Vacation in Paradise
- 2 years ago
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Tanda Havra slid through the tent flap like a soft vagrant breeze and stepped outside into the brisk air of the early morning, the sun still behind the wall of mountains to the east. She took a deep breath and sighed with contented pleasure.
She was a young woman in her mid-twenties, medium tall, with dusky skin, black hair and brown eyes so dark that they were almost black.
She'd thought her husband demented when he'd proposed this trip to her. "A belated honeymoon," he told her. Then he had to describe what a honeymoon was and that had been just one more thing to add to the very, very long list of things about her husband that were out of this world.
Of course, Tanda was, in all ways, just as much from another milieu as he was. Except she was here on purpose and he was here by accident.
By rights, he should have been dead. That he lived was the result of two acts of fate. The first one was that the paratemporal conveyor that had brought him and six others to this place and time hadn't been one operated by the Paratime Police, and secondly she, a cultural anthropologist on loan to the Paracops from the University of Dhergabar, had discovered him and his wards.
Not that she was actually a citizen of the Home Time Line, as they called it. No, she was from a very primitive version of Earth, one where civilization had only slowly developed. Her world, in fact, could best be described as "undeveloped." She'd been born into a Stone Age village, where the most dangerous weapons were stone knives and spears with stone points. They'd mastered fire but not bows and arrows. They didn't even have spear throwers.
She'd learned to hunt as a young girl. She was relatively tall, thin and dark, while the rest of her village were short, fair-skinned and heavy. It was no secret that a raiding party had come through nine moons before she'd been born and that her mother had been raped by some of the raiders.
After Tanda's mother died bearing Tanda, her father had turned his face from his daughter and she'd had to fend for herself. She'd done so, right up until the final break when he'd turned his back on her at the village fire. That hadn't turned out like her father had hoped, because the Old Women of the village had laughed at him.
So she'd taken a job offer with a party of traders who had been passing through her village. That had led her to where she was today. She'd been gathered in as a possible recruit by Home Time Line traders. For most of those recruited, they would spend a few years at menial labor, doing jobs that those of the Home Time Line wouldn't do for themselves, then be returned home, relatively wealthy -- but shorn of their memories of their experiences.
For Tanda it had been different. She was, literally, one in a million, a genius for her time. She'd galloped through all of the classes they'd let her take, until one day she was a University of Dhergabar graduate cultural anthropologist. Only later did she learn that if she'd ever shown any interest in a technical field, she'd have lost her memories and been returned home at once.
But she hadn't.
While she was a beginning university student, a Paracop conveyor had picked up a hitchhiker on Fourth Level, Hispano-Columbian Subsector. That man had been a local policeman, who was subsequently, entirely inadvertently, deposited in a time line of the Fourth Level, Styphon's House Subsector. That is if you want to call beating a Paracop to the draw inadvertent.
Calvan Morrison had been ripped from his home time line and dropped into a time line where civilization was about where his had been around 1620, roughly three hundred years before he'd been born. He'd landed in a place called Hostigos, a princedom in the kingdom of Hos-Harphax.
Styphon was the god, his priests told people, who could control the demons in fireseed -- gunpowder. The priests of Styphon had spent a few hundred years building a rat's nest of kingdoms, princedoms, duchies and baronies, all at war with each other. Plots generated plots; bloodletting started blood feuds. It was hell, if you had to live there, but heaven if you had a monopoly on firearms and gunpowder.
Styphon had tried to move into Hostigos, ruled by Prince Ptosphes. Prince Ptosphes had considered his options and come to the reluctant conclusion that the alternatives were slavery or death. He chose to resist, coming under Styphon's Ban: that is, no man could sell fireseed or fireseed weapons to Hostigos except on pain of death.
Everyone who had been put under Styphon's Ban had buckled -- or died. Certainly no one expected a minor prince of a minor principality of a minor kingdom in one small corner of the world to successfully resist.
