- 3 years ago
- 34
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It had been several years since Jared had left the dating service where he'd once worked for Cindy. And though she had claimed him to be a partner, the reality was, he still worked for her, but had grown tired of having to work for anyone. But even more importantly, he'd grown bored with what he was doing as it no longer felt challenging to him, and so he began to look at other more interesting possibilities.
When the series "Hero's" came out, Jared watched the program with obvious interest. And though he knew it to be nothing more than pure fantasy of course, he couldn't help but wonder, and thus remind himself that he was in a way uniquely different than everyone else. And though he certainly didn't consider himself any kind of a Hero, or run around in an attempt to save the world, he did know and accept the fact, he could do something that as far as he knew, no one else could. And the last thing he wanted to happen, was for someone to discover his unique ability, lock him away in some government facility, and then study or try to learn why he could do what he did. Even Jared didn't understand why he could "tune-in" to people's thoughts as he called it, though he had read every piece of scientific literature on even remotely similar subjects without gaining any better understanding of the phenomenon other than the one he had now.
But there was also something else, something new, which had happened quite by accident, and which he'd begun looking into though progress so far had been less than satisfactory in doing so and frustrating at best.
After Jared had left the Dating Service he'd been working at with Cindy, he had begun to think about where his special little ability might be better suited for him, and make him a considerable amount of more money than he had been making. Not so much that he would stand out because of it, he didn't want that either, but enough that he could at least live comfortably, be his own boss, and still fly under the radar without anyone giving him a second thought about whatever business savvy he might possess. Thus it was that Jared went into business for himself as a financial planner, stock broker, where he was able to use his unique abilities very much to his own advantage, often picking up private thoughts from other men and women he knew, learning more over lunch, just picking up thoughts than he ever could actually monitoring the exchange. And like everyone else, he had his up and down days, sometimes something he had gleaned as a good, safe investment opportunity didn't pan out the way he might have hoped, but overall, Jared had already made a name for himself in the business as being more astute to the way the market was headed more than anyone else. It didn't take him long then to acquire a fairly good-sized list of very wealthy clients who paid him well, and counted on him to invest their money wisely.
It had been while he was doing just that, having met a brand new potential client in his office that an entirely new manifestation of his unique ability to tune into people's thoughts, literally reading their minds, suddenly happened without any rhyme or reason for it in doing so.
If it hadn't been for the fact that she was an extremely attractive looking woman, especially for her age, which he'd learned was sixty two, that this might not have happened at all when it did, or perhaps much later on if even then.
Kris Nelson was a widower, owned a fairly large estate with numerous investment properties, but she had recently gone through a rather difficult and trying time when a close personal friend and associate of the family, who had been overseeing her finances for her for several years, suddenly absconded with several million dollars. Though he'd certainly not left her destitute, not by a long shot, it had put some of her properties in jeopardy, not to mention her over all trust in anyone else seeing to her investments after that.
Jared had just finished explaining to her everything his services involved, had gone over her financial portfolio, and had already indicated and pointed out to her several areas where she better needed to protect her liquid assets, as well as where she could further improve and enhance some of her investment returns.
He had hoped during their interview and time together that he'd pick up on her thoughts. Unfortunately, it didn't always work like that. Sometimes it just did. Sometimes he would hear what the person was thinking to themselves almost immediately as though they were speaking out loud. Then there were other instances where he would pick up a faint buzzing inside his head, and as though tuning into that person's particular frequency of thought, once he had done so, then he could also hear them thinking very clearly after that. And once Jared had established a link, he could continue to hold it even at a small distance unless he severed the connection himself, or unless they got too far away from where he was, when he could also lose the ability to continue hearing their thoughts.
But try as he might, he'd never been able to simply read a specific person's thoughts no matter how hard he concentrated on doing it. They were either there already, or he'd hear that all too familiar buzzing sound inside his head. It was the only way it ever worked, and he didn't always get to chose the person whose thoughts he was about to hear either, though he always left himself open to taking advantage of whatever situation was presented to him, which is why he spent a lot of lunches hanging around Corporate Executives, merely wandering around amongst them until picking up on some interesting thought or tid-bit of information. Jared had in fact been privy to some fairly secretive maneuverings, quite often saving his clients a substantial amount of money in potential loss as well as making them substantial amounts of money in being aware of a particular merger, long before anyone else ever was.
Jared had just finished pointing out one or two additional things for her to consider, he was just close enough that his hand still rested on her shoulder as he leaned over talking to her about them. As he did, he quite naturally glanced down the front of the blouse she was wearing. She certainly hadn't worn anything that anyone would construe as being entirely inappropriate, especially at her age, but the blouse she was wearing did balloon out slightly as she tipped forward looking through the sheaf of paperwork she held in her lap. Jared admired the still firm, still smooth contours of her magnificent full breasts, allowing his mind to wander briefly for a moment as he stood there.
