Caveman CourtshipChapter 3 free porn video

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During our mid-day meal, Mother said, “Luna asked me to go with her to refill our water jugs.” She smiled and stopped talking.

I asked, “Did you talk about me and Teal?”

“Of course.” Again, Mother stopped speaking. She was having fun with me, so I had to be patient and ask the right questions.

“What did you talk about?”

“We discussed Teal’s mate price.”

“Did you negotiate and what was the final mate price?”

Mother must have been as impatient to tell me of their talk as I was to hear what had been said. She said, “Luna asked for four deer. I was able to get her to come down to three deer, which she and I knew was the usual price for a mate as good as Teal.”

“If Luna knew she would accept three deer, why did she ask for four deer?”

“Tomms, you men must think with your male parts. Luna had to make Teal seem to be more valuable than three deer, so Teal’s status would be higher. She and I also knew that dropping the price from four to three deer would improve our statuses as negotiators. We all know that a good negotiator who is selling something always asks for more than they will settle for and when they are buying something they counter with less than the seller’s offer price. Settling on a mate price of three deer made us both look like good negotiators.”

The more I learned about women, the more confused I became. I just didn’t understand how they think.

I knew a mate price was paid over a period of time, so I said, “So, I have to pay Luna three deer as Teal’s mate price. When does she want the three deer?”

“You can give her the first deer at any time. She will have to process and dry the meat and treat the skin. She will let you know when she is ready for the second and third deer.”

“Can Teal and I walk together now?”

“No. You have to wait until Luna announces to the tribe that you are to be Teal’s mate. Once she tells the tribe, you can walk with her; but someone in Dat’s family must be with you at all times.”

I knew it was part of the tradition for two people who are to be mated to be accompanied by someone, and I also knew it was common for the couple to make a game of slipping away from the person assigned to watch them. Teal and I are both smart, so the game should be fun. If we were able to slip away from the person watching us, we would not mate, but we would be able to give each other more pleasure than we could while being watched. It wasn’t until many seasons later that I learned that the watcher often allows the daughter to slip away, if she was trusted to not mate with the man. Of course, sometimes the trusted daughter became overwhelmed with passion and mating takes place.

I would have to talk with Kore again about going deer hunting. He had agreed to help me kill the deer I needed to pay Chuck and Paul, and bring them back to camp. But now, I needed even more deer than I had originally planned to kill to pay Teal’s mate price.

A deer weighed far more than Kore and I would be able to carry in one trip to camp. We could carry a quarter of the deer by ourselves and would have to tie the remainder of the meat high in a tree, so predators could not get to the meat. That meant five trips to get the four quarters, skin, entrails, and head of one deer back to camp. Kore would be giving me a lot of help, so I would have to give him at least one deer for his time and effort. If I gained as many women as I thought I would, I would have to kill more deer so all of us would have enough to eat during the coming cold season.

I now owed Chuck and Paul three deer, and I owed Luna three deer. That is six deer that I now owed. If I give Kore one deer and killed one for my family, I would have to kill a total of eight deer. That is a lot of deer for just two men to kill and carry back to camp. I could ask my other friends to help me carry all of the deer I killed back to camp, but it was normal to pay a helper for that much time and effort, so that meant killing even more deer.

I would also be going out to hunt with the tribe’s hunters, so I would be very busy during the coming growing and hot seasons. I would be fortunate to be able to complete all of my personal hunting before the arrival of the cool season, which came before the cold season.

I waited until I thought Kore would be finished eating his early-day meal before I left to go to his cave. He and his three mates had just finished their meal when I arrived.

“Kore, I need to talk with you about helping me gather the deer for Teal’s mate price. Luna has not announced Teal and I are to be mates yet, but Teal’s mate price is three deer. I also need to pay Chuck and Paul three deer. That is six deer that I will need to bring back to camp. If you help me with all of those deer, it only seems right that I should give you at least one deer for you and your mates, and I will also need at least one deer for my cave.

“I could ask more people to help me carry the deer back to camp, but that would mean I would have to kill even more deer.

“Are you willing to help me gather eight deer or should I ask others to help us?”

“Tomms, bringing eight deer back to camp is a lot of work in addition to our hunting for the tribe. When will you need the deer?

“I was thinking of getting Luna her first deer and then Chuck his first deer; I can then get a deer for Paul. Paul and Chuck’s mates and Luna will need time to process their first deer. If Luna and Chuck’s mates aren’t ready for their second deer, I can get a deer for your cave. By then, Luna and Chuck’s mates should be ready for their second deer. While they are processing their second deer, we can get a deer for my cave. When she is ready, I will get Luna her last deer.”

“Tomms, that much hunting will take most of the next two seasons. My mates and I will need more than one deer before the cold season arrives. I will talk with my mates, but we will need two or possibly three deer to see us through the cold season.

