Cost Of TimeChapter 4: Meetings free porn video

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The scout was breathless, riding a thoroughly lathered horse. Captain Legios of the High King's Heavy Weapons Company took the man's salute.

"Captain! There's a carriage about two miles ahead, heading north. There are about three hundred of the God-King's cavalry chasing them, a couple of miles or so further back."

The man looked back south, where the dust clouds were clearly visible.

Legios didn't hesitate, but instead swung to his newest lieutenant. "Lieutenant Smyla, go with Big and do what he tells you. Big, set up now, hasty defense, range of a mile. I want every man not involved with setting up ready to fire a rifle volley into the air."

Big Mortar started barking orders, and the column of four hundred men exploded into action.

"We're on our side of the treaty boundary, Captain," Short told Legios.

"Meaning we could fire into them. I know. Still, I would like to avoid massacring a bunch of the God-King's soldiers if I can. Short, I want you to command the riflemen, please."

Short nodded, scanning south for himself. Then he turned and started barking more orders to get the men set and ready.

Before he went to join the riflemen, Short waved at the approaching dust clouds, the carriage now clearly visible. "I don't like this, sir. It smells of a trap!"

"Why do you say that, Lieutenant?"

"That's a noble's carriage. Fine for the city and the like, but the odds are it'll break before it gets here. There's no way those soldiers could have chased it here."

"Do you believe the carriage is more of a threat than the cavalry in pursuit?" Legios asked snidely.

"Of course not. But I'll be curious to hear the story of those in the carriage, assuming they live long enough to tell it."

The carriage was now a little more than a mile off, bumping down the road, the cavalry in pursuit seemed to have gained a bit; they'd be up in a less than a finger-width.

"Action front, range a mile. I want a single rifle volley, fired high. Have the men reload at once. If we have to shoot again, shoot to kill." Short saluted and ran to take his position.

Legios took a few more heartbeats to get set in his own mind. Slightly more than half his men were on the mortar teams. Still, a hundred and fifty rifles fired into the air would, hopefully, give the oncoming soldiers pause. They were, after all, invading the Kingdom of Hostigos, the Duchy of Mexico. The last time they did that, a million and a half of their fellows had died.

He walked his horse back slowly behind the lines of riflemen and turned back to face the oncoming soldiers.

The carriage was now a few hundred yards away. The thunder of hooves of the eight horses pulling it was loud, as well as the bangs and thumps as it hit rocks and bumps.

Legios raised his arm. "On my signal, ready!"

Men lifted their rifles and aimed them skywards. "Fire!"

The volley was a single crash, as solid as an officer could wish. The carriage veered a little, heading now for their position, slightly off the road. Legios grimaced, hoping it wasn't going to make him jump for safety. That wouldn't look very soldierly!

He lifted his eyes to the oncoming soldiers. They hadn't slowed; they hadn't shown any reaction to the volley at all.

"Big, commence!" he called loudly.

Getting a line of sixty mortars to fire on time was much more difficult than getting a hundred and fifty riflemen to follow orders. Still, the fountains of dirt, the barking cracks and yellow flame centers, the towering gouts of dirt, while not together, were close enough to all at once to check the advance.

His riflemen had finished reloading and were now on one knee, aiming a level volley.

In the distance, not quite a mile, trumpets called and the headlong charge stopped in a huge swirl of dust.

With a sinking feeling Legios saw that the swirl of dust was drifting his way. Oh wonderful! Any soldier with an ounce of crazy initiative would see that and see an opportunity to attack out of the dust.

"Steady! Mortar men, prepare to defend yourselves! Fire only on my command!" Legios ordered.

The carriage pulled past him and stopped at a barricade of soldiers and horses that blocked the road a little further north.

Legios spared the coach just a single glance, and then turned back, studying what little he could see as the pall of dust moved over them.

The dust cloud was, Galzar be praised, breaking up. Legios forced himself to sit still on his horse, watching as the dust dissipated. Beyond, the soldiers of the God-King were lined up in serried ranks. Even as he watched, three men rode forward, rifles held reversed.

Both of the Mortar Brothers came up. Big spoke first. "The carriage is a noble woman and her daughter. She says they are fleeing for their lives; they say that there's a new king in Tenosh."

Legios knew that intelligence was important and thus, he had to keep the women safe. "Are there any servants with them?"

"No, just the two woman. The younger was driving the team. Captain, those horses are all but dead. I'm not sure how they made it this far. The carriage is a wreck; it should have fallen apart miles ago."

"Get Sergeant Hollar up, he'll ride forward with me. Tell those women this is their lucky day!"

The sergeant appeared, and, as always, he appeared eager to beard death. Twice Legios had asked the man flat out why he courted death. Twice he'd answered that he followed where Legios led. Legios was sure the man had a death wish. On the other hand, he could speak and understand Mexicotal, the language of their enemies and was as fine a soldier as any man could be.

