- 3 years ago
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"Welcome to Montserrat, Sir, Madam. Your good names please?"
"I am Mr. James Ghiwhite, and this is my daughter Mrs. Sarah Edward. We - actually, she and her husband were supposed to - want to stay here for a week; I believe it was previously arranged."
"Oh, yes. Here it is - your reserved room is HMP 2." The desk clerk, whose nameplate pegged him as Charlie, rang a bell. Almost instantly, a young boy of not more than sixteen came out of the back room. Charlie motioned towards the baggage. "Take these to HMP 2."
I did not understand why the bellboy gave me a funny look. Granted, I look my forty-one years of age, and my daughter looks her twenty-one, but - and then the realization hit me. He must've thought we were newlyweds - a sugar daddy and his fortune-hunting wife. Pointedly ignoring him, I turned my attention back to the clerk. "HMP? Never heard of such a system before. What does it stand for - hill, mountain, and p-something?"
Charlie laughed. "Not quite. Actually, it stands for Honeymoon Package."
Honeymoon package?
"Excuse me, but did you just say our room is a honeymooners' suite?"
"Absolutely, sir. I must say room 2 is one of the best among the islands."
I stared at the young man, gauging the fragility of his head. "Didn't you hear what I just said? This woman with me is my daughter. Not my wife. To spell it out, I am not here on a honeymoon."
For an instant, the smile receded. Almost immediately, though, it was back. "Our apologies, Sir. We never thought of it that way. Mrs. Edward, please accept our apologies - unfortunately, the fact must have missed your husband's mention when we talked."
Sarah, my beautiful, beautiful daughter, smiled disarmingly at the growing fidgeting of the guy. "No problem," she said brightly. "We'll take it."
Now I stared at my daughter. Here we were, on an exotic island, father and daughter, for a stay of one week, and she was suggesting that we spend it in a honeymooner's paradise! Noticing my startled expression, which the poor fellow misunderstood as panic, he offered a way out - "We can put you in single rooms if you want, Sir. It would be a bit of trouble to find adjacent ones, but if you so wish -"
"Nonsense!" interrupted my daughter. "Stop being so fussy, Daddy. Relax. It's just a room to spend the night; after all, you didn't come to this island paradise just to be cooped up in a room, did you? Besides, we will be out most of the time, sunning and shopping. Not to mention sightseeing. Come on."
Before I could even lodge a protest, she was hustling me towards the garden door, after the bellboy. The air outside was fresh, tropical. It was a relief to get away from the dead of winter, back home, with all the rush and traffic of pre-Christmas crowds. The palm trees that dotted the border of the small terrace along which we were walking provided an excellent canopy, keeping the sand beneath our feet cool. It's amazing how careful planting can really cool a place with its shade - after having seen its cousins back in LA, I had thought that the only thing that the trees were good for was for providing a divider between opposite lanes.
Out here, they were in their true spirit, I suppose, in true synchronization with their parent environment. The climate was absolutely wonderful, the greenery fresh and almost as tempting as the blue waters that I could see through the clumps. The shore extended for about a hundred meters of sand and skin, before sinking slowly into the languid waters of the ocean. And even though a gentle breeze was present, I could hear the free lapping of the little waves against the shore.
Sarah linked her arms through mine as we walked towards our suite. On the outside, it looked okay, bigger and in a more secluded region than the rest of the cabins. There was in fact, no room as such - all were cabins, some standing by themselves, and others gathered in a clump at the other end of the resort - these were probably the ones the clerk had offered in exchange. I was glad we had refused - even at this distance, I could make out quite a lot of people there.
Then I thought of how I got to be here in the first place.
Eddie, as I called my son-in-law, was a US Navy Sailor, and damn proud of it. His marriage to my daughter, as far as my knowledge went, was his first, and I had proudly walked her down the aisle a couple of years ago, after his character satisfied me. He was quite a sincere fellow, caring and affectionate, and to boot it all, an orphan - so no lousy in-laws to entertain every other weekend. Both my wife and I had a very high opinion of the lad, as he seemed to have of us.
The only drawback of his work was that it often took him out on the seas for as long as four or five months. It left my daughter enough time to complete her studies, and yet live with the dependence and freedom of a wife. Her life was secure, for Eddie was not the sort of guy who had a girl in every port. In fact, the only other female I've ever seen him with is a girl called Rebecca, a fellow sailor or something.
Apparently, his fraternity had held a Christmas draw - the prize being a week's all-expenses-paid stay here in M'serrat, and he had won. At the last moment, though, duty called - but rather than let an opportunity go waste, Eddie asked me if I could take Sarah on the trip. I had been reluctant at first, but when my wife seemed to have no objection to the idea, I accepted it. Eddie's only request was that I keep her from getting too promiscuous.
We reached the cabin.
There was a small porch in front, a hammock suspended from its roof and a cane sofa with a table fan beside it. A cane-ensconced light hung from the wooden ceiling, providing enough light for reading at night. For the moment, though, it was unnecessary; it was just two in the afternoon. A wooden railing ran along the length of the porch, the door to the cabin at its other end. The varnished look gave a cooled look to the surface.
I tipped the bellboy absently, still entranced by the lazy beauty of the Caribbean. My daughter hugged me from behind, the gentle breeze prodding her sweet perfume into my nostrils. I felt her breasts press against the back of my stomach, and had the briefest of arousals when I remembered the mistake the bellboy had made. I forced the thought out of my mind before it could start spinning fantasies - as it had over three years ago. I wasn't about to be drawn into that moral battle again.
"Beautiful, isn't it?" a voice asked near my left ear.
