Bourne is busy reading the paper as his lover Alyssa Bounty watches him with greedy eyes as she pretends to make breakfast. She brings the meal over to sit by Sam, but he doesn’t seem to notice. Even when Alyssa strikes increasingly sexy poses and starts rubbing her twat right there at the table, Sam is so absorbed in his reading that he doesn’t bat an eye. Getting to her feet, Alyssa escalates the situation by stripping out of her robe. The clothes puddle at her feet and she...

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A Threesome Story

A strongandsecure original story... Ahhh. First day off. And I don't go back for a while. I look over to see my gorgeous wife standing over me with a cup of coffee. “Good morning, boo! First day of vacation! Any ideas of where we're going?” “Not yet...To Be Determined. Any recommendations?” “I don't care, Joel. As long as we're together.” I make my way downstairs. As I make it to the living room, I see a shadow in the driveway. Entering the entryway, the shadowy figure was gone. A single white...

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My husband let me fulfill our fantasies but I dont

When I met my husband I was very sly, and not to talkative to the other sex. So my girlfriends were shocked when I got engaged to a very handsome man I met in the park a year ago. I was running beside the duck pond, when he went for the football past running into me knocking me into the pond. Ya maybe it was a different way to meet the man you end up married too. I wasn't a virgin when we married, but he was the first man I wanted to make love too. All I will say about the first man was to say,...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 491

This one is compliments of Paul A teacher asks her class, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Little Johnny says “I wanna be a billionaire, going to the most expensive clubs, take the best bitch with me, give her a Ferrari worth over a million bucks, an apartment in Hawaii, a mansion in Paris, a jet to travel through Europe, an Infinite Visa Card and to make love to her three times a day.” The teacher, shocked, and not knowing what to do with the bad behavior of the child, decides...

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Being indoctrinated and enslaved in boarding schoo

Being indoctrinated and enslaved on my very day in Boarding schoolI recall, I was 16 years old and starting Grade eight however there was no high school in our town which necessitated me attending boarding school which was 250 Kilometers away from home.My dad was all “chipper” about it and stated that it would make a man out of me as he was of the opinion that I was a real “Mommy`s” boy as I did not like playing rugby or cricket etc. I preferred to stay in my room and read books!I must state...

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My first gay experience

I had invited my mate over for a couple of hours playing some video games, but we had played a lot longer then anticipated, so he ended up needing to stay the night, because at the time I was in a shared house he had to share the same single bed with me.I had always been curious about what it would be like to be with a guy, to suck a cock and gets fucked, so out of the blue I asked him 'what would you do if I touched your cock?' I could tell this excited him as I instantly felt the covers lift...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 389 Planning for the Costume Party

Saturday, July 14, to Saturday, August 11, 2007 In my following the Sondarm School thread from planning through to execution, I skipped over a few things that I'll attend to now. Carol's birthday was the first event. She didn't want a big bash because she's not really a gregarious person and there were plenty more parties coming up anyway, so she chose to have a small gathering with our families plus three of her best friends from school. It was a very nice evening, and Carol's being...

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Cindy was sitting in the derelict building bunking school when the new boy at school entered, he looked at Cindy said ” your the No holds Barred champ aren’t you” Cindy nodded then said ” nobody has ever beat me at NHB wrestling and nobody ever will” the boy said ” I will take you on and beat you” Cindy laughed asked the boy his name and age and was told by the boy his name was Robert and he was 13 years old, Cindy asked Robert if he knew what was involved, Robert nodded said ” anything goes...

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Open wide baby

It had been three months since Ted had joined My wife Lyn and Myself in her first threesome. He didn’t talk about it much, unless I brought up the subject. I do know that he had a good time because when I brought up the subject of another get together he freaked. “So tell me Ted, do you want to fuck my wife again?” Ted smiled “are you shitting me, just name the time and place.” We set up a date for later that week. I dropped Lyn off at the motel before I went to pick up ted. Ted told his wife...

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Kelly And Trudy2 sisters

For the background to this story may i suggest you read(Mature)Schoolgirl sex,(Mature)Schoolgirl sex-the follow up, And Kellys sister.Trudy had told me that she would have me round when her husband goes fishing.This happened on one of those saturdays.She told me to come around after about nine as her husband would have left by then.She said she would leave the backdoor unlocked and to let myself in.On the day in question i walked down her garden path and quickly sneaked in through the garden...