The two of them rode toward the God-King's soldiers. Legios smiled to himself. You were supposed to match parley party sizes. In theory if you outnumbered them, you were trying to overawe them, and if you were fewer, you were supposed to be making fun of them.

Normally Legios would have stopped a few feet from the soldiers of the God-King and wait for them to move up. This time he continued past them for a hundred yards before stopping.

The God-King's commander was livid when he finally faced Legios, having had to back track. "Give us those women!" he demanded.

"No," Legios told him. "You are trespassing. Turn around and go back the way you came. These are the lands of the High King and you may not pass."

"Just how many men are you willing to spend for two faithless women, soldier?"

"I am Captain Legios, of the High King's Heavy Weapons Company. Perhaps you've heard of us? To close with us you'll have to gallop through a mile of mortar fire. I have sixty mortars -- we can fire a dozen rounds each in that time. Many, many times more shells than you have soldiers. My mortar men are famous for their accuracy. Then you would have another hundred and fifty mounted infantry to overcome, already in cover.

"Your men would get one volley, Captain, against men in cover. My men, sir, about four to your one by then, would get three shots off before you closed with them. Except of course, none of your men would be alive, none of you would reach our position. Perhaps I might lose one or two men, perhaps not.

"Turn around, Captain and leave. Or die here, with your men."

"One day we'll be back."

Legios laughed. "What, another couple of years?"

The man spat in Legios' face, turned and rode his horse away, followed by the other two.

Legios wiped the spittle from his face with a bandana, then stayed sitting in rifle range as the God-King's soldiers turned around and started south. The last few of them were buried once more in the cloud of dust, drifting north once again.

Sergeant Hollar laughed. "I liked what you told him, sir!"

"I don't think he did. Let's get back, Sergeant."

He had a hasty conference with his lieutenants. "They are withdrawing," Legios told them. "Nonetheless, we'll remain in a defensive position until we're sure they're south of the boundary." Legios nodded to his head scout. "Signal me what their intentions are."

"Yes, sir. I would have earlier, except the sun..."

"Yeah," Legios agreed. The sun wasn't always in a good place for mirror communications. Late in the afternoon was a bad time for it, with enemies to the south.

The man vanished into the desert.

"Big? What have we got?"

"You're going to need to talk to them, sir. It sounds like there's been a revolt in Tenosh."

Legios lifted an eyebrow. That would interest the High King and Duke Tuck. It was still a mental effort for Legios to keep his allegiances straight. He was oath and honor bound to the High King, but detached to serve Duke Tuck, helping to train his mortar soldiers. Half of his time was spent at Tecpan, training Lady Judy's soldiers. It made his head spin sometimes, thinking about it!

Big Mortar wasn't more forthcoming, so Legios rode towards the rear, where the women were. A canvas fly had been erected and the two women were resting on chairs at a table that had been set up in the shade.

Legios stopped when he saw them. Both of them had their faces elaborately painted in the henna-dye that the Mexicotal used. Two kinds of people had faces painted like that. The Mexicotal, loyal to the High King, spitting in the face of the former God-King on the eve of battle. And subjects of the God-King, about to ascend a pyramid, where a priest would remove their still-beating hearts and offer them up as a prayer to their blood-thirsty gods.

Legios spent a few heartbeats trying to get past the paint; it wasn't truly possible. The woman was older, perhaps in her forties, with the black hair and black eyes of the Mexicotal. She wasn't fat like most of the noblewomen of the God-King, but it was clear she'd been a mother. Her lips were full; her nose had an impressive break.

The girl was younger, perhaps twenty summers, but otherwise a twin of her mother, although she was much thinner.

"Are they still advancing?" the older woman asked.

"No, they are withdrawing."

"You're sure?"

"I'm sure, ma'am. We'll watch them until they are south of the treaty boundary, but we won't interfere with them."

Legios paused. "I am Captain Legios of the Heavy Weapons Company."

"I am Talu. My husband was a noble in Tenosh and this is my daughter, Maya. After the God-King was killed, my husband's star was in ascendancy, as he backed the daughter-in-law of the God-King. I swear, my husband's goal, as was that of most of the nobles, was to maintain order and stability in the realm.

"Less than a moon ago, Xyl, a soldier, and a cousin of the God-King, spoke to the Council of Nobles, telling them that the Elder Gods had deserted us, that the days of the God-Kings, priests and sacrifices were over and that we had to overthrow the old ways.

"I guess he had already talked to those men, because they acclaimed him King. Not God-King, but just the King, King of the Olmecha. Anyone who didn't swear immediate loyalty to him was killed. Not killed on the pyramid, you understand, but taken out in the town square and shot. My husband died there, one of those who wouldn't swear to the usurper.

"My daughter and I talked long into the night, knowing they'd come for us in the first light of dawn. Loyal servants prepared my carriage and urged us to flee.