"Lovely. But not as much as my darling daughter, just getting there."
She squeezed me harder, a sign that she was pleased. "You are just always saying that." This was just a woman's humility - she was pleased to the point that she wouldn't acknowledge it.
"I mean it," and I sincerely did, "You are still the prettiest sight on earth."
"Thanks, Daddy. You are not so bad yourself. In fact, Mom made me promise not to let you out of my sight; says you are too good-looking for your age. And as usual, she is right."
Now it was my turn to act modest. "Awww! You always say that... when you want to buy something costly! Come on, out with it - how much do you want?"
She pinched my stomach playfully. "Not this time. Just wanted to let you know that you look good enough."
"For what?"
"For me."
I pondered over her answer, without having any idea why I was. In a perverted way of reasoning, I could interpret it in as many ways as I wanted. It wasn't the words as much as the tone that, on retrospect, I am sure made me think twice about a possible rejoinder. Finally, I just decided to let the conversation fade into silence. Most conversations are ruined by a word too much. Instead, with her hugging me, I took in a snapshot of the paradise around me.
"The water looks inviting. What say we accept?" I said finally, breaking up what could have been an interminable moment of silence.
Sarah slowly slid her arms off my body, trailing them down to my waist before breaking contact. "Okay. Let's change."
I followed her into our room. Room - the name was an understatement. It was very tastefully decorated, the Caribbean origin very evident. It was a huge room, with a door halfway between the walls that I guessed led to the bathroom. There was another door opposite the entrance, but I had no idea where that led. What grabbed my attention, though, were the pictures on the roof, right above the bed. There were around seven of them, arranged in a semicircle in such a way that a person waking up sees them first thing in the morning.
All the pictures showed various positions of Kamasutra, the Indian text on lovemaking. I was immediately taken in by the sheer beauty of the artwork - the characters almost seemed to come alive. I was also aware that Sarah had riveted her attention too on the decoration, and a deep intake of breath suggested that she hadn't entirely been unfazed by the sight. The two painted bodies seemed to be in their own dance for the universe, oblivious to the fact that they were being watched. In seven positions they took each other, a look of pleasure on their faces.
I shocked myself by asking, "Tempting, isn't it?"
Sarah did not immediately reply. For a moment, I panicked. Damn that hidden nut of a fantasy! I couldn't, under any circumstances, even let her know that I did lust after her. I tried to cover up my inappropriate remark. "Too bad Eddie isn't here. I mean, this would have been just right for you..."
Sarah smiled sweetly at me, disguising whatever she had thought of my remark and me. Then she gazed up at the ceiling once more, and said, still looking up, "You don't know how much..." I took it to mean that she missed him a lot.
Silence rented the air again.
Abruptly, Sarah went to the bathroom. "Got to wash my face," she threw over her shoulder as I stared at her firm ass wiggle with her steps. Her mini-skirt barely reached halfway down her thighs, with a raised hem at the back that allowed for a splendid view of the creamy skin reaching into her depths. I licked my lips absently, imagining how it would be to have my lips explore the shade between her legs. Voila! A hard-on!
Once again, as was increasingly becoming my tendency, I panicked. Sarah had barely closed her door when my hand went to my crotch, looking for some way to relieve the tension. I did not want my daughter to see me with an erection, with her being the obvious instigator. It never occurred to me that I could pile the blame on the erotica above me.
I quickly chucked off my pants and put on the tightest pair of inelastic swimming trunks that I had. I hoped the material was strong enough to rein in my 'enthusiasm' - at least until I could safely get under water and out of sight. Thankfully, it was.
It was less than a minute before Sarah came out. My jaw dropped to the floor as I stared at her bikini - or rather, the lack of it. She was topless! Her young breasts, firm and steady, topped with pink nipples that stared straight at me, were faultless, not a hint of a discrepancy anywhere. They were pale, though, and the slow flush that was gathering inside them was increasingly becoming prominent. I knew my daughter was watching me watch her, but I just couldn't take my eyes off her chest.
"I never thought these were that great, Daddy!"
I managed to meet her amused eyes. I didn't know what to say - how do you appraise your daughter's breasts when they are displayed so proudly to you? Do you say they are beautiful, aware of what it suggested, or would you be a conservative father, a true father, and tell her that they were alright and reminded you of her mother's?
"They sure are," I replied. The remark was tame enough to offer me a way out. "Now why don't you go put on your top, so that we can finally get down to serious swimming?"
Sarah walked over to me, her tits juggling gloriously within five feet of my touch. "Always the wise guy, huh? In case you didn't know, this beach is topless - and that, dear father of mine, is just the general section. Our private beach -"
"Our what beach?"
"You didn't know that we had a private beach - shame, Daddy, that's why Mom always says you should read the brochure more. HMP's have exclusive beaches for themselves, totally isolated and inaccessible from the rest of the island. Anything is permitted, and that goes for nudity too... So if you want to see me nude, just tell me to take off my bottoms."
Take off your bottoms!
Instead, I just nodded. God knew how many more surprises awaited me - first, being pegged that I was on a honeymoon with my daughter, then all these erotic pictures, Sarah's toplessness, and now, finally, she was offering me what was probably a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see her nude. My cock twitched uneasily again, and I shifted uneasily when the trunks pressed heavily against my dick.
Sarah caught my movement, and grinned at me. She stuck her tongue out at me - a sign of defiance that she had always given me when she was little - and then hooked her hands in the waistline of her bottoms. For a moment I feared - and wished - that she was going to remove them. As if gauging my indecision, she moved it down just a couple of centimeters below her hip. The sight of the hipbones of this scantily clad creature almost made me reach out and pull the thin material completely down her legs.
