Caveman CourtshipChapter 2 free porn video

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Finally! My first day of hunting with the tribe’s other hunters. I would finally be able to demonstrate my abilities at stalking and killing prey to my fellow hunters.

Armed with my spear and war club, I slung my freshly filled water skin over my shoulder and secured my empty small game bag to my waist, and then hurried to get to where I was to meet the other hunters. When I arrived, the leader of the tribe’s hunters, Kamil, took me off to the side.

Kamil said, “Tomms, this is your first hunt. Young men dream of this day; but when it comes, they all learn that being a new hunter is not what they expected.

“We will be hunting bison today. Bison can be very dangerous and in order to bring one down the hunters must work together.

“I know this will be disappointing, but today will be your first of many learning days. You need to learn how we hunters work together to kill various types of prey. All experienced hunters know what we must do to kill a bison without exposing each other to unnecessary risk. We all learned how to do this in the same way that you will be doing during the coming hunts.

“Today, I will explain to you how we hunt bison as we travel to where the bison graze. Then, as the rest of us stalk and kill the bison, you will need to sit in a tree and watch how we work together. I will ask about what you observed. If you are ready, the next time we hunt bison, you will be paired with an experienced hunter and allowed to be part of the kill. There is a lot for you to learn and he will guide you until you are experienced in hunting bison.

I was disappointed that I would not be hunting today. But as Kamil had talked, I recalled how my friend, Kore, had told me about his first hunts. I knew that Kamil was right about my not knowing how the hunters worked together. My father had been killed by a bison, so I knew they were dangerous. I also knew that if I were to hunt today, I might make a serious mistake that would get me or another hunter hurt or killed. While I did not like what Kamil said, I knew it was the right thing for me to do. So I let him know I understood and I would do what I was told to do.

I asked, “When it comes time for me to be paired with an experienced hunter, will you pair me with Kore?”

“Yes, I can do that for you. Kore is one of our trainers. It is good for friends to work together.”

As we traveled to the grasslands where the bison lived, Kamil explained how the hunters worked together. Kamil told me it sounded easy, but doing it without alerting the bison was harder to do than it sounded. He reminded me that the grasslands were also home to lions, pigs, and other animals. So in addition to stalking the bison, the hunters had to be aware of what was happening around them if they did not want to come to harm.

When we arrived at the edge of the forest bordering the meadow where the bison grazed, Kamil said while pointing to a tree, “Tomms, the limb about halfway up that tree is the best perch for seeing all of the meadow. Take your position on the limb and try not to move. Once you are in position, we will move to the edge of the meadow to begin the hunt.

The hunters split into two groups and they had moved onto opposite sides of the meadow. I watched as first one group slowly crawled on their hands and knees into the meadow, and then halted and lay flat to let the bison lose interest in them. Then the second group began their approach to the herd. Kamil had told me this was a small herd, and the bison would be more nervous than those of a larger herd. He also said the bison’s hearing and sight were not as good as an aurochs.

The second group lay flat when they stopped crawling to let the bison lose interest in them. When they stopped, I noticed the first group had been crawling on their stomachs through the high grass toward the bison. When they stopped the second group began to crawl through the grass in the same manner.

It seemed odd to me that the two groups could coordinate their movement when they couldn’t see each other. Then I remembered Kamil had told me he would take a position in a tree on the edge of the forest, so he could direct the movement of the hunters. I could not see Kamil, but I could see the faces of the hunters. I could see them looking toward the forest on my side of the meadow, while they lay flat on the ground. They must be watching Kamil as he gave them hand signals from his tree.

A young cow was grazing a short distance from the herd and it was apparent that Kamil was guiding the hunters toward the cow. The hunters seemed very close to the cow. It had its head lowered to graze, when suddenly, the hunters charged the cow. The cow turned to run from the first group of hunters and then saw the second group. She turned to try to catch the herd that was rapidly heading away from the hunters. She was too slow. The hunters thrust their spears into her sides before she made more than two steps toward the herd. As soon as a hunter buried his spear into the bison, he would move away from it. Kamil had told me a wounded bison could be very dangerous when trapped. I could see the bison stagger and then go to its knees and fall onto its side. Once it was down, the hunters who still had their spears moved in and finished the kill.