“You will take one of the widows and her children to your cave when you move out of the Widow’s Cave. You will need more than one deer for your cave to feed everyone through the cold season. I would plan on us gathering more than a double hand of deer and we have three seasons to do that; we can do that much work without help from others.

“We may want to gather even more deer for the cold season, if we have enough time. Talk with your mother about how many deer you will need for your cave. We have to start hunting now to finish before the cold season begins.”

I am glad I talked with Kore. As I walked back to the Widow’s Cave, I realized that Kore has been teaching me how to be the man in my family. One of the most important of the lessons I learned from him is to talk with your women about what they need for the cave. Like many unmated men, I thought I knew what I would need to set up and live in a cave. I also realized my mother and Tonni were teaching me what Kore hadn’t taught me. If things continued like this, I would be well-trained when Teal moved into my cave.

“Mother, when I talked with Kore, he suggested I talk with you about how many deer he and I will need to gather for our cave to last us through this coming cold season. I know we will need enough food for Teal, Tonni, you, and me, and the widow I take from the Widow’s Cave and her children will also need to be fed.

“Who do you think I should take with us to the new cave and how many deer will we need?”

“Picking your widow is your decision to make, Tomms. Which of the widows do you like?

“I like three of the older widows, but I don’t think I would like to be with any of them permanently. I really like two of the younger widows, Gail and Lisa, and they seem to like me. I think I would be happy with either of them, and they each have three children.”

Have you considered Leta and Alba?”

“Not really. They are pleasant and nice to look at, but affection is important and I don’t feel affection for either of them.”

“Do you want me to talk with Gail and Lisa?”

“Yes. It would be best to make a decision now, so we can make plans for moving to the new cave. How long will it take for you to talk with them, so I can decide who to take with me, and when should we plan to leave the cave?”

“I know them both very well. All I will be asking is would they want to go with you to your cave. You should be able to make your decision tonight. The Widow’s Council will not have a problem with you choosing either of them. I will have to tell the Council who will be going with you, but we could move to the new cave as soon as tomorrow.”

“That is good, but tomorrow, I have to go on the hunt with the other hunters.”

“That is okay. Tonni, your new helper, her children, and I can move our things to the new cave while you are hunting. Tonni and I still have some of the food we stored for the cold season left, so we should have enough to eat for several days.”

“Mother, my hunter’s share of what we bring back tomorrow should be enough for the three of us, but three more women and a baby may be more than my share will provide for.”

“Now that the cold season is over, Tomms, the six of us can search for tubers and other things to eat. Your hunter’s share and what we can find should be enough for us for now. If you and Kore bring back and share a deer soon, we will all have more than enough meat for the coming season. Just tell me who you would prefer as your widow.”

The choice of my widow was a big decision, so I went to the stream to think. There was a place where the sight and sound of the water falling into a pool was relaxing. I always went there to think.

Gail and Lisa were both pleasant to be around and they were both nice to look at. I had watched both of them work in the cave and they were both very good workers; I would like living with both of them. I then thought of the sisters who lived with them. I had the same problem with both pairs of sisters. They were all pleasant to be around and good workers. While they weren’t as pleasant to look at as Gail and Lisa, they weren’t unpleasant to look at. I would be happy having either pair of sisters live in my cave.

I sat thinking about who to select when it occurred to me that I was forgetting what I was being taught about decisions concerning living in my cave. Teal would be first in the cave. She should say who I should choose to have as my widow. I wasn’t supposed to approach Teal yet, but my mother could talk with Luna and Teal. Luna and Teal both knew Gail and Lisa; they would not require time to get to know them. They would also know if they were good mates for their dead mates, and that would be important to everyone in the cave. I would ask Mother to talk with them.

Kore and I would not get a deer for my cave for many days if we did what I told Kore. I considered the order of who I would give deer to that I had described to Kore. I decided we should get a deer for us after I gave Paul his deer. When they were ready, I could give Luna and Chuck the rest of their deer. Kore and I could hunt for ourselves while we were waiting. If we did things that way, there should be adequate time for our women to dry more than three of our deer before the cold season began. Before talking with Kore again, I should ask my mother what she thought of my new plan.

It would be time for us to eat our late-day meal soon. I stayed at the pool for a while longer to relax and think about the days between now and the start of the next cold season. When I was comfortable with my thoughts, I returned to the Widow’s Cave.

During our meal, I said, “Mother, you were right about Kore and I getting a deer for us soon. I will have to give Luna, Chuck, and Paul a deer, and then Kore and I can get a deer and share it between our two caves. Then I can get Luna and Chuck their remaining deer. Kore and I can hunt for us while we wait for Luna and Chuck to be ready for another deer. Kore and I can gather as many deer as we will need to feed our two caves through the cold season. How many deer do you think it will take to feed our cave from now through the end of the cold season?”

My Mother and Tonni looked at each other and then started discussing how much meat we would need. They also talked about what it would take to dry that much meat and how many tubers and other things they would have to gather before the cold season.