In the manner of a model, my daughter turned around and walked towards the backdoor. It was then that I realized that the triangle in front was practically her only attempt at covering herself, for at the back, the bottom was reduced to a strand of fiber that ran along the crack of her cheeks to the vertex that hid her crotch from view. When the door was opened, the gentle breeze outside entered, bringing to my nose more of her delicious scent. The delicious scent of a woman.
By the time I had gathered my senses, Sarah was already out of the door and heading down the sandy path to a small woods, from beyond which I could hear the seagulls. From behind, especially at this distance, it appeared as if she were nude. A nude goddess walking along the sandy shores of an island. She was my daughter, and yet, the unyielding and unattainable object of my fantasies. All my denials were breaking up; I wanted her, and I wanted her bad. Fortunately, there was still the father in me, and so rather than carry her off into the woods and take her, I walked with her towards the water.
Her blonde hair flung carelessly over her shoulder, I was denied the sight of her left nipple by the golden tresses. The other pink top was standing proud and erect, a darker hue giving it a sensuous touch. Her breasts were large for her frame, but at a profile shot, the curves of her body seemed to be more emphasized than ever. It took all my will power not to reach out and touch them, maul them, taste them, and hell, I could think of a lot of other things I could do with them. As if wanting to tease me further, Sarah moved even closer and put her arms over my shoulder, the action causing the side of her breast to rub against my skin.
The touch was nothing short of electric.
Somehow, we managed to reach the shores without being diverted to some obscure and private corner of the island. At the sight of the water, we ran towards it, splashing into it with a big jump. Our inhibitions forgotten, pretty soon, we were engaged in a wet tickling contest. Sarah never complained even when my hand accidentally (yeah, sure!) brushed against her nipples - and in fact, she seemed to be maneuvering herself for such contact.
I lunged at her playfully, over some cheeky remark she had made. She laughed, trying to move at the very last moment. Being in water made rapid escape impossible, and I ended up slamming face first into her cleavage as a wave rolled over us. The impact sunk us both for a couple of seconds, Sarah instinctively reaching for something to grab on to. Her fingers found my hair, and she pressed against my head, pushing my face even deeper into her bosom. The feel of her firmness against my cheeks was highly... satisfactory, I must say, for I felt a strange relaxation wash over me.
When we surfaced, my face was still in the wedge between her breasts. Since this was supposed to be a tickling contest, I decided to land my cheap shot - I darted my tongue out and licked the wet skin. This time, Sarah moaned, a genuine cry of animal pleasure. The sound encouraged me, for it meant she liked it. As I said, my defenses were breaking up - so if she did like it, then perhaps we would...
Another rise of the water threw us off balance, the change of position taking my face away from her sweet body. Once again I lunged towards her, but the little minx moved away and went under. I was puzzled - what was she doing? - and then I felt her hands on my trunks. Reflexively, for I was not still prepared to go all over and beyond the line, I tried to pull away without kicking her. My motion served her purpose; before I knew it, she got the trunks off and came up again.
"Give me that!" I said, unsure of how much I meant it.
"Oh, really?" she asked, a sexy pout framed by her lips. "Big Poppa bear looks angry. Why don't you go get it? The water ought to cool you off." With that, she flung my trunks even farther away, with greater power than I believed she had. The suit fell into the receding water, the current quickly carrying it away. It was still reachable, of course, but I would probably have to burn up all of my muscles to get to it.
"And while you are at it, why don't you get this too?"
Her bottom followed my suit into the open ocean. Now we were both naked, and for want of anything less controversial, I followed the passage of our garments into the open ocean.
"Don't be such a prude, Daddy. It's not like you are raping me or anything... Besides, I am an adult, and the last time I checked, you were too. Let's just have fun, alright. Flirting with you is so much fun!"
Another wave struck us from the sides, pushing our bodies together until... contact! Once again, the only word that comes to mind is electricity; the touch of her warm body combined with the knowledge that it was totally naked was enough to turn me on like never before. I had never thought I would ever be so overawed by the physical concepts of lovemaking, but just the mere feel of her pressing against me changed all that. I wondered how it would feel to have that body entwined around me...
Sarah saw the look of desire in my eyes, a look that reflected her own. It was not just of desire, it was also of a love that went beyond every accepted convention of man. Of a love that exists between a father and his daughter. Of a love that exists between the married father and his adult daughter.
I pulled away the second before our lips touched. I had just forgotten a very important fact - both of us, not either one, but both of us, were still married to loving spouses. If we had been single, I wouldn't have been so particular, for an affair then would be no one else's business but our own.
But she had a husband. One who had sent her with me so that she would be happy. One who had asked me to keep an eye on her. I was getting an eyeful alright, but wasn't I betraying him? A part of the conscience was telling me I was. "We can't do it," I told her, "We shouldn't!"
"And why not?"
"In case you don't remember, it was your husband who sent me here. And your mother. Because they trusted me, and they trusted you. If something does happen, how will we face them? More importantly, how will we face each other? One week is hardly enough to satiate our desire, and then what will we do? Sneak off and risk getting caught? Cops -"
"God, you are such a worrywart!" Sarah broke up my tirade. "Here we are, on this delightful island, alone and horny, and you are worrying about two very open-minded people three thousand miles away. Before you even ask it, Dad, no, I am not worried over Eddie's reaction. In fact, when he knew he couldn't come, he asked me to invite you. He knows the way I think of you, Dad, and he doesn't mind. To quote him, 'At least, I can get your father to keep you down when I am gone. And you don't even have to make the spare bedroom ready - he could sleep with you instead... '"
I managed to croak a surprised query. "You are kidding, right?"