I stayed in my tree until Kamil came for me. He asked me what I had observed as we walked into the meadow. He was happy with what I told him and told me the next time we hunted bison, I would be Kore’s hunting partner.

The bison did not seem as large as it looked when it was standing. Kore told me that the animals always seemed larger while they were alive and a threat to the hunters. Kamil sent me into the forest with most of the hunters to bring back five long poles that we could use to carry the bison after it had been skinned and quartered. Kore said carrying the kill to the camp was the hardest part of a hunt.

The hunters and I cut down five young trees about two hand lengths around at head height with the flint axes they carried for this purpose and for quartering what we killed. I needed to get an axe. Maybe my mother still had my father’s axe; she never threw away anything useful.

After removing the limbs from the trunk and cutting the trunks to length, we took them back to the bison. While we had been gone, the other hunters had cut the bison’s throat to bleed it. They had then removed the skin and the entrails from the chest and abdominal cavities. The edible entrails and those used for other purposes were placed on the skin. The rest of the entrails were lying in a pile off to the side. We would tie the entrails and the head, once it was cut off, in the skin to make it easier to carry them back to camp with us. What we didn’t eat would be used for other purposes.

By the time the hunters had removed the bison’s head and quartered the rest, they were covered in its blood. The four quarters and the bison’s skin containing the entrails and head were lashed to the poles I had helped cut. At the first opportunity, we would take a rest break near a stream, so the hunters could wash the blood from themselves and from their knives, axes, and clothes.

As we approached our camp, I heard Tandoor beating on the drum log to let the camp know we were coming toward the camp. Tandoor’s broken leg had healed, but it gave him problems when he had to move quickly. He was now a lot more careful going up and down the path.

The bison skin, entrails, and head I was helping to carry were heavy. We were all tired from today’s hunt, so we were happy when the people from camp relieved us of our burdens.

I was familiar with the process of dividing a kill amongst the tribe’s families for I had watched the division for many years. However, this was the first time that I would receive a hunter’s portion of the kill.

The Widow’s Council was there, as usual, to take possession of the Widow’s Cave’s portion of the kill when the division was complete. I walked with them back to the cave and Tonni walked by my side carrying my share of the kill. When we arrived at the cave, Tonni gave me my share and I gave the Widow’s Council my hunter’s portion of the kill. Some of the kill we brought back to the cave would be dried and stored for the next cold season. The rest would be cooked tonight for everyone in the cave to eat.

That evening over our late-day meal of bison stew, my mother, Tonni, and I talked about the cave they found for us, while I was hunting. The camp had an adequate supply of meat for tomorrow; so we hunters would not be going out to hunt. My Mother and Tonni would take me to the cave, so I could see if it was adequate for us. Over the past seasons, I had come to realize that women made their decisions and then gave their mates a choice. Their mate could do what their women wanted them to do or else their home life would become uncomfortable. No man wanted to live with an upset mate.

I did not envy Milt. As the leader of the tribe, everyone wanted him to do what they wanted. When our wants conflicted, there was no way he could satisfy all of us. If his mate, Dani, had a preference, Milt did what she wanted him to do, or else. We were fortunate that Dani usually wanted what was best for the tribe.

The next morning, Tonni and my mother talked to me again about the cave they had found as we ate and why it would be the perfect home for us and my widow. That was when I remembered our tradition, but I put it out of my mind for now.

After eating, they led me to what I already knew would be my new cave, if I did the smart thing. My Mother and Tonni did not have the ability to withhold my mating rights with them for I did not have mating rights with them. In our tribe, mating with a mother or sister was wrong. So since they couldn’t mate with me, not honoring my mating rights could not be used to make me uncomfortable. However, there were other ways to make me uncomfortable, and I had experienced those ways in the past.

When we got to the cave, we went in and I let my mother and Tonni point out all of the good features of the cave. I saw a few things that may not have been ideal, but I did not mention them. What I did do was stand in the middle of the cave nodding my head in agreement with what they said. After standing there looking as if I was making a decision, I said, “Yes, this cave will be perfect for us.”