"We thought we'd gotten away free. But last night our last servant went into a village to buy food and didn't return. My daughter and I -- we respect the old Gods. We expected to die, so we painted our faces as those about to meet their Gods should." She closed her eyes and a tear leaked down her cheek.

"Our courage failed. We fled when they came for us," the daughter interjected.

Big Mortar laughed. "Girl, it sounds more like an attack of common sense."

The young girl looked at Legios. "Are we truly safe?"

"As safe as I can make you," he told her.

For the first time Legios noticed that she was rather pretty, if you looked past the paint. Breasts... well, she was one of the locals and they didn't wear anything above the waist except during ceremonies. Her breasts drew his gaze, no matter how often he tried to look elsewhere. Her mother was heavier, but she had a stately grace that bespoke her nobility; her breasts weren't bad, either.

"How much do you know about this new king?" Legios asked, trying to distract himself.

"He was a soldier; of all of those at Three Hills he was our only general who came back with any honor. He commanded the artillery, from the first day to the last when he fought our enemies. When he could fight no longer, he destroyed what remained of his guns and made his way to Zimapan, where he took command.

"When the people there rose up in favor of your king, General Xyl organized a fighting retreat of the surviving soldiers. After the old God-King signed the truce, he disobeyed his orders and tried to retake Zimapan.

"After the God-King was killed, General Xyl became the head of the army. I have no knowledge of his plots, but he must have plotted well. Many of the nobles and all of the army went over to him at once. They fed the priests to the mobs, along with the loyal nobles. Not even a moon-quarter and it was over. We survived by staying ahead of the news."

Legios looked at Big Mortar who nodded. "You write it up, Captain, I'll get the signalman ready to go. Duke Tuck is going to want to talk to these two in Xipototec as soon as we can get them there."

Legios turned to the two women and smiled as politely as he could. "All those who flee from the south are welcome in the lands of the High King and they are most welcome in the lands of Duke Tuck of Xipototec and Mexico. I'll send some soldiers with you and you can gather your things from your carriage and we'll make up a wagon for you. I'll send you to Duke Tuck right away; I'm sure he'll want to hear everything you have to say."

The mother and daughter traded glances. Talu spoke up. "Captain, we're used to our carriage. If we may, we'll just keep it."

"Ma'am, it's all beat up. It's a special miracle of Dralm that it lasted as long as it did. We're nearly eighty miles south and east of Xipototec, and I doubt if your carriage would last the first dozen of those miles. It is no trouble, I assure you. We can put some blankets down for padding, like we do for our wounded. It's quite comfortable."

"Well, until it breaks, we'd prefer to keep our carriage," the older woman insisted. "It's a family heirloom, you understand. It belonged to my grandmother."

Short Mortar tugged at Legios' arm and waved a little distance off. Legios excused himself and went to listen to the lieutenant.

"Sir, meaning no offense, but it's pretty clear that there's more heirlooms in that carriage than what she's saying. I mean if you had an entire night to prepare to leave, I imagine you'd come away with something that might ease your way when you get wherever it is you're going, right?"

Legios nodded, surprised he hadn't realized that himself. But when you don't have any money to speak of, money isn't the first thing you think about. He couldn't very well ask them to leave the carriage with him. While he trusted himself, and his soldiers were some of the best in Hostigos, he doubted if they were all that loyal, not if someone dumped a treasure in their laps.

"Who should go to Xipototec with them? You or your brother?" Legios asked.

Short smiled. "My brother, the newly married man, sir."

"Well, get with him and detail off a hundred men to go north with him; have him take some wagons. Get one ready as I said, pack some extra boxes and crates. When they stop for the night, or if the carriage finally collapses, tell your brother to erect a screen around the women and their carriage, and then have their possessions loaded into the wagon.

"At night have him set sentries on their wagon, older and steadier soldiers, in at least threes." Legios sighed. "Have them searched when they come off guard duty."

Short grimaced. "That isn't going to be very popular."

"No, but there will be no way to hide what those women have. You get those wagons ready. I've got a message to write to the Duke, then we'll get them moving."

Short Mortar saluted and went calling for the logistos lieutenant.

Legios wrote a terse paragraph with the important points. He spent another few heartbeats checking it, and then gave it to the signal sergeant for transmission.

He had time to return to the women and reassure them that he was an honorable man and would do everything to keep their "heirlooms" safe, before the signal sergeant returned.

"The Duke says it's a good plan. He wants us to stay at the boundary for another three days, then return to Xipototec."

Legios acknowledged and then returned to the women.

"I'm pleased to have met you, Lady Talu, Lady Maya. Have a safe trip."

It was really hard to keep his mind on anything else besides the daughter's breasts.

The escort column formed and headed north. The rest of them shook down into their own column and continued on south.

Just before sundown the scouts were back. "They continued past the boundary, Captain. We watched them travel for a half dozen miles where they stopped to make camp, just as darkness started to fall."