"No. You know Rebecca - Eddie's friend who usually stays at our place - she must be home by now. If you still doubt me, why don't you call my husband and ask him if he minds that you fool around with your daughter? Just don't be surprised if Becky answers, that's all."
The implication was too obvious to miss. "You mean, Becky and Eddie are -"
Sarah nodded calmly. "Have been for the last one year. She shares his bunk in the vessel, and more than often, his bunk. I don't mind, actually. It keeps him out of circulation - which young male can put up with six months of abstinence every year? Moreover, he likes it rough, and she wants it rough. On land, they get together every weekend at her place, but sometimes, at ours."
"And you don't mind her staying with you?"
"Not at all. I mean, it's just for a weekend, and besides, they are together every day in the sea. The moaning and the shouting keeps me awake, though, until they are thoroughly exhausted."
Another thought struck me. "Have you ever had a - I mean, um... like, you know..." I couldn't bring myself to ask her outright whether she had slept with this woman herself.
"Gosh, Dad, you are blistering like an idiot. All you got to do is ask me if we've ever had threesomes. Yes, to answer your question, we have. But like I said, the two of them prefer rough sex, and the two times I slept with them, I was fucked so hard - by both Eddie and Becky - that I couldn't even walk properly for sometime. Becky likes to hump until her skin peels off."
"What about your marriage? Won't she tear it apart?"
"No worry on that account. Becky is a secure woman - has no plans for settling down. They just like the sex, that's all. She herself turned down an offer to move in with us, citing it as a commitment well beyond her limits,"
I tried to digest this piece of information. The image of my daughter in a wild, frolicking threesome was tremendously exciting, a fact that quickly evidenced itself to my daughter in the form of an engorged dick. She couldn't see it, but she sure could feel it. The water bobbed us up and down, and with each crest and trough, the head brushed against her hole. Her nipples rubbed against mine, the exotic sensation almost causing me to cream in the water itself.
I took one more look at my daughter. In her eyes were now one more ingredient - hope. She really wanted me. The only obstacle remaining was my wife.
Screw her!
"Well, girl, you convinced me. Where do we start?"
Sarah puckered her lips. Her arms were already on my shoulders; she entwined them at the back of my neck, pulling my face closer. "How about with a proper kiss, and then you can carry me over the threshold to our honeymoon room? After that,... you ought to know what to do..."
Our lips touched. For a second, we just held each other in that position, and then our lips started to grind. Tongues dashed out only to collide with one another, and then kissed and made up. I traced the undersides of her tongue, tickling the pink flesh until she gripped me harder. My daughter was no amateur either - she scratched every nook and cranny inside my mouth with her tongue, before swapping some of her sweet saliva with mine. We toyed around with the substance for some more time, finally gulping it down.
As soon as we broke apart, I cupped my hands beneath her ass and pushed upwards, hoisting her onto my shoulder. Sarah squealed with joy as I started to wade out of the shallow water, her breasts rubbing against my back. Contrary to my rubbery masculine skin, hers was silk-smooth, almost sliding off my shoulders. To get a better grip, I placed a finger firmly in the crack of her ass, and with each step, a little of it crept in.
"Oh, Daddy," Sarah moaned as around three-fourth of my finger - sufficient for wiggling it inside her - slid in, its entry facilitated by the slick sea-water that still clung to our skin. It was precisely this wetness that caused us to go to the room; otherwise, both of us would have made love then and there, right on the sandy beach.
I half-ran, half-walked the distance to our cabin, stopping only in front of the step so that I could place her correctly across my arms - as a groom carries his bride off the church. Even as I lowered her, Sarah found my lips again and we kissed again, a short, impassioned kiss that was just as good as the drawn-out one we had shared in the water. Her eyes told me how much this meant to her. My eyes told her how much she meant to me.
Once inside, I rushed towards the bed. No sooner had I dropped her on the soft mattress than I was on her, kissing her all over her face. She responded the same way, and our lips met again more than once in our explorations. Her face was infinitely beautiful, and there were just too many points to taste and nibble. I tugged her earlobes, chewing them lightly until my daughter started to moan. The first sound was music to my ears; the aphrodisiac added to an already-sexed atmosphere.
Then I moved downwards, targeting the throat that made such beautiful sounds. I made a complete revolution of her neck, from the curve of her jaw to the blond curls at her nape, kissing and licking every part in between. Sarah stopped ministering to me - she was too caught up in the web of the assault that it was all she could do to keep from giving in to an orgasm so easily. I started to massage her shoulder blades gently, the immediate effect being that she relaxed. An orgasm overtook her, taking her to the edge of consciousness and pulling her back by centimeters.
Her eyes rolled up towards the sky, and for a second, I wondered if I would have to wait until she woke up again. Thankfully, within five seconds, they fluttered, and I continued my 'duties' once again. After pock marking the neck and her shoulders, my mouth sought out her throbbing breasts. They heaved and fell as she breathed, two twin mountains quivering at the hands of the gods. One of my hands cupped her other breast while the other started to play with her wet pussy.
The instant my lips brushed against the skin of her creamy cherry, I wanted to scream out loud - the vibration of her bud against my lolling tongue was as arousing to me as it must have been for her. I placed it between my teeth, gently clamping it firmly in place. My lips took in more of her breast, but confined by the closed teeth, my tongue had only one thing to do - and that was to skim the top of the cherry-top. Sarah bucked again as another orgasm struck her, the movement of her body pushing more and more of her breast into my mouth.
"Oh, Daddy! That feels so... ohhhh!"