When Calvan Morrison showed the Hostigi how to make fireseed without the priests of Styphon, he became Lord Kalvan. He won battle after battle, defeating one powerful enemy after another. Finally he'd taken control of most of the kingdoms of the Hos-Harphax and had been declared a Great King himself.
More wars, more battles and Styphon was thrown down as well as the other jealous Great Kings. All were forced to either bow to Kalvan on bended knee -- or die. Kalvan went from a corporal in the Pennsylvania State Police to a Lord, and thence to Great King and finally High King within two years.
She'd been caught up in that almost from the very first. The Paratime Police wanted to catch the man who'd shot one of their cops; thousands of man-hours of labor had been expended tracking down where Calvan Morrison had exited the Paratime conveyor that had accidentally picked him up. They'd found the location, then the Deputy Chief of the Paratime Police, Verkan Vall, went in person to do his duty: kill the man who knew the Paratime Secret.
Home Time Line was undoubtedly correct, Tanda thought. The knowledge that men walked the world from another time and place without the knowledge of their fellows would shatter most civilizations.
Home Time Line was like a giant leech, sucking sustenance from every place it went. They were fairly benign with most inhabited time lines, mostly buying art and grains, but on time lines that had no people they were rapacious -- they did what they wanted and took all that they wanted. But always, always, they watched and monitored every time line with people present.
For a long time Tanda had simply accepted that as the way things were; she'd been conditioned, she eventually learned, never to think about it. It turned out that such conditioning was quite robust -- until the world started to turn to shit around you, and then a person's will to survive rapidly broke down the conditioning. That had happened to her.
She'd been co-opted as a student to study an adjacent timeline to Kalvan's. That timeline had quickly become a very dangerous place to be, and after a few moons she'd been pulled out and placed on Kalvan's timeline itself.
Tanda had been fascinated with what happened when a primitive culture, like the one she'd been born into, met a more advanced culture. Sometimes the primitive culture imploded and died in a few years. Other times the primitive culture survived; sometimes, it even thrived. It was something she wanted to learn: what made the difference between life and death for entire peoples.
After the Peace of Hostigos had settled over Hostigos and the rest of the known world, she'd gotten a permanent posting with the Lost Ruthani, remnants of the original inhabitants of this continent, before the Zarthani had come. The Zarthani had been Indo-European migrants who, for some unknown reason, had decided to move east, instead of west. They'd crossed the Bering Straits, traveling quickly through the cold regions and eventually arrived in what Kalvan would have thought of as the Pacific Northwest.
There they'd begun to war with the Ruthani tribes. That war had lasted for more than two thousand years now. First the Zarthani had triumphed because they had iron swords and iron armor. They went on to develop better bows, then steel, then crossbows.
The Ruthani had been capable warriors, but had no technology with metals except gold and copper, the softer, more pliable metals. The continual wars spurred the Zarthani to one technical innovation after another. The Ruthani had trouble trying to adopt to the simplest technology of their attackers, although they used weapons and armor that they stole from the bodies of their enemies, they had no understanding at all of what it took to make their own.
Eventually the descendents of the Zarthani occupied much of North America south of the Cold Lands and north of the southern deserts. They followed the big rivers east and south, eventually reaching the Great Eastern Ocean.
The Ruthani were relegated to the less habitable places that the Zarthani hadn't wanted to bother with. That consisted of the lands east of the coastal strip in the Northwest, and the fringes of the Cold Lands to the north, and in the southwestern deserts.
In the west were the remnants of the old city-states of Zarthan, under a man who called himself King, but who was nominally first-among-equals. The current king had been bequeathed a legacy of gradually more desperate fights to survive that had resulted in more unity in the city states than ever before.
The Lost Ruthani, the people she had been living with, were remnants of the original native tribes that had been pushed into the southwestern deserts, caught there between the Zarthani to the east, west and north and the Mexicotal to the south.
The Mexicotal were protected by hundreds of miles of trackless desert; no man rode south and survived. The Lost Ruthani were also protected by the desert, but it was a precarious existence, caught as they were between two millstones.
