Ed BiggersChapter 7 free porn video

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The pool room was quiet for a change when Ed, restless and anxious, stepped into the room. The lights were turned low giving it the sense of being larger than it really was. He stripped and entered the pool, enjoying the coolness of the water as it flowed over his body. It was the first time during the entire day that he was able to relax. The two new hires had moved into their rooms and Dan had returned home. Even Betsy had gone to bed early after meeting Lucy.

For some reason, the pool wasn’t helping him calm down and his restlessness increased. In order to work out some of the energy, he broke out into the breaststroke intending to make fifty laps. After the first five laps, he picked up the pace trying to work some of the tension from his body. He had only done fifteen laps when he stopped and stood up in the pool. His medallion was giving forth a feeling of warmth that demanded his attention. He climbed out of the pool and dried himself before putting on his robe.

Moving towards the front of the house, he ran into Claire. She was checking the front door to make sure that it was locked. Seeing her nervousness, he asked, “What’s up?”

“I don’t know. I have a bad feeling,” replied the black woman as she looked around the house. She wasn’t sure if it was first night jitters in a new place or an intuition about something real. There was one thing that she trusted above what her eyes told her and that was her intuition.

She was telling the truth about having a bad feeling. Concerned that his unease was justified, Ed led Claire up to the security center. They found Walt at the console scanning the surroundings with intense scrutiny. Noticing the tension in Walt’s posture, Ed asked, “What’s up?”

“One of the neighbors called and said there’s a strange car parked down the block. It’s an older model BMW.”

“Has anyone gotten out of it?” asked Claire as she looked around the security center. It was the first time for her to visit the room and she was amazed at the sophistication of the equipment that filled it. This was a very expensive setup that rivaled anything she had ever seen.

“I didn’t notice the car until after it had been there for a while. I’m reviewing the tapes to find when it arrived,” answered Walt as he pointed to another monitor that was showing the same scene moving in fast motion. It was a few minutes before it showed the car. He stopped the tape and backed it up a little. They watched as the car pulled up and a man got out. The man grabbed something and moved between the houses where he was lost from view. Walt commented, “He’s definitely acting suspiciously.”

“I agree,” answered Ed. Claire was nodding her head amazed at the business-like attitude of Ed and Walt. This was a first class operation and she knew that she could contribute.

Walt stopped the tape and pointed to the figure getting out of the car. He asked, “Do you recognize him?”

Ed examined the picture carefully, but couldn’t make out the individual with sufficient detail to identify him. Shaking his head, he said, “No, I don’t. Where’s George?”

“I already called him to come up here and get armed,” replied Walt.

The door opened behind Ed and Claire as George entered the room. Giving a short nod in the direction of the other three, he walked over to the gun cabinet and opened it. Taking out a couple of pistols, he took one and handed the other to Walt. After glancing at Claire, he asked, “Do you have a valid permit?”

“Yes,” replied Claire. It wasn’t necessary for her to have it on her at the moment, but her concealed weapon permit from her last job was still valid.

Ed nodded to let George know that she was telling the truth. George handed a pistol to her, but she looked at the pistol and then at the cabinet. Spotting a sniper rifle, she said, “Give me the rifle and I’ll go up on the roof.”

“The sniper rifle?”

“Yes, I’m a trained sharpshooter.”

“It’s sighted in at a hundred yards.” George took back the pistol and handed her the rifle. He also handed her a radio with an earpiece and microphone. He said, “We use channel 8. The local police monitor that channel as well.”

Claire checked out the rifle making sure that it was loaded and then slipped out of the room. It was a top of the line rifle with a special air-cooled barrel to prevent warping the barrel due to uneven cooling. She could fire several shots in quick succession without losing accuracy.

Walt turned on the radio that was built into the console while George attached his radio to his belt and fixed the earpiece in place. A moment later, Walt said, “We have penetration at the Southwest Corner of the property. He’s carrying a gym bag and moving fast to towards the back of the house.”

“Sound the internal alarm,” ordered Ed wanting to get everyone into safe locations. Since the kids had been born, two rooms had been turned into safe rooms. John had spared no expense and Ling had designed them to incorporate top of the line equipment. Once Ed had joked that the safe rooms could resist a direct hit by a nuclear bomb, but Ling had just winked in reply. It had made him wonder.