Finally, both breasts were flushed to a red tone. They reminded me of fresh apples, straight from the orchards. I ran my tongue down the swell of her breasts, down her stomach, past her navel where I pit-stopped for around fifteen seconds, and finally arrived at the delectably soft skin just above her folds. Her pussy was shaved to the extent of being baby-smooth, the skin warm and moist. I kissed her at the vertices of the V, each time eliciting a very emphatic oomph from her.
Grabbing the undersides of her legs, I slung them over my shoulders. Her pussy was right in my eyesight now, its juices reflecting the sunlight outside. I savored the sight for just a second - after which I attacked with my tongue. I pushed it deeper than I had ever attempted before, touching and cleaning the cuntal walls like a tongue is supposed to do. I serviced her for more than I had ever serviced anyone else before, but then she was not anybody - she was my daughter, and she was my lover.
Having lost all track of time, I can't say exactly how long I ate her out, before submitting to her pleas of consummating our relationship. All I do remember was that when I entered her, when the two of us merged into one body and one soul, the passion was all-consuming; the love was all-enlightening. I made her cum twice before I let go, filling up the same hole I had once made with seeds potent enough to create another one. We lay exhausted on the honeymoon bed, and stared at the pictures above us.
We held hands as I finally told her, for the first time as a lover, "I love you, Sarah."
A gentle squeeze of the palm later, she crawled up on top of me, resting her head on my chest. I could still feel my liquids dripping out of her and into my legs. It was a mess down there.
"I love you too, Daddy."
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The last bell of the afternoon finally rang. I hurried down to the toilet block ignoring my school friends and locked myself in a cubicle. Sitting on the closed lid I undid my shoes and kicked them off. Next I unzipped my black trousers and slipped them down my legs and off over my ankles quickly followed by my boxers putting them on top of my shoulder bag. I loosened my tie and undid the top three buttons of my shirt then pulled it up above my waist leaving naked below. It felt so good as the...
Masturbation‘You did well, my dear,’ Chief Cave Lion told Ivory the following morning as she and Glade lay together on the bed the Reindeer Herder chief had vacated. ‘Thank you, my lord,’ said Ivory who still savoured the memory of her lovemaking. She didn’t say so but she thought to herself that the pleasure in the duty was all hers. And she would gladly do the same again. ‘The Reindeer Herder chief has complimented the shaman and you on your lovemaking,’ continued the Chief, running his hand over...
David decided it was time for action after the seventh day. Leaving their horses in the rift, he took the troop out during the night and arranged them alongside of the track. They waited concealed until the aircraft had returned back to its base before edging closer to the track and taking up positions. The ambush was a complete success; at fifty yards the Gurkhas couldn’t miss. The carts were checked; provisions and fodder were quickly dispatched to the rift to supplement their own stocks...
It is a mid afternoon in late July. The yellow curtains are almost fully closed but the sunlight is filtering through the fabric and one vivid bar of bright yellow is shining on the floor where the gap is letting the light through. One of the windows is slightly open and a light warm summer breeze is bringing the sounds and smells of the garden into the bedroom. I am 25, unmarried and have always been thought a little strange or possibly very shy because I have never really had what is...
The lovely Xxlayna Marie (It’s Pronounced YUH-LAYNA) makes her triumphant return to Hussie Pass today, and seeing as now she’s ready for him, we paired her up with Brickzilla for this much-anticipated update! After we get reacquainted with the now megastar, Xxlayna strips naked & begins to warm up her little pussy with her fingers. In steps Brickzilla with some lube for Xxlayna’s perky tits & adorable little ass. Xxlayna gets on her knees for the big reveal and begins...
xmoviesforyouI pull up our very brief text conversation, but what do I even send him? Hey can we fuck again? You okay that you fucked your neighbors daughter? My fingers seem to have forgotten how to even type, maybe I should just get out of bed and find coffee and figure out what to say to him later. Thankfully no one is home, my parents both have worked banker hours my entire life, and I can have the house to myself. I start the coffee maker and hop in the shower for a quick shower while I wait on much...
--- The Lost Tribe, Part 8 (nosex) by Krosis of the Collective --- "Daddy! Daddy!" Jason turned from his usual evening vigil sitting on the beach to regard the young blond blue-eyed boy as he ran up. "Hey, Al...what's up?" His son was visibly upset. "Jasper said I'm not really part of the family because Makayla's not my mom!" Jason cursed under his breath. Allie had passed away from an infection after giving birth to the little boy, and Jasper had arrived a few weeks later,...
Hi there, my name is Paul. I turned 15 recently and got a surprise gift from my father of a woman to take my virginity. My dad’s name is Bill and he has a mobile car washing and detailing service. A few months back, my dad got a new account of a really rich guy who has a bunch of cars and wanted my dad to come to his house every two weeks to clean his cars. My dad had told me that the guy just got two new cars; a Ferrari and a Lamborghini and asked me if I wanted to go with him to see the...
The freight elevator took me past the levels we'd already mapped. I walked down a few flights of stairs, my footsteps clanging in the dark. The bunkers were mapped on a big 3-D grid, so if you can imagine looking at a floor plan of a huge skyscraper, area K322 was in square K3 on the 22nd floor. The only difference between bunker seven and a skyscraper was that the whole thing was underground and the first floor was the one closest to the surface. Someone else had started this level so I...
Introduction: Please read from the beginning….. Chapter Four ______________,,______________ I was not scheduled to interview Island Royales female partner, Cynthia, until the afternoon and therefore assumed I would be on my own throughout Wednesday morning. Greg, however, caught me as I was leaving the dining room following breakfast and suggested I accompany him for a tour of the Ladies Boudoir, located at the far northern end of the building. The Boudoir consists of a series...