"God I'd love to see you caressing your own breasts for me," he thought, and then picturing her doing so in his mind as she sat there in her chair facing him. To his sudden and complete surprise, he saw Mrs. Nelson's hand suddenly come up, cupping her left breast, the moment she did however, she realized it, yanking her own offending hand down as though she had scalded it, her face suddenly turning crimson as she spun around in her chair facing him. Her face had a wild-eyed look to it, her mouth opening as though intending to speak, though initially no words came to her that she felt would make any sense as she struggled with the "why on earth would I do something like that?" kind of thought behind the startled look as she sought some sort of inner explanations for her actions.
Surprised himself, Jared had also picked up a new sound, not quite the buzzing he had heard or had become familiar with before, this one more of an echoing sound, totally and completely different than anything he had sensed or dealt with before. But much like the buzzing sound, he held on to it, the echo becoming sharper, more focused until he was sure he had established a connection of sorts. But even then, he still couldn't hear her thoughts, which he'd initially half expected to hear suddenly.
"That's odd," he thought to himself.
"Yes ... it is, and I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me there for a second," Mrs. Nelson answered him as though he had actually spoken to her. "I guess at my age it's expected that I could become a little senile, but I certainly never expected it to come on me like this. I have no idea why I did that, and I apologize to you for having done so, I certainly wasn't thinking anything, it just happened!"
What Jared now realized, was that somehow, Kris was hearing his thoughts, but not only that, his suggestion, his mere thought of what he'd like to see her doing had been enough that she'd actually done it without even thinking about it until well after the fact, as though she'd had no outward control of the thought, except to accept it, and thus do it as though it had been the most natural thing in the world to actually have done.
Jared was also very excited at this discovery, but he also realized that he had to act now, had to experiment now before whatever link had been established between them was broken. There would be enough time for further examination and thought towards it later. But for the moment, he needed to find out where he could go with this while he could, and while he had someone who was sitting there connected to him, though she was for the moment just as confused as he himself was.
Calming himself, he thought quickly, expressing his thoughts clearly defining the direction he wanted to take them without alarming Kris with regards to them.
"You really do have very beautiful breasts though," he thought now sitting down across from her smiling at her, though making it clear he had actually said nothing directly to her as he sat there. "And you really should show them off a little more often, show that you're still sexually alive, that you still have needs, wants and desires," he continued on saying to her.
It was obvious by the expression on the woman's face, that she was indeed hearing these thoughts inside her own head, though not necessarily in his own words or speech, but more like her own. Thoughts that she now must have been struggling with in hearing, thinking to herself, wondering why she was having them why she was thinking the things that she was without any real reason for doing so.
"It's been a long time since you've even been with a man," Jared thought, "And at the moment, the thought of possibly seducing me sounds very appealing, so much so that you find yourself more aroused than you have felt in a very, very long time!"
Finally Kris spoke, her face still flushed, her mannerism off balance unlike the way she had first presented herself when they'd initially met.
"I am, uh ... yes, it has, what I mean is, what I meant to say," she stammered trying to make sense of her thoughts in doing so, "was that this uh ... these uh recommendations of yours, well, this one here for example..." she said pointing one out on the paper, hoping to direct Jared's attention towards it, though he was at that very moment telling her something else.
"So simple a thing, just undo another button, see if he looks, if he's interested, if he'll say or do anything," he was thinking to her, and then watched delightedly as she leaned forward, her outward intention to direct his gaze towards the paper and away from her hand which even then reached up, quickly undoing another button on her blouse further exposing the bit of cleavage she'd shown to him earlier while he'd stood behind her looking down her blouse.
"I know this is going to sound very unprofessional, and I apologize to you beforehand if it is," Jared began saying, "And I truly mean no offense by it either," he added. "But I must tell you Mrs. Nelson, you really are a very attractive looking woman, and there is something about you that I find very alluring, very appealing, so I am truly in hopes that we'll be able to work together, and that you'll allow me to handle your financial affairs both now, as well as into the future."
She was smiling at hearing that, even more so when Jared allowed his gaze to be caught by her own as he glanced at her breasts, saw the added bit of exposed flesh which she herself had allowed him to see.
"And I don't mind telling you, that there is something about you that I find very familiar, very comforting in a strange sort of way. I really can't explain it, except to be truthful and honest about it..."
Kris was still stammering a bit, still awkwardly unsure of herself, though her intellect was once again starting to take over as she carefully chose her thoughts before expressing them.
" ... but in a way, you have made me feel like a young woman again, and I appreciate that, I feel a bit giddy perhaps even, and have perhaps even acted that way for a bit here which I can neither explain, nor really chose to do so. But I can say that I do indeed like what you are offering, and would very much like to do business with you, and further cement our relationship going forward. So ... having said that, would you care to join me for dinner this evening?"
By now Jared had a raging hard-on, he was indeed excited, for a number of reasons, though admittedly, the first of which was this unexpected newfound ability, though he also realized he didn't know too much about it yet. Why it had happened the way that it had, or what limitations it might have when trying to use it. Kris stood at that moment however, making it obvious that she was preparing to leave, though he still hadn't as yet accepted her invitation to dinner, though only mere seconds had passed since she'd asked him.