The activation of the internal alarm started the recorders attached to the internal cameras. Ed watched the internal monitors to make sure that everyone was responding to the alarm. Kelly was headed to the infirmary. Leroy had grabbed Betsy and was heading to the safe room with Ling. The staff was collecting in the hallway to head to the other safe room.

It was with some relief that he saw Bob standing in front of the door waiting for Mary to come out with Lucy. Mary came out of the room wearing a rather simple nightgown looking confused at what was going on. After exchanging a few words with Bob, she ran back into the room and emerged a minute later with a sleeping child in her arms. He led her to the safe room and made sure she entered it.

Once that was done Bob turned back to head to Claire’s room. Ed went to the intercom and said, “Bob, Claire is already in the security center.”

Turning to the camera, Bob gave a thumbs-up sign and returned to the safe room. The door closed behind him. Ed breathed a sigh of relief when he saw on the other monitor that Ling, Leroy, and Betsy had closed the door of their safe room. He had been afraid that Ling would slip out at the last minute.

There was silence in the control room as everyone watched the monitor aimed at the back of the house to see what the intruder was doing. George said, “I’m going to the back of the house to watch the rear doors.”

“Go,” replied Walt. He watched the monitor carefully trying to figure out what the man was intending to do. The man had set the bag on the ground and knelt next to it. Turning to the microphone, Walt said, “He’s at the back door and is opening the gym bag.”

Claire’s voice, in a whisper that wouldn’t carry, came over the speaker of the radio. “I’m in position and can see the individual.”

Chuckling at what he was watching on the screen, Walt reported, “He’s spray painting the fake cameras. Our guy has watched one too many movies and none of the right ones.”

A half a minute later, George said, “I’m in position at the back door. Let me know when it is a go.”

“Oh, shit.” Walt’s smile disappeared as he saw what the man pulled out of the gym bag. He tried to decide who should act to subdue the man. Coming to a decision, he spoke into the microphone, “Claire, are you in a position where can you take him out? He’s got explosives.”

“Yes,” whispered Claire.

“Do it.”

Three seconds later there was the telltale crack of a high power rifle being fired over the speaker. The figure in the monitor collapsed onto the ground, the package in his hand rolling away from him. Seeing that, Walt felt that it was safe for George to go outside and grab the man before he had a chance to recover. Walt said, “Get him, George.”

They watched as George opened the door and grabbed the man on the ground. He pulled him several feet away from the door and searched him for a weapon. A gun was tossed over to the side. The entire capture was over in just a few seconds. Satisfied that George had the situation under control, Ed said, “Watch the monitors while I go down and find out who he is.”

“Sure thing,” replied Walt. After glancing at the monitors, he added, “The police have just shown up at the front of the house.”

“Send them around to the back,” replied Ed as he opened the door and rushed towards the back of the house.

Stepping out the door at the back of the house, Ed looked at the man on the ground. It was hard to make out his features in the dark. He knelt down to get a better look at the man. A broken end of his collarbone was showing through the dark shirt that he was wearing. Blood had soaked the shirt, but it was hard to see it in the dark. The man glared at Ed as he accused, “It’s all your fault.”

It took Ed a minute to recognize the man as Howard Hardgrove, the former CEO of the airline company that Ed had revamped. They had finally gotten rid of him last year without having to pay the golden parachute for his departure. Rather than the executive appearance that he had in the past, he looked almost like a homeless man. He needed a shave and his color was poor. Shocked at the appearance of the man, Ed asked, “What’s all my fault?”

“You screwed up my life when I had everything all set up for the future, you bastard,” replied the man as though he was a victim of the fact that Ed had completely revamped the airline and turned it into a profitable company. Rather than recognizing the wisdom of what Ed did, he had fought it to the end. He had even gone so far as making an attempt on Ling’s life.

The Sheriff came around to the back of the house and took control of the man on the ground. His deputy went over to the gym bag and examined the contents. He whistled and said, “He’s got enough explosives in here to take out the back of the house.”

Claire showed up at the back door. George noticed her arrival and the easy way that she held the rifle. Impressed by her shooting, he said, “Good shot. Right off the collarbone.”