Getting home from my Glory Hole adventure I sat in the lounge and replayed the experience over and over. I smiled to myself. It had been the first real cock I had played with for months. While the whole thing seemed rather clinical there was no denying that it had got my mind buzzing – as well as other bits. At least I had found that Amy was not playing a joke on me. Amy. My God she said she would once, sometimes twice a week. Could I go again? I wasn’t sure. Sunday morning I had breakfast...
“So, brothers and sisters, let us lift our hands in joy and exultation as we embrace the beauty of the human body in all of its naked glory. Brother George here can attest to the sheer loveliness of the female figure in its natural state, but let us not forget the handsome menfolk here in the buff. Let me assure you, brothers and sisters, that there is no shame, no cause for modesty, or any other such nonsense in our congregation, our family, our community. We are all friends, lovers, kith...
It was the first day of the summer holidays and it was very hot in the early afternoon sun. I was just kicking around as you do when there is sod all to do. I was doing some work on my computer when my mum knocked on the door and let herself in. “Now you know its your fathers birthday soon, so I decided that he and I should go away for the weekend to a health club. I was going to tell you earlier but I’ve just been so busy organising it and everything, is that ok?” “yea sure” I...
Hello ladies and gentleman and, boys and gals I am Shekhar, 24, Pune. I don’t want to give stats cause I am not much handsome or anything. Neither I am like a hunk with very muscular body. To describe myself I would ask you to imagine any common guy walking on the streets. Anyways enough of bull shit lets come to the point. This is real incident happened with me I am sure for lot of readers this will seem like some fake story copied from a 3rd class unknown movie. This is the second part of the...
Andy's Training Chapter 10 ? by: Cissykay My wedding day had finally arrived. As I woke, I laid in bed and cried. I didn't want my life to change. I wanted Mistress Betty and Mistress Cissy to continue to keep me, and to be comfortable in the life I had begun to love. I also didn't relish the idea of being the male bitch of this foreigner. I was still chained to my bed when both Mistresses came in. "Good morning sweetie. How's our little bride to be on her wedding day?" I wanted...
“You want to step outside and take a hit?” That question was asked of me by my wife’s best friend. Normally Lori would be out with my wife, but Penny was on a marathon phone conversation with her mother. I’m sure she would have liked to hit the bong too but we don’t do that in the house. Lori was no stranger to our home; she and Penny have been friends since grade school. They work together, they play together, they are tight. Lori was maid of honor at our wedding 5 years earlier and was in the...
I love to write. In fact, if I could make a real living at it, that would be my preferred career choice.However, writers block, deadlines, overall motivation, and my "other," career choice, have thus far anyway prevented me from doing so.Hence at the moment anyway, it remains a hobby to be indulged in whenever the Muse strikes me.This work is one such moment.I hope those who read it will enjoy it, and be kind in critiquing it.Constructive thoughts are always welcome and appreciated.Mean...
Dedicated to my Sunshine. I’m sitting down in front of you in a dimly lit room. There’s a large bed in the center of the room with an overhang and your stripping on one of the corner poles to an erotic song playing from a radio in the corner. It’s raining out and the lightning through the window is flashing on your blushing skin. I try to imagine how excited you are as you remove one piece of clothing after another… my eyes roaming over every bit of skin that you reveal. As the heat and...
In 2010, I had been searching on a British dating site (it was in June, I think, around the same time as Glastonbury festival). I came across a female member who was offering genuine sex, with guys. She was Black and 7 months pregnant. I'd never kissed a Black girl before. Nor a pregnant one so I sent a message. I was intrigued, you see. She was genuine and lived about 30 minutes from me up in Streatham. We chatted on the phone and she was really down to Earth and a good laugh.... better than a...
Altered Fates: The Wife By Ellie Dauber (c) 2003 "Santiago Airlines Flight 2 is now arriving at Gate A. Santiago Airlines Flight 2 from Guatemala City and Mexico City now arriving at Gate A." The amplified voice echoed through the small rural airport. Edward Lassiter ran towards the gate. A large man, dressed in the new blue and gold Federal Airline Security Agency uniform, stopped him at the outer glass door. "I'm sorry, sir," the guard said. "You'll have to wait until the...
Continued from part 1...So there was Gail, on all fours with her hands bound to the headboard, tits hanging out the top of her bra, a butt plug in her ass, vibrator in her pussy (both held in place by her panties), and my cum plastered all over her face. She was ready to get fucked, but I wanted to have some more fun before we got to that. I moved behind her and slid her panties off, exposing the plug & vibrator. I took the handle of the vibrator and moved it in and how slowly, pushing it...
When he heard the news, Dan, like Marsha. wished things could have proceeded a bit more slowly, but Marsha had told him that both Angie and Chris were ecstatic both about marriage and the coming baby so he was immediately supportive. He asked her to fill him in on her own activities which she did minus the exact nature of her "hostessing" duties on the island and her now defunct affair with Chris. Dan was still teaching, but retirement was very close. No, there had been no one after...
It’s just past one in the afternoon as you sit by yourself in a small corner booth in one of New York’s newest restaurants, ‘Amuse,’ here in the Upper East Side. You’ve worked in quite a few high-end restaurants, but none quite like this - it’s almost intimidating. The soaring coffered ceiling and the refined neoclassical architecture is an elegant refuge from the pace of city life. Custom chandeliers and greenery are spread throughout the dining room along with some impressive pieces of...