Jared smiled inwardly, he knew the moment he stood up, she would see his obvious arousal, there was no way of hiding it, nor did he really wish to do so. It would be interesting to see her reaction to it, to him when he stood. And though he knew he might still very well lose her as a client if she took his obvious reaction to her as anything other than a real compliment, then so be it. If nothing else, it had certainly proven to be a worthwhile and very interesting experience.
Jared stood, holding out his hand towards her, which she took though she also clearly saw the enormous bulge pressing against the front of his slacks as he did so.
"I'd be happy to join you for dinner," he told her as he stood shaking her hand, though she in turn continued to stand there looking at his very obvious erection.
"Are you um ... uh, is that, well, is that, um..." "An erection?" Jared stated simply. "Yes Mrs. Nelson, it is. And I again apologize if my having one offends you, but I honestly couldn't help myself, nor very easily hide that I had one when you stood now could I?"
Even as he spoke however, trying to once again interject his own thoughts, he found that that interesting new connection was no longer there. When it had severed between them he didn't know, or why it had for that matter either. He only knew that it was no longer there the way it had once been. But ... just as suddenly as it had been there, and was now gone, he distinctly heard Kris's thoughts clearly being received by him again without warning, and again without any of the previous familiar signs that they would be. They were suddenly just there as he heard her immediate thoughts.
"What I'd really like to do at the moment, is fuck you ... right here and now, right on top of this very desk, and to hell with dinner for that matter, I'd prefer at the moment just to eat you!"
She finally let go of his hand, her face once again taking on color, though it took a moment more before she could tear her eyes away from the front of his pants, which Jared swore had now protruded outwards even more fully as aroused as he truly now was especially so clearly hearing her thoughts.
"You know Mrs. Nelson..."
"Please ... call me Kris."
"You know Kris, we could simply order in here, and continue on with our ... ah, conversations and such, and really get to know one another a lot better, especially if we're going to be working so closely together," he told her.
She was grinning from ear to ear.
"Yes, I would enjoy that," she said demurely, far more confident now of herself than she had been. "Though I hope I'm not keeping you from any other appointments or commitments?" she questioned once again taking her seat. "God I want to fuck you right now," she thought further without actually saying it, though even her posture was as she again leaned forward slightly displaying her breasts.
"Oh no, no other appointments today whatsoever, though I do have one small problem that's come up that I need to do something about, unless of course you're willing to help me take care of it while you're here," Jared grinned suggestively, letting her know as he said that what he was openly eluding too.
"By the looks of it, I don't think that's a small problem at all, in fact, it looks like a very big problem and something that needs some very urgent attention the way that I see it," she said, suddenly standing, though this time as she did so, she quite casually reached up and began undoing the few remaining buttons on her blouse.
"What I wish you would do, is lay me down and fuck me right here on your desk!" she thought as she finished removing her blouse followed quickly by the black laced bra she was also wearing as she stood there openly showing him now her large full breasts.
"Ever wondered what it would be like to fuck on someone's desk?" Jared asked, seeing her smile widen even larger than she'd been smiling moments ago.
"You know, funny you should say that, always wanted to, never have."
"Well then, I can't think of a better way to sign this contract then can you? Though, do you mind if I use this as a pen?" Jared asked as he suddenly unzipped himself, releasing and thus exposing to Kris his hard purple-veined member.
She laughed, quickly slipping out of the rest of her clothing as he began to finish removing his own.
"Got enough ink in that pen to do that?" she asked wickedly.
"More than enough," Jared answered, and then patted the desk after clearing it for her, as she climbed on top of it with the ease of a teenager, quickly and expectantly spreading herself.
Though Kris was in fact nearly twice his age, she was built like, and fucked like a woman who was half that. Her breasts certainly didn't look like a woman in her later years, still full with a natural maturity to them that Jared found very appealing. Her areola were large, though a soft pink with thick almost eraser like hard little protrusions that stuck up invitingly off her breasts. Her tummy certainly wasn't taut like a young woman's might be, fleshy yes, but not without splendor in its own right, even her pussy, not quite hairless, yet trimmed with an aged beauty to it, soon had him devouring it with a hungry urgency, something which had taken her completely by surprise as she had fully expected him to simply mount her, and fuck her there on the desk. Which he did, but not before licking and sucking her clit until she'd had a full glorious cum in his face orgasm.
Kris was in fact still awash with the sensation of climax still coursing through her body as Jared stood only then placing the tip of his blood-engorged cock at the opening of her sex, further teasing her still almost too sensitive clit for a moment before shoving it fully and completely inside her, literally taking her breath away.
"Oh fuck me! Fuck me!" she thought, then said it aloud a moment later, "Oh God Jared ... fuck me!"
Jared had never really fucked an older woman before. He had fucked several a few years older yes, but as he did, he found far more pleasure and giving with her than he really had with many other women far less her age. And what he really liked and enjoyed, was her total and complete lack of inhibitions, her spontaneity, her self-discovery and willingness to tell him what she wanted, and how she wanted it.
"Oh baby!" she moaned, "Come fuck me from behind, take me deep hard and fast!"