She went over to the prisoner and examined the wound. It was exactly where she had expected to hit him. Satisfied that she hadn’t severely injured him, she replied, “I’m happy with it.”

The Sheriff looked at Claire wondering who she was. It was clear that she wasn’t a danger or George would have taken her out. He stepped away from the prisoner as he asked, “Who is this?”

Realizing that the Sheriff hadn’t had a chance to meet her, Ed answered, “This is Claire. She’s the newest member of our security team. Actually, she starts tomorrow.”

“Where were you when you shot him?”

Claire pointed over to the top far corner of the building. The Sheriff looked up and mentally traced the path the bullet must have taken. If it had been off the least little bit, she’d had taken him through the brain. He said, “Very impressive shot.”

“I was trained for SWAT operations at the police academy,” replied Claire with a trace of bitterness in her voice. It had made being a meter maid an even greater insult.

Amazed at her abilities and qualifications, the Sheriff asked, “Ed, where do you find these people?”

Ed chuckled, but didn’t answer. He tapped George on the shoulder and said, “Have Walt send the all clear.”

“Yes, Sir,” replied George as he reached down to his radio.

The presence of Claire and the other activities going on around him had distracted the Sheriff from watching the prisoner. He turned his back to the prisoner and asked, “Have you got a tape of everything?”

“You bet,” replied Ed.

Seeing that no one was paying attention to him, Howard moved towards the explosive that he had dropped when shot. He had inserted a timer fuse just before he had been shot. He hoped that at least he could take Ed out with him by blowing everyone up. Before his hand reached the explosive, Claire kicked him in the stomach causing him to double over in pain. For a moment, she regretted not having taken a more lethal shot when she had the chance.

The Sheriff immediately grabbed the guy and subdued him. Putting handcuffs on the man, he said, “This is going to be painful, but you asked for it.”

Howard screamed as his left arm was twisted behind his back. The collarbone stuck out even more. The Sheriff lifted the man off the ground and led the prisoner around to the front of the house to put him in the police car. As the Sheriff guided him, Howard was shouting that he would sue for police brutality.

The deputy followed behind the Sheriff. He knew that he would be the one to drive the man to the hospital. He would have to stay there until the hospital decided if they would keep the prisoner or release him. No matter what happened, it was going to be a long night for him. The Sheriff would perform the rest of the investigation and then head back to the office.

It was an hour before things calmed down at the Carter House. Once he was sure that the police were gone, Ed wanted to talk to the security staff. He went into the security center with George and Claire pleased with how well they had handled the situation. When he had everyone’s attention, he said, “Good job, people. That was a great shot Claire.”

Claire smiled at the praise and said, “I think I’m going to like this job.”

“Why’s that?”

She looked at Ed and replied, “Because I was able to use my training for the first time in my career. You have a first class operation here and I’ll be happy to be a part of it.”

He heard the ring of truth in her voice. He said, “Ling said that you’re invited to show up in the playroom at nine for training.”

That Ling wanted to train Claire was quite a surprise to the black woman. She wondered if there was some hidden meaning behind the invitation. Did Ling doubt that Sonny had actually taught her the martial arts? He was the best instructor in the state and she believed that she could take Ling despite what Sonny had told her. Not really wanting to participate, she said, “Okay.”

Her hesitation was obvious and Ed tried to reassure her. “Don’t worry. Betsy will be there for training as well. George and Walt attend her training sessions on occasion.”

George said, “She’s the best instructor that I’ve ever encountered.”

Walt nodded his agreement as he said, “You can say that again.”

Now that the excitement had ended and his duties to the staff were over, all that Ed wanted to do was to relax. He said, “Well, I’m going to go finish my swim now.”

Floating on his back in the middle of the pool, Ed was alone at last. Staring at the darkened ceiling, he thought about the events of the evening. Claire had performed very well and it made him wonder how William knew that they should hire her. The boy confused him and he didn’t know how to support William in becoming the best person that he could be. He decided that John would have told him that the best thing to do was to get out of his way.

Same as Ed Biggers
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I met "Dan" on a site like CL (back when you could do that) and we chatted via IM for a couple of weeks. We seemed to be very much the same: concerned about cleanliness, discretion and both divorced. While I had never done anything sexual with a man, he had more experience and considered himself bi. After all this chatting, we felt that we knew each other pretty well and arranged a meeting at his apartment... I showed up at his apartment, nervous and scared but horny as hell. Dan had sent...

