CHOGM Pt. 04 free porn video

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‘Before I tell you I need to explain something. I have worked for these people for the last two years and up until very recently I thought that they were the good guys, at least that was what they kept telling me. My involvement until this assignment was to provide certain important people with ‘entertainment’. I wasn’t involved in the actual entertainment but because I knew so many models who would do just about anything to make money so that they didn’t have to have a ‘normal’ job to survive, I had no trouble in finding all they needed.

This job was different. I was to keep an eye on the comings and goings at the hotel. When I noticed that you were doing the same thing I contacted my control and reported it. I was asked to get close to you and find out who you were and what you were doing there. I didn’t have any real problems with that because even then I sort of fancied you.

There were however two important things that I didn’t count on. First and most important, I found myself falling in love with you. That in itself was great, I could handle that, but when I found out that they were not the good guys that they made themselves out to be, I stopped feeding them information. I told my control that I was going away for a while and would be in touch when I got back. I didn’t leave a forwarding address so they didn’t know where I was. I imagine that they have only just recently found out that I had joined you and the others.

When they couldn’t find me they suspected the worst and when they tracked us to my parent’s house they decided to teach me a lesson, so they took our mothers. When they saw you and me arrive at the railway station to pick up our mothers they were probably not very pleased with me, hence this warning. Darling what I’m trying to tell you is that I have been working for the CIA.’

‘We really fell for that one didn’t we? You said that you have been working for them as if you no longer worked for them.’

‘As of a two days ago I have resigned from the service. They don’t know about it yet but I think that they have reached that conclusion all by themselves. How could you expect me to keep working for someone who would stoop to using innocent people for ‘leverage’?’

‘What are we going to do next?’

‘My most pressing thought is ‘do you still love me after we have gone through?’

‘Of course.’

‘Do you still want to marry me?’


‘Even with my face all smashed up?’

‘Well we could always get plastic surgery on it to restore it to its former beauty.’

‘Bastard, be serious.’

‘Apart from that bit about the plastic surgery I have never been more serious. Just you try to worm your way out of this and avoid marrying me. You’ll find yourself sued for breach of promise. Now where are we and how do we get out of here?’

‘I think that they have us in the same building that they used to hold our mothers. As to how we get out of here, I’m afraid that I don’t have any suggestions at all.’

Russell looked around and saw that the only window was far too high for them to seriously consider climbing through, and even if they did get through they would probably break every bone in their body falling down the other side. Even if they managed to get through without serious injury they would still have to face the prospect of recapture if a guard had been left. ‘I wonder what is on the other side of that partition.’

‘Probably some kind of office, but what good is that, we have to get there first?’

‘If it is an office there is probably a phone. As to how we are going to get there, we would probably be best trying to get through the door. I wonder if they did leave a guard.’

‘I thought that I heard someone outside the door after they left, so I presume that they aren’t taking any chances.’

‘What’s your acting ability like, can you improvise?’

‘Sure, what do you have in mind?’

‘We are going to have a blazing row and I’m going to accuse you of lying to them about what our role is in this. That should make him sit up and take notice. When he comes through the door I’ll belt him over the head, that’s if I can find something to do the belting with. . .’ Russell looked around the room until he came across a one metre long piece of three by two hardwood. ‘Ready?’


‘You stupid fucking bitch! What did you tell them that for! Don’t you realise that when they find out that they have been led on a wild goose chase they will come back here hopping mad and it will most likely be curtains for us!’ Russell’s voice cut through the still air like a whip crack.

‘But I thought. . .’

‘That’s your problem you didn’t think! The more I am with you the more I realise that you are nothing more than a very decorative but dumb blonde. Next time let me do the thinking.’

‘But you were unconscious and it was me that they were belting around.’ Jenny sobbed.

‘And I suppose you think this hand hurt itself?’ Russell slapped his thigh as hard as he could with his good hand. Jenny cried out ‘in pain’. It sounded realistic enough for the guard to want to investigate. They heard the sound of a chair scraping back as he stood up.