Romance– 34 yrs old single mom – She is a mother of 3 believe it or not – Actually was a stay at home mom but recently separated – Trying her skills out as an exotic dancer a few times a week – She has a lesbian girlfriend that no one knows about – Is a very sexual person, a lot of fun to work with – Has only had about 20 sex partners in her entire life – Loves watching porn, she is more into the soft or girl/girl – Is into anal sex and had a very sexy tight little asshole – Her tight little body was...
xmoviesforyouEs klopfte leise. „Herein!“ rief ich und vertiefte mich wieder in die Faxmitteilungen, die in der Mittagspause reingekommen waren.. Ich sah auf…“Ach Sie. Dann setzen Sie sich mal, - ach was, bleiben Sie da stehen!“ Das junge Mädchen strich den Rock glatt und verharrte in ihrer Position. „Ich sollte zu Ihnen kommen.“ sagte sie...... ......„Richtig. Sie haben aber wohl noch die Tische abgedeckt, oder?“ „Ja, habe ich.“ erwiderte sie. Das sie das Mittagsgeschirr stehen lässt hätte ich ihr durchaus...
Kevin lay semi-spooned over Alex as she finished her story.“Unfair!” he exclaimed with mock outrage. “You can’t just drop a bomb like Clayton plowing your mom, and then stop. Keep going, you bitch.”“Now be nice,” Alex admonished.Kevin popped up to get water for them. He filled two glasses then carried them into the bedroom, handing Alex hers. “You recovered pretty fast from... all the ick,” he said. “Do you suppose running Phil off gave you an advantage.”Alex sat back against the headboard feet...
IncestThe opening of the bedroom door woke me. I sensed it was daylight. I kept my eyes closed and laid still. The floor creaked and there was a clink on the bed table. The sheets lifted as the bed shifted with her slipping under the blanket. I was on my side and she slid her warm body down mine as she went deep under the covers. I felt her lips on my morning erection. She took me in fully in her mouth and sucked as she had been told. I lifted the covers and looked at her. Her eyes met mine as...
October 2, 1994, Chicago, Illinois The attendance at the Rap Session was better than I’d expected. Most of the kids from the spring returned, though one or two had graduated. Elizabeth, Claire, Becka, Marie Annette, Laurie, Ben, Mike, Carissa, Wanda, Stacy, Ted, Bev, Henry, Gaby, Trish, Kajri, Cèlia, and Cindi were all in attendance. Ken and Joan didn’t show up, which didn’t surprise me. And of course, my wives, Michelle, and Elyse were in the great room as well. I’d thought more about...
Author's note: Message me if you have any recommendations, if you have anything you'd like to see in the story, or if you want to remind me to finish it! Don't forget to follow me if you want to know when I update my stories. In this story, you control a female scout who's lost in a forest. In order to escape, you'll have to make various decisions. If you choose wrong, the story ends with the scout getting captured or worse. Scout: Rina (You can customize her name in the 'customize' tab)
FantasyThe Sugar Hill Inn Chapter I Jay could feel his heart beating and the knots begin to form in the pit of his stomach as he drove north, through the rolling hills of New England. The fall foliage was at its' peak as he crossed the boarder into New Hampshire and he realized that he was less then 30 minutes away from experiencing his destiny. Jay turned 40 in January and he made himself a promise. After years of hiding his true self, in the proverbial closet and the relative safety of...
I knew as soon as I saw the taillights in front of me; I was screwed. I had a very short window of time during which I could get home from work, or else I would be in a lot of trouble. And when I hit any traffic at all it became a nearly impossible task to accomplish.Today the traffic got really bad and I was particularly late. Once I arrived, I sat in my car outside the house for a few minutes before gathering the courage to unbuckle and go inside. I knew it wouldn’t help my predicament at...
SpankingMorality Laws By Julie O Chapter 1 So, where to begin? My life totally changed on the first day back from winter break the senior year of high school. At the time I was an average high school student; average grades, average size, average build, and average family. I also wasn't sure what I would be doing after graduation. I had been accepted at the local community college, but...
“Make love to me.” I whisper. “No” “Please, please make love to me, I need to feel you.” You reach down my legs one at a time to undo the leather cuffs on my ankles and rub the skin underneath to bring back the feeling. “Please” I beg, “I want you now”. Your fingers slide under the waistband of my v-string panties and start to pull them down under my bottom. With a little grin on my lips I pull my legs up to my chest to let you slide them completely off. It’s really a quickly thought out idea...
BDSMSo we all kept up our relationship. We were all related but we all loved each other more than anything in the world. I had this condition, but it didn't seem to bother them all that much. And neither did I much anymore. I had 2 really great sisters to make sure I was as happy as could be. So we had sex a few times a day. Sometimes, it was with just Jesse and others it was just with Nicole. And of course we had nice threesomes as well. We hugged, kissed and everything else in between with each...
Incest“Who is that white man talking to the curator and the mayor?” Deenisha Jefferson asked her co-worker. “Girl, you don’t know? That’s Patrick McDarment.” Stephanie replied.“No, can’t be.” Deenisha, Dee to her friends, replied and looked across the room once more at the three men. “He is older than that man…least I thought so.”The man Dee was asking about looked to be in his early thirties. He stood about six foot two inches tall, his navy blue pinstriped suit appeared to be tailored to fit...
InterracialI awoke the following morning to a beautiful Canaries sunrise. Slightly disorientated due to being in a strange bed I lay back wondering if what happened the previous night had been a dream. Meeting my new friends Sven and Inga seemed so surreal I couldn’t accept that it really happened. Well I was in Tenerife, wasn’t I? At least that was not a dream. I arose and made my way onto the balcony dressed in a tiny pair of pants. The winter sun felt good, Britain can be so grey and cold in November,...