With an agility he hadn't expected, Kris suddenly extricated herself from his prick, flipping over onto her knees there on his desk, her ass winking at him invitingly. He had no option but to climb onto his own desk with her, kneeling behind her as he did so, once again pressing his hard stiff erection at her slippery opening that was even then oozing a delightfully creamy substance that still coated his cock. He slid back into her once again feeling that slick substance bathing him, grasping him as she began humping herself back against him. Jared took delight in the sensual sway of her breasts as they began to swing, sometimes rotating in completely opposite directions as he fucked her cunt, pummeling her deeply from behind. Kris moaned, occasionally lifting up balancing herself on one arm using the other to capture one of her free swinging tits, caressing it, pinching the nipple, then once again collapsing back onto the desk, fucking back against him almost violently as she neared ever closer and closer to yet another orgasm.
Kris soon after did just that. Jared felt her sweet tight cunt clasping his prick as she shuddered, her pussy convulsing like a pulsating heartbeat around him. He felt his own pleasure suddenly intensify, felt the liquid release boil up from his balls just as Kris sensed his orgasm begin, uncunting him, spinning turning over on his desk top and then grabbing his now throbbing cock with her mouth. Jared felt his semen burst forth from the head of his prick one delicious ejaculate after another as Kris greeted each one laughing, drinking, and draining him dry.
Jared ordered Chinese from a nice little restaurant just down the street and around the corner from his office. Kris had freshened herself up in his private bath, soon after emerging wearing one of two white terry cloth bathrobes he had told her she'd find there. She carried the other handing it to him just as he hung up the phone.
"Should be here in about twenty minutes," he told her slipping into his robe.
Several papers lay strewn about the floor, which he had carelessly swiped off his desk just prior to their frenzied fuck together. Kris stooped over intending to pick many of them up.
"Don't bother," Jared laughed stopping her. "We're not done yet."
He watched as the few she had already gathered toppled from her hand, she too was smiling as she faced him. "God, I'm glad to hear that," she sighed happily. "I was hoping that was only the first round."
Kris settled herself comfortably into one of Jared's large oversized leather chairs while he stood at his private bar fixing them drinks. Once again the front of her robe parted showing him a great deal of one of her breasts as he stood there admiring the view, handing her a glass of wine.
"Thank you," she said accepting it, and then felt his now free hand slide down the side of her neck into the deep plunging "V" of her robe caressing her breast. Her nipple quickly became erect once again as he briefly thumbed it, his prick already beginning to lengthen just as a buzzer went off in his office alerting him to the fact that someone stood at the door downstairs.
"Dinner," he announced releasing her breast, and then crossed the room to the intercom pressing it. "Come on up," he announced only then checking the small monitor next to it confirming that indeed their dinner had in fact arrived. "Cute!" he thought to himself as the young woman holding two large sacks let herself in and began climbing the short flight of stairs up towards his office where he stood waiting for her.
Jared opened the door meeting the young Asian woman as she arrived, startling her slightly as she greeted him wearing only the white terry cloth robe. Behind, she could see Kris likewise wearing another one, and couldn't help hiding the brief quick smile that appeared on her face as she brought in the sacks containing their food.
"Ah, where would you like them?" she asked.
As she spoke, Jared heard that echoing sound, he turned studying Kris but knew almost immediately that it hadn't come from her as the echo was now coming from beside him as he pointed towards the bar directing her.
"Over there," he told her his mind already a blur at the moment wondering how he might once again experiment with this new found ability he'd just discovered, anxious to learn if what had happened with Kris would also be possible with the cute Asian woman who now stood before them.
Even as he stood wondering and thinking about that he picked up Kris's own thoughts.
"God she reminds me so much of Kaya!"
In the twinkling of an eye Jared discerned the longing in her thought, the forgotten memory that had suddenly emerged confirmed a second later by a followed thought, "God, I still miss her after all these years!"
"That will be eighteen seventy-five," the young woman spoke having set their dinner down on the counter top though she was currently looking towards Kris, surveying the room as she did so.
"That's right," Jared thought reaching out to her, following the echo, sharpening the connection as he had done previously with Kris. "Take it in, know that we were fucking here, picture it in your mind, the frenzy, the lust, the wild crazy abandon taking place just before you arrived."
She was indeed doing just that as Jared purposely took his time looking for his discarded pants that he'd tossed over one end of the couch, drawing her attention to that as he did so, fishing for his wallet.
"More than anything, you'd like to stay and party with us," Jared suggested, forming the mental image of the three of them together, the young woman naked, lying on the couch her pussy being licked pleasurably by Kris while she in turn began sucking Jared's hard stiff aching cock.
As he found his wallet withdrawing it from his pants, he purposely slipped off to one side the fold of his robe so that his prick stood proudly poking out towards her as he turned, wallet in hand even then withdrawing the cash from it handing it to her.
As he'd hoped, her eyes immediately locked on to his exposed erection. He followed her gaze, pretending surprise at his exposure, quickly covering himself.
"Sorry," he grinned sheepishly holding out the cash to her, which she accepted, though she was also smiling as she took it.