My mother would be happy to tell Luna how smart I was to have my sister and her look for a cave for us and to take their advice as to what a woman needed in a cave. She may even show our new cave to Luna. I hope Luna liked the cave and told Teal that a mate who listened to his women would be a good mate to have. Teal may even have Tonni and her sister Robin take her to the cave before her Mother announces that I had been accepted as Teal’s future mate.

At my mother’s insistence, I spent the rest of the day cleaning our perfect cave. She wanted it as perfect as I could make it, so it would be acceptable to both Luna and Teal as Teal’s new home. Tonni assured me that Mother was right. No one wanted to sleep on animal dung, so I made sure to remove all I could find and most of the loose dust.

I was not aware of it, but while I was working on my new cave, Kamil had sent two hunters out to find an aurochs herd. He had decided that we had to have more meat for the women to dry and store for the next cold season, and to eat over the next few days. The weather was still cool from the cold season, so the aurochs meat would last for a hand of days before it would start going bad, if it was not being dried.

I left early for the hunters’ meeting place. I did not want to be late for leaving on today’s hunt. I had made a loop in a new strip of leather, which I tied around my waist. My father’s axe was in the loop and I had threaded the strap through the carrying case of my father’s flint knife. When I arrived, Kore was already there. After nodding in approval at my new axe and knife, he said, “Kamil told me I would be your hunting partner and responsible for training you in how we hunted the different animals.

“Today we will be hunting aurochs. You will watch the hunt from a tree, and after the kill, Kamil will ask you what you observed. He will decide whether you are ready for your first aurochs hunt with the hunters.”

“I was expecting to watch the hunt, but I didn’t realize that Kamil would have you be my trainer. I thought that he would tell me how we hunted aurochs and other animals, and then you would be my hunting partner when I was ready.”

“Yes, that is a common impression of new hunters, but that is not how we do things.

“What you need to know about hunting aurochs is the process is almost the same as hunting bison. Aurochs are taller than bison and their sight and hearing are better. They can see things approaching them better than a bison and hear the sounds of hunters crawling. If the sound is too loud, the aurochs will run away from us, so the hunters have to crawl slowly in order to be very quiet. What Kamil will do is wait for an aurochs to move away from the herd. Then he will give us hand signals that will tell us when and in which direction to move. When we get as close as we can to the aurochs, Kamil will have one group stand up and attract the aurochs’ attention while the rest of the herd flees.

“Standing and attracting the aurochs’ attention is the most dangerous time of the hunt. The aurochs herd usually moves away from the standing hunters, but sometimes they will stand and prepare to charge the hunters. All of the hunters need to be ready to run back into the forest and climb a tree if the aurochs herd does not move away from them. When an aurochs herd takes an offensive position and the hunters run, the herd usually stands where it is and watches us flee, but not always.

“If the herd moves away, the lone aurochs usually continues to stand facing the hunters. It does not want to turn away from the hunters because it fears they will attack if it tries to leave, and it sees too many enemies to fight. It may threaten to charge the hunters and sometimes it does.

“Once the hunters have the aurochs’ attention, Kamil will give the group of hunters behind the aurochs the signal to move toward the aurochs. If the hunters make noise while approaching the aurochs, it is likely to turn and attack them. When the hunters are close enough, Kamil gives them the signal to make a quiet attack. A hunter approaches on each side of the aurochs and drive their spears through the aurochs stomach into its chest hoping to pierce its heart. That is why an aurochs spear is so long. Once they thrust their spears into the aurochs they quickly move away from the aurochs.

“What Kamil has us do next depends on what the aurochs does.

“If its heart was pierced, it will collapse very quickly, and then Kamil will have us wait until the aurochs dies. A wounded aurochs is one of the more dangerous things we hunters have to face. It is best for us to stand clear of the aurochs until it dies. However, if it takes too long to die, the hunters will move closer and kill the aurochs.

“If the aurochs turns to face the hunters that attacked it, it will see the two hunters fleeing and hopefully it will not see the hunters hidden in the grass. The first group of hunters will make noise to regain the aurochs’ attention so it will turn back to them and allow two more hunters to approach and make their spear thrusts. Four spear thrusts are usually enough to make the aurochs collapse. Once it collapses, it is only a matter of time before it dies, but as I said, we are sometimes impatient and want to get back to camp, so we help it die sooner.