Legios judged the terrain and the sun, just touching the horizon. There was no way he could reach the boundary before the sun was completely down. It wasn't worth the trouble to push hard if they were supposed to be here for a couple of days. "Keep a close watch on them, particularly if they try something tricky tonight."

The Mexicotal scout was one of the better ones and he laughed. "We won't be that lucky!"

The camp for the night had to be done with extra care. The horses and wagons went into a ravine, while the men had to prepare fighting positions in the desert. They might be some of the best fighting men in Hostigos, but they could also complain just as well or better than anyone else.

Midmorning the next day they reached the wash that was the treaty boundary. Technically the High King claimed the southern bank, because that was as far south as Lord Tuck had fought, and beaten, soldiers of the God-King, but they weren't supposed to cross it, not even the scouts.

The scouts reported that the column appeared to be undiminished and was continuing southwards. At least his soldiers had less to complain about, as soldiers had been in this position frequently over the last two years and there were fighting positions and shelters already built. Of course, that meant that they were free to complain about the boredom of border patrolling. The Heavy Weapons Company was very good at whatever it did!

Judy Bondi, Countess of Tecpan, nodded as regally as she could to those gathered at the long table where the Council of Tecpan sat in session.

"Please, be seated," she intoned.

Most of the men at the table sat with alacrity. Only one other woman was present, and that was her friend, Lydia Valenzuela, who wasn't seated at the table, but at a desk a few feet away, pen in hand and a stack of paper in front of her.

Judy smiled at Lydia, who grinned back. By rights, Lydia should be sitting at the main table too, as she was officially the Secretary of the Council of Tecpan, but the men in the room had enough problem with one woman at the table, and still had serious doubts about her position at the head of the table. Still, Lydia sat waiting for her Countess, while everyone else stood. A small thing, but powerfully symbolic.

Lydia had suggested some things and Judy had gotten in the spirit of it, and before her friend and mentor, Lord Tuck, Duke of Mexico, could intervene, a bunch of new words had entered the Mexicotal language. It was half a schoolgirl joke on their mentor, half serious. They had needed those new words!

Judy looked down the long table at the assembled faces. "Lord Gamelin is traveling to Zimapan, to meet with Grand Marshal Harmakros," she told those assembled. "He is at least a moon-quarter or more from reaching the Grand Marshal's headquarters. Duke Tuck, however, will be here shortly after High Sun tomorrow. The purpose of this meeting is to make sure that everything is ready for the Duke's visit."

She gestured to the man that sat at her left hand.

"Alcalde Kiliwia, please, if you would, have the announcements to the people been made?"

"Yes, Countess. We have declared the day after High Sun tomorrow to be a holiday, so there should be quite a few people turn out to applaud the Duke of Mexico."

Judy nodded, hiding her smile. Alcalde had been Lydia's choice for a title; it meant "mayor" in Spanish, but Spanish was a language that existed back home, wherever that was. Spanish didn't exist here and now. But, since there had never been a person with the particular duties the Alcalde had before, no one had objected to a title none of them had ever heard before.

Before the war, a noble of the God-King had ruled Tecpan; more or less the equivalent of a Count, and the title was passed to the noble's heirs. There had been about fifty-five thousand people living in and around Tecpan back then. Now it was closer to a hundred and fifty thousand.

At first she and her new husband, Count Gamelin of Trygath, ruled by military fiat. Even then it was clear that some of the local citizens had to be involved in the governing of the city and its environs, and they'd talked to people and eventually chosen two dozen men and half a dozen women to be on the first city council.

After six moons, the council had voted on a new council, defining positions and selecting people to fill them. Judy had been upset when the men promptly voted all the women off, but she'd had no choice but to acquiesce, because she was the one who'd set the rules.

She smiled politely as the Alcalde went on speaking about the various preparations made for the Duke's visit, including places the Duke would be taken to show off what had been accomplished in the six moons since his last visit.

She had a little surprise for the Council of Tecpan. She had set the rules, and they served for two years or, if she wished, she could dissolve the Council and call a new election. She, Gamelin, Tuck and Tanda Havra had discussed it, and they decided that barring extraordinary circumstances, she should let the two-year term of the Council run out.

It was quite clear that the Council members didn't understand the new voting rules, but it was all there, written down for the people of Tecpan to read the words of the "Constitution." It said, "All Citizens of Tecpan may vote in each election."

The men of the Council still thought like men had when they'd been under the rule of the God-King, where there hadn't been very many citizens. For one thing, none of them dreamed that High King Kalvan included women as citizens... even if the High King regularly spoke of it, proclaimed it and rewarded women as he did men. After all, Judy herself stood at the head of the Council table and that, if nothing else, should remind them of the rules.