1 year ago
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Personal Professionals Vol 3 I Know Something You Dont Know

Ever get called into work on your day off because one of your burnout coworkers decided he was going to get arrested the night before? No? Well, as lousy as that sounds, this same thing happened to me last week. One might think being in security at the biggest mall in Florida is fun. That would be because of Kevin James. My job involves sitting in a chair looking at monitor screens. Boring, right? Normally you would be right. But then, if that were the case here, I would not be telling you this...

4 years ago
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Choices John And The Dragon

How had I got myself into this situation, I was asking myself. Why me? What had I done to deserve this? Well, the answer was — if I was being truthful with myself, that is — that it wasn't what I had done; it was more a question of what I hadn't done. Sound confusing to you? Yeah, me, too, but now it was time for me to do something drastic, and bloody quickly as well, before things reached the point of no return. Let's go back a little and I'll try to explain what happened. What it had...

2 years ago
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Sukky Foxxe Sukkys first anal

Working GirlThe bookings kept on coming. She stopped working at the beauty ther****ts. The fill in job had become the job. She was booked by Brian for a second time, this time the shoot took place in a derelict factory. The place was falling apart. It was cold, she had goose bumps. The rain dripped through the roof. Brian apologised, and so he should. The toilet hadn’t been used in years. Sukky wasn’t about to change that, and squatted in the yard. Fuck this. Brian though, was really pleased...

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A Flash of Moms FleshChapter 5

Sarah felt the urge to expose herself again. She was in the supermarket with Jimmy pushing the basket behind her. They were in the produce section, but Sarah wasn’t looking at the fruits and vegetables. She touched an apple here, an orange there, but he mind wasn’t on shopping. She wanted to lift her dress to her waist, show her shapely legs and ass. She began to blush softly, feeling her cunt respond to her wicked thoughts. She glanced shyly over her shoulder at her son. Jimmy was about...

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154 AVIS HER DAUGHTER AND THE BLACKS. I was sitting quietly in the lounge chair, dressed only in my nightgown and didn’t hear my daughter come up behind me until she reached around and cupped my tits and leaned over behind me and began to kiss my neck. “Oh honey” I said softly as she licked and kissed around my neck and ears, sending shivers down my body at her tender kisses and hot breath, while she continued to caress and squeeze my tits. “You like that don’t you mom?” she asked. “Yes...

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My Sweet Heart Varsha

Hey guys. I have always been reading stories on iss. Never thought I would write one. I had sex with my girl friend many times but that was common for all. About me I am a well built guy studying in a col. I got close with a relative of mine her name is Varsha. She is 35 years old. I am 25 years now. She is plump she her size 35-40-38. We used to chat on Whatsapp. For long hrs I really didn’t have any bad feelings on her. She used to ask me tips on fitness and how to slim down. She also used to...

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A Dads Taboo Fantasy

I stood there watching my gorgeous brown skin 20 yr old daughter suck her grandfather’s cock like a pro. She and my dad started getting into it. While still sucking my father’s cock, Ciara reached her hand up her grandfather’s hairy chubby brown torso, as she rubbed his hairy body she was showing lust for her grandfather. Then it’s what I saw on my daughter that took me to the edge of lust. When my daughter lifted her arm, I was able to see the thick, coarse black armpit hair, sweat was forming...

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Tina I met at the office block where I worked security at. She worked the office switchboard so would often still be working when I came on at 7 pm and her shift Didn,t finish till 8 pm and she often liked to sit and chat with me as she told me that the only thing she had to chat with in her apartment was her cat Sabrina who Didn,t say much except “meow”. She was twenty seven years old and had recently had a bust up with live in boyfriend Fred and was still feeling the effects of it as they,d...

2 years ago
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A Thing For Redheads

Fleck lived to kill       Fleck lived to kill.  He didn't know his age anymore - he'd stopped keeping track after his twentieth year.  And he couldn't tell you how long he'd been killing or how many little bitches had met his wrath.  He spent his days walking across the southwest, stopping only when he found a prey, and then moving on.  Tall, muscle-bound with face hidden by a thick beard, Fleck was the dark shadow of evil that flickered across the nation's imagination.  He wore...