Mother and Tonni finally came to an agreement. Mother said, “We will need a minimum of three large deer. Teal, Tonni, your helper, her daughters, and I will see that other food is gathered and stored for the cold season.”

“Good, I will talk with Kore again tomorrow. I have considered who I should take with me as my widow. I would be happy with either Gail or Lisa. This is an important decision and Teal should be involved. It occurred to me that Teal and Luna may know something about how good of a mate Gail and Lisa were to their dead mates. I can’t talk with Teal yet, so would you talk with her and Luna about who would be the best widow for me to take with us?”

“Tomms, it is good of you to think of consulting your women about matters like this. Teal and Luna will approve of your wanting to know what they think. Tonni and I will talk with Luna and Teal tomorrow, while you are hunting. We will let you know what they say after you return from the hunt. After you decide, I will let the Widow’s Council know who you will take. The day after tomorrow, we will move all of our belongings into the cave and we women will go out and gather tubers while you and Kore hunt deer.”

Tonni said, “You will be a great leader in our cave, Tomms, if you continue to consult your women.”

I smiled and thought to myself, How can I be a great leader when I am doing what my women want me to do?

When I arrived at the hunters’ gathering point, Kore said, “Last night Kamil told us that today we are to hunt pigs. That is why you see so many people here.

“Kamil sent two hunters out and they found a small herd of more than a double hand of pigs. The hunters said there is a gully near the herd, and I know the area. When we get to the area, some of the experienced hunters will get in the gully and prepare to spear the pigs as the rest of us drive them toward the hunters. Pigs will attack hunters, so we use a special pig spear. It is longer than a bison spear with a flint tip that is similar to an aurochs tip and it has a crossbar lashed to it so a pig can’t run up the spear’s shaft to get at the hunter.

“You and I will be with the people driving the pigs to the hunters. What we will do is form two lines, one line on each side of the pigs with four hunters behind the pigs. The idea is to move the pigs at a slow pace, so we can keep our lines on each side of the herd. To do that, the lines have to move at the same pace as the pigs.

“If a pig tries to approach a line, the people wave their hands and shout to turn the pig back to its herd. Our lines will guide the herd to the gully. Once they are in the gully, our lines will be on each side of the gully to keep them from climbing out, and the people behind them will keep the herd moving toward the hunters. The one thing we do not want to do is to make the pigs run. Since they can run through the brush faster than we can, they will escape. A slow pace slightly faster than a slow walk is best. If they start running in the gully, it will be more difficult for the hunters to spear them; a running pig can be dangerous for a hunter.”

Kore took my borrowed spear and lashed a thick crosspiece to its shaft, about three hand lengths above the spear’s tip. When he gave it back to me, he said, “It isn’t as good as a pig spear, but it will do for this hunt.”

I wondered how many special types of spears I would need, and how many extras I would need of each type of spear. That is probably the reason Chuck and Phil were so busy.

Kamil showed up and got us organized, and then we left on the hunt. I noticed a number of the people had carrying poles and lengths of leather strips, so we wouldn’t have to cut poles to bring back the pigs. We walked for close to two hours to get to the area near the pigs. As we approached the area, we could see the pigs digging in the ground looking for something to eat. Kamil sent twelve hunters into the gully to find a good place to wait for the pigs. He then led the rest of us around the place where the pigs were digging.

When the pigs were between us and the gully, Kamil had us form two lines. The leader of each line would guide his line to one side of the herd and far enough away that we would not startle the pigs into running. Kore and I were at the ends of and between the two lines with another pair of hunters. Kamil moved in behind the four of us. We were the hunters who would drive the pigs while the others kept them contained between the lines.

Kamil gave the signal and the leaders of the two lines started walking toward the gully. When the end of the lines started moving, Kore and I started walking toward the pigs. At first, I thought the pigs were going to charge us, but then they turned and started moving toward the gully. We kept them moving at a fast walk. When our right line reached the gully, it turned to the right and started moving along the top of the gully. When the left line reached the gully, they went down into the gully, up the far side, and turned right to walk along the top of their side of the gully.

When the pigs reached the gully they went down into the gully. There were people to their left and at the top of the far side of the gully, so they turned to the right and started moving toward the waiting hunters. Kore, I, and the other two hunters moved into the gully and followed the pigs. It wasn’t long before we could hear the pigs squealing as the hunters speared them. In a loud voice, Kamil shouted, “Get ready.“

Kore had told me that this was the time the pigs might turn away from the hunters and try to escape. The people along the sides of the gully would scare any pigs that tried to climb out of the gully back into it. The four of us would try to scare the pigs back toward the hunters, and if necessary, we would spear any pig that continued to come our way.