"Don't be," she grinned back at him. "I'm only sorry I never get to do anything like this," she found herself saying, though Jared had implanted that very thought, hopefully, expectantly as she spoke it.
"You're welcome to stay," Kris suddenly announced surprising Jared as she said it, though he couldn't have been more pleased when she did.
"What's your name?" Jared asked taking her by the hand, leading her over towards where Kris was sitting before she could collect her wits or reconsider what had just been suggested or come up with any sort of reply that would keep her from wanting to do that.
"Aryia," she answered softly, Jared sensing the hesitation and uncertainty in her tone of voice as she spoke.
"Relax," he soothed mentally, "It's just the excitement you're feeling, you really do want to do this, experience this, now ... with us."
"That's a very beautiful name, for a very beautiful young woman," Kris had added standing up taking the young woman's hand as Jared passed it to her.
"Thank you," she said blushing, catching her breath just as quickly as Kris placed one of her hands on the young woman's breast.
"Would you like to stay and play with us?" she asked hopefully, continuing to lightly caress and massage the young woman.
She glanced over towards Jared, his cock once again fully exposed as he stood purposely stroking it for her, his thoughts still connected, the image he had formed of her standing there, Kris continuing to do what she was already doing, though slowly undressing her now.
"I need to make a call first," she announced grinning. "Or they'll wonder what happened to me."
She quickly produced her cell phone, spoke briefly though rapidly in Chinese and then hung up. She was again blushing as she did so. "Told them I tripped going down the stairs and sprained my ankle, said I was catching a cab on my way to the hospital to have it looked at," she giggled.
"You won't get in any trouble?" Jared asked worriedly, honestly concerned.
"Oh no, family owned business, and I assured my mother it was nothing more than a bad sprain. I'll wear an ace bandage on it tomorrow, limp around a bit. Everything's fine," she assured him, and then began undoing the buttons on her tight white little blouse.
As Jared had suggested in his thoughts to her, she had begun removing her top, though she quickly approached Kris once again standing in front of her, letting her know as she did so, that she expected Kris to finish doing that. Only too happily to oblige her, she began doing so.
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The summer moved slowly like a beetle crawling along a hot, dusty, back road. Days dawned too early and went dark too late as far as Mindy was concerned. She used to love the lazy summer when she spent her time with her friends, traveling and playing between their various homes and vacation cottages. But that was when they were young and considered socially awkward so they were encouraged to take turns planning, then promoting parties and dances.Mindy and her friends seemed to be focused on...
Mindy was on a mission to make her ex-boyfriend jealous for breaking up with her. She made sure the pictures were racy and showed her doing extraordinary things in bed. He would call her to discuss the pictures or short videos she sent.She did not respond to him. She showed him pictures of Holly going down on her. She showed a clip of her having a threesome with his brother and a friend. Damon was sorry that he dumped her and wanted Mindy to meet him and talk.She planned on calling Damon...
LesbianAuthor's note: I think this works as a stand-alone. I get my lily white ass reamed by a big black bull in front of my wife, her friend and my swim team. Delicious humiliation!Mindy's moving day signaled a huge change in her life and the relationship I have with my wife, Debbie. That was the day we put on a real life show of me offering up my sissy ass while Debbie reamed it with Mindy's big strap-on. I'm still reeling from it all.Debbie immediately offered our help on moving day when Mindy had...
Mindy Green had just gotten out of a serious relationship. Her boyfriend told her she was too “vanilla” for his taste. He wanted her to be more adventurous in the bedroom.When he broke up with her, instead of crying and being upset, Mindy decided to go wild. She wanted to have sex with a woman and have a threesome with two men. She would send her proof to her ex. She wanted him to see what he was missing. She would make him jealous and beg for her to take him back.It was Friday night and...
ThreesomesMindy’s Father Remembers J.W. Holmes, Mindy’s father, rode silently in the limo with his daughter for the long ride from their Manhattan hotel to the private airport in rural New Jersey where his corporate jet awaited them. He had already experienced her sharp looks and blunt responses to him and assumed that she remembered enough of last nights events that he felt he should give her some space but show her a modicum of respect and concern, but above all, not make a remark to her that could be...
Mindy giggled to herself after her ex left several messages wanting to find out about her shenanigans with his brother. He told her about their naughty threesome and now was interested in why they always had simple sex.In Mindy’s mind her boyfriend was simple. He just wanted her to suck his cock and slip his dick into her cunt. He never wanted to do anything more than that. Perhaps, it was because Mindy was just bored. They did go out for many years and he never suggested anything more...
LesbianMindy was on a mission to make her ex-boyfriend jealous for breaking up with her. She made sure the pictures were racy and showed her doing extraordinary things in bed. He would call her to discuss the pictures or short videos she sent. She did not respond to him. She showed him pictures of Holly going down on her. She showed a clip of her having a threesome with his brother and a friend. Damon was sorry that he dumped her and wanted Mindy to meet him and talk. She planned on calling Damon...