Russell crept over to stand behind the door so that he could surprise the guard when he came into the room while Jenny continued to sob out a plea for mercy while slapping herself convincingly.

Russell had read somewhere that the sound made by someone being hit over the head was similar to the sound of a melon splitting. It was not like that at all. Maybe he didn’t hit the man hard enough, although he fell immediately and lay motionless on the floor. To Russell it sounded more like the sound he remembered from his high school cricket days that of leather against willow when a forward defensive stroke was being played. Not the sound he reasoned, of a full blooded cover drive, but the result was effective.

There was indeed an office next to the room in which they had recently been kept. Finding the phone Russell dialled the number of his flat to be greeted by the sound of a phone not being answered. ‘What is your home number?’ Russell dialled the number that Jenny gave him. ‘Hullo Mr Petrelli? Russell. Yes we’re okay, I think, for now. We are going to need someone to come and pick us up. We are, I think, in the same building as they kept my mother and Mrs Petrelli but I don’t think it advisable to stay here a moment longer than necessary. I think I know where they are so we will head in the opposite direction. Could you pick us up on Pyrmont Rd, we’ll be heading towards Parramatta Rd. Thanks, see you when you get there.’

Jenny came back into the office. ‘I’ve locked our friend up in the room after all we can’t have him getting out and ringing his mates before we can get well clear, can we?’ Russell yanked the phone cable out of the wall socket.

The front door was locked by a padlock on the outside but there was a small access door set into the larger door which was locked by a Yale lock that could be opened from the inside without a key. Russell and Jenny found themselves outside and heading away from the building as quickly as they could.

Mr Petrelli’s concern for the condition of both Russell and his daughter was exceeded by that of Mrs Petrelli who insisted that they should go immediately to the nearest hospital for treatment.

‘No. We cannot go to a hospital. Even if the hospital staff don’t get suspicious and call the police it will be the first place that our friends will look once they know that we have escaped. If we are kept there for even a day it will give them all the time that they need to find us and maybe do something more drastic. Once we get the Triumph, if it is still where we left it that is, I’ll ring my father, he’ll be able to help us, or will at least know of someone who can.’

‘Do you think that you can drive in your condition?’ Jenny asked.

‘Gear changes could be a
problem but apart from that I’m sure I can.’

‘Why don’t you let me drive?’

‘Do you think that you’re up to it, after all you have been knocked around a fair bit yourself.’

‘I think I’m in better condition than you are.’

‘All right.’

They arrived at the place where they had been ambushed to find the Triumph still where Russell had parked it and Russell was amazed to find that the keys were still in the ignition. ‘Honest neighbourhood.’ He commented as he and Jenny followed her parent’s car.

After speaking with his father for several minutes Russell hung up the phone and announced that they would meet his father at his consulting rooms in Macquarie St.

Russell’s father was less than impressed with the condition of both of them. He taped Jenny’s nose and applied medication to her bruised face before announcing. ‘You will once again be my best looking daughter-in-law in no time at all. As for you Russell, I’m going to take you home and make you as comfortable as possible until tomorrow when I can contact a colleague who will come over and set those fingers of yours. In the mean time I’ll try to get the swelling down as much as possible.

The Triumph was locked away in the underground car park attached to his rooms and they travelled in the quiet comfort of the BMW. Russell’s mother was awake when they arrived and fussed over them like a mother hen, making them as comfortable as possible. All pretences to propriety were forgotten as it was suggested that they should share the same bed as the single beds had not been made up for some time while the double bed in the guest room was always ready for the unexpected.

Mr French gave them both some tablets to take to help them sleep. ‘Neither of them will be in any condition for hanky panky once those take effect.’ He told Mrs French as they left the room, ‘They should sleep for at least ten hours on that dose.’