Kalvan cast down Styphon, and in the last days of their power in the east, the survivors of Styphon had gathered themselves together, led by a few of their younger, more ambitious priests, and traveled to Zarthan on the Great Western Ocean.
Tanda has been content, living a simple village life. She was a tribal herbalist, living in a village called Mogdai, in what Calvan knew as central Arizona.
She'd known war was brewing. It had been no secret that the priests of Styphon were conspiring with the King of Zarthan and the God-King of the Mexicotal to once again go to war against High King Kalvan.
It had seemed insane, on the face of it. The Mexicotal were a seriously sick race. Priests, nobles and soldiers lived off the fruits of the labors of millions of serfs and slaves. Their gods treated the Mexicotal with special blessings: their lands grew not just one crop a year, but in many places they harvested two and sometimes three crops a year. The God-Kings of the Mexicotal kept the population in check by the simple expedient of taking a few people every moon-quarter up atop one of their pyramids and cutting out their living hearts.
As popular as that was, cutting out the hearts of prisoners or foreigners was even more so. Had it been a handful it would have been repugnant. But there were hundreds of Mexicotal cities, thousands of towns and tens of thousand villages. All had pyramids; all had sacrifices four times a moon. Two million people a year died on the pyramids, they'd learned.
Tanda had thought she was safe. The Paracops were in overall charge with the local operation farmed out to University of Dhergabar scholars. They would observe and when the soldiers began to march they'd pass a warning and Tanda would have had plenty of time to escape. Or so she'd thought.
Except there was one thing that most Home Time Line people seemed to have in common: arrogance. The second most common attribute was greed. Thus, the representative of the University in Zarthan was collecting the money for non-existent spies and pocketing it. The scholar who was Tanda's boss was merely incompetent and cheap: his recon probe had stopped working and he hadn't fixed it, or let anyone know that there was a problem.
Sure, she was supposed to feel good about the fact that her boss had his memories wiped and was happily cleaning toilets down on the Fifth Level, in a mine office somewhere, and that the scholar in Zarthan had been taken out and shot.
But the fact remained she'd had a finger-width's warning. Ten minutes. She'd gathered herself and a young woman who occasionally helped her with her herb gathering and they had run to offer to help fight for the village.
She was, after all, Tanda Havra: that meant Kills from Behind in the local language. When she'd learned what her name meant here, she'd shaken her head ruefully. Who would have thought that the words her people used would have any existence here? Or be so different in meaning?
One thing led to another as she'd fought to escape the village. The village elders had elected to die in defense of the village, even though they had to know it was a futile gesture. The few remaining old people and young children were sent away, with Tanda to protect them.
She'd been away from the party, hunting, when some Mexicotal soldiers had captured the party. When she learned that, she dropped the deer she'd killed with her knife, stalked into camp and killed one of the soldiers. Tazi, girl of Mogdai village, had knocked one of the soldiers down and Ulnai, boy of Mogdai, had put his knife into the soldier many times, until he was dead.
The third soldier, his fireseed weapon empty, turned and ran -- off a cliff in the dark.
She'd realized more soldiers were coming and went to meet them, intent on giving the survivors of Mogdai a chance to escape. She'd seen a man she thought was an officer, and lunged at him with her knife held low for a killing stroke.
She laughed, deep and hearty, at the memory. It had been a fair fight! A fair fight! A draw, though! He'd knocked her knife away, but she'd used the time to wrap her fingers around his throat. She didn't know to this day if she would have lived long enough to kill him. Instead, a soldier had screamed for her to surrender to the High King.
She'd let go... and a heartbeat later realized just how many rifles had been aimed at her. Honestly, the man she would eventually marry would likely have survived if she hadn't lifted her hands away from his throat... and she'd have died.
But that wasn't what happened.
It wasn't just an ordinary Hostigi patrol she'd found: the patrol had found something on their own: a man, a woman, and five girls. She'd known almost at once they were from Out Time, because the man she'd attacked carried a repeating rifle, where none existed on the Kalvan Time Line. In fact, a lot of the gear the party carried didn't belong on the Aryan-Transpacific time line.