Suddenly three pigs were running at us. We jumped up and down shouting and waving our hands and spears. One pig turned back, but the other two kept coming. Kore and I were to the left of the other two hunters, so we braced ourselves to spear the pig that was running at us. The second pig was trying to go around the other two hunters. I focused on keeping my spear’s tip pointed at the pig’s chest and to the side of its head, and tightening my grip on the spear shaft. Kore was doing the same thing. When the tip started into the pig’s chest, I leaned into my spear and crouched low to take the force of the impact as Kore had told me to do. We stopped the pig and pinned it to the ground. Kore told me to pull my spear back and thrust it back into the pig. He had me do this while he kept the pig pinned to the ground until it died.

When the pig finally died, we stepped back and checked the other pair of hunters. They were still busy killing their pig. When the two pigs were dead, we started moving toward the hunters again, and all four of us were ready for another pig to charge us. We met the hunters without being charged by another pig. The hunters had killed seven pigs and told us three had gotten by them. I remembered Kore telling me pigs were fast when scared and it wasn’t unusual for a few pigs to get past the hunters.

Kamil was happy at the nine pigs we had killed. After bleeding them and removing the entrails we did not want to keep, we tied a pig to nine carrying poles. With four people to each pole, we made good time getting back to the camp. The rest of us would carry the poles we did not need, and we would occasionally swap jobs with the people carrying the pigs.

After we arrived at camp, Kamil talked with me. “How was it to make your first kill, Tomms?”

“It felt good, but I felt fear when I saw the pig charging Kore and me.”

“Fear is a normal thing in the life of a hunter, Tomms. You can be proud of yourself. Kore told me you stood and met the pig like an experienced hunter. Overcoming one’s fears and doing what needs to be done is a good thing in a new hunter.

Kore told me you will be moving into your new cave tomorrow. How many people will be living in your new cave?”

“Right now there will be me, two adult women, three women who are almost adults, and a baby; after I pay her mate price, Teal will join us.”

“That is good. After today, you will be given a larger hunter’s share, since there will be more people in your cave for you to feed. I do not envy you. Six adult women living together can be a lot of trouble in a cave, if they don’t get along with each other. There can be trouble even if they do get along.”

“Has Luna agreed to a mate price?”

“I don’t believe she has announced me as Teal’s future mate, yet.”

“Three days from now, we will be hunting bison again. It will be your first time participating in a bison hunt. Listen to Kore and do what he tells you to do. You will need to learn the hand signals hunters use when moving toward a kill, so they don’t make noise by talking. Have Kore teach you’re the signals.”

Tonni and Sind joined Kore and me to help us carry our shares of the kill back our caves. The Women’s Council was there to collect the Women’s Cave’s share of the kill, and I would be giving my share to the Women’s Council when we arrived at the Widow’s Cave. On the way back to our caves, Kore and I agreed that tomorrow we would hunt deer.

Tonni, Mother, and I talked as we ate our late-day meal. I told them about the hunt, and they told me about their day.

Mother said, “Toni and I talked with Luna and Teal about who you should pick as your widow. They believe Gail and Lisa would both be good choices. Teal prefers Lisa. Before Lisa took a mate, she helped Teal learn how to find and gather tubers. She also knew Gail at that time, but she didn’t have the friendship that she had with Lisa. Who do you want me to ask if they will move into our cave tomorrow?”

“Talk with Lisa first. If she doesn’t want to go with me, ask Gail if she is interested.”

Mother and Tonni smiled, and Tonni said, “Good choice, Tomms.”

Mother asked, “Luna wanted me to ask when will you deliver the first deer?”

“Kore and I talked on the way home. We will go hunting tomorrow. If we kill a deer, we will deliver the first quarter of the deer to her tomorrow, and the remainder of the deer by the end of the next day. The day after that we will go bison hunting for the tribe.”

Tonni asked, “When will you and Kore get a deer for us?”

“I need to deliver a deer to Chuck and Paul first, then we can get a deer for us. We will divide the deer between our cave and Kore’s cave, so you will only have to dry half a deer.”

Mother asked, “Will you and Kore be giving a portion of your kill to the Widow’s Council?”

“We didn’t discuss that so I don’t know. What do you suggest?”

“It would be a good idea to give them some of the kill. Keep the skin and brain, and give them the entrails. We will need to cure the skin and make warm clothing for the cold season, and to sleep on and under when it is cold. I will ask Sind if she needs more skins, and if so, we can share them.”

When we finished eating and talking, Mother left to go talk with Lisa. An hour later, Mother returned with Lisa, her baby, Audra, and Jeri. They were carrying their sleeping furs. Mother told me, they would collect the rest of their belongings tomorrow, and move them directly into our new cave. Tonight, they would join us and sleep in our area of the cave.

Lisa asked where I slept and I pointed to my sleeping furs. She took her furs to mine and rearranged the furs so two people could sleep together. Audra and Jerri placed their furs and the baby’s furs close to where Tonni and Mother slept. When Lisa finished she rejoined us to talk; I could see lust on her face.