Pain is a strange thing. If it is too intense the body shuts it out to the extent that consciousness is lost, but the pain can approach its threshold and be so excruciating that sleep is denied. Russell slept relatively soundly for about four hours until his sleep pattern started to plateau out having progressed beyond the REM stage. It was then that the pain took control. No matter where he put his hand it throbbed. He let it hang outside the bed covers and it seemed to weigh a tonne. He put it on the bed over the covers and the bandages seemed to weigh a tonne. He put it under the covers and they weighed a tonne. A groan escaped from his lips.

‘What’s the matter Darling is your hand hurting too much?’

‘You’d better believe it. How is your head?’

‘Don’t expect too much passion for the next week or so, but it’s okay I guess.’

‘Look love, I’m sorry if I woke you up. If you like I’ll sleep on the couch in the living room.’

‘Don’t you dare move. If anyone is going to move it’ll be me.’ She touched her fingers lightly to her lips and transferred the kiss to his lips and made to get out of the bed.

‘Hey! Where do you think you are going? The only reason that I suggested that I move was because I woke you up. If you can stand the occasional moan when the pain gets too bad then there is no reason why we can’t both stay here, is there?’

‘None at all, my Darling.’ Jenny got back into bed and careful manoeuvred herself so that she was snuggled up against him with one arm across his chest and her head resting on his shoulder. The weight of her body on his made Russell feel stronger than he had any right to feel under the circumstances, and his pain seemed to abate. The both drifted once more into a fitful sleep.


‘What do you mean they got away!’ The angry American voice screamed at the man cowering in front of it.

‘They jumped me and hit me with something, when I came to I was locked in the room and they were gone. I don’t know where they have gone to or how long they have been gone, all I know is that I have a sore head and they have gone.’

‘Why did you go in there in the first place?’

‘Because he was beating the shit out of her and calling her all sorts of unpleasant names. It sounded as if he had found out that the bitch had been working for us all along. I thought I needed to save her.’

‘You needed to save her? I think we have seriously underestimated these two. The information that she gave us was only partly true and she was smart enough to use it to buy them enough time to fool you into letting them knock you out.’

‘So what are we going to do now?’

‘We are going to find them. You can start by getting out to where they left their car and seeing if it is still there. If it is you get to a phone and let us know and then you sit there and watch it like a hawk.’

‘And what if it isn’t there?’

‘You had better let us know as soon as possible so that we can put feelers out for it.’

‘What if they have gone to ground somewhere?’

‘That’s a chance that we’ll have to take. Everything is ready for the day after tomorrow and there will be nothing that they can do that will stop us going ahead with our plans.’


‘Do you know what you have to do?’

‘Yes, but how am I going to place it in the bin without being seen?’

The two men sat in a deserted office in a building overlooking the rear entrance to the Hilton Hotel. The one obviously in charge spoke with an American accent, the other an Australian. They had been planning this moment for some weeks, ever since the American had joined the Ananda Marga sect’s Australian group in Sydney. He had brought with him a self-professed expertise in ‘maximum impact with little damage’ expressions of opposition to a variety of Governments throughout the world, particularly in Latin American and developing countries.

The Ananda Marga was ripe for this type of manipulation. It was one of many mystical religions that proliferated in India as a result of the Flower Power revolution of the late Sixties and early Seventies. It had a political axe to grind in that its leader was being held on what it alleged to be trumped up criminal charges.

To achieve its goal, that of the freedom of its leader, it had formed within its ranks a radical element, the Proutists, which had embarked on a campaign of minor and embarrassing bombings which caused little damage to people or property and were of more of a nuisance than anything else.

His support of the Ananda Marga’s push to destabilise the Desai government in India and secure the release of its leader from what it claimed to be a political incarceration and which the government insisted was a criminal matter, was enthusiastic to say the least. It was he who engineered the plan to create mayhem at the CHOGM Conference with a demonstration of the lax security precautions provided by the Australian Government. This was to be followed by an announcement by the Ananda Marga claiming responsibility for the incident and highlighting the reasons for the action.

‘Don’t worry about that, I have arranged for a little charade to take the guards’ mind off their job long enough for you to do what you have to do.’

‘What if someone gets suspicious of the package?’