“If the aurochs continues to face the second group of hunters, a pair of hunters from the first group will attack it from the rear like I just explained.

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On occasion my wife wouldn’t be home when her mother stopped by and I would always become slightly nervous as we made small talk. Partially because of the dirty thoughts I was having and knowing I would be jacking off minutes after she left with the sight of her big juicy ass in thin loosely fitting shorts fresh on my mind. I was certain she would enjoy a good stern fucking from a young stud, and was quite confident in my girthy seven & a half inches, but how in the hell would I ever...

3 years ago
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Ninas Seduction

It was a cool late autumn evening. The trees were bare of their foliage. A full moon had just arisen adding its light to the newly installed gas street lights that lined the main thoroughfare. There was some additional light cast from various windows, mostly candlelight. But from a few, there were the new modern gas lamps. If you were to look into one of those windows, you would have found a girl, perhaps just entering womanhood sitting before her vanity mirror deep in thought as her nanny...

3 years ago
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Golden Ball

The Golden Ball THE GOLDEN BALL(by [email protected])    ?Oh, blest are they who beheld these last years and breathed their autumnal air full of rot and corruption! But twice blest is he who suffered the touch of their knowing, sinful flesh...???????????? ? From a medieval manuscript kept at the abbey of St. Colomannus.    1. One cold evening in late October, 1785, an open coach rattled along the dark and narrow Parisian streets, its wheels disturbing the chilly fog that crept over the...

2 years ago
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Sharing your wife for the first time

You’re holding hands with your wife as the three of us enter the hotel room. Once inside, you give me your wife’s hand, she is the most prized thing in your life. I understand the significance of the hand off, and I thank you with honest and deep sincerity. You watch as I lead your lovely spouse towards the bed. She is a wife, a mother, a working woman...she is empowered...but she is also a deeply sensual and sexual female, and you are the only man she has known intimately. However, that’s...

1 year ago
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Dangerous Games Chapter II

June ’10 Amy drew a trembling breath and removed the flash drive from her computer, hiding it in her desk drawer. It had been a present from Lex, one she treasured beyond comprehension. Photos of her. Video as well. If any of her friends knew they existed, she’d die of humiliation. She let that thought linger, fantasizing about leaving the flash drive on Jake’s dresser at the next party, picturing him opening it up, calling Kevin in, the two of them staring bug eyed at porn that starred...

3 years ago
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Fathers Day suprise

Father's day surprise by Princess Pantyboy I get home from fishing all day with the guys knowing that I can do no wrong tomorrow, because tomorrow is father's day. Yea I left this morning around 05:00 way before the sun came up, so I could meet the guys and get out on the water to do some largemouth bass fishing. I didn't actually talk to my wife before I left because she had a honey dew list of stuff to do around the house. The stuff on this list wasn't just going to take an hour...

3 years ago
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My sex Life Chapter Two From Rags To Richs

I first met Pam while I was still at school as I worked for her Part time by looking after her garden during school summer holidays and at weekends to earn extra pocket money. Pam who was in her fifties was 5ft 4ins tall, weighed about 130/135 lbs, brown hair with blue eyes and a nice figure for a woman of her age. Not only had Pam become my employer but also a good friend whom I could trust and confide in. ...

3 years ago
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The Neighbor

Sara was just f******n when she got a crush on the neighbor next door. He was single and very handsome and he was always nice to Sara. In a year she had developed full size tits and was getting quite sexy. Her mom and dad worked during the day and then drank till the bars closed leaving Sara alone all the time. She spent a lot of time with the neighbor and loved the attention he gave her. He was quite taken with the young sexy body. Sara liked to wear tight t shirts with no bra and he had...

2 years ago
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Lilys Knight

Lily had always been on the shy side, but something about this handsome stranger made her want to talk. She poured out her every thought like she had known him from birth. She trusted him with her deepest concerns, there was no reservation about what she would say to him. What kind of fantasy was she in? An instant best friend, Barry was kind and gentle with her every concern. It was no wonder when her relationship ended she immediately called Barry, sobbing into the phone. He listened and...