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This work is copyrighted material. Anyone wishing to copy, archive, or re-post this story must contact the author for permission. SRU: Spells Arounds Goes Around By Paul G Jutras Lois had arrived at Fairy Tales Mall when she saw a male body builder get out of his car and head toward the main door. He looked gorgeous with his shirt off and tight blue jeans. She ran across the parking lot in her white open toe pumps to try to get a better look him when he disappeared inside. When...

1 year ago
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Afternoon Alone

It was a late Saturday morning. I had been out shopping with my sister rachel, or should I say “holding bags” for my sister as she went around shops. We got home just past 12 to find that the house was empty. WE both moved into the kitchen to see a note posted on the fridge door reading “Away to football, be back later”. It would be about 6pm before anyone got home leaving Rachel and myself to enjoy the house to ourselves for six whole hours. I looked over at my sister who was going through...

3 years ago
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Something gotten into My Wife Blacken

You've had a long day at work and you're driving down the boulevard. You stop at a red light and something has caught your eye in a parking lot across the intersection.The light turns green and you start to pull away and while you pass the hotel you notice the green car as a stuffed a****l in the back window just like your wife's car.Your curiosity has gotten the best of you so you immediately turn the car around at the next corner.You're pulling into the parking lot and driving slowly toward...

1 year ago
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Another breeding conference

White wife, 45EE-36-45 gave birth to her twins when she was 55 and 4 months of age, all went well, two young (18 & 19 year old) boys each fathered one of the fraternal twins. It's now 11 months later, wife is now 56 and 3 months of age, took awhile to lose her baby fat but she's now down to her pre-baby size as per measurements above. She'll be attending another conference on her own starting tomorrow. First time away from her new twins. She asked me if the circumstances presented...

2 years ago
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Louise Liebes 1 Learns Loving


3 years ago
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Conception Commission

Your name is John. You just got over a troubling relationship with your now ex-girlfriend Cerise, and moved onto dating, as well as fucking, your long-time crush, as well as best friend, Rose. Cerise was a bit of a bossy bitch. When you say "bit", you mean almost entirely. She never even let you have sex- with her, it was always "Oh, could you eat me out? I promise I'll repay you one day." That, combined with the fact that she never even got a job or any source of income, practically suckling...

3 years ago
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The Rask RebellionChapter 6 The Black Pass

The sounds of the Kodiak’s roaring engine and rumbling tracks reverberated through the hull, the seventy-ton vehicle grinding the volcanic rock beneath its polymer treads as it made its way up the dry riverbed. Cooper’s padded chair vibrated beneath him as he looked through the optics, a square display with a row of switches that controlled its functions, watching the column of vehicles ahead of him. They were part of a procession of tanks and troop carriers that were making their way deeper...

2 years ago
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My first time

Being a country girl, it wasn't an unusual sight, to see some a****ls fucking in fields, our neighbour was a farmer, and he had all sorts of a****ls, cows, a bull, a couple of donkeys, ( saying they would eat anything, and were handy to keep the weeds Down ), my first view of sex was watching the donkeys go at it, don't get me wrong, I had seen a mans cock, but never tried anything, I had also heard my mom and dad fucking, and they made more noise than the donkeys, my mom moaned a lot, and my...

4 years ago
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Tess Piano Lesson

Teaching piano in my home was really only an idea to keep me from going crazy on the weekends! the money was nice, but not the important part. And, as expected, my students were mostly 10 year old girls who’s parent felt they needed more music in their lives. The girls were not really motivated to learn and rarely practiced effectively during the week. So, come the weekend and the visit to my home for 45 minutes, it was really just time for me to endure this torture I brought upon myself. I...

1 year ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 2 StephieChapter 64 Relationships

September 5, 1988, Chicago, Illinois “I don’t even know what to say,” Melody said as we stood outside her dorm. “‘Thank you’ is customary,” I chuckled. “Jerk!” she laughed. “Isn’t it the guy who’s supposed to say ‘thank you’?” “I guess it all depends. I’m not a sexist, so it could go either way!” “So it was good for you?” she asked. I chuckled, “Is it OK to be a bit crude?” “After what we did? Are you kidding?” “You have an awesomely tight pussy, and you’re a fantastic fuck! I only...

2 years ago
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SouthboundChapter 6 Settling In

Our new press was in transit and was expected to arrive at the Oakland container terminal at the end of the month. In the meantime, the internal VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) oxidizer required to meet California standards was being installed. The previous system had been grandfathered and didn't meet the newer requirements. The old presses had already begun to be removed and once they and the older laminator and pouch machine were out, the floor would have an industrial epoxy finish...

4 years ago
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Cousin Sister Ko Jam Kar Choda Or Aapni Randi Banaya

Hello dosto, ye meri first sex story hai aaj ki iss sex story me mai aapko bataunga ki kis tarah se mene aapne sister(cousin) ke sath sex ka maja liya …… Mera nam keval hai or me 18 year ka hu.Mera land 7.5” ka hai. Meri cousin sister ka nam pooja hai….. Me jub 18 sal ka tha tab se me porn videos & stories dekhta tha or usko dekh kr me lagbhag roj musterbrahbatian karta tha muje vese to kabhi aapni cousin sister me itna interest nhi tha jabtak maine use sirf bra-penty me dekha …….. Me or meri...