3 years ago
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Step Issues Part 2

I took a sip from my glass of wine. Laura was just staring at me. Waiting for me to say or do something. I was numb. She looked amazing. Never before had I looked at her in a sexual manner. Yet here she was. Asking, in fact no. Telling me she wanted me. She wanted me to take her virginity. It was the longest 30 seconds of my life. It felt like hours had passed before she stood up from the chair and stormed off to her bedroom, the door slamming as she disappeared. What the hell was going to...

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Why Did You Kiss Me Ch 1 A Terminator The Sarah Connor Chronicles fanfiction

"What are you doing?" Sarah asked after a moment. "Watching a movie," Cameron replied without turning her head. "Really," Sarah moved forward so that she was standing next to the couch looking down at the young girl. Despite the cold night Cameron wore only a thin tank top and boxers. Sarah couldn't help but notice how the cool air had caused her nipples to harden so that they made very noticeable points in her top. Sarah swallowed. "Shouldn't you be outside patrolling or...

3 years ago
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Just Go With It Part 1

I look around my studio taking it all in. I had converted my living room into my art space. It’s the best room with natural light. I share a two-story house with my brother and his wife. They’re upstairs and I’m below. But this week I get to enjoy the quiet without them coming downstairs and meddling in my life. I love that they check up on me but they are always trying to set me up with someone. Thankfully they’re off on a cruise. There’s a big dog bed in the middle of the room. I see Sagan...

2 years ago
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Stephanie not exactly cheating

My name is Stephanie I am 31 years old. I am born and raised in Chicago but have a Middle Eastern background (Lebanese to be specific). I am 5 foot 1 inch, about 120 pounds, dark brown hair, light skin. My breasts are on the smaller side, with perky nipples, but my butt more than makes up for it. I am married to my husband Bill who is 39 and he is the only relationship I have ever had. Growing up in a conservative, Middle Eastern household, I wasn't allowed to date or have boyfriends like my...

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My Pink Secret

Have you ever loved someone so much you would do anything for them, no matter how ridiculous it seems?I love someone like that-my boyfriend, Allen. But sometimes I think Allen takes advantage of my unconditional love for him. Take last night for example. We were getting ready to go to the bar to have a few drinks. I slipped on a clingy red dress Allen likes and I thought I was looking hot. My long brown hair tumbled over my cleavage and my lips glistened with a fresh layer of scarlet lip...

3 years ago
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The Story of the Milkmaid

I walk into the barn, tired. My Sunday best, feeling confining in the humidity of a hot August heat. Beads of sweat collect on my forehead and between my breasts under my cool cotton blouse. Feeling the stillness and the calmness of the barn wash over me and I smile, remembering the night before. And Henry. My body tingles at just the tiniest thought of him and our late night activities of the night before. Erotic. Rough. Taken.I stop moving, close my eyes and breathe in deep, enjoying the feel...

1 year ago
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Fun on holiday

It had been a lovely hot sunny day on the island of Rhodes. Will had been busy exploring the island and taking in the beautiful sights. This was his first holiday alone and he was enjoying the freedom of being able to go where he wanted and do whatever he felt like doing without having to worry about anyone else.He let out a relaxed sigh of relief when he saw his hotel out of the taxi's window. He was exhausted and couldn't wait to take his shoes off and have a nice relaxing bath in his room....

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Mera Sighrapatan Thik Hua Meri Maa Ki Madad Se 8211 Part II

Aur phir agle din se sbko papa ke ristedar ki shadi me bhi jana tha,maine to phle se mna kr dia tha kyunki maine us vaishya ko bulaya tha,maine ghr me bahana mar rkha tha ki hm friends tour pe jar he h to mai shdi me nhi jaunga,aur mane ye bhi planning kr li thi ki mom ko shadi me jane se rokna h wo shighrapatan ka natak usi plan ka part tha,maine to phle se soch lia tha agr plan kam krta h to vaishya ko mna kr dunga Lekin mujhe mom akeli mil nhi nhi rhi thi,mujhe koi rasta nhi dikh rha tha to...