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Fantasy 1

another friday comes and you are on your way home and receive a text from me asking how much longer till you get home.You walk in and I'm sitting in a chair and get up and hand you a cold glass of beer, your amazed as you look upon me. I have on a white satin robe open at the front. Under I have on white fishnet panties and a white bra, black gaterbelt and black stockings white white pumps. I walk back to the chair and drop my robe along the way I sit down and tell you to come over to me. you...

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Sylph Esteem

People had finally gotten the hint. Matthew finished his walk alongside the gravel road, having not found so much as a cigarette butt or gum wrapper. It was a far cry from two years ago when the roadside and the valley below had been littered with trash bags and discarded appliances. His cameras providing evidence of the people littering on the property had allowed the police to track down and fine the offenders. After only a couple of months, the constant stream of refuse had trickled down to...

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OyeLoca Lulu Ninfo Alt Girl

There’s nothing better than a beautiful girl with an eccentric sense of style and a vibrant personality, and Lulu Ninfo has all of the above. With green highlights, a tight black choker, and some sexy piercings, this punk chick can’t wait to get her pussy turned out. She arrives at the airport ready to have a good time, and when she gets back to the house, there are plenty of good times to be had. Our stud rips off her clothes and fucks her in her fishnet stockings, making her squirm in...

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High School Circle Jerk

When I was a freshman in high school, 14, my friend John invited me to sleep over at his house one Friday night. We agreed to try to acquire as much alcohol and weed as a bunch of freshman could find. The group that was going to be hanging out was me, my friend John, JJ, and Steve. John was a year younger than me, but still made the cutoff to be in the same grade. It was a hot day at in September at the beginning of our freshman year. I got my mom to drive me to John’s house, hoping that she...

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The couple I told what to do

I remember the excitment and hesitation as time ticked by ever so slowly. I am addicted to going on webcam and meeting new people. I joined yahoo and out of the blue I started talking with a woman. She asked me if I could help her out with something. She was heavy set and married. Her request was for me to go on webcam and tell her what to do to her husband for it was his birthday. I thought about it and was excited. The next day I logged on wearing my blue camisole and booty shorts. Her window...

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Kitten part 4

Kitten, part 4 "Yes it is," I said. "You see unclaimed Kittens don't get pampered the way the rest of us did. The way you will." I continued my story, "Those two had been sneaking around for weeks, hiding out in the unused out buildings, raiding the dining hall when they thought it was safe. They met up on the streets and hung together, Hooking whenever necessary to make money as they hitch hiked cross country. Tammy heard about the school from one of her Jane's....

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the caravaner

i live in a remote part of the country were not much happens,this is a true story so names have been changed.Hannah turned up one day with her parents on a camping holiday, she was 18 5ft2 a size 8 to 10 i guess,at first i took no notice of her but later that day i was on my way to my shooting ground when i bumped into her comming down the lane "hi what are you up to"she asked i told her and carried on my way after half an hour i had had enough and started to walk back down, thats whem i saw...

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Math Art and Sex

When she says his name, you know immediately that you have to return home for the summer. "I'll come." You say into the phone. "And--" Your mom pauses at the interruption. "What?" Clearly, she thought she would have to keep persuading you for another hour at least before you saw things her way. "Oh. Well. Great." "What time should I be down?" "Meet us at the house a day before we plan to leave out. I'll be at the campsite with your aunt and uncle to help set things up but your sister will be...

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Chance meeting with my ex

“You here?” She says enthusiastically. I turned and there she was, my ex-girlfriend Nancy. We had broken up a few years ago because we were in different places in our lives. She wanted something serious and I, like a typical male, wasn’t ready for that. “Hi,” I say while a smile forms on my face. We walk toward each other and hug. “What are you doing here?” she asks. I came to the city for work. A company hired me to do some consulting on one of their projects, I explain, and ask her why...

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Bingo at Roosters

To the outside world I was your normal boring 44 year old male accountant in kaki slacks and a pullover top. The kinda man women want after they sow their wild oats with the band members, the bikers and the body builders. But for me, while the outside was pure boring vanellia the inside was a raging crossdressser who adored pretty silky panties, tight bras, and the highest CFM heels she could find. My account with ebay was over $600 this year in purchases of the...