Tuck had already mislaid the woman and the woman's daughter. Everything Tanda had heard about what had happened since young Lieutenant Gamelin's patrol had met the strangers had screamed "time travelers" to Tanda. Sure enough, she contacted her base and found out that was the case. Except they hadn't been brought by the Paracops, but by someone else. No one knew what had happened to the woman and her daughter, but the consensus was that they were dead.
Worse, it was clear that the efforts by the unknowns to retrieve the man, Tuck, and the four remaining girls ended the instant Tanda joined the group. Which meant that the others knew her cover as well.
She sighed.
It had been a busy three quarters of a year after that. There had been battles -- lots and lots of battles. People near and dear to her had died in those battles... and tens of thousands of their enemies. Tuck's style of combat was a mixture of raids and ambushes and sometimes both at once. He fought against enemies who assumed their enemies would meet them on a battlefield, line up in nice neat lines and slug it out. Tuck's tactics had been devastating.
Her orders were clear: she was supposed to have killed Tuck and the girls the first chance she had. That had been the end of her conditioning, even if she hadn't known it at the time. Verkan Vall, now the Chief of the Paratime Police, had explained it to her personally. "Conditioning will convince you to do something you accept. As soon as your conscience starts talking to you in opposition to that conditioning, the conditioning starts to break down. The more your conscience talks, the faster the breakdown."
He'd smiled benignly at her, making her want to beat him to death. "Think of it as a final fail-safe, so that you can't be ordered to do something truly against your will."
It was all history, now. She'd fallen in love with Tuck within days of their meeting. When he'd given a grand and wonderful name to the daughter of a village woman who had died birthing the girl, she relaxed to the inevitable. She smiled at the thought. Not that she hadn't made him work to find out what she'd decided!
The first rays of the sun speared through the low-hanging clouds, revealing more and more around her, including the cascade of water off a cliff that was thousands of feet tall. This was Tuck's idea of "scenery."
She knew she still resented so much of what the Paracops and Home Time Line people had done to her. They lied, they misdirected, and they didn't mention things they didn't feel she had any need to know. She'd heard tales of the Great Canyon of the Muddy River. When Tuck had said they were going to see it, she had yawned. She'd seen plenty of canyons!
He'd insisted on a blindfold and walked her to the edge and held her arm, as she took off the blindfold and looked down. If they'd been alone, she'd have taken him then and there. The view had been primal, striking her at a level she didn't even understand. Unsurpassed beauty!
And now, here, in the lands of the King of Zarthan, existed a mountain valley of equally unsurpassed beauty. She'd seen plenty of mountain valleys, too, but absolutely nothing like this one. Even Lady Inisa, lent to her by Queen Elspeth as a companion, had stood gaping in wonder when they first looked into this valley.
Here and now, Tuck appeared next to her. He grinned. "Pretty, isn't it?"
"This place should be preserved at all costs," Tanda told him.
"Freidal has seen this place. He agrees it's pretty, for sure. However, when it comes to preserving things at all costs, he has other priorities."
Tanda nodded, understanding. She'd never truly understood it; she suspected a great many nobles didn't understand it either. But true nobles, men like Freidal, her husband, men like the High King and Count Tellan of Outpost -- knew their greatest duties to the people they ruled were two-fold: to keep them safe and treat them fairly.
King Freidal ruled about two million people in the loosely allied city-states of Zarthan. The recent wars had brought them closer than at any time in a thousand years, but it was an uneasy relationship. Even now, though, the threat of the God-King was doing yeoman work to keep the disparate groups close knit -- now, all men knew just how many lived in the Heartlands of the God-King. Two hundred million people, plus ten million soldiers and another million in what had once been their Northern Regime.
Tanda smiled. The Northern Regime had fallen to her husband -- well, half of it anyway, a quarter had risen in the High King's name and the High King had taken the last of the four relatively large towns in the north. No one knew for sure exactly how many of the God-King's soldiers fell in the war, but the number was probably at least one and a half million.