‘No problem. I have arranged for some covering for your package. I have also arranged for the Council to ignore the bin for at least three days which will give us enough time to plan for maximum impact. Now get out of here, the balloon will go up in five minutes and you will need to be in place when it happens.’

Five minutes later there was a commotion in the foyer of the hotel. ‘What kind of hotel are you running here? I arrange with you for the provision of special room service and someone sends this whore to my room!’ The man was dragging a struggling woman behind him. She was dressed in the uniform of her profession, short skirt, tight top with a neckline that almost reached her waist, high heeled boots, fishnet stockings
and a lot of makeup.

‘Look mister, I didn’t ask to be sent to your room. I’m an honest working girl just trying to make enough money to put my sister through university.’

‘Please sir. Could you keep it quiet. I’m sure that we can sort this matter out.’ The Manager bustled over to the two combatants.

‘I will not keep it quiet! I am a man of some importance where I come from and I am here on a very important mission to spread God’s word among you heathens and someone has obviously decided that I should be compromised. I will not keep this quiet. I want the world to see the depths to which the sinners in this country will stop to undermine my crusade.’

‘I am sure that we can solve the problem without your crusade being embarrassed by this incident.’

‘You might be sure sonny but I am not! Get me a policemen, I want this harlot taken into custody this minute. I can see an officer out there on the street,’ He pointed down the corridor to the rear entrance. ‘get him in here now!’

‘But sir, I can’t take him away from his duty out there. There is a very important conference taking place here and he is part of the security precautions.’

‘If you don’t call him in here right now I will make sure that this is the last conference that will ever happen in this god forsaken hovel you call a hotel.’ He was getting redder in the face by the minute and it was obvious to the casual onlooker that he had some considerable experience at this fire and brimstone style of getting his message across. The casual onlooker would have been wrong in that assessment for this was the first time that the man hired to play the part had actually taken on that role, and for that matter the actress hired to take the part of the whore was in no danger of being type cast. She usually played the sweet and innocent types on stage.

‘Listen mister. I don’t want any trouble from you, all I want is to be paid for my time and get the hell out of here.’

‘I am not paying you one red cent. I didn’t ask for your services, I didn’t partake of any service you had to offer and I am not going to pay for what I didn’t get!’

‘Don’t blame me because you changed your mind and got an attack of conscience. I was willing to do whatever you wanted and if that meant listening to you rant about how sinful my chosen career was so be it. You pay for the service even if you don’t use it. Now cough up.’

‘You can go to Hell!’

‘Probably, and when I get there I will probably find it full of red necked hypocrites like you. Give me my money now.’

The hotel manager came in with the policeman from outside. ‘Constable will you take these people out of here and do something with them. I just can’t have them creating this sort of disturbance in the hotel right now.’

‘Don’t you have your own internal security that can take care of this?’

‘Normally yes, but for the duration of this conference I am having to put up with the local clowns from ASIO.’

‘Very well. Sir and, madam,’ He looked down his nose at her, ‘Would you please come with me while I get someone to help sort out you problems.’

‘I don’t want trouble. All I want is what’s owing to me.’

‘You’ll get that, maybe not in this world but you will reap your just reward in the next, Jezebel!’

‘Please Sir, try not to draw undue attention to yourself. If you just come quietly we can sort it out without anyone getting hurt.’

He walked slowly towards the front door of the hotel. The casual onlooker outside the hotel would have seen a man walking down the street pause and place a small package wrapped in newspaper into the waste bin outside the hotel. Some minutes later, another man walking in the other direction placed another package in a brown paper shopping bag into the same bin. Both men walked away from the bin as quickly as possible trying not to appear suspicious. The casual onlooker, if there had been one, would not have paid any attention to this incident, his attention would have been attracted to the happenings in the hotel foyer, happenings that would soon be happening in the street.

A Police car pulled quietly into the kerb and the two players were bundled, still protesting loudly into it and it drove off. It didn’t go to the nearest police station as the casual onlooker would have supposed, instead it drove two blocks down the road and turned right. Around the corner both players received their agreed very handsome performance fee and got out. Both got into the same anonymous family sedan, embraced for several minutes before driving off. They were in fact very close friends.