Mindy Finds a Way to CopeA couple of weeks had passed since Mindy’s trip to New York with her father… she went to work with him every morning but only worked for four hours, three days a week… she had two hours of her College classes every day in a comfortable training room in the corporate suites along with four other fellowship students. After class she would call her father’s executive assistant and arrange for a ride back home… there was always a company messenger making runs around town so...
he says....being having some nasty thoughts involving you. nothing much nice. just you, as a non-willing participant. for example, right now, i could see you fastened in some way....hands in like stocks....feet trapped too in some way. i come up behind you. while there might be buttons and clasps, i just want to use you. so i tear or cut-off relevant pieces of clothing. you can turn your head, maybe, but with hands and feet trapped behind these boards of wood. you cannot...
PAMELA I THE WEEKEND She was nervous. And, yes, frightened. But the fright only added to thelittle worm of excitement that was wriggling inside her, making her nipples hardand keeping her pussy damp. She was dressed, according to his instructions, in atight blouse and a very short miniskirt. That was all she had on, except for hershoes. No underwear, he had stipulated. Nothing else on her body. No jewelry, norings, no wristwatch. Just...
"Christ, Jason, where did you learn how to fuck like that?" Ethel groaned, "that was the hardest climax I've had in donkey's years! Sam, my love, do you realise that I've finally fucked Jason, and came harder than I have ever cum before! Now, what were you going to do next?" "Mom, just lift the lid over Mindy's face and sit down on the seat ... That's right; now squeeze your bowels ... Yes! Like that! "Dad, look between Mom's legs, see how my cum is running out of Mum's cunt...
While Mindy was thoroughly dehumanized in his toilet slave machine, he wasn't done with his mechanization of her body. The next stage of the project would take much more time, planning, and construction over several weekends. The following weekend, he purchased heavy sewer drainpipe and other construction materials from Home Depot. He had made plans for Mindy's final installation even before she arrived at his home two weeks ago. The sewage treatment system, of which Mindy's body would...
Hello friends! How are you all? This is Daksh Kashyap (engineer-IIT Bombay) once again to share my new story. Please read to know about my sexual experiences. This story is of last year. In May, I have shared my sex experiences on ISS. I got lots of messages, mostly from married girls. But some wanted just sex chat, and those who wanted sex were from other cities. Finally, one day I got a message from Surabhi, who was from Mumbai and wanted real sex. We started talking on hangout. She was from...
When was the last time you made me cum? It has been such a busy week and my mind has been so full of work I can't quite remember. Was it Tuesday? Or, maybe...was it Wednesday? Yes, I think it was Wednesday. That's right. Wednesday we had lunch in my car. Wow. Today is Friday...only two days without your voice in my ear growling, "Cum for me darling," and I can't think straight. "Darn!" I burned my forehead with my flat iron. I can't even focus on what I'm doing and shouldn't be allowed to play...
Masturbation[/u]Mindy’s Trip with her FatherMindy knew she woke later than her usual morning hour… but this morning she was aware of the electronic buzz of an alarm clock that wouldn’t stop… Mindy reached out blindly toward her nightstand and felt someone else in her bed… which startled her to near consciousness...forcing her to open her eyes and try to focus...the person next to her slowly took an identifiable form, it was her father, and he was sleeping. She could now hear his heavy deep breathing and...
Mindy giggled to herself after her ex left several messages wanting to find out about her shenanigans with his brother. He told her about their naughty threesome and now was interested in why they always had simple sex. In Mindy’s mind her boyfriend was simple. He just wanted her to suck his cock and slip his dick into her cunt. He never wanted to do anything more than that. Perhaps, it was because Mindy was just bored. They did go out for many years and he never suggested anything more than...
As I was leaving Mindy’s home that first day we met when she had taken me to Melba’s grave site, Mindy said, “I hope we can stay in touch and see one another again soon”. I said, “I’d love to, but staying in touch may be difficult because I’m married and if you call me on the phone my wife will be able to see your name and phone number and wonder what’s going on between us.” Mindy said she understood, but that perhaps we could stay in touch through E-mails. Since my wife doesn’t even know how...
Group SexMindy and Me Mindy turned out to be very much like her mother Melba had been. Of course Mindy was much younger than Melba had been, but she was wonderful company and she was hungry for sex because she was divorced with no "friend with benefits" in her life at that time. So, we were compatible with one another from the very first day we were together when she took me to visit Melba's grave and then invited me to visit with her for a while at the lake home she had inherited from Melba in order...
Straight SexIntroduction: Life of a secret humiliation fucktoy. This is the longest erotic story Ive written thus far, and so Im really excited to post it. Im sorry about any spelling/grammatical errors, though I did give it a quick edit. I love writing stories about humiliation and bdsm, so if you all like this, Ill be sure to write up some more. Be sure to leave a comment if you liked it or have any suggestions. Enjoy! ________________ Little Humiliation Fucktoy Hed told me hed call me whenever, so I...
The beat up old car chugged up the driveway with labored putters. Mindy peered through the windshield in awe as she soaked in the view. She had driven passed high gates that opened up to grand lawn filled with perfectly trimmed hedges that guided the path. Every few feet was met with an elegant hedge statue of figures in classical poses as if they were part of an old art painting. The path eventually circled a large fountain that was just before the front entrance. Here, the young blonde was...