It was enough to make a person dizzy!
Tanda saw Tuck glance at the tents around them. A half dozen sentries walked the outer perimeter of the camp, another half dozen were gathered around the fire, drinking the local tea to keep off the early morning chill.
"Care for a walk, Tanda?"
She nodded, curious.
Four men fell in behind them as they walked from their perch on a small rise about a mile from where that tremendous fall of water splashed into a basin. From the vegetation it was clear that if the wind blew very much, quite a lot of water soaked everything within range.
Tuck walked steadily and when a vagrant breeze set that awesome stream of water drifting their way, he took her hand but kept walking. They went another hundred yards, their guards still in tow; everyone now soaked to the skin.
Tuck turned to the senior lieutenant of the guard. "Lady Tanda and I want some privacy. We'll be there, do you understand?" He pointed at a small promontory a hundred yards ahead, barely visible in the misting drizzle from the waterfall.
The guard looked at his Duke bleakly. He had no choice, of course, no matter how dangerous on the face of it this was. Tanda walked further with Tuck. The spray went from a fine mist to a heavy drizzle. It was cold and uncomfortable.
He stopped and lifted his head towards the place where the water went off the cliff above them, quite invisible in the spray. "Do you think they can hear us?"
Tanda grimaced, knowing who "they" were, when Tuck talked like this.
"Tuck, my former boss is an honorable man. He said they would never monitor us, without telling me first. The sky is still blue, the grass is still green."
"The water won't mess up the equipment? The sound of the waterfall won't mess up the pickup?"
She shrugged. "Tuck, I was never permitted to learn about such things. You probably know the answers better than I do. Assume that yes, they can hear us just fine."
"Well, if you're listening, if you're smart, you'll never act on what you hear, because then I'll know you for the lying sons-of-bitches I think you are."
He sighed. "They won't interfere?"
"Of course not. Would you?"
"I don't know. I'd like to think good-hearted people anywhere would lend a hand to someone in need."
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Author's Name: Lee Anne Montgomery ([email protected]) Story Title: Woman Partner (Chapter 24, Last Day in Paradise) This work is copyrighted to the author © 2003. Please do not remove the author information or make any changes to this story. You may post freely to non-commercial "free" sites, or in the "free" area of commercial sites. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to, and hope that I receive, your feedback. Enjoy! WARNING - No bestiality described...
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The other night I went to a Styx concert, I have always like Styx and never pass up a chance to see them. This concert would be one to remember. I went with a friend and we had good seats the opening band was rocking pretty good, the ladies next to us were really having a good time. My friend went to go get a beer (as I don't drink) but I offered the ladies next to us one. They gladly accepted and my friend went off to get the drinks as he didn't like the opening band, something about high...
EroticIt was the second day at Joann’s Club Paradise. We finished our breakfast and decided to lay by the pool since we were all up late the night before. After a few hours, I told Gail I wanted to go to the salon to have my wig and breast forms checked. She told Tom and Vince we needed to fetch some “lady things” and we would return in an hour. Amanda was at the salon counter when we went in. She smiled and asked how we were doing. I told her my wig was looking messy and asked her how long I could...
CrossdressingOur plane lands on a small airstrip near the middle of the island. We both saw the beach as we crossed with violent waves crashing against the shore. We retrieve our luggage and head for the exit from the airport. Our limo driver is waiting at the door and collects all of our luggage and deposits it gently into the long Cadillac. As we head towards our ocean front cabin the driver begins telling us about the storms that have been hitting and that there may be rough weather approaching. We...
It is 1809 and Napoleon is soon to marry Marie-Louise of Austria. The French are at war with Britain and Portugal. In a sleepy outpost in the Indian Ocean 2,000 kilometers off the south east coast of Africa the French-Creole inhabitants of what the Arab sailors called “Dina Arobi”, the Portugese called “Cirne” and the French now called “Ile de France” had established their own version of paradise. Turbulent times were ahead and a name change of the island to “Mauritius” was coming soon. In the...