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MInding Others part 1

by DiscipleN Chapter 1 I have an older brother and two younger sisters. Mother is divorced, and my few memories of my father aren't so memorable. He left us while mom was pregnant with Shelley. I forgot about him by the time I learned to jerk off. Once when I was nine years old, I interrupted Rodney masturbating in the john. Of course anything he could do I had to ape. His face burned red, and I though he was angry with me, but he was just embarrassed. He tried to tell me it was no big...

1 year ago
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Couples Bike Ride two friends swap wifes while th

It would never have happened if we hadn't all been drunk. That's no excuse, of course, and it's probably a good thing none of us has ever spoken about it.The four us were cycling in France, me and my wife May, with our best friends Eddie and Lisa. We were on a ten-day tour of the wine district south of Dijon, traveling light on easy back roads through the gently rolling hills, stopping in small two-star hotels - guesthouses really. The early autumn weather was warm, the food was fantastic, and...

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My friends mom

I was over at my friends house, like I always do evrey tuesday and thrusdays. He had to leave early, and she left me there. “ I'm going to drop jack off at his dentist appointment, be bck in twent minutes.” “ Ok.” I said. I little while later, I got bored, so I turned on the T.V. It was on some reality show, and there were girls making out. I started getting horny, and I started to masturbate. She came in through the back door, so I didn't hear. She heard me moaning, so she came and...

2 years ago
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Asian Man in a Bathhouse Part 4

I stumbled out of the booth and joined the rest of the crowd in the maze. The smell of cum was building up in the air - I'm sure that my last fling was a contributing factor to the sexy and musky air. As I walked around, a few men rubbed up against me to gain attention, but I was not inspired by any of them to be my next adventure. When suddenly, a familiar voice rang behind my ear - "Hey - are those hands of yours available?". It was the first guy that I met in the shower! I was so glad that I...

Gay Male
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The Falling Oak Learning How to DieChapter 53 Somebodyrsquos Crackers But Wersquore Not Sure Who

Sept. 18th, 2019 Hello Everyone, Came back from my shrink’s appointment a little while ago. They were confused by the neurologist’s claims. They said that they had no idea where the neurologists were getting the idea that my speech and memory issues had anything to do with my having depression and anxiety. The shrink said the physical rocking and not wanting to be around a lot of people, my reaction to too many people talking at once, that is all depression and anxiety and gave me some...

2 years ago
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Nightblade Genesis

Note: This story contains objectionable content. Minors are encouraged to find something else to read. As for those who believe gender transformational fiction is sinful and evil, you can stop reading now. Go back to undermining free speech. Authors Notes: At the end of the three tales that follow, this universe will be open to any author. Before then, please email me at [email protected] for the specifics. This tale, in itself, contains NO TG, but sets the stage for the ones that...

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The Presidents ClubChapter 16

Sandi's new promotion vaulted her into the city's social stratosphere. She hobnobbed with rich and famous people on a regular basis now. Her date/escort on these occasions was the young handsome Officer Ben Johnson, much to his embarrassment. The evening gowns and dresses his boss wore on these occasions showed way too much of her voluptuous body for him not to notice her beautiful figure. He confessed his troublesome thoughts to his silent love, Lady X. He told her that he was beginning to...

1 year ago
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SeducedByACougar India Summer 22429

India Summer loves college basketball so much that when two players from the local university’s team come knocking for a fundraiser donation, she can’t help but be excited — and horny! The sexy cougar is fine with giving Alex and Isiah’s team money, but she has another idea that she thinks will help them relax and actually win some games this year … her pussy! India seduces the athletes into tag-teaming her with both of their big black cocks to give everyone the release they needed. Threesome...

4 years ago
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Denniss Train Ride

When I sat down in my usual seat on the train, I was surprised not to see Mr. Sprig sitting opposite me reading his morning paper, which he had done for the last two years. The commuter train took me from my suburban life into the city where I worked in a bank. I had been using the same train that left the station at eight in the morning and arrived promptly at nine, which gave me half an hour to walk to where I worked. Mr. Sprig, I had learned, was an accountant one year shy of retirement. We...