2 years ago
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Ekta Modhumoi Josnar Rat

Hii readers ami subhodeep chatterjee.Amar bari kolkatate.Aj ami tomake amar lifer ekta recent sex er kahini Sonabo..Ei kahini ta mone porle amar nijer dhon khara hoye jai..Ami ar thankte parlam na tai tomake ei kahini ta Share korchi. Amader life e erokom ghotona ghote jai jeta amra kokhono vabteo pari na j eta ghotbe. Oneke ache jara vabe j dhur erokom hote pare na.Kintu jader sathe erokom ghotona ghote tarai sei ghotonar sakkhi thake.Kichudin age amra 5 jon friend mile purulia te amar ekta...

3 years ago
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My first ever gangbang

I had also dated more women who, on more than one occasion, remarked on how big my cock was. To sum it up, it turns out I'm on the larger side of the spectrum. I found this rather beneficial for my confidence as the only frame of comparison I had was Guest; my counterpart to Dani's DP escapades. So with all this in mind, I decided to participate in my first gangbang. Long story short; I joined a swinger site, posted some flattering pics of my tool and soon enough, I was contacted by a...

4 years ago
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The Hot Affair

Tossing and turning on the bed; she found that sleep would not come to her, as her mind was full of vivid memories of the days fun they had just enjoyed. A smile came across her face as she remembered each detail of their Anniversary dinner. Choosing a more private affair than most they had decided to go to the local park with a blanket. Once there she realised there was no food. Arching an eyebrow questioning at him he had laughed, pulled her down onto the blanket, lifted her skirt and started...

4 years ago
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Headcheerleader II

Anyways we are here at college with the good life. I forgot to tell you how I got Jimmy the scholarship? You see as the high school season went on it was beginning to look like our team was going to make a run for the State title. We went on to win every game the rest of the season. We even beat that team that beat us in regular season during the playoffs. College scouts started looking at Jimmy and some of the other boys real hard. Us girls in the cheerleading squad were glad for our boys....

1 year ago
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Sex After Marriage At A Function

Hi all, I am Appu and I am back with another one of my fantasy. I really love to help you guys and women’s out there to improve their sexual life. Please try to do these things if possible and I am sure that you will enjoy it. I welcome feedbacks and comment on the sex story, you can Email me @ Hi I am Appu, I have been married for six months and our sex life is somewhat ok, But I am not satisfied with it, it has started boring, there is nothing interesting. Though my wife is educated like me,...

3 years ago
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Fiona Murphys Last FlingChapter 9 Fiona Murphys Makeover

It was only after long thought and careful deliberation that Fiona decided she needed some professional assistance in making her appear a bit younger in order to attract the young studs she so desperately needed to fill her lonely lifestyle. She had been doing quite well in that department ever since the unexpected departure of her long-time disinterested spouse. However, she knew that her ability to attract men was a matter of circumstances and luck that all conspired to give her...

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Teacher Gets It

I was burning the midnight oil at school, attempting to catch up on grading student essays. Okay, so I really was only burning the lights in my classroom and it wasn’t midnight, it was about 5:30 in the evening. Anyway, I had a lot of work to get done. I heard a key in my door and looked up to see the evening shift custodian come into my room. We talked for a minute or two, and then he began to run the vacuum cleaner around the room, prohibiting conversation. When he finished, he emptied my...

3 years ago
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DawnChapter 5 She Meets Will in the Hallway

The problem with falling asleep after multiple orgasms — the cums, not the cocktail lounge drinks — is that a girl tends to forget that she usually pees before sleep, and that it would break the mood for her to get up and brush her teeth as well. But the memory returns before the sun rises. At about five in the morning, Dawn felt the pressure building up in her bladder, and the taste of cotton in her mouth. Common sense would have dictated that she slip out of bed and attend to those simple...

2 years ago
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My sensual wife and a black stud

Some good friends had invited us to a house party, but that night I was working late at my office.My sweet wife could go by herself. In the meantime, I would go home, take a nice shower and then could head over to the party.I finally could get home past midnight and soon was on my way to the party. I was surprised it was still in good flow. The door was open and I walked straight in and set about finding my wife. I bumped into our host Peter and he said he had seen Ana dancing with some...

1 year ago
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InnocentHigh Vienna Rose Corporal Pussy Punishment

Vienna Rose is a mischievous schoolgirl who needs to make the grade. She waits until after her teacher splits from class to see if he left the answer sheet to the pop quiz around. She takes what she thinks will be a sure shot for an A, but realizes a couple days later that her brainy teacher left a trap for her. The answers were fake! She denies all of his accusations, but when he confronts her with footage of her breaking in and stealing the fake answers, she cracks. What are you going to do,...