Jessica’s Excitement in Paradise It had been 2 weeks since Jessica and her parents had checked into the luxury hotel isolated on an island in the South Pacific. Initially it had been exiting seeing the glassy blue water, lush green rainforest and white gold sands and exploring the hotel. But as it stood now she was bored. They were amongst only a few guests staying at the hotel with it being a new eco-resort it was yet to be put on the map and could currently only house four or five parties in...
He was lying on his bed naked thinking about what he wanted to do with her that was new and different this time.He started thinking about her naked body, her voluptuous breasts, shapely curves, perfectly manicured bush and always sexy lingerie, always hinting what was underneath, not too much but leaving you wanting more.His imagination transferred from his mind down to his now expanding and slightly throbbing cock. The rising to the occasion merely served to thrill him more. He gently took it...
I can’t believe what’s happened to me! Here I am in a swingers’ paradise on a beautiful Caribbean island. Last night I had sex with seven people and tonight – who knows? Maybe more!Well I better put you in the picture – my name’s Anita and until about a month ago I was just one of those lonely divorced women who thought they’d never have sex again. That was until my wonderful, wonderful friend Lorraine came round with a gift – and what a gift! A magic wand which unlocked my sexual yearnings and...
I had just finished showering and was thinking how incredible our vacation had been. As I walked into the bedroom I saw Susan sliding on her heels. Damn, she had great legs. She smiled, as I walked naked into the room. “I see someone is already excited about tonight.” She stood up and smiled at me. No wonder I was so excited. She looked fabulous. The heels accentuated her long toned legs and thrust her tight little ass upward. Her short red skirt was about mid-thigh, revealing most of her...
ExhibitionismIt is 1809 and Napoleon is soon to marry Marie-Louise of Austria. The French are at war with Britain and Portugal. In a sleepy outpost in the Indian Ocean 2,000 kilometers off the south east coast of Africa the French-Creole inhabitants of what the Arab sailors called “Dina Arobi”, the Portugese called “Cirne” and the French now called “Ile de France” had established their own version of paradise. Turbulent times were ahead and a name change of the island to “Mauritius” was coming soon. In the...
BDSMSo to the Marilyn saga ends. This is the last Marilyn story for a very long time, possibly ever if interest in her wanes over time. However, this won't be my last story. I have more stuff developing in the lab, so to speak. MARILYN'S SEXUAL PARADISE - By Brett Lynn "Wh...what hon? What do you want?" Marilyn groggily pulled herself out of her nap and took a look at her wife sitting next to her on the airplane as they cruised their way to Hawaii for their honeymoon. She saw...
Ticket to Paradise By Cal Y. Pygia "Oh, no!", Toni Matthews thought as she saw the red, blue, and amber emergency lights flashing in her rear-view mirror and heard the shrill siren of the police car shrieking like a banshee. She was being pulled over by a California Highway Patrol officer. She?d been speeding, she knew, but maybe if she was flirtatious the officer would let her go with a warning. It would be her luck, she thought, that the cop would be a woman instead of a...
It was paradise. Sun, and clean, white, empty sand beaches for miles and miles. The tourists would arrive once a week, by boat, from the capital, some 40 minutes away across the estuary. There was a rough track through the jungle, and people and stores could come that way if the sea was too rough, but it needed a good four-wheel drive to negotiate the mud and streams. But even paradise needs workers, and I was one of them. I'd set the holiday village up and now managed the place. I wasn't the...
Author's Name: Lee Anne Montgomery ([email protected]) Story Title: Woman Partner (Chapter 25, Last Night in Paradise) This work is copyrighted to the author © 2003. Please do not remove the author information or make any changes to this story. You may post freely to non-commercial "free" sites, or in the "free" area of commercial sites. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to, and hope that I receive, your feedback....
Taking one for the team The argument was hot and heavy in the control room, but silent. Spearmint finally admitted afterward that her actions had caused a furor among her fellow monarchs. They understood why she had done it, but at the same time, the news that almost a hundred geriatrics and terminal patients had merely disappeared had made not only national but global headlines. Dandelion and Periwinkle had calmed them down, and they had decided to meet once a week for the next...