Love Stories
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Assistance Appreciated

Many thanks to angel love for the editing this story! My name is Albert Breen, 34 years old, self-employed accountant and in most ways an average Scandinavian guy. When I arrived at an expensive two days long tax information course at a nice conference center I was surprised to see my old school mate Fabian Holm there. Rumors had him spending some time behind bars. However, as old mates we took seats next to each other and decided to take some drinks and talk about the old times after the...

2 years ago
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sister and I are Close Then Mom 7

After the three of us woke up one hour later, mom went to get dressed with pantys, bra, and a skirt and T shirt, but I asked her to just wear the T shirt and skirt since it was just the week end and that she could wear the pantys and bra during the week when she had to work, which she did as I asked her to do. Clarre and I went to my room and she put on the dress she had on while watched tv the night before with no bra or pantys on underneath the dress. I put on my usual pants and a shirt...

3 years ago
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Dad8217s Friends 8211 Part VII

Dear All, am Sheela, hope you remember me for my Dad’s Friends series. Thanks to all who ve liked my stories and mailed me appreciating. This is my encounter with my original guys Rajiv and Anand. It was usual day for me and had got up late as usual. At round 9am in morning, my friend was leaving for office. I was in tank nighty without any bra panty. The door bell rang and my friend went to open door. There was a moment of silence that let me wondering who could that be at such early morning,...

1 year ago
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Beauty 3 in a first time

He lied down beside her and held her in his arms. He wanted this moment never to last. All he knew is that he loved this woman and that he never wanted to let go of her. She was nervous. He was madly in love with her . She was madly in love with him. She never wanted him to hurt her. "You know that I love you more than life itself, right dear," the man said to his love as he looked lovingly into her eyes. "Of course , and I love you more than the earth and the universe and everything that we...

3 years ago
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Robs Choices

Foreword I am constantly receiving feedback from people who want to know why I ended a story a certain way and then telling me that I should have _________ (fill in the blank). Many asked me if I would mind if they wrote an ending to the story. This happened so many times that I decided to hold The Just Plain Bob Annual Invitational The idea was that I would write a story and then let those who so desired write and submit their own ending. They could take the story anywhere they wanted it to...

2 years ago
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FateChapter 12 A Phone Call With Carol

By John: I was missing my daughter something terrible. It wasn't something new. We had always been close. I know you are thinking I just want to fuck her, but not true. Well I do want to fuck her and from all I have learned lately that is going to happen as soon as she comes home next time. Should be soon, she comes home at least once a month. I can hardly wait. But I needed to talk to her. I really missed hearing her soft voice. I had no idea where it would go. Things had changed so fast...

3 years ago
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Ritu8217s Gangbang 8211 Part 1

Ritu was a very beautiful and sexy girl in our colony.Her parents were very rich.She was very fair and cute.But,her biggest attraction was her ass…My gosh….the perfect shape and soft…Her stats were 34-24-38. She used to gym regularly which helped her achieve her sexy figure.This is the story of her gangbang in a her home She had just moved to new flat in our colony.She was studying in distant college so her parents bought her a flat near her college.She was very happy with the flat.She used to...

4 years ago
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A Perfect Day of Golf

It was an absolutely perfect day for golf. You seriously could not ask for anything better. Not a cloud in the sky, warm without being hot, and a perfect gentle breeze blowing in from the ocean. Best of all, it was Monday. The weekend crowds had all gone back to work, and we basically had the course to ourselves.Our group consisted of me, my wife Jackie, and another couple we had been friends with for years -- Alex & Alexis. No, seriously. They were Alex & Alexis. No shit. Believe me;...

1 year ago
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Dost Ne Dikhayi Jannat Part 1

Hello, ladies and gentlemen. This is my first story and real encounter. Please forgive for my mistakes and please do give me a review. I am Kabir from Punjab. I have lean Athletic body and 6 feet height. I am currently in medical college. It happened before my admissions One fine night I was talking to my friend Anshika. Toh baat karte karte voh mereko kehne lagi tere admission ki party chahiye tun chandigarh Aaja. Mein aapne ghar vaapis aaya huya tha. Toh plan bana Kar mein chandigarh chala...