2 years ago
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Perfect PitchChapter 3 Dolente

I cancelled my appointments for the rest of the day. I would play hell trying to reschedule them, but I needed some time to think. On the way home I stopped and picked up a six pack of Shiners. Maybe the natives of Austin consider it "tourist beer", but I don't care much what the locals think. I like the taste and the labels peel off satisfactorily. Beer wasn't going to help me think, but it was a hot day. My home is not ordinary. A couple of years ago, when I was earning good money, I...

3 years ago
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Ava the Sitter

Ava Dominique and Elle Monique's mom had a close friend Diane had become an auntie some time back. Diane's younger brother Tommy was a father to identical twins boy and girl named Louis and Layla. Tommy, a few years older than Dominique always had a thing for her. He never acted on it but he could never keep his eyes off of her body. Even when he was in the 9th grade and she was in the 5th, he liked when she played wrestling with him. He loved pinning her down and putting her into submission...

2 years ago
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Who knew what the river would bring Part 4

I really do love being on the boat. I love the isolation you can feel when shore is so close, yet so far away. It was getting to be too far away however, and I needed to go to shore. My Man still wanted to get a bite and the Honey Hole just wasn’t cutting it today; he was happy to find a better place to fish too. His rod came back into the boat and he started to pull the anchor up. The winch was acting up so he had to kick-it old school and bring it in by hand. A nice little show for me as I...

Straight Sex
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Embers Punishment

I turned my head to look at him as he locked my wrists and ankles into place. I was laying in our bed, naked, my back to the ceiling. I pleaded to him with my eyes not daring to say a word. He laughed at me and told me that I should have thought of the consequences before I decided to do what I did. I looked away knowing what was coming and refusing to let him see the tears that I knew would soon be making a mess of my face. I hated that he was going to do this to me in our bed, the place where...

4 years ago
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Easus Awakening

"I call to order this meeting to review the candidacy of the breeder Esau for alpha breeder status." Esau waited in the adjoining room, devoid of window or listening devices. Though unable to hear the actual proceedings, he knew what the end result would be. First, they would review his file and acknowledge that Esau was one of the most potent beta breeders in the cohort. They would marvel that Esau was the most requested beta; in fact, he was more popular than some of the more established...

3 years ago
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Dad And Servant Love

My dad was private worker whose working workers hours will be from 5-8pm evening ,rest of the time he stays at home .My mom was government worker,she stays at another place due to her post location.So my appointed a servant in home to look after all chores like washing clothes,maintaining house,cooking,,etc.Servant name was vidya ,she was widow got 1 year old son.She stays along with us in our home. My dad workout daily 1-2hours.He got well built muscular body,100 kg in weight,6 feet height.My...

1 year ago
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Pillow Talk Chapter Five

Pillow Talk By Michele Nylons Chapter Five - Braciole The first plate whizzed past Frank Caputo's right ear and crashed into the wall, closely followed by a second that skimmed off his shoulder and shattered on the floor. "For fuck sake Michelle if I wanted this fucking drama I'd go home to Benedetta," Frankie whined, but he was laughing drunkenly. "Why don't you then? You can fuck her and Rita Cordova both for all I care!" Michelle threw another plate that flew well wide of...

1 year ago
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The Great Shift Jeremy

Some of you will notice an inconsistency in the Great Shift world's timeline. Most of the stories I've written of the Great Shift, I tended to use summer as the time when the Shift occurred. The inconsistency is in when I wrote the story School Daze, and had it occur during the school year, showing the effects in schools. I am aware of these inconsistencies, and have created them only in an effort to assist the plot of the particular story I was working on at the time. So far,...