Judy and Lydia had been working with women's groups, doing small things to improve conditions for everyone in general, but women in particular. One very popular thing was the "Woman's Investment Association" which was something Tuck had read about in a book. Small groups of women got together and joined their money together and invested it, in livestock, or some simple business.

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Cost of TimeChapter 17 Conversation With a Cop

Gryllos had thought the night that the Gamelin came to tell him that he was to command the Heavy Weapons Company was the most exciting moment of his life, but this day was the same thing over again, only ten fold more than the other. He'd been having lunch with his officers when a messenger handed him written orders. "I'm sorry, sir, you have to read them quickly, then I'm to take them on to the next commander," Gryllos had been told. He read the two short paragraphs, and then reread...

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Cost of TimeChapter 18 Nine of Ten

The King of Zarthan looked up as his brother-in-law sat down in front of him. "You wanted me, sire?" Denethon asked. Freidal nodded. "You've heard about the catastrophe that occurred to King Xyl and his people?" "Yes, sire." "The news came to us very fast, much faster than one would expect." Denethon grinned. "The High King understands how important it is for his words to be heard as quickly as possible as far away as he can reach." "Exactly. You hold one of the baronies,...

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Two Friends Use My Spare Room For Meetings

Introduction: I had a friend named Carrie and she was married and seeing a guy on the side. Hi Everyone. I hope everyone is well and having nice things happen. I am doing really great and geting back into the swing of things now. I am healed up rather well but my obgyn dr says I have to be careful so I still do not go crazy as much as I want to. I was reading some old journals the other day cause I was bored and ran across one that had entries about a friend named Carrie who was married, I...

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Cost of TimeChapter 2 Vacation in Paradise

Tanda Havra slid through the tent flap like a soft vagrant breeze and stepped outside into the brisk air of the early morning, the sun still behind the wall of mountains to the east. She took a deep breath and sighed with contented pleasure. She was a young woman in her mid-twenties, medium tall, with dusky skin, black hair and brown eyes so dark that they were almost black. She'd thought her husband demented when he'd proposed this trip to her. "A belated honeymoon," he told her. Then...

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Office Slave Chapter 7 Important Meetings

"Hey Dad." he said. "Tobias! I just heard that Rachel is sick. What's happening about the presentation?" Toby’s Dad’s voice was concerned. "Don't worry Dad I've got it" Toby reassured him. "I think you should let them know she's ill and try and rearrange." His Dad clearly wasn’t convinced, concern at losing the deal etched in his voice. "Dad don't worry. I'm on my way there. I'll be fine. Just trust me. I’ve got this." Toby repeated. "Well if your sure son. Good luck"...

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One of Our Hotel Meetings

Two weeks prior to our meeting, I inform you of a little training exercise I expect you carry out each day up to our meeting. You are to tease your nipples for 15 mins each day and you must make your nipples hard and pinch them for at least 3 mins each time. You are not allowed to touch your cunt nor are you allowed to cum. One week before our meeting I tell you that you are to bring your friend Christine with you to the meeting, I do not care what excuse you tell her to get her there but you...

1 year ago
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One of our hotel meetings

Two weeks prior to our meeting, I inform you of a little training exercise I expect you carry out each day up to our meeting. You are to tease your nipples for 15 mins each day and you must make your nipples hard and pinch them for at least 3 mins each time. You are not allowed to touch your cunt nor are you allowed to cum. One week before our meeting I tell you that you are to bring your friend Christine with you to the meeting, I do not care what excuse you tell her to get her there but you...

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CadeChapter 24 First Time Meetings

The children noticed that whenever they talked to Cade about school or anything else these days, he seemed far away and distant. After dinner every night, he retreated to the basement to continue sorting through the old boxes he had found. He was anxious to continue reading the old letters. Reading the letters only proved more frustrating for Cade however, because most of them were full of romantic drivel rather than any real news. By the time he finished reading the last letter in the box,...

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First Meetings

Although they had known each other for years, theirs had been an online romance. On different sides of the worlds, in different time zones and in situations that wouldn’t drastically change theirs was a relationship that shouldn’t have worked. Yet somehow it did. Their first real meeting came about quite by chance, three years after ‘meeting’ online… Mary had been in Cornwall for a fortnight already and still had a few weeks left of her holiday. It had been a great idea, coming to the...

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Mutiny on the Bunte KuhChapter 12 Meetings

Personally present in Vivie’s pod were Vivie, Inkie, Wendy, Gunny, and Melody. Avatar-holograms for Captain Pierce Masters, Helva and, Bossie were arranged across from those physically present. Ostensibly there as hostess and gofer, was June – Mom – the sometimes concubine of Gunny or Melody or Vivie as whim and occasion suited. In reality, she was there as an eavesdropper and a consultant, again as the situation suited. It was almost too funny; June had been instructed to chime in whenever...