Mindy Holmes: EpilogueMindy did find success in the corporate world. She rose to prominence quickly… first as a scholar with acknowledgements from many renown universities and intuitions that she had attended and then received degrees and citations of honors from… all proudly framed and displayed throughout her large corner office in the penthouse suites of her fathers corporation. She was the undisputed Second In Command and the heir to the kingdom when the appropriate time came. She was in...
This is the pure fuckmeat of our story, as she arrived at a "work" place. The red? Well, you can imagine bright blue, pink, jet black, etc, for she had those colors in similar ultra-short styles.Not just for work, she walked all over campus in this type of dress.Outfits like the above? Fairly common on campuses of the late sixties and early seventies.When your wife does real prostitute duties, it is rare or impossible for the husband to watch those duties being done. All those other guys are...
HardcoreThis is what happens if you are brave enough to meet a man from an internet chat room ;-)Its 2 am in the morning.You follow the careful instructions and park your car in private car park. You are in the parking space you have been told to park in. You are next to a nice set of modern 2 story flats in a nice part of Ealing.. Your phone rings and I give you your next set of instructions.I tell you I can see you sitting in your car. You must remove all your clothes immediately.Reluctantly you do...
It was a Saturday afternoon and I had just stepped out of the shower after sleeping late when the phone rang. “Hello!” I said. “Hi Mindy!” the voice on the other side said. I answered, “Oh, Hi Sherry! What’s up?” Sherry was my best friend. We can talk for hours about work, guys, shopping, clothes, parties, who got kicked off the model show, and too many other things to list. “Not much,” I said. “Maybe thinking about going to the mall. How about you?” “Want to crash a party tonight?” “Sure!...
________________ Little Humiliation Fucktoy He'd told me he'd call me whenever, so I expected him even when I went out. Today was one such day, I was out with my family, shopping at a mall when I got the call. I picked it up, lagging behind a bit. 'Hello?' 'Hey fuck toy, meet me in the largest stall in the men's bathroom in 2 minutes, pronto. I've left a bag in there, put all your clothes into it and be on all fours when I get there.' With that, he hung up, leaving me...
Ever since i have became interested in guys, all I've wanted for as long as i can remember is it to know what it feels like to have a cock sliding down my throat. i fantasised about sucking a cock for such a long time, but not just thoughts about sucking a cock i have wanted to be facefucked hard , and i mean really hard, i was dreaming about getting put on a desk upside down and getting my skull fucked so hard and sloppy that my face is covered in so much sperm and saliva that a can't open my...
It is a few weeks after Christmas and you get to be the fly on the wall as Mindy plays with her new Christmas present from her male parent!!! She decides to take some pictures to show her appreciation, but what subject would be suitable....? Become the fly on the wall in her bedroom before her male parental figure comes home from work and see what she has planned to share with him to express how pleased she is with his...
By the time lunch was on the table the following midday, Sam had completely finished the beautifully seasoned oak casket's exterior; oops, the seasoned oak commode, for want of a better word, and was fitting out the entrapment shackles inside. He had to widen it so that Mindy's knees were nigh on up to her armpits, snuggled under where her armpits would be locked in place. A belt strap would encircle her hips; cinched tight, it wouldn't allow her to struggle as she was raped by her father...
After a quick breakfast, he drove down to Home Depot and bought some lumber, PVC pipe, hinges, a large funnel, and other assorted hardware items. Upon getting back home, he got to work. Building the new device was a much simpler project than building the original toilet slave chair. All he needed to build was a new upper part of the toilet head box. He'd also need to build a footrest since the new toilet seat would be about 6 inches higher above the floor. He constructed the part over the...
At this point in the sex story, I have done quite a few things that involved me getting fucked in the ass by women with huge strapons and transwomen with huge cocks. I have gotten my ass double penetrated by two women with two huge strapons and by two transwomen with huge cocks. I've always wanted to try having double anal sex and I'm glad that I did because its now one of my favorite things to do. I have gotten anally fisted by JessiKa who shoved her entire arm all the way up inside of...
This is the meat that was provided on that late summer day...When your wife does real prostitute duties, it is rare or impossible for the husband to watch those duties being done. All those other guys are working on their own fantasies. Directly or indirectly, they are paying for the services. And entertaining the boyfriend, fiancee or spouse is not on their list.That is why I could only hear of most encounters, or get the rare extra photo that was given to my wife. I became used to dropping...
Hung white male looking for a sub cocksucker to worship and swallow – In town the week of March 19 – 26. Looking to meet at a local coffee shop, before returning to my rental and spending several hours fucking your face into submission. If you are not an expert deep-throater, you will be when I finish with you. You should take instruction well and be willing to submit to light bondage and humiliation. I will not reciprocate and am not looking for chit chat or drama.Me: 6'2", 195, in-shape,...