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The Pictures

She had seen him take the pictures. She was sure they were alone, but paparazzi have a way of hiding, especially Max. Damn it, why on earth did she kiss him at his car? She cursed herself for being so stupid. She checked her reflection one last time, took a deep breath and stepped out the car. The short walk from her Range Rover to the door of the warehouse seemed to take forever. She could hear the blood drumming through her ears as she hammered her fist against the metal door. She tousled her...

Straight Sex
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A Just RewardChapter 34

Edward did much the same as Steven had. He gazed at the ashen shadow of the girl he loved and was filled with grief. He had been, earlier on, when Steven told him what had happened. At a distance and at work he had largely been able to cope with it. Now, seeing her lying there all but dead it hit him: hard. The coming weekend had been going to bring everything to fruition but that was gone. She must not die without knowing he loved her. He checked himself. The surgeon had told Steven that he...

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Canon Ch 05

‘Wow.’ Amy stared at Geoff as he stood in the doorway of her room, and he stared at her. ‘Likewise,’ he said. Amy wore a chocolate-brown evening dress that hugged her curves. It was perhaps a tiny bit shorter and a tiny bit lower-cut than was quite proper, but she looked ravishing. The dress contrasted fetchingly with her ivory-pale skin, and her hair was pinned up in Geoff’s favorite Victorian style. Her jewelry was a blue topaz necklace with matching earrings and bracelet, and her purse...

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The Whores Revenge

She awoke cold and alone her head throbbing, her eyes ached to open and as her head cleared she began to become aware of her surroundings. She knew she was naked on a cold flat surface and he hands and feet were numb, since she couldn’t move she thought probably tied too. Her breasts were pressed flat from her own weight and she tried to turn her head but what ever they had done to her, she was still too groggy to focus. The room echoed like a metal garage and dim lights provided more...

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DevilsFilm Jane Wilde Charly Summer Cum Swap Cuties

Seth Gamble is talking to his friend Jane Wilde about his sex life. He says that his girlfriend Charly Summer likes it when he cums on her face, or in her pussy, or on her ass, but she never lets him cum in her mouth. Jane suggests that maybe Charly is just afraid to try having cum in her mouth, so if she had a friend to do it with her, she wouldn’t be afraid anymore. Naturally, Jane is more than happy to be that friend! Seth decides that it’s worth a try. Later on, before the...

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sister ki must bur 8230cooda

Ye kahani meri aur meri elder sister ki hai36 28 26.usko dekh kar har kisi ka land tight ho jata hai.her name is shamita.usko chodane ka khavb bahut dino se thaper malum nahi tha ki isi jindgi mai wo pura ho jayega.jab mai 18 saal ka thaaur wo 21.meri sister bahut bholi bhali si hai.usane abhi abhi college comlete kiya tha.uska rahan sahan ekdam sada simple hai.uska dressing bhi ekdum simple hai.ek exam ke bad apane dost ke yaha gaya aur iss site dekhi..usame incset story padhi.mere dimag ki...

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My best friends wife part 2

This is a continuation of how I have been secretly fucking my best friend’s wife. By the way, for those who want to know. I am 35 and the rest of the people are about the same. I am still interested in trading erotic personal situations with anyone who wants to. Just e-mail me. I found out quickly that Rita loved the danger in the whole relationship we were having. As I was able to talk a lot more intimately with her now, I found out that Bill was just not doing it for her at home. He...

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First time glory hole part2

...... I woke up and the lights were now on so I was guessing it was night and they close this place at 12 so was hoping that the man who closes it down let's me go so I looked at my watch it was 11 so was hoping someone would come soon.Someone came in I guessed it was the cleaner cos he went into the other stall and sounded like he was cleaning so I was hoping he will let me go he had finished cleaning the other stall and then open the door to the stall I was in he looked in shock to see me...

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Horny Little Women Pt2

Climbing from the small bed, it immediately dawned on Matthew that the suit and shirt worn for the previous day's funeral were all he had, the decision to stay made on the spur of the moment. A visit to the shops was essential and he didn't reckon on a lack of volunteers among the girls to help test the platinum card's outrageous credit limit. Whilst his father might have been an ill-tempered and self-absorbed authoritarian, he'd never let Matthew down financially. The deep sleep...

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