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Crisis at IshtarChapter 51 Unfriendly Meetings

Once we passed through the airlock, Tyson put his arms around Cleo and pulled her to him. "Run along, girls," he said. "I think it's time I got this lovely lady pregnant again." Mickey and I giggled and then ran off down the hallway. Behind us, we could hear Cleo's cheerful squeal as she twisted around to kiss Tyson. "She sounds happy with the idea," Mickey said as we make our way through the passages. "I think she is truly happy about it," I replied quietly. "Tyson loves his...

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Costa Rica Get Way

" Well, you're finally awake sleepyhead." She said. I turned to see Mina standing next to the bed. She was as naked as she was in my dream. Her pert little breasts were proudly perched on her chest with their respective nipples erect. " Pinch me," I said, " This has to be a dream." Instead she leaned in and kissed me, her tongue parting my lips and invading my mouth. " Still think you're dreaming?" she asked. Mina sat on the edge of the bed and took my hand in hers, " Well the...

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Costa del Sex

Costa del SexSam and Kay at long last had managed to get away on holiday, a little resort near Marbella, the hotel the usual mix of happy family groups, girls on the lookout for a quick shag, lads who were offering and just a few who interested Sam and Kay. Probably still married but maybe recently split up, on a cunt hunt, but Not the quick alleyway sex that the pool side tarts were offering. Just the same as us two commented Kay, yep replied Sam, my cunt deffo needs some cock. Off on a spunk...

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Our Secret Meetings

He glances at the clock and know its time to go to work. He gets up come over too her, helps her get up out of her chair, and pulls her close. “Its time I get going to work, if I stay here any longer, I might just have to ravish that beautiful body of your again.” She blushes and giggles, “No might about it darling, I’d make it a point to make you late for work, or better have you call in sick.” He smiles devilishly and walks with her to the front door, pulls him close once more and...

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Bittersweet Meetings

Anna was looking downcast when Kalliste Periakes entered the Women's Co-op that afternoon. Kalliste was whistling a catchy number that somehow seemed familiar. She was a slender woman, an archaeology grad student of indeterminate age, with her black hair spilling across her shoulders in a riot of curls. She had an upturned nose, a generous mouth and large eyes that, this afternoon, sparkled in the sunshine. "What's got you so upbeat?" Anna asked from her seat behind her ledger. She was...

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Slut9Chapter 17 Morning Meetings

Saturday, December 23rd. Morning Dave woke up alone. He rolled out of the bed, gathered up some clean clothes and headed for the bathroom. Jennifer also found herself alone when she woke up. She was on the couch in the library. It was, without doubt, the most comfortable couch in the house and the only one fit for sleeping on. Her former in-laws had tried to get her to get rid of the old black leather couch dozens of times over the years but Jenn had refused each and every time. It was about...

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The Rescue of HMS BeverlyChapter 17 The Planning Meetings

The day after the Lois and Jim left I called a meeting of the 10th tier sisters. There was a lot of stuff I did not still understand about the Reverend's household and it was time to start figuring it out. I wanted to hit the ground running when I arrived. I was quite concerned that I did not understand what exactly the sisters did. I had been way to busy initially getting to know the ladies to completely understand what the household actually did. When the 10th tier sisters and I arrived...

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ShilohChapter 06 Meetings

KK falls against Kyle’s shoulder while laughing hard instead of attacking him. When she’s about stopped she pulls back and looks into his deep blue eyes. They seem to draw her deeper and deeper into a growing oneness of their very essence. If the eyes are the windows to the soul Kyle’s are huge bay windows. Finally she shakes her head, mentally draws the drapes over those windows, and asks, “Well, where do we go from here?” Kyle answers with, “I guess the first thing is to meet with Robert...

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Cost of TimeChapter 3 Preparing to Depart

Not that night, but several nights later, the ship Noia was aboard put into a small bight in the northern horn of land that protected North Port's harbor. Noia was one of those detailed as guards and she stood with her rifle ready on a sandy beach, while their captain dealt with the locals. She kept her eyes on the ground, mostly, because she knew some of the men who'd come to deal with the captain. They rowed back out to the ship, and moments later were headed further south. Noia had...

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Cost of TimeChapter 6 Savoring Victories

"Uh oh," Trilium whispered to Noia. Noia turned and followed his gaze. Captain Landsruhl was talking with one of the Hostigi soldiers; probably their commander. Captain Landsruhl looked upset and he was staring at Noia and Trilium. "Come along, Noius," Trilium said. "I think that Hostigi officer has heard of you." They'd gone only a few steps when Hestophes stopped Trilium. "Look, I know we owe you; I swear I'll tell the captain myself. But this isn't the time for...

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Cost of TimeChapter 7 Treason

The Queen of Zarthan listened in silence to General Khoogra's report about the latest events in the south, while not looking at the man. She glanced at her husband, sitting a few feet away. He was staring raptly at the general, the opposite of his wife. Such preliminary Council meetings had become customary; to help the King and his advisors prepare for the main meeting that would follow shortly. Of course, General Khoogra was the only man in the realm of Zarthan who didn't know that...