Crossdresser's Paradise By RogerGirl Charles had just returned from his summer trip with Stan and Desiree. It was a rare time of year since both his parents were home at their main mansion. Charles was feeling nervous, but felt he had to finally tell his parents about Charlene, his feminine side, and that he was bisexual. He walked into the kitchen where his parents were eating lunch. His father, Simon, came from a long line of wealthy businessmen and had expanded his family's...
Jessica’s Excitement in Paradise It had been 2 weeks since Jessica and her parents had checked into the luxury hotel isolated on an island in the South Pacific. Initially it had been exiting seeing the glassy blue water, lush green rainforest and white gold sands and exploring the hotel. But as it stood now she was bored. They were amongst only a few guests staying at the hotel with it being a new eco-resort it was yet to be put on the map and could currently only house four or five parties in...
Straight SexHell in ParadiseChapter I?So, at last we have the fabled champion of Paradise Island, and her sisters,’ came a voice form one of the monitors. All around the hall the invading troops, strongly built men in dark blue uniforms, arms folded across their chests and faces obscured by black masks with eye slits with reflective lenses. All the captured women had seen the fighting prowess of these men, skill and strength to match even the greatest of the Amazons of Themyscria. Diana looked up, her...
In the year 3000, science has reached an unparalleled height. Methuselah technology, which could halt the process of aging, has been invented. Humans were able to preserve the youth forever, but could still be killed by normal means. To prevent a population outbreak, all nations have signed an agreement that prohibited all copulations. Every obstetric clinic had to work under the government's monitoring. Only citizens with a special certification could do the acts that were possible to lead to...
Virtual Vacation Coupon: First Recursion Joe Ingram reflexively rubbed the top of his head with a fingertip, absently feeling the thinning hair, as he read the fancy calligraphy once more: Dear Joe, Please accept this complimentary Virtual Vacation Coupon. With today's time demands, it can be prohibitively expensive or even impossible to get away for the kind of rest and recovery we all need from time to time. That's why we developed the virtual vacation. The virtual vacation...
Virtual Vacation Coupon #1 By Xyzzy As a kid, I used to race for the mailbox. I don't know what I expected to find, but each day brought a renewed belief that maybe today; the mail would bring excitement and adventure. It never did! Once again I'm headed for the mailbox, but at 31 and out of shape it's a more leisurely stroll. Instead of zeal, I've begun to actively dislike the mailbox. Perhaps that's why I now wait until the morning to retrieve yesterday's mail. Is that...
Author's note: This is my second story, both in the Virtual Vacation Universe. Please consider this an open universe freely available to one and all who would like to use it as the basis for a story line. No hard and fast rules, just the basic concept. --- The Dinner Group (A Virtual Vacation Coupon) By Xyzzy It was a normal Saturday summer afternoon. I was making the last pass over the lawn with the mower. Hey, it's green, it grows, therefore it's a lawn; even if grass...
People who do not like stories of this kind are strongly advised not to read them. Vacation By Margaret Jeanette Marshall and Janice Morgan were going on vacation. Marshall put the suitcases in the trunk of their car except for two there was no room for in the trunk. He hung the garment bags in back and was all ready to go. They both had two weeks vacation and they were going to drive all over the western half of the country. "Everything's packed and ready to go. Let's...
Easing into my beach chair, I enjoyed the warmth of the morning Caribbean sun as I began watching the ocean waves roll onto the beach. It was my second day into a 2 week vacation on the island of Saint Maarten with my wife Kari. After weeks of deliberating where to go, then working out the details and making reservations, I was glad to finally start to relax. My experience was that it took a few days to finally shift into vacation mode and feel "sand gravity" where time didn't matter and you...