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Denise Part 1

She lived in an apartment a few miles away. I went upstairs and knocked. She answered and I went in. She gave me a quick kiss on the lips.I turned and there was a lady sitting on the couch. She introduced us, her name was also Denise.They were physically different from each other. The Denise that called me, I will refer to as Denise 1 and the other as Denise 2. Denise 1 was on the slender side with brownish hair that hung slightly over her shoulders.She was not gorgeous, I would say...

3 years ago
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Sex With Office Girl

Hello readers. Myself vikram, I am a regular reader of iss . I am going to tell u one of the sex experience that I had with a girl from my office. I am 27 years old and currently shifted to Nagpur. The experience that I had was 2 years back from now when I was working in an IT company at Pune. Well about neha she came for an interview which was on contract basis and I was on the interview panel for the first time she entered for interview I fell in love with her. Neha was from Chennai BT her...

2 years ago
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TattletailChapter 2

Emily sat at the table crying while she watched her husband and best friend walk from the restaurant quietly talking together. Pete had his arm around Vicky's shoulders as she leaned into his embrace. Ryan started after Pete, striding angrily. He was yelling about losing his business. After several steps he stopped. He looked so defeated and alone that, even in her sorrow, Emily felt her heart go out to him. She wanted to comfort him and make it all better. He turned and started back to the...

3 years ago
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Pilgrim of PassionChapter 6

It was almost lunch time when Alicia woke the next morning. She stretched luxuriously in her big bed and when she saw that Arturo was awake and ready for attention she began her day by sucking him off. She shifted in the bed and because she was exceptionally excited, she found Janet's little honeypot and began sucking that too. Janet whimpered in extreme pleasure and she parted her legs even further so that Alicia could enjoy her to the utmost. Janet woke up and she shifted in the bed so...

4 years ago
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15 years Straight Part one

It had been nearly 15 years since my last meet with Harry and his friends, I had had a fun afternoon at his place not knowing it would be my last tea party,and was so happy, but everything changed, when I got had home, my wife told me she was pregnant,I could not have been happier, I was going to be a dad,but I also knew that had to change everything. I knew had to be free of Harry's control, I called him and, he knew why I had to be free,and he agreed to release me from his control. I was...

2 years ago
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Husband looses me in a Gamble

I have been married for three years now. At the time of marriage I was totally ignorant of all sex acts. Though I was considered to be quite beautiful, no boys had even touched me. No one had seen any of my parts uncovered. The farthest any boy could ever go was touch my fingers! In fact I was under impression that women get pregnant when a man kisses a girl! After marriage on my first night, when my husband touched my breasts, I got a terrible shock. I reprimanded him and told him to only talk...

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Heat of onsen part 1

A little story I've worked on. Feedback is welcome. I can post part two if requested..---Had finally made my way to Japan and everything was new and exciting. I was doing sightseeing at leisure pace and managed to get to few places each day. Some places were very calm and peaceful, some filled with tourist groups. It was one of these tourist groups that I saw her, a tall slender young lady.Our eyes met and in instant locked. I was stunned but managed to pull out a little smile. She responded...

1 year ago
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Escort in Training Chapter 5

CHAPTER FIVE Monday, 9am I wake with a ringing in my ears. Ding-ding-ding-ding-ding. Where is it coming from? And where am I? The infuriating sound stops. I groan as my brain slowly reassembles reality, comes to terms with its unfamiliar surroundings. Clearly my fears that I would not sleep well were unfounded. I’ve never known such a comfortable bed. Such soft linen, especially after that bath, must have lulled me into slumber in five minutes flat. Hooker school. It’s my first...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Me And My Son Part 9

Sam and I had a long lie-in on Sunday morning. We’d been up doing naughty things with Dawn and Jacob until just after two that morning and we didn’t need to do much but relax, eat, and laze about. Not that this was going to be a normal Sunday.About eleven, I had a shower and headed downstairs to start preparing and cooking dinner. The smell of cooking seemed to rouse Sam. Just after noon, he was up and in the shower.Next thing I knew, Sam was sitting in the garden. I’d been having all manner of...