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Cost of TimeChapter 8 Outposts

The next two and a half days weren't as bad as they would have been if Noia had left Baytown riding like they did on the way to Outpost. A moon and a half on the road had toughened Noia to the point where it was simply unpleasant, not impossible. Great Galzar! Did Brigadier Markos and his soldiers move fast! They topped a ridge and looked down at the lake with Outpost on an island at one end. Brigadier Markos was sitting his horse not far from Noia and grinned at her. "When the Grand...

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Cost of TimeChapter 10 Moving Fast

Noia thought she'd traveled rapidly from North Port to Echanistra; then she thought she'd traveled fast from Echanistra to Baytown, even if it took a moon. She thought she'd traveled rapidly from Baytown to that nameless waterhole, even if it had taken a moon and a half. Then she thought she'd traveled fast from the waterhole to Outpost in the following few days. There was no doubt about it; the two hundred men of their escort moved very fast to Kingstown, making the trip in three days...

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Cost of TimeChapter 12 What It Means To Be a Lady

It was a grueling two and a half day ride for Gryllos to where he was supposed to rendezvous with the Ruthani. They reached the spot in late morning. Leem simply rode up to a single man, standing alone in the desert, slid off his horse and then saluted. Gryllos wished he could be as elegant getting down from his horse, but he'd never have been able to do it on his best day. Gryllos saluted the old man, older than any he'd ever seen before. "Sir, Captain Gryllos, Sixth Mounted...

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Cost of TimeChapter 13 Treason by Dagger and Bullet

Later Noia listened as the master of the training ship spoke to Captain Amby's junior officers, Captain Amby at his side. "Here you will learn your basic duties. We will sail down the bay, and out into the Great Eastern Ocean, and then due east for a day, then return. Listen to the bosuns -- they'll tell you what to do. The officers tell the bosuns, and I tell the officers what I want and the captain tells me what he wants. That's how things work on ships. "As trainee officers each of...

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Cost of TimeChapter 14 New Allies

Noia didn't look around; instead she opened the door to the building and went inside without hesitation. The day had been a little hazy outside, but the sun was bright enough that she had to spend a few heartbeats letting her eyes adjust to the dimness inside the shop. A young man appeared and smiled pleasantly at her. "May I help you, noble lady?" "I'd like to speak to Solon, please. I've come from afar." The clerk bobbed his head. "Trader Solon is always fascinated by stories...

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Cost of TimeChapter 16 Cambon

Gamelin saw the Mexicotal colonel he was talking to suddenly turn slightly away and stare. He was too good of a man not to have a reason, so Gamelin craned around to look as well. A horse and rider were coming from the city, the horse run at a reckless pace, the rider flogging the poor animal. He had to have been a fair horseman, because a short finger-width later the horse slid to a stop a few feet from Gamelin, and one of the signal sergeants came down quickly. "Lord! An urgent message...

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Cost of a Cosplayer

Authors Notes: Some inspiration has been taken from the convention branches of Sexual Privilege and The Rulebook, but I am definitely taking things in my own direction. There are a few places where you can have weird continuity jumps if you don't have Game Mode on, so I'd recommend turning it on. I've tried to make it work as well as reasonably possible if you don't, but that only goes so far. Feedback, suggestions, and chapter submissions are all welcome. Comments help motivate me and chapters...

2 years ago
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Business Trip Meetings

On my business trips to northern Ohio, I have met on several occasions with a middle-aged accounting supervisor at a local manufacturing plant. He is single, and his mom, who has some slight dementia, lives with him. He has an average build with thinning hair, and prefers to top. I have met him about three or four times over a two year period. On a recent such trip, I was really tired from a late flight the night before, and debated whether to try or not. He was running late also, but it had...

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Business meetings

Another fantasy story, written some time ago. Not sure if it's ever been on an adult site, but it's been on my laptop for ages. Entirely my own work‘I’m sorry, sir,’ the desk clerk looked up from her monitor, ‘there are no more single rooms available for your conference. The only rooms left for your group now are twins.’‘You should have got here earlier, buddy,’ laughed my boss, as he picked up his key card and made for the bank of elevators.’‘Looks like we’re roomies for the week, Pete.’‘Yeah....

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Business Trip Meetings

On my business trips to northern Ohio, I have met on several occasions with a middle-aged accounting supervisor at a local manufacturing plant. He is single, and his mom, who has some slight dementia, lives with him. He has an average build with thinning hair, and prefers to top. I have met him about three or four times over a two year period. On a recent such trip, I was really tired from a late flight the night before, and debated whether to try or not. He was running late also, but it had...