It’s a real story and I don’t give a shit if you believe it or not. So pull down your pants and grab your dicks/pussies and enjoy. So the person I’m talking about is my classmate cum fuckbuddy Princiya(name changed) we study together in a medical college. We are 19 years now and we have know each other for almost 10 months. About her looks: she is looks fine. Not too fair and not too dull. It doesn’t matter to me about the looks. I am okay with anything. Coming to her body she has a fine body...
Several of my buddies take an annual trip, just the guys, leaving the wives at home and taking a week to do all that stupid stuff that wives hate; drinking beer, watching sports, swapping stories, and generally being guys. This year we decided to go skiing and found an awesome cabin in the woods near Lake Tahoe. Even better, the cabin was near a casino; drinking beer, watching sports, and gambling, it just doesn't get better than that. Eight guys were able to convince their families to let them...
by DiscipleN Chapter 1 I have an older brother and two younger sisters. Mother is divorced, and my few memories of my father aren't so memorable. He left us while mom was pregnant with Shelley. I forgot about him by the time I learned to jerk off. Once when I was nine years old, I interrupted Rodney masturbating in the john. Of course anything he could do I had to ape. His face burned red, and I though he was angry with me, but he was just embarrassed. He tried to tell me it was no big...
Andre came past us and said “Now Astral may be washed and we can start this Clusterfuck for real.” Astral turned to me and hugged me. I took her hand and noticed Audrey standing looking at me. I reached out and took her hand, “Come you can help me wash Astral,” I said. So the three of us went to the duck boards. I moved the bench off and several girls sat on it and watched as I washed the last of the Bahia. I had to make this fast but I also had to get Audrey back up to at least simmer...
To all of you... To you frequent readers and contributors to xhamster… I owe you an apology for not following the examples I’ve noted in many of the posts on these pages… a sincere effort to record a fantasy or the memory of an event… and write about it in the best way possible for that contributing individual to express the pent up sexual arousal achieved by these memories or fantasies. I have enjoyed a stimulation or two from your stories… and applaud your sharing with any and all who would...
MINDING MY BUSINESS By Geneva A young man has been changed to a woman in a special government facility to divert him from a life of trouble. The new woman takes to a new life successfully, and helps a young businessman avoid a potential swindle. This story is set in England in the 1960's. The same government facility mentioned here also appears in my earlier stories, "A Dirty Night Out' and 'Subterfuge'. START A loud pounding and shouting at his door eventually penetrated into...
This is the story of the first time I got butt fucked by a tranny...In my early twenties, I'd gotten in the habit of visiting strip clubs for a bit and then picking up a hooker for a quick blowjob. At home, my jerk sessions were always pretty dirty (I love eating my cum) but more and more frequently involved toys and ass-play. I was also starting to explore transsexual porn.Over time I was noticing an increasing number of trans and CD/TV hookers on the street but hadn't yet hooked up with any...
Every day now at my lunch break I service one of my many Daddies in his office in the building where I work. He'll always slip me a few bucks, a $20 or even $50 afterwards, not as a payment for sex, but as a "tip" "for all the hard work you do here," he says. I work in the parking garage connected to the building this 50-something rich, handsome, budding attorney has an office in, doing cleaning, maintenance, and customer service which mostly entailed finding people a parking space or finding...
The following occurred on Saturday April 16th 2011. It is true and it was hot. I am a 40 year old male who is married to a 34 year old woman named Cindi. She is 5?7? 139 pounds, and blond with blue eyes. She wears her hair shoulder length. We have two young c***dren and just don?t find the time to go out anymore. So this particular Saturday, we were able to drop off the k**s at my mother in laws and go out. When my wife was getting ready to go, I walked in the bedroom and she had put on a blue...
My wife Elaine is 19, petite with long black hair, small but very firm tits and keeps her pussy shaved. She likes to have sex with strangers in strange places and in public. She gets her excitement from being used, abused and humiliated in front of people The more people who see her, the more she likes it.We had been married for a little under a year before I found out about her eccentricities. We where very happy (or so I thought) and I had no reason to suspect her of any infidelities. That is...
This is a requested story, Janin http://xhamster.com/user/xxxsweetgirlxxx Wanted to know what I would do if we ever meet.I had been going to the broken down shabby old restaurant for a couple of days in a row now, it was perfect for what I wanted to do, never any people between four and five except for me and the brown haired waitress that always tried to get may attention when I was there.I had indulged in some causal flirting so far, stringing her along to give me a free beer with my early...
It was a cold, breezy January night, and we exchanged flirty smiles as we walked into the bar, looking forward to meeting our tall strong stranger. Her beautiful painted eyes were sparkling with anticipation and lust. I could feel my cock stiffen against the denim of my jeans as we searched the room for the man who had come to meet us. "There," I whispered into her ear. She looked deep into my eyes and grabbed my hand and she led me through the crowd to the small table in the corner where our...
As he lay his tired body to rest. His weak and pale body, so drained for energy. So damaged from endless painful years of sickness. He is so tired of the reality of pain. So much he wish he could leave reality to itself. Wish he could escape into his own private world. A world were he would not be sick. A place were his appearance is not regarded as repulsive. A place of love instead of pity. He tries to turn to his side but his damaged lungs can not conjure the air for him to do so. Even as...