AF: The Accountant's Vacation By Olivia Evans I was nearly knocked over by the tiny blonde as I walked through the front door. Before I could even say, "Hi Honey, I'm home!" I was given a deep kiss. "Wow, what brought that on?" I asked looking down at Sharon, my beautiful five foot two wife. "Not that I'm complaining, mind?," She gave me another kiss, instantly shutting me up. Sharon smiled sweetly. "Just missed you, that's all." I had really missed my lovely Sharon as...
This is a continuation of the original story Mistress PC. I feel this isn't a 'stand alone' story. I would recommend reading the first part to this. There are references that would be out of place without the full story.. Now, on with the show.... Mistress PC - Vacation After the diner, Tina is driving Marci to the mall, unbeknownst to Marci. "I'd thought we'd go to my place and I'd show you Ms. PC.?" "Mistress said that you were to buy swimwear for vacation. The...
My wife Stacey and I were in desperate need of a relaxing, romantic vacation together. We both have very stressful jobs on Wall Street and haven't had a vacation away for a long time.Stacey left the decision making all up to me as far as location, venue, flights and hotels. I guess she just doesn't like taking the time to do the research, she says it's too much trouble and not worth the aggravation. She also loves to be surprised by my choices and is always pleased with any destination I...
My name is Dave and I've been married to Nancy for two years. I'm thirty-two years old and Nancy is twenty-six. Most of our friends are around my age and have been married for six or eight years. Our best friends are John & Amy and Pete & Diane. Amy and Diane are cute, but take a back seat to Nancy. My wife is younger with a kick-ass body. She has large 34D natural tits and tight abs to go along with a very cute face and long slender legs. She works out every day to stay in shape. Nancy doesn't...
Wife LoversIt's been awhile since I wrote a story in my Travel Agency universe so I decided that it was about time to do so again. In case you haven't read any of my Travel Agency stories, they are Travel Agency, Another Tail and Larger than Life. Travel Agency: Free Trip By Morpheus Letting out a long sigh, I leaned back in my chair, turning my attention away from the small pile of homework that I'd been doing for my classes. Or at least trying to do. Actually, I hadn't really put...
The Vacation Nightmare By Margaret Jeanette Jason Barrett woke up at his usual early time. It took him a minute to realize that he was at his sister-in-law's house. His wife Sharon was sleeping next to him. He knew she wouldn't be up for at least two hours yet as she liked to sleep late when she didn't have to go to work. He wondered about the headphones on his head. He didn't remember putting headphones on. He got up and padded to the bathroom. He knew no one was up yet so he...
My wife Stacey and I were in desperate need of a relaxing, romantic vacation together. We both have very stressful jobs on Wall Street and haven't had a vacation away for a long time.Stacey left the decision making all up to me as far as location, venue, flights and hotels. I guess she just doesn't like taking the time to do the research, she says it's too much trouble and not worth the aggravation. She also loves to be surprised by my choices and is always pleased with any destination I...
We were finally winging our way to our tropical get away. Since, from our northern location, its nearly a five and a half hour flight we had splurged and used airline miles to upgrade to first class. But let me go back and start at the beginning. Lisa and I both work pretty hard and our major payback to ourselves is a vacation at a tropical resort each year. After alternating between the Caribbean and Hawaii for years, we decided to try the Mexican Riviera this time. If you have been...
Chapter 1“Could you take my case downstairs to the hall please, hon? It's a bit heavy!” asked Brandi.“How can it possibly be heavy?” I asked, with a grin on my face. “All your outfits are so skimpy, they don'tweigh any more than a few feathers!”“Oh, very droll, darling! I've got 3 pairs of kinky thigh boots in there, as well as those pvc chaps that you likeso much!”Brandi had started packing for our vacation almost a week ago and I knew that she would be taking someseriously slutty outfits. She...
It was our first proper vacation in years. I breathed a sigh of relief as I gazed out our suite window towards the calm ocean waters of the gulf. After seven years of marriage and a limited amount of time off it felt the****utic to finally have a week away all to ourselves. We had selected Naples because it was quiet, and peaceful, and a drastic change of scenery from the drab winter we had just suffered through in Ohio. I turned and looked towards the bed, where my wife rested in slumber....