2 years ago
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We Need to Talk Chapter 2

A couple weeks later I came home on a Saturday afternoon after a hard day of washing dishes. My mouth got dry when I saw a new Camaro parked in my spot in the driveway. I pulled my GEO Prism up to the curb and could feel my body shutting down. I really really didn't want to turn off the car...I knew there was a man, a real man, in my house. I didn't want to confront him. Should I leave them alone...fuck! My wife...the love of my life...is in there with a strange man! My emotions were...

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Virtual Furry Dream

It was amazing how much technology had advanced on the years that followed the pandemic. In part, it was due to the great effort of countries to invest in technology to help economic recovery. One of the things achieved was the advent of virtual reality. Not the glasses that allowed augmented reality. We are talking about the actual movie and cartoon promise of laying on a bed, with a helmet in your head that induced you into a sleep where you could dream of anything that you desired, allowing...

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David was driving his dad’s Vespa scooter that summer night and I was riding on the back when we passed a house about four down from where I lived. Damn, there were two hot looking girls standing out in front by the street light. Both looked and were 15. The blonde, Melody was about 5’7’ and teen girl skinny. Jeannie was 5’ 4”, nice figure and brown hair. Both were pretty, and one said hi as we passed by. We circled the block and came back. Both were going into freshman year and would be...

4 years ago
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SamuelChapter 4

Although the sky was clear, the snow was three feet deep on the ground when Samuel returned from his Saturday grocery shopping expedition. He had purchased seven TV dinners, a loaf of bread, a package of lunchmeat, a box of cereal, and a quart of milk. After putting away his groceries, he went to his bed and sat down. He stared at the wall without moving. The elderly woman stopped her car in front of the entrance to the apartment complex. She looked down at a sheet of paper and checked the...

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Quick Bang

It was only 7.30a.m. and she was still in bed. No doubt she would be late for work again, she always was these days. Maybe it was all the morning masturbation she kept on doing. Every morning without fail as soon as her eyes began to wake up her fingers would seek out her pussy and begin to play. Today was Wednesday though and she knew that she needed to be in work to clear all the paperwork from Monday. Her desk was as messy as her bed really. So she stopped from pleasuring herself and got up...

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First Experience With Neighborhood Aunty

Hi readers! I am Santhose from chennai. I am a regular reader of this site I have read a lot of experience so I decided to post my first experience, I am 5. 6 in height and a fair looking guy currently I am doing my pg in Chennai. The incident happened just before two months with my sexy neighborhood aunt Usha. I have been watching many blue films from school days but I have not got any chance and I do not have any guts. Please send me your comments any aunties or girls in Chennai interested...

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Tara 1 SpidersChapter 3

Mark looked around and wondered why Vasari had dropped him on a path in the middle of a forest. He hoped he didn’t get lost getting out of it. The forest was dimly lit but cool. It had been early evening when they left the Palace, but here there was still just enough light to see by. He doubted it would last long though. As a precaution, he told his satchel to appear, and he bent down to retrieve it. He rummaged in it and removed his wand. He could at least use it as a torch. He had been...

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Moms Girlfriend seduces college boy

Knock. Knock."Hi. Is your mother home? " Sue says."No. She went out about an hour ago. She should be home soon." Jeff replies his eyes are on Sues tight sports bra, her prominent long nipples, then down to her lycra pants camel toe. "Would you like to come in and wait Sue?" Jeff asks politely. His cock begins throbbing in his pants. Sue sees movement in the college boys football pants. His mother had once told her she had seen her son's large hard cock and big hairy balls as he had masturbated...

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The Handy ManChapter 6

I took my tool belt off and lay it aside, then started to pull my boxers off. “WAIT, we want to do that, PLEASE?” Polly said as both of them dropped to their knees beside my feet. “Sure, but I was already planning on you both getting really acquainted with what’s in there.” “We want to be best friends with him and we haven’t even met him yet,” Sera said. They each hooked their fingers on my waist band and pulled my boxers slowly downward. My cock popped out and they both jumped back....

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Stevens Enslavement

Steven's Enslavement By Peppermint Gomez Chapter 1 Here I was, 21, fresh out of college with a useless degree and completely broke. I had taken the terrible advice to "follow my heart" in my studies, and ended up with a degree in History. If I'd been able to go to grad school the situation might be different, but my parents were gone, and I had used up all my inheritance just getting to where I was. I was behind two months on my rent, if I didn't find a job in a few days...

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