Gay Male
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Living a CAP Based PresentChapter 80 Command Meetings

Blaine just shook his head as we stepped into the first airlock chamber. We said nothing as the series of doors opened and closed allowing us to step through. When we finally emerged Blaine immediately raced off for the teleport pad. I stood waiting for the airlock door to close. “AI, Corsica is ready for repair. Am I correct that I have to be the first one to board when leaves are over?” “Correct,” the AI said. “Just confirming,” I said. I turned to follow the route Blaine had taken. I...

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SerenaChapter 3 Meetings

"Come on, Darling, or we shall be late." She shuddered a little at the word late; the time was ten minutes to ten. I stood for a moment and looked at her. I was amazed at the transformation; this was a Serena I had never seen before; she glowed. As she moved I could hear tiny bell-like sounds. I looked for the source and found tiny bells hanging from the rings in her nipples. She was still wearing the chain attached to the ring above her clitoris and attached to that was yet another tiny...

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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 14 Chance Meetings

I was carrying my duffle bag so Jason easily beat me to the front door of his house. The door opened before he got there, and right after he stepped inside, Ashley burst out and threw her arms around me. "You're back!" she exclaimed happily. "I was only gone for a few minutes," I said. "I know," Ashley said as she buried her head into my shoulder. "But I want you to always miss me when I'm not there. And I need you to know that you are my only man." I nibbled her ear. "So if I...

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Costume Party

There are some things in life that are not planned. They just happen! My sister Donna is 4 years older than me and we have never been real tight. We were just typical siblings with an age difference. We would fight all the time over just about anything, but as we got older we managed to become friends. My sister was a wild c***d; I caught her more than once having sex with her boyfriends at our parents' house. I never said anything but she knew that I knew. There were times, and I am sure it...

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Costume Parade

This story is based upon events, which transpired last fall. Some events are exaggerated or even completely fabricated; however the basic scenario, as well as the name and layout of the store are 100% accurate. The names of all others involved have also been changed in order to preserve anonymity. Costume Parade I was practically a nervous wreck as I walked through the doors under the huge pink sign which proclaimed the location of Shirley Potter's. Immediately in front of me,...

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Costume Gun Michelle

(Author's note: My thanks to Blot for allowing me to be the first 'outside' author in the Costume Gun universe. I have done my best to be faithful to all particulars of the gun's workings, but if I've erred in any aspect, please consider this to be 'non-canon.') Costume Gun: Michelle By Heather St. Claire Hi. My name is Michelle Guptill, I'm 44 years old, and I'm dying of lung cancer. I don't have an ounce of self-pity, because I brought all of this on myself. I do feel terrible...

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Costume Gun Never Use The Gun While High

Costume Gun: Never Use the Gun While High By Heather St. Claire Brittany Kroger paced back and forth in her living room. Every couple of minutes she would peer out from between the stained Venetian blinds to see if her best friends had arrived yet. She had quite a surprise waiting for Ashley and Brad. She found herself growing increasingly fidgety, twirling a section of her shoulder length-hair between her fingers, nervously tapping on the wall when she snuck a look between the...

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Costume Gun The Ultimate Gift

Costume Gun: The Ultimate Gift By Heather St. Claire Joan Fuller sat in the lunchroom of the Dixon County Jail surrounded by co-workers and friends. She was the center of attention, which was to be expected, as this day marked her 50th birthday. Joan's square face was framed by a short brown bob. Her large, liquid brown eyes were her most compelling feature; usually, when she was on the job as a Corrections Sergeant they burned with a fierce intensity; but this afternoon, they...

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Costume Party Prank

Tami, a highly motivated woman sits in her harness waiting for someone to answer the door. “Pacifier! Where's my pacifier?” she orders true to form. Jim, playing her daddy calmly fumbles around in his pocket to find the pacifier. “Oh, hey. It comes with a flavor packet.” Tami is not impressed, “Just hurry up. Someone's coming.” Jim doses the pacifier with jell, “Open up.” She opens her mouth and he quickly pops it in, filling her mouth. He holds it in firmly just as the door opens....

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Costume Gun A Dish Served Cold

Costume Gun: A Dish Served Cold By Heather St. Claire I pulled myself to my feet, held on to the chair in front of me for support, swallowed hard and looked around the room. I uttered nine life- changing words: "Hello, my name is Jennifer, and I'm an alcoholic." If you had told me a year ago I would be standing up at an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, I would have said you were crazy. If you had said I would be doing it as a woman, I would have said you were stark raving mad. You see,...

2 years ago
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Costume Gun My Little Princess

Costume Gun: My Little Princess By Heather St. Claire Life's a funny thing. Just when you're sure the script has been written and there are no more surprise turns left, life deals you an ultimate surprise. Mine came just a few days ago. I was a not-quite thirty-five year old man, newly divorced, father of a beautiful five year old girl, and I was dying of pancreatic cancer. Charlotte and I married when we were both twenty-eight. Our darling Madison--Maddie-- arrived not quite two...

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