Part 3 : Mandy and the Finale “woof!” Mandy wasn’t sure she heard it correctly. Through eyes half closed in sleep. She looked at the number. Trish! “Woof!” Baffled, she listened more carefully, but was only greeted by another woof. A dog ? Her mind conjured up an image of Trish as a bitch on a leash, and she couldn’t help laughing. Probably though, Trish was using one of Mgwabe’s dogs (see Part two) to pull a prank on her. Her doubts were confirmed when she heard Trish’s voice on the...
Michael came like never before and Michelle kept her promise to her loving husband and swallowed everything that he released into her wet and waiting mouth. She even kept his cock in her mouth savoring it with her warm tongue long after it's final spurt of his cum. When it had finally become soft, Michelle let it unceremoniously slip form her warm mouth and then as she licked her lips she looked up lovingly at him and smiled. She decided to whisper, "Mmmm, that was so good honey." Michael could...
Wife LoversIntroduction: Lilly changes her name to Slut This is the sequel to Sarah left me 1 to 7. You will understand better if you read them first. Next morning I woke up with Lilly still pressed against my body. Sarah and Angie were in the bed with us. Since it was a work day for all of us, there was no time for sex. We all four crowded into the shower together. It was very crowded in there, but still quite fun. Sarah suggested, Phil? Do you think we could find a way to have a bigger shower stall,...
I am writing a series of chapters as a prequel to the Ninaseries. Don’t check continuity too closely as now she has a daughter and lived away from home for a while. However I hope you enjoy the extra chapters. Here is the first. The words were still ringing in 37 year old Nina’s ears. Her Mum had berated her. “That daughter of yours needs a good telling off and then a good hard spanking. She is 17 years old and the sooner you take control of her the better behaved she will be. Take a...
I am a mother in her forties with a sixteen-year-old son, there is just the two of us now after loosing his dad in an accident six years back. Getting back from work early one day, I headed to my bedroom to change out of my work clothes.I heard that Paul was in the shower and as I passed his bedroom noticing the door was open, I looked in and saw that there was a pair of my used panties from yesterday lying on his bed. Going into his bedroom I noticed he had came in them, my panties were...
Khloe Kapri tells you just how she wants it in this hardcore scene from Dirty Talk 7. Khloe is looking totally hot in her pink latex panties with matching top and fishnet gloves. She’s rubbing her nipples as she tells you all the nasty things she wants you to do to her. Khloe wants your cum and knows how to get it, this little cock-addict is willing to do the work to get what she wants. She takes off her panties and rubs her pussy before twerking for the camera and showing off her perfect ass....
xmoviesforyouI glanced into the mirror as I finished getting ready for my voyage into entrepreneurship. The face looking back at me exuded charm and confidence. The inner man did not match the exterior, but it was just a case of nerves, I told myself.I'm just over thirty years old, tall and built like a tight end. My body is toned, thanks to Uncle Sam and untold hours in the gym. My shoulders are broad, and my torso is tapered down to a waist which actually does show a six pack of abs. Narrow hips, long...
AnalClient Eric Masterson books a NURU massage with the sexy blonde masseuse Summer Day. As a trained practitioner of osteopathic medicine, Eric is specialized in the physical manipulation of muscles. He has a hard time admitting he doesn’t know about this particular treatment. At first his professional pride has him acting highfalutin. But he cools his heels when Summer slips off her black satin robe and reveals her dynamite body clad in red lingerie. Eric gets undressed and lies face down...
xmoviesforyouThe Friday, like most days now, was particularly busy. I returned from work, opened the apartment door, and collapsed on the big cushioned and well worn couch with a grunt. I looked up at the coat rack hanging beside the door. Her coat was missing, which meant I had some time. It was amazing really, all the time we had spent joking through smiles and recovering heartbeats about living together and pretending to grow up, playing house, and it finally came true. I stood and walked to the...
The pool room was quiet for a change when Ed, restless and anxious, stepped into the room. The lights were turned low giving it the sense of being larger than it really was. He stripped and entered the pool, enjoying the coolness of the water as it flowed over his body. It was the first time during the entire day that he was able to relax. The two new hires had moved into their rooms and Dan had returned home. Even Betsy had gone to bed early after meeting Lucy. For some reason, the pool...
They followed the Mistress, hand in hand, to the medical facility. Entering the room, they were greeted by the nurse who instructed them to remove their clothes. Looking around, Pete saw that an assortment of large transparent bags, rubber tubes, and something resembling the teats that had been on the feeding bottles. 'I am going to instruct you on how to give your girlfriend an enema,' the nurse informed them. 'You will do this twice a day, when you get up in the morning and before you...
Unbelievable! The infamous Hammer Man is none other than my ex gay lover I knew up in Boston. One day he up and and disappeared on me only to turn up here! How insane is that! Hank was more surprised than I was. He totaly forgot his lines. ‘Is that you, little soldier? Looks like you’ve gone trannie on me.’ ‘I’m a transvestite you ignorant fucktard!’ I shouted a little more than I would have liked. Perhaps the Estrogen treatments were having an effect on me. ‘Hey, I’m sorry!’ Hank...
Sonia Harcourt is delighted because her stepdaughter, Madi Collins, has returned home for a visit after her first semester at college. Madi talks about how interesting college life is, and how it’s a whole different world from what she’s used to. In fact… she has some questions. Sonia encourages her to go ahead and ask, so Madi says that her college roommate has a girlfriend. The roommate and the girlfriend are both very nice people, but Madi is confused about how their...