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Hot Rod Ch 02

Dear Readers: After the first part of this story, I realized that I erroneously titled it a chapter. I’m trying to correct the situation by switching them to ‘installments’. As for the story itself, please remember that each installment will be from just one’s point of view at a time. We started with Alyssa. Now it’s Mike’s turn. Hope you enjoy. * ‘Lunch is here, guys!’ I had my head under the hood of a run-down Chrysler, deciding whether or not it would be best to fix it or shoot it, when...

4 years ago
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The Resurrection of Linda

Linda was on all fours ? her hands and knees holding up her horizontal body ? completely naked The Resurrection of Linda  Chapter 1 ? What the Hell am I doing here? Linda was on all fours ? her hands and knees holding up her horizontal body ? completely naked.? She had been told to remain in this position or her tits would be removed from her body.? She was a unique female to be in this position.? She was middle age, slightly past her prime ? whatever her prime had been!? She was short,...

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My aunt and my mother changing sons for a day

On my 18th birthday my aunt, My mom’s s****r, called ans ask if I wanted to spend the night with my cousin. I arrived at about 6 PM and asked where Rob, my cousin was?. She said he would return in a few minutes. I noticed that she was seductively dressed in a Black negligee and black FF nylons and heels. I sat on the couch and she sat beside me. In a short time she was asking me if I were still a Virgin. I told her that I was.She put her hand on my knee and found my hard cock. She unzipped my...

4 years ago
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Sharing My Wife With Roger

I am a 29-year-old male and am married to Julie who is 22. Although I had only been married for less than a year, I can say in reflection that I was a fool for not realizing exactly what I had. Julie is incredibly beautiful. She is petite at 5′ 6″ and looks like she fell out of the pages of a sports illustrated swimsuit edition. Her long blond hair does not come out of a bottle like so many other “pretend” blonds, and her blue eyes exude an aura of innocence. Although I...

2 years ago
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True Love

My name is Alexander. I want to tell you about myself and my wife. Her name is Natasha. We have been married for twenty years. At first glance, we are quite ordinary family, which millions. Except for one caveat. "One woman four guys in the same bed," including me. That day I will remember for a lifetime.My friends and I decided to go to the sauna and drink a beer to chat. I told my wife that I would return, too late. - Providence would have it, I was in the sauna, there was one. I do not know...

1 year ago
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The Librarian and the Bartender Part two

Introduction: This is part two of my story… it can stand on its own, but I hope you enjoy if enough to go read part one as well! Im reposting this because, for some insane reason, the last time I posted it, it got voted down ridiculously fast and ended up at the bottom of the barrel where nobody read it. I dont care so much if my work gets negative votes when it deserves it, but I felt my story deserves a second chance. I hope you enjoy it, and that it doesnt get negative attention from a bunch...

2 years ago
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Unexpected Performance

Another Friday night meant he had to be ready for a show. The place tonight was a smaller older place. Theater was built so long ago it was mostly regulars, tending to be older, the guys would like his assistant but the women would be into him. He played on that fact, made the jokes and comments as well as the illusions geared for the audience he was expecting. Going over last minute things, checking on his assistant. She was ready, the look in her eye was almost anxious to get on with it. He...

Quickie Sex
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Living in Nevada a Long Time Ago 4 Deep in the state

Like I said at the end of my last story I was about to do something real stupid!! After having my vasectomy I didn’t have any worry about pregnant lady friends and the word got around about me shooting blanks.. so what did I do..propose marriage to my “girl friend” of a couple years.. Cheryl and Carmen were pissed and two that I worked with but hadn’t bedded yet weren’t real happy.. I had lost track of Michell and Linda..the ladies that worked the houses were very mobile and Cheryl was making...

3 years ago
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Danny and JennyChapter 8

Eventually we managed to drag ourselves away from each other and after she'd helped me downstairs again, I took all the documents from Karen our solicitor, out from the desk where Jenny had filed them and sat down in the kitchen to look them over. I noticed a definite familiarity in the letters between Karen and Jenny and wondered how friendly they'd actually been with each other at school! From what I read, Karen seemed to be doing a bloody good job with our claim for damages etc, she'd...

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A Bicycle Built For One

I didn’t realize I might have had something unusual about me until an orgasm hit me halfway through . . . OK, I think I need to spell it out a little better. You see, I like to exercise, but it was always running, weight work, and yoga for flexibility. I was in excellent shape and I knew it. But I hurt myself. Well, that’s not the whole story, but it’s enough. I hurt my knee doing something stupid and had to lay off anything strenuous for several weeks.I don’t know how you are about exercising,...

2 years ago
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Hannah Moantana A Hannah MontanaMiley Cyrus stor

Miley stewart had been posing as the teen pop sensation Hannah Montana for as long as she could remember. She knew the basically every guy in the country wanted to fuck her. Some guys had even gone to her shows and begged her to take her top off on stage, but miley knew her dad would kill her if she even thought about that. Miley on a few occasions had found herself rubbing her wet cunt and eating her sweet juices. But one day things changed Miley had walked into the house and threw her blonde...