1 year ago
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FilthyFamily Emily Willis Emily Fucks Step Dad And Step Uncle

It’s a big day for Emily, today she gets to meet her step father’s brother for the very first time. She decides to put the moves on him the moment she sees him. Soon, they were fucking behind her step dad’s back. As her step uncle was penetrating her pink gash, her step dad wok up from his nap and caught them in the act. At first he was upset, but that frown turned upside down the moment he realized this was the perfect moment for him to get a piece of his step...

2 years ago
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He got what he deserved

After ten years of marriage things had gone stale. It was that bad that if I was baking the bread I wouldn't make a decent bread pudding. It was always the same in the bedroom department and getting really boring. Mike, my husband, was so predictable. When it came to sex he was a typical male, wanting things his way or no way. Adventure in the bedroom was a no no. We had married when I was eighteen, and Mike was my first and only. I longed to find out what it might be like with another guy....

2 years ago
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Jack and JillChapter 84

Once again, Jill seemed to pounce on me once we were in bed. She didn't slow down until we had come in each other's mouths. I heard the alarm clock go off in the background and then it stopped. I nodded off. The next thing I knew, Bozo was licking my face. I woke up to find out that Jill had hit the snooze button. We got up and I got her to school. Our swim meet went OK but we had a harder time than usual without Garth. Since I was away from school with the team, Mom got Jill from school...

2 years ago
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IT watches Always0

Part 1 By AllFurredUp So, there I was falling at hundreds of feet a minute, my hands sweating my eyes watering and my mouth wide open wanting to scream for my life but nothing coming out of it. I was about to hit the concrete wall that is the Atlantic Ocean and probably die. But we need to start at the beginning of my Story. My name is not important but for ethical reasons let’s just call me Lyle, I’m a single average guy that lives in the city alone, no friends, family, siblings, or...

2 years ago
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Kinjo brothers look for an American Girlfriend

I have a cool job that allows me to travel, see new places and meet people from all over the world. Each year in April, I get a visit from two Japanese businessmen, Raizo Kinjo and his younger brother, Hayato . They leave Japan and travel the world in search of merchandise to purchase for their family business. They are very small men and I tower over them like a giant. I am their protector when they are with me.The Kinjo brothers love American women. When they visit they expect me to provide...

2 years ago
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A Camping Affair

As we watched the embers of the fire die, Shannon and I grew quiet. Neither of us knew how to broach the subject of what we agreed would happen this weekend. The other adults had already gone to their tents for the night. This was the first time Shannon and I had were all alone since we became more than casual acquaintances. Well well alone if you didn’t count the 12 other adults and the 35 scouts we were camping with at the local scout camp for the weekend. 8========D< Shannon and I...

2 years ago
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A New Use For An Old Toy

I enjoy sex. There, I said it, I enjoy sex. It’s what I told my doctor was the reason I wanted birth control. To say he was taken back was an understatement. Yet that didn’t stop him from fucking me silly on the exam table, but that’s a story for another time. I’ve been a single gal for many years. I mean, I’ve had boyfriends and even a girlfriend or two, but I’ve yet to meet the right person to share my life with, and I’m okay with that. My mother, not so much; but it’s not her life, it’s...

2 years ago
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Two Married Guys Ch 12

Chapter 1It had been a long flight and hellish Uber into the city, and Tom just wanted a beer and a burger. Room service was done for the night, so he headed down to the bar, where he figured he could at least get the beer. There was a game on - and one guy at the bar. This place wasn't exactly hopping at 11:45 on a Wednesday night.The bartender was a cute little thing. Probably a student, maybe twenty-three at most. Blonde, nice tits, a bouncy little ass. At least there's some eye candy, he...

3 years ago
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Undercover RoseChapter 55

We were lead to, of all things a Washington DC taxi. "Where did you get this?" I asked. "We have our ways," Andrew said handing Jeremy the keys. "You should be in DC in time for an early dinner. While you are on the road read the file and figure out how to scam the Good Father. Your equipment is in the trunk, don't worry, if you get pulled over there is nothing that looks like what it is." "Thanks Andrew," Jeremy said. I knew what Andrew was doing, even if Jeremy didn't. He was...

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