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Nurturing Nubile NovicesChapter 14 Initiating Iris

Dear Diary: Aunt Annette's got a new boyfriend and is he ever a hunk. I think he's too young for her, too. He's still a student at the college here. He's real nice, too. When he came over to bring something from Aunt Annette for Mom, he didn't treat me like a little kid. Even if he's too young for Aunt Annette, I'd sure rather have him for an uncle than that bum she useta go with. "I never was late before, Bill? I hope it's not for real. If it turns out OK, you have to promise to...

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Daddy Marks His Property Part 5

“You’re welcome, baby girl, you were fantastic,” I said to Shawna softly as I stroked her head and kissed her face. “You were fantastic. Did you enjoy that?” “Yes…Daddy,” she said reluctantly. “I haven’t ever experienced anything so powerful, sexually, that is.” “You know, you don’t have to call me Daddy, right?” “Yes, sir.” “And you don’t have to call me sir, either.” “I know, but it just feels natural somehow.” “Well, thank you, baby girl.” “Stephie,” I said, wanting to see if she was...

2 years ago
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A Stitch In Time Chapter 5 The Impaler

1477, Transylvania. Mark's mission has gone seriously off course as he has been abducted by unknown men from the future. Where in the future he doesn't yet know. What their plans are is also a mystery. Lying in a wagon, being jostled by the rough road rising into the hills, Mark's guess is they don't plan to kill him. They could have done that at any time since his capture. The man who identified himself as Alexandru, seemingly the leader of this group, has said nothing since informing...

4 years ago
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I Spy with My Two Eyes

John, your best friend from high school, has invited you to his place for a get together. You've both kept in touch for a while, on and off, through college and some work experiences. You've also met each other a couple of times at each other's places. While not necessarily the best of friends, your relationship has maintained rather well over the last seven years, and you are happy to visit him one more time. You arrive at John's rather expansive home on the beach (John inherited quite a bit...

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The School Part One

Part One. It was only a small advert in the “Daily Telegraph”, but it intrigued me enough to send off for details. It was the name that prompted it, “The School for Sexual Awareness”. Now I’m a young man, healthy, work out in a gym and am as fit as a fiddle and think I know all that I need to know about the birds and the bees. But there have been times which made me wonder, like what did I do or say wrong the last time I was rebuffed by a pretty young thing at a party. Was it my manner,...

4 years ago
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Caught Up in You

I awake when his dick enters my ass. He wraps me tighter in his arms and spooned up against me. His hand grips my left breast through my night shirt. My left breast is closest to the mattress. I’m most comfortable sleeping on my left side. I am wrapped up by him and cannot move. I am caught up in his body. His dick begins long rapid thrusts inside me. I am dry so there is discomfort but only for less than a half a minute. His dick is releasing so much lubrication that soon he slides back and...

3 years ago
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First Day At School

It started with my little girl Stacey's first day at school. My partner Jayne wanted Stacey to wear the school dress but Stacey was a tomboy. "Listen Jack," Stacey said, "I have been reading these books on parenting and they say you have to model the behaviour you want from your child first so your child has something to emulate. Parents have to lead by example." "So?" "You know how important it is to me that Stacey wears the dress I bought her." "What's this got to do with...

2 years ago
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Too Much LoveChapter 71

Prudence Parrish stood poolside with her hands clasped together behind her back, met Nick’s eyes and smiled. “First, I want to thank everyone here for all the amazing support and offers of support I’ve gotten today. It’s ... really humbling. Just a few weeks ago, I left the home I’d spent my whole life in and got on a bus without knowing for sure how far I was going or who I was going to meet when I got there. For the first time in my life, I was really, truly alone in the world. I was...

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A RoseChapter 4

It heartened me to see the angels looking better, especially those I directly affected. Not so much the two eternal wanderers, who might have looked all the weaker in contrast. Nick still had his inimitable smile before beginning his narrative. Rosa sat beside him. I sat between Gia and Han. The two Asian angel assassins would be my company during the Tale and after. “I had my little empire in eastern South America for many years,” Nick began. “With allies amongst the tribes north of us. It...

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