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daring escapde pt2

Daring Escapade (pt 2) Ok, so now that it was too late to turn back, what do I do? There is no doubt in my mind that I have created a monster in my tw***e year old Daughter whom I could hear humming to herself in the shower upstairs. Her name is Angilee by the way. Other than that amazing body of hers, she is beautiful, long deep red hair, wide sparkling green eyes, full mouth...listen to's created her own b**st as well. How are we ever going to keep this secret?. All I want...

2 years ago
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CDTV presents A New Brady pt 2

Carol joined everyone in the attic. Alex made a brief inspection of his new living quarters, his heels clicking loudly on the bare wood floorboards. "So do you need so help unpacking?" Greg asked. "Ye--" Alex started. "Yes, he will," Mike answered. "But right now, we got to introduce her to your sisters, hustle your bustles." The boys exchanged humorous looks. "Hustle your bustles?" Greg repeated. "Is it me, or is dad getting cornier every year?" "Maybe he's having a...

3 years ago
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Sex Hungry Lata 8211 Part 2

Last night I promised her to meet in the evening and I went to see her, gave her and her young Lily a box of sweets. While Lily was busy opening the box Lata was in my arms passionately kissing me, kissing my neck. I told her not to cook anything, already had bought a parcel for dinner. As usual Lily went in the bedroom to see cartoon network. Lata was waring thin open maxi under that she did not ware anything else, that was very sexy. She gave me to ware a cloth and told me not to ware...

1 year ago
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My Stepson the PsychopathChapter 3

I was terrified of what was sure to happen to me in Casey's room. But I was equally terrified for Kenzie. What will happen when she comes looking for me as she inevitably will when she sees the state the kitchen is in? I went wherever Casey steered me, though. It isn't like I have a choice. As soon as his door was closed behind us he ordered me to strip. I started to plead with him but the look on his face made it clear that I was wasting my breath. He stood nearby while I removed my...

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SPREAD?..A Short Story of Brutality.By Susan Karlson.Please do not even start to read this unless you enjoy phantasies of extreme sadistic action up to and including death.Ilsa spread her legs wide. ?Lick, slave!? The young Jewish girl was naked. In her vagina she had a short length of broom handle, a matching length was inserted deep in her anus. Ilsa had drilled holes through the wooden dowels and threaded twine through the holes so that both implements were tied together. This allowed just...

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The prep school

Math had always been something that came rather easy to me. From middle-school to high school, to college, math was there helping me out. It was my skill in math that got me a scholarship and, ultimately, landed me this new job. Yea, math did a lot for me in many ways, but it never really got me anywhere... socially speaking. We all remember high-school… but can you remember that popular math-head? Neither can I. I remember having kissed only two girls throughout high school. Two! I knew morons...

3 years ago
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Kissing CousinsChapter 8

Approximately 1:30 a.m. I woke to Carrie sucking on my cock. By the time I had totally awoken, my cock was 100% hard. She smiled at me, "Good morning, lover. I just woke up from this terrible dream." I bit again, "What dream was that?" Carrie smiled, "It was a nightmare. You weren't making love to me." "Well, we better fix that, shouldn't we?" "Oh, most certainly." I turned her over on her back and mounted her pussy. It was wet and ready for my cock. I thrust balls deep...

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Rhythm and the Blue Line Ch 06

A few days later, Brody huffed out a breath as he dropped onto the bench in the dressing room. He grabbed some Gatorade and gulped it down, exchanging high-fives with his teammates as they filed past. "Good job." Chuck Baxter clapped him on the shoulder as he dropped to the bench next to him. "Now we just have to do it all again next game." "No problem." Brody grinned. "Give me ten minutes." Baxter laughed and started unlacing his skates. "Ten? Come on, man, you're ten years younger than I am....

Love Stories
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Hollyoaks V Prison Break final chapter

The other man didn’t care what Becca was “gonna get up her.” Now with his cock poker stiff he stood pulling Steph’s long blonde mane, making her get to her feet. Her fabulous hot legs bent in at the knees as she tried to cover her nakedness. With the musky licked slit now gone Becca gasped and clawed the ground her insides feeling the increased hammering as the bug man could now get to work on her curves with vengeance, while watching his friend finally fuck the other. The horrified Steph...

1 year ago
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439 after Montys cherry

439 [Cc52] after Monty`s cherry A continuation of parts 1 [437] and part 2 [438] at Mallow Manor, huge sprawling and remote, set in the Wiltshire countryside, in September of 1930 It was well past eight on that warm summers evening when Betty somewhat nervously tapped on the lads door. He had been waiting her arrival with somewhat mixed feelings, he was doing this as a favour to his mother, as he no longer hankered after the big titted old cook, not as he once did, she had just been